Nurs 604-605 LC Spring J-K 2018 Ackerly 605

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SUNY Delhi

MS in Nursing Education
NURS 604/605 Graduate Advanced Clinical Practicum Learning Contract

Student Name: Melissa Ackerly Practicum hours to be completed 49/84

Student Delhi E-mail Address: Student Phone Number: 607.746.6023

Course Faculty Name: Cheryle Levitt Course Faculty Phone Number: 215.687.4716

Course Faculty Delhi E-mail Address: Course#/Semester/Session/Year: NURS 605 SP IN2 2018

Preceptor #1
Preceptor Name: Donna Cutting Preceptor E-mail Address:

Practicum Site: SUNY Delhi SON Unit/Department for Practicum: NURS 265

Current Employment Location and


Preceptor #2
Preceptor Name: Preceptor E-mail Address:

Practicum Site: Unit/Department for Practicum:

Current Employment Location and


Start Date: 3/13/2018 Completion Date:

Practicum Goal and Focus
Participate in nursing education experiences and opportunities as an advanced practice nursing student. I will gain insight and understanding of the role
and responsibilities of the nurse educator in the on ground pre-licensure academic environment.

Column A Column B Column C

Practicum Outcomes: (min 4 to max 6). The Learning Activities to Accomplish the List How You Plan to Demonstrate Participation in Learning
MSN student will: Outcomes from Column A Activities
Analyze the role of the advanced nurse a. Participate in NURS 265 classes to observe a. Take notes to document activities and teaching methods
1 educator in a face to face pre-licensure instructors teaching methods and resources in the classroom
nursing program
b. Teach a pre-licensure class (NURS 265) b. Include in a summary of the classroom experience

c. Supervise ADN students projects c. Document the projects students created

Apply learner centered teaching a. Prepare an interactive classroom topic a. Present the research needed for the assigned topic in
2 methods for delivery of educational activity journal
content in a face to face classroom
b. Present an interactive classroom topic b. Create screenshots of the presentation
Evaluate on ground pre-licensure a. Assist with grading student APA written a. Provide an example and summary with recommendations
3 nursing students written, group, and paper assignments to assess learning needs for student learning of the experience from grading pre-
professional assignments licensure nursing student papers
b. Participate in evaluation of student group
project performance at an off-site location b. Provide an example of a completed group project grading
rubric and describe the experience in a summary
c. Provide grades for 3 student professional
portfolios c. Provide a summary of the portfolio requirements and
included items

Apply item writing and exam a. Develop 3 exam items for NURS 265 a. Present the completed exam items
4 administration skills for end of year
NURS 265 final exam of on ground pre- b. Send test items to consultant for review b. Provide a summary of the consultants feedback of the 3
licensure nursing students and edit as recommended to be included on exam items
the final exam
c. Proctor an exam c. Provide a summary of the exam administration experience
in the final practicum presentation

Explore the service the advanced a. Interview my preceptor related to activities a. Provide a summary of the selection process for board
5 practice nurse educator provides for required for maintaining an effective SON members and organization of the required annual meeting
the campus community and the on advisory council board and meeting
ground pre-licensure nursing program b. Provide a summary of the meeting and the purpose for
b. Attend the Annual SON Advisory Council the meeting

D: Summary of Outcomes, Activities, and Evidence (Weeks 1-4)

a. Practicum Outcomes: 1a. Take notes to document activities and teaching methods in the classroom- Partially met and included in
What outcomes were met, how were Journal 2, completion expected weeks 5-7
they met, and if not met, provide
explanation (number the outcomes 1b. Include in a summary of the classroom experience- Not yet met, anticipated for weeks 5-7
consistent with column A).
1c. Document the projects students created- Partially met, student working groups formed for assigned
topics, expected completion after delivery weeks 5-7

2a. Present the research needed for the assigned topic in journal- Outcome met-My topic was Information
technologies and research for using the technology is presented in Journal 2

2b. Create screenshots of the presentation- Outcome met and included in LC evidence

3a. Provide an example and summary with recommendations for student learning of the experience from
grading pre-licensure nursing student papers- Partially met with APA papers and included in Journal 2 and LC
evidence, expected completion weeks 5-7 with portfolio and group project evaluations

3b. Provide an example of a completed group project grading rubric and describe the experience in a
summary- Not yet met, anticipated weeks 5-7

3c. Provide a summary of the portfolio requirements and included items- Not yet met, expected completion
weeks 5-7

4a. Present the completed exam items- Not yet met, expected completion weeks 5-7

4b. Provide a summary of the consultants feedback of the 3 exam items- Not yet met, expected completion
weeks 5-7
4c. Provide a summary of the exam administration experience in the final practicum presentation- Partially
met, I was able to proctor an exam in week 2 and this experience is included in Journal 2. The final exam
date falls after this course completion date, therefore the experience of proctoring an exam was done in
week 2.

5a. Provide a summary of the selection process for board members and organization of the required annual
meeting- Outcome met and included in LC evidence

5b. Provide a summary of the meeting and the purpose for the meeting- Outcome met, included in Journal 2

b. Activities Completed: 1a. Participate in NURS 265 classes to observe instructors teaching methods and resources- Ongoing activity,
What activities did you actually expected completion weeks 5-7 to describe a more complete experience in the final presentation
complete, and explain any change in
plans (from column C)? 1b. Teach a pre-licensure class (NURS 265)- Completed activity week 1 with an interactive simulation
scenario using an EHR

1c. Supervise ADN students projects- Ongoing activity, expected completion weeks 5-7

2a. Prepare a classroom lecture topic- Completed activity week 1 for with ongoing class preparation for
active participation in subsequent classes

2b. Present a classroom lecture topic- Completed activity week 1, with active participation ongoing for
subsequent classes as evidenced in co-teaching topics with my preceptor

3a. Assist with grading student APA written paper assignments to assess learning needs- Partially completed
activity, with commenting and grading of 20 APA papers. Change in plans include adding an APA workshop
for students based on the findings from evaluation of APA papers

3b. Participate in evaluation of student group project performance at an off-site location- Incomplete
activity, expected completion weeks 5-7

3c. Provide grades for 3 student professional portfolios- Incomplete activity, expected completion weeks 5-7

4a. Develop 3 exam items for NURS 265- Incomplete activity, expected completion weeks 5-7

4b. Send test items to consultant for review and edit as recommended to be included on the final exam-
Incomplete activity, expected completion weeks 5-7

4c. Proctor an exam- Completed activity week 2 for exam 2 in the class, evidenced in LC VT
5a. Interview my preceptor related to activities required for maintaining an effective SON advisory council
board and meeting- Completed activity week 3 with completed interview and anticipated additional activity
to interview after NYS AND Council meeting if preceptor deems content appropriate after the meeting April
26, 2018

5b. Attend the Annual SON Advisory Council meeting- Completed activity week 1 and included in journal 2

c. Practicum Evidence:
Create a screencast of ALL evidence completed to this point, as listed in column C. Each point of evidence must be separately displayed and fully
explained with audio narration using whichever tool you wish to display your work. – Screencast-o-matic, VoiceThread, Knovio). Time limit for display and
discussion of evidence is 7 minutes (maximum). Upload your video file or link for a cloud based presentation to the week 4 or 7 LC dropbox. If you used
VoiceThread, use the VoiceThread link in week 4 or 7.

E: Summary of Outcomes, Activities, and Evidence (Weeks 5-7)

a. Practicum Outcomes:
What outcomes were met, how were
they met, and if not met, provide
explanation (number the outcomes
consistent with column A).

b. Activities Completed:
What activities did you actually
complete, and explain any change in
plans (from column C)?

d. Practicum Evidence:
Create a screencast of ALL evidence completed to this point, as listed in column C. Each point of evidence must be separately displayed and fully
explained with audio narration using whichever tool you wish to display your work. – Screencast-o-matic, VoiceThread, Knovio). Time limit for display and
discussion of evidence is 7 minutes (maximum). Upload your video file or link for a cloud based presentation to the week 4 or 7 LC dropbox. If you used
VoiceThread, use the VoiceThread link in week 4 or 7.

The student agrees to:

 Complete the approved total of practicum hours during Weeks 1-7 of the course, supervised and guided by the approved preceptor(s).
 Achieve the weekly outcomes, learning activities, and present practicum evidence as prepared in the Learning Contract, and approved by the preceptor(s)
and faculty.
 Complete the Learning Contract per course requirements.
 Agree to abide by the guidelines and policies for Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA), and Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as appropriate for the practicum activities. The student will respect the confidential
nature of all information that they have access to, including but not limited to patients' personal health information provided to them orally, contained in
patient medical records, or maintained on the Hospital's/agency's electronic information system. Information on Patient Safety Goals, HIPAA, and FERPA
is provided in Week 1 materials.
 I attest that I have completed the hours for this practicum course, as stated on this document.

Student Signature Melissa Ackerly Date 3-27-2018

The faculty agrees to:

 Guide the student in the preparation of the Learning Contract including communication with the student prior to the first week of class.
 Contact the preceptor(s) to establish communication and provide information, and maintain communication throughout the practicum as necessary
 Provide guidance, problem solving, and follow up as needed throughout the practicum experience.
 Contact the preceptor(s) for feedback on student performance, outcomes, and confirmation of hours.
 Send student and program evaluations to the preceptor(s), and preceptor evaluations to the student prior to class completion.

Faculty Signature Date

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