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SUNY Delhi MS in Nursing Education

Professional Nursing Standards and Guidelines Assignment

The MS in nursing education program content and outcomes are guided by multiple sources of knowledge including theory, evidence,
and professional nursing standards and guidelines (PSNGs). Professional nursing standards provide expectations for advanced
professional nursing roles and practice. Throughout the graduate program you will engage in learning activities that will enable you to
acquire and meet these standards; these activities will be documented in a final assignment at the culmination of the graduate program
to show linkage to the PSNGs. This learning exercise provides an opportunity to reflect on how a variety of learning activities helped
you to meet the PSNGs and the graduate program outcomes. The table will be submitted during the final graduate practicum course
(NURS 605), and is posted in each course as a reminder and to provide you with an opportunity to document how you met various
standards in that course, as you complete each course. Save the table and add to it each time you complete a course!

Note: this assignment is for students who are matriculated into the graduate program in nursing education. This is not
applicable to non-matriculated students!

The learning outcomes for this assessment exercise are to:

 Provide an understanding of the integration of professional nursing standards into advanced professional nursing practice.
 Enable reflection of achievement of each professional nursing standard as evidenced by learning activities completed during
the graduate program.
 Assess how the SUNY Delhi graduate nursing education program outcomes have been met through the learning activities
completed during the graduate program.
Sources for the professional nursing standards and guidelines:

 The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing (AACN, 2011)

 National League of Nursing Nurse Educator Competencies (NLN, 2007)
o Billings, D. M., & Halstead, J. A. (2016). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (5th ed.). St Louis: MO: Elsevier
(pp. 10-11).

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing

There are nine essentials of graduate nursing education that identify the core expectations, skills, and competencies for master’s
program graduates, across the continuum of care in a variety of settings. Within each essential element there are between 5-15
expected outcomes for master’s level graduates in nursing. Refer to these outcomes as you identify how you met each essential, and
include those met in the assignment table below.

Essential I Background for Practice from Sciences and Humanities

Essential II Organizational and Systems Leadership
Essential III Quality Improvement and Safety
Essential IV Translating and Integrating Scholarship into Practice
Essential V Informatics and Healthcare Technologies
Essential VI Health Policy and Advocacy
Essential VII Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes
Essential VIII Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health
Essential IX Master’s-Level Nursing Practice
National League of Nursing Nurse Educator Competencies
There are eight competencies for preparation of the nurse educator. This professional standard identifies the core expectations, skills,
and competencies for master’s program graduates who will enter into nurse educator roles in a variety of settings. Within each
competency there are between 6-14 expected outcomes for master’s level graduates in nursing education. Refer to these outcomes as
you identify how you met each competency, and include those met in the table below.

Competency 1 Facilitate Learning

Competency 2 Facilitate Learner Development and Socialization
Competency 3 Use Assessment and Evaluation Strategies
Competency 4 Participate in Curriculum Design and Evaluation of Program Outcomes
Competency 5 Function as a Change Agent and Leader
Competency 6 Pursue Continuous Quality Improvement in the Nurse Educator Role
Competency 7 Engage in Scholarship
Competency 8 Function Within the Educational Environment

Graduate Program Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Integrate advanced knowledge and theories from nursing and related disciplines into the nurse educator role
2. Use scientific inquiry and quality principles to identify problems and individualize patient care designed to improve care
3. Apply advanced knowledge of leadership and management to effect change, and influence health policy to transform care
delivery systems
4. Practice inter-professional collaboration for improving patient and population health outcomes
5. Demonstrate competence in the advanced nursing role to meet current and emerging health needs of a global changing society
6. Apply teaching/learning principles with patients and/or students across the continuum of care in a variety of settings
SUNY Delhi MS in Nursing Education

Professional Nursing Standards and Guidelines Assignment

Complete the following table as you progress through the MS program, when you have completed an assignment that meets one or
more of the standards. This table will be submitted as an assignment in NURS 605: Graduate Practicum II. Complete Columns 2, 3,
and 4 in the table below. In Columns 2 and 3, identify at least one Essential and/or Core Competency with associated outcomes (at
least one outcomes per standard), and then an example of an assignment or learning activity that met this standard. Identify the
assignment, describe the assignment focus and outcome in 50-75 words, followed by a brief statement as to how this met the standard.
In Column 4, identify the number(s) of the Graduate Program Student Learning Outcome (listed above) that links to these course
activities. All of the MSN Essentials, Core Competencies, and Program Outcomes should be represented in the table.

Name ___Melissa Ackerly______________________

Professional Nursing Standards and Guidelines Table

1 2 3 4
Graduate Nursing Course MSN Essentials NLN Core Competencies MSN Graduate Program
Student Learning Outcomes
(Essential and the expected (Competency by number and
outcomes, by number) the expected outcomes, in
NURS 501: Research Essential 5: 1, 2 Competency III: Learning 2, 5, 6
Methods and Statistics Assignment 2: SPSS from using SPSS as a tool for
assessment and evaluation in
Learn types of quantitative nursing education allows for
evidence to support nursing transfer to assessment and
practice. Outcome #1: I used evaluation of teaching
data to create a table and run strategies and student learning.
SPSS program to determine
statistical relationships.
Outcome #2: I was able to
evaluate the results of my data
to identify social determinates
of health for interventions and
health promotion efforts. Also
assists in reading and
interpretation of scholarly
NURS 502: Advanced Essential 4: 1, 3 ,6 Competency V: Research for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Nursing Research Assignment 2, 3: Research use of video for skill testing in
proposal and presentation. nursing allowed identification
This research proposal of a topic in need of research
explored the effects of using in nursing education.
video proficiency testing to Opportunity for scholarly
evaluate student skill writing, research and
performance. Outcome #1: assessment were valuable
There is evidence in the through this assignment.
literature self-evaluation is an
integral process to student
application of nursing
judgement and skills for safe
patient care. Outcome #3:
Video skill testing reduces
performance anxiety allowing
students opportunity to skill
test in a non-threatening
environment to assure safe
clinical practice. Outcome #6:
Video use in skill testing has
been effective in medical
schools and under-studied in
NURS 503: Advanced Essential 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Competency VII: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
Pathophysiology Assignment 2: Multisystem Presentation of the complex
disorders. This assignment disorder included use of
promoted comprehensive technology as a scholarly tool
understanding of inflammation in providing a clear and
and its role in multiple comprehensive explanation of
systems. Outcome #1: The the cascade of events in a
disease process of ALL can multisystem disorder.
affect any person and requires
advanced nursing knowledge
to predict and monitor
pathogenesis for optimal
outcomes. Outcome #2: There
is evidence treatment and care
of patients with ALL is
directly related to gene
regulation. Outcome #3: Care
is determined and implemented
around the client’s specific
resources and preferences.
Outcome #4: Identify clinical
manifestations of disease
progression and to provide
accurate and ethical
information to the client for
decision making. Outcome #5:
This assignment explored
strategies for intervention for
pathophysiologic disease
NURS 504: Advanced Essential 10: Outcome 3, 4, 5 Competency I: The 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
Pharmacology Assignment 5: A visit to the assignment included my choice
pharmacy. This assignment as cough medicines in a trip to
investigated current trends in the pharmacy. The
society as they relate to pharmacologic qualities and
pharmacologics. Outcome #3: investigations we conducted of
Raising awareness of potential our topics revealed startling
for misuse of medications to and surprising
improve interventions. pharmacokinetic qualities of
Outcome #4: Collected some of the most common
evidence based information to drugs used in a home
share related to the legal environment. Technology
ramifications and health allowed for creative and
education strategies to improve individualized presentations of
patient outcomes. Outcome the chosen topics for
#5: This assignment allowed interactive responses.
sharing with classmates and
under-examined health risk in
the community related to
misuse of OTC medication.
NURS 505: Advanced Health Essential 8: Outcomes 1, 3 Competency III: Looking at 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
Assessment Assignment 1: Grand the tools used in healthcare to
Rounds. This assignment determine heath status or
utilized all available resources diagnose conditions was an
to determine patient current effective learning opportunity
health status. Outcome #1: in this assignment. The
The assignment supports the research needed to present all
use of comprehensive the evidence needed for
psychosocial, physical and symptoms related to direct
diagnostic testing to provide classmates to a disease process
evidence for clinical decision was fascinating. Assessment
making and appropriate skills and evaluation of the
interventions. Outcome #3: diagnostics and symptoms was
The outcome is met through presented in a manner that
development of a patient- facilitated and reflected a true
centered set of data for health case simulation.
promotion and prevention
ALHT 500: Health Policy Essential 6: Outcomes 1, 3, 4, Competency V: Investigation 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
and Technology in 5 Assignment 2: Healthcare of EHR use in this assignment
Healthcare Informatics Presentation. required research on a multi-
Informatics in healthcare is agency level. The healthcare
critical to improve patient care facilities to the federal
and safety. Outcome #1: governmental policies need to
Health policies come with be understood to support the
incentives to improve universal use and value of
medication management and EHR systems.
portability of patient data.
Outcome #3: This
presentation promotes EHR
use and is supported by
research to have improved
healthcare delivery and
outcomes. Outcome #4:
Research supports policy to
assure e-scribing medication is
accessible to all healthcare
providers to improve
communication and reduce
errors. Outcome #5: This
presentation lists pros and cons
of e-scribing with the pro
outweighing the con as
beneficial to the larger society.
ALHT 501: Leadership and Essential 3: Outcomes 1, 2, Competency III & VIII: 1, 2, 3, 4
Quality Improvement in 3, 4, 7, 8 Assignment 3: The Investigation and scholarly
Healthcare Systems QUIP. This topic was licensed resources were required
professional nurses verse throughout the QUIP project to
certified patient care assistive determine where there may be
staff Outcome #1: All aspects gaps in providing optimal
of improved health outcomes nursing care to improve patient
are evident from this proposal outcomes. The project focused
to change to team composition. and required research of the
Outcome #2: Identification of nursing support and
the impact on quality of care is management of a selected
presented with a plan to phase facility and topic which was
in and allow opportunities for supported with evidence from
growth. Outcome #3: the literature.
Improvements in system and
reliable methods to promote
community and facility buy-in
are evident. Outcome # 4:
Shred governance is apparent
and valued. Outcome #7:
Promotion of change is
congruent with the assessment
of need for meeting the needs
of the population for patient
centered care. Outcome # 8:
Socio-cultural needs are
considered to assure there are
opportunities for this effected
by change are offered
opportunities to advance
education or explore other
employment options.
NURS 600: Development of Essential 4: Outcome 1, 2, 3, Competency VI & VII: This 1, 3
the Nurse Educator 6 Assignment 3: Literature literature review was an
Review. Simulation in nursing assignment which was directly
education was explored focused on critical review and
Outcome #1: The topic evaluation of the most current
integrated how simulation literature on use simulation in
effects theory related to nursing education.
application and clinical
judgment through practice for
optimal patient care and
outcomes. Outcome #2:
Supports the use of simulation
to assist nursing students in the
transition to safe and
meaningful patient care.
Outcome #3: Provide research
based evidence to support the
use of simulation as an
opportunity for practice of
clinical reasoning and decision
making. Outcome #6: A
literature review looks at the
most current nursing practice
and simulation opportunities
should reflect that practice.
NURS 601: Principles Pending class completion
of Teaching and Learning summer 2018

NURS 602: Curriculum Essential 10: Outcome 15 Competency II: The ability to 1, 3, 4, 6
Development and Assignment 3: Application of apply a learning model to a
Instructional Design the SAMR Model. Integration method of teaching which is
of technology into nursing supported in the evidence to be
education. Outcome # 15: effective and selected as a
Development of a philosophy preference as a teaching
of nursing which is directly method.
related to the nurses practice
role and their ability to utilize
technology to promote
NURS 603: Measurement Essential 1: Outcome #1 Competency III & IV: 1, 3, 4, 6
and Evaluation in Nursing Assignment 1: Design Learning to use the statistical
Education Administration and Analysis evidence from nursing
of Objective Tests. examination results to evaluate
Application of development and assess the effectiveness of
and evaluating nursing exams. the teaching or flaws fro the
Outcome #1: The ability to exam items was the focus of
develop test items which are this assignment.
inclusive to the students’ level
of instruction and determine
effectiveness of the teaching
for application to nursing
practice of diverse populations.
NURS 604: Graduate Essential 7: Outcomes 1, 2, 3, Competency VII: Scholarship 1, 2, 3, 4
Practicum I 4, 5, 6 Assignment 1: in promoting nursing
Interprofessional collaboration. interventions and collaboration
Outcome #1: Recognize the for optimal patient outcomes
professional nurse role as a requires scholarly research of
part of the healthcare team. the IPC team in determination
Outcome # 2: Recognize how of the best evidence and team
each team member including member most suited to deliver
the SLP in healthcare the care.
professions contributes and
relies on another to optimize
health outcomes. Outcome
#3: Share results and
anticipated strategies for
treatment to improve IPC for
the patients benefit and prevent
overlap of services. Outcome
# 4: Use effective means to
communicate among the IPC
team with team meetings and
notes. Outcome # 5: Assist
new and existing members of
the healthcare team to utilize
the professional expertize of
each team member. Outcome
# 6: Provide an example as a
role model who facilitates
communication among the IPC
team for assuring patient
centered care is paramount and
the appropriate team member
is providing the direct care.
NURS 605: Graduate Essential 2: Outcomes 1, 2, 3, Competency VIII: A 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Practicum II 4, 6, 7 Assignment 2: culmination of nursing
Employment Preparation. knowledge is utilized in
Optimal Resume and cover graduate nursing practice with
letter. Outcome #1: My CV an ability to function and apply
required a complete review of knowledge in all aspects of the
my knowledge and nursing healthcare environment.
skills. Outcome # 3: Market Career opportunities are
my skills and abilities to enhanced with advanced
promote optimal patient nursing knowledge and may be
outcomes and the nursing applied in many healthcare
profession. Outcome #4: environments.
Utilizing technology to
develop and showcase my
skills and abilities in
presentations on a variety of
healthcare topics. Outcome #
5: Promote my leadership
ability through my cover letter
and CV.

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