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Environmental Science

Recycling Quiz

____1. What material makes up the greatest percentage of recycled items?

a) Metals c) Plastics
b) Food Scraps d) Paper and Cardboard

____2. What is the law of conservation of matter?

a) Matter can be created and destroyed c) Matter cannot be created nor destroyed
b) Matter can be created but not destroyed d) Matter can be destroyed but not created

____3. The main “ingredient” in an aluminum can is:

a) Iodine c) Beryllium
b) Bauxite d) none of the above

____4. What is considered the most sustainable?

a) Recycling c) Disposal
b) Reusing d) Avoidance

____5. Glass that is crushed and ready to be remelted is called:

a) BPA c) Cullet
b) Ferrous d) none of the above

5. Write and define the three R’s of sustainability.

6. Pretend a student has never recycled paper before; briefly explain to the student the process of
recycling paper.
7. Name 3 types of paper.

____ 8. True/False – You can recycle all plastics.

____9. True/ False – A water bottle is an example of PET plastic

____10. True/ False – By recycling 1 ton of newspaper, 1 ton of trees can be saved.

____11. True/ False - By recycling 1 aluminum can, you end up with 1 aluminum can.

____12. True/False- The color of glass is not important when recycling glass.

14. (Circle all that apply) Which materials will lose quality each time it is recycled?

Glass Plastic

Aluminum Auto Batteries

Paper Tires

Ferrous Metal Oil


Define Infinite Recycling:

Define “NIMBY”:

Make a plan that could turn the state paperless:

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