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I) The Prison Door I- 35-36

 1st- There is depression with people “sad-
colored garments and gray…”
 2nd- They think they live in “Utopia”
 Jail = Hell
 ??? rosebush that welcomes prisoner = “Nature
could pity and be kind to him” = the person
might be drawn to sin because it is something
that comes naturally
 3rd- ???rosebush = hope = Ann Hutchinson
II) The Market-Place II- 36-43
 1st- People actually enjoyed punishments given
 Everything was done in order to humiliate so no
one would consider doing it again
 All in the name of religion
 2nd- Women are to a certain point different
 QUESTION: why were they different?
 3rd- Females are saying they should be harsher
on some girl, if only they had been in charge
 They consider themselves church people
 4th- Pastor is upset that this has happened
 5th- Women are not happy with punishment,
they suggest branding not a scarlet letter,
women are shown much more aggressive
 6th- they start talking about conscience
 7th- They bring death in
 They think she has brought shame to everyone
 8th- the true side of females is shown
 9th- the “slut” is taking everything with pride
 A baby is the evidence of adultery
 10th- she is keeping her dignity
 She know that using her baby to cover the A is
no use
 11th- she is beautiful and wearing a fancy dress
 People that know her are seeing another side of
 12th- they think she is mocking the rules of
 13th- ( I didn’t get it….)
 14th- gossip is easier than saying it to someones
 15th-
 16th- they make her show her scarlet letter off in
other words humilitation
 He says “good people”
 17th- why does the pain hit afterwards?
 18th- humiliation
 19th- comparison to Virgin Mary
 20th- no one laughed or made fun of her, almost
made her cry because she felt the pity of others
 21st- starts fantasizing
 22nd- she remembers her parents and her
 23rd- she goes back to reality
III) The Recognition III- 43-50
 1st- Hester notices a white enlishman with a
combination of native and American clothing
 2nd- hester notices that its her husband
 3rd- chillingsworth is a person that keep his
 He tells hester to remain silent by putting a
finger over his mouth
 4th- decides to blend in
 5th- pretends he doesn’t know Hester
 6th- they tell him that Hester is evil
 7th- pretends that he has never known her and
is asking about Hester’s crime
 8th-Hester had thought he was dead
 9th-he asks who the father is
 10th- hester refuses to say who the father is
 11th- he insinuates that someone will come and
 12th- she was not killed because, it is thought
that her husband was probably killed at sea and
because she is beautiful
 13th- chillingsworth calls hester’s lover a coward
 And swears that the lover will be known
 14th- chillingsworth leaves
 15th- hester admits to herself that she is relieved
to have encountered her husband in front of
everyone than alone she compared the crowd
to “shelter”
 16th- they call her
 17th- the governor and sergeants are described
 18th- the oldest one speaks he is described as
 19th- mr. dimmesdale refuses to make hester
reveal his name
 20th-
 21th- they tell dimmesdale that he needs to
make hester repent
 22nd- dimmesdale is described as young and as
 They compare him to an angel
 To a certain point he seems weak……
 23rd- he is put in the spot
 24th- they keep insisting that he make her
confess and repent
 25th- he gives up
 26th- talks about himself and being a coward
 But no one notices
 27th- dimesdale’s speak moves the whole
 It was thought that she would either speak or
the man would admit who it was
 28th- hester denies it
 29th- Wilson gets angry and yells at her
 He even says that admitting who it was would
take the letter off her chest
 30th- she refuses
 And says she would gladly take his agony as
 31st- she keeps being pressured
 32nd- hester refuses and says that her child will
have to look for a heavenly father not an
earthly one
 33rd- dimmesdale resigns himself
 He seems to feel weak or sick
 He says she has a woman’s heart which is full of
 34th- hester just ignores the speech and is taken
back to the prison
IV) The Interview- 50-55
 1st- hester and the baby are having a nervous
attack in jail
 2nd- they bring in chillingsworth to calm the
 Hester is afraid
 3rd- he asks to be left alone with hester
 4th- the guard is willing to do it as long as hester
calms herself
 5th- he examines child first and tends to her
 He seems to have learned from the natives
 6th- he claims himself to be a better doctor than
 Emphasizes that the child is not his
 7th- she refuses
 8th- she asks if he would take revenge on the kid
 9th- he says no and calls her foolish
 10th- he gives up and gives the medicine to the
 He examines her next
 11th- he gives her medicine to calm down
 He enfasizes on her sin
 12th-
IX) The Leech – 81-89
 1st- husband refuses to accept her as his wife
 He makes Hester keep his identity a secret
 Roger chillingworth
 2nd- roger presents himself as a doctor
 3rd-Mr. dimmesdale is starting to feel ill
 4th- Roger is seen as a miracle
 5th- pastor refuses roger’s help
 6th-
 7th- everyone pushes the pastor to go see the
 8th- pastor says he would rather die than be
experimented on
 9th-
 10th-
 11th- they are sort of arguing…
 12th- they become good friends
 13th- Roger is digging into the pastors life
because he knows it is not just some type of
bug sickness
 Roger is cunning
 14th- science and religion become friends
 Minister is still keeping his secret
 15th- roger comes and lives with him
 Minister has never wanted to get married
 16th-
 17th- rumors of roger being evil are coming up
 18th- people think that the minister is being
attacked by satan
 No one says anything because they think the
minister will triumph
 19th-
X) The leech and his Patient- 89-96
 1st-Minister visits where hester had been
 2nd-minister is fighting with his guilt
 3rd-
 4th- he yells, but most people ignore it
 5th- people suspected but couldn’t see him =
people suspect something is wrong with him
but decide to overlook it
 6th-
 7th-reverend passes by minister
 8th- minister invited reverend to come up to the
platform and spend time with him
 9th- minister had only said it in his mind
 Reverend just kept on walking
 10th- minister is thinking of how the town would
react if they found him there where hester had
stood and been humiliated

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