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Physica B: Condensed Matter 533 (2018) 50–57

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Effect of potential attraction term on surface tension of ionic liquids

N. Vaziri, R. Khordad *, G. Rezaei
Department of Physics, College of Sciences, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran


Keywords: In this work, we have studied the effect of attraction term of molecular potential on surface tension of ionic liquids
Surface tension (ILs). For this purpose, we have introduced two different potential models to obtain analytical expressions for the
Ionic liquids surface tension of ILs. The introduced potential models have different attraction terms. The obtained surface
Potential model tensions in this work have been compared with other theoretical methods and also experimental data. Using the
calculated surface tension, the sound velocity is also estimated. We have studied the structural effects on the
surface tensions of imidazolium-based ionic liquids. It is found that the cation alkyl chain length and the anion
size play important roles to the surface tension of the selected ionic liquids. The calculated surface tensions show a
good harmony with experimental data. It is clear that the attraction term of molecular potential has an important
role on surface tension and sound velocity of our system.

1. Introduction appreciable liquid range. Ionic liquids were discovered in 1914 but their
systematic study began with the present century [32]. Very interestingly,
Accurate knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of ionic liquids the physicochemical properties of ILs can be finely tuned by slight
is one of main challenges in the scientific purposes like electrochemical structural changes of the corresponding cations and anions. In recent
stability, synthetic, separation processes, and industrial applications [1]. years, an increasing interest has been devoted on the topic of ionic liquids
Among the thermodynamic properties, the surface tension is an impor- due to their wide applications in the chemical industry such as such as
tant and useful quantity in heat transfer, mass transfer, flow, secondary homogeneous and biphasic transfer catalysts, multiphase homogeneous
and tertiary crude oil recovery, and gas condensate recovery [2,3]. catalytic reaction and solvents in organic synthesis [33–41].
Surface tension is defined as the difference between the energy in the In order to use the ionic liquids in potential applications, we should
bulk and surface per unit area of interface. This parameter is a basic know their physical properties such as viscosity, density and surface
physical property that has a key role in development, design and simu- tension. As we know there are few accurate theoretical results for surface
lation of many chemical engineering processes such as biochemical en- tension of ionic liquids compared with their density data. Hitherto,
gineering, environmental protection, gas absorption, distillation, several theoretical methods have been employed to estimate the surface
extraction and residual liquid saturation [4–7]. tension of ionic liquids. Therefore, the prediction of theoretical surface
Hitherto, several works have been performed theoretically and tension of ionic liquids accurately is useful to establish the surface ten-
experimentally to predict the surface tension of simple fluids and fluid sion data in the design specifications. Examples of the methods are the
mixtures [8–11]. The performed theoretical works to estimate the surface group contribution method [42], the corresponding-states group--
tension is based on statistical thermodynamics. Many authors have used contribution method [43], and corresponding state theory [44]. To
different approaches including the corresponding-states theory [12], the obtain more information about theoretical results of the ionic liquids, the
parachor method and its derivatives [8,13–15], the gradient theory of reader can refer to [45–51].
inhomogeneous fluids [16,17], Monte Carlo simulation [18], density In the previous works, authors have considered the columbic in-
functional theory [19–24], molecular dynamic simulation [25], pertur- teractions, the hard-sphere repulsions and Lennard-Jones (LJ) dispersion
bation theory [26,27], Gibbs method [28], and quantitative forces in calculating surface tension of ILs. In this work, we have intended
structure-property relationship (QSPR) [29–31]. to answer the following question. What is the effect of potential attrac-
Ionic liquids (ILs) are organic salts comprised of an anion and an tion term of the LJ dispersion forces on the surface tension of ILs. For this
organic cation. They are liquids at ambient temperature and have an purpose, we have selected two potential models which have the same

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Khordad).
Received 29 July 2017; Received in revised form 27 December 2017; Accepted 28 December 2017
Available online 30 December 2017
0921-4526/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N. Vaziri et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 533 (2018) 50–57

2.2. Surface tension

We have used the perturbation theory [25] to obtain the surface

tension of ionic liquids. According to the theory, one can write the
following expression

γ ¼ γ HS þ γ New þ γ Elec ; (3)

where γ HS and γ Elec are the contributions from hard-sphere repulsion and
the electrostatic interactions to surface tension, respectively. The second
term in Eq. (3) relates to the contribution of the new potentials to the
surface tension. In the previous works [45], authors have considered γ LJ
instead of the second term of Eq. (3). They have assumed γ LJ contributes
from the Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential.
In order to calculate γ HS , the hard-sphere pair potential for fluid
mixtures has been considered by

∞ r  dij
uij ðrÞ ¼ : (4)
Fig. 1. Variation of potential function uðxÞ ¼ uðrÞ=ε versus intermolecular distance 0 r > dij
x ¼ r=σ . Two new potentials have been compared with (12, 6) Lennard-Jones potential.
d þd
Here dij ¼ i 2 j is the distance between the center of mass of two hard
behaviors as the LJ potential but with different attraction terms. It is to be spheres and di , dj are the sphere diameters. The symbols i and j are used
noted that we have also used these attraction terms in nanostructures for each ions.
[52]. The new idea of the present work is considering contributions The surface tension can be calculated in terms of radial distribution
arising from the attraction term of the potential models on the surface function. It is expressed for non-simple molecules mixtures at low vapour
tension of ILs. Since the surface tension of the ionic liquids is an impor- pressures as [57,58].
tant property, we intend to study this property theoretically. We have  
∞ duij ðrÞ
used two new potential models and molecular thermodynamic model to γ HS ¼ ρi ρj ∫ 0 gij ðrÞr 4 dr; (5)
prediction of the surface tensions of 13 ionic liquids including 12 imi- 8 i;j¼1
dazolium based and 1 phosphonium-based ones.
where ρi and ρj are the molecular number density of components i and j,
2. Theory and model respectively, r is the distance between the molecules, gij ðrÞ is the radial
distribution function and uij ðrÞ is the pair potential function. With respect
2.1. A new potential model to the potential form of Eq. (4), we can use the following relation [18,52].

It should note that from Fowler model and KB (Krikwood-Buff) model ij ðrÞ
¼ kB Tδ r  dij ; (6)
[53,54], the surface tension of multicomponent systems depends on dr
intermolecular pair potential and pair correlation function. The accurate
where δðxÞ is the Dirac delta function, kB is the Boltzmann's constant and
theoretically prediction of the surface tension will help to improve en-
T is the system temperature. Inserting Eq. (6) into Eq. (5) and taking into
gineering applications. To this end, knowledge of accurate pair potential
of a system is an important problem. We have tried to combine the account integration of delta function and ρi ρj ¼ xi xj ρ2 , we obtain
previous potential models for obtaining better results. For this goal, we m X
πX m

have selected two potentials which have the repulsion and attraction γ HS
ij ¼ ρi ρj ∫ 0 r 4  kB Tδ r  dij gij ðrÞdr ¼
terms and the potentials have same behaviors as the LJ potential. We 8 i¼1 j¼1
have considered the repulsion term of the LJ potential with two different π kB T X
attraction terms. The attraction terms of the potentials are as attraction  ρ2 xi xj dij4 gHS
ij d :
8 i;j¼1
well. In the following, we have introduced two potential models to show
the interaction between two molecules with the separation of r: Here, gijHS ðdþ Þ
is the pair radial distribution function (RDF) of hard-
sphere mixtures at contact distance (dþ ) and it is given by Refs. [55,56].
i) Potential model (1)
  h r  i
 þ 1 ξij ξ2ij
σ 12 gHS
ij d ¼ þ 2 þ ; (8)
uðrÞ ¼ ε 2
 sech λ λ ; (1) 1  η 2ð1  ηÞ 2ð1  ηÞ3
r σ
where η is the packing fraction and it is expressed by


ii) Potential model (2) η¼ xi bi

4 i¼1
   h r  i2 
σ 12
uðrÞ ¼ ε  exp  μ μ ; (2) where ρ, xi and bi are the molecular number density, the mole fraction
r σ
and the van der Waals co-volume, respectively. The ξij is expressed as
where ε and σ are the energy scale and the length scale, respectively. In  1=3 X
above equation, λ and μ are constants equal to 2.3 and 2.0, respectively ρ bi bj m
ξij ¼ xi b2=3 (9)
(see Fig. 1). 4 bij i¼0

In the case of hard-sphere mixture, the bij parameter is given by

N. Vaziri et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 533 (2018) 50–57

3 γNew
bij ¼ bi ðTÞ þ bj ðTÞ (10) "
8 8
X σ ij σ 8i;j  
This parameter represents the van der Waals co-volume which has ¼ 3π ρi ρj εij σ 4ij  r3ij dij3
16rij 16rij*

been previously adopted in terms of the reduced temperature Tr ¼ kB T=ε. ! !

! !!
This parameter is given by Ref. [56]. 4:6rij*
rij* rij*  
þ tanh λ λ sech λ λ r3ij dij3
72 5ij
σ σ ij σ lij
bðTÞ ¼ 0:01054½ð1  0:7613Tr Þexpð0:7613Tr Þ 0 1
" ! !#
0:3306 1:3227 (11) 8 B C2
þ 2:9387 1  1 þ 1 exp  1 <1B C  3
Tr4 Tr4 B 1 C4 rij
þ B     ! C ð40000 λ λ
:12 B rij rij C σ ij
The last term of Eq. (3) corresponds to the contribution from the ionic @ 4 λσ λ 2 λσ λ A
279841e ij
þ559682e ij
electrostatic interaction. To obtain this term from Eq. (5), the radial
distribution function requires. Blum and Hoye [59] have solved the mean  
 2   4 λ rij λ
spherical approximation and obtained the pair correlation function. They r ij rij σ ij
þ276000 λ λ þ634800 λ λ Þe
have used the following electrostatic potential σ ij σ ij
0     1  
e2 zi zj 4
λ σij λ 2
λ σij λ 2
λ σij λ
uij ðrÞ ¼ ; (12) B ij ij C ij
ε0 r þ2@15000e þ30000e þ15000ALi3 e

where zi and zj are the valences of components. ε0 and e are the 8  

permittivity of free space and the unit electric charge, respectively. Blum >
<       4 λ rij λ
r ij rij σ ij
and Hoye [59] have obtained the following radial distribution function 2 30000 λ λ þ 30000 λ λ þ69000 e
: σ ij σ ij
βe2 zi zj 2Γr   9  
gij ðrÞ ¼  e ; (13)
ε0 r     2 r
λ σij λ
= r
2 λ σij λ
r ij ij ij
þ 60000 λ λ þ138000 e þ69000 Li2 e
where β ¼ 1=kB T and Γ is a single shielding parameter. Wu et al. [60,61] σ ij >
have employed Eq. (13) and obtained γ Elec as (  2  
rij r ij
 2 2 30000 λ λ þ138000 λ λ
 Elec βπρ2 e2 zi zj σ ij σ ij
γ ¼ (14)
 2   ! r
4 λ σij λ
In above equations, A~ is single shielding parameter which has the rij r ij
þ 30000 λ λ þ138000 λ λ þ158700 e

dimensions of an inverse length. This parameter reflects the range of σ ij σ ij

long-ranged electrostatic forces operating between ions. To other word,  
 2   ! rij
2 λ σ λ
this parameter reflects the mean distance among the ion pairs of elec- rij r ij ij
þ 60000 λ λ þ276000 λ λ þ314700 e
trolyte fluids. This parameter depends on temperature and it can be ob- σ ij σ ij
tained by simple iteration using the following iteration value 9 0   1
!1=2 = 2 λ σrijij λ
2π e2 X
N þ158700 ln@ e þ1 A
Γ¼ ρ 2
(15) >
kB T i zi
(  4  3  2
In order to obtain the second term of surface tension using Eq. (5), we rij r ij rij
 20000 λ λ þ144000 λ λ þ358800 λ λ
have employed the radial distribution function which was previously σ ij σ ij σ ij
developed by Xu and Hu [62] as 9   393
= r
2 λ σij λ
    2 r ij
þ338560 λ λ þ1046362 e
ij 7 7
4866805 5
gij ðrÞ ¼ H r  rij þ r ij  dij3 δ r  rij 3rij* (16) σ ij >
; >

where Hðx  x0 Þ is the Heaviside step function and it is given by (17)

8 where
< Hðx  x0 Þ ¼ 1 x > x0
Hðx  x0 Þ ¼ 0 x < x0
: X∞
zk z2 z3
Hðx  x0 Þ ¼ 1=2 x ¼ x0 Lis ðzÞ ¼ ¼zþ s þ sþ… (18)
k s 2 3
Also, δðx  x0 Þ is Dirac delta-like function and it is given by
 Analytical expression for γ New for the potential model (2) is obtained
δðx  x0 Þ ¼ 0 x 6¼ x0 as
δðx  x0 Þ ¼ ∞ x ¼ x0

In Eq. (16), rij* ¼ 1:150dij and r ij ¼ 1:575dij are the position of mole-
cules and the outer radius of the first coordination shell [63,64], Table 1
The cation and anion parameters [66].
respectively. The two parameters rij* and r ij are obtained using the mo-
lecular simulation [65]. Cation σ=kB ðKÞ ε ðA0 Þ Anion σ=kB ðKÞ ε ðA0 Þ
Inserting Eqs. (1) and (16) into Eq. (5), after some difficult integra- [C2mim] 869.78 4.981 [BF4] -
318.61 4.9704
tion, we have obtained the following analytical expression for γ New for the [C4mim]þ 330.38 5.633 [NTf2]- 1210.8 6.596
[C6mim]þ 252.18 6.313 [Triflate]- 320.61 6.441
potential model (1) as follows:
[C8mim]þ 268.38 6.720 [PF6]- 349.27 5.505

N. Vaziri et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 533 (2018) 50–57

XX σ 8ij σ 8ij   11pπffiffiffi  r  σ  Table 2
ð2Þ ij
γij ¼ 3π ρi ρj εij σ 4ij  r 3
 d 3
þ erf 2
The ionic liquids parameters [66].
i j 16r 8ij6rij*
11 ij ij
192 σ ij
ε ðA0 Þ σ=kB ðKÞ Ionic liquids
 8r4ij  4r 2ij σ 2ij  4r ij σ 3ij  5σ 4ij 4r2ij 8r ij [C2mim][NTf2] 1040.29 5.732
þ exp  þ  4 [C4mim][NTf2] 770.59 6.095
192σ 4ij σ 2ij σ ij
[C6mim][NTf2] 731.49 6.453
  ! " ! #2 !9 [C2mim][BF4] 594.19 4.976
rij* r3ij  dij3 rij* rij* = [C4mim][BF4] 324.49 5.291
 1 exp  2 2
9σ ij σ ij σ ij ; [C8mim][BF4] 293.49 5.779
[C4mim][PF6] 339.82 5.569
(19) [C6mim][PF6] 300.72 5.895
[C8mim][PF6] 308.82 6.082
[C4mim][Triflate] 325.49 6.023
where erfðxÞ ¼ p2ffiffiπ ∫ 0 et dt is the error function.
x 2

It is to be noted that there are several parameters in Eqs. (17) and (19)
such as rij* , r ij , ρi , ρj , εij , σ ij . Among these parameters, rij* and r ij depend on harmony between the experimental data and the correlated surface
dij which is an important parameter. When dij is large, the pair correlation tension obtained from our proposed models. From the figures, it is seen
function approaches zero. Therefore, in our expansion, the higher orders that the potential model (2) gives better results than the potential model
of dij are small and we have neglected the orders. The most important (1). This means that the attraction term of the potential model can be
influenced on the surface tension of the selected ILs.
order of dij is the first order. This parameter can also depend on tem-
In Figs. 4 and 5, the surface tension (ST) of imidazolium-based ionic
perature. In Eqs. (17) and (19), we have kept the terms which have same
liquids has been plotted as a function of temperature for the two potential
orders. The dependence of di is given by
models (1) and (2). Our results in the two figures have been compared
di 1 þ 0:2977ðkB T=εi Þ with experimental data [72,78–81]. Two figures have been plotted in
¼ (20) order to show the influence of structural effects on the surface tensions of
σi 1 þ 0:3316ðkB T=εi Þ þ 0:001047ðkB T=εi Þ2
the selected ionic liquids.
Also, other parameters can be depended on temperature. But, we have The effect of alky chain-length of the cation on the surface tension of
considered these parameters as constant values. In order to obtain Eq. the selected ionic liquids has been shown in Figs. 4(a) and 5(a). Also, the
(17), we have expanded the function Sech2 ðxÞ to obtain the surface influence of anion size on the surface tension has been investigated in
tension. Figs. 4(b) and 5(b). It is seen from Figs. 4(a) and 5(a) that the surface
tension decreases with increasing the cation alkyl chain length of the
3. Results and discussion selected ILs for the two potential models. It should be noted that the
enhancement of cation alkyl chain length causes an increase of the van
In this paper, we have carried out the numerical results for the surface der Waals forces and aliphatic character ionic liquids. The factors lead to
tension of ionic liquids using the perturbation method and introduction the dispersion of the ion charge and thereby the reduction of electrostatic
of two new potential models. The used parameters in this work have been forces.
presented in Tables 1 and 2. These parameters have been taken from It is clear from Figs. 4(b) and 5(b) that the surface tension is reduced
Ref. [66]. with increasing the anion size of the selected ILs. Our results are in
Fig. 1 shows the variation of new potential models (1) and (2) as a agreement with Ref. [82]. With increasing the anion size, the hydrogen
function of molecular distances. To compare, we have also plotted the bonding strength and the electrostatic forces reduce and the delocaliza-
(12–6) Lennard-Jones potential model. It is seen from the figure that two tion charge enhances. We can see an important behavior in Figs. 4(b) and
potentials have the same behaviors as the LJ potential. 5(b). From the figures, it is clear that the surface tension obtained from
The accuracy of our model has been further assessed by comparing the potential model (1) has better agreement with experimental data. It
our surface tension calculations with those obtained from the method of means that the surface tension depends on potential attraction term.
Gardas and Coutinho [67] and the corresponding-states group-- One can theoretically calculate the sound velocity of the ionic liquids
contribution (CS-GC) method of Wu et al. [43]. Our results were sum- with knowledge of the surface tension. The relationship between the
marized in Table 3 as the AAD (in %) of the calculated surface tensions of sound velocity and surface tension is as [83].
the some selected ILs, using the proposed molecular model (this work),  α
the QSPR strategy of G & C and those obtained from the CS–GC method of γ
v¼ ; (21)
Wu et al. [43], from those measured Almeida et al. [68]; Carvalho et al. 6:33  10 ρ

[69], Freire et al. [70], Souckova et al. [71], Kilaru et al. [72], Pereiro
et al. [73]. It is observed from Table 3 that our new model outperforms where ρ and γ are the liquid density and the surface tension, respectively.
the QSPR strategy and CS–GC method. From 69 examined data points for We have selected α ¼ 0.6714 from Ref. [67]. This parameter has been
some studied ILs, the AAD (in %) of the correlated surface tensions from obtained by the correlation of experimental sound velocities of
the proposed model was found to be 2.21% (potential model (1)) and imidazolium-based ionic liquids and the least-squares method [67].
2.33% (potential model (2)) which is lower than those obtained from the Using the calculated surface tension in this work for two potential models
QSPR strategy and CS-GC method with AAD's equal to 10.31% and and by using Eq. (21), we can compute the sound velocity. Figs. 6 and 7
4.85%, respectively. It should be added that the uncertainty of the show the relative deviation of the calculated sound velocity Eq. (21) of
experimental surface tension data used for comparisons was of the order imidazolium-based ionic liquids from the experimental data [84–90]
of 0.0012 N m1. over the temperature range within 278 K–343 K. Our theoretical results
We have calculated the surface tension (STcal) of the ionic liquids in Figs. 6(a)–6(c) and 7(a)–(c) have been compared with different ref-
using the perturbation method Eq. (5) using the new potential models erences. The comparison has been made for two potential models (1) and
Eqs. (1) and (2). In order to show graphically the accuracy of our method, (2) in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. As shown in Figs. 6(a) and 7(a), the plots
we have plotted the theoretical surface tension of the ionic liquids versus represent the relative deviations (in %) of our predictions from Refs.
the experimental surface tension (STexp) [68,74–77] in Figs. 2 and 3 for [84–86] measurements for which their uncertainties were of the order of
the potential models (1) and (2), respectively. The results show the good 1.2 m/s, 2.0 m/s and 1.6 m/s for the potential model (1). Also, the

N. Vaziri et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 533 (2018) 50–57

Table 3
The AAD (in %) of the calculated surface tensions of the some selected ILs, using the proposed molecular model (this work), the QSPR strategy of Gardas and Coutinho [67] and those
obtained from the CS-GC method of Wu et al. [43], all were compared with the measurements [68–73].

Ionic Liquid ΔT (K) NP This worka This workb QSPR CS-GC Data source

[C4mim][NTf2] 293–343 06 1.02 1.03 3.98 3.23 [69]

[C6mim][NTf2] 293–343 06 0.24 0.26 6.59 5.20 [69]
[C2mim][NTf2] 293–343 06 0.45 0.49 5.33 2.00 [69]
[C2mim][Triflate] 293–343 06 0.60 0.63 10.46 1.24 [70]
[C2mim][BF4] 288–355.91 14 5.16 5.34 19.0 7.54 [71]
[C4mim][BF4] 298–343 06 2.31 2.58 9.48 – [68]
[C4mim][PF6] 288–313 06 2.16 2.43 2.45 – [73]
[C8mim][BF4] 288–343 07 4.01 4.14 15.96 6.14 [70]
[C6mim][PF6] 293–353 07 0.29 0.36 6.38 – [70]
[C8mim][PF6] 293–313 05 1.98 2.03 11.93 – [73]
Overall 69 2.21 2.33 10.31 4.85 –

Fig. 2. The calculated surface tension (STcal) as a function of experimental surface tension
(STexp) [68,74–77] for the potential model (1).

Fig. 4. The surface tension of imidazolium-based ionic liquids as a function of tempera-

ture. The solid lines and markers correspond to theoretical and experimental results,
respectively [72,78–81].
Fig. 3. The same as Fig. 2, but for the potential model (2).

uncertainties for the potential model (2) are of the order of 1.5 m/s,
uncertainties were equal to 1.2 m/s and 2.2 m/s, respectively, for the
2.3 m/s and 1.9. Figs. 6(c) and 7(c) represent the relative deviations (in
potential model (1). The uncertainties for the potential model (2) are of
%) of the estimated sound velocities of [C2mim][NTf2] and [C4mim]
the order of 1.3 m/s and 2.5, respectively, for the potential model (2). It is
[BF4] from Refs. [89] and [90] measurements for which their

N. Vaziri et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 533 (2018) 50–57

Fig. 5. The same as Fig. 4, but for the potential model (2).

observed from the figures that the deviation for the sound velocity from
the potential model (2) is larger than that the potential model (1). This
means that the attraction term of the potential model can be influenced
on the sound velocity.

4. Conclusions

It is fully known that the tension at the surface of a liquid is one of the
most important demonstrations of the intermolecular forces. The inter-
molecular forces composed of both repulsion and attraction terms. We
have answered the following question in this work. What is the effect of
potential attraction term of dispersion forces on the surface tension of ILs.
We have calculated the surface tension of selected ILs using two potential
models which have different attraction terms. The main advantages of
the present model in comparison with the previous works are: (i) the
statistical thermodynamic approaches expression (5) proposed in this
work provide us good approach to predict the surface tension of ILs. (ii)
Using the expression (5), we could show the effect of attraction term
dispersion forces on the surface tension of ILs. (iii) The proposed com-
bination model can perform in a predictive manner with no adjustable
parameters. (iv) With considering temperature-dependent of the used
parameters [Eqs. (11), (15) and (20)], we could obtain the acceptable
Fig. 6. The relative deviation of the calculated sound velocity Eq. (15). Our results have
results for the surface tension of ILs. (v) The surface tension of the
been compared with experimental data. Three figures correspond to (a) [C4mim][Triflate]
selected ILs can be predicted using only four parameters ε; σ ; Γ and d. [84–86], (b) [C2mim][Triflate] [87,88], and (c) [C2mim][NTf2]/[C4mim][BF4] [89,90].
(vi) In comparison with available data, we can say that the better results
for the surface tension of the selected ILs can be obtained by finding the

N. Vaziri et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 533 (2018) 50–57

accurate dispersion forces. (vii) The constant parameters (λ and μ) in new

potential models can be influenced on our results.


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