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Materials and Structures (2012) 45:337–350

DOI 10.1617/s11527-011-9769-y


Identification of acid attack on concrete of a sewage system

I. Fernandes • M. Pericão • P. Hagelia •

F. Noronha • M. A. Ribeiro • J. Maia

Received: 27 September 2010 / Accepted: 27 July 2011 / Published online: 11 August 2011
 RILEM 2011

Abstract A sewage system, 300 km long, showed some sectors of the structure, with the aggregate
superficial deterioration of concrete just 2 years after particles protruding in relation to the undulated
construction. In order to re-habilitate the structure, it surface. In some places a white to yellowish putty-
was necessary to identify the main mechanism of like product could be excavated by hand. The main
deterioration and to understand the heterogeneous deterioration was observed above the water level. The
distribution of the damage observed. The study was composition of the atmosphere inside the sewer was
performed in a three stepped program: site investi- assessed and a high content of hydrogen sulfide was
gation and sampling, laboratory tests and concrete detected. Sampling was performed in different struc-
petrography. During the site inspection it was recog- tural elements which showed diverse exposition to
nized that there was dissolution of the concrete in the aggressive environment. Impregnated thin sec-
tions of concrete with fluorescent yellow dye were
analyzed by optical microscope. Concrete petrogra-
phy showed to be crucial for the diagnoses. The study
showed that the putty-like product was composed by
Paper presented at the 12th EMABM—Euroseminar on gypsum with small residual particles of siliceous sand
Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Dortmund, 2009. which resisted to the acid attack. SEM/EDS was used
to evaluate the content of sulfur in different sections
I. Fernandes (&)  F. Noronha  M. A. Ribeiro
Centro de Geologia/DGAOT, University of Porto, Porto, of the concrete cores and also to characterize the
Portugal putty-like product at the surface of the concrete. This
e-mail: study led to the confirmation of the presence of an
F. Noronha extensive sulfuric acid attack with rather minor
e-mail: sulfate attack within the concrete due to the exposi-
M. A. Ribeiro tion to aggressive environment. It also showed that
e-mail: behind the superficial deteriorated level, the concrete
was sound with no signs of internal deleterious
M. Pericão  J. Maia
Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade, Porto, Portugal reactions. Ammonium content in residual water
e-mail: might have also contributed to the superficial dete-
rioration of the concrete sewer.
P. Hagelia
Technology Department, Norwegian Public Roads
Administration, Oslo, Norway Keywords Acid attack  Gypsum  Popcorn calcite
e-mail: deposition  Concrete petrography
338 Materials and Structures (2012) 45:337–350

1 Introduction 2 Materials and methods

The present work refers to a sewage system covering Strength class of C35/45 was used in the construction
11,000 ha, which is located in central Portugal. The of the concrete elements in contact with residual
system receives the urban residual wastewater and the water. The mixes are defined on Table 1, based on
effluents from industry existing in the area. It started data from the supplier, which include the information
working in 1999 and it was further developed until about the exposure conditions considered in the
2004, finally covering twelve municipalities and one design of the structure according to Portuguese
million inhabitants. standards at the time of construction [5, 6]—EQ2
The wastewater system is more than 300 km for moderate aggressive chemical environment.
long and is composed of 17 collection points, a Because the exposure classes for concrete envi-
number of pipes, vertical wells and manhole, more ronment defined on [5] were different from those
than 30 pumping stations, transition and pressure defined on LNEC E378:1993, a new addendum was
chambers, treatment plants and a trunk sewer into published—E378:1996—referring to the equivalence
the sea. between both. EQ2 is, according to the NP EN
Just 2 years after the completion of the construc- 206:2007, almost the same as XA2 (except in what
tion some damage on the concrete walls was concerns the aggressive CO2 content, which range
detected by the system owner. In 2008 a site was 91–200 and now is 40–100 mg/l).
inspection of the sewage system covered 40 concrete The minimum values admitted in the design for
elements with sampling, analyses and diagnose class C35/45 were of 51/55 MPa compressive
made in 19 elements. A total of 218 tests and strength and the w/b ratio should be lower than
analyses was carried out (in each element, one 0.40–0.44.
sample was collected of residual water and gaseous According to the cement standards at the date of
effluent). The study developed showed that there are construction, the CEM II/A-L used in the mixes had a
different degrees of deterioration and that about 50% medium filler limestone content of 16%, which is
of the concrete elements in the structure are equivalent to a dosage of CEM I of 84% of the dosage
damaged. The most serious deterioration occurred showed on Table 1 for CEM II/A-L. Using this
on the concrete walls of one of the interceptors, amount of CEM I with the content of fly ash (FA)
close to the treatment plant. incorporated it can be concluded the cement used in
Concrete was sampled by coring in order to the mixes was equivalent to CEM IV, i.e., a pozzo-
perform petrographic analyses and to identify the lanic cement. Table 2 shows one annual average
causes of deterioration. The petrographic analyses chemical composition of the cement applied in the
based on meticulously impregnated thin sections structure for which values of 8.13 and 8.85% for C3A
showed to be crucial for the identification of the and C4AF, respectively, were provided by the sup-
mechanisms and the extent of the damage. plier. Despite the structure was constructed for several

Table 1 Concrete mix used

C35/45.S2.EQ2 C35/45.S3.EQ2 C35/45.S4.EQ2
for pumping stations
construction (D = 25 mm, Natural sand 4.76–0.149 360 420 455
values in kg/m3 of dry
materials) Crushed sand 4.76–0.149 330 290 255
Coarse aggregate 12.7–4.76 380 420 470
Coarse aggregate 25.4–12.7 670 590 530
CEM II/A-L 42.5R 315 325 335
Fly ash 110 110 110
Plasticizers – – –
Fluidifiers 4.9 5.0 6.1
Materials and Structures (2012) 45:337–350 339

Table 2 Average chemical composition of the cement (%) The tests performed in situ included:
Content (%) • Visual examination to identify surface defects.
SiO2 18.40 • Use of a small hammer in order to detect the
Al2O3 4.97 depth of deterioration related to spalling or
Fe2O3 2.98
dissolution of the concrete components.
CaO 60.45
• Evaluation of the Schmidt hardness of concrete in
MgO 2.31
depth, after removal of the deteriorated superficial
SO3 3.25
• Determination of the atmosphere composition
Others 0.01
mainly related to the safety of the team perform-
Loss on ignition 5.71
ing the inspections, namely, evaluation of H2S,
Insoluble residue 2.40
O2, CH4 and NH4?.
Samples were taken from the putty-like material
Table 3 Specifications of concrete regarding exposure con-
present at the surface of the concrete. They were
ditions according to Portuguese standards [6]
preserved in closed plastic bags for determination of
Aggressive chemical the composition and pH. A total of 21 concrete samples
were cored with a drilling machine chilled by water
Exposure classes EQ2 circulation in order to perform a number of laboratory
Minimum binder content (kg/m3) (a) 360 tests. They were 94 mm in diameter and between 75
Maximum w/b 0.45 and 150 mm in length. The laboratory tests included:
Minimum strength class C35/45
• Evaluation of the chloride content to identify
Minimum cover to reinforcement (mm) –
chloride corrosion.
Defined for maximum size aggregate of 31.5 mm • Evaluation of the depth of carbonation by the
phenolphthalein test.
years and by different contractors, the concrete
• Chemical analyses of the gaseous and liquid
should be specified in accordance with Table 3
effluents (one sample from each element
Aggregates were composed of crushed limestone
• Petrographic analyses of thin sections of concrete
for the coarse particles and siliceous natural sand.
from the different elements.
Crushed limestone was also used in sand dimension
• Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)/Energy
in some of the structural elements. The concrete in
Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) analyses of the
contact with residual water was coated-protected by a
soft material at the surface of the concrete walls.
bituminous epoxy resin in three layers with a
minimum of 150 lm each. Slices of the concrete were cut and glued with
The first step to assess the conditions of the epoxy resin and hardener to a glass slide to produce
structure was a site inspection to the sectors in which thin sections for petrographic analysis. Thin sections
the occurrence of deterioration was previously were produced with fluorescent yellow dye according
detected. The site inspection focused in the manhole to the instructions in NT Build 361 [19]. The thin
and the pumping wells but also included a subaquatic sections were observed under a polarizing micro-
inspection to the trunk sewer. scope with objectives 59, 109, 209 and 509 in
Due to the aggressive fluids and atmosphere inside order to detect and identify possible evidences of
the wells, special safety measures were adopted deterioration and deleterious internal reactions.
during the inspection. The technicians were protected In order to define the composition of the putty-like
with gloves, masks and special clothes. Pictures and product present at the surfaces of the concrete, two sets
movies were made of the different aspects detected in of samples were prepared for SEM/EDS analysis. One
the inspected sectors of the structure. Samples for set corresponded to the five samples received in plastic
analysis were taken from the liquid and gaseous bags. They were taken out of the plastic bags and left in
effluents. open air to dry. The other set of samples was composed
340 Materials and Structures (2012) 45:337–350

of small fragments scratched from the white powder structural elements (Fig. 1). The deterioration seemed
on the external facing part of the concrete cores and to be connected to different conditions of exposure
also from the material occurring as rims around the and oxygen availability.
aggregate particles at the exposed surface. Small The metallic pieces (ladder) used to access the
pieces of each sample were glued with epoxy resin wells showed intense corrosion and there was spall-
and hardener to metallic cylinders 6 mm thick and ing of the bituminous lining. It was immediately
sealed in airtight containers. Within 4 days, the verified that the ventilation inside the sewer was
samples were sent to the scanning electron micro- insufficient as well as deficient cleaning of the
scope laboratory, submitted to vacuum and coated elements and excessive turbulence in the income
with gold, just before the examination. They were flow. The degree of deterioration of the concrete was
examined under SEM/EDS using secondary electron highly variable and it was much more intense in the
(SE) beams. The accelerating voltage used was 10 walls above the water level in the sectors of the
and 15 kV with a working distance of 15 mm. The sewage system showing deficient ventilation. The
collection time for the microanalyses was 60 s with superficial damage included:
a dead time of approximately 30%. The spot size
• Superficial evidences of deterioration with efflo-
was around 10 nm to produce qualitative standard-
rescence, micro-organisms, slight cracking, exu-
less analyses.
dations in the concrete joints and popouts;
• Spalling, disintegration and softening of the
concrete involving both the cement paste and
3 Results the aggregate particles;
• A soft, putty-like product was detected which
3.1 Site inspection could be removed by hand to a maximum depth of
38 mm. Behind this superficial material concrete
The visual inspection led to the conclusion that there showed to be sound and compact, when tested
were different intensities of deterioration in the with a hammer.

Fig. 1 Deterioration of the concrete observed by site inspection. In the most deteriorated sectors a putty-like product was sampled at
the surface of the concrete walls
Materials and Structures (2012) 45:337–350 341

The spalling of concrete led to the exposure of 3.2 Concrete cores

reinforcing steel bars. These showed corrosion and
local loss of cross section. The concrete cover of the A total of 21 samples of concrete were taken from
reinforcement steel bars, originally with 40 mm different areas in the manholes, chambers and wells
thickness, was also reduced in the most deteriorated to perform a number of tests in the laboratory.
locations but constant at the places with air circula- The cores had a ‘‘chemical’’ strong smell, as
tion. The worst damage occurred in the elements expected because they came from a sewage system.
located just after the pressure pipes. A particular The depth of carbonation was evaluated by the
situation was found at the inferior face of a concrete phenolphthalein alcoholic solution test. A maximum
slab with 120 mm of thickness, which reinforcement of 10 mm depth was registered. The chloride content
steel was completely destroyed (Fig. 2). The exterior was evaluated in different depths (0–20, 20–40,
upper face was totally sound, with no signs of 40–60 mm). The maximum was obtained in the layer
deterioration, which constitutes a threat to workers on closer to the exposed face (0–20 mm) and was of
the above level of the slab. 2.66% for the concrete.
The submerged concrete showed better preserva- The observation of the cores by naked eye showed
tion conditions. There was just slight deterioration of a concrete dominantly sound and compact but with
the walls in the sectors where ventilation occurred.
The use of the Schmidt hammer on the concrete
behind the soft material on the surfaces was influ-
enced by the irregularities of the surfaces (with Table 4 Minimum and maximum contents of the main com-
ondulations and aggregate particles protruding). ponents in gaseous effluents in 19 different locations of the
sewage system (one sample collected at each location)
Therefore, the results found varied from 9 to
25 MPa. However, when used on the surface of Gaseous effluent
healthy concrete, the average value obtained was of
Cl- (ppm) \0.025
51 MPa.
CO2 (%) N.D.–0.9
Chemical analyses were performed in the gaseous
CH4 (%) \0.046
effluent and also on residual water. The results
O2 (%) 17.4–20.9
obtained are presented in Tables 4 and 5.
CO (ppm) \3.3
The values of H2S in the gaseous effluent were
N2 (%) 81–85
obtained by two different methods and the maximum
N2O (ppm) N.D.–7.2
was of 204 ppm, showing a variable content along
H2S (ppm) 0–204a
the day. The maximum content of NH4? was of
200 ppm in the residual water. The content of SO42-
Volatile organic compounds (ppm) Usually \9.4 Max 300
in the residual water was variable (14–290 ppm)
depending on the timing of the sampling. Values of Portable Analyser Gas Data GFM 430
pH in the residual water varied from 5.9 to 7.4. GC/FPD—Gas Chromatography/Flame Photometric Detector

Fig. 2 Deterioration of a concrete slab showing destruction of the reinforcement steel

342 Materials and Structures (2012) 45:337–350

Table 5 Minimum and maximum contents of the main com- 3.3 Concrete petrography
ponents in residual water in 19 different locations of the
sewage system (one sample collected at each location)
The analysis of thin sections permitted the charac-
Residual water terization of aggregates. Coarse aggregates were
composed of oolitic and micritic limestones with
Cl- (ppm) 68–2,400
sparitic portions (Fig. 4). Fine aggregates included
SO42- (ppm) 14–290
sand from a natural deposit and are composed of
Mg2? (ppm) 4.4–150
grains of quartz, grains of strained quartz with
NH4 (ppm) 5.3–200
subgrains, feldspar, shell fragments, mica, tourma-
CO2 (ppm of CaCO3) 34–362
line, epidote, opaque minerals and amphibole and
pH (20C) 5.9–7.4
also some crushed particles of limestone. This sand
included microcrystalline quartz and subgrains in
different features on the exposed surface. Some of the siliceous rock fragments (Fig. 4).
cores showed that the superficial bituminous lining In the impregnated thin sections with yellow dye it
was intact but in ten of the cores the surface was was confirmed that crystals of gypsum occurred at the
irregular, with cavities in the cement paste and the surface of the more intensely deteriorated cores. There
aggregate particles protruding from the surrounding was dissolution of the cement paste which was
cement paste. This irregular surface was lined by a partially replaced by gypsum. In some of the calcar-
white putty-like product with a dusty appearance eous aggregate particles dissolution was more intense
when dry at ambient temperature (Fig. 3). Around the on the sparitic portions giving rise to empty spaces
aggregate particles there were halos a few millimeters (Fig. 5). In about half of the cores, halos around both
in thickness, being white in contact with the cement calcareous and siliceous aggregate particles were
paste and slightly orange closer to the particles. observed, composed of gypsum in rims detached from
The cores were cut lengthwise in order to allow the the particles. The thin sections showed that the attack
observation of the concrete in the interior. The to the cement paste occurred in levels developing
concrete was sound and compact in all the cores, parallel to the external face of the concrete, with some
without macrocracks. spalling and parallel microcracks.

Fig. 3 Concrete cores showing irregular exposed surface with dissolution of the cement paste and in some places with a white putty-
like product
Materials and Structures (2012) 45:337–350 343

Fig. 4 Example of aggregate particles: oolitic limestone of coarse aggregate (left) (N//) and microcrystalline quartz in a fine
aggregate particle (right) (NX)

The interior of the concrete cores was also of the components of the cement paste. The cement
observed. Carbonation of the cement paste was paste was not homogeneous, showing in plane polar-
identified, mainly in the cores showing intense ised light different density and lighter colour close to
deterioration. A pattern of popcorn calcite deposition and between the aggregate particles. There were thin,
(PCD) (Fig. 6) and some large calcite crystals were discontinuous microcracks along the interfaces
also identified. These areas correspond to the brown- between the cement paste and the calcareous particles.
ish cement paste in plane polarised light, probably due In other places, there was a rim of reaction with
to depletion of calcium hydroxide and the destruction diffuse interfaces with the limestone particles and a

Fig. 5 Dissolution of the cement paste and of the calcareous partially replaced by gypsum. Thin section impregnated with
aggregate particles leaving empty spaces and residual siliceous fluorescent yellow dye (N//)
particles. In the left bottom image, particles of limestone were
344 Materials and Structures (2012) 45:337–350

darker brownish colour. However, microcracks in the the surface of the cores and the material present in the
cement paste were scarce (Fig. 7) and they rarely cut halos around aggregate particles. It was confirmed
the aggregate particles. Abundant FA particles could that these products consist of gypsum and some
be identified. The air voids were not filled, except by compounds with Si and Al, in different proportions
rare needle like crystals of ettringite. (Fig. 8). The characteristics of this Si–Al product
To confirm the possible sulphate attack, EDS were variable in the samples examined. In one of
qualitative point analyses were performed on thin them there was a smooth surface with shrinkage
sections from different depths of the cores. It was cracks resembling alkali-silica gel.
concluded that the content of sulphur was much The second set of samples was composed by the
higher in the first millimeters of the cement paste, material of the five samples of the putty-like product
when compared to the cement in the interior of the sampled in the site inspection from the surface of
cores. The transition between the affected surface the concrete and received in the laboratory. The
concrete and the sound inner concrete was abrupt and samples had an unpleasant smell of rotten eggs.
ettringite crystals were scarce. No alkali-silica reac- They showed a plastic behaviour when handled and
tion signs were identified. there were fine particles of sand among the muddy
material. Colour varied from white to yellowish.
3.4 Powdered and putty-like products Measurements of pH were performed with a Hanna
Hi255 Combineda Meter. The values obtained
Two sets of samples of the putty-like products were varied from 1.5 to 2.9 in four of the samples. The
prepared for observation by SEM/EDS. The first set fifth sample, orange to brownish in colour, had a pH
was composed by both the white reaction product at of 7.5.

Fig. 6 Carbonation of the cement paste (left) and PCD (right image) (NX)

Fig. 7 Cracks in the interior of the concrete mainly in the interfaces cement paste-aggregate. There were just a few cracks crossing
the cement paste and some particles of aggregate. These thin sections were not impregnated with fluorescent dye (N//)
Materials and Structures (2012) 45:337–350 345

Fig. 8 Composition of the white product at the surface of some Al and Si remaining from the previous cement paste
concrete and forming the halos of aggregate particles. Crystals (SE—Secondary Electrons SEM images and EDS spectra)
of gypsum are the most abundant compound and there is also

In order to identify the composition of this exposure not less than XA3, according NP EN
material, small pieces were taken from the samples, 206-1:2007 [18].
after having dried at ambient temperature (&20C) It has been referred in literature that 20% of the
for 5 days, and prepared for SEM/EDS analyses. It total damage in sewer systems is caused by sulphuric
was verified that this product was mainly composed acid or sulphate attack [12]. The surface of concrete
by gypsum crystals. A material composed of silicium in sewer concrete elements is frequently deteriorated
and some aluminum was also present, with no defined when the atmosphere contains a high quantity of
habit or with vacuolar habit resembling silica gel hydrogen sulfide [25] in consequence of a process
(Fig. 9). designated as biogenic sulphuric acid attack (BSA)
[23, 28]. The bacterial and chemical activity in this
type of environment leads to a sulphur cycle resulting
4 Discussion in the ultimate formation of sulphuric acid. The first
phase of the process occurs under anaerobic condi-
Although at the time of the design and construction of tions below the flow line, especially when there is a
the structure Portuguese recommendations were fol- long residence time or slow flow in the sewage.
lowed to define the concrete characteristics, the data Under these conditions, bacteria that exist in the
present in Tables 1 and 3 show that the concrete to be wastewater, the mud at the bottom of the sewer
used in this aggressive chemical environment (with elements and in the slime layer formed on the wall
the designation EQ2) is in conformity with the and situated below the water level reduce organic
limiting values in what concerns the minimum binder bound sulphur compounds to H2S [28]. In the case of
content, the w/b ratio and the strength class. Never- turbulence, H2S escapes as gas into the headspace,
theless, the chemical results showed on Table 5 lead above the water level. This process is followed by an
to actual classification of an aggressive environment aerobic process in which the H2S reacts with the
346 Materials and Structures (2012) 45:337–350

Fig. 9 Texture and composition of the putty-like reaction product sampled by hand during site inspection and which was sent in
plastic bags for analysis (SE—Secondary Electrons SEM images and EDS spectra)

oxygen and sulphur is deposited on the walls. Sulphur corroded area, drain out the decomposition products
is oxidised by bacteria such as Acidithiobacillus and contribute to the development of the attack [32].
thiooxidans [14] (previously referred to as Thioba- Regarding the considerations above and the
cillus concretivorus by Parker [21]), to produce results published by other authors, it may be
sulphuric acid. The colonisation of such bacteria is concluded that the manifestations of deterioration
mainly sustained by low pH values and elevated found during the site investigation in this sewage
ammonium concentrations, and it is more aggressive system are compatible with the occurrence of acid
for lower pH environment such as that observed in attack to concrete resultant from microbiological
the present environment. The sulphuric acid formed activity. In fact, the tests performed in situ detected a
quickly corrodes the concrete at a rate dependent on high content of H2S in the gaseous effluents, and the
its concentration, the location within the sewage conditions of low pH and high humidity found were
system and the time over which the concrete is appropriate to the development of biological oxida-
exposed to the acid [13], resulting in a depth of tion to produce sulphuric acid. The deterioration
corrosion nearly proportional to the time of exposure. evidences were not the same in all the elements of
In this process a dissolution of the cement paste the sewage system but were concentrated in the
occurs and, in the case of the presence of limestone places were ventilation was not sufficient to keep a
aggregates, also dissolution of the aggregate particles. ‘‘clean’’ atmosphere. Also the content in ammonium
In consequence a soft putty-like mass is formed, was very high. The deterioration was mainly
leaving the less acid-soluble residual sand particles observed above the water level, as found by Assaad
embedded. In the biologically produced sulphuric Abdelmseeh et al. [1] in samples above the solution
acid the soft layer creates excellent conditions for the level in laboratory experiments, and is more intense
growth of the bacteria. Due to increased porosity, the just above the daily high water level, as referred by
bacteria penetrates into the un-attacked concrete [16] Mori et al. [17]. The removal of the weakened
and the gypsum layer preserves the humidity, surface of the concrete leads to a higher rate of
protecting the bacteria from drying. In periods of corrosion in the sectors of the structure showing
high loading, the velocity of the flow may disturb the higher turbulence.
Materials and Structures (2012) 45:337–350 347

The white to yellowish putty-like product found in carbonate should have caused extensive thaumasite
the most damaged places is similar to that referred by formation and even thaumasite sulphate attack.
other authors [4, 11, 13, 24, 26–28, 31, 32] and also Nevertheless the thin section showed levels of
showed very low values of pH. This product is the intense ordinary carbonation of the cement paste.
result of the reaction of the cement compounds with This carbonation occurs behind the deteriorated
the acid, with the dissolution of portlandite for a pH surface. Coarser calcium carbonate was also identi-
of 12.5 and the precipitation of gypsum for pH fied in some areas of the thin sections, showing a
between 11.6 and 10.6 [22], using the Ca from the distribution similar to PCD [10]. This, together with
cement paste and leaving other elements free to the elevated micro porosity of the outer cement paste
produce silica gel (pH 8.8). In some places this gel and the brownish colour observed in plane polarised
contains aluminum, as has been shown from the colour light indicates that there is a depletion of
results of SEM/EDS and also referred by Bertron calcium hydroxide [24], just behind the acid deteri-
et al. [3]. The process of decalcification of the cement orated surface. It may be concluded that the very
paste under aggressive environment was proved by strong acid attack at pH B 2 did not facilitate the
Bertron et al. [3] in experiments with organic acids, formation of thaumasite sulphate attack deeper inside
in which the authors describe the zones formed close the concrete. This was likely due to the extremely
to the exposed surface. steep pH gradient, which led to complete destruction
In this sewage system, coarse aggregate particles of the outer cement paste matrix upon sulphuric acid
were composed by limestone, also soluble by acids. dissolution and formation of an extensive gypsum
Due to their composition, the limestone aggregates mush which likely trapped most of the available
might have also created a buffering environment sulphate. This coating of gypsum may have slowed
protecting the cement paste [30]. Although they were down the corrosion. In fact, according to some
attacked at a lower rate than the cement paste and are authors, the formation of gypsum leads to a protective
now protruding in the exposed concrete surfaces, they layer which slows down the process of deterioration
show a rim of reaction composed by gypsum and [7, 15].
some of the particles close to the exposed surface are Taking into account the composition of the
broken and partially replaced by gypsum. The concrete, it must be referred that the use of FA has
development of the crystals of gypsum along the been studied by a number of authors. Kawai et al.
interfaces between the cement paste and the aggre- [13] performed a number of experiments and con-
gate particles led to the debonding and the reduction cluded that specimens containing FA showed a
of concrete strength, as already referred in Tulliani smaller depth of deterioration when exposed to acids
et al. [27]. The existence of thin microcracks partially than those containing no mineral mixtures, due to the
surrounding the aggregate particles, as observed in lower permeability and lower content of calcium
the concrete from the interior of the cores, far from hydroxide [2, 32]. The use of supplementary cemen-
the corroded surface, might have promoted the easier titious materials such as silica fume and FA was
inflow of the fluids and the acid, due to local referred by Mehta [15] to improve the resistance of
increased permeability. concrete to acid attack because of reduced presence
The reaction between the gypsum and the calcium of calcium hydroxide. However, [20] refer that the
aluminate in the cement paste forms ettringite [16] strong leaching of samples in laboratory experiments
and, under certain circumstances, thaumasite [27] containing FA shows the bad performance of these
which can also contribute to deterioration of the samples in acetic acid solution. These authors found
concrete mix. This might be the consequence of a that metakaolin samples and those containing blast
combined action of acid and sulphate attack (cf. [9]. furnace slag present a better resistance to the acid
However, the petrographic analysis did not confirm attack. The concrete applied in the investigated
this in the present case as just a few secondary structure was made with FA, which should therefore
ettringite crystals were identified in voids. Apparently to some extent counteract the acid attack. However,
the externally derived sulphate did not penetrate calcium aluminate cement based concretes would be
deeply into the more sound domains of this concrete, the most appropriate to resist the biogenic corrosion
which upon reaction with CSH and limestone [8, 23] as a high aluminium ions concentration
348 Materials and Structures (2012) 45:337–350

impairs the bacteria multiplication and keeps the pH during the design of the structure. Although the
stabilised around 3–4. This pH leads to a slower distribution of deterioration is random when a map of
growth of the bacteria, with lower production of the all structure is considered, from the 19 elements
sulphuric acid. Also, the calcium aluminate cement in which samples have been collected and analyses
presents a degree of toxicity towards bacteria. performed, the eight elements showing strongest
Fourie and Alexander [8] concluded that the use of deterioration evidences were those in which aeration
silica fume and the size of the aggregate particles was deficient. In the worst cases, both the epoxy
influence the resistance of the siliceous aggregate coating and the concrete were damaged.
concrete, concluding that the addition of silica fume The speed and extent of reaction indicates that
to the mixture improved the binding of the aggregate bacteria might have been involved promoting the
particles. formation of H2SO4. To define the cause of deteri-
Concerning the w/b ratio, [7, 16] found that in oration, the tests performed in situ and the petro-
order to obtain a concrete mix relatively resistant to graphic analyses were essential. It was confirmed
different degradation mechanisms a low cement both by optical microscopy and SEM/EDS that the
content and w/b ratio below 0.4 should be used. [1] putty-like product on the surfaces showing the most
also developed work with different concrete mixes. severe deterioration was composed of gypsum with
The authors state that lowering the w/b ratio implies portions of silica gel and residual siliceous particles
the increase in cement content thereby increasing the of aggregate. The acid not only dissolved the cement
tricalcium aluminate and decreasing resistance of the paste but also attacked the limestone aggregate
concrete. The use of supplementary cementitious directly. The gypsum crystals developed perpendic-
materials contributes to the properties of concrete ularly to the border of the particles and attacked
through hydraulic or pozzolanic activity. preferentially the portions with sparitic calcite, as was
In this concrete the w/b ratio was bellow the shown by the microphotographs. The siliceous
recommended 0.45 value at the time of construction. aggregate particles were not attacked but also showed
This fact is, however not consensual, as higher w/b a rim of gypsum surrounding the particles. Most of
ratio indicates the existence of more voids and, there- the cement paste was dissolved on the first few
fore, should better accommodate the expansion due to millimeters of the concrete cores, leaving empty
the growth of gypsum [13] and the lower w/b concrete spaces between the gypsum crystals. Ettringite was
would erode earlier. But lower w/b contributes to the locally detected within the sounder concrete behind.
decrease in permeability and reduces porosity. In fact, it In the cement paste there were areas depleted in
seems that there is no satisfactory type of cement and calcium hydroxide and textures of PCD were iden-
concrete mix offering a long-term resistance to acid tified, compatible with deterioration by sulphate
attack [32]. As referred by Saucier and Lamberet [23], attack or leaching in presence of a carbonate source.
even in a well designed sewer network there is probably Although there was not a large quantity of ettringite
5–10% of the length that will be exposed to biogenic the features referred are compatible with the simul-
corrosion. Probably more emphasis should be given taneous action of acid and sulphate attack to the
on the protective coating material, as studied by concrete. In the present case sulphuric acid attack was
Vipulanandan and Liu [29]. greatly predominating although the concrete compo-
sition included FA, supposed to retard the effect of
the acid attack and the w/b ratio was lower than that
5 Conclusions recommended to resist deterioration.
As rehabilitation measures it was recommended
A case history of acid attack on a long sewage system that the deteriorated concrete surfaces and the lining
was reported. This study suggests that the deteriora- were washed out by the use of water jet, the
tion of the concrete was due to acid attack related deteriorated concrete removed and replaced by new
with microbiological processes and the presence of concrete. Also the reinforcement steel should be
aggressive compounds in the residual water and in the repaired and concrete cover rebuilt. It was decided
gaseous effluent. The aggressive exposure conditions that a periodic cleaning would be mandatory, as well
were possibly underestimated and difficult to preview as a guarantee of circulation of the air. The team
Materials and Structures (2012) 45:337–350 349

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