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3 Easy Ways to Serve Your Community!

Author: Alexis Caprio Edition: I Date: April 26, 2018

Vacation Bible World Vision Altar Serving

School II have
have been
been an an altar
altar server
World Vision is a Christian
Vacation Bible School is a organization in Sewickley, year-round at
year-round at St.
St. Teresa
Teresa of
Church sponsored event PA. It focuses on clothing Avila Parish
Avila Parish sincesince I was a
for children in preschool donations to refugees and young child.
young child. I serve with at
through having completed the poor in South America. least one
least one other
other person
fourth grade. It occurs I worked with my mom at alongside the
alongside the priest
priest around
during one week in June World Vision, and we had times
two a month.
times a month.I canI can
for three hours each day. I a blast taking tags off of choose to
choose to carry
carry thethe cross,
participated in this service vests to give to the poor. hold the
hold the book,
book, or or prepare
through St. Athanasius She was so determined to the chalice.
the chalice. II participate
participate in
Parish. I love this service help the poor that we this service
this service because
because II truly
because I love to work ended up organizing an enjoy participating
enjoy participating in in the
with children. Throughout entire crate of vests! This Mass as
Mass as itit is
is an
an opportunity
the entire week, I was able opportunity taught me to to grow closer
opportunity to God
to grow closer
to work with the kids to appreciate all of the little through
to God. singing praises.
teach them about Jesus things in life and value all
through arts, crafts, and that God has given me.
baking. I became closer to
Jesus because I was able
to develop the virtue of
patience while working More Information
 Vacation Bible School: Summers at Local Parishes!
with the children.
o I served 10 hours from June 12-16!
 World Vision: Call to Sign up!
o I served 3 hours in March!
 Altar Serving: Contact Your Parish!
o I served 11 hours throughout the year!

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