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April 14, 2018

To Whom It May Concern,

I am delighted to offer this letter of recommendation for Amelia Leng. I’ve had the
pleasure or working with Amelia this year during her internship at Beulah Shoesmith
Elementary. I have worked with many interns during my teaching career, and Amelia is
among the finest.

Amelia is proactive, confident, organized, hard-working and compassionate. She does

not wait to be told what to do. She knows the critical work of the day and does it. Many
times I’ve been about to begin a task only to have her say, “Oh, I already did that.” In
addition to her lesson plans, I have appreciated the agendas she has created for each of
her lessons. Her agendas have been helpful, concise guides explaining the pedagogical
steps she feels are imperative to a successful math lesson. She also puts time and care
into her classroom anchor charts that clearly and creatively support the day’s learning.
In addition, her lessons often include hands-on/real-life activities which elucidate the
relevance and importance of math in everyday life.

Amelia has spent many hours before and after school planning, grading and putting
great care into her teaching. There is no idle time in Amelia’s day. Amelia is committed
to being a reflective and responsive teacher and learning about every facet of the

Most admirably, Amelia has exhibited extraordinary patience, creativity and compassion
when dealing with challenging students. She has endeavored to understand each
student’s needs and how best to support them both academically and socially-
emotionally. Students know how deeply she cares for them and desires for them to
reach their potential.

I’m sure Amelia will be an extraordinary educator and a dedicated colleague to her
fellow teachers.

Best Regards,

Elizabeth T. Nelson
Beulah Shoesmith Elementary

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