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18807325 Bevan De Vries

Assignment 2
Lesson Plan Analysis


Table of Contents

1) Lesson Plan 1

2) Lesson Plan 2

3) Lesson Plan 3

4) Academic Justification

5) Appendices

- Appendix A: Scope and Sequence

- Appendix B: Concept Map

- Appendix C: HSC assessment schedule

- Appendix D: Unit Outline

- Appendix E: Worksheets
Lesson Plan 1
Topic area: Factors Affecting Stage of Learner: 6 Syllabus Pages: 43- 46

Date: Location Booked: Lesson Number:

Time: 60 minutes Total Number of students Printing/preparation

Outcomes Assessment Students learn about Students learn to

Syllabus outcomes Google Pre- Test principles of analyse how the
H7 training principles of training
H8 Informative  progressive can be applied to
H9 assessment overload both aerobic and
H10 through class  specificity resistance training
H11 discussion and  reversibility
H16 mind mapping  variety
H17  training
 warm up and
cool down

Cross Curriculum themes & General capabilities Explicit subject specific concepts and skills

To develop in each student a capacity to think

ICT Capabilities: critically about key issues related to health and
Students use ICT resources Google Forms and physical activity in order to make informed
Youtube in class to assess learning and develop decisions that support and contribute to healthy,
an understanding of group norms active lifestyles and communities

Personal and Social Capability: Through the study of PDHPE, students will
Students learn how to work collaboratively and develop:
group work skills • Values and attitudes that promote healthy and
active lifestyles and communities
Higher Order Thinking: • Knowledge and understanding of the factors
Students demonstrate Higher order thinking that affect health
when attempting to answer the questions in the •A capacity to exercise influence over personal
Google Pre- Test on the Principles of training and
community health outcomes
•An ability to apply the skills of critical thinking,
research and analysis
Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas
Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order thinking
This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep understanding of important, 1.2 Deep understanding 1.5 Metalanguage
substantive concepts, skills and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something 1.3 Problematic 1.6 Substantive
that requires active construction and requires students to engage in higher-order knowledge communication
thinking and to communicate substantively about what they are learning.
Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 2.4 Social Support
This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where students and teachers work 2.2 Engagement 2.5 Students’ self regulation
productively in an environment clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy sets high and 2.3 High Expectations 2.6 Student direction
explicit expectations and develops positive relationships between teacher and students
and among students.
Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more meaningful and important to knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
students. Such pedagogy draws clear connections with students’ prior knowledge and 3.2 Cultural knowledge 3.6 Narrative
identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with multiple ways of knowing all 3.3 Knowledge
cultural perspective. integration

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within the lesson.

Teaching Indicators of presence in the lesson

1.4 The use of activities such as the Mind map and class discussion in this lesson plan
promote higher order thinking skills in the classroom such as problem solving,
critical thinking and collaborative learning
2.6 Setting learning objectives at the beginning of the lesson allows the teacher to
establish a direction to guide the learning of students for the lesson
3.1 The use of Google Forms data from the pre-test gives the teacher background knowledge on
the students understanding of the topic area
Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centred
5 Establish Learning Objectives of the Lesson Teacher: Establish Learning T/S
Introduce Objectives to the class
 explanation of the next three lessons: Answer any questions
Google pre- test, group presentation
task, presentation of group task. Student: Write down Learning
 Creating google accounts (For pre- test Objectives
and Google slides presentations) Ask questions
 Google Pre-Test using Google Forms
(on the principles of training) Resources: Computer/laptop
 explicit teaching on how to work in
 skills for presentation/ group norms

10 Get students to go onto Teacher: Show students weblinks T

and create a google account if do not already and guide them through how to
have an account create and account
Once students have created their accounts,
get students to go to Google Forms on Student: Follow teacher’s and instructions
prepare for the Pre-test on Principles of Create account and log into Google

20 Google Forms Pre-Test Teacher: Walk around the S

classroom, make sure no students are
Allow 20 mins for class to complete the Pre- quiet and not cheating
Student: Answering questions on
Google Pre-test

Resources: Laptop/ Computer;

20 Mind map all the principles of training with Teacher: T/s

the class Play the YouTube video in class
Start class discussion
Show video on YouTube, on how to work in And create mind map
Mb9-At2Ss0 Student:
Watch Youtube video
Class Discussion: What skills are needed to Participate in class discussion
work in groups?
Mind map skills needed to work in groups Resources:
Address explain group contracts and explain Youtube Link:
next lesson we will be allocated in groups for
Google Slides presentations Mb9-At2Ss0

5 Summary Teacher: Recap on the learning T

intentions of the lesson(s) and
Summarise lesson answer any questions

Clarify Learning Objectives of the lesson and Student:

recap on what is happening next lesson. Ask any questions about the lesson
or following lessons
Exercise book


What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when preparing this lesson?

This lesson plan focuses on preparing the students for the next three lessons and getting
familiar with Google forms. I have learnt that the use of ICT through Google is a useful tool
for 21st learning. Also, preparing students for the group task in the next lesson is effective in
helping students develop knowledge and skills used for collaborative and cooperative

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

H7 Informative assessment through class discussion and mind map
H8 Informative assessment through class discussion and mind map
H9 Informative assessment through class discussion and mind map
H17 Formative assessment on factors affecting performance and
principles of training
Other considerations

Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply with the

Graduate Evidence within this lesson

2.6 Implementing the use of ICT through using Google Forms and YouTube video
3.3 The use of strategies such as group work activities
5.1 Assessing student learning through Google Pre Test
3.1 Establishing the learning objectives and learning goals at the start of the lesson

What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/eliminated in this
lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well as other WHS policy- Outline
the key WHS considerations that are to be applied in this lesson?

There are minimal risks in this lesson as the PDHPE class is indoors for the theory
lesson. However, during the group activity, students may be walking around the
classroom to join their groups. In this case students who are using laptops, iPads or
computers may be using charging cords that may appear to be a trip hazard. This
hazard can be removed by placing students who need to charge their electronic
devices closer to PowerPoints in the classroom
Lesson Plan 2
Topic area: Factors Affecting Stage of Learner: 6 Syllabus Pages: 43- 46

Date: Location Booked: Lesson Number:

Time: 60 minutes Total Number of students Printing/preparation

Outcomes Assessment Students learn about Students learn to

Syllabus outcomes Data from Google forms physiological examine the
H7 to allocate groups adaptations in relationship
H8 response to between the
H9 Informal assessment training principles of
H10 whilst students work  resting heart training,
rate physiological
H11 collaboratively
 stroke volume adaptations and
H16 improved
and cardiac
H17 output performance
 oxygen uptake
and lung
 haemoglobin
 muscle
 effect on
fast/slow twitch
muscle fibres

Cross Curriculum themes & General capabilities Explicit subject specific concepts and skills

ICT Capabilities: To develop in each student a capacity to think

Students use ICT resources Google Forms and critically about key issues related to health and
Youtube in class to assess learning and develop physical activity in order to make informed
an understanding of group norms decisions that support and contribute to healthy,
active lifestyles and communities
Personal and Social Capability:
Students learn how to work collaboratively and
group work skills Through the study of PDHPE, students will
Higher Order Thinking: • Values and attitudes that promote healthy and
Students demonstrate Higher order thinking active lifestyles and communities
when attempting to answer the questions in the • Knowledge and understanding of the factors
Google Pre- Test on the Principles of training that affect health
•A capacity to exercise influence over personal
Critical and Creative Thinking: and
Students work collaboratively in creating Google community health outcomes
Slides presentations for the next lesson •An ability to apply the skills of critical thinking,
research and analysis
Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas
Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order thinking
This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep understanding of important, 1.2 Deep understanding 1.5 Metalanguage
substantive concepts, skills and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something 1.3 Problematic 1.6 Substantive
that requires active construction and requires students to engage in higher-order knowledge communication
thinking and to communicate substantively about what they are learning.
Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 2.4 Social Support
This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where students and teachers work 2.2 Engagement 2.5 Students’ self regulation
productively in an environment clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy sets high and 2.3 High Expectations 2.6 Student direction
explicit expectations and develops positive relationships between teacher and students
and among students.
Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more meaningful and important to knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
students. Such pedagogy draws clear connections with students’ prior knowledge and 3.2 Cultural knowledge 3.6 Narrative
identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with multiple ways of knowing all 3.3 Knowledge
cultural perspective. integration

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within the lesson.

Teaching Indicators of presence in the lesson

1.2 Teacher demonstrates a deep understanding of the student’s level of understanding by
analysing the pre-test data with the students
2.2 Students demonstrate engagement through working collaboratively in group
presentation task
3.3 Students demonstrate knowledge integration by applying what they have learnt to a sporting
athlete or team in a real-life scenario
Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centred
5 Establish Learning Objectives of the Lesson Teacher: Write down and T/S
Introduce explain the learning objectives
 Looking over the results of the pre test from of the lesson on the white
the Google Forms data board

 Explicitly teach areas where students know Student:

and need to know Write down learning objectives
 Put them on groups based on data (mixed in exercise books/laptops
ability groups)
 work on Google slides presentations in Resources:
groups Whiteboard
Exercise books
Laptops/ Computer

10 Teacher: Show students data S

Using the data from the Pre-Test in the previous from the pre-test, with graphs
lesson, explicitly teach the areas well students went and charts of results.
well, and where they did not perform well, using a Draw table on the whiteboard
table with the headings ‘Know’ and ‘Need to Know’ with the headings ‘Know’ &
‘Need to Know’
Brain storm/ Mind map the areas under the ‘Need to
Know’ column and discuss the content through a Student
class discussion. Copy down the table and mind
map drawn by the teacher and
Know Need to Know participate in asking questions
Reversibility Specificity about the topic area
Training thresholds Progressive overload Resources:
Google Forms
Laptops/ Computers
While students are writing down the table and
making notes, prepare YouTube link for the video in
the next activity

10 Show students the 5-minute video on Physiological Teacher: Show students the 5- T/S
adaptations in response to training on: minute video then start a class discussion on physiological
5-minute Class discussion on where these
adaptations are seen in real life ( eg- sports such as Student: Watch video, take
football and swimming). down notes and participate in
class discussion

Exercise books
Laptops/ Computer
watch?v=Q Aiw_QtDaWI
30 Teacher: S
In allocated groups, work on Google slides Allocate students in mixed
presentations summarising the effects of training ability groups based on Google
for a specific sporting athlete or sporting team by forms data and explain the task
using; resting heart rate; stroke volume; cardiac on the whiteboard. Monitor the
output; oxygen uptake; lung capacity; haemoglobin classroom assist any groups
level; hypertrophy and muscle fibres that may need help

Work with members in the
groups, allocate roles

Resources: Laptop/ Computer

Google Slides

5 Teacher: Recap on the T

Summarise lesson learning Objectives, remind
students the presentations are
Clarify Learning Objectives of the lesson and recap due next week
on presentations for next week
Student: If presentations are
Homework: not complete, share
Students must complete their Google Slides assignments to peers through
presentations and be ready to present them next email or Google accounts
Google Forms
Laptops/ Computers


What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when preparing this lesson?

Reflecting on the lesson, I have learnt that the use of ICT through Google forms is an
effective way to design the structure of a lesson. The data from the Google forms of the
Pre- Test is very useful for the teacher to gain a deep understanding of the student’s level
of understanding of the topic. Therefore, teachers can assist all students in the topic area
and can allocate students who may benefit from working together in group activities such
as the group activity used in this lesson plan

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording
H7 Demonstrates the relationship of physiology and movement through the video and
informal assessment via class discussion
H8 Uses formative assessment results of Google pre-test to explain the variety of
training principles
H10 Formative assessment via students Google Slides presentations of how
physiological adaptations affect sporting athletes
H16 Uses a range of resources so develop student’s understandings of Physiological
adaptations in response to training for formative assessment in Google Slides

Other considerations

Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply with the

Graduate Evidence within this lesson

2.6 Implementing the use of ICT through using Google Forms and YouTube
3.4 Teacher selects and uses relevant websites to help students create their
Google slides presentations
5.2 Teacher provides feedback to the students on their results from the pre-
test data
3.4 Students use resources from the Internet and textbooks to create their
Google slides presentations

What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/eliminated in this
lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well as other WHS policy- Outline
the key WHS considerations that are to be applied in this lesson?

There are minimal risks in this lesson as the PDHPE class is indoors for the theory
lesson. However, during the group activity, students may be walking around the
classroom to join their groups. In this case students who are using laptops, iPads or
computers may be using charging cords that may appear to be a trip hazard. This
hazard can be removed by placing students who need to charge their electronic
devices closer to PowerPoints in the classroom
Lesson Plan 3
Topic area: Factors Affecting Stage of Learner: 6 Syllabus Pages: 43- 46

Date: Location Booked: Lesson Number:

Time: 60 minutes Total Number of students Printing/preparation

Outcomes Assessment Students learn about Students learn to

Syllabus outcomes Google Slides physiological examine the
H7 Presentations adaptations in relationship
H8 response to between the
H9 Formative training principles of
H10 assessment  resting heart training,
rate physiological
 stroke volume adaptations and
H16 Peer feedback improved
and cardiac
H17 output performance
 oxygen uptake
and lung
 haemoglobin
 muscle
 effect on
fast/slow twitch
muscle fibres

Cross Curriculum themes & General capabilities Explicit subject specific concepts and skills

ICT Capabilities: To develop in each student a capacity to think

Students use ICT resources Google Forms and critically about key issues related to health and
Youtube in class to assess learning and develop physical activity in order to make informed
an understanding of group norms decisions that support and contribute to healthy,
active lifestyles and communities
Personal and Social Capability:
Students learn how to work collaboratively and
group work skills Through the study of PDHPE, students will
Higher Order Thinking: • Values and attitudes that promote healthy and
Students demonstrate Higher order thinking active lifestyles and communities
when attempting to answer the questions in the • Knowledge and understanding of the factors
Google Pre- Test on the Principles of training that affect health
•A capacity to exercise influence over personal
Critical and Creative Thinking: and
Students work collaboratively in creating Google community health outcomes
Slides presentations for the next lesson •An ability to apply the skills of critical thinking,
research and analysis
Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas
Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order thinking
This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep understanding of important, 1.2 Deep understanding 1.5 Metalanguage
substantive concepts, skills and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something 1.3 Problematic 1.6 Substantive
that requires active construction and requires students to engage in higher-order knowledge communication
thinking and to communicate substantively about what they are learning.
Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 2.4 Social Support
This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where students and teachers work 2.2 Engagement 2.5 Students’ self regulation
productively in an environment clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy sets high and 2.3 High Expectations 2.6 Student direction
explicit expectations and develops positive relationships between teacher and students
and among students.
Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more meaningful and important to knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
students. Such pedagogy draws clear connections with students’ prior knowledge and 3.2 Cultural knowledge 3.6 Narrative
identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with multiple ways of knowing all 3.3 Knowledge
cultural perspective. integration

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within the lesson.

Teaching Indicators of presence in the lesson

1.6 The presentation task requires students to communicate in the allocated groups and also in
an oral presentation to the class
2.3 The presentations task requires high expectations of students to work collaboratively and
present their own work
3.4 The Google sides task requires all students to participate in designing the presentation
Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centred
5 Establish Learning Objectives of the Lesson Teacher: Write down and T
Introduce explain the learning objectives of
 Each group presents their Google Slides the lesson on the white board
 Students to participate in positive Student:
feedback and constructive criticism at the Write down learning objectives
end of each presentation in exercise books/laptops

Exercise books
Laptops/ Computer

50 Teacher: S
Google slides presentations and peer Provide feedback after each
feedback using a common structured group presentation and allocate
approach (“I liked”, “ I wonder” and next order of group presentation
Present Google slide
presentations and participate in
peer feedback

Google Slides
Computer/ Laptop

5 Summary Teacher: T/S

Wrap up the lesson and ask
Summarise lesson students what they have learnt
from the task
Clarify Learning Objectives of the lesson and ask
students what they have learnt from the Student:
presentation task Participate in answering what
they have learnt from the task
and asking any questions about
the topic of Physiological
adaptations in response to

Exercise Book
Laptop/ Computer

What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when preparing this lesson?

Upon reflection of this lesson plan, students are able to develop 21st century skills such as
speaking skills, observation, judgement whilst using ICT which is significant to 21st century
learning. As the teacher had allocated students in mixed ability groups in the previous
lesson, the higher performing students were able to support the learning of the lower
performing students through cooperative learning during the task which also prepares
students in developing skills used in the 21st century.

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

H7 Students are formally assessed during their Google Slides presentation on
explaining he physiological adaptations
H8 Students are formally assessed when explaining how physiological adaptations
to training enhance an athlete’s performance
H10 Students are formally assessed as they analyse the physiological adaptations
that may be used in training programs designed for athletes
H16 Uses a range of resources so develop student’s understandings of Physiological
adaptations in response to training for formative assessment in Google Slides

Other considerations

Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply with the

Graduate Evidence within this lesson

2.6 Implementing the use of ICT through using Google Slides in presentations
3.3 The use of strategies such as group collaboration research tasks for
Google Slides presentations
5.2 Both the teacher and students provide feedback for each group presenting
their Google Slides presentations
3.4 Students use resources from the Internet and textbooks to design their
Google slides presentations
What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/eliminated in this
lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well as other WHS policy- Outline the
key WHS considerations that are to be applied in this lesson?

There are minimal risks in this lesson as the PDHPE class is indoors for the theory
lesson. However, during the group activity, students may be walking around the
classroom to join their groups. In this case students who are using laptops, iPads or
computers may be using charging cords that may appear to be a trip hazard. This
hazard can be removed by placing students who need to charge their electronic
devices closer to PowerPoints in the classroom
Academic Justification

According to Opfer (2012), we currently live in a society in which the way students learn at
school is changing due to the rapid influence of technology. Therefore, the teacher is no
longer the main source of knowledge for students in the classroom as students can now use
technology to access information and knowledge independently, meaning learning has
become student centred rather than teacher centred. Also, we now live in a world where the
skills required for the work force have changed, this requires schools to provide opportunities
for students to develop 21st Century skills such as, problem solving, critical thinking,
collaboration, creativity and communication (Opfer, 2012). According to Zhao (2012),
schools today still haven’t changed their focus from an industrial age which was designed to
produce ‘excellent sheep’ whilst the working world for which schools intend to prepare for
has changed dramatically. The three sequenced lesson plans were designed to support 21st
century learning whilst students learnt the topic area of ‘Factors Affecting Performance’.
Throughout this module, students analyse the physical and psychological impacts on
performance. To incorporate 21st Century learning into this module, the three lesson plans
have used online resources such as Google Forms, Google slides, and, relevant YouTube
videos to incorporate 21st Century learning and student centred learning to ensure that
students develop these skills. The lesson plans also incorporate the Quality Teaching
Framework to ensure an effective learning environment whilst developing 21st Century
learning skills in the lessons.

In the first lesson, students created Google accounts so the teacher could create a pre- test
using Google Forms to provide the teacher with a set of data from which the teacher could
gauge students level of understanding on ‘The Principles of Training’. Google Forms is a
convenient tool, by using technology in the classroom to display information or data in a way
that makes it simple (Mallette, 2013). The data from Google Forms can also be used as an
indicator of student growth and achievement whilst also referring to the Quality Teaching
Element, Deep Understanding, by providing the teacher with knowledge of student’s levels of
understanding in the topic area of ‘Principles of Training’.
After the pre-test in the first lesson, the students a showed a video on group work and group
skills to prepare them for the task in the following two lessons. The aim of the video is to
provide the students with opportunities to develop skills required to work collaboratively in
small groups and establish group norms such as, assigning group roles and peer to peer

Teaching student’s collaborative skills is also an effective strategy for students to develop
21st Century skills such as Critical thinking & problem solving, creativity and
communication, which is needed for the group task. Teaching students these skills also
incorporate elements of the Quality Teaching Framework such as Problematic Knowledge, by
requiring students to present perspectives and solutions; and Substantive Communication by
requiring the students to communicate their understandings with peer students.

In the following lesson, the teacher uses the results of the pre-test in Google Forms to create a
table of what the students already know, and what they need to know. This specifically
relates to the APST standard 1.2, Understand students and how they learn. From displaying
the students’ knowledge by using the research data of the Pre-Test, the teacher can
understand how the students learn and explicitly teach the areas of the topic that may need
more attention. Following this activity, the teacher also then uses the data from the pre – test
to create mixed ability groups for the group task. According to Matters (2006), using data to
make informed decisions about student learning is effective tool to facilitate student
achievement in 21st Century learning. Students also benefit from working collaboratively in
mixed ability groups as studies suggest that peer support in group work not only increases
student motivation but also promotes skills such as critical thinking and problem solving
(Veach & Gladding, 2006). According to Law (2002), modern day employers are expecting
employees to work collaboratively, therefore it is essential for students to develop these skills
in preparing them for 21st century careers. Social support such as the group collaborative task
is also a significant feature of the Quality Learning Environment Element of the Quality
Teaching Model Framework.
The task requires students to work collaboratively in their allocated groups to create a
presentation on the ‘Physiological adaptations in response to training’. Students then spend
the remaining time of the lesson creating the presentations to present in an oral presentation
in the following lesson. According to Matthew (2012), a reflective classroom allows students
to reflect on what they have learnt into written and oral form to evaluate their findings, which
can also be described as metacognition. According to Mitchell (2015), metacognition has
been identified as one of the key components for 21st century learning. Metacognition allows
students to understand how they think and allows students to learn independently by
developing metacognitive skills to prepare students for future learning in life.

As the task requires students to be reflexive, this means that group task also promotes student
regulation which is a key feature in the Quality Learning Environment Element of the Quality
Teaching Framework model.

In the final lesson, each allocated group is required to present their presentations through
Google Slides. Google Slides is a presentation editor in which the students can access
through their Google accounts that they created in the first of the three sequenced lessons. As
Google slides is linked to the students Google accounts, this means the students can access
their presentations on various devices such as laptops, computers, iPads and even mobile
phones without having to worry about using a flash drive (Google, 2017). According to
Voogt and Roblin (2010), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), such as
Google Slides is at the core of 21st Century skills. The rapid development of ICT requires
students today to develop new skills related to using ICT in schools today.

After each group, has presented their Google Slides presentation, students are required to
give peer feedback using a common structured approach. The common structured approach
requires students to use one positive comment with the words “I liked” and one constructive
criticism words such as “I wonder” for the groups future recommendations. Hattie (2007)
argues that Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on student learning and
achievement. Hattie’s (2007) research, representing millions of students, on the various
influences on student’s achievement showed the highest effect sizes involved students
receiving information feedback about a task and how to do it more effectively. Through the
use of peer feedback, students are demonstrating substantive communication to each other
which is a significant feature of the Intellectual Quality element in the Quality Teaching
Framework model.

"Google Slides - Create And Edit Presentations Online, For Free.". N.p.,
2017. Web. 20 Mar. 2017.

Hattie J & Timperley H. The Power of Feedback. Review of Educational Research, 2007

Law, N. "Practice Characteristics That Lead To 21St Century Learning Outcomes". Journal
of Computer Assisted Learning 18.4 (2002): 415-426. Web.

Mallette, Marla, and Diane Barone. "On Using Google Forms". The Reading Teacher 66.8
(2013): 625-630. Web

Marilyn Mitchell. Metacognition: Nurturing Self-Awareness in the Classroom. Utopia, Brain

Based Learning. April 7, 2015

Matters, G. 2006. Using Data to Support Learning in Schools.Students, Teachers,

Systems.Australian Council for Educational Research

Mathew, Nalliveettil George. "Reflective Classroom Practice For Effective Classroom

Instruction". International Education Studies 5.3 (2012): n. pag. Web.

V. Darleen Opfer. "Learning 21St-Century Skills Requires 21St-Century Teaching". Phi

Delta Kappan 94.2 (2012): 8-13. Web.

Veach, Laura J., and Samuel T. Gladding. "Using Creative Group Techniques In High
Schools". The Journal for Specialists in Group Work 32.1 (2006): 71-81. Web.

Voogt, J., & Roblin, N. P. (2010). 21st Century Skills, Discussion Paper. Netherlands: Universiteit

Zhao, Y. (2012). World class learners. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin

Appendices A: Scope and Sequence

Course Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

Preliminary Topic: Topic: Topic: Students start

the HSC course
8.1 Better Health for First Aid 8.2 Body in Motion in Topic:
Individuals (30% course
P6 (30% course time) Sports
P12 Medicine

P15 Syllabus outcomes: (20% course

P16 P7

Syllabus outcomes: P8
Duration: P9 outcomes:

4 weeks P10 H8

P2 P11 H13

Topic: Fitness P16 H16

P4 P17 H17
(20% course time)
P5 this term.
Duration in
P6 weeks and
Duration in weeks hours: 10
Fitness Choices: and hours: weeks

P6 8 weeks

Duration in weeks and
hours: P15


8 weeks P17

Duration in weeks
and hours:
8.3 First Aid

(20 % course time) 6 weeks

2 weeks

Course Term 4 (year 11) Term 1 Term 2 Term 3

HSC Topic: Topic: Topic: Revision

Factors Affecting Improving Health Priorities in

Performance Performance Australia

(30% course time) (20% course time) (30% course time)

Syllabus outcomes: Syllabus outcomes:

Syllabus outcomes: H1

H7 H7 H2

H8 H8 H3

H9 H9 H4

H10 H10 H5

H11 H16 H14

H16 H17 H15

H17 H16

Duration in weeks and Duration in weeks Duration in weeks

hours: 10 and hours: 10 and hours: 10
Appendices B: Concept Map

Factors Affecting

How can nutritiion

How does the
How does training What can psychology and recovery
acquisition of skill
affect performance? affect performance? strategies affect
affect performance?

Nutritional Stages of skill

Energy systems Motivation
considerations acquisition

types of training and Characteristics of the

Anxiety and arousal Supplementation
training methods learner

strategies to enchance The learning
Principles of training Recovery strategies
motivation and environment
manage anxiety

Assessment of skill
adaptations in
and performance
response to training
Appendices C: HSC assessment schedule

Assessment Total % My Marks My Rank

Research Report 30%

Prac Exam 20%

Theory Exam 20%

Video analysis/ fitness 30%


Course Structure

Core 1 Unit 1: Health Priorities in Australia- This compulsory module examines the
health status of Australians and investigates, in depth, the current health priority
issues in Australia. Students identify and justify the choice of priority issues and
examine the roles that the health system and health promotion play in achieving
better health for all Australians.

Core 2 Unit 2: Factors Affecting Performance - This compulsory module examines the
factors that affect performance. In this module, students explore the physical and
psychological bases of performance. They experience and critically analyse
approaches to training and skill development and investigate the contributions of
psychology, nutrition and recovery strategies to performance

Option 1 Unit 3: Sports Medicine - This option module is concerned with the specific issues
of prevention, assessment, management of and recovery from sports injury. In this
module, students examine how the extent and intensity of sports participation
relates to the incidence of sports injuries. They explore the range of technical and
scientific approaches for maintaining the wellbeing of athletes.

Option 2 Unit 4: Improving Performance- In this module, students investigate approaches

to the physiological preparation and skill development of athletes. Students will
experience and analyse a variety of training methods and look at the application of
these methods to improving performance. The effects of planning on performance
and ethical considerations relating to improving athletes’ performance are also
Appendices D: Unit Outline


Subject: Course: Weeks:

PDHPE Factors Affecting Performance 8

Key Concepts/ Big Ideas The importance of this learning

 How does training affect performance? This compulsory module examines the
 How can psychology affect performance? factors that affect performance. In this
 How can nutrition and recovery strategies module, students explore the physical
affect performance? and psychological bases of
 How does the acquisition of skill affect performance. They experience and
performance critically analyse approaches to training
and skill development and investigate
the contributions of psychology,
nutrition and recovery strategies to

Unit context within Scope and Sequence Syllabus Outcomes

H7 explains the relationship between

physiology and movement
One of two core units which is taught at the end potential
of the course to sustain student interest and H8 explains how a variety of training
engagement in PDHPE approaches and other
interventions enhance
performance and safety in
physical activity
H9 explains how movement skill is
acquired and appraised
H10 designs and implements training
plans to improve performance
H11 designs psychological strategies
and nutritional plans in response
to individual performance needs
H16 devises methods of gathering,
interpreting and communicating
information about health and
physical activity concepts
H17 selects appropriate options
and formulates strategies
based on a critical analysis of
the factors that affect
performance and safe

Literacy Numeracy Focus ICT Focus

Focus Differentiation

Provide Students identify the number of Opportunity Scaffolding

students with repetitions and types of training for students
opportunities needed for athletes in designing to engage Mixed ability group
to demonstrate fitness programs based on the with ICT work
their principles of training and programs Collaborative Learning
understanding calculations for physiological such as the
of Improving adaptations to training. Google Cooperative Learning
Performance Forms and
through new Government
terms and certified
definitions websites
used in the

Week/ Syllabus Content Teaching and Learning Resources

Sequence Strategies including
assessment for learning.

energy systems Stage 6 PDHPE syllabus

 alactacid system
(ATP/PC) - -Introduction: hand out
 lactic acid syllabus document and
system Glossary of Terms list
 aerobic system /watch?v=LtO-DzWj0fc

- Mind map the energy Textbook

1 systems and what sports
they relate to
- Get students to create
diagrams of the Whiteboard
ATP//PC system
- Show students video on
the ATP/PC system
- Recap on last lesson and
the ATP/PC system
- Mind map an class Textbook
discussion on differences
of lactic acid and aerobic
1 - Create a table on the Whiteboard
- Show video on the two
different systems on
- Class discussion on what
sports these systems are
used in

- Prepare a flow chart

representing the chain
of events in the
production and use of
aerobic and anaerobic
energy. Have students
explain their diagrams
to other students.

types of training - Show class the video on Whiteboard

and training types of training
methods methods
 aerobic, eg - Mind map types of
continuous, training and training Textbook
Fartlek, aerobic
2 interval, circuit
- Kahoot class quiz on
 anaerobic, eg
anaerobic types of training and
interval training methods
 flexibility, eg - Create a table on the
static, ballistic, areas where students
PNF, dynamic know and need to know
 strength training, from quiz results
eg free/fixed - Explicitly teach and
weights, elastic, recap areas in the quiz
hydraulic where students did not
do well

principles of Get students to go onto Whiteboard

training and
2  progressive create a google account
overload if do not already have an
 specificity account Teacher made activity sheets
 reversibility Once students have created
 variety
their accounts, get students
 training
thresholds to go to Google Forms on Textbooks
 warm up and
cool down forms/u/0/ and prepare for the
Pre-test on Principles of forms/u/0/

Google Forms Pre-Test
Mind map on principles of /watch?v=-Mb9-At2Ss0

Video on group work skills

Class discussion/ mind map on

group work skills

physiological Using the data from the Pre-Test Whiteboard

adaptations in in the previous lesson, explicitly
response to training teach the areas where students Google forms data from the
 resting heart rate went well, and where they did pre- test
 stroke volume not perform well, using a table
and cardiac with the headings ‘Know’ and Google slides
3 output
‘Need to Know’
 oxygen uptake textbooks
and lung
capacity Brain storm/ Mind map the
 haemoglobin areas under the ‘Need to Know’
level column and discuss the content
 muscle through a class discussion.
 effect on
fast/slow twitch Allocate groups based on Pre-
muscle fibres test Data

In groups work on Google

Slides Presentations

3 physiological - Students present their White board

adaptations in Google Slides
response to training presentations
 resting heart rate
 stroke volume Computer
and cardiac
output - Peer feedback
 oxygen uptake
and lung - Assess each group Video projector
capacity presentation
 haemoglobin
 muscle Hand Out Assessment task and
go through the marking criteria
 effect on
fast/slow twitch with the class
muscle fibres

4 Whiteboard

motivation - Class discussion “what Textbook

 positive and motivates you”
negative - Brain storm different Computer
 intrinsic and types of motivation
extrinsic - In groups students Laptops
research different types
anxiety and arousal
of motivation and
 trait and state
motivation techniques
 sources of stress - Class debate: stress is
 optimum arousal healthy, what causes
- Brain storm and make
notes anxiety and
- Draw diagram of
optimum arousal on the
whiteboard for students
to write down

4 Physiological strategies - Mind map Physiological Computer

to enhance motivation strategies to enhance
and manage anxiety motivation and manage Teacher made work sheets
anxiety (seen in appendices E)
-Concentration and - Complete teacher made
attention skills w/s using textbooks Whiteboard
- Go through relaxation
(focusing) Textbooks
techniques in class such
- Mental rehearsal/ as breathing and quiet
visualisation/imagery tch?v=54qz5lcJPcM
- relaxation techniques - How video on goal
setting techniques used
- goal setting by athletes on:

5 nutritional - Mind Map: Types of Whiteboard

considerations food and energy sources
 pre-performance, - Activity: Computer/ Laptop
including (Access the ais link for sports
supplement program. Design a diet
loading tion/
 during suitable for a 70-kilogram athlete
performance aiming to carbohydrate load.
 post-

 vitamins/minerals
 protein - Class Discussion: What
 caffeine are supplements?
 creatine products Provide examples
- Make notes on
supplementation and
when they are used
- Class debate: Are
supplements beneficial?
6 recovery strategies - Brainstorm recovery White board
 physiological strategies and when to
strategies, eg use them Textbooks
cool down, - Activity: In groups
hydration research, different Laptops
 neural recovery strategies used
strategies, eg
in sport by elite athletes
hydrotherapy, watch ?v=QZyOMqD73Pw
massage Watch video on recovery
 tissue damage strategies and make notes
strategies, eg
psychological ?v=QZyOMqD73Pw
strategies, eg

7 stages of skill - Class discussion: What Assessments

acquisition is it like to learn a new
 cognitive skill? Whiteboard
 associative Show video of the stages of skill
 autonomous acquisition: Textbooks
characteristics of tch?v=748zkBAYf4Q
the learner, eg ?v=748zkBAYf4Q
heredity, - Create a table describing
confidence, prior the characteristics of
experience, ability each stage of skill
- List and describe the
stages of skill
- List and describes the
characteristics of the

8 the learning - Using the textbooks Whiteboard

environment mind map the learning
nature of the skill environment Textbooks
(open, closed, - In detail list and describe
gross fine, discrete, serial, Laptops
continuous, self-paced
 fine, discrete, and externally paced Computer
serial, environments in sport
continuous, self- - Show video on practice
paced, externally methods
 the performance - Class Discussion: Why
elements is feedback important for
(decision- performance
making, strategic - List and describe the
and tactical different types of
feedback (internal,
 practice method
external, concurrent,
distributed, delayed, knowledge of
whole, part) results and knowledge of
 feedback performance)
(internal, - Handout marked
external, Assessment tasks and go
concurrent, through the marking
delayed, criteria with the class
knowledge of
knowledge of

8 assessment of skill - Class Discussion: How Whiteboard

and performance do we measure skill?
 characteristics of - List and Describe Textbooks
skilled different assessments of
performers, eg skill and performance Computer
- In groups research, how
sense, Laptops
anticipation, coaches or sporting
consistency, teams can assess
technique performance
 objective and - Present group research
subjective tasks
performance - Recap on assessments of
measures skill and performance
 validity and
reliability of tests
 personal versus
judging criteria

Assessment Details Outcomes

Weighing: 30% H7 explains the relationship between physiology and

Due: Week 8 movement potential
H8 explains how a variety of training approaches and
Athletes Training Program other interventions enhance performance and safety
in physical activity
H9 explains how movement skill is acquired and
H10 designs and implements training plans to improve
H11 designs psychological strategies and nutritional
plans in response to individual performance needs
H16 devises methods of gathering, interpreting and
communicating information about health and
physical activity concepts
H17 selects appropriate options and formulates strategies
based on a critical analysis of the factors that affect
performance and safe participation.

Evaluation of the Learning and Indicators of Learning


Formative assessment: Students Students learn to:

are formally assessed in learning
through their Google Slides  identify the location of the major muscles involved in
movement and related joint actions
presentations and Google Forms

Informative assessment: Class  identify the location and type of major bones involved in
discussions and mind maps are movement, eg long bones articulate at hinge joints for
used throughout the unit to assess flexion and extension
students learning and
 analyse the relationship between physical fitness and
Peer Feedback: Students provide movement efficiency. Students should consider the question
‘to what degree is fitness a predictor of performance?’
peer feedback in a common
structured approach during Google
Slides presentations  analyse movements, eg overarm throw, by examining: bones
involved and the joint action and muscles involved and the
Teacher Feedback: Teacher type of contraction
feedback is used throughout the
unit and after Google Pre test and
Slides presentations.
Appendices E: Week 4 Lesson Worksheet

Psychological Strategies to Enhance Motivation

and Manage Anxiety

1) Choose the most appropriate form of motivation for the following sports for a
beginner and intermediate athlete:
a) archery
b) wrestling
c) 100-metre sprinting
d) cricket batting

a) _______________
b) _______________
c) _______________
d) _______________

2) Identify some occasions where stress is seen in a football game.


3) Outline the effect complexity of task has on the inverted u-theory of arousal.

4) identify three examples of trait and state anxiety.


5) Identify the various types of relaxation techniques available.


6) Research an athlete undergoing mental rehearsal and the methods they use and why.

7) Describe how goal setting helps improve an athletic performance?


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