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Publisher In-Class Group Exercise EDT 180D

Jessica Hogan, Marley Caliendo, & Samantha Cox

February 28th 2018

Work Cited
A staple of Arizona agricul-
[Cactus in sunset background picture].
ture is the wide array of Jason Bache. Retrieved 2/28/18 from

Cacti in
cacti. According to the
American Southwest
[Tall Arizona Cacti]. Re-

Webpage there are a total

of 63 cacti that grow in Ari-

trieved 2/28/18 from
[Information about Cacti in Arizona]
Crossley, J. (n.d.). The American South-
zona. This brochure will go west. Retrieved February 28, 2018, from
over 3 of the most recog-
[Saguaro Image]. Ibed.
[Prickly Pear Image]. Ibed.
nizable cacti of Arizona. [Barbary Fig Image]. Ibed.

EDT 180D
Arizona State University
very large. The pads of the cactus
Barbary Fig
somewhat resemble a teardrop
The Barbary Fig is found across shape making this cactus very
most of the south USA from Cali- visual appealing. Next time you
fornia to Florida. The scientific come across the Prickly Pear feel
Three name for it is Opuntia ficus- free to take some time to appreci-

Recognizable indica. It is a fast growing and

becomes tree-like. The flowers
ate its unique features.

Arizona Cacti that blossom off of them are a

light orange or reddish and
bloom in spring and early sum-
The Saguaro mer. They are also completely
Not only is the saguaro cactus an
Arizona staple of agriculture, it is
one of the most recognizable cacti The Prickly Pear
in the entire Southwest. The scien- Saguaro
tific name of the Saguaro is Car- The Prickly Pear Cactus, scientifi-

negia Gigantica. It is in fact, a giant cally known as the Opuntia

cactus., growing up to 30 feet in Gosseliniana, is also found in Ari-

some habitats, larger in others. The zona. It can be easily identified
limbs are long and branch out from by sometimes purple coloring
the stem and the center is thick. and sharp pointy spikes. Wheth-
When the flowers bloom in the late er it is green or purple is depend-
ing on the environmental condi- Barbary Fig
spring they are white, beautiful,
large with yellow centers that en- tions where it is found. The cac-

tice dessert insects. tus is generally small but do not

be fooled because its spikes are

Prickly Pear

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