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Offshore Wind Turbine Proposal 2016

Dear Virginia Beach City Council,

The foundation of Slifer's Sunshine would like to propose a new take on energy for the
beach communities of Virginia Beach. We are proposing to build a series of offshore wind
turbines approximately 25 miles off the coast of the main oceanfront area. At a time when
many of your residents are beginning a transition to more sustainable forms of energy
production, these would announce to the nation that Virginia Beach is taking the initiative to
provide its occupants with cheap, 100% green energy. This would be a joint venture with
various philanthropic partners and grants from the federal government. Our intention is to
further cut CO2 emissions in your area by 25% and to promote Virginia Beach as a national
leader in renewable energy. Slifer's Sunshine has been instrumental in providing alternative
energy solutions across the state for over 10 years. We specialize in everything from solar
panels to self-sustaining metropolitan farms. The Offshore Wind Turbine Farm would be our
largest project to date and the culmination of decades of work.

The plan we have in place is two pronged plan and focuses on garnering support from
the oceanfront and North End residents, and gaining federal grants. Below is a chart describing
the basic outline of our plan.

• Propose Offshore Wind Turbine Farm to Virginia Beach City Council

Proposal • Propose Federal Funding to Energy Commission

• Gain Funding from Local Environmental Philanthropists

Funding • Gain Initial Federal Grants

• Hold Town Hall Meetings to Gain Local Support

Promotion • Begin Promoting Turbines as a Tourist Attraction

We have already started to promote with the connections we currently have within
local, environmentally conscious, circles within the Hampton Roads area. The response from
frequent collaborators such as: The Brock Environmental Foundation, Rick Sanchez, Morty
Smith, Kaufman and Canoles, and Aaron Ramsey, has been overwhelmingly positive. Their
funding and support, combined with the influx of Federal grants should provide the capital
needed to build the Offshore Wind Turbine Farm. By holding Town Hall meetings with local
residents we would be able to address any concerns over the project. We believe that by
Offshore Wind Turbine Proposal 2016
promoting this as both a boon to the local tourist economy and a way to lower their energy
costs, the residents would willingly lend their support. These meetings would address concerns
regarding ascetics, costs, jobs, and overall benefits of the project. Using a separate set of funds
set aside specifically for advertising, we would begin to promote the project on a national scale.
This type of "media hype" can be done cheaply through social media outlets.

Slifer's Sunshine is an independent non-profit organization that relies on regular

contributions from influential benefactors. Our budget would be broken up into two distinct
categories: funding for the actual Offshore Wind Turbine Farm and funding for our advertising.
The entirety of these funds will be allocated from Slifer's Sunshine's personal accounts. This will
help promote this project as entirely funded from private benefactors and at no cost to the city.
Below is our basic timeline for the project.

December 2016-February 2017

Hold Hearings with Federal Energy Comission to Gain
Solidify Funding from Core Group of Investors
Grants and Additional Funding

March 2017-June 2017

Garnering Support From Locals and Putting Forth A Ensuring the Support of Local Businesses on the
Vote If Necessary Oceanfront

July 2017-January2018
Projected Timeline for Construction of the Grid and the Residents Should be Completly Off Natural Gases and
Turbines Other CO2 Emitting Forms of Energy by March 2018

The project has an initial estimated cost of $5.5 million. Slifer's Sunshine will be
responsible for generating the funds needed to build the turbines and underwater connections.
We would need from the Virginia Beach City Council the ability to connect directly to its power
grid in order to provide the affected area with the energy generated from the Offshore Wind
Turbine Farm. While our organization will be a driving force behind the promotion of the
project, any support from the Council would be beneficial to ensure its success. Our
organization has already worked with a number of contractors in this area doing similar
projects of a smaller scale. They are ready to take the next step to ensure this projects success.
Offshore Wind Turbine Proposal 2016
After years of preparing for the Offshore Wind Turbine Farm, we at Slifer's Sunshine are
finally prepared to take the next step. With the Council's approval we would immediately begin
our projected timeline to ensure our completion time. The aim of this project is to put Virginia
Beach on the map as a premier destination for clean and renewable energy. This will help
bolster tourism, already a major contributor to the city's economy, and help provide thousands
of homes with cheaper electricity and hot water. We formally request your approval of our
proposal and look forward to hearing back from you. Thank you for your time.


David Slifer

Slifer's Sunshine

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