Manasco Syllabus Assignment

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Syllabus Assignment

Submitted to Professor W. Lee Pierce

in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for
EDH 705: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Danielle K. Manasco

April 25, 2018


Manasco University
Online Teacher Certification Program
Module 7: Teaching Mathematics
Module Syllabus

Instructor: Danielle Manasco, M.Ed

E- Mail:
Phone: 601-319-6442
Office Hours: MWF 9-11 & 3-5

Module Description: This course is intended to offer teaching methods to future educators. It is
a study of current research and methodology for teaching mathematics in elementary and middle
school. Emphasis is placed on incorporating current NCTM standards in the classroom.

Required Text:

Van De Walle, J.A., Karp, K.S., & Bay-Williams, J.M. (2013). Elementary and middle
school mathematics: Teaching developmentally (9th Ed.) Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson.

Topics covered in the text & course:

Teaching Mathematics in the 21st Century

Exploring What It Means to Know and Do Mathematics

Planning in the Problem-Based Classroom

Creating Assessments for Learning

Teaching Mathematics Equitably to All Children

Using Technological Tools to Teach Mathematics

Learning Outcomes/Objectives (Students will develop the following)

The purpose of this course is to help preservice teachers discover how elementary children think
about and learn mathematics. The overall objective of teaching mathematics should be to help
each child to understand mathematical concepts, enabling them to become mathematically

Throughout this course, students will learn and discuss how to teach children to reason
mathematically, solve problems employing a variety of strategies, and to communicate
mathematically. Each teacher candidate will meet the following teaching outcomes established
by Manasco University, School of Education Goals and National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics (NCTM).


• Apply learning theory and research to mathematics instruction through field-experience
in an elementary or middle school
• Plan for mathematics instruction for meeting special needs of students and deliver this
instruction to children using manipulatives, technology, and other resources.
• Identify alternative resources and strategies for integrating mathematics across the
disciplines, reaching specific learning outcomes, modifying instruction appropriately
• Evaluate a learner’s progress toward mastery of proposed learning outcomes

Course material is 100% online with weekly discussion boards and three field teaching

Students are expected to participate in class via online assignments. Only one (1) absence is
allowed without affecting a student’s grade. Failure to submit a weekly assignment on the due
date(s) will be counted as an absence. Two or more absences may result in failure of the class.

Late/Makeup Work:
All assignments must be completed by the end of the four week module including field

Statement on Academic Integrity:

Manasco University seeks to create an environment that encourages continued growth of

moral and ethical values, which include personal honesty and mutual trust. The University places
the highest value on academic integrity and regards any act of academic dishonesty as a serious
offense. Academic dishonesty is considered unethical and in violation of Manasco University’s
academic standards. If such an incident occurs, students, faculty, and/or staff are obligated to
initiate appropriate action.

ADA Statement:

Students with disabilities who are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and
require special accommodations should contact Ian Gandy at 601-333-3333. Ian Gandy is
located in the Administration Building Room 231.

Course Assignments & Grading Scale:


Requirement(s) Weight Assignment Details
Chapter Reflections 115 pts. Includes all 3 ,2,1 formatted information
(5pts. Per learned from chapters. One page double-
chapter) spaced for each chapter. (23 chapters)
must include a) list three ideas from the
chapter that were meaningful to you; b)
describe how you would use two chapter
ideas in your future classroom; and c)
include one question/concern that you
have about some point in the chapter.
Field Experiences with 100 pt. per Create two power points for mini lessons
Presentation and Documentation Lesson that you will use for teaching two different
math lessons as part your field work
experiences. You will also upload these to
your discussion board. Presentations
should be interactive & include other
forms of technology. Please submit
Student/Mentor Field Experience
Reflection Form.

Tutorial Hours documented Teacher candidates will tutor a

50 pts. (10 child/children who is/are struggling in
points mathematics for five hours and reflect on
each per each tutoring session. Each reflection will
hr.) be at least one page in length (double
spaced). Information is detailed and
explains the student’s experience during
the time of tutoring services. Strengths
and weakness are mentioned regarding the
student being tutored and what you did to
provide skills to help the student in math.
Discussion/ exploration 40 points We will have weekly discussion board
assignment assignments. You must complete the
assignment and comment on two of your
classmate’s assignments.


Integrated Lesson Plan with 100 points Create one integrated (with a trade
Video book), detailed lesson plan by using
information you learned during this
course. This lesson plan will include
math, reading, and one other subject.
Submit integrated lesson plan with 5
minute compressed video of actual lesson
in field being taught.. Students will design
mathematics pre-assessment and post-
assessment. This will be used to analyze
growth to determine the success of your

Weighted average will be rounded to one decimal place, and be used to determine course grade
based on the following scale:
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89.9%
C = 70-79.9%
D = 60 - 69.9%
F= 50 - 59.9%

Class Assignments Schedule

Week One Chapters 1-6 Reflections

Discussion 1
Week Two Chapter 7-12 Reflections
Powerpoint & Field Experience 1
Discussion 2
Week Chapter 13-18 Reflections
Three Powerpoint & Field Experience 2
Discussion 3
Week Four Chapter 19-23 Reflections
5 Tutoring Hours Due
Integrated Lesson Plan with Video
Discussion 4


Manasco University
Student/Mentor Field Experience Reflection Form
Student: _________________
Mentor __________________
Date: ___________________
Topic of Lesson: ______________________________

Mentor teacher: Completes parts A and B each Thursday and emails an attachment of this
form to the student teacher by Friday afternoon.
Student teacher: Completes part C and D and e-mails an attachment of this document to
the mentor teacher, and university supervisor by Sunday at 6pm.

Mentor Teacher Observations

A. Strengths of the Student Teacher

B. Areas of needed growth of the Student Teacher

Student Teacher Reflections

C. Reflect on your strengths. What will you do to build on your strengths as identified
by your mentor teacher? (4-6 sentences)

D. Reflect on your areas of needed growth. What improvements will you make in the
areas of necessary growth as identified by your mentor teacher? (4-6 sentences)


Chapter Reflection Rubric – overall 50 points for all sessions (5 sessions) – These may be one hour lessons for
each tutorial. This assignment will be submitted as one document 5 short one-page double spaced.
Reflection Rubric 5 4 3 2 1
Depth of Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated a Demonstrated a Demonstrated little or no
Reflection a conscious a thoughtful basic understanding limited understanding of the understanding of
and understanding of the of the content reflected. the content reflected.
thorough understanding content reflected. content reflected. This reflection needs revision. This reflection needs
of the content reflected. Used 3,2,1 format and Used 3,2,1 format Did not use all of the 3,2,1 revision. Only one or no
Used 3,2,1 format and utilized most correct and utilized some format. 5-6 errors in sentence format numeral utilized.
utilized correct sentence structure 1-2 correct sentence structure. Shows a weak Excessive errors in sentence
sentence structure and errors . References are structure (3-4 understanding of reference structure. Not written on
punctuation. mostly indicated in errors). Some documentation in APA style. graduate level format.
References include APA style format. references are References are not used in
APA format. Well indicated in APA reflection.
written on graduate format.
level work.

Math Tutoring Rubric – overall 50 points for all sessions (5 sessions) – These may be one hour lessons for each
tutorial. This assignment will be submitted as one document 5 short one-page reflections. Double-space your work.
Category 10 (Very Poor) 20 (Below 30 (Average) 40 (Good) 50(Excellent)
Content and Content is confusing Content is The content is Majority of the All content
Accuracy and does not contain typically generally accurate content is throughout the
an accurate reflection confusing, and and mostly current, accurate and sessions relates
of tutoring session. student does but lack current but there to skills to help
Student showed not contain information is one piece of student
limited to no real valuable needed to information that improvement.
understanding of information of observe that may be There are no
student weaknesses sessions. student had an inaccurate. factual errors.
nor strengths. No Activities were understanding of Student appears Student appears
skills were mentioned not based the tutorial to have a good to have a firm
being taught to around process understanding of understanding of
student. No activities weaknesses including activities utilized activities to
mentioned in tutorial and strengths selecting to help student utilize to meet
sessions. Student did of student. activities needed progress and student’s needs
not edit work and had Students work to meet student’s uses activities to to promote
excessive errors. included needs. Student’s engage learning. grown in math
Student did not share several errors. work showed Students work skills. Student
accurate information many errors. showed only a used creative ,
regarding tutorial few errors. and
assignment manipulative
ideas to student
Student edited
work and writing
was related to
graduate work.


Lesson Powerpoint with Reflection

Category 20 (Very Poor) 40 (Below 60 (Average) 80 (Good) 100 (Excellent)

Content and Content is confusing Content is The content is Majority of the All content
Accuracy and does not contain typically generally accurate content is throughout the
an accurate reflection confusing, and mostly current, accurate and presentation is
of material. Student containing but one piece of current but there accurate and
showed limited to no many factual information is is one piece of current. There
real understanding of errors. clearly flawed or information that are no factual
topic. inaccurate. may be errors. Student
inaccurate. appears to have
Student appears a firm
to have a good understanding of
understanding. topic.
Sequence of There was no The Some Most Information is
Information organization. Very presentation information is information is organized in a
poor presentation. was not logically organized in a clear, logical
organized sequenced. An clear logical way. It is easy to
well. There is occasional slide way. One slide anticipate the
no clear plan or item of or item of type of material
for the information information that might be on
organization of seems out of seems out of the next slide.
information. place. place. (10 slides)
Layout, The layout is The layout Layout shows Layout is Layout is
cluttered, confusing, appears some structure visually pleasing visually pleasing
and does not use cluttered and but appears and contributes and contributes
spacing, headings, busy, cluttered with to the message to the overall
and subheadings to distracting some headings, with majority of message with
enhance the with large gaps subheadings, and headings, appropriate use
readability. of white space. white space subheadings, and of headings,
Background is appropriately white space subheadings, and
distracting to used. appropriately white space.
the eye. used.
Mechanics Excessive errors in Many errors in No more than 4 No more than 2 No errors in
grammar, spelling, grammar, errors in errors in grammar,
punctuation, or spelling, grammar, grammar, spelling,
usage. punctuation, or spelling, spelling, punctuation, or
usage. punctuation, punctuation, usage.
or usage or usage.
Resources & No resources or Reflection or Resources & Resources & Resources &
Reflection reflection submitted. Resources is Reflection are Reflection are Reflection are
Form missing from attached but are attached and attached are
submission incomplete or complete but not complete and are
inappropriate for appropriate for appropriate for
topic topic topic



Name: Date: /100

Standards 10-College and Career Readiness Standards are used & target specific topics assigned & are
(10 points) written correctly.
ACEI 1, 2.3, 8 College and Career Readiness Standards are used & mostly relate to topic
4- College and Career Readiness Standards are used but do not relate to topic
1- College and Career Readiness Standards are not written correctly or are missing
Specific Learning 10-Objectives are listed & written using Bloom’s Taxonomy terms, clearly relate to CCRS.
Outcomes Reading and math and one other subject are integrated.
Bloom’s Taxonomy (10 8-Objectives are listed & are mostly written Bloom’s Taxonomy terms, relate to CCRS.
pts.) ACEI 1, 2.3 Reading and Math subjects are integrated.
4-Objectives are sketchy, some using Bloom’s Taxonomy terms, may relate to CCRS. Only
Math is used in the lesson plan.
1-Objectives are not written using Bloom’s Taxonomy terms and/or do not relate to standards
Procedure 25-Clearly listed & clearly relate to objectives. Clear evidence of introduction, development &
(25 points) conclusion; easy to follow. Quality questions and discussion visible during lesson. Both teacher
ACEI 1, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, centered & student centered. Technology clearly evident daily. Literature is present and
3.3, 3.4, 3.5 appropriate for the lesson.
20-Somewhat clear & with a few exceptions relate to objectives. Somewhat easy to follow.
Questions and discussions visible during lesson. (Needs more teaching). Some technology
evident. Literature is present but not necessarily appropriate for the lesson.
10-Not easy to follow, few relate to objectives, activities do provide learning opportunities but
are too sketchy with few questions and discussion visible during lesson (not enough teaching to
cover the objectives) Limited technology evident present but not utilized. Literature is present
but does not meet the objectives.
1-Activities listed but they are hard to follow & do not relate well to objectives. No questions
and discussions visible during lesson. No technology. Literature is present but has no value to
the lesson.
Guided/Independent 15- Guided and independent practice clearly evident. Copies of activities included.
Practice 10- Some guided and independent practice is evident. Copies of activities included.
(15 points) 5- One practice is evident. Copies of activities included.
ACEI 1, 3.1, 1-One practice is evident. No activities included.
Materials 2- Materials List present
(10 points) 0-Materials List incomplete or missing
Assessment 10-Assessment procedures are listed and are appropriate to the objectives. Documentation is
(A documented used & referred to in the plan.
evaluation is required) 8-Assessment procedures are listed, & are somewhat appropriate to the objectives. Uses
(10 points) observation only.
4-Assessment procedures are listed but do not match objectives.
1-No assessment procedures are listed.
Differentiated 10-Differentiated instruction activities listed which clearly relates to at least one objective.
Instruction: Specific activity is listed for all levels of the class. Enrichment is not to include helping other
Enrichment students.
8 – Differentiated instruction activities listed which relate to one objective. Most activities are
Accommodations: listed for all levels of the class. Enrichment is not to include helping other students.
Multiple Intelligences 4-Differentiated instruction activity is only one activity and is planned for all students.
1- Differentiated instruction activities are listed, but are response activities not appropriate for
Remediation/Reteach reinforcement.
(10 points) 0-No activity is listed.

Writing 10-Exemplary college level, proper grammar, and spelling. Excellent use of APA style citations.
(10 points) 8-A few writing, sentence structures, spelling errors. APA style present with few errors.
4- Excessive writing, sentence structures, spelling errors. APA style present with many errors.
1-errors in grammar, poor sentence structure, many spelling errors. APA style citations missing.


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