Family Outreach Written Project

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Running head: FAMILY OUTREACH 1

Family Outreach Written Project

Shondel Price

Nayely Ramirez

Cecilia Rodriguez

Karen Rodriguez

Javier Zuloaga

LBS 330

California State University, Dominguez Hills

March 20, 2018


Family Outreach Written Project

Section 1: Overview of School & Community

The school we are assigned to work with is Mujeres y Hombres Nobles CCS, formerly

known as East Los Angeles Aec. in Monterey Park which is located at 1260 Monterey Pass Rd.

Monterey Park, CA 91754. The city of Monterey Park is ​centrally located in the San Gabriel

Valley which is a short distance from East Los Angeles. The school serves 25 students of which

mostly are of a hispanic background, and a few are Asian students. The school is close to East

Los Angeles College and California State University, Los Angeles.

Monterey Park has a population of 61,085 with 0.2% annual growth rate. According to

Data USA (2018), the community is mostly made up of 61.1% Asians, 28.8% Latinos, 7.4%

White, 2.55 other and 0.1% Black. The top three languages that are spoken in Monterey Park are

Mandarin, Spanish, and Vietnamese. The top three employers in the community are East Los

Angeles College with 1,413 employees, Garfield Medical Center with 1,300 employees, and

Care1st Health Plan with 541 employees. The median household income is around $54,097 with

a 1.32% decline. The population of 18-24-year-olds is 5,687, and 6.9% have less than a high

school education.

The community of Monterey Park includes a variety of diverse cultures. In our

ethnography of this community, we found that they are celebrating the Lunar New Year, the

Cherry Blossom festival, Cinco de Mayo, and the Fourth of July within a couple months, these

events can be found in the city’s website. Monterey Park has been recognized as “The 3rd best

place to live in the USA” and “the 2nd best place to raise a family” by ​Time Magazine​ and

Money Magazine​. The school is located near Belvedere Park Lake, which has an amazing view

and friendly community members. Every Friday, there is a farmers market in this park, rain or

shine from 4 - 8 pm. In the same area of the park, East Los Angeles Library is also available.

Within this library, is a Chicano Resource Center, where people can learn about the Chicano

movement, history of Mexico, and so many other things.

We did notice that the students from Mujeres y Hombres Nobles CCS are mostly not

residents of the city of Monterey Park. Most of the students that attend Mujeres y Hombres CCS

live in the Los Angeles area, with the exception of three, who one of them commutes from as far

as Palmdale. Because the students come from different areas in Los Angeles, our activity will

focus on guiding them into higher education in community colleges within the Los Angeles

Community College District using East Los Angeles College as a main reference due to its

proximity to the our school site. We believe that because the students are familiar to the

Monterey Park community they would be encouraged to pursue higher education at the college

level in a school that is in the area.

Section 2: Theoretical Positioning – Bridging Community & Outreach Activity

Tenets of Culturally Responsive Familial Outreach

Our culturally responsive familial outreach has been derived from using multiple theories

learned through our class lectures and readings. Culturally responsive familial outreach involves

reaching out to families in ways that are effectively inclusive of them. Culturally responsive

outreach is built using an additive perspective and not a deficit perspective. An additive

perspective can be defined as embracing everything about someone or something. Being

culturally responsive also means not making any assumptions and remaining open-minded.

Accepting the differences in families and trying to find a way to use these qualities to their

benefit can help them succeed in a place where the culture differs from others. An example of

this is considering the languages that are used at home and providing outreach that is inclusive

for all of them. To plan culturally responsive familial outreach one must understand that some

families cultures value different things than what may be typical in our personal life. To respond

to those differences, one must find out what they are and work with them. This can be done by

using Urie Bronfenbrenner’s (1994) Ecological Systems Theory. His theory includes five social

subsystems that influence human development in different ways (Bronfenbrenner, 1994, p. 37).

Bronfenbrenner also explains that one must understand all the system’s in someone’s life to

understand their development (Bronfenbrenner, 1994) If teachers investigate their students’

entire ecological model, then they may become more aware of the many differences between

everyone. An example of what this systems model looks like starts with the microsystem which

explains direct interactions in someone’s life (Bronfenbrenner, 1994, p. 40). The following

system is the mesosystem which is made up of the interactions occurring between at least two

microsystems (Bronfenbrenner, 1994). The exosystem proceeds and is composed of the indirect

influences occurring in distant settings (Bronfenbrenner, 1994). Next comes the macrosystems

which consist of one’s culture, lifestyle, values, beliefs, and resources that are occurring within

the last three systems (Bronfenbrenner, 1994). The last system is the chronosystem which

involves the time one is living in and what is going on in that environment (Bronfenbrenner,

1994, p. 40). On the other hand, traditional parent outreach initiatives used in schools are often

treated with the goal to “improve” families by teaching them how to do something. The parents

are given information without their cultures and values are taken into consideration. Traditional

schools tend to assume that all families have parallel values and lifestyles. This is explained

distinctly by Guadalupe Valdes (1996) in her ethnography ​Con Respeto​. She provides examples

of the cultural differences in the 10 immigrant families and how its problematic when trying to

fuse cultures. An example she discussed was on Jose, a young boy part of the immigrant

families, was assumed to be behind in his class by his teacher because he did not know the

alphabet. However, Valdes explains that in Mexico it is not a priority to memorize the alphabet

(Valdes, 1996). Valdes (1996) displays the many issues existing in this traditional outreach. The

families in the ethnography often were forced to be treated in ways that were based on traditional


Our familial outreach was primarily planned through the use of Valdes’ ethnography

(1996) and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory (1994). Based on our research, we concluded

that our families might have a lot of common to the families in her ethnography. Some of these

similarities include the similar settings and backgrounds. This helped us to use Valdes’

ethnography as a resource when planning how to inform our familial outreach that revolves on

higher education. One particular example that influenced us was the young girl who told Valdes

she wanted to be a police officer but that career would be to difficult so instead she was planning

on a secretarial job (Valdes, 1996). When analyzing the ethnography we also incorporated

Bronfenbrenner’s Systems Theory (1994) to help us view the multiple influences in the 10

families’ lives. Thanks primarily to Guadalupe Valdes (1996), our group was able to plan a

culturally responsive familial outreach that is more open-ended, intentional and effective.

Bridging Community & Outreach Activity:

When choosing our outreach activity, we wanted to offer our school community

information on what could be next for them after the CCS. Our activity seeks to connect the

school community with what is beyond their community as far as options for higher learning

and/or certificate programs. We, as a group, came up with the activity to help in the realization

that college is a pathway and that there are resources available to make this an attainable goal.

Our school’s community, already has a number of resources that could help foster the idea,

“Why ​not​ College?”, “Why ​not ​a Cal State?”.​ We wanted to make it an engaging approach to

providing our students and families with information about their options. Our students and their

families will be guided through the process of signing up for college through the LACCD

webpage. We will be providing our parents with more details about their neighboring LACCD

colleges and about on-campus and community resources available for them. There will be an

introduction to our campus as well, CSUDH, to encourage the path to another level of higher

learning. Equally important, to help our families in making a connection not only to our school

community but to us as well, we will share our own personal stories about our educational


To ensure that our activity is culturally relevant, we have gathered materials to represent

the home language of the families attending our event. Firstly, the materials gathered will be

presented in the most commonly spoken languages which are Spanish and English. Secondly, we

have advocated on behalf of our students by requesting that our event be held within their

community, possibly on the school campus or the nearby Alma Family Services Center. Lastly,

we will be relying on multiple literacies, such as voice and video recording, drawing and writing

to help our families communicate with us according to the activities presented. Also in helping to

document the information, the group will be helping by reading the questions on post it posters

set up around the presentation room. To help in documenting the information being presented

and/or the questions being asked to the parents, we will be passing out post its to use as tally

marks to make it simple for parents to post their “concern post it” depending on the question

being asked at the time of the ‘gallery walk’. We will continually check in with the families to

make sure we are answering and/or directing them to the resources that will help in answering

their specific questions.


We have chosen the topic of higher learning and career pathways because we see it as a

way to help students as well as their families in planning for the next step. Based on the staff

working with the students and families, our school community will benefit from learning about

the pathways available after CCS education. We want to introduce the idea of students and

parents attaining higher education. We will identify nearby campuses and community resources

that are available for the students and their families. We would like to implement the idea that

higher learning is an attainable goal.


Beginning​. ​Starting with our Sign-In activity, we will record our event attendance. The sign in

sheet will be both in Spanish and English. As families are being greeted they are handed a name

tag and blank index card. Once the families are signed in, they will be directed to the seating area

and asked to sit wherever they choose. Once seated, parents will be able to work on their id index

cards with the materials provided within the tables. Also, the activity will help set a more

welcoming environment.

Middle.​ ​As we present our gallery wall, we will initiate conversations with the families present.

We will have the questions on our gallery wall that will also be translated in Spanish. Also, while

presenting our boards to the families we will be sharing about our educational trajectories to

make a connection. If there is room at the end of the event, we will offer the students and

families a chance to ask us questions to ask about how to connect to resources and also what

resources we used.

End. ​We will offer a panel of questions directed to us regarding any concerns or questions they

might have about ourselves and/or the presentation. As we prepare to close out our event, we will

ask families to create a voice or video recording of their hopes, dreams and/or goals for their

children or themselves. IF families do not want to record, we can offer the option of drawing or

writing a letter to their children or themselves. We will ask parents to share if they would like,

with the rest of the group. We will thank our families who attended and participated with us.


We gathered materials that were readily available such as pamphlets, schedules, flyers, etc.

These materials were related to the community services that we will be presenting to families at

our event. We constructed poster boards that represented the specific topics we wanted to present

to the families. The materials gathered are to be presented in the most commonly spoken

languages, which are Spanish and English. We will be presenting information resources from the

nearest campus of higher education, East Los Angeles College, and Cal State Dominguez Hills.

Additional materials will also include the resources found within these institutions of higher

learning and the families surrounding the community.


Our main outreach activity consists of setting up stations with distinct information relating to the

school community. The attendees will be separated into 5 different groups. Within these groups,

there will be brief information sessions. In each station, our attendees will learn about different

options available to the community and surrounding schools. We will inform our families about

what educational and career options are available beyond the CCS education. In each station

there will be a presentation of the following: a) What is LACCD? b) Financial Aid c) ELAC

resources d) CSUDH and e) ELAC Resources.

Multiple Literacies

The multiple literacy approach involves linguistics used in many diverse ways. These

different ways of learning linguistics can involve reading, drawing, verbal dialogue, acting out,

voice recording, and video messaging. This approach can enhance education effectively by

providing diversity in learning and teaching. The multiple literacy approach can be connected to

culturally responsive familial outreach because it provides a wide range of diverse methods

available to use in being responsive to cultural differences in families. A relevant example of

how multiliteracies are being used today is how many schools throughout the country have

eagerly embraced mobile technology and incorporated it into learning activities and parental

outreach. Through this method, schools are providing students and families with different ways

of using linguistics than the usual. With families, multiliteracies can improve communication

between this students’ mesosystem when educators inform outreach that is culturally responsive.

According to Stacy and Aguilar (2018), “Familial Outreach in schools can capitalize on Latinx

parents smart device use along with their home practice of oral storytelling in their home practice

of oral storytelling in their home languages to facilitate intergenerational technology and literacy

learning” (p. 4).

We incorporated multiple literacies into our project activity by planning an informational

and interactive gallery walk. In our gallery walk, there will be five different stations. Each station

uses multiliteracies in different ways to engage the families. For example, one used a map where

families will draw on. Another station involves recording videos or voice memos, through the

use of personal cell phones, of important college information they wish to remember. By offering

the families doing these activities, it helps keep them engaged while being flexible and allowing

them to be in control of their participation. Our final activity includes multiliteracies by offering

families the opportunity to record their life goals and dreams through recording a video message

on their phone to serve as a reminder and motivator for them when they go home. The other

diverse linguistic approaches possible to use are a drawing, writing, or recording a video of their

dreams, life goals, and college goals. Parents and students will also be offered the chance to

share if they would like. By the parents and students recording themselves, they could use their

video on their phone and look at it every day for motivation. If they did a drawing or writing they

could also use them as visual reminders for their life goals. These varying multiple literacies can

be used at home as reminders of what their future will look like if they continue to stay focused

and motivated.

Section 3: Activity Plan:

Activity Topic: ​Higher Education and Careers after High School

Activity Objective: ​By the end of this activity, families will be able to apply for higher education, FAFSA,
and learn about vocational job opportunities.

Materials Needed: ​List all of the materials needed for this activity.
Pamphlets, Presentation Boards, Colored Papers for name tags, Pens or markers, Stress balls , post its
Warm-Up/Get-To-Know-You = 5 Minutes
Plan a short get-to-know-you activity to break the ice at the beginning of your activity.

What are the leaders saying & doing? What are the families saying & doing?
Hello everyone thank you for coming to the LACOE Parents and students will walk in and sign in to a sign
Family Outreach Workshop. How is everyone doing in sheet.
this evening? The families are feeling welcomed and anxious about
Buenas tardes a todos los que nos acompañan esta what they are going to be learning and they are
tarde. Les agradecemos el venir a nuestro taller de smiling at the speakers. Some families are interacting
padres de familia. Como estan todos esta noche? with other families and some students are interacting
Bueno. El propósito de este taller es para informarles with other students. They are explaining what is on
de cómo los estudiantes de Mujeres y Hombres their name tag and having very fun engaging
Nobles pueden extender su propósito de educación ya conversations.
que se gradúen de la escuela secundaria. Y continúan
a la universidad y/o también acceder a otras
oportunidades. Estas oportunidades pueden incluir en
educación vocacional y o certificados y donde
puedan aprender sobre diferentes carreras cortas. Mi
nombre es Cecilia _____ , Mi nombre es ___ Javier
___ Hola mi nombre es _Shondel ____ Yo soy ____
Nayeli _ Buenas tardes mi nombre ___ Karen_.

Parents and students will be randomly given colored

papers which will be used to group them where they
will write their name, three symbols about
themselves, a quote to live by, what kind of animal
would you be and why.
Parents and students will get to know each other by
sharing these things about themselves in small circles
according to their color.

Beginning of Activity = 10 Minutes

Describe in detail how you will begin your lesson. How will you get families’ attention and make them
excited to participate? This section should read like a movie script and stay connected to the activity

What are the leaders saying & doing? What are the families saying & doing?
Beginning: Gallery walk, questions and concerns The families are reading the instructions and they are
about college. Parents and students will walk around reading and trying to figure out the answers to the

the library and post their concerns and questions that questions and is very engaged in the Gallery walk.
they may have about college on post it boards. The Parents and students walk around and write on each
questions on the post it boards where they will write of the post its.
their responses will be Parents and students are all listening to each others
“Do you have any financial fears about college? ” testimonies about their lives.
“What would be your dream career choice for your
“Have you visited any college campus before?”
“Have you had any family member attend college or
a close friend attend college before?”
After they have posted their concerns and answers

After the parents and students share with one another.

All presenters will briefly share their personal
testimonies about life after high school to try and
gain confidence with the families. The order of
presenters will be Cecilia, Javier, Shonie, Nayeli, and
Karen. Presenters will answer the following:
How did you get to Dominguez Hills?
What is career choice?
Why did you choose your career?
What struggles did you have after graduating high
What did you wish you would have known then?

Middle of Activity = 25 Minutes

Describe in detail how your activity will unfold. This section should articulate the middle of the activity. It
should read like a movie script and stay connected to the activity objective. Multiple literacies should be
clearly integrated into the plan.

What are the leaders saying & doing? What are the families saying & doing?
Parents and Students will engage in college process The families are involved in learning about the steps
game where they will identify the steps that college that will get their student into college and they are
students need to do when they register for college. involved in learning about financial aid and how the
Parents and students will learn the process by going the process of works of the students getting into
to different stations that will have information about college.
applying, adding and dropping classes, filling out
FAFSA, and learning about the certificates that they
could earn from CC, CSU degrees for vocational
training. This will allow both parents and students to
become involved in the higher education process so
they both know what to do allowing for parents and
students to support each other throughout their
college years.
After parents are grouped they will have a gallery
walk around the library going to the different
stations. Parents and students will rotate to each
station clockwise around the room. The number of

people per group at each station will be divided

equally so that each of the 5 station has an equal
amount of people. Cecilia will be at the LACCD
Station, Javier will be at the Financial Aid Station,
Shonie will be at the Elac Resources Station, Karen
will be at the CSUDH Station, Nayely will be at the
Community Resources Station.

At the LACCD Station:​ Cecilia will be the At the LACCD Station:

presenter. Families will acknowledge greeting and direct their
Presenter: Welcome! My name is Cecilia. I’d like to attention to the poster board at their station.
thank you all for joining us this evening! At this
station I will be discussing the process of college
enrollment. I am the first step after you decide that
you want to start. I will be helping you navigate the
LACCD! Families will answer or attempt to guess what is
Presenter will ask: Have any of you ever heard of the LACCD.
LACCD? (pause) The LACCD stands for the Los
Angeles Community Colleges District. ​The presenter
will pass out the pamphlet titled, “9 campuses, 1
application” Parent s might ask how do they know which school to
Presenter: This pamphlet shows the different colleges choose and/or how would they know which school is
found in Southern California. Within the pamphlet best for them. How should we sign up? Where do we
you will see that there are various colleges listed as go for help if I do not have access to a computer? Can
well as details per page of which career preparation I visit the campus? Where would I go if I want to
programs they offer per campus. learn more about the campus? etc.
I will be showing you you where to access the
application to sign up to attend a community college. Parents will flip through the presentation slides set up
How to sign up for college using the Los Angeles at the station to help navigate the pages online to sign
Community College District’s Website. (I will hand up. Parents will ask about the forms of enrollment
out slide hardcopy for parents to follow along) offered and how they can sign up. How do they know
Presenter: This will both show and describe the slides which school is right for them?
on the forms to follow the step by step of enrolling to
the LACCD. Presenter:First, to be able to enroll into Parents will ask about where to use the number? Is
the college, you will need to set up an account the number permanent? Will I have to keep opening a
through the OpenColleges CCC site, which is where new account?
you will be directed automatically after choosing the
college you would like to attend. Again, this is based
on the area of interest and/or can also be based on the
area where you reside. Once you have your member
ID you can begin enrolling through the LACCD
system. Now, this number stays with you throughout
your studies. If you decide the campus is not for you
and you’d like to go to another campus within the
LACCD system, the number stays the same and can Parents will begin asking about the when to enroll?
be used to enroll into other colleges within the How do they know which courses to take? Who do I
LACCD. visit to make sure I have all that I need to start
Once you are enrolled, you will wait for a classes?

confirmation of enrollment which takes

approximately 24-48hrs for your student ID# and also
the class registration appointment. Before registration
starts, you will be given a to do list to complete the
process of enrollment such as visit admissions office,
testing office, counselors office, financial aid and
even the transfer center if your career choice requires
a degree, which is something my groupmates will

At the Financial Aid Station:​ Javier will be the Parents will say, ”hello Javier/hola Javier ”
presenter at this station Some parents might respond, “Its money for college”
Javier will say, “Hello everyone my name is Javier “Es dinero para la universidad”
once again, I am glad everyone came tonight, what I Parents and Students are learning about the kinds of
am going to focus on at this station is going over financial assistance that they can have access to
financial aid, does somebody know what financial aid through the Governor of Board fee waiver, the (SAP)
is?” requirements to receive assistance, tips about
-Presenter will answer questions of what financial aid borrowing money while being responsible, Cal
is using the “Do you need money for Grants, and additional information for students who
college?”pamphlet. may need to apply for college with the assistance of
-Presenter will provide the important deadlines to the California Dream Act.
apply for financial aid throughout the year and Parents may ask,“What if I do not qualify for
available financial transfer workshops dates using the financial aid?”
Financial Aid Information Guide booklet “How can I prevent from getting into student debt?”
“When we apply for financial aid we have to make “What is the difference between Cal Grant and
sure we apply before the deadlines so that we can Loans?”
have our classes paid for on time” “How many classes do I need to be enrolled in to
-Presenter will provide information of Board of qualify for financial aid?”
Governors (BOG) Fee Waiver which is now known “Can I lose my financial aid?”
as the California College Promise Grant, and its “Will applying to college affect my legal status?”
requirements so that students can have their
community college enrollment fees waived.
“This is an ​application​ to have your enrollment fees
waived. This FEE WAIVER is available to California
residents and students who meet AB 540 eligibility.”
-Presenter will provide information on what is
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) when it comes
to becoming eligible for federal and state financial
aid programs through the U.S Department of
Education and the State of California.
“Satisfactory Academic Progress means that students
” need to keep a G.P.A or grade point average over
2.0 have completed 67% of all units attempted ”
-Presenter will give tips on how federal student loans
using the “Be a Responsible Borrower:” booklet.
“It is important to make a budget to help you keep
track of your expenses, you may want to consider
food, transportation, and money for books and other

school supplies. In case you need a loan you can get

one from the federal government, those kinds of
loans are called Federal student loans, or get a loan
from the bank. Somethin else to consider is how
much you'll need to borrow for the upcoming school
year. Paying back the loans should be taken into
account by planning ahead and look at your possible
future income after you graduate to determine how
much you can pay back monthly”.
-Presenter will provide information on the CAL
Grant C where students can qualify for free financial
aid to train for specific careers
“Some career choices have the opportunity of
receiving free money up to $2,462 for annual tuition
plus $547 for books, tools, equipment, and living
expenses for up to years”
-Presenter provide information on The California
Dream Act in a spanish pamphlet
-Presenter will provide 10 things parents need to
know about Cal Grants with a pamphlet
-Presenter will provide 10 things need to know about Parents and students may ask questions about my
the California Dream Act with a pamphlet personal experience with financial aid.
Javier will ask, “are there any additional questions “How much money have you received with financial
that you may have about financial aid?” aid?”
”Don't worry, it may seem like a lot of work but you “What happens if you don't have enough money for
will get the hang of it in no time that's why we are books?”
here to happily help you if you have any concerns or
Javier will respond”This past year the amount of
financial aid was____. In case you are short on
money for books you can always rent them which
you would only pay a fraction of the price. You can
also get the e-version of it which is usually always
cheaper. The school’s library usually has a copy with
them you can always check out for a couple of days
After we are finished my group will rotate clockwise
as I receive a new group.
Javier will say “ Thank You all for coming once
again I hope I was of much help giving you some
insight of Financial Aid, if you need additional help
feel free to contact me I will gladly help you with any
questions that you may have the best that I can”

At the ELAC Resources Station:​ Shonie-Presenter -Shonie will say hello to the families as a group that
will provide information about C.A.R.E (Cooperative will come to her station. Then she will begin to give
Agencies Resources for Education) where students family some exciting information about the different
can receive book grants, CASH Awards, Meal services that is being offered at the school and about

Stipends, Priority Registration, Supplies, Tutoring, the services that they offer in the community around
Specialized Workshops, and additional support the school.
provided for full time single parents, and available -If there are some parents that do not speak english
support for families who have been through a then she will have one of the presenters or somebody
Department of Children and Family Services case. to translate everything that shonie is saying.
-Presenter will provide information about the Dream -One parent may ask ,” How do my child go by
Resource Center that is a safe place for getting a job on campus she wants to be a teacher , so
undocumented, AB-540, and DACA students. is there any jobs that will prepare to become a
Parents and students will learn about events that teacher?”
focus on careers and employment in healthcare. -Shonie will say,” Oh Yes! I am actually working in
-Presenters will provide information on food 2 programs that will help you prepare for becoming a
distribution events provided by the First African teacher”.
Methodist Episcopal Church in Pasadena. -The parent will say ,” OH! Really?!!
Parents and Students will also learn about career -Shonie will say ,” YES! How you go by getting the
workshops that help students search for a jobs, job is going to SCC 404 and fill out an application
internships, create resumes, cover letters, and have online to become a Tutor for either elementary
access to practicing real interview questions. School, Middle School, or High School. And if you
-Presenter will provide information on resources for want to work on Saturdays you can do a Application
Foster Youth. Foster youth will be eligible for career for that one as well.
guidance, peer mentor connection, academic and -After Shonie is done speaking with the parents and
personal counseling, receive housing referrals, students she will ask them to read something that was
textbooks and supplies assistance, scholarship important to them and they have 1 minute and after
information. and tutoring. that one minute.
-Presenter will discuss E.O.P.S. (Extended -Shonie will say, “ Okay 1 minute is up ! Now I want
Opportunity Programs & Services) which also offer you to record it on your device and if you do not have
personalized counseling, priority registration, transfer one then you can write down.” You all have 1 minute
assistance, peer advising, book grants, !“
tutoring/individualized instruction, and resource -Once the parents are done Shonie will say ,” Thank
workshops You all for coming to my station! see you next time
with a smile”.

At the Community Resources Station: The families will arrive at the station in their group at
There will be a foldable poster board on a table with each two-minute rotation. Some families will say
at least 6 flyers from different community resources. “hello” when they arrive at the community resources
Some of the flyers include the following: 1. station. The families might respond in Spanish or
FHCCGLA about Family Health Care Services, 2. English. The families will look at the board and read
FHCCGLA Eyecare, 3. FHCCGLA Dental, 4. some of the flyers. Some people might say they do
FHCCGLA Teen Services, 5. FHCCGLA Planing not know how to read. Then they will be listening to
Services, 6. My Health LA Program, 7. How to sign the other questions the presenter has so they can
up for MHLA, 8. CSUDH Optometry CLinic, 9. respond to those while the other people look around.
CAFYES Scholar Program, The families might respond to the presenter’s
10. Library Resources. The presenter for this station question about what other resources they know like,
will be Nayely Ramirez. The presenter will welcome “I go to the library sometimes.” or “My child goes to
each group as they rotate clockwise around the an afterschool program at the park.” To the question
presentation room starting with the first group and set about which resources they are interested in from the
up a two-minute timer on her phone. The presenter board, “ I need to go get my kid’s eyes checked so I

will introduce the board by saying, “Welcome think I will write this number down.” Towards the
friends. This station is about the resources that we end of the four-minutes the families will possibly be
have found that are provided in the area,” in English saying, “Thank you” to the presenter.
and Spanish. The presenter will provide the families
time to look over the board and say, “Take a look
around. I would love to know what other community
resources are available to you in your community that
you know if or have taken part in?” The presenter
will talk to the families as they respond. The
discussion will be lead by the families and what they
provide. If they do not respond to the question of
“What other community resources are available to
you in your community that you know of or have
taken part in?” then the presenter will ask, “Which of
these community resources are you interested in? and
why?” in English and Spanish. If the families do not
reply then the presenter will discuss, “As you
probably already realized tonight’s event is actually a
community resource and you are currently taking part
in it. My fellow classmates and I are very grateful for
your volunteered time and the awesome information
you have shared with us about yourselves and your
lives. We are definitely learning a lot at this event.
Thank you.” This station will then rotate after four
minutes until all the five groups have gone.

At the Dominguez Hills Station:​ Presenter will Students and parents will arrive to this station and
provide Parents and students information on how to greet each other and the presenter.
start the transferring process from community college The presenter will open this station by asking the
to the university level, parents and students will students and parents of their knowledge or
receive a CSUDH booklet with additional experiences with college and universities.
information of Financial Aid including grants, “What do you know about college and university?”
student employment, loans, and be able to identify “Do you know anyone that is attending or has
students’ rights and responsibilities, they will receive attended college or university?”
a CSUDH booklet with information on bachelor’s “Do you know if the career you want to pursue needs
and master’s degree programs and professional a university degree?”
development certificates that include Business
Management, Communications, Education, After the parents and students answer the opening
Healthcare & Social Services, Occupational Safety & question, the presenter will allow parents to ask any
Health, Quality Assurance, Sports & Recreation, Test questions they have, such as:
& Certification Preparation, Youth Programs, and the “How can i get into a CSU?”
Class Schedules of the classes offered. Parents and “What requirements do i need to meet to qualify for
students will learn about the Medical Health Services CSU?”
and Medical Services provided at CSUDH by “How much does a class cost?/ How much is
receiving a pamphlet. Students and parents will tuition?”
receive information of upcoming events Arts and “how can i qualify for financial aid?”
Dance events. “Can i live on campus?”/ “How much does living on
campus cost?”


For the next activity both parents and students will

also be given campus maps to locate important
buildings and their classes throughout their campus.
parents and students may do this while working
together so they all know where to find important
locations on campus.
A presenter will ask, “Can you identify the financial
aid office and circe it?” “Good job everyone, now can
we please locate the school’s library and circle it
please?” “Now that you have identified the library The parents and students will each have a map of
can you please make a path to the admissions their own where they can follow along ang identify
office?” “After you traced a path to the admissions the buildings of CSUDH.
office can you make a path to the bookstore?” “Can
you make a path to the nearest parking lot or bus stop
for transportation?”
“Everyone has done a great job navigating around
campus, you are experts at finding the most common
places that students go to”

Other multiple literacies

At the end of the stations some participants will be Students and Parents will get the opportunity to talk
asked to role play what they learned throughout the amongst themselves about what they learned. Parents
stations gallery walk. The language that the parents and students will then show their knowledge of the
and students use during their dialogue could be in applying for college process by participating in role
their home language. A presenter will ask, “Who playing what they learned throughout the stations.
would like to share with us what they learned about Parents and students will say, “First we go online and
the applying for college process?” apply through the LACCD website, next we apply for
“Would anyone like to role play for the rest of us financial aid online through the fafsa website, next
what to do when we apply for college?” we add our classes, once you accomplish 60 units you
If parents and students are too shy and they do not receive your Associate's Degree and you could then
want to role play then they could share what they transfer to the University to work towards completing
learned with a person closest to them instead. your Bachelor's degree”.
Presenter will say, “Great job everyone, you already
know the steps to go to college”

End of Activity = 5 Minutes

Describe in detail how you will bring your lesson to a close. How will participants reflect on their
involvement in the activity? This section should read like a movie script and stay connected to the activity
What are the leaders saying & doing? What are the families saying & doing?
Parents and students will record a video message on
their phone where they will share their dreams, life
goals, and college goals to serve as a reminder and
motivator for them when they go home. If they are
too shy for a video recording they can write or draw a
self portrait of their dreams, life goals, and college

goals. Parents and students will be asked if they

would like to share their video or portrait with the
whole class.
“I hope everyone has been enjoying this night. Now Parents and students will start recording their
for the last activity we would like it if everyone messages on their personal smartphones or on paper.
recorded a video message on their phone where you Some are laughing and having fun recording their
share your dreams, life goals, and college goals after messages. Parents and students are helping one
high school. If you don’t have a phone you can write another record their messages
or draw your dreams, life goals, and college goals on Some might ask,“Can we record it with a Snapchat
a piece of paper. If anyone needs help recording your filter?”. “Can I show it to my friends at school?”
message feel free to ask for help and we will happily
help you”

Concluding the family outreach presenters will say,

“Thank you all for coming we hope that you learned
some valuable information and if you already knew
some of these things we encourage you to share this
with someone who might not know how they can Parents and students are getting ready to leave.
apply for college. Gracias a todos por venir, Parents and students say “Thank you for inviting us
esperamos que todos hagan tenido mucha we learned many things about college. Can we
información que les haiga ayudado sobre cómo contact you in the future if we have further
aplicar para el colegio y la universidad. Los motivó a questions?”
compartir lo que aprendieron con amigos y familiares
por si ellos también quieren ir o tienen curiosidad de
ir a la universidad. Manténgase en contacto si tiene
mas preguntas, nos pueden llamar cuando gusten.
Tambien les quiero recordar del evento que van a
tener para los estudiantes de LACOE el Sábado 14 de
Abril, los esperamos. ”


Bronfenbrenner, U. (1994) Ecological models of human development. ​International

Encyclopedia of education, 3​:2, 37-43.

Valdes, G. (1996) ​Con Respeto: Bridging the distances between culturally diverse families and

schools: An ethnographic portrait. ​New York: Teachers College Press.

Stacy, J., Aguilar, J. ( 2018) ​Connection, Culture, and Creativity: Using Mobile Technology as a

Medium for Storytelling in an intergenerational classroom ​, 1-25.


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