Bleaching Theory

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Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol.

103 (2001) 117–122 117

Werner Zschau Bleaching of edible fats and oils IX

Süd-Chemie AG, Legal and analytical aspects of bleaching

Munich, Germany From the working group
“Technologies of industrial extraction
and processing of edible fats”

8.1 General sis, oxidation, dehydration, dimerisation, polymerisation

and interesterification. Depending on the process used,
Bleaching is a technological process during refining of ed- its controlling and the quality of the crude material, a cer-
ible fats and oils which cannot be discussed without con- tain type of chemical reactions is dominating.
sideration of other processes during refining as degum-
ming, neutralisation and deodorisation. All these process-
es within the refining have to be used to remove certain
naturally occurring or secondary by-products as well as

Update of the Expert Network of the DGF

possible contaminants which have a negative influence
on organoleptic properties, shelf life and use of edible oils
for human consumption.

In Germany any treatments which are used in the produc-

tion of human food as defined by §1 “Lebensmittel-Be-
darfsgegenstände-Gesetz (LMBG)” have to fulfill the legal
requirements in §7 (1) LMBG. According to §4 of the hy-
giene act for human food (LMHV) everybody “who pro- Fig. 1. Protonation of conjugated fatty acids.
duces, treats or trades human food, ...” has to analyse
critical control points in the process and to assure that A major task of the bleaching step is the decomposition of
proper safety measurements are set and monitored”. The possibly existing hydroperoxides in order to improve the
requirements in §4 LMHV correspond to those estab- stability of the refined product. Conjugated dienes and
lished by the Codex-Alimentarius-Commission “Hazard trienes are formed by dehydration (Fig. 1) [112]. In the
Analysis Critical Control Points” (HACCP) [111]. Chemical past, the spectrophotometric proof of conjugated diene
and microbiological health risks due to food consumption and triene bonds was often used to check if a refining step
by the consumer should be recognisable. Furthermore had been applied to virgin oils. This proof is not very spe-
the likelihood of these risks is to be evaluated by fixation cific and strictly speaking it is good only for bleached oils
of critical control points (CCP = Critical Control Points). if at all. The test depends on the type of oil and can
amongst other things be interfered by autoxidation prod-
A direct human health risk does not occur by applying the ucts [113]. The addition of maleic anhydride influences
refining process or in particular the bleaching step. The the formation of diene and triene peaks in the UV spec-
monitoring measures as far as this is concerned will be trum so that this proof can be manipulated [114].
restricted to the checking of process specific limit values
(minimum or maximum values). For the analysis of virgin olive oil the EC 2472 [115] sug-
gests the analysis of the steradienes besides the determi-
nation of trans fatty acids. Virgin olive oil may show in
8.2 Structural alterations of fats during the sum of the trans-oleic acid-isomers a maximum value
refining respectively bleaching of 0.05% and in the sum of trans linoleic acids and trans
linolenic acids a maximum value of 0.05%.
During the refining process fatty substances can be struc-
turally altered by various chemical reactions like hydroly- As gas chromatographic tests show, a statistically se-
cured distinction of cold-pressed and “steam washed” oil
(0.012–0.035% trans fatty acids) in contrast to refined
Correspondence: Werner Zschau, Süd-Chemie AG, Osten-
rieder Str. 15, 85368 Moosburg, Germany. Phone +49-8761-
products (0.14–1.47% trans fatty acids) is on the basis of
82 606, Fax: +49-8761-82 661; e-mail: w.zschau@sued- the trans fatty acid content presently not possible [116]. “Steam washing” is an expression used for mild deodori-

© WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, 69451 Weinheim, 2001 0931-5985/2001/0202-0117 $17.50+.50/0

118 Zschau et al. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 103 (2001) 117–122

sation without altering fat components. Blending of virgin 5% trans fatty acids, more than 0.5% conjugated acids
oil with refined products or the “steam washing” of virgin and more than 1.5% polymerised products have been ob-
oil are not detectable by this method. served at a temperature of 270 °C and higher [124]. Inter-
and intramolecular transesterifications of triglycerides in
Analytically recognisable quantities of trans fatty acids
sn-2-position have been detected, too [125]. When oils
are being formed by deodorisation at more than 190 °C
are treated at an elevated temperature mainly the inter-
only [117, 118]. At the bleaching step as well as at the
molecular formation of the unpolar dimer triglycerides be-
steam washing step due to the low thermal load at about
sides higher polar intramolecular oxidised monomer
90 °C to 120 °C only a small quantity of non-conjugated
triglycerides is observed [126].
isomeric trans fatty acids is being formed. At the deodori-
sation step only geometric isomers of fatty acids are be- The bleaching of edible fats and oils is usually conducted
ing formed, while position isomers arise only at higher at a temperature of 90 to 100 °C. For difficult-to-bleach
temperatures during distillative deacidification above oils the temperature can even reach 120 °C (see para-
210 °C or by partial hydrogenation. graph 2.3.1.) [127]. We can conclude that the above-men-
tioned temperature effects observed during deodorisation
Products of dehydration of sterols as steradienes and di- cannot be applied to the bleaching step.
sterylethers are only formed at temperatures higher than
150 °C during deodorisation [119]. In the presence of an Activated bleaching earth has not only an adsorptive ef-
acidic bleaching earth the formation of steradienes and fect but acts also as a solid acid, a cation exchanger and
disterylethers is catalytically supported already at temper- catalyst of various reactions (see chapter 2.2.) [127].
atures below 100 °C [120]. Over both ways, the corresponding hydroperoxides as
well as acid catalysed, the multiple unsaturated fatty
In 1967 and 1974 the Extraneous Substance Commission acids are being transformed to conjugated fatty acids
of the German Research Association has laid down pro- [128]. Through the intermediate formation of a me-
cessing parameters for the deodorisation of edible oils somerism stabilised cation a proton can be added much
[121]. According to the level of knowledge at that time, ed- more easily to a conjugated than to an isolated double
ible oils and fats do not take on health damaging charac- bond (Fig. 1) [129]. Therefore, conjugated fatty acids
teristics provided a temperature of 270 °C and a heating have a higher reactivity. For a long time it had been as-
period of 30 min is not exceeded in a continuous process. sumed that the formation of dimer fatty acids prosecutes
Discontinuous heat bleaching of palm oil at a temperature a Diels-Alder-reaction [130]. In more recent tests [131] a
of 220 °C and a heating period of 3 h should not be ex- cationic reaction mechanism was suggested which ex-
ceeded. plains the formation of the aliphatic dimer fatty acids,
Only upper limits for process parameters and no analyti- methyl branched isomeric stearic acids and cyclic
cal limiting values have been recommended, because it monomer fatty acids (Fig. 2). Obviously after protonisa-
had not been known exactly which partial reactions – and tion of the unsaturated fatty acids a further fatty acid mol-
to what extent – could occur during the heating of edible ecule is being accumulated. After deprotonisation multi-
oils and fats [122]. ple-unsaturated dimer fatty acids can be formed, which
cyclize with increasing temperature and duration and
In those days it has already been known that an isomeri- even form aromatic compounds.
sation of oleic acid to elaidic acid can occur occasionally
For the formation of steradienes a similar mechanism has
during the deodorisation, for example, of soybean oil
to be assumed, as by acid catalysis at already 80 °C a
which leads to a turbidity of the deodorised oil after cool-
small quantity of sterols is dehydrated to the correspond-
ing [123]. However, systematic investigations on possible
ing steradienes. Through nucleophilic substitution the
partial reactions have been done much later, whereby,
corresponding disteryl ether is being formed (Fig. 3). The
besides isomerisation reactions, a crosslinking of fat mol-
formed amount of steradienes depends on the tempera-
ecules has been observed as well as the formation of
ture and the acidity of the bleaching earth used. In the
oligomer triglycerides [124]. At the deodorisation of sun-
presence of neutral reacting silicic acid (e.g. TriSyl®) no
flower oil at a temperature of up to 220 °C a very slow in-
crease of trans fatty acids as well as of oligomer triglyc- considerable amount of stigmastadienes are formed.
erides has been observed, which not even reached 1% The transformation of sesamolin to sesamol and sesamin
for both types of products after 5 h – other highly unsatu- in the presence of acids and water has been described by
rated oils behave in a similar way. The formation of these A. Kamal-Eldin et al. [132]. Sesamolin and sesamol have
side products has been remarkable at 270 °C and a high antioxidant effect. Especially acidic bleaching
reached values of about 10% [121]. Also soybean oil has earths catalyse a number of disintegrating reactions of
been treated under similar extreme conditions of 240 °C natural ingredients which influence the usability of veg-
to 300 °C up to 3 h. In this case the formation of more than etable oils with regard to their heat stability [133].
Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 103 (2001) 117–122 Legal and analytical aspects of bleaching 119

Gertz and Mezouari [134] (see Tabs. 1 and 2) have treat- various temperatures with different types of bleaching
ed and deodorised sunflower oil as a high linoleic oil and earth. If oils are deodorised only, the grade of isomeriza-
olive oil as an oil rich in oleic acid on laboratory scale at tion at a constant time and temperature was depending

Fig. 2. Intermolecular formation of dimerised and cyclic linoleic acid.

Fig. 3. Acid-catalysed dehydration of sterols during bleaching.

120 Zschau et al. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 103 (2001) 117–122

Tab. 1. Artefact formation during the deodorisation of olive oil and sunflower oil.
Sample Treatment C18:1 trans C18:2 trans C18:3 trans Polymers Stigmastadiene
[g/100g] [g/100g] [g/100g] [g/100g] [mg/kg]
Sunflower oil steam washing, 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.08 <0.05
120 °C
Sunflower oil deodorised, 0.03 0.05 0.00 0.26 <0.05
3 h, 140 °C
Sunflower oil deodorised, 0.02 0.06 0.04 0.42 <0.05
3 h, 170
Sunflower oil deodorised, 0.02 0.06 0.07 0.90 0.20
3 h, 200 °C
Sunflower oil deodorised, 0.04 0.70 0.05 1.01 11.00
3 h, 260 °C
Olive oil native, not steam – – – <0.03 <0.05
Olive oil deodorised, n.n 0.02 – 0.13 <0.05
3 h, 140 °C
Olive oil deodorised, 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.33 <0.05
3 h, 170 °C
Olive oil deodorised, 0.03 0.01 – 0.42 0.15
3 h, 260 °C
Olive oil deodorised, 0.15 0.26 0.03 0.56 0.89
3 h, 260 °C

only on the kind of oil. An increase of trans fatty acids has temperature higher than 200 °C. A completely different
been observed only above 200 °C, whereas dimeric picture results when both oils are treated with different
triglycerides have already been formed at temperatures types of bleaching earth and TriSyl®, a silicagel, at various
above 100 °C. temperatures. During the bleaching steradienes are al-
A considerable amount of stigmastadiene as the main ready formed at temperatures around 80 °C in the pres-
substance of the steradienes has only been detected at a ence of acid bleaching earth. The content of dimeric

Tab. 2. Influence of the bleaching of the formation of steradienes and polymeric triglycerides.
Sample Laboratory Bleaching* Polymers Stigmastadiene
[g/100g] [mg/kg]
Sunflower oil 90 °C, 20 min, no Bleaching Earth 0.05 0.02
Sunflower oil 120 °C, 20 min, no Bleaching Earth 0.14 0.02
Sunflower oil 150 °C, 20 min, no Bleaching Earth 0.20 6.00
Sunflower oil 90 °C, 20 min, 0,5% Bleaching Earth Südchemie Type 210 0.18 0.66
Sunflower oil 120 °C, 20 min, 0,5% Bleaching Earth Südchemie Type 210 0.20 6.00
Sunflower oil 150 °C, 20 min, 0,5% Bleaching Earth Südchemie Type 210 0.46 88.90
Sunflower oil 90 °C, 20 min, 0,5% Bleaching Earth Südchemie Type 314 0.21 0.27
Sunflower oil 120 °C, 20 min, 0,5% Bleaching Earth Südchemie Type 314 0.24 1.30
Sunflower oil 150 °C, 20 min, 0,5% Bleaching Earth Südchemie Type 314 0.48 9.82
Sunflower oil 90 °C, 20 min, 0,5% Silicagel (TriSylTM) 0.07 0.03
Sunflower oil 120 °C, 20 min, 0,5% Silicagel (TriSylTM) 0.09 0.03
Sunflower oil 150 °C, 20 min, 0,5% Silicagel (TriSylTM) 0.35 0.06
* not followed by deodorisation
Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 103 (2001) 117–122 Legal and analytical aspects of bleaching 121

triglycerides increases slightly in proportion to the tem- In the assessment characteristics the guiding principles
perature. A big alteration of the trans fatty acid content for edible fats [137] differentiate between remarks which
cannot be detected during the deodorisation. point to a particular production or to a particular treatment
or better non-treatment. Edible oils produced without heat
If bleaching tests at these temperatures are conducted supply under particularly careful conditions, whose raw
with a constant amount of bleaching earth (0.5%) of dif- material shows a particular good quality, can be labelled
ferent activity respectively acidity, the steradienes respec- as “non-refined – cold-pressed” respectively “virgin –
tively stigmastadiene content increases considerably with cold-pressed”. Instead of “cold-pressed” the indication
increasing activity of the bleaching earth. With neutral sil- “first pressing” can be chosen. The disintegration of the
ica gels like TriSyl® which are frequently used as adsor- seeds by crushing, milling, rolling respectively flocculating
bent for the removal of phospholipids and other mucilagi- with a ripple- or smooth-surfaced roll are pure mechanical
nous substances, no alteration of the sterols has been ob- processes for the production of virgin oils. Often a thermal
served. The increase of steradienes respectively the con- treatment and conditioning of the seed is necessary in or-
tent of stigmastadiene depends on the type of oil, e.g. on der to increase the flow-ability of the oil, to eliminate
its sterol content and from the activity of the bleaching bacterias, fungi and enzymes (e.g. myrosinase), to co-
earth. The stigmastadiene content is, therefore, not nec- agulate proteins, to inactivate poisonous materials such
essarily the specific criterion for a successful bleaching as gossypol and to adjust the product moisture. For the
step (Tab. 3) [135]. conditioning temperatures from 80 to 110 °C are being
Tab. 3. Steradiene content of refined vegetable oils. recommended for retention time of 20 to 30 min. In these
cases or after roasting of the seed the oil cannot be de-
Oil (refined) Stigmastadiene Total Steradienes fined as “virgin” or “cold-pressed” due to the pretreatment.
[mg/kg] [mg/kg]
Soybean oil 23.4 61.8
8.4 Evaluation and recommendation
Safflower oil 5.8 9.2
Corn oil 134.8 200.8 In general one can say that the content of nonpolar dimer-
Sunflower oil 22.0 34.2 ic triglycerides according to DGF uniformity method C-III
Peanut oil 7.7 15.6 3d(99) increases proportional to the temperature. It is
practically independent of the type of oil and can be
regarded, therefore, as the main criterion for a thermal
8.3 Accentuated remarks for the treatment in the course of the refining process. The analy-
designation of vegetable oils and fats sis of the trans fatty acids and of the steradienes respec-
The descriptions in chapter 7 concerning the deodorisa- tively stigmastadiene can give further insights into the
tion [136] needs to be revised because of some legal type of refining step like bleaching.
changes. On December 20, 1997, the revised version of
the guidelines for edible fats and oils was published in In the EC 2472/97 [115] limiting values for stigmastadiene
Federal Gazette [137]. The guidelines of the German and trans fatty acids are laid down for virgin olive oil.
book on food (see §33 LMBG) are basically not a legal These can only partially be transferred to other oils. The
norm. As a valuable expert’s opinion they describe the proof of a raffinate or its blending into a virgin or steam
production, treatment and/or other essential characteris- washed oil can therefore only be succeeded by means of
tics of food which are of importance for the food chain. applying various criteria in order to assess the kind and
amount of the refining step. Native oils which have
Whereas the description “virgin” was clearly defined for been gained only mechanically at temperatures below
olive oil only according to EG VO 2472/97 [115], the ap- 70–80 °C show none respectively only traces of dimerised
propriate definition in the principles for edible fats and oils triglycerides (< 0.03%) [138]. The determination of lower
from 1987 was changed to the effect that all virgin oils are amounts of dimerised triglycerides (< 2% ) is made after a
produced from non-preheated raw material by pressing previous separation of nonpolar triglycerides by means of
only without heat supply. Virgin oils are washed only but HPLC-GPC [139].
not deacidified, bleached or deodorised. Non-refined edi-
ble oils are produced in the same way as virgin oils. They Non-refined, steam washed oils show a content of dimer-
can be washed and/or treated with water steam without ic triglycerides of up to 0.1% whereas fully refined prod-
altering fat components, dried and filtered. They are nei- ucts show more than 1%.
ther deacidified nor bleached. Fractionated or winterised
fats can be produced from non-refined as well as refined Stigmastadiene in deodorised oil can only be found in
fats and are to be marked accordingly. traces (Tab. 1). In fully refined products stigmastadiene
122 Zschau et al. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 103 (2001) 117–122

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