Romeo and Juliet Twitter Siop Lesson Plan

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Sheltered Instruction Lesson Plan

Your Name: Amelia Kerton ESL Level: Beginning to Advanced

Preparation Subject:English LiteratureGrade Level(s): 9th
Unit Theme: Romeo and Juliet Lesson Topic: Character Analysis
Content Standard/s: RL.1, RL.2, W.2
Language Proficiency Standards: SL.1, SL.2
Content (cognitive) Objectives:
Students will be able to: Analyze the development of characters.

Language Objectives: English Language Proficiency, Comprehension (Include 4

language skills and vocabulary.
Students will be able to:
1. (Listening) Listen to classmates in deciding on what a character might tweet
during the fight scene.
2. (Speaking) Contribute to the discussion of creating tweets for a specific
3. (Reading) Read and analyze Romeo and Juliet
4. (Writing) Write tweets that an assigned character may have tweeted during the
fight scene.
5. (Vocabulary) Characterization, tragedy

Socioaffective Objectives
Students will be able to: Work together as a group and then as a class to create a
cohesive twitter feed that represents the fight scene

Materials: Romeo and Juliet books (I used Sparknotes No Fear version), Tweet sheets
(small pieces of paper), Crayons or colored pencils, large sheet of blue butcher paper
for twitter feed, “What’s in a Tweet” hand out

II. VOCABULARY: List and how will you introduce key vocabulary
-Characterization: explain definition at beginning of class and connect to activity.
III. BUILDING BACKGROUND (Motivation, prior knowledge, key vocabulary, lesson focus)
-Class discussion review of the plot during the fight scene of Romeo and Juliet.
-Teacher will begin by reminding students what happened in the fight scene that was
read the previous day. Then, teacher will hand out assignment sheets and draw
connections between Romeo and Juliet and twitter.
V. PRACTICE AND APPLICATION (strategies, scaffolding, and student to student
interaction or cooperative learning)
-Teacher will then hand out “What’s in a Tweet” hand-outs and explain assignment
-Teacher will place students in strategically formed groups and assign to characters.
Then, teacher will give three tweet sheets to each group.
-Students will work together while teacher monitors to come up with a twitter handle and
three tweets their character may have tweeted during the fight scene. Then, students
will place tweet on the twitter feed in the correct order of the plot.

Adapted from SIOP

As class ends, teacher will remind students that by creating the twitter feed, they have
represented the plot of the story as well as really diving into the characterization of one
of the characters.
VII. ASSESSMENT (relate assessments to learning objectives)
Formative assessment: monitoring and redirecting groups during the activity
Summative assessment: correct placement and applicable tweets from each group

Adapted from SIOP


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