Athletic Coach - Drills Week 1

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Learning Area: Physical Education Topic: Warm-up athletics exercise

Students prior knowledge and experience:

Students must have basic functional movements to in relation to jumping and balance.

 Heel walking helps to reduce shin splints and strengthen ankles. (Long distance)
 Lateral plyometric jumps help to increase power and speed. (short distance)
Resources and equipment
 Small hurdles or cones x8

Timing Learning experiences:


Call all students into a group and keep them standing. Introduce the
2 warm-up exercises briefly. Pair up students of equal abilities.

Set the hurdles up in pairs, 20m apart giving appropriate space to each pair.
One member of the pair will start with the lateral jumps while the other
member heel walks. This rotation will occur 3 times. Students will move in a
clockwise way.

 Lateral Plyometric Jumps (15)

Students start parallel (side on) to their hurdle or cone and proceed to jump
sideways over it, completing 15. Its’ important that students start in a half
squat position and that the knees are brought to the chest or has high as
possible each time. Chest is to be kept upright as much as possible.

 Heel walking (20m)

Students are to walk only on their heels, taking small steps, from one set of
hurdles to the other. Once their partner as finished they can proceed to do the

Cone/Hurdle Cone/Hurdle

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