Doa Harian Murid ENGLISH

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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to our headmaster,

senior assistances, all the teachers and fellow friends.

Bismillahirahmanirahim. Alhamdulillah hirabbillamin. Wassola tiwassala muala
asyrafil ambia iwal mursalim. Waala alihi wasohbihil aj ma in.

Ya Allah, Ya Rahim.

Praise be to GOD the Lord of the Worlds, peace and blessings be upon our
Prophet Muhammad SAW and his companions and for those who followed his
example till the judgment day.

Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim

Please bless us with your taufiq and hidayat, please guide all of us to greatness,
peace, glory and prosperity in this world and the hereafter. Make us a
responsible intellectual. Granted us with a valuable knowledge that will be
beneficial to mankind in order to gain your mardha’tillah. Make us your righteous
servant that followed your commands and neglect the sinful act. Please forgive
us for our wrongdoing.

Ya Aziz, Ya Muhaimin

Bestow peace to our beloved country, Malaysia. Preserve us from any threat and
disaster, neither man-made nor natural disaster. And, to you Ya ALLAH we ask
for security and prosperity upon us, our leaders and our country. Bestow
patience in us, in order to faces the challenges from you. Please accept our deeds
and please reward us accordingly.

Rabbana atina fiddunnya hasanah, wafil akhiroti hasanah wakina azab bannar.
Wassallahu ala Muhammad, wa ala alihi wa sabbihi wasalim. Walhamdulillah hi
rabbil alamin


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