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El presente modulo de trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer una herramienta de apoyo y
oportunidad a los estudiantes que presentaron deficiencias durante el proceso integral del año
2010. Por lo tanto, la guía dará cuenta de las diferentes habilidades y temáticas trabajadas en
la asignatura de ingles


 To improve different vocabulary in order to express ideas and opinions.

 To identify the function of the different words in an English sentence.
 To talk about yourself, your family and their professions.
 To talk about habits or things in generally.
 To talk about actions that happened in the past and finished in the past.
 To write a descriptive paragraph about your dream house
 To listen and sing a favourite song.

2. Click the correct answer and explain why you choose that option.
1. How often do you play tennis? 7. What is your busiest day of the
a. On Tuesday. week?
b. For two hours. a. In the morning.
c. Almost every day. b. Every day.
d. With John. c. Tuesday.
2. Where do you usually eat lunch? d. Last week.
a. Sandwich.
b. With Jane. 8. My mother is a good cook.
c. At 12:00. a. I agree with you.
d. In the cafeteria. b. I agree you.
c. I agree to you.
3. How long did you study last d. I agree for you.
a. With Bob. 9. What does "TV" mean?
b. In my room. a. For one hour.
c. English. b. Yes
d. For three hours. c. Television.
d. For one hour.
4. What kind of novels do you e. On Friday.
a. Yes, I do. 10. How do you spell "dog"?
b. I like spy novels. a. No
b. D-O-G
5. What kind of work do you do? c. No
a. I work every day. d. I don't
b. I'm a piano teacher. e. Cat.
c. I worked for two hours. f. I have one dog.
6. How many hours a day do you 11. What did you do yesterday?
watch TV? a. I am swimming.
a. About two hours. b. I swim.
b. In my living room. c. I will swim.
c. I watch the news. d. I swam.
d. On Tuesday.
12. What do you like to drink? 20. When was the last time you took
a. Coffee. a picture?
b. Saturday evening. a. A picture of Jane.
c. Two. b. Seven pictures.
d. With my friends. c. About four days ago.
d. With my camera.
13. What did you eat last night?
a. At six. 21. What were you doing last night
b. Spaghetti. at 7:00?
c. With my family. a. I sleep.
d. At home. b. I slept.
c. I will be sleeping.
14. What are you doing? d. I was sleeping.
a. I'm eating.
b. I ate. 22. When will you mail that letter?
c. I will be eating. a. Last night.
d. I have eaten. b. To Jane.
c. After school.
15. What will you do this afternoon?
a. I play soccer. 23. What are you going to do after
b. I played soccer. dinner?
c. I'll play soccer. a. I took a bath
d. I was playing soccer. b. I'll take a bath.
c. I take a bath.
16. It seems to me that most
restaurants are too expensive? 24. How long have you been
a. I don't think it. playing the trumpet?
b. I don't think. a. About 50 cm.
c. I don't think so. b. For four years.
c. In my room.
17. Where's Mike? d. By myself.
a. At school.
b. At eight. 25. How many hours a day do you
c. For three hours. sleep?
d. No, he isn't. a. I have slept 7 hours.
b. I am sleeping 7 hours.
18. Where do you do your c. I slept 7 hours.
homework? d. I sleep 7 hours.
a. With John.
b. In the evening. 26. How often do you write letters?
c. About one hour. a. Two pages.
d. Every day. b. Two times a week.
e. At home. c. Two people.
d. Two hours.
19. When did you go to that
restaurant? 27. Where can I buy beer?
a. Spaghetti. a. When you are twenty years
b. With Jane. old.
c. Last night. b. About two bottles.
d. About 30 minutes. c. With Jane.
d. At a liquor store.
28. What's your favorite sport?
a. Swim.
b. Swimming.
29. When was the last time you
went shopping?
a. Yesterday.
b. Tomorrow.
c. Near the Station.

3. Below are instructions for making a telephone call but they are in the wrong order. Order
the instructions in your notebook.

 Make sure you have a phone card. If not, buy one.

 At the end of the call replace the receiver.
 If you are not making another call, take out the card.
 Put in the phone-card and dial the number.
 Once inside, lift the receiver.
 Don’t leave anything behind you when you leave!
 Look for the nearest public phone box and go in.

4. At the bottom are 9 sentences containing modal verbs. At the top are their definitions. Can
you drag and drop these items so that they match each other.

Mild obligation willingness lack of obligation prohibition lack of willingness

possibility ability obligation permission
 You must finish your homework.
 You should take some medicine.
 You mustn’t enter that room.
 You needn´t phone him.
 You may sit wherever you like.
 I can speak Chinese
 I will go with you
 Students may have some difficulties in their test
The Carpet Fitter
Eddie was a carpet fitter, and he hated it. For ten years he had spent his days sitting,
squatting, kneeling or crawling on floors, in houses, offices, shops, factories and restaurants.
Ten years of his life, cutting and fitting carpets for other people to walk on, without even
seeing them. When his work was done, no-one ever appreciated it. No- one ever said "Oh,
that's a beautiful job, the carpet fits so neatly." They just walked all over it. Eddie was sick of
He was especially sick of it on this hot, humid day in August, as he worked to put the
finishing touches to today's job. He was just cutting and fixing the last edge on a huge red
carpet which he had fitted in the living room of Mrs. Vanbrugh's house. Rich Mrs. Vanbrugh,
who changed her carpets every year, and always bought the best. Rich Mrs. Vanbrugh, who
had never even given him a cup of tea all day, and who made him go outside when he wanted
to smoke. Ah well, it was four o'clock and he had nearly finished. At least he would be able to
get home early today. He began to day-dream about the weekend, about the Saturday football
game he always played for the local team, where he was known as "Ed the Head" for his skill
in heading goals from corner kicks.
Eddie sat back and sighed. The job was done, and it was time for a last cigarette. He began
tapping the pockets of his overalls, looking for the new packet of Marlboro he had bought that
morning. They were not there.
It was as he swung around to look in his toolbox for the cigarettes that Eddie saw the lump.
Right in the middle of the brand new bright red carpet, there was a lump. A very visible lump.
A lump the size of -- the size of a packet of cigarettes.
"Blast!" said Eddie angrily. "I've done it again! I've left the cigarettes under the blasted
He had done this once before, and taking up and refitting the carpet had taken him two
hours. Eddie was determined that he was not going to spend another two hours in this house.
He decided to get rid of the lump another way. It would mean wasting a good packet of
cigarettes, nearly full, but anything was better than taking up the whole carpet and fitting it
again. He turned to his toolbox for a large hammer.
Holding the hammer, Eddie approached the lump in the carpet. He didn't want to damage
the carpet itself, so he took a block of wood and placed it on top of the lump. Then he began to
beat the block of wood as hard as he could. He kept beating, hoping Mrs. Vanbrugh wouldn't
hear the noise and come to see what he was doing. It would be difficult to explain why he was
hammering the middle of her beautiful new carpet.
After three or four minutes, the lump was beginning to flatten out. Eddie imagined the
cigarette box breaking up, and the crushed cigarettes spreading out under the carpet. Soon, he
judged that the lump was almost invisible. Clearing up his tools, he began to move the
furniture back into the living room, and he was careful to place one of the coffee tables over
the place where the lump had been, just to make sure that no-one would see the spot where his
cigarettes had been lost. Finally, the job was finished, and he called Mrs. Vanbrugh from the
dining room to inspect his work.
"Yes, dear, very nice," said the lady, peering around the room briefly. "You'll be sending me
a bill, then?"
"Yes madam, as soon as I report to the office tomorrow that the job is done." Eddie picked
up his tools, and began to walk out to the van. Mrs. Vanbrugh accompanied him. She seemed a
little worried about something.
"Young man," she began, as he climbed into the cab of his van, laying his toolbox on the
passenger seat beside him, "while you were working today, you didn't by any chance see any
sign of Armand, did you? Armand is my parakeet. A beautiful bird, just beautiful, such colors
in his feathers... I let him out of his cage, you see, this morning, and he's disappeared. He likes
to walk around the house, and he's so good, he usually just comes back to his cage after an
hour or so and gets right in. Only today he didn't come back. He's never done such a thing
before, it's most peculiar..."
"No, madam, I haven't seen him anywhere," said Eddie, as he reached to start the van.
And saw his packet of Marlboro cigarettes on the dashboard, where he had left it at
And remembered the lump in the carpet....
And realised what the lump was....
And remembered the hammering....
And began to feel rather sick....

(MDH 1994 -- from a common urban legend)

Multiple-Choice Questions
Click on the answer you think is correct.

1. Why did Eddie hate being a a) The pay was too low.
b) He didn't like working alone.

c) No-one appreciated his work.

d) He couldn't smoke on the job.

2. What did Eddie think of Mrs. a) She was a kind, thoughtful lady.
b) She was rich and selfish.

c) She was always losing things.

d) She had good taste in furniture.

3. Why was Eddie called "Ed the a) Because he was such an intelligent carpet-fitter.
Head" by his friends?
b) Because he had a large head.

c) Because he was very proud and self-important.

d) Because of his footballing skills.

4. What did Eddie want to do a) have a cigarette

when he had finished fitting the
carpet? b) hammer the carpet flat

c) look for Mrs. Vanbrugh's lost bird

d) start work in the dining room

a) He couldn't take the carpet up once he had fitted it.

5. Why didn't Eddie remove the b) He didn't need the cigarettes because he had some
carpet to take out the thing that more in the van.
was causing the lump?
c) It would take too long to remove the carpet and re-fit it.

d) He intended to come back and remove the lump the

next day.

6. What did Eddie do with the a) hammered nails into the lump
b) fixed the coffee table

c) left it under the carpet

d) flattened the carpet

7. What was Mrs. Vanbrugh a) Her bird was missing.

worried about?
b) She thought the carpet was going to be too expensive.

c) She thought Eddie had been smoking in the house.

d) She couldn't find her husband Armand.

8. What was really under the a) the cigarettes

b) Eddie's toolbox

c) nothing

d) the missing bird

9. "Eddie was determined...." a) had no idea

means that he:
b) decided for sure

c) felt very angry

d) couldn't decide

10. "Peculiar" in the sentence a) normal

"He's never done such a thing
before, it's most peculiar..." b) like a bird
c) difficult

d) strange

1. Keep a diary in English. Write a diary in English for a week. Don’t forget the use of the simple

2. Do a frizo in which you have to show important aspects about your past, your present and
your future. Don`t forget the use of each tense.

3. choose one of the topics from the list and make five questions about it., like an interview.
Interview five English speakers and do the interview.

You have to record the interview and analyze the differences between your culture and the culture of
the interviewers. You can take some photograps in order to add it to the work.

Write a writing work with the following parts: Introduction, Objectives. Instruments ( the questions
about the topic), an the analysis data ( aqui usted debe identificar las diferencias y similitudes entre la
cultura colombiana y la cultura extranjera de acuerdo a cada pregunta), the conclusions ( su
experiencia personal) and the annexes. The work must be in English with Icontec guides.


1. Choose a song that you like. Learn it and record a VIDEO in a CD, in which you are singing the
song. Check the spelling and the pronunciation.



Look for in the dictionary the meaning of the following words.

crisps ____________
cheese _____________
milk ___________
tomato ____________
biscuit _____________
ham __________
bread _____________
lettuce ____________
sugar ___________
eggs _____________

Now, listen the conversation and click the words that you hear.
crisps Kit Kat

bacon Coke

cheese biscuit

milk bread

tomato lettuce

ham sugar


befote the listening, read the following questions

1. ¿Qué pide el hombre al principio?

2. ¿Que tipo de pan pide el hombre?

3. El hombre pide 3 cosas además del sándwich ¿Qué son?

4. ¿Qué problema hay al final del diálogo?

now listening the conversation and answering the questions.

Lee el diálogo y elige la frase correcta para cada hueco. Sigue el



Good morning. Erm...could you make me a BLT, please?


A bacon, lettuce, tomato sandwich.

Bacon, lettuce and tomato.

Please, yeah. On brown bread, please.

Sorry sir, can’t do that. We’ve got cheese sandwiches…they’re all pre-made
you see. Fresh this morning.

Okay, _____________________

We’ve got cheese, we’ve got..erm..ham. Er..ham and cheese and bacon.

Erm.. ________________________

One ham and cheese. Brown or white bread?

Erm…brown please.

Brown bread

Erm.. _____________________

One Coke and a Kit Kat. There you go.

And a pack of crisps, please.


Salt and vinegar, please.

Salt and vinegar.


Perfect. Thank you very much.


Okay doke, there you go.

Thank you. ____________________

Erm..sorry, y…you’ve given me 2.50. Erm…I gave you a tenner. So that should be 2.80

Oh I’m sorry. Er.. _______________________

No problem. No problem.

Two pound eighty.

Thank you.
What flavour? =
Sorry about that. ¿Qué sabor?
I beg your pardon =
Le pido perdón

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