Standard 4a - Brain-Based Learning From The Nectar Group

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THE NECTAR GROUP WHO WE ARE ‘Te Nectar Group is dedicated ta resolving the rot causes of leaming halenges, Our team of highly vained professionals teats leaming suescomprehensve, We address cognitive, content, andbehavioval weaknesses with unique, custom, andindhidvaized programs grounded in neuroscience. We help learners ofall ages and abit levels fain 3 competitive edge The Nectar Group provides these services to students on School campuses during the school day, at our headquarters and learning center In Centennial, CO, and areund the word with our unique online ecoaching programs. \We'e alo commited to helping eductors understand the benef and spplstions ‘of ncurscience to better moet te needs oftheir students and maximize the learning processinthe classroom, The Potential Pyramid HELPING STUDENTS REACH THEIR POTENTIAL For stents foreach tel fl leaming potential, they need to have all thre levels a the potential pyramid working wel Af the foundation ofthe pyramid ae alo the ogni kil that make up how we lam. These mus e tong fr learingto our The second level is content oF knowedge, This what we ky, ke math eseing. nd wring Final, 2 the top ofthe pyramid are the behaviors that impact how we Implement and use ers and 2. The Nectar Group works with students onal thee tes, starting wherever the root issue existe for each individual. By correcting any underiying cognitive weaknesses, students gain the necessary foundation to master classroom instruction and thus bul thei knowledge With a strong foundation of cognitive sls 3nd content knowledge, students are more receptive to sty sls and ater performance boosting behaviors. ‘tor working with The Nectar Group, students have the skils they need to lear with pester ease and increased sce, ‘ur works Limite to students, though. Fr every te ofthe pyramid, we empower educators wth greater understanding of how esming occurs ntnebain, We provide boththe understanding ofeogitive sil’ olesin earning andthe resources that help educators dent ana improve cognitive weaknesses in and out the caesar, PARTNERS IN EDUCATION ‘Te Nectar Groups always tilled to partner with schools. Weal share a common palo wanting to see students succeed Workingwith The Nectar Group means having ‘2ecessto services and plans tat itbath your needs and your students: While you ray {hoostotake advantage of aseletnmberof ur serves comprehensive partnership with Te Nectar Group makes the greatest iferencefor your entire schol community ‘The Nectar Group proudly oles hs Partner School access to all ofthe below services Our School Partnership services include. Qcaveator rainings ‘Te Nectar Group offers educators Continuing Education Unis andthe opportunity to

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