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The Benefits of Recycling


Most communities across the country maintain recycling programs in which newspapers, aluminum cans, glass
bottles, and plastic bottles are recycled. Most people assume that recycling is beneficial. But who actually
benefits? For example, does recycling reduce stress on the environment? Does it improve the quality of life for
people? Does it create new jobs, save money, or promote the development of new technology?

For this project, you will attempt to answer the question, “What are the benefits of recycling?” You will present a
summary of your conclusions as a poster which will include graphs and illustrations that support your conclusions
OR as a video public service announcement to increase awareness of recycling and its benefits.

The best posters will be chosen to be displayed in the school and the best videos will be published on my
website as a part of our AJHS going “GREEN” campaign.


Your project timeline & due dates are as follows:

1. Wednesday 09/15 (A-day) / Thursday 09/16 (B-day & Block 5)

 Research the benefits of recycling.
 After gathering your research, analyze your information and draw conclusions.
 Use the attached research form to turn in your information on the due date. (You are not limited to
the questions on the form!)

2. Thursday 09/23 (A-day) / Friday 09/24 (B-day & Block 5)

 Organize/Storyboard Information

3. Monday 10/11 (A-day) / Tuesday 10/12 (B-day & Block 5)

 Final Project Due (Poster/Video)

Each of these due dates represents a grade in the Projects Category which is 20% of your overall

The Benefits of Recycling Project – Grading Rubric

1. Due dates are deadlines! If you will not be in school for any reason on a due date, it is YOUR
responsibility to turn in the assignment PRIOR to the deadline!

2. I take plagiarism seriously! Your project should be your original work! If I find your project in whole or
part from another source you will receive a ZERO, not a 59!

3. PLEASE be creative! Creativity is a part of the grading rubric!

Criteria Points
4 3 2 1
Students create an original, Students create an accurate Students create an The product is not accurate.
Poster/PSA accurate and interesting product that adequately accurate product but it
Video product that adequately addresses the benefits of does not adequately
addresses the benefits of recycling. address the benefits of ____
recycling. recycling.

Students include 4 or more Students include at least 3 Students include at least Students include fewer than
Research high-quality examples or high-quality examples or 2 high-quality examples 2 high-quality examples or
pieces of data that support pieces of data that support or pieces of data that pieces of data that support ____
the benefits of recycling. the benefits of recycling. support the benefits of the benefits of recycling.
Students identify more than Students identify at least 4 Students identify at least Students identify fewer than
Brainstorming 4 reasonable, insightful reasonable, insightful 3 reasonable, insightful 3 reasonable, insightful
- Solutions possible solutions/strategies possible possible possible solutions/strategies ____
to encourage recycling. solutions/strategies to solutions/strategies to to encourage recycling.
encourage recycling. encourage recycling.
Students identify more than Students identify at least 4 Students identify at least Students identify fewer than
Brainstorming 4 reasonable, insightful reasonable, insightful 3 reasonable, insightful 3 reasonable, insightful
- Problems barriers/problems to barriers/problems to barriers/problems to barriers/problems to
recycling. recycling. recycling. recycling.

Students include 4 or more, Students include 2-3 high Students include 2-3 Students include fewer than
Research high quality sources. quality sources. sources but some of are 2 sources.
questionable quality. ____

Shows a great deal of Completely lacking

Shows some creativity. Shows little creativity.


A (24 - 21) B (20 - 17) C (16 - 13) D (12 - 9) F (8 and below)

24 – 100 20 – 89 16 – 79 12 – 69 8 – 59
23 – 97 19 – 86 15 – 76 11 – 66
22 – 94 18 – 83 14 – 73 10 – 63
21 – 9 1 17 – 80 13 – 70 9 – 60

The Benefits of Recycling – Research Form

Who benefits from recycling?

How do they benefit?

Is there anyone that may not benefit?

How is the environment impacted by recycling and not recycling?

Are jobs created? Are jobs reduced? Are jobs increased?

What countries create the most garbage by percentage of population?

What countries recycle the most by percentage of population?

What can you do to increase awareness of recycling and its benefits?

What are the challenges to recycling? How can they be overcome?

Please feel free to add additional questions or substitute some of your own
questions for those that have been provided! 

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