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Alzheimer’s disease: oral manifestations, treatment

and preventive measures.
Jordi Ortega-Martínez. Abstract: In the treatment of patients with dementia types such as
Rosario Cedeño-Salazar. Alzheimer’s, non-current and tough situations are faced. Treatment should
Cristina Requena. be tailored to each stage of the disease and for each patient. In this type of
Marc Tost. disease, it is very important to involve families and caregivers to improve the
Antoni Lluch. patients´ quality of life. The main goal with these patients is prevention. All
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, oral manifestations caused by the lack of inadequate oral hygiene, xerostomia
Barcelona. España. and manifestations derived from taking drugs should be controlled. The aim
of this review is to describe the main oral manifestations which can result
Corresponding author: Jordi Ortega-Mar-
from this disease and the best treatment options taking into account the pa-
tínez. C/Josep Trueta s/n 08195 Sant Cu-
tients’ clinical stages.
gat del Vallès, Barcelona. Spain. Phone:
34-935042000. E-mail: jortega@uic.es Keywords: Alzheimer, Dementia, Oral health, Disease, Prevention.

Receipt: 03/05/2014 Revised: 03/23/2014 Cite as: Ortega-Martínez J, Cedeño-Salazar R, Requena C, Tost M & Lluch A. Alzheimer’s
Acceptance: 04/30/2014 Online: 04/30/2014 disease: oral manifestations, treatment and preventive measures. J Oral Res 2014; 3(3): 184-189

INTRODUCTION. with progressive deterioration ranging from the absence of

Dementias are multifactorial diseases. They are charac- cognitive impairment to severe cognitive impairment3,4,6.
terized by an acquired and persistent deterioration of the Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive degenerative process
intellectual function, with involvement of at least three in cognitive function of unknown origin. It involves a gra-
areas of mental activity such as memory, language, visual- dual and continuous deterioration of memory, orientation,
spatial, emotional skills, personality disorders and deficits emotional stability, abstract thinking, motor skills and per-
in cognitive ability, being severe enough to interfere with sonal care4-7.
the patient’s daily life activities1-6. The main clinical symptoms of the disease are 4: aphasia
Age is the major risk factor in cases of dementia, being (loss of the ability to use speech and language), apraxia (loss
more commonly found in individuals aged 85 and over. of ability to perform learned and familiar movements), visual
Although, according to the literature, there are significant agnosia (inability to recognize familiar visual stimuli) and
variations in prevalence, ranging from 3% for those 65 to memory disorders4-7.
74-year-olds and 47% for those older than 853. This preva- The course of the disease can vary from patient to pa-
lence implies the possibility of a dentist finding a person tient, but it generally develops in 3 stages. In the first one,
with dementia is considerable1-6. the most characteristic sign is the loss of memory and tem-
Among all dementia types, Alzheimer’s disease com- poral disorientation, loss of spontaneity, and even dete-
prises over 50% of cases, with a higher incidence in Afro- rioration in physical presence and hygiene. In the second
American and Hispanic people compared with the white phase, patients suffer a rapid loss of intellectual capacity,
population and a higher prevalence in women. In order of observation skills, sense of humor, self-recognition, lan-
frequency, it is followed by vascular dementia with 16%, guage comprehensibility and motor skills deteriorate along
and the remaining 30% belonging to other dementias, such with a partial or total loss of speech. In the last phase, also
as frontotemporal, the Lewy body disease, mixed dementia called terminal phase, the patient is apathetic, disoriented
and Creutzfeldt-Jakob3. and without the ability to communicate and even sudden
Dementia patients go through different clinical stages changes in mood, depression and behavioral problems as

184 ISSN Online 0719-2479 - ©2014 - Official publication of the Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Concepción - www.joralres.com
Ortega-Martínez J, Cedeño-Salazar R, Requena C, Tost M & Lluch A.
Alzheimer’s disease: oral manifestations, treatment and preventive measures.
J Oral Res 2014; 3(3): 184-189

well as verbal or physical aggression appear. Also, seizu- themselves adequately1-4,6,8.

res or incontinence can occur in advanced stages4-7. Other The decrease in salivary flow leads to alterations in the
authors such as Friedlander et al. proposed seven different flora of the oral cavity, mucous membranes look smooth
stages of the natural process of self cognitive impairment of and pale and the tongue has a red and dry appearance with
the disease3. a tendency to crack. Patients may complain of burning
It is essential to make a correct diagnosis of these disea- mouth sensation, changes in speech, taste, swallowing di-
ses through a good medical history which includes a com- sorders and halitosis. There is also the occurrence of ulcers
plete physical, psychiatric and neurological evaluation in by friction due to reduced adhesion of the prosthesis sup-
order to identify cognitive deficits and to rule out other ported by the oral mucosa. Besides, reduced salivary flow
pathologies with similar clinical manifestations, such as leads to a reduction in salivary components allowing the
hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, depression, vitamin occurrence of oral infections like candidiasis1-6,9-11.
B12 deficits, electrolyte imbalances, Parkinson’s disease, Candidiasis.
neurosyphilis or HIV infection4-7. Microorganisms of the Candida genus are present in the
The main oral manifestations of Alzheimer’s disease are oral cavity of about 50% of the population without causing
usually due to lack of proper maintenance of oral hygiene, disease, yet, when acting as infectious agents, they may cause
improper control of bacterial plaque, xerostomia and those candidiasis12.
derived directly from drugs1,2,5-7. Bacteria accumulating in the removable prosthesis are an
Oral care, treatment planning and behavior manage- important factor in the pathogenesis of stomatitis caused by
ment in individuals with dementia should be designed prosthesis13. In the prostheses, there is a biofilm formed by
taking into consideration the severity of the disease and fungi, bacteria and sloughed epithelial cells which acts as a
should involve family members and caregivers1-6. reservoir for the oral microorganisms13.
The aim of this review is to describe the main oral Chronic atrophic candidiasis is an inflammation of the
manifestations which can result from this disease and the mucosa which is located underneath the acrylic prosthe-
best treatment options taking into account the patients’ sis12, Candida albicans being the main etiological agent of
clinical stages. this infection12,14.
Proper routine cleaning of the prosthesis is necessary
ORAL MANIFESTATIONS OF ALZHEIMER’S for preventing stomatitis caused by these microorganisms
DISEASE. and to keep healthy supporting tissue12,14.
In patients with Alzheimer’s disease, there are several In elderly or patients with mobility problems, chemi-
oral findings due to improper maintenance of oral hygie- cals to clean the prosthesis may be helpful. Commercial
ne as a result of the failure to remember its importance, products available today can be divided into five groups:
an incorrect control of bacterial plaque, the presence of alkali peroxides, alkaline hypochlorite, dilute organic
xerostomia and manifestations derived directly from me- and inorganic acids, disinfectants and enzymes. Immer-
dicines (gingival overgrowths in patients treated with an- sion cleaning is the most common technique due to its
ticonvulsant drugs)1-4,6,7. convenience. Besides cleaning, this procedure deconta-
The deficiency in the oral hygiene patients with this minates the prosthesis through the destruction of mi-
disease can trigger a number of dental problems which croorganisms by cleaning chemicals13.
include: caries, periodontal disease, gingivitis, halitosis There are studies comparing the occurrence of Can-
and a progressive destruction of teeth which can eventua- dida yeast on denture with metal alloy and resin, being
lly cause systemic consequences such as difficulty to feed most prevalent in resin. The aging of the acrylic resin

ISSN Online 0719-2479 - ©2014 - Official publication of the Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Concepción - www.joralres.com 185
Ortega-Martínez J, Cedeño-Salazar R, Requena C, Tost M & Lluch A.
Alzheimer’s disease: oral manifestations, treatment and preventive measures.
J Oral Res 2014; 3(3): 184-189

leads to deterioration characterized by increased porosi- drugs which are likely to adversely interfere with the pro-
ty, making the surface more and more rough, promoting duction of saliva8.
colonization of microorganisms12 . The effects produced by the drugs often occur more ea-
According to Gusmão et al.12 , people who do not re- sily in the elderly. It is believed that this occurs by a strong
move their prosthesis at night have a higher prevalence of expression of the drug as a result of decreased serum albu-
Candida yeast. min and the half-life of drugs in the blood of older people
Prevalence of stomatitis related to the use of dentures is higher due to its elimination. Its elimination may be
varies between 25 and 66.7% and it is more often in older affected by renal dysfunction and a slow metabolism10.
people or those who have reduced motor skills living in Patients with Alzheimer’s disease have xerostomia
nursing homes14. due to anticholinergic and anxiolytic drugs10. In cases of
Candida treatment consists of directly applying an an- Parkinson’s dementia, antiparkinsonian drugs are also ca-
tifungal to the affected area or to the right surface of the tegorized as one of the most xerostomizing10.
prosthesis. This treatment may be compromised by the
difficulty for application in disabled patients. Therefore, DENTA L TR E ATMENT A ND PR EV EN-
we should always administer the treatment that is easier TION ME A SUR ES
to implement and requires less frequent applications. The The goal of treatment in the oral cavity will be pre-
most often used drug to inhibit the growth of Candida is vention according to each stage of illness the patient’s
Nystatin, it is the most used antifungal in dentistry, with physical and emotional capacity. The patient’s oral health
topical or systemic application14. should be improved for a better quality of life and thus
Xerostomia. avoid an increased risk of heart disease (bacteremia) or
Saliva serves to lubricate and protect the oral cavity; it bacterial pneumonia aspiration4-7.
helps to form the food bolus and facilitates swallowing When diagnosing a condition of such nature, a review and
and speech. Regarding teeth, it has a mechanical clea- complete rehabilitation of the oral cavity should be conduc-
ning action, reduces the amount of oral microorganisms, ted, since failure to maintain good oral health can lead to
neutralizes acids of the bacterial metabolism of the bio- malnutrition increasing the risk of oral infections4-7.
film (buffering capacity) and provides inorganic ions of Preventive measures aimed at controlling bacterial
calcium phosphate to the hard dental tissue during re- plaque, xerostomia and use of removable dentures should
mineralization15. be taken4-7.
It was long believed that the decrease in salivary f low Firstly, the patient’s motor skills to maintain proper
was produced by age and disability of the salivary glands control of bacterial plaque must be considered. Because
to produce saliva. Today, literature supports the fact that of the patient’s motor difficulties to keep bacterial plaque
some drugs also contribute significantly to the reduc- under control, the assistance of professional hygiene in
tion of saliva production. This reduction or absence of the dental clinic and caregivers or family in the patient’s
salivary f low may occur by the interference caused by home will be required1-4,6,7.
the autonomic nervous system or by direct action on the Regarding the mechanical treatment of the plate, stu-
acinar cells 8 . dies recommend the use of electric toothbrushes with
Medication plays an important role in reducing the fluoridated toothpaste16 .
unstimulated salivary flow, while a dry mouth is associa- Using a chemical control adjunct to mechanical plaque
ted with other factors such as anxiety and stress. Anti- is fundamental. Mouthwash should be used as long as
hypertensives and antidepressants belong to the group of the patient retains the ability to rinse. The most widely

186 ISSN Online 0719-2479 - ©2014 - Official publication of the Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Concepción - www.joralres.com
Ortega-Martínez J, Cedeño-Salazar R, Requena C, Tost M & Lluch A.
Alzheimer’s disease: oral manifestations, treatment and preventive measures.
J Oral Res 2014; 3(3): 184-189

used antiseptic chlorhexidine is 0.12 at 0.2%. In cases In Alzheimer´s disease, apart from impaired cognitive
where the patient retains the ability to rinse, there are function, patients’ daily activities are affected. In lite-
other presentations of chlorhexidine such as spray, gel or rature, there is a coincidence in the presence of clinical
varnish with a maximum time of 15 days to avoid dental signs, such as apraxia and apathy, as responsible for cau-
staining4-7. This antimicrobial tenfold reduced plaque. sing such people to have a disinterest, neglect themselves
The presence of alcohol is contraindicated in cases such and experience inability to run a proper oral hygiene te-
as mucositis, radiation sensitive tissues of the head and chnique at intermediate stages of the disease 4,7.
neck, and immunocompromised patients and those with Poor oral hygiene and oral health lead to the appea-
composite resin restorations13,17. rance of a series of oral manifestations, such as coronal
Poor oral hygiene can lead to the loss of most teeth. and root cavities 4 , periodontal disease, gingivitis, hali-
This fact would cause the need for a removable prosthe- tosis, prosthesis induced ulcers and even the presence
sis. However, adaptation and use in patients with demen- of fungal infections (candidiasis)1,3,5,6 . That is why pre-
tia is very limited because of their cognitive impairment ventive measures must be taken and family members
and motor deficits4-7. must be educated to avoid possible complications due
Secondly, the consequences of xerostomia should be pre- to poor oral hygiene 3-4 .
vented by using local salivary stimulants (gum with xylitol, Silvestre et al.7 specifies a classification of oral mani-
parasympathomimetic drugs or salivary substitutes)4-7. festations that can be caused by AD. They are classified
In advanced stages, the dental treatment becomes in- in manifestations derived from oral hygiene, xerostomia,
creasingly difficult, sometimes requiring the use of gene- drugs and various other causes.
ral anesthesia to avoid general medical risks4-7. For greater plaque removal, several scientific articles,
such as Verma et al.16 and Visschere et al.19, recommend
DISCUSSION. the use of electric toothbrushes for these patients. Ne-
Currently, aging leads to an increase in the incidence vertheless, I seri et al.13 and Silvestre et al.7 recommend a
of dementiain our society. This increases the likelihood plaque chemical adjuvant to mechanical treatment. The-
of having to treat people who suffer it. Literature agrees se articles recommend chlorhexidine 0.12%, modifying
that Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of de- its presentation depending on the patient5,13,16,19.
mentia in the elderly, followed by vascular dementias1-7. AD patients are treated with drugs which improve
Referring to the prevalence of these diseases, an increa- cognitive performance, such as acetylcholinesterase in-
sed susceptibility to suffer them is seen in old age, this hibitors, and others to relieve the rest of symptoms such
being the main risk factor 6 . Additionally, Friedlander et as NSAIDs, anticonvulsants, anxiolytics and antioxi-
al.3 concluded that there is a higher incidence in Afro- dants1-4,7. Literature agrees on the presence of xerostomia
American and Hispanic people and a higher prevalence and gingival hyperplasia as the main manifestations deri-
in women. There are even studies linking the possible ved from drug treatment7,8,10,15,20.
onset of dementia with the patient’s dental hygiene prior Candidiasis and xerostomia are not exclusively caused
to AD18. In this study, a reduced risk of dementia was by AD, but they appear more frequently due to a set of
observed in subjects with lower educational level due to characteristics favoring such clinical situations in patients
the absence of infectious foci18 . with AD, like advanced age, intake of drugs which can de-
According to literature, early diagnosis is essential to crease salivary flow and lack of self-hygiene due to cognitive
favorably modify the disease although healing is virtually degradation8.12.
impossible. It also helps in ruling out other diseases1-4,6,7. Regarding removable dentures, there are several factors

ISSN Online 0719-2479 - ©2014 - Official publication of the Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Concepción - www.joralres.com 187
Ortega-Martínez J, Cedeño-Salazar R, Requena C, Tost M & Lluch A.
Alzheimer’s disease: oral manifestations, treatment and preventive measures.
J Oral Res 2014; 3(3): 184-189

which increase the risk of stomatitis or chronic atrophic se or other dementia in Dentistry.
candidiasis13. One of them is the presence of the prosthesis This requires adequate training of professionals to provide
during sleep12 and the material it is made of, resin being re- a quality service. Early diagnosis is crucial to prevent all the
lated to the growth of Candida12, the mobility of removable complications of the disease and begin treatment to reduce
prosthesis7 and improper cleaning of dental prostheses13. its progression.
Further randomized controlled studies with an accepta-
CONCLUSION. ble follow-up period to reinforce the use of the treatments
Currently, there is an increase in life expectancy, increa- described in this review and future innovative treatments to
sing the possibility of treating people with Alzheimer’s disea- help improve the quality of life of our patients are needed.

Enfermedad de Alzheimer: manifestaciones ora- provocadas por la falta de una inadecuada higiene oral, la
les, tratamiento y medidas preventivas. xerostomía y las manifestaciones derivadas por los fármacos
Resumen: En el tratamiento a pacientes con demen- que consumen.
cias tipo Alzheimer se afrontan situaciones infrecuentes y El objetivo de esta revisión es describir cuáles son las
comprometidas. El tratamiento debe personalizarse para principales manifestaciones orales que pueden derivar de
cada estadio de la enfermedad y para cada paciente. En este esta enfermedad y las mejores opciones de tratamiento
tipo de enfermedades es muy importante involucrar a los teniendo en cuenta las etapas clínicas en las que se en-
familiares y cuidadores para mejorar la calidad de vida del cuentran los pacientes.
enfermo. El principal objetivo con estos pacientes es la pre- Palabras clave: Alzehimer, Demencia, Salud oral,
vención. Se deben controlar todas las manifestaciones orales Enfermedad, Prevención

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