Fund For The Global Reunion

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This post was published to Site Title at 3:17:30 PM 26/03/2018



For a year now, we are staunchly advocating the realization of the
GLOBAL REUNION. For this global event to be realized, we need
funds that will be used in the said global event. Huge fund! But
where shall this fund come from? You may ask. It is being worked
out by those who have the same spirit as the Lord God and Lord
Jesus Christ because this global reunion will save humanity from
certain destruction brought about by economic chaos and
deprivation and which may lead to a third world war if we fail to
hold this very important event.
What shall we be needing this fund for the global event? A lot! First,
let me enumerate the people who must be in the GLOBAL
REUNION. They are the following:
1. Presidents or leaders of the seventy two (72)
countries and other interested countries;
2. Leaders of all churches, sects and denominations
in the world;
3. All account holder/signatories of fiduciary
accounts and their respective families;
4. All keepers of precious things like heritage boxes
and precious metals and precious stones and their
5. The twenty four (24) Elders and their families;
6. The World Bank;
7. The International Monetary Fund;
8. The Federal Board;
9. The United Nations;
10. Pentagon
11. All bankers;
12. Other spiritual groups such as the “mensaheros”
and “mensaheras”
This Global Reunion is an instruction given by the Old
man to the HELMSMAN of the Foundation and the wielder of
Key Program and Reverse Key Program.
According to the Old Man, who asked that he be called
TATANG, there is fund for the global reunion. The holder should
not worry because there is an intended amount for the GLOBAL
REUNION. Part of the 70% of the account slashed for this
purpose will be used for the global reunion.
In the GLOBAL REUNION, according to TATANG, the
following events will take place, to wit:
1. Reunion;
2. Recognition;
3. UNLOCKING PROGRAM of the Divine Wealth of the Holy
Heaven Father in Heaven;
4. Coronation
For this worldwide event to take place, we need at least the
amount of ONE TRILLION PESOS (Php1,000,000,000,000.00)
1. Hotel Accommodation of the families of our poor
brethren who are involved in the safeguarding of
the Divine Wealth;

2. Mobilization expenses such as but not limited to

transportation, communication equipment;
gasoline expenses, food, clothing and allowances
for the families of the twenty-four (24) Elders and
keepers and those who will be working;

3. Media such as print and broadcast, tarpaulins and

billboards will be utilized for the advertisement to
be made informing the world of this global reunion
and coverage of the event not only in Manila, but
in the chosen places in the Visayas and Mindanao
as well;
4. Security for the Global Event

5. Lights and Sounds and Bands (Marine Band, AFP

and PNP Band and other local and foreign bands)
for the entertainment of all who will participate;

6. Guests singers and guests artist for their

professional fees;

7. Payment for the Venue such as the Rizal Park and

other historical places to be used in the occasion;
8. Fireworks display, balloons, flowers and all other
things needed to ensure a grand global reunion.

9. Private garbage collector companies for the

collection of garbages.

10. Other expenses

In the GLOBAL REUNION, TATANG, Himself, will participate.
He will come out!
The event may last from one (1) week to one (1) month.
It has been the dream of Former President Ferdinand Edralin
Marcos to make this country great again! In one of his speeches,
he said: “…and in the year 2000 and beyond, this country
can be great again!”
It has been eighteen years since Y2K and our country has not
attained the greatness Apo dreamed of. Those whom he has
entrusted must work hand in hand for the realization of that dream.
A highlight of the GLOBAL REUNION will be a recognition of
our National Hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal and to President Ferdinand
Edralin Marcos and all Filipino Heroes and non-Filipino Heroes and
Unsung Heroes in protecting the divine wealth for the
establishment of the NEW JERUSALEM in the PEARL OF THE
ORIENT SEAS! This will only be made possible with the
participation of all who have received instruction from our Dear

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