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Addressing Tasks
Your main duties in addressing tasks are:

1. Determine where the errors are

a. Look at the colored points

2. Try to give each footprint a correct address point

a. Look at ginger imagery to use your knowledge and verify obvious
correct and incorrect address point locations
b. Further check street-view to verify where an address should be
(address sequence, visual cues, etc.)
c. Shift addresses to footprints, where appropriate
d. If uncertain of any address on a footprint (either shifted there by
you or already there), mark it “uncertain” (only need to change
this for addresses that are on footprints – do not re-classify
addresses that are on the ground)
Task content
• Addressing tasks are very similar to building tasks
• You’re trying to give every single footprint a correct
corresponding address
Signing in
• Register for the project online
• Sign in to “building_project_0720 (13)” (this will be the appropriate
project for address work, and future building work)
Task objective
1. First determine where potential errors are in addresses (colored
Task objective
2. Then, try your best to give each footprint the correct corresponding
Understanding addressing labels

• building. Building polygon (not address)

• single_fp. Single (building) footprint
corresponding to the address
• no_fp. No (building) footprint corresponding
to the address
• multi_fp. Multiple (building) footprints
corresponding to the address
• split. One (building) footprint has more than
one corresponding address
• shed. Address overlaps with the shed, or a
non-primary building on the property
• conflict_addr. Conflicting or suspicious
• Uncertain. Uncertain address

• Primarily focus on the colored categories, as they are flagged as potentially

incorrect addresses
Basic rules
1. Look at each building (ginger imagery + streetview) to determine if the
address overlaps with the appropriate building
2. If the address is not in the correct location, shift it to overlap with the
appropriate building
Basic rules
• Look at street-view to confirm
address on number on front of
building, and place it on the
correct building
• If you can place the address on
a building but cannot confirm
that it’s the correct building, re-
classify it as “uncertain”
• If there is no corresponding
building to place the address
on, just leave it as-is (do not
move it, do not re-classify it)
Single-family homes
• Case 1. Multiple addresses on one home + missing on neighbour
1. Look at each building (ginger imagery + streetview) to determine if the
address sequence is correct
2. If the address is not in the correct location, shift it to overlap with the
appropriate building (do not reclassify unless uncertain)
Single-family homes
• Case 2. Shifted addresses
1. Look at each building (ginger imagery + streetview) to determine if the
address sequence is correct
2. If the addresses are not in the correct location, select all of them and shift
them as a group

building at end
of row suggests
shifting of
Single-family homes
• Case 3. Address with no building
1. Look at each building (ginger imagery + streetview) to determine if you can
associate the address with any building
2. If you cannot associated the building with any address, leave it (do not
mark uncertain)
Single-family homes
• Case 4. Address on shed
1. Look at each building (ginger imagery + streetview) to determine where the
primary building is located / address should be
2. Move the address to the primary building (but do not re-classify)
Single-family homes
• Case 5. Address on 2 buildings
1. Look at each building (ginger imagery + streetview) to determine if the
address sequence is correct
2. Shift the address to the appropriate building (but do not re-classify)
Single-family homes
• Case 6. Missing address
1. Look at each building (ginger imagery + streetview) to determine where the
addresses should be
Single-family homes
• Case 6. Missing address
2. Create a new polygon on top of building
3. Right click on the neighbor building address polygon to grab the street name
4. Paste the street name into the address of the new polygon, and change the
street number correspondingly (“786” in this case)
• Case 7. Townhouses
1. Verify that the addresses are in the correct location and sequence
• Case 7. Townhouses
2a. If you are not sure how to
cut the townhouse, leave it and
mark all the points blue /
2b. If it is obvious how the
building should be cut, then cut
it into separate units based on
the address points, but do not
re-classify any points (leave
them as “multi”)
• Case 7. Townhouses
3. Group the townhouses
together. This is tricky because
you have to hold shift and
select each one individually,
and then press the “group”
button at the top (or “4” for
shortcut) to group them
• Case 7c. Townhouses
• In the case where addresses are not on the townhouse (but near), and it
is unclear how a townhouse should be separated and/or which address
should go on which part of the townhouse, you can just leave all the
addresses as they are (do not attempt to shift, or re-classify)
• Case 7c. Townhouses
• In the case where addresses are on the townhouse, but it is not clear how
to split the townhouse, just mark all the addresses “uncertain”
Single-family homes
• Case 8. Double-family homes (not townhouses)
• If a building only has 2 units, it is not a townhouse and should not be
split or re-classified
• Case 9. Commercial buildings
• Commercial buildings are often difficult to discern, and streetview
sometimes does not provide much help
• If any address already on a building (or shifted there by you) is not
clear or uncertain, mark it as “uncertain”
• If any address not on a building is not clear or uncertain, just leave it
• Unless it is very clear where to cut the commercial buildings, they
should not be cut
• Case 9. Commercial buildings
• Commercial buildings are often difficult to discern, and streetview
sometimes does not provide much help
• If any address already on a building (or shifted there by you) is not
clear or uncertain, mark it as “uncertain”
• If any address not on a building is not clear or uncertain, just leave it
• Unless it is very clear where to cut the commercial buildings, they
should not be cut
Buildings Under Construction
• Case 10. Buildings under construction
• Buildings under construction are to be treated as regular footprints,
and each still deserves an address
• If there are addresses where it looks like houses will soon be built,
just leave them there (as seem below)
The end

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