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Common errors

Error 1. Townhouses has no clear division (ie. inconsistent shape and no fence
lines) and cannot be viewed on street-view, so you do not know how to split them.
However, they have been split anyways.

Solution 1. Merge all the cut polygons, and mark all the addresses as “uncertain”
 If the sequence of addresses is clear (ie. 3044, 3046, 3048), and there is clear
division in the houses (ie. fence-lines, symmetrical shapes), then you can split
and leave at “split” category even if there is no street-view:

(Correct answer shown)

 However, if the sequence is not clear (ie. 2919, 2921, 3123, 2925, etc.), and
there is no clear division of houses (ie no clear fences, not symmetric), then
you should not split, and mark all as “uncertain”:

(Correct answer shown)

Problem 2. Address is missing, and no new one is created.

Solution 2. Add a new “single FP” address polygon on ontop of the building with
the missing address, then:
Problem 3. Commercial building is split (commercial buildings should not be split,
unless it is very clear where to split them).

Solution 3. Merge the split parts (and if appropriate, mark uncertain).

Problem 4. Uncertain address (ie. no way to view on streetview and confirm) not
marked uncertain. If sequence off, or you cannot clearly see two entrances or two
driveways, then ALWAYS quickly check streetview.

Solution 4. Can’t see two clear units, so mark as uncertain

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