A3-Payment Structure-Building New Creation Work

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Glimmertech Payment Details

This document will review details of the latest payment structure. Overall, judgers earn the
most, then checkers, then labelers. The best labelers will be promoted to checkers, and the best
checkers to judgers.

Summary of payment
Urban base Rural base PHP per Effect of comments Effect of comments “Free”
benchmark benchmark benchmark received put comments
Labeler 150 150 75+ (see below left) N/A <1%
Checker 1500 1000 75+ (see below right) + 7 * comments <1%
Judger 2500 1500 Salary - 30 * comments + 11 * comments <1%

LABELLER comments received CHECKER comments received

Effect of comments Effect of comments
Percentage error rate Percentage error rate
received (Norm. Features) received (Norm. Features)
0% - 1% 0 0% - 1% 0
1% - 10% -0.8 1% - 10% -6
10% - 15% -0.9 10% - 15% -7
15% - 20% -1 15% - 20% -8
20% - 30% -1.5 20% - 30% - 12
>30% -2 >30% - 16

Note that there are two different base benchmarks for checkers and judgers – urban, and rural.
Rural benchmarks for checkers and judgers are lower, as it is more difficult to reach a high
speed in rural geographies. All examples below are given using the rural benchmarks.

I. Labellers
 Labellers will be paid based on Normalized Features
 “Normalized” Features refers to performance table features, which take in to account the
amount of features you label less the effect of comments received (as per above tables,
depending on your percentage error rate)
 Normalized Features are only counted when work is passed by judgers, so make sure
your work is of high quality so it can be quickly passed
 The first 1% of comments received will be “free”, and not penalized, but after that the
negative effect of comments will kick in at increasing rates as your percentage error
increases (as per above tables)
 An average labeler can produce 150 features per hour, resulting in a rate of PHP75/hr. A
top-performer can double this.
 Further, on a weekly basis, the more you work the higher the pay will be. Bonus rates are
as follows:
o P75 per 150 features: Up to 1500 features per week (first 10hrs worked each
o P78.75 per 150 features: Between 1500-3000 features per week (between 10 and
20hrs per week)
o P82.5 per 150 features: Over 3000 features per week (over 20hrs per week)
 To give an example, if a labeler had average output of 150 features per hour and worked
35hrs in a week, they work earn:
o P75 * 10 = P750 for the first 10 hrs of work
o + P78.75 * 10 = P787.5 for the next 10hrs of work
o + P82.5 * 15 = P1,237.5 for the next 15hrs of work
o = total of P2,775 for the week
 Further, the minimum hours per week for a part-time labeler is 10 which equates to 1,500
(10hrs at 150 features per hour) features. This is the absolute minimum. We have to be
strict on this because we’ve had people signing up that do not work and it disrupts our
estimations and destroys the balance of our system.

II. Checkers
 Checkers will be paid based on Normalized Features
 “Normalized” Features refers to performance table features, which take in to account the
amount of features you reviewed + the effects of comments left (ie. comments left * 7)
less the effect of comments received (as per above tables, depending on your percentage
error rate)
 Normalized Features are only counted when work is passed by judgers, so make sure the
work you pass is of high quality so it can be quickly passed by judgers
 The first 1% of comments received will be “free”, and not penalized, but after that the
negative effect of comments will kick in at increasing rates as your percentage error
increases (as per the above tables)
 An average checker can produce 1,000 normalized features per hour in rural areas
resulting in a rate of PHP75/hr. A top-performer can double this. (This benchmark is
based on rural, and is subject to change – urban benchmark rate is 1500)
 Further, on a weekly basis, if your normalized features are greater than the benchmark
equivalent of 40hrs (ie. 40hrs @ 1,000 features per hour rural benchmark = 40,000
features per week), you will receive a bonus of P187.5, and all work above that
benchmark will be paid at a higher rate of P82.5:
o P75 per 1,000 features: Up to 40,000 features per week (first 40hrs worked each
week at rural benchmark)
o Bonus of P187.5: Upon 40,000 normalized features
o P82.5 per 1,000 features: Over 40,000 features per week (over 40hrs per week)
 To give an example, if a checker had average output of 1,000 features per hour (rural
benchmark speed), and worked 45hrs in a week, they would earn:
o P75 * 40 = P3,000 for the first 40 hrs of work
o P187.5 bonus = bonus for hitting benchmark
o P82.5 *5 = all work above benchmark at higher rate
o = total of P3,600 for the week
II. Judgers
 Judgers will be paid based on output
 The best judgers will be promoted to a base salary + bonus structure

III. Reviewers
 Reviewers will be paid on a base + bonus structure
 Reviewers are to follow a “selective sampling” technique, and act as the police for all
judgers, with the ability to freeze accounts and push back all work completed by a judger
if it is poor
 Reviewers will be paid at a rate higher than judgers

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