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` Sr no.


Dear Respondent,

I, Smit Patel student of master of applied management (MAM) course, Bhagwan Mahavir College of
Management Vesu Surat is conducting a research on Consumer Preference towards Branded and
Non-Branded Jewellery in Surat city. As a part of my curriculum I have to undertake a survey on
the given topic.

All the information that I collect is strictly for study purpose and will be dealt with at most

Demographic Details:-

 Name: ______________________________________
 Gender: Male Female
 Age : 18-30 31-40 41-50 Above 50+

 Occupation: Self-employed Housewife Student

Professionals Service
 What is your family monthly income (in Rs.)?

10000 - 25000 25001- 50000

50001 - 100000 Above 100000

1. Do you purchase jewellery?

Yes No

2. Expenditure on jewellery in a year (in Rs.)?

1000 - 25000 25001- 50000

50001 - 100000 Above 100000

3. How frequently do you buy jewellery in a year?

Once in 3 months Once in 6 months Once in a year

4. What is the purpose to buy jewellery? (Multiple Choice)

Investment/Security Fashion Status symbol

Astrology Gifts Festivals/Occasion

5. What kind of jewellery do you buy? (Multiple Choice)

Gold Sliver Semi precious stones

Diamond Pearls Precious stones

6. What jewellery items/pieces do you generally prefer? (Multiple Choice)

Earrings Bangles Chains

Rings Necklace Other ______________

7. Where do you most prefer to buy the jewellery from?

Branded Jewellery Non-Branded (Local Jeweller)

(For Question no. 8 and 9 answer it according to your choice done in question no.7)

8. Rate the following parameters (factors) which attract you towards jewellery purchase?
(Where 1 = Least important and 5 = Most important)

1 2 3 4 5
Promotional offers
Wide variety of designs to choose
Shop display
Family or friend influence
New collections
If other(please specify) ____________________

9. Given below are few characteristics of Jeweller’s. Please give each characteristic rank according
your assessment and preference.( 1 being highest and 8 being lowest )

Characteristics of Jeweller’s Number of points

Give on Credit
Negotiable Price
Traditional designer
Wide range of products under one roof
Certified products
Trendy and fashionable jewellery
Exchange offers

10. Have you brought any branded jewellery?

Yes No

11. Are you aware about various branded jewellery available in Surat city?(Multiple Choice)

Tanishq Kalyan Jewellers Kalamandir Jewellers

S.V G Jewellers Gili Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri


12. Who is Decision maker while purchasing jewellery in your family?

Parents Yourself

Spouse Other _____________

13. Are you satisfied with jewelleries you have bought?

Satisfied Dissatisfied


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