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Requirements for Teacher Certification and License 1


Requirements for Teacher Certification and License

University of Phoenix

Shavone Grays

V. Jena Kugel


April 2, 2010
Requirements for Teacher Certification and License 2

Requirements for Teacher Certification and License

I. Introduction:

In order to teach professionally in the State of Michigan a qualified person must

obtain their license and certification. The State of Michigan provides several

different options through the State of Michigan Department of Education. The

State of Michigan department of Education also provides eight different

certificates that require various levels of teaching. Qualified applicants must at

least have four years of college in education and ready to pass certain test to even

be qualified as a teacher. Becoming a teacher has many different qualifications a

potential applicant must have.

II. Certification and Licenses

A. Provisional Certificate (initial teaching license)

B. Professional Education Certificate (advanced teaching license)

C. Temporary Vocational Authorization (initial vocational license)

D. Occupational Education Certificate (advanced vocational license)

E. Preliminary School Psychologist Certificate (initial license)

F. School Psychologist Certificate (advanced license)

G. Temporary Teacher Employment authorization (one year non-renewable

authorization issued to candidates with valid out-of-state teaching certificates)

H. School Guidance Counselor License

III. State of Michigan Requirements

A. A bachelor’s degree with a few credits in education

B. A master’s degree in education

Requirements for Teacher Certification and License 3

C. Some teaching experience

D. Must pass one of the various teacher’s exam

E. Must obtain a teaching certificate

IV. Levels of Teaching

A. Elementary School Certification

1. Student must complete 36-38 hour major

2. Student must complete 24-26 hour minor

3. Student must complete a bachelor’s degree program in education

B. Junior High School Certification

1. Student must complete 36-38 hour major in natural science

2. Student must complete 33-35 credit hour in an academic minor

3. Must obtain a bachelor’s degree in profession education sequence

4. Must pass the Michigan Test for Teaching Certification (MTTC) Basic

Skills Test

C. High School Certification

1. Student must complete 36-38 hour major in visual arts, music, and

physical education

2. Student must obtain a 2.5 G.P.A. in all educational majors

3. Student must know and have their CPR certificate

4. Must pass the Michigan Test for Teaching Certificate major and minor


V. Conclusion:
Requirements for Teacher Certification and License 4

There are very many interesting ways to being able to professionally teach in the

State of Michigan. It is up to the individual and the desire to want to help others

learn. Being a teacher does have its advantages and disadvantages. All the

knowledge an individual can gain going to college to become a teacher can

benefit them in the long run eventually.

Requirements for Teacher Certification and License 5


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