Question Bank English Class V Unseen Passage-I

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Each question carries one mark.
1.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow-

Scientists know many things about the Sun. They know how old it is. The Sun is more than 4½
billion years old. They also know the Sun’s size. The Sun may seem small, but that is because it is
so far away. It is about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) away from the Earth. The Sun is
so large that the diameter of the Sun is 109 times the Earth’s diameter. The Sun also weighs as
much as 333,000 Earths. The Sun is the center of our Solar System. Besides the Sun, the Solar
System is made up of the planets, moons, asteroid belt, comets, meteors, and other objects.
(a) How old is the sun ?
(b) Why does the sun seem small ?
(c) What is the distance of the sun from the Earth ?
(d) What is there at the center of the Solar System?
(e) What is the solar system made up of ?
(f) Complete the sentence
The Sun is so large that the diameter of the Sun is __________________________________.
(g) What is the opposite of many- __________
(h) Write one describing words from the passage :__________
(i) Find out a naming word from the passage -____________
(j) Give a title to the passage_________________________

Each question carries one mark.
2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow-

Bees live in a house that is called a hive. There are three kinds of bees: workers, drones, and
queens. Only one queen bee can live in each hive. If she is lost or dead, the other bees will stop
their work. Bees are very wise and busy little creatures. They all join together to build cells of
wax for their honey. Each bee takes its proper place and does its own work. Some go out and
gather honey from the flowers; others stay at home and work inside the hive. It is not safe for
children to handle bees. Bees have a painful sting that they use in their defense.

(a)Bees live in a ________.

kennel hive stable
(b) Name the three kinds of bees who live in a hive ?
(c) Find a word from the passage which means :
collect - __________________
(d) How many queen bees live in a hive?
(e) What will happen if queen bee is lost or dead?
(f) Why is it not safe for the children to handle bees?
(g) Find a word from the passage opposite in the meaning to-
Build ________________
(h) Say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ :
All the bees go out and gather honey. _______________
(i) Complete the sentence
Bees are very wise and __________________creatures

(j) Give a title to the passage ______________________________________________

Each question carries one mark.
3.Read the following stanzas carefully and answer the questions :

Fred is a very lazy frog

Who lolls all day upon a log.
He always manages to shirk
Doing a single stroke of work.
His poor old mother calls in vain
“Come in and help!” he does not bother
To move two inches, much preferring
To be extremely hard-of-hearing.
He lies there in a silent heap,
And stays conveniently asleep
If a lady frog hops past
You’d think he would get up at last
To bow, and help her on her way?
But no, I am ashamed to say
That when a lady frog comes by
He does not open up one eye!

(a) What does Fred do all day long?

(b) What does Fred manage to shirk from ?
(c) What does Fred do when his mother calls him ?
(d) Write the title of the poem ?
(e) What does Fred do when a lady frog hop by ?
(f) Write the opposite of :
(i) asleep x ______________
(ii) lazy x _______________
(g) Write ‘ ing ‘ words from stanza :
______________________ _____________________
(h) Give rhyming words for :
(i) frog - _________________
(ii)shirk - _________________
i. Complete the sentence
He lies there in a silent heap , and _______________________________.
j. Do you think you like Fred? Give one word to describe him.
Each question carries one mark.
4.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow-
Many years ago, at the foothills of the Kaatskill (Kat-skill) mountains, was a little village. In the
village lived a simple, good-natured fellow named Rip Van Winkle. He was a kind neighbour,
ready to help anyone. Everyone in
the village liked him. The children of the village shouted with joy whenever they saw him
because he played with them, he taught them to fly kites and shoot marbles, and told them long
stories.The only problem with Rip was that he was very lazy. He did no work on his own farm
and just idled away his time. His fences were falling to pieces.
(a) Where was the little village situated?
(b ) What kind of a man was Rip?
(c) Why did everyone in the village like him?
(d) Why did the children of the village like him ?
(e) What was the problem with Rip ?
(f) What did he do all day long?
(g) Write the name of the lesson ?
(h) Write the past tense of :-
teach - _________________
play - _______________
(i) Find out a word from the passage which means -
Wasting time away _________________
(j) Complete the sentence
He did no work on his own farm _______________________.


Each question carries 2 marks.

1.In which season is ice cream popular?
2. Who feels joyful on seeing the Ice-cream Man?
3. Name the different flavours of ice cream the Ice-cream Man has in his cart.
4. What are the two things that the Ice-cream Man is selling?
5. What is the ice-cream cart compared to in the poem?
6. What were the preparations in the palace for?
7. Why did the Maharaja go into the kitchen in the afternoon?
8. What had the cook planned to do with the vegetable
9.Where did the geese live?
10. Why did the old bird advise the other birds to destroy the creeper?
11.Why did the geese cry, “Help Help”?
12.What did the hunter do when he thought that the geese were dead?
13.Why did the geese pretend to be dead?
14.Who do you think your shadow looks like?
15. Why do you think your shadow jumps into bed before you can?
16. What time of the day do you think it is when your shadow is the tallest? Why?
17.What made Robinson Crusoe think that the print on the
ground was a footprint?
18. Why was Robinson afraid when he looked at the bushes
and trees?
19.Why did Robinson pray when he saw the
20.According to the poet, should you cry a little
or should you cry a lot?
21.What can you do after crying a lot?
22.Why was Munna not happy with the timetable that Bhaiya
made for him?
23. How do you think Munna felt when his brother was so strict
with him? Why was Bhaiya so strict with him?
24What activity was going on in the class?
25 Who was the quiet one in the class?


Each part of the question carries 1 marks.

1. What do the following words describe in the poem?
(i) joyful ______________________________________________
(ii) little ______________________________________________
2.What are the describing words used in the poem for the following?
____________________ mounds
____________________ flavour
3. Circle the words where you get a zzzzz sound
Price prize maze face
4. Name the team members needed for the following
(i) To play cricket we need
(ii) To make a film we need
(iii)To run a good school we need
(iv) To run a restaurant we need
5.Complete the sets of rhyming words.
(i) Goal __________
(ii) joy ________
(vi)plus _________
6. Write the contractions for the following phrases.
(i)has not ________________ (ii) have not ________________
(iii)do not ________________(iv) are not ________________
7. Frame a question for these answers.

Ans. My name is Avinash Sharma.

(ii) _______________________________________________
Ans. I speak Hindi, English and Punjabi.
(iii) ________________________________________________
Ans. I am ten years old.
(iv) ______________________________________________
Ans. My favourite food is dal-roti and vegetable.
(v) ______________________________________________
Ans. I went to Ambala yesterday.
(vi) ______________________________________________
Ans. I belong to India.
(vii) ________________________________________________
Ans. I drink milk to be healthy and strong.
8.Fill in the blanks with prepositions such as to, at, off, on, in, into, with.
(a) This tree was the home ____ a flock of wild geese.
(b) He noticed the creeper _____ the foot of the tree.
(c) “It would be a pity _____ destroy it now.”
(d) As they flew _____ the tree they were trapped.
(e) The boy ran ____ the dog.
9. Fill in the blanks given below with question words.
(a) _____ do you play?
(b) _____ do you get up?
(c) ____ do you have for breakfast?
(d) ____ do you go to school?
(e) _____ do you like best in the school games, art or music?
(f) ____ is your birthday?
(g) ____ do you want for your birthday?
10. Write the full forms for the following.
(i) weren’t _______________

(ii) wasn’t ________________

(iii) she’ll ________________
(iv) who’s ________________
11. Fill in the blanks using one of the words given in brackets.
(i) The poem ________ you read out, is so lovely. (whose/which/that)
(ii) I know the street ________ he lives on. (whose/ that/which)
(iii) I like reading books ________ have pictures in it. (that/who/which)
(iv) The old lady _______________ I met in your house is my neighbour. (whom / that/which)
12. The words in the sentences are jumbled. Write them in
(i) footprint to someone this belonged
(ii) I around me looked
(iii) I went the towards footprint large
(iv) was afraid I now
13.Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
and but because so
(i) I was frightened ___________ curious.
(ii) I decided to go to the beach ___________ I went along the
water's edge.
(iii) I ran as fast as I could ___________ I was frightened.
(iv) I was very tired ___________ confused.
14.Use the joining words given below and join the sentences in
Column A and B.
or and so but because
(i) I can sing well. It was raining
(ii) She wore a raincoat. I can’t dance at all.
(iii) We may go to Shimla. He wanted a football for
his birthday
(iv) He wanted a book for We may go to Darjeeling.
his birthday.

15. The word happiness ends in -ness and comes from the word
happy. Write three words that end in the same way. Which
words do they come from?
______happi ness; ________happy___________________
(i)___________ness; ________________________________
(ii) _________ ness; _________________________________
16. Fill in the blanks with the exact word.
(i) The tourists were ___________ to see the beautiful Taj Mahal. (amazed, shocked, worried)
(ii) The lights went out suddenly. I was alone and _____________. (worried, shocked, frightened)
(iii) He has been ill for a long time and his parents were __________. (unhappy, worried, angry)
(iv) The shopkeeper was ____________when he saw his safe wide open with all his money
missing.(unhappy, shocked, angry)
17.Add one more matching word to each pair. One has been done for you.
Log frog dog
shirk work ________________
vain deign ________________
preferring hearing ________________
heap keep ________________
past last ________________
way say ________________
18. Fill in the blanks using the words given below.
Awake asleep wake up get up lazily
(a) _________________ and ________________ quickly! You
will be late for school.
(b) Shh! The baby is ________________. Don't make a
sound, or she will ________________.
(c) Are you still ________________? You should be ________________ now or you will not be
able to________________ in the morning for school.


1. write a report on different brands of ice-creams available in your area

2. Write five things that you do when you reach home from school. Write them in order.
3.Look at the picture given below and write some lines about it.

4.Write a story on strange footprints.

Hints. Where did you see the footprints?
What sort of a day was it?
Did you see them at night?
What happened when you followed the footprints?
What did you see?
What happened then?
5. Narrate an incident when you have experienced happiness, excitement, surprise. You can use
the following clues.
With whom...
When did it happen...
6. Write about the people you like, a game you play, a hobby, a
habit you have. You may use the following clues.
I love….......................................................................
I like…........................................................................
I don’t mind….............................................................
I don’t like…...............................................................
I hate….......................................................................
7.Choose two friends in your class who are very different from each other. Use the clues in the
box to describe their nature. You may also add your own words to describe them.
naughty lively sharing careless studious quiet friendly helpful regular cheerful.
8. You are the House prefect of your House. Write a notice to the students of your house for
dramatization of a skit during assembly.

Each part of the question carries 1 marks.

I.Encircle the correct spelling

1. blaze / blaise / blase
2.turndling / trundling /trungling
3.strawberry / starberry /strawbarry
4.closter / clastar/ cluster
5.muhraja / Maharaja / mahraja
6. scraps/ sacraps/ skraps

II.Fill in the blanks and complete the words.

1. tem_ting
2. Ke_ala
3. team_ork
4. sha_ow
5. fun_iest
6. g_izzled

III.Rearrange the jumbled words.

1. aaedzm
2. ayzl
5. arrbel
6. dhasce
IV.Make another word from the word given below.
1. foundation
2. education
3. footprint
4. daydreaming
5. companion
6. frightened-

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