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EN RS485 Z-10-D-IN


• 10 opto-insulated digital inputs with self-powered 24V DC shared negative pole.

• Removable terminals with section of 2.5 mm
• Input protection by 600W/ms TVS transient current suppressers..
• 8 inputs with 16 bit contactor with 100 Hz max. frequency.
• 2 inputs with 32 bit contactor with 10 kHz max. frequency.
• Frequency measurement for 10 kHz inputs.
• Period, frequency and TON, TOFF measurement for 100 Hz inputs.
• Possibility to set total counters for forward or backward counting.
• Overflow indication for each total counter.
• Possibility of ON-LINE configuration.
• RS485 serial communication with MODBUS-RTU protocol, maximum 32 nodes.
• 1500Vac input insulation with respect to remaining low voltage circuits.
• Power supply and serial connection wiring facilitated by means of a bus that can be housed in the DIN
• Insertion and extraction of bus without interruption of communication or system power supply.
• Communication times below 10 ms (@ 38400 baud).
• Connection distance up to 1200 m.


Power supply: 19–40 Vdc, 19–28 Vac 50-60Hz, max 2.5W
Communication port: Two-wire RS485 with settable speed ( 9600 , 19200 , 38400 , 57600 Baud rate)
and type of parity (None, Even, Odd)
Protocol: Modicon MODBUS RTU
Inputs: 10 opto-insulated type inputs for REED, PROXIMITY PNP , NPN, contact, etc.
Discrimination limits: ON: current > 4 mA, voltage > 14V DC.
OFF: current < 1 mA, voltage < 6 V DC
Maximum input frequency: 100 Hz for slow inputs (1..8)
10 kHz for fast inputs (9..10)
Minimum pulse width: 4 ms for slow inputs (1..8).
50 uS for fast inputs (9..10).
Measurement error and Frequency: 0.1% of the value for inputs 9..10, +/- 1 Hz for inputs 1..8.
resolution: Period, Ton, Toff: resolution 1 ms, error +/- 1 ms.
Ambient conditions: Temperature: 0..55°C , Min.: 30% Max. 90% humidity at 40°C non-condensing,
Installation class II, pollution rating 2
Protection rating: IP20
Weight, dimensions: 140g , 100 x 17,5 x 112 mm
Standards: The instrument complies with the following standards:
EN50081-2 (electromagnetic emission, industrial environment)
EN50082-2 (electromagnetic immunity, industrial environment)
EN61010-1 (safety)

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The Z-10 DIN module has been designed for vertical assembly on DIN 46277 guide.
For optimal operation and long life, adequate ventilation must be provided for the module(s), avoiding
positioning channels that obstruct the ventilation louvers.
Avoid fitting modules above equipment that generates heat; you are advised to fit them at the bottom of the


Whenever the modules are assembled side-by-side, it might be necessary to separate them by at least 5 mm
whenever the control panel temperature is higher than 45°C and operating conditions have been created as a

The following constitute harsh operating conditions:

• High power supply voltage (> 30Vdc / > 26 Vac).
• Sensor power supply at input.

NOTE: Use of the DIN guide connectors ensures practical fitting and correct ventilation of the modules.


Power supply and RS485 serial communication port :

The electrical connections for the power supply and RS485 bus are usually made available by using the bus
for the Seneca DIN guide. The figure below shows the connector connections:

Note: The power supply voltage must be between 19 and 40 Vdc (any polarity) or 19 and 28 Vac; see also
The upper limits must not be exceeded as this can seriously damage the module.
The power supply source must be protected from any failures in the module by means of a suitably sized

Inputs :
REED, PROXIMITY PNP , NPN, and contact-type sensors can be connected to the input terminals. The
power supply for these sensors can be taken directly from Terminal 1 (+20V). All the inputs are connected
in shared connection to Terminal 12 (GND). The current that flows through a closed input is approx. 7 mA.


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One side of the module features the dip switches useful for selecting the following functions:

Communication parameter selection:

In this position, the following default parameters are utilised (dip-

switch 1 = OFF):

Address = 001 , Baud Rate = 9600 , Parity = none

In this position, the parameters memorised inside the Eeprom are

utilised. The factory settings are:

Address = 001 , Baud Rate = 38400 , Parity = none

When reprogramming the module (when address and speed are not known, for example) it is possible to use
the default position that sets the fixed parameters visible in the box.
NOTE: At the end of programming, the dip-switch1 must be set to ON and the module re-set

RS485 line closure setting:

In this position, the termination of the RS485 line is disconnected.

In this position, the termination of the RS485 line is connected.

NOTE: the line must be terminated only at the ends of the
communication line

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Input status is seen in Modbus 40002 register. Bits 0 to 9 in this register respectively represent the status of
inputs from 1 to 10.
Input status can be inverted by setting Bit 0 in R 40020 (EPRFLG).
The overflow of the total counters for the various inputs can be seen in Register 40015. In this case as well,
bits 0 to 9 respectively represent the status of inputs from 1 to 10.


Inputs 1..8 can accept signals with maximum frequency of 100 Hz, and a 16-bit counter with overflow
indication is available for each one. The respective registers for the total counters are as follows:

40003 : total counter for input 1

40004 : total counter for input 2
40005 : total counter for input 3
40006 : total counter for input 4
40007 : total counter for input 5
40008 : total counter for input 6
40009 : total counter for input 7
400010 : total counter for input 8

Counting can be set to increase or decrease by Bit No. 1 in Register 40020 (EPRFLG).
A digital filter can be set from 1 to 254 ms (one for all) by setting this value in Register 40019.


Inputs 9 and 10 can accept signals with maximum frequency of 10 kHz. A 31-bit counter + sign with overflow
indicator is present for each one . The respective registers for the total counters are as follows:

40011 : total counter for input 9 lower part

40012 : total counter for input 9 upper part
40013 : total counter for input 10 lower part
40014 : total counter for input 10 upper part

The combined action of two inputs can be set, and the following combinations in particular are possible:
1. IN9 - increase in total counter 9 IN10 - increase in total counter 10
2. IN9 - decrease in total counter 9 IN10 - increase in total counter 10
3. IN9 - increase in total counter 9 IN10 - decrease in total counter 10
4. IN9 - decrease in total counter 9 IN10 - decrease in total counter 10
5. IN9 - increase in total counter 9 IN10 - decrease in total counter 9
6. IN9 - clock total counter 9 IN10 - 0= increase 1= decrease in total
counter for input 9
These combinations are obtained by setting the but from the upper part in Register 40020 (EPRFLG); in

BIT Example No. of combination

Nessuno (00000000 xxxxxxxx) ĺ 1
40020.8 (00000001 xxxxxxxx) ĺ 2
40020.9 (00000010 xxxxxxxx) ĺ 3
40020.10 (00000100 xxxxxxxx) ĺ 4
40020.11 (00001000 xxxxxxxx) ĺ 5
40020.12 (00010000 xxxxxxxx) ĺ 6

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The operator ca take measurements on any 2 inputs selected and then display them on the 40016 and
40017 Modbus registers.
In particular, it is possible:
- to measure frequency , period, TON (the period when the signal stays high), TOFF (the period
when the signal stays low) for inputs 1..8.
- Measure the frequency of inputs 9 and 10.

Frequency measurement provides a value in Hz while the period measurement shows a value in mSec.
The setting of the measurements is made on Register 40018. The lower part of the register regards the
measurement to be displayed in Register 40016 while the upper part regards the measurement to be
displayed in Register 40017.
In case of erroneous or incompatible setting (such as TON measurement on input 9), the yellow LED on the
front of the instrument will begin flashing.

Type of measure: Input: Type of measure: Input:

0000 = frequency 0001 = input #1 0000 = frequency 0001 = input #1

0001 = period 0010 = input #2 0001 = period 0010 = input #2
0010 = TON 0011 = input #3 0010 = TON 0011 = input #3
0011 = TOFF 0100 = input #4 0011 = TOFF 0100 = input #4
0101 = input #5 0101 = input #5
0110 = input #6 0110 = input #6
0111 = input #7 0111 = input #7
1000 = input #8 1000 = input #8
1001 = input #9 1001 = input #9
1010 = input #10 1010 = input #10

IMPORTANT: due to the internal architecture, whenever the registers memorised in eeprom are read and/or
written, the values in Register 40016 and Register 40017 in particular might not be correct. For this reason,
we recommend not taking measurements when the instrument is being programmed.

Whenever the operator desired to measure the period for input 5 by displaying it on Register 40016 and the
frequency for input 10 and display it on Register 40017, Register 40018 must be set as follows:

0000 1010 0001 0101

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The RS485 serial interface is based on a balanced differential communication line with typical impedance of
120 ohm. The maximum length of the connection is not defined but depends on the communication speed,
the signal-interference ratio and the cable quality.
The maximum length for guaranteed operation is usually set at 1200 m. The connection cable can be
unshielded if the distance is only a few meters in an electrical environment with only limited interference. For
distances between 15 and 100 m a shielded twisted cable can be used without particular specifications
whereas for connections over 100 m you are advised to use, for example, CEAM CPR 6003 or BELDEN
9841 cable.
The communication line should preferably be of the chain type, avoiding star configurations and limiting
branches to a few metres (see figure below). The ends of the line must be terminated by setting the related
dip-sw on the module to ON, or by fitting a resistance of 120 ohm parallel to the line.
The cable shield must be connected to the GND terminal on both sides, and connected to earth on at least
one side. If necessary to reduce interference, the other side should be connected to earth by means of a 10
nF capacitor.

Master OK
Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave
1 2 3 4 5

Slave Slave Slave

3 4 5

< 2m

Slave Slave
1 2


Master Slave
2 NO


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Below, the numerical values are decimals unless indicated otherwise by the prefix ‘0x’ for
hexadecimal values or ‘0b’ for binary values. The suffix (H) indicates the upper part of a word and (L)
indicates the lower part. The code 400nn.b indicates the bit b of Register 400nn; for example,
40020.5 indicates bit 5 (counting the least significant from 0) in Register 40020.


Command Code Description

3 - Read Holding Register Permits the reading of the RAM and EEPROM registers up to a maximum
of 9 per time.
6 – Preset Single Register Permits the writing of the RAM and EEPROM registers singularly.
16 – Preset Multiple Register Permits the writing of the RAM registers up to a maximum of 3 registers per
NOTE: with this function it is NOT possible to write in EEPROM (registers
40082,40083,40084); to perform writing, Bit 40011.1 must be used (see
the description in the table below)

The following table lists and describes the Holding Registers present in the module.
The original copy for many registers exists in EEPROM (permanent memory); the address of this copy is
given by the number of the register increased by 64. The EEPROM address (whenever present) for each
address is indicated in the table below. When the device is switched on (or at reset controlled by serial line)
the RAM registers are initialised with the values contained in EEPROM. The EEPROM registers must
therefore be programmed for configuration of the module. This configuration can be performed both with the
module inserted in the bus together with other modules (obviously with a different address) or with module
connected to the PC alone.

IMPORTANT: All the registers below can be easily set using the Z-PROG software that can be
downloaded from the site:

Address INITIALS / Function

Permitted values
40001 MTYPE,VERS Contains the type (H) and number of the version (L) of the module.
For the Z-D-IN module we will have: type = 1, version = 2. The value
0102 read is therefore equal to 0x0102=258.
It can be used to automatically recognise a module inserted in the bus
to replace a faulty one and appropriately re-programme it.
Note: the instrument version can vary from the value indicated above
according to the revisions and/or updates carried out.
40002 INPUT Input status is available in the following bits:
input 1: 40002.0
input 2: 40002.1
input 3: 40002.2
input 4: 40002.3
input 5: 40002.4
input 6: 40002.5
input 7: 40002.6
input 8: 40002.7
input 9: 40002.8
input 10: 40002.9
40003 TOTAL 1 16-bit total counter for input 1 . Overflow is signalled on bit 40015.0
40004 TOTAL 2 16-bit total counter for input 2 . Overflow is signalled on bit 40015.1
40005 TOTAL 3 16-bit total counter for input 3 . Overflow is signalled on bit 40015.2
40006 TOTAL 4 16-bit total counter for input 4 . Overflow is signalled on bit 40015.3
40007 TOTAL 5 16-bit total counter for input 5 . Overflow is signalled on bit 40015.4
40008 TOTAL 6 16-bit total counter for input 6 . Overflow is signalled on bit 40015.5
40009 TOTAL 7 16-bit total counter for input 7 . Overflow is signalled on bit 40015.6

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40010 TOTAL 8 16-bit total counter for input 8 . Overflow is signalled on bit 40015.7
40011 TOTAL 9 lower part Lower part of the total counter a 32 bit (signed) for input 9
40012 TOTAL 9 upper part Upper part of the total counter a 32 bit (signed) for input 9 . Overflow is
signalled on bit 40015.8
40013 TOTAL 10 lower part Lower part of the 32-bit total counter (signed) for input 10

40014 TOTAL 10 upper part Upper part of the 32-bit total counter (signed) for input 10 . Overflow is
signalled on bit 40015.9
40015 OVERFLOW Overflow of the total counters is available in the following bits:
input 1: 40015.0
input 2: 40015.1
input 3: 40015.2
input 4: 40015.3
input 5: 40015.4
input 6: 40015.5
input 7: 40015.6
input 8: 40015.7
input 9: 40015.8
input 10: 40015.9

NOTE: The overflow bit MUST BE reset by the master..

40016 MEASURE1 Measurement of input set in the lower part of the register 40018.
40017 MEASURE2 Measurement of input set in the upper part of the register 40018
40018 MEASURE TYPE Type of measurement to be displayed in registers 40016 and 40017.
40082 See section entitled ‘MEASUREMENTS’ for more information.
40019 FILTER Filter time (L) valid for all inputs (excluding inputs 9 and 10).
40083 This value can be a value of from 1 to 254 corresponding to a filter of
1..254 from 1 to 254 ms.
40020 EPRFLG • Bit 40020.0 (*) inverts (if =1) / or does not invert (if = 0) the
40084 reading of the inputs. If inversion is activated, when the input is
read we will have ‘1’ with input open and ‘0’ with input closed.
• Bit 40020.1 (*) sets the backward counting of the total
counters; when set to 1, the respective counter is decreased by
every input pulse received.
• Bit 40020.2 (*) sets the latency time between the signal and the
Modbus response. If bit =0, there will be a delay of 5 ms, if bit
=1, there will be a delay of 12 ms.
• Bit 40020.3 sets the utilisation of the parity in the data
transmission: 0 = no parity 1 = active parity
• Bit 40020.4 sets the type of parity : 0 = even , 1 = odd
• Bit 40020.5 is not used
• Bit 40020.6 is not used
• Bit 40020.7 is not used
• Bit 40020.8 set the operation of total counters 9 and 10. See
the section entitled ‘INPUTS 9 and 10’ for more information
• Bit 40020.9 sets the operation of total counters 9 and 10. See
the section entitled ‘INPUTS 9 and 10’ for more information
• Bit 40020.10 sets the operation of total counters 9 and 10. See
the section entitled ‘INPUTS 9 and 10’ for more information
• Bit 40020.11 sets the operation of total counters 9 and 10. See
the section entitled ‘INPUTS 9 and 10’ for more information
• Bit 40020.12 sets the operation of total counters 9 and 10. See
the section entitled ‘INPUTS 9 and 10’ for more information
• Bit 40020.13 is not used
• Bit 40020.14 is not used
• Bit 40020.15 is not used
NOTE: the symbol (*) indicates that the bit modification performed is
immediately effective; if this symbol is not present, the module must be
reset (after first memorising in EEPROM) in order to enable the

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40021 BAUDR Communication speed (H) and address (L) of the module. The speed
40085 can have the following values:
0..4(H),1..255(L) 0 = 4800 baud
1 = 9600 baud
2 = 19200 baud
3 = 38400 baud
4 = 57600 baud
The address can be between 1 and 255.
40022 STATUS • When set to 1, Bit 40011.0 causes the total resetting of the
• When set to 1 Bit 40011.1 copies Ram registers
40018,40019,40020,40021 into EEPROM registers 40082,
40083, 40084, 40085.

(*)This register is a ‘signed’ register; in fact, whenever a decreasing counting for input 9 and 10 is set, the
frequency measurement will be negative.

NOTE: If an attempt is made to read or write a memory location NOT included in the previous table, the
module will respond with an error message.
NOTE 2 : for the correct operation of the total counters under extreme conditions (inputs 1..8 all at 100 Hz
and inputs 9 and 10 at 10 kHz), we recommend using a scan rate of >= 250 ms during serial communication;
we also recommend adopting elevated communication speeds.

Example : We wish to programme the module with the following parameters:
Filter time : 100ms
Input negation : active
Measurement of frequency on input 1 and period on input 2
Address and baud rate : 002, 9600 baud
By means of a modbus master, the following parameters must be entered in the respective
EEPROM locations ( the values are expressed in binary notation) :

Address Value
40082 0b 00010010.00000001 (4609 decimal)
40083 0b 00000000.01100100 (100 decimal)
40084 0b 00000000.00000001 (1 decimal)
40085 0b 00000001.00000010 (258 decimal)

After these settings, simply set bit 40022.0 to obtain total reset of the module which will re-
start with the new settings.
Operation of the module after the settings: After re-starting, the module will accept pulses of
minimum 100 ms duration on inputs 1..8, the address for the module will be 2 and the
communication speed will be 9600 Baud. Registers 40016 and 40017 will respectively display
the frequency for input 1 ad the period for input 2.

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Fault/failure LED Power supply on LED

Data reception LED Data transmission LED

Input status LED

112 mm

17,5 mm

100 mm

SENECA s.r.l.
Via Germania, 34 - 35127
Tel. +39.049.8705355 - 8705359
Fax +39.049.8706287

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