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1. Turn off your PC. Connect Ptech automouse to Computer, Keyboard, OPTICAL mouse only.
2. Follow the connection on the sticker. (Connector color- green:mouse , violet:keyboard)
3. Never interchanged connection. Beep will confirmed correct connection when PC is ON.


1. Connect to our website:

2. Go to download and select your PC windows Operational system usage.
3. Select your OS (ex. WinXP, Win98, etc) then click download.
4. Window pops out then select SAVE file. (suggestion: save file to documents)
5. After saving is complete select RUN file.
6. Select YES at registry editor window to confirm file saving.
7. Saving Successful. Select OK . Reboot/Restart your computer.
8. Starting the game- From MU startup window, go to OPTION and set the resolution to 1024x768 and select
APPLY. After doing these, Select CONNECT to enter the game.

9. Inside the game- To check if everything is ready press [Ctrl] and then [F6] button. The mouse cursor must
be pointed to the ground were your character stand. If not, follow the Ptech manual setting.

10. After setting is complete reboot your PC again.Use your PC in normal operation even PTECH is placed
permanently.)*Additional option for mouse setting. (winXP user only)On windows go to- start, control
panel, mouse, pointer position, then enhanced pointer position must be unchecked.*Caution: For win2000
or winXP user.-Be sure to be logged in as the administrator.


Important- Skills must be assigned by the corresponding number to function properly.

a. ELF [1] Heal [2] Greater defense [3] Greater damage [4] Triple Shot

b. WIZARD [1] Evil Spirit [2] Soul Barrier [3] Hell Burst or else

c. KNIGHT [1] Twisting [2] Fortitude/ any skill

d. DARKLORD [1] Critical [2] Pet skill [3] Fireburst or other skill


• 4.1 Wizard / Knight / Magic Gladiator - Press [Ctrl] and then press [F6]
• 4.2 Dark Lord - Press [Ctrl] and then press [F7]
• 4.3 Agility Elf - Press [Ctrl] and then press [F8]
• 4.4 Energy elf (1-8 players support) - Press [Ctrl] and then press [F9]
• 4.5 Energy elf (party of 5 characters) - Press [Ctrl] and then press [F10]
• 4.6 User message. up to 3 messages - Press [Ctrl] and then press [F11]
• 4.8 Deactivate or stop Ptech - Press [0 ins] on the number key.
• 4.9Ptech gadget lock/unlock - Press [Ctrl] [alt] [*] together.
• 4.11Sound off - Press [Ctrl] [alt] [-] gradually.
• 4.12Sound on - Press [Ctrl] [alt] [+] gradually.

4.1 For Wizard / Blade Knight / Magic Gladiator

1. 1st SKILL – Always ON when started [7] On/Off [4]decrease [1]increase

2. 2nd SKILL – Always Off when started [8] On/Off [5]decrease [2]increase
3. 3rd SKILL – Always Off when started [9] On/Off [6]decrease [3]increase
4. Mouse starting position - [L] ground level - [: ;] between the feet - [“ ,] between the knee(for twisting slash

4.2 Dark Lord

1. 1st SKILL – Always ON when started [7] On/Off [4]decrease [1]increase

2. 2nd SKILL – Always ON when started [8] On/Off [5]decrease [2]increase
3. 3rd SKILL- Always ON

4.3 Elf Solo Hunting

1. 1st SKILL – Always Off when started [7] On/Off [4]decrease [1]increase
2. 2nd SKILL – Always Off when started [8] On/Off [5]decrease [2]increase
3. 3rd SKILL – Always Off when started [9] On/Off [6]decrease [3]increase
4. 4th SKILL—Always ON

4.4 Energy elf(1-8 characters)

Setting your ELF on a party, follow these step by step:

1. Automatically mouse cursor will point to your elf.
2. Move mouse cursor to 2nd character and right click your mouse.(auto assigned)
3. Move mouse cursor to 3rd character and right click your mouse.(auto assigned)
4. Move mouse cursor to 4th character and right click your mouse.(auto assigned)
5. Move mouse cursor to 5th character and right click your mouse.(auto assigned)
6. Move mouse cursor to 6th character and right click your mouse.(auto assigned)
7. After you have set all character press the left [ctrl] button of keyboard for the 7th or last character.
8. Ptech can support maximum of 8 characters including the elf in a party.

Tip: In case of solo support player, point to the other character and press the left [Ctrl] of keyboard. No need to right click
the character.

Elf – with Party & Healing/Buffing

 Instruction on how to set character numberings for healing

 No. 1 is your Elf
 Next number is decided by selection of your mouse right click. (see Instruction 3.4)

1. Setting for party number [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]. ex. If you have 4 number press [4]
2. Heal ability ON/OFF – [Q], [W], [E], [R], [T], [Y], [U], [I].Each letter is corresponding to each party member
numbering from left to right. Always ON when started.
3. OFFENSE ability ON/OFF – [A], [S], [D], [F], [G], [H], [J], [K]. Each letter is corresponding to each party
member numbering from left to right. Always ON when started.
4. DEFENSE ability ON/OFF – [Z], [X], [C], [V], [B], [N], [M], [< ,]. Each letter is corresponding to each party
member numbering from left to right. Always ON when started.
5. HEAL Concentration – [6], [7], [8], [9], [0], [P], [ { [ ], [ } ] ]. Each is corresponding to each party member
numbering from left to right. Always OFF when started.
6. OFFENSE and DEFENSE skill can be adjusted by these 3 key – [7] , [4] and [1] of the number keypad. When
started, it is always set to15 seconds per 1 turn. (15sec/turn)
7. OFFENSE and DEFENSE speed adjustment: [F5] faster and [F6] for slower.

* setting is saved for your next game – ELF with party only*

4.6 User message macro display,

1. Press enter. Type in /1[Your message here]

2. Press enter. Type in /2[Your message here]
3. Press enter. Type in /3[Your message here]
4. Press [Ctrl] and [F11] together
5. message display alternately every 3sec
6. character is movable and auto loot
7. Useful for selling, buying and trading.(noria,devias,lorencia)


1. [F1], [F2], [F3] -dumping intervals for 1minutes, 2minutes and 3minutes
2. [F9] -auto obtain item OFF/ON. Always ON when started.
3. [F10] -auto dispose item ON/OFF. Always ON when started.
4. [F11] -auto repair item ON/OFF. Always ON when started. - will repair every 2 hours.
5. [0 Ins] -End / Finish / Stop
6. [Caps lock] -Repair armor set and weapon immediately /check item or see item
7. [shift] left -Dispose item immediately /check item or see item
8. [alt] left -To display items “description name”. Always OFF when started.
9. [space bar] -To use healing potion.
10. [Enter] -Chatting
11. [-] number keypad -To dispose 4X4 area in inventory (lower right of inventory)
12. [+] number keypad -To dispose 8X8 area in inventory (entire inventory)
13. [F7]fast, [F8]slow -Adjustment for disposing and repairing interval.

*Set to slow to maintain PC speed and much better game play.*

6.Gadget setting when activated(default setting)

1. Auto attack – ON
2. Auto obtain – ON
3. Auto repair – ON (repair armors every hour)
4. Auto dump – ON (dumps 1 level of inventory every 2minutes- 4X4area)


o *Right after activation, press 8 to dump 8X8 inventory every 2minutes)

o *Make sure you type /request off for long time playing

7. What to do when you encounter problem about PTECH

1. Press [0 Ins] to stop Ptech automouse.

2. Reseat or re-plug the cables connected between your PC & Ptech automouse.
3. If nothing happens, turn off your PC. Reboot or restart after 5sec.

Printed by: Ptech Automouse

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