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Software Requirement Specification Document

EFE-08 Issue: 01
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ABC Company

Software Requirement Specification

Layer Hospital Management System

Creation Date Monday, Feb 13, 2018
Software Requirement Specification Document
EFE-08 Issue: 01
eDev Technologies Page: 2 of 17

Revision History

Release Number Release Date Revision Author(s) Summary of

Software Requirement Specification Document
EFE-08 Issue: 01
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1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

This Software Specification Document contains the description of the behavior of the Hospital
Management System .It includes a set of use cases that describe the interactions that the users
will have with the software. In addition to use cases, the SRS contains functional requirements,
which define the internal workings of the software as well as non functional requirements, which
impose constraints on the design or implementation (such as performance requirements, quality
standards or design constraints).

1.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This SRS document is intended for different types of users, such as developers, project
managers, marketing staff, users, testers, and documentation writers.

1.3 Project Scope

The project scope statement describes in detail, the project's deliverables and the work required
to create those deliverables. The project scope statement also provides a common
understanding of the project scope among all the project stakeholders and describes the project's
major goals/objectives.

This is a sample Hospital Management System for ABC Hospital which comprises of Six sub

Following are Product Goals:

This software can be used in any Hospital, Clinic for maintaining patient details and
their test results

1.4 References

- Business Requirement Document

- Business Rules Document
- Requirement Traceability Matrix
- Field Definition Matrix
- Data Dictionary
- Use Case - Register
- Use Case - Login
- Use Case - Forgot Password
- Use Case - Reset Password
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2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

Hospital management system is a replacement for the manual system which depends on
paper work for recording information. The software will ease the burden of administrator
by performing various tasks such as storing information of patients, updating of databases
etc. This hospital management also generates a complete summary of payable bills and
collected amount.
2.2 Product Features

ID Name Description
001 Login This process allows the authorized users to
access the system.
002 In patient This module consist of list of inpatients and
their information such as their
personal details.
003 Out patient This module consists of the list of outpatients
and their personal information.
004 Lab This module provides the facility for
generating medical reports of the patients.
005 Bill This module provides the facility for
generating the bills of the treatment of the
006 View Report This module allows patients to view their
reports(eg xray,blood test etc).

2.3 Operating Environment

2.3.1 Hardware Requirement

PROCESSOR- Intel Core processor

RAM- Minimum 128 MB RAM
Recommended 256 MB RAM
HARD DISK- Minimum hard disk 40GB
NETWORK- Internet connection through Modem or LAN Card

2.3.2 Software Requirements


• MS Access 2016
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• MS WORD 2o17
• Microsoft Visual Basic

2.3.3 Technology

• Front End: - Microsoft Visual Basic

• Back End: - Microsoft Access.

2.4 Key Roles and Responsibilities

2.4.1 Organization

2.4.2 Team

2.4.3 Group

• Login Users
Login Users includes administrator and end users of the application

2.5 Implementation Constraints

1. User Interface Constraints

- Using this system is fairly simple and intuitive. A user familiar with basic browser navigation
skills should be able to understand all functionality provided by the system.

2. Hardware Constraints
- The system should be having very less down time not more than 1 minute.

3. Database
-System must have Access to include database

2.6 User Documentation


2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

-It is assumed that one 15 IBM compatible computers will be available before
the system is installed and tested.
- It is assumed that the Hospital will have enough trained staff to take care of
the system
- The hospital should have Display Systems installed at the entrance of each
consultation room.
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3. System Features


3.1.1 Description and Priority

Description : This module provides admin with the facility to login in the system and add ,delete ,
update or view information about the patients. Also the patients can login and view their
medical reports and bills.

Priority :Medium

3.1.3 Functional Requirements

FR-31 :System shall provide forgot password module

Forgot password module would allow the user to recover his password in case he has forgotton
his password
FR-30 :System shall provide login module
Module that allows end user to enter into the system and access other modules
FR-177 :System shall provide reset account password module
Through Reset Password module, user would be able to change his password

3.2 InPatient

3.2.1 Description and Priority

Description : This module consist of list of inpatients and their information such as their
personal details as well as admit and discharge date, ward allotted to them etc. Administrator has
right to update the inpatient list .

Priority :Medium

3.2.2 Swimlane
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3.2.3 Functional Requirements

FR-002 : Submit Patient details

The system shall have the following mandatory information for patient: S.No ,Name, Address ,
Contact, Age ,Date Admitted
FR-0022 : Add New patient
The system should be able to add new patients and the patient S.No must be unique number
entered by the staff.
FR-0023 :Edit patient
The older patients should be able to search by admin in the system easily using the filename and
can change the patient Details .
FR-0024 : Delete patient
The admin shall be allowed to delete the patient record from the system when the
patient checks out.
FR-0025 :Lab
The System shall provide lab module of patient access to admin

3.3 Out Patient

3.3.1 Description and Priority

Description : This module consists of the list of outpatients and their personal information.
Admin can add, delete and update the information.
Priority :Medium

3.3.2 Swimlane

3.3.3 Functional Requirements

FR-0031 :Delete Patient Record

The admin shall be allowed to delete record of the patient from the system when the
patient checks out.
FR-0032 : Edit Patient Record
The admin shall be allowed to update the Record of the patient from the system
when the patient checks out.
FR-0033 : Add patient Record
The admin shall be allowed to add outpatient record in the system

3.4 Lab

3.4.1 Description and Priority

Description : This module provides the facility for generating medical reports of the patients.
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Priority :Medium

3.4.2 Swimlane

3.4.3 Functional Requirements

FR-0041 : Save Lab Test Details

The System should be able to save following mandatory information in database: Name,
Address, Test name, Report Description
FR-0042 : Inpatient
The System shall allowed to access inpatient module.
FR-0043 : Delete Test Details
The System can delete patient test Details from the data stored in database

3.5 Payment

3.5.1 Description and Priority

This module provides the facility for generating the bills of the treatment of the
patient . This module is accessible by the patients also in order to see their bills and

3.5.3 Functional Requirements For payment

FR-0051: Payment
This module allows patients to view their reports(eg xray,blood test etc).

4. External Interface Requirements

4.1 User Interfaces

4.1.1 Screens Registration Display

- Used to enter registration display
Software Requirement Specification Document
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- Used in case the user has forgotten his password Login screen

- Login screen that is displayed to log in the system
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- Used to reset account's password

4.1.2 UI Components


4.1.3 UI Standards or Guidelines

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4.1.4 UI Constraints

1. System will send out autogenerated password when user clicks on forgot password
- The user will be prompted to enter his/her email address under forgot password and will receive
an autogenerated password for security purposes.

2. User will be advised to change autogenerated password

- For security purposes, user must change this password through a link in the email sent out with
the autogenerated password.

3. An email will be sent out containing autogenerated password

4.1.5 Others


4.2 Hardware Interfaces


4.3 Software Interfaces

4.3.1 Software Components


4.4 Communication Interfaces

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5. Functional Requirements
- System shall provied forgot password report

- System shall provide locked account report

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6. Non Functional Requirements

6.1 Performance Requirements

- Performance
Performance Nonfunctional Requirements

- Response time less than 10ms

Reponse time of the system should be less then 10 ms

6.2 Security Requirements

- Security
Security Nonfunctional Requirements

- Controlled access to data

Access to data must be controlled

- Physical security of the data will be monitored by the administrator

Physical security of the data will be monitored by the administrator

6.3 Software Quality Attributes

- Support 100 concurrent logins

System should support 100 concurrent logins

- User Interface
User Interface Nonfunctional Requirements

- Internal employees will use login application

Login application should only be used by Internal employees

- A help button as the source of training and aiding users

A help button will be used as the source of training and aiding users

- Quality
Quality Nonfunctional Requirements

- Restart time after a failure is 30 minutes

Maxium acceptable restart time of the system is 30 minutes after a failure

- Downtime is limited to weekends

Downtime is limited to weekends

- System Modifications
System Modifications Nonfunctional Requirements
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- System must be flexible

- System must be robust

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Appendix A: Glossary
<Refer to the glossary doc>
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Appendix B: To be Determined List

1. User is an employee of ABC Company
- Any persons logging in are employees of ABC Company.

2. User has valid email account

- Any persons logging in are employees of ABC Company and own a valid email address.

3. User understands registration procedure

- User is thought to be an intermediate computer user and will have registered for other systems
and/or applications previously.

4. User understands login procedure

- User is thought to have an intermediate level of computer knowledge and assumed to have
previously logged into an application and/or system.

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