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First I created a photoshop document and set the dimensions to 1200px

X 200px.

Once they had all been scaled down I used the move tool to rearrange
the layers into the order they would appear and then positioned them so
they were all occupying the same space in the X and Y coordinates.
Then I imported my three venue images vis ‘File>Import>Selected files.

Once they had loaded in I used ‘Control + T’ to open the transform tools
and then scaled them all to the same size.

Using a new layer and four different shades of grey I made a gradient
background on the left side, I then imported my social media icons and
positioned them accordingly.
Then again on a new layer I used the paint brush tool (Hotkey: b), to
paint a black panel on the left side, again covering the venue images’

Following this, I imported the logo from my assets file and overlaid it
onto the black panel.
Using the text tool (Hotkey: t), I added a text box with the information
for the first venue (time and date). I scaled and positioned it correctly.

Then using ‘Ctrl + J’ I duplicated the text layer three more times. This left me
with four text fields. A changed the positioning and text of two to include the
other venue names and dates. And the fourth text layer I changed the font size
and colour and put a reference to the ticketing agency.
I then went to ‘File>Save As>And set the format to ‘.PSD’

I saved the file as a new ‘.PSD’ file in my assets folder.

I then created a new blank After Effects file

I then navigated to ‘File>Open>Clicked my ‘.PSD’ file and selected the

‘Load Layers as a composition’ option. This made a new project with my
Photoshop layers.
First I placed all my layers in order and adjusted the timeline to represent their
introduction times.

And then I used the transparency tool (Hotkey: t) to alter their visibility allowing
me to fade them in and out at the right times.
I then navigated ‘Effects>Colour Correction>Light Rays’ to load my
desired effect.

By altering the position values of the effect it caused the colours from
the logo to be cast across the banner like beams of light, this effect
works well with the indie/rock genre,
I adjusted the transparency of the groups of text and images of the
venues which corresponded.

This allowed for the name and picture to change in a manner which is
I created a new solid layer and coloured it black. I adjusted its
transparency properties so that it faded in and out .

Then adjusting its brightness I was able to reset the end colour to the
start, this meant that the banner could loop yet still look fluent.
Finally, I saved the banner as both a GIF and an MP4. I did this using
File>Add to Adobe Media Encoder queue.

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