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Idea adaption

Pokemon go

The original creative

Pokemon go is a mobile game that is free to play, it’s a location and augmented reality game
which was released on 6th July 2016. The game consists of three teams, Team Instinct, Team
Mystic and Team Valor.

Originally Pokemon was a nintendo game which was created by Satoshi Taijiri, back in 1996. It
grew a lot of popularity that a year later in 1997 they adapted the game into an anime and still to
this day they continue making episodes. He franchise was so popular that they started targeting
their products at world-wide and made an english version.

The most suitable medium for your adaptation

I believe this product would work well as a web-series, I’d like to do a web-series as my targeted
audience will be easier to interpolate on this platform. Doing a web-series would be highly
effective as the idea is based around technology and this will be published online. I will look at
each side of the pokemon groups, and discovering each background for the groups and their

The feasibility of adaptation (e.g. budget, locations, number of characters etc.)

I have a set budget, however this budget will not cover the costs of CGI as this is very
expensive, I will be doing an animation of this idea.
Locations- I’ll be using different locations such as the woods, cities/towns, Commented [1]: Expand
Number of characters- in my adaptation I will have three main characters, these will be the
pokemon leaders of each groups. Each episodes will dedicate themselves to a certain leader
and will showcase their storylines and the main storyline. For Team Valor I will be focusing on
Candela, for team Mystic the storyline will be focusing on Blanche and then finally I will dedicate
the leftover episodes to Spark, leader of team instinct. So primarily I will start and focus with the
leaders from each group.
Technological limitations (e.g. for creating imaginary worlds)
I will be creating a real-life version of pokemon go, as this is the case I will be creating the
pokemon using CGI to accurately showcase the pokemon to the audience. This will be difficult
to produce as there are technological restriction for this idea, due to this I will limit the amount of
CGI I will use within this piece, I’ll only be using CGI to create the pokemon, not the worlds or
anything else.

New opportunities
By adapting this idea I will have to learn different techniques to create on screen
- How will it develop your skills?

Use of new technology/effects

New possible interpretations of creative product or part of it

I will adapt
- Is it recognizable to the original text, reintorperating the story

New characters/characterisation

Additional storylines etc.

As the original creative doesn’t really have a storyline I will be creating a spin-off from the
original product.

New audiences - age, gender, interests, spending power, lifestyle

Originally pokemon go has an overall target audience of females aged 18-29 by looking at this
Hello Neighbour

The original creative

Hello Neighbour is originally a video game available on PC, Xbox one and Playstation 4. Hello
Neighbour is a survival horror, stealth game which was released on 8th December 2017. This
game was developed by Dynamic Pixels, designed by Nikita Kolesnikov and published by
The description of the game is to successfully infiltrate their neighbours house to uncover his
secret in his basement. The aim is to not get caught when trying to uncover his neighbor's

The most suitable medium for your adaptation

The most suitable medium for my adaptation would be a web-series online which consists of 10-
20 minute episodes.

The feasibility of adaptation (e.g. budget, locations, number of characters etc.)

I have a lot of different locations that I could use to film my idea as I know

Technological limitations (e.g. for creating imaginary worlds)

Main facts of historical events/true life events (e.g. specific locations, timeline, main
New opportunities

Use of new technology/effects

New possible interpretations of creative product or part of it

New characters/characterisation

Additional storylines etc.

New audiences - age, gender, interests, spending power, lifestyle

Bugzy Malone M.E.N

The original creative -

The original creative is a song by Bugzy Malone, called M.E.N. The song was released 20th
April 2015 and currently has 19,123,287 views.
Bugzy Malone
You know
Mr Snowman on production

Watch this, I got a brand new 3 bedroom crib

Spotlights in the ceiling it's sick
Got a beanbag in the computer room, all I need now is Grand Theft Auto 6
Got an office and everything cocaine white
In the morning it can get too bright
But it doesn't affect me these days cos I've been staying up way too deep in the night
Thinking about before it all went bad
Before the day I met my real dad
Before I knew about money and girls and how they both made my mum get sad
Sat counting about 25 bags
I'm running out of elastic bands
It turns out, when you make money on the road there's nothing you can do with the cash
So I jump in the S-Line driving fast
Hope I don't bump in to my step-dad
Cos they say mental abuse is worse than physical abuse and I wanna get him back
But I don't wanna do another custodial sentence
In a four-by-four pad
And I gotta take this time to apologise to my best friend cos we almost crashed

Let me try and explain

It's intricate because I've never been plain
It's intimate because I never contacted a counsellor to get rid of this pain
I walk with it and now I'm going insane
Losing control of my own brain
Watching documentaries on serial killers and feeling that I can relate
Do you find that strange?
Yeah? Ok. Well let me get this straight
If I get a life sentence or I don't make it, it's cos I could not handle the pain
I don't wanna hear nobody complain
About that's good talent gone to waste
Cos if I didn't go through what I went through, you would have never downloaded my mixtape

So let me confide in you

Let me get it off my chest
Turns out no matter how many tracks I make I still can't handle the stress
But I don't watch all the indirects
True say man might see me as a threat
I don't mind going out as a legend as long as I'm known and Manchester's best
So picture the scene
I'm sitting on my corner sofa in peace
Until I got a call 'Have you seen yourself in the papers? You're wanted by the police'
And I was like what? And it was hot. But do you wanna know what was a lot?
The night before was the night I went on Twitter and had a direct message from Sloth
Just my luck
Let me do a Vincent van Gogh
Cos you know I paint pictures with words
And I've still not published one book
I was in Panacea tryna get to the bar
And my man didn't wanna let me past
Pushed me into a family of brothers
Before you knew it I'd already been cracked

ut let me remind these fools

Into the devil I turn
They stepped back, I stepped forward, play with fire and you're gonna get burned
But I must apologise in advance cos I didn't want it to end so bad
See what happened from there was loose
I was in the Manchester Evening News
He said he got violently attacked
Outside in a taxi he was whacked, and coulda died
But that's how you know what the papers tried, it was self defence, that's a blatant lie
I'm stereotyped
And do you wanna know why, I'm a different guy
When I was about 8 my mum moved to an area that was heavily white
I was in school looking like Wesley Snipes
Ben Shermans and a second hand bike
Feeling like a donut cos I'd already been stabbed by the time I was Year 9
Mum didn't want me to see Moss Side
Told me that too many people died
Between like '91 and '99 that was gang war and violent crime
My uncle's face got torn up by the pellets of shotgun like Frankenstein
I was sat with him in an M3 that could 0-60 in 4.5
One hand holding the steering wheel
Moving quicker than the Batmobile
Driving around shooting real when I was about 9
Back when the hood was real

A villain, taken Securicor boxes

And I don't care if it's hot
They don't mean Russell Crowe when they mention the gladiator in the gang war book
The first guy that I ever looked up to was like Batman without the suit
Now it's my turn to try and put Manny on the map, I just hope I can do it like you
Hope I can get one million views
Hope that I never get caught with food
I hope that Charlie can breathe alright in the smoke cos I set fire to the booth
When I realised that grime was English hip hop forget about all the tunes
Forget the playlist I wanna go down in history like Tutankhamun
Bugzy Malone

The most suitable medium for your adaptation

The feasibility of adaptation (e.g. budget, locations, number of characters etc.)

Technological limitations (e.g. for creating imaginary worlds)

Main facts of historical events/true life events (e.g. specific locations, timeline, main

New opportunities

Use of new technology/effects

New possible interpretations of creative product or part of it

New characters/characterisation

Additional storylines etc.

New audiences - age, gender, interests, spending power, lifestyle

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