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—__~___. ee A22 18g TO “806-4.12.3 NICAL MANUAL + OVERHAUL ene , tee DC GENERATOR | 2cistopcax hnoeLs GM5~00~ 64 3-41 2CNTODEA =| _chae = 24946 [Greene 2CH7OD6B 3490 tn Jap H SUPERSEDED By -f 61S 00468 5744 >PH M340332-4 (P6r06}} Hh" 30071 -eo¥ (seas) oe eet ee a 5330 esp y ANID Sande (63298) oeverat eusemnics SS= 3500s a TO RR ULICATION REPLACES T 0 86-4-12-3 DATED 15 MAY 1969 AND 7 0 8P6-4-12-36 DATED 23 DECEMBER 1980, fpeatna areal Ns pblton i euted for ale we or or adnan or aperatiasl purposes osty. Dizriion is linhnd to US Govern se Tequests ‘erebedoainet ate alerts Sec 8 Covaranan en AFB,CA 906be 4 PUNISHED UNOEE AUINONITY OF THE SECEEIARY OF THE AiR Fonce 33) 15 APRIL 1981 BS] INSERT LATEST CHASIGED PAGES. DESTROY SUPERSEDED PACES, LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES } i ater of itv tor origins! and changes pages are Original ...0.. 15 Apr 81 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES IN THIS PUBLICATION IS 94 CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING Page F crange —— Paye 4 coange Page F cvanse No ‘Ne. No Wo ‘Ne No. Title A. ates ii Blank lt. 1-2 Blank - 2-1 ~ 2-8 31 - 3-5 3-6 Blank USAF Section 1 . u m wv INTRODUCTION Contents L 1-3. Purpose 1 i Scope OVERHAUL INSTRUCTIONS 2-1. Special Tools nA. Disassembly 2-6. Cleans 2-8. Inspection 2-11. Componcat Fess 2-17. Repair aud Repaccmerit 2-22. Latirieation 2:24. Reassemhly ‘TEST PROCENURES . 3-1, Test Proceduees 4 3-12, Trouble Shooting 5-14) Final Trim DIFFERENCE DaTA sueETs Leading Partieuiars TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa L 1 1 1 i/G4 Blank} G ~ i 1-2, This tech structions for the D-e Genceslay BCMTODGA. designed and ma: feal manual contains the ovwshaul ine Mextel No, icturee hy the Aveo. spice Flectrieal Equipment Deparment, General Flectrie Company, Erie, Penusytvinia, (Sew feure my 1-3, PunPose, E-4. The Model 2CM7OD6A d-c poncrator i4 used ax 3 enginesdriven source of d-e vleetrical power for ~alrcraft electrical systems, 1-5. LEADING PaRTicuLAns, LEADING PARTICULARS, aortée letting pactioutars for the 2CMTUDEA wens erator are listed th table 1a Table 1-1 - Leading particu 30 volts, 200 Shunt 5 7p) Rosi Cool ing Water stance Rotation (ooking Operation ..... Peed for 30 volts Commutating anil Compensating Piet at 25% (77 (water pressure) Maximum Shunt Fiold Current .. at commutator ena). TO 8p6-4-12-3 12, {ain overhaul and test instructions toe Metal Sections 11 and It of this teehnleal manual cone 2EMI0DGA de generator. Overhaul and teat instrure pions for akditionat models are provided In Section Ir by the use of Difference Data Sheets. The ations models included in Section 1V are lsted in Section’ ny Az; O¥gthaul and test procedures for models included in ‘Section Weare Eee Procedures given in Sections Land I11, except for the specific Aifferonces noted ‘by the applicants Difference pata Shests. amperes, 300078000 xp 3500 rpm 2.20-2.69 ohms P)...0.0112-0.0137 ohm 6.9 inches Ho 8.0 amperes clockwise singly or in parallet 4-1/(1-2 Blank) SPECIAL TOOLS, ‘There are no special tools required 2.3. TEST EQUIPMENT. The test equip; TO sp6-4-12": SECTION 11 OVERHAUL, INSTRUCTIONS for over- ty oF tte Equivalent, Usted in table 2-1 is used fur testing the 2CMTODEA generator Table 2-1 ~ Test Equipment Procuring] Service Part No, Nomenetature | stock No, To-8 (Sprague Products Co. No. Adams, Mass.) Capacitance Analyzer type az USAF 54E602 Continuity” Checker 12501 (Crown Industrial Growler Products Inc,, "> Syeamore, Til.) 50-14003485AA Shunt ~ 50.mnit- (General Etectric Co., | livolt drop, [Schenectody, N.Y.) "”| 1000 amperes capacity Soitssecs. Vibration Dis- (General Etectric Go., | placement Schenectady, N.Y.) "’ | Indicator '622-9962007 (woston Instruments ine., Newark, Ned.) Miltivotumeter, Multirange, 1000/200/0/ 10/1 s0ss199c2 (General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. ¥.) Double Bridge 931-1905002 (Weston Instruments Inc. Newark, N.J.) 981-2902009 (Weston Instruments Ine., Voltmeter, ne 7.5/20/75 volts Ammeter, DC A/5/0 amperes Newark, NJ.) jssez1tsct Tester, Highs (General Electric Co., | potential, Cur- Schenectady, N.Y.) "| Fent-limited 2-4, DISASSEMBLY, 2;5., Index numbors refot to the exploded view, fhg- bre 2-1. Place generator in a sultable work suppeet and disassomble it as follows: 1, Remove terminal block cover ($3), brush In= spection Gover (1), air inlet (5), cap assembly (8), Serews (18), washers (19) and brush assemblies (13) 2. Remove end shield (10) and brush rigging as- sembly (15), as a unit, from field assembly (C2), Remove brush rigging assembly (15) from the ed shield 3. Remove armature assombly (92), as assombie? [ith the inner shaft parts, from the field ascent Uahtiy tapping the drive end of the inner shalt ats Remove retaining ring (39) and pall coupiing (G8) from inner shatt (43). “Remove spacer (40), Sind Perings (41 and 42) from the coupling Stratghten the locking tab of lock wasiver (34) on both ens of the armature shaft. Place armature assembly, ‘drive er: up, im an arbor press and slide Pressing Siecee (PAN 8209715, Goneral Electrte Co., or eqivstent! Qver the end of the inner shaft and tnto nut V2) Work arbor press to compress spring (48) tnaide the jut and unscrew nut (44) with a spanner wrench. Ree ature assembly (or tap it out with a mallet and ¢ sunt metal rod) and remove friction cone (47) Irom tne inner shaft 5. Remove nut (33) and lock washer (34) from the Pulboard end of the armature shalt. Pull ball toa ings (85) from the armature shaft and remeve eet: 25 £16 (98) ivom the outboard end and washer (31) {rom the drive end of the armature.shalt. Remove Dearing support 46) fom field assembly (5) 2-6, CLEAN; CAUTION Do not soak parts containing windings in cleaning solvents as prolonged contact with solvents may soften the varnish eoating of the windings. Figure 2-1. Exploded View, Mode! 2CM70D04 D-e Generator G ~ Ea Key for Figure 2-1 Bail Bearing 1 Brush Inspection Caver 35 2 Screw 36, Retaining Ring 3 Pin 37. Washer & Pin 38. Coupling J 5 Atr inlet 39. Retaining Ring 6. Nut 40. Spacer 7. Washer 41. O-tting 8. Cap Assy 42. O-Ring 8. Screw 43. Inner Shatt 10. End Shietd 44. Nal iI. Screw 45, Spring 12. Clamp 49. Washer 13, Brush Asay 87. Cone 44. Dowel Pin 48. Bearing Support 18. Brush Rigging ‘Assy 49. Screw 16. Screw 50. Washer 17. Clamp 51. Condenser 18. Screw 52. Screw 19. Washer 58. Terminal Rlock Cover 20. Brush-holder Assy 54. Field Assembly 21. Bolt 55. Nut 22, Lock Washer 56. Lock Washor 23. Washer . Washer 24. Self-locking Nut Self-locking Sut 25. Insulation Washer Washer 26. Bushing 80. Nak 27. Cross Connector 61. Terminal Block 28. Spring Guide 62. Serew 28, Spring 63. Lock Washer 30. Yoke and Bearing Support 64. Adapter 31. stud 65. Nameplate 32. Armature Assy 86. Serow 33, Nut 87. Nameplate 34. Lock Washer 68. Screw WARNS” Solvents used in the following procedures may be toxte and/or flammable. ‘To avoid Possible serious or fatal injury from toxie Solvents, adequately ventilate the cleaning area, avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and Prevent direct contact of the golveat ‘vith the Skin, “Do not expose solvents to flame o¢ sparks, 2-1. Clean in accordance with 7 0 8-1-10. TO ap6-4-12-2 2-8, INSPECTION 2-0. Visually inspect each part. There shall be no cracks, donts, apparent excessive wear, loose sone nectlons of deep scratches which may develop int fractures. 3-40. Inspect specific parts in accordance uith table 2-2, ‘Non-Destructive Inspection Data 2-11, COMPONENT TESTS, Note H the resistance measures below the minl= mum, a short circutt 1s indicated. Il lt measures above the maximum, an open clr- cuit oF loose connection is indicated WARING ‘rival shock: Do not fact with test probes or gen- erator parts when testing for grounds, 2-12. Mensure resistances of the following {leld as~ Sembly windings (see Schematle Conncetlon Diagtan, figure 2-3) with Double Bridge (P’N 306915352)" The resistances shall be within the following values when corrected to 25°C (779 F), A. Smuntfield (Terminal Ato E)---2, 20-2.69 ohms. 2. Compensating and commutating field, Use 9 Continuity Tester (P/N USAF S4E802) and test for Sontinulty Detween terminal E and the six brush leads, The theee brush leads having continuity with teenie) E are negative, The reniaining three brush teas op posite each other are positive, Measure from Tere ‘minal B to the negative brush holder lead tee : = 0, 093-0.0. 2-13, Test armature assembly (92, figure 2-1) for short circuits with Growler (P/N 2801}, Place the armature in the growler, hold a plece of soft steel loosely on the armature core white the erowler Ie energized and turn the armature as required. If the Stee! is altracted to any point on the armature cone, a short clreuit is indivated and the armature assembly shall be replaced. 2-14. Tost for grounds with High-potential, Current= Umited Tester (P/N 989211501). Test a8 follows, making contact with the probes first, then bring up the voltage gradually and applying 300 volte RMS; 60 Cycles, for one second. There no Insulation breakdowns, 23 eee Part Name and Nomber Type of Inspection Procedure Acceptable Defects Brush Rigging Assy (15, figure 2-1) 1, Tension check for spring tension ~~ 2. Dimensional for excessive wear 1. Use a dummy commutator with an outside diameter of 2.609 to 2.040 inches ands Genter it in the brush-hotder assembly 50 the clearance botween it and all beech holders is equal. This check ean be made before disassembling beush rigging fron {he arinature, usiny the bruch rigging aed arwature commutator. (Gee figure 2:3.) 2 Install a new brush assembly (13, figure 2-1) in the brush holders and meaaube Spring tension with a suitable spring scale, pulling the scale in line with the potat at Contact of spring guide on brush, and Parallel with sides of brush, The maximum allowable tenston is 21 ounees al the tare scale hook leaves the brush elip. 3. Replace @ new brush with a fully-worm bash (20/92 inch fong measured on long side of brush). “Minimum allowable tongion is 11 ounces, Mousure diameter of bearing housing bore, He shall not exceed 2. 0472 inches |. None. Slight axial scoring of None, None, housing due to bx Femoval or instal JArmature JAssembly (92) 1, Dimensional 1. Check jutesnal sotine commutator end with 4 gage made of stecl 0.477 inch by 0. 194 {inch and approximately two inches long. It age Cun be inserted into spline, wont is ‘excessive and armature shall be replaced, 2 Chivck commutator runout, Rest armature ga Its bearing seats in V-blocks, “The yaviation from bar-to-bar shall not exceed 6.0062 inch. Total runout shail not exceed 0, 0005 inch total indicator reading, Com: mutator diauicter shall wot be lees thee 2.545 inches, 3. Deariug seats. Diameter stall not be less than 0.8842 inch + None, None Stight axial seozing trom bearing removal, [Coupling (38) 1. Dimensional and rotational play ~ for wear of internal and external spline 1. Extecoal spline ~ measure tooth thickness, Minimum allowable thiekness is 0.067 tay (0.913 inch over 0, 020 inch ping), 2, Internal spline ~ place coupling on drive- ‘end of inner shaft withiout spacer or OF rings. “Replace shaft and coupling if rotae tional play of coupling exceeds 0.090 Inch (sporox. 28 degrees), replace coupling it Futational play exceeds 0.074 tuch laperen, 20 deweees) when checked on a new inner shaft, None, None. — ee TO spe-4-12-3 Taute 2-2. Non-Destructive tnepection Data (Cont'a) ~x twist ‘shall be no visible twist of either spline. iat Bearing Support }1. Pressure — to | 3, Check bearing housing by ‘measuring the 1, Slight axial scoring of aeeeneepes ene aaEES ies ‘COMM bad wef A {j } eT Co : = Generator }: Brush rigging assembly (15, figure 2-1). Test fram each bepen’natage 39 assembly (20) to yoke and beating’ sup- Port (30). fe 2. Arnaturé assembly (32). Tost from’ both binding bands to the 2eet mutator, and from the commutator to the shaft. 3; Field assembly (54), Test trom terminals £ and B to the franc’ 2715. Test from terminal D to terminal E Fins conGimity tester. Replace the field assembly if there is no continuity. 2:16. Test condenser (51) for proper gapacitance with Capacitance Analyser : . (WAV 70-5). the value from Figure 2-2, Measuring Brush Spring ‘Tension 205 terminal E to terminal B shall be 4.0 microturads, plus or minus 20 percent. 2-17, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT. 2:18. BRUSH RIGGING ASSEMBLY (15, figure 2-1), Replace brush rigging parts as follows: 1. Disassemble brush rigging by removing self~ Jock nuts (24). This permits removal of Urest holder assemblies (20), insulation washers (25), cross sore Rectors (27) and bushings (26) from yoke and bearing Support (90). Bolts (21) and washers (22 and 23) coe bbe Temoved from the yoke and bearing support, Spruig Guides (28) and brush springs (29) can be teanoved from the brush holder studs, 2. If it 4s necessary to replace brush holdur stud (31), place a collar over the stud to support the brash holder around the section in which the stud is installed and press out the stud. Press new stud (31) into the brush holder, supporting the brush holder with the collar. The stud slot will be kept parallel with the back wall of the brush holder and the stud will be Centered in the orush holder. 8. Assemble brush rigging assembly (15) as fol- is 4 Place brush spring (29) in spring guide (28) so that arn: of brush spring rests on arm of Spring guides, Place parts as assenibled on slotted shai! of Bruch Spring Inserting Toot (P/N 3377500, General Electric Cou» or equivalent) with the straight center section of the brush spring in the shaft slot. Align the stv! slat With the shaft slot and position the brush holder as sembly so that the spring arm will extend Into the brush holder when the spring 1s in postion. ‘Pace {001 handwheel go that the arm of the lube will eatch under the spring guide arm, Maintain te brush holder assembly position and eontiue turning the Randwheel, putting the brush spring under lession, une {il the spring guide arm clears the side of the necsh holder, Press handwhcet towards brush holder te force the brush spring and spring guide into place on the stud. “Reverse the position of the brush spring and spring guide on the ingesting tool and tur he handwhcel in the opposite direction to install the parts ‘on the other end of the brush holder stu by Apply insislating compoued (Specification MiL- 1-17884, ‘Type G-1) around brush holler mounting holes of yoke and bearing support (30). Assemble on bolts (21) in the order named: lock washer 2 washer (23), one insulation washer (25) and yush sng (26), Pgfai1 on the bolt an insulation washor dnote 1987 atm of Purge brush holder assembly (20). ““Ingtall erons conmoneee (25) so that the long section of tne gf08s connector will be farthest auay from the bearing housing. Install tvo insulation washers (25)° 2-6 the short arm of the second brush hole? assembly (20), and self-lock nut (24). “Do aot completely tighten Sell-lock nuts until insteucied to do so. 4, Facing outboard side of the yoke and bearing support, insert the second bolt (21) as assembled, in the next mounting hole clockwise from the first bolt ‘installed. “Install one insulation washer (25), long rm of the second brush holder assembly, two Ineula- tion washers @5), the loose end of the fivst crose connector, the short arm of the third brush holder axe sembly and self-lock nut (24) . Insert third bolt, as asseinbled, in the next ‘mounting Hole, proceeding clockwise. ‘Install the sd~ ditional parts in the Sime manner as described in step c., above, using the third brush holder assembly and Second cross connector (27) and mounting the ross connector on top of the arm of the brush holder assembly. £. Insert fourth boll and parts into the next mount- jing hole ave install the additional parts as deserived in step d., above, using the fourth brush holder wer Seinlly, the loose end of the second cross comector, and the short arm of the filth brush holier avsembic fg. Insert the filth Dolt and parts into the next Mounting hole.” Install one insulation washer (25), the Jong arm of the filth brush holder assembly, thees int sulation washers (25), the short arm of the’ sins brush holder and self-lock nut (25), J. Install the remaining parts as'in step y. above, sing the long arm of the sixth Urush folder assembly snd Uhe short acm of the first, J. Tighten all self-lock nuts to a torque value of 35 pound-inches, Bake the assenibly for two hoves at 490° (520° F), cool fur one hour and check-tigar the self-lock nuls to the above torque vale J. Check the assembly with a plug gage approxi- rately four inches long with a diameter of 2. 6460 inches Cor one ineh of its length on one end. ‘The giametcr of the remaining portion shalt be 2,710 to Fa ftS inches. Insert the small end into the vearing housing. |The brush holder assemblies shall sot ted fon the gage. Check clearance in the brush holes a Semblios with a brush or suitable substitute, The Petsh shall not bind in the holder. If any binding 1s noted, check for proper assembly. i Patol exposed pacts of the six mounting bolts, ats, all washers and the brush holder assemaly ataes fis Insulating compound (Speeitieation Millet 158%, ‘Type G-1) and allow to dey, ag a The following instructions require the use of high voltage which oan cause serious or fatal injury from electrical shock. “Do not make body contact with test probes or genesstor Parts when testing for grounds” @ NN . 1. When the compound is dry, teat for grounds with High-potential Current-limited Tester (PAN 989713901) —{tom.each-brush-holder-assembly to the yaku ant beac: {ng support. Apply 300 volts RMS, for one second ‘There shail be no insulation breakdowns. 2-19. ARMATURE ASSEMBLY (32, figure 2-1). It [Ls necessary to refinish the commutator, il should bbe accomplished as follows: 1, Install ball bearings, tapped to give a hamt-press fit, on the armature assembly Note Replace tapped ball bearings whenever the hhand-press ft is lost due to wear, 2. The armature is driven with a belt around the slacking similar to the Gisholt balancing machen Grive. It will be supported on the outer races of the lapped bearings, “Use a sharp earbotoy cutting toot which does not drag during eutting procedures: ‘Set the tool 60 that the tip is lip of the cutting ten center line, 3. To remove’ a hardened surface film, make 2 single light cut across the surface at a turing speed 9 1500 to 1700 surface fect per minute an a toed toed ‘Speed of 3/4 inch to 2 inches por minute. ‘To somone @ rough, pitted, barred, o¥ scored surface, takes Ueht series of euts across the commutator, Make the cats al a turning spect of 1200 to 1500 suriace fn er minute and a tool feed speed of 1/2 to-3/4 inch ber minute. Procedure untit the faulty Cheek the commutator to be sure that the diameter is not tess than 2, 45 inches. A tolal eccentricity of 0, 0005 inch, measured Mh the armature on its bearing seats, is the mart. mum allowable. “Bar-to-bar variation shall sot on: Geta 0.0002 inch. Solvent (Federal Spacifiestion P-D-680) may be applied to the surface of the some Inutator for cooling purposes, If solvent 1g used, the arajature shall be baked in an oven for 45 mimics ct 460" € (920° F) to dry all parts, However, no ype of solvents will be used when making the final eet 4. Using an undercutting saw applicable to the Width of the mica, undercut the mica to a depth of 1/32 inch. “Remove ail copper filaments with clean fiber brush, tne ior? Accomplish the final cul after underoutting the commutator, place the armature, with the Taped bearings instatted, back in the lathe. A diamond {ulting toot will be used inthe final cul at a turning seed of 1850 to 1700 surface feet por mintte using a 2einch per minute feed speed. A surface spend of $40 {0 600 surface feut per minute using.a 374 toch feed speed may also be used. Do nat excerd 0. 00% Jnch on the depth of the cut. ait-,:,=—— TO spe-4-12-2 &. Balance armature assembly dynamically on a Gisholt balancing-machine-or equtvatent "The masts mum allowable unbalance is 0. 39 tnchgrams, dect balance by adding solkler (Federal Specification QQ-S-571b, Composition Ag 2.8, wire form) tor oe removing it from, the binding bands, Clean varnish and paint from the area lo be soldered wili'a wine brush, “Use a neutral fluc (Specification MIL-S-6872, Type G-2A) i 2-20. CONDENSER (St, figure 2-1), ‘To replace Eendeaser (51), remove terminal block haidwars from the two targe terminal block studs, remove screws (82) and the condenser. Reverse the proced« ure to Install 2 new condenser, 2:21. FIELD ASSEMBLY (64, figure 2-1). Replace parts or repair as follows, 1. Ifa short circuit or ground has been located in the Held assembly and is accessible for repaie eles affected area of damaged insulation and heat the fteit assembly in an oven for two hours at 125°C (970 ee to soften the varnish, 2, While the fletd assembly is hot, carefully Separate windings or leads and replacs d tn ulation by threading or wrapping glass tape (Specie fication MIL-G-1140, Class C, Form 8, BCC. oy around and over the area. Tle tape securely, telm= Bulng off excess. Apply clear air-drying varaleny (Specification MIL-V-1137, ‘Type CA} tothe tape and immediate area. bv, Reposition windings or leads, tie with glass tape if necessary and apply the alr-drying vartiai to the area reworked. 2. Hf terioinal block (61) 1s damaged, remove the pardware from the studs and remove screws (62) ned lock washer (63). Tilt terminal block as neeaed te {ree it from the leads, Work new terminal block (61) {nto position, putting the lead terminals on the studs, Place an adapter (64) under each end of the termine block and install screws (62) and lock washers (63), Tighten serews (62) and lock with a tab ofthe key YRshers. | Install the condenser lests a the terminal block hardware, 2-22. LUBRICATION 2-23. See paragraph 2-24. 3, step ¢, for lubrication of drive-end! spline of inner shaft 149), 2.24, REASSEMBL 1. Wipe a film of grease (Specification MIL-G- 81922) in the bearing housings of brush rigging se- sembly (15) and bearing support (48) to prevent cor= roston, WANG 4 ‘The following instructions require handing Of heated parts. Wear protective clothing to prevent injury trea burns when working with Reatse parte ar bg TO aD6~4-12-3 ‘ngs (85) at 100° c (212° £5 foe amnroxtmately 30 minutes, Install retainer rine oho) Sh the Commutator-end-of armature assembly (Ao) ‘nl Dress a heated ball bearing on tat ehd ef re araature shalt. Install washer (37) en the dei ond inate aFerature shalt and press the secure Uall weet, Sie.en the shaft, seating it against the washer, Plats sae shyWacher (34) on the commutator ent af the aay Gad Install nut (88). Dene a tah of the key washer ee {0 one of the locking notches of the nk 3, Resemble inner shaft (43) to the armature assenbly as follows: 3 Install friction cone (4), targe diameter ent first, on the ines shatt trom the oulbese eet Sert the inner shaft into the armature shalt at the five end of the armature assembly. Breage tne Emer shaft and armature shaft ap nt push the {nner shaft Into the armature shalt ag far a It will go b, kee armature assembly, drive end up, in an arbor press, Install lock washer (84) agate sha dydyeyend bald bearing. inetall wacher £46) and spring (45) on tie tener Senet 204, glide mut (44) over the spring ne tay BFodFr¥112 99. Slide Fressiny sided Ty 8209715, General Electric Comfarn, ee Saulyadéne) over, the ond of the Vinee chage and into nut (44). “work arbor pine Sompress spring (45) inside thee sae any ‘acrew the nut down with spanner mecnan {P/4 82083)883, General Bhectede Sen ge ewsvaient): “Remove arnatare ott from'the arbor ‘press: ty ¢. Wipe a Liberal amount of grease {Specification u1t-6-21164) on deioc cna splines of the Shnee aa28e) 9p, delves ring. (42) in flanged-end coupling (38) and install coupling, flanged-end first, on inner shafe 2-8 spline. Place O-rings eveled.side-against the O- Side the end of the coupling (38) in the groove in the on (41) and spacer (40) with tts ing-On the {nner shaft In- find install retaining ring of the shaft, € 4 Assemble the generator as follows: di, fosition armature assembly (82) in fleld ag- Sscoanbe lightly towards the drive end of the etd asconbly. tteat bearing 100° ¢ @i2? hearing. Asc! aspauiboard end of the armature shaft to moneene Gin Scene ball bearing Into tts housing ay fae ae Tan ee Atlee the beating support has cooled’ check. tighten serews (49), Figging assembly insteneine continnlty with each other are negernne mail eetush eiecing assembly (15) on the ontee ce Can bearing 0 that the negative fila lends eee ge inanarie @ the megalive brush holder aseesaates RINLAU brush assemblies (13) and attach tae wecoy rity Hiatus and the feld teads to the brush holder assemblies with screws (18) and washer (10), sin alt et shield (10) over the brush rigging Grin gy abe altach the ond shld to the Held ee reese Tews CD and etamps (12)," Attach the bee IMARE assembly to the end shicld with screws tar outhoret's (17) Position cap assembly (8) sree she falneard coe batt bearing and assemble it tome juin assembly Ly evenly tightening sesews deaen ecetaiting ring (26). “Inatail ar falel hens brush inspection cover (1) = — sam ee — TO 8p6-4-12-9 SECTION TH TEST PROCEDURES Note H the resistance measures below ths i mum, a short eircuit is indicated. tt measures shove the maximum, an opt elr= cult oF loose connection is indicated In either case, inspect the yencralor connece Hons at the terminal block and brush rigging for defects or damage, If necessary, de aesemble and test components ani repais or replace the defective part aman We eae 20 ar | apeclon cover it) and measive feta eee Lose bee Pi Soaitd re ree ame ay | Siathe wn the foloving vation when eorseet to Cn Cp aia | ¢ F ¢ a. Shunt field (Tormtnais Aio Ee aoe : SHIGE contsc oreos ERED. Non-contoc ornes 3, Compensating and corsmnatsiy true 0.0112-9.0137 ohm.” (Teeminal brush.) 3-3. FITTING BRUSHES, A; Mount yonorator on Atreratl Generator Testor (PAN Tepe A2) and drive it at apiroxtmatety Boos {Rm Rotation is clockwise when facing the comm: talor end. Figure 3-1, Correct and tneorreet Heush Fit 2o1 APPLY 8 commutator stone (Anierican Emery Mucel Grade 220 J. ., or equivalent) lightly teihe commutator surface, passing it x Sormnect the positive terminal of the battery to a Sater four or five times and keeping it mucisg te cold Avilch, and the other side of the switch to teconnal Brooving the commutator, A onthe terminal block, Heated the generator and pull the Urushes from Note Me brush holders to check the fit. It Is ancien to Fav 2 200 Percent fit on all brusives as in Pact 11s important that polarities are correct, figure 3-1. "However, ail of Mites Carey, wth and 75 percent stng the conte oe eee, own in Parts Dan Bro meen fee. essary to improve tee mene 22Y lwo adjacent blush terminals, “Close the eee y - {pt Gureant through te shunt fle wee low loosn carbon dust from the generator wi {node for two or three seconds, then open it. Wher 1 compre she" dt trom the generator with the circuit ts closed and opened, the millivolimetes dry, ‘compressed air, . Rribindicate. Note only the miagnitude and direction of the indication when the switch is opened, 2. Using a millivotimeter (preferably one with a Bs4. SETTING BRUSH RIGGING ASSENELY PosrTion. 3. ‘Stihl toosen sos ed fo atach the brash 7 ing: | Shilt the brush rigging until the smallest ae- 2; Sonmect the negative terminal of a Te ee oF the meter indeator is obtained, "Mashing engtd battery (such as No. 6 dry call to ihe shunt field, after each shift of the rigging, oe a. the negative terminal £. plained in the prececling step, TO p6-4-12-3 4, To check this setting, tuen the armature te two or three different positions other than the oripitcal and check af those positions: 5. if the meter deflection remains relatively small and approximately balanced as to direction, this 12 the correct brush selting, 6. If the meter indications are excessive in one direction, further shifting of the rigging 1s Sary to obtain the proper brush settinj. Can checking the setting until the coutitions in stu 3, ase ter as ply above, are met Sen SET ae 2 Altos obtaining thts seta. move the nvush : Xiguing 1/82 Inch in he eresion of ataton foe ; Wise) ae ghlonsereve 16, igure 2 emove a a the battery aba meter lend nares 8:5, PREPARATION — GENERATOR TEST. stall —_______] alr inlet (5, figure 2qt) and brush inspection caver (2). Attach a cooling air hose with provisions for Voltage Regulator soting field volts Terminat Block De GS s Load Resistonce | ‘ond commutating To either Field Volts Load Switch Nanonater negotive brush Figure 3-2, Connections for Cooling air A+ ANMETER. DC. 15/10 AMPERES (H.-N 991-2902000) V.- VOLTMBTEN, NC. 7.5 30 75 VOLTS (P/N 931-1909002) MY - MILLIVOLTMETER, MULTI-RANGE, 1000/200/50 10-1 (P 'N 622-9062007) ie 8 - SHUNT, 50 MILLIVOLT DROP, 1000 AMPERES CAPACITY (P N'50-14009485AA) NOTE: THE AnOVE EQUIPMENT, OR ITS EQUIVALENT, Is NORMALLY A PART OF TEST STAND CON. TROLS AND INSTRUMENTATH Figure 9-3, Schematic’ Test Connection Diagram - Generating we Measuring the alr blast of six inches of waler pres: sure (figure 3-2) to the alr inlet.” Make electrical Connections as shown Ii figure 3-3 using a voltage Fegulator conforming to Specification MIL-R-S860, 3-6, STABILIZED HEAT RUN. A. Drive the generator at 3000 rpm, 26 tine volts, 200 line amperes with an air blast of six inches water pressure, Maintain these les! conditions and periodically (such as at five minute intervala) rene {he shunt field volts and amperes unit the shunt tield resistance (shunt field volts divided by shunt freut amperes) is stabilized. The shunt field resistance i considered stabilized when the rate of rise of the shunt (eld temperature does not increase more tha ‘TOC @° FY during a period of five minutes, The ie Jowing formula for calculating temperature rises (2 recommenced Where Tp * Temperature Rise Ty = Cold temperature at time of taking cold resistance (this would ha 25° C (170 >) as cold resistance Hits given are when corrected {6 this iemprsalire value) Ta * Ambient temperature 1 * Cold resistance Ry_* Hot resistance (shunt field-shunt field volts divided by shunt-fiold amperes and compensating and conmutating volts divided by line amperes). To solve (or Tp « Ry Ry Ty $284.8) - 294.507 256, T2906, Ry «20mm eat nt Byxao.s- 20s Tq = 190.5 - 54,8 Ty = 88 dgroee 2, The following limits apply at alt times during the heat run: & Shunt field rise ~ 100° ¢ (180? Fy m b, Compensating and commutating field rive = 125° ¢ (225° F) aiaximum. © Shunt field amperes - 8,0 maximum, EAa REGULATION. Test the generator using the following values: T 0 8D6-4-12-3 Line-]—Line ‘Shoat Pred Rpm |votts |Amperes ‘Amperes 8000} 20 |. 200 | Read and record, Seog] 30] 380 | The shunt etd eurrent at éach f000| $2 | 29 | toad point must havedecrecscn soon | 32 | 80 fat teast 0.08 ampere trom we 8000 30 0 | previous reading ‘WARNING Serious or fatal injury from flying parts may result-if a mechanicay failure occurs during the following test. Cover the generator withes guard made to suit tne test ated and Egeepment while upning Se ‘overspeed te confine parts if a failure ccoece, ir QVERSPEED . While the generator still hot tre sae Previous tests, open ali load switches ane ing hunt Held clrcult, shut off the air Blast sia arevg {he generator with no Held excitation or tond ne thang’ fPm for five minutes. ‘There must be no me- » chanteal failure CAUTION pisedghioving test shoud be con Jeted as soon as possible to avoid Sverheating the SeReees™hS, £9,27089 fo operating the unit without the bos inpsection cover assembly” om eg MUTATION TEST. Remove brush inspece BoD ONCr Us Ligure 2-1) and drive the gemeraten ny Fray RM, 30 line volts, 200 line amperes anal tap blast obtained from the same selling used for the siiuilized heal run, Observe the commutation. Fine bin-point sparking is the maximum allowea Tae High voltage testing may cause serious or fatal injury? roan Glectrical shock. "boot" otkg body contact with test prokes or gtarter-generator parte" whee toce- ing for grounded cleeaies? Me DIELECTRIC STRENGTH TEST. Perform this test while the generator is still hot, Ren teat connections from the terminals and test facr krounds with High-potential, Current-limiited Tester {P/N 9802118C1) by applying 200 volte for eae Send from Terminal E to the generator Irae port the indicator solidly with its tip against the side sng teafl¥s end of the frame. ‘Repeat the check: ‘plac ing the Up against the outboatd end f the trams: Vibration shall not exceed 0.001 inch, peak-to=pea? 3-3 al Sovouts pe POWER source| RI-RHEOSTAT, 35 OHMS, IZ AMPERES CapaciTY Figure 8-4. Schematic Test Connveticn Liasena = Motoring 2. If the brush rigging assembly hes been previously used and the dovel pin hole in it is aligned with the hole in end shield (10), install dover pin (1!) to pin the two parts together. I? the brush rigging assembly is new, use the hole in the end shield es « : Table $1 cause Trouvte Shooting Chart gull ad desl! and ream a 0, 1250-0. 1245 inch diame- gon fee "0 the brush cigglug assembly and hnatsll ne ain, I the brush rigging assembly has a hole in Fpulely-wire screws where necessary and install \ wire uct (5) and brush inspection caver (1, “Sales qeane ii Brush inspection cover elainp serew, fecal terminal block cover (33), 3-12, TROUBLE shdoTiNG. TROUBLE sHéotinG. iecaiigSt®, Table 8-1, Trouble Shooting Chart, for troubles, causes and’ recommended reneden’ 4. FINAL Tru, caution Nhen drilting holes for dowel pins (14, figs \ We 2-1), do not permit drilling chips to giter the generator or failuce of the gever- alov may occur in sezvige due to shot or - Grounded cireutts. 2 Remedy L Trovbie nealing — [4 Bieansive toad ov aw apa igh sunt feta furrent or tow | a oy Short-cireuited armiatuce 3. Grounded or shoet-eirevited sshunt Field. 4. Poor brush fit 2 Replace armature, 3. Heplace theld wound, 4. Refit brusties and comptetely retest ‘Hust Lo correet values, JPxCessive sparking 1. Sante asin 2, 3 and 4 shove 2. Row commutator: 3. Short-eireuited comm aiid cumpensting Le 4. Opencireuited fo Output 1. Short oF op armature or field dings 2, Broken inner shatt 2. Disassemble to retinish commutator, 3. Replince fet wound, 4, Replace armature, 1. Disassemble, inspect and replace defective 2. Replac Same as in 2, 3, and 4 above, Jf Wer shart ( TO en6-4-12-9 Table 3-1. Trouble Shooting Chazt (Cont'd) ‘TROUBLE caus REMEDY overheating 1, Low air supply 1, tnerease air supply 2, Internal shorts or grounds. 2. Repair or replace necessary parts, 8. Overtosu. 3. Check and correct toad current. 4. Low speed 4h 5. Poor connections 5. Chock, steam, and tighten all external ae internal lreyulation Vest fot Acceptable Poor brush fit Refit Lrarhes ancl completely test vibration exceeds lumite Defective hearinys, Incorrectly hatancy Replace bearings. Rebataoce armature 3-5/(3-6 Blan T 0 806-4-12-2 SECTION-IV. DIFFERENCE DATA SHEETS Se Tong aie oat Procedures for the models inclued in this section are the same as the procedures for Model Beene OGA Dc Generator except for the surcifie differences nated hy the appllewble Dilerenee tens seeee Sectlons T through 1H contain complete overhaul and teat infomation for Model 2CHTODE% Bee Genero Motel Page 43 2CM20D6B D-c Generator EE TO 8D6-4-12-: C2 BE wsTRUCTIONS cowrainnn iw ‘hie pRRCEDING SECTION THIS TECHNICAL MANUAL APPLY FACET FOR THE DIFFERENCES LiST¥D IN Hd Wear Aone frame boriea Wet, Samo as for Model 2CMTODEA except that there le ‘no condenser mounted on the generator ~ , frame bohind the terminal block BEADING PARTICULARS. Same as for Model’ 2cH70D6A SPECIAL TOOLS, None requived. TEST EQUIPMENT. Same as for Model 2CH70D6A, DISASSEMBLY. Same as for Mute! 2CM70D6A except for the following: ‘The terminal block attach . termes Ageminsl block A st, groinds the eapserene eee a tem cIoEK. Reaiove this serew ant do not ingall gens ger erator has been tested and Testing the frets may tho RECN WH! damage the Ceeminal block capstone Bao nol heey ne krouel Wntieations in the Held windings ah coe has not been removed CLEANING, Same as for Madel 20M7:D0A, INsPRETION, #48 for Moan 2ceITODGA, GOMPONENT TEST. Samo as for Mii 2CMZODEA except that 2 Schematle Connection Disyram, figuss 2-2, does not apply See figure 4-1 2, Paragraph 2-18 doos not apply. ‘Fest cost te oats ye Tauaal Block (6, igure 2-1) with eapseitance raivzer. Replace terminal block Ifthe test rotult Io eaieee eral 90 any one of the following tects arena erg ABER, Measured 0% Tesminal E to the ge Sunding terminal located in front of the A stud onthe terminal block, shall be within i404 to 2.098 miccaie ee The capacitance, measured from terminal E to ‘ermtnal B shall be within 2.25 to 3.126 microtarads. © The capacitance, measured from terminal A to terminal &, ‘shall be within 0.45 to 0.625 microfarad, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT, Same as for Model ZGM7OD6A except that reference to condenser leads in Inside tee cerca? ,SteR ©: does ol apy and the tereorereoeae HIRCMRE screw (62) that grounds the capacitors inside (he terinnal block ill not be installed (see Coat eee Disassembly shove) Fiqure 4-1. Schenatic Connection Diagram = Generator i . 4.3 TO 8p6-4-12-3 LUBRICATION, ‘Same As for Mode] 2EMTODA. C REASSEMBLY.- Same as for Mutol2CN7OD6N + TEST PROCEDURES,” Sime as for Model 2CM7OD6A except hatin adltion to the sfons given in Bar=BraM 0-18 Fear erllock attaching sere (62) ant lock wasir (63) in front of terminal stud & and lock the screw ‘with the lock washer.

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