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Market Leader Extra DVD_ADV

DVD files for Advanced

This transcript includes the
following clips:
Business Skills Advanced DVD CLIP 18
Business Skills Advanced DVD CLIP 19
Business Skills Advanced DVD CLIP 20
Business Skills Advanced DVD CLIP 21

DVD18 – 00:00:00.00 MARIA

So I am glad you feel like the wind energy project is possible. Of course we certainly
understand that 300 wind turbines in one year is a lot to ask. But we feel that we have a
strong team

DVD18 – 00:00:15.07 MAN

Maria. I apologise for the interruption, but you have an urgent call.

DVD18 – 00:00:20.13 MARIA

Ok. Er Glen, Petra, please excuse us for a moment.

DVD18 – 00:00:35.10 PETRA

so do you really think we can manage this project? 300 wind turbines in one year is a
huge undertaking. We've never managed a project of this size before and I'm just
concerned that we're taking on more than we can handle.

DVD18 – 00:00:50.22 GLEN

I wouldn't worry about it too much. I am confident that we'll figure it out. This is a huge
opportunity for us, just think of the contracts we'll get if we do this well. We could
potentially expand to companies in Georgia, Morocco.

DVD18 – 00:01:08.22 PETRA

Sorry to but in Glen, but we don't have enough personnel and our manufacturing’s
already at its limit.

DVD18 – 00:01:15.05 GLENN

A lot of other countries are watching this project closely. We can do it. Trust me. Either
way the payoff is worth the risk.

DVD18 – 00:01:35.21 MARIA

I'm really sorry for the interruption.
DVD18 – 00:01:39.11 As I was saying, we recognise this is a huge project, but we're willing to offer any help
you need to complete it.

DVD18 – 00:01:49.20 GLEN

Thank you Maria. Yes. It's a big project and I agree that if we work together we can get
this done. Some of my staff are concerned that the project is too complicated for just
one year, but

DVD18 – 00:02:07.10 MAN

Could I say something?

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Market Leader Extra DVD_ADV
DVD files for Advanced
DVD18 – 00:02:07.24 GLEN
Of course, go ahead.

DVD18 – 00:02:09.22 MAN

We understand that we're asking for the impossible. But that's why we ask for your
company. (Windheim?) has an excellent reputation and we truly believe that this is not
beyond your capabilities.

DVD18 – 00:02:22.10 PETRA

I'm sorry to interrupt, but even the best companies have limitations. I just think

DVD18 – 00:02:29.05 GLEN

To get back to what I was saying, even though the deadlines will be tight, I feel certain
that we can deliver and install the 300 turbines over the next 12 months.

DVD18 – 00:02:42.22 MARIA

That's great news. Could I just ask one more question?

DVD18 – 00:02:46.12 GLEN

No problem.

DVD18 – 00:02:48.02 MARIA

When can you guys start production?

DVD18 – 00:02:50.12 GLEN

Well as soon as we sign the contract.

DVD18 – 00:02:52.22 MARIA


DVD18 – 00:02:55.07 MAN


DVD19 – 00:00:01.09 REBECCA

We know that you're needed in the San Francisco office but we feel that having you
relocate for a while would be best for the business.

DVD19 – 00:00:06.18 TIM

I understand that. But I'm not sure how I feel about doing it right now. What do you
think Sarah?

DVD19 – 00:00:13.20 SARAH

I really appreciate everything you're saying Rebecca, but it would be such a huge
adjustment for us. I don't think now is the right time.

DVD19 – 00:00:19.24 REBECCA

Of course we appreciate your point of view, but you might consider this an opportunity
to learn new manufacturing techniques.

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DVD files for Advanced
DVD19 – 00:00:27.00 TIM
I would love to learn about any new ways to make our products more efficiently but I
don't know if it would work for me to leave right now. I really feel I need to stay here to
tend my garden and take care of our business in the US.

DVD19 – 00:00:42.02 REBECCA

We appreciate your honesty Tim.

DVD19 – 00:00:43.24 TIM

DVD19 – 00:00:46.17 Rebecca, could you please make Sarah the presenter again for the moment.

DVD19 – 00:00:50.09 REBECCA

Of course.

DVD19 – 00:00:52.08 TIM

DVD19 – 00:00:56.11 So this is my garden. Isn't it beautiful?

DVD19 – 00:01:00.12 RAVI

Wow, yes it is.

DVD19 – 00:01:03.02 TIM

Taking care of a business is a lot like tending a garden. You have to be there if you want
things to grow. So I wonder if we might keep our operations strong here at home by
hiring a small team to help grown and maintain the business, then Sarah and I could
alternate every few weeks between the US, Shanghai and Milan. That way Sarah and I
could tend all three gardens.

DVD19 – 00:01:29.08 REBECCA

Oh that's an interesting idea.

DVD19 – 00:01:32.16 TIM

So then my plants would never be alone for too long. (laughs).

DVD19 – 00:01:37.24 REBECCA

Well, I agree with Tim. I think that could work. What do you think Ravi?

DVD19 – 00:01:42.20 RAVI

Yes, that might be a good solution.

DVD19 – 00:01:46.12 TIM

And you could come to San Francisco, Ravi. Maybe I can prove to you how great this
town really is.

DVD20 – 00:00:00.10 WOMAN PONYTAIL

Do you have a deadline in mind?

DVD20 – 00:00:01.15 WOMAN FAIR HAIR

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Market Leader Extra DVD_ADV
DVD files for Advanced
How about next Tuesday? (laughs). We'd really like to have the new system by the end
of the year. How can we make that happen?

DVD20 – 00:00:08.18 WOMAN PONYTAIL

We understand that the deadline is very important to you, but I’m not sure we can make
that date. Typically it takes about a year to implement an entirely new system and we're
already in the middle of February.

DVD20 – 00:00:21.22 MIKE

We could work together to finish by the end of the year. We might be able to do it if
your engineers help.

DVD20 – 00:00:26.10 MAN PLAIN TIE

I don't think we can afford to pull our team off their current duties.

DVD20 – 00:00:30.22 WOMAN PONYTAIL

Really, I think it's the only way to shorten the timeline. What's the best compromise we
can make here Mike?

DVD20 – 00:00:36.02 MIKE

With help from our engineers I think we could guarantee completion by the end of the
year, and it would lower the cost of the build even more.

DVD20 – 00:00:42.12 MAN PLAIN TIE

Well that would mean a reduction in the engineers’ productivity. Isn't that a deal

DVD20 – 00:00:47.13 WOMAN FAIR HAIR

But it'd just be for the short term. Clearly if they learn the new technology now, it
would be a huge benefit for us in the long run.

DVD20 – 00:00:56.07 MAN PLAIN TIE

Well alright. If involving our engineers can ensure that everything is done by the end of
the year I think that's the best solution. Since our engineers are doing a lot of the work, I
assume that will reduce the cost.

DVD20 – 00:01:08.13 MIKE

Yes, we can reduce the fee of the build to three million dollars.

DVD20 – 00:01:11.23 MAN PLAIN TIE

that sounds good to me.

DVD20 – 00:01:13.20 WOMAN PONYTAIL

Great. I think we have a plan that works for everybody.

DVD20 – 00:01:16.17 MAN PLAIN TIE

When do we start?

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DVD files for Advanced
DVD21 – 00:00:00.23 RAVI
I'm really sorry. I didn't realise you can see and hear me. I couldn’t see or hear you.

DVD21 – 00:00:07.13 SARAH

No problem. It seems like we're all clear now.

DVD21 – 00:00:10.00 REBECCA

Yes, let's continue. I'll make you the presenter Sarah.

DVD21 – 00:00:13.02 SARAH

Ok, thanks.
DVD21 – 00:00:16.03 So we have some information to show you. I'm going to share my screen now. Can you
see the slide presentation?

DVD21 – 00:00:24.11 RAVI

I see it.

DVD21 – 00:00:25.13 REBECCA

Yes, I see it too.

DVD21 – 00:00:27.04 SARAH

Excellent. So take a look at this first graph. As you can see our client base is fairly
diverse, but most of the companies that we work with have 500 employees or more.

DVD21 – 00:00:37.14 REBECCA

I'm sorry, where do I see that?

DVD21 – 00:00:39.02 SARAH

oh, just look at the left side of the graph here.

DVD21 – 00:00:41.21 REBECCA


DVD21 – 00:00:43.11 SARAH

If you look in the middle of the graph you'll see that we also sell our products to a large
number of individual consumers.

DVD21 – 00:00:49.17 REBECCA

Yes, I see that. This is all helpful information. Er thanks for sharing that.

DVD21 – 00:00:55.15 RAVI

I – I'm having trouble. My audio seems to be cutting out.

DVD21 – 00:01:01.14 TIM

Oh, did we lose him?

DVD21 – 00:01:03.13 SARAH

Ravi, your screen is frozen.

DVD21 – 00:01:06.11 RAVI

The video is really choppy.

DVD21 – 00:01:08.13 REBECCA

you may have to refresh your browser or close your other applications.

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DVD files for Advanced

DVD21 – 00:01:11.17 RAVI

oh no, I don't wanna lose the match – I mean the meeting.

DVD21 – 00:01:17.11 REBECCA

Um something’s come up. Ravi, I need your help. Tim and Sarah, I'm sorry, we're just
gonna have to meet ourselves for a second, is that ok?

DVD21 – 00:01:23.20 SARAH


DVD21 – 00:01:23.21 TIM

No problem.

DVD21 – 00:01:25.15 REBECCA


DVD21 – 00:01:30.23 Ravi, are you watching football?

DVD21 – 00:01:32.18 RAVI

I'm sorry Rebecca, I missed the match yesterday.

DVD21 – 00:01:35.16 REBECCA

your team won 2-1.

DVD21 – 00:01:37.18 RAVI

Oh, I can't believe you just told me that. Oh right. Close the browser.

DVD21 – 00:01:44.05 REBECCA

ok, let's hang up and unmute.

DVD21 – 00:01:45.18 RAVI


DVD21 – 00:01:49.23 REBECCA

Hi guys, sorry about that. We just had to clear up a technical issue.

DVD21 – 00:01:54.16 SARAH

no problem. So is your team winning Ravi?

DVD21 – 00:01:59.00 RAVI

What? Oh um yes.

DVD21 – 00:02:03.19 SARAH

outstanding. I'm a big sports fan too. (laughs)

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