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! S A F E S T O R G A N IC C O N T R O L S J j

Nett' York Times

A Complete Problem-Solving Guide to Keeping
Your Garden and Yard Healthy without Chemicals

Edited by
Barbara W. Ellis
and Fern Marshall Bradley
Copyrighted maternal


T h i8 O ne

NWQX- 5 6 -N
Copyrighted material


A Com plete Problem -Solving Guide
to Keeping Your Garden & Yard Healthy
w ithout Chem icals

Contributing Writers: Helen Atthowe, Linda A. Gilkeson, Ph.D., L. Patricia Kite,

Patricia S. Michalak, Barbara Pleasant, Lee Reich, Ph.D., Alfred F. Scheider

Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania

Copyright 0 19% by Rodale Press. Inc.
he information in this book has been

T carefully researched, and all efforts have

been made to ensure accuracy. Rodale Press.
Inc.. assumes no responsibility for any injuries
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced
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mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any other
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use of o r as a result of following this informa­
tion. It is important to study all directions Printed in the United States of America
carefully before taking any action based on on acid-free recycled paper
the information and advice presented in this
book. When using any commercial product. Senior Managing Editor: Margaret Lydic Balitas
always read and follow label directions. Where Senior Editor: Barbara W. Ellis
trade names are used, no discrimination is Editor: Fern Marshall Bradley
intended and no endorsem ent by Rodale Production Editor: Nancy J. Ondra
Press. Inc.. is implied. Contributing Editors: Nancy J. Ondra. Deborah L. Martin,
Jean M. A. Nick, Paula Dreifus Bakule
Photo Editor: Heidi A. Stonehill
Copy Editor: Lisa D. Andruscavage
Editorial Production Coordinators: Stacy A. Brobst,
On the Back Cover (hardcover): Susan Nickol
Left: Colorado potato beetle adult, larvae, and eggs. Photo Editorial/Administrative Assistant: Karen Earl-Braymcr
by Ron West. Book Designer Darlene Sehneck
Cover Designer (paperback): Stan Green. Green Graphics
Right; Mealybug destroyer larva. Photo by Max E. Badgley.
Front cover photo (hardcover): T. L. Gettings
Center; Convergent lady beetle attacking aphids. Photo
Front cover photos (paperback): Dwight R. Kuhn
by Ron West.
illustrations; Julia S. Child. Jean Emmons
On the Back Cover (paperback):
Top: Colorado potato beetle adult, larvae, and eggs. Photo
by Ron West.
Center: Mealybug destroyer larva. Photo by Max E. Badgley.
Bottom: Convergent lady beetle attacking aphids. Photo The Library of Congress has cataloged the original edition
by Ron West. as follows:

The Organic gardener's handbook of natural insect and

disease c o n tro l: a com plete problem-solving guide to
keeping your garden & yard healthy without chemicals /
If you have any questions o r com m ents concerning this edited by Barbara W. Ellis and Fern Marshall Bradley :
book. please write: contributing writers. Helen Atthowe . . . |et at.|.
Rodale Press p. cm.
Book Readers' Service Includes bibliographical references and index.
33 East Minor Street ISBN 0-87596- 124-X hardcover
Emma us, PA 18098 I. Garden pests—Control. 2. Organic gardening.
3. Plants. Protection of. I. Ellis. Barbara W.
IL Bradley. Fern Marshall. III. Atthowe, Helen.
SB974.072 1992
635’.049—dc20 92-3372

ISBN 0-87596-753-1 paperback

Distributed in the book trade by St. M artin's Press

8 10 9 hardcover
10 paperback

Copyrighted m
C ontributors.... ........... ........... .............. ....................... .. vii
How to Use T his Book ............................................................viii

PART 1 Your Healthy Garden x

A Plant-by-Plcmt Guide to Problem Solving and Prevention
Problem-Solving Plant Guide ..................................................... 11

PART 2 Insects 254

Recognizing Your Friends—Eliminating Your Foes
Insect Identification Guide______________________ ^ ...■ ■ „_268

PART 3 Diseases_„ ___ 338

Identifying the Causes—Implementing the Cures
Disease Symptom Guide ............................................................ 370

PART 4 Organic Controls m

Using Remedies Safely
Cultural Controls
Physical C ontrols....................................................................... 429
Biological Controls..................................................................... 437
Organic Sprays and D u s ts ......................................................... 463

USDA Plant Hardiness Z one M a p ...................................... 486

Common and Botanical Names of Plants .......... ....... 48?
Sources . ............................. .. ............................489
R e c o m m e n d e d R ead in g .................................................... 493
P h o to g rap h y C re d its ............................................................496
I n d e x ............................................................................... 499

Writers Barbara Pleasant is the author of The

Handbook o f Southern Vegetable Gardening
Helen Atthowe has a m asters degree in and is a contributing editor for Organic Gar­
horticulture (specializing in pomology) from dening magazine.
Rutgers University. She has worked as a pri­
vate pest m anagem ent consultant and has Lee Reich, Ph.D., is the author of Un­
worked with the New Jersey Cooperative Exten­ common Fruits Worthy o f Attention and A
sion Service as an agent specializing in inte­ Northeast Gardener’s Year and a form er fruit
grated pest m anagem ent. researcher for Cornell University and the U.S.
D epartm ent of Agriculture. He currently is a
Linda A. Gilkeson, Ph.D ., is coauthor horticultural consultant and writer.
of Rodale's Chemical-Free Yard and Carden
and is an integrated pest m anagem ent coor­ Alfred F. Scheider holds a bachelor's
dinator in the Ministry of Environm ent for the degree from the New York State College of
province of British Colum bia. She has a doc­ Agriculture at Cornell. He is the author of
torate in entom ology from McGill University, Success with Bulbs and has had articles pub­
M ontreal, and has published several articles lished in the New York Times. House Beauti­
in scientific journals. ful. and House and Garden.

L. Patricia Kite is the author of Con­ Editors

trolling Lawn and Garden Insects , The Home Barbara W. Ellis has a bachelor of arts
Gardener 's Problem Solver, and Organic Gar­ degree from Kenyon College in Ohio and a
dening: Vegetables and coauthor of Califor­ bachelor’s degree in horticulture from T he
nia Cutting Garden. A resident of Newark, Ohio State University. She is a form er publica­
California, she holds a m aster's degree in jour­ tions director/editor for American Horticul­
nalism and a teaching credential in biology.
turist. the publication of the Am erican H orti­
cultural Society, and is the senior editor of
Patricia S. Michalak has a m asters degree garden books at Rodale Press.
in entomology from Michigan State University.
She applies her ten years of research experi­ Fern Marshall Bradley has a bachelors
ence in agricultural entom ology to her efforts degree in plant science from Cornell Univer­
as a freelance writer. She m arkets herbs and sity and a m aster’s degree in horticulture from
gourm et vegetables organically grown at her Rutgers University. She has managed an organic
farm. Long and Winding Row Farm, in Kemp- market garden and is a garden book editor at
ton, Pennsylvania. Rodale Press.

W h e th e r it's spots on the tom atoes, mel­ mon pests as well as more than 20 types of
ons that wilt and die mysteriously, or worm- beneficial insects. (The names of the benefi­
eaten apples, damage from insects and disease cial insects are set in green type; the names
organisms is never welcome. How to manage of the pest insects are in black.)
these problems is a top concern of gardeners Part 3, Diseases: Identifying the Causes
everywhere. This book is specifically designed — Implementing the Cures, is a primer on plant
to help. Its quick-reference format quickly disease that will help you diagnose and con­
leads you to com plete control information trol problems caused by fungi, bacteria, and
for a wide range of com m on insect and dis­ viruses. In this part, you’ll also find a photo­
ease pests. graphic “Disease Symptom G uide” to help
you identify problems in your own garden.
P art 4, Organic Controls: Using Reme­
How to Find It dies Safely, is an encyclopedia of organically
One look at the contents will illustrate acceptable control techniques and products.
that The Organic Gardener's Handbook o f The major types of controls (cultural, physical,
Natural Insect and Disease Control is really biological, and organic sprays and dusts) are
four books in one. Once you've paged through presented in order of least to most invasive to
it to familiarize yourself with the form at, flip­ make it easy to choose the best control.
ping to the section you need will becom e sec­
ond nature. And for quick and easy access to
inform ation, don't forget the index. Here’s a
Remembering the Big Picture
rundown of what is included in the pages As you use this book, though, it’s impor­
that follow. tant that you not lose sight of the big picture
Part 1, Your Healthy G arden: A Plant- of gardening organically. One of the princi­
by-Plant G uide to Problem Solving and Pre­ ples that is at the heart of organic gardening is
vention. contains a plant encyclopedia with eliminating the need to use sprays and dusts at
symptoms and solutions for major problems all—even organically acceptable ones. This
of popular plants, including fruits, vegetables, may seem impossible at first, even foolhardy,
annuals, bulbs, perennials, and trees and shrubs. but organic gardeners everywhere will attest
It also contains preventive information and to the fact that it m akes gardening m ore
general entries on major plant groups—plus enjoyable—and safer—than ever.
stunning illustrations of com m on problems So where do you start? Logically enough,
on the most popular garden plants. at the beginning. T he opening pages of part 1
Part 2, Insects: Recognizing Your Friends of this book give you the big picture of organic
— Eliminating Your Foes, contains information garden management. If you skip right to the
on managing pest insects and attracting bene- controls listed in the plant encyclopedia entries
ficials. It also features a photographic “Insect or to the control sections in parts 2 and 3,
Identification G uide” of m ore than 1(K) com ­ you’ll be missing loads of valuable informa*


tion that can help prevent pests from reaching you do refer to recom m endations for control­
a problem atic level in your yard and garden. ling a specific insect or disease, always use the
Surprisingly, most of the best ways to least-invasive m ethod available. Cultural con­
control pests and diseases may not seem like trols are generally the most benign, followed
controls at all. Organic gardeners look at their by physical and biological controls. Organic
gardens as an overall system that should be sprays and dusts should always be considered
kept in balance, so no one pest or disease gets a last resort.
out of hand. They concentrate their efforts on Since botanical pesticides are organically
cultural techniques that prevent problems, such acceptable, we include them in our recom ­
as keeping their plants in top-notch health mendations throughout this book. So there
and cultivating rich, organically active soil. are hundreds of recom m endations for apply­
They also try to encourage a diverse com m u­ ing botanical chem icals as well as sulfur and
nity of predators to keep pests in check. copper fungicides. This does not mean we are
While the individual plant, insect, and endorsing widespread use of botanical pesti­
disease entries do list some preventive measures, cides. It will only be in exceptional cases in
they are primarily designed to help you decide any individual home garden that the chemical
what to do once you've encountered specific m ethod will be needed. It’s critical to rem em ­
problems in your garden. But keep in mind ber not to rely on a control approach —you'll
that preventive m easures are the keys to suc­ be most successful, and safest, if you em pha­
cessful organic gardening. To get the most out size practices to promote garden health, and
of this book—and to develop an effective pest- use this book for problem solving in those
and disease-control system for your g arden— few cases when a pest population gets out
take the time to review the preventive m eth­ of balance.
ods discussed in the introduction to part 1, If you do decide to use one of the botani­
and follow up by studying the descriptions of cal sprays or dusts, always rem em ber that
these m ethods in part 4. Then, make a plan to they can be dangerous, especially to the per­
begin implem enting them in your garden. son applying them. There is a reason these
Of course, you'll also find that this book products kill insects! Never use them casually
is an invaluable reference for finding solu­ o r carelessly. And whenever you use com m er­
tions to garden problems: Throughout these cial products, always read and follow label
pages, you’ll find up-to-date, detailed infor­ directions.
mation on how to handle problems. When

■4 •

A Plant-by-Plant Guide to
Problem Solving and Prevention

■ ■ m z

•It. .

c ontrolling pests and diseases organically m eans

m uch m ore than simply changing the types of sprays
and dusts you use. O rganic gardeners strive to develop a

balanced system where problem s are regulated natu­ -V-5 ‘‘-' ‘T

rally and w here there is little need to use even the safest r -li/ T'-X + V A

organic sprays and dusts to control pest problem s.

T h ro u g h o u t this book, you’ll find hundreds You’ll find suggestions for proper site selec­
of nonchemical suggestions for stopping insects tion and preferred soil conditions, tips for
in their tracks o r curbing diseases before they avoiding or preventing conditions that pro­
overtake your yard. T here are also recom ­ m ote pest and disease outbreaks, and recom ­
m endations for using organically acceptable m endations for steps you can take to prevent
fungicides and insecticides. These are offered problems before they occur. T hat's because
as a last resort —for the exceptional cases when keeping plants healthy and preventing prob­
the natural balance has been disturbed and lems by proper plant selection and culture are
pest problems threaten to ruin the harvest or two fundam ental p rin cip les of gardening
kill your plants. organically.
To understand why maintaining the natu­
ral balance in your garden is im portant, it
helps to think atx>ut wild systems like a wood­
Plan for Healthy Plants
land o r meadow. Have you ever wondered Every minute of every day, the plants in
why pests and diseases haven’t overrun the your yard are defending themselves from their
plants growing there? T h e answer is that over natural enemies. W hen a gust of wind breaks
time, the com m unity has developed a system a branch from a tree, chem icals concentrated
of checks and balances that prevents devasta­ at the base of that branch mobilize into a
ting outbreaks of pests or diseases. Some insects protective wall to prevent pests from invading
in a woodland or meadow eat plants, but natu­ the healthy parts of the tree. W hen insects
ral predators and parasites keep their num­ nibble on the leaves of a shrub, the plant may
bers in check. T he cycle of plant growth and respond by changing its leaf chemistry to make
decay ensures that soil fertility will be main­ itself less appetizing. As earthw orm s break off
tained to help keep plants healthy and more pieces of grass roots in their endless tunneling,
resistant to insect and disease problems. Plants the grass may turn injury into opportunity by
that can't adapt to the prevailing clim ate and growing two new roots where there used to
soil conditions will lose out, and a plant mix be one.
that can thrive in those conditions will survive.
This natural system is at work in your own Happy Equals Healthy
garden, and this book is about the many ways M axim izing natural resistance is one
you can make these natural checks and bal­ im portant way good gardeners keep their gar­
ances work for you. dens flourishing. Pests and disease organisms
As you peruse the entries in the “Problem- prefer plants that are weak, injured, or unable
Solving Plant Guide’’ beginning on page 11 — to adjust to the site on which they have been
as well as the sections on insects, diseases, planted. For exam ple, when planted in a hot,
and controls that follow —notice that many of sunny site, rhododendrons and azaleas are
the recommendations for controlling pests and m ore prone to attack by lace bugs, which
diseases don’t involve sprays or dusts at all. aren't a m ajor problem in shady sites. On the


oth er hand, when grown in a suitable climate can weaken plants, they’re an open invitation
and provided with healthy soil and an appro­ to pests and disease organisms, which find it
priate site, plants generally thrive and are highly easy to enter plants through dam aged tissue.
resistant to problems. Most plants will have Keep this in mind whenever you’re in your
trouble-free lives if provided with growing con­ garden, and avoid handling plants whenever
d itio n s th a t clo sely m atch th e ir n a tu ra l possible. W henever you do need to work in
preferences. T here generally isn’t much more your garden—even walk down the rows be­
the gardener needs to do to keep them happy tween plants—touch the plants gently to keep
and healthy. Plants forced to live in condi­ damage to a minimum. Never work around
tions th at don't suit their n e e d s—with the plants when they're wet. Many disease organ­
wrong soil moisture level and sunlight expo­ isms (and some pests, too) travel easily on the
sure, for exam ple—are doomed from the start. film of w ater that covers foliage on dam p
M uch of the intrigue of gardening involves days. When you work among wet plants, you’re
discovering—o r creating—the perfect grow­ likely not only to help spread disease organisms,
ing situation for a special plant. but also provide them with easy access to your
As you develop your garden, take time to plants via bruised leaves. Tugging on plants
study each site before you decide what to when you harvest fruit o r pick flowers can
plant there. T hen select plants that will thrive dam age roots and stems: Always use a sharp
in the conditions available. If you m atch the knife or pruning shears to make a clean cut
plant to the site, you’re well on the way to a that will heal easily. T he sam e goes for
successful garden. proper pruning.
Bear in mind that some pests and dis­ Handling trees with care is one of the
eases can be prevented by site selection alone. best ways to keep them healthy. Many tree
For exam ple, a site on which morning sun pests can only invade through the exposed
quickly dries leaves dam pened by dew will tissue at an injury site. For example, flowering
help limit the conditions many molds and mil­ dogwood is normally a very insect-resistant
dews need to flourish. Site selection also can tree, its trunk protected by a thick, hard bark.
help limit insect-transm itted diseases. When But when bits of bark are broken away, as
beets are grown close to tom atoes, beet leaf- when you hit a young dogwood with a lawn
hoppers can easily carry a virus called curly mower o r string trimmer, that injury becomes
top to tom atoes. Flea beetles normally cause a point of entry for dogwood borer larvae —a
only cosm etic dam age to potatoes (tiny holes very difficult-to-control pest that eats its way
in the leaves), but can move on to corn and through living wood.
infect that crop with bacterial wilt. W henever
you learn that a pest com m on in your area Cultivate Healthy Soil
serves as a vector for disease, separate host Cultivating healthy soil is at the founda­
plants as m uch as possible, both physically tion of growing healthy plants. Good soil helps
and by crop timing, to help interrupt the pat­ plants nurture themselves. Roots flourish in
tern of disease transmission. healthy soil. They’re able to find and use nutri­
ents as needed, which helps the plant grow
Handle with Care strong and resilient.
One of the best ways to keep plants healthy W hen grown in poor, com pacted soil that
and happy is to treat them with care. Bruised is low in nutrients, plants will grow weakly
or tom leaves, dam aged stems, and other plant and be stressed by nutrient deficiencies. As a
wounds not only cause unnecessary stress that result, they’ll be easy prey for insects and

Buying Healthy Plants

Whitefly infestation
under leaves

compact growth

Well-rooted but
not pot bound Pot too small for plant

Healthy Rootbound: many roots circling pot


Healthy plant Unhealthy plant

tarting out with the healthiest plants root plants, look for fungi, lesions, and broken
S available is a greot w ay to ensure a healthy
garden Use these tips to pick the best plants
tissue; prune them off before planting.
■ Consider plant color. Pole overall color
you can find. indicates a need for nutrients, which is easy
■ Look for a sales display where the to correct. However, distinct yellow streaks or
plants are well cared for. Plants subjected to brown leaf spots indicate presence of disease.
hot, sunny sidewalks, allowed to wilt fre­ ■ Buy perennials, trees, and deciduous
quently, and watered unevenly are never a shrubs when they are dormant or just begin­
bargain, no matter how cheap. ning to bud out. Leaf emergence above ground
• Look at the entire group of plants being is accom panied by rapid root growth below
offered for sale. If som e of the plants seem to Get plants situated before this growth spurt
be in poor health, shop somewhere else. Those occurs.
that look healthy today may be diseased ■ If bedding plants are already in flower,
tomorrow. pinch off the b lossom s when you set them
■ Shop early in the season, when selec­ out. Pinching will help direct the plant's energy
tion is good and plants are young. into growing roots, so it will be better able to
support more flowers and fruit later in the
■ Examine the roots. Gently shake a plant
out of its container. Roots should be plentiful,
but not wrapped into a tight spiral. With bare-

Copyrighted material

diseases. In contrast, soil that is fertile, well- bearing on what plants are best for your garden.
drained, and teeming with com m unities of Soil pH affects the availability of certain nutri­
diverse m icrobes sharply increases a plant's ents to a plant, affecting its overall vigor, thus
chance at a healthy, productive life. Also, since directly affecting its ability to m aintain good
many pest and disease organisms spend part health. W here soil tends to be very acidic,
o r all of their lives below-ground, having a plants that like a low pH, such as blueberries
diverse com m unity of organisms to keep them and rhododendrons, will be much happier than
in check is im portant. plants such as asparagus and clem atis, which
Healthy soil is an intricate mix of tiny require close m onitoring and frequent appli­
rock particles, organic m atter, water, air. cations of lime when grown in very acidic soil.
microorganisms, and other animals. Living Although soil pH is easy to m anipulate using
things abound in a robust, organically active organic matter, mineral fertilizers, and mulches,
soil —plant roots, anim als, insects, bacteria, it’s wise to consider the natural pH of your soil
fungi, and other organisms. T h e more organic when choosing long-lived plants.
m atter you provide, the livelier the life forms To help ensure that your soil is healthy
within your soil are likely to be. And, the and balanced, take the time to learn about its
livelier the soil life becom es, the more heated characteristics and fertility levels. It's a good
com petition becom es betw een beneficial and idea to have it tested by the Cooperative Exten­
benign soil m icroorganism s and those c a ­ sion Service o r by a private laboratory. Use
pable of doing harm. the results as a guide to bring your soil into
Over time, adding organic m atter improves balance by adding lime, com post, or organic
soil structure, which in turn improves the soil’s soil am endm ents and fertilizers as needed.
ability to absorb and release water. Obviously, Maintain soil balance by growing green manure
w ithout w ater plants cannot thrive, but too crops and adding organic m atter each season.
much w ater can also sabotage plant health.
W hen soil becom es saturated, and w ater pools Select Trouble-Free Plants
up around plant roots, the roots may lose their Some plants are naturally prone to dis­
ability to take up nutrients. Tiny root hairs eases; others are like sparkling beacons to
may begin rotting away, followed by entire hungry insects. You can elim inate many prob­
root branches. As organisms that cause root lems in your garden by avoiding pest- or disease-
rot flourish, the plant may weaken. Above­ prone plants. Instead, fill your property with
ground, the plant may be sim ultaneously dependable plants that can fend for themselves.
attacked by molds and mildews encouraged In any clim ate, there are hundreds to choose
by dam p conditions. In this way, plants can from. With a solid collection of easy-to-grow
easily die from too much water. plants in place, you can limit your pest-controI
T here is trem endous variation in how activities to plants you consider indispensable.
m uch w ater plants can use, and here, too, the Tomatoes are prone to pest problems, but
question of natural resistance com es into play. most gardeners agree that vine-ripened tom a­
Plants that are naturally adapted to wet condi­ toes are well worth the time and trouble they
tions are resistant to many of the pathogens must take to select the best-adapted cultivars,
present in chronically wet soil; those that grow create ideal soil conditions, and patrol the
naturally in dry or very well drained settings tom ato plot regularly to stay on top of insect
are easy prey to those same pathogens. and disease activity.
Local soil conditions have an im portant Plants differ in their ability to defend

themselves from pests and diseases, and choos­ ferent kinds of insects as well as birds, toads,
ing resistant species and cultivars is another frogs, mammals, and humans. Relationships
basic strategy for limiting pest problems. For within this com m unity are mind-boggling in
exam ple, instead of growing disease-prone their complexity, but encouraging a diverse
hybrid tea roses, you can select from among community is a valuable way to ensure a healthy,
the new, easier-to-satisfy cultivars of shrub trouble-free garden.
roses, which require little care beyond occa­
sional pruning. In addition to the discussion Rotate Crops
of plant resistance on page 412, you’ll find Crop rotation is one way diversity helps
m any suggestions for disease- and insect- prevent problems in your garden. Consider
resistant cultivars throughout the “Problem- what happens in a m onoculture, such as a
Solving Plant Guide*’ beginning on page 11. field planted year after year with corn. In the
Planting them is often the best way to elimi­ first year, some com pests, such as European
nate a problem altogether. Remember, though, corn borers and com earworm s, will find the
even with resistant plants, proper site selec­ field, eat their fill, and leave eggs or overwin­
tion and preparation are essential. tering pupae in the debris that rem ains after
harvest. T he following spring, the new gener­
Feed Regularly ation of pests can get right to work feeding
A lthough rich, well-fed soil is all many and reproducing themselves. T he same is true
plants need to keep them growing vigorously, for disease organisms that develop in the field.
fertilizing them at the proper tim e is also Favored host plants are easy to find and are
beneficial and will help enhance their natural available every year. As a consequence, pest
resistance to pests. populations can build out of all proportion.
As a general rule, make sure annual vege­ Rotating (essentially taking away) a pest’s
table and flower crops are well-fed when they o r disease's preferred host plant ham pers its
are young, and then give them a modest booster ability to feed and reproduce. If the cornfield
feeding w hen flow ering and reproduction were planted with wheat the following year,
commences. Fertilize perennial vegetable and the borers and earworms would be forced to
flower crops, along with trees and shrubs, look someplace else for food. They could not
during the first third of their active growth, continue to feed and build their populations
which is just as they begin growing in spring. on that site. A nother exam ple of crops that
You can also fertilize during the second third benefit from rotation is m em bers of the cab­
of the plants’ growing season, but not during bage family (Cruciferae). Many diseases such
the last third. Late fertilization can stress the as black leg (a fungus) and black rot (a bacte­
plants by encouraging tender new growth that rium) can quickly establish themselves in a
may be winterkilled. When you apply fertilizer, cabbage patch. T he first year's crop may get
always keep in mind that more isn't necessar­ by with minimal dam age, but if cabbage,
ily better. Overfertilizing leads to rank, spin­ broccoli, cauliflower, o r oth er crucifers are
dly growth and can even worsen problems planted there again the following year, the
with aphids and some other pests. disease organisms are ready and waiting to
infect defenseless young plants. Rotating cab­
bage family m em bers with crops that belong
Encourage Diversity to other plant families breaks the disease cycle.
Any yard or garden is hom e to countless For more on crop rotation, see page 415.
forms of microscopic life and hundreds of dif­ Fortunately, rotation generally isn’t nec­

essary for long-lived plants such as trees and sands of A m erican streets in the mid- 1900s, is
shrubs, because they have developed their a perfect example of the dangers of mass plant­
own pest-control strategies that enable them ing single species. If you’ve planted a variety
to live long, trouble-free lives. (Unless, of course, of trees and shrubs for screening o r shade,
you lose a tree to a soilborne diseases such as you have built-in protection.
Verticillium wilt, in which case you shouldn’t Com panion planting is another way to
replace it with another susceptible species.) use diversity—and avoid m onocultures—to foil
Below ground, trees and shrubs may release pests. Mixing marigolds or strong-smelling herbs
chem icals into the soil that act as natural in the vegetable garden, as opposed to plant­
pesticides to soilborne fungi and bacteria. ing solid blocks o r rows of a single crop, is
Above ground, their tough, woody stems help effective, because many pests locate crops by
resist bruising and insect attacks. W hen leaves smell. Interplanting can “hide” a crop by mask­
are lost to disease, a shrub o r tree has the ing the odor that attracts pests. Some com ­
ability to produce new leaves several times. panion plants work by repelling pests. For
W hen leaf-eating insects dine on tree leaves, exam ple, basil is said to repel tom ato hom -
the tree may respond by pumping more tannic worms. For more on the many ways com pan­
acid into the leaves that rem ain, thus deter­ ion planting can be used to control pests and
ring further feeding. diseases, see page 419.

Avoid Monocultures Encourage Natural Predators

Planting a wide variety of plants is another Encouraging a diverse community of insect
way to foil pests and diseases by encouraging predators is another way organic gardeners
diversity. C o n v e n tio n a l law ns, a type of manage pests. Beneficials. the term usually
m onoculture, are a good example. Planting a used for insect-predatory and parasitic insects
mixture of lawn grasses (especially disease- and arachnids, such as spiders and mites, play
resistant ones) will help prevent diseases from a vital role in the complex com m unity that
sweeping through your lawn, because some naturally exists in your yard. Many actively
plants will be susceptible and others won't. help plants reproduce by spreading pollen;
Replacing some of your lawn areas with a others consume or parasitize destructive pests.
variety of tough groundcovers will also increase Beneficials such as lady beetles and honey­
the overall diversity of the hom e landscape. bees are well-known. O ther effective benefi­
It’s an excellent alternative for sites on which cials include lacewings and assassin bugs. For
lawn grasses won’t naturally thrive. more on beneficials, see pages 258 and 453.
T he im portance of using diversity is espe­ Birds are am ong the most efficient insect
cially apparent if you look at long-lived plants predators. W hen you consider that chicka­
such as trees and shrubs. Using a large plant­ dees spend m uch of their time during the
ing of a single species of tree o r shrub to winter eating aphid eggs o r that Baltimore
screen a busy roadway, o r planting the same orioles can eat up to 17 tent caterpillars a
shade tree that all your neighbors have, are m inute, you won't w onder why many garden­
two more exam ples of m onocultures. A dev­ ers want to attract birds to their yards. Plant­
astating pest o r disease that appears on the ing trees and shrubs that provide food and
scene can easily move from plant to plant and shelter, along with providing a source of fresh
dam age or wipe out the entire planting in a w ater year-round, will go a long way toward
single season. D utch elm disease, which deci­ encouraging birds to visit your yard.
m ated A m erican elm plantings along thou­ And for consuming slugs, cutworm s, and

other ground-dwelling pests, nothing beats a trols next, and make note of organic sprays
resident toad! Be sure to provide shelter and and dusts for use as a last resort. Be sure to
water for these hard-working garden residents. include the life cycle stage at which each con­
trol is mos* effective. It may help to make a
chart of the life cycle and control activities.
Develop a System Use these notes to create a schedule of
Keeping plants thriving, improving your gardening activities. You’ll find that certain
soil, planting a variety of plants, and encour­ chores, such as an annual fall cleanup, are
aging natural predators are all great ways to well worth the effort because they'll prevent
prevent pest and disease problems, but plan­ many types of pests. Planning ahead and fol­
ning and record keeping are also essential lowing your schedule will enable you to make
weapons to add to your arsenal. A garden plan full use of preventive control measures, and
will help you develop a calendar of activities they'll soon becom e second nature to you.
aimed at preventing problems. It will also help You’ll also know what tools and m aterials to
you set and achieve goals for your garden, have on hand to fight problems if they arise.
such as eliminating or modifying problem-
prone plantings or adding new gardens. Regu­ Learn to Look
lar record keeping will help you know when to All the planning in the world won't help if
expect problems so you can get a head start you don't keep an eye out for problems. Begin
on them. a garden journal for keeping records through­
Start your plan by finding out about the out the season. Make it a habit to walk through
plants you're growing as well as the ones you your garden at least once a week—daily is best.
want to grow. Learn what conditions they pre­ Look carefully at your plants, turning over
fer and which will grow best in your area. leaves, and note overall appearance.
Next, draw a sketch of your garden. Mark In your garden records, include pest
down existing plantings, but also look for sites appearance dates and details of insect behav­
that might suit some plants but discourage ior along with notes you make on the progress
others. For example, locate frost pockets, sites of various plants. This is the only way to dis­
where air will circulate freely, areas with moist cover useful facts, such as when birds are no
soil, and shady or sunny spots. longer effective cabbageworm predators on
Then identify and list the problems you've cabbage, cauliflower, or broccoli, o r which
had in the past o r that are com m on in your members of the huge daisy family are first to
area. Use the "Problem-Solving Plant Guide" be attacked by four-lined plant bugs.
on the pages that follow to identify problems If you notice plants that don't look healthy
you’ve seen in your garden before. Learn about or aren't growing the way you’d expected, take
the life cycles of these pests and diseases. time to exam ine them more closely. Look for
How do they overwinter? When and how do signs of the problems you listed, and go over
they attack your plants? your plan to see what steps you need to take.
O nce you have all your o p tio n s—and Use the “Pest Patrol Checklist** on the opposite
potential problem s—in front of you, make a page to gather the information you need to
com prehensive plan. Next, list the ways you diagnose the problem. Once you've diagnosed
could help control each of the problems on the problem and identified the ways to con­
your list. Decide what cultural controls will trol it. add the necessary information to your
help prevent problems and when they need to garden plan.
be done. Add the biological and physical con­ Keep notes on your program during the

Pest Patrol Checklist

n general plant problems are divided into ing glass. Inspect the leaves, especially on
I three main types.- pests (including insects,
mites, nematodes, even gophers ond mice),
the undersides, stems, flowers, and roots, if
possible. Look for sig n s of hidden damage,
diseases (such a s bacteria, viruses, and fungi), such a s borer holes in stem s or fine webbing
and physiological problems (like nutrient and on the undersides of leaves. To avoid d a m a g ­
wcter imbalances, too much or too little light, ing roots when you observe them, dig the
or extreme temperatures). These conditions plants rather than pulling them from the
can interact, or one condition might predis­ ground. Carefully w a sh soil off the roots for
pose the plants to another. For example, root easier inspection.
m aggots tunneling in roots directly damage 3. Check the condition of the soil. Is it
them, but the reason the plants m ay su b se ­ poorly aerated, encouraging roof rots or at
quently die is because rot organism s invade least poor rool function? Or is the soil droughty,
the dam aged areas and then spread through so plants wilt from lack of water? If soil
the entire root system. conditions are poor, root system s moy not be
D iagnosing a pest problem on a plant is able to spread in search of nutrients, and
easiest if you catch the culprit in the act; then plants in that area m ay suffer from nutrient
it's just a matter of identifying the pest. But deficiencies.
reaching a diagnosis often takes patience
4. Collect any insects associated with
and careful observation, because the insect
the ailing plant, or take sam ples of dam aged
that caused the dam age may only feed ot
leaves. Seal sam ples in pill bottles or clear
night or underground. In addition, insect dam ­
plastic bags.
age often resembles infections from fungi or
5. U se the information you've gathered
viruses, nutrient deficiencies might look like a
to narrow down the possible causes, using
viral disease or vice versa. In these ca se s
the information and photographs in this book.
use the steps below to collect a s much infor­
You may also want to refer to other insect,
mation a s you can. Then use the plant, insect,
disease, and horticulture handbooks for help
ond disease encyclopedia sections of this
in confirming your diagnosis and identifying
book to determine the cause of the problem.
species and for advice on how to deal with
1. Examine the entire afflicted plant and the problem.
note the range of abnormal symptoms. Is the 6. If you are still stumped, review every­
entire plant affected or just a part of it? If o thing you know about the conditions pre­
part is offected, what part? Do you see symp- ferred by the plant, correct any environmen­
lo m s only on the new growth or old growth, tal or nutritional deficiencies, and give the
or on a single branch? Is just one plant affected, plants the best care you can. M any unex­
or do you see sym ptom s along on entire row ? plained afflictions are physiological in origin
if plants are affected randomly within a row and plants often grow out of them when
or bed, ond the sym ptom s do not spread to conditions improve. Bear in mind that nutri­
rhe other plants, the problem is probably not ent problems will take w eeks or even months
an infectious disease. Clusters of plants show ­ to correct. If more plants in the row become
ing sym ptom s may indicate disease, or jusi a affected, a s m ight happen it d ise a se is
pocket of poor soil. spreading, pull and discard the damaged plants
2. Examine both the affected areos and to reduce the source of disease.
healthy portions of the plant with a magnify­

Cultural Questions
se the following questions to help organ­ ■ Is the plant surrounded by good com ­
U ize your thinking about the ca u se s for
garden problems and the possible w ays you
panions or bad o n e s?
■ Can you remove affected plant parts
could prevent them by improving plant culture. to stop the progress of the pest?
■ Is the plant growing in an appropriate ■ For insect pests: Does the pest fly,
soil type with the kind of exposure and drain­ jump, or remain stationary’ Are other plants
age it requires? Is the pH within tolerable likely to become infested? Are natural preda­
lim its? Should you move the plant? If so. tors present?
when is the best time? ■ Is the plant too old to adequately defend
■ Are climatic factors limiting the plant's itself? Could healthy replacement plants solve
grow th? Could windbreaks, winter protection, the problem?
early planting, or use of a different species ■ Could you replace the plant with one
solve the problem? that is resistant to the problem?
■ Have you given the plant too little or ■ Have you chosen the control with the
too much fertilizer’ Have you fertilized it at most limited environmental im pact?
the appropriate tim es? ■ Are there routine garden tosks you
■ How severe is the d a m a ge? Is it c o s ­ could use, such a s annually raking and remov­
metic or is the plant's health really deteriorat­ ing afflicted leaves, to control the problem?
in g ? If you have seen this pest before, did the ■ Have you made plans for nurturing
affected plants outgrow the problem? follow-up core to help the plant recover from
• Is the pest soilborne and/or indige­ the pest challenge?
nous and likely to appear year after year?
■ Have you followed appropriate crop

season. Write down what works and what by triggering the production of pest-repelling
doesn’t, what controls you used, how much chemicals.
you used, and where. T he more information You'll also gain a greater appreciation for
you have, the better you'll be able to refine just how well plants can keep them selves
the plan for the next season. healthy, given the opportunity. Even in the
T h e more time you spend in your garden, middle of summer, when pest problem s are
the b e tte r you will be able to recognize, most severe, bear in mind that the crisis will
understand, and treat pest problems. W hen pass and your plants will get another chance
you consider pest problems thoughtfully, you with each new season. Plants have been m ak­
may be surprised at how little dam age actu­ ing use of these second chances, devising their
ally has occurred. Many plants can tolerate own self-defense tricks and strategies, since
up to 30 percent loss of foliage w ithout suffer­ time began. Learning and using natural pest-
ing serious cuts in productivity. A nd. although control maneuvers gets you involved in these
leaves with little holes in them don't look nice, adventures, which are part of the fun and
they may actually help the plant defend itself fascination of gardening.
U s e this encyclopedia of over 200 popular the problem and how to avoid or control it.
garden plants to help diagnose, prevent, and In addition to the individual plant entries,
control problem s throughout your garden. you’ll also find separate general entries on
Individual plant entries include symptoms for annuals, bulbs, herbs, lawns, perennials, and
the most com m on garden problems you may vegetables, along with an entry on trees, shrubs,
encounter, suggestions for cultural m easures and vines. These general entries highlight prob­
that help prevent problem s, and control op­ lems that attack a wide variety of plants. You'll
tions for specific pest and disease problems. find them useful for solving some of the most
Food p la n ts—vegetables, fruits, and common problems that attack your garden.
herbs—are listed by common name. However, If you're using this guide to diagnose a
ornam entals—annuals, bulbs, perennials, and specific plant problem, always be sure your
trees, shrubs, and vines—are listed by botani­ diagnosis is correct before deciding on a con­
cal name. If you don’t know the botanical trol strategy. If you want more help in identify­
nam e of a particular plant, there are two quick ing a specific problem, you'll find photographs
ways to look it up. Fbr exam ple, suppose you and descriptions of specific insects and dis­
want information on disease problems of lilacs, eases in the “Insect Identification Guide" begin­
and can’t find a Lilac entry. One option is to ning on page 268 and in the “Disease Symptom
look up lilac in the index. It will refer you to Guide" beginning on page 370.
the Syringa index entry, where you’ll find page For more detailed information on how to
listings. Or, you can turn to “Com m on and safely and effectively use specific controls,
Botanical Names of Plants" on page 487, look refer to “Organic Controls" beginning on page
up lilac, find the botanical name Syringa, and 404. Controls are divided into four categories:
then go to the Syringa entry in this section of cultural, physical, biological, and organically
the book. acceptable chem ical controls. If you're not
T h e entries are designed to help you sure which category a particular control belongs
quickly zero in on specific plant problems. In to, your best bet is to look it up in the index.
the “Problems” section of each entry, you’ll Descriptions of the controls include infor­
find short descriptions of symptoms in bold­ mation on the protection they offer, toxicity
face type, such as “Leaves with yellow, V-shaped to nonpest organisms, and any possible haz­
spots on margins.” Scan these descriptions ards related to their use. W hen choosing a
until you find the one that most closely matches control strategy, always start with the lowest-
the problem on your plant. You can then read im pact control possible, and only use chem i­
that section in the entry to learn the cause of cal controls as a last resort.

Abies Needles light gray or bronze. Cause:
Spruce spider mites. These tiny, spiderlike
pests damage needles as they feed; the injury
Fir. Trees. weakens the plant and can kill young trees.
Mites start feeding on lower, older needles
and progress upward and outw ard; tiny webs
Firs are cone-bearing evergreens with nee­ may be visible on needles. Control in spring
dlelike foliage and a symm etrical form, espe­ with dorm ant oil before growth starts. During
cially when young. They m ake impressive active growth, spray plants repeatedly with
specim ens or, in groups, effective dark back­ strong jets of w ater or make 2 applications
grounds and tall screens. of insecticidal soap 7-10 days apart: apply
Firs grow best under cool, moist condi­ pyrethrin for severe infestations.
tions; they do not thrive in hot. dry climates. Branches defoliated. C ause: Hem lock
Set container-grown o r balled-and-burlapped loopers. T he 1" long, greenish yellow, black-
plants into acid, moist but well-drained soil, spotted caterpillars usually appear in June.
preferably in spring. Full sun is best, but firs They feed on the needles, starting from the
will grow well (with a somewhat more open branch tips and working toward the center of
habit) in partial shade. Fir trees are seldom the plant. Handpick small populations; con­
bothered by insects o r diseases in the land­ trol large infestations with BTK.
scape. Planting healthy trees in the right condi­ Branches with brown tips. Cause: Spruce
tions will help the plants avoid most potential budworms. These brown, 1" caterpillars have
pest problems. white dots on their backs. They start tunnel­
ing into older needles and gradually migrate
Problems to opening buds. Damaged needles turn brown
Needles deformed. Cause: Balsam twig and drop; you may see tiny webs on shoot tips.
aphids. This '/»" long, greenish aphid has a Prune off affected branch tips o r handpick if
white waxy coating. It feeds primarily on suc­ only a few pests are present. Spray severe
culent new growth and exudes sticky honeydew, infestations with BTK.
which covers the needles. Most of the damage Plant defoliated; branches bear cocoon­
occurs in late spring to early summer. Control like bags. Cause: Bagworms. See “Plant defo­
with insecticidal soap, o r spray with pyrethrin liated: branches bear cocoonlike bags” on
for severe infestations. page 236.

ACER ■ 13

Acer with moist o r brown sunken sp o ts’ on page

238 for more details on this disease.
Leaves distorted or bumpy. Cause: Mites.
Maple. Trees. Several different mites attack maple leaves,
causing pointed or wartlike swellings in vari­
ous colors. Although they are unsightly, galls
M aples are a large group of easy-to-grow, don’t seriously threaten tree health. Pick off
15-100' trees with opposite leaves and dis­ damaged leaves, or apply dorm ant oil in early
tinctive, 2-winged fruit. They are popular as spring, before growth starts.
street or specimen trees. Leaves, shoots, or seeds distorted. Cause:
In general, maples prefer rich, moist hut Boxelder bugs. T hese W long bugs have
well-drained, acidic soil and a sunny position. charcoal-colored wings with red veins. They
Some smaller species, such as Japanese maples feed on leaves, flowers, and fruit and often
(Acerpalm atum ), need at least partial shade. congregate on tree trunks. Spray plants with
Set out maples in spring as container-grown superior oil or insecticidal soap when pests
or balled-and-burlapped plants. first appear.
Although they can host a range of pests, Leaves skeletonized or with large holes.
most m aples survive nicely with little or no Cause: Caterpillars. See “Leaves skeletonized
spraying. Note that oil sprays and insecticidal o r with large holes; branches may be w ebbed”
soaps may damage some maples; before using on page 236 for details.
either product, note restrictions on the label Leaves with powdery white coating.
and use with caution. Test on a few leaves Cause: Powdery mildew. See “Leaves with pow­
before treating the whole plant. dery white coating” on page 237 for controls.
Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots.
Problems See “Leaves with spots” on page 237 for details.
Leaves with brown, dry edges. Cause: Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause:
Leaf scorch. C aused by lack of w ater or Aphids. See "Leaves wrinkled and discolored”
reflected heat from surrounding pavement, on page 235 for control information.
this damage is often a problem on newly planted Branches wilt. Cause: Verticillium wilt.
trees. Avoid by keeping soil around the tree Parts of trees infected with this fungal disease
evenly moist: a 2"-3" thick layer of mulch may wilt suddenly o r produce leaves that are
keeps roots cool and retains moisture. yellow or smaller than normal. Cut and destroy
Leaves yellow; whole plant weakened. or dispose of affected branches. Trees may
Cause: Maple scales. Both maple phenacoccus recover if you provide extra w ater and fertil­
and cottony maple scale produce small, fluffy, izer to prom ote strong, new, healthy growth.
white egg masses. They feed on leaves and Remove severely infected trees: don’t replant
stems, weakening the plant. Spray the trunk another maple in the same spot.
and branches with dorm ant oil before growth Trunk or branches with oozing lesions;
starts in spring, o r with superior oil o r insecti­ branch tips die back. C ause: Canker. See
cidal soap as buds begin to open. Repeat the "Trunks or branches with oozing lesions; branch
soap or superior oil application in midsummer, tips die back” on page 238 for details.
spraying the leaves and branches. Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs
Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves with die or break off. Cause: Borers. See “Trunk
moist or brown sunken spots. Cause: Anthrac- o r branches with small holes; limbs die or
nose. See “Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves break o f f ’ on page 238 for controls.

Achillea Leaves with irregular brown spots. Cause:
Leaf blotch. Caused by a fungus, these spots
Yarrow. Perennials. may spread over leaves and lead to defoliation.
Clean up and destroy fallen leaves to remove
overwintering spores.
T hese hardy, easy-to-grow, m id-border Leaves with brown, dry edges. Cause:
perennials prosper in well-drained soil in full Leaf scorch. This symptom indicates weak or
sun. They thrive on heat, need little water damaged roots o r poor soil conditions; it is
once established, and enjoy poor soil. Overly caused by lack of water or by heat reflected
rich soil or excess fertilization gives poor growth from surrounding pavement. Avoid by plant­
and few flowers. Leaves are feathery and grayish ing in rich, evenly moist soil and irrigating, if
green. Tiny yellow, red, o r white flowers form necessary, in very dry seasons.
dense, broadly flattened clusters from spring Leaves with powdery white coating.
to midsummer. Plants form vigorous clumps Cause: Powdery mildew. See “Leaves with pow­
th at can spread; divide regularly for best dery white coating” on page 237 for controls.
perform ance. Leaves skeletonized. Causes: W hite-
Leaves of crowded plants in moist, humid, m arked tussock m oths; Japanese beetles.
shady conditions may develop white or gray W hitem arked tussock m oths are Vh" long;
pow dery patches of pow dery mildew; see yellow caterpillar has 4 clum ps of white hair
“Leaves covered with white pow der” on page on its back, along with 2 tufts of black hair on
177 for controls. Thin such plants to improve the head and 1 at the rear. Birds and natural
air circulation: avoid watering late in the day. parasites usually keep this pest under control.
If dam age occurs, reduce future populations
by scraping the frothy white egg masses off

Aesculus trunks and branches. Band trunks with a sticky

coating, such as Tanglefoot, to catch caterpil­
lars as they crawl up the tree. Spray leaves
Horse chestnut. Trees and shrubs. with BTK to control serious infestations.
Japanese beetles also skeletonize leaves.
See “Leaves skeletonized” on page 236 for
These deciduous plants have 3"-10" long, control measures.
opposite, com pound leaves with 3-9 leaflets. Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves with
T h e larger species are used as specimens or moist or brown sunken spots. Cause: Anthrac-
street trees; the shrubs are best in mass plant­ nose. See “Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves
ings o r shrub borders. with moist or brown sunken spots" on page
All of these species thrive in moist, well- 238 for details on this fungal disease.
drained soil rich in organic matter. T he tree Trunk or branches with oozing lesions;
forms do best in full sun, while the shrub kinds branch tips die back. C ause: Canker. See
will flourish in conditions ranging from full “Trunk or branches with oozing lesions; branch
sun to partial shade. Note that insecticidal tips die back” on page 238 for details.
soap sprays may damage some horse chest­ Plant defoliated; branches bear cocoonlike
nuts; read the label before applying and use bags. Cause: Bagworms. See “Plant defoli­
with caution. Test spray on a few leaves before ated; branches bear cocoonlike bags” on page
spraying the whole plant. 236 for controls.

Ageratum Ajuga
Ageratum, flossflower. Annuals. Ajuga, bugieweed. Perennials.

T h e soft lavender, blue, or pink flower T hese hardy groundcovers favor partial
clusters of ageratum are a beautiful addition shade and moist, well-drained soil. Flower spikes
to the flower garden. Plants grow 6"-36" high appear spring to sum m er over mats of dark
and about 1' wide. They bloom from early green, bronze, o r burgundy leaves. Comm on
sum m er to first frost. Ageratum s also make bugieweed (Ajuga replans) spreads vigorously
good container plants. via stolons, desirable for a slope, less so in a
Direct-seeding ageratum doesn’t always lawn. Other species are more easily controlled.
give good results. Fbr better germ ination, sow Set plants 6" apart for rapid coverage.
seeds indoors 8 weeks before the last frost. Excess m oisture, especially in heavy,
Seeds need light, so don't cover them ; expect slow-draining soils, encourages crown and root
germ ination in about 10 days. Initial seedling rots caused by soil-dwelling fungi. Dark spots
growth is slow. Many gardeners prefer the appear on the crown and leaves of infected
ease of starting with nursery plants. plants; roots blacken. Controls are cultural:
Ageratum grows best in fertile, well-drained Avoid planting ajuga in wet areas; cultivate to
soil on a sunny site with good air circulation. improve air circulation. Remove infected plants
Poor soil and insufficient w ater cause plant and surrounding soil; do not com post dis­
browning. Too m uch shade causes decreased eased plants. Clean up debris in fall to limit
flowering and legginess. Remove spent flower places where fungi overwinter.
heads to prom ote m ore blooms. Feed plants
with a general-purpose fertilizer once a month.
T he first frost turns plants black.
Problems Albizia, mimosa, silk tree. Trees.
Leaves yellow; plant weakened. Cause;
Whiteflies. For control m easures, see “Leaves
yellow; plant weakened” on page 18. M imosas are deciduous trees growing to
Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed. 40' high, with finely textured foliage and pink
Cause: Spider mites. See “Leaves stippled with blooms. They are easy to transplant. Mimosas
yellow; foliage w ebbed” on page 18. flower best in full sun. They can adapt to a
Plant wilts. Cause: Fungal wilt. Various range of soil conditions.
fungi thrive in the m oist, fertile soil ageratums Because of their insect and disease prob­
require. They attack roots, causing plant stunt­ lems, mimosas are usually short-lived. Mimosa
ing and wilting. Wilting may begin at lower webworms, 1" long, brown caterpillars, bind
leaves and progress toward the upper ones, or leaves with webs and skeletonize foliage.
it may occur rapidly. If the plant is pulled up, Remove and destroy nests; spray leaves with
you'll see the roots are dark brown and rotting. BTK, or with pyrethrin as a last resort. Mimosa
Discard infected plants. Improve drainage and wilt produces wilted leaves and dead branches.
lighten the soil with organic matter. Remove and destroy infected trees.


Alcea Allium
Hollyhock. Biennials. Allium. Bulbs.

Hardy hollyhocks create an excellent back­ Related to onions and garlic, but much
drop for a perennial border and offer blooms prettier, ornam ental alliums bloom in shades
in shades of red, pink, purple, yellow, and of blue, purple, pink, while, and yellow. Allium
white. Hollyhocks grow 5 - 9 ' tall, bearing mid­ foliage may be rounded and hollow like onion
summer spikes of fluffy single or double flowers, leaves o r straplike and solid: when bruised,
up to 4" wide. the leaves release the pungent fragrance asso­
Sun-loving and free-flowering, hollyhocks ciated with culinary alliums. T he blossoms,
prosper in rich, heavy, moist, well-drained soils, however, may have a pleasant floral smell.
but will thrive in ordinary soils, too. Plant 2' Small star- o r bell-shaped flowers cluster in
apart in a site sheltered from wind. Most culti­ 2"-9" globes atop leafless stems in early summer.
vars require staking. Plants range from 6" to 5' tall.
Plant allium bulbs in fall at a depth roughly
3 times the bulbs' diameter. Select a site with
full sun and well-drained soil; taller species
Problems may need some protection from wind. Water
Leaf surfaces pale; powdery orange spots regularly throughout the growing season, but
beneath. Cause: Rust. Hollyhock's most com­ avoid excess moisture, which encourages rots.
mon disease also deforms leaves and stems Allium foliage dies back shortly after flower­
and causes early leaf drop. Its orange spots ing ends. If division is needed to reduce
release fungal spores that spread via wind and crowding, separate bulblets after foliage dies
rain. Grow resistant cultivars; keep leaves dry back: replant immediately.
and encourage good air circulation. In prob­
lem areas, apply wettable sulfur several weeks
before rust normally appears. Remove and Problems
destroy infected plant parts. Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause:
Leaves skeletonized. Cause: Leaf-feeding Slugs and snails. Slugs and snails may feed on
beetles. Japanese beetles are prime suspects foliage; see “Leaves with large, ragged holes’*
here, although other beetles, such as spotted on page 50.
cucum ber beetles and rose chafers, may also Leaves with silver-white streaks. Cause:
attack. Handpick or spray with a solution of 1 Onion thrips. These ‘/ s o " - 1/ * " thrips suck sap
tablespoon 70 percent isopropyl alcohol to 1 from foliage; severe infestations stunt plants
pint prepared pyrethrin mixture. Repeat every and may impair flowering. Thrips are hard to
3-5 days until beetles are gone. control because they burrow into plant tissue.
Buds and leaves deformed or dwarfed. Remove and destroy infested plant parts;
Cause: True bugs. Several of the true bugs encourage predators such as pirate bugs,
injure hollyhocks with their piercing-sucking lacewings, and lady beetles. Clean up debris
m outhparts and release a toxin that deforms where thrips overwinter. Monitor and trap thrips
plants. See “ Buds and leaves deform ed or with blue sticky traps. Apply insecticidal soap
dwarfed" on page 178 for control information. sprays regularly once pests appear on traps.

Copyrighted material

Almond Amaranthus
Pnmus dulcis var. dulcis ( Rosaccae) Amaranth. Annuals.

Almonds are deciduous trees that grow T heir colorful leaves or drooping flower
to about 20' and bloom in early spring. Nuts clusters make these plants ideal focal points
are borne on short-lived spurs—short branches in the garden. They grow from V to 6' tall,
that elongate only a fraction of an inch per depending on the species and cultivar. The
year. Almonds are hardy in Zones 6-9. leaves or flowers also stand out in cut flower
Grow alm onds where summers are hot arrangem ents.
and dry. in sunny sites, free from late spring Amaranth seedlings do not transplant well,
frosts. To set nuts, many cultivars need cross- so direct-seed in early summ er when night
pollination; others, such as ‘All-in-One,’ are tem peratures are consistently 60°F or above.
self-pollinating. The cultivar‘Archedoise’ resists W ater and feed seedlings regularly only until
many fungal diseases. Almonds and peaches their colors appear. Thin 1 -2 ' apart. Ama­
belong to the same genus and are affected by ranth markedly prefers hot, dry, sunny areas
similar insects and diseases. For m ore infor­ and poor to average soil. Excess fertility causes
mation on problems and solutions, see the dull foliage and weak stems. Overwatering
Peach entry beginning on page 164. leads to root rot, causing stems, crowns, and
roots to turn brown o r black. Once it begins,
Problems there is no cure, so the best control is prevention.
Blossoms shriveled, covered with fuzzy
gray masses. Cause: Brown rot. Nut hulls
also may rot. To control this fungal disease,
harvest nuts early, just when hulls begin to
split. Before spring growth begins, remove
infected nuts and twigs with sunken lesions.
For greater control, spray with sulfur or copper. Anemone, windflower. l\ibers.
Nuts disappear. C ause: Squirrels and
o th er pests. For more inform ation, see "Stop­
ping Animal Pests" on page 408. Tuberous species of anem ones include
Growing shoots wilted or dying. Causes: low-growing G recian windflower (Anem one
O riental fruit moths; peach twig borers. Both blanda ), a 6"-8" plant with deeply divided
pests tunnel into growing shoots and cause leaves and daisylike, blue, pink, or white flow­
wilting. For information on controls, see “Grow­ ers, and showy, 7 '-1 5 " poppy anem one [A.
ing shoots wilted or dying" on page 166. coronaria), a more tender plant (Zone 8) with
Leaves with small purple spots, some spots single or semidouble blooms in deep shades
with centers missing. Cause: Shothole disease. of red, blue, violet, and white. Both species
Centers of leaf spots often enlarge to about bloom in early spring.
then fall out. For m ore information on Soak tubers overnight in warm water before
this fungal disease, see “Leaves with small planting in fall. Plant tubers 3" deep in light
purple spots, some spots with centers missing" shade in richly organic, neutral to slightly
on page 167. alkaline, well-drained soil. Windflower tubers


often lack an obvious top and bottom ; plant problems. Check the individual entries, or see
them on their sides, so stems grow up and the text below for com m on problems.
roots grow down. Tubers planted sideways have
a better chance of growing than those planted Leaf Problems
upside down. Poppy anem one tubers resem­ Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed.
ble claws; plant claw side down. Plantings Cause: Spider mites. T hese tiny, spiderlike
expand slowly. Divide crowded clum ps in late pests generally feed on the undersides of plant
sum m er after foliage dies down, making sure leaves. They suck sap from plant leaves, ini­
each piece has a bud. Dust with a copper- tially causing a yellow flecking on the upper
based fungicide o r sulfur and let dry for 2 days leaf surfaces. Severe infestations can cause
in a shady, airy spot before replanting. leaves to turn yellow or white; damaged leaves
will eventually turn brown and drop. Tiny
Problems webs may be evident on leaves and stem tips.
Foliage disappears. Causes: Animal pests; Control spider mites by spraying plants
slugs and snails. Birds and rabbits are quite thoroughly with w ater (especially the under­
fond of early anem one leaves. Cover young sides of the leaves) 2-3 tim es a day for several
plants with netting if the problem is severe days. For severe infestations, spray plants with
enough to w arrant control. See “Stopping insecticidal soap twice, 2-3 days apart.
Animal Pests" on page 408 for control infor­ Leaves yellow; plant weakened. Cause:
m ation. W hiteflies. These tiny, white, mothlike flies
Slugs and snails also eat anem one leaves; and their flattened, scalelike larvae feed on
see “Leaves with large, ragged h o les’ on page leaves, sucking out the plant juices. T he adults
50 for controls. often fly up in a cloud when you disturb an
Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky; infested plant. Whiteflies secrete a sugary sub­
clusters of small insects. Cause: Aphids. These stance called honeydew, which makes leaves
tiny pests occasionally trouble anem ones. See sticky and may encourage the growth of sooty
“Leaves, stem s, and buds distorted, sticky; mold fungus; see “Leaves with black coating"
clusters of small insects" on page 51 for con­ below for more information.
trol information. Elim inating garden weeds helps keep
whitefly populations down. A few yellow sticky
traps in the area may catch whiteflies and
other pest bugs, but also some beneficials
Annuals later in the season. Try introducing green lace-
wings into the garden. Spray leaves with insec­
ticidal soap every 3 days for 2 weeks, paying
special attention to lower leaf surfaces. Use
Controlling pests and diseases on annual pyrethrin as a last resort.
plants is largely a m atter of prevention. Annu­ Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause:
als die naturally after 1 season, so insect and Slugs and snails. Slugs and snails range in size
disease control is less critical than on more from '/«" to 8" and may be gray, tan, green,
perm anent plants. Sometimes, though, pest black, yellow, or spotted. A thick layer of
problem s can cut short the bloom season and mulch and plants with low-growing leaves pro­
your enjoym ent of the flowering annuals, so vide shady hiding places from which these
you'll need to be aware of the few potential pests emerge to feed at night. All species rasp

large holes in leaves and stems; slimy trails of antitranspirant spray. Pick off infected leaves;
m ucus also signal their presence. remove and destroy seriously infected plants.
To deter these pests, sprinkle bands of Spray remaining plants with sulfur o r a com ­
coarse, dry, scratchy materials, such as cinders, mercial fungicidal soap spray.
wood ashes, cedar sawdust, and diatom aceous Leaves greenish yellow; growth poor.
earth, around plants o r beds to irritate the soft Cause; Aster yellows. This is a com m on dis­
bodies of these pests; renew frequently. Push ease of many annuals. Leafhoppers carry the
4"-8" copper strips into the soil around beds disease, spreading it through their sap-sucking
as edging. Lay boards, cabbage leaves, or over­ feeding habits. These tiny, green or brown,
turned clay p o ts—anything that offers a cool, wedge-shaped insects move about by running
dam p daytim e haven—around the garden; sideways or by hopping. They usually feed on
destroy pests that congregate underneath. Hand- the undersides of plant leaves. Affected plants
pick slugs and snails from plants at night; branch abnormally. Row ers are deform ed or
drop them into soapy w ater o r sprinkle them absent. Flowers, regardless of original color,
with table salt to dehydrate and kill them. Set turn a yellow-green.
out shallow pans of beer; remove drowned T here is no cure. Remove and destroy
pests daily. infected plants. Control leafhoppers by spray­
Leaves with black coating. C ause; Sooty ing remaining plants with a mixture of insecti­
mold. This fungus grows on the sugary, sticky cidal soap and 70 percent isopropyl alcohol (1
honeydew produced by aphids, scales, white­ tablespoon alcohol to 1 pint soap solution).
flies, and mealybugs. T h e black fungal coat­ Spray 3 times, once every 3 days. Overwatering
ing doesn’t harm leaves directly, but it does increases chances of the disease, particularly
shade the leaves and reduce growth. in heavy soils.
T h e best control is to deal with the pests Leaves spotted; buds wilted and dark.
that are producing the honeydew. Determ ine Cause: Plant bugs. Tarnished plant bugs are
what pests your plant has and apply the appro­ ‘A" insects with yellow, black, and red m ot­
priate control. (If the plant itself doesn't show tling on the wings. Four-lined plant bugs are
signs of pest dam age, the honeydew may be */«", yellow bugs with 4 black stripes on their
dripping down from an overhanging plant.) On wings. Both pests attack a wide range of
small plants, you can wipe the leaves with a ornam entals. Control by handpicking; dust
dam p cloth to remove the honeydew and with pyrethrin for serious infestations.
the mold. Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots. A
Leaves with powdery white patches. large num ber of fungi and bacteria cause spots
Cause; Powdery mildew. T h e powdery leaf on plant leaves, in a variety of colors, shapes,
patches of this com m on plant disease consist and sizes. In some cases, the spots may spread
of fungal strands and spores. T h e fungus feeds to cover entire leaves, stunting plant growth.
on plant nutrients, causing leaf yellowing. The Fortunately, the same controls are effec­
problem is most common on upper leaf surfaces. tive against many leaf spot diseases. Remove
Fungus from 1 plant can spread through a and discard infected leaves. Thin plants and
crow ded area within days. avoid crowding future plantings. Wash your
Encourage good air circulation by thin­ tools and hands after handling infected plants.
ning plants. W ater from below to keep foliage Avoid overhead watering. Inspect bedding
dry. Protect mildew-prone plants, like zinnias, plants on purchase. Clean up plant debris to
by spraying leaves early in the season with an remove overwintering sites.
20 ■ PRC m u * ! SOLVING PI A M (il II)H

Leaves rolled. Cause: Leaf rollers. These and mealybugs rapidly multiply, colonies be­
*/2 " - r . green-bodied, brown-headed caterpil­ com e quite visible. These minute insects are
lars web leaf edges together and feed on the covered with a fluffy white coating. They suck
enclosed leaves and buds. If the infestation is plant sap and cause the plant to look unhealthy.
light, break open the "envelopes" and pick off M ealybugs secrete a sugary substance called
ihe caterpillars; for heavier infestations, spray honeydew, which makes leaves sticky and may
the leaves with BTK. encourage the growth of sooty mold fungus:
see “Leaves with black coating” on page 19
Whole Plant Problems for more information.
Leaves, stems, and buds distorted. Cause: Control small infestations by spraying them
Aphids. Several species of pear-shaped, Vfc'-Vs" off the plant with water. Insecticidal soap will
aphids attack annuals. Aphids can be green, also control mealybugs; be sure to cover the
pink, black, gray, or with a white fluffy coating plant thoroughly.
and have long antennae and 2 short tubes Seedlings die. C au se: D am ping-off.
projecting from the rear of their abdomens. Damping-off is caused by various soil fungi.
T hese pests clusier under leaves and on grow­ Sometimes seedling stems rot before they even
ing lips. Aphids suck plant sap, causing leaf appear above the surface; in other cases, seed­
and bud distortion and blossom and leaf drop. lings are affected after they emerge. T he w eak,
T heir feeding may spread diseases such as blackened stems will collapse, resulting in seed­
aster yellows. As they feed, they excrete sticky ling death.
honeydew on which sooty mold grows; see Damaged seedlings cannot be cured. To
“Leaves with black coating” on page 19 for prevent damping-off, let the soil surface dry
m ore information. slightly between waterings. Indoors, run a low-
Wash aphids from plants by spraying plants speed fan near your seedlings to promote good
w ith w ater; rep e at as n eed ed to co n tro l air circulation. O utdoors, thin seedlings to
infestations. Encourage natural predators and avoid overcrowding. Do not add nitrogen fer­
parasites. For serious infestations, spray with tilizers until seedlings have produced their
insecticidal soap, or pyrethrin as a last resort. first true leaves.
Seedlings or young plants cut off at soil
level. Cause: Cutworms. These brown or gray,
1 ”-2" caterpillars feed on plants at night, cut­
ting off transplants and sometimes eating entire
seedlings. You'll find severed plants lying on
the ground the next morning. Most active in
May and June, cutworm s can destroy several Snapdragon.
plants each night. These caterpillars remain Tender perennials grown as annuals.
below the soil surface during the day.
Protect plants by placing a collar, such as
a toilet paper roll or an open-ended can, around Most gardeners try snapdragons at least
each young plant. Push the collar into the soil once, and many make them a garden mainstay.
so that about half is below the surface. Apply Bloom time is winter and spring in mild winter
parasitic nem atodes to the soil. areas, and spring to sum m er elsewhere. Snap­
Leaves and stems with white, cottony dragons prefer cool w eather but tolerate heat.
clusters. Cause: Mealybugs. At first, mealy­ Single o r double upright flower spikes offer a
bugs may be hard to see. but as the plant wilts, variety of color choices, including red. white,
A P P l£ ■ 21

yellow, orange, and pink. Height range is 4 "-48". despite controls, change planting locations.
Plants may self-sow. Leaves, stems, and buds distorted. Cause:
Start seeds indoors in late sum m er or Aphids. See “Leaves, stems, and buds distorted”
early fall in mild clim ates and in early spring on the opposite page for controls.
where frosts are com m on. Do not cover seeds; Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed.
they require light and warmth for germination. Cause: Spider mites. For control measures,
Seedlings appear in 7 days. Move seedlings see “ Leaves stippled with yellow: foliage
outside in spring when the planting bed can webbed” on page 18.
be worked. Direct-seeding outdoors is possible,
but seeds dry out rapidly, so frequent sprin­
kling is necessary. Purchased bedding plants
flower faster than home-grown plants because
of the controlled growing conditions.
Place plants 6"-12" apart in full sun and Malus spp. (Rosaceae)
humus-rich, well-drained, somewhat sandy soil.
To keep plants from becoming leggy or spindly,
pinch them back when they are 3"-6" high. Apples are deciduous trees growing from
Pinching may cause a slight flowering setback 6' to m ore than 30'. depending on soil, root-
at first, but later, flower production will m ark­ stock. and cultivar. T he showy, pink-tinged
edly increase. Give am ple w ater from below. white blossoms appear in spring mostly on
Fertilize once a m onth. Cut flower spikes fre­ spurs—short branches that elongate only a
quently to maintain bloom. W hen flowering fraction of an inch per year. Apples are hardy
slows down, cut plants back severely and give in Zones 3-9.
liquid fertilizer. In windy areas, staking may
be necessary. Culture
Plant in full sun in well-drained, m oder­
Problems ately fertile, slightly acidic soil. Train trees to
Stems and leaf undersides with dusty, dark a fram ew ork of w ell-spaced, w ide-angled
brown spots. Cause: Rust. This fungus devel­ branches. Prune bearing trees each winter to
ops quite rapidly, so leaves must be monitored admit light into the tree and encourage good
for initial spotting. Rust-resistant snapdrag­ air circulation. As you prune, remove diseased
ons are now available and should be used and spindly wood and crossed branches. Where
whenever possible. However, they don’t elimi­ dense growth blocks out light, remove extra
nate the problem. shoots at their bases. To develop growth on
Infections are less likely if snapdragons spindly shoots, remove the end of the shoot
are grown rapidly and vigorously. Keeping the just above an outward-facing bud. For more
soil evenly moist will encourage strong, healthy pruning inform ation, see “Pruning and Train­
growth. If rust spotting appears, o r if you have ing” on page 101. For best results, choose
had rust problems in prior years, dust every cultivars resistant to a wide range of diseases.
2 weeks with sulfur, beginning in very early These include Jonafree, ‘Liberty’, ‘Nova Easy
spring. Fertilize and w ater regularly, but avoid Grow’. ‘Priscilla, ‘Redfree*, and ‘William’s Pride’.
overhead watering, which helps transfer rust To set fruit, most cultivars need cross-
spores. W ater in mornings. Remove and de­ pollination by a second com patible apple or
stroy badly infected plants. In severe situa­ c rab ap p le p lan ted w ithin 40’-50*. Som e
tions, where rust appears in succeeding years cultivars, such as ‘Jonagold’ and ‘M utsu’. pro­
22 ■ HR0BI.EM-ij01.VING PLANT ( i l IDF.

duce nonviable pollen and can 't serve as your trees well away from other apple, pear,
pollinators. A few. like ‘G olden D elicious, are or walnut host trees in your area.
self-pollinating. If you’re planting 1 tree, improve T h e effectiv e n e ss of o th e r c o n tro ls
fruit set by grafting a branch of a suitable d ep en d s on local co n d itio n s. In tro d u ced
pollinator onto the tree. For more informa­ Trichogrammci wasps control this pest in some
tion on setting fruit, see "Setting Fruit" on orchards but not in others. Success depends
page 101. on such factors as weather, optim um timing of
parasite release, and using the correct species
Fruit Problems of wasp. If you’d like to try this technique, be
Fruit with holes surrounded by brown, sure to purchase a species of Trichogramma
crumbly excrement. Cause: Codling moths. that parasitizes codling moths. BTK may also
Adults appear in early spring and lay eggs in help with control, but you have to apply it
trees within 2-6 weeks of blossom time. Eggs during the 3-5 days between the time when
hatch into larvae within 5-14 days. T he fat, the eggs hatch and the larvae enter the fruit.
white or pinkish,7A" caterpillars tunnel through Once the larvae are in the fruit, BTK is in­
fruit and may be gone by the time you find the effective. You may find that BTK is more
holes, which may be filled with what looks effective when com bined with a feeding at-
like moist sawdust. For light infestations, kill tractant (also called an appetite stim ulant!,
eggs by spraying superior oil on leaves and such as molasses. See the opposite page for an
twigs within 2-6 weeks of blossoming. For illustration of this pest.
heavy infestations, kill larvae before they tun­ In the future, gardeners may be able to
nel into fruit by spraying the tree canopy with buy new experim ental codling moth control
pyrethrin at petal fall and again 10-14 days products, such as codling moth granulosis virus.
later. Mixing pyrethrin spray with a synergist A nother experim ental product, encapsulated
(see “T h e O ther Ingredients" on page 469) BTK. releases the bacteria through a timed-
can improve control. For additional details on release capsule for potential long-term con­
codling m oth's life cycle and controls, see trol of codling moth larvae. Also, cultivars
“C oordinated Control" on page 262. resistant to codling moths may eventually be
Codling moths often produce several gen­ available.
erations per growing season. Trapping the pupat­ Fruit dimpled; brown tunnels through flesh.
ing caterpillars aids control. Remove loose Cause: Apple maggots. These ‘A" larvae of
bark and wrap the trunk with a band of corru­ the apple maggot fly ruin fruit by copious
gated cardboard or burlap. Periodically remove tunneling. Adult flies emerge from soilborne
the band and destroy pupae. Also inspect har­ pupae in late June and continue to appear
vest containers for pupae. until early autum n. Flies puncture fruit skin
Since codling moths prefer crowded fruit, and deposit eggs, which hatch into fruit-
you can discourage attack by thinning apples tunneling maggots. Infested apples often drop.
until no fruit touches. Infested apples may To prevent buildup of pupae around trees,
drop early: pick up and destroy dropped fruit collect and destroy dropped fruit at least weekly.
before larvae em erge to pupate. If you have a Apple maggot flies are attracted to fruit
single backyard tree and no other trees in by sight. You can control them by trapping
your are a, try trapping m ale m oths with them on dark red balls coated with a sticky
pherom ones. Mating disruption pherom ones coating, such as Tangle-Trap. Buy com m er­
are also available. Since females rarely fly more cially m ade traps or make your own from
than 1(X) yards looking for host plants, plant discarded croquet balls. In mid-June hang 1
APPLE ■ 23

APPLE ♦ and Why ^

F ru it with
rotting spots.
B / 1 fcCause Black rot.
IjS p o ts dark
■ w ith black and
# {■' -.Jflpbrow i i rings;
• twigs and
B F b ranches have
sunken, red-brown cankers.
V / F ru it -h
b row n, velvety Leaves with pale
i 'o r co rk y s u rfa c e lesio n s. yellow sp ots that
" Cause: Apple scab. e n la rg e and turn
Leaves have similar spots. J / * r o ra n g e . Cause:
lum yellow, and drop; / • > > Cedar-opple rust
; “^ r u it cracks. '* J \ . 1 it Fruit has yellow
K * Ispots and
i L eaves yellow ing; 3 F fl ' J m a v fa H - 4

-d eath o f w hole b ra n c h e s.
t J j .Cause San Jose scale. Afflicted trees
lose vigor: fruit may be spotted or deformed.

C ra w le r


Female cover % ” Male cover

Female F ru it w ith h o les
surrounded by brown, L eaves w ith a light
s /c r u m b ly excrem ent. Cause: Codling moths. powdery coating.
Larvae tunnel through fruit, especially around Cause: Powdery mildew.
La r\a the core. Fruit has surface
netting or russeting.

Adult M aggot Adult

V wingspan

Young fru it w ith

c re s c e n t-s h a p e d sc a rs.
Cause: P u m curculios. Scarred fruit
may drop prematurely; m ature fruit
may be deformed. .* . F ru it dim p led ; brow n
tunnels through flesh.
. A Cause. Apple maggots Larvae
' bore small, threadlik* tunnels
A d u lt through fruit; fruit often rots.

trap per dwarf tree o r 4-8 traps per full-size Growing-season applications of copper,
tree. Hang traps at eye-level, 2 - 3 ' in from sulfur, o r lime-sulfur sprays will help control
branch tips, near fruit but not com pletely hid­ scab. If you have susceptible cultivars o r if the
den by leaves. Clean traps every few days and w eather is very warm and wet, spray weekly
reapply the sticky coating. See page 23 for an beginning with the appearance of the first
illustration of this pest. green tips on the tree until disease pressure
Young fruit with crescent-shaped scars. subsides. Pruning to encourage sunlight pene­
Cause: Plum curculios. This beetle, com mon tration and air circulation also helps with
east of the Rocky M ountains, leaves a char­ control. Scab-resistant cultivars include ‘Golden
acteristic crescent-shaped scar as it lays eggs Delicious, ‘Grimes Golden’, ‘Jonagold’, ‘Jona­
in fruit. Damaged apples may drop, but fre­ thon’, ‘M utsu’, ‘Spigold’, and ‘York’.
quently will rem ain on the tree. Since plum In the future gardeners may be able to
curculios cannot m ature in hard apple flesh, treat fallen leaves with a fungus such asAthelia
fruit that doesn’t drop will be superficially bambacina, which inhibits development of over­
scarred but otherwise edible. wintering apple scab. See page 23 for an illus­
To control this pest without sprays, spread tration of apple scab.
a dropcloth beneath the tree and jar the trunk Fruit with rotting spots. Cause: Sum­
and branches with a padded mallet. Collect m er disease. Summer diseases are fungal dis­
and destroy curculios that fall onto the sheet. eases associated with hot weather. Dark spots
For best results, jar the tree twice a day, begin­ with alternating black and brown rings indi­
ning as soon as you see the first scarred fruit. cate black rot. O ther summer diseases include
In addition, prevent hatching of some curcu- bitter rot (slightly sunken, tan spots) and white
lio eggs by picking up and discarding dropped rot (watery decay). Black rot prevails where
fruit. Some apples (‘M u tsu \ for example) are summ ers are cool; bitter rot and white rot,
m ore resistant to plum curculios than others. where summers are warm. Sum m er disease
In the future, breeders may be able to develop fungi overwinter in mummified fruit and in
other apple cultivars with even greater curcu- cankers on diseased wood. To control, remove
lio resistance. R>r more information, see “Young and dispose of all cankered wood. Collect and
fruit with crescent-shaped scars’’ on page 186. destroy mummified fruit. Black rot and white
See page 23 for an illustration of this pest. rot attack weakened o r wounded trees, so
Fruit with brown, velvety or corky surface keep them healthy with good pruning and
lesions. Cause: Apple scab. This serious, wide­ nutrition. Prune in early spring, when wounds
spread disease begins when spring warmth heal most quickly. Sulfur sprays help control
and m oisture prom ote the discharge of fungal black rot (see page 23 for an illustration).
spores from old, infested apple leaves into the Cultivars resistant to bitter rot include ‘Akane’,
air. T hese spores can infect the leaves and ‘Blairm ont’, ‘Fuji’, ‘Hawaii’, ‘Jonafree’, ‘Jona-
fruits of susceptible apples growing nearby. licious’, ‘Liberty’, ‘M elrose’, ‘Priscilla’, and
To prevent scab from spreading into the tree ‘Spartan’. Cultivars resistant to white rot include
each spring, destroy dropped leaves in the ‘Akane’, ‘Arkansas Black’, ‘Arkansaw’, ‘Dayton’,
fall. E ither collect and com post leaves in a hot ‘Fuji’, ‘Hawaii’, ‘Jonafree’, ‘Jonalicious’, ‘Liberty’,
com post pile o r hasten their decay on the ‘Limbertwig’, and ‘M elrose’.
ground by shredding them with a lawn mower. Fruit with yellow skin spots that later turn
You may also till leaves into the soil o r spray orange. Cause: Cedar-apple rust. Infected fruit
them with a nitrogen source, such as blood is small, deform ed, and may fall prematurely.
m eal, to speed decom position. For more information see “Leaves with pale yel­
APPLE ■ 25

low spots that enlarge and turn orange" below. prematurely. This fungal disease overwinters
Fruit with surface netting or russeting. as a gall on various juniper species—commonly
Cause: Powdery mildew. For m ore informa­ on Eastern red cedar [Juniperus virginiana).
tion, see “Leaves with a light powdery coat­ In the spring the galls swell, push out orange
ing" below. horns, and discharge disease spores that are
Fruit with red skin spots bearing white borne on the wind to infect apple trees. T he
centers. Cause: San Jose scale. For more leaf spots caused by cedar-apple rust won't
information, see “Leaves yellow: death of whole spread disease into the tree, and you can’t
branches" on page 26. make them go away once they appear.
Fruit with raised black spots or brown Cedar-apple rust isn't a problem in areas
smudges on the surface. Causes: Fly speck; with few Eastern red cedars or oth er junipers
sooty blotch. Black spots are fly speck; brown (.Juniperus spp.). Removing nearby Eastern
smudges are sooty blotch. Both of these blem­ red cedars won't prevent the arrival of wind-
ishes are fungal diseases and both can be con­ borne disease coming from trees miles away.
trolled with sulfur sprays. But since both are Sulfur sprays are only fairly effective. Resistant
superficial, you can just rub them off the fruit. cultivars include ‘Arkansas Black’, ‘Empire’,
‘G aia’, ‘Granny Sm ith’, ‘G rave nste in', ‘Grim es
Leaf and Branch Problems G olden’, ‘Jerseym ac', ‘M cIntosh’, ‘M acoun’,
Leaves with olive-brown, velvety spots that ‘Tydeman's Red’, and ‘W inesap’. See page 23
become brown and corky. C ause: Apple scab. for an illustration of this disease.
Infected leaves may turn yellow and drop Leaves with a light powdery coating.
prematurely, further weakening the tree. For Cause: Powdery mildew. As this fungal dis­
m ore information see “Fruit with brown, vel­ ease becom es more severe, leaves may curl
vety o r corky surface lesions" above. lengthwise and drop. Since it overwinters in
New leaves twisted or curled and covered dormant buds, winter pruning of infected buds,
with a sticky coating. Cause: Aphids. You which show white fungal growths, aids control.
may find these tiny green, black, gray, pink, Spray su lfu r for grow ing-season c o n tro l.
o r white fluffy-coated insects on leaf under­ Resistant cultivars include ‘Empire’, ‘G olden
sides. T h e leaves may be covered with a black Delicious’, ‘McIntosh’, ‘Mutsu’, ‘Red Delicious',
coating, caused by a fungus called sooty mold ‘Rhode Island G reening', and ‘Spigold’. See
that feeds on the honeydew exuded by aphids. page 23 for an illustration of this disease.
Aphids weaken trees by sucking sap, but they Leaves suddenly blacken, with tips of grow­
depart by midsummer. For a light infestation, ing shoots bent over. Cause: Fire blight. Don’t
just wait it out. Also grow nectar-producing confuse this disease with sooty m old, a black
flowers, such as dill and buckw heat, near your fungus that rubs off easily. Fire blight bacteria
trees to provide food for aphid predators (par­ may travel to roots and kill the entire tree. For
asitic wasps, lady beetles, and hover flies). Or growing-season control, remove blighted parts
attract aphid predators by spraying com m er­ at least 6" below the infected area. Between
cial o r hom em ade yeast-and-sugar mixtures cuts, dip tools into isopropyl alcohol o r 10
on your trees. For more information, see “New percent bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9
leaves twisted or curled and covered with a parts water). Resistant cultivars include ‘Arkan­
sticky coating” on page 67. sas Black’, ‘Baldwin’, ‘Ben Davis', ‘Empire',
Leaves with pale yellow spots that enlarge and ‘W inesap'. For more inform ation, see
and turn orange. Cause: Cedar-apple rust. “Leaves suddenly blacken, with tips of grow­
Leaves infected with cedar-apple rust may drop ing shoots bent over" on page 170.

Whole Plant Problems problems and solutions, see the Peach entry
Leaves yellow; death of whole branches. beginning on page 164.
Cause: San Jose scale. Clusters of these suck­
ing insects cling to bark and appear as small Problems
gray bum ps that can be easily scraped off with Young fruit with crescent-shaped scars.
a fingernail. Control with late w inter applica­ Cause: Plum curculios. T hese beetles, com ­
tion of dorm ant oil spray. See page 23 for an mon east of the Rockies, leave characteristic
illustration of this pest. scars as they lay eggs in fruit. Damaged fruit
Fruit disappears; bark gnawed. Causes: usually drops. For information on controls,
Deer: rabbits; mice. For information on con­ see “Young fruit with crescent-shaped scars"
trolling these pests, see "Stopping Animal Pests” on page 186.
on page 408. Fruit with small brown spots that enlarge
Tree declines; sawdustlike material on and grow fuzzy in humid weather. Cause:
trunk near ground level. Cause: Roundheaded Brown rot. Blossoms attacked by this fungal
appletree borers. T hese creamy white, dark- disease also may wither, fruit may mummify
headed larvae bore into trunks near ground (dry and shrivel) on the tree, and leaves may
level, girdling the tree or tunneling into the turn brown. Resistant cultivars include ‘Harcot*,
heartwood. Kill borers by inserting a thin, ‘Hargrand’, and ‘Harlayne’. For more informa­
flexible wire o r by injecting parasitic nem a­ tion, see “Fruit with small brown spots that
todes into the hole. enlarge and grow fuzzy in humid w eather” on
page 166.
Fruit with small, dark, sunken spots or
cracks on skin. Cause: Bacterial leaf spot.

Apricot This disease, com m on in the Southeast, is

very difficult to control. Plant resistant cultivars,
including ‘Alfred*, ‘C u rtis. ‘H arcot’, ‘Hargrand’,
Prunus armeniaca ( Rosaceae) and ‘Harlayne*. For more inform ation, see
“Fruit with small, dark, sunken spots or cracks
on skin” on page 166.
A pricots are deciduous trees growing Fruit with pinkish worms. Cause: Ori­
20-30'. T h e pink blossoms appear in spring ental fruit m oth larvae. For more information
on spurs—short branches that elongate only a on this pest, which also tunnels into growing
fraction of an inch per year— 1 year old and shoots, see “Growing shoots wilted or dying”
older. A pricots are hardy in Zones 4-9. on page 166.
Plant in a sunny site with well-drained, Growing shoots wilted or dying. Causes:
moderately fertile soil and protected from late O riental fruit moth larvae; peach twig borers.
frost. Train young trees to a modified central Both pests tunnel into growing shoots and
leader; for complete instructions, see the illus­ cause wilting. R>r more information, see “Grow­
tration on page 102. Most apricots are self- ing shoots wilted or dying" on page 166.
pollinating, but some cultivars bear more if Leaves with small purple spots, some spots
cross-pollinated. For more inform ation, see with centers missing. Cause: Shothole disease.
“Setting Fruit” on page 101. A pricots and Centers of leaf spots often enlarge to about
peaches belong to the same genus and have ’A", then fall out. This fungal disease, com ­
sim ilar problems. For m ore inform ation on mon in the West, spreads rapidly on wet foliage.

For more inform ation, see “Leaves with small in early sum m er o r indoors in winter. Don’t
purple spots, some spots with centers miss­ cover the seed; it needs light to germ inate.
ing” on page 167. Colum bines self-seed, but seedlings may not
Tree declines; gummy exudate mixed with match the parents. Mulch lightly in cold win­
sawdustlike material on trunk near ground level. ter areas.
Cause: Peachtree borers. Inspect the trunk
near o r just below the ground; you may find Problems
holes and a gummy exudate made by peachtree Leaves with tan or brown blotches or ser­
borers, which are the larvae of a clear-winged pentine tunnels. Cause: Leafminers. These
m oth that bore the inner bark. For informa­ tiny pale green fly larvae feed between the
tion on controls, see “Tree declines; gummy upper and lower leaf surfaces. Prune off and
exudate mixed with sawdustlike m aterial on destroy infested leaves. Remove debris in fall
trunk near ground" on page 168. to destroy overwintering leafminers. Let para­
Branches wilting and dying, fail to leaf out sitic wasps control these pests, or apply weekly
in spring. Causes: B acterial canker: Valsa insecticidal soap sprays starting when the first
canker. Both diseases may cause am ber gum tunnel appears.
to exude from the bark. T he cultivars ‘H arcot’, Stems blacken at base; leaves yellow; plant
‘H argrand1, ‘H arlayne’, and ‘H arogem ’ are topples over. Cause: Fungal an d /o r bacterial
resistant to Valsa. For more inform ation, see rots. Prevent with cultural practices: Plant
“Branches wilting and dying, fail to leaf out in only in well-drained sites: avoid crown o r root
spring” on page 167. injuries from careless digging. Keep winter
mulch away from crowns to prevent rotting
during dormancy. Remove affected plants and
surrounding soil; don’t com post them.

Columbine. Perennials.
Colum bines brighten spring and summ er Rock cress. Perennials.
with blossoms of yellow, white, purple, red, or
bicolor. Plants reach 1 -3 ' and bear l"-4",
s p u r r e d flo w e rs. These low-growing, spreading plants are
Plant these woodland natives in moist, often used as groundcovers, in rock gardens,
organic, well-drained, slightly acid soil. Overly and as border edging; few species grow over 1'
rich soil causes weak, short-lived plants, lush tall. Rock cresses prefer soil on the dry side,
growth, and few flowers. Plants tolerate full cool tem peratures, and full sun. W hite, pink,
sun if tem peratures stay below 8 0 °F but pre­ or rose flowers appear in early spring.
fer light shade. Set plants 1' apart in spring Sum m er heat can cause rock cresses to
after the last frost or in fall when plants are die out in the center, a condition best pre­
dorm ant, placing crowns at soil level. Colum ­ vented with good growing conditions. Divide
bines have long roots; only young plants trans­ m ature plants in spring in most areas. Space
plant easily. To start from seed, sow outdoors plants 5" apart. Cut back after flowering to

encourage dense growth. Apply a winter mulch Culture

in cold areas. If thrips, mites, or aphids cause Asparagus is hardy in Zones 2-9. It thrives
leaf yellowing, knock them from plants with a in any area with winter ground freezes or a
strong w ater spray. Tim e watering so plants dry season to provide a dorm ant period each
have dried by nightfall; wait until soil is fairly year. Asparagus does best in full sun and deep,
dry before respraying. Overwatering encour­ well-drained soil. Select a perm anent location
ages rot, as does poor drainage. carefully, since plants will produce for 20 years
or more. Dig out all weeds and add plenty
of com post to the soil before planting. As­
paragus requires high levels of phosphorus,
potassium, and nitrogen. Do a soil test and
Artemisia add am endm ents as necessary. If your soil is
heavy o r poorly drained, plant asparagus in
raised beds.
Artemisia, wormwood. Perennials.
Plant 1-year-old crowns from a reputable
nursery that sells fresh, firm, disease-free roots,
o r start your plants from seed. Soak seeds or
This genus includes southernwood (A rte­
crowns in com post tea for 5 m inutes before
misia abrotanum), wormwood {A. absinthium),
planting to reduce disease problems.
and tarragon (A. dracunculus). Durable and
Most seed-grown asparagus plants even­
som etim es woody, most species are grown for tually out-produce those started from crowns.
their feathery, gray-green to silver foliage. Plants
Growing from seed also allows you to elimi­
given full sun and average, well-drained soil
nate female plants. A bed of all male plants
suffer few problems. Rich soil promotes rangy
can produce as much as 30 percent more
growth; excess m oisture encourages root rot.
spears than a mixed bed of male and female
M ounding types such as silvermound artemi-
plants. Plants grown from seed will flower
sia [A. schmidtiana), often react to high tem­
their first summer. When the tiny flowers appear,
peratures by dying out in the center; cut stems
observe them with a magnifying glass. Female
back to about 1" tall to encourage overall
flowers have well-developed, 3-lobed pistils;
new growth. Artemisias arom atic oils repel
male blossoms are larger and longer than female
m ost insects.
flowers. Weed out all female plants. T he fol­
lowing spring, transplant the males to the per­
m anent bed.
Harvesting new plantings too soon can

Asparagus stress plants and make them more susceptible

to pest problems. Harvest for 2 weeks the
second season, 4 weeks the third season, and
Asparagus officinalis (Liliaceae) up to 8 weeks thereafter.
Mulch with a high-nitrogen com post each
spring before spears em erge, and again in fall.
Asparagus is a long-lived perennial. Its Leave winter-killed foliage, along with straw
tender young shoots are one of the first vege­ or other light mulch, on the bed to provide
tables ready to harvest in the spring. w inter protection. Remove and destroy the

foliage before new growth appears in the spring; Spears turn brown near soil line. Cause:
it can harbor diseases and pest eggs. Over the Crown rot. Remove and destroy diseased plants,
years, the crowns will push closer to the soil including roots. Prevent crown rot by planting
surface, resulting in smaller and less-tender in raised beds and maintaining good drainage.
spears. To remedy this, mound 6" of soil over Keep soil pH above 6.0. Wait 2 years before
the rows each spring. harvesting new plantings. Some research sug­
gests that not harvesting the first spear of the
spring on each plant may help prevent crown
Spear Problems rot because the developing frond produces
Spears small. Causes: Young plants; low food for the plant.
soil fertility; overharvested plants. Harvest Spears crooked and deformed, may be
lightly the first few years so plants can grow brown, or scarred; leaves chewed or missing.
strong roots. Reduce harvest if established Causes: Asparagus beetles: asparagus fern
plantings begin to lose vigor. Asparagus is a caterpillars: cucum ber beetles: mechanical
heavy feeder; add lots of com post to maintain injury. Asparagus beetles are blue-black, V<"
high soil fertility. long insects with cream-colored spots and red
Spears small with brown streaks or gir­ borders on wing covers. Larvae are “A" long,
dled at soil line. Cause: Asparagus miners. hum pbacked, gray grubs with black heads.
Larvae are W long, white maggots. Adults They are most active in cool weather. Spotted
are small black flies. Destroy infested spears asparagus beetles are reddish orange with 12
to control. black spots on wing covers. Larvae are orange.
Spears turn brown, may get soft or wither Fertilize plants to encourage new leaf growth.
and dry. Cause: Cold injury'. Cut and discard Apply a com m ercial pyrethrin spray or dust
damaged spears. Cover spears with mulch or to control beetles. Destroy tops in late winter
newspaper when freezing nights are predicted. to remove overwintering beetles and future
Spears small, with large lesions at or below problems.
soil line. Cause: Fusarium wilt. Leaves and Asparagus fern caterpillar Ialso known as
stems yellow, plants wilt, seedlings die. There the beet army worm I feeds on leaves. It is a
is no cure: remove and destroy infected plants. dull green. P/ 2 " long caterpillar with a light-
To avoid problems, don't put new plantings colored stripe along each side of the body.
where asparagus or other Fusarium-susceptible Handpick o r spray with BTK to control.
plants have grown in 8 years. Plant disease- C ucum ber beetles also eat asparagus
free seed and crowns o r resistant cultivars leaves. For description and controls, see “Leaves
such as ‘Greenwich*. ‘Jersey G iant’. ‘M artha with chewed holes” on page 215.
W ashington, and ‘Viking KB3\ Disinfect seed Deep cultivation can damage developing
before planting. Soak it for 2 minutes in a 10 spears. Cultivate shallowly or use mulch instead.
percent bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9 In windy areas, blowing sand can scar spears:
parts water), and rinse for 1 minute under protect plantings with windbreaks.
running water. Spears chewed at soil line. C ause:
T here are reports that adding rock salt to Cutworms. Check for cutworms at night with
asparagus soil at 2 pounds per 100 square feet a flashlight. Control with BTK or parasitic
may suppress Fusarium infection and improve nematodes. See ‘‘Seedlings clipped off at soil
asparagus root growth. line” on page 246 for more controls.

Spear bracts open prematurely (feathering).

Cause: Excessive heat. Harvest spears daily
when they are about 8" high, especially when
tem peratures are above 95°E Aster, Michaelmas daisy. Perennials.

Leaf Problems Daisylike aster flowers of purple, pink, or

Leaves yellow; growth slow. Causes: white appear in late sum m er and fall on plants
Nitrogen deficiency: waterlogged soil. Spray that range from 9" to 6' in height.
foliage with fish-meal tea and side-dress with Asters require ample w ater—about 1" per
com post to correct nitrogen deficiency. Wa­ week —but also need well-drained soil and a
terlogged soil will produce the same symp­ sunny location. Plants will self-sow with aban­
toms. Make sure soil is well-drained o r plant don if fading flowers are not removed: seed­
in raised beds. lings aren't usually true to parent type. Grow
Leaves yellow; plant dwarfed or rosetted. tall cultivars out of wind and stake as needed.
Cause: Asparagus aphids. These soft-bodied, Divide in spring every 2-3 years.
pale green, powdery-looking insects suck plant
juices and cause plants to weaken. Knock Problems
aphids off plants with a strong blast of water, Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky;
o r spray with insecticidal soap. If that fails to clusters of small insects. Cause: Aphids. For
control the problem, apply a com m ercial pyre­ c o n tro ls, se e “L eaves, stem s, a n d b u d s d isto rte d ,
thrin spray or dust. sticky; clusters of small insects" on page 177.
Leaves turn brown and drop; stems and Leaves and/or flowers with holes. C ause:
branches have small reddish blisters. Cause: Japanese beetles. See “Leaves a n d /o r flowers
Rust. Clean up and dispose of tops in late with holes" on page 176 for controls.
winter to eliminate overwintering spores. Rust Leaves covered with white powder. Cause:
weakens plants by reducing the leaf area and Powdery mildew. For controls, see “ Leaves
the amount of food stored in the roots. Repeated covered with white powder" on page 177.
attacks can kill plants. Plant resistant culti­ Leaves and flowers deformed, yellowish;
vars such as 'California 500', ‘Jersey G iant', small, tarlike spots on undersides. Cause: Lace
‘M arth a Washington*, ‘M ary W ash ington, bugs. These small pests with lacy wings cause
Rutgers B eacon, ‘Viking K B 3\ and ‘Waltham yellow-brown leaf spots. Dark brown drop­
Washington*. pings on lower leaf surfaces confirm their
Leaves dull gray-green to brown. Cause: activity. Remove debris in spring and fall to
Thrips. Adults are tiny, pale, rapidly moving, deter overwintering. For severe problems, spray
winged insects. T h e larvae are smaller, wing­ superior oil. insecticidal soap, or pyrethrin.
less versions barely visible with the naked eye. Leaves with pale areas on upper surfaces;
Trap thrips with sticky traps or spray with “downy” patches underneath. C ause: Downy
insecticidal soap. Research indicates that blue mildew. This fungus spreads quickly during
and yellow sticky traps are the most effective cool, wet nights and warm, humid days, caus­
thrips catchers in greenhouses. O ther studies ing leaves to wilt and die. Remove and destroy
suggest that thrips are most attracted to white infected plant parts, encourage air circulation,
sticky traps outdoors. Hang traps slightly higher and w ater early in the day to allow plants to
than the tops of the plants. dry before nightfall.

Astilbe and surrounding soil: do not com post dis­

eased materials. Don’t plant susceptible crops
in sites where wilt has appeared. Sterilize tools
Astilbe, false spirea. Perennials. after use around infected plants.

Astilbes’ dark green to bronze, fernlike

foliage appears in spring, followed by pink,
white, purple, or red plumelike flower spikes.
These m id-border plants grow 1 -3' tall with a
similar spread. Persea americana ( Lauraceae)
Astilbes enjoy the soggy soil conditions
shunned by most other perennials, although
good drainage is needed if winters are wet. Avocado trees grow to about 60' and have
Use a 3" layer of mulch around plants to con­ long, drooping leaves. Though evergreen, some
serve water. Never let soil dry com pletely— trees shed their leaves just before a growth
this causes brown-edged leaves and poor growth. flush. Each tree bears many thousands of
Set plants 1' apart in partial shade and rich flowers, but pollination of only a small per­
soil. Astilbes benefit from spring fertilization centage of flowers ensures a full crop. Avoca­
and light feedings during the growing season. dos are mostly self-pollinating. They are hardy
Divide every 3-5 years. to Zone 10.
Grown under the conditions described Avocados need full sunlight and well-
above, astilbes suffer few pest or disease prob­ drained soil. Pruning is only necessary to keep
lems beyond those common to herbaceous a tree within bounds and to remove diseased
perennials. wood.

Problems Fruit with brown or purplish, scablike
Leaves and/or flowers with holes. C ause: lesions. Cause: Fruit scab. Scab is a superfi­
Japanese beetles. See “Leaves an d /o r flowers cial skin fungus and not otherwise harmful to
with holes" on page 176 for controls. the plant. No treatm ent is necessary unless
Leaves covered with white powder. Cause: infection is so severe that fruit is deformed.
Powdery mildew. Crowding under moist con­ For severe infection, apply copper sprays in
ditions invites powdery mildew. For control early May and twice more at 4-5 week intervals.
information, see “Leaves covered with white Fruit gnawed or eaten. C a u s e s : B ird s;
powder" on page 177. squirrels: rats; other small animals. Use traps
Plant wilts while soil is moist. Cause: or physical barriers to get rid of rodents; net­
Fusarium wilt. Fusarium spp. fungi sometimes ting may be necessary for birds. See “Stopping
infect astilbes, causing wilting unrelated to Animal Pests" on page 408 for more informa­
adequate soil m oisture. Young plants wilt tion on controlling pests.
quickly, while older ones turn pale green and Leaves skeletonized and webbed together.
lower leaves wilt. Stems show brown streaks Causes: Avocado caterpillars; om nivorous
that darken gradually: grayish pink mold may leafroller caterpillars. The yellowish green avo­
appear. Remove and destroy infected plants cado caterpillar (also called an amorbia) is

the larva of a reddish brown moth. Omnivo­ it for 1-2 m onths over the sum m er before
rous leafrollers, yellowish green caterpillars planting Verticillium-susceptible plants.
with a stripe down their backs, are the larvae Leaves pale green to yellow and dropping.
of dark brown moths. Natural enem ies, such Cause: San Jose scale. Look for the small,
as Trichogramma wasps, often keep these pests ash-colored to sooty black bumps of San Jose
sufficiently in check. For heavy infestations, scale clinging to the bark. Colonies of these
spray BTK. Also look for and crush caterpil­ suckirtg, immobile insects cling to bark and
lars and masses of eggs. weaken trees by sucking sap. Control scale
Leaves wih and yellow on an entire branch. with dorm ant oil spray applied in late winter.
Cause: Verticillium wilt. A soilborne fungus Tree declines; stunted pale leaves; no new
causes this disease, and there is no way to save growth. Cause: Root rot. Root rot can be
a tree once it has this problem. Don't plant caused by overwatering o r by poorly drained
avocados in soil that has sustained o th er soil, but the disease may take years to develop.
Verticillium-susceptible crops such as tom a­ T here is no cure. Replant in well-drained soil
toes, peppers, and eggplants. If you suspect o r on a raised mound of soil. ‘G rande’ and
Verticillium fungi may be in your soil, solarize ‘Martin’ are rootstocks resistant to this problem.

Basil hours of full sun per day for good growth.

Basil is rarely troubled by pests or diseases.
Protect plants with row covers when tem pera­
Ocimum basilicum (Labiatae) tures drop below 40° E or dark spots caused
by cold injury may appear on leaves. Fungi
may also cause dark spots on foliage. Remove
Basil is an annual herb grown for its aro­ spotted leaves and spray foliage with com post
matic leaves. To grow healthy, trouble-free tea or sulfur if problem is severe. If leaves are
plants, sow seed indoors in 70°F soil mix, or mottled yellow with turned-down edges, plants
outdoors after the soil has warmed. Basil does may have cucum ber mosaic virus. Destroy
best in rich, moist, well-drained soil with a pH infected plants. See the Herbs entry begin­
between 5.0 and 8.0, and needs at least 4 ning on page 116 for oth er problems.

Copyrighted materi.
BEAN ■ 33

Bean beans in the same location more often than

every 3 years.

Phaseolus spp. (Leguminosae) Whole Plant Problems

Seedlings die or fail to emerge; plant
stunted. Causes: Seedcorn maggots: root rot.
Beans are annual vegetables grown for Look for ‘A" long, yellow-white maggots feed­
their im m ature pods, im m ature seeds, and ing on seeds and seedlings. Adults are small
nutritious dry seeds. They are legumes and, flies. Seedlings that do com e up are deform ed
with the help of certain soil-dwelling bacteria, and spindly. Control these soil-dwelling pests
can transform nitrogen from the air into nitro­ by applying parasitic nem atodes to the soil
gen com pounds that plants can absorb. A before replanting.
wide range of bean types and cultivars are Root rot causes reddish black streaks on
available. the roots: plants are stunted and yellow. Cool,
wet soil encourages this fungal disease. Destroy
Culture wilted plants. Replant with fresh seed in well-
Beans thrive in most soil. Work in plenty drained, warm soil. Soak seed in com post tea
of low-nitrogen com post before planting to before planting.
loosen the soil. For a healthy, trouble-free Plant yellow and stunted, wilts during hot
crop, plant beans after soil has warm ed. Opti­ days and recovers at night. Causes: Wire-
mum soil tem perature for germ ination is 80°F worms: bean leaf beetle larvae; root knot nema­
At soil tem peratures below 60°F, most bean todes. If you suspect any of these pests, pull
cultivars germ inate poorly and are more sus­ up a plant and examine the roots. Wireworm
ceptible to pests and root rot. Choose light, larvae are up to 1lh ’\ yellow to reddish brown,
well-drained soil for early plantings, if possible, slender, tough-bodied, segmented grubs. Adults
and cover beans with row cover or clear plas­ are xh " long, dark-colored, elongated click
tic until they em erge. If you use clear plastic, beetles. Apply parasitic nem atodes to the soil
be sure to remove it as soon as the seeds to control.
germ inate to avoid ‘‘cooking” th e seedlings. Slender white grubs up to Vi" long feed­
Beans do best when soil pH is between ing on roots are bean leaf beetle larvae. See
5.5 and 6.8. They don't require high soil fertility. “Leaves with large holes’’ on page 36 for more
In fact, high nitrogen levels will delay maturity. information.
Spray young plants with seaweed extract to Root knot nem atodes cause swollen and
prevent micronutrient deficiencies and improve darkened enlargem ents of roots. D estroy
overall plant health. infested plants. Control root knot nem atodes
Soak seed in com post tea for 25 minutes by applying chitin o r parasitic nem atodes to
before planting to help prevent disease and the soil. Small, round, pinkish nodules attached
speed germ ination. Treat seed with an inocu- to the roots are caused by nitrogen-fixing bac­
lant labeled for the type of bean you are plant­ teria and are beneficial.
ing before sowing to promote nitrogen fixation.
Be sure to buy fresh inoculant each year, or Leaf Problems
check the date on the package for viability. Leaves with yellow, curling margins.
Don’t touch plants when foliage is wet to Causes: Potato leafhoppers; calcium deficien­
avoid spreading diseases. Compost plants after cy; salt injury. Look for leafhoppers on plants.
harvest. Prevent problem s by not planting Adults are Vio", yellow-green, winged insects.

What Goes Wrong

and Why

L eaves w ith
n u m e ro u s sm all,
; ro u n d , reddish
brow n b lis te rs
' o n undersides.
L eav es w ith TlCause: Rust.
Leaves with w h ite g ro w th or Spots appear
w h ite growth or water-soaked spots. on pods and
water-soaked spots. Cause: Downy mildew. stem s as well.
Cause: Bacterial blight. Attacks lima beans only, also
Pods with water soakec^ \ causing pods with
or brown patches: ja jg L P white spots.
seeds yellow,

Leaves mottled
with golden yellow
and crinkled or curled.
Cause: Bean mosaic.
Pods rough, mottled,
and deformed

Leaves with dark streaks;

black p etioles and veins on
undersides of leaves.
Cause: Anthracnose. Pods have
round, sunken spots.




L eaves skeletonized.
Cause: Mexican bean beetles.
Larvae and adults eat lower
- surfaces of leaves; also chew Leaves
pods and stems. with yellow,
Large holes in leaves. Cause: Bean leaf beetles. curling margins.
Adults feed above ground; larvae eat roots; Cause: Calcium deficiency.
plants m ay turn yellow and wilt. Plants stunted; shoot tips
turn black and die.
Nymphs are smaller and wingless. Severe infes­ Leaves mottled with golden yellow and
tations cause plants to wilt and flowers and crinkled or curled. Cause: Bean mosaic. Leaves
pods to drop. Leafhoppers can spread viruses of infected plants curl downward, and plants
from plant to plant, so control is im portant. are stunted. Seeds are small and shriveled.
Cover emerging seedlings with row cover if See the opposite page for an illustration of
leafhoppers have been a problem. Spray plants this disease. Remove and destroy plants in­
with insecticidal soap in the evening to control. fected with this viral disease. Prevent problems
If that is not effective, spray o r dust with by controlling aphids that spread the disease
pyrethrin. Controls are most effective on wing­ and by planting tolerant cultivars, such as ‘E-Z
less nym phs sin ce ad u lts fly away when Pick', ‘G oldcrop’, Lake Largo’, ‘Morgane*.
disturbed. Be sure to spray the undersides of ‘Provider’, ‘Roma 2’, ‘Sungold*, ‘Tendercrop’,
leaves where nymphs congregate. ‘Topcrop’. and ‘Venture’.
Salt injury is com m on in areas of the Leaves puckered and curled downward;
country with saline soils, because beans are plant dwarfed. Cause: Curly top virus. Re­
very sensitive to sodium. Planting in raised move and destroy infected plants. Prevent
beds (with lots of com post worked in) and problems by controlling aphids that spread
w atering thoroughly may help. the disease and by planting resistant o r toler­
If plants are also stunted and shoot tips ant cu ltiv a rs such as ‘G o ld c ro p ’, ‘G re a t
turn black and die, suspect calcium deficiency. N orthern’, and ‘Hystyle’.
Sec the opposite page for an illustration of this Leaves with white growth or water-soaked
problem. Keep soil evenly moist to help prevent spots. Causes: Downy mildew; powdery mil­
problems. If soil test shows deficiency, add gyp­ dew: white mold: bacterial blight. Warm, damp
sum. o r calcitic lime if pH is below 6.2. w eather encourages these diseases, the first 3
New growth distorted and yellow. Cause: of which are caused by fungi. Downy mildew
Tarnished plant bugs. Adults are oval, light only attacks lima beans, causing young shoots
green to brown. '/»" long bugs. Nymphs are and flowers of infected plants to develop white
smaller and yellow-green. Trap them with white growth: leaf veins arc twisted and purplish.
sticky traps, or spray with pyrethrin in the See the opposite page for an illustration of
evening to control. downy mildew. Powdery mildew and white
Leaves yellow; growth stunted. Cause: mold can attack all types of beans. Leaves
Nitrogen deficiency. This problem is often develop a powdery or fuzzy white coating.
brought on by waterlogged soil. Spray foliage To control fungal diseases, thin plants to
and drench roots with fish emulsion o r fish­ increase air movement. If weather is wet. spray
meal tea to alleviate symptoms. Prevent prob­ sulfur in the evening. Plant cultivars. such as
lems by adding compost to the soil and providing ‘Provider’ and ‘Tendercrop’, that tolerate all 3
good drainage. diseases. U nder some conditions, a baking-
Leaves yellow and withered. Cause: Bean soda-and-soap spray (1 teaspoon baking soda.
aphids. Adults are small, black, soft-bodied, 1 teaspoon liquid dish soap. 1 quart water)
sucking insects. For mild infestations, knock may prevent further infection.
pests off plants with a blast of water. Spray Water-soaked spots caused by bacterial
plants with insecticidal soap if aphid popula­ blight turn brown with a yellow halo and then
tions are low, o r with a com m ercial neem or becom e dry and brittle. See the opposite page
pyrethrin solution if more than half the shoot for an illustration of this disease. Spray plants
tips have aphids. with copper to reduce the spread of the dis­

ease if plants are setting fruit. If no new pods hop when disturbed. Treat plants with a com ­
are forming, don't bother to spray; remove mercial pyrethrin spray or dust if dam age is
and destroy infected plants. severe. Prevent problems by covering young
Leaves with dark streaks; black petioles plants with row cover.
and veins on undersides of leaves. Cause: Leaves skeletonized. C ause: M exican
Anthracnose. Spots exude salmon-colored ooze bean beetles. See page 34 for an illustration of
in cool, moist weather. See page 34 for an illus­ this pest. In severe infestations pods also are
tration of this fungal disease. This disease chewed. Adults are oval, '/»" long, yellowish
thrives in wet. humid conditions. Spray plants brown beetles with 16 black spots on the wing
with sulfur to control. Prevent problems by covers. Nymphs are yellowish orange and
planting tolerant cultivars such as *Espada\ spined. Eggs are yellow and found in groups
‘Marbel*, ‘M organe, and Rocdor*. on the undersides of leaves. A tiny parasitic
Leaves with numerous small, round, red­ wasp, Pediobius foveolatus, provides effective
dish brown blisters on undersides. Cause: Rust. control. Release the wasps when there are
As this fungal disease progresses, leaves turn bean beetle larvae present. In cold clim ates
yellow and drop. Spots also appear on pods you must release the wasps each year as they
and stems. See page 34 for an illustration of this cannot overwinter. Spined soldier bugs are
disease. Rust usually develops in late summer. also efficient predators. Spray o r dust with
To control, spray sulfur as soon as you see pyrethrin as a last resort.
indications of the disease. Plant cultivars that Leaves with large holes. Causes: Bean
are rust-tolerant, such as 'B urpee Stringless, leaf b e e tle s: c u c u m b e r b e e tle s ; vario u s
‘K entucky W o n d er’, ‘Roma*, 'Spurt*, and caterpillars. Bean leaf beetles a r e ‘A” long and
‘Sungold’, to prevent problems. dark yellow with 6 black dots. T he larvae are
Leaves pale and stippled or bronzed. white, up to '/>" long, and feed on roots and
Cause: Mites. H ot. dry w eather encourages underground stems. C ucum ber beetles are 'A"
outbreaks. Look for these tiny, spiderlike crea­ long and greenish yellow with black stripes or
tures on the undersides of leaves where they spots. Prevent problems by covering plants
appear as pale or dark specks. T here may be a with row cover. If beetle dam age is severe,
fine webbing on the undersides of leaves. To treat leaves with a com m ercial neem o r pyre­
control, spray plants with w ater o r insectici­ thrin spray. See page 34 for an illustration of
dal soap in the evening. bean leaf beetle; see page 214 for an illustra­
Leaves with wandering, white or translu­ tion of cucum ber beetle.
cent tunnels. Cause: Leafminers. Adults are Many caterpillars also feed on bean leaves.
tiny black-and-yellow insects. Larvae are pale Spray plants with BTK to control.
green and maggotlike and tunnel into leaves.
Remove and destroy mined leaves. Apply row
cover as soon as plants emerge to prevent Flower and Pod Problems
problems. Use yellow sticky traps to catch B lossom s appear but no pods form.
adults. C ertain parasitic nem atodes can Causes: Excessive heat: m echanical injury:
actually attack leafm iner larvae inside leaf zinc deficiency. Hot days (85°F or more) or
tunnels. m echanical damage caused by heavy rains or
Leaves riddled with tiny holes. Cause: strong w ater sprays can cause flowers to drop.
R ea beetles. These small, shiny, black beetles Wait for new blossoms.
BEET ■ 37

Zinc deficiency can also cause pods to

drop. Spray plants with seaweed extract to
prevent deficiency problems.
Pods with dark, round, sunken spots with Beta vulgaris
lighter centers. Cause: A nthracnose. Salmon Crassa group (Chenopodiaceae)
pink ooze appears in wet weather. See "Leaves
with dark streaks: black petioles and veins on
undersides of leaves" above for controls. Beets are biennial vegetables grown for
Pods with water-soaked or brown patches; their firm, sweet roots and succulent greens.
seeds yellow and blotched. Cause: Bacterial Cultivars with red, yellow, and red-and-white
blight. See "Leaves with white growth o r water- roots are available.
soaked spots" on page 35 for controls.
Pods with white spots. Causes: Powdery Culture
mildew: white mold: downy mildew. See “Leaves Beets grow best in deep, well-drained soil
with white growth o r water-soaked spots" on with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. They are a
page 35 for more inform ation and controls. cool-season plant and will tolerate tem pera­
Lima bean pods infected with downy mildew tures as low as 40°E However, plants will bolt
shrivel and turn black. if exposed to 2-3 weeks of tem peratures below
Pods rough, m ottled, and deformed. 50°F after the first true leaves have formed.
Cause: Bean mosaic. See "Leaves mottled with Beets grow poorly above 75° F and are best
golden yellow and crinkled o r curled" on page grown as a spring o r fall crop. Keep soil moist,
35 for controls. but not soggy since rapid and uninterrupted
Pods with wartlike pimples. Cause: Green growth produces the best roots. Prevent prob­
stink bugs. Adults are large, flat, shield-shaped, lems by not planting beets in the same loca­
green bugs. Nymphs have reddish markings. tion more often than every 3 years.
H andpick adults to control mild infestations.
For control if injury is severe, spray o r dust Leaf Problems
plants with pyrethrin. Leaves with purplish patches. Cause:
Pods with chewed holes. Cause: C ater­ Phosphorus deficiency. This is common in cool
pillars. Cover plants with row cover to exclude spring soils. Plants usually outgrow problem
egg-laying m oths if caterpillars have caused when soils warm. Spray leaves with seaweed
dam age in the past. Control feeding worms extract to speed up recovery.
with BTK spray. Leaves yellow; plant stunted. C ause:
Pods pitted and browned. Cause: Cold Nitrogen deficiency. This deficiency affects
injury. Most cultivars may be dam aged ai tem­ o ld e r le a v e s firs t. S p ra y fo lia g e a n d d r e n c h
peratures below 4 5 °F Protect late crops with roots with fish emulsion to alleviate symptoms.
row cover. Leaves yellow and curled; plant stunted.
Dry beans tunneled. Cause: Bean weevils. Cause: Aphids. Adults are soft-bodied, small,
Adults are gray o r brown. Vio'-'/s" long snout green, gray, black, or pinkish sucking insects,
beetles. Larvae are small and light-colored. sometimes with a white fluffy coating. Knock
To control this storage pest, dry seed in a aphids off the plants with a blast of water, or
125°F oven for 25 m inutes, or store at 0 °F for spray plants with insecticidal soap to control.
3-4 days to kill larvae. If soap spray is not effective, apply a com m er­


cial neem o r pyrethrin spray. Leaves riddled with small holes. Cause:
Leaves with brown tips. Cause: Exces­ R ea beetles. These small, shiny, black, brown,
sive heat. Bright sun and 80°F tem peratures o r bronze beetles hop when disturbed. Pre­
may injure beet leaves. Plant in a partially vent problems by covering plants with row
shaded location or provide shade in climates cover as soon as they emerge.
with hot summers. Leaves with large, ragged holes. Causes:
Leaves with dark-bordered, tan spots. Beet armyworms; garden webworms. G reen­
Cause: C ercospora leaf spot. Destroy spotted ish brown, P/ 2 " long caterpillars with a light-
leaves. Spray plants with copper if this fungal colored stripe on each side are beet armyworms.
disease is severe to prevent further spread, or Pale green to nearly black. 1" long caterpillars
before symptoms develop if it has been a prob­ with a black o r light stripe down their backs
lem in the past. To prevent problem s, soak and dark spots are garden webworms. Web­
seed in 122°F w ater for 25 m inutes before worms roll leaf edges over. Handpick o r spray
planting. (Be aware that this treatm ent can actively feeding caterpillars with BTK in the
dam age seed viability; for com plete instruc­ evening.
tions, see page 422.) Eliminate weeds that can
harbor the disease. Plant cultivars. such as Root Problems
Big Red Hybrid’ and Red Ace*, that are toler­ Roots distorted, with rough, cracked skin.
ant of this disease. Cause: Downy mildew. See “Leaves with light-
Leaves with light-colored spots on upper colored spots on upper leaf surfaces” above
leaf surfaces. Cause: Downy mildew. Leaves for controls.
infected with this fungal disease have spots Roots with raised, rough, brown spots on
covered w ith w hite fuzzy grow th on the surface. Cause: Scab. Prevent this fungal dis­
undersides. Spray plants with copper when ease by adding com post to soil, and plant in
symptom s first appear. raised beds to improve drainage.
Leaves stunted and crinkled. Cause: Curly Roots with black, dead, hard spots in flesh.
top virus. T here is no cure once plants are Cause: Boron deficiency. Roots may be wrin­
infected: destroy infected plants. Leafhoppers kled o r cracked. Plants can be stunted; leaf
spread the virus as they feed; control them edges may be brown and lower leaf surfaces
with sprays of insecticidal soap, or for severe may be reddish purple. Prevent deficiency
infestations, neem or pyrethrin. Prevent prob­ problem s by spraying plants with seaweed
lems by covering seedbed with row cover after extract as soon as the first true leaves appear,
planting. and every few weeks thereafter. Check defi­
Leaves with wandering, white or translu­ ciency with a soil test. C orrect by adding 1
cent tunnels. Cause: Leafminers. Pale green, tablespoon of borax dissolved in 1 gallon water,
maggotlike larvae feed inside leaves, leaving or 10 pounds of kelp, per 100 square feet of soil.
em pty tunnels behind them . Adults are tiny Roots forked. Cause: Calcium deficiency.
black-and-yellow insects. O nce larvae have Prevent problems by keeping soil evenly moist.
entered leaves, spraying will not control them. If soil test shows deficiency, add gypsum, o r if
Destroy mined leaves. Catch adults with yel­ pH is below 6.2, calcitic lime.
low sticky traps. Prevent problems by cover­ Roots small and poorly developed. Causes:
ing plants with row cover as soon as they Nitrogen deficiency; crowded roots. If leaves
emerge. Certain parasitic nematodes can attack are small and yellow, feed plants with fish
leafm iner larvae inside leaf tunnels. emulsion o r com post tea to boost nitrogen

level. Thin plants so roots don't touch to allow Tuberous-rooted begonias have fewer but
further growth. larger and more showy blooms. T he single or
Roots covered with hairy side roots; flesh double flowers can grow to 6" o r more across.
woody. Cause: Curly top virus. See "Leaves They bloom on upright plants, growing to 2'
stunted and crinkled" above for controls. tall, in bright and pastel shades of white, pink,
Roots unusually dark-colored. Cause: red, yellow, and combinations. Tuberous-rooted
Potassium deficiency. Affected roots are prone begonias brighten up shady beds and borders.
to rot. If soil test confirm s deficiency, amend Because pow dery wax begonia seeds
soil as needed. require much nurturing, many gardeners pre­
Roots light-colored; zoned rings in flesh fer to buy bedding plants in spring for direct
very evident. Causes: Excessive heat; uneven garden placem ent. If you do decide to grow
soil moisture. Prevent problem s by keeping your own, sow the tiny seeds indoors, 5 months
soil evenly moist and mulching with straw before the final frost. Use a mix of fine peat
during hot weather. and sand as the medium. Fluorescent lighting
helps keep the desired warm temperature. Water
seedlings from the bottom . W hen they are
large enough to handle, transfer to 3" pots;

Begonia transplant outdoors when night tem peratures

remain above 50°F Set plants 9" apart.
Start tuberous-rooted begonias indoors,
Begonia. Tender perennials planting them 8-10 weeks before your frost-
grown as annuals, and tubers. free date in a loose growing medium. Barely
cover tubers with the concave side up (it should
have little pink buds coming out of the center)
T he genus Begonia provides many beau­ and moisten lightly. Give lots of w ater and
tiful species that are well-adapted to garden light after the shoots emerge. Move tubers to
culture. Outdoors, the most common types are individual 4" o r 5" pots when shoots are 1"-3"
the fibrous-rooted and tuberous-rooted begon­ tall. A fter all danger of frost is past, plant in
ias. Each type has its own habits and needs. partial shade in fertile, moist but well-drained
T h e fibrous-rooted wax begonia, with its soil with plenty of organic matter. W ater liber­
prolific flowering habit, is among the most ally in warm weather. Feed every 3 weeks or
popular bedding plants. Clusters of single or so with com post tea o r fish emulsion.
double, pink, white, or reddish flowers, up to Begonias need rich, very well drained,
2" across, appear in spring and continue until light soil. Work in generous am ounts of leaf
frost. Wax begonias do not always com pete mold, dehydrated m anure, hum us, and bone-
successfully with other annuals. Spotlight them meal. They tolerate full sun in cool clim ates
in masses of 1 color. T hese are good plants to only; in hot clim ates, leaves in full sun may
line the front of a sunny o r partially shady show dry spotting from sunscald. Heavy shade,
border, growing only 6"-9" tall and up to 1' however, results in legginess and fewer flowers.
wide. In mild clim ates they may overwinter Partial shade is generally best. W ater when
and live for years. They d o well in window soil 1" below surface is still moist but not wet.
boxes and are widely grown as flowering and Fertilize every 3-4 weeks.
ornam ental houseplants. Glossy wax begonia If you want to overwinter tuberous-rooted
leaves are shades of green o r red. begonias, lift the plants (with the soil still

attached) in fall when the leaves are yellow Remove and destroy infested leaves and
and withered. After a week or so, cut the the next 2 leaves directly above them . Do not
stems to within a few inches of the tuber. Once let affected plants touch unaffected ones. Water
the stem stub dries completely, shake the soil from below rather than above: nem atodes can
off the tubers and store in dry peat or coarse move from one plant to another through water.
sand at 45°-55°E Start them again in spring. Leaf nem atodes can survive 3 o r more years in
Some gardeners dig up favored garden the soil or surrounding debris. If you have a
wax begonias, bringing them indoors before problem , don't replant begonias in that area.
first frost to use as houseplants, then making Leaves with fuzzy, brown or gray spots.
cuttings in spring for garden use. As house­ Cause: Botrytis gray mold. T he Botrytis fun­
plants, begonias may bloom most of the year. gus tends to attack weak plants. Once the
Pinch back stems by at least half to prom ote resultant gray mold takes hold, the disease
new growth. Keep soil dam p but not wet. Mist moves into healthy plant tissue. High hum id­
leaves occasionally. Keep in sun or some shade. ity and cool tem peratures favor the infection
When bringing any plant indoors from out­ process, as do crowded plantings, rain, and
doors, consider that you also may be transfer­ overhead watering. Botrytis gray mold fungus
ring pests and diseases indoors. These can can be a year-round problem in mild winter
spread rapidly to o th er household plants. areas. Remove and destroy infected leaves,
stem s, and flowers. Thin plants to encourage
Problems good air circulation.
Leaves with powdery white patches. Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots.
Cause: Powdery mildew. This fungal disease Both bacteria and fungi cause leaf spots on
is very com m on on begonias. For control in­ begonias. Bacterial leaf spot produces small
form ation, see ‘ Leaves with powdery white blisters that are brown with yellow margins;
p a tc h es’ on page 19. fungi may form brown, black, o r transparent
Flower buds drop off. Causes: Excess spots. For control inform ation, see “Leaves
water: high tem peratures. Poor drainage and with spots” on page 19.
overwatering are the prim e causes of early Leaves, stems, and buds distorted. Cause:
bud drop. Ease up on the watering and plant Aphids. See “Leaves, stems, and buds distorted”
begonias in humus-rich soil with good drain­ on page 20 for controls.
age next time. Overly high tem peratures also Leaves yellow; plant weakened. Cause:
cause bud drop. In areas with unexpected W hiteflies. For controls, see “Leaves yellow;
hot spells, mulch roots and mist plants in late plant weakened” on page 18.
morning. Leaves and stems with white, cottony
Leaves with angular brown blotches. clusters. Cause: Mealybugs. See ‘‘Leaves and
Cause: Leaf nem atodes. M icroscopic, worm- stem s w'ith white, cottony clusters” on page
like creatures, known as leaf nem atodes, may 20 for control information.
be feeding on the affected leaves. They cause Stem s with soft, water-soaked spots.
brown blotches that enlarge until the leaves curl Cause: Stem rot. Both bacterial and fungal
up and drop off. Symptoms usually appear infections can cause begonia stems to rot. If
on lower leaves first and spread to upper you catch the stem spots when they are small,
leaves. Plant growth is stunted: new leaves try cutting them out with a razor blade or
may not appear. sharp knife. Remove and destroy seriously

infected leaves, stem s, and plants. T hese dis­ thracnose. See “Leaves and shoots blackened;
eases can spread quickly, so wash your hands leaves with moist o r brown sunken spots” on
and tools after working with infected plants. page 238 for control suggestions.
Avoid overcrowding and overhead watering; Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause:
pick a site with good air circulation. Keep Aphids. See “Leaves wrinkled and discolored”
m ulch a few inches away from the stem . Don’t on page 235 for control measures.
replant begonias in affected areas. Leaves chewed; branch tips with webbing.
Leaves with reddish brown lines. Cause: Cause: Barberry webworms. These I1/:", black
Thrips. T hese tiny, light brown, fast-moving caterpillars tie together leaves and twigs, form­
insects generally attack leaves, causing red­ ing a web nest in midsum m er as they feed on
dish brown lines o r spots on upper leaf surfaces the leaves. If not too num erous, remove nests
and silvery blotches on leaf undersides. Stems, by hand. Control large infestations with 3 appli­
buds, and flowers can also be affected. Remove cations of BTK m ade 1 week apart, o r spray
and destroy severely infested plants. with pyrethrin.
Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause: Leaves shrivel and turn brown. Cause:
Slugs and snails. See “Leaves with large, rag­ Barberry wilt. This soilborne fungus attacks
ged holes” on page 18 for controls. water-conducting tissue, causing leaves to wilt
and eventually killing the entire plant. Remove
the whole affected plant and its surrounding

Berberis soil; replace with fresh soil.

Leaves with notched leaf margins. Cause:
Japanese weevils. T he brown adults attack
Barberry'. Shrubs. foliage, and the legless white grubs feed on
roots. A pply a sticky su b stan ce, such as
Tanglefoot, to the lower stems to prevent adults
Barberries are spiny deciduous or ever­ from climbing up the plants. Drench the soil
green sh ru b s com m only used as h edges, around the base of the plant with a solution of
barriers, o r foundation plants. parasitic nem atodes to control the larvae.
Barberries grow in sun o r partial shade Spray leaves several times with pyrethrin for
and prefer well-drained soil. They require lit­ m ajor infestations of adults.
tle care and tolerate even severe pruning. Set Twigs covered in small reddish brown
out container-grown or bare-root plants in spring bumps. Cause: Barberry scale. Heavy infes­
o r fall. tations may cause yellowing foliage and stunted
Pests and diseases are seldom a problem growth, leading to the death of the plant. Pests
on cultivated barberries. Many states prohibit are most active in June and July. Spray twigs
growing com m on barberry (Berberis vulgaris), with dorm ant oil in early spring, before growth
which is an alternate host to a rust fungus that starts. During the growing season, spray plant
also attacks cereal grains. Check with your with superior oil o r repeated applications of
extension agent for local restrictions. insecticidal soap.
Whole plant stunted and lacking vigor.
Problems Cause: Nematodes. See “Whole plant stunted
Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves with and lacking vigor” on page 239 for more
moist or brown sunken spots. Cause: An- information.

Bergenia cially when stressed, and they are beset by a

num ber of insect pests that can cause serious
dam age and even loss. Fortunately, you can
Bergenia. Perennials. prevent most of the com m on problems by
planting trees in the right conditions and keep­
ing them vigorous. Fertilize regularly, and water
Bergenias are sturdy, low-growing border deeply during drought. Some species, such as
plants with rose-pink flower clusters borne river birch [Betula nigra), are less prone to
above the foliage in early spring. Broad, glossy com m on birch pests.
leaves are 10" long and heart-shaped in the Those species that are noted for their
case of heartleaf bergenia (Bergenia cordi- predom inantly white bark develop this char­
folia ), oval in the case of leather bergenia acteristic slowly; do not be disturbed if the
(B. crassifolia ). T h e foliage takes on a dark young plant you have acquired is not white
burgundy color in fall; leaves are evergreen when you get it!
but often dam aged by cold weather. Space
plants 1 -l'/a ' apart in average, well-drained Problems
soil in a partially shaded spot. Leaves blister and turn brown. Cause:
Bergenias’ large, low leaves form a haven Birch leafminers. Perhaps the most serious
for slugs and snails. See “Leaves with large, and prevalent of all birch pests, birch leafminers
rag g ed h o le s" o n p ag e 177 fo r c o n tro l produce ‘A", white larvae that feed between
information. the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves.
Several generations occur each year; the first,
usually active in May, is m ost destructive.
Remove infested leaves. Repeated applications

Betula of insecticidal soap will kill the small, black,

sawflylike adults, reducing future populations.
Leaves yellow; branch tips dead or dying;
Birch. TVees. trunk with lumps under bark. Cause: Bronze
birch borers. T he adults are V A l", blunt­
headed, reddish gray beetles that feed on the
Birches are deciduous trees with simple foliage, and then lay their eggs in slits in the
leaves. They are popular as single o r multiple­ bark. T he eggs hatch into light-colored grubs
stem m ed specimen trees; attractive features that tunnel through the bark into the sapwood,
include their striking trunks, peeling bark, starting from the top of the tree and working
graceful branches, and m agnificent fall color. downward. By the time you see the symptoms,
M ost birches grow best in cool climates it is usually too late to save the tree. If the
and almost invariably perform better in the dam age is not yet severe, you could try prun­
northern portions of their range. Choose a ing out and destroying the infested parts. T he
site with light shade and moist but well-drained, best control for borers is planting trees in the
acidic soil. Transplant in spring as balled-and- right conditions and keeping them healthy
burlapped specimens. Don’t prune in winter and vigorous. Avoid planting European white
o r early spring, when trees can “bleed” sap; birch [B. pendula ), which is very susceptible
late sum m er is a better time. to this pest.
Birches are relatively short-lived, espe­ Leaves skeletonized. Causes: Canker-

worms; birch skeletonizers; Japanese beetles. the growth. They also produce copious quan­
Cankerworms are ‘/ A 1", yellow, green, or brown tities of honeydew, which attracts ants and
caterpillars that feed on the foliage of birches, encourages the growth of black-colored, sooty
often defoliating the tree. To avoid this problem, mold. Spray plants with a strong jet of w ater to
apply a band of a sticky substance, such as knock off the pests. For serious infestations,
Tanglefoot, around the base of the tree in apply insecticidal soap, o r pyrethrin spray as a
spring to keep females from climbing up the last resort.
tree and laying their eggs. Apply fresh coats in Branches die. Cause: Dieback. This fun­
Septem ber and February to trap both spring gal disease produces symptoms very similar to
and fall cankerworms. If their feeding becomes those caused by bronze birch borers, except
a problem , spray with BTK as soon as you for the lumpy bark. Trees weakened by drought,
notice them , and continue every 2 weeks until low fertility, or borers are most susceptible to
the pests are gone. infection. Prevent this problem by planting
Birch skeletonizers also feed on foliage, trees in the right spot and watering during
leaving brown leaves with visible leaf veins drought to keep them growing vigorously. If
behind. T hese yellowish green caterpil­ symptoms do occur, prune out and destroy or
lars d o the m ost dam age in July and August. dispose of infected branches.
In m ost cases this pest is a problem only every Leaves with powdery white coating.
few years, and the dam age happens so late Cause: Powdery mildew. See “Leaves with
in the season th at no control is necessary. pow dery w hite co atin g ” on page 237 for
If you want to protect young trees from seri­ controls.
ous dam age, apply BTK o r superior oil as Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots.
soon as you spot pests in midsummer. See “Leaves with spots” on page 237 for con­
Japanese beetles are foliage feeders, too. trol suggestions.
For inform ation on controlling them , see
“Leaves skeletonized” on page 236.
Plant defoliated. Cause: Gypsy moths.
See “Plant defoliated” on page 236 for control
Trunk or branch crotches with swollen,
cracked lesions. Cause: Canker. T his fungal Rubus spp. ( Rosaceae)
disease attacks at the forks of branches, caus­
ing swellings that crack open to expose the
wood. T h e callus tissue that forms may also Blackberries are perennials that bear fruit
be affected. T h e canker can eventually girdle on second-year canes. Some cultivars grow
and kill the branch o r tree. If the canker is erect and some bear long, trailing canes. Black­
small, cu t out the tissue involved; cut down berries are hardy in Zones 5-8.
and destroy seriously infected trees. Healthy Like other bramble fruits, blackberries
trees are less susceptible. need full sun and w ell-drained, m oisture-
Leaves tunneled. Cause: Leafminers. See retentive soil. Train plants to posts o r fences.
“Leaves tunneled” on page 237 for controls. Prune annually. Pull unwanted suckers. On
Leaves wilt or curl and pucker. Cause: erect blackberries pinch the tips of 3' canes to
Birch aphids. These small, pear-shaped insects force growth of lateral shoots. During the dor­
attack the foliage, weakening and distorting mant season, shorten all lateral shoots to about

1xt i. For both types of blackberry, cut away all disease. Controls are the same for both these
fruiting canes right after harvest. In winter fungal diseases. Keep plantings well-pruned
thin out canes leaving 3 o r 4 canes per clum p to prom ote good air circulation. Remove and
for erect types and 8-12 canes per clum p for destroy infected canes right after harvest. Early
trailing types. in the season, spray with lime-sulfur. Cultivars
B lack b e rries are self-p o llin ating and resistant to both diseases include ‘Black Satin’,
require no cross-pollination to set fruit. Black­ ‘Dirksen Thornless', and ‘G em ’.
berries belong to the same genus as raspber­ Leaf undersides with bright orange pus­
ries and are affected by similar insects and tules appearing in spring. Cause: Orange rust.
diseases. For more information on problems This incurable fungal disease infects the entire
and solutions, see the Raspberry entry begin­ plant and can t be controlled by spraying. Plants
ning on page 196. becom e weak and unfruitful. Diseased plants
never recover; infection spreads quickly to
Problems neighboring plants. Dig and destroy plants as
Flowers with reddish, twisted petals; no soon as you notice disease symptoms. Avoid
fruit set. Cause: D ouble blossom. Double sites near wild blackberries, which may carry
blossom, known as rosette, also causes plants the disease. Late in the season, a benign leaf
to throw out w itch’s broom s, dense masses of rust appears on some blackberries; disregard
deform ed twigs with pale leaves. To control it. T h e cultivars ‘C heyenne', ‘C om anche',
this fungal disease, remove infected canes as 'E ldorado', ‘Evergreen', and ‘Shaw nee' are
soon as you notice them . To help prevent the resistant to orange rust.
spread of the fungus, spray the whole planting Canes dying. Cause: Borers. For infor­
with copper 2 or 3 times at 10-day intervals. If m ation identifying and controlling borers,
the disease is ram pant, mow down the whole see ‘‘Canes dying, break off easily” and “Cane
planting and destroy the newly cut canes. Avoid tips wilted and dying” on page 199.
planting sites near wild bram bles, which may Canes turn yellow and die in midsummer.
carry the disease. Resistant cultivars include Cause: Verticillium wilt. This is a com m on
‘Flordagrand’ and ‘Humble’. soilborne fungal disease. Typically, leaves yel­
Fruit covered with light gray fuzz. Cause: low, wilt, and fall before the entire cane dies.
Fruit rot. Especially com m on during wet Avoid planting blackberries following other
weather, this fungal disease appears less fre­ Verticillium-susceptible crops, such as straw­
quently where plants have good air circula­ berries, potatoes, tom atoes, and eggplants.
tion and proper pruning. To control fruit rot, Soil solarization may prevent the disease.
harvest berries often. Also pick and discard Verticillium-resistant cultivars include ‘Ever­
infected fruit far away from plants. green*, ‘Logan*. ‘M arion’, and ‘O lallie’. See
Fruit tails to ripen or remains red and page 197 for an illustration of this disease on
sour. Cause: Redberry mites. Control these raspberries.
m icroscopic mites with lime-sulfur applied Canes with wartlike or corky swellings;
in early spring when new shoots are 1" long canes dying. Cause: Crown gall. Crown gall
and again when canes have about 1' of new bacteria live in the soil and enter plants through
growth. wounds. For inform ation and controls, see
Canes and leaves with purple spots. “Canes with wartlike o r corky swellings: canes
C auses: A nthracnose: leaf and cane spot dying" on page 199.
Bl.tEBERRY ■ 45

Blueberry blueberry maggot fly. This insect, closely related

to the apple maggot fly, deposits eggs just
under the skin of the fruit from late June to
Vaccinitim spp. (Ericaceae) August. Eggs hatch into fruit-devouring mag­
gots that later drop to the soil and pupate over
the winter. To reduce the num ber of maggots
Blueberries are deciduous shrubs rang­ that pupate in the soil through the next winter,
ing in height from 1 'fo r lowbush blueberries harvest frequently and destroy any infested
( Vaccinium angustifolium ) to 6' for highbush berries you find. A nother control is to trap
blueberries (V. corvmbosum) to over 30' for adult flies on sticky red spheres like the ones
rabbiteye blueberries ( V ashei). T he flowers used to trap apple maggot flies. Hang 1 trap
look like dainty white bells and appear in per highbush plant o r 1 per several lowbush
spring on shoots that grew the previous season. plants before the first berries turn blue. For
Blueberries are hardy in Zones 3-9, depend­ information on making these maggot fly traps,
ing on species and cultivar. see "Fruit dim pled; brown tunnels through
flesh” on page 22.
Culture Berries shriveled and webbed together with
B lueberries require full sun and well- silk. Causes: Cherry fruitworms; cranberry
drained. m oisture-retentive, acidic soil with a fruitworms. Berries will contain sawdustlike
pH of 4.0-5.0. Of the 3 species, highbush blue­ material and either a white caterpillar (cherry
berries are the most finicky about soil. Blue­ fruitworm) or a yellowish green caterpillar
berries generally grow well in soil enriched (cranberry fruitworm). These are the larvae
with acidic organic material, such as peat moss, of 2 different moth species that lay eggs on
com posted pine needles o r oak leaves, or com ­ berries in the spring. Larvae hatching from
post m ade from pine, oak, or hemlock bark. these eggs bore into berries near the stem end
Fertilize with acidic fertilizers, such as cotton­ and web berries together as they feed. You
seed meal o r soybean meal. Blueberries enjoy cannot spray anything to kill worms inside the
a thick, organic mulch. fruit. To reduce damage from these pests with­
M ost blueberries are not wholly self- out sprays, harvest berries frequently and
pollinating. Plant at least 2 different cultivars destroy infested fruit to prevent larvae from
near each other for adequate cross-pollination. m aturing. Regularly cleaning up dropped and
Prune plants each winter, beginning when dam aged berries will do as much as anything
bushes are about 4 years old. On highbush to keep fruitworms under control.
and rabbiteye plants, remove drooping o r very Berries drop early; mature berries turn
old branches and thin oui branches where gray, shriveled, and hard. Cause: Mummy
growth is too dense. Cut lowbush plants to the berry. This fungal disease overwinters on dried,
ground every third year for a harvest every 2 diseased berries called mummies and spreads
out of 3 years. most rapidly in cold, wet springs. Control
mummy berry by picking all mummies off the
Flower and Fruit Problems plant. In the spring cultivate around bushes to
Berries soft and mushy. Cause: Blueberry bury dropped mummies, or add mulch to cover
maggots. If you find 7#", white maggots inside the remaining fungal spores. Resistant culti­
berries, you've discovered the larvae of the vars include B luetta\ ‘Burlington’, ‘Collins'.

D arrow \ ‘Dixie’, ’Jersey*, and ‘Rubel’. with iron salts o r chelates for quick relief of
Blossoms covered with brown splotches symptoms. A long-term solution is to reduce
or brownish gray mold. Cause: Botrytis blight. the soil pH by mulching with an acidic material,
This fungal disease spreads most rapidly when such as pine needles.
cool, wet weather extends throughout the bloom Cane dieback. Causes: Blueberry cane
period. An effective control for Botrytis is to canker: Fusicoccum canker. Blueberry cane
carry a paper bag into the garden and care­ canker, most prevalent in the South, shows up
fully pick off and discard blighted blossoms as reddish, conical stem swellings. T he next
and foliage as soon as you find them. After year these swellings becom e blisterlike, light
working around infected plants, wash your gray, and then black and fissured. If this dis­
hands thoroughly before working with healthy ease is a problem in your area, plant rabbiteye
plants. Also space and prune plants to encour­ blueberries, which are not susceptible to cane
age good air circulation and rapid drying of canker. Or plant highbush cultivars resistant
plants after rain. Avoid wetting the foliage to cane canker, including ‘Atlantic* and ‘Jersey*.
when watering and avoid excess fertilization, Fusicoccum canker, a fungal disease more
which brings on lush growth and increased com m on in colder regions, begins as red stem
susceptibility to this blight. spots that enlarge and develop a bull’s-eye
Fruit disappears. Cause: Birds. These pattern. Resistant cultivars include ‘Berkeley*,
creatures love blueberries so much that unpro­ Blueray*, ‘B urlington, ‘Coville*. and ‘Rubel*.
tected bushes are often stripped clean of berries, O ther blights also cause cane dieback, and
even before they are fully ripe! T he only sure the best course for all such problems is to
protection is a net draped over the planting prune away diseased branches as soon as you
and held to the ground to prevent birds from spot them. To avoid spreading disease further
getting underneath. as you prune, sterilize pruning tools between
cuts in isopropyl alcohol or a 10 percent bleach
Leaf and Branch Problems solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water).
New leaves with black centers; growing Leaves skeletonized. Cause: Japanese
tips wilted. Cause: Mummy berry. This fun­ beetles. Beginning in early summer, these metal­
gal disease spreads most easily in cold, wet lic blue-green beetles with bronze wing covers
spring weather. For more information, see “Ber­ like to feed on plants in the sun. T he simplest
ries drop early: m ature berries turn gray, control is to check plants early in the morning
shriveled, and hard" on page 45. while beetles are sluggish and knock them off
Leaves or twigs covered with brownish leaves into jars of soapy water. Traps baited
gray mold. Cause: Botrytis blight. An effec­ with floral or fruit scents plus pherom ones
tive control for this fungal disease is to remove may be effective if placed at some distance
and discard blighted foliage as soon as you see from plants, but some gardeners find that a
it. For more inform ation, see "Blossoms cov­ trap placed in the middle of a planting attracts
ered with brown splotches or brownish gray more beetles than normal to the garden. If
mold" above. you use traps, be sure to place them well away
New leaves yellow with green veins. from the plantings you're trying to protect.
Cause: Iron deficiency. T he soil usually has Populations of this pest naturally decline
sufficient iron but is not acidic enough to by midsummer, but for very' heavy infestations,
make iron available to the plant. Spray leaves spray with neem. Milky disease spores, avail­

able com m ercially and applied to lawns to kill Problems

Japanese beetle grubs, may not work very well Heads small and uneven; stems hollow.
to control this pest. Not all the grubs in your Cause: Potassium deficiency. Prevent prob­
yard will becom e infected with the disease, lems by spraying plants with seaweed extract
and beetles that emerge from neighboring prop­ every 2 weeks. Check soil potassium with a soil
erties may fly to your plants. You can also buy test and am end as necessary.
parasitic nem atodes to apply to the soil for Heads with black or discolored centers.
control of Japanese beetle grubs. Causes: Fungal rot; cold injury. Broccoli heads
rot when w ater collects between the individ­
ual flower buds. Avoid wetting heads when
watering. Cold weather can also cause black
areas in the center of heads. Protect plants
with row cover when temperatures below 40°F

Broccoli are predicted.

Brassica oleracea
Botrytis group (Cruciferae)

Broccoli is a cool-season vegetable grown

for its crisp green heads of flower buds. Broc­
coli and cabbage require similar culture and Browallia, sapphire flower. Annuals.
are attacked by the same diseases and insects:
See the Cabbage entry beginning on page 52
for culture and information on problems. Browallias bear profuse quantities of pur­
Prevent problems by planting the follow­ ple o r blue, 1"-2" flowers. They grow in bush
ing improved cultivars: ‘G reen Dwarf #36’, form. 10"-18" high, o r will cascade over con­
‘E m p ero r, and ‘M ariner are black rot-toler­ tainer edges. They bloom in sum m er and into
ant; Premium Crop* is resistant to Fusarium fall. Browallias do well as bedding plants, hang­
yellows; ‘Citation’. ‘E m peror. ‘Esquire, ‘Green ing baskets, or houseplants.
Dwarf #36*, ‘Hi-Caliber’, and ‘M ariner’ are Browallias grow easily from seed. Sow
tolerant of downy mildew; and De Cicco' is indoors in M arch. Do not cover seed: they
tolerant of flea beetles. need light to germ inate. Seedlings appear in 2
In addition to the problems listed below, weeks. Pinch when 6" tall for bushier plants.
transplants exposed to cool tem peratures Transplant when night tem peratures remain
(35°-45°F) for 10 days or m ore may form tiny, consistently above 50°F; space 10" apart.
useless flower heads prematurely. High tem­ Browallias need partial shade and m od­
peratures can cause similar tiny head formation. erately rich soil. Keep the soil evenly moist.
Broccoli grows best at tem peratures between Fertilize lightly but regularly. Pests and dis­
45°-75°F Harvest heads when buds are still eases seldom bother browallias. W hiteflies
tight and dark green or dusky violet, except sometim es feed on plants; see “Leaves yellow;
for ‘Romanesco’. which should be yellow-green. plant weakened’’ on page 18.

Brussels Sprouts back to the roots over winter; where this does
not occur, cut plants back to near ground level
to prom ote healthy growth and flowering.
Brassica oleracea Buddleias thrive in rich, loamy soil in full
Gcmmifcra group (Cruciferae) sun. They are rem arkably free of insect and
disease problems. Japanese beetles have been
known to attack them , but rarely severely.
Brussels sprouts are a cool-season vege­ Handpicking or inoculating your lawn with
table grown for their small, cabbage-shaped milky disease spores will usually suffice;
buds. They are one of the hardiest mem bers stronger control m ethods can endanger the
of the cabbage family and can tolerate lower butterflies that these plants attract.
pH (5.5-6.8) than any of the other brassicas.
But, they are less tolerant of heat. In warmer
clim ates grow sprouts in soil with a high clay
content if you have a choice, and shade the
soil around roots. Harvest sprouts when they
are 1" in diam eter o r smaller and still tight.
Twist them off gently, starting at the base.
Brussels sprouts and cabbage require sim­
T he term bulb is used to describe a vari­
ilar culture and are attacked by the same dis­
ety of underground storage organs, including
eases and insects: See the Cabbage entry
corms, rhizom es, and tuberous roots. Some
beginning on page 52 for culture and informa­
are modified stems, while others are simply
tion on problems.
enlarged roots. Although structurally different,
In addition to problems outlined in the cab­
bulbs all store food for plant growth in subse­
bage entry, a com bination of cold injury and
quent seasons and spread (in the case of rhi­
viral disease can cause leaves with black specks.
zomes) or otherw ise multiply asexually to
Destroy infected plants. Caterpillars will bore
increase a plant’s population.
small holes into sprouts; see “Leaves with large,
W hether they are hardy corm s, such as
ragged holes” on page 56 for m ore details and
crocuses, that bloom year after year in the
controls. Plants deficient in potassium have
same spot, or tender rhizomes, such as cannas,
poorly developed sprouts: Spray with seaweed
that must be dug up and stored over winter,
extract at transplanting and repeat several times
bulbs generally enjoy similar growing envi­
to prevent problems. Check potassium levels
ronm ents and suffer similar problems. Pest
with a soil test, and am end as necessary.
and disease prevention is preferable to apply­
ing controls after trouble arises. T he follow­
ing bulb-buyer’s guidelines will help you avoid

Buddleia most bulb problems.

■ Buy only dorm ant bulbs that show little,
Butterfly bush. Shrubs. if any, root development and no topgrowth
other than a pale, fat bud. (Lilies, however, are
never com pletely dorm ant; their bulbs often
Butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii) is a decid­ have fleshy roots attached.)
uous shrub producing long spikes of bloom in ■ Purchase and plant bulbs at the right
midsummer. In severe clim ates it tends to die time. Reputable dealers sell bulbs in defined
Bl LBS ■ 49


healthy flesh

at base of bulb

Basal bulb rot

chew bulbs

shriveled bulb

Narcissus bulb fly

Healthy bulb Unhealthy bulbs

Choosing bulbs carefully is an important step toward a beautiful and

care-free flower garden. Select bulbs, such as the healthy daffodil
pictured, that seem heavy fo r their size and that are free o f cuts,
bruises, and discoloration. Be wan' o f lightweight or shriveled bulbs.

seasons: fall for spring-flowering bulbs (daf­ Growing healthy, trouble-free bulbs also
fodils, tulips), spring for summer-flowering bulbs depends on good cultural practices. Reshy
(lilies, glads), and sum m er for fall-flowering bulbs are prone to bacterial and fungal rot
species (some crocuses). o rg an ism s, m ost of w hich thrive in wet
■ Look for bulbs th at have their papery conditions. Prepare bulb planting beds well
skins—called tu n ics—intact. These contain and make sure the soil is well-drained. Handle
natural com pounds that inhibit disease and bulbs carefully when planting to avoid inju­
prem ature sprouting. ries that provide access to diseases. Remove
problem plants quickly to keep pests and dis­
■ Choose bulbs packaged in m aterials eases from spreading. Always let bulb foliage
that permit air to enter. Dam p bulbs in plastic die back naturally to allow food production
bags often rot. for growth and flowering in subsequent years.
■ Select bulbs that are firm with few wrin­ M ark sites where bulbs are planted so you can
kles and no soft spots. Healthy bulbs seem find them after foliage has faded. Clean up
somewhat heavier than their size suggests. flower beds in fall to remove plant debris that
Avoid unusually lightweight bulbs and those offers shelter to many pests and diseases.
with cuts, dark o r water-soaked spots, o r dis­ Healthy bulbs and good culture go a long
colored o r scabby areas. way toward successful plantings. A few pests

Copyrighted material

and diseases, however, are prevalent among of soapy w ater o r a 5 percent solution of
bulbous plants; controls for these problems isopropyl alcohol. Wear gloves if your pests
do not vary significantly among species. are blister beetles: contact with crushed bee­
tles causes burns and blisters on skin. Shake
Problems infested plants in early m orning to knock bee­
Leaves yellow or distorted; bulbs decayed. tles onto a dropcloth, then scoop them up and
Cause: Bulb mites. These '/jo'-Vfc", whitish destroy. Pherom one traps are available for
mites feed in groups on bulbs. Infested bulbs Japanese beetles, but they are most helpful if
have corky, brown spots that become powdery. you can convince your neighbors to use them ,
Bulb mites are attracted to dam aged or rot­ too; otherw ise, your traps may just attract
ting bulbs, but can move to healthy ones, beetles from their yard into yours. Apply milky
carrying rot-producing fungi and bacteria as disease spores to your lawn for long-term lar­
they travel. W hen buying bulbs, inspect them val control. Apply parasitic nem atodes to soil
carefully for dam age or signs of infestation; to limit all beetle grub populations. As a last
for more inform ation, see the illustration on resort, spray affected plants with neem or
page 49. Dip bulbs in hot ( 120°F) w ater for a pyrethrin.
few m inutes to kill mites. Dig and destroy Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause:
severely infested bulbs; solarize the soil before Slugs and snails. Differing only in the pres­
planting in previously infested ground. ence or absence of a shell, slugs and snails
Leaves and/or flowers with holes. Causes: range in size from %" to 8" and may be gray,
Japanese beetles: other leaf-eating beetles. A tan, green, black, yellow, o r spotted. Broad
num ber of hungry beetles, including 'A" long foliage, arising at or near the soil surface,
black blister beetles, •/«" long spotted cucum ­ makes many flowering bulbs appealing to these
ber beetles. ’A" long, reddish brown rose cha­ busy mollusks. Mulch provides shady hiding
fers, and nocturnal, Vj " long, gray Fuller rose places from which they emerge to feed noc-
beetles feed on the leaves and som etim es the tumally. All species rasp large holes in leaves,
blossoms of flowering bulbs. Iridescent green- stems, and bulbs; slimy trails of m ucus also
and-bronze, Vi” Japanese beetles top this list signal their presence.
of troublesom e pests; the adults devour the Since slugs and snails travel over the ground
leaves, stalks, and flowers of nearly 300 plant on a flat, m uscular foot, you can impede their
species, while the V«M, C-shaped grub larvae progress with barriers of m aterials that irritate
feed on roots and are a major pest of turf their soft bodies. Sprinkle bands of coarse,
grasses. dry, scratchy m aterials such as cinders, wood
Injury caused by adult beetles ranges from ashes, cedar sawdust, and diatom aceous earth
sm a ll h o le s in le a v e s to s k e le to n iz e d fo lia g e to around plants or beds: renew frequently. Push
com plete defoliation; feeding by weevils, such 4"-8" copper strips into the soil around beds
as long-nosed Fuller rose beetles, resembles as edging. Lay boards, cabbage leaves, o r over­
“ticket punches” around leaf margins. Japan­ turned clay p o ts—anything that offers a cool,
ese and spotted cucum ber beetles are fond of dam p daytim e haven —around the garden;
flowers and often do most of their damage destroy pests that congregate underneath. Hand-
there. Most beetles are active during the day pick slugs and snails from plants at night:
and are large enough to be readily visible drop them into soapy w ater o r sprinkle them
while they feed. Weevils more often prefer with table salt to dehydrate and kill them . Set
nighttim e feeding. shallow pans into the soil, placing the lip flush
H andpick adult beetles into a bucket with the soil surface and fill with stale beer or
BUXUS ■ 51

any ferm enting liquid; remove drowned pests

daily. E ncourage predatory ground beetles
by m aintaining clover, sod, o r stone walk­
ways. Boxwood. Shrubs.
Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky;
clusters of small insects. C ause: Aphids. Sev­
eral species of pear-shaped, Vm'-'A " aphids Boxwoods are evergreen shrubs with
attack flowering bulbs. Aphids can be green, glossy, opposite leaves. They are widely used
pink, black, gray, o r with a white fluffy coating for hedges.
and have long antennae and 2 short tubes Boxwoods prefer a site partially sheltered
projecting from the rear of their abdom ens. from winter winds. They will flourish in a
T hese pests gather under leaves and on grow­ range of conditions, from full sun to deep
ing tips. Some, such as tulip bulb aphids, also shade, and can adapt to almost any soil (with
infest bulbs, clustering beneath the tunic. the exception of poorly drained sites o r heavy
Aphids suck plant sap, causing leaf and bud clays). Set out as balled-and-burlapped o r
distortion and blossom and leaf drop. T heir container-grown plants in spring. Set out plants
feeding may spread viral diseases. As they no deeper than they grew in the nursery. A thick
feed, they excrete sticky honeydew on which layer of mulch will help keep roots cool and
sooty molds grow; see “Leaves with black coat­ retain moisture. Clean up all fallen leaves and
ing" below for more information. remove debris from branch crotches in autumn.
Wash aphids from plants with a strong
spray of water; repeat as needed to control Problems
infestations. Encourage natural predators and Leaves blistered and browned. Cause;
parasites such as aphid midges, assassin bugs, Boxwood leafminers. T he ’A", orange larvae
lacewings, lady beetles, and spiders. If water tunnel and feed within leaves. After they feed,
sprays fail, apply hom em ade garlic o r tomato- the maggots change to the adult form and
leaf sprays, o r try sprays of alcohol, citrus oil, emerge as •/«", orange, mosquito-like flies. Use
insecticidal soap, o r neem. Use boric acid yellow sticky traps to m onitor the em ergence
baits to control ants that herd aphids onto of adults. When they begin to appear (usually
plants. As a last resort, spray or dust aphids late April and early May), spray plants with
with pyrethrin. superior oil.
Leaves with black coating. C ause: Sooty Leaves curled and cupped around stem
mold. T his fungus grows on the sugary, sticky tips. Cause: Boxwood psyllids. T he eggs and
honeydew produced by aphids and other suck­ larvae of this tiny green insect overwinter on
ing pests such as scales, whiteflies, and mealy­ buds and infest new leaves in spring. Spray
bugs. T he black fungal coating doesn’t harm plants with insecticidal soap, o r pyrethrin for
leaves directly, but it does shade the leaves serious infestations, at the first sign of damage.
and reduce growth. T h e best control is to deal Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed.
with the pests that are producing the honey­ Cause: Spider mites. See “ Leaves stippled
dew. Identify the pest and apply the appropri­ with yellow; foliage w ebbed’’ on page 236 for
ate control. (If the plant itself doesn’t show controls.
signs of pest dam age, the honeydew may be Leaves brown; twigs die back. Cause:
dripping down from an overhanging plant.) On W inter damage. Cold, dry winter winds can
small plants, wipe the leaves with a dam p cloth seriously injure tender growth. Avoid damage
to remove the honeydew and the sooty mold. by spraying leaves with an antidesiccant in

fall, or provide shelter for plants with burlap Leaves yellow, sparse, distorted, or with
windbreaks. Mulch heavily in fall, and water brown edges; branches die; growth stunted.
well before the ground freezes. Fertilize plants Cause: Decline. For more inform ation, see
in early spring only; sum m er feeding promotes “Leaves yellow, sparse, distorted, o r with brown
easily dam aged, late-season growth. Prune out edges; branches die; growth stunted" on page
affected parts. 238.
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered Whole plant stunted and lacking vigor.
with small bumps. C ause: Scales. See “Leaves Cause: Nematodes. See “W hole plant stunted
yellow; stem s and leaves covered with small and lacking vigor" on page 239 for controls.
bu m p s' on page 237 for control suggestions.

more clay. Plants grow best at tem peratures

Cabbage between 40° and 75°F

Cabbages are biennial, and transplants
exposed to cool tem peratures (35°-45°F) for
Brassica oleracea 10 or more days may bolt o r go to flower
Capitata group (Cruciferae) prematurely. High tem peratures also cause
These plants have very shallow roots, so
Cabbage is a cool-season vegetable grown be sure to keep the top few inches of soil from
for its c r isp , d e n se lea f h ea d s. T h er e are green drying out. Fluctuations in soil m oisture after
and purple cultivars and ones with savoyed, or the heads have formed may cause them to
crinkled, leaves. split. M ulching helps to balance and conserve
moisture. Most cabbage diseases need free
Culture water to spread, so don't w ater with overhead
Plant cabbages in full sun in a site with sprinklers.
fertile, well-drained soil and a pH between 6.0 To avoid problem s, don’t plant cabbages
and 6.8. If you have a choice of sites, spring where members of the cabbage family (broccoli,
plantings do best in lighter, sandier soils, while cauliflower, brussels sprouts, o r kale) have
fall plantings do better in soils that contain grown for at least 3 years. Also, avoid areas

Copyrighted ma

CABBAGE ♦ and Why ^

Leaves with pale spots, white growth
on undersides. Cause: Downy mildew.
Heads have dark patches on leaves
* ty- that turn tan and papery.
* - i

L eav es w ith
Larva ... yellow. V-
sh a p e d spots
'/-J on m arg in s.
Cause: Black
rot. Leaves
- d.c. drop.
S jL e a v e s w ith ^ ... black
Larva HP la rg e , ra g g e d / r" streaks
n o le s. Cause: in stems.
Cabbage loopers. i
Green larvae, adults >
f r 'M-jOSk . a re g ra y m o th s.
* wingspan
9 m \ <
i A W i
.L eaves w ith brow n 7
' *r/ j
L eaves yellow : j V hI
> * £

.-to g ray s p o ts ; s te m Dark stem tissue

h a s su n k e n a re a s. p la n ts s tu n te d :
Leave* f ' ^Cause: Black leg. s te m s tw iste d .
w ith la rg e , r ^ S u n ke n areas m ay ( J Cause: Fusarium
ra g g e d h o le s. N . ■ .girdle stems. | yellows. Leaves ‘ V' ?
' ■- V \ f j i
Cause: Imported f. drop starting at
cabbageworms. Larvae a r e * * * the. bottom
slow m o\ ing green caterpillars:
adults are white
butterflies. 8 'S iS

iv es yellow ; Adult
p la n ts s tu n te d ;
W p la n ts w ilt on Leaves riddled with
''b rig h t, hot days. small holes. Cause: Striped flea
'Cause: Cabbage maggots. beetles. Small, shiny, black beetles
** Roots of infested plants are riddled hop actively when disturbed.
with slimy, winding tunnels.


with cabbage family weeds, such as wild mus­ nem atodes. Destroy severely infested plants.
tard. Destroy all crop residues, including roots, Reduce the num ber of nem atodes in the soil
after harvest. by solarizing soil, keeping area clear of crops
If you start your own plants, soak the and weeds for a summer, o r by planting a winter
seed in 122°F water for 25 minutes before cover crop of wheat. Applying parasitic nem ­
planting to elim inate seed-borne diseases. (Be atodes or chitin to the soil can also help con­
aware that this treatm ent can dam age seed trol pest nem atodes.
viability: for com plete instructions, see page Cabbage roots riddled with slimy, wind­
422.) Once your seeds have germ inated, grow ing tunnels are infested with cabbage maggots.
seedlings at 60°F to keep them short and stocky. Larvae are white, '/»" maggots that feed on
Cabbages are heavy feeders and are sus­ roots and transmit bacterial and fungal diseases.
ceptible to several nutrient deficiencies, includ­ Adults look somewhat like houseflies and lay
ing boron, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. eggs on the soil near the base of the plant. See
page 53 for an illustration of this pest. Remove
Problems and destroy infested plants. Frequent, light
Stems of transplants shrunken and dark cultivation when plants are young helps to d e­
near soil line. Cause: Wirestem. Weak plants crease larval populations. Or plant each trans­
may wilt and die as the disease progresses; plant through an X-shaped slit in the center of
seedlings that survive yield poorly. Later in a 6"-8" square of tar paper to prevent the
the season, the same fungal disease rots the adults from laying eggs near the stems. Solar­
head from the bottom up. Spray plants with izing the soil will help reduce maggot popula­
copper before symptoms develop if you have tions in problem areas.
had problems in the past. Leaves yellow; plant stunted; stem s
Leaves of transplants purple. Cause: Phos­ twisted. Cause: Fusarium yellows. Leaves of
phorus deficiency. Phosphorus is not readily afflicted plants drop off starting at the bottom
available in cool spring soils. Spray plants and working up, often leaving a bare stem.
with seaweed extract to correct. Cut stems reveal darkened vascular tissue in
Leaves yellow; plant stunted. Cause: afflicted areas. This fungal disease usually
Nitrogen deficiency. W hen this deficiency de­ occurs soon after transplanting. See page 53 for
velops, older leaves turn yellow first. Spray an illustration of this disease. Destroy infected
plants and drench roots with fish emulsion plants. Use at least a 5-year rotation to pre­
to correct. vent problems or plant resistant cultivars such
Leaves yellow; plant stunted; plant wilts as ‘Applause’, Bravo’, ‘Early Jersey Wakefield’,
on bright, hot days. Causes: Club root; root ‘G ourm et’, ‘G rand Slam Hybrid’, ‘G reen Cup’,
knot nem atodes; cabbage maggots. If you sus­ M arket Prize’, ‘M arket V icto r, Ranger’, ‘Red
pect any of these pests, pull up a plant and Danish’, and ‘Stonehead’.
exam ine the roots. Roots that are enlarged Leaves curled and yellow; plant stunted.
and clublike indicate club root, a fungal dis­ Cause: Aphids. Look for small, green, pink,
ease: remove and destroy diseased plants. Pre­ gray, black, or white fluffy-coated, soft-bodied
vent problems by rotating crops and improving insects feeding on plants. Aphids can also
drainage. Add lime to raise the pH to 7.2 or transmit viral diseases. Control by knocking
above. Cabbage can tolerate this pH. but club the pests off the plant with a blast of water, or
root fungi are less active. use an insecticidal soap spray. Severe infesta­
Cabbage roots covered with irregularly tions can be controlled by spraying with neem
sh ap ed galls are infested w ith root knot or pyrethrin.

Leaves with yellow, V-shaped spots on Leaves with brown to gray spots; stem has
margins. Cause: Black rot. As this bacterial sunken areas. Cause: Black leg. Leaf spots
disease progresses, yellow areas on the leaves are speckled with tiny black dots. As the sunken
enlarge and veins turn black. Infected leaves areas on stem enlarge, they may girdle the
die and drop off. Stems have internal black plant and cause it to wilt and die. Dead leaves
streaks. Heads are dwarfed and often 1-sided. remain attached to the plant. See page 53 for an
See page 53 for an illustration of this disease. illustration of this disease. Spray plants, espe­
Destroy infected plants. Spray copper if weather cially the stems, with copper at the first sign of
is wet and if you have had problems in the this fungal disease. W hen spraying stems, try
past. Resistant cultivars include ‘A & C #5'. to avoid spraying copper on the soil, because
‘Blue Boy', ‘Bravo’, ‘Fortuna', ‘G rand Slam it is toxic to many soil organisms, including
Hybrid', and ‘G uardian’. earthworms. Prevent black leg by using a 4-year
Leaves with yellow-brown, concentrically rotation and improving soil drainage.
ringed spots. Cause: A lternaria blight. This Leaves with brown tips. Causes: Exces­
fungal disease attacks lower leaves first. Spots sive heat: calcium deficiency. Browning of
merge and leaves die as the disease progresses. the tips of outer leaves is caused by extrem e
Plants eventually die. Spray plants with cop­ heat. Cabbage is sensitive to bright sun and
per at the first sign of symptoms. Plant toler­ tem peratures above 80°F Plant cultivars that
ant cultivars such as Hybrid H' to prevent resist tipburn such as ‘Hancock Hybrid’ and
problems. ‘M ultikeeper’.
Leaves with white and yellow blotches. Brown leaf tips inside the head are caused
Cause: Harlequin bugs. Leaves turn brown, by calcium deficiency. Many factors contrib­
wilt, and die in severe infestations. Look for ute to p o o r calcium u p tak e. To prevent
flat, '/ 2 ,r long, shield-shaped stink bugs w'ith problems, keep soil moisture constant and
red and black, spotted markings. Nymphs look side-dress plants with com post to provide bal­
like adults but are smaller and more round. anced nutrition.
Handpick to control mild infestations, or spray Leaves cracked and corky; stem water-
with pyrethrin. Destroy crop residues after soaked or hollow inside the head. Cause: Boron
harvest to elim inate pests. deficiency. Plants in the cabbage family need
Leaves with pale spots, white growth on lots of boron. Spray plants with seaweed extract
undersides. Cause: Downy mildew. Infected when transplanting and repeat several times
heads have dark patches on leaves. As the until head formation to help prevent problems.
disease progresses, infected areas enlarge and Raise the boron level of the soil by adding 1
turn tan and papery. See page 53 for an illustra­ tablespoon of borax dissolved in 1 gallon water,
tion of this fungal disease. Control by spraying or 10 pounds of kelp, per 100 square feet.
plants with a baking-soda-and-soap spray (1 Leaves riddled with small holes. Cause:
teaspoon baking soda. 1 teaspoon liquid dish Striped flea beetles. These small, shiny, black
soap, 1 quart water) or copper. T h e cultivar beetles hop when disturbed. They can trans­
‘Hybrid H* is tolerant of downy mildew. mit viral and bacterial diseases. See page 53 for
Leaves with white-bronze spots. Cause: an illustration of this pest. Protect young plants
Thrips. Severe infestations cause leaves to wilt. with row' cover until they have at least 6 leaves.
T hese tiny insects look like grains of pepper. ‘Early Jersey Wakefield’ tolerates beetle dam ­
Trap with sticky blue traps o r spray insectici­ age better than most cultivars.
dal soap, making sure to cover undersides of [.eaves with large, ragged holes. Cause:
leaves where thrips feed. Caterpillars. Look for dark green excrem ent

at the base of leaves o r plant. Im ported cab-

bageworm is a velvety green, slow-moving cat­
erpillar up to 1'A" long. Adults are small white
butterflies. Cabbage loopers are light green, Calendula, pot marigold. Annuals.
1‘/a" long caterpillars with a white stripe along
each side. They travel with a characteristic
"looping" movement, like an inchworm. Adults C alendulas are herbs that have l"-3",
are gray moths. See page 53 for an illustration orange o r yellow flowers, giving bouquets of
of these 2 pests. D iam ondback m oth caterpil­ color for borders and indoor use. Plants grow
lars are pale green with light brown heads, Vi*" 1 -3' high with a bushy habit. Calendulas blend
long, pointed at both ends, and covered with well into bedding schem es, herb gardens, and
fine black hairs. Adults are slender, Vj " long containers.
moths. Sow seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before trans­
Apply a BTK spray as soon as active planting outdoors into warm spring soil. Direct-
caterpillars o r feeding are observed; rem em ­ seed in early sum m er for color in late summ er
ber to look inside heads for early signs of o r fall. Plant seeds '/»" deep; they need dark­
feeding. Fherom one traps are available for ness to germ inate. They should sprout in 1
male cabbage looper moths; spray with BTK week. Thin seedlings to T.
1-2 weeks after the first moths are caught in For earliest color, transplant or seed in
the traps. Help reduce problems by planting full sun. In hot climates plants appreciate some
cultivars, such as Danish Ballhead*, ‘Early afternoon shade. While calendulas tolerate
Jersey Wakefield’, and ‘Red Ace’, that are less poor soil, they prefer average soil and must
susceptible to cabbage looper and imported have good drainage. W ater regularly, keeping
cabbageworm feeding. soil slightly moist. W hen first buds appear,
These caterpillars are all parasitized by pinch back the main stem to prom ote maxi­
wasps, and other beneficials feed on both eggs mum flowering. In adverse conditions, such
and larvae. A native virus may also kill cater­ as excess heat, calendulas may still flower,
pillars later in the season. Infected caterpil­ but stems will be shorter.
lars move slowly, becom e yellow, and die. Let
nature work for you and avoid handpicking or Problems
spraying if caterpillars are infected o r covered Leaves, steins, and buds distorted. Cause:
with the small, white, spindle-shaped eggs of Aphids. For controls, see “Leaves, stems, and
parasitic wasps. buds distorted" on page 20.
Heads small and soft; color poor in red Leaves with large, ragged holes. Causes:
cabbage. Cause: Potassium deficiency. Check Imported cabbageworms; slugs and snails. Cab-
with a soil test and am end as needed. bageworms are green caterpillars with a yel­
Heads split. Cause: Excessive water. Keep low back stripe and yellow side spots. Handpick
soil constantly moist, but not saturated, espe­ cabbageworms or spray leaves with BTK when
cially when heads are forming. pests first appear.
Heads rot. Cause: Fungal diseases. A Slugs and snails cause similar dam age,
variety of fungi cause cabbage heads to rot. and leave behind slimy trails of mucus. For
Destroy rotted plants. Spray plants with cop­ controls, see “Leaves with large, ragged holes"
per before symptoms develop if you have had on page 18.
problems in the past. Leaves greenish yellow; growth poor.

Cause: A ster yellows. For more inform ation, growth makes the plant susceptible to dis­
see “Leaves greenish yellow: growth poor” on ease. Remove old flowers. Tall cultivars may
page 19. need staking to support heavy flowers on the
slim stems.

Callistephus Leaves greenish yellow; growth poor.
Cause: Aster yellows. For more inform ation,
see “Leaves greenish yellow; growth poor” on
China aster. Annuals. page 19.
Lower leaves yellow, wilt, and die. Cause:
Fusarium wilt. O ther symptoms of this com ­
Not true asters, China asters provide showy, mon fungal disease include yellowing and wilt­
single o r double, daisylike blossoms from mid­ ing of I side of plant only; drooping flower
summer until autumn with successive plantings. heads; stunted mature plants; dark brown areas
There are early, mid-season, and late-flowering on stems; and partial o r total root decay. Once
cultivars. A range of color choices is available, introduced on diseased plants or transm itted
including blue, purple, pink, red, rose, yellow, by wind, water, or handling, Fusarium wilt
or white. Individual flowers can reach 5" wide; lives on indefinitely in soil. T here is no cure.
petal types are quilled, spooned, or curled. Remove infected plants and dispose of them
Plant size varies from 9" to 24" high, with a in sealed containers in household trash. Never
possible IV2 ' spread. Low-growing cultivars plant China asters in the same location 2 years
make good edging plants. Taller cultivars are in a row. W ilt-resistant cultivars are available,
popular for long-lasting cut flowers. Plants but they are not com pletely immune.
will not rebloom once flowers have been cut. Leaves, stems, and buds distorted. Cause:
Direct-sow outdoors a week or two after Aphids. For control measures, see “Leaves,
the last frost, barely covering the seed. Seeds stems, and buds distorted” on page 20.
germinate within 2 weeks. Or, for earlier flowers,
sow seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last
frost. Move seedlings to individual 3" pots
when the first true leaves appear. Move plants
outdoors when nights are consistently above
50°E H andle carefully during transplanting
to avoid damaging the roots. Space 6"-15" Camellia. Shrubs and small trees.
apart. Each plant bloom s for about 4 weeks.
Successive plantings 2 weeks apart are the key
to a long display season. Camellias are evergreen shrubs o r small
China asters tolerate light shade only. They trees that bear spectacular flowers. They are
thrive in fertile, moist but well-drained soil in popular as foundation plants or hedges in areas
full sun. China asters are shallow-rooted, so where they are hardy. In cold clim ates grow
cover soil with a 1" mulch to retain soil mois­ these plants in a cool greenhouse.
ture and keep roots cool. Pinch growing tips Camellias require a moist, peaty, acidic
to prom ote bushiness. W ater regularly so soil soil well-enriched with organic matter. Set out
stays slightly moist. Uneven care th at slows as bare-root plants in partial shade. A thick

layer of mulch will protect the shallow roots to 2 - 3 ' tall, peach-leaved bellflow ers (C.
and help retain soil moisture. persicifolia).
M ountain natives, bellflowers prefer full
Problems sun to light shade; well-drained, organic soil;
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered and regular watering. Serbian bellflower. C.
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See “Leaves poseharskyana. tolerates drought, but most
yellow; stems and leaves covered with small oth er bellflowers do not. A layer of mulch
bumps" on page 237 for control suggestions. helps keep the root zone cool and holds in
Flowers turn brown and fall off. Cause: moisture during hot sum m er w eather: a win­
Flower blight. This soilborne fungus causes ter mulch protects roots from heaving. Divide
small brown spots that expand to cover entire plants in spring every 3-4 years.
petals. Prevent problems by setting out only
bare-root plants and picking off all bloom s as Problems
they fade. If the disease does strike, remove Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky;
and destroy all the flowers. Use a preventive clusters of small insects. Cause: Aphids. See
spray of bordeaux mix in the spring. Surround “Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky;
plants with a 3 ” layer of mulch to keep spores clusters of small insects" on page 177 for
from splashing up from the soil to the flowers. controls.
Leaves with notched edges. Cause: Fuller Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause:
rose beetles. T he adult is a */»", grayish brown Slugs and snails. For controls, see “Leaves
beetle with a cream -colored stripe on each with large, ragged holes" on page 177.
side of its body. It feeds at night on foliage. Leaves and flowers distorted and with brown
T he yellowish, brown-headed larvae feed on spots. Cause: Thrips. T he same thrips that
plant roots. H andpick adults as they hide in feed on onions feed on bellflowers. Damage
foliage during the day. Place sticky barriers, to young plants is most severe. W ater stress
such as Tanglefoot, around the base of plants encourages thrips multiplication and damage.
to keep adults from climbing up to the leaves. T hese '/ s o " - 1/ * * " , yellow, brown, or black pests
D rench soil around the plant with a solution are difficult to see with the naked eye, but the
of parasitic nem atodes to control larvae. streaking, spotting, and distortion caused by a
heavy thrips infestation is distinctive. Protect
plants from thrips dam age with predatory
mites and blue o r yellow sticky traps: in severe

Campanula cases apply sprays of alcohol, insecticidal soap,

neem , o r pyrethrin, or dust the undersides of
leaves and the surrounding soil with diatom a-
Bellflower, harebell. Perennials. ceous earth.
Leaves yellow and wilting; stems black­
ened at base; plant topples over. Cause: Stem,
The profuse dainty, blue, purple, o r white, root, and crown rots. These problems are com ­
bell-shaped flowers of Campanula spp. brighten mon when bellflowers are kept overly wet or
gardens from spring through summer. This are grown in poorly drained soil. T he base of
large genus includes annual, biennial, and an infected plant may show grayish white mold:
perennial species that range in size from low- dark lesions blacken the stem from the soil
growing C arpathian harebells (C. carpatica) up. eventually girdling the plant. Remove and

destroy infected plants and surrounding soil. with holes’*on page 50 for controls.
Let soil dry somewhat between waterings, and Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause:
incorporate organic m atter to improve soil Slugs and snails. For control inform ation, see
drainage. Avoid overwatering and overcrowd­ “Leaves with large, ragged holes" on page 50.
ing; keep winter mulch away from the crowns Leaves rolled. Cause: Leafrollers. These
to prevent excess moisture. Protect crowns pests roll leaves into tubes and fasten them
from injury, especially when plants are dor­ with webbing while feeding. H andpick and
m ant and hard to see. Wash tools after work­ destroy rolled leaves: encourage parasitic Trich-
ing around infected plants. ogramma wasps. Sprays of BTK are most effec­
tive when pests are young.

Canna. Rhizomes. Cantaloupe
Cucumis rnelo
C annas large, paddle-shaped leaves and Reticulatus group (Cucurbitaceae)
brighdy colored red, yellow, orange, pink, white,
o r variegated flowers add a tropical look to
sum m er and fall gardens. These heat-loving Cantaloupe is a name comm only used
hybrids (Canna X generalis) grow 1VV-8' tall for muskmelons in the United States. See the
with a spread of about 3'. M elon entry beginning on page 148 for cul­
In Zones 8-10 cannas will survive winter ture and pest inform ation. Harvest when fruit
tem peratures, but in northern zones, the rhi­ smells ripe and the stem separates easily from
zomes are overwintered indoors. In either case, the vine.
plant rhizomes 3"-5" deep and 1' apart in
average, moist but well-drained soil in full
sun. Both shade and excess nitrogen fertilizer
can reduce bloom. In cold winter areas, start
rhizomes indoors in pots as early as February.
Move outdoors in spring. If necessary, divide
roots a t spring planting time. Use a sharp Hornbeam. Trees.
knife, and leave at least 1 good-size bud on an
ample piece of rhizome. Let divisions dry over­
night before planting. To overwinter, carefully H ornbeam s are bushy, slow -grow ing,
dig up the rhizomes in fall after frost blackens alternate-leaved trees. They are occasionally
the leaves. Allow them to dry for a few days, used as specimen trees, but difficulty in trans­
then store them in containers of barely moist planting limits their use.
sand o r perlite in a cool place. Set out balled-and-burlapped plants in
early spring. H ornbeam s are excellent urban
Problems trees and, while preferring full sun, will grow
Leaves and/or flowers with holes. Cause: satisfactorily in partial shade. They are widely
Japanese beetles. See “Leaves a n d /o r flowers tolerant of various soil types.


H o rn b e a m s are re m a rk a b ly free of Carrots require m oderate to high levels

problem s. M aple p h e n aco ccu s scale may of potassium and phosphorus, but only m od­
detract from the appearance of the plant, coat­ erate levels of nitrogen, so avoid high-nitrogen
ing the undersides of leaves with fluffy white fertilizers. Carrots are very sensitive to salt
egg masses. See "Leaves yellow; whole plant injury and do poorly in soils with high so­
weakened" on page 13. Leafminers may also dium levels.
attack; see “Leaves tunneled" on page 237.
Leaf Problems
Young leaves yellow and dwarfed; growth
bushy. Cause: Aster yellows. O lder leaves of

Carrot plants infected with this disease may be purplish.

Once a plant is infected, there is no cure;
destroy infected plants. T he disease is spread
Dauciis carota var. sativus (Umbelliferae) by green or brown, wedge-shaped ‘/ ' - V " long
io s

leafhoppers. Cover emerging seedlings with

row cover if leafhoppers have been a problem.
Carrots are a biennial vegetable grown Control leafhoppers by spraying plants with
for their crisp, sweet roots. They are a cool- insecticidal soap in the evening, or for severe
season crop, hardy enough to be undisturbed infestations, with a com m ercial neem o r pyre­
by light frosts in the spring and fall. thrin spray.
L eaves yellow and curled or d istorted .
Culture Causes: Aphids: tarnished plant bugs. Aphids
Carrots grow best in deeply worked, loose are small, soft-bodied, green, black, gray, pink,
soils with a pH between 5.5 and 6.8. No other o r white fluffy-coated insects that suck plant
vegetable is as sensitive to poor soil structure. sap. For a mild infestation, knock pests off
M isshapen carrots are more often a result of plants with a blast of water. Control them by
lumpy or com pacted soil than any pest prob­ spraying plants with insecticidal soap or with
lem. C arrots do well in raised beds. Work in a a com m ercial neem or pyrethrin spray if infes­
generous am ount of com post or well-rotted tation is severe.
m anure before planting. Cultivars with short Tarnished plant bugs are oval, light green
roots will tolerate shallow or poor soil better to brown. '/*" long bugs with a lighter triangle
than long, thin cultivars. on each wing. Nymphs are smaller, yellow-
Carrots grow best when tem peratures are green insects with black spots. Control them
between 60° and 70°E They grow poorly above with white sticky traps or by spraying o r dust­
75°F but will tolerate tem peratures as low as ing plants with pyrethrin in the evening. Turn
45°E Most cultivars grow short roots at high crop residues under after harvest to reduce
tem peratures, and longer, more pointed roots future problems.
at lower tem peratures. Leaves yellow; plant wilts during bright,
A bundant w ater is necessary for good hot days but recovers at night. Cause: Root
root developm ent. It is especially im portant knot nematodes. See “Roots misshapen and
to give emerging seedlings an edge against covered with num erous hairlike roots" below
weeds. Keep soil evenly moist, but not saturated. for controls.
To prevent problems with diseases and O ld e r le a v e s y e llo w ; p la n t s tu n te d .
insects, do not plant carrots where carrots or Causes: Nitrogen deficiency; waterlogged soil.
parsley has grown for 3 years. Spray foliage and drench roots with fish em ul­

sion o r fish-meal tea to alleviate symptoms. Carrot weevils usually attack the upper and
Plant carrots in well-drained soil. Keep soil outer parts of the root. Tunnels are often in a
evenly moist, but not saturated. zigzag pattern. Larvae are creamy white. ‘A"
Leaves with dark, yellow-bordered spots. long grubs with brown heads. Adults are cop­
Causes: Cercospora leaf blight: A ltem aria leaf pery brown, %" long snout beetles. Destroy
blight; bacterial leaf blight. For the fungal infested roots; don't put them in the com post.
blights, pick off spotted leaves and spray foliage Control larvae by applying parasitic nem a­
with fish emulsion to encourage new growth. todes to the soil. Control adults, which emerge
If disease continues to spread, spray foliage early in the spring to lay eggs, by covering the
with sulfur. To prevent problem s, soak seed in seedbed with row cover o r by spraying or
122°F w ater for 20 m inutes before planting. dusting plants with pyrethrin as soon as you
(Be aware that this treatm ent can damage see adult weevils.
seed viability; for com plete instructions, see C arrot rust fly maggots feed throughout
page 422.) Plant cultivars. such as ‘H uron, the root, leaving randomly patterned tunnels
‘O rlando Gold Hybrid*, and ‘Seminole’, that filled with a rust-colored, sawdustlike material.
are somewhat resistant to Alternaria. Larvae are ‘A " long, white maggots. Adults are
Bacterial blight also causes dark brown small flies with yellow heads. Apply parasitic
streaks on petioles. Destroy the whole plant. nem atodes to soil to control larvae. Prevent
Spray plants with copper if bacterial blight problems by planting after June 1st to avoid
has been a problem in the past. To prevent the first hatching of the season. Cover seed­
problem s, soak seed in 122°F w ater for 20 bed with row cover to prevent adults from
m inutes before planting. laying eggs on soil.
C arrot beetle larvae are 1", bluish white
Root Problems grubs that feed on the roots. Adults are Vj ",
Roots forked and misshapen. Cause: reddish brown or black beetles. Fall cultivation
Lumpy o r com pacted soil. Prevent problems reduces overwintering populations; crop rota­
by working soil deeply and adding lots of tion will also help.
compost. Plant shorter-rooted cultivars in rocky Roots with small, irregular holes; plant
or clay soil. may be stunted and yellow. Cause: Wireworms.
Roots misshapen and covered with numer­ Damage usually occurs later in the season and
ous hairlike roots. Causes: Root knot nem a­ is worse in dry years. Larvae are up to IV2 "
todes; aster yellows. Root knot nem atodes long, yellow to reddish brown, slender, tough­
cause tiny round swellings on side roots. Pre­ bodied, segmented grubs with brown heads.
vent future root knot nem atode problems by Adults are ‘A "-3A " long, dark-colored, elon­
applying chitin or parasitic nem atodes to the gated click beetles. Control wireworms by apply­
soil before planting. ing parasitic nem atodes to the soil.
Roots infected with the disease aster yel­ Roots or crowns rotted. Cause: Vari­
lows are small, woody, hairy, and taste bitter. ous fungal o r bacterial diseases. Root rot is
See ‘‘Young leaves yellow and dwarfed; growth often brought on by soggy, poorly drained soil
bushy*' above for controls. o r previous insect dam age to the roots. Plant
Roots with green shoulders. Cause: Light carrots in loose, well-drained soil and keep
exposure. Keep carrots covered with 2" of soil soil moist, but not soggy. Use raised beds to
to prevent problems. improve drainage.
Roots with dark tunnels. Causes: Car­ Roots with internal cavities; may split open.
rot weevils: carrot rust flies; carrot beetles. Cause: Cavity spot. This condition is caused

by a combination of factors: calcium deficiency, the following cultivars: ‘Alpha Paloma’ and
high levels of potassium , and possibly various White Rock' are tolerant of cabbage root mag­
diseases. To prevent problems, keep soil moist, gots; ‘Super Snowball A tolerates flea beetles
but not soggy. Add gypsum, o r high-calcium better than m ost cultivars.
lime if pH is below 6.2, to raise calcium level, Cauliflower is more fussy about tem pera­
and withhold high-potassium fertilizer. tures than the other brassicas. Plants will only
Roots with jagged cracks. Causes: Freez­ tolerate a low of 45°F and grow poorly above
ing injury: uneven soil moisture; cavity spot. 75°E Transplants exposed to cool tem pera­
Temperatures below 30°F cause cracked roots tures (35°-45°F) for 10 days or more may
with a water-soaked appearance. Protect roots form tiny, unusable flower heads. High tem ­
with mulch before tem peratures fall. peratures can cause the same problem. Its
Roots can also crack if soil is wetted after optim um tem perature range is 60°-65°E
being dry. Prevent problems by keeping soil
evenly moist.
Severe cases of cavity spot can cause Problems
open cracks. See "Roots with internal cavi­ Heads with black spots on surface. Cause:
ties; may split open" on page 61 for causes Downy mildew. Control this fungal disease by
and controls. spraying plants with a baking-soda-and-soap
Roots poorly formed or pale. Causes: spray (1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon
N utrient deficiency; extrem e tem peratures. liquid dish soap, 1 quart water) o r copper at
Spindly, short roots can be caused by potas­ the first sign of disease. Repeat weekly if weather
sium deficiency o r excessive heat. Poor color is wet. Prevent problems by planting ‘Cloud
and taste are caused by magnesium deficiency, N ine, which is somewhat tolerant of downy
p h o sp h o ru s d eficien cy , a n d low o r high mildew.
temperatures. Copper deficiency can also cause Heads with brown or discolored curds.
poor root developm ent. Spray foliage with Causes: Light exposure; boron deficiency: cold
seaweed extract to prevent deficiencies. Do a injury. Cauliflower heads develop green or
soil test and am end soil as needed. purple pigments when exposed to sunlight. To
blanch cauliflower, tie the outside leaves loosely
up over developing heads so that air can move
through, but w ater cannot drip in. Save time

Cauliflower by growing self-blanching cultivars such as

‘M ontano’.
Boron deficiency turns curds brown and
Brassica oleracea makes them appear water-soaked. Prevent prob­
Botrytis group (Cruciferae) lems by spraying plants with seaweed extract
when transplanted and every 2 weeks thereafter.
Raise the boron level of the soil by adding 1
Cauliflower is a cool-season crop grown tablespoon of borax dissolved in 1 gallon water,
for its dense, white heads of flower buds. Cau­ or 10 pounds of kelp, per 100 square feet.
liflower and cabbage require similar culture Curds will also turn brown in response to
and are attacked by many of the same diseases cold and freezing injury. Protect cauliflower
and insects. See the Cabbage entry beginning heads with row cover below 45°F
on page 52 for culture and more information Heads with loose or irregular flower curds.
on problems. Prevent problems by planting Causes: Excessive heat; m olybdenum defi­

ciency. If w eather has been hot, suspect heat Leaves yellow and wilt. C ause: Root rot.
stress. Prevent problems by growing cauliflower See “Leaves yellow and wilt" on page 237
as a fall crop when tem peratures are cooler. for details.
Prevent m olybdenum deficiency by spraying Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
plants with seaweed extract at transplanting with small bumps. C ause: Scales. See “Leaves
and every few weeks thereafter. yellow; stem s and leaves covered with small
bumps" on page 237 for controls.

Cedar. Trees.
C edars are among the most attractive Bittersweet. Vines.
evergreen trees. They have horizontal branch­
ing habits and bear large, upright cones. All
are ideal as specimen trees. Bittersweets are vigorous twining vines
C edars all like a deep, loamy soil, well- with alternate leaves. T he orange-red berries
drained but enriched with organic matter. Plant are popular for dried arrangem ents.
them in spring as small, balled-and-burlapped Bittersweets flourish in sun or partial shade
or container-grown plants, setting them in a in virtually any soil. Be sure to obtain both
sunny location. Cedars are rem arkably free of male and female plants to ensure fruiting.
serious insect pests. Keep your trees healthy C ontrol the aggressive vines by pruning them
by applying com post mulch and watering thor­ back severely each winter.
oughly during periods of drought to minimize T he major insect enemy of bittersweets
damage. is scales; see “Leaves yellow: stems and leaves
covered with small bumps" on page 237. Pow­
Problems dery mildew may affect leaves; see “Leaves
Leaves reddish brown; branch tips die back. with powdery white coating" on page 237.
Cause: D eodar weevils. T his xh" long, red­
dish brown beetle has irregular white spots on
its back. It will occasionally gnaw through
bark and feed on the growing tissue beneath,
girdling small branches. T h e grubs also feed
on branch tips. This pest rarely attacks healthy
trees, so fertilize and w ater trees regularly to
keep them vigorous. Drench soil around the Apium graveolens vac dulce
plant with a solution of parasitic nem atodes. (Umbelliferae)
Spray leaves with pyrethrin to control severe
Trunk or branches with oozing lesions; Celery is a biennial vegetable grown for
branch tips die back. C ause: Canker. See its crispy leaf stalks. It is in the same family as
‘Trunk or branches with oozing lesions: branch carrots and is troubled by many of the same
tips die back" on page 238 for more information. pests and diseases. See the Carrot entry begin­


ning on page 60 for more information on culture Destroy plants with this fungal disease. Pre­
and problems. vent problems by planting tolerant cultivars
Celery does well if given plenty of mois­ such as ‘Bishop', ‘Deacon’, ‘Em erson Pascal’,
ture, rich soil with a pH between 6.0 and 6.8, Starlet’, ‘Summit’, Ventura1, and ‘Vicar’.
and cool tem peratures o r light shade. Celery Leaves yellow and mottled; stalks twisted;
will w ithstand a light frost, but will bolt or plant dwarfed. Cause: Celery mosaic. Destroy
flower prem aturely and produce only a few infected plants. Control aphids because they
small stalks if tem peratures are below 55°F can spread viral diseases as they feed. Prevent
for more than 10 days when plants are young. problems by planting resistant cultivars such
Celery is a heavy feeder. Boron deficiency as “Florida 683’ and ‘U tah -52-70R Improved’.
causes brown, m ottled leaves and horizontal Leaves and stalks with irregular tan spots.
cracks on stalks. ‘Florida 683’ is tolerant of Cause: Brown spot. Control this fungal dis­
low boron. Calcium deficiency causes the cen­ ease by spraying plants with bordeaux mix
ter of the plant to blacken and die. ‘Utah when spots appear to prevent further spread.
52-70R Improved' is tolerant of low calcium. Leaves with chewed holes or rolled edges.
M agnesium deficiency causes yellow leaves. Cause: Caterpillars. H andpick caterpillars or
D iscolored streaks on stalks are a symptom of spray plants with BTK to control.
potassium deficiency. Phosphorus deficiency Stalks or crowns rotted. Cause: Bacte­
causes plants to form rosettes. Prevent prob­ rial and fungal diseases. Various bacteria and
lems by adding plenty of com post to the soil fungi will rot celery stalks and crowns. Destroy
and by spraying plants with seaweed extract infected plants. Spray remaining plants with
every 2 weeks. Check suspected deficiencies copper. Prevent problems by controlling insect
with soil tests and am end soil as needed. pests, such as carrot rust flies, that injure roots,
Stalks becom e tough, bitter, and stringy creating openings for disease organisms. Also,
if plants do not have enough water or nutrients, avoid handling plants while they are wet, and
if tem peratures are too high, or if they are not plant in raised beds if possible.
harvested promptly.

Leaves with dark, yellow-bordered spots.
Cause: Blight diseases. Various fungal blight
diseases attack celery. Stalks of afflicted plants
may also develop spots or dark areas. Des­ Celosia, cockscomb. Annuals.
troy spotted leaves. Spray plants with copper
if symptoms are serious. Soak seed in 118°F
w ater for 30 m inutes before planting to pre­ Celosias form feathery plumes o r velvety
vent problems. (Be aware that this treatm ent crests in shades of pink, red, orange, and yellow.
can dam age seed viability; for com plete Blossoms appear in sum m er through late fall;
instructions, see page 422.) Plant cultivars, plants grow 7 '-3 6 " tall. Plumed types are great
such as ‘Emerson Pascal’ and 'G olden Self- in beds and borders; crested types are ideal
Blanching’, th at tolerate certain blights. for the cutting garden.
Leaves yellow; plant stunted; veins in Give celosias a sunny, well-drained site.
stalks reddish. C ause: Fusarium yellows. Plants tolerate drought and poor soils, but

they bloom poorly and become leggy if shaded. than flowers. By midsummer, bachelor’s-buttons
Sow seeds indoors 4 weeks before last frost, or tend to becom e woody and unsightly. Picking
direct-seed outdoors after the soil warms up. flowers prolongs bloom until July, but plan on
Cover lightly so seeds receive some light but pulling out the spent plants and replacing them
don’t dry out. Tall-growing, crested types are with a later-blooming annual, such as m ari­
often top-heavy and benefit from staking. golds or celosias.
Celosias are usually trouble-free. Care­ Bachelor’s-buttons have very few prob­
less transplanting can injure the term inal bud lems o r pests. They may reseed too prolifi-
and reduce flowering. Damping-off may cause cally for some gardeners, but removing spent
seedlings to rot at the soil line; see “Seedlings flowers decreases this possibility. If plants look
die’’ on page 20 for controls. too leggy, they are not getting enough sun;
plant on a sunnier site next year. Rusts may
cause orange spots on leaves; see “Stems and
leaf undersides with dusty, dark brown spots”

Centaurea on page 21. Aster yellows can cause plants to

turn yellow; see "Leaves greenish yellow; growth
poor’’ on page 19.
Cornflower, bachelor’s-button. Annuals.

Usually seen in shades of blue, hardy

cornflowers, or bachelor's-buttons, are available
in red, pink, white, and violet, too. These
12'-26" high garden favorites provide 1" flow­
ers all spring. Seeds are favored by birds, par­ Flowering quince. Shrubs.
ticularly finches. Use in beds and borders or
for cutting.
Direct-sow outdoors in early spring where Flowering quinces are spring-blooming
growing seasons are short, and in later sum­ deciduous shrubs with alternate leaves and
mer through fall where winters are mild. Indoor thorny branches. T he plants are used as decid­
seeding in April is an option, but seedlings uous hedges, in foundation plantings, o r in
transplant poorly. Sow evenly to avoid over­ shrub borders.
crowding, which results in weak flower stalks Flowering quinces require full o r nearly
and slow growth. Seedlings appear in 2 weeks. full sun. While not particular as to soils, they
T hin to 6"-9" apart. prefer a good, well-drained loam. Renewal
For best results, give bachelor’s-buttons pruning (removal of a few of the oldest canes
full sun and rich, moist, neutral soil. They each year) is recom m ended to keep them flow­
will, however, tolerate average soil and drought. ering freely.
Always water early in the day to give the leaves Aphids may feed on young shoots and
a chance to dry before nightfall. Add organic leaves; see “Leaves wrinkled and discolored”
m atter or fertilizer to the planting site before on page 235. Scales may also be a problem;
seeding, and do not fertilize again; extra fertil­ see “Leaves yellow; stem and leaves covered
izer promotes the development of leaves rather with small bumps” on page 237.

Chard M ature sweet cherries need little o r no

annual pruning. Sour cherries need enough
pruning each winter to thin out branches and
Beta vulgaris. Cicla group (Chenopodiaceae) stimulate a m oderate am ount of growth.
To set fruit, most sweet cherries need
cross-pollination from a second com patible
C hard, also known as Swiss chard, is a cultivar planted nearby. Some sweet cherry
type of beet grown for its succulent tops. It cultivars need specific cultivars for cross-
does not form enlarged roots. G reen and red pollination. A few sweet cherries, such as G ar­
cultivars are available. den Bing' and ‘Stella’, are self-pollinating. Sour
Chard grows vigorously from late spring cherries are self-pollinating. For more infor­
to fall frost. Plants prefer sandy, well-drained m ation, see “Setting Fruit" on page 101.
soil with a pH of 6.5-7.5. They will tolerate a
wide range of tem peratures and will withstand Fruit Problems
light frost. To keep leaves tender, provide chard Fruit malformed, shrunken, and drops
with plenty of w ater and nitrogen. Compost early. Causes: Plum curculio larvae; cherry
worked into the soil at planting followed by fruit fly maggots. Check affected fruit for
alfalfa meal sprinkled on the soil surface after crescent-shaped scars and small, brown-headed
seeding usually provides chard's requirements. grubs inside. These are larvae of plum curcu­
Chard and beets are susceptible to the lio beetles com m on to the East. T he crescent­
same diseases and pests. See the Beet entry shaped scar marks the site where these pests
beginning on page 37 for descriptions and lay eggs. To control curculios without sprays,
controls. spread a dropcloth beneath the tree and jar
the trunk and branches twice a day with a
padded mallet. Collect and destroy curculios

Cherry that fall onto the sheet. For more information

see “Young fruit with crescent-shaped scars"
on page 186.
Primus spp. ( Rosaceae) Creamy white, '/ / ' maggots inside fruit
are the larvae of cherry fruit flies. These flies,
which are half the size of houseflies, emerge
Cherries are deciduous trees growing to in late spring from soilborne pupae and lay
35' for standard-size sweet cherries (Primus eggs in fruit. Eggs hatch into fruit-feeding
avium) and to 20' for standard-size sour cher­ maggots that later drop to the ground to pupate
ries (/? cerasus). These plants are hardy in until next spring. To control this pest, trap
Zones 4-9. adult flies in beginning to late May using red
sticky spheres just like those for apple maggots.
Culture For instructions on making apple maggot traps
Cherries need full sun and, especially for see "Fruit dim pled; brown tunnels through
sweet cherries, well-drained soil. Choose a flesh" on page 22. Collect and destroy dropped
site free of late spring frosts. Train sweet cher­ fruit daily. See the opposite page for an illus­
ries to a central leader form and sour cherries tration of this pest.
to an open cen ter form. For more pruning Fruit with small brown spots that enlarge
inform ation, see “ Pruning and Training" on and become fuzzy in humid weather. Cause:
page 101. Brown rot. This fungal disease may also cause

Copyrighted material

Leaves with purple spots.

Cause: Cherry leaf spot.
Leaves turn yellow
and drop: fruit ripens
unevenly and may
/ j u be spotted.


Fruit with small brown sp ots /

that enlarge and becom e
fuzzy in humid weather.
• Cause: Brown rot. Young twigs
brown and decaying. Fruit malformed, s
and drops early.
Cause: Cherry fruit fi
Larvae feed near the
ripening cherries.

blossoms to turn brown and decay. Infected leave by midsummer, so if an infestation isn't
cherries may drop early, o r remain on the tree severe, just wait it out.
as dried, shriveled fruit known as mummies. For heavy infestations, knock aphids off
To control brown rot. inspect trees in early with a strong spray of water. Or try insectici­
spring. Remove and destroy both mummified dal soap spray, which kills aphids on contact.
fruit and twigs with gummy-looking lesions. Pyrethrin also kills aphids, but reserve this as
For further control, spray sulfur early in the a last resort since it also kills beneficial insects.
season to control the disease on blossoms, Apply dorm ant oil spray in the w inter to suffo­
then again later in the season to protect fruit. cate aphid eggs.
C opper sprays also aid control. Since injured Many natural predators keep aphids in
fruit is m ore susceptible to brown rot, control check, including parasitic wasps, lady beetles,
fruit-damaging insects, such as plum curculios. and hover flies. To attract aphid predators,
See above for an illustration of this disease. grow nectar-producing flowers, such as dill
and buckwheat, near your trees, or spray com ­
Leaf and Branch Problems mercial o r hom em ade yeast-and-sugar mix­
New leaves twisted or curled and covered tures on your trees. Introduced lacewings often
with a sticky coating. Cause: Black cherry control aphids. Buy these at commercial insec­
aphids. Look on leaf undersides for clusters of taries o r from organic farm supply companies.
these tiny black insects. T he sticky coating is Ants often introduce an aphid infestation: trap
honeydew secreted by these pests. Leaves also ants with sticky barriers around the trunks.
may be covered with a black fungus, called Avoid excessive use of high-nitrogen fertilizer,
sooty mold, which feeds on honeydew. Aphids which favors aphid reproduction.

Leaves covered with lacy, brownish patches. sour cherries and ‘G old', ‘Lam bert’, ‘Hedel-
Cause: Pear slugs. These green-black, slimy fingen*, ‘Schmidt Bigarreau’, and ‘Viva’ sweet
creatures are not true slugs: they're the larvae cherries. See page 67 for an illustration of
of the pear sawfly, a black-and-yellow insect this disease.
slightly larger than a housefly. In the spring Leaves covered with a white powdery
sawflies em erge from soilborne cocoons and coating. Cause: Powdery mildew. Leaves may
lay eggs on leaves. Eggs hatch into sluglike also be twisted or stunted and a powdery coat­
larvae that skeletonize leaves. Remove them ing may cover fruit. Rainy w eather does not
by handpicking or with blasts of water. For cause this fungal disease to spread. It is most
heavy infestations, use insecticidal soap spray; common in w eather patterns featuring cool
for a dwarf tree, apply wood ashes or diatoma- nights changing to warm days. For control,
ceous earth. (Caution: Wood ashes may dam ­ apply sulfur or lime-sulfur spray. ‘N orthstar’
age leaf tissue.) Spider mites multiply quickly sour cherry is resistant to powdery mildew.
in dry. dusty conditions, so wash ashes off Young twigs brown and decaying. Cause:
after a few days to avoid encouraging a rise in Brown rot. With this fungal disease, limbs
the spider mite population. may develop gummy-looking lesions. For more
Growing shoots wilt and die. Cause: Ori­ information, see “Fruit with small brown spots
ental fruit m oth larvae. Slit the stem below that enlarge and becom e fuzzy in hum id
the wilted portion and look for a pinkish white. w eather" on page 66.
Vi" caterp illar—the larva of an oriental fruit Leaves wilting and dying on whole branches.
moth. Larvae tunnel into shoots and remain Causes: Bactcrial canker; Valsa canker; shot-
for 2 weeks before leaving to pupate for 10 hole borers. With both cankers, trees may not
days in cocoons suspended in trees. Larvae leaf out in the spring, and branches may develop
from later generations bore into and ruin fruit. sunken, elliptical lesions that ooze a reddish
Use pherom one traps to m onitor and control gum. With bacterial canker, this gum smells
the pests. Mating disruption pheromones. such sour, and leaves may have small, angular spots.
as Isomate-M. are also effective. Replace them For both cankers, prune w ilted o r dying
every 90 days throughout the growing season. branches off below the infection point, steri­
For heavy infestations, spray superior oil to lizing tools in isopropyl alcohol or a 10 per­
sm other eggs and larvae. cent bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts
Leaves with purple spots. Cause: Cherry water) between cuts. Valsa canker enters trees
leaf spot. This fungal disease, prevalent dur­ through bark injuries; prevent it with cultural
ing rainy springs in the East and Midwest, practices that avoid bark injury. Cultivars
causes circular purple leaf spots that later resistant to bacterial canker include ‘Bada’,
turn brown and drop out leaving small holes. ‘C orum ', ‘Early Buriat', ‘Sam', and ‘Sue' sweet
Leaves may yellow and drop early. Infected cherries. For more information, see “Branches
trees decline in fruit production and winter wilting and dying, fail to leaf out in spring*' on
hardiness. Since the disease overwinters in page 167.
fallen leaves, control it by thoroughly remov­ Dying branches covered with num erous
ing leaves before spring growth begins. For small holes are the work of tiny beetles called
persistent infection, apply lime-sulfur o r sul­ shothole borers. Inside the sawdust-filled
fur spray. Since lime-sulfur discolors fruit, use tunnels, look for white, V*" borer larvae with
it only at petal fall, then use sulfur alone for reddish brown heads. Shothole borers prefer
subsequent sprays. Plant leaf spot-resistant injured or diseased trees. Vigorous, healthy
cultivars including ‘Meteor* and ‘N orthstar' trees are much less susceptible to problems.

Leaves yellowing; limb dieback. Cause: nea dentata) was the dom inant tree in eastern
San Jose scale. Colonies of these sucking in­ forests. It was a splendid specimen tree, highly
sects cling to the bark and appear as small valued for its wood and for the nuts it yielded.
gray bum ps that can easily be scraped off with Unfortunately, the fungus that causes chest­
a fingernail. Control San Jose scale with dor­ nut blight was introduced to the United States
m ant oil spray applied in late winter or early in the early 1900s. and virtually all Am erican
spring just before blossoms open. chestnuts have died back from the disease.
Twigs and branches bearing tarry, black Infected trees sometimes produce new sprouts,
galls. Cause: Black knot. For more informa­ but they don't grow to maturity. Using these
tion, see "Twigs and branches bearing tarry, sprouts, researchers are working to develop
black galls" on page 187. resistant strains. Until then, blight-resistant
species, such as Japanese chestnut (C. crenata)
Whole Plant Problems and Chinese chestnut (C. mollissima), are prac­
Tree lacking vigor. C ause: Peachtree tical alternatives to A m erican chestnut.
borers. T he larvae of a clear-winged m oth, C hestnuts are not especially dem anding
these 1", white borers create holes and a gummy in their soil requirem ents, as long as drainage
exudate on trunks near or just below ground is good. They are rem arkably heat-tolerant.
level. Either dig the borers out w ithout dam ­ Plant in a sunny location: set out in spring or
aging the tree excessively o r locale borer holes fall as balled-and-burlapped plants.
and kill larvae by inserting a wire into holes.
Cultivating shallowly around the base of the Problems
tree discourages these pests. Keeping your Leaves skeletonized. Causes: Canker-
tree vigorous and avoiding m echanical dam ­ worms; Japanese beetles. These V i'-l" long,
age also discourages peachtree borers. green, yellow, o r brown caterpillars feed on
Tree stripped of fruit. Cause: Birds. Birds foliage, often defoliating the tree. To avoid
especially love red sweet cherries. Plant yellow- this problem, apply a band of a sticky substance,
fruited cultivars. which are somewhat less attrac­ such as Tanglefoot, around the base of the
tive to birds. Cover small trees with netting. tree in spring to keep females from climbing
For more inform ation on controlling birds, up the tree and laying their eggs. Apply fresh
see “Stopping Animal Pests" on page 408. coats in Septem ber and February to trap both
spring and fall cankerworm s. If their feeding
becom es a problem, spray with BTK as soon
as you notice them; continue every 2 weeks
until pests are gone.

Chestnut Japanese beetles often feed on chestnut

leaves, causing similar symptoms. See "Leaves
skeletonized" on page 236 for control sug­
Castiuiea spp. ( Fagaceae) gestions.
Plant defoliated. Cause: Gypsy moths.
See "Plant defoliated" on page 236 for controls.
Chestnuts are deciduous trees with large, Leaves skeletonized or with large holes;
alternate leaves. The nuts are enclosed in prickly branches may be webbed. Cause: Caterpillars.
burrs, a drawback to the use of the trees for See "Leaves skeletonized o r with large holes;
ornam ental purposes. branches may be webbed" on page 236 for
At one time. A m erican chestnut ( Casta- more information.


Nuts damaged. Cause: Chestnut weevils. were found and cultivated. Today, hundreds
T h e larvae of this pest feed inside the nuts, of cultivars are available. Within this genus
and then enter the soil when the nuts fall to are Shasta daisies, costmary, painted daisies,
the ground. Pick fallen nuts from the ground feverfew, and m arguerites, in addition to the
daily to reduce future populations. huge array of colors and blossoms found among
Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs the popular hardy mums.
die or break off. Cause: Borers. Several kinds Full sun and fertile, well-drained soil pro­
of borers attack chestnuts; see “Trunk or m ote healthy mums. Fertilize plants in spring
branches with small holes; limbs die or break with compost o r a slow-acting, general-purpose
o ff' on page 238 for controls. fertilizer, then give supplem ental feedings
m onthly during the growing season: stop fer­
tilizing in A ugust. S tart plants from stem
cuttings, divisions, or seeds. W hen buying
Chives mums, look for com pact, bushy plants, which
will flower better than larger specimens. Space
1' apart, avoiding areas already occupied by
Allium spp. (Liliaceae)
tree and shrub roots. W hen plants reach 6 '-8 ",
pinch growing tips back to stim ulate branch­
ing and flower bud production. Give these
Common chives (Allium schoenoprasum)
shallow-rooted plants W - V 'o f w ater weekly;
are a hardy (Zone 3) perennial herb grown for
w ater stress causes woody stem s and lower
their mild, onion-flavored leaves and pink
leaf drop. Overwatering, particularly when
flowers. G arlic chives (A. tuberosum) are
com bined with poor drainage, causes yellow­
slightly less hardy (Zone 5), and have larger,
ing leaves that blacken and drop. Cut plants
straplike leaves and white, rose-scented flowers.
back to within a few inches of the ground after
To grow healthy, trouble-free plants, sow seed
blooming. Protect roots with a w inter mulch.
indoors in 60°-70°F soil mix, or outdoors after
Although the list of pests and diseases
soil has warm ed. Chives do best in m oderately
that may attack chrysanthemums is long, mums
rich, moist, well-drained soil with a pH between
are relatively trouble-free. Unless mums are
5.0 and 7.0. Chives need full sun.
stressed by unfavorable growing conditions,
Chives are closely related to onions and
few pests will seek them out; fewer still will
prone to the same problem s, especially rust,
cause significant damage.
downy mildew, and smut. See the Onion entry
beginning on page 155 for information. Problems
Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky;
clusters of small insects. Cause: Aphids. See

Chrysanthemum “Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky;

clusters of small insects” on page 177 for
Chrysanthemum, garden mum. Perennials. Leaves with yellow-brown spots or blotches;
leaves die and turn brittle. Cause: Foliar
nem atodes. These microscopic roundworms
Early wild chrysanthem um s, m entioned overwinter in soil o r plant debris, then travel
in 5th century B.C. writings, bore rather plain, up a plant's stem in the film of w ater created
yellow blossoms. Later, whites and purples by spring rains, entering the lower leaves

through the stom ata, which are minute open­ fernlike leaves. Flowering occurs from late
ings in the leaves. Symptoms move up the summ er to early fall, depending on species.
plant; foliar nem atodes may even infest the Flower arom a has been described as “sickly
petals. Spots eventually cover entire leaves, sweet” and “strange." W hether it deters pests
which die, turn brittle, and drop. Severe infes­ or not remains undeterm ined, but parts of
tations can kill entire plants. Remove and stinking bugbane (Cimicifuga foetida ) are being
destroy infested plants and the surrounding tested as a general insect repellent.
soil; do not com post the debris. T here is no Bugbanes prosper in rich, moist, well-
cure; clean up debris in fall to destroy over­ drained, organic soil, similar to their native
w intering nem atodes. Rotate plantings and woodland habitat. These plants prefer light
mulch in spring to keep nematodes from climb­ shade; bugbanes grown in deep shade bear
ing up plants; avoid w etting leaves when fewer flowers. Plants can succeed in sunny
watering. areas with am ple watering. Clumps expand
Leaves with tan or brown blotches or ser­ outw ard slowly and can be divided in fall or
pentine tunnels. Cause; Leafminers. These spring, but bugbanes are deep-rooted and may
tiny pale green fly larvae feed between the suffer from division. G erm ination from seed
upper and lower surfaces of leaves. Prune off is slow and inconsistent. Provide a w inter
and destroy infested leaves until only healthy mulch in colder areas, a protective summ er
growth remains. Remove debris in fall to destroy mulch in warm er areas. Fertilize and w ater
overwintering leafminers. Let parasitic wasps regularly.
control these pests, o r repel larvae with weekly
insecticidal soap sprays starting when the first Problems
tunnel appears. Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause:
Leaves and flowers greenish yellow, dis­ Slugs and snails. While sturdy bugbanes with­
torted; new growth spindly. C ause: Viral stand most pest invasions well, check regu­
diseases. Chrysanthem um s are prone to sev­ larly beneath the dense clumps of foliage for
eral viruses, which are spread by sucking insects slugs and snails. Differing only in the presence
such as aphids and leafhoppers. Control such o r absence of a shell, slugs and snails range in
pests to limit virus problems. Remove and size from */*" to 8" and may be gray, tan, green,
destroy infected plants; do not com post them. black, yellow, or spotted. These voracious mol-
Wash tools used around infected plants. Viruses lusks rasp large holes in leaves and stems,
overwinter in perennials and weeds such as leaving slimy m ucus trails as they travel.
daisies and plantains. Repel slugs and snails from flower beds
with a 4"-8" strip of copper edging, or sur­
round plant with a band of cinders, wood

Cimicifuga ashes, cedar sawdust, o r diatom aceous earth,

and renew frequently. Trap slugs and snails
with shallow pans of stale beer set with rims
Bugbane, snakeroot. Perennials. flush with the soil surface; remove drowned
pests daily. O r lay boards, cabbage leaves, or
overturned clay pots around the garden, and
T he durable bugbanes are 2'-6' tall natives destroy pests that congregate underneath. Hand-
that spread to 2' wide. Small creamy white pick slugs and snails from plants at night;
blooms appear in m ultiples to cover upright, drop them into soapy w ater or sprinkle them
slim spikes that tower above the dark green. with table salt to dehydrate and kill them.

rind. Rain splashes the spores of this fungal

Citrus disease from the ground onto low-hanging fruit.

The simplest control is to mulch the soil around
the tree and prune away low-hanging branches.
Citrtis spp. ( Rutaceae) C opper spray applied to the ground and low-
hanging limbs also works. This disease spreads
easily in stored fruit; keep infected fruit away
Citrus trees are evergreens that grow in from clean fruit.
flushes throughout the year. They bear fra­ Fruit contains webbing. Cause: Navel
grant flowers and fruit that hangs for months orangeworms. These reddish orange, brown-
w ithout dropping. These plants are hardy in headed larvae bore into cracked fruit and spin
Zones 9-10. their cocoons inside. Control pests by picking
To flourish and bear well, citrus trees off damaged fruit. Clean up dropped fruit.
require a site with excellent drainage and full Spray BTK to kill larvae before they enter.
sun. Prune to remove dead wood, to keep
trees in bounds, and to thin out centers where
growth is too dense. Citrus flowers attract Leaf and Branch Problems
bees; don't plant them in high-traffic areas. Leaves with pale yellow stipples. Cause:
Citrus trees bear fruit without cross-pollination. Citrus mites. These pests may also attack fruit
causing it to turn brown or silver and drop
Fruit Problems prematurely. Pesticides tend to kill natural
Fruit with raised, light brown, corky areas. mite predators, so unsprayed trees are less
Cause: Citrus scab. Leaves also may show prone to mite infestation. You can also intro­
scabby lesions. This fungal disease, com m on duce predatory mites, such as Amblyseius
in Florida, attacks mainly grapefruit, ‘Temple' species. T he simplest mite remedy is to hose
and ‘Murcott* honey oranges, lem ons, sour down the tree with plain w ater or insecticidal
oranges, satsumas, and some tangelos. To con­ soap solution. For more serious infestations,
trol citrus scab, prune and site trees so that spray superior oil or sulfur.
foliage and fruit remain as dry as possible Leaves with oily brown spots on undersides.
during spring growth. Cause: Greasy spot. With this fungal disease,
Fruit with small, brown, sunken spots that yellowish brown blisters on leaf undersides
turn dark and are raised. Cause: M elanose. eventually turn oily brown and coalesce. Super­
This fungal disease usually attacks trees more ficial pitting may appear on fruit rind. Since
than 10 years old and is worst in wet springs. the disease overwinters on leaf litter, the sim­
As rain washes spores over fruit, a tear-streaked plest control is to collect and destroy fallen
pattern of infection develops. C opper spray leaves. Wet foliage encourages spread of the
applied just once at fruit set controls this dis­ fungus; keep leaves as dry as possible, espe­
ease, but since fruit dam age is only cosm etic, cially during the early summer. For recurrent
spraying isn't really necessary. Keep melanose greasy spot, spray with superior oil or copper.
in check by pruning out dead wood, which Trunk with brown patches exuding a thick,
may harbor the disease. amber gum. Cause: Brown rot gummosis.
Fruit with firm, light brown spots on the Eventually brown patches form dark, sunken
rind. Cause: Brown rot. In humid weather cankers. Lower branches above the canker
brown rot may appear as a white mold on the may w ither and die. This disease begins when
CURL’S ■ 73

spores of Phytophthora fungus splash up from beetles (Rodolia cardinalis) feed on cottony
the ground and enter the trunk through a bark cushion scale, and the parasitic wasp Aphyiis
injury. To control this disease, scrape away melinus preys on California red scale. Ants
the canker into healthy bark, allow it to dry, protect scales by destroying their natural pre­
and spray it with copper. To prevent the disease, dators. so keep ants out of trees with sticky
keep surface w ater and sprinkler w ater away barriers around trunks. You can also control
from the trunk. Plant only in well-drained soil scale by spraying specially refined superior oil.
using trees grafted onto Phytophthora-resistant I>eaves with white, cottony masses. Cause:
rootstocks, such as trifoliate orange, sour Mealybugs. Leaves may also be covered with
orange, and ‘Troyer' cit range. a sticky honeydew excreted by the mealybugs
Leaves with small, dark, circular depres­ or a black mold, which feeds on the honeydew.
sions bearing yellow margins. Cause: M ela­ Natural enem ies, such as lacewings. usually
nose. For m ore inform ation, see "Fruit with keep mealybugs in check, but you can speed
small, brown, sunken spots that turn dark and along the process by introducing the mealy­
are raised" above. bug destroyer, an Australian predatory beetle
Leaves turn pale green or yellow. Cause: available through com m ercial insectaries and
N utrient deficiency. If old leaves turn yellow organic farm suppliers. Ants protect mealy­
and drop off, suspect nitrogen deficiency, a bugs by destroying their natural predators.
condition that som etim es occurs when cold Restrict ants from trees by placing sticky bar­
soil slows root activity. If young leaves turn riers around trunks and removing branches
yellow with green veins, suspect iron deficiency, that droop to the ground.
a condition com m on to wet or alkaline soils, New leaves curled or twisted. Cause:
even if the soil contains enough iron. To cor­ Aphids. Look on leaf undersides for clusters
rect nitrogen deficiency, apply an organic nitro­ of these tiny sucking insects. Many natural
gen source directly to the soil. To correct iron enem ies keep aphids in check, including para­
deficiency, adjust the soil pH to be more acidic. sitic wasps and hover flies. Provide food for
You can also spray either of these nutrients natural predators and parasites by growing
directly on the leaves for im m ediate help. nectar-producing flowers, such as dill and
Leaves turn yellow and fall; tree declines. buckw heat, near your trees. Or spray com ­
Cause: Scales. Various types of scales infest mercial or hom em ade veast-and-sugar mix­
citrus trees, causing decline. Trees may suffer tu re s on your tre es to a ttra c t p red ato rs.
from twig dieback and reduced vigor, and Introduced lady beetles may not control aphids
leaves may be covered with honeydew excreted effectively, but introduced lacewings often do.
by the scales as well as sooty mold, which Ants protect aphids by destroying their natu­
feeds on the honeydew. Cottony cushion scale ral predators, so restrict ant movement into
looks like white, cottony masses clustered on your trees with sticky barriers around the trunks.
leaves, stems, and branches. Red. brown, or Excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer favors aphid
black scale may look like crusty, waxy, or reproduction.
smooth bumps on leaves, trunk, stems, or fruit. For heavy infestations, apply a strong spray
Many natural enem ies keep scale insects in of w ater or insecticidal soap solution to trees,
check. If scale infestation is heavy, introduce making sure you spray undersides of leaves as
outside predators for additional control. You well. Superior oil sprays kill aphid eggs. Pyre­
must choose the species of predator that feeds thrin also works, but use it only as a last resort
on your species of scale. For exam ple. Vidalia since il also kills beneficial insects.

Clematis Colchicum
Clematis. Vines. Autumn crocus. Corms.

Clem atis are mostly deciduous vines that These hardy, autumn-flowering corm s are
climb by m eans of their twining leaf stalks. not crocuses, despite their com m on name.
They bear attractive flowers in a range of sizes Pink, white, or purple, 2"-4" tall flowers bloom
and colors. without foliage, which comes up in early spring
Clematis prefer neutral to slightly alkaline and dies off by midsummer. Narrow dark green
soils, well-enriched with compost. Set out small, leaves grow 6 '-1 2 " tall.
container-grown plants in spring or fall, plant­ Plant autum n crocus corm s in July and
ing several inches deeper than when grown August, setting them 3 " deep in average, well-
in the nursery. Provide some sort of support. drained soil in full sun to light shade. Lift and
Clem atis perform best in full sun, but they separate corm s after foliage fades to reduce
do like to have their roots cool and shaded; crowding o r to move plantings; replant im­
a rich. deep, organic mulch is of great ben­ mediately.
efit. C lem atis may be slow to initiate top Almost no pests o r diseases bother these
growth; they must first establish a substantial corm s, which are quite poisonous if eaten.
root system.

Vines droop and shrivel. Cause: Clem a­
tis wilt. This fungal disease is one of the most
serious problems for clematis. W hen it strikes, Coleus. Annuals.
prune out and destroy all affected parts. If you
set the plant a few inches deeper than it was
growing in the nursery at transplanting time, Brilliant red, m aroon, cream , and green
new vines may com e up from the buried stem leaves make coleus a colorful addition to the
portion and produce new, healthy topgrowth. shady garden. Coleus can grow to 3' but are
If the whole plant dies, don’t try to grow another usually smaller. T he flowers are insignificant,
clem atis on that site. so pinch them off to prom ote leaf growth.
Plant stunted; top dies back. Cause: Cle­ Sow seeds indoors 10 weeks before last
m atis borers. T his 2A" long, w hite-bodied, spring frost. Seeds need light to germ inate, so
brown-headed grub feeds on the roots and don’t cover them. A fter the last frost, trans­
crowns of clem atis vines. To control, cut out plant outdoors into rich, well-drained soil and
and destroy infested stems, and dig the larvae m oderate shade. Too m uch sun fades leaves
out of the crowns. Dig out and destroy severely and causes drooping. Feed with high-nitrogen
infested plants. fertilizer to encourage leaf developm ent.
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered Coleus are usually trouble-free. M ealy­
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See “Leaves bugs may feed on plants; see “Leaves and
yellow; stem and leaves covered with small stems with white, cottony clusters” on page
bumps” on page 237 for control suggestions. 20 for controls.


Collard Leaves stippled, reddish to yellow, with
fine webbing. Cause: Spider mites. T h e se '/»"
Brussica oleracea arachnids quickly disfigure ornamentals. Their
Acephala group (Cruciferae) feeding on the undersides of foliage causes it
to yellow, dry up, and die; excessive feeding
turns foliage almost white and fine webs cover
Collards are a cool-season vegetable grown leaves and growing tips. Mites seek out water-
for the leafy, cabbage-type greens. Collards stressed plants in hot, dry w eather; adequate
can stand m ore heat than o th er mem bers of watering guards against these pests. Hose down
the cabbage family. They prefer growing tem ­ plants when symptoms first appear; a strong
peratures of 65°-70°F and tolerate 40°-80°E stream knocks mites off plants and may give
‘Champion* and ‘Vatcs are cold-hardy cultivars. sufficient control. Introduce predatory mites
Soil pH should be between 5.5 and 6.8. (1,000 per 500 square feet); spray severe infes­
Collards are grown like cabbage and are tations with avermectins, citrus oils, insectici­
attacked by the same diseases and insects. See dal soap, neem , or pyrethrin.
the Cabbage entry beginning on page 52 for Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause:
culture and information on problems. Slugs and snails. See “Leaves with large, rag­
ged holes” on page 177 for recom m ended

Lily-of-the-valley. Perennials.
Fragrant lilies-of-the-valley (Convallaria Coreopsis, tickseed. Perennials.
majalis) scent springtime air with small, white,
dangling bell-shaped flowers carried on stalks
above 6" long, pointed green leaves. A ttrac­ G olden daisylike flowers grace plantings
tive but poisonous red b erries follow the of coreopsis from mid-June well into July. Most
blossoms. Lily-of-the-valley spreads by thick species of these 1 -3' plants are hardy perennials,
rhizomes. Purple shoots appear in April, fol­ although tickseed [Coreopsisgrandiflora) per­
lowed by buds. forms as a biennial north of Z one 7. Prolific
Plants multiply rapidly: in favorable con­ 1 "-3", single or double blooms attract benefi­
ditions they can be invasive, a trait that makes cial syrphid flies.
lily-of-the-valley useful as a ground cover in Space coreopsis 15" apart in well-drained,
controlled situations. Late fall division encour­ average to poor soil in full sun. Once established,
ages bloom. Plant lilies-of-the-valley about 5" these natives are very drought-tolerant but
apart in moist, well-drained, organic soil. The bloom better with regular watering. Excess
light shade beneath deciduous trees is fine for feeding encourages rank, spindly growth; a
these woodland natives: heavy shade decreases single spring fertilization is sufficient. Remove
bloom. Fertilize in fall. spent flowers to prolong bloom and reduce

Copyrighted material

coreopsis tendency to self-sow. Divide clumps generally suffer from more than their share
every 3-4 years. of pests.
While most gardeners stick to sweet corn,
Problems other types of com are just as easy to grow.
Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky; Popcorn, ornam ental corn, and field corn are
clusters of small insects. Cause: Aphids. See harvested when the seeds are hard and mature
"Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky; and the husks are dry. Popcorn is popped for a
clusters of small insects’* on page 177 for tasty, low-caloric snack. Dent (field) com and
controls. flint (Indian! corn cultivars are used for corn-
Buds and leaves deformed or dwarfed. meal and decoration. Flour com is starchy
C ause: Four-lined plant bugs. For recom ­ and used for flour and decoration.
m en d ed c o n tro ls , see “ B uds an d leaves
deform ed or dwarfed" on page 178. Culture
Leaves stippled, distorted. Cause: Aster C om does best in a rich, sandy, o r well-
leafhoppers. G reenish yellow pests only '/«" worked soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.8.
long, these insects feed on leaf undersides, Prepare soil by working in a generous am ount
giving foliage a finely m ottled look; leaves of compost. Side-dress plants with alfalfa meal
yellow, shrivel, and drop. Besides injury from when they are 1' high and again when silk first
feeding, leafhoppers transmit the disease aster shows at the end of the ears. Spraying plants
yellows. Use w ater or insecticidal soap sprays with seaweed extract or com post tea periodi­
to dislodge nymphs: encourage enem ies such cally also improves your harvest and prevents
as bigeyed bugs and parasitic wasps. For con­ deficiencies.
trol of severe infestations, spray plants with Plant com seed only after the soil is at
neem o r pyrethrin. least 60°R or 75°Ffor supersweets. Seed planted
in cooler soil is prone to many problems, includ­
ing poor germ ination. To help speed soil

Corn warming, cover soil with clear plastic at least

2 weeks before you want to plant. A fter plant­
ing, use row cover for about a m onth to give
Zea mays var. rugosa (Gramineae) seedlings a boost.
Corn needs at least 1" of w ater a week.
Keep soil moist, but not soggy. Mulch plants
Corn is an annual vegetable grown for its to conserve moisture and cut down on weed
large ears of tasty kernels. Sweet corn is har­ com petition.
vested when the ears are tender and immature. Plant com in blocks rather than long sin­
Sweet corn cultivars are classified in 3 groups: gle rows to ensure good pollination. Do not
normal sugary (traditional corn flavor, hybrid plant corn where it has grown in the past 2
or open-pollinated 1. sugar enhanced (increased years to prevent problems. After harvest cut
tenderness and sweetness, hybrid), and super­ o r mow stalks and let them dry. T hen turn
sweet (G od’s gift to sweet-toothed corn lovers, them under or collect and com post them .
hybrid). Be sure to plant supersweets at least Destroy any diseased or infested m aterial.
25' away from any other corn cultivars or
cross-pollination will cause starchy, tough Leaf and Whole Plant Problems
kernels. Be aware that w hether you plant Seedlings cut off at ground level; leaf mar­
other cultivars or not. supersweet cultivars gins ragged. Cause: Cutworms. Young cut-
CORN ■ 77

Seedlings purplish.

CORN ♦ **■ ® " ' 5 3

Cause: Phosphorus
deficiency. Afflicted
plants have poor,
shallow root
systems: small,
Adult deformed ears.

Ears with tunnels

and chewed kernels.
Cause: C om earworms.
Larva** are yellow-white, green,
or brownish caterpillars with
lengthwise stripes.


V 1" wingspan
Leaves with o ran g e-b ro w n Adult
raised spots. Cause: Rust. Spots E a rs w ith tunnels and chewed kernels.
on upper and lower leaves enlarge, Cause: European corn borers. Larvae are pink
turn brown-black; leaves may die. to gray caterpillars with brown heads.

worms feed on leaves. Most cutworm s are worm adults are yellow to pale green, and
gray or dull brown and up to 2" long. Spray southern rootworms (spotted cucum ber bee­
seedlings with BTK in the evening if cutworms tles) are yellow-green with 11 black spots. Root­
are still feeding on leaves. Sprinkle moist bran worm larvae feed on seeds, and adults feed on
mixed with BTK on the soil surface in the eve­ leaves, silks, and tassels.
ning, or add parasitic nem atodes to the soil to Seedcom beetle larvae are white, slender,
control stem-girdling cutworms. For small plant­ W ' long grubs: adults are '/ / ' long ground
ings, place cutworm collars around plants or beetles with light brown edges. Both larvae
groups of plants to prevent damage. and adults feed on seeds.
Seedlings fail to emerge or are stunted. Wireworms are I 1/*” long, yellow to red­
Causes: Cool soil: com rootworms: seedcom dish brown, slender, tough-bodied, segmented
beetles; wireworms: seedcorn maggots; white larvae with brown heads. Adults are dark-
grubs. C orn seed germ inates poorly in cool colored, elongated click beetles.
soil and is more prone to insect dam age and Seedcorn maggots are V*" long, yellow-
rots. Plant after soil is warm to prevent problems. white. and spindle-shaped. Adults are small
Do not plant com where grass grew the year flies. W hite grubs have thick, soft. V*" bodies
before because many pests live in sod. and curl into a C-shape when disturbed. Adults
Corn rootworm s are white, slender, xt i ' are Japanese or June beetles. Wireworms. seed­
long larvae with brown heads. A dults are corn maggots, and white grubs eat corn seed.
beetles. Western rootworm beetles are */»" and Apply parasitic nem atodes to the soil
yellow with 3 black stripes. N orthern root­ before planting to control soil-dwelling pests.

Prevent adults from laying eggs on or near are dwarfed. Cut off the infected plant near
seedbed by covering it with a large piece of the soil line and look for yellow bacterial slime
row cover after planting. Remove row cover oozing from the cut stem to confirm diagnosis.
when tassels appear. Destroy infected plants. Control flea beetles
Seedlings purplish. Cause: Phosphorus and cucum ber beetles that spread the disease.
deficiency. See page 77 for an illustration of Prevent problems by planting resistant culti­
this condition. Phosphorus is not readily avail­ vars such as ‘Bellringer*, “B u n k er Hill*,
able in cool soils. Spray plants with seaweed “Buttersweet*, “Earlibelle*. “G old Cup*. “Merit*.
extract or com post tea to alleviate symptoms. “Silverado*, “Silver Queen*, “Stylpak*, ‘Summer
Plant stunted and yellow. Causes: Nitro­ Pearl’, and “Sweet Sue*.
gen deficiency: too m uch or too little water: Leaves with yellow, tan, or gray spots or
nem atodes. If older leaves turn yellow first, blotches. Causes: N orthern or southern corn
suspect nitrogen deficiency. Drench roots and leaf blight; o th er fungal leaf spots. Spray
spray plants with fish emulsion o r compost infected plants with sulfur to prevent blight
tea to alleviate symptoms. from spreading. Prevent problem s by using a
To avoid root damage, keep the soil evenly 3-year rotation for corn and by planting culti­
moist. Plant in raised beds to ensure good vars, such as “Sweet Sal’ and ‘Ultim ate’, that
drainage. are tolerant of northern leaf blight o r Apache’,
If entire plant is yellow and doesn't green Cherokee’, “C om et’, ‘Florida Staysweet’. and
up when sprayed with seaweed o r com post, “Wintergreen*, which resist both blights.
and soil is well-drained and not too dry. sus­ Leaves with orange-brown raised spots.
pect pest nem atodes. Roots may be stubby or Cause: Rust. See page 77 for an illustration of
have swellings or beadlike galls. Control by this disease. Spray infected plants with sulfur
applying chitin or parasitic nem atodes to soil. early in the day and thin plants to maintain
Leaves yellow and curled; plant stunted. good air circulation. If rust is a recurrent
C ause: Aphids. T h ese small, soft-bodied, problem , try spraying plants with an antitrans-
green, black, gray. pink, or white fluffy-coated pirant before symptom s develop to prevent
insects suck plant sap. For mild infestations, infection. (Do not spray with antitranspirant
knock pests off plants with a blast of water. when corn is silking.) Plant rust-tolerant culti­
Spray infested plants with insecticidal soap, vars such as “Earlibelle*. “Flavor King*. ‘Sum­
or use a com m ercial neem o r pyrethrin spray m er Pearl*, and “Sweetie 82*.
for severe infestations. Leaves with numerous small holes.
Leaves mottled yellow and green. Cause: Causes: Flea beetles; billbugs. Leaves may
Maize dwarf mosaic. T he stem doesn't grow develop bleached-out spots or stripes. Flea
normally, so new leaves are very close together. beetles are tiny black insects that hop when
Leaves may develop lengthwise stripes. There disturbed. They can transmit disease and are
is no cure; destroy infected plants. Prevent likely to be more num erous after mild winters.
problems by controlling aphids, which spread Cover plants with row cover as soon as they
the virus as they feed, and perennial weeds come up to exclude beetles. Remove row cover
such as Johnsongrass that can harbor the when tassels form. Treat plants with a com ­
disease. Plant tolerant cultivars such as Bell- mercial neem o r pyrethrin spray to control
ringer*, ‘Bi-guard', “Bunker Hill", “Earlibelle’, severe infestations.
‘Enforcer*, “Merit*, and “Silverette*. If holes are arranged in rows, look for
Leaves with lengthwise yellow stripes; billbugs. T hese hard-shelled, nearly black,
plant may wilt. Cause: Bacterial wilt. Leaves l/*n- W snout beetles are usually seen only at
CORN ■ 79

night. Spray heavily infested corn plants with especially if you have had problems in previ­
pyrethrin. ous years.
Leaves with large, ragged holes. Causes: Use insect-specific pherom one traps to
Corn earworm s; European corn borers: army­ catch male m oths of various pest species, or
worms; o th er caterpillars. H andpick or spray ask your local extension agent when moths
plants with BTK if caterpillars are feeding. appear in your area. If you are growing large
See "Ears with tunnels and chewed kernels’* quantities of c o rn , you may want to try using a
below for controls. blacklight trap to catch all types of moths; be
Leaves skeletonized. Cause: Japanese aware that many kinds of beneficial insects
beetles. Silk and tassels may be chewed. Adults are also attracted to and killed by these traps.
are long, metallic blue-green beetles with W hen m oths are present, spray plants with
bronze wing covers. Handpick o r trap adults. pyrethrin in the evening to prevent pests from
Reduce beetle population in following years laying eggs.
by applying parasitic nem atodes or milky dis­ Even before the tassels emerge, check the
ease spores to garden and lawn areas. upright, topm ost leaves of your plants every
Stems girdled at base; stems and ears with 2-3 days for signs of caterpillar feeding. Spray
tunnels. Cause: Southwestern corn borers. BTK as soon as any feeding holes are found.
T hese white, dark-spotted, brown-headed lar­ Make sure to spray the undersides of leaves and
vae bore into stalks and ears. To reduce future insides of unfolding leaves where pests feed.
dam age, plant com early and use resistant Once silks appear, spray them with BTK
cultivars. Cut com stalks down at the soil level or sprinkle a few grains of granular BTK directly
and remove them right after harvest. on each silk. Apply a few drops of mineral oil
to each silk 4-5 days after they wilt to discour­
age any resident pests, o r inject a few drops of
Ear Problems parasitic nem atode suspension around the tip
Ears with tunnels and chewed kernels. of the ear to kill larvae.
Causes: Corn earworms; European corn bor­ Kernels at tips or upper half of ears hol­
ers; fall armyworms. Leaves and silk may be lowed out. Cause: Sap beetles. These small
chewed. Stalks and tassels may be tunneled black beetles with yellow spots invade ears
and may snap off. Corn earworm larvae are after the silks turn brown. Handpick beetles,
light yellow, green, pink, o r brown caterpillars o r spray ear tips with a com m ercial pyrethrin
up to 2" long, with lengthwise stripes. Adults solution for severe infestations. Sap beetles
are tan moths. See page 77 for an illustration can be trapped in containers baited with fer­
of this pest. menting fruit.
European com borer larvae are beige, Ears with dried tips exp osed ; ears stripped
brown-spotted caterpillars up to 1" long, with or missing. Causes: Birds; raccoons. Birds
brown heads. Adults are pale yellow to tan peck at tips of ears, exposed tips turn dry and
m oths with wavy lines on their wings. See greenish brown. Raccoons harvest ripe, juicy
page 77 for an illustration of this pest. com , usually the night before you would pick
Armyworm larvae are greenish brown cat­ it yourself. Repel birds with loud noises or
erpillars up to 1V?" long, with a characteristic visual scare devices. Frustrate raccoons by
inverted Y on the head. Adults are pale gray surrounding your com with a 3-strand electric
moths and have a 1Vi" wingspan. fence with wires 3"-4" apart and off the ground.
Cover plants with row cover until tassels See “Stopping Animal P ests' on page 408 for
emerge to exclude the first generation of pests, further information.

Ears misshapen or with areas of undevel­ showy flowers, attractive fruit, striking fall
oped kernels. Causes: Poor pollination: nutri­ color, and interesting bark. Use dogwoods as
ent deficiency: viral diseases. Insufficient or specimen plants, in woodland plantings, o r as
ineffective pollination can cause undeveloped informal barriers.
bare tips, scattered kernels, or entirely bare
cobs. Plant corn in a block, rather than a long Culture
row to ensure effective wind pollination. Insects Spring is the best time to plant dogwoods,
feeding on silks before pollination occurs can as balled-and-burlapped o r container-grown
prevent pollination, as can very dry conditions. plants. Most thrive in well-drained soil enriched
Control insects that feed on silk, and keep soil with organic matter. T he tree forms, in par­
moist, but not wet, to ensure even pollination. ticular, are intolerant of drought, so w ater
Ears with bare, undeveloped tips can also them thoroughly in dry periods. A deep or­
be caused by potassium deficiency. Phospho­ ganic mulch helps to conserve moisture and
rus deficiency also causes small, irregular ears. keep down weeds. T he shrub types will grow
See page 77 for an illustration of this condition. in sun or partial shade; the trees are best in
If ears are misshapen and kernels have corky, dappled shade.
brown bands at their bases, suspect boron Dogwoods vary widely in their suscepti­
deficiency. Spray young plants with seaweed bility to pests and diseases. Som e, such as
extract or com post tea to help prevent defi­ flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), tend to
ciencies. Confirm deficiencies with a soil test have more problems than resilient species like
and am end soil as needed. kousa dogwood (C. kousa ) and cornelian cherry
Viral diseases such as maize dwarf mosaic dogwood (C. mas). To avoid problems with
can cause poor kernel form ation at base of any dogwood, keep plants growing vigorously
ears o r bare ears. See “Leaves m ottled yellow with regular watering and fertilization. Avoid
and green* on page 78 for more symptoms. damaging the trunk with lawn mowers, string
Ears or tassels with enlarged galls. Cause : trim m ers, or pruning equipm ent; many dog­
Corn smut. Young galls are firm and whitish, wood problems, like canker and borers, enter
older ones are spongy and filled with black plants through wounds in the bark.
powder. Remove galls before they split open,
and destroy infected plants. Do not com post Problems
them . Prevent problems by planting resistant Trunk with lumpy swellings; limbs die or
cultivars such as ‘Bellringer*, ‘Gold Cup*, ‘Merit*, break off; bark Calls off. Cause: Borers. Sev­
‘Sweet Sue*, and ‘Viking*. eral species of borers attack dogwoods. T he
most com m on type, the dogwood borer, has
white-bodied, brown-headed larvae. They hatch

Cornus from eggs laid on the bark and enter the tree
through wounds o r scars in the bark. Dog­
wood borers often attack young, newly trans­
Dogwood. Shrubs and small trees. planted trees.
Although tree wraps have long been rec­
om m ended to protect dogwoods from borers,
Dogwoods are deciduous trees or shrubs, research has shown that these guards are not
usually with opposite leaves. These plants pro­ a good idea. They tend to keep bark soft and
vide year-round landscape interest with their moist, actually protecting borer larvae. If you

want to use a tree wrap to protect plants from tips die back" on page 238 for more information.
w inter deer dam age, remove the guard during Twigs with clublike galls. Cause: Gall
the growing season. Also, avoid wounding the midges. T he orange larvae of these small red­
trunk with lawn mowers, string trim m ers, or dish brown midges tunnel into young shoots.
pruning equipm ent; these injuries provide an One-inch-long swellings form around the devel­
easy entrance for borers. Preventive m easures oping larvae on the twig; leaves on the branch
are the best control for these pests. If borers may wilt or turn brown. Prune off and destroy
do strike, try cutting them out of the trunk galls as soon as you see them.
with a sharp knife. Remove and destroy seri­ Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
ously infected trees. with small bumps. C ause: Scales. See “Leaves
Leaves with small, purple-rimmed spots yellow; stem and leaves covered with small
or large brown blotches; twigs die back. Cause; bumps’’ on page 237 for controls.
Dogwood anthracnose. This fungal disease Leaves tunneled. Cause: Leafminers. See
can be a serious problem on flowering dogwood. “Leaves tunneled’’ on page 237 for suggested
Lower branches die back as the disease pro­ controls.
gresses; eventually the whole tree may die. Leaves with powdery white coating.
T he problem is m ost serious in w oodland Cause: Powdery mildew. See "Leaves with pow­
settings, where the dogwoods may already be dery white coating" on page 237 for controls.
weakened by lack of light and com petition for
food and water. Vigorously growing plants are
m ore resistant. If disease does strike, prune
out affected parts; clean up and destroy fallen
leaves in autum n. A dorm ant spray of lime-
sulfur or bordeaux mix may give some control. Cosmos. Annuals.
Leaves yellow, sparse, distorted, or with
brown edges; branches die; growth stunted.
Cause: Decline. In recent years, flowering T he daisy like flowers of these fast-growing
dogwoods have been afflicted by decline. T he plants com e in many shades of red, yellow,
exact cause is unknown. Trees that are stressed white, pink, lavender, and m agenta. Cosmos
by insects, disease, or environm ental changes bloom on lV i'-4\ slender stems covered with
are very susceptible to further pest and dis­ finely cut foliage.
ease problem s. Dogwood anthracnose (see Direct-sow cosmos outdoors from M arch
above) com m only attacks already weakened through July. Seedlings appear in 10 days. Cos­
trees, for example. For m ore inform ation, mos are also easy to transplant. Space plants
see “Leaves yellow, sparse, distorted, or with 8"-24" apart, depending on ultimate size. They
brown edges; branches die; growth stunted’' prefer full sun and light, average soil kept
on page 238. slightly on the dry side. Avoid overwatering,
Twigs die back. Cause: Twig blight. Prune and do not fertilize.
off affected parts back to live wood. Keep the Pinch back seedlings before flower buds
tree growing vigorously with regular watering form to encourage com pact bushy plants, or
and fertilization. buy lower-growing cultivars. Staking is neces­
IVunk or branches with oozing lesions; sary for larger cosmos. Plant in groups or
branch tips die back. C ause: Canker. See among sturdier bedding plants for extra wind
“Trunk or branches with oozing lesions; branch protection. Plants may self-sow.

Problems new shoots to wilt suddenly, turn dark, and

Stems break. Cause: Stalk borers. These die back. T he disease eventually spreads, kill­
long, thin, striped caterpillars eat their way ing the whole plant. Lush new growth is par­
through cosmos stalk centers. Small, round ticularly susceptible, so avoid overfertilizing.
stem holes may betray their presence. Once Prune out diseased tissue, cutting back at
plants are visibly affected, there is no cure. If least 6" beyond the discolored area: destroy
borers are a regular problem, spray plants with or dispose of prunings. Disinfect pruners after
BTK early in the season as borers enter plants. each cut in a 10 percent bleach solution (1
Leaves, stems, and buds distorted. Cause: part bleach to 9 parts water) to avoid spreading
Aphids. See “Leaves, stems, and buds distorted" the disease to healthy wood. Spray copper or
on page 20 for controls. bordeaux mix the following spring during
Leaves greenish yellow; growth poor. flowering.
Cause: A ster yellows. For more information Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause:
and control m easures, see “Leaves greenish Aphids. See "Leaves wrinkled and discolored”
yellow; growth poor” on page 19. on page 235 for controls.
Plant wilts suddenly. Cause: Bacterial Leaves pale and mottled. Cause: Lace
wilt. This disease causes a soft rot at the base bugs. These Vs'-1/ / ', dark-colored bugs have
of the stem , killing plants quickly. Remove lacy wings. They feed on the undersides of
and destroy infected plants. Do not replant leaves and d e p o sit sm all b lack sp o ts of
cosm os in that area. excrement. Severe infestations can cause early
leaf drop. Control by spraying leaves with supe­
rior oil or insecticidal soap.
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered

Cotoneaster with small bumps. C ause: Scales. See “Leaves

yellow; stems and leaves covered with small
bumps” on page 237 for more information.
Cotoncaster. Shrubs. Leaves skeletonized; branches webbed.
Cause: Cotoneaster webworms. These W , yel­
lowish green to brown caterpillars feed on
Cotoneasters are alternate-leaved ever­ leaves and spin silken webs around leaves and
green or deciduous shrubs with persistent red stems. Young plants may die; older ones can
or black fruit. They are useful as groundcovers, be seriously weakened. Break up and remove
in the rock garden, in foundation plantings, or the webs; spray plants with BTK.
overhanging a wall. Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed.
Plant in spring as balled-and-burlapped or C ause: Spider mites. See “Leaves stippled with
container-grown plants. Although not particu­ yellow; foliage w ebbed” on page 236 for
lar as to soils, avoid poorly drained sites. Coto­ controls.
neasters do best in full sun. C otoneasters can Leaves with brownish blisters underneath.
withstand wind, dry soil, and even salt spray. Cause: Pear leaf blister mites. T hese m icro­
scopic mites live and feed on tissue inside
Problems leaves. They overwinter on buds and infest
Leaves, flowers, and branches blackened. new leaves in spring. Spray plants in late win­
Cause: Fire blight. This bacterial disease causes ter with dorm ant oil o r fane-sulfur.

Trunk or branches with smaU holes; limbs m ), a blue- or white-flowered plant that blooms
die or break off. Cause: Borers. See “Trunk before leaves extend fully. Most species grow
o r branches with small holes: limbs die or only 3"-6" tall.
break off* on page 238 for controls. Plant both spring- and fall-flowering spe­
cies as soon as corm s are available. Corm s are
occasionally infected with dry rot: examine
corms carefully when purchasing (see the illus­
Crataegus tration on page 49). Full sun and well-drained
soil are crocuses' main requirem ents: corm s
will grow and multiply undisturbed for years.
Hawthorn. Trees.
Set 3"-4" deep and 2"-6” apart with pointed
growing tips right side up. Avoid cutting foliage
back until it fades naturally: early removal of
Hawthorns are small, thorny, deciduous
leaves reduces flowering in subsequent years.
trees with alternate leaves and showy, white,
Divide large clum ps, as needed, after leaves
pink, o r red flowers. Hawthorns make attrac­
die back; replant full-size corm s and corm els
tive specimen trees, barriers, o r hedges.
(small corms growing from base of parent corm)
Set out balled-and-burlapped plants in
full sun in early spring. Hawthorns are unde­
manding as to soil, but avoid poorly drained Problems
areas. Choose planting sites with good air
Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky;
circulation to minimize disease problems. To
clusters of small insects. Cause: Aphids. Aphids
avoid rust diseases, don’t plant hawthorns where
may feed on foliage: see "Leaves, stems, and
Eastern red cedar (.Juniperus virginiana) is
buds distorted, sticky; clusters of small insects"
com m on.
on page 51 for control information.
Hawthorns share many insect and dis­
Plant disappears; corms missing. C ause:
ease problems with apples. For symptoms and
Animal pests. Rodents such as m ice, voles,
controls, see the Apple entry beginning on
squirrels, and gophers ail will eat crocus corm s
page 21.
and can quickly make a planting disappear.
T he presence of a pet dog or cat often deters
rodents; if pets aren’t an option, try other

Crocus techniques (see “Stopping Animal Pests’’ on

page 408). Line planting beds with screen or
hardware cloth to keep pests from burrowing
Crocus. Corms. around corm s. Lay mesh over the top, too:
crocus shoots can still squeeze through.
Leaves yellow, distorted; flowers absent;
M uch like the first robins, dainty cro­ corms rotted. Cause: Bulb mites. If you sus­
cuses signal spring's arrival. These low-growing pect these pests, dig the corm s and use a
flowers bear blooms of yellow, white, pink, magnifying glass to look for whitish,
and purple amid dark green, grasslike foliage mites. Bulb mites favor rotting bulbs, but move
in late winter and early spring. Fall-blooming from there into healthy bulbs, carrying harm ­
species include showy crocus (Crocus specio- ful bacteria and fungi with them. T heir feed­

ing causes corky, brown spots that become Rotate crops so that no m em ber of the
powdery. Inspect corm s carefully for damage cucurbit family (squash, m elon, and cucum ­
o r signs of infestation. Destroy badly infested ber) is grown in the same place more often
bulbs and discard surrounding soil. Solarize than every 4 years.
the soil before planting corm s in previously Caution: C ucum ber leaves are easily
infested ground. burned by insecticidal soap and copper sprays.
Use the most dilute spray recom m ended and
use sparingly. Do not spray plants in direct sun
o r if tem peratures are above 80°F and don't

Cucumber spray drought-stressed plants.

Leaf and Vine Problems

Cucumis sativus ( Cucurbitaceae) Leaves with chewed holes. Cause: Cucum­
ber beetles. Adults are V*" long, greenish yel­
low beetles with black stripes o r spots. See
Cucum bers arc annual vegetables grown page 214 for an illustration of the insects and
for their crisp and crunchy fruit. They add life damage. They attack young leaves and should
to sum m er salads and make tasty pickles. be controlled immediately, as they can spread
bacterial wilt or viruses. Treat plants with a
Culture com m ercial pyrethrin spray or dust. Prevent
C ucum ber seeds need 60°Fsoil to germ i­ problems by planting cultivars. such as ‘Lib­
nate, so wait until w eather is warm to plant. erty’ and ‘Wisconsin SMR58', that are toler­
Make a second planting 4-5 weeks after the ant of cucum ber beetles.
first so you will have fruit all season. Cover Leaves with pale green patches; afflicted
plants with floating row cover to protect them leaves wilt and blacken. Cause: Squash bugs.
from insects and late cold snaps. Remove row Adults are brownish black, V2 "long bugs. Imma­
cover when plants begin to flower so insects ture bugs are whitish green o r gray with dark
can pollinate the blossoms, or you will not get heads and legs. Both em it a strong, sharp
any fruit. smell when crushed. Eggs are bright orange
Cucumbers do best in well-drained, loose- and laid on undersides of leaves. See page 214
textured soils with lots of organic matter. They for an illustration of the insect and its damage.
will grow in soils with a pH between 5.5 and Handpick adults and eggs. Trap bugs by laying
6.8, but prefer a pH above 6.0. Plants need lots a board near plants. Squash bugs will hide
of water, but don't let soil becom e saturated. underneath it and can be destroyed each
Prevent disease problems by keeping leaves morning.
dry. Mulch cucum bers to help conserve water; Leaves with yellow patches; older leaves
black plastic is a good choice for central and mottled and distorted. Cause: M osaic. For
northern areas, but in extremely warm areas it an illustration of this disease, see page 214.
can warm the soil too much. Organic mulches Remove and destroy diseased plants. Control
are good, too, but may provide shelter for aphids and cucum ber beetles because they
pests like squash bugs. Foil mulches help pre­ spread the virus. Reduce problems by plant­
vent aphid problems. If rotting fruit is a problem, ing cultivars, such as Comet*, ‘Fancipak*,
raise fruit off the ground by placing scraps of Liberty*. ‘M onarch*, ‘Score*, Slicemaster*,
wood under them. ‘Striker*, and 'W isconsin SM R58', that are

resistant to mosaic diseases. cankers. Prevent problems by planting culti­

Leaves yellow, curled, and wilted. Cause : vars, such as ‘Fancipak’, ‘Liberty’, ‘Poinsett
Aphids. Look for small, green, pink, gray, black, 76’, ‘Score’, and ‘Slicemaster’, that are resistant
o r white fluffy-coated, soft-bodied insects feed­ to anthracnose.
ing on plants. Aphids can also transmit viruses. Vines wilt suddenly. Cause: Squash vine
For mild infestations, knock pests off plants borers. These fat, white, 1" long larvae burrow
with a blast of water. Control with a weak in­ into stems and exude masses of yellow-green,
secticidal soap spray; see the caution on page sawdustlike excrem ent. See the illustration of
213 before spraying. Prevent problems by using this insect and its dam age on page 214. Slit
a foil m ulch, which keeps aphids from find­ stems lengthwise above each injury with a
ing plants. sharp knife and kill the larvae. Cover cut stems
Leaves mottled yellow between veins; leaf with moist soil so stem s will form new roots.
undersides have purple spots. Cause: Downy Injecting stems with BTK o r parasitic nem a­
mildew. As the disease progresses, older leaves todes may also help control borers. To reduce
turn brown and die and younger leaves become problem s, plant the cultivar ‘Sweet M ama
infected. Treat plants with a dilute solution of Hybrid’, which is resistant to vine borers. Or
copper spray to control: see the caution on spray the base of stems with BTK once a week
page 213 before spraying. Prevent problems in late spring and early summer.
by planting tolerant cultivars such as ‘Fanci­ Vines wilt at midday, starting with youn­
pak', ‘Liberty’, ‘Poinsett 76’, and ‘Slicemaster’. ger leaves; leaves remain green. Cause: Bac­
Leaves with spots, blotches, or brown areas. terial wilt. See the illustration of disease damage
Causes: Powdery mildew; angular leaf spot; on page 148. As the disease progresses, leaves
scab anthracnose. V arious diseases attack fail to recover, and die. Cut wilted stems and
cucumbers. Reduce problems by keeping foliage press out drops of sap. If it is milky, sticky, and
dry when watering and by not touching plants astringent, your plant is infected. Destroy
when wet. Spray infected plants with a dilute infected plants immediately. Prevent problems
solution of copper spray to control outbreaks; by controlling cucum ber beetles, since they
see the caution on page 213 before spraying. spread the disease.
Powdery white spots on leaves, especially
on upper surfaces are caused by powdery Fruit Problems
mildew. Prevent problems by planting resistant Fruit shrivels. Cause: Bacterial wilt. See
cultivars such as ‘Fancipak’, ‘Liberty’, ‘Poinsett “Vines wilt at midday, starting with younger
76’, and ‘Slicem aster’. leaves; leaves remain green” above for controls.
W ater-soaked spots that turn gray, die, Fruit misshapen, one end not Tilled out.
and drop out leaving shotholes are caused by Causes: Diseases; poor pollination; nutrient
angular leaf spot o r by scab. A ngular leaf spot deficiency. Many diseases cause misshapen
causes small, brown, angular spots on fruit. fruit; use leaf symptoms to determ ine the dis­
Scab-damaged fruit develops sunken, brown ease causing the problem. If leaves are healthy,
spots with a sticky ooze. Scab is worse in co o l, high tem peratures may have dam aged pollen,
moist weather. ‘Fancipak’, ‘Score’, and ‘Slice- o r bees may not have been active. Early in the
m aster’ are resistant to scab. season, wait for better conditions, o r pollinate
Yellow spots that turn brown are caused the flowers yourself by dusting pollen from
by anthracnose. Infected leaves eventually die. male flowers onto female flowers (see page
Infected fruit has circular, black, sunken 214 for an illustration of male and female

flowers). Later in the season, pull plants and on leaf undersides. If dam age is not severe,
wait for second planting to bear. If plants ignore it; otherw ise, spray with insecticidal
appear to be healthy and tem peratures are not soap, neem , or pyrethrin, making sure to get
extrem e, try spraying plants with com post tea the undersides of the leaves. D orm ant oil
to co rrect possible nutrient deficiency. applied in the winter helps prevent aphids.
Fruit with spots; flesh may rot. Causes: Leaves yellow; stems die back. Cause:
A ngular leaf spot: A lternaria blight: black Currant borers. As spring growth begins, you
rot: scab: other fungal or bacterial diseases. can easily spot borer-infested canes because
See “Leaves with spots, blotches, or brown the leaves look weak and sickly. Currant borers
areas" on page 85 for controls. spend the winter in canes, pupate in the spring,
Fruit dull bronze. Cause: Phosphorus and emerge as moths to reinfect currant bushes.
deficiency. Spray plants with com post tea to T he easiest control is to cut out and destroy
correct possible nutrient deficiency. Check infested canes as soon as you notice them.
with a soil test and am end soil as needed. Leaves spotted, yellow, and drop early.
Causes: Septoria leaf spot; anthracnose. Since
both of these fungal diseases overwinter on

Currant old leaf litter, rake up the leaves o r bury them

under a thick mulch in autum n. C opper sprays
also control both diseases. If defoliation occurs
Ribes spp. (Saxifragaceae) late in the season, it does plants little harm.
Leaves with rust-colored pustules on under­
sides. Cause: White pine blister rust. This
Currants are upright or spreading, decid­ fungal disease is passed back and forth between
uous bushes growing 3 -5 ' high. European black white pines (or other 5-needled pines) and var­
currants \ Ribes nigrum )bear fruit mostly on ious species of Ribes. The disease is much more
the previous seasons growth: red and white devastating to pines than to Ribes, so Ribes
currants (R. petraeum. R. rubrum. and R. plantings are sometim es banned where pines
sativum ) bear on the previous seasons growth are econom ically im portant. European black
and on spurs—short branches that elongate currants are most susceptible. Red and white
only a fraction of an inch per year—on older currants generally are not much affected. Avoid
stems. Currants are hardy in Zones 3-8. planting susceptible currants near white pines.
Plant currants in full sun or partial shade Leaves with white powdery coating.
and apply a thick, organic mulch. To winter- Cause: Powdery mildew. Usually this fungal
prune red and white currants, cut all but 6 of disease is harmless, but if it becom es severe,
the previous season’s shoots to the ground. spray plants with sulfur, lime-sulfur, or a solu­
Remove all shoots more than 3 years old. To tion of sodium carbonate (washing soda) or
winter-prune black currants, cut 2-5 of the sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
oldest branches to the ground and shorten Fruit colors and drops early. Cause: Cur­
tall, old branches to vigorous young sideshoots. rant fruit fly larvae. For more inform ation, see
Most currants are self-pollinating. "Fruit colors and drops early" on page 107.
Foliage stripped from bushes just as leaves
Problems expand. Cause: Imported currantworms. For
Leaves blistered and reddened. Cause: controls, see “Foliage stripped from bushes
Aphids. You'll find these tiny insects clustered just as leaves expand" on page 108.

Dahlia flowering; removal of some buds increases

the size of the remaining flowers. These heavy
feeders benefit from side-dressings of com ­
Dahlia. Tliberous roots. post o r general-purpose fertilizer throughout
the summer. Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers,
which encourage weak growth and pest and
D escended from species native to Cen­ disease problems. Dahlias need at least 1" of
tral and South America, m odem dahlia hybrids w ater weekly; soil should be neither soggy
are most often grown as annuals in tem perate nor com pletely dry. M ulch to retain moisture.
clim ates and are dug, overwintered indoors, Dahlias survive w inter outdoors in Zones
and replanted the following spring. Thousands 9-10, given good drainage; otherwise they must
of cultivars offer a huge array of flower shapes, be dug and stored. Cut plants back to about 1'
colors, and sizes to gardeners willing to meet and dig the roots in fall before the first frost.
dahlias’ rigorous growth requirem ents. Thick- Shake away loose soil and lay roots in the sun
stem m ed, rather coarse-textured plants range to dry for several hours. A fter drying, remove
from r to 8 ' tall; m idsum m er to fall blossoms the tops and store the roots in a cool, dark, dry
may be I "-15" in diameter. place. Check roots at regular intervals to make
Select a planting site in full sun and pre­ sure they’re not so dry that they shrivel up.
pare the soil to a depth of 1 \ incorporating
plenty of com post o r o th er organic matter. Problems
Dahlias require good drainage; raised beds Leaves wilt; stems collapse. Cause: Borers.
help meet this need. Plant tuberous roots after Both European com borer and stalk borer
all danger of frost has passed; placing them caterpillars are long, thin, and striped and
horizontally in the soil with the buds upward tunnel within dahlia stems and flower stalks,
and fleshy roots spread out in the planting causing collapse. Inspection of damaged plants
hole, 6 "-8" below the soil surface. Cover the reveals small, round holes in stems. Remove
buds with about 3" of soil at planting, then and destroy infested stems; clean up debris
gradually fill in as the shoots grow. All but the where pests overwinter. If borers have been a
shortest cultivars need support for heavy flower problem in past years, spray BTK weekly in
heads. Set stakes at planting time. early summer before borers enter stems.
Pinching shoots back during the growing Leaves mottled white or yellow. Cause:
season promotes bushier growth and increased Leafhoppers. Feeding by wedge-shaped leaf-

hoppers gives leaves a speckled appearance, warmer climates scales may be a problem: see
followed by dry, brown blotches; foliage be­ "Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered with
com es distorted and falls off. In addition to small bumps *on page 237.
feeding injury, leafhoppers can spread aster
yellows and other diseases. Encourage natu­
ral predators such as bigeyed bugs and para­
sitic wasps. Spray leafhopper infestations with
insecticidal soap first: if control is unsatisfactory,
treat with a com m ercial neem or pyrethrin
spray. Delphinium, larkspur. Perennials.
Leaves yellow-green or deformed; shoots
spindly, stunted. Cause: Viral diseases. Sev­
eral viruses infect dahlias, causing stunted Dense flower spikes of lavender, true blue,
growth and yellowed leaves with ring spots, pink, and white make delphinium s sum m er
m ottling, and pale or dead areas. Aphids and garden showstoppers. Towering flower stalks
leafhoppers spread viruses; control pests to range in height from l'/i' to 8', depending on
limit infection. Dig and destroy dahlias show­ the cultivar. Large, lobed, and deeply toothed
ing symptoms. leaves cluster near the ground.
Flowers and foliage with gray mold. Soil for delphinium s must be high in
Cause: Botrytis blight. During wet, cloudy organic matter, slightly alkaline, well-drained,
weather, Botrytis fungi can cause flowers to and moist. Select a site protected from dam ­
turn brown and rot. Pick and destroy infected aging winds, and provide stakes for brittle,
plant parts. If blight is a persistent problem, hollow flower stems. These plants prefer full
apply sprays of bordeaux mix. sun, but benefit from afternoon shade where
summ ers are long and hot. Delphiniums need
cool summers and may die during extended
hot, humid periods. Even under favorable

Daphne conditions, most plantings lose vigor and need

renovation every 3-5 years.

Daphne. Shrubs. Problems

Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky;
clusters of small insects. Cause: Aphids. See
D aphnes are small evergreen o r decidu­ “Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky; clus­
ous shrubs; most produce fragrant flowers. ters of small insects" on page 177 for controls.
They are excellent foundation shrubs. Leaves with tan or brown blotches or ser­
Daphnes are not the easiest plants to grow; pentine tunnels. C ause: Leafm iners. For
there is considerable controversy as to their recom m ended controls, see "Leaves with tan
soil preferences. Furtherm ore, for no known o r brown blotches or serpentine tunnels’* on
reason, plants will occasionally die. Plant them page 27.
in organically enriched soils in sun or light Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause:
shade and be sparing of fertilizer and water. Slugs and snails. See "Leaves with large, rag­
Spring planting as container-grown or balled* ged holes” on page 177 for control information.
and-burlapped plants suits them best. Leaves covered with white powder. Cause:
Daphnes are little troubled by insects. In Powdery mildew. See "Leaves covered with
DIANTHt-S ■ 89

white powder" on page 177 for controls. space plants to encourage good air circula­
Stems exude sawdustlike material and tion: avoid wetting foliage when watering. Dig
break; leaves wilt. Cause: Borers. Long, thin, and destroy seriously infected plants. Keep
striped stalk and burdock borers make small garden free of debris, and cut plants to the
holes in the base of delphinium stem s as they ground at the end of the growing season. Apply
enter to feed. Sawdustlike castings around the preventive sulfur sprays if leaf spot is a serious
holes mark the presence of these m oth larvae. problem.
Prevent borers by removing weeds and plant
debris where eggs might overwinter: applica­
tions of BTK give control only if applied just
as borers are entering plants. You can also con­
trol borers by slitting affected stalks lengthwise,
removing the borers, and binding the stems
togeth er—a long task in a large planting. Deutzia. Shrubs.
Leaves stippled, reddish to yellow, with
fine webbing. Cause: Spider mites. These '/»"
arachnids quickly disfigure ornamentals. Their D eutzias are a group of low-growing,
feeding causes leaves to yellow, dry up, and deciduous, spring-blooming shrubs of rounded
die. Excessive feeding turns foliage almost form. They are excellent in the shrub border
white; fine webs cover leaves and growing or massed as an informal hedge.
tips. Mites target water-stressed plants in hot, Deutzias tolerate virtually any soil in sun
dry weather; adequate watering guards against o r very light shade. Set out in spring as bare-
them . Hose down infested plants; a strong root. balled-and-burlapped. or container-grown
stream knocks mites off plants, but may dam ­ plants. They bloom on the previous y ears
age brittle flower stalks. Introduce predatory wood, so prune after blooming, cutting back
mites (1.000 per 500 square feet); spray severe the branches that have flowered.
infestations with avermectins, citrus oils, insec­ While deutzias are relatively free of major
ticidal soap. neem . o r pyrethrin. insect problems, aphids may feed on the leaves.
Stems blacken at base; leaves wilt; plant For controls, see “Leaves wrinkled and discol­
falls over. Cause: Crown or root rots. Both ored" on page 235. Leafminers may occasion­
fungi and bacteria cause crown and root rot of ally dam age the leaves: see "Leaves tunneled"
delphinium s. Plants may wilt suddenly o r yel­ on page 237.
low and wilt slowly. Stems and roots may turn
black: mold may appear. Poorly drained, overly
wet soil prom otes rot; choose well-drained
sites and add organic m atte r to im prove
drainage. Avoid injury to crowns when dig­
ging near plants; keep winter mulch away from
crowns. Remove and destroy infected plants; Pink, carnation. Perennials.
wash tools used around diseased plants. Solar­
ize the soil before replanting.
Leaves with yellow, brown, or black spots. Sprightly pinks bear fringed flowers in
Cause: Fungi. Several fungi cause spots on shades of pink, white, m aroon, and red over
leaves. As spots enlarge, entire leaves may tidy, gray-green grasslike leaves. Dianthus spp.
wither. Remove and destroy infected foliage; range in height from 4" to 18" with spreads of

1-2'; most bloom profusely from late spring Leaves and flowers greenish yellow, dis­
through summer. Popular species include sweet torted; new growth spindly. Cause: Viruses.
William ID. barbatus ), a short-lived perennial Several viruses may infect pinks, stunting growth
often grown as an annual, and mat-forming and m ottling and spotting foliage. Control
maiden pinks (D. deltoides). aphids and leafhoppers that spread viruses:
Well-drained, average soil with neutral to ! there is no cure for infected plants. Remove
slightly alkaline pH is best for pinks. Most and destroy plants with viral symptoms; don’t
prefer full sun. but tolerate light shade, espe­ com post diseased materials.
cially where sum m er tem peratures are high. Leaf surfaces pale; powdery orange spots
Pinks may decline in the heat of summer; beneath. Cause: Rust. This fungus sometimes
select heat-resistant cultivars for southern bothers sweet Williams, deforming leaves and
gardens. Avoid overwatering but don't let plants stems and causing early leaf drop. Its orange
wilt from drought stress. Cut plants back at spots release fungal spores that spread via
the end of the blooming season to encourage wind and rain. Avoid wetting foliage when
new growth. Rejuvenate plantings by dividing watering and encourage good air circulation.
them every 2-3 years. In problem areas, apply w ettable sulfur sev­
eral weeks before rust norm ally appears.
Problems Remove infected plant parts; clear debris from
Leaves stippled, reddish to yellow, with the garden in the fall.
fine webbing. Cause: Spider mites. These '/so" Plant wilts; stems rot at soil level. C ause:
arachnids quickly disfigure ornamentals. Their Fungal o r bacterial rots. Pinks are susceptible
feeding on the undersides of foliage causes it to various diseases that cause plants to will
to yellow, dry up. and die; excessive feeding suddenly or to rot at or below the soil surface.
turns foliage almost white, and fine webs cover This is especially true of plants growing in wet
leaves and growing tips. M ites seek out water- or poorly drained soil or in crowded conditions.
stressed plants in hot, dry w eather: adequate Prevent problems by planting in well-drained
watering helps prevent infestations. Hose down sites, and avoid overwatering and overcrowd­
plants when symptom s first appear; a strong ing: keep mulch away from stem bases. Remove
stream knocks mites off plants and may give and destroy infected plants; do not com post
sufficient control. Introduce predatory mites diseased materials. If the problem is serious,
(1,000 per 500 square feet); spray severe infes­ solarize the soil before replanting a site.
tations with averm ectins, citrus oils, insectici­
dal soap, neem , o r pyrethrin.
Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky;
clusters of small insects. Cause: Aphids. Also
known as plant lice, tiny aphids damage plants
by sucking sap from leaves, stems, and buds.
In addition, aphids transmit viruses that can Bleeding heart. Perennials.
injure plants long after the pests are vanquished.
Use a strong spray of w ater to knock aphids
off plants, or apply insecticidal soap sprays. These graceful plants carry prolific stems
Encourage natural predators such as lady bee­ of dainty, heart-shaped flowers. Common bleed­
tles and lacewings. Treat severe problems with ing heart (Dicentra spectabilis) is a Japanese
a com m ercial neem spray o r pyrethrin spray native with dangling, pink and white blooms
o r dust. in late spring to early summ er; native fringed

bleeding heart (D. eximia ) bears pink o r white 2 - 5 ' spires in late spring. Large, coarse, dark
blossoms on 1' spikes throughout the summer. green leaves clu ster n ear the p lan t's base.
Plants range from 1' to 3 ' in height and spread. True perennial species are available, but their
M edium green leaves are fernlike. blooms are fewer and less showy than com ­
Plant bleeding hearts in moist, rich, and mon foxglove's.
well-drained soil under light shade. Plants tol­ Foxgloves enjoy a shady site with rich,
erate full sun only where sum m ers are cool. moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil. Plants
Avoid sites with standing water, an invitation tolerate full sun, but favor cool w eather and
to stem rot. M ark the spot where you plant need shade in extrem e sum m er heat. W ater
bleeding heart’s fleshy roots—com m on bleed­ regularly to maintain soil moisture. Stake tall
ing heart foliage may die back after blooming cultivars to support flower spikes; plant in a
and all species disappear in winter. Plant bleed­ sheltered site. Remove foxgloves after they
ing heart roots 2 'apart and don’t disturb them; have set seed and self-sown next year’s crop.
roots are brittle and do not transplant o r divide Cutting flowers before they set seed prom otes
easily. Few pests o r diseases pose serious trou­ second-year blooms, but flowering is reduced
ble for well-grown bleeding hearts. the second year.

Stems blacken at base; leaves wilt; plant Problems
falls over. Causes: Wilts; stem rots. Many Leaves and/or flowers with holes. C ause:
destructive fungi live in soil and will attack Japanese beetles. These pests can seriously
plants at soil level. Plants may wilt suddenly dam age foxglove foliage; see “Leaves an d /o r
or yellow and wilt slowly. Stems and roots may flowers with holes’’ on page 176 for control
turn black; mold may appear. Discolored, water- information.
soaked lesions girdle stems; plants gradually Leaves covered with white powder. Cause:
die. Poorly drained, overly wet soil prom otes Powdery mildew. For information on control­
wilt and rot; choose well-drained sites and ling this com m on and troublesom e fungal dis­
add organic m atter to improve drainage. Avoid ease, see “Leaves covered with white powder’’
overwatering and overcrowding; keep mulch on page 177.
away from the base of stems. Remove and Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause:
destroy infected plants; wash tools used around Slugs and snails. Slugs and snails may hide
diseased plants. below foxgloves’ low, broad foliage. Limit them
by removing faded leaves and plant debris.
See “Leaves with large, ragged holes’’ on page
177 for more control information.

Digitalis Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky;

clusters of small insects. Cause: Foxglove
aphids. T hese pests feed on other plants but
Foxglove. Perennials. overwinter as eggs on foxgloves. G ood gar­
dening practices will slow the spread of fox­
glove aphids. Remove spent plants in fall to
Com m on foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea) reduce aphid activity in following years. See
are actually biennials that self-sow so well “Leaves, stem s, and buds distorted, sticky;
that they function as perennials. Bell-like flow­ clusters of small insects” on page 177 for
ers in shades of purple, pink, and white cover controls.

Dill drained. moist soil and a pH between 5.0 and 8.0.

Dill is rarely troubled by pests or diseases.
Virus-infected leaves are dwarfed and deformed
Anethum graveolens (Umbelliferae) and abnorm ally colored. D estroy infected
plants and control leafhoppers as they spread
viruses. Leaf blight causes dark spots with
Dill is an annual herb grown for its tangy yellow edges. To control this fungal disease,
leaves and seeds. Sow seed outdoors where spray plants with fish emulsion or in severe
the plants are to grow after the soil is warm. cases, with sulfur. See the Herbs entry begin­
Dill prefers a site in full sun with rich, well- ning on page 116 for other possible problems.

Echinacea These durable prairie natives like full sun,

but endure poor soils and tolerate some drought
once established. Shaded sites cause tall, spin­
Purple coneflower. Perennials. dly growth, as docs excess fertilization. Pinch
in spring to encourage sturdy, branching growth.
Coneflowers are somewhat short-lived: divide
P urple, daisylike petals surround the clum ps every 3 years o r so to rejuvenate
prickly, brown centers of purple coneflow ers plantings, placing divisions 20" apart. Plants
(Echinacea purpurea ) I "-4" wide blossoms. also start easily from seeds, which need light
Plants grow 3 - 4 ' tall and bloom from early to germ inate.
sum m er until frost. T h e cone-shaped centers Japanese beetles can quickly skeletonize
persist throughout the winter, providing inter­ the foliage of purple coneflowers. See “Leaves
est after the petals have fallen. Pale cone­ an d /o r flowers with holes” on page 176 for
flower (£. pallida) has creamy white petals. controls.

Copyrighted matelial

Eggplant spoon of Epsom salts added per gallon when

the first flowers open to improve fruit set.
Eggplants are susceptible to many of the
Solatium tnekmgem vac escukntum (Solanaceae) same problems, pests, and diseases as tom a­
toes, including flower drop o r misshapen fruit
due to extrem e tem peratures, flea beetles,
Eggplants are tender perennials that are C olorado potato beetles, aphids, hornworms,
grown as annuals in tem perate regions for the mites, Verticillium and Fusarium wilts, tobacco
firm-fleshed fruit. Fruit shapes range from long m osaic virus, and anthracnose fruit rot. See
and thin to short and blocky and may be the Tom ato entry beginning on page 227 for
white, yellow, o r dark purple. Harvest fruit at symptoms, causes, and controls.
any size, preferably before seeds turn brown Prevent problem s by planting tobacco
and harden. mosaic virus-tolerant cultivars such as ‘Black-
nite’, ‘Classy Chassis’, ‘Dusky Hybrid', ‘Epic’,
Culture and ‘Vernal*.
Eggplants do best in full sun and well-
drained. fertile soil with lots of organic matter. Problems
They prefer a pH between 6.0 and 6.8, but will Leaves turn yellow, then brown. Cause:
tolerate a pH as low as 5.5. Eggplants need a Lace bugs. Leaves eventually die. These flat,
high level of nitrogen and m oderate levels of gray to brown. V\o” long insects have lacelike
phosphorus and potassium. Have the soil tested wings and feed on the undersides of leaves.
and correct any deficiencies. They grow best Treat plants with a com m ercial pyrethrin spray
at tem peratures between 70° and 85°F and or dust if dam age is severe. Prevent problems
poorly above 95° or below 65°E by covering plants with row cover until they
Eggplants need lots of water. Keep the flower.
soil evenly moist, and never let it dry out. Leaves with large holes. Cause: Blister
They do well in m ulched, raised beds with beetles. These 7 / ' long, elongated beetles have
drip irrigation. Black plastic mulch is a good yellow and black stripes. W ear gloves to
choice because it warms the soil. handpick. since these beetles secrete a sub­
Purchase stocky, insect- and disease-free stance that may cause blisters. Blister beetle
plants, o r start your own from seed indoors. larvae help control grasshoppers, so think twice
Soaking seed in 122°F w ater for 30 minutes before spraying to control them. Treat plants
before planting can help reduce seed-borne with a com m ercial pyrethrin spray o r dust if
diseases. (Be aware that this treatm ent can dam age is severe.
dam age seed viability; for com plete instruc­ Leaves with light-centered, gray to brown
tions, see page 422.) Eggplant seeds germ inate spots; fruit with pale, sunken spots. Cause:
best between 80° and 90°E Once seedlings are Phomopsis blight. Stems may also develop
up, they grow best at 70°F Do not plant out dark areas. Fruit spots enlarge and run together,
before average daily temperatures have reached affected flesh is discolored and may rot and
65°-70°F Protect transplants from wind, and shrivel. Spray plants with copper if symptoms
water new transplants well with seaweed extract are present and if w eather is wet or humid.
or com post tea to give them a good start. Prevent problems by planting resistant culti­
Spray plants with seaweed extract with 1 tea­ vars like ‘Florida Beauty’ and ‘Florida M arket’.

Fruit with dry, brown chew marks. Cause: Set euonymus out in spring or fall as balled-
Colorado potato beetles. See "Leaves with and-burlapped o r container-grown plants. The
large, ragged holes or leaves missing" on page plants are tolerant of sun o r shade, but heavy
190 for description and controls. shade may decrease fruiting.

Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered

Epimedium with small bumps. Cause: Scales. Scale insects

are the most com m on insect pests on euony­
mus plants. See the opposite page for an illus­
Epimedium. Perennials. tration of euonym us scale and its damage. For
control measures, see “Leaves yellow; stems
and leaves covered with small bum ps" on
T h ese 6"-12" tall, evergreen to semi- page 237.
evergreen plants bear clusters of V<", yellow, Trunk or roots with swollen, wartlike
white, or pink flowers in early spring. Com­ growths. Cause: Crown gall. For an illustra­
pound leaves consist of 2"-3" long, heart-shaped tion of this bacterial disease, see the opposite
leaflets, tinged pink or red in spring and turn­ page. For controls, see “Trunk o r roots with
ing yellow o r bronze in fall. swollen, wartlike growths” on page 238.
Epim edium s are slow to establish, but Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause:
can form a hardy groundcover for moist, par­ Aphids. See “Leaves wrinkled and discolored”
tially shaded locations and will grow in sites on page 235 for controls.
where low soil fertility limits other perennials. Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves with
Cut foliage low to the ground in early spring to moist or brown sunken spots. Cause: Anthrac­
keep it from hiding the flowers. nose. See the opposite page for an illustration
Like most groundcovers, epimediums offer of this disease. For control m easures, see
a haven for slugs and snails. See “Leaves with “Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves with
large, ragged holes” on page 177 for controls. moist o r brown sunken spots” on page 238.
Leaves with powdery white coating.
Cause: Powdery mildew. See “Leaves with pow­
dery white coating” on page 237 for controls.

Euonymus, spindle tree. TVees, shrubs, and vines.
Euonymus are evergreen or deciduous Spurge. Perennials.
trees, shrubs, or vines, always with opposite
leaves and generally with to o th ed leaves.
Shrubby species are good for hedges o r speci­ The species of perennial Euphorbia range
men plants; vining species are great as ground­ in size from prostrate myrtle euphorbia (£.
covers or on walls. myrsinites) to 1 - l'/i', clump-forming cushion

A What Goes Wrong

and Why

Leaves and sh oots blackened; leaves

with m oist or brown, sunken spots.
Cause: Anthracnose. Spots enlarge
and run together as the disease

T runk or roots with swollen, Leaves yellow; stem s and leaves

w a rtlik e growths. Cause: covered with small bumps.
Galls also form on stems; can be several Cause: Euonymus scale. Infested
inches in diameter. plants weaken and yellow.

spurge (£. epithymoides) to 2 - 3 ' tall G riffith’s some drought. Divide vigorously growing plants
spurge {£. griffithii). Brightly colored flowers, every 2-3 years to check their spread, being
actually showy bracts, bring shades of yellow sure to leave solid roots on each division.
and red-orange to the garden from early spring
through summer, depending on the species. Problems
Plants remain attractive after bracts have faded; Plant w ilting. C au se: L e ttu c e ro o t
some offer red fall color. Also characteristic aphids. Usually sturdy and resistant to most
of this genus is milky sap that can cause skin pests, spurge is only occasionally infested by tiny
irritation and burning; wear gloves when han­ white to yellow insects that feed underground
dling spurges and avoid contact with the sap. on its roots as well as those of lettuce. Remove
Spurges prefer full sun and well-drained, weeds to prevent aphids from multiplying in
moist soil, but may becom e invasive under early spring. Add com post to soil to encour­
these ideal conditions. In southern zones, they age beneficial nematodes, ground beetles, and
need partial shade during the heat of summ er other soil predators. Improve watering to help
to prevent leggy, open growth. Spurges don’t plants withstand root damage. In severe cases,
mind average to poor soil and most tolerate drench the soil around spurges with neem.

Fagus both spring and fall cankerworms. If their

feeding becom es a problem, spray leaves with
BTK as soon as you notice the pests: continue
Beech. Trees. every 2 weeks until they are gone.
Several other caterpillars, including gypsy
moths, loopers, and tent caterpillars, feed on
Beeches are deciduous trees with gray beeches. See “Leaves skeletonized or with large
bark and alternate leaves. They are one of the holes; branches may be webbed” and “Plant
finest specimen trees for large landscapes. defoliated" on page 236 for more information
They do not, however, thrive on city conditions, and controls.
and their spreading growth and extensive sur­ Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs
face roots make it virtually impossible to grow die or break off. Cause: Borers. See “Trunk
other plants beneath them. or branches with small holes; limbs die or
Set out balled-and-burlapped plants in break off* on page 238 for controls.
spring in well-drained, evenly moist soil. Full Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
sun is best but they'll tolerate part shade. with small bumps. Cause: Scales. A num ber
B eeches are very sensitive to ro o t zone of scale insects attack beeches, including the
disturbances—cuts, fills, com paction—so keep white-colored beech scale. Note that beeches
them safe from such abuse. A thick layer of may be damaged by applications of dorm ant
organic mulch will protect the shallow roots oil; instead, spray lime-sulfur on the trunk
and help keep them cool and moist. and branches in late winter. For other controls,
see “Leaves yellow; stem s and leaves covered
Problems with small bumps” on page 237.
Leaves skeletonized. Causes: Canker- Trunk or branches with oozing lesions;
worms: other caterpillars. Cankerworms are branch tips die back. Cause: Canker. Bleed­
W '-l" , yellow, green, or brown caterpillars ing canker is spread by the beech scale, which
that feed on beech leaves, often defoliating feeds on the b ark , causing wounds that perm it
the tree. To avoid this problem, apply a band entry of the fungus. Control the insect and
of sticky coating, such as Tanglefoot, around you 11 prevent the disease. For m ore details on
the base of the tree in spring to keep females dealing with canker, see “Trunk o r branches
from climbing up and laying their eggs. Apply with oozing lesions; branch tips die back" on
fresh coats in Septem ber and February to trap page 238.

Copyrighted matejial
FIG ■ 97

Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause: fluid at its eye and a ferm ented odor. Smut
Aphids. See "Leaves wrinkled and discolored" produces dusty black spores. To prevent sour
on page 235 for controls. bug dam age, grow closed-eye cultivars such
Leaves with powdery white coating. as ‘Brown Turkey’, ‘Celeste’, ‘G reen Ischia’,
Cause: Powdery mildew. See "Leaves with pow­ and ‘Mission’. Clean up fallen fruit, which
dery white coating" on page 237 for controls. attracts beetles, and trap beetles in containers
Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots. of fermenting fruit.
See "Leaves with spots” on page 237 for controls. Fruit with ants inside. C ause: Insect
feeding. Ants enter the fruit eye to feed on
ripe fruit. To thwart ants, band stems with
plastic o r heavy paper coated with sticky

Fig m aterial. O r place ant bait stations containing

boric acid around trees. Wood ashes around
the base of trees also helps prevent ants from
Ficus carica (Moraceae) climbing up to fruit.

Leaf and Branch Problems

Figs are deciduous, subtropical trees or Leaves with raised, rusty spots on under­
bushes that grow 10-30' tall and bear fruit on sides. Cause: Rust. Leaves may yellow and
1- and 2-year-old wood. They are hardy in die. To control this fungal disease, rake up
Zones 8-10. and destroy fallen leaves. W here the problem
Fig trees need abundant sunlight but tol­ is severe, spray with copper.
erate of a wide range of soil types. In colder Leaves spotted. Cause: Leaf blight. Var­
areas, plant figs against a wall o r wrap them ious fungal diseases attack fig leaves and twigs.
for the winter to minimize dieback from cold. Control all these conditions by raking up and
Each winter, head back long branches to main­ destroying fallen leaves and fruit. Also prune
tain tree shape and induce vigorous new growth. plants to remove infected twigs and allow sun­
T hin out crow ded, weak, diseased, o r crossed light to reach inner branches.
branches. C ultivars such as ‘C eleste’ and
‘Mission’, which fruit best on last year’s wood, Whole Plant Problems
should be pruned more lightly than cultivars Whole plant lacking vigor; bumps on twigs
such as ‘M agnolia’ and ‘K adota’, which fruit and leaves. Causes: Scales; nematodes. Scales
heavily on new growth. Some figs need cross- look like yellow, gray, white, or reddish or
p o llin a tio n : o th e rs d evelop fru it w ithout purplish brown bumps that you can scrape off
pollination. Check pollination needs before stems o r leaves with your fingernail. Many
buying plants. natural enem ies, including lady beetles and
chalcid wasps, help keep scales in check. Prune
Fruit Problems off heavily infested branches and destroy them.
Fruit soured, mushy, or smutty. Cause: For serious infestations, spray before growth
Sour bugs. These small black beetles crawl begins with dorm ant oil.
into the eye of fruit and lay eggs that hatch Nematodes are soil-dwelling, microscopic
into white grubs. T h e grubs carry bacteria worms. Some nematodes perform helpful tasks,
that cause figs to turn sour, mushy, o r smutty. such as breaking down organic m atter; others
Soured fruit may have a drop of pink, sticky a tta c k p lan t ro o ts and cau se diseaselike

symptoms. Figs grown in sandy soils are espe­ feeds on honeydew secreted by these pests.
cially susceptible to nem atode infestation. If R>r information on controlling aphids, see “New
you have sandy soil, plant your fig tree near a leaves twisted or curled and covered with a
building and apply a thick, organic mulch. sticky coating’’ on page 67.
Both of these strategies seem to d eter nema­ Flower buds swollen. Cause: Bud mites.
todes. If nem atodes are com m on in your area, Infected flowers don’t produce nuts. Plant
solarize the soil for 1 o r 2 m onths during the resista n t c u ltiv a rs, in clu d in g ‘B a rc e lo n a ’,
sum m er before planting figs. Planting a cover ‘Cosford’, ‘Italian Red’, and ‘Purple Aveline’.
crop of French dwarf marigolds o r African In severe cases, spray trees with superior oil
marigolds or adding chitin to the soil also around May when the mites crawl out of the
helps control nem atodes. ‘Celeste' and ‘Hunt' swollen buds to attack healthy buds.
are 2 nem atode-resistant cultivars. Branches blighted. Causes: Eastern fil­
bert blight; western filbert blight. Eastern blight
has no cure. It is present in the East and

Filbert carried on A m erican filberts. Young branches

are destroyed first, then older branches and
the trunk, w ithout killing the roots. American
Corylus avellam, C. americana filberts have some tolerance for the fungus, so
(Betulaceae) they have been used in breeding with other
filbert species in an attem pt to create disease-
resistant plants bearing high-quality nuts.
Filberts grow as deciduous trees o r shrubs In the Pacific Northwest, blight is caused
reaching about 20'. They are hardy in Zones by western filbert blight, a bacterial disease.
4-8. To set nuts, most filbert cultivars need Small, angular spots appear on leaves, water-
cross-pollination with a second cultivar. soaked at first, then turning reddish brown.
Filberts blossom very early in the spring, Cankers form on branches, which then may
so they need a site not prone to spring frosts. die. Control this blight by preventing sunburn
Plant in full sun. Since plants blossom on last and winter injury, especially on young plants,
year’s wood, annual pruning is needed to stim­ which are most susceptible. On older plants,
ulate current season’s growth, which will bear only sm aller twigs die. Spray with copper and
next year’s nuts. prune out infected twigs in winter.

Nut kernels blackened; nut shell has small
hole. Cause: Filbertworms. These are the lar­
vae of a brown m oth. T h e easiest control is to
keep trees free of ground debris, such as leaves,
fallen nuts, and shells, because the larvae pupate Forsythia Shrubs.
on the ground throughout the winter.
New leaves twisted or curled and covered
with a sticky coating. Cause: Aphids. Look Forsythia is the most well-known spring-
on leaf undersides for clusters of these tiny flowering, deciduous shrub. It is effective as a
black insects. Leaves also may be covered hedge, grouped for landscape accent, o r in a
with a black fungus, called sooty m old, which shrub border.

Set out in spring o r fall as bare-root or o r branches with small holes; limbs die o r
balled-and-burlapped plants. They require at break o ff' on page 238 for controls.
least partial sun but flourish in almost any Leaves skeletonized or with large holes;
soil. Right after bloom, cut out some of the branches may be webbed. Cause: Caterpillars.
oldest canes to maintain strong flowering. For control inform ation, see “Leaves skele­
Forsythias are troubled little by insects. tonized or with large holes; branches may be
Crown gall may be a problem; see “Trunk w ebbed" on page 236.
o r roots with swollen, wartlike growths" on Branches with small m asses of galls.
page 238. Cause: Ash flower gall mites. T hese tiny mites
attack male flow er clusters on w hite ash
(Fraxinusamericana). Infested flowers develop
abnormally, producing galls that dry and remain

Fraxinus on the tree. Spray branches and galls with

dorm ant oil in late winter for control.
Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots.
Ash. Trees. See “Leaves with spots” on page 237 for details.
Trunk or branches with oozing lesions;
branch tips die back. C ause: Canker. See
Ashes are deciduous trees with opposite, “Trunk or branches with oozing lesions; branch
com pound leaves that turn yellow to purple in tips die back” on page 238 for controls.
the fall. Male and female flowers may appear Leaves distorted, orange-yellow spots on
on the same or different trees; all-male trees leaf undersides. Cause: Rust. This fungus pro­
are preferred for landscaping since they don't duces orange pustules, distorting the leaves
produce undesirable seedlings. Ashes are used and making branch tips swell. Rust usually
as street trees or specimens for large properties. doesn’t harm the tree much, except for detract­
Set out trees in spring o r fall. Full sun is ing from the appearance. Clean up and destroy
best; the soil should be deep and moist but fallen leaves and branches in autum n. To pre­
well-drained. Although often found growing vent the spread of mild infections, spray leaves
along stream s, ashes tolerate dry conditions with sulfur early in the season.
and a range of soil pH. Vigorously growing Leaves skeletonized. Cause: Sawflies. See
ashes are fairly trouble-free. “Leaves skeletonized” on page 236 for controls.

Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. Probably
the m ost serious pests of ash are scale insects,
with oystershell scale as the most im portant,
especially in the Midwest. Putnam scale, San Fritillarv. Bulbs.
Jose scale, and soft scale (in w arm er climates)
also occur. R>r control information, see “Leaves
yellow; stem s and leaves covered with small Red, orange, or yellow, bell-shaped blooms
bumps” on page 237. hang downward in groups of 8-10 from crown
Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs im perial's (Fritillaria imperialis) 3' tall flower
die or break off. Cause: Borers. See “Trunk stalks. Sm aller checkered lilies (F meleagris)

Copyrighted material

bear individual purplish flowers, marked with plus in areas where frost dam age is com mon.
a checkerboard of dark purple on 1' stems. Planting about 15' from the north side of a
Both the bulbs and the lance-shaped, dark building also helps delay flowering. To help
green foliage have a musky odor that is reputed protect winter-tender trees, look for a shel­
to discourage rodents. tered site on the south side of a building.
Plant bulbs in early autum n as soon as Avoid planting in frost pockets where late
they are available. Handle carefully to avoid spring frosts may dam age blossoms and early
bruising, and don’t let them dry out before fall freezes may shorten the harvest season.
planting. Set bulbs 6" deep in humus-rich, Frost pockets develop because cold air tends
moist, very well drained soil under partial to sink and collects in depressions. Frost pock­
shade. Plants bloom in early spring; choose a ets occur at the bottom of valleys and on the
site that offers protection from late frosts. uphill side of woods or buildings on slopes. If
W ater during bloom. Well-grown fritillaries your whole property is a frost pocket, try train­
are troubled by few pests or diseases. ing trees taller so they can blossom above the
frost pocket, and try planting hardier cultivars.
While good air circulation helps reduce
disease problems, blustery winds in open areas
or on hilltops can make training difficult, knock
fruit off trees early, o r topple trees altogether.
Fruit To encourage air movement, space plants far
enough apart so they won’t grow into each
o th er o r nearby plants.

Unlike vegetable crops, which share many Fruit Selection

of the same pests, fruit crops are affected by a Fruit trees and berry bushes are a long­
wide variety of insects and diseases. Because term investment. Before you plant, learn about
fruit crops are borne on so many types of the types of fruit suitable to the local climate
plants—including fruit trees, berry bushes, and soil type. Look for cultivars that will toler­
vines, and herbaceous plants such as straw­ ate local conditions. Northern gardeners should
b erries—they have a wide range of cultural choose cultivars that will survive winter cold,
requirem ents as well. However, regardless of blossom late enough to escape late spring
the crop you are growing, there are basic steps frosts, yet still set and m ature fruit before the
you can take to help prevent and control insects end of the growing season. Southern garden­
and diseases. ers need cultivars that will tolerate intense
sum m er heat and humidity and don’t require
Site Selection much of a winter chilling period. If available,
Full sun is a must for nearly all fruit crops; disease-resistant cultivars are desirable.
Even 1 o r 2 hours of shade a day may result in It’s a good idea to consult nearby nurseries,
sm aller crops and less-flavorful fruit. Well- botanical gardens, and fruit hobbyists—as well
drained soil is also essential. In sites where as local orchardists and extension agents—for
drainage is a problem , plant in raised beds. information on growing fruit in your area.
A location near the top of a gentle slope T he m ore you know about local problems
is ideal for fruit growing. A north-facing slope affecting fruits, the better your chances for
will help delay spring flowering, which is a selecting the right cultivars.
FRUIT ■ 101

Almost all fruit trees and many grape Planting

vines are grafted onto a rootstock selected for Proper planting will encourage healthy,
strong rooting characteristics, disease resis­ vigorous plants that resist attack by insects
tance, or dwarfing effect. Many nurseries only and diseases. Choose your location and pre­
offer 1 o r 2 rootstocks that grow m oderately pare the planting site before the plants arrive.
well in a wide range of conditions. Some mail­ Test the soil and am end as needed. Work lots
order nurseries, however, offer a selection of of organic m atter into the top 6"-8" of soil,
rootstocks for the same fruit cultivars. Once and remove all perennial weeds.
you have identified a specific rootstock that Most fruit plants are shipped bare-root
should do well in your conditions, you may and dorm ant. As soon as they arrive, inspect
want to look for a source that carries it. them for damage like broken roots or branches.
Some fruit trees com e grafted on root­ Keep plants cool and the roots moist, but not
stocks that produce dwarf, semi-dwarf, and wet. until you can plant them.
standard-size trees. Most home gardeners pre­ Dig a hole large enough in which to spread
fer dwarf o r semi-dwarf trees, which fruit at a out the roots w ithout cram ping them. Cut
younger age than standard trees and are eas­ back any dam aged roots and shorten unusu­
ier to tend. ally long ones, if necessary. Most plants should
be planted the same level at which they were
Setting Fruit growing in the nursery. Plant grafted trees
W hen selecting fruit trees, it's im portant with the graft union (which looks like an angle
to understand their pollination requirem ents. o r an enlarged section near the base of the
Many fruit tree cultivars will only set fruit if trunk) at least 1" above the soil line. Excep­
the flowers receive pollen from a different but tions to this rule may be noted in special
com patible cultivar. For exam ple, ‘Red Deli­ instructions supplied with the plant.
cious apples are self-unfruitful, meaning ‘Red Refill the hole with the soil you had
Delicious trees can’t pollinate one another, removed, and w ater the plant well to give the
although they are good pollinators for other plant a good start. Stake o r trellis as needed to
cultivars. On the other hand, ‘W inesap’ apples prevent damage, and reduce disease by encour­
are not only self-unfruitful, they're also unable aging good air circulation around the branches
to pollinate o th er cultivars. To get fruit from a and between plants. M ulch to keep weeds
self-unfruitful plant, you need to plant another under control, supply a slow release of organic
suitable cultivar for cross-pollination. ‘G olden matter, and conserve soil moisture.
Delicious is both self-pollinating (self-fruitful) Protect your new trees by painting the
and a good p o llin a to r for o th e r a p p le s — trunks with white latex paint diluted with an
including ‘W inesap’ and ‘Red Delicious’. equal am ount of w ater to prevent sunscald.
Reputable nurseries will describe polli­ Frustrate gnawing rodents by placing a 1' high,
nation requirem ents and suggest suitable pol­ V/' hardware cloth guard around the trunk,
linators. M ost apples, pears, sweet cherries, sunk into the soil 1".
and Japanese plums require cross-pollination
to set a good crop. Most peaches, apricots,
sour cherries, and some European plums are Pruning and Training
self-fruitful, although they often bear more Fruit trees are pruned to develop strong
heavily if cross-pollinated. Not all cultivars branches, to remove dead or damaged growth,
are com patible, so check with your supplier. and to allow more air and sunlight into the

Open center (left) and central leader (right) are 2 ways to train fruit
trees to obtain maximum yield and exposure to sunlight. The best
method depends on the growth habit o f your fruit tree. In general, to
improve tree health and performance, also remove any crossing
branches, water sprouts, crown or root suckers, diseased or broken
branches, or limbs that emerge at a narrow crotch angle.

cen ter of the plant to help prevent disease and placed main branches while trees are young.
insect problems. Pruning and training also Training can reduce the upward growth (affect­
help control size and encourage sturdy, well­ ing the am ount of pruning you need to do)
spaced branches with wide crotch angles. and will stim ulate early fruit bearing. Train
Start training trees as soon as they are young branches to grow at a wide angle (about
planted. Prune off any dam aged branches and 45 degrees) by clamping a clip clothespin to
any that are growing at a narrow angle to the the trunk just above each branch while they
trunk. Let the rest of the branches grow for a are still green and malleable. O lder branches
full year before starting to select your main can also be spread, but with m ore difficulty.
branches. Use 1 -2' long boards with a notch in each end
It's im portant to establish sturdy, well- and brace them between the trunk and the

•pyrighted m
FRUIT ■ 103

bran ch . o r tie the branch to a weight (such as a you com plete, easy-to-follow instructions for
rock) or the trunk. Gradually spread the branch pruning and training whatever type of fruit-
during the season by moving the brace or bearing plants you choose.
tightening the string.
Prune apples, pears, grapes, and berries Thinning
in late winter o r early spring before they break Fruit trees often set more fruit than they
dormancy. Prune peaches, plums, and cher­ can ripen. Resulting fruit will be small and the
ries just after the buds burst in the spring, excess weight can damage branches. Crowded
when they are less prone to canker infection. fruit is also more susceptible to fungal diseases.
Remove dead and diseased branches on all Thin early in the season when fruit is as small
kinds of fruit-bearing plants if they appear as possible. First, clip or twist off all insect-
during the growing season. Sum m er pruning damaged or deform ed fruit. T hen, remove the
is also useful for controlling the growth of smaller fruit, leaving the biggest and best.
overly vigorous trees, as it stim ulates less Space fruit so it will not touch each other
regrowth than dorm ant pruning does. Do not as it grows. If you c a n t reach the upper limbs,
prune after August; fall pruning can increase tap them with a padded pole to shake loose
the risk of w inter injury. some of the extras.
There are 2 general types of pruning cuts:
heading and thinning. Cutting a branch back Preventive Care
partway to shorten it is a heading cut. Head­ Many disease and insect problems can be
ing back a branch tends to encourage a flush controlled o r greatly reduced by simple sani­
of new shoots to sprout near the cut end. This tation. Clean up and dispose of branches after
is a useful tech n iq u e for stim ulating new you prune, especially when removing diseased
branches when necessary, but too many head­ wood. Many insects pupate in the soil o r in
ing cuts can cause overgrown, overly bushy loose bark or dead plant debris. For this reason,
trees. A thinning cut is used to remove a branch rake and remove fallen leaves in fall. Also
altogether by cutting it back to a main or side remove dropped fruit during the season and
branch. Thinning encourages the remaining dry, diseased fruit <known as mummies) cling­
branch to grow, and unlike a heading cut. does ing to the branches after harvest. Inspecting
not stim ulate new ones to sprout. For this bark in the w inter and removing and destroy­
reason, thinning cuts are the best choice for ing egg masses is also effective.
developing an open framework and a sturdy, I ts a good idea to find out what insects
com pact tree. and diseases may attack your plants. Inspect
Fruit trees are usually trained and pruned plants regularly and control problems before
into one of two general shapes: open center or they get out of hand. When problem s do arise,
central leader, which are illustrated on the start with the most environmentally gentle con­
opposite page. Modified central leader is inter­ trols, such as handpicking. pruning, releasing
m ediate between the two. T he individual fruit predatory insects, or using mating disruption.
tree en tries include training recom m enda­ T hen move on to superior oil, insecticidal
tions. G rapes are usually trained on a trellis soap, BT, o r sulfur. Use botanical pesticides,
or arbor. Berry plants are thinned out in the such as neem o r pyrethrin, o r copper com ­
appropriate season. T here are a num ber of pounds, only as a last resort after you have
good references on page 493 that will give tried other less-toxic m ethods.

Garlic geraniums, which actually belong to the genus

Pelargonium. Although related to the better-
known zonal geraniums, cranesbills (also called
AUium sativum and A ophioscorodoti ( Liliaceae) hardy or true geraniums) are distinctly differ­
ent from their tender relatives. Most have a
m ounding growth habit with spread roughly
G arlic is a perennial herb grown for its equal to height. Plants range from 4" to 4' tall
pungent bulbs and greens. It is easy to grow with lobed to deeply divided foliage. Rowers
healthy, trouble-free garlic. Plant cloves in the bloom in spring and early summer in shades of
fall and cover with mulch after the w eather pink, purple, red, and blue; many blossoms fea­
turns cold. G arlic prefers full sun and rich, ture darker contrasting veins in petals or dark
deep, moist, but well-drained soil with lots of eyes. Some geraniums have a spreading growth
organic m atter and a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. habit; these are ideal for use as groundcovers.
Plants need extra w ater during sum m er while Grow cranesbills in full sun to partial
bulbs are forming. W ater deeply when soil is shade. Some species will grow in heavy shade,
dry. Once stalks begin to droop and brown at but, in general, too much shade reduces flow­
the end of summer, withhold water. ering and causes leggy growth. Plants tolerate
G arlic is closely related to onions and some drought, but perform best in moist, well-
prone to the same problem s, especially onion drained soil of average fertility. Rich, moist
maggots. See the Onion entry beginning on soils encourage invasive growth in some species.
page 155 for more information. Divide every 3-4 years in spring o r fall. Some
cranesbills form taproots that resist division:
increase these types through root cuttings, stem

Geranium cuttings, or seeds.

Hardy and fairly pest-free, cranesbills suf­
fer few problems beyond those com m on to
Cranesbill. Perennials. most perennials. G eranium aphids and four-
lined plant bugs may attack them; see “Leaves,
stems, and buds distorted, sticky; clusters of
The cranesbills. Geranium spp., are hardy, small insects" on page 177 and ‘‘Buds and
easy-to-grow perennials that are often con­ leaves deform ed o r dwarfed*’ on page 178 for
fused with the more tender zonal o r bedding information on controls.

Gladiolus for about 6 weeks after flowering stops. A fter

leaves and stalks turn brown, dig corm s and
shake off loose soil; cut away stem s just above
Gladiolus, glad. Conns. the top of the corm s. Let corm s dry out of the
sun for a few days. Do not remove husks, as they
help retain moisture. Discard withered old
Showy, 2'-4' tall glads brighten sum m er corms. Separate cormels, the tiny offspring sur­
with tall spikes of trum pet-shaped, often bi­ rounding a mature bulb, and store for planting—
colored flowers. T he 6-petaled blooms range these bloom in 1-2 years. Check all corm s for
from 2" to 5" wide and open from the bottom decay, spotting, or other disease symptoms.
of the spike upward. G lads are upright plants Dust with sulfur o r copper-based fungicide to
with narrow, sword-shaped, 1 long leaves. guard against disease problems; store in a
Hundreds of cultivars of com m on gladiolus cool (40°F), dry, well-ventilated place.
(Gladiolus X hortulanus ) offer gardeners a
spectrum of flower colors and forms from
which to choose. Problems
Select and plant gladiolus corm s in spring. Flowers deformed; leaves and petals with
Do not buy o r use corm s that are lightweight, white flecks. Cause: Thrips. G ladiolus thrips
spongy, o r showing signs of decay. See the are a very destructive com m on pest. These
illustration on page 49 for more inform ation. •As", yellow to black, flying insects feed by
G ood corm s are about IV2 " wide with high rasping petals and leaf surfaces, leaving silvery
tops. Large, healthy corms flower more quickly spots and streaks. They hide under leaf sheaths
than smaller ones. Plant corm s after danger and inside flowers. O ther symptoms are par­
of frost has passed. To create a succession of tial bloom, failure to bloom , and shriveling.
bloom , plant at 2-week intervals or plant Thrips wastes may appear as black spots on
different-size corm s all at one time. Allow the undersides of leaves. Infested corm s are
at least 3 m onths between planting and the dark, sticky, and rough.
first frost. C ut away and destroy severely infested
Prepare soil to l'd e e p in a sunny location. plant parts. Use blue sticky traps to m onitor
Add plenty of organic m atter to ensure good and trap pests. Encourage native predators
drainage. Plant corm s from 3" to 8" d eep — such as pirate bugs, lacewings. and lady beetles.
about 4 times their thickness: space about 6" Insecticidal soap sprays give some control of
apart. M ake sure pointed growing tips face thrips populations, but may affect beneficials
upward. W ater regularly: glads need about 1" as well. To limit thrips infestation, dig corm s
of w ater per week. M ulch to help retain soil early in fall and cut off tops before thrips
moisture. Side-dress with com post o r slow- move down into corms. Bag and discard debris.
release. general-purpose fertilizer when plants Dust corm s with pyrethrin to control thrips in
em erge and when flowers show color. Plan to storage. Or soak them in a Lysol solution (1V2
stake up the tall, flower-laden spikes; nearly tablespoons in 1 gallon water) for several hours
all cultivars require some form of support. before planting.
In the South, gladiolus corm s overwinter Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky;
safely in the ground, but in most of the coun­ clusters of small insects. Cause: Aphids. Plants
try they must be dug and stored indoors before infested with aphids have growth that may be
hard frost. Allow leaves to die back naturally curled, puckered, o r stunted. Leaves may turn

yellow or brown; feeding can seriously dam ­ area. Some cultivars are more resistant than
age flower buds o r blooms. As aphids feed, others; check with a reputable nursery o r call
they excrete sticky honeydew; black, sooty your local extension agent for area-specific
mold fungus often forms on honeydew. fur­ recom m endations.
ther disfiguring plants. Leaves stippled and pale; growth poor.
Use a strong spray of water in the m orn­ Cause: Spider mites. Mites feeding on leaves
ing to knock aphids off glads, paying particu­ remove plant nutrients; fine webbing may
lar atten tio n to the undersides of leaves. appear on foliage. Use strong sprays of water
Encourage predators such as lacewings and when first symptoms appear. Mites multiply
lady beetles. If control is not satisfactory, spray quickly and prefer drought-stressed, dusty
with insecticidal soap. Treat severe problems plants. Keep gladiolus well-watered and healthy.
with neem or a com m ercial pyrethrin spray or Treat severe infestations of spider mites with
dust. Destroy seriously infested plants. avermectins, citrus oils, insecticidal soap, neem.
Leaves yellow, distorted; flowers absent; or pyrethrin. Remove and destroy badly infested
corms decayed. Cause; Bulb miles. These plants.
•/»", whitish pests favor damaged, rotting corms, Stems eaten through at base. Cause:
but travel from those to healthy ones. Feeding Wireworms. These click beetle larvae are com ­
causes corky, brown spots on corm s, which mon in soils formerly covered by sod or with
eventually turn dry and crumbly. Dig and high organic content. These slender, hard-
destroy seriously infested corm s and the sur­ bodied, yellowish worms drill holes in corm s
rounding soil. Don't replant corm s in infested as they feed, damaging them and hastening
soil. Kill mites by dipping corm s in hot (120°F) decay. Set out traps made from buried pieces
w ater for a few minutes. Examine corm s care­ of raw potato o r carrot; check every 1-2 days
fully when purchasing. For hints on choosing and destroy w irew orm s; replace traps as
healthy bulbs, see the illustration on page 49. necessary. Delay planting corm s until the soil
Leaves yellow; plant dies early. Cause: is very warm: apply parasitic nem atodes to
Dry rot. O ther symptoms of this fungal dis­ soil to reduce wireworm populations.
ease include dry. brown o r black, corky spots Flowers, leaves, and stalks spotted; corms
on corm s and husk coverings. You may see rotted. Cause: Botrytis blight. This fungal
black fungal growth spots on decayed leaf disease also causes slimy, collapsed leaves and
bases. Plants may turn yellow and die prem a­ flowers. It is most prevalent in cool, damp
turely. Choose corms carefully to avoid infected weather. Prevention includes planting gladio­
specimens. Destroy infected plants. Do not lus in areas with good air circulation. Avoid
replant in same area. Replant only in well- low or shaded areas. Water so leaves dry be­
drained soil. fore sunset. Remove all debris at the end of
Leaves mottled yellow and distorted; flow­ the season and destroy.
ers small and faded. Cause: Fusarium yellows. Leaves with reddish brown spots; corms
This soilborne fungal disease is first seen as with pale to brown spots. Cause: Scab. This
bending and curling of leaves and stems: foliage bacterial disease also causes brown spots on
yellows and dies, starting with the oldest leaves. blossoms; plants rot at the base and fall over.
On corm s small reddish brown lesions enlarge Spots on corm s turn dark brown with sunken
and darken: entire corm s may becom e hard, centers and scabby margins. Dig and destroy
dry, and m um m ified. Im m ediately destroy infested plants; do not replant corm s in in­
infected corm s. Do not replant corm s in same fested soil.

Gleditsia Gooseberry
Honey locust. Trees. Ribes birteUum. R. uva-crispa

Honey locusts are deciduous trees with

alternate, fine-textured leaves. They cast dap­ G o o seb erries are thorny bushes with
pled shade and, except for their thorniness and arched branches growing 3 -5 '. T he incon­
messy pods, are excellent as specimen or street spicuous flowers are borne laterally on 1-year-
trees. T hornless, nonfruiting cultivars are old wood and on short spurs—short branches
preferable. Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis that elongate only a fraction of an inch per
is thornless honey locust, from which most year—on older wood. G ooseberries are hardy
cultivars have been selected for landscape use. in Zones 3-8.
Set out in spring o r fall as bare-root or In cool clim ates plant gooseberries in
balled-and-burlapped plants. Honey locusts full sun. Choose partial shade in hot climates.
are undem anding and are well-suited to city Maintain a thick, organic mulch beneath plants
conditions. While they prefer moist, fertile, to keep soil cool and moist. Prune m ature
slightly alkaline soil, they tolerate drought plants every winter, cutting away all but 6 of
and salt. the shoots that grew the previous season at
ground level. Also remove all wood more than
Problems 3 years old. G ooseberries are self-pollinating.
Leaves skeletonized or with large holes;
branches may be webbed. Cause: Caterpillars. Fruit Problems
Webworms can be a serious problem on honey Fruit with powdery white or gray coating.
locust. Some cultivars, such as ‘Moraine’, show Cause: American gooseberry mildew. This fun­
some resistance to webworm damage. R>r other gal disease spreads m ost rapidly during peri­
control inform ation, see “Leaves skeletonized ods of warm days followed by cool nights.
o r with large holes: branches may be webbed" U nder these conditions the crop can be ruined
on page 236. Gypsy m oths also feed on leaves, overnight. For more inform ation, see “Leaves
but they don't form webs. See “Plant defoli­ with powdery white patches; leaves stunted
ated" on page 236 for controls. and deform ed" below.
Plant defoliated; branches bear cocoonlike Fruit with holes when nearly ripe; fruit
bags. Cause: Bagworms. See “Plant defoli­ and leaves covered with webs. Cause: G oose­
ated: branches bear cocoon Iike bags" on page berry fruitworms. T hese are the yellow-green
236 for control suggestions. larvae of a moth that infests both gooseberries
Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs and currants. Damaged fruit may be hollowed
die or break off. Cause: Borers. See “Trunk out and may change color prematurely. Clean
or branches with small holes; limbs die or up and destroy dam aged fruit to reduce future
break off" on page 238 for controls. populations.
Trunk or branches with oozing lesions; Fruit colors and drops early. Cause: Cur­
branch tips die back. C ause: Canker. For rant fruit fly larvae. T he currant fruit fly lays
details, see “Trunk o r branches with oozing eggs on gooseberries and currants in the spring.
lesions: branch tips die back" on page 238. T he larvae that hatch from these eggs feed on


berries and cause them to drop. Infested ber­

ries have a dark spot surrounded by a red
halo. Early-bearing cultivars, such as ‘Oregon
Champion and ‘W elcome, may escape damage. Vitis spp. and hybrids (Vitaceae)
Control this pest by destroying all infested
berries as soon as you find them.
G rapes, one of the most ancient culti­
Leaf Problems vated crops, are perennial, woody vines that
Leaves with powdery white patches; leaves cling to support by means of tendrils. U nder
stunted and deformed. Cause: American goose­ ideal conditions vines may live for over 100
berry mildew. To prevent this fungal disease, years. Fruit is produced on shoots that grow
avoid overfertilizing plants. Lush, sappy growth off 1-year-old wood.
is more susceptible to infection. Plants well- T here are 4 main types of grapes grown in
supplied with potassium are best able to resist North America: European, or wine grapes (Vitis
mildew. For serious infection, spray plants with vinifera); American ( V labrusca), such as ‘Con­
lime-sulfur. O r spray a solution m ade from 1 cord’; hybrids between European and Ameri­
pound of washing soda (sodium carbonate) can; and muscadine ( V. rotundi/olia). European
plus V* pound of soap in 1 gallon of water. grapes generally are most susceptible to dis­
Don’t spray sulfur on the cultivars Bedford eases. American grapes are the most cold-
Yellow’, ‘Langley Gage", and ‘Leveller’; these hardy. T h eir hardiness (Zones 4-10) depends
are easily damaged by sulfur. Cultivars resistant on the species and cultivar.
to gooseberry mildew include ‘H innom aki
Yellow’, ‘Lepaa Red', ‘Poorman’, and ‘Welcome’. Culture
Leaves with spots; leaves yellow and drop.
Plant in a sunny site with deep, well-
Causes: Septoria leaf spot; anthracnose. Since
drained, m oderately fertile soil and good air
both these fungal diseases overwinter on leaf
litter, rake up leaves o r bury them under a circulation to promote disease resistance. Train
vines to a fence or trellis. Prune in late winter
thick mulch. C opper sprays also control both
to keep the fruit within reach, to increase
diseases. If defoliation occurs late in the season,
cluster size, and to allow air and sunlight to
it does little harm.
Foliage stripped from bushes just as leaves penetrate the branches. Enclose fruit clusters
in paper bags to keep birds away from berries
expand. C ause: Im p o rted cu rran tw orm s.
T hese are the larvae of a sawfly that lays eggs and to control some insects and diseases. Many
muscadines need cross-pollination, but the
on gooseberry bushes. T h e larvae devour the
leaves, then drop to the ground to pupate. other types are self-pollinating.
Control with a com m ercial pyrethrin spray.
Make sure to spray into the center of the bush. Fruit Problems
Controlling of the first brood may eliminate Young fruit covered with a white coating;
the need for another spray. fruit ripens unevenly or covered with blotches.
Leaves blistered and reddened. Cause: Causes: Powdery mildew; downy mildew. Early
Aphids. T hese tiny insects cluster on leaf in the season, fruit infected with powdery
undersides. If dam age is severe, spray with mildew has a white, dustlike coating on the
insecticidal soap, neem , o r pyrethrin, making berries. Infected plants may set few berries.
sure to get the undersides of the leaves. Later on, the infection can halt the growth of
GRAPE ■ 109

GRAPE ♦ *5 3 8 ^ Leaves with a

white powdery
c o a tin g on the
u p p e r su rfa c e s,
ause Powdery mildew.
Fruit blotched or
ripens unevenly;
skins m ay split.

L eav es with-
irk-rin g cd .
s u n k e n s p o ts
with light c e n te rs .
Canes or s h o o ts ' ' Cause: Anthr.
w ith re d d is h or g re e n Spots also appear
sw ellin g s ab o v e n o d e s. Qn canes and ca
Cause: Grape cane gaflmakers.
Larvae tunnel in canes
and cause them to
break off at yalls.

jm * ; a

P J**}! ' $>■v -

' fSsfri r rJ~ 'i ■.w
Wingless adult

V ines s tu n te d , unproductive,
ev e n tu a lly dying.
Cause: Grape phylloxeras.
Feeding of this aphidlike pest
causes root tips to die.
docompo * also forms
harmless eal galls.

the berry skins, causing them to split while Delaware’, ‘De C haunac’, ‘Fredonia’, ‘Ives’,
green. Ripened clusters have blotchy, poor- and ‘Niagara’.
tasting fruit, but have no white growth. When the timing of this infection is perfect,
Ripening fruit clusters infected with downy it im parts a special taste to European wine
mildew may have a mix of hard, reddish green, grapes. In this case it is called “noble rot," for
infected berries and soft, juicy, healthy berries. the taste it imparts to wine.
T he fuzzy coating on fruit apparent early in Fruit webbed together with holes chewed
the season may not be present. For informa­ from one berry to another. Cause: Grape berry
tion on controls for these diseases, see "Leaves moths. This pest, com m on east of the Rockies,
with a white powdery coating on the upper is a green or brown, 7/h>"caterpillar that moves
surfaces" below for powdery mildew symp­ from fruit to fruit, feeding on pulp and seeds.
toms; for downy mildew, see "Leaves with Pick and destroy infested berries, which shrivel
white, cottony growth on undersides" below. and color prematurely. Larvae also feed on
Fruit with light brown spots that enlarge flowers and newly set fruit. Larvae cut flaps in
and darken. Cause: Black rot. Com m on east the edges of leaves and roll them over with
of the Rockies, especially in hot, humid weather, webbing to pupate. At the end of the season,
black rot causes fruit to shrivel into hard, collect and destroy or bury fallen leaves, which
black shriveled berries (known as mummies) may harbor overwintering pupae. For heavy
that remain on the cluster. Overwintering mum­ infestations, spray BTK to kill the caterpillars.
mies and infected canes or shoots carry the See page 109 for an illustration of this pest.
d is e a s e fro m o n e g ro w in g s e a s o n to th e n e x t. Fruit covered with a sticky coating and
For control, remove and destroy all mummies. black mold. Causes: G rape whiteflies; grape
For persistent infection, apply copper sprays. mealybugs. W hiteflies and mealybugs secrete
Cultivars m oderately resistant to black rot a sticky coating, called honeydew; sooty mold,
include ‘Beta’, ‘Cam pbell’s Early’, ‘Cascade’, a black su p erficial fungus, feeds on the
‘Chancellor’, ‘De Chaunac’, ‘Delaware’, ‘Elvira’, honeydew. Both whiteflies and mealybugs are
‘Fredonia’, ‘Hunt’, ‘Ives’, ‘James’, ‘Scuppemong’, serious grape pests in California.
‘Sheridan’, and ‘W orden’. See page 109 for an To control whiteflies, remove nearby buck­
illustration of this disease. thorns (Rhamnus spp.), where the pest over­
Fruit with small, dark-ringed, sunken spots winters. Or spray nearby buckthorns in the
with light centers. Cause: A nthracnose. For winter with dorm ant oil spray.
more inform ation on this disease, also called Natural enem ies usually keep mealybugs
bird’s-eye rot, see ‘‘Leaves with dark-ringed, in check, but for heavy infestations, introduce
sunken spots with light centers" below. mealybug destroyers (Cryptolaemus spp.), also
Fruit clusters enveloped with a fluffy, gray- called Australian lady beetles. Buy these nat­
brown coating. Cause: Botrytis bunch rot. ural predators from com m ercial insectaries
This fungal disease appears in tight fruit clus­ o r natural farm and garden suppliers. Also,
ters and in vines with poor air circulation. For ants protect mealybugs from predators and
prevention, thin berries within clusters and feed on their honeydew. To make mealybugs
remove some leaves around fruit. Clean up more susceptible to predators, control ants by
prunings, cluster stems, and mummified fruit placing bait stations containing boric acid on
by early spring. Plant resistant cultivars, includ­ the ground around vines.
ing ‘Baco No. 1‘, ‘Cascade’, ‘Catawba*, ‘Concord*, Fruit with holes. Cause: Birds. Birds peck
GRAPE ■ 111

holes in ripening berries and are especially infected berries, and spray in the spring with
fond of red o r blue cultivars. Damaged fruit lime-sulfur. M uscadine grapes and the A m eri­
attracts bees and wasps for further feeding. can cultivars ‘C oncord’, ‘Delaware’, ‘M oore
D rape a net over the whole vine o r bag indi­ Early’, and ‘Niagara’ are anthracnose-resistant.
vidual clusters in paper bags. See page 109 for an illustration of this disease.
Leaves with reddish brown spots with black
specks. Cause: Black rot. Leaves may wilt and
Leaf and Branch Problems shoots may show large, black, elliptical lesions.
Leaves with a white powdery coating on For more inform ation, see "Fruit with light
the upper surfaces. Cause: Powdery mildew. brown spots that enlarge and darken" above.
Infected leaves eventually becom e distorted, Leaves or leaf petioles with reddish
turn brown, and fall. D ark patches appear on swellings. Cause: Grapevine tom ato gall. T he
canes. This fungal disease weakens vines, dimin­ xh" swellings are galls made by a very small fly
ishes yield, and makes plants more suscepti­ called a midge. If you slit one of the galls
ble to winter injury. M ore com m on in the open, you may find small pinkish orange mag­
West, it spreads fastest when days are dry and gots inside. These galls are harmless. Just prune
warm and nights are cool. For susceptible them off.
plantings, apply sulfur spray in the spring. Leaves with green, pealike swellings on
Plant resistant cultivars, including ‘Canadice', undersides. Cause: G rape phylloxeras. Phyl­
‘Cayuga W hite’, ‘Ives’, and ‘Steuben’. See page loxeras are aphids that make leaf galls to hold
109 for an illustration of this disease. eggs and young. Inside I gall, you may find
Leaves with white, cottony growth on hundreds of yellowish nymphs. G rape phyl­
undersides. Cause: Downy mildew. O ther loxeras are native to the United States and are
symptom s of this fungal disease include small tolerated by American grapes, but they're seri­
yellow leaf spots, distorted or brown leaves, ous pests of European grapes. In fact, when
and early leaf drop. O lder leaves are affected phylloxeras were accidentally transported to
first, but the disease also attacks shoots and France in the late 1800s, they spread rapidly
tendrils. To control downy mildew, remove through vineyards and killed almost a third of
and destroy all diseased leaves and tendrils in the grapevines there. To avoid problems with
the fall. Since the fungus overwinters on bud phylloxeras, plant A m erican o r French hybrid
scales and shoots, you may have to spray vines grapes, both of which are resistant to this pest.
with copper several times throughout the grow­ Phylloxeras also attack roots of susceptible
ing season to control the disease. Do not spray species, causing death of the whole vine. See
c o p p e r d u rin g flow ering. P lan t re sista n t page 109 for an illustration of this pest.
cultivars, including ‘A u ro ra’, ‘B aco N o .l\ Leaves with pale stipples along leaf veins.
‘C a n a d ic e ’, ‘C a sc a d e ’, ‘C o n c o rd ’, ‘Foch*, Cause: Leafhoppers. T hese green or brown,
‘Him rod’, and ‘Steuben’. See page 109 for an Vio"-»/2 " insects suck juices from leaf undersides,
illustration of this disease. causing foliage to be stippled with tiny white
Leaves with dark-ringed, sunken spots with spots. Heavily infested leaves may turn yellow
light centers. Cause: Anthracnose. Also called or brown and drop from the vine. Though
bird’s-eye rot, this fungal disease weakens but they are quite com m on, leafhoppers rarely
usually doesn’t kill vines. For control, remove cause serious damage to backyard grapes. Many
and d estro y d iseased p o rtio n s, including natural enem ies keep them in check. W here

further control is needed, spray leaves with W here they are a problem , plant Am erican
insecticidal soap. grapes o r European grapes grafted onto Amer­
Leaves skeletonized. Cause: Japanese ican grape rootstock, both of which are resistant
beetles. These xh '\ m etallic blue-green insects to this pest. For more information on grape
with bronze wing covers feed on leaves in phylloxeras, see “Leaves with green, pealike
early summer. For light infestations, visit plants swellings on undersides'' on page 111. Also
in the m orning while beetles are sluggish and see page 109 for an illustration of this pest.
knock them off leaves into jars filled with G rape scales are tiny, round, immobile
soapy water. For more information, see “Leaves insects resembling light gray bumps. Scales
skeletonized'* on page 46. See page 109 for usually hide under the loose bark of older
an illustration of this pest. canes o r trunks, where they suck sap and
Canes or shoots break easily. C ause: cause the vine to slowly decline. For control,
G rape cane girdlers. This Vs" beetle punc­ spray with dorm ant oil in late winter and prune
tures a cane, lays a single egg inside, and then old growth severely.
encircles the cane with 2 rows of punctures. Pierce’s disease, a bacterial disease com ­
Damaged canes or shoots then break off easily. mon in the South, is spread by leafhoppers.
Damage is usually minor, but to control this Infected vines typically show scorched, dried
pest, remove and destroy the injured cane a leaves in midsummer, wilted dried fruit, and
few inches below the area with puncture marks. eventual death of the vine. T here is no cure
Canes or shoots with reddish or green for this disease. Dig up infected plants and
swellings above nodes. Cause: G rape cane replant with disease-free stock. M uscadine
gallmakers. This '/«" beetle deposits a single grapes are resistant to Pierce's disease, as are
egg in a cane and then makes additional punc­ the Am erican grape cultivars ‘C ham panel’,
tures in a vertical row above the original egg- ‘H erbem ont’, and ‘Lenoir’.
laying site. T he area where the egg is deposited
enlarges to a red o r green gall about twice the
diam eter of the cane. Larvae tunnel in canes,
and canes often break off at the galls. Damage
is usually minor, but to control this pest, remove
and destroy the injured cane a few inches
below the gall. See page 109 for an illustration
of this pest. Baby's-breath, gypsophila. Perennials.

Whole Plant Problems

Vines stunted, unproductive, eventually T he delicate white o r pink flower sprays
dying. Causes: Grape phylloxeras: grape scale: of baby's-breath (Gypsophila paniculata ) are
Pierce's disease. G rape phylloxeras are aphids a mainstay of floral arrangem ents. Sprays may
that infest both leaves and roots. Leaf infesta­ have more than 1,000 single o r double flowers,
tion causes harmless, pealike leaf galls. Root each just x/\tn wide. This m ounding plant is
infestation causes knotlike root galls that pre­ equally delightful in the garden where it grows
vent nutrient uptake and cause stunting and 2 - 3 ' tall and 2’ wide, bearing copious blooms
death of the vine. over slender, gray-green leaves. Creeping baby’s-
Phylloxeras are difficult to eradicate. breath (G. repens) forms a blossom-covered


m at only 4"-8" tall and is useful for edging or pers suck sap from the undersides of leaves as
rock gardens. they feed, discoloring and distorting the foliage.
Plant baby's-breaths in sites where they Damaged leaves shrivel and drop. Encourage
w ont be disturbed or moved: their large fleshy predators such as bigeyed bugs and parasitic
roots do not transplant well. Given full sun, wasps, or spray with insecticidal soap. In severe
alkaline soil, and good drainage, plants thrive cases treat plants with a com m ercial neem or
with little care. Remove spent flowers to pro­ pyrethrin spray.
long bloom. Protect plants with winter mulch; Leaves and flowers greenish yellow, dis­
don’t cover crowns until after the ground is torted; new growth spindly. C ause: Aster
frozen to avoid rotting. yellows. Feeding leafhoppers may transmit this
disease. T here is no control for aster yellows.
Problems Remove and destroy infected plants; do not
Leaves stippled; growth poor. Cause: com post them. Prevent the disease spread by
Leafhoppers. Slender, wedge-shaped, green­ controlling sucking pests such as leafhoppers
ish yellow pests only '/»" long, aster leafhop­ and aphids.

Hamamelis Witch hazels are relatively free of serious

insect pests. Caterpillars and Japanese bee­
tles may cause some damage; see “Leaves
Witch hazel. Shrubs and small trees. skeletonized or with large holes; branches may
be webbed" and “Leaves skeletonized" on page
236 for controls. Witch hazel cone gall, which
W itch hazels are alternate-leaved shrubs appears as a conical gall on the upper leaf
with narrow -petaled, twisted, yellow o r cop­ surfaces, is caused by a kind of aphid, as are
pery flowers appearing either in late fall or elliptical galls on the flower buds. N either is
late winter. They flourish in well-drained but usually a m ajor problem : control both by
moisture-retentive soils, enriched with lots of repeated applications of insecticidal soap in
organic matter. late spring, early summer, and autum n.

Copyrighted material

Hedera Helianthus
Ivy. Vines. Sunflower Annuals.

Ivies are vigorous evergreen vines, climb­ Rapid growth, showy flowers, and tasty
ing by m eans of rootlike appendages. They seeds make sunflowers fun to grow as well as
are widely planted as groundcovers, as vines nutritious. T h e plants can grow to 10' tall.
on walls, or as houseplants. Individual flowers may reach 14" across, with
Set out bare-root plants in spring or fall. golden petals and a brown center that becomes
Almost any moisture-retentive soil will suit a mass of seeds by late summer.
ivy. In the N orth, strong w inter sun can scorch Sunflowers need warm th to germ inate.
leaves; its best to choose a site where some Direct-sow seeds Vz" deep in average soil in
shade is available. Cut back in late winter to early May. They will germ inate within 10 days.
prom ote denser growth. Space tall-growing cultivars 2' apart, o r they
will crowd each other. Sunflowers perform
Problems well in average soil and full sun, although they
Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause: will tolerate light shade. Apply a general-
Aphids. For controls, see “Leaves wrinkled purpose fertilizer once, about midway through
and discolored" on page 235. the growing season.
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See "Leaves Problems
yellow; stems and leaves covered with small Leaves, stems, and buds distorted. Cause:
bumps" on page 237 for control information. Aphids. For control m easures, see “Leaves,
Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed. stems, and buds distorted” on page 20.
Cause: Spider mites. See "Leaves stippled with Leaves with ragged holes. Cause: C ater­
yellow; foliage w ebbed" on page 236 for pillars. Caterpillars of all kinds find large sun­
controls. flower leaves a tasty food supply. A healthy
Leaves with circular brown spots. Cause: plant can generally w ithstand an a tta c k .
Bacterial leaf spot. This bacteria can cause H andpick pests, o r spray leaves with BTK.
water-soaked spots on lower leaves. These Leaves wilt. Causes: Lack of water; fun­
spots turn brownish black and may spread to gal wilt. If a good soaking does not perk up
form large patches of dead tissue. To prevent your plant by the next day, suspect a fungal
the spread of this disease, avoid working around wilt. T hese fungi live in the soil and move
wet plants. Remove and destroy affected parts; upward through the plant. Leaves may be m ot­
spray bordeaux mix on rem aining plants. tled with green and yellow, and dark brown
Trunk or branches with oozing lesions; areas may appear on and within sunflower
branch tips die back. C ause: Canker. See stems. There is no control; remove and destroy
“Trunk or branches with oozing lesions; branch infected plants. Avoid replanting sunflowers
tips die back" on page 238 for controls. in that area.
Leaves with powdery white coating. Leaves with powdery white patches.
Cause: Powdery mildew. For controls, see C ause: Powdery mildew. For controls, see
“ Leaves with pow dery w hite coating" on “ Leaves with pow dery w hite patches" on
page 237. page 19.

Helichrysum spots, yellowing leaves, and stem cankers indi­

cate fungal infection; to prevent, spray with
bordeaux mix or sulfur.
Strawflower. Annuals.

These l '/ i -3 ' Australian natives are best

known as an integral part of dried flower
arrangements. If picked when partially opened,
strawflowers hold their color well and last for Daylily. Perennials.
several years indoors. Colors include white,
yellow, salm on, red, and pink.
Sow seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the Favored for their ability to thrive under
last outdoor frost. Do not cover seeds; they tough conditions, daylilies grace many urban
need light during the 7-10 day germ ination plantings. There are thousands of hybrids from
period. Transplant seedlings 9"-12" apart. which to choose. Plants range in height from
W here summ ers are long, direct-sow straw­ 1lfi' to 3' and offer blossoms in every color but
flowers in late spring o r early summer. Plant true white and blue. A m ature planting pro­
in full sun in well-drained, m oderately fertile, vides hundreds of 2"-6", trumpet-shaped flow­
slightly moist soil. They are fairly drought- ers and graceful, swordlike, bright green leaves.
tolerant once established. Taller cultivars may Each flower lasts a day, then closes at night,
need staking. Little fertilizer is needed; too but num erous buds provide extended periods
m uch fertilizer results in many leaves and few of bloom.
flowers. Pests and diseases are rarely a problem. Daylilies are easy-to-grow, nearly problem-
free plants that perform best in full sun. Most
also tolerate partial shade; in fact, plants may
grow better in some shade in southern zones.

Helleborus Plant in well-drained, average soil and water

regularly to get the plants established. After
that, limited watering is fine, but don't let
Hellebore. Perennials. them dry out while blooming. Excess fertility
encourages lush foliage and fewer flowers.
Plants grow vigorously if undisturbed: clumps
H ellebores flower in w inter and early expand over time but are usually not invasive.
spring, earning nam es such as Christm as rose Remove spent flower stalks to prolong bloom.
{Helleborus niger) or Lenten rose (//. Orientalis). In fall, cut all stems to the ground and remove
M ost have green, creamy white, o r dull purple dead foliage. Divide large clum ps every 3-5
blooms, carried over low evergreen foliage. years. Roots are tough, heavy, and tuberous,
Plant in partial shade, such as that found so this is not an easy job. Leave a crown bud
under deciduous trees, in moist, well-drained, and several solid roots on each division.
neutral soil rich in organic matter. M aintain
even soil moisture with a sum m er mulch. The Problems
brittle rhizomes make this plant difficult to Flower buds die; stems have corky lesions.
divide o r transplant; if you must move them , Cause: Flower thrips. These */»" insects occa­
do so with care. Dark brown to black leaf sionally infest daylilies, feeding on buds, stem


tips, and flowers. Infested plants have dis­ Whole Plant Problems
torted blooms, and in severe cases, flower stalks Seedlings fall over; stems girdled or rot­
fail to develop. Stems may develop corky lesions ted at soil line. Cause: Damping-off. This
that extend several inches. Thrips are difficult disease is caused by soil-dwelling fungi. To
to control because they burrow into plant prevent it, disinfect reused pots and flats before
tissue. Use blue sticky traps to m onitor popu­ filling them with fresh seed-starting mix. To
lations and trap pests. Pick off and destroy disinfect, dip them in a 10 percent bleach
infested plant parts, and encourage natural solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water) and
predators such as pirate bugs, lacewings, and let them air-dry. Sow seed thinly to allow for
lady beetles. Regular sprays of insecticidal air movement around seedlings. Cover seed
soap may give som e control once pests are with a thin layer of soilless mix or vermiculite.
spotted on traps. Water only enough to keep soil moist, not soggy.
L eaves stippled, reddish to yellow , with Seedlings clipped off at soil line. Cause:
fine w ebbing. C ause: Spider mites. These ’/so" Cutworms. Check for fat. I" long, brown or
arachnids feed on the undersides of leaves, gray caterpillars in the soil near the base of
causing them to yellow, dry up, and die; exces­ plants. Once they chew a seedling in two,
sive feeding turns foliage almost white, and there is nothing you can do except protect the
fine webs cover leaves and growing tips. Mites remaining seedlings from their nocturnal at­
seek ou t w ater-stressed plants in hot, dry tacks. Place cutworm collars around transplants,
weather; adequate watering guards against sprinkle moist bran mixed with BTK on the
them. Hose off plants when symptoms first soil surface in the evening, o r add parasitic
appear; a strong stream knocks mites off plants nem atodes to the soil to control.
and may give control. Introduce predatory Plant yellow and stunted, wilts during
mites. Spray severe infestations of spider mites bright, hot days; roots have swollen galls.
with avermectins, citrus oils, insecticidal soap, Cause: Root knot nem atodes. These m icro­
neem . o r pyrethrin. scopic, wormlike creatures invade and feed
on plant roots. Pull and destroy infected plants.
Control pest nem atodes by adding chitin or
parasitic nematodes to the soil. Solarizing prob­
lem areas also reduces future problems.
Herbs Plant wilts; cut-open roots are discolored.
Cause: Verticillium o r Fusarium wilt. T here is
no cure for these diseases. They are caused by
a num ber of fungi, each of which attack only
Herbs are grown for their savory', aromatic, specific plants or plant families. Pull and destroy
o r m edicinal parts. They include annuals, infected plants. Avoid planting susceptible mem­
biennials, and perennials. In general, herbs bers of the same plant family for 3 or more
are little troubled by pests and diseases if years in soil where disease symptoms have
given good growing conditions. developed.
To grow healthy, trouble-free plants, choose
a well-drained site with as much sun as possible. Leaf Problems
Most do not need rich soil, and some actually Leaves turn yellow, older ones first; plant
prefer dry, poor soil; check individual entries stunted. Cause: Nitrogen deficiency. This may
for specific preferences. be caused by a low level of nitrogen in the soil

or by waterlogged soil. W aterlogged soil dam ­ leaves. T hin plants to increase air movement
ages roots and prevents them from using nutri­ and reduce moisture around leaves, since the
ents available in the soil. Check soil moisture, mold thrives in dam p conditions. Spray foliage
and reduce watering if soil is soggy. Spray with com post tea to control mold. Spray with
foliage with com post tea o r fish-meal tea, or sulfur if the w eather is wet and cool and the
side-dress plants with com post to alleviate disease is severe.
symptoms. Prevent problems by choosing well- Leaves with powdery white growth on upper
drained sites, adding organic m atter to the surface. Cause: Powdery mildew. This symp­
soil to add nitrogen and improve drainage, tom is caused by a num ber of fungi, each of
and by planting in raised beds. which attacks only specific plants. Thin plants
Leaves yellow and curled; new growth to increase air movement and reduce mois­
distorted. Cause: Aphids. T hese small, soft- ture around leaves. Spray plants with com post
bodied, green, black, gray, pink, o r white tea, sulfur, or bordeaux mix to prevent the
fluffy-coated insects suck plant juices. They spread of mild infections.
leave a sticky honeydew on leaves and fruit
that in turn supports the growth of black,
sooty molds. Spray with a strong jet of water
or insecticidal soap if populations are low. If
populations are high, treat with a com m ercial
neem o r pyrethrin spray. Alumroot, coral bells. Perennials.
Leaves yellow; plant wilts; stems, crowns,
or roots water-soaked and rotted. Cause: Stem,
crown, o r root rot. These diseases are often Although no other species in this genus
due to poor drainage o r overwatering. Destroy com pares with the dainty blossoms of coral
infected plants or plant parts. Thin plants to bells (Heuchera sanguinea), several are worthy
increase air movement and reduce moisture additions to the perennial border. Low-growing
around plants. Spray with a copper fungicide clum ps of rounded, lobed, heart-shaped, or
if w eather is warm and wet and disease is se­ maplelike foliage are usually evergreen and
vere. Plant in well-drained soil or in raised beds. interesting throughout most of the year. Culti­
Texas root rot occurs in warm clim ates vars of American alumroot (H. americana ) and
and is favored by high tem peratures and a pH small-flowered alum root (//. m ie rant ha), both
above 7.0. If pH is high, add sulfur to the soil grown more for foliage than flowers, offer leaves
to lower it. Use a 3-year rotation to starve the with purple coloring.
fungus out of the soil. Plant alum roots in well-drained, richly
Leaves with dark, yellow-bordered spots. organic soil in a sunny or lightly shaded spot.
Cause: Leaf blight. This disease is caused by Partial shade is best for foliage and for plants
various fungi. Leaves may turn yellow or drop in the South. Shallow, fleshy roots need regu­
off as the disease progresses. Spray foliage lar watering and benefit from sum m er mulch­
with fish emulsion o r with sulfur to prevent ing: however, excess moisture, com bined with
the spread of mild infections. poor drainage, prom otes rots.
Lower leaves covered with tan, fuzzy
growth. Cause: G ray mold. This fungal dis­ Problems
ease attacks a wide range of edible and orna­ Leaves covered with white powder. Cause:
mental plants. Pick off and destroy moldy Powdery mildew. Powdery mildew may mar


foliage and is best limited through sanitation may be short and narrow or broad and up to
and air circulation. See “Leaves covered with 1xt i long; leaf colors range from light to dark
white powder *on page 177 for controls. green o r blue-green and may be variegated
Crowns blacken and die; leaves notched. with yellow, light green, cream , or white. Spikes
Cause: Strawberry root weevils. T h e grubs of of tubular, 2", white to purple flowers show
'A", black snout beetles feed on alum roots’ nicely above foliage from mid- to late summer.
crowns starting in early spring. Adults feed at Hostas look their best in light to deep
night on foliage. Remove and destroy infested shade. Sunny sites encourage flowering but
plants; clean up debris where pests overwinter. also cause foliage color to bleach and brown
Drench soil around roots with parasitic nem a­ and sunburned spots to appear on leaves. Set
todes; spray pyrethrin on leaves at night to kill plants 1 -3 ' apart, depending on leaf size, in
adults. moist but well-drained, organic soil. Give plants
7 2 " - 1 " of water weekly; mulch to avoid splat­

tering w ater onto leaves.

Hibiscus H ostas may be increased by division,

although plantings will prosper undisturbed
for many years. If desired, divide plants every
Hibiscus, rose-of-Sharon. 5 years or so. Remove faded flower stalks to
Shrubs and trees. improve appearance, and cut back foliage at
the end of the growing season.
All hostas go dorm ant in winter. New
T hese old-time favorites have bushy but leaves emerge in spring. Try not to select heav­
upright habits and bloom in mid- to late summer. ily puckered leaf forms for use under trees.
They are easy to grow, even withstanding sea­ T he puckers or wrinkle designs catch leaf
shore conditions. Avoid unwanted volunteer drippings, including gum and sap, which detract
seedlings by planting sterile cultivars. from the plants appearance.
Set out in spring o r fall as bare-root or
container-grown plants. They prefer full sun Problems
and average soil with added organic matter. Leaves small, light brown, papery, scorched,
Hibiscus are fairly problem-free. Aphids or bleached. Causes: Lack of water; too much
or Japanese beetles may feed on foliage; see sun. An easy way to ruin hostas is to let them
“Leaves wrinkled and discolored" on page dry out, even for a little while. Even if they
235 and “Leaves skeletonized" on page 236. continue to grow, plants will be stunted. Sun­
burned edges o r spots reduce hostas orna­
mental value significantly and are best avoided

Hosta through proper selection of planting site.

Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause:
Slugs and snails. Hostas broad, low-growing
Hosta, plantain lily. Perennials. foliage welcomes these slimy pests. See “Leaves
with large, ragged holes" on page 177 for
Grown primarily for their attractive, 5"-10", Stems blacken at base; leaves yellow and
broadly lance-shaped leaves and durability as wilt; plant collapses. Cause: Crown rot. Hostas
groundcovers, hostas are unparalleled peren­ are susceptible to fungal and bacterial attack
nials for shady areas. Handsom e ribbed leaves when grown in poorly drained soil. Crown

injury and excess m oisture during dorm ancy coolest exposures. East- and west-facing win­
also increase the chances of infection. Choose dows provide moderate amounts of bright light;
w ell-drained sites; add org an ic m a tte r to west-facing windows, which receive hot after­
improve soil drainage; keep winter mulch away noon sun, tend to be warm er than east-facing
from crowns. Remove and discard infected ones. South-facing windows provide the bright­
plants and the surrounding soil. est and longest-lasting light and also the most
heat. Keep in mind that overhanging awnings,
drapes, o r nearby trees affect the am ount of
light plants receive.
Houseplants As a general rule, plants grow best at
daytime tem peratures of 60°-80°F and night­
time tem peratures of 58°-65°F Avoid wide
tem perature swings; keep plants away from
T he world of houseplants covers a vast heat vents, radiators, air-intake ducts, and air-
array of plant species from all over the world. conditioning vents.
And any enthusiast’s collection may include Low humidity is a familiar problem to
species native to a wide variety of climates, indoor gardeners. During the heating season,
from tropical jungle-dwellers, such as some indoor humidity may only be 10 percent. Most
orchids o r philodendrons, to desert-dwelling tropical species require 40-60 percent hum id­
cacti. Despite the diverse cultural requirements ity to thrive. The easiest way to increase humid­
different houseplants prefer, there are basic ity is to run a w hole-house o r p o rta b le
techniques that will ensure healthy plants that humidifier. Not quite as efficient, but still
resist pests and diseases. worthwhile, is the practice of keeping a pan of
water near a heat source. G rouping plants
Culture together also improves indoor humidity because
Since houseplants live in an artificial leaf transpiration from a cluster of plants
environm ent, m aintaining pest- and disease- increases the air moisture in the im mediate
free plants requires attention to 4 main areas area. To further humidify a plant grouping, set
of care: light, temperature, humidity, and water. plants on trays filled with 1" of pebbles and Vi"
As w ith p lan ts grow n o u td o o rs , healthy of water.
houseplants are less susceptible to attack by Most houseplants should be watered only
pests and diseases. Plants stressed by light when the soil is dry. Test soil dryness by dig­
exposure, tem perature extrem es, im proper ging your finger an inch into the soil. Water
watering, o r low hum idity are more prone to only if this soil is dry to the touch. Don’t allow
problem s than those provided with conditions e x c e s s w a te r to s ta n d in s a u c e r s , a n d a v o id
that m eet their basic requirem ents. wetting foliage. Im proper watering may cause
Unless you own an artificial lighting sys­ wilting that can be mistaken for diseases.
tem especially for houseplants. choose plants Plants growing in a com m ercial potting
with light needs similar to the natural light in mix need little additional fertilizer if repotted
your hom e. Too little light on a sun-loving regularly. During active growth in spring and
plant causes pale leaves and leggy growth. summer, most plants benefit from regular doses
Too m uch sun on a plant that prefers low light of a liquid organic fertilizer such as fish em ul­
causes leaf scorch, yellowing, and dehydration. sion; mix and apply according to label direc­
North-facing windows provide indirect sun and tions. Fertilize less during the winter, when
the lowest light level; they’re also often the lower tem peratures and light levels slow the

growth of most plants. from stems with your fingernail; spray plants
To catch problems before they becom e with insecticidal soap. (Don't use soap on ferns.)
serious, it's a good idea to inspect plants regu­ A fter a week, rinse plants in water. If the
larly for signs of insects or diseases. Rinsing problem persists, wipe leaf undersides with a
the plant occasionally with room-temperature solution of 1 tablespoon vegetable oil in 3/»
w ater in the sink o r bathtub is also a good cup warm water.
idea: It rinses away insects along with dust Leaves pale or stippled with fine webbing
that can inhibit photosynthesis. on undersides. Cause: Spider mites. These
spiderlike creatures, no larger than a speck of
Problems dust, suck juices from plant leaves. They spread
Leaves spotted, yellowed, browned, or most rapidly in hot, dry conditions. Isolate
wilted; roots, stems, or leaves with rotted spots. affected plants; ideally, move them to a more
Cause: Cultural problems. Too much o r too humid location. Remove heavily infested leaves
little w ater, persistent hot o r cold drafts, and stems. Spray thoroughly with insecticidal
im proper light exposure, potbound roots, or soap (do not use soap on ferns), then mist with
nutrient starvation can all cause symptoms w ater daily for a week.
that can be mistaken for pests or diseases. Leaves crinkled or curled with a sticky
To diagnose cultural problems, review the coating on undersides. Cause: Aphids. These
conditions the plant prefers and exam ine tiny, sucking insects secrete a sugary honey­
the plant. Also consider the am ount of light the dew that may attract ants. Isolate affected
plant receives, review watering patterns, and plants. Remove heavily infested leaves and
look for drafts o r other problems that may not stems. Wipe insects off stems with a cotton
be immediately apparent. Once you've decided swab dipped in warm soapy water. Spray with
on a cause, correct the situation. See “Cul­ insecticidal soap. (Do not use soap on ferns.)
ture" on page 119 for more information. Leaves with dark, sooty blotches. C ause:
Leaves and stems with white fuzzy growth Sooty mold. This fungus lives on the honey­
that later turns brown. Cause: Powdery mildew. dew excreted by aphids, mealybugs, and scales.
Cut out all diseased parts; place the plant in Treat the plant for the insect infestation. Then
an area where it will receive excellent air clean the foliage with warm soapy w ater and
circulation. If necessary, use a small fan to rinse. See “Leaves and stems with white cot­
move air around the plant. tony patches,” “Leaves pale and discolored:
Leaves and stems with white cottony tiny brown bumps on undersides and stems,"
patches. Cause: Mealybugs. Isolate affected and “Leaves crinkled o r curled with a sticky
plants; dip a cotton swab in 70 percent isopro­ coating on undersides" above for information
pyl alcohol and wipe each insect. A few days on controlling these insects.
later, rinse the plant in the shower, or out­ Leaves, stems, or flowers with gray, moldy
doors (in shade) with a fine mist of w ater from growth. Cause: Botrytis blight. This fungal
a hose. Check for mealybugs again after a disease thrives on plants th at have been
m onth and re-treat if necessary. overwatered, overfed with nitrogen, o r over­
Leaves pale and discolored; tiny brown crowded. Remove and discard affected plant
bumps on undersides and stems. Cause: Scales. parts. If the plant has tender growth due to
T hese immobile insects suck fluids from plant excess fertilizer, withhold feeding until cur­
cells. They may excrete sticky honeydew onto rent growth hardens off. Divide overgrown or
nearby leaves. Isolate affected plants. Remove crowded plants, improve air circulation, and
heavily infested leaves. Gently scrape insects withhold w ater until soil is nearly dry.

Hyacinthus cut in half, reveals dark blotches or rings. Wet

soil encourages nem atodes. Dig and destroy
infested bulbs; check new bulbs carefully for
Hyacinth. Bulbs. pests. Plant in well-drained soil.

Cultivars of Hyacinthus Orientalis, the

only species in this genus, are prized for the
heady arom a they bring to the spring garden.
Tubular o r bell-shaped blossoms cover dense,
blunt, 10"-12" tall, upright spikes; each bulb Hydrangea. Shrubs and vines.
produces 1 spike of white, pink, blue, o r yel­
low flowers. Narrow, straplike leaves surround
the base of the stalk. Hydrangeas are opposite-leaved, decidu­
Plant bulbs in fall at least 1 m onth before ous shrubs and vines. T he flowers are small
the ground freezes. Select a site in full sun but borne in large clusters. Hydrangeas are
with humus-rich, well-drained soil; sheltering ideal for shrub borders or grouped for land­
from wind reduces injury to rigid flower stalks. scape interest.
Set bulbs 4"-5" deep with pointed growing Hydrangeas are among the few flowering
tips facing upward. Hyacinths multiply less shrubs that bloom well under shaded conditions,
freely than other bulbs and flowering tends to although they flourish in full sun in cooler
diminish with age. Plant new bulbs every 2-3 climates. They prefer acid soils. Set out in
years for optimal floral display. Remove spent spring o r fall as balled-and-burlapped o r
flowers to prevent seed form ation: let foliage container-grown plants.
die back naturally.
Problems Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause:
Leaves yellow or distorted; bulbs decayed. Aphids. For control inform ation, see “Leaves
Cause: Bulb mites. Like most bulbs, hyacinths wrinkled and discolored" on page 235.
may be infested by bulb mites. See “Leaves Leaves tied together over flower buds.
yellow o r distorted: bulbs decayed" on page Cause: Hydrangea leaftiers. T he xh '\ green-
50 for controls. bodied, brown-headed caterpillar causes the
Leaves and stems with spots, gray mold, foliage to becom e ragged, turn brown, and
or yellow slime; bulbs decayed; growth poor. die. If the infestation is light, break open the
Cause: Bacterial and fungal rots. Hyacinths “envelopes" and pick off the caterpillars; for
are subject to a num ber of rot diseases. Rots heavier infestations, spray plants with BTK.
are prevalent in poorly drained soil; control Leaves deformed; shoot tips blackened.
through careful bulb selection and culture. Cause: Tarnished plant bugs. T his pest is an
For tips on buying healthy bulbs, see the illus­ active, x/* \ light green to brown bug m ottled
tration on page 49. with white, yellow, red, and black. W hen it
Leaves with swollen spots; plant fails to feeds on the leaves, it produces a toxin that
grow. Cause: Bulb and stem nem atodes. Tiny deforms the leaves and blackens the terminal
roundworms feed on bulbs; plants fail to grow shoots and flowers. Tarnished plant bug over­
in spring o r fail to bloom. Swollen, yellow- winters on weeds and under leaves; removing
green spots appear on leaves; an infested bulb. these havens will greatly reduce the likelihood

Copyrighted material

of subsequent infestation. Control severe infes­ and flowers. Handpicking is the best control.
tations by dusting leaves with pyrethrin. Reduce populations of larvae by treating lawn
Leaves with powdery white coating. Cause: areas with milky disease spores. Spray plants
Powdery mildew. See “Leaves with powdery with pyrethrin as a last resort.
white coating” on page 237 for controls. Leaves and flowers browned and wilted.
Flowers rot. Cause: Botrytis blight. In Cause: Bacterial wilt. This disease can spread
wet seasons, Botrytis fungi can cause a blight quickly, killing the plant in hot weather. Remove
on hydrangeas that will spoil the flowers. Pick infected parts as soon as you see them; destroy
off and destroy affected blooms. seriously infected plants.
Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed. Leaves with small brown spots. Cause:
Cause: Spider mites. See “Leaves stippled with Rust. Infected leaves have bright orange spots
yellow; foliage w ebbed” on page 236 for sug­ underneath and pale yellow spots on the upper
gested controls. surfaces; they eventually wilt and drop. Remove
Leaves and flowers skeletonized. Cause: and destroy leaves infected with this fungal
Rose chafers. This 'A", reddish brown beetle disease. As a last resort, spray or dust with
with thick, yellowish hairs on its wing covers sulfur, repeating as needed.
appears in late spring and damages both leaves

tall with a spread of IV2 ’-2', while rock candy­

Iberis tuft [I. saxatilis) is even m ore com pact, reach­

ing heights of 3"-6". T he 1lh"-2" inflorescences
last several weeks.
Candytuft. Perennials. Plant candytufts in full sun in well-drained
soil. Light shade is tolerated but reduces
flowering, as does drought. Cut plants back
T hese very hardy evergreen border plants after flowering to encourage com pact growth.
brighten spring with clusters of tiny blossoms Foliage may brown in cold, windy conditions;
of pure or pink-tinged white. Evergreen can­ mulch lightly to reduce injury. Few pests or
dytuft (Iberis sempervirens ) grows to about 1' diseases trouble candytufts.

Copyrighted material
ILEX ■ 123

Ilex yellow; stems and leaves covered with small

bumps” on page 237 for control information.
Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed.
Holly. TTrees and shrubs. Cause: Spider mites. For controls, see “Leaves
stippled with yellow; foliage webbed” on
page 236.
Hollies are deciduous o r evergreen trees Leaves with notched margins. Cause: Jap­
o r shrubs with altern ate leaves. T h e male anese weevils. T he brown adults attack
and fem ale flowers are borne on different foliage, and the legless white grubs feed on
plants; female plants produce striking red or roots. Apply a sticky substance to the lower
black fruit. Hollies are useful as foundation stem s to prevent adults from climbing up the
shrubs, accent plants, informal hedges, and plants. Drench the soil around the base of the
specim en plants. plant with a solution of parasitic nem atodes
H ollies prefer a m oist, acid soil well- to control weevil larvae. Spray leaves several
enriched with organic matter. Plant in sun or times with pyrethrin for m ajor infestations of
shade. Set o u t as balled-and-burlapped or adult weevils.
container-grown plants in spring o r fall; make Leaves yellowed. Cause: Nitrogen defi­
sure that the top of the root ball is the same ciency. This is usually most noticeable on
level at which the plant grew in the nursery. older leaves. Regular fertilization helps keep
T h eir roots grow close to the surface, so don’t hollies green and vigorous. Apply cottonseed
cultivate around them ; a deep organic mulch meal o r a generous m ulch of com post in
will keep down weeds and provide a cool, early spring.
moist root zone. Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves with
P rotect evergreen hollies from winter sun moist or brown sunken spots. Cause: Anthrac­
and drying winds with a burlap screen o r an nose. See “Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves
antitranspirant spray. Rem em ber to plant both with moist o r brown sunken spots” on page
male and female plants, so you’ll get the polli­ 238 for more details.
nation necessary for berries. Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots.
See “Leaves with spots” on page 237 for controls.
Problems Leaves with powdery white coating.
Leaves tunneled. Cause; Leafminers. This Cause: Powdery mildew. For control informa­
tiny insect is by far the most serious pest of tion, see “Leaves with powdery white coat­
hollies. For control inform ation, see “Leaves ing” on page 237.
tunneled’’ on page 237. Trunk or branches with oozing lesions;
L e a v e s w eb b ed to g eth e r . C ause: Bud branch tips die back. C a u s e : C a n k e r. S e e
moths. T hese greenish white caterpillars “Trunk or branches with oozing lesions; branch
web together and feed on the tips of new holly tips die back” on page 238.
shoots in May. Fully grown larvae usually drop Leaves mottled yellow. Cause: Whiteflies.
to the ground and overwinter in plant debris. These tiny, white, mothlike insects and their
Remove fallen leaves around plants. Destroy even smaller larvae feed on the undersides of
webs and handpick caterpillars. Spray leaves leaves, weakening the plant. Spray leaves (make
with BTK in April and May. sure you get the undersides, too!) with insecti­
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered cidal soap, o r pyrethrin as a last resort; repeat
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See “Leaves weekly until pests are under control.

Impatiens Seedlings die. Cause: Damping-off. See

“Seedlings die" on page 20 for controls.

Impatiens, balsam.
Perennials grown as annuals.

In A m erican gardens, the 2 most widely

grown species of the genus Impatiens are gar­ Morning glory. Annuals.
den balsam (/. balsamina) and im patiens (/.
wallerana). G arden balsam grows upright to 2'
with a 1xh ' spread. T he clustered flowers resem­ These quick-growing tropical vines have
ble small double camellias. Im patiens reach white, pink, or blue, trum pet-shaped flowers
6"-24" high and about 1' wide, with open, that may reach 3" wide. O lder types close by
single flowers. Flower colors include white, midday, but new cultivars stay open longer.
red, rose, and orange. Vines may reach 10' high within 2 m onths of
W hile many g ard en ers prefer to buy seeding and flower profusely from July until
nursery-grown plants, the best color choices November. Use m orning glories to beautify a
usually come in seed packets. Sow seed indoors fence or wall, o r as a tem porary groundcover.
8 weeks before last frost. Do not cover the small Direct-seed outdoors in early April. Soak
seeds with soil: they need light to germ inate. the hard-coated seed in tepid water for 8 hours,
G erm ination time is 5 days for balsam. 2 weeks or notch them with a file to speed germination.
for impatiens. Transplant outdoors 2 weeks Place in loose, well-prepared, average soil. O r
after last frost. start seeds indoors in 4 " pots and transplant
Balsam can grow in full sun, while impa­ outdoors after frost.
tiens prefer some shade, especially in warm Full sun is best. Plants require little w ater
weather. These otherwise rather care-free plants o r fertilizer once established. Insects and dis­
do not tolerate cold, wet weather. They do eases rarely attack plants.
require slightly moist soil with lots of organic
matter. W ater regularly to keep the soil moist
but not soggy. Feed balsam once a m onth to
maintain the dark green leaf color. Im patiens
don't need extra feeding: too much fertilizer
gives am ple foliage but few flowers. Pinch
back young plants for denser growth. Plants Iris, flag Rulhs or rhi/omes.
often self-seed.

Problems Irises offer a huge range of colors and

Leaves, steins, and buds distorted. Cause: patterns, heights, and bloom tim es, with vari­
Aphids. For controls, see “Leaves, stems, and ations on a com m on flower shape and plant
buds distorted” on page 20. form. T he basic iris flower consists of 3 inner
Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause: (often erect) petals, called standards, sur­
Slugs and snails. See "Leaves with large, rag­ rounded by 3 outer petals (usually arching
ged holes" on page 18 for controls. out), called the falls. Long, flat leaves resem ­

IRIS ■ 125

ble swords o r grass; they grow in rather open bloom as bearded irises stop flowering. Japan­
to quite dense upright or arching clumps from ese irises (/. ensata, formerly /. kaempferi )
bulbs or creeping rhizomes. bear 4 '-1 0 " flattish or double flowers in shades
By far the most popular group is the large of white, pinkish lavender, red-violet, blue,
collection of hybrids termed the bearded irises, and violet, often edged, lined, or speckled.
nam ed for the hairy, caterpillar-like feature Most grow to about 3' and bloom a few weeks
creeping out of the center of each fall. Rowers later than Siberian irises.
range from 2" to 7" wide in one of the widest Very early spring-blooming, bulbous retic­
color ranges of any plant group, lacking only ulated iris (/. reticulata ) hybrids have fragrant,
pure red. They bloom in early summer, from narrow-petaled, 3" blooms, mostly in blues
2" to nearly 5' above stiff, swordlike leaves. and purples with orange or yellow signals,
In place of a beard, “beardless” irises amid sparse, 4-sided leaves that grow to IV2 '
flaunt a colorful spot, called a signal, o r an after bloom.
intricate pattern of lines. Blooms on Siberian M ost bearded irises are easy to grow, but
iris (Iris sibirica) rarely exceed 3" wide; they they do have specialized needs. Plant and divide
occur in shades of white, red-violet, blue, and (every 3-4 years) in sum m er o r early fall, split­
purple (occasionally pinks and yellows) in ting them into individual “fans” with the rhi­
upright, grassy clum ps averaging 3 ' tall. They zome attached, or into divisions with a few

What Goes Wrong

(Iris spp-) and Whv
L e a ve s w ith yellow,
>1 . brow n, or black spc
1 II vi Le ave s with
P. ;• Clause: Leaf spots. S p
w ater-soaked spots;
;• V.V, enlarge rapidly and
rh iz o m e s rotted
I*;;;-’ coalesce; may have
and soft. Cause:
I • • ' red edges or water-
Bacterial soft rot. 1
.soaked margins
Afflicted leaves i 7
W\l. Rthat turn yellow.
are easily pulled
from rhizomes;
leaf bases
rotted and i f . ftf K
foul-smelling, f f{

Leaves with
irregular tunnels;
" rhizomes damaged or
rotted. Cause; Iris borers.
Leaves wilt, yellow; pests
bore into rhizomes.

fans. Trim leaves back before planting to make borers in the leaves by pinching toward the
up for root loss. Plant in full sun or very light base of the telltale ragged-edged leaves o r by
shade and average to rich, well-drained soil. running your thum b between the leaves and
Barely cover the rhizome and point the leafy squashing any borers you find. Check rhi­
end in the direction you want it to grow. zomes when you divide the clumps for this
Bearded irises tolerate drought very well pest. If you find a few borers, try cutting them
when dormant (usually beginning about 6 weeks out; destroy badly infested rhizomes. In spring,
after bloom), but w ater them well until dor­ dust the base of plants with pyrethrin to kill
mancy sets in and after division. Fertilize rou­ emerging larvae.
tinely in spring and early fall, keep weeds and Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause:
other plants away from rhizomes, mulch loosely Slugs and snails. T hese slimy pests live and
the first w inter after division, and plan to feed amid dense iris foliage. See “Leaves with
stake tall-growing cultivars when in bloom. large, ragged holes” on page 50 for controls.
Siberian irises enjoy conditions similar Flower buds die; petals distorted; growth
to those favored by bearded irises, but toler­ stunted. Cause: Thrips. Several species of
ate w etter soil and need less-frequent division tiny thrips infest irises; Japanese irises are espe­
in spring or fall. Replant as soon as possible cially susceptible. T hrips feed on inner folds
after dividing. of leaves, causing stunted growth and russet
Grow Japanese irises in much the same o r sooty areas on leaves. Tops of plants even­
way, providing shade from the hottest sun. tually turn brown and die. Flowers may appear
W ater well before and during bloom. They discolored, flecked with white, o r deform ed.
need acid soil and benefit from a few inches of These pests are difficult to control, for they
mulch in summer. burrow into plant tissue. Don’t buy sickly look­
Plant reticulated irises in fall, about 3" ing irises that may be infested. Remove and
deep and a few inches apart in average to destroy severely infested plant parts. Use blue
more fertile, very well drained soil. Grow with sticky traps to m onitor and trap pests. Appli­
annuals and perennials to fill gaps left by their cations of insecticidal soap may provide some
leaves, which wither by summer. control once pests are spotted in traps.
Leaves with yellow, brown, or black spots.
Problems Cause: Leaf spots. Irises may develop leaf
Leaves with irregular tunnels; rhizomes spot, caused by several different species of
damaged or rotted. Cause: Iris borers. The fungi, especially in wet w eather. Remove
m ost destructive pest of irises, these moth infected plant parts; clean up debris in fall to
larvae favor bearded irises, but may feed on remove disease spores.
all species. They seldom bother Siberian irises. Leaves with water-soaked spots; rhizomes
Borer eggs hatch in spring, producing up to 2" rotted and soft. Cause: Bacterial soft rot. Soft
long, fat, pinkish larvae. T h e larvae enter a rot attacks during wet seasons in poorly drained
fan at the top and tunnel down toward the rhi­ soil, entering through wounds in the rhizome
zom e, where they may eat the whole interior made by prem ature leaf removal or cultiva­
w ithout being noticed. Borers often introduce tion o r carried on the bodies of iris borers.
soft rot bacteria into rhizomes as they feed. Crowded plants in shady locations are more
In fall, remove dead, dry leaves, which susceptible to this disease. Infected rhizomes
often carry borer eggs, and destroy badly are dry on the outside, but wet, smelly, and
infested fans in spring. You can also crush slimy inside. This rot may start in the leaves

following borer attack. W ater-soaked streaks normal. T here is no cure for infected plants;
appear on leaves, which then turn yellow and remove and destroy irises showing symptoms.
wilt, starting from the tips. Eventually the entire Mosaic virus is spread by sucking insects such
leaf cluster may fall to the ground. Bulbous as aphids and leafhoppers. Control pests to
irises are not infected by this particular rot. reduce risk of infection. See “Leaves, stems,
Control borers to reduce soft rot infec­ and buds distorted, sticky; clusters of small
tion; see “Leaves with irregular tunnels; rhi­ insects” on page 51 for controls.
zomes dam aged or rotted” above. Remove Stems rot at base. Cause: Crown rot.
and destroy rotting rhizomes. Wash tools when Crowded plants are most susceptible to this
cultivating o r dividing irises to avoid transm it­ fungal disease. Leaves and stems turn brown
ting the infection. Choose rhizomes carefully, at the base, foliage turns yellow, and black
inspecting them for signs of infestation; plant spores may appear on stems. W hite o r brown
in well-drained soil with adequate sunlight. mold may be present. Rhizomes may also rot.
Leaves mottled or streaked. C ause: Dig and divide iris clum ps every few years to
M osaic virus. Bulbous irises that are stunted avoid overcrowding. Plant in well-drained soil.
and streaked with yellow may carry this virus. Avoid damaging crowns when cultivating; keep
Flowers may be m ottled and sm aller than winter mulch away from crowns.

Juniperus simultaneously on the same plant. Plants are

either male or female; the females bear small,
berrylike cones. Many species and cultivars
Juniper, red cedar. TVees and shrubs. are valuable in the landscape. Depending upon
their form, junipers are valuable for founda­
tion plantings, as groundcovers, o r even as
Junipers are a large group of evergreen specim en trees. Because they respond well to
trees and shrubs. Foliage in young plants is pruning for shape, they also make effective
awl-shaped, in m ature plants, flat and scalelike. evergreen hedges.
In some cases, both types of foliage can exist Junipers are widely tolerant of all but

poorly drained soils. T hey will w ithstand little harm to junipers. Cut off and destroy or
drought and grow in low-fertility soils—even dispose of galls before early spring. Avoid plant­
seaside conditions. Set them out as balled- ing Eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana)
and-burlapped o r container-grown plants in and its cultivars, which are very susceptible to
spring o r fall. Full sun suits them best; grown rusts. See “Leaves with pale yellow spots that
in too m uch shade, they becom e spindly and enlarge and turn orange” on page 25 for infor­
unattractive. m ation about this disease on apples.
Plant defoliated; branches bear cocoonlike
Problems bags. Cause: Bagworms. See below for an
Branches with large galls. Cause: Rust. illustration of this pest. See “Plant defoliated;
C edar-apple rust, cedar-haw thorn rust, and branches bear cocoonlike bags” on page 236
cedar-quince rust are fungal diseases that spend for control measures.
part of their life cycles on junipers, the rest on Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause:
alternative hosts, such as apples and crab apples. Aphids. Several kinds of aphids feed on junipers.
Large galls form and eventually swell to release For control inform ation, see “Leaves wrin­
the spores, especially in warm, moist weather. kled and discolored” on page 235.
For an illustration of rust galls on junipers, see Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
below. with small bumps. Cause: Scales. For control
O ther than producing the galls, rust does measures, see “Leaves yellow; stems and leaves

r . ▲ What Goes Wrong

(Jum/JeriLS spp.) w and Why

XJ V- -

ch tips
/ w ebbed together.
Vi" Larva , Cause: Juniper
webworms. Damage
usually begins on the
\ inside of the plant:
larvae feed inside
webbed areas.

Plant defoliated; branches

B ra n c h e s ^ ‘
bear cocoonlike bags.
with large galls. fJLD £S
Cause: Bagworms. Pests
Cause: Rust. Gelatinous
feed from inside the silken bags
"horns" form on galls
in wet weather. concealed by twigs and leaves
from the host plant.
KALM1A ■ 129

covered with small bumps” on page 237. defense is to keep trees in healthy condition,
Leaves yellow; whole plant weakened. by watering during dry spells and fertilizing
Cause: Juniper mealybugs. T h e tiny, powdery regularly. If dam age occurs, prune off dam ­
white adults generally congregate on the trunks aged tips. Spray with pyrethrin, making 2 appli­
and interior branches, making them difficult cations 3-4 days apart.
to see until the plant starts to weaken. Control
by spraying the plant (especially the bark)
with superior oil or repeated applications of
insecticidal soap.
Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed.
C ause: M ites. For con tro l m easures, see
‘‘Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage w ebbed”
on page 236.
Brassica oleracea
Acephala group (Cruciferae)
Branch tips webbed together. Cause: Juni­
per webworms. If left unchecked, this pest
can kill the twigs. Remove and destroy the
nests, and spray with BTK or pyrethrin as a Kale is a cool-season vegetable grown for
its crinkly, blue-green leaves. It is a very hardy
last resort. See the opposite page for an illus­
tration of this pest. m em ber of the cabbage family, tolerating tem­
Needle bases blistered; shoot tips die. peratures below 40°F In fact, frost improves
Cause: Juniper midges. T h e tiny yellow lar­ its taste. It is less tolerant of heat than other
vae of this pest feed on the bases of needles, mem bers of the cabbage family. In warmer
clim ates grow kale in soil with a high clay
dam aging shoot tips. Prune off infested parts,
then spray the whole plant with insecticidal content if you have a choice, and shade soil
around roots.
soap. Clean up debris around the base of the
tree to reduce the pest population. Grow kale as you would cabbage. It is
Branch tips browned. C au ses: Twig occasionally bothered by the same diseases
blights; cedar bark beetles. Fungal blights may and insects as cabbage. See the Cabbage entry
attack junipers in spring o r summer. These beginning on page 52 for culture and informa­
diseases spread progressively, killing branches tion on problems.
or entire plants. Control by pruning and destroy­
ing affected branches on a dry day. Avoid by
using resistant cultivars, such as J. chinensis
var. sargentii ‘G lauca’; ask your local nursery
ow ner o r extension agent for others recom ­
m ended for your area.
Similar symptoms on recently transplanted Mountain laurel. Shrubs.
junipers, o r those weakened by drought or by
the onslaughts of o th er insects, may be due to
cedar bark beetles. T h e white larvae of this M ountain laurels are broad-leaved ever­
tiny black beetle tunnel under the b ark , som e­ green shrubs with clusters of white, pink, or
times killing weakened trees. T h e adult bee­ red flowers in spring. They are splendid for
tles chew holes in twig crotches, often causing woodland plantings, shrub borders, o r foun­
shoot tips to dangle from the branch. T he dation plantings.
130 ■ PRC)BIJIM S()1VIN(, PLANT (il IDF.

In the spring, set out balled-and-burlapped be effective if placed at some distance from
or container-grown plants. Select a partially plants. Some gardeners find that traps attract
shaded location (the further south, the more extra beetles into the garden, so be sure to
shade) with moist but well-drained acid soil place them well away from the plants you
rich in organic matter. Don’t cultivate around wish to protect. Populations of this pest nat­
these shallow-rooted plants; instead, use a urally decline by midsummer, but for very
deep organic m ulch, which will keep weeds heavy infestations, spray with neem . For more
down and provide the cool, moist root zone inform ation, see “ Leaves skeletonized" on
the plants need. page 46.
For inform ation on pests and diseases, Vines chewed, bedraggled. Cause: Cats.
see the Rhododendron entry beginning on Strange as it may seem, cats like kiwis as much
page 2(X). as they like catnip. Protect plants with chicken
wire, if necessary.
Plant stunted; leaves yellow. C ause:
Crown rot. Kiwis require perfectly drained
soil to avoid crown rot. Avoid planting in poorly

Kiwi drained sites and modify soil enough to assure

good drainage.

Actinidia arguta, A deliciosa,

and A. kolomikta (Aetinidiaceae)

Kiwis are vigorous, twining vines. Fruit is

borne toward the base of new shoots that
grow off last year's canes. T h e kiwi found in Brassica oleracea
produce markets. Actinidia deliciosa, grows in (Jongylodes group (Cmciferae)
Zones 7-9. A. argula is hardy in Zones 4-7;
A. kolomikta is hardy in Zones 3-7.
Grow kiwis in full sun o r partial shade in Kohlrabi is a cool-season vegetable grown
perfectly drained soil. Allow about 2(X) square for its crisp, bulbous stems. It looks like an
feet of trellis o r arbor for each plant. Male and aboveground turnip. Kohlrabi can tolerate tem­
fem ale flowers appear on separate plants; peratures below 40°F and a pH between 5.5
therefore, a plant of each sex is required for and 6.8.
fruit set. A few cultivars are self-pollinating. T he trick to growing tender kohlrabi is
Check before you buy. encouraging rapid growth. Keep young plants
well-watered. Harvest bulbs when they are
Problems 2"-3" in diam eter; they may becom e fibrous
Leaves skeletonized. C ause: Japanese and bitter if allowed to grow larger.
beetles. These Vi". metallic blue-green insects Kohlrabi and cabbage require similar cul­
with bronze wing covers like to feed in the ture and are attacked by the same diseases
sun. Check plants early in the m orning while and insects. See the Cabbage entry beginning
beetles are sluggish and knock them into jars on page 52 for culture and information on
filled with soapy water. Scent-baited traps may problems.

Copyrighted material

Lagerstroemia by 8' wide. They are covered with 1"-2" clus­
ters of small flowers in shades of pink, yellow,
orange, red, and bicolors. T he plants are frost-
Lagerstroemia, crape myrtle. Shrubs and trees. sensitive, although they may bloom through­
out the year in mild areas. Birds, bees, and
butterflies find the plants quite attractive.
L agerstroem ias, also know n as crape Take softw ood cuttings from existing
myrtles, are popular summer-flowering shrubs plants, or start seeds indoors in midwinter
and small trees throughout the w arm er por­ (they germ inate in about 8 weeks). In warm
tions of the United States. clim ates direct-sowing is effective. Lantanas
Lagerstroemias require full sun and a moist need full sun and average, well-drained soil.
but well-drained soil enriched with organic Plant V ti apart. W ater deeply but let soil dry
matter. They will w ithstand severe pruning in out between waterings. Fertilize lightly; over-
early spring and still bloom because they pro­ fertilization or excess w ater decreases bloom.
duce flowers on the current seasons wood.
Powdery mildew can be a serious prob­ Problems
lem ; choose resistant cultivars. For m ore Leaves yellow; plant weakened. Cause:
inform ation, see “Leaves with powdery white W hiteflies. For controls, see “Leaves yellow;
coating” on page 237. Aphids may feed on plant weakened” on page 18.
leaves; see “Leaves wrinkled and discolored” Leaves and stems with white, cottony
on page 235 for controls. clusters. Cause: Mealybugs. See “Leaves and
stems with white, cottony clusters” on page
20 for control measures.

Lantana L eaves m ottled , w ith sh iny black flecks

underneath. Cause: Lace bugs. Adult lace
bugs are '/io", flattened, dark insects with lacy-
Lantana, shrub verbena. patterned wings. Both adults and the tiny
Tender perennials grown as annuals. nymphs feed on the undersides of leaves and
produce tiny dots of brown excrem ent. At
the first sign of dam age, spray with insectici­
Lantana brings masses of color to con­ dal soap, paying particular attention to the
tainers, rock gardens, and hanging baskets. undersides of the leaves. Use pyrethrin as a
T he quick-growing plants can grow to 4 ' high last resort.


Larix Lathyrus
Larch. Trees. Sweet pea. Annuals.

Larches comprise a unique genus—a group These fragrant, climbing annuals make
of deciduous, needle-leaved conifers. They excellent cut flowers. Clusters of lavender,
are trees for cold climates. pink, or white blossoms appear in spring. Plants
Set out in spring or fall as balled-and- can grow 1 -6 ' tall. Hot w eather kills cultivars
burlapped plants. Plant in full sun in moist, that aren't heat-resistant.
acid soil. Larches do not tolerate shade, dry Soak seeds for 24 hours in warm w ater to
soils, or urban conditions. speed germ ination. Direct-sow in early spring
as soon as soil can be worked. Indoors, start in
individual peat pots about 7 weeks before last
Problems frost. Seeds germ inate in 2 weeks.
Leaves m ined, y ello w ed , and shriveled. Plant sweet peas in full sun in a deeply
Cause: Larch casebearers. T he tiny reddish worked bed am ended with lots of organic
brown larvae of this moth feed and overwinter matter. W ater deeply and frequently. Remove
inside the leaves. Adult moths emerge in May spent flowers to prolong blooming.
or June. Natural parasites usually keep this Powdery mildew can occur if air circula­
pest under control. For severe infestations, tion is poor; see “Leaves with powdery white
apply a d o rm a n t spray o f lim e-sulfur to patches' on page 19. If aphids are a problem,
branches. see "Leaves, stems, and buds distorted" on
B ranches d efoliated. Cause: Larch saw- page 20.
flies. In June, the small, wasplike adults lay
eggs in the side of larch shoots, causing shoots
to twist. These Xh"-V\ grayish green, caterpillar­
like larvae emerge about a week later. They
feed on the leaves, starting with lower branches.
Remove debris, which provides an overwin­
tering site for the pest, from around trees. Lawns
Spray shoots with superior oil to control heavy
Trunk or branches w ith o o z in g lesion s. G ood organic lawn m aintenance is the
Cause: Larch branch canker. This fungus pro­ secret to having an attractive lawn without
duces sunken areas on the bark that are sur­ using synthetic chem icals. If you select the
rounded with drops of resin. Cut out and destroy right mix of grass species for your area and
affected parts as soon as d ete cted : once m aintain soil fertility and organic m atter
established, there is no control. European larch content, you’ll have few problems with insects
(Larix decidua) is prone to serious infections; and diseases.
Japanese larch IL . kaempferi) is less suscepti­ If your lawn is out of condition, or if
ble to the disease. you’ve been relying on synthetic fertilizers
IAWNS ■ 133

and pesticides to keep it growing, here are ■ W ater d eep ly and in fre q u e n tly to
some steps you may need to take to develop a encourage grasses to develop deep roots so
lush, organic lawn. they'll be more drought-tolerant.
■ If your lawn gets lots of foot or vehicle
■ Mow regularly to the recom m ended
traffic or is growing in heavy soil, aerate the
height for the grasses in your lawn, and leave
soil to loosen it and encourage d eeper root
the clippings on the lawn. G rass clippings are
growth. You can rent a m otorized or power-
one of the best organic fertilizers for lawns.
driven aerator, or aerate manually with a spad­
■ Check soil p H , and adjust if necessary. ing fork. At T intervals all over your lawn,
Most grasses do best at pH 6.0-7.0. insert a spading fork into the turf at a 45-degree
■ Top-dress your lawn with a ’A"-1/?" layer angle. Push the tines in to a depth of 4". Press
of finished com post, dehydrated cow m anure, down slightly on the fork handle to loosen the
o r oth er fine organic matter. soil, and then pull out the fork.
■ Fertilize once a y ear—in spring and ■ If your lawn has a buildup of thatch —
early fall for northern lawns, in spring o r sum­ undecomposed plant debris at the soil surface—
m er for southern lawns. thin it out by raking the lawn with a special



1*' CLtfJ
r *Li// •
f|r il
tom y :

H e a lth y law n . .LT-

V to 2 " Sm all,
Grubs of Adult Nymph
Tan or irregular
various beetles T u rf thins, turns dead sp ots Yellowed round
yellow, and dies. lawn. Cause: patches on lawn.
sp o ts on lawn.
Cause: White grubs. Sod webworms. Cause: Chinch
Cause: Dollar spot.''
C-shaped, white beetle ’ests eat blades: bugs. Pests give
Fungal disease
larvae feed on roots, which [prom oted by off an offensive
com m on in lawns on poorly
weakens and eventually 1 thatch and hot. odor when
drained soils low In nitrogen.
kills plants. dry conditions. crushed.

thatching rake, available from nursery suppli­ tility and keep lawns well-watered during dry
ers and mail-order tool com panies. For very spells. For serious infestations, spray with insec­
large lawns, you will need to rent a machine ticidal soap.
called a dethatcher. Turf with yellow or brown patches. Cause:
■ If your lawn is in bad condition, or Billbugs. Billbug larvae are white grubs with
suffering from severe insect or disease problems, yellow-brown heads that feed on grass stems,
you may decide to start from scratch. If so. be causing shoots to turn brown and die. In warm
sure to choose the best grass or mixture of w eather the grubs tunnel into the soil and
grasses for your area. Cool-season grasses, which feed on roots and rhizomes. Billbugs are brown
grow the most in spring and fall and are dor­ o r nearly black, •/»"'-'h" weevils. Control grubs
m ant in midsummer, are best for the northern by aerating the lawn, watering deeply, remov­
half of the country. Warm-season grasses, which ing thatch, and adding organic matter. Reseed
are dorm ant in w inter and begin growing in o r overseed with resistant cultivars.
early summer, are best for the desert south­ Yellowed round patches on lawn. C ause:
west and the Sun Belt. There are many disease- Chinch bugs. These bugs suck plant sap. caus­
and insect-resistant cultivars available. One ing grass to turn yellow and die off in patches.
group, the endophyte-containing grasses, hosts A dult chinch bugs have dark bodies with
fungi that produce a substance that deters a black triangular pad between white, folded
feeding by some insect pests and is actually wings. Nymphs are tiny bright red insects with
toxic to other pests. Check with your local a white band across their backs. Both adults
e x t e n s i o n o f f ic e o r g a r d e n c e n t e r f o r t h e b e s t and nymphs cause dam age, especially during
new cultivars for your areas. dry conditions. See page 133 for an illustra­
tion of the pest and its damage.
Problems T he pests congregate in open, sunny parts
Turf has bare or ragged patches. Cause: of the lawn. They smell bad, especially when
Armyworms. These greenish brown caterpil­ crushed. You may be able to detect the odor
lars with white stripes and black heads chew simply by walking across a severely infested
grass blades down to the crowns, leaving bare lawn. To check for chinch bugs: Remove both
areas o r ragged patches of grass. They are a ends from a large coffee can. Push one end 2"
com m on pest on berm udagrass during cool, into the sod. using a knife to cut the ground so
wet periods. In the South as many as 6 gener­ the can inserts easily o r a board to ham m er it
ations may occur in 1 year. Spray affected in place. Fill the can with water. Chinch bugs
areas with parasitic nem atodes while larvae will float to the surface within 10 minutes. If
are still feeding. Spray feeding larvae with there are 20 or more bugs in the can, m onitor
BTK. Remove dead areas of turf. Reseed and the population weekly, and take steps to con­
overseed with resistant grasses such as the trol, if necessary.
endophyte-containing cultivars. Encourage native predators, including
Grass blades yellowed; thinned, brown bigeyed bugs, minute pirate bugs, lacewings,
turf. C ause: Mites. T hese tiny, 8-legged crea­ lady beetles, and birds. Drive out chinch bugs
tures suck sap from grass blades, causing them by keeping the soil very moist. Wet it to a
to turn yellow or straw-colored. Heavy infes­ depth of 6", and m aintain that moist condi­
tations can kill plants, leaving turf looking tion for 3-4 weeks. To control chinch bugs in
brown and sparse. They thrive on poorly fed small lawns, soak sod with soapy w ater (1
lawns and during dry conditions. Improve fer­ ounce liquid dish soap to 2 gallons water).
LAWNS ■ 135

then lay a flannel sheet over the grass to snare ally about 2 weeks after m oths appear). Spray
the bugs as they are driven out by the soapy severely infested areas with pyrethrin if all
solution. Pick up the sheet and rinse it out in a oth er attem pts at control fail.
bucket of soapy w ater to kill the chinch bugs. Turf thins, turns yellow, and dies. C ause:
Rinse the soap off the treated grass by water­ White grubs. These curved, fat. whitish larvae
ing well. Seed and reseed treated areas with of Japanese beetles and other beetle species
resistant cultivars. chew on grass roots, leaving sections of lawn
Grass chewed. C ause: G rasshoppers. that appear burned. Damaged turf can be
T hese com m on insects chew on grass, but easily lifted from the lawn. Ten or more grubs
usually aren’t a serious threat to lawns. Broad­ per square foot is a serious infestation. Japan­
cast Nosema locustae spores mixed in a bran ese beetle grubs are most com m on on cool-
bait (available com m ercially) as soon as grass­ season grasses. G rubs of oth er species such as
hoppers em erge in spring: Effects of this scarab beetles. European chafers, and oriental
m easure usually aren't realized until the sec­ beetles feed on bentgrasses, K entucky and
ond sum m er after application. annual bluegrasses, and fescues.
Turf has irregular streaks of brown grass. Walk the turf in spiked sandals (available
Cause: Mole crickets. These IY2 ", light brown through mail-order catalogs) that will pierce
insects have short forelegs and shovel-like feet. and kill the grubs. For a large lawn, apply
They are serious lawn pests in the South. The milky disease spores: This treatm ent will elim­
crickets tunnel under the lawn and feed on inate Japanese beetle grubs over a few seasons.
grass roots. Infested grass wilts and turns brown, Apply the material in late spring o r fall when
so irregular dark streaks appear on lawns. soil tem perature is at least 70°F, but while
Apply parasitic nem atodes and w ater the soil grubs are still present. Or apply predatory nem­
well before and after application, o r apply atodes to control both Japanese beetle grubs
milky disease spores. and other white grubs. W ater the soil well
Sm all, irregular dead spots on lawn. before and after application to improve results.
Cause: Sod webworms. Webworms sever grass Turf has brown circular patches. Cause:
blades just above the thatch line and pull the Brown patch. This fungus causes circular areas
blades into a silken tunnel in the ground to of grass up to 2’ in diam eter to turn brown and
eat. As they feed and tunnel, irregular dead die. It tends to attack St. Augustine grass,
patches appear in the lawn. They are most bentgrass, berm udagrass, zoysia grass, tall
often a problem on bluegrass, hybrid bermuda- fescues, and ryegrasses, especially during hot.
grasses, and bentgrasses in the South. Web­ humid weather. Close cutting, poor drainage,
worms are the larvae of the buff-colored lawn overwatering, excessive nitrogen, and low pH
m oth, which fly over lawns in late spring. Hot, all contribute to brown patch. Control the
dry conditions and thatch buildup encourage disease by reducing nitrogen fertilization, mow­
the pests. ing less frequently, aerating, and dethatching.
Control webworms by saturating infested Top-dress with humus-building material. Water
areas with a soap drench (2 tablespoons liquid less frequently and only during the day so
dish soap to 1 gallon water) to drive the larvae grass dries off quickly. Rake out dead grass
to the surface. Rake the pests into a pile and and replant bare spots with resistant grasses.
dum p them into a bucket of soapy water. Apply Tan or straw-colored spots on lawn. Cause:
BTK o r drench the soil with parasitic nem a­ Dollar spot. This fungus causes tan o r straw-
todes when pests are in their larval stage (usu­ colored spots the size of silver dollars to appear

on the lawn. T he fungus occurs widely on golf grass to develop reddish brown to black spots
greens, but may also be a severe problem on on the leaf blades. Grass shrivels and roots
low-nitrogen, poorly drained lawns. Aerate rot. H ot. humid conditions favor fungal growth.
the soil and improve drainage by top-dressing Fight leaf spots and blights by building soil
with organic matter. In the m eantim e, keep fertility. Set mowing height as high as recom ­
soil well-watered. Apply a high-nitrogen fertil­ mended for your grass mix. Don’t mow during
izer; applying seaweed extract is also helpful. disease outbreaks to avoid spreading the fungi.
Mow less frequently, if possible. Overseed in Keep soil evenly moist. Restore diseased areas
fall with resistant cultivars. by raking out diseased grass and top-dressing
Green spots outlined with brown on lawn. with finished com post. Reseed o r overseed
Cause: Fairy ring. If your lawn has bright with resistant cultivars.
green circular areas that seem to grow more Grass water-soaked, blackened. Cause:
rapidly than the rest of the lawn, the grass is Cottony blight. Infection by Pythium fungi
probably infected by fairy ring fungus. A ring causes patches of grass to turn black and look
of grass around the green spots turns brown; water-soaked. In humid conditions a cottony
the green areas eventually will brown out also. mold may appear. T he disease usually occurs
A circle of mushrooms usually develops around in wet, poorly drained areas that have been
the edge of the infected area. Rake and dis­ overfertilized. It spreads rapidly once estab­
card the m ushroom s as they appear. Spike the lished. Alkaline soils and calcium deficiency
area with a spading fork ever)' day. W ater well. encourage the disease. Aerate and dethatch
Encourage beneficial soil m icrobes by top- lawn. Have the soil tested and correct calcium
dressing with finished com post or an organic deficiency, if necessary. Reduce nitrogen fer­
lawn fertilizer. Eradicate the fungus by dig­ tilization, particularly in fall. Keep soil evenly
ging out the soil in the area of the ring. Dig moist. M aintain slightly acid soil. In severely
down 2' and extend the hole outw ard at least infected areas enrich soil with organic m atter
T o u t from the ring. Remove the soil carefully, to improve drainage, and replant.
being sure not to spill any infected soil on the Circular, scorched patches or pink, gela­
healthy lawn. Fill in the hole with humusy top- tinous masses on lawn. Causes: Red thread;
soil and finished com post and reseed. pink patch. Lawns infected by red thread fun­
Reddish brown, tan, or yellow patches de­ gus have circular patches of dried grass that
velop on lawn. Cause: Fusarium blight. This have red o r rusty threads on the blades. Lawns
disease is com m on on Kentucky bluegrass dur­ suffering from pink patch will develop pink,
ing periods of hot, humid weather. Infected gelatinous masses on leaf blades. These related
lawns develop spots of reddish brown grass fungal diseases are com m on on bentgrass,
2"-6" in diameter. T he spots later turn tan and bluegrass, fescue, and ryegrass, especially in
finally yellow. Roots will rot and may be cov­ cool, humid regions. Apply an organic fertil­
ered with pink mold. D ethatch and aerate the izer with nitrogen in readily available form,
lawn. Apply l ”-2 " o f w ater each week. Raise such as seaweed extract. Mow regularly to
the mowing height in summer. Don’t fertilize remove infected leaf tips. W ater regularly and
in late spring o r early summer. Rake out dead thoroughly.
grass and replant with Fusarium -resistant Grass blades develop yellow to red, pow­
cultivars. dery blisters. Cause: Rust. Infection by this
Grass blades have dark spots. Causes: fungus causes yellow to rusty red, powdery
Leaf spots; leaf blights. Several fungi cause spore blisters to appear on leaf blades. Seri­

ously infected lawns turn yellow and wither. the soil moist, but not soggy, and do not allow
Rust typically occurs in late sum m er on dry it to dry out. Unlike most vegetables, lettuce
lawns lacking nitrogen. To avoid problems, responds well to having its foliage sprinkled
w ater the lawn well in the early m orning, so with water. Plant in raised beds to improve
the grass can dry off quickly. Fertilize using drainage. To help prevent disease problems,
seaweed extract or other nitrogen-rich fertilizer. do not plant lettuce in soil where it has been
Mow regularly. Rake o u t d ead grass and grown within the last 3 years.
overseed with resistant cultivars. Lettuce seeds will not germ inate if soil
tem peratures are above 8 0 °F In the heat of
the summer, start seedlings in a cool, shaded
location and then transplant them into the

Lettuce garden.
Various nutrient deficiencies can affect
lettuce. Boron or phosphorus deficiency causes
lactuca sativa (Compositae) malformed plants. Calcium deficiency causes
browning of young leaves. Poor heart form a­
tion is a symptom of molybdenum deficiency.
Lettuce is a hardy annual grown for its Copper deficiency prevents heads from forming.
tender leaves. T h e 3 most com m on types of Spray seedlings with seaweed extract to help
lettuce are: leaf or bunching, head (including prevent nutrient deficiencies. Continue to spray
butterhead and crisphead), and cos or romaine. plants with seaweed extract o r com post tea
every 2 weeks to boost plant health. Do a soil
Culture test to confirm the deficiency, and am end soil
Lettuce grows best in rich, loose soil with accordingly.
a pH between 6.0 and 6.8. It likes full sun, but
in hot w eather does better with light shade in Problems
the heat of the day. Lettuce needs to grow Seedlings rot near soil line and fall over;
rapidly and without interruption. Provide plenty seeds do not germinate. Cause: Damping-off.
of nitrogen in both quicker-release forms, such Keep soil moist, but not soggy. Thin seedlings
as blood meal or soybean m eal, and slower- and spray with com post tea as soon as first
release forms, such as com post or alfalfa meal. true leaves open to help prevent problems.
Spray the plants with com post tea a n d /o r sea­ Seedlings clipped off at soil line. Cause:
weed extract every other week to give them an Cutworms. O nce a seedling is clipped off,
extra boost. Spraying with com post tea may there is nothing to do but protect the rem ain­
also help prevent some fungal disease problems. ing seedlings from nocturnal cutworm attacks.
L e ttu c e grow s b est at te m p e ra tu re s Check for fat, 1"-2" long, brown or gray cater­
between 60° and 65°F Most lettuce cultivars pillars in the soil near the base of plants. Place
grow poorly above 75°F but will tolerate tem­ cutworm collars around transplants, sprinkle
peratures as low as 45°F Plants exposed to moist bran mixed with BTK on the soil sur­
high tem peratures will bolt. Prevent bolting face in the evening, o r add parasitic nem a­
by providing plants with partial shade in the todes to the soil at least 1 week before planting
heat of the summer, harvesting promptly, and to control them.
planting bolt-resistant cultivars. Leaves yellow. Causes: Excessive heat;
To grow tender, trouble-free lettuce, keep nitrogen deficiency; waterlogged soil. Plants


are stunted and leaves are tough and bitter. Big vein is a disease that causes light
Tem peratures above 80°F will produce these green or yellow, crinkled leaves with lighter,
sym ptom s. Prevent problem s by planting enlarged veins. Infected plants are stunted.
heat-tolerant cultivars and providing partial T he disease is carried by a fungus and may be
shade for plants in the heat of the summer. caused by a viruslike organism. Destroy infected
If w eather is not extrem ely hot, the prob­ plants. Prevent problem s by not planting in
lem is probably nitrogen deficiency. Spray plants cold, wet soils or where big vein has been a
and drench roots with fish emulsion o r fish­ problem in the past.
meal tea to alleviate symptoms. Waterlogged Leaves pale; plant stunted. Cause: Leaf­
soil produces the same symptom s by dam ag­ hoppers. Leaves may appear stippled. These
ing roots. Keep soil moist, but not soggy. Plant green or brown, wedge-shaped, '/w ’-'h" long
in raised beds if drainage is a problem. insects feed on plant sap and can spread
Plant yellow and stunted; plant wilts dur­ diseases. Treat infested plants with insectici­
ing bright, hot days and recovers at night. dal soap in the evening o r with a com m ercial
Causes: Wireworms: nem atodes. Wireworms pyrethrin spray or dust if infestation is severe.
are yellow to reddish brown, slender, tough­ Prevent problems by covering plants with row
bodied, segm ented worms up to Vh" long, cover when they germ inate.
with brown heads. Adults are dark-colored, Leaves dull gray-green or silvery. Cause:
elongated click beetles. Apply parasitic nem ­ Thrips. Leaves may turn brown and papery.
atodes to the soil to control them , and avoid These tiny, spiderlike insects can barely be
planting where sod was the previous year. seen with the naked eye. To check for thrips,
Root knot nematodes cause enlargements tap a leaf over a white paper and look for
o r galls on roots. C ontrol pest nem atodes moving specks. Trap thrips with sticky traps
by applying chitin or parasitic nem atodes to o r spray plants with insecticidal soap to con­
the soil. trol them. Try blue, yellow, and white sticky
Young leaves yellow and distorted. traps placed just above plant height to see
Causes: Tarnished plant bugs: aphids: big vein. which color works best.
Tarnished plant bugs are oval, light green to Young leaves are dwarfed, curled, or
brown, ‘A" long insects with triangles on their twisted. Cause: Aster yellows. T here is no
backs. Nymphs are smaller and yellow-green. cure for infected plants; destroy them. C on­
W hen they feed, they inject a toxin into plants trol leafhoppers because they spread this
that causes distorted growth. Trap them with disease. See “Leaves pale: plant stunted" above
white sticky traps. Treat plants with a com ­ for leafhopper controls.
m ercial pyrethrin spray o r dust in the evening Leaves mottled and ruffled. C au se:
if infestation is heavy. Till soil after harvest to M osaic virus. Plants are stunted. Destroy
reduce overwintering pests. infected plants as soon as possible. Control
Aphids are soft-bodied, small, green, black, aphids that spread the disease. See “Young
gray, pink, or white fluffy-coated. sucking insects leaves yellow and distorted" above for controls.
that can spread diseases. For light infestations, Prevent problems by planting resistant or tol­
knock pests off plants with a blast of water. erant cultivars such as ‘Don Juan, ‘Greenfield',
Spray plants with insecticidal soap to control ‘M ontello’, ‘Nancy’, ‘Paris Island Cos', ‘Salad
or with neem o r pyrethrin if infestation is Bibb', and ‘Salad Crisp'.
heavy. Cover plants with row cover when they Leaves covered with white powden coating.
com e up to prevent problems. Cause: Powdery mildew. O lder leaves are usu­

ally affected by this fungal disease. Infected ation. Cover plants with shade cloth when
leaves curl, turn yellow, and eventually turn tem peratures soar, o r plant in partial shade.
brown and die. Spray plants with a baking Certain cultivars, such as ‘Ithaca’, are less
soda solution (1 teaspoon per quart of water) susceptible to this condition.
o r sulfur as soon as disease appears to prevent Whole plant collapses or rots. Causes:
further infection, and thin plants to increase Bottom rot; lettuce drop; gray mold. Bottom
air movement. rot first infects the lower leaves that touch the
Leaves with yellow or light green spots. ground. Dark, sunken spots develop on mid­
Cause: Downy mildew. Undersides of spots ribs, then entire leaves turn brown and slimy.
develop a fluffy white growth. Affected areas Entire plant may be affected in severe cases.
eventually turn brown. In severe cases plants T he same fungus causes diseases on many
becom e brown and stunted. Downy mildew is different vegetables, so preventive rotation
a fungal disease com m on in warm, dam p, foggy is difficult. Prevent bottom rot by planting
weather. Spray plants with sulfur in the eve­ resistant cultivars such as ‘C anasta’. Lettuce
ning to prevent further infection. To prevent drop fungus causes plants to wilt and collapse,
problems, plant cultivars, such as ‘Alpha D M R\ outer leaves are affected first. Gray mold fun­
‘Cal K -60\ ‘Don J u a n , ‘El Toro', ‘E rth e l\ gus also starts at the bottom of the plant and
‘M orangold\‘Salad Bibb’, ‘Salinas’,an d ‘Tania, turns it into a slimy, brown mess. T he center
that are tolerant o f downy mildew. stem and heart may rot out before the outer
Leaves with dark or water-soaked spots. leaves are affected. M ontello’ is tolerant of
Cause: Various bacterial or fungal leaf spot gray mold.
diseases. Destroy badly spotted plants or leaves. Destroy infected plants or leaves and thin
T hin plants to increase air m ovement, and remaining plants to increase air movement.
avoid wetting leaves when watering. Prevent Prevent problems by working lots of com post
problems by keeping plants well-fed. into the soil before planting, and plant lettuce
Leaf margins brown and dried. Causes: in raised beds to improve soil drainage. Spray
Tipburn: freezing injury. Tipburn also causes plants with com post tea every 2 weeks to help
dark spots on veins. T his condition is preva­ suppress diseases.
lent in hot w eather and is related to uneven Leaves with wandering, white or translu­
soil m oisture and a shortage of calcium in the cent tunnels. Cause: Leafminers. Larvae are
leaves. To prevent problem s, keep the soil white and maggotlike and burrow through
moist, but not soggy, and do not allow it to dry leaves, leaving em pty tunnels. Adults are tiny
out. Plant cultivars that are somewhat resistant black-and-yellow insects. Destroy infested
to tipburn, such as ‘Cal K-60’, ‘Canasta*, ‘Don leaves. Catch adults with sticky traps: try blue,
Juan', ‘Empire’, ‘G rand Rapids T B R \ ‘G reen yellow, and white to see which color works
Lake'. ‘M esa’, "Montello', ‘Paris Island Cos’, best. Control heavy infestations of adults by
‘Salinas’, ‘Slobolt’, and ‘W aldmann’s G reen’. spraying plants with pyrethrin. Once the lar­
Tem peratures below 3 5 °F cause outer vae are inside leaves, spraying is generally
leaf margins to turn tan and leaves to blister. useless. C ertain parasitic nem atodes will at­
Protect plants with row cover if low tem pera­ tack leafm iner larvae in the leaf tunnels. Pre­
tures are predicted. vent problems by covering plants with row
Leaves with discolored midribs. Cause: cover when they germ inate.
Excessive heat. Midribs rem ain firm. Temper­ Leaves with small holes. Cause: R ea
atures above 80°F can cause m idrib discolor­ beetles. These small, shiny, black beetles hop

when disturbed. Treat plants with a com m er­ Problems

cial pyrethrin spray or dust to control severe Plant fails to thrive. Cause: Root knot
infestations. Protect plants with row cover as nem atodes. Gayfeathers have no significant
soon as they germ inate. pests o r diseases, but in some states the south­
Leaves with large holes. Causes: C ater­ ern root knot nem atode is a problem. M icro­
pillars: slugs and snails. If there are green scopic in size, soil-dwelling nem atodes are
droppings on leaves and below plants, look roundworms that feed on roots. T heir feeding
for caterpillars feeding on leaves. Spray plants impairs uptake of nutrients and water. Plants
with BTK to control them. fail to thrive, but otherwise show few above­
If there are shiny slime trails on the remain­ ground symptoms beyond midday wilting in
ing leaves, slugs and snails are at work. Sprin­ sum m er drought. Root knot nem atode feed­
kle wood ashes o r diatom aceous earth around ing causes num erous knobby root swellings
plants, or trap the pests in shallow pans filled that don't rub off. Control is difficult; avoid
with stale beer and em pty traps daily. planting gayfeathers in areas of known nem a­
Leaves cut back or missing. Cause: Ani­ tode activity. Encourage natural enem ies of
mal pests. Lettuce is a favorite snack for rabbits nem atodes by adding organic m atter to soil;
and groundhogs. See “Stopping Animal Pests" solarize infested soil as described on page
on page 408 for control methods. 424; rotate nonsusceptible crops into infested
sites. Soil drenches of neem and applications
of chitin also help control root knot nematodes.

Gayfeather, blazing-star. Perennials.
T hese striking upright plants provide Privet. Shrubs.
bottle-brush-type flower spikes of pink to pur­
ple with stemless, grasslike leaves that become
sm aller as they progress up the spikes. Gay- Privets are opposite-leaved, deciduous or
feathers range in height from 3 ' to 6'; flowers evergreen shrubs. They are easy to grow and
open from the tops of spikes downward and readily lend themselves to pruning, which helps
bloom in sum m er and into fall. explain their popularity for hedges.
Plant in full sun. These tough natives of Privets will grow in full sun or partial
the G reat Plains tolerate poor to average soils, shade and tolerate almost all soils except poorly
heat, cold, and some drought, but are at their drained ones. Set out in spring or fall. They
best in moist, well-drained soil. Gayfeathers benefit from a deep organic mulch.
may self-sow under optim um conditions but
are rarely invasive. Cut spent spikes back by a Problems
third, leaving the rest to produce food for Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause:
continued growth. Tall species and cultivars Aphids. For control measures, see “Leaves
may need staking. Divide every 4 years if plants wrinkled and discolored" on page 235.
seem crowded. I>eaves tunneled. Cause: Leafminers. See

I.II.HM ■ 141

“Leaves tunneled” on page 237 for controls. leaves. Most lilies are hardy in Zones 3-8, with
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered protection in the North, especially during the
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. For controls, first winter.
see “Leaves yellow; stem s and leaves covered Lilies thrive in sun o r part shade in deep,
with small bumps” on page 237. fertile, moist but well-drained, humus-rich soil
Leaves with notched margins. Cause: Jap­ out of strong winds. Unlike the hard, dense
anese weevils. T h e V/', brown adults attack bulbs of tulips and daffodils, a lily bulb is a
foliage, and the legless white grubs feed on fragile package of individual scales joined
roots. Apply a sticky coating, such as Tanglefoot, together rather loosely, making it quite prone
to lower stem s to prevent adults from clim b­ to dam age and drying out. Also, lilies never go
ing up the plants. Drench the soil around the com pletely dorm ant; plant them carefully, as
plant base with a solution of parasitic nem a­ soon as possible after you receive them. It is
todes. Spray leaves several times with pyre­ preferable to plant them in fall, although spring
thrin for m ajor infestations. planting is quite com m on. Many specialists
Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed. prepare the soil to 1xk ' deep on a warm fall day
Cause: Spider mites. See “Leaves stippled and mulch the site heavily to keep the soil
with yellow; foliage w ebbed” on page 236 for unfrozen and ready for planting in very late
suggested controls. fall, which is when many dealers ship lilies.
Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves with Most lilies produce roots along the length of
moist or brown sunken spots. Cause: Anthrac­ their below-ground stems, which help to feed
nose. See “Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves and support the large plants. Therefore, even
with moist or brown sunken spots” on page tiny lily bulbs should have no less than 6" of
238 for controls. soil above the top of the bulb.
Leaves with powdery white coating. Mark the planting sites to help avoid injur­
Cause: Powdery mildew. See “Leaves with pow­ ing the newly emerging shoots. As they appear
dery white coating” on page 237 for controls. in spring (som etimes surprisingly late), care­
fully cultivate and scratch in the first o f 2
organic fertilizer meals for the season. Fertilize
again before bloom: avoid excessive nitrogen

Iilium applications. Mulch with several inches of com­

post o r finely shredded bark to keep the soil
cool. W ater during dry spells. Stake tall lilies
Lily. Bulbs. and deadhead after bloom. A fter the tops die,
cut the stem s down to a few inches to mark
the spot for next year. Clear away faded foliage
Hybridizers have created a glorious mix and plant debris to remove overwintering pests
of lilies with 3 '-1 2 " flowers in a variety of and diseases.
distinctive shapes, resembling peaked caps, Move or divide lilies only when overcrowd­
turbans, bowls, trum pets, or broad, curly stars. ing makes it absolutely necessary; their frag­
They bloom in shades and com binations of ile bulbs and fleshy roots resent any disturbance.
white, pink, red, yellow, orange, lilac, and Dig bulbs after stalks die b ack ; replant imme­
green, many dotted in m aroon o r near-black. diately o r wrap them in a plastic bag of barely
Plants bear a few to 2 dozen o r m ore flowers moist perlite to keep the roots from drying
atop 2 - 7 \ upright stems clothed in narrow out, and store in a cool place. Discard any

bulbs that appear diseased or damaged. Expect mation is not always readily available. Choose
minimal growth the first year after transplant. resistant lilies, if identified, when buying bulbs;
Small bulbils or bulblets may form in leaf axils otherwise rely on good culture and healthy
o r near the base of stalks; harvest and plant plants to limit disease. For tips on buying
these at the end of the growing season to healthy bulbs, see the illustration on page 49.
produce new plants. In fall, clean up debris where spores overwinter.
Thin plantings to encourage good air circula­
Problems tion. Remove and destroy infected plants and
Leaves yellow; plant wilts; bulbs decay. plant parts. Spray weekly with a copper fungi­
Cause: Bacterial or fungal rots. Control these cide until the disease is under control.
rots with proper culture: Plant lilies in well- Leaves mottled; plant stunted. Cause:
drained soil; select a site with good air circu­ Viral diseases. A variety of viruses cause
lation; avoid excess w ater in the soil o r on yellowed, m ottled, o r streaked leaves and
foliage; dig and cultivate with care to prevent s tu n te d stem s on lilies. Flow ers m ay be
injury to bulbs. discolored. Aphids and oth er sucking insects
Leaves yellow or distorted; bulbs decayed. carry viruses from infected lilies or from carriers,
Cause: Bulb mites. T hese mites are especially such as tiger lilies, that show no disease
problem atic when bulbs are injured by care­ symptoms. Tulips and cucurbits also carry
less digging or cultivation. Sec “Leaves yel­ viruses that affect lilies. Infected plants even­
low or distorted: bulbs decayed" on page 50 tually wilt and die.
for controls. There is no cure for viral diseases. Remove
Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky; and destroy infected plants immediately. Wash
clusters of small insects. C ause: Aphids. Sev­ tools and hands after working around diseased
eral species of aphids attack lilies, damaging plants. To limit the spread of viruses, rou­
plants by feeding and also by transmitting tinely check lilies for aphids, and control the
viral diseases. Use a strong spray of w ater to pests if necessary; see “Leaves, stem s, and
knock aphids from plants; do this early in the buds distorted, sticky; clusters of small insects'
day to allow time for leaves to dry before above for control measures. Buy bulbs and
nightfall. Encourage beneficial insects such plants from reputable sources—some will cer­
as lacewings and lady beetles. Sprays of insec­ tify stock as “virus-free." Do not plant lilies
ticidal soap may give control; treat severe in sites where diseases have occurred on bul­
infestations with neem o r pyrethrin. bous p lan ts. S e p a ra te lilies from tulips,
Leaves with orange or reddish brown spots; cucurbits, and wild lilies.
buds rotted. Cause: Botrytis blight. This most Leaves pale above with dusty blisters on
com m on disease of lilies progresses from leaf undersides. Cause: Rust. Powdery pustules
spots to limp, blackened foliage starting with on leaves lower sides correspond to pale areas
the lower leaves and moving up. Distorted on the upper surfaces. Provide good air circu­
flowers may have brown flecks. In wet weather lation around foliage; avoid wetting leaves
gray mold forms on blighted plant parts—the when watering. Remove infected leaves; cut
disease is also called gray mold. Fungus spores plants back in fall and dispose of leaves and
are present in most soils and are activated by stems. Dust o r spray leaves with sulfur begin­
cool, wet conditions. ning early in the season to prevent rust o r to
Some lily species and cultivars are more treat a mild infection.
resistant to Botrytis than others, but this infor­ Shoots disappear or do not emerge.

Cause: Animal pests. D eer and groundhogs Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
relish lily shoots; rodents enjoy the bulbs. Plant with small bumps. Cause: Scales. For controls,
lilies where regular hum an activity will dis­ see “Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
courage wildlife; pet cats o r dogs also deter with small bumps” on page 237.
anim al pests. Line planting beds with hard­ Trunk or branches with sunken, oozing
ware cloth to exclude burrowing rodents; cover areas. Cause: Bleeding necrosis. It is natural
beds with screen wire in winter. Experiment for the tree to exude some sticky “gum" from
with repellents such as dried blood, human the trunk as it grows. However, excessive
hair, o r garlic sprays. Some gardeners use a am ounts of sap from dark, sunken areas in the
few musky-smelling fritillary bulbs planted bark may indicate a disease problem ; left
am ong the lilies to repel animal pests. Keep unchecked, it can quickly kill the tree. Cut
flower beds free of brush and plant debris, out diseased areas as soon as you find them.
which offer shelter to hungry wildlife. Plant defoliated; branches bear cocoonlike
bags. Cause: Bagworms. See “Plant defoli­
ated; branches bear cocoonlike bags' on page
236 for control measures.

Sweet gum. Trees.
Sweet gums are native deciduous trees TXilip tree, yellow poplar. Trees.
bearing alternate, star-shaped leaves that turn
brilliant scarlet in autum n. While a handsome
tree for the large lawn, sweet gum is intol­ Tulip trees are tall-growing with alternate,
erant of air pollution and is a poor choice 3-lobed leaves. Yellow flowers appear near
for urban sites. the top of the tree in late spring or early
Set ou t in spring as balled-and-burlapped summer. Tulip tree makes a fine specimen
plants, in full sun. A deep, slightly acid, moist tree for large properties.
soil of average fertility is best. Allow plenty Set out in spring as a balled-and-burlapped
of room for the tree's extensive root system. plant. Full sun and slightly acid, deep, well-
T he plants are slow to establish; a thick layer drained but moisture-retentive soil suits it best.
of mulch and regular watering for the first
few years will prom ote root developm ent. Problems
Once they settle in, sweet gum s are fairly Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause:
problem-free. Aphids. T he small green tuliptree aphid can
be abundant on the undersides of leaves, secret­
Problems ing copious am ounts of honeydew. For con­
Leaves skeletonized or with large holes; trol inform ation, see “Leaves wrinkled and
branches may be webbed. Cause: Caterpillars. discolored" on page 235.
See “Leaves skeletonized or with large holes; Leaves yellow and drop early. Cause: Lack
branches may be w ebbed" on page 236 for of water. Leaf yellowing is a com m on problem
controls. on newly planted trees as well as established


ones that don't get enough water. Avoid by plantings of these short-lived perennials by
watering during dry periods and using a thick division or reseeding every 2-3 years. Cover
layer of organic mulch. seeds lightly to keep them from drying out.
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered A num ber of pests may feed on lobelias,
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See “Leaves but dam age is rarely significant enough to
yellow; stems and leaves covered with small require treatm ent.
bumps" on page 237 for controls.
Leaves with spots. Cause: Tuliptree spot Problems
gall. Circular brown or purple spots surrounded Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky;
by a circle of yellow on the leaves reveals the clusters of small insects. Cause: Aphids. Aphids
presence of tuliptree spot gall, caused by a are sometimes troublesome; see “Leaves, stems,
kind of midge. Damaged leaves may fall early. and buds distorted, sticky; clusters of small
While unsightly, the problem is not serious insects'* on page 177 for control information.
and is best countered by removing all affected Leaves with rotted patches or spots.
fallen leaves. Cause: Fungal rots; leaf spots. T he moist soil
Leaves with powdery white coating. conditions favored by lobelias encourage a
Cause: Powdery mildew. See “Leaves with pow­ variety of fungal rots and leaf spots that are
dery white coating” on page 237 for controls. best treated culturally. Remove infected plants
and plant parts; keep gardens free of plant
debris and weeds where diseases can over­
winter; space plantings to perm it good air
Lobelia. Perennials.

Lobelia's numerous species of annual and

perennial flowers offer gardeners a broad array Sweet alyssum. Annuals.
of plant heights and flower types. Cardinal
flower (Lobelia cardinalis), perhaps the best-
known species, features spikes of brilliant red, Alyssums are popular, m ound-form ing
3-lobed flow ers th a t h u m m in g b ird s find planLs that bloom from spring until frost. Plant
irresistible. O ther species bear star-shaped size is 3"-8" high and to 10" wide. Flowers are
blooms in shades of blue and lavender; lobe­ pink, purple, o r white and appear in multiple
lias with red or bronze foliage are also available. V " clusters. In numbers, the sweet honey smell
Plants grow 2 - 5 ' tall with a spread of about 2'. of alyssum reminds some gardeners of fresh-
Lobelias prefer shady sites where the soil mowed hay. Bees like the arom a, too; use
is consistently moist but well-drained. Plants alyssum near fruit trees that need pollinating.
tolerate full sun in cool clim ates, if ample Alyssum is ideal for borders o r as groundcovers
moisture is provided, but generally need at for small areas.
least partial shade to thrive. Sum m er mulch Alyssum likes full sun and well-drained
helps retain much-needed soil moisture; a light average soil. Direct-sow in loose soil 5 weeks
w inter mulch helps protect crowns. Renovate before last frost. Do not cover seeds; they


require light to germ inate. Seedlings appear on page 235 for control measures.
within 2 weeks. Thin to 5" apart; cut, rather Leaves with powdery white coating.
than pull out, to avoid dam age to intertwined Cause: Powdery mildew. For controls, see
roots of other seedlings. Plants may flower “ Leaves with powdery white coating" on
within 6 weeks of seeding. page 237.
W ater regularly for best growth, even Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
though alyssum can tolerate temporary drought. with small bumps. C ause: Scales. See “Leaves
Use a general-purpose fertilizer once in spring. yellow; stems and leaves covered with small
Excess fertilizing gives ample foliage but few bumps” on page 237 for controls.
flowers. Flowering m ounds tend to becom e Leaves rolled and chewed. Cause: Leaf-
sparse and rangy toward midsummer; shear the rollers. These V2 ", green-bodied, brown-headed
plants back and they will resum e blossoming. caterpillars form small webs on shoot tips and
feed on leaves and buds inside. Break open
Problems webs and handpick larvae; spray BTK at the
Seedlings die. Cause: Damping-off. For first sign of damage.
control inform ation, see “Seedlings die” on Leaves with sunken, discolored spots.
page 20. Cause: Four-lined plant bugs. T hese yel­
Stems and roots rot. Cause: Fungal wilt. low bugs have 4 black stripes on their wings.
Lower leaves and stems of m ature alyssum They are active in early summer. Control by
will rot; white fungal strands may be visible handpicking; use pyrethrin on leaves for severe
around the plant base. Plants growing in well- infestations.
drained soil are less susceptible. Discard dam ­ Trunk or branches with oozing lesions;
aged plants. To avoid transferring the fungus branch tips die back. C ause: Canker. See
to healthy plants, wash your hands and gar­ “Trunk or branches with oozing lesions; branch
dening tools after handling infected plants. tips die back” on page 238 for controls.
Plant defoliated. Cause: H oneysuckle
sawflies. T he 1", gray-and-yellow caterpillar-
like larvae feed ravenously on foliage. Handpick,
Lonicera or spray shoots with insecticidal soap; use
pyrethrin as a last resort.
Honeysuckle. Shrubs and vines.

Honeysuckles are alternate-leaved shrubs

and vines. They bear usually fragrant flowers
that give way to colorful fruit.
Plant honeysuckles in spring o r fall in sun Lupine. Perennials.
o r partial shade. They can tolerate a range of
soil conditions, but moist, well-drained sites
suit them best. Two-foot-long stalks, thick with blue, yel­
low, rose, cream , or bicolored, pealike
Problems flowers make lupine plantings early summ er
Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause: showpieces. Bright or grayish green, palm ­
Aphids. See “Leaves wrinkled and discolored” like, com pound leaves add a tropical effect.


Several species occur worldwide, but cultivars, moist. Lupines are short-lived, but can be per­
especially the Russell hybrids, are favored for petuated through division. Self-sowing also
the array of colors and color com binations occurs, but seedlings often have different col­
they offer. Plants range from 1xt i to 3 ' tall and ors than the parent plants.
form 2' wide clumps. Lupines attract their share of pests and
Lupines are best adapted to areas where diseases, although most problems stem from
summ ers are cool and not too dry. They suffer unfavorable growing conditions. Aphids and
in heat, but serve well as annuals where condi­ powdery mildew may appear; see “Leaves,
tions are not optim al. Full sun and moist, stems, and buds distorted, sticky; clusters of
well-drained, neutral to acidic soil prom ote small insects" and “Leaves covered with white
healthy growth. W ater and mulch to keep soil pow der” on page 177 for controls.

Magnolia Problems
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
Magnolia. Trees. with small bumps. Cause: Scales. Scale in­
sects are the chief enemy of magnolias. For
control measures, see “Leaves yellow; stems
M agnolias are alternate-leaved, decidu­ and leaves covered with small bum ps" on
ous o r evergreen trees with bold leaves; con­ page 237.
spicuous, cup-shaped flowers; and interesting Blossoms brown and limp. Cause: Frost
bright red fruit. They make beautiful specimen dam age. T he flowers of early blooming mag­
o r accent plants. nolias are often subject to frost damage. Avoid
Set out in spring as balled-and-burlapped planting sites with southern exposures, which
plants. M agnolias grow well in full sun o r light can encourage buds to open while there is still
shade. They prefer moist soil enriched with danger of frost. O r plant later-blooming spe­
organic matter. cies or cultivars.

Copyrighted material
MALIS ■ 147

Leaves discolored, wilted, or dropping;

lacking vigor. Cause: Mealybugs. T h e tiny,
powdery white adults generally congregate on
the trunks and interior branches, making them Apple, crab apple. Trees.
difficult to see until the plant starts to weaken.
Control by spraying the plant (especially the
bark) with superior oil o r repeated applica­ Apples and crab apples are trees with
tions of insecticidal soap. alternate, deciduous leaves. They produce beau­
Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed. tiful spring flowers and attractive red o r yel­
Cause: Spider mites. See “Leaves stippled low fruit. Apples are common in home orchards.
with yellow; foliage w ebbed" on page 236. C rab apples are valued as specimen trees;
Trunk or branches with oozing lesions; smaller species can be used in shrub borders.
branch tips die back. C ause: Canker. For more Birds are fond of crab apple fruit.
details, see “Trunk o r branches with oozing Plant in spring in moist but well-drained
lesions; branch tips die back” on page 238. soil in full sun. They adapt well to a range of
Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots. soil conditions. To avoid removing the follow­
See “Leaves with spots” on page 237 for controls. ing year’s flower buds, it is best to prune soon
after flowering. Keeping the center of the plant
open to light and air will help reduce disease
problems. C rab apples com m only produce
suckers from the roots: cut these shoots down

Mahonia to the ground as soon as you see them.

Pests and disease problems on apple trees
are covered in the Apple entry beginning on
Mahonia, holly grape. Shrubs. page 21. C rab apples share many of the same
problems, including fire blight, cedar-apple
rust, powdery mildew, and apple scab. For­
M ahonias are broad-leaved, evergreen tunately, disease-resistant cultivars are available.
shrubs. They are used for hedges, foundation Some of the best include “A dam s, with red­
plantings, and shrub borders. dish pink flowers; ‘Coral C ascade, with white
Set out in spring as balled-and-burlapped flowers; ‘Prarifire, with purplish red flowers;
o r container-grown plants. Choose a partially and ‘Professor S prenger. with white flowers.
shaded location to avoid winter leaf bum . T here are also many oth er resistant cultivars,
Almost any good, well-drained garden soil will so check with your local nursery ow ner or
suit them ; moist, acid soil is ideal. extension agent to learn about the best ones
Problem s of m ahonias are few and rela­ for your area.
tively unim portant. Barberry aphid, a small Be aware that even resistant cultivars may
yellowish green insect, can be abundant on have problems if the conditions promoting
the West Coast; see “Leaves wrinkled and disease are very favorable. Planting trees on
discolored” on page 235 for controls. Scale sites with good air circulation and keeping
insects can attack twigs and sometimes foliage; trees growing vigorously are easy ways to avoid
for control inform ation, see “Leaves yellow; problems. For more information on crab apple
stem and leaves covered with small bumps” on pests and diseases, see the Apple entry begin­
page 237. ning on page 21.


Melon tem peratures—90°F is ideal. Melons are espe­

cially vulnerable to pests and cool tem pera­
tures when plants are young. Plants exposed
Cucumis melo and o th e r genera to tem peratures below 50°F can be perm a­
(C ucurhitaceae) nently injured and fail to set fruit. Cover plants
with floating row cover o r clear plastic tun­
nels as soon as they are set out. If tem pera­
M elons can be challenging to grow, espe­ tures exceed 90°F inside the tunnels, vent
cially in cooler clim ates. But if you have the them by making a 6" cut in the plastic directly
patience, there is nothing more satisfying than over each plant. Remove row cover when m el­
a fragrant, sun-ripened melon. ons begin to flower so insects can pollinate
the blossoms, or you will not get any fruit.
Culture In the fall tem peratures below 50°F cause
Melon seeds need 60°F soil to germinate. cold stress and rapid wilting. Cover plants on
In n o rth e rn areas start plants indoors 2-3 cool nights.
weeks before the last frost date and transplant M elons do best in well-drained, loose-
outside once tem peratures are reliably warm. textured soils with lots of organic matter. They
M elo n s n eed lots of su n lig h t an d w arm prefer a pH between 6.0 and 6.8, but can

b lo tc h c s . o r b ro w n a re a s . Cause: Gummy stem xThese insects spread \ Sticky sap

blight. Brown to gray spots on leaves, stems; dark, bacterial wilt.__ \ indicates
gum m y stems: black
\ bacterial wilt.
spots on fruit. N L //L r -/0

s£ k
V ines w ilt a t m idday, s ta r tin g
/ w ith y o u n g e r leav es; leav es
rem ain g re e n . Cause: Bacterial wilt.
.A s the disease progresses, leaves
to recover, and die. —.

F ru it r o ts o n u n d e rsid e . Cause: Dam p soil or mulch

favors disease. Set fruit on wood scraps or tuna cans
MELON ■ 149

to lerate a pH as high as 7.6. M elons are ground near plants. Lift it each m orning and
shallow-rooted and may wilt on hot, dry days destroy the squash bugs hiding underneath.
even when they are not diseased. Keep them Leaves with yellow patches; older leaves
well-watered, but do not let the soil becom e mottled and distorted. Cause: M osaic. For
saturated. Wet soil can cause stems to rot at an illustration of this virus, see page 214.
soil level. Overwatering, or uneven watering, Afflicted plants are unproductive and fruit is
can cause fruit to split. Potassium deficiency bitter. Remove and destroy diseased plants.
can also cause split fruit. Control aphids and cucum ber beetles, because
Prevent disease problem s by keeping the they spread the virus.
leaves dry. Water carefully or use drip irrigation. Leaves yellow, curled, and wilted. C ause:
Mulch melons to help conserve water: Black Aphids. Look for small, green, pink. gray, black,
plastic is a good choice for central and north­ or white fluffy-coated, soft-bodied insects feed­
ern areas, but in extremely warm areas it can ing on plants. Aphids can also transm it viral
warm the soil too much. Organic m ulches are diseases. Control them by knocking them off
good, too, but also provide shelter for pests the plant with a blast of water, o r use with a
like squash bugs. weak insecticidal soap spray; see the caution
To reduce problem s, rotate crops so that above before spraying. Use foil mulch to keep
no m em ber of the cucurbit family (squash, aphids from finding plants.
cucum bers, or melons) is grown in the same Leaves yellow and puckered, becoming
place more often than every 4 years. bronzed. Cause: Mites. These tiny. red. yellow,
T he opposite page illustrates some insects o r green, spiderlike creatures are worst in dry,
and diseases that attack melons. hot weather. In severe cases leaves dry out and
Caution: Melon leaves are easily burned drop off. T here may be a fine webbing on the
by insecticidal soap and co p p er sprays. Use undersides of leaves. Spray plants with a weak
the most dilute spray recom m ended and apply insecticidal soap spray to control; see the cau­
sparingly. Do not spray plants in direct sun. or tion above before spraying.
if tem peratures are above 80° F and don't spray Leaves mottled yellow between veins; leaf
drought-stressed plants. undersides have purple spots. Cause: Downy
mildew. As the disease progresses, older leaves
Leaf and Vine Problems tunTbrown and die. and younger leaves become
Leaves with chewed holes. Cause: Cucum­ infected. Treat plants with a dilute solution of
ber beetles. Adults are V*" long, greenish yel­ copper spray to reduce the spread of the dis­
low beetles with black stripes o r spots. They ease: see the caution above before spraying.
attack young leaves and should be controlled Prevent problems by planting resistant culti­
immediately, as they spread bacterial wilt or vars such as ‘M orning Dew’. ‘Saticoy’, and
viruses. Treat plants with a com m ercial pyre­ Tam Honeydew’.
thrin spray o r dust. Leaves with powdery white spots, espe­
Leaves with pale green patches; afflicted cially on upper surfaces. C ause: Powdery
leaves wilt and blacken. Cause: Squash bugs. mildew. As the disease progresses, leaves turn
Adults are brownish black, lh" long bugs. Imma­ brown and dry, and plants may die. Treat plants
ture bugs are whitish green with dark heads with a dilute solution of copper spray to reduce
and legs. Both emit a strong, sharp smell when the spread of the disease; see the caution
crushed. Eggs are bright orange and are laid above before spraying. Prevent problems by
on the undersides of leaves. H andpick adults planting resistant cultivars such as ‘Hales Best
and eggs. Trap bugs by placing a board on the Jumbo*, ‘Quick Sweet', and 'Starship'.

Leaves with spots, blotches, or brown areas. borers. Check for fat, white, 1" long larvae
Causes: A lternaria leaf blight; anthracnose; burrowing into stems, and masses of yellow-
angular leaf spot; scab; gummy stem blight; green, sawdustlike excrement. Slit stems length­
o th er fungal and bacterial diseases. Various wise above injury with a sharp knife and kill
diseases attack melons. Reduce problems by larvae. Cover cut stems with moist soil so they
keeping the foliage dry when watering and by will form new roots. Injecting stems with BTK
not touching plants when wet. Spray infected or parasitic nematodes may also control borers.
plants with a dilute solution of copper spray to Spraying stem bases with BTK once a week in
control outbreaks; see the caution on page 149 late spring and early sum m er may prevent
before spraying. damage.
Dark brown spots with concentric rings, Vines wilt at midday; leaf margins brown.
usually appearing on older leaves first, are Cause: Fusarium wilt. As the disease progres­
caused by A lternaria leaf blight. As the dis­ ses, vines fail to recover, and die. Destroy
ease progresses, leaves curl down and eventu­ infected plants. Prevent problem s by planting
ally drop off. Fruit infected with this disease resistant muskmelon cultivars, such as ‘Pulsar’,
has brown, concentrically ringed, sunken spots. ‘Saticoy’, ‘Savor’, and ‘Starship’, and resistant
Prevent problems by planting resistant culti­ watermelon cultivars, such as ‘All Sweet’, ‘Crim­
vars such as ‘Earligold\ ‘Pulsar’, and ‘Saticoy’. son Sweet’, ‘Dixie Lee’, and ‘Sweet Favorite’.
Yellow spots that turn brown are caused Vines wilt at midday, starting with youn­
by anthracnose. Infected leaves eventually ger leaves; leaves remain green. Cause: Bac­
die. This disease causes fruit with circular terial wilt. As the disease progresses, leaves
black cankers. Prevent problems by planting fail to recover, and die. Cut wilted stem and
anthracnose-resistant m uskm elon cultivars, touch the tip of your knife to the sap. If it is
such as ‘Passport’, and resistant watermelon milky, sticky, and astringent, your plant is
cultivars, such as ‘All Sweet’, ‘Crim son Sweet*, infected. For an illustration of this disease and
‘Dixie L ee, and ‘Sweet Favorite’. technique, see page 148. Destroy infected plants
Water-soaked spots that turn gray, die, immediately. Prevent problems by controlling
and drop out leaving shotholes are caused by cucumber beetles, since they spread the disease.
angular leaf spot or scab. Fruit infected with
angular leaf spot has small, cracked, white Fruit Problems
spots. Scab causes fruit with sunken, brown Fruit with spots; flesh may rot. Causes:
spots with a gummy ooze, and damage is worst Angular leaf spot: Alternaria blight; scab; black
in cool, moist weather. Pale, round leaf spots rot; anthracnose. Several fungal and bacterial
with dark margins are caused by Cercospora diseases cause these symptoms on melon fruit.
leaf spot. For complete symptoms, controls, and resistant
Brown to gray spots on leaves and stems, cultivars, if available, see “Leaves with spots,
and d a rk , gummy stem s are caused by gummy blotches, o r brown areas” above.
stem blight. Infected leaves turn yellow and Fruit flesh not sweet. Causes: Prem a­
die. Disease begins as spots on stems, which ture harvest; overwatering; nitrogen deficiency.
becom e streaks; stem s then turn dark and Harvest m uskmelons and honeydews when
gummy. W hen it attacks fruit, the disease is they smell ripe and the stem separates easily
called black rot: Infected fruit has round, black from the vine when the fruit is gently lifted.
spots and the fruit flesh collapses. For an Harvest w aterm elons when the bottom of the
illustration of this disease, see page 148. fruit turns from pale yellow to golden yellow.
Vines wilt suddenly. Cause: Squash vine Excess rain o r irrigation while fruit is swelling

can d ilu te sugars. Keep soil evenly m oist well-drained soil with a pH between 5.0 and
throughout the season. If leaves are small and 7.5, in full sun o r part shade.
yellow, and growth is stunted, plants are nitro­ Mints are vigorous, trouble-free plants.
gen starved. Spray foliage and drench roots They can be quite invasive once established.
with fish emulsion. Let them take over a wild area or plant them
Fruit rots on underside. Cause: Damp in containers o r in bottom less buckets sunk
soil o r m ulch. To prevent rot, support fruit into the garden to prevent them from spreading.
on scraps of wood, o r tuna cans with ends Fungi can cause dark, sunken spots on
removed. See page 148 for an illustration of leaves. Spray foliage with fish em ulsion, or
this technique. with sulfur if disease is severe. Tan to red
blisters on leaves are caused by rust. Avoid
wetting leaves to prevent its spread. Pale stip­

Mertensia pled or bronzed leaves are caused by m ites—

tiny, spiderlike creatures that thrive in hot,
dry weather. Spray with insecticidal soap. See
Bluebells. Perennials. the H erbs entry beginning on page 116 for
other possible problems.

N ative V irginia b lu eb ells (M ertensia

virginica) seem to m aterialize from the floors
of eastern forests in early spring. Clusters of
pink buds that open to tubular blue flowers
are carried on graceful stem s over rounded,
medium green foliage. Plants grow 1 -2 r tall Bee balm. Perennials.
and spread to about 1' wide.
Rich, moist, well-drained soil and partial
shade are bluebells requirem ents. Plantings Brightly colored, spidery flower heads
increase slowly but steadily in sites that resem­ and dense, dark green, arom atic foliage attract
ble their woodland habitat. Leaves yellow and gardeners to these native plants. Hummingbirds,
die back in summ er: plants seem to have dis­ bees, and butterflies are also drawn to bee
appeared by July. Do not cut fading foliage; balms blossoms, especially the red ones. Plants
allow it to die back naturally. Root rot may form dense clum ps, 2 *5' tall and 3' wide: the
dam age bluebells in poorly drained soil; they mintlike foliage remains attractive after flow­
are otherwise trouble-free. ers fade.
Found in the wild along shady stream
banks, bee balms favor similar sites in the

Mint garden —consistently moist, well-drained soil

and light shade. Giving such favorable sur­
roundings, however, encourages bee balms in­
Mentha spp. (Labiatae) vasive nature; plantings can spread out rapidly.
Planted in full sun, bee balms still grow nicely
but are more easily controlled. W ater and
M ints are hardy (Zone 5) perennial herbs mulch in summer to prevent water stress, which
grown for their fragrant leaves. They are usu­ quickly disfigures plantings. Clum ps tend to
ally grown from cuttings. Plant in rich, moist. die out in the center; divide every 3 years to

keep growth com pact. Remove spent flower m onth before the ground freezes. Select a site
heads to prolong bloom. in full sun or light shade with humus-rich,
well-drained soil. Set bulbs 4"-8"deep—roughly
Problems Vh times bulb height. A location behind annu­
Leaves covered with white powder. Cause: als or perennials helps hide the yellowing foliage
Powdery mildew. This fungus is almost guar­ that remains after flowering ends. Remove
anteed to appear on bee balm foliage, even spent flowers, but allow leaves to die back
under the best of conditions. Plants suffering naturally; this lets bulbs store food for next
drought or overcrowding succum b readily and year’s floral display. Tying, cutting, o r cover­
are soon covered with white or grayish mildew. ing the leaves reduces the am ount of light
Don't let bee balms dry out, but avoid wetting they receive and jeopardizes flowering in sub­
leaves, and w ater early in the day so foliage sequent years.
can dry before nightfall. Space plantings for Daffodil bulbs multiply gradually to form
optim um air circulation, and keep gardens clumps. While plants will grow undisturbed
free of plant debris that may host fungal spores. for years, overcrowding eventually reduces
Sprays of sulfur and antitranspirants help pre­ flower size. Dig bulbs after foliage fades and
vent powdery mildew infections; use sulfur, shake away loose soil. Place them out of the
fungicidal soap, or garlic sprays to prevent the sun to dry for a few days, then gently separate
spread of mild infections. offsets from parent bulbs and replant. Small
offsets may take a couple of years to bloom.
Don’t worry about the anim al pests that
eat most other bulbs; daffodils’ bitter taste
deters feeding wildlife. Choose bulbs care­

Narcissus fully to avoid most other pests and diseases;

see the illustration “Buying Healthy Bulbs” on
page 49.
Daffodil, narcissus. Bulbs.

Today's much-hybridized daffodils are wel­ Flowers and leaves with silvery flecks.
co m e h arb in g ers of spring. H u n d red s of Cause: Thrips. Flower thrips rasp daffodil leaves
cultivars, classified by flower type and bloom and flowers, causing silvery or whitish flecks;
time, blossom in shades of yellow, orange, leaves eventually turn brown and die. They
white, and pink; many are bicolored. Each reproduce and spread rapidly, especially in
flower has a trum pet or cup-shaped center, d ry areas. O th e r sym ptom s in clu d e leaf
surrounded by 6 petal-like structures; many browning. These pests burrow into plant tis­
are fragrant. Bluish green leaves are straplike sue and are difficult to control. Inspect bulbs
and upright, 1 -l'/a ' long and W wide. Plants carefully. Remove and destroy severely infested
grow from 6" to 1'/*' tall, depending on cultivar. plant parts. Use blue sticky traps to m onitor
Buy daffodils from a reputable source to and trap pests. Applications of insecticidal
ensure that you gel healthy, pest-free bulbs. soap may provide some control once pests are
Look for double- o r triple-“nosed" bulbs, spotted in traps.
so-named because of their multiple growing Leaves with white or brown streaks; foliage
points that produce more flowers than single­ wilted. Cause; Viral decline. Plants suffering
nosed bulbs. Plant bulbs in fall, at least 1 from viral decline develop white o r brown
MCOT1ANA ■ 153

streaks on the leaves late in their growing

season. Foliage may wilt and topple over. There
is no cure for decline. Remove diseased plants.
Control aphids, which spread decline and other Flowering tobacco. .Annuals.
viral diseases; for control techniques, see
“Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky;
clusters of small in sects’ on page 51. For both fragrance and color, nicotiana
Plant fails to appear; bulbs soft. Cause: belongs in every sum m er garden. Clusters of
Bulb flies. Narcissus bulb flies resemble small sweetly fragrant, starlike, tubular flowers appear
bum blebees; lesser bulb flies are Vj" long, in red, pink, lime, lavender, o r white. G roup
blackish green flies. Both lay their eggs at the these 1 -3' tall plants together for best showing.
base of bulb leaves; larvae hatch and bore O lder kinds bloom in evening only, but new
into bulbs to feed—usually 1 maggot per bulb offerings bloom in daylight. Night-blooming
in the case of narcissus bulb flies and several whites are most fragrant; day-blooming culti­
per bulb in the case of lesser bulb flies. T heir vars are much less fragrant. New blossoms
holes adm it rot organisms into bulbs. Discard open each day to replace spent ones.
infested bulbs. If bulb flies are a problem in Sow seed indoors in April: bottom heat
your area, try covering plants with floating will speed germ ination. Or. direct-seed out­
row cover during the egg-laying period (late doors in late spring. Do not cover very small
spring). Treat plants weekly with a com m er­ seeds, which need light to germ inate. Seed­
cial pyrethrin dust if pests have been a prob­ lings appear within 3 weeks and grow rapidly.
lem in past years. Thin or transplant to 9" apart. Nicotiana grows
Plant stunted; flowers deformed. Cause: best in average soil in full sun or partial shade.
Basal rot. Infection by Fusarium basal rot W ater well during hot, dry weather. Give less
causes the base of the bulb to turn soft and fertilizer and w ater in late sum m er to keep
brown. T he rot spreads up through the bulb. plants blooming longer. Nicotiana self-sows
Infected plants are stunted and have few flow­ but may not com e true to color.
ers. Dig and destroy bulbs that show signs of Do not grow nicotiana in dusty areas: the
disease. Avoid injuring bulbs during planting sticky, fuzzy leaves attract and hold dirt. Also,
o r cultivation: fungi most often infect bulbs do not plant near tom atoes. Nicotianas may
through wounds. attract insect pests and diseases that seldom
Plant fails to grow and/or flower; leaves seriously bother this hardy plant, but will
with swollen spots. Cause: Bulb and stem quickly move on to any nearby tomatoes.
nem atodes. Feeding by m icroscopic round­
worms causes deform ed leaves with yellow- Problems
green spots and small, swollen areas. Bulbs Leaves, stems, and buds distorted. Cause:
develop dark internal circles or blotches and Aphids. For controls, see “Leaves, stems, and
may fail to grow o r bloom in spring. Dig and buds distorted” on page 20.
destroy severely infected bulbs and foliage. Leaves yellow; plant weakened. Cause:
Soak mildly infested bulbs in hot (110°F) water Whiteflies. See “Leaves yellow; plant weak­
for 3 hours, then plunge them immediately ened” on page 18 for controls.
into cold water. Let them dry and store in a Seedlings or young plants cut off at soil
cool, dark place until fall when they can be level. Cause: Cutworms. For control measures,
replanted. Solarize infected soil or treat with a see “Seedlings or young plants cut off at soil
chitin source. level” on page 20.

Okra Problems
Leaves turn yellow, wilt, and fall off; stem
Abelmoscbus esculentus ( Malvaceae) rotted at soil line. Cause: Southern blight.
White to pink fungal growth may spread over
the soil around the base of infected plants.
O kra is an annual vegetable grown for its Severely infected plants die. Destroy infected
fleshy seed pods. Okra does best in loose, plants and dig out and dispose of the top few
well-worked soil with a pH between 6.0 and inches of soil within 6" of the stem . Add­
7.0. and full sun. It needs lots of phosphorus, ing lots of com post to the soil helps prevent
so work in plenty of bonem eal and com post this disease.
before planting. Plant yellow and stunted, wilts during
Okra grows best at tem peratures between bright, hot days; roots have swollen galls.
70° and 8 5 °F and does not tolerate tem pera­ Cause: Root knot nem atodes. Galls may be
tures below 60°F up to 1" in diameter. Destroy infected plants.
Warm soil at planting time is very impor­ Control pest nem atodes by adding chitin and
tant. Wait until the soil is at least 60°F before parasitic nem atodes to the soil.
planting. O kra does not germ inate well and is Buds, flowers, and seed pods malformed
more susceptible to pests in cooler soil. If you and drop prematurely. Cause: Stink bugs. Seed
have cool soils with high clay content, cover pods may have hard, callused bumps. Adults
the planting area with clear plastic to warm up are flat, shield-shaped, green, blue, o r red
the soil at least 2 weeks before you want to insects that em it a sharp odor when crushed.
plant. Cover planted seeds with clear plastic Handpick these pests to control mild infesta­
o r row cover for a few weeks to give them a tions. Spray plants with pyrethrin if injury is
good start. Remove the clear plastic as soon serious.
as seeds germinate to avoid damaging the seed­ Flowers turn brown; seed pods rot.
lings. O kra does well with black plastic mulch C auses: C h o an e p h o ra blight; gray m old.
because it warms the soil. Infected parts may be covered with white o r
Okra is susceptible to several comm on gray growth. Spray plants with com post tea as
vegetable crop problem s, including damping- soon as plants start to bloom and repeat every
off, aphids, fungal wilts, leafminers, and mites. few weeks to help prevent these fungal diseases,
See the Vegetables entry beginning on page or with sulfur to keep mild infections from
245 for symptoms and controls. spreading.

Copyrighted ma'
ONION ■ 155

Seed pods with chewed holes. Cause: m ended to maintain soil organic content, help
Caterpillars. Leaves may also have holes. Hand- prevent disease, and keep down weeds. Wait
pick o r spray plants with BTK if you see cater­ until soil warms to apply mulch.
pillars. To help prevent populations of disease
Seed pods pitted, discolored, or with water- organisms from building up in the soil, avoid
soaked areas. Cause: Cold injury. Prevent dam­ planting onions where onion family m embers
age by protecting plants with row cover when have been grown during the previous 3 years.
cold nights are expected. In general, white onions are more prone to
problems than yellow or red ones.
You can grow onions from seeds, trans­
plants, o r sets. Discard any diseased sets or

Onion transplants. Soak sets, roots, or seeds in com ­

post tea for 15 minutes before planting to help
prevent disease. Dust the roots of sets and
AlHum cepa and o th e r species plants with bonemeal after soaking and before
(Liliaceae) planting to give them a good start.
O nion bulb form ation is controlled by
day length, so selecting suitable cultivars for
Onions are biennial vegetables grown for your area is crucial. In the North choose “long-
their sweet to pungent bulbs and greens. Dried day” cultivars. and in the South choose “short-
o r fresh, raw o r cooked, onions are an indis­ day" cultivars.
pensable ingredient in a variety of soups, salads, Allow tops to fall over naturally, then pull
breads, and casseroles. bulbs and let them air-cure for 2 weeks. After
curing, sort out dam aged bulbs and those with
Culture thick necks and put aside for immediate use.
Onions grow best in full sun and deep, Store others at tem peratures just above 32°E
fertile, well-drained soil with lots of organic
matter. Work in a generous am ount of com ­ Plant and Leaf Problems
post before planting. Onions need high levels Seedlings fall over. Cause: Damping-off.
of nitrogen and potassium and m oderate to Prevent problems by planting in raised beds
high levels of phosphorus, so do a soil test and and presoaking seed in com post tea.
am end soil as needed before planting. Onions Plant wilts rapidly. Cause: Cutworms.
grow well in raised beds o r ridges, especially if Check for a hole in the stem at o r just below
soil is clayey. the soil line and fat, 1"-2" long, dull brown or
Onions grow best between 55° and 75° F gray caterpillars in the soil near the base of
and will tolerate tem peratures as low as 45° plants. Sprinkle moist bran mixed with BTK
and as high as 85°F They prefer cool tem per­ on the soil surface in the evening, o r add
atures early in their growth and warm tem per­ parasitic nem atodes to the soil at least a week
atures near maturity. before planting to control them.
Keep the soil moist since onions have Plant stunted; leaves may be yellow.
shallow roots, but don't allow soil to becom e Causes: Nitrogen deficiency: waterlogged soil;
saturated because onions are susceptible to aphids; pink root. Onions need ample nitrogen,
several root rot diseases. Mulching onions with deficient plants are pale and grow slowly. Water­
com posted leaves o r straw is highly recom ­ logged soil dam ages roots and produces the

same symptoms. Spray plants and drench roots before the main planting date. These larger
with fish emulsion or fish-meal tea to alleviate plants attract egg-laying adults, remove and
symptoms. Plant in raised beds to improve destroy them when infested. ‘Egyptian Tree'
drainage and add com post before planting to onions are tolerant of onion maggots. In general,
prevent problems. white cultivars are more susceptible to mag­
Aphids are soft-bodied, pale green, black, got attack than are yellow or red cultivars.
gray. pink, o r white fluffy-coated. sucking L esser bulb fly larvae are V i' long,
insects. Check for them on young leaves. For wrinkled, and yellow-gray. They cause injury
mild infestations, knock the pests off the plants similar to onion maggots and are controlled
with a blast of water. Spray plants with insecti­ the same way.
cidal soap to control them , or with a com m er­ Yellow to reddish brown, slender, tough-
cial neem or pyrethrin spray if infestation is bodied, segmented worms up to IV2 " long
severe. feeding on roots and bulbs are wireworms.
If roots and bulb are pinkish, the plant Adults are dark-colored, elongated click beetles.
has pink root. Roots infected with this fungal Apply parasitic nem atodes to the soil before
disease shrivel and die. Destroy infected plants. planting to control them.
Prevent problems by ensuring good drainage Leaves with white streaks or blotches.
and adding ample organic m atter to the soil. Causes: Precipitation damage: thrips. Exces­
Plant resistant cultivars such as ’Crystal Wax sive rain or hail can spot onion leaves. Spots
Pickling’, ‘Early W hite Supreme', ‘Hybrid Big are various sizes, and dam age doesn't spread.
M ac’, ‘J K Special’, ‘Tokyo Long W hite, ‘Uno M aintain good air circulation and make sure
G rande P P R \ and Voyager'. soil is well-drained to minimize problems.
Plant yellow and wilted. Causes: Fusar­ If leaf tips are distorted o r brown, and
ium bulb rot; onion maggots: lesser bulb flies: leaves are stippled with white, look for onion
wireworms. Onions infected with Fusarium thrips. Heavy- infestations cause plants to wither
bulb rot have soft necks, and entire bulbs may and turn brown. Adults are tiny, slender, yel­
be soft and brown. Destroy infected plants. low to brown, rapidly moving, winged insects.
Prevent problems by planting cultivars. such The larvae can barely be seen with the naked
as 'Long W hite Sum m er Bunching', ‘Northern eye. Thrips thrive in hot. dry weather. Trap
O ak', ‘Sentinel*, and ‘Valiant’, that are some­ them with sticky traps hung just above plant
what resistant. level. Try blue, yellow, and white traps to see
Onion maggots feed on roots, killing seed­ which work best. Treat plants with insectici­
lings and older plants. They also burrow into dal soap or a com m ercial pyrethrin spray or
bulbs, making them unfit for use. Onion mag­ dust to control severe infestations.
gots are V*" long, white, and taper to a point at Leaves with water-soaked or papery, white
the head. Adults are small gray flies that lay spots with vertical splits. Cause: Onion leaf
eggs early in the spring. Destroy infested plants. blight. Leaf tips turn yellow, then brown. Spray
Do not com post them ; onion maggots thrive plants with sulfur as soon as you see symp­
in com post piles. To prevent problems, apply toms if w eather is cool and humid. Prevent
parasitic nem atodes to the soil before plant­ problems by planting tolerant cultivars such
ing and cover plants with row cover as soon as as Tokyo Long White'.
they com e up to prevent flies from laying eggs. Leaves with pale green to brown spots.
Trap maggots by planting a few onions at scat­ Causes: Downy mildew; ozone injury. Leaf
tered points around the garden a few weeks tips turn yellow, then brown, and may be cov­
ONION ■ 157

e red w ith a fuzzy m old. As th e disease rot. Bulbs may be covered with a white fluffy
progresses, spots turn black with a purple, growth. Destroy infected plants; don’t com ­
fuzzy m old, and leaves yellow and die. Downy post them . Prevent problem s by providing
mildew thrives in cool, humid w eather and good drainage and presoaking seeds in com ­
tends to stop spreading when the w eather is post tea.
warm and dry. Spray plants with sulfur to Bulbs with gray, water-soaked outer layers.
prevent the disease from spreading in cool, Cause: H eat o r cold injury. If tem peratures
wet weather. Don't handle plants when wet to are above 85°F, protect plants with a thick
avoid spreading the disease. straw mulch and keep soil moist. Protect over­
Irregular areas with tiny brown flecks are wintering onions with mulch, or dig and store
caused by high levels of ozone in the air. Spray just above freezing.
plants with seaweed extract and fish emulsion Bulbs with bleached, soft patches. Cause:
to encourage new growth. Sunscald. Protect onions from direct sun while
Leaves with sunken, light-colored spots curing, especially in hot weather. W hite culti­
with concentrically ringed, purple centers. vars are especially sensitive to sunscald.
Cause: Purple blotch. Spots enlarge and gir­ Bulbs with thick necks that do not cure
dle leaves, which wither and fall over. Spray well. Causes: Potassium deficiency: seed stalk
plants with sulfur if disease is present to keep form ation. Confirm deficiency with soil test
it from spreading. Cool soil makes plants more and am end soil as needed before planting.
prone to this fungal disease. Warm soil by Use bulbs with thick necks first.
covering it with clear plastic for a few weeks Onions form seed stalks after any dor­
before you plant. mant period. Improperly stored sets or culti­
Leaves with small reddish orange blisters. vars not suited to the day length in your area
Cause: Rust. Leaves infected with this fun­ may go to seed before forming bulbs. Fluctu­
gal disease may turn yellow and die. Bulbs are ating tem peratures or drying and wetting of
small. Clean up and dispose of tops to elimi­ soil may cause seed stalk formation. Harvest
nate overwintering spores. One type of rust and use bulbs as soon as possible.
infects both onions and asparagus, so keep Bulbs with dark green or black, concen­
the 2 crops apart to prevent problems. trically ringed spots. Cause: Onion smudge.
Leaves with black streaks filled with dark This fungal disease usually appears near har­
brown powder. Cause: Smut. Young plants vest or in storage. Destroy infected bulbs. Pre­
are usually affected. Cool soil makes plants vent problems by planting tolerant cultivars
more prone to this fungal disease. Warm soil such as ‘Downings Yellow G lobe’, ‘Early Yel­
by covering it with clear plastic for a few low G lobe', and ‘Southport Red Globe'.
weeks before you plant. Prevent problems by Bulbs with sunken, dry, brown to black
planting tolerant cultivars such as ‘Evergreen areas around neck. Cause: Neck rot. Necks of
Hardy W hite' and ‘Tokyo Long W hite'. bulbs rot and gray mold develops inside bulbs.
This fungal disease usually appears near har­
Bulb Problems vest or in storage. Destroy infected bulbs. To
Bulbs small and soft; roots pinkish or prevent problems, cut back on watering as
shriveled. C ause: Pink ro o t. See “ P lant onions begin to mature, especially near harvest.
stunted; leaves may be yellow" on page 155 Be careful not to injure bulbs while weeding
for controls. or harvesting. Cure bulbs properly before stor­
Bulbs rot in the ground. Cause: White ing them in a cool place.

Oregano average, well-drained soil with a pH between

5.0 and 8.0, and at least 4 hours of sun per day.
Oregano needs little added fertilizer or water,
Origanum beracleoticum ( Labiatae) but does like a layer of mulch to protect its
shallow roots.
O regano is usually quite trouble-free.
Oregano is a hardy (Zone 5) perennial Pale, stippled, o r bronzed leaves are caused
herb grown for its arom atic leaves. Start oreg­ by m ites—tiny, spiderlike creatures that thrive
ano from cuttings o r plants rather than from in hot, dry weather. Control them with insecti­
seed. Seedlings are quite variable and may cidal soap spray. See the Herbs entry begin­
have very little flavor. Oregano does best in ning on page 116 for other possible problems.

Pachysandra drought, but do best with about 1" of water

per week. Full sun may scorch variegated cul­
tivars; give partial to deep shade. Pachysan­
Parhysandra, spurge. Perennials. dras compete well with taller plants and prosper
in shady sites where few other plants will grow.
Cut back by about one-quarter in spring to
Low-growing pachysandras top the list of prom ote com pact growth.
durable, shade-tolerant groundcovers. These Most problems arise when plantings are
hardy, 8"-12" plants with glossy evergreen foliage stressed by drought, poorly drained soil, or
spread quickly, providing excellent cover below overcrowding. Fungal diseases favor dam p,
trees and on slopes. Clusters of tiny, tubular, crowded conditions; thin to improve air cir­
white flowers appear in late spring. culation and remove infected plants. Scale
Plant in slightly acid, moist but well-drained insects also prefer tightly spaced plantings,
soil rich in organic matter. Mature plants endure where their populations swell rapidly if unde­

terred. Spider m ites infest drought-stressed Flower buds don’t open. Causes: Late
plants when w eather is hot and dry; water spring frost; drought: high tem peratures; low
adequately and use a strong stream of water soil fertility. Weather extremes notwithstanding,
to knock pests off. water adequately and feed peonies with com ­
post or a slow-acting, general-purpose fertil­

Paeonia izer in spring. If sum m er heat is the problem,

plant early flowering cultivars.
Flower buds die or petals distorted. Cause:
Peony. Perennials. Flower thrips. T hese ‘/is" insects feed on buds,
stem tips, and flowers, causing distortion or
white, brown, o r red flecks. T hrips are hard to
A ttractive, long-lived, bushy plants that control because they burrow into plant tissue.
bear num erous 3"-6" blossoms, peonies are Remove and destroy infested plant parts.
the perennial gardener’s dream com e true. Encourage natural predators such as pirate
Early sum m er flowers arrive in shades of pink, bugs, lacewings, and lady beetles. Use blue
red. white, and yellow amid glossy, lobed, green sticky traps to m onitor and trap pests. Insecti­
foliage; plants form neatly rounded clumps cidal soap sprays may provide some control
roughly 3'-4' tall. once pests appear on traps.
Peonies prefer full sun and moist, well- Stem s with sunken lesion s. C au se:
drained. richly organic soil, although light shade A nthracnose. Sunken lesions with pink blis­
is tolerated and may prolong bloom in the ters appear on stems. Plants may die. Cultural
South. A protected site limits wind dam age to controls such as regular fall cleanup and thin­
blossoms. Most are hardy to Z one 5 and do ning stem s to improve air circulation are
best in cold-winter climates. effective. Treat severe problems with copper
Easy to care for in most respects, peonies fungicide sprays.
are finicky about planting. Set rootstocks so Shoots wilt, collapse; crowns with gray
that the reddish buds o r “eyes’* are no more mold. Cause: Fungal diseases. Several fungi
than l"-2" below the soil surface. M ulch after cause blights or stem and crown rots in peonies.
the ground freezes the first w inter after plant­ Botrytis blight causes shoots to wilt suddenly
ing to prevent heaving. Divide roots in fall, if and fall over. Stem bases blacken and rot; gray
necessary, leaving at least 3 buds on each mold may appear near soil; buds may wither
section. Cut stems back to below ground level and blacken. Flowers and leaves may turn
in fall. brown and develop mold. Remove and destroy
infected plant parts. Don’t put m anure near
Problems plant crowns; clear mulch from crowns in
Flower buds absent. Causes: Im proper spring to let soil dry. Avoid overwatering and
planting: excess shade; immature plant; large, wet, poorly drained soil. If problems persist,
old crown; excess nitrogen; disturbed roots. scrape away the top 2" of soil around plants
Choose planting sites carefully; set roots at and replace with clean sand. In spring, spray
the proper depth; be patient with new plants. shoots with bordeaux mix.
Do not apply high-nitrogen fertilizers. If mature Plant stunted; leaves yellow, spotted; roots
peonies stop blooming, rule out o th er possi­ with tiny galls. Cause: Root knot nematodes.
ble problems and divide if n eed ed —division Feeding by these m icroscopic pests reduces
and o th er root disturbances also reduce bud roots’ ability to take up w ater and nutrients.
formation. Control root knot nematodes by applying chitin

or parasitic nem atodes to soil. Also promote Leaves with water-soaked spots; foliage
natural nem atode controls by increasing soil and flowers blacken. Cause: Bacterial blight.
organic matter. Drenching soil with neem may Infected plants turn brown and lose leaves;
provide some control. In severe cases, remove girdled stem s die. Dig and destroy infected
plants, solarize the soil, and replant with plants and surrounding soil. Solarize soil before
nem atode-free stock. replanting with disease-free seed: w ater early
in the day so leaves dry quickly.

Poppv. Perennials.
Petroselinum crispum ( I m belliferae)
History has heaped symbolism upon the
brightly colored blooms of poppies, yet these
Parsley is a biennial herb grown as an
broad, crinkled flowers burst forth undeterred
annual for its leaves. Sow seed outdoors once
in spring and early summer. T he diminutive
the soil has reached 50°F: it takes 3 weeks to
alpine poppy (Papaver alpinum) offers 1"
germ inate. Plant in cool, moist, well-drained
blooms and 8'-10" height, while Iceland poppy
soil with a pH between 5.0 and 8.0. It needs at
[P nudicaule) and Oriental poppy (P orientate) least 3 hours of full sun daily.
can exceed 1' in height and spread, with 3"-7”
Parsley has few problems. H andpick leaf-
flowers. Deeply divided, hairy; gray-green foliage
eating caterpillars o r spray plants with BTK.
surrounds leafless flower stems, each with a
Dwarfed or abnormally crinkled leaves can be
single bloom.
caused by viruses. Destroy infected plants, and
Most poppies are very hardy and per­
control aphids and oth er sucking insects that
form best in cool summ ers and cold winters;
spread viral diseases. D ark, yellow-bordered
grow plants as annuals in w arm er climates.
spots are leaf blight caused by fungi. Spray
Full sun to light shade and well-drained soil
with fish emulsion or with sulfur if disease is
satisfy poppies’ needs; established plants tol­
severe. Carrot weevils eat roots and make leaves
erate some drought, but soggy soil guarantees
yellow: for controls, see “Roots with dark tun­
rotting of fleshy roots. Foliage dies back after
nels” on page 61. See the Herbs entry beginning
flowering ends, and plants disappear by late
on page 116 for other possible problems.
summer. M ark the spot to avoid digging injury
to roots. New leaves appear in fall. Divide
every 5 years, in late summer, to maintain
vigor. Poppies self-sow if allowed to set seed;
seedlings may not com e true to parents. Parsnip
Problems Pastinaca saliva (lim belliferae)
Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky;
clusters of small insects. Cause: Aphids. See
“ Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky; Parsnips are biennial vegetables grown
clusters of small in se c ts’ on page 177 for for their long, white, sweet-flavored roots. Cul­
controls. ture is m uch like that of carrots, except that
PEA ■ 161

parsnips require less fertilizer and prefer a pH bum ps' on page 237. Powdery mildew may
betw een 6.0 and 6.8. They grow best at tem ­ disfigure leaves; see "Leaves with powdery
peratures between 60° and 64°F poorly above white coating" on page 237 for controls. If
75°H and tolerate tem peratures as low as 40°E leaf spots are a problem, see “Leaves with
Parsnip seed can take 3 weeks to germ inate. spots” on page 237.
Soak seed overnight before planting, keep seed­
bed moist, and always use fresh seed to pre­
vent germ ination problems.
Parsnips are in the same family as carrots
and are troubled by many of the same pests
and diseases. See the C arrot entry beginning Pisum sativum ( Leguminosae)
on page 60 for culture and information on
Peas are annual vegetables grown for their
Problems tasty seeds and. in some cases, seedpods. Fresh
Roots with dark cankers; leaves with water peas are a special treat you have to grow your­
soaked or dark spots. Cause: Brown fungal self to enjoy.
canker. Interior of root may be discolored,
and other diseases can enter root through Culture
cankers and can rot flesh. Destroy severely Peas grow well in alm ost any soil, but do
infected plants and spray remaining plants best in soil with lots of organic m atter and a
with copper or bordeaux mix. Prevent prob­ pH between 5.5 and 6.8. A 1" layer of com post
lems by not planting parsnips where they have worked well into the soil before planting will
been grown for at least 2 years, providing good provide sufficient nutrients for a good crop.
drainage, keeping soil over shoulders of roots, Peas are a cool-season, moisture-loving
and planting resistant cultivars such as ‘Andover crop. They grow best between 60° and 75°F
and ‘Cobham Improved M arrow’. poorly at tem peratures above 75°F but will
tolerate temperatures as low as 45°F Pea foliage
can withstand a light frost, but pods and flow­

Parthenocissus ers will be dam aged unless they are covered.

Most disease problems in peas can be
avoided with proper culture. Do not plant in
Boston ivy, Virginia creeper, woodbine. Vines. wet soils. Plant in raised beds and add plenty
of com post to loosen the soil. Rapid germ ina­
tion is essential to avoid root rot problems.
T hese are deciduous, alternate-leaved Choose lighter soils for earliest plantings if
vines that climb by means of rootlike holdfasts. you have a choice, and keep soil moist, but
Plant container-grown creepers in spring. not wet. Avoid touching plants when they are
A moist, loamy soil is best, in sun or shade. wet. Dispose of vines after harvest and till soil
T hese plants are very adaptable to difficult to reduce future problems. Plant peas where
conditions. no peas o r beans have grown for at least 3
Japanese beetles can attack foliage; see years.
"Leaves skeletonized” on page 236 for controls. Soak seed in com post tea for 15 minutes
For details on controlling scales, see "Leaves or as long as overnight to help prevent disease
yellow; stems and leaves covered with small and speed germ ination. Treat seed with an

inoculant labeled for garden peas before plant­ Nitrogen deficiency; waterlogged soil. Drench
ing to promote nitrogen fixation. Be sure to soil and spray foliage with com post tea, fish
buy fresh inoculant each year, o r check the emulsion, or fish-meal tea, o r side-dress plants
dale on the package for viability. with compost to alleviate deficiency symptoms.
Peas are susceptible to certain m icronu­ W aterlogged soil dam ages roots and prevents
trient deficiencies. Spray young plants with them from using nutrients available in the soil.
seaweed extract every 2 weeks to help prevent Prevent problems by choosing well-drained
deficiencies and boost production. sites, adding organic m atter to the soil to im­
prove drainage, and planting in raised beds.
Leaf and Whole Plant Problems Leaves yellow and distorted. Causes: Tar­
Seeds do not germinate; seedlings stunted nished plant bugs; pea aphids; potato leaf­
or dying. Causes: Seedcom maggots: damping- hoppers. Tarnished plant bugs are oval, light
off: root rot. Seedcorn maggots are '/■»" long, green or brown, •/«" long bugs that inject a
yellow-white, spindle-shaped seed-caters. Adults plant-deforming toxin as they feed on young
are small flies. Seedlings that do com e up are leaves. Trap them with white sticky traps or
deformed and spindly. Remove damaged seed­ treat plants with a commercial pyrethrin spray
lings and plant fresh seed about a week after or dust in th e evening to co n tro l severe
applying parasitic nem atodes to the soil to infestations.
control maggots. Seedcorn maggots thrive in Pea aphids are soft-bodied, small, light to
cool, wet soil, so wait until soil is warm to dark green, sucking insects usually found on
plant to help avoid problem s with them. new growth. Infested leaves are thickened and
Damping-off is caused by soil-dwelling curled and may be covered with a sticky
fungi that thrive in cool, wet conditions. Keep material. For light infestations, knock pests
soil moist, but not soggy, thin seedlings to off plants with a blast of water. Spray plants
improve air circulation, and spray them with with insecticidal soap in the evening to control,
com post tea as soon as the first true leaves o r with a com m ercial neem o r pyrethrin spray
open to prevent problems. if infestation is severe. Repel aphids with reflec­
Pea root rot can kill seedlings. O lder tive mulch o r by planting cultivars with silvery
infected plants are stunted and have shrunken, leaves.
discolored roots and stem s near the soil line. Potato leafhoppers are green o r brown,
Prevent problems by planting in well-drained spindle-shaped, ,/iow- l/ 2 wlong, winged insects.
soil with lots of organic matter. Beans are Nymphs are smaller and wingless. Infested
susceptible to the same fungus, so keep the 2 leaves have curled margins, and flowers or
crops apart. Prevent problem s by planting pods may fall off. Trap leafhoppers with yel­
cultivars, such as Bolero' and ‘Sprite’, that are low sticky traps or spray as for pea aphids
somewhat tolerant to pea root rot. above. Cover seedlings with row cover if leaf­
Seedlings clipped off at soil line. Cause: hoppers have been a problem in the past.
Cutworms. Check for fat, 1"-2" long, dull brown Leaves yellow; plant wilting and stunted.
or gray caterpillars in the soil near the base of Cause: Fusarium wilt. Stem near soil line is
plants. Sprinkle moist bran mixed with BTK yellow-orange to black when cut open. If pods
on the soil surface in the evening, or apply form, they contain few seeds. Destroy plants
parasitic nem atodes to the soil at least a week infected with this fungal disease. To prevent
before planting to control them. problem s, plant resistant cultivars such as
Leaves yellow; growth slow. Causes: ‘Bounty*, ‘Daybreak', ‘G reen Arrow*, Knight’,
PEA ■ 163

‘M aestro', ‘Oregon Sugar Pod 2 ', ‘Snowflake, leaves. Trap future generations of adults with
and ‘Sparkle’. yellow sticky traps, and treat plants with a
Leaves mottled and distorted. Cause: com m ercial neem o r pyrethrin spray if large
M osaic viruses. Destroy infected plants. C on­ num bers of adults are trapped. Prevent prob­
trol aphids and cucum ber beetles that spread lems by protecting plants with row cover as
viruses, and leguminous weeds, such as vetch, soon as they com e up to exclude egg-laying
that can harbor viruses. Prevent problem s by adults. Certain parasitic nem atodes can attack
planting tolerant cultivars such as ‘Knight* leafm iner larvae inside leaf tunnels.
and ‘M aestro’. Leaves with small holes. Cause: C ucum ­
Leaves stippled with white. C ause: M ites. ber beetles. Damage usually occurs on young
Leaves become bronzed when severely infested. plants. Beetles are yellow o r greenish, '/«” long,
T hese tiny, spiderlike insects thrive in hot, dry with spots o r stripes. Treat plants with a com ­
weather. Look for tiny moving specks on the mercial pyrethrin spray o r dust if infestation is
undersides of leaves. Spray plants with insec­ severe. Cover emerging seedlings with row
ticidal soap in the evening to control mites. cover to prevent problems.
Leaves with water-soaked or white spots. Leaves with large holes. Cause: C ater­
Causes: Downy mildew: pow dery mildew. pillars. Many caterpillars feed on leaves and
Downy mildew is com m on in dam p weather. pods. H andpick. o r spray plants with BTK if
Leaves and pods are covered with a thick, worms are feeding.
white growth that turns violet-black. Powdery
mildew is more com m on in dry weather. The Pod Problems
whole plant may be covered with white pow­ Blossoms drop; no pods form. Causes:
dery growth. Spray plants with sulfur in the Weather extremes; nutrient imbalances. Exces­
evening, as soon as you notice either disease. sive heat or rain can cause blossoms to drop.
Prevent problem s by planting cultivars resis­ Wait for new blossoms to form. C opper and/or
tant to downy mildew, such as ‘G reen Arrow* m olybdenum d eficien cy cau se th e sam e
and ‘Knight’, or to powdery mildew, such as symptoms. Spray plants with seaweed extract
‘Bounty’, ‘Knight’, ‘M aestro', ‘Oregon Sugar to help prevent deficiencies. If plants are very
Pod 2’. and ‘Snowflake’. dark green and no blossoms form, suspect too
Leaves with light brown to purple spots. much nitrogen. Wait for blossoms to form.
Cause: Blight. Stems and pods are also spotted. Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers.
Leaves may turn yellow and plants may die. Young pods distorted and withered; older
Various fungi and bacteria can cause these pods with water-soaked or purplish spots.
disease symptoms. Spray plants with copper if Cause: Blight. See “Leaves with light brown to
weather is wet. Remove severely infected plants. purple spots ’’ above for controls.
Presoak seed in com post tea and don't touch Pods m ottled, deformed, and rough.
plants when they are wet to help prevent Cause: M osaic viruses. See “Leaves m ottled
problems. and distorted" above for controls.
Leaves with wandering, white or translu­ Pods with white spots. Causes: Downy
cent tunnels. Cause: Leafminers. Larvae are mildew; powdery mildew. See ‘‘Leaves with
white maggots that tunnel through leaves. Adults water-soaked or white spots’’ above for controls.
are tiny black-and-yellow insects. O nce tun­ Pods with chewed holes. Cause: C ater­
nels appear, the larvae are inside leaves and pillars. V arious caterp illars ea t pea pods.
spraying will not kill them . Destroy infested H andpick, o r spray plants with BTK if cater­

pillars are feeding. Cover young plants with remove extra shoots at their bases. To develop
row cover to prevent moths from laying eggs. growth on spindly shoots, prune off the end of
Seeds with brown spots or cavities. Cause: the shoot just above an outward-facing bud.
M anganese deficiency. Spray plants with sea­ For more pruning inform ation, see “Pruning
w eed e x tra c t every 2 w eek s to p rev en t and Training" on page 101. Thin fruit each
deficiencies. spring so it has room to develop.
Seeds with small, round holes. Cause: Like other fruit trees, peach trees need a
Pea weevils. Seeds may be hollow. Fat. white, period of cold w eather rest o r dormancy. The
lt i ’ long larvae feed on seeds. Adults are 'A" num ber of hours of cold between 32° and
long, dark beetles with light markings that 4 5 °F each cultivar needs before it breaks dor­
may feed on pea flowers. Discard infested mancy is referred to as chill hours. (Cold below
seeds; do not com post them . Cover seeded 32°F doesn't count toward meeting the dor­
areas with row cover to prevent adults from m ancy requirem ent.) O nce the num ber is
laying eggs. Spray plants with pyrethrin if adults reached, the tree assumes w inter is over and
are present. starts growing the next warm day. Peaches
bloom rapidly once their requirement has been
met, which makes them more prone to frost
dam age than other fruit trees that are slower

Peach to burst into bloom. Call your local extension

service to find out how many chill hours your
area receives and what cultivars m atch that
Prunus persica ( Rosaceae) requirem ent. If you choose a cultivar that
needs fewer chill hours than you normally
receive, an unseasonable winter thaw in your
Peaches are deciduous trees growing from area may bring the tree well into flower weeks
4' to 20', depending on soil, rootstock, and before spring actually arrives. But if you choose
cultivar. In very early spring pink blossoms one that needs more chill hours than your
appear on last year’s shoots. N ectarines be­ climate supplies, the tree won't get enough
long to the same species as peaches and have chilling to stimulate norm al bloom.
the same cultural requirem ents as well as the Most peaches are self-pollinating, but a
same diseases and pests. Both are hardy in few cultivars, such as ‘Indian Free’ and ‘J. H.
Zones 5-9. Hale’, require cross-pollination. For more infor­
mation on setting fruit, see “Setting Fruit" on
Culture page 101.
Plant in full sunlight in an area with well-
drained soil and no late spring frosts. Prune Fruit Problems
each winter to stim ulate growth, to thin next Young fruit with crescent-shaped scars.
year’s fruit, and to allow sunlight to penetrate Cause: Plum curculios. These beetles, com ­
the tree. Train trees to a framework of well­ mon east of the Rockies, leave characteristic
spaced, wide-angled branches. Prune bearing scars as they lay eggs in fruit. Damaged fruit
trees each winter to adm it light into the tree often drops. For control, spread a dropcloth
and encourage good air circulation. As you under the tree and jar the trunk and branches
prune, remove diseased and spindly wood and with a padded mallet. Collect and destroy
crossed branches. W here growth is too dense. beetles that fall onto the sheet. For best results.
PEACH ■ 165

What Goes Wrong

and Why

w ith small
bro w n sp ots
th a t e n la rg e and grow
fuzzy in humid weather.
IFCause: Brown rot. Young
x twigs and leaves wilt.
R b ro w n . or die back.

F ru it w ith sm all, d a rk , “
jf s u n k e n sp ots or cracks on "
sk in . Cause: Bacterial leaf spot,
le a v e s have dark, angular spots,
som e with holes.
Leaves puckered and
reddish. Cause: Peach
F ru it w ith olive green leaf curl. Leaves turn yellow and drop: fruit
s p o ts m o stly n e a r stem s. is distorted and often drops prematurely.
Caus< Peach scab. Leaves have
small, yellowish green to black
spots on undersides
V wingspan

G row ing s h o o ts w ilted

o r dy in g Cause: Peach twig
borers. Look for gum m y Adult
exudate on twigs and
brown caterpillars Larva
inside tips
Branches wilting and
dying; branches fall to
leaf out In spring. Cause:
Bacterial canker. Cankers
ooze a sour-smelling gum.

w £
Tree declines; gummy exudate
mixed with sawdustlike material
j t i on trank near ground. Cause:
% l A dult Peachtree borers. Burrowing larvae
* 1 **
wingspan may girdle and kill tree.
w \ 9 - M

G row in g sh o o ts w ilted or Adult

dying. Cause. Oriental fruit m oth larvae. W wingspan
Look inside twigs for white or pink
caterpil ars with brown heads.

do this twice a day, beginning when you see This disease, com m on east of the Rockies,
the first scarred fruit. Also, to prevent curcu- spreads in the spring from oozing cankers.
lio eggs from hatching, collect and discard Twig cankers appear water-soaked. Leaves turn
d ro p p ed fruit. For m ore inform ation, see yellow and drop. Infection weakens trees, makes
“Young fruit with crescent-shaped scars'* on them prone to winter injury, and reduces fruit
page 186. quality and yields. See page 165 for an illustra­
Fruit with small brown spots that enlarge tion of this disease. Control with copper spray.
and grow fuzzy in humid weather. Cause: Resistant cultivars include ‘Belle of Georgia*,
Brown rot. This fungus may also cause blos­ ‘Candor*, ‘Com -Pact Red Haven*, ‘Dixieland*,
soms to w ither and die. Fruit is most infection- ‘Earlired’, ‘Early-Red-Free’, ‘Harbrite’, ‘Harken’,
prone 3 weeks before ripening. Infected fruit ‘Loring*, ‘Madison’, and ‘Red Haven’.
may drop early o r turn soft and brown, then Fruit with sunken, corky lesions. Cause:
w ither into hard, black,shriveled fruit (known Tarnished plant bugs. Bugs hibernate in nearby
as mummies) that rem ains on the tree. For weeds and move into trees in the spring. For
control, inspect trees before growth begins in control, remove weeds and plant debris. For
the spring. Remove and destroy both mum ­ persistent infestation, hang white sticky traps
mies and twigs or branches with gummy lesions. in lower tree branches.
For more control, spray sulfur early to protect Fruit with pinkish worms. Cause: Ori­
blooms, then again later to protect fruit. C op­ ental fruit moth larvae. For more information,
per sprays also help. Since dam aged fruit is see “Growing shoots wilted or dying" below.
more prone to infection, control insects such
as plum curculios, which puncture fruit and Leaf and Branch Problems
allow infection to enter. Resistant cultivars Growing shoots wilted or dying. Causes:
include ‘Elberta*, ‘Orange Cling*, Red Bird*, O riental fruit moth larvae; peach twig borers.
and ‘Sunbeam*. See page 165 for an illustra­ Both pests tunnel into growing shoots and
tion of this disease. cause wilting. With oriental fruit m oths, the
Fruit with olive green spots mostly near tree may look unusually bushy from growth of
stems. Cause: Peach scab. Spots first appear new lateral shoots below wilted parts. To find
on im m ature fruit and then turn brown and oriental fruit moth larvae, slit stems below the
velvety. Fruit skin cracks: fruit is distorted or wilted sections and look for a pinkish white
dwarfed. Infection arises from twig lesions, caterpillar, up to xh " long. Later, a second
but dam p weather spreads the fungus through­ larval generation bores into and ruins fruit.
out leaves, fruit, and twigs. Infection is worst Controls that help keep this pest in check
in warm clim ates and in late-fruiting cultivars. include repeated, timely sprays of BTK and
See page 165 for an illustration of this disease. release of the parasitic wasp Macrocentrus
To control scab, remove infected fruit and ancylivorus. Use pherom one traps to m onitor
clean up fallen leaves and fruit. For persistent and control the pests. M ating disruption pher­
infection, spray lime-sulfur o r sulfur only every omones, such as Isomate-M , are also effective.
10-21 days throughout the growing season. If See page 165 for an illustration of an oriental
spring w eather is unusually warm and wet, fruit moth larva.
spray sulfur weekly from the time flower buds Wilting plus a gummy exudate from twigs
first show green until blossoms begin to open. may indicate peach twig borers. T his pest also
Fruit with small, dark, sunken spots or damages fruit. T he second generation of these
cracks on skin. Cause: Bacterial leaf spot. brown, W caterpillars tunnels into fruit, usu­
PEACH ■ 167

ally near the stem. For control, find borer Centers of leaf spots often enlarge to about
entry holes and cut off wilted branches just then fall out. You can’t cure this fungus during
below the hole. Destroy infested prunings. the current season, but copper spray aids
For large branches, slide a wire into the hole control. Keeping irrigation w ater away from
to kill the borer. Peach twig borers prefer foliage also helps. D orm ant season pruning of
weak trees; keep trees strong through proper infected buds and twigs, which have a var­
fertilization, pruning, and irrigation. See page nished appearance, helps prevent the disease
165 for an illustration of this pest. next year.
Growing shoots covered with a white pow­ Leaves stippled yellow. Cause: European
dery coating. Cause; Powdery mildew. This red mites. These extrem ely tiny spider mites
disease also causes new growth to be stunted suck juices from leaves, causing yellow speck­
and distorted. Rainy w eather does not cause les on foliage. For light infestations, knock
the disease fungus to spread. In fact, it is most mites off leaves with a strong spray of water;
com m on in w eather patterns featuring cool for heavy infestations, spray with insecticidal
nights changing to warm days. For control, soap. Lime-sulfur spray applied early in the
apply sulfur spray o r lime-sulfur spray. growing season also aids control. Or, to kill
Young twigs and leaves wilted, brown, or overwintering mite eggs, apply superior oil in
dying back. Cause: Brown rot. Shoots and the spring, just when leaf buds are about l/i"
leaves may turn brown and decay. Gummy long. M ites are controlled by natural enemies,
branch o r twig lesions may also form. For including predatory mites. If simple controls
more information, see “Fruit with small brown don’t work, purchase predatory mites (Meta-
spots that enlarge and grow fuzzy in humid seiulus occidentalis) from insectaries or organic
w eather” above. farm and garden supply catalogs.
Leaves puckered and reddish. Cause: Branches wilting and dying, fail to leaf out
Peach leaf curl. Later in the season, infected in spring. Causes: Bacterial canker; Valsa
leaves may yellow, shrivel, and drop. New growth canker. Look on the branches for sunken, ellip­
is stunted and swollen and often dies. Fruit tical lesions, often oozing a reddish gum. With
often drops prematurely and may have a reddish, bacterial canker, this gum smells sour, and
irregular, rough surface. See page 165 for an leaves may have small, angular spots. See page
illustration of this disease. You can’t cure this 165 for an illustration of this disease. For both
fungal disease during the current season, but cankers, prune wilted o r dying branches off
cop p er sprays o r lime-sulfur sprays help con­ below the infected area. Sterilize pruning tools
trol it. Resistant cultivars include ‘C andor’, in isopropyl alcohol or a 10 percent bleach
‘Clayton’, *Com-Pact Red Haven’, ‘C orrell’, solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water) between
‘Dixieland’, ‘E lberta’, ‘Red Haven’, and ‘Stark cuts. On large limbs, cut out the canker into
EarliGlo*. healthy wood, which has a lighter color. C op­
Leaves with dark, angular spots; some per sprays help control bacterial canker.
spots with holes. Cause: Bacterial leaf spot. Valsa canker is a fungal disease that enters
Eventually, infected leaves may yellow and drop. through injured bark. To prevent bark damage,
For m ore inform ation, see “Fruit with small, make sure trees harden off in the fall by avoid­
dark, sunken spots o r cracks on skin" above. ing late-season fertilization o r pruning. Also
Leaves with small purple spots, some spots plant in well-drained soil and paint trunks
with centers missing. Cause: Shothole disease. with white latex paint diluted with an equal
Spots also appear on fruit and then turn scabby. am ount of w ater to reduce bark-damaging

tem perature fluctuations. Train trees to a good

form with strong, wide-angled scaffold limbs.
Also prune during bloom time, when wounds
heal fastest. Cultivars adapted to cold climates Pyrus communis and hybrids (Rosaceae)
or that drop leaves early are most resistant to
Valsa canker. Choose B rig h to n , ‘E lberta’,
‘H arbrite’, ‘Harken’, ‘Madison’, or Reliance’. Pears are deciduous, upright-growing trees
ranging in size from about 8' to more than 30',
Whole Plant Problems depending on the cultivar and rootstock. The
Leaves yellow; dieback of whole limbs. white blossoms appear in spring mostly on
Cause: Scales. Colonies of these sucking in­ spurs—short growths that elongate less than
sects cling to the bark and appear as small an inch each year. Fruit ripens from late sum ­
bumps that can be easily scraped off with a m er into autum n. Most gardeners are familiar
fingernail. Control scale by spraying trees with with European pears, including the familiar
dorm ant oil in the winter. Also control ants, ‘B artlett’ and ‘Bose’ pears. However, Asian
which encourage scale insects, by wrapping a pears, which have crisp, juicy, almost-round
strip of paper or plastic around the trunk and fruit, will also grow well in most parts of the
covering it with a com m ercial sticky coating United States and Canada. Pears are hardy in
such as Tanglefoot. Zones 4-9.
Tree declines; gummy exudate mixed with
sawdustlike material on trunk near ground. Culture
Cause: Peachtree borers. Inspect the trunk Pears require full sun. They enjoy well-
near or just below the ground: you may find drained, m oderately fertile soil, but will toler­
holes and a gummy exudate made by peachtree ate heavy or poorly drained soils more easily
borers, which are the larvae of a clear-winged than most other fruits. Since pears flower later
moth that bore the inner bark. See page 165 than most other com m on fruits, they do not
for an illustration of this pest. Dig borers out, require a site completely free of spring frost.
being careful to minimize tree dam age, or kill Train European pears to a central leader sys­
them by inserting a wire into holes. Cultivat­ tem and Asian pears to an open-center system.
ing shallowly around the base of the tree dis­ See the illustration on the opposite page. Prune
courages these pests. Peachtree borers are bearing trees a m oderate am ount, enough to
attracted to weak trees. Keep trees vigorous allow light into the tree and to stimulate enough
and avoid m echanical dam age. Resistant cul­ new growth to replace old spurs o r branches
tivars include ‘Dixie Red’, ‘Elberta’, and ‘Jubilee’. that have been removed. For more pruning
Leaves unusually small; leaves yellow or inform ation, see “Pruning and Training" on
oddly shaped. Cause: Viral infection. A few page 101. To set fruit, most pear cultivars
viral diseases cause leaf anom alies in peach require cross-pollination from a second com ­
trees. One particular virus, known as peach patible cultivar planted nearby. Before buying
rosette, causes trees to produce shoots that any cultivar, be sure you can m eet the pollina­
have abnorm ally short distances between the tion requirem ents. For more inform ation, see
leaf nodes. Avoid viruses by starting with clean “Setting Fruit’’ on page 101.
stock. Avoid planting near possible virus car­
riers, such as old peach trees o r wild choke- Fruit Problems
ch erries (Primus virginiana). Remove and Fruit with olive-brown, corky spots that
destroy infected trees. turn dark brown. Cause: Pear scab. This fun-
PEAR ■ 169

What Goes Wrong

and Why


I Nymph

L eaves covered
W A duK with lacy brown
patches. Cause:
Pear slugs. Pest
y Leaves suddenly blacken Fruit covered with a ' uj
feeds on upper
with tips of growing shiny, sticky co a tln ^ < 0 *
leaf surfaces,
sh oots bent over. Cause: that turns black.
leaving a network
Fire blight. Rowers, foliage, and J Cause Pear psyllas. Pests
of veins.
eventually entire branches are suck sap, causing leaves to
blackened and killed. discolor and cup: sooty mold
grows on secreted honeydew.

gal disease may also cause m alformed fruit. It departed by the time you discover the holes,
overwinters on fallen leaf litter and infected which may be filled with what looks like moist
twigs and spreads to the tree in the spring sawdust. Infested fruit may drop prematurely.
when warm air currents and splashing rain For light infestations, kill eggs by spraying
move fungal spores from the ground into the superior oil on leaves and twigs within 2-6
tree. To control pear scab, remove old leaves weeks of blossoming. For heavy infestations,
from beneath trees and com post o r bury them. kill larvae before they tunnel into fruit by
Prune out infected twigs, which bear small, spraying the tree canopy with pyrethrin at
blisterlike pustules. Do both of these chores petal fall and again 10-14 days later. Mixing
in late winter or early spring before growth the pyrethrin with a synergist (see “T h e O ther
begins. Lime-sulfur applied early in the grow­ Ingredients” on page 469) can improve control.
ing season also helps control the disease. Scabby For more inform ation, see “Fruit with holes
fruit may be unattractive, but it is still edible surrounded by brown, crumbly excrem ent”
once diseased portions are cut away. If scab is on page 22.
prevalent in your area, plant scab-resistant Fruit covered with a shiny, sticky coating
culti\ars. such as ‘Bartlett*. that turns black. Cause: Pear psyllas. These
Fruit with holes surrounded by brown, */.o", red to green, winged insects resemble
crumbly excrement. Cause: Codling moth cicadas. They overwinter in tree crevices and
larvae. These fat, white o r pinkish. 7/s" cater­ ground litter and emerge in early spring to lay
pillars tunnel through fruit and may have eggs in trees. Newly hatched psylla nymphs
170 ■ PRO BLEM * )I.V1NG Pi ANT (il IDE

pierce and suck juices from both foliage and blight bacteria grow within blighted shoots
fruit. Most regions support at least 4 genera­ down branches and toward the roots. During
tions of this pest per year, allowing plenty of the fall, the bacteria form a sunken, dark can­
opportunity for infestation throughout the grow­ ker in which to overwinter. Over the winter,
ing season. inspect branches for these cankers and prune
T he sticky coating on fruit is honeydew off dam aged branches at least 6" below the
excreted by the psyllas. and the black blotches cankers.
are mold that grows on the honeydew. Fre­ One way to prevent fire blight from kill­
quently. yellow jackets congregate around ing an entire tree is to purchase trees in which
honeydew-coated leaves. You can clean the a blight-susceptible cultivar has been grafted
honeydew o r mold off the fruit and eat it. Ex­ onto blight-resistant framework. G ood root­
cessive psylla feeding will weaken the tree. stocks include the ‘Old Home’ X ‘Farmingdale’
To control psyllas, smother overwintering adults series, Pyrus belulifolia. and P caller)’ana.
with dorm ant oil sprays applied in late winter Copper sprays applied in spring may also reduce
before spring growth begins. During the grow­ the incidence of fire blight, but spraying alone
ing season, kill eggs and m ature young with will not control the disease. Cultivars fairly
superior oil spray or insecticidal soap. resistant to fire blight include Duchess’, ‘G ar­
ber’, M oonglow’, ‘O rien t’, ‘Seckel’, ‘Seuri’,
Leaf Problems ‘Shinko’, ‘Starking D elicious, and ‘Yali’.
Leaves suddenly blacken, with tips of grow­ Leaves suddenly blacken in autumn.
ing shoots bent over. Cause: Fire blight. Don’t Cause: Pseudom onas blight. You might mis­
confuse this bacterial disease with sooty mold, take this disease for fire blight, but fire blight
a black fungus that rubs off easily. Fire blight symptom s appear in warm spring weather,
bacteria enter the tree at the growing tips and and its cankers ooze in the spring. Pseudom o­
may travel down toward the roots and kill the nas blight first appears during cool fall weather
whole tree. and its cankers do not ooze in the spring.
Fire blight most readily attacks very suc­ Control it by pruning, as for fire blight (see
culent growth; to make trees a little more “Leaves suddenly blacken, with tips of growing
blight-resistant, avoid heavy pruning or nitro­ shoots bent over” above).
gen fertilizer, both of which induce vigorous Leaves with small, round, dark spots hav­
growth. When pruning, thin out whole branches ing purple margins. Cause: Fabraea leaf spot.
rather than heading them back. This pruning This disease, most com m on east of the Missis­
strategy reduces the total num ber of cuts and sippi River, may cause leaves to turn yellow
won’t stim ulate the growth of soft, blight- and drop, weakening the tree. Since the dis­
susceptible, sideshoots. To prevent ram pant ease overwinters in twig cankers as well as
growth on m ature trees, grow grass right up to fallen leaves, garden sanitation does little to
the trunk; if needed, allow the grass to grow control the disease. Copper spray, applied when
longer than normal. leaves are half out and then once or twice
Control fire blight during the growing again at 2-week intervals, offers some control.
season by pruning off branches a foot below Leaves with dark, velvety patches. Cause:
infected sections. Between each cut, dip prun­ P ear scab. T h e spots are m ostly on leaf
ing shears into isopropyl alcohol or a 10 per­ undersides, and infected leaves often pucker
cent bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts and drop. For more inform ation, see “Fruit
water) to prevent spreading the disease as you with olive-brown, corky spots that turn dark
prune. As the growing season progresses, fire brown” on page 168.
PECAN ■ 171

Leaves covered with lacy brown patches. Zones 6-9. Trees grown at the northern hardi­
Cause: Pear slugs. T hese green-black, slimy ness limit may not have a long enough season
creatures are not true slugs; they’re the larvae to ripen nuts.
of the pear sawfly, a black-and-yellow insect Plant pecans in deep, well-drained soil in
slightly larger than a housefly. In the spring, full sun. Trees need almost no pruning. Since
sawflies em erge from soilborne cocoons and male and female flowers on a given tree often
lay eggs on leaves. Eggs hatch into sluglike m ature at different times, plant 2 different
larvae that skeletonize leaves. Remove them cultivars to ensure pollination.
by handpicking o r with blasts of water. For
heavy infestations, use insecticidal soap spray; Problems
on a dwarf tree, apply wood ashes o r diatoma- Nuts contain insect larvae. Causes:
ceous earth. (Caution: Wood ashes may dam ­ Pecan weevil grubs; hickory shuckworms; pecan
age leaf tissue.) Spider mites multiply quickly nut casebearer larvae. Pecan weevils, snouted
in dry, dusty conditions, so wash ashes off beetles similar to plum curculios. lay eggs
after a few days to avoid encouraging a rise in within newly formed nut kernels; larvae that
spider mite population. hatch from these eggs feed on the nut and
Leaves with small brown blisters on un­ em erge several weeks later through tiny holes
dersides. Cause: Pearleaf blister mites. Inside in the shell and husk. Infested nuts are w orth­
these blisters are small, elongated, white mites less and generally cling to the tree instead of
that you need a magnifying glass to see. Dam­ splitting normally from the hulls. To control
age usually is cosm etic and can be ignored, this pest, place dropcloths beneath the tree
but if control is necessary, spray lime-sulfur and jar the limbs with padded poles. Collect
before buds open o r superior oil as buds swell. and destroy the fallen adults. Do this every 2
Be sure to spray oil thoroughly to kill adults weeks beginning in midsum m er until weevils
hiding in bud scales. no longer drop.
Leaves turn yellow; limbs die back. Cause: You will find cream -colored, V#" hickory
San Jose scale. If limb dieback is preceded by shuckworm s eating the kernels of im m ature
extensive leaf yellowing, look for the small nuts that drop early as a result of the infestation.
gray bumps of San Jose scale clinging to the These pests are the larvae of gray m oths, and
bark. Colonies of these sucking, nearly immo­ the final larval generation overwinters on the
bile insects cling to bark and weaken trees by ground in dropped shucks. To control shuck­
sucking sap. Control scale with dorm ant oil worms. keep dropped hulls picked up o r bury
spray applied in late winter. them at the end of the season.
Pecan nut casebearers, xh '\ green larvae
of a gray m oth, spin webs around nuts and
then en ter to feed. Infested nuts may drop

Pecan prem atu rely . O v erw in terin g larv ae leave

cocoons in early spring and bore into growing
shoots, causing wilting. Damage is worst early
Carya illinoinensis (juglandaceae) in the season. To help control casebearers,
pick up and destroy all dropped infested nuts.
T he parasitic wasp Trichogramma minutiim
Pecans are large, deciduous trees with attacks and parasitizes casebearer eggs. For
separate male and female flowers borne on heavyr infestations of casebearers, release 5,000
the same plant. T hese plants are hardy in of these wasps per infested tree.

Leaves with olive-brown spots on under­ climates geraniums persist throughout the year.
sides; shucks with small, velvety, olive-brown They are delightful in beds, borders, pots, and
spots. Cause: Pecan scab. Leaf spots may hanging baskets.
enlarge to large black areas. T he spots on the Buy new nursery-grown plants each year,
shucks may spread into large, sunken, black or start your own from seed. You can direct-
lesions. Nuts may drop prematurely. This fun­ seed outdoors in late spring, although indoor
gal disease is worst in humid areas and over­ seeding in late winter o r early spring gets
winters on infected twigs, shucks, and leaves. better results. G ood window o r artificial light
To reduce infection the following season, clean is needed indoors. Cover seeds lightly. G erm i­
up plant debris in autum n and knock off old nation is erratic within 3-8 weeks. W hen seed­
leaf stems and shucks before trees leaf out in lings have 2-3 true leaves, transplant them to
the spring. Scab-resistant cultivars include ‘Cape individual 3" pots. A fter the last frost, plant
F e a r, ‘C hocktaw \ ‘C u rtis , ‘D esirable, ‘G lo­ outdoors 10" apart.
ria G rande’, and ‘Stuart’. Geranium s usually need full sun. In the
Tree declines; leaves yellow, die, but remain Deep South, give them light shade, o r plants
on tree. Cause: Cotton root rot. Roots of may burn. Soil should be well-drained, medium
infected trees are brownish, rotted, and soft. rich, and slightly acid; if it is alkaline, add
C otton root rot fungus lives in the soil for 5 peat moss to planting area. W ater regularly,
years or more, thriving especially in areas letting the soil dry out slightly between w ater­
with heavy, moist, alkaline soil. An acid-type ings. Fertilize regularly but lightly; overfeed­
fertilizer might help mildly affected trees, ing results in large leaves and fewer flowers.
but dig up dying trees and do not replant Remove spent flower heads to prolong bloom ­
with pecans. ing. Pinching back growing tips in early stages
prom otes fullness. Cut the plant back if it
becom es leggy.

Pelargonium Problems
Leaves yellow; plant weakened. Cause:
Pelargonium, geranium. W hiteflies. For controls, see ‘‘Leaves yellow;
Tender perennials grown as annuals. plant weakened” on page 18.
Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed.
Cause: Spider mites. For control m easures,
Pelargoniums, com m only known as ger­ see “ Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage
aniums. are easy-to-grow plants that are popu­ w ebbed” on page 18.
lar with both beginner and advanced gardeners. Leaves, stems, and buds distorted. Cause:
Most gardeners grow flowering geranium s for Aphids. See “Leaves, stems, and buds distorted”
the clusters of red, pink, lilac, salm on, or on page 20 for controls.
white flowers that appear all season over 1'-3r Stems with rotted sections; leaves wilt.
plants. O ther geranium s are grown primarily Cause: Stem rot. This fungal disease starts at
for their fragrant leaves, which release power­ the base of plants and works upward. It com ­
ful scents when brushed. G eranium s can also monly affects cuttings, but can also injure
have attractively shaped and variegated foliage, full-grown plants. Stems often turn black. Only
with up to 4 colors in just 1 leaf. In mild take cuttings from healthy plants, and stick
PEPPER ■ 173

them in a sterile medium. Remove and destroy prevent soilborne diseases from splashing up
affected parts o r plants. on the fruit.
Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots. Do not plant peppers where tom atoes,
See “Leaves with spots*’ on page 19 for con­ potatoes, eggplants, o r peppers have been
trol information. planted within the past 3-5 years. Also, try to
Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause: plan your planting schem e to separate these
Slugs and snails. See "Leaves with large, rag­ crops in the garden. Com post or till under all
ged holes’*on page 18 for controls. plant residues at the end of the season, and till
the soil to reduce overwintering pests.
Purchase sturdy, insect- and disease-free
plants, o r start your own from seed indoors.

Pepper Soak seed in a 10 percent bleach solution (1

part bleach to 9 parts water) for 10 minutes,
and rinse in clean water before planting to
Capsicum annuum var. antiuum (Solanaceae) reduce seed-borne diseases. Pepper seeds ger­
minate best above 80°E Once seedlings are
up. they grow best at 70°F during the day and
Peppers are tender perennials that are 60°F during the night. Wait until soil tem per­
grown as annuals in tem perate clim ates for atures reach 65°F before setting out transplants.
their sweet to fiery hot fruit. Pick peppers Spray transplants with an antitranspirant to
when they are unripe and green (or some­ help reduce disease problems, and water them
times yellow o r purple-black) o r after they with seaweed extract or com post tea to give
ripen to red, orange, yellow, or brown, depend­ them a good start. To improve fruit set, spray
ing on the cultivar. In general, ripe peppers plants with seaweed extract with 1 teaspoon
are sweeter or less hot than unripe ones of the of Epsom salts added to 1 gallon when the
same cultivar. first flowers open.

Culture Leaf and Whole Plant Problems

P eppers require deeply w orked, well- Seedlings fall over; stems girdled or rot­
drained soil with lots of organic matter. They ted at soil line. Cause: Damping-off. Disin­
do best at a pH between 6.0 and 6.8, but fect reused pots and flats by dipping them in a
tolerate pH as low as 5.5. Peppers require a 10 percent bleach solution and letting them
m oderate to high level of nitrogen and m oder­ air-dry before filling them with fresh seed-
ate levels of ph o sp h o ru s, potassiu m , and starting mix. Sow seeds thinly to allow for air
calcium . Have the soil tested and am end as movement around seedlings. Cover seed with
needed before planting. Peppers grow best a thin layer of soilless mix or vermiculite. Water
between 65° and 80°E Tem peratures above only enough to keep soil moist, not soggy.
85° or below 60°F can cause blossoms to Thin seedlings and spray with com post tea as
drop w ithout setting fruit. soon as first true leaves open to help prevent
Peppers tolerate drought, but do best in the problem.
soil that is evenly moist, but not soggy. Plant Seedlings clipped off at soil line. Cause:
in raised beds to improve drainage, if needed. Cutworms. Check for fat. 1"-2" long, dull brown
Stake peppers to keep fruit from touching the or gray caterpillars in the soil near the base of
ground and use mulch to control weeds and plants. Once they chew off a seedling, there is

nothing you can do except protect the remain­ Plants are stunted and do not recover when
ing seedlings from nocturnal cutworm attacks. watered. Cut open a stem near the soil line
Place cutworm collars around transplants, sprin­ and look for internal discoloration. Verticil­
kle moist bran mixed with BTK on the soil lium fungi are active between 68° and 75°F,
surface in the evening, or add parasitic nem a­ while Fusarium is active between 80° and
todes to the soil at least a week before plant­ 90°F Destroy infected plants. Pepper Fusarium
ing to control them. infects only peppers, while Verticillium infects
Leaves pale green and small. Cause: Nitro­ a wide range of plant species, making effec­
gen deficiency. Spray plants and drench roots tive rotation control difficult. Prevent prob­
with fish emulsion to alleviate symptoms, and lems by presoaking seed in a 10 percent bleach
side-dress with com post. solution. Control pest nematodes to help reduce
Leaves yellow, distorted, and sticky. wilt problems. Few wilt-resistant cultivars are
Cause: Aphids. These small green, pink, black, av ailab le: ‘G ia n t Szegedi* is to le ra n t of
gray, or white fluffy-coated insects suck plant Verticillium.
sap. For mild infestations, knock pests off Leaves stippled yellow, or bronzed. Cause :
plants with a blast of water. Spray plants with Mites. Leaves turn dry and papery. These tiny,
insecticidal soap in the evening to control, or spiderlike insects thrive in hot, dry weather.
with a com m ercial neem or pyrethrin spray if Spray plants with insecticidal soap if popula­
infestation is severe. tions are high (more than 1-2 pests per leaf).
Leaves mottled with yellow; young growth Leaves with small, sunken, yellow-green
malformed. Causes: Tobacco mosaic virus: spots. Cause: Bacterial spot. Spots eventu­
other viral diseases. Destroy diseased plants. ally turn brown with lighter centers. Spray
Presoak seed in a 10 percent bleach solution plants with copper as soon as symptoms appear
before planting, or choose resistant cultivars to prevent further symptom development. Pre­
to prevent problems. Wash hands after hand­ soak seed in a 10 percent bleach solution to
ling tobacco and before touching peppers to disinfect, and avoid touching wet plants.
prevent tobacco mosaic virus (TM V). C on­ Leaves with gray-brown spots. Cause:
trol aphids, because they spread viral diseases Cercospora leaf spot. This fungal disease only
as they feed. Prevent problems by planting occurs in very warm climates. Spots develop a
resistant cultivars such as “A ce \ Beli C aptain, “frog-eye” appearance with light centers and
Beli Tower*. 'Early Wonder*. ‘Elisa*, ‘G alaxy’, dark edges. Spray plants with copper as soon
G oldcrest*, Gypsy*. ‘Lady Beli’, ‘Lasto*, as symptoms appear to prevent further symp­
“Northstar*. ‘Orobelle’, and Yolo Wonder*. tom developm ent. Presoak seed in a 10 per­
Leaves yellow; plant stunted and wilts in c e n t b leach so lution and plant resistant
hot weather. Cause: Nematodes. Plants even­ cultivars, such as California W onder', to pre­
tually die. Roots may have swollen galls. Destroy vent problems.
infested plants, do not com post them. To con­ leaves with wandering, white or translu­
trol these pests, apply chitin or parasitic nem­ cent tunnels. C ause: Leafm iners. W hite,
atodes to the soil. maggotlike larvae feed inside leaves, leaving
Older leaves yellow; shoots or whole plant em pty tunnels behind them. Once larvae have
wilts. Cause: Fusarium or Verticillium wilt. entered leaves, spraying will not control them .
Fusarium wilt and Verticillium wilt are both Destroy mined leaves. Cover plants with row
fungal diseases and are difficult to tell apart. cover until flowers open to prevent adults from
Both Fusarium and Verticillium wilt begin as laying eggs on plants. Certain nem atodes can
a yellowing and wilting of the lower leaves. attack leafm iner larvae inside leaf tunnels.
PEPPER ■ 175

Leaves with small holes. Cause: Flea Resulting fruit is lopsided and deform ed, but
b e e tle s. Young tra n sp la n ts are th e m ost ripens evenly.
susceptible. These tiny, black, brown, or bronze Pepper maggots are white with pale heads
insects hop when disturbed. Spray o r dust and grow up to lA" long. Adults are small
plants with pyrethrin if infestation is severe. yellow-and-brown flies. Ripening fruit is blotchy.
Protect transplants with row cover until they Destroy infested fruit. Spray plants with pyre­
start to flower. thrin when they begin to set fruit, and repeat
Leaves with large holes. Causes: Horn- if dam age occurs if you have had severe prob­
worms; o th e r caterpillars. Hornw orm s are lems in the past.
3 "_4 ,/2" caterpillars with white diagonal stripes. If ripening fruit is blotchy but no maggot
T he tobacco hom worm has a red horn pro­ feeding is found, the plants may have a virus.
jecting from the rear, while the tom ato horn- See “Leaves mottled with yellow; young growth
worm has a black horn. Handpick or spray m alform ed” above for controls.
plants with BTK to control them. Do not Fruit with green to dark brown, raised,
spray caterpillars that are covered with small wartlike spots. Cause: Bacterial spot. Spots
white cocoons; these cases contain the larvae can provide entry for more destructive rot
of parasitic wasps that are natural hornworm fungi in wet weather. Spotted fruit is edible if
predators. not rotted. See “Leaves with small, sunken,
O ther caterpillars such as European com yellow-green spots” above for controls.
borers and corn earw orm s som etim es feed on Fruit with small, rotten spots or shallow
pepper leaves and fruit. H andpick. or spray depressions. Cause: P epper maggots. See
plants with BTK if many caterpillars are feeding. “Fruit misshapen” above for description and
Flower and Fruit Problems Fruit with faded or gray-white, sunken
Few flowers form; flowers may drop with­ patches or pits. Causes: Sunscald; cold injury.
out setting fruit. Causes: Excess nitrogen; G reen or ripe fruit can be sunscalded. Dam­
extrem e tem peratures; pepper weevils. Plants age shows up as a large, sunken patch on the
w ith excess nitrogen are dark green and exposed side. Patches turn dry and may develop
vigorous, but produce few flowers. Wait for black mold. Control leaf diseases to prevent
flowers to form. Prevent problem s by avoiding defoliation, so fruit will be shaded and pro­
high-nitrogen soil am endm ents. tected from direct sun. Stake plants.
Tem peratures over 85° o r below 60°F Pepper fruits are dam aged by tem pera­
can dam age flowers and cause them to fall tures below 37°F and develop small, sunken
w ithout setting fruit. Wait for new flowers to pits or large, discolored areas. Cover plants
form. Protect plants with row cover until night with row cover if tem peratures near freezing
tem peratures rem ain above 60°F are predicted.
Check flowers for pepper weevils, which Fruit with water-soaked, sunken areas at
are reddish brown to black insects. These the blossom end. Cause: Blossom end rot.
pests may also cause m isshapen and discol­ Seen on green o r ripe fruit. Affected area
ored fruit. Destroy infested fruit; dust with becom es dark and shriveled. This condition is
pyrethrin as a last resort. caused by calcium deficiency in the fruit. It is
Fruit misshapen. Causes: Extrem e tem ­ aggravated by drought or uneven soil moisture,
peratures; pepper maggots; viral diseases. Tem­ root dam age, high salt levels in the soil, and
peratures over 85° o r below 60°F can damage excess nitrogen. If soil test indicates deficiency,
flowers and prevent com plete pollination. add high-calcium lime to the soil. Prevent

problems by keeping soil evenly moist and by have around for a long time, so eliminating
spraying plants with seaweed extract when hungry insects and disfiguring diseases becomes
the first flowers open and again when green more important. With few exceptions, the pests
fruit is visible. and diseases that plague perennials are best
Fruit with water-soaked areas near stem; controlled through good site selection and
entire fruit collapses into a slimy mess. Cause: cultural practices, as described in the individ­
Bacterial soft rot. Pick fruit as soon as water- ual plant entries.
soaked areas appear, and discard soft portions. The symptoms listed below represent dam­
Destroy rotted fruit. Prevent problems by con­ age caused by pests and diseases that attack a
trolling insect dam age, staking and spacing wide variety of herbaceous perennials. C on­
plants so they dry out rapidly, and mulching to trols for these problems do not vary signifi­
prevent soilborne bacteria from splashing up cantly among plant species.
on plants during watering. Spray fruiting plants
with copper if the w eather is wet and you have Problems
had severe problems in the past. Leaves and/or flowers with holes. Causes:
Fruit with concentrically ringed, sunken Japanese beetles; other leaf-eating beetles.
spots. Cause: A nthracnose. Spots appear on Perennial beds attract a num ber of hungry
green or ripe fruit. Destroy infected fruit. Spray beetles, including 3A" black blister beetles,
fruit with copper when they are almost full-size */»o" flea beetles, '/j", reddish brown rose chafers,
and begin to feel solid if you have had problems and nocturnal, 'A", gray Fuller rose beetles.
in the past. Presoak seed in a 10 percent bleach Iridescent blue-green with bronze wing covers,
solution to prevent seed-borne disease. •A" Japanese beetles top this list of trouble­
Fruit colors prematurely; small holes and some pests; the adults devour the leaves, stalks,
sawdustlike material visible near stems. Causes: and flowers of nearly 300 plant species, while
European corn borers: co m earworm s. Once the 3A", C-shaped grub larvae feed on roots
caterpillars are feeding in fruit, it is too late to and are a m ajor pest of lawn grasses.
control them by spraying. Pick and use or Injury caused by adult beetles ranges from
destroy infested fruit. Both of these pests feed small holes in leaves to skeletonized foliage to
on leaves for a few days before they enter fruit, complete defoliation. Feeding by weevils, such
so reduce dam age by spraying plants with as long-nosed Fuller rose beetles, resembles
BTK if caterpillars are feeding on leaves. Pre­ “ticket punches" around leaf margins. Japan­
vent adults from laying eggs on plants by cov­ ese beetles are fond of flowers and often do
ering them with row cover. most of their dam age there. Most beetles are
active during the day and are large enough to
be readily visible while they feed. Weevils
more often prefer night-time feeding; a flash­
Perennials light reveals their activity.
Handpick adult beetles into a can of soapy
water o r a 5 percent solution of isopropyl
alcohol. Wear gloves if your pests are blister
Pests and diseases that trouble ornam en­ beetles; contact with crushed beetles can cause
tal perennial plants may warrant different treat­ bums and blisters on skin. Shake infested plants
ment than those same problems appearing on in early m orning to knock beetles onto a
annuals. Perennials are plants you hope to dropcloth, then scoop them up and destroy.

C oordinate a com m unity effort to set up Jap­ black, gray, o r with a white fluffy coating and
anese beetle traps over a large area; otherwise, have long antennae and 2 short tubes project­
traps will just attract these pests to your yard. ing from the rear of their abdom ens. These
Treat lawns with milky disease spores to con­ pests cluster under leaves and on growing tips.
trol beetle larvae. Apply parasitic nem atodes Aphids suck plant sap, causing leaf and bud
to the soil to limit all beetle grub populations. distortion and blossom and leaf drop. T heir
As a last resort, spray infested plants with feeding may spread diseases such as aster
neem o r pyrethrin. yellows. As they feed, they excrete sticky hon­
Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause: eydew on which sooty mold grows; see “Leaves
Slugs and snails. Differing only in the pres­ with black coating" below for more information.
ence or absence of a shell, slugs and snails Wash aphids from plants with a strong
range in size from 'A" to 8" and may be gray, spray of water; repeat as needed to control
tan, green, black, yellow, or spotted. T he cool, infestations. Encourage natural predators and
moist soil conditions favored by many perennials parasites such as aphid midges, assassin bugs,
m ake p lan tin g s a p p ea lin g to th e se busy lacewings, lady beetles, and spiders. Apply
mollusks. M ulch and plants with low-growing homemade garlic or tomato-leaf sprays. If water
leaves provide shady hiding places from which sprays fail, try sprays of alcohol, citrus oil,
they em erge to feed nocturnally. All species insecticidal soap, o r neem . Use boric acid
rasp large holes in leaves, stems, and bulbs: bait to control ants that herd aphids onto
slimy trails of mucus also signal their presence. plants. As a last resort, spray seriously infested
Since slugs and snails travel on a flat, plants with pyrethrin.
m uscular foot, you can impede their progress Leaves with black coating. Cause: Sooty
with barriers of m aterials that irritate their mold. This fungus grows on the sugary', sticky
soft bodies. Push 4"-8" copper strips into the honeydew produced by aphids and other suck-
soil around beds as edging. Sprinkle bands of ing pests such as scales, w hiteflies. and
coarse, dry, scratchy materials such as cinders, mealybugs. T he black fungal coating doesn’t
wood ashes, cedar sawdust, and diatom aceous harm leaves directly, but it does shade the
earth around plants o r beds: renew frequently. leaves and reduce growth. The best control is
Lay boards, cabbage leaves, o r overturned to deal with the pests that are producing the
clay p o ts—anything that offers a cool, dam p honeydew. Identify the pest and apply the
daytim e haven —around the garden; destroy appropriate control. (If the plant itself doesn't
pests that congregate underneath. Handpick show signs of pest dam age, the honeydew
slugs and snails from plants at night: kill the may be dripping down from an overhanging
pests by dropping them into soapy w ater or plant.) On small plants, wipe the leaves with a
sprinkling them with table salt. Set shallow dam p cloth to remove the honeydew and the
pans into the soil, placing the lip flush with sooty mold.
the soil surface, and fill with stale beer o r any Leaves covered with white powder. Cause:
fermenting liquid: remove drowned pests daily. Powdery mildew. Powdery white o r grayish
Encourage predatory ground beetles by main­ fungal patches grow on upper leaf surfaces of
taining clover, sod. o r stone walkways. plants subject to poor air circulation o r hot,
Leaves, stems, and buds distorted, sticky; humid weather. As the disease spreads, leaves
clusters of small insects. Cause: Aphids. Sev­ becom e distorted and may drop off. Powdery
eral species of pear-shaped, aphids mildew is more severe when growing condi­
plague perennials. Aphids can be green, pink. tions are unsatisfactory.

To prevent powdery mildew, spray with the soil surface during the day.
sulfur fungicide approximately every 10 days Protect plants by placing a collar, such as
during warm, wet weather. If infection occurs, a toilet paper roll or an open-ended can, around
remove and destroy infected leaves. W ater each young plant. Make each collar 2"-3"
early in the day so foliage dries before nightfall. wide and 1Vi"-!” in diam eter; push them into
Avoid wetting leaves when watering. Thin plants the soil so that about half the collar is below
to improve air movement. Avoid ongoing prob­ the soil surface. To kill some larvae, scatter
lems by cleaning up debris in the fall and moist bran mixed with molasses and BTK
destroying severely infected plants. To protect over soil in the evening a week before planting.
plants, spray with antitranspirants, baking soda Also, apply parasitic nem atodes to the soil to
solution, a commercial fungicidal soap, garlic, reduce future populations.
copper, or sulfur.
Buds and leaves deformed or dwarfed.
Cause: True bugs. Several of the generally
shield-shaped true bugs (order H em iptera),
including tarnished plant bugs, four-lined plant
bugs, lace bugs, and lygus bugs, feed on
perennials. While many species of true bugs Petunia. Annuals.
are beneficial insects, the pests in this group
pierce plant tissue to drink sap, injecting tox­
ins that deform plant tissues. In addition to Showy petunias are popular in bedding
dwarfing and deforming plants, feeding by schemes all over the country. Single or double,
true bugs causes sunken, rounded, tan to dark plain or ruffled, trumpet-shaped flowers bloom
brown spots on foliage. As leaves grow, the all sum m er on 8 "-18" plants. Flower colors
dead areas tear into small holes. include lavender, yellow, red, pink, purple,
Many of these pests overwinter in garden and white, alone o r in com binations. Plant in
refuse: remove weeds and debris from area in masses for eye-catching effect in beds, borders,
spring and fall. Plant groundcovers and pollen containers, o r hanging baskets.
plants to encourage populations of predatory Sow seed indoors 9 weeks before the last
insects. H andpick pests and drop them into a frost. Do not cover the extrem ely tiny seeds.
jar of soapy water. Spray every 3-5 days with Transplant carefully outdoors when frost dan­
insecticidal soap, making sure to treat the ger passes. Many gardeners prefer to buy bed­
undersides of leaves, for 2 weeks. Treat severe ding plants. G et sturdy young plants, not leggy
infestations with pyrethrin. ones that won't grow well.
Seedlings or young plants cut off at soil Single-flowered cultivars do well in aver­
level. Cause: Cutworms. T he fat, gray or dull age soil and are hardier in general; fancy ruf­
brown, 1" caterpillars of P/ 2 " brown o r gray fled types grow best in richer soil. Petunias
m oths, cutw orm s feed on stems at night, cut­ need sunshine at least half the day, and prefer
ting off transplants and sometimes eating entire more. W ater frequently during hot weather.
seedlings. Severed plants are found lying on M onthly light feedings encourage bigger and
the ground the next morning. Some species better flowers; overfertilization gives stem and
clim b plant stem s, cu ttin g off leaves and leaf growth rather than blooms. In midsum­
sideshoots as they feed. Most active in May m er plants may begin looking straggly. Cut
and June, cutworms can destroy several plants back to 6" high, fertilize, and give a good
each night. T hese caterpillars remain below soaking to revitalize.
PHLOX ■ 179

Problems Set out in fall or spring in full sun o r light

Flowers with gray or brown spots; leaves shade. W hile they can adapt to varying soil
with brown spots. Cause: Botrytis blight. This conditions, mock oranges prefer a moist but
fungus is a real problem in humid clim ates. As well-drained site rich in organic matter.
the fungus spreads, the spots may becom e Mock oranges are remarkably free of seri­
fuzzy with mold. T he initial attack is on weak ous problems. Aphids som etim es infest the
plants but spreads to healthy ones on contact, leaves; see “Leaves wrinkled and discolored"
or by wind, rain, or handling. Remove infected on page 235 for controls. Leafm iner larvae
flowers and leaves. T hin plantings to improve make curved mines in the leaves; see “Leaves
air circulation. Use drip irrigation rather than tunneled" on page 237. Plants crowded together
overhead watering. Look for Botrytis-resistant are susceptible to powdery mildew; for controls,
cultivars. see “Leaves with powdery white coating" on
Leaves mottled and crinkled. Cause: Viral page 237.
diseases. Several viruses can attack petunias.
They are spread by co n tact o r by insects, such
as aphids and leafhoppers. Remove and destroy
infected plants. Wash your gardening tools
and hands after touching infected plants. Also,
don't smoke in the garden, to avoid introduc­
ing viruses from the tobacco. Phlox. Perennials.
Leaves and/or flowers with round or irreg­
ular holes. Causes: Caterpillars; beetles; slugs
and snails. Both m oth and butterfly caterpil­ Showy, long-flowering plants that produce
lars feed on petunia leaves and buds. Handpick, clusters of trum pet-shaped blooms in many
or spray with BTK on appearance. Many types colors, phlox range from tall, upright plants to
of beetles, including flea beetles, Japanese low. trailing ones. Bountiful flowers of white,
beetles, C olorado potato beetles, and cucum ­ purple, pink, and blue—often with contrast­
ber beetles, feed on petunias. Handpick larger ing cen ters—cover the various species: G ar­
beetles. For serious infestations, apply pyre­ den phlox (Phlox paniculata ) grows 3'-4' tall
thrin in early morning. Slugs and snails like and blooms mid- to late summ er; creeping
petunias, too. For control inform ation, see phlox (P stolonifera) is a 9'-12" spring bloomer;
“Leaves with large, ragged holes” on page 18. 5"-6" tall moss pink (P subulata) flowers in
early spring. Lance-shaped, 3" long, light green
leaves are typical of most phlox, although
moss pink's fine, semi-evergreen foliage is

Philadelphia In general, plant upright phlox in full sun

and give trailing species partial shade. G ar­
den phlox tolerates light shade, but weaker
Mock orange. Shrubs. plants result. Moist, well-drained, and richly
organic soils are favored by all phlox; add
com post to soil at planting. Choose sites with
Mock oranges are deciduous shrubs, grown good air movement to limit diseases; taller
primarily for their white, late-spring flowers. phlox need shelter from wind and may require
They are useful in shrub borders. staking. Phlox do not endure drought well;

give V2 " - r of w ater weekly, applying it at soil stressed plants in hot, dry w eather; adequate
level to avoid wetting leaves. M ulch to retain watering guards against these pests. While
moisture in summer. spraying plants daily with a strong stream of
Remove spent flowers to prolong bloom ­ water often gives control, this practice pro­
ing and reduce seed set. Seedlings gradually m otes fungal leaf disorders in phlox. Intro­
take over garden phlox plantings if plants are duce predatory mites to the garden (1,000 per
allowed to self-sow: flower color and plant 500 square feet). Spray severe cases with
size may change dram atically over time, as avermectins, citrus oils, insecticidal soap, neem,
seedlings are not true to parents. Shear low- o r pyrethrin.
growing moss pink back by half to encourage Leaves with brown spots. C ause: Fungal
bushy growth. Divide as necessary to improve diseases. Several fungi cause leaf spots that
air circulation and reduce clumps. enlarge, run together, and form blotches. Don’t
T he severity of pest and disease attacks overcrowd plants; avoid working with phlox
varies am ong phlox species; most are durable when leaves are wet; remove and destroy
plants that easily w ithstand problems. G ar­ infected plant parts and severely infected plants.
den phlox, however, is injured by a num ber of If leaf spots are a regular problem , spray with
pest and disease organisms, as described below. sulfur or bordeaux mix.

Buds and leaves deformed or dwarfed.
Cause: Phlox plant bugs. See “Buds and leaves
deform ed o r dwarfed" on page 178.
Leaves covered with white powder. C ause:
Powdery mildew. See “Leaves covered with Spruce. Trees.
white pow der" on page 177 for controls.
Leaves deformed; stems swollen or de­
formed; plant stunted. Cause: Bulb and stem Spruces are evergreen, needle-leaved, cone-
nem atodes. Plants infested with these tiny bearing trees. In general, they grow as rigidly
roundworm s have crinkled, thin, or thread­ upright, pyramidal trees, reaching m ore than
like leaves, distorted shoot tips, and swollen 100' in height. They make impressive speci­
stems. Stunted plants fail to flower and may men trees on large properties. T heir large
die. N em atodes travel over wet plants on a size, formal habit, and tendency to lose their
film of w ater or on garden tools and gardeners lower branches make spruces less desirable
moving among plants. T here is no cure for for the average home landscape.
infested plants; remove and destroy them . Do Before you plant a spruce, be sure you
not grow phlox in sites where nem atodes are have enough room to let the tree reach its
present. Remove debris from gardens in fall to normal size; it may be small when you bring it
control pest populations. hom e, but it will grow surprisingly fast! Set
Leaves stippled, reddish to yellow, with out in spring as balled-and-burlapped plants
fine webbing. Cause: Spider mites. These ’/so" on a sunny or lightly shaded site. Spruces need
pests feed on the undersides of foliage, caus­ a moist but well-drained, slightly acid soil with
ing it to yellow, dry up. and die; excessive lots of organic matter. They grow best in cool,
feeding turns foliage almost white, and fine northern climates.
webs appear on leaves. Mites seek out water- Caution: When controlling pests, be aware
PICEA ■ 181

What Goes Wrong

(Picea spp.) and Why

B ra n c h e s w ith brow n
Cause: Spruce budworms.
caterpillars m ine into older needles**
Y3 2 ' Adult Leaves light gray or bronze.
ih e n shoot tips: later consum e new foliage!
Cause: Spruce spider mites. Trees'
have an overall grayish or yellowish
color: pests may form tiny webs
on branches. /

K. V"
k Larva

\ \ S hoot tip s with

. Adult conelike swellings.
to Wa' Cause: Spruce gall ad e lg id s./
wingspan Oall5 are green, then turn pink *S
or brown and persist on the branches.

that oil sprays will remove the blue color from above for an illustration of this pest.
the foliage of blue spruces until new normal H andpicking works if only a few caterpil­
foliage is produced. O ther spruce species may lars are present; usually, however, they are so
also be sensitive to oil sprays; read the prod­ numerous as to require an application of BTK.
uct label, apply at a reduced rate if recom ­ Remember to reapply after rain.
m ended, and test spray on a branch before Leaves light gray or bronze. C ause:
treating the whole plant. Spruce spider mites. These tiny, spiderlike
pests dam age needles as they feed; the injury
Problems weakens the plant and can kill young trees.
Branches with brown tips. Cause: Spruce M ites start feeding on lower, older needles
budworms. This pest is widely distributed over and progress upward and outw ard; tiny webs
the northern United States. T h e brown. 1" may be visible on needles. See above for an
caterpillars have 2 rows of white dots along illustration of this pest.
their backs; they tunnel into opening buds, Control in spring with dorm ant oil before
destroying the term inals and gradually migrat­ growth starts: see caution above before spray­
ing to the younger foliage, leaving the tree ing. During active growth, spray plants repeat­
looking as if it had been swept by fire. See edly with strong jets of water. For severe

infestations, make 2 applications of insectici­ with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See “Leaves
dal soap 7-10 days apart, o r apply pyrethrin as yellow; stems and leaves covered with small
a last resort. bumps” on page 237 for controls.
Shoot tips with conelike swellings. Cause: Trunk or branches with oozing lesions;
Spruce gall adelgids. T h e pests themselves branch tips die back. Cause: Canker. For more
are seldom seen; in the spring the young insects inform ation, see “Trunk o r branches with
feed on the new needles, causing the spruce oozing lesions; branch tips die back” on page
to produce galls that enclose the pests. T he 238.
adelgids m ature in the galls, and the adults Branch tips die back. Cause: Blight. This
em erge in mid- to late summer. They overwin­ fungal disease attacks mostly during cool, wet
ter as nymphs o r adults. See page 181 for an weather. G ood air circulation am ong trees
illustration of this pest. discourages its onset. Leaves of infected plants
If there are only a few galls, prune them shrivel and twigs die back. C ut off and destroy
off before they open in July. For serious dead o r diseased wood. In a very cool, wet
infestations, spray the plant with insecticidal spring, you can spray with bordeaux mix, start­
soap as new growth starts the following spring. ing when new growth appears on the trees and
O r apply a dorm ant oil spray over the whole repeating at 2-week intervals until the weather
plant in late w inter to kill overwintering pests; gets w arm er and drier.
see caution above before spraying. Leaves yellow and drop. Cause: Rust.
Leaves discolored; branch tips webbed. Whitish blisters on the undersides of the leaves
Cause: Spruce needlem iners. T he V2 ", green­ followed by yellowing and leaf drop indicates
ish caterpillars feed at the base of needles, rust. Prune out and destroy infected branch
mining as they go, and sometimes web together tips. To reduce the spread of mild infections,
the needles at the tips of twigs. Control by spray with sulfur, repeating 2 o r 3 times at
spraying the plant with a strong blast of w ater weekly intervals.
in fall or late w inter to knock the webs and
loose needles from the tree; then clean up all
fallen debris.
Plant defoliated; branches bear cocoonlike
bags. Cause: Bagworms. For controls, see
“Plant defoliated; branches bear cocoonlike
bag s' on page 236. Pieris. Shrubs.
Plant defoliated. Causes: Gypsy moths;
sawflies. See “Plant defoliated” o r “Leaves
skeletonized” on page 236 for controls. Pieris are broad-leaved, evergreen shrubs.
Terminal shoot curled and brown. Cause : T he waxy, white flowers are borne in terminal
W hite pine weevils. For more inform ation, clusters and open in early spring. Pieris are
see “Terminal shoot curled and brown” on used in foundation plantings and are ideal for
page 183. woodland gardens.
Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs Set out in spring as balled-and-burlapped
die or break off. Cause: Borers. For controls, o r container-grown plants. M oist but well-
see “Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs drained, acid soils with lots of organic m atter
die o r break o f f ’ on page 238. suit them best. Apply an organic mulch to
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered keep down weeds and maintain a cool, moist
FINI S ■ 183

root zone. Pieris thrive in sun or partial shade; with oozing lesions; branch tips die back" on
plants will survive in dense shade, but flow­ page 238.
er less. Leaves brown at base; shoots ooze resin.
Pieris are subject to some of the insects Cause: T ip blight. This fungal disease causes
and diseases that attack rhododendron; see needles to brown in early and midsummer,
the R hododendron entry beginning on page when they are about half their norm al size.
200 for symptom s and controls. Entire shoot tips may be killed, most com ­
monly on lower branches. Resin oozing from
infected twigs is another com m on symptom.
See page 184 for an illustration of these

Pinus symptoms.
Tip blight most commonly attacks old or
stressed trees. To avoid problems, keep plants
Pine. Shrubs and trees. grow ing vigorously w ith p ro p e r p ru n in g ,
m ulching, and w atering (during drought).
Remove the source of infection by pruning
Pines are needle-leaved, cone-bearing ever­ out dead branches during dry autumn weather.
greens im portant both for their wood and orna­ (Sterilize pruners between cuts in a solution
mental value. In the landscape, some are useful of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water.) Also clean
as informal screens, others as hedges and foun­ up fallen cones and oth er debris around the
dation plants, and the more picturesque ones base of the tree. T he following spring, spray
as specim ens in the lawn or rock garden. with bordeaux mix when the new shoots start
Set ou t in spring as balled-and-burlapped to grow: repeat when the shoots are half-grown
plants. A well-drained, somewhat acid soil en­ and again 2 weeks later.
riched with organic m atter suits them best. Pines Branches with brown tips. Causes: Pine
prefer full sun, but will grow, although with a tip and pine shoot moths; spruce budworms.
som ewhat m ore open habit, in partial shade. For an illustration of pine shoot m oths, see
page 184; for spruce budworms, see page 181.
Problems T he larvae of these pests all cause similar
Branches dead; bark with yellow-orange dam age, boring into the bases of needles and
blisters. Cause: W hite pine blister rust. This tunneling into shoot tips all over the plant.
fungal disease needs 2 kinds of plants to com ­ T heir dam age differs from that of white pine
plete its life cycle: a pine and a currant or weevils in that the weevils only attack the top
gooseberry plant. While it does little dam age shoot (leader) of a plant. H andpicking works
to currants o r gooseberries, this disease can if only a few caterpillars are present. Pruning
quickly kill infected pines. It enters through off and destroying infested tips in w inter is a
the needles and grows into the bark, where it very effective control. Spraying with BTK be­
causes cankers th at can girdle stem s and fore the caterpillars enter the shoots may be
branches. These cankers develop orange-yellow effective.
blisters that release spores. See page 184 for Terminal shoot curled and brown. Cause:
an illustration of these symptoms. W hite pine weevils. T he pale yellow lar­
Avoid planting white or o th er 5-needled vae bore into the terminal shoot, distorting
pines within 200 feet of currants o r gooseberries. and eventually killing it. The mottled brown
For o th er controls, see "Trunk or branches adult weevils em erge in late sum m er to feed

What Goes Wrong

{Finns spp.) and Why Larvae

5jg g> ~ aefoH ated.
^ S ja u s e ; Sawflies.
The caterpillar like
vae eat old and new
ny e; shoot tips may
left bare.

ives bro w n a t b ase; s h o o ts 002

in. Cause: Tip blight. Resin holds
§ dead needles in place; disease
atlacks lower branches first. _
C v T O ^ e n moves
uPwafdi ^

Adult Larva

B ra n c h e s w ith
wingspai bro w n tip s. Cause: Pine
w B ra n c h e s d e a d ; b a rk w ith y ello w -o ran g e b liste rs. slK>ot moths. Larvae burrow
Cause: White pine blister rusL Blisters seep resin In stem tips, which continue
and eventually spread to the trunk, girdling il. growing but ate deformed.

on buds and bark. Reduce populations of adults Control adelgids by spraying the plant
by spraying weekly with pyrethrin as long as several times, a day o r two apart, with a strong
adults are visible. Early in the season, cut off blast of water. For more serious infestations,
dam aged shoots several inches below the spray the trunk and branches with insecticidal
affected area. To replace the dam aged leader, soap every 3 days until the pests are gone.
select a horizontal branch right below the cut Leaves light gray or bronze. C ause:
and fasten it to a stake in an upright position. Spruce spider mites. For an illustration of this
Bark damaged; leaves yellowish. Causes: pest, see page 181. For control measures, see
Beetles: weevils: pine bark adelgids. A wide “Leaves light gray or bronze” on page 181.
variety of pests attack the bark of pines. Bee­ Leaves discolored and drop. C ause:
tles and weevils make small holes in the trunk Needlecasts. Several kinds of fungi attack pine
where they bore through the bark and tunnel foliage, causing spots o r bands o r total brown­
underneath. Pine bark adelgids are small, ing of the needles. These sym ptom s usually
cottony, white insects that congregate on the appear in early spring the year after the nee­
bark of the trunk and limbs. dles are infected. Planting trees where they
Beetles and weevils most commonly attack will have good air circulation is the best way
already stressed trees, so the best control for to avoid problems. Cleaning up fallen needles
these pests is prevention. Keep trees growing and pruning out damaged tips will help reduce
vigoa>usly by watering during dry spells; fertilize the source of infection. To avoid symptoms
if plants are injured o r stressed. the following year, spray with bordeaux mix
PLA3XNUS ■ 185

when the new shoots are half-grown; repeat 2 oak gall rusts also attack oak trees, causing
weeks later. galls on their leaves. Control both kinds by
Trunk or branches with oozing lesions; pruning the galls from pine trees as soon as
branch tips die back. Cause: Canker. Several you spot them.
kinds of fungi cause cankers on pines. For Leaves yellow and wilt. Cause: Root rot.
m ore inform ation, see “Trunk or branches For m ore inform ation, see “Leaves yellow and
with oozing lesions; branch tips die back” on wilt" on page 237.
page 238.
Leaves skeletonized or with large holes;
branches may be webbed. Cause: Caterpillars.
Several kinds of caterpillars feed on pines. For
control inform ation, see “Leavesskeletonized
o r with large holes; branches may be w ebbed” Sycamore, planetree. Trees.
and “Plant defoliated” on page 236.
Plant defoliated. Cause: Sawflies. Sev­
eral species of sawflies cause sim ilar damage Sycamores are deciduous, alternate-leaved
in m idsum m er o r early fall. For an illustration trees with colorful, exfoliating bark and ball­
of the pests and their damage, see the opposite shaped fruit. They are widely used as street
page. Natural parasites usually keep them in trees since they withstand urban conditions.
check. If necessary, handpick the white, green, Set out sycamores in spring o r fall, plant­
o r brown, caterpillar-like larvae. For severe ing in full sun o r very light shade. They are
infestations, spray the plant with insecticidal remarkably tolerant of a range of soil conditions.
soap, o r pyrethrin as a last resort.
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered Problems
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See “Leaves Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves with
yellow; stem s and leaves covered with small moist or brown sunken spots. Cause: Anthrac­
bumps” on page 237. nose. This fungal disease is very com m on on
Plant defoliated; branches bear cocoonlike American planetree (Platanus occidentals );
bags. Cause: Bagworms. R>r control measures, London planetree (P x acerifolia) is gener­
see “Plant defoliated ; branches bear cocoonlike ally more resistant. For control inform ation,
bags” on page 236. see “Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves with
Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs moist or brown sunken spots" on page 238.
die or break off. Cause: Borers. For more Trunk and branches with elongated, sunken,
information, see “Trunk or branches with small cracked areas; leaves yellow or sparse. C ause:
holes; limbs die o r break o ff' on page 238. Canker stain. This is a serious disease that can
Leaves tunneled. Cause: Leafminers. The spread quickly, girdling and killing branches
brown larvae of the pine leafm iners en ter the or the whole tree. Remove and destroy seri­
leaves and excavate them . Injured tips turn ously affected trees. Prevention is the best
yellow and dry up. See “Leaves tunneled” on control; avoid creating any wounds that allow
page 237 for control measures. the disease to enter the tree. Summer pruning,
Branches with knotlike swellings. Cause: for exam ple, often encourages canker stain
Gall rusts. Large galls, up to several inches in on the branches; winter pruning is best. Also,
diam eter, form on branches and eventually be careful when using lawn mowers o r other
release yellowish spores. Pine-pine gall rusts equipm ent around the tree to avoid dam age
produce spores that only infect pines; pine- to the trunk.

Leaves stippled with red or yellow spots. Plant plums in a well-drained, sunny site
Cause: Sycamore lace bugs. This widespread free of late spring frosts. Prune European plums
and serious pest feeds on the undersides of to a central leader and Japanese plums to a
planetree foliage. As the '/io", silvery white modified central leader (see the illustration
lace bugs feed, they puncture the leaves and on page 102). For more pruning information,
then exude a toxin that turns the area around see "Pruning and Training" on page 101. Some
these punctures red or yellow. Spraying leaves plum s n eed c ro s s -p o llin a tio n ; for m ore
with insecticidal soap just after the leaves unfold inform ation, see “Setting Fruit" on page 101.
should control this pest.
Leaves with powdery white coating.
Cause: Powdery mildew. For control informa­ Fruit Problems
tion, see “Leaves with powdery white coat­ Young fruit with crescent-shaped scars.
ing" on page 237. Cause: Plum curculios. T hese beetles appear
Trunk or branches with oozing lesions; around bloom time and leave a characteristic
branch tips die back. Cause: Canker. See scar as they lay eggs in fruit. Infested fruit
‘Trunk or branches with oozing lesions: branch usually drops. Egg-laying ceases by early
tips die back" on page 238. summer, but insects return later in the season
Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots. to feed.
See “Leaves with spots” on page 237. Botanical sprays don’t control curculios
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered adequately. To control this pest, spread a drop-
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. Heavy infes­ cloth beneath the tree and ja r it with a padded
tations can seriously weaken the tree; see mallet. Collect and destroy curculios that fall
“Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered with onto the sheet. For best results, jar the tree
small bumps" on page 237 for controls. twice a day. beginning as soon as you see the
Trunk with shelflike growths. Cause: first scarred fruit. In addition, collect and
Wood rots. A num ber of fungus-caused wood discard dropped fruit to prevent newly laid
rots can occur; see “Trunk with shelflike eggs from hatching. A traditional control is to
growths" on page 238. keep chickens beneath the trees to consum e
adult curculios and grubs from fallen fruit.
Fruit with small brown spots that enlarge

Plum and grow fuzzy in humid weather. Cause:

Brown rot. Leaves and flowers may also turn
brown. T he cultivars *AU-Rosa’ and ‘Crimson’
IYunus spp. (Rosaceae) resist this fungus. For more inform ation, see
“Fruit with small brown spots that enlarge and
grow fuzzy in humid w eather" on page 166.
Plums are deciduous trees that grow from Fruit with brown, sunken spots on the
5' to 20' depending on soil, rootstock, and surface. Cause: Bacterial leaf spot. Brown
cultivar. Japanese plums [Prunus salicina) bear or black angular leaf spots may also appear.
fruit on spurs—short branches that elongate This disease isn’t curable, although copper
only a fraction of an inch per year— 1 year old spray offers partial control. Resistant culti­
or older. European (P domestica) and hybrid vars include ‘A U -A m b er\ ’C rim son’, and
plums bear fruit on spurs 2 years old o r older. ‘Simon’. For more information and control
Plums are hardy in Zones 4-10. depending on measures, see “Fruit with small, dark, sunken
species and cultivar. spots o r cracks on skin" on page 166.
PORTl'LACA ■ 187

Leaf and Branch Problems have spreading roots that can invade drains
New leaves twisted or curled and covered and w ater pipes; make sure you site plants
with a sticky coating. Cause: Aphids. R)r heavy away from these features. T he extensive root
infestations, apply a strong spray of w ater or system makes poplars tolerant of drought. These
insecticidal soap solution to trees. For more trees are naturally short-lived and are prone to
control inform ation, see “New leaves twisted many pest problems.
o r curled and covered with a sticky coating"
on page 67. Problems
TWigs and branches bearing tarry, black Trunk or branches with oozing lesions;
galls. Cause: Black knot. To control this fun­ branch tips die back. C ause: Canker. This is a
gal gall, prune out branches a few inches below widespread and serious problem on poplars.
galls. Resistant cultivars include ‘AU-Producer,’ For more information, see “Trunk o r branches
‘Crim son’, ‘M ilton’, ‘President’, and ‘Shiro’. with oozing lesions; branch tips die back" on
Branches wilting and dying, foil to leaf page 238.
out in spring. Causes: Bacterial canker: Valsa Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs
canker. Look on the branches for sunken, ellip­ die or break off. Cause: Borers. A num ber of
tical lesions, often oozing a reddish gum. For different borers attack poplars; see ‘‘Trunk
m ore in form ation and c o n tro ls for these o r branches with small holes; limbs die or
diseases, see “Branches wilting and dying, fail break off” on page 238 for controls.
to leaf out in spring” on page 167. T h e culti­ Leaves skeletonized or with large holes;
vars ‘A U -A m ber’, ‘C a lifo rn ia ’, ’C rim son', foliage may be webbed. Cause: Caterpillars.
‘D u a rte ’, ‘H o m esid e’, an d ‘P re sid e n t’ are For control information, see ‘‘Leaves skeleton­
resistant. ‘M yrobalan’ rootstock confers some ized or with large holes; foliage may be webbed"
resistance. on page 236.
Tree stunted or dying. Cause: Plum leaf Leaves with powdery white coating.
scale. This disease is com m on in the Southeast. Cause: Powdery mildew. See “Leaves with pow­
T here is no cure. Dig up infected plants and dery white coating" on page 237.
re p la n t w ith a re sista n t c u ltiv a r such as Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
‘AU-Rosa’ or ‘AU-Am ber’. with small bumps. Cause: Scales. For controls,
see “Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
with small bumps" on page 237.
Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause:

Populus Aphids. See “Leaves wrinkled and discolored"

on page 235 for controls.

P oplar Trees.

Poplars are deciduous trees, generally fast-

growing and weak-wooded. M ale and female Moss rose, garden portulaca. Annuals.
flowers ap p ear on different plants. Females
produce cottony seeds, so choose male culti­
vars Co minimize the mess. These bright-flowered, mat-forming annu­
Easy to grow, poplars need full sun but als come in several colors, including red, purple,
can adapt to a range of soil conditions. They pink, white, and yellow. T he ruffled flowers

are 1" wide. Plants grow 4"-8" high and can Do not plant potatoes where tom atoes,
spread to 1'fi'. Flowers open in sunlight and potatoes, eggplants, peppers, strawberries, or
close with dusk o r cloudy skies. brambles have been planted within the past
Sow seed indoors 7 weeks before the last 4-5 years. Also, try to plan your planting scheme
frost date. Set plants out in late spring when to separate these crops in the garden. Don't
the soil is warm. Direct-seed outdoors in warm plant potatoes where sod o r small grains were
soil and full sun after last frost. Mix the tiny grown the previous year: Wireworms, a com ­
seed with sand to get an even distribution. mon sod pest, also feed on potato tubers.
Press seeds down firmly, but don’t bury them. Com post or till under all plant residues at the
Water gently, keeping the soil moist until seed­ end of the season. Tilling the soil helps pre­
lings appear (about 10 days). vent pests from overwintering.
Drought-tolerant moss rose thrives in rocky Potatoes are usually grown from seed pota­
soil o r sand. It enjoys full sun, high tem pera­ toes (tubers) or “b u d s' (tiny tissue-cultured
tures, and good drainage. Pests and diseases tubers), but a few cultivars, such as ‘E xplorer
are seldom a problem. and ‘Hom estead Hybrid’, are grown from true
seeds. Prevent problems by planting only cer­
tified disease-free tubers. Planting true seeds
or buds also helps avoid many tuber-borne

Potato diseases.
P re-condition tubers by storing them
between 65° and 70°F for 2 weeks before
Solatium tuberosum (Solanaceae) planting to encourage rapid growth. Soak pieces
in com post tea for several hours before plant­
ing to help prevent disease problems. Plant
Potatoes are annual vegetables grown for them out when soil is at least 40°F
their nutritious, starchy tubers. They are com ­
monly known as white potatoes, but different Leaf and Whole Plant Problems
cultivars have white, yellow, p ink, o r even blu­ Sprouts fail to emerge; seed pieces rot.
ish flesh, and yellow, brown, red, or purple skin. Cause: Various fungal and bacterial rots. Soak
seed pieces in com post tea before planting to
Culture help suppress diseases. Plant in well-drained,
Potatoes require deeply w orked, well- warmed soil and cover lightly to encourage rapid
drained soil with lots of organic m atter, and a sprouting. Cold, wet soil encourages rot.
pH between 5.0 and 6.8. Potatoes require mod­ Leaves discolored and puckered or curled.
erate to high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, Causes: Leafhoppers: aphids; viral diseases;
potassium , calcium , and sulfur. Have the soil bacterial ring rot. If leaves have yellow patches
tested and am end as needed before planting. and brown edges, look for leafhoppers—tiny
Gypsum is a good source of calcium and sul­ green o r brown insects that suck plant sap and
fur for potatoes. hop, scuttle sideways, o r fly when disturbed.
Keep soil moist, but not soggy, and do not Spray with insecticidal soap o r pyrethrin to
allow it to dry out. Alternating dry and wet control. Prevent infestations by covering plants
soil can cause cracked or knobby tubers. Once with row cover when they com e up.
tops begin to yellow near harvest, you can let If leaves are stippled yellow and stunted,
the soil dry out w ithout damaging tubers. look for aphids. Potato aphids are tiny pink
POTATO ■ 189

What Goes Wrong

and Why

Potatoes riddled with tunnels.

Cause: Wireworms. Wireworms are
yellowish brown, hard, segm ented

Leaves with
water-soaked brow n
Cause: Late blight. Potatoes
have dark, purplish blotches
on skin; dark, corky areas
in flesh.

Potatoes with gray to

jblack a re a s in flesh;
c e n te r s may be hollow.
Cause: Waterlogged soil;
tem perature extremes. Rot
organism s may invade cavities.

insects and are often found on young leaves. at the tip and may wilt. Wilted stems cut near
For mild infestations, knock pests off plants the soil exude a whitish ooze. Destroy infected
with a blast of water. Spray plants with insecti­ plants. Prevent problems by planting certified
cidal soap in the evening to control. Prevent disease-free seed and by washing knife after
infestations by covering plants with row cover each tuber while cutting seed pieces.
when they com e up. Leaves yellow; plant stunted and may be
If leaf edges roll upward and are yellow- wilted. Causes: W hite grubs; tuberw orm s;
green, the plants may have leafroll virus. Destroy wireworms; black leg; root knot nem atodes;
infected plants. Prevent problems by control­ Verticillium wilt. If plants wilt suddenly, look
ling aphids, which spread the disease as they for fat white grubs with brown heads, pinkish
feed, or by planting resistant cultivars such as white larvae, o r yellow to reddish brown, hard,
‘K atahdin and ‘Yukon G old’. If leaves are segmented larvae chewing on roots o r tubers.
dark green o r m ottled with yellow, the plants See “Potatoes riddled with tunnels” on page
have o n e of m any viral diseases. D estroy 191 for descriptions and controls.
infected plants. Prevent problems by control­ If the stem is black and shrunken for a few
ling aphids that spread viruses. inches above the soil line, the plant has black
If eaves turn yellow betw een the veins leg, a bacterial disease. Destroy diseased plants.
and curl upw ard, the plant is probably suffer­ To avoid black leg, plant potatoes in well-
ing from bacterial ring rot. Shoots are stunted drained soil, and don’t overwater. Cultivars

such as ‘A tlantic', ‘K atahdin’, ‘K ennebec’, and hop when disturbed. Prevent problems by cov­
Red Pontiac’ are resistant. ering newly planted potatoes with row cover
Stunted roots with swollen galls and tubers until they get large and able to tolerate insect
with warty skin are symptoms of root knot dam age. Apply parasitic nem atodes to the
nem atode infestation. Tubers are edible if soil to help control overwintering flea beetle
peeled. Destroy infested plants: do not com ­ larvae in the soil.
post them . To control these pests, apply chitin leaves with large, ragged holes or leaves
o r parasitic nem atodes to the soil. missing. Causes: C olorado potato beetles;
If r<K>ts and stem are undam aged, the blister beetles. C olorado potato beetles are
plants may have Verticillium wilt. Stems cut oval, yellowish orange, hard-shelled, ’A" long
near the soil line are discolored inside. This fun­ beetles with black stripes. Larvae are soft-
gal disease usually appears when the plants bodied, hum pbacked, dark orange grubs with
flower. Destroy infected plants. Prevent prob­ 2 rows of black spots down each side of their
lems by planting tolerant cultivars such as bodies. Eggs are orange and laid in rows on
Beltsville’ and ‘R hinered’. undersides of leaves. Overwintering adults
Leaves with gray-brown, concentrically appear on young plants in spring: handpick
ringed spots. Cause: Early blight. Spots may beetles zealously to reduce subsequent gen­
merge and cover entire leaf, which then yellows erations. Squash any eggs you see as well.
and falls off. This fungal disease is active during Spray plants with BTSD as soon as you see
warm , rainy weather. Spray plants with cop­ any larvae. Prevent problem s by covering
per o r bordeaux mix if sym ptom s are present plants with row cover before beetles appear. A
and w eather is warm and wet. Prevent prob­ thick mulch of loose straw around the plants
lems by spraying plants with an antitranspirant may help prevent C olorado p o tato beetle
before symptoms appear if you have had prob­ damage.
lems in the past, or by planting resistant culti­ Blister beetles are W long, elongated
vars such as ‘Butte’, ‘K ennebec’, and ‘Krantz’. and thin, metallic, black, blue, purple, o r brown
Leaves with water-soaked brown spots. insects. W ear gloves to handpick, since these
Cause: Late blight. Spots expand rapidly and beetles secrete a substance that may cause
develop a light halo. A white, velvety growth blisters. Spray plants with pyrethrin if dam age
appears on the undersides of spots in wet is severe. Blister beetle larvae help control
weather. Stems are also infected and becom e grasshoppers, so think twice before spraying
dark and water-soaked. This fungal disease is to control them if grasshoppers are a problem
active during moderately warm, rainy weather. in your area.
Spray plants with copper if symptoms are pres­
ent and w eather remains wet to stop further
symptom developm ent. Prevent disease prob­ TYiber Problems
lems by spraying plants with com post extract Potatoes small. Causes: Poor growing
when they com e up and every 2 weeks through­ conditions; calcium deficiency. See “Culture”
out the season or by planting tolerant cultivars on page 188 for growing guidelines. If soil test
such as B u tte, ‘Cherokee’, ‘K atahdin’, Ken­ indicates calcium deficiency, am end soil as
nebec’, ‘Krantz’, Onoway*. ‘Rosa’, and ‘Sebago’. needed.
Leaves with small holes. Cause: R ea Potatoes with green patches on skin.
beetles. Treat plants with pyrethrin spray or Cause: Exposure to light. Tubers exposed to
dust to control flea beetles if dam age is severe. light often turn green and develop a toxic
These tiny black, brown, o r bronze insects substance known as solanine. Peel off green
POTATO ■ 191

tissue before eating. Prevent greening by hill­ Prevent problems by keeping soil moist, but
ing plants with soil o r mulch and renewing it not soggy.
as necessary. Store potatoes in the dark. Extremely hot weather or cold snaps before
Potatoes with brown or black spots or p o tato es are harvested can cause sim ilar
patches on skin. Cause: Scurf. Peel off spots symptoms. Prevent problems by keeping tubers
before using tubers. Soak seed pieces in com ­ well-covered with hilled-up soil o r mulch.
post tea before planting to help suppress fun­ Phosphorus o r potassium deficiency can
gal diseases. Do not plant spotted tubers: T he cause spots o r patches of dark flesh. Oversize
resulting plants will produce only small tubers, tubers with hollow centers may also indicate
many of which will rot. potassium deficiency. If d e fic ie n c ie s are
Potatoes with rough, corky spots on skin. suspected, have soil tested and am end as
Cause: Scab. Trim out spots before using tubers. needed. If plants show symptom s of phospho­
Prevent this fungal disease by keeping soil pH rus deficiency, raise soil pH to 6.0 so the m in­
below 5.5 and planting resistant cultivars such eral will be more available to the plants.
as ‘Beltsville’, ‘N orland’, ‘Onow ay’, ‘Pungo’, Rough handling can cause m echanical
‘Rhinered’, ‘Russet Burbank*, ‘Russian Banana’, injury, such as bruising, that appears as discol­
and ‘Superior’. ored areas on the flesh. Handle tubers gently
Potatoes with wartlike bumps. Cause: when harvesting and storing to prevent prob­
Root knot nem atodes. See “Leaves yellow; lems. Plants suffering from viral diseases may
plant stunted and may be wilted’’ on page 189 produce deform ed o r discolored tubers. See
for controls. “Leaves discolored and puckered o r curled"
Potatoes knobby. Cause: Uneven soil on page 188 for controls.
moisture. If tuber growth is interrupted because Potatoes riddled with tunnels. Causes:
of lack of soil m oisture, tubers are often T uberw orm s; w irew orm s. If tu b e rs have
deform ed. Keep soil m oist, but not soggy, and browned, silk-lined tunnels, look for tuber­
never let it dry out. worms. T hese pinkish white larvae are xh"
Potatoes with a black, rotted ring at stem long and feed in tubers, stems, and leaves.
ends. Cause: Bacterial ring rot. Tubers have Destroy infested tubers and plants. Prevent
a soft, light brown ring in the flesh near the problems by keeping tubers hilled with soil as
skin. See “Leaves discolored and puckered or they grow and by removing the dead vines
curled" on page 188 for controls. before digging tubers. Cover plants with row
Potatoes with dark blotches on skin; flesh cover to prevent adult m oths from laying eggs.
with dark, corky areas. Causes: Early blight; Wireworms are yellow to reddish brown,
late blight. Trim out corky areas before using; hard, segmented larvae up to Vh" long that
discard severely affected tubers. See “Leaves tunnel into tubers and chew on roots. Adults
with gray-brown, concentrically ringed spots" are dark-colored, elongated click beetles. Apply
and “Leaves with water-soaked brown spots" parasitic nem atodes to the soil before plant­
above for controls. ing to control them. Avoid planting potatoes
Potatoes with gray to black areas in flesh; where sod o r grain grew the previous season,
centers may be hollow. Causes: Waterlogged because wireworms are often numerous there.
soil; extreme temperatures; potassium or phos­ Potatoes spoil in storage. Cause: Bacte­
phorus deficiency; m echanical injury; viral rial o r fungal rots. Poor growing conditions or
disease. Potatoes grown in wet, poorly drained im proper curing o r storage may encourage
soil often grow too fast and may develop a various rot diseases. See “Culture" on page
discolored a n d /o r hollow area in the center. 188 for growing guidelines.

Let vines yellow and dry before carefully Firethom s adapt well to foundation plantings;
digging tubers. Sort ou t any bruised, cut, cold upright cultivars are excellent for hedges.
injured, o r diseased potatoes and keep them Set out in spring as balled-and-burlapped
cool (around 40°F) until they can be used. or container-grown plants in full sun o r light
Cure healthy tubers by storing them between shade. Avoid alkaline soils and locations sub­
50° and 6 0 °F for 2-3 weeks, then store them ject to strong w inter winds. W hen possible,
between 35° and 45°F in a humid place. choose disease-resistant cultivars like ‘Apache’,
‘Mohave’, or ‘Teton’.

Primula Leaves, flowers, and branches blackened.
Cause: Fire blight. This bacterial disease causes
new shoots to wilt suddenly, turn dark, and
Primrose. Perennials.
die back. T he disease eventually spreads, kill­
ing the whole plant. Lush new growth is par­
ticularly susceptible, so avoid overfertilizing.
This large genus includes m ore than 400
Prune out diseased tissue, cutting back at
species of mostly low-growing plants noted
least 6" beyond the discolored area; destroy
for num erous brightly colored and often fra­
o r dispose of prunings. Disinfect pruners after
grant blossoms. T h e many species, hybrids,
each cut in a 10 percent bleach solution (1
and cultivars range from 5" to over 2’ tall.
part bleach to 9 parts water). Spray bordeaux
Spring flowers bloom in a wide range of colors.
mix the following spring during flowering.
Prim rose foliage is coarse and crinkled; large,
Leaves and berries with black, scabby areas.
bright green leaves form a rosette below the
Cause: Scab. Infected leaves eventually turn
yellow and brown before falling off the plant.
Primroses are hardy (some to Z one 3),
Damaged fruit is unsightly. Clean up fallen
but prefer humid regions without extreme heat
leaves and berries. T he following year, spray
o r cold. M oisture is critical for primroses; few
plants twice, 2 weeks apart, with bordeaux mix.
tolerate any drought. Plant in partial shade in
Leaves skeletonized; branches webbed.
well-drained, rich, organic soil. Healthy prim ­
Cause: Webworms. These 1", pale green to
roses have few pest problems. Low leaves and
nearly black caterpillars have a dark o r light
moist soil attract slugs; see ‘‘Leaves with large,
stripe down the back and 3 dark spots on the
ragged holes” on page 177 for controls.
side of each segment. They feed on leaves and
spin silken webs around leaves and stems. Young
plants may die; older ones can be seriously

Pyracantha weakened. Break up and remove the webs;

spray leaves with BTK.
Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause:
Firethom . Shrubs. Aphids. See ‘‘Leaves wrinkled and discolored”
on page 235 for controls.
Leaves pale and mottled. Cause: Lace
Firethom s are thorny, evergreen plants bugs. T hese */io", dark-colored bugs have lacy-
grown for their handsom e glossy foliage and patterned wings. They feed on the undersides
the persistent red. orange, o r yellow fruit. of leaves and deposit small black spots of
Q l FERGUS ■ 193

excrem ent. Severe infestations can cause early yellow; stems and leaves covered with small
leaf drop. Control by spraying leaves (espe­ bumps" on page 237 for m ore information.
cially the undersides) with superior oil or insec­ Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed.
ticidal soap. Cause: Spider m ites. See "Leaves stippled
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered with yellow; foliage w ebbed" on page 236
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See "Leaves for controls.

Quercus Plant defoliated. Cause: Gypsy moths.
T he larvae of the gypsy m oth are particularly
Oak. Trees. fond of oaks and can easily defoliate a tree.
See page 194 for an illustration of the pest and
the damage it causes. For control measures,
Oaks typically have large, lobed leaves see ‘‘Plant defoliated" on page 236.
and rough bark; they are mostly slow-growing Leaves skeletonized or with large holes;
and long-lived, valued both for their om a- branches may be webbed. Cause: Caterpillars.
m enta effect and for their wood. T hose suit­ Many caterpillars feed on oak foliage. See
able for northern planting are deciduous; there “ Leaves skeletonized o r with large holes;
are a num ber of evergreen oaks grown in the branches may be webbed” on page 236.
South. T h e larger species are primarily used L eaves or ste m s w ith brow n , w h ite, or
as ornam entals on large properties; some of green swellings. Cause: Galls. A num ber of
the shorter-growing ones are valued as street tiny mites and insects feed on oaks, causing
trees and for smaller gardens. swellings on leaves and twigs. For an illustra­
Set out in spring as balled-and-burlapped tion of com m on oak galls, see page 194. Dam­
plants. Full sun and deep, fertile, well-drained, age is rarely serious. Prune off and destroy
somewhat acid soils suit them best. Oaks vary affected leaves and twigs.
in their m oisture requirem ents; ask your local Leaves with roundish, puckered areas.
nursery ow ner o r extension agent about the Cause: Leaf blister. This fungal disease causes
needs of the oak trees you have. yellowish white blisters, up to Vi" in diameter,

What Goes Wrong

^ iO A K (Querciis spp.) and Why

7 Adult
W wingspan

fL ea v e so r^
^ stem s with brown^y
whtte, or green swellings.
■' Cause: Galls. Many types form
7 ^ ( “^ n o a k ; swellings m ay be
sm ooth or rough and woody,
- ^ p a p e r y . cottony,
or pimplelike.

Plant defoliated.
7_J f SjvtZause: Gypsy moths.
K ( Leaves skeletonized or with
, / ( { large holes; powdery, light
( brown m asses on trunks
and branches.

Leaves with roundish, puckered areas.

■Cause: Leaf blister. Spots yellowish white
at first, then die and turn brown.

on oak foliage. For an illustration of leaf blister, Trunk or branches with oozing lesions;
see above. Although symptom s may appear branch tips die back. Cause: Canker. For more
serious, little actual harm is done to the tree, information, see “Trunk or branches with ooz­
so control isn't necessary. To prevent dam age ing lesions; branch tips die back” on page 238.
the following year, spray branches with lime- Leaf edges browned; leaves wilt and drop
sulfur o r bordeaux mix before the buds open early. Cause: Oak wilt. Symptoms of this fun­
in spring. gal disease usually show up first on the top of
Leaves with powdery white coating. the tree, eventually spreading to the lower
Cause: Powdery mildew. See “Leaves with pow­ branches. Infected trees die quickly, often within
dery white coating" on page 237 for controls. 1 year of infection. T here is no cure; remove
Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves with and destroy infected trees.
moist or brown sunken spots. Cause: Anthrac­ Leaves stippled with white. Cause: Oak
nose. For controls, see “Leaves and shoots lace bugs. Adult lace bugs are Vio", flattened,
blackened; leaves with moist or brown sunken dark insects with lacy-patterned, silvery white
spots” on page 238. wings. Both the adults and the tiny nymphs
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered feed on the undersides of leaves, sucking the
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See “Leaves sap and producing a gray, splotched o r stip­
yellow; stem s and leaves covered with small pled appearance to the upper sides of the
bumps” on page 237. foliage. Leaves may curl, turn brown, and drop
RADISH ■ 195

early. At the first sign of dam age, spray with T he secret to mild, tender radishes is
insecticidal soap, paying particular attention rapid growth. W ater heavily the first 2 weeks
to the undersides of the leaves. Repeat the after they com e up if soil is dry. A light appli­
application if pests reappear in mid- to late cation of com post is usually enough for a
summer. For severe infestations, spray with good radish crop. Radishes will not tolerate
superior oil. o r pyrethrin as a last resort. soils high in salt.
Leaves rolled and chewed. Cause: Leaf- Radishes are related to cabbage and suf­
rollers. These V2 " . green caterpillars form small fer from many of the same problems. Since
webs on shoot tips and feed on leaves and leaves are not harvested, more insect dam age
buds inside. Break open webs and handpick can be tolerated than in cabbage plants. See
larvae; spray BTK at first sign of damage. the Cabbage entry beginning on page 52 for
Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots. For descriptions and controls. Prevent problems
controls, see "Leaves with spots” on page 237. with Fusarium yellows by planting resistant
Leaves tunneled. Cause: Leafminers. See cultivars such as ‘Fancy Red’, ‘Fuego’, ‘Red
“Leaves tunneled” on page 237 for controls. Devil B \ ‘Red King’, and ‘Red P ak \
Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed.
Cause: Spider mites. For controls, see "Leaves
stippled w ith yellow; foliage w eb b ed” on Root Problems
page 236. Roots enlarged and clublike. Cause: Club
root. Destroy plants suffering from this fungal
disease. Prevent problem by rotating crops
and providing good drainage. ‘Red King’ and

Radish ‘Saxafire are tolerant cultivars.

Roots riddled with slimy, winding tunnels.
Cause: Cabbage maggots. Maggots are white
Raphanus sativus ( Cruciferae) and '//'lo n g . Adults look somewhat like house­
flies and lay eggs on the soil near the base of
the plants. Frequent, light cultivation when
Radishes are annual and biennial vegeta­ plants are young helps to decrease maggot
bles grown for their crisp, peppery roots. Cer­ populations. Remove and destroy infested
tain cultivars do not have fleshy roots, but are plants.
grown for their crunchy seed pods. Some Daikon Roots small and imperfect. Causes: Nitro­
radishes grow 2' roots. gen deficiency; phosphorus deficiency; lack
M ost radishes d o best in cool, m oist of water; excessive heat; wrong season for
conditions. They need a pH between 5.5 and cultivar. Yellow o r pale leaves suggest nitro­
6.8 and light, relatively rich soil. Plant radishes gen deficiency. Purple leaves suggest phos­
as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Make phorus deficiency. Spray leaves with com post
small plantings weekly until early sum m er for tea or fish em ulsion, or side-dress with com ­
a continuous supply of radishes. Tem pera­ post to correct either deficiency. If soil was
tures between 50° and 65°F produce the best dry, w ater subsequent plantings well. Do not
radishes; growth above 75°F is poor. Some try to grow most radishes in the hottest sum ­
cultivars of Daikon radishes are designed for m er months, wait till cooler fall weather. Plant­
sum m er planting and will flower w ithout form­ ing radishes in the shade of oth er plants may
ing large roots if planted too early. extend the spring season somewhat. Check

proper planting season before planting Daikon mer on new canes and again the next summ er
cultivars. farther down the same canes. Red raspberries
Roots tough and dry; flesh pithy with spread by underground runners. Black and
white spots. C ause: Excessive h eat. Few purple raspberries spread by taking root where
radishes tolerate high sum m er tem peratures. cane tips touch the ground. Raspberries are
Select heat-tolerant cultivars or plant earlier hardy in Zones 3-9. depending on species and
or later. cultivar.
Roots with rough, dark spots on skin.
Cause: Scab. T his fungal disease is a problem Culture
in dry soil when pH is high and magnesium is Plant in a sunny site with good air circu­
low. Keep soil moist and m aintain a pH below lation and well-drained soil. Start with disease-
6.5. Spray foliage with Epsom salts (1 table­ free stock. Plant in hills o r rows well away
spoon per gallon of water) o r side-dress with from wild or abandoned raspberries, which
com post to add magnesium. may carry diseases. Provide posts o r a wire
Roots cracked; skin and flesh normal. fence to support the canes.
Causes: Overm aturity; uneven soil moisture. For black, purple, and summ er-bearing
Radishes are at their best for only a few days. red raspberries, cut off all fruit-bearing canes
If left unharvested, they quickly develop a at ground level as soon as harvest is over, or
harsh flavor and often crack open. Make small when growth begins in the spring. In late win­
plantings every week until early sum m er for a ter or early spring thin out new canes that
continuous supply, and pull them as soon as emerged the previous season; save the sturdi­
ready. Keep soil evenly moist. est ones and leave 6 canes per hill or 6" spac­
Roots cracked; skin rough; flesh dark. ing between row-planted canes. Shorten lanky
Causes: Downy mildew: black root. Prevent canes to 4 -5 '. Since black and purple raspber­
these fungal diseases by providing well-drained ries fruit most heavily on side branches, induce
soil and by using a 4-year rotation. side branching during the sum m er by pinch­
Roots soft and shriveled. Cause: Cold ing the growing tips of canes when they reach
injury. Protect roots with mulch below 32°E V ti. T he following late w inter o r early spring,
shorten the side branches to about 1'.
For everbearing red raspberries, remove
fruiting canes each sum m er as soon as the
second fruiting is com plete. Or sacrifice the

Raspberry second berry crop (which may be light any­

way) and cut the entire planting to the ground
as soon as leaves drop in the fall. Although
Rubus spp. (Rosaceae) this approach yields only 1 crop instead of 2, it
has several advantages. Pruning all canes to
the ground elim inates winter injury to canes,
Raspberries are perennials that usually results in vigorous new canes for next fall’s
bear fruit on second-year canes. Canes of black crop, and cuts down on overwintering pests
(Rubus occidentals ), purple (/?. X neglect us), that will appear next spring.
and summer-bearing red (/?. idaeus) raspberries Raspberries are self-pollinating. A well-
bear fruit in their second season of growth. maintained planting may fruit heavily for many
Everbearing red raspberries bear in late sum ­ years, but disease often appears as plants age.

RASPB What Goes Wrong

and Why
Cane tips
Canes with dark blotches; wilted and
sldeshoots may wilt and Adult dying. Cause:
Mew c a n e s d ie In canes may die. Cause: Rednecked cane
m id su m m er. Cause:
r v - Anthracnose. | ers. Borers cause
Verticillium wilt. Leaves gali-like swellings
Centers of
turn dull green starting at on canes; canes
V v 'D f * ^ le a f s p o ts 4
bottom of plant: shoots wilt ; may drop out. break easily
cane base turns blue-black. at swellings.

Fruit Infested with

slender white grubs.
Cause: Raspberry fruitworms. Adults feed on flowers
nd leaves; grubs may cause berries to drop before ripening.

Plan on establishing a new raspberry bed every including 'M eeker. ‘Sum ner, and ‘Willamette*.
10 years (less if plants begin to decline). Fruit of red raspberries small and crumbly.
Cause: Crumbly berry virus. This disease is
Fruit Problems incurable. D igout and destroy infected plants
Fruit covered with light gray fuzz. Cause: and replant at a new site with virus-free (also
Fruit rot. Especially com m on d u rin g wet called virus-indexed) plants.
weather, this fungal disease appears less fre­ Fruit small, tasteless, and dry. Cause:
quently where plants have good air circula­ Verticillium wilt. For more inform ation, see
tion and proper pruning. To control fruit rot, ‘‘New canes die in midsummer** on page 199.
harvest berries often. Also pick and discard Drought can also cause these symptoms.
infected fruit far away from plants. Fruit infested with slender white grubs.
Vruit covered with a powdery white coating. Cause: Raspberry fruitworms. These 'A" lar­
Cause: Powdery mildew. This fungal disease, vae feed in ripening fruit and may cause ber­
most com m on on red raspberries, makes fruit ries to drop prematurely. Adults are 5/»", brown
inedible and may weaken or kill whole canes. beetles that feed on flowers and leaves before
Pruning out old canes to provide good air laying eggs on fruit. C ollect and destroy
circulation aids control. To prevent the disease, worm-infested fruit to prevent larvae from drop­
apply sulfur dusts. To control existing infection, ping to the ground and overwintering. Spray
apply lim e-sulfur spray. Resistant cultivars plants with pyrethrin as blossom buds appear.

and again when flowers open, if you have had most prevalent under dusty conditions and on
problems in the past. water-stressed plants. For prevention, keep
plants m ulched and well-watered. For light
infestations, spray plants with water: for heavy
Leaf and Branch Problems infestations, spray with insecticidal soap. Lime-
Canes with dark blotches; sideshoots may sulfur spray applied early in the growing sea­
wilt and canes may die. Causes: Spur blight; son also aids control. Mites are controlled by
cane blight: anthracnose. Spur blight causes natural enem ies, including predatory mites. If
reddish brown blotches around leaf bases. This simple controls don’t work, you can purchase
fungal disease appears mostly in midsum mer predatory mites from insectaries or organic
on new canes of red raspberries. T h e follow­ farm and garden supply catalogs.
ing spring, blotches will be gray and leaf buds Leaves and growing tips of canes covered
of affected cane areas will be dead. Sideshoots with powdery white coating. Cause: Powdery
may w ilt an d e n tire ca n e s may d ie. For mildew. For more inform ation, see ‘ Fruit cov­
prevention, plant resistant cultivars. includ­ ered with a powdery white coating** on page 197.
ing Boyne, ‘Festival*,‘Haida*,and ‘Newburgh*. Leaves with greenish black spots that later
Cane blight causes canes with large, brown­ turn gray. Cause: Raspberry leaf spot. This
ish purple areas extending over several buds. fungal disease may cause leaf spots to develop
This fungal disease, most com m on on black holes and leaves to drop early. G ood air circu­
raspberries, usually enters through a wound. lation aids prevention. Choose a sunny, well-
Sideshoots may wilt and entire canes may die. drained planting site and thin plantings each
Anthracnose causes canes and leaves with fall or winter to prevent overcrowding of canes.
gray spots surrounded by red or purple margins. For persistent infection, apply lime-sulfur spray
Infected leaves have small yellowish white just as leaf buds begin to green in the spring.
spots, the centers of which may dry and fall out. I>eaf undersides with bright orange pustules.
Sideshoots may wilt and entire canes may die. Cause: Orange rust. This incurable fungal dis­
To help prevent this fungal disease, plant ease appears only on black o r purple rasp­
anthracnose-resistant cultivars, including ‘Black berries, and blackberries. Diseased plants never
Hawk*. ‘Jewel’, ‘Low den, M ac Black,* and recover: infection spreads quickly to neigh­
‘Munger*. See page 197 for an illustration of boring plants. Dig up and destroy plants as
this disease. soon as you notice disease symptoms. Install
To control all 3 of these diseases, also use new plantings well away from wild brambles,
cultivation m ethods that help prevent fungal which are a source of infection.
infections. M aintain good air circulation by Leaves skeletonized. Causes: Raspberry
selecting a sunny, well-drained site. Each fall, sawfly larvae: Japanese beetles; raspberry
remove diseased o r crowded canes at ground fruitworm beetles. T he prickly, pale green.
level. Prune when plants are dry and rain is larvae of raspberry sawflies usually clus­
not expected for the next 3 days. For persis­ ter on leaf undersides. They feed on leaves for
tent fungal infection, apply lime-sulfur spray up to 2 weeks before descending to the ground,
just as leaf buds break in the spring. where they pupate and emerge the following
Leaves lightly stippled, curled, and dry. spring as adult sawflies. For heavy infestations,
Cause: Mites. Tap a leaf over a sheet of white handpick larvae o r spray with BTK. Or apply
paper. Mites will appear on the paper as mov­ pyrethrin sprays.
ing red, green, or yellow specks. Mites are Japanese beetles are xh '\ metallic blue-

green insects with bronze wing covers. For page 197 for an illustration of this disease.
light infestations, check plants in the m orning Canes with wartlike or corky swellings;
while beetles are sluggish and knock them off canes dying. Cause: Crown gall. Look for
leaves into jars filled with soapy water. Traps irregular corky swellings on the roots and crown
baited with floral o r fruit scents may reduce area as well as the canes. Crown gall bacteria
damage if placed at some distance from plants. live in the soil and enter plants through wounds,
Som e gardeners find that these traps attract so avoid injury to roots or crowns of plants.
additional beetles into the garden, so be sure W hen working with infected plants, use iso­
to place traps well away from plantings you propyl alcohol or a 10 percent bleach solution
wish to protect. Japanese beetle populations (1 part bleach to 9 parts water) to disinfect
naturally decline by midsummer, but for heavy shovels and other tools before you move from
infestations, spray with neem as a last resort. one plant to the next.
Milky disease spores, available com m er­ Avoid introducing the infection into your
cially and applied to lawns to control Japan­ soil by planting only healthy stock from a
ese beetle grubs, is a traditional control that reputable grower. Many different types of plants
works in some gardens and not in others. The are susceptible to crown gall, including roses,
disease does not always infect the entire grub melons, and chrysanthem um s. If your soil is
population, and beetles that emerge from neigh­ infected, don't plant susceptible plants on that
boring properties may fly to your plants. site for at least 3 years. If you must plant
If Japanese beetles are a consistent prob­ raspberries in soil with a history of crown gall,
lem in your area, avoid planting raspberry pretreat plants with the biological control agent
cultivars particularly attractive to these pests. Galltrol-A. The cultivar ‘Willamette' has some
Cultivars to avoid include ‘Fall G old', ‘Festival', crown gall resistance.
‘Heritage*, ‘Latham*, ‘Newburgh*. ‘Reveille*, Canes dying, break off easily. Cause: Rasp­
‘Ruby*, and ‘Skeena'. In the future, gardeners berry crown borers. T he adult form of this
may be able to buy parasitic nem atodes that insect, a clear-winged m oth, lays eggs at cane
can be applied to the soil to control the grub bases. Eggs hatch into white, xh " grubs that
stage of this pest. feed on crowns, roots, and cane bases. Heav­
Raspberry fruitworm beetles also chew ily infested canes may be hollowed out entirely.
leaves into a lacy pattern. For more informa­ Dig out and destroy infested crowns. Vigor­
tion, see ‘‘Fruit infested with slender white ous canes are less likely to be attacked.
grubs'* on page 197. Cane tips wilted and dying. C auses:
Rednecked cane borers; raspberry cane bor­
Whole Plant Problems ers; raspberry hom tails. All 3 of these insects
New canes die in midsummer. Cause: lay eggs near cane tops, causing tips to wilt
Verticillium wilt. Typically leaves yellow, wilt, and die. Gall-like, cigar-shaped swellings on
and fall before the entire cane dies. T here is canes indicate rednecked cane borers. Canes
no cure for this soilborne fungal disease, which girdled with spiral-shaped galls have been
may be carried by o th er host plants such as attacked by hom tails. In all 3 cases, the adult
tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, or eggplants. Avoid insect lays eggs in the canes. Eggs hatch into
planting raspberries where o th er Verticillium grubs that feed and overwinter inside canes.
host plants formerly grew. For extra precaution, For control, prune out and destroy infected
solarize the soil to kill the fungus before plant­ canes as soon as you notice the injury. For
ing (see “Soil Solarization” on page 424). See heavy infestations, apply pyrethrin just before

plants com e into bloom. See page 197 for an feeding roots are close to the surface, so be
illustration of the rednecked cane borer. sure to set out plants at the same level at
Leaves mottled with irregular yellow spots. which they were growing in the nursery.
Cause: M osaic virus. This disease is transm it­ Cultivation can damage the shallow roots,
ted by aphids and appears only on black or so apply a thick layer of organic mulch to help
purple raspberries. Red raspberries may carry keep down weeds and m aintain a cool, moist
the virus but will show no symptoms. Infected root zone. R hododendrons and azaleas don’t
purple or black raspberries eventually becom e tolerate drought, so take care to w ater them
stunted and develop small, m isshapen leaves thoroughly during dry spells. Some azaleas
with green blisters. T h e only control is to dig may be dam aged by insecticidal soap sprays,
up infected plants and replant with virus-free so test the product on a few leaves before
(also called virus-indexed) stock. Also avoid spraying the whole plant.
planting raspberries in sites near wild o r old,
neglected raspberries. Since red raspberries Problems
may carry the disease, keep plantings of black Leaves mottled, with shiny, black flecks
and p u rp le rasp b erries sep arate from red underneath. Cause: Lace bugs. T hese pests
raspberries. ‘Royalty’ purple raspberry is less are most com m on on plants growing in full
susceptible to mosaic than o th er purple rasp­ sun. Adults are flattened, dark insects
berries because it is seldom infested with the with lacy-patterned, silvery white wings. Both
species of aphid that transm its the disease. adults and the tiny nymphs feed on the under­
sides of leaves, sucking the sap and producing
a gray, splotched or stippled appearance to
the upper sides of the foliage. T he undersides

Rhododendron of the leaves are spotted with tiny dots of

brown excrem ent. For an illustration of this
pest and the dam age it causes, see the oppo­
Rhododendron, azalea. Shrubs. site page.
At the first sign of dam age, spray with
insecticidal soap, paying particular attention
R hododendrons and azaleas, both m em ­ to the undersides of the leaves; test soap on
bers of the genus Rhododendron, are deciduous, azaleas before spraying. Repeat the applica­
semi-evergreen, o r evergreen, broad-leaved tion if pests reappear in mid- to late summer.
shrubs. Rhododendron leaves are usually large For severe infestations, spray with superior
and evergreen, while azalea leaves are gener­ oil, o r pyrethrin as a last resort.
ally small and deciduous. G ardeners prize Leaves with notched edges. Cause: Black
both for the colorful flowers. Best adapted to vine weevils. T he w in g le s s ,b r o w n is h black
cool, moist clim ates, they are com m only used adults feed on the leaves and bark and can kill
in foundation and w oodland plantings. branches. See the opposite page for an illus­
Set out in spring as balled-and-burlapped tration of this pest. To control them , try spread­
o r container-grown plants. Sun or partial shade ing a dropcloth around your plants, then shaking
suits them well; the further south, the more the plants; the adults will drop and can be
shade they need. R hododendrons and azaleas removed and destroyed. Spray leaves several
require cool, moist, highly organic, acid soil. times with pyrethrin for m ajor infestations.
Choose a site where they won’t be exposed to T he small, curved, white grubs of these wee­
hot sum m er o r drying w inter winds. T heir vils feed on the roots; drench the soil around




L eaves m o ttle d , with shiny,

sw ith p in h e a d -s iz e s p o ts ;
black flecks underneath.
m s ro t. Cause: Flower petal m ■ f t C a u s e Lace bugs. Azaleas
blight. Afflicted petals feel ^fcnd rhododendrons jrowing in full sun
slimy; blighted flowers | are m ost often
> ^ ^ l r y and cling to plants. ^ attacked.
tr -**•

L eaves w ith s p o ts . Cause: Leaf spots.

Several species of fungi
cause leaf spots on
and azaleas. . a S B r '
S te m tip s die; le a v e s brow n
and w ilt. Cause: Dieback.
f l a n k e r s girdle twig tips;
dead leaves cling to
^ p l a n t stem s shrivel.



/i* wingspan
L eaves w ith notched edges.
Cause: B ack vine weevils. Leaves yellow and wilt; branches break off.
Adults feed on leaves at night: Cause: Rhododendron borers. Pests bore into
larvae ea roots, causing top of plant trunk, branches; look for small holes and

Copyrighted material

the base of the plant with a solution of para­ scratch it lightly into the soil. M ulching with
sitic nem atodes for control. evergreen needles or chopped leaves will help
Leaves yellow and wilt; branches break maintain the proper pH.
off. C ause: R hodo d en d ro n borers. T hese Leaves mottled yellow. Cause: Whiteflies.
small, clear-winged, wasplike m oths lay eggs These tiny, white, mothlike insects and their
on leaves, twigs, and bark. T he eggs hatch even smaller larvae feed on the undersides of
into whitish larvae that burrow into and leaves, weakening the plant. Spray leaves (make
weaken stem s and branches. For an illustra­ sure you get the undersides, too!) with insecti­
tion of the pest and its dam age, see page 201. cidal soap, or pyrethrin as a last resort; repeat
C ontrol borers by pruning and destroying weekly until pests are under control. Test soap
affected branches. Seal the cut branches with on azaleas before spraying.
putty o r grafting wax. W ater and fertilize the Leaves tunneled. Cause: Leafminers. See
plant to help it recover quickly. "Leaves tunneled” on page 237 for controls.
Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots. Leaves with green, white, or brown galls.
Several kinds of fungi cause spots on azalea Cause: Azalea leaf gall. This fungal leaf gall
and rhododendron leaves. For an illustration attacks both azaleas and rhododendrons. Pick
of this problem, see page 201. For control mea­ off and destroy infected leaves as soon as you
sures, see “Leaves with spots” on page 237. spot the galls.
Petals with pinhead-size spots; blooms rot.
Cause: Flower petal blight. For an illustration
of this problem , see page 201. Remove and
destroy infected flowers and branch tips. Rake
debris from around the base of the plant and
replace with fresh mulch. Rheum rhabarbarum (Polygonaceae)
Stem tips die; leaves brown and wilt.
Cause: Dieback. For an illustration of this
problem , see page 201. Besides causing leaves Rhubarb is a hardy perennial grown for
to brown, roll, and wilt, dieback may kill stem its red o r green leaf stalks that are sweetened
tips and cause cankers to form on stems. Avoid and used in pies, o r stewed. Rhubarb leaves
dieback by keeping plants healthy, with regu­ contain toxic quantities of oxalic acid. Don’t
lar watering and good winter protection. Prune eat them : Trim them off harvested stalks and
out diseased tips several inches below the dam­ com post them.
aged areas. Spray the plant with bordeaux mix
after the plant blooms, and again 10 days later. Culture
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered Rhubarb grows best in areas with cool,
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. Fbr controls, moist summ ers and requires a winter cold
see "Leaves yellow; stem s and leaves covered enough to freeze the top few inches of soil and
with small bum ps.” on page 237. induce a dorm ancy period. Choose a weed-
Leaves yellowed. Cause: High soil pH. free location with deep, sandy (if you have it),
Chlorosis (yellowed leaves) is most com m on well-drained soil, with lots of organic matter.
on azaleas and rhododendrons used in foun­ Rhubarb grows best with a pH between 6.0
dation plantings. Lime leaches from the foun­ and 6.8. It is a heavy feeder and will not
dation of the house, making the soil too alkaline. produce large stalks if underfertilized. Work
Restore soil acidity by applying 2-3 pounds of in plenty of compost before planting and mulch
sulfur per 100 square feet of growing area; with several inches of a high-nitrogen com ­
ROSA ■ 203

post each spring. Mix com post with a high* ease problems by planting in raised beds.
nitrogen supplem ent such as blood meal or Leaves yellow with curled margins; plant
soybean meal to boost its nitrogen content. wilted. Cause: Leafhoppers. T hese green or
Most disease problems can be avoided brown, spindle-shaped, Vio'-'A* long insects
with proper culture. Do not plant in wet or suck plant sap. Spray plants with insecticidal
clayey soils. Use disease-free crowns and soak soap in the evening to control mild infestations.
them in com post tea for 5 m inutes before Treat plants with a com m ercial pyrethrin spray
planting. Dispose of dead leaves in the fall to o r dust if infestation is severe.
prevent pests and diseases from overwintering. Leaves with small, round, brown spots.
Do not harvest new plantings for at least Cause: Leaf spots. Fungal leaf spots rarely re­
2 years. W hen you do start to harvest, choose duce yields. Destroy diseased leaves after har­
only thick stalks and let the thin stalks feed vest. Spray plants with sulfur if disease is severe.
the roots for the following year. Harvest for Stalks with soft, watery areas. Cause:
only 5-7 weeks, then stop so that plants can A nthracnose. Leaves wilt and die. Destroy
store energy for the next season. Cut out diseased stalks. Follow recommendations under
seed stalks as soon as they form to prevent “Culture" above to prevent this fungal disease.
them from using the plant's energy. Stalks with small, dark spots or bored holes.
Cause: Rhubarb curculios. These yellowish
Problems gray, powder-covered, 't i '- W snout beetles
Stalks thin and small; leaves yellow. dam age stalks by boring holes in which to lay
Causes: Young plants; overharvested plants; eggs. Handpick adults. Eliminate dock plants
nutrient deficiency; overcrowding; crown or from weedy areas; curculios feed on it.
foot rot; waterlogged soil. Spray young plants Stalks with brown, sunken spots at base.
with fish-meal tea to prom ote strong early Cause: Crown o r foot rot. Destroy plants
growth. Follow the inform ation under “Cul­ infected with these fungal diseases. Prevent
ture" above to prevent overharvesting or nutri­ both by planting in raised beds or hills.
ent deficiency. Stalks and/or leaves with chewed holes.
Rhubarb roots spread vigorously and need Causes: Caterpillars; Japanese beetles. Ignore
to be divided every 5 years o r so. As plants dam age unless it is severe. Handpick insects.
becom e crow ded, they produce thinner and Spray plants with BTK if caterpillars are feeding.
thinner stalks. Protect plants with row cover early in the
If the roots or crown are also soft and spring if caterpillars or beetles have been a
rotted, the plant is suffering from crown or problem in the past.
foot rot. Destroy plants infected with these
fungal diseases. Prevent both diseases by plant­
ing in raised beds o r hills.
W aterlogged soil will produce the same
symptoms. Do not let soil get saturated; plant
in raised beds.
Leaves yellow; stalks collapse. Causes: Rose. Shrubs.
Verticillium wilt; crown o r foot rot. Destroy
dying leaves and plants suffering from these
fungal diseases. Do not plant rhubarb where Roses are flowering shrubs with compound
any Verticillium-susceptible crops have grown leaves, usually thorny stems, and flowers in a
within the last 3-5 years. Prevent fungal dis­ wide range of forms, colors, and fragrances.

What Goes Wrong

(Rosa spp.) and Whv

Leaves and stem s

with black spots. ^
Cause: Black spot, a
Infected leaves
turn yellow; ^ v
plant defoliated, w .
L eaves w ith TO
p o w dery w h ite c o a tin g .
■* Cause Powdery mildew. Also
. attacks buds, causing
deformed blooms;
A d u it plant weakens.

Leaf undersides with powdery

orange pustules. Cause: Rust.
Orange or brown spots appear
on lower leaves first.

. to 1

Flow er b u d s
a n d new s h o o ts '!
d e fo rm e d o r d ea d .
Cause: Rose midges. | Adult
L eaves fejB Tiny larvae feed on.1
wrinkled and M * buds and tendgjyt,
discolored. new shooys. f i .
Cause: Aphids. Pests A s
cluster on leaves, buds,
shoot tips; excrete sticky v
Leaves skeletonized;
honeydew that fosters the growth' V
flowers eaten. Cause: Rose chafers.
of black, sooty mold.
Small beetles eat foliage and especial


L eaves
Flowers s k e le to n iz e d ;
Adult fall to open; buds and
p e ta ls w ith h o les. flowers damaged.
Cause: Rose curculios. A d u lts .^ , Cause: Japanese beetles.
eat holes in stem s, flower buds; $* f Large beetles with
larvae feed and overwinter in copper-colored wing covers
rose hips (fruit). gather on plant in large numbers.
ROSA ■ 205

Most species are deciduous; there are a few Leaves skeletonized; buds and flowers
evergreen or semi-evergreen species. In many damaged. Causes: Japanese beetles; sawflies;
instances their attractive fruit offers fall and bristly rose slugs. Japanese beetle is an all-
w inter interest. too-familiar pest of roses in the N ortheast,
Use roses in the shrub border, in small attacking leaves, buds, and flowers. For an
groups for landscape em phasis, o r as single illustration of the pest and its dam age, see the
specim ens. Climbers can be grown against opposite page. For controls, see “Leaves skele­
walls, on trellises and arbors, on fences, or tonized” on page 236.
even trained up small trees. Hybrid teas, flori- Rose sawfly, curled rose sawfly, and, most
bundas, and grandifloras, because they are so im portant, bristly rose slug, have sluglike lar­
dem anding in the care they require, are gener­ vae that skeletonize foliage. They are espe­
ally grown in beds devoted to roses alone; cially destructive early in the growing season.
ironically, this massing contributes to some of Spray leaves with insecticidal soap, o r dust
the diseases to which they are prone. They with pyrethrin to control severe infestations.
also are effectively grown in large containers. H andpicking is effective, but be sure to wear
gloves; handling these pests can severely irri­
Culture tate your skin.
Set out roses in late w inter o r spring as Leaves and stems with black spots. Cause:
bare-root or container-grown plants. They grow Black spot. While most of the species and
best in full sun (at least 6 hours per day) and a shrub roses are little troubled by diseases,
deep, rich, well-drained soil high in organic such is not the case with hybrid teas, floribundas,
matter. Roses tend to do better in loamy or and grandifloras. T he most serious disease is
clayey, rather than sandy, soils. Allow plenty black spot, caused by a fungus. Black spots
of room between plants for good air circulation. appear on the leaves, surrounded by yellow
In planting the m odern hybrids, particu­ patches. T he disease, prevalent throughout
lar attention should be paid to the bud union the country, is most likely to occur under
(the knob where the graft is made). In severe warm, moist conditions. Left unchecked, the
clim ates, set the bud union 2" below the soil plant may becom e entirely defoliated. For an
surface; in m oderate clim ates, even with the illustration of the damage, see the opposite page.
soil surface; and in frost-free or nearly frost- To som e extent, a mulch will prevent the
free areas, set the bud union 2” above the soil spores from splashing up from the ground
surface. Roses are heavy feeders, so fertilize onto the leaves during rains; pick off and
liberally. Don’t feed after midsummer, though, destroy all diseased leaves and clean up all
or the plant may produce soft growth that will fallen ones. If possible, avoid wetting the leaves
be subject to w inter damage. when watering; otherw ise, w ater early in the
day so the leaves can dry by evening. A 0.5
Problems percent solution of baking soda may help con­
Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause: trol blackspot. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking
Aphids. Several kinds of aphids attack roses, soda in 1 quart of water; spray infected plants
often congregating on the stem tips just below thoroughly. For severe infections, the recom ­
the buds. T heir feeding dam ages leaves and mended control is weekly applications of sulfur.
buds. See the opposite page for an illustration Leaves with powdery white coating.
of the pests and their damage. For controls, see Cause: Powdery mildew. This is a com m on
“Leaves wrinkled and discolored" on page 235. and serious disease of roses. A grayish white

powdery deposit forms, first on young leaves, flowers. For an illustration of the pest and the
then spreading to the older ones and buds, and dam age it causes, see page 204. T his ‘A '\ red­
even som etim es to the canes. See page 204 dish brown beetle appears in late spring. It is
for an illustration of the dam age. At the first especially active in areas with sandy soils.
sign of the disease, pick off affected parts: com ­ H andpicking is the best control. Reduce pop­
m ence a weekly spraying program with sulfur. ulations of larvae by treating lawn areas with
Flower buds fail to open. C ause: Thrips. disease spores. Spray plants with pyrethrin as
W hen flower buds have brown edges and fail a last resort.
to open, thrips may be at work. They may also Flowers tail to open; petals with holes.
cause spots o r streaks on open blooms. These Cause: Beetles. Rose curculios are ’A". bright
pests are tiny, slender, light brown, fast-moving red, black-beaked insects; for an illustration,
insects. A num ber of natural predators nor­ see page 204. Rose leaf beetles are V#", shiny,
mally help keep them in check. If dam age is blue or green pests. Both of these insects bore
severe, spray weekly with insecticidal soap, or into flower buds, preventing them from opening.
pyrethrin if necessary. If there are only a few pests, handpicking is
Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed. the best control. Remove and destroy infested
Cause: Spider mites. For control measures, buds. For severe infestations, spray leaves and
see “ Leaves stippled w ith yellow; foliage buds with pyrethrin.
webbed" on page 236. Flower buds and new shoots deformed or
Canes with discolored or dead areas. Cause: dead. Cause: Rose midges. T h e white larvae
Cankers. A num ber of fungal cankers attack of this tiny yellow-brown insect feed on flower
roses. Pruning off and destroying diseased canes buds and tender shoot growth, causing the
is the best approach to this problem. injured parts to turn brown and die. See page
Leaf undersides with powdery orange 204 for an illustration of this pest and its damage.
pustules. Cause: Rust. In the western United Cut off and destroy all infested buds to reduce
States, rust causes reddish orange bubbles to future damage.
appear on the undersides of the leaves. Later, Shoot tips wilted; leaves with large holes.
they spread to the upper surfaces. See page Cause: Leafcutter bees. Cleanly cut holes in
204 for an illustration of the dam age. Pick off the leaves, either round o r oval, suggest the
and destroy infected leaves; in areas where activity of leafcutter bees. After dam aging the
the disease is com m on, start a spraying pro­ leaves, these pests bore into canes to lay their
gram early in the spring with weekly applica­ eggs, causing the shoots to wilt. Control by
tions of sulfur. pruning out the injured tips several inches
leaves with yellow-green mottling. Cause: below the dam aged area. Seal the cut end of
Viral diseases. Besides discoloring leaves, the cane with grafting wax o r putty.
viruses may also stunt the plant’s growth. A Shoot tips die back; canes swollen or with
num ber of insects spread viruses as they feed, small holes. Cause: Stem girdlers and borers.
so keeping insect pests under control will reduce Rose stem girdler causes spiral swellings in
the chances of viral problems. Destroy infected the bark; raspberry cane borer causes the tips
plants immediately. to die back: and rednecked cane borer and
Leaves skeletonized; flowers eaten. Cause: flatheaded appletree borer burrow in the canes.
Rose chafers. Rose chafers, also known as Cut off and destroy all dead and dying wood.
rose bugs, skeletonize foliage and dam age Leaves stippled with white. C ause: Leaf-

hoppers. Foliage whitened o r stippled indicates that can grow 3"-6' tall. In the N orth, grow
leafhopper activity. These lively, '/w"-1/*", green it in pots and move it indoors during the win­
o r brown, wedge-shaped insects hop around, ter. Start rosem ary from cuttings o r purchase
sucking the juices from the leaves and serving plants. Seedlings grow very slowly. Rosemary
as the vectors for several viral diseases. Spraying does best in full sun with very well drained soil
with insecticidal soap usually will control them: and a pH between 6.0 and 8.2. Keep the soil
repeat as necessary. To control serious infesta­ evenly moist.
tions, spray with pyrethrin. Rosemary has very few problem s except
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered root rot and powdery mildew. Avoid root rot
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. For controls, by being careful not to overwater. W hen plant­
see "Leaves yellow; stem s and leaves covered ing in containers, choose a very porous pot­
with small bumps” on page 237. ting mix. See “Leaves yellow; plant wilts; stems,
Buds fail to open, turn brown. Cause: crowns, o r roots water-soaked and rotted” on
Botrytis blight. Should the buds on your roses page 117 for additional controls. Powdery mil­
turn brown and decay instead of opening dew can cause fuzzy white growth on leaves
normally, it may indicate a fungal blight. Pick and stems. Spray affected plants repeatedly
off and destroy diseased blooms; spray plants with com post tea for control.
weekly with sulfur.
Leaves skeletonized or with large boles;
branches may be webbed. C ause: Caterpillars.
See "Leaves skeletonized o r with large holes;
branches may be w ebbed" on page 236 for
Trunk or roots with swollen, wartlike
growths. Cause: Crown gall. For m ore infor­ Coneflower, black-eyed Susan. Perennials.
m ation, see “Trunk o r roots with swollen,
wartlike growths” on page 238.
Cheery, daisylike coneflow ers provide
masses of warm yellow, gold, o r orange blos­
soms from sum m er up until frost. A dozen or
so slightly droopy petals—actually ray flowers—
surround the rounded, raised, dark brown or

Rosemary greenish center that gives black-eyed Susan

(Rudbeckia hirta ) its nam e. Plants range from
IW to 6 ' tall with rather coarse, toothed, dark
Rosmarinus officinalis (Labiatae) green foliage.
Plant coneflowers in full sun to partial
shade in average, well-drained soil. Plants are
Rosemary is a half-hardy (Zone 8) peren­ hardy and m oderately tolerant of drought;
nial com m only grown for its arom atic, needle­ excess moisture promotes fungal diseases. Cone­
like leaves. T his herb also bears attractive flowers self-sow but are not invasive. Divide
white, pink, o r pale o r dark blue flowers. In clum ps every 4-5 years to m aintain vigorous,
the South, rosem ary is an evergreen shrub trouble-free plantings.

Sage ful, pendulous form; among the shrubs, the

im m ature catkins are valued for cutting and
Salvia officinalis (Labiatae) Willows love moisture and have questing
roots that can invade drains and w ater pipes.
Take care not to locate willows near such
Sage is a hardy (Zone 5) perennial herb structures. Set willows out in spring or fall, in
grown for its pleasantly bitter-tasting leaves. moist (even swampy) soil with sun o r light
Start sage from cuttings or purchased plants, shade.
as seedlings are quite variable. It does best in
m oderately rich, well-drained soil with a pH
between 5.0 and 8.0, and at least 4 hours of Problems
sun per day. Leaves skeletonized or with large holes;
Sage is normally quite trouble-free. Aster branches may be webbed. Cause: Caterpillars.
yellows can cause dwarfed, abnorm ally col­ For controls, see “Leaves skeletonized o r with
ored leaves and bushy growth. Destroy infected large holes; branches may be w ebbed” and
plants, and control leafhoppers and other suck­ "Plant defoliated” on page 236.
ing insects that spread diseases. Tan o r red Leaves skeletonized. Causes: Japanese
blisters on leaves are caused by rust. Destroy beetles; im ported willow leaf beetles. Japan­
infected leaves and avoid wetting leaves to ese beetles are xh n long, with metallic blue-
prevent its spread. See the Herbs entry begin­ green bodies and bronze wing covers. Adult
ning on page 116 for o th er possible problems. im ported willow leaf beetles are '/<•" long, with
shiny, blue-black wings. T heir ’A” larvae, which
also feed on leaves, are black and sluglike.

Salix For Japanese beetle controls, see "Leaves

skeletonized" on page 236. A ttract beneficial
insects to your garden to help control leaf
Willow. TVees and shrubs. beetles; as a last resort, dust small plants with
Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs
Willows are deciduous trees and shrubs die or break off. Cause: Borers. See “Trunk
with simple, alternate leaves. T he tree-forming o r branches with small holes; limbs die or
species are principally valued for their grace­ break off* on page 238 for controls.

Copyrighted material
SEDUM ■ 209

Leaves with brown blotches or tiny holes;

shoot tips damaged. Cause: Willow flea weevils.
T he tiny black adult weevils overwinter in
debris on the ground, feed on shoot tips in late Sage, salvia. Perennials.
spring, and lay eggs on leaves. T he larvae
em erge in early sum m er and feed by tunnel­
ing within the leaves. T h e pests com e out of This genus of the mint family contains
the leaves as adults and chew small holes in hundreds of perennial and annual species grown
leaves until winter. On small plants, control for flowers, foliage, and herbal uses. Tubular
willow flea weevils in the adult stage (spring flowers are carried on upright spikes over bushy,
o r fall) by spraying or dusting leaves with pyre- smooth to densely hairy, and often fragrant
thrin as a last resort. foliage. Red-flowered plants, such as scarlet
Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Causes: sage (Salvia splendens ), are often annuals or
Aphids: willow lace bugs. See “Leaves wrin­ tender perennials, while most perennial species,
kled and discolored” on page 235 for more including garden sage (5. officinalis ), flow­
inform ation on aphids. er in shades of blue o r purple. Silver sage
Willow lace bug adults and larvae also (5. argentea) bears unimpressive white flowers
feed on willow leaves, causing severe discolor­ that pale next to the large, crinkly, woolly
ation. These x/*w- lh n pests have distinctive lacy leaves. Plants grow from 1' to 4' tall with sim­
wings and com m only feed on the undersides ilar spread.
of leaves. Control by spraying upper and lower Grow sages in full sun o r light shade in
leaf surfaces with insecticidal soap. average, well-drained soil. Some species toler­
Leaves wilted and discolored; branches die ate heat and drought, but most flower more
back. Cause: Blight. Both a bacterial and a freely if kept evenly watered. Very hot weather
fungal blight attack willows, causing similar may interrupt blooming, even if plants are
symptoms. Prune out and destroy infected well-tended. A sum m er mulch helps retain
branches during the dormant season. Disinfect moisture in the soil and keep roots cool. In
pruners after each cu t in a 10 percent bleach areas where tem peratures fall below 0 °F pro­
solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water). In tect perennial species by applying a winter
spring, spray twice with bordeaux mix at 10- mulch after the soil freezes. Remove faded
day intervals, starting when the leaves first flower spikes to encourage branching. Few pests
unfold. or diseases cause significant dam age to sages.
Trunk or roots with swollen, wartlike
grow ths. C au se : C row n g all. For m ore
inform ation, see “Trunk o r roots with swollen,
wartlike growths” on page 238.
Trunk or branches with oozing lesions;
branch tips die back. C ause: Canker. See
“Trunk or branches with oozing lesions; branch Sedum, stonecrop. Perennials.
tips die back” on page 238 for details.
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See “Leaves Hundreds of species of durable, succu­
yellow; stem s and leaves covered with small lent plants make up this genus. Some are low-
bumps” on page 237. growing creepers that spread vigorously, even

in the poorest of soils, while others form 2' Seedlings appear in 10 days. Because seed­
tall, upright clumps. Light green, fleshy leaves lings develop slowly, some gardeners prefer to
tinged with white, red, or bronze in some start with nursery-grown plants. Set out after
species, may upstage the blooms; however, the last frost, 8"-10" apart.
showy yellow, pink, or red flowers are the Dusty millers grow best in full sun with
hallm ark of sedum s such as showy stonecrop average to fertile, well-drained soil. Pinch off
(Sedum spectabile) and hybrid ‘Autum n Joy’, flower heads as they appear. Few pests or
which bear profuse, flattened clusters of blooms. diseases bother dusty millers.
Flowering occurs from spring through summer,
depending on the species.
Favored as rock garden plants, sedums
endure poor, dry soil, but perform well in
most well-drained soils. Full sun is best; sedums
tolerate some shade, but resulting stems will
be weaker. Although drought-tolerant, sedums Mountain ash. Trees.
bloom better if watered regularly. Excess mois­
ture encourages rots, especially in winter. Sedum
stem s and leaves form roots readily. Mountain ashes are fast-growing, alternate-
Sedums are relatively untroubled by pests leaved, deciduous trees grown principally for
and diseases; the ease with which new plants the profuse clusters of white flowers that are
are propagated reduces the likelihood that followed by brightly colored fruit in autum n.
problem s will decim ate a planting. Aphids are Although rather weak-wooded and very sub­
occasionally troublesom e; see “Leaves, stems, ject to pests and diseases, they are popular as
and buds distorted, sticky; clusters of small ornam ental specimen trees.
insects” on page 177 for control information. Set out in spring as balled-and-burlapped
plants. M ountain ashes need sun and a slightly
acidic, well-drained location. They are rather
intolerant of the air pollution common to cities.

Senecio M ountain ashes are best adapted to northern

gardens; high sum m er tem peratures stress the
plant and make it more susceptible to problems.
Dusty miller.
Tender perennials grown as annuals. Problems
Leaves, flowers, and branches blackened.
Cause: Fire blight. For m ore inform ation and
A lthough they som etim es bear 1", yellow controls, see “Leaves, flowers, and branches
flowers, dusty millers are generally grown for blackened” on page 192.
their foliage. T h e lacy leaves of the plant are Leaves skeletonized. Causes: Japanese
covered with white hairs, giving the foliage a beetles; sawflies. For controls, see “Leaves
silvery appearance. Plants grow 172-2' tall. skeletonized” on page 236.
Dusty millers are ideal for edging beds and Trunk or branches with oozing lesions;
borders, o r in window boxes. branch tips die back. Cause: Canker. See
Sow seeds indoors in late winter. Don’t ‘Trunk o r branches with oozing lesions; branch
cover seeds; they need light to germinate. tips die back” on page 238 for details.

Leaves distorted, orange-yellow spots on survive over winter. Cultivars com e in 2 types:
leaf undersides. Cause: Rust. See “Leaves savoy-leaved (crinkled) and flat-leaved.
distorted, orange-yellow spots on leaf under­
sides” on page 99. Culture
Leaves and berries with black, scabby areas. Grow spinach in well-drained soil with
Cause: Scab. Infected leaves eventually turn lots of organic m atter and a pH between 6.0
yellow and brown before falling off the plant. and 7.0. Spinach seed germ inates best at soil
Dam aged fruit is unsightly. Clean up fallen tem peratures between 45° and 75°F; but will
leaves and berries. T h e following year, spray germ inate as low as 35°H M ature spinach can
plants twice, 2 weeks apart, with bordeaux survive tem peratures of 20°F if gradually
mix. hardened. However, prolonged exposure of
Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause: young plants to tem peratures below 45°F will
Aphids. See “Leaves wrinkled and discolored” cause bolting—production of a flower stalk —
on page 235 for controls. and plants will produce few, low-quality leaves.
Trunk or roots with swollen, wartlike Tem peratures above 75°F and long days also
growths. Cause: Crown gall. See “Trunk or cause bolting. In w arm er clim ates, plant spin­
roots with swollen, wartlike growths” on page ach in filtered shade to extend its season into
238 for m ore information. the w arm er months.
Leaves with brownish blisters underneath. Keep soil moist, but not soggy. Do not
Cause: Pear leaf blister mites. These m icro­ allow it to dry out, o r plants may bolt. Spread
scopic mites live and feed on tissue inside a thin layer of mulch around plants to con­
leaves. They overwinter on buds and infest serve m oisture, suppress w eeds, and keep
new leaves in spring. Spray plants in late win­ soil cool.
ter with dorm ant oil o r lime-sulfur. Soak seed in com post tea for 30 m inutes
Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs before planting to speed germination, and help
die or break off. Cause: Borers. See “Trunk suppress soilborne diseases.
o r branches with small holes; limbs die or Spinach requires m oderate levels of potas­
break off” on page 238 for controls. sium and phosphorus and high levels of nitrogen.
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered It is also sensitive to low levels of calcium and
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See “Leaves boron. Have the soil tested and am end as
yellow; stems and leaves covered with small necessary. Fast-acting sources of nitrogen, such
bumps” on page 237 for more inform ation. as bloodmeal and soybean meal, are good
fertilizers for spinach.

Spinach Plant sends up a flower stalk. Causes:
Extrem e tem peratures; long days. Prolonged
exposure of young plants to temperatures below
Spinacia oleracea (Chenopodiaceae) 45°F causes plants to bolt, o r send up a
flower stalk at the expense of succulent leaves.
Tem peratures above 75°F and long days also
Spinach is a cool-season annual vegeta­ cause bolting. Discard bolted plants. Prevent
ble grown for its tender, green leaves. It can be problems by covering plants with row cover
grown in the spring or fall, and may even until tem peratures are stable and by planting

bolt-resistant cultivars. Try planting New Z ea­ sides of the leaves, they are suffering from
land spinach (Tetragonia tetragonioides) in downy mildew, a fungal disease. D estroy
the summer. Its flavor is similar to that of reg­ infected leaves o r plants. Prevent problems by
ular spinach, and it thrives in hot weather. thinning plants to increase air circulation and
Leaves yellow; plant stunted and may be by planting resistant or tolerant cultivars such
wilted. Causes: Nitrogen deficiency; w ater­ as ‘Crystal Savoy’, ‘Fall G re e n , ‘G ladiator’,
logged soil; Fusarium wilt. If leaves are pale ‘Indian Sum m er’, ‘Kent’, ‘M elody’, ‘Olympia’,
o r yellowish, and plants are stunted but not ‘Seven R \ ‘Tyee’. and ‘W inter Bloomsdale'.
wilted, they may be suffering from nitrogen If spots develop white blisters on the under­
deficiency or waterlogged soil. Spray plants sides of the leaves, they have white rust, another
and drench roots with com post tea o r fish­ fungal disease. Destroy infected leaves or plants.
meal tea to encourage the production of dark Prevent problems by thinning plants to increase
green leaves. Prevent problems by choosing air circulation and by planting tolerant culti­
well-drained sites, adding organic m atter to vars such as ‘Fall Green*.
th e soil to increase fertility and improve Leaves with water-soaked or brown spots.
drainage, and planting in raised beds. Causes: Anthracnose; other fungal leaf spots.
Wilted plants have Fusarium wilt. Destroy Spots may enlarge rapidly, especially in wet
infected plants. This fungal disease thrives in weather. Destroy infected leaves o r plants.
warm (70°-80°F) soil, so avoid problems by Spray plants with sulfur to prevent disease
raising spinach while the soil is cool in spring from spreading, especially if w eather is wet.
o r fall. Prevent problems by thinning plants to p r o
Leaves yellow and deformed. Causes: vide good air movement.
Aphids; curly top virus; mosaic virus. Yellow Leaves with light-colored tunnels or
curled leaves and stunted growth can be caused blotches. C ause: Leafm iners. Larvae are
by aphids. Check for these green, pink, black, creamy white, ■/»" long maggots that feed on
gray, o r white fluffy-coated, soft-bodied, small leaf tissue. Destroy mined leaves. Prevent prob­
insects on the undersides of lower leaves, often lems by tilling soil after harvest.
near the leaf midrib. Spray plants, especially Leaves with small holes. Cause: R ea
the undersides of the leaves, with w ater to beetles. These tiny, black, brown, o r bronze
discourage aphids, or with insecticidal soap if beetles hop when disturbed. Larvae are small
infestation is severe. and white, feed mostly on the undersides of
If young leaves are yellow, deform ed, and leaves, and drop to the ground and play dead
stunted, the plant has curly top virus. Deformed when disturbed. Control severe infestations
leaves may die. If older leaves are also mottled, by spraying o r dusting plants with pyrethrin.
the plant is suffering from mosaic virus, also Prevent problems by covering young plants
called blight or yellows. Destroy infected plants. with row cover, which can be left on until
Control aphids, which spread mosaic as they harvest as long as tem peratures are m oderate.
feed, and beet leafhoppers, which transmit R ea beetles can also be discouraged by plant­
curly top. Prevent some problems by planting ing in partial shade.
m o saic-to leran t cu ltiv ars such as ‘Indian Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause:
Sum m er’, ‘Melody*, and ‘W inter Bloomsdale*. Caterpillars. Various caterpillars will feed on
Leaves with pale yellow patches on upper spinach. H andpick, or spray plants with BTK
surfaces. Causes: Downy mildew; white rust. if caterpillars are feeding, o r protect plants
If spots develop a grayish mold on the under­ with row cover.
SQUASH ■ 213

Spiraea Squash
Spirea. Shrubs. Cucurbita spp. (Cucurbitaceae)

Spireas are alternate-leaved, deciduous Squash are frost-tender annuals grown

shrubs that flower in late spring. They are best for their fleshy fruit. Sum m er squash, such as
in shrub borders o r massed on banks. zucchini, are eaten before the seeds and rinds
Set out in spring o r fall in full sun or light harden. W inter squash are harvested after the
shade. A pH below 6.5 suits spireas best, and fruit is m ature. T he name pum pkin is used for
am ple organic m atter will ensure the moisture some winter squash. Species include: Cucurbita
they require. Make sure they are well-mulched maxima. C. mixta. C. moschata. and C. pepo.
and well-watered going into winter.
Problems Squash seeds need 60°Fsoil to germinate,
Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause: so wait until warm w eather to plant. Cover
Aphids. For control m easures, see “Leaves plants with floating row cover to protect them
wrinkled and discolored" on page 235. from insects and late cold snaps. Remove row
Leaves rolled and chewed. Cause: Leaf- cover when plants begin to flower so insects
rollers. These Vi", green caterpillars with brown can pollinate the blossoms, or you will not get
heads form small webs on shoot tips and feed any fruit.
on leaves and buds inside. Break open webs Squash do best in well-drained, loose-
and handpick larvae: spray BTK at first sign textured soils with lots of organic matter. They
of damage. will grow in soils with a pH between 5.5 and
Leaves skeletonized or with large holes; 6.8, but prefer a pH above 6.0. Squash need
branches may be webbed. Cause: Caterpillars. lots of water, but don't let soil become saturated.
For controls, see “Leaves skeletonized o r with Prevent disease problems by keeping the leaves
large holes; branches may be w ebbed" on dry. M ulch squash to help conserve water.
page 236. Black plastic is a good choice for northern
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered areas, but in the extrem ely warm areas it can
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See “Leaves warm the soil too much. Organic m ulches are
yellow; stems and leaves covered with small good, too, but may provide shelter for pests
bumps" on page 237 for controls. like squash bugs. Foil m ulches help prevent
Leaves, flowers, and branches blackened. aphid problems. To prevent rot. support fruit
Cause: Fire blight. See “Leaves, flowers, and on scraps of wood.
branches blackened" on page 192 for controls. Rotate crops so that no m em ber of the
Whole plant stunted and lacking vigor. cu cu rb it family (cucum bers, m elons, and
Cause: Nematodes. See “W hole plant stunted squash) is grown in the same place more often
and lacking vigor" on page 239 for controls. than every 4 years.
Leaves with powdery white coating. Caution: Squash leaves are easily burned
C ause: Powdery mildew. For controls, see by insecticidal soap and copper sprays. Use
“ Leaves with pow dery w hite coatin g " on the most dilute spray recom m ended and use
page 237. sparingly. Do not spray plants in direct sun or

SQUASH *^ What (Joes Wrong

and Whv

with spots,
blotchcs, or
brown areas.
Cause: Alternaria leaf blight, a
Dark brown spots with
jfo , concentric rings usually
appear on older leaves
M ale x
jH IB ; f ' a w ) first; also on fruit
appear but no
fruit develops.
Cause: Lack of fem ale flowers. Male flow erst
have slender stem s; fem ale flowers have -frML
tiny fruit at base. Leaves with
JfcO i * yellow patches;
older leaves
Leaves with pale green patches; ^
mottled and distorted.
afflicted leaves wilt and blacken.
* Cause. Mosaic. Fruit m ay be
Cause: Squash bugs. Yellow ^ ^ m oltV H y*»llr>w Anri g reen
patches turn g
brown; vines wilt.
Leaves with spots, blotches, or
brown areas. Cause: Angular leaf spot.
* * Water-soaked spots turn gray, die, and ,:
f dropout:
' ‘i j fruit deformed.

m ottled yellow
between veins;
purple spots
on leaf undersides.
Adult Nymph . Cause: Downy mildew.
----- ■i/ «
turn brown, die. h ’f f * ' '
Leaves with chewed holes. younger leaves
Cause: Cucumber beetles. become infected;
Striped or spotted beetles that purplish mildew ' • f
spread bacterial wilt as they feed under leaves in M l
Larva wet weather.

1y4" wingspan
Vines wilt suddenly.
Cause: Squash vine borers.
Sawdustlike excrement exuded
fcurn entry holes near base o! stem.
SQUASH ■ 215

if tem peratures are above 80°E and don't spray or white fluffy-coated. soft-bodied insects feed­
drought-stressed plants. ing on plants. Aphids can also transm it viral
diseases. Control aphids by knocking them
off the plants with a strong blast of water. Or
Leaf and Vine Problems spray with weak insecticidal soap: read the
Leaves with chewed holes. Cause: Cucum­ caution above before spraying. Prevent prob­
ber beetles. Adults are '/«" long, greenish yel­ lems by using a foil mulch o r by planting
low beetles with black stripes o r spots. Larvae silver-leaved cultivars, such as ‘C ocozelle\ that
chew on roots. For an illustration of this pest, confuse or don’t attract aphids.
see the opposite page. They attack young leaves Leaves yellow and puckered, becoming
and should be controlled immediately as they bronzed. Cause: M ites. These tiny, red, yellow,
can spread bacterial wilt or viral diseases. o r green, spiderlike creatures are worst in dry,
Treat infested plants with a com m ercial pyre­ hot weather. In severe cases leaves dry out and
thrin spray o r dust. Reduce problems by plant­ drop off. T here may be a fine webbing on the
ing cultivars, such as ‘Bennings G reen T int’, undersides of leaves. Spray plants with a weak
‘Blue H ubbard’, ‘Early B utternut H ybrid’, insecticidal soap spray to control; see the cau­
‘Seneca’, and Table King’, that tolerate beetles. tion above before spraying.
Leaves with pale green patches; afflicted Leaves mottled yellow between veins; pur­
leaves wilt and blacken. Cause: Squash bugs. ple spots on leaf undersides. Cause: Downy
Adults are brownish black,'/?" long bugs. Imma­ mildew. For an illustration of this disease, see
ture bugs are whitish green with dark heads the opposite page. As the disease progresses,
and legs. Eggs are bright orange and laid on spots enlarge, older leaves turn brown and
undersides of leaves. R>r an illustration of this die, and younger leaves become infected. Treat
pest, see the opposite page. Handpick adults plants with a dilute solution of copper spray to
and eggs. Trap bugs by laying a board near reduce the spread of the disease. Prevent prob­
plants. Squash bugs will hide underneath it lems by planting tolerant cultivars such as
and can be destroyed each morning. To reduce ‘Super Select’ and ‘Zucchini Select’.
problem s, plant cultivars that tolerate squash I>eaves with spots, blotches, or brown areas.
bugs such as ‘Early Prolific’, ‘Early Sum m er’, Causes: Powdery mildew; angular leaf spot;
‘Royal A corn’, and T able Q ueen’. scab: A lternaria leaf blight; oth er fungal and
Leaves with yellow patches; older leaves bacterial diseases. Various diseases attack
mottled and distorted. Cause: Mosaic. Sev­ squash. Reduce problems by keeping foliage
eral types of mosaic viruses are found on squash. dry when watering and by not touching plants
Besides affecting leaves, m osaics may also when wet. Spray infected plants with a dilute
cause deform ed fruit that is m ottled with yel­ solution of copper spray to reduce the spread
low and green. For an illustration of this disease, of the disease.
see the opposite page. Remove and destroy Powdery while spots, especially on upper
diseased plants. Control aphids and cucum ­ leaf surfaces, are caused by powdery mildew.
ber beetles that spread it. Reduce problems As the disease progresses, leaves turn brown
by p lan tin g cu ltiv ars. such as ‘M u ltipik’, and dry, and plants may die. Prevent problems
‘Napolini’, ‘Superpik’. and ‘Superset’, that tol­ by planting resistant cultivars such as ‘M ultipik’
erate mosaic. and ‘Zucchini Select’.
Leaves yellow, curled, and wilted. Cause: W ater-soaked spots that turn gray, die,
Aphids. Look for small, green, pink, gray, black. and drop out leaving shotholes are caused by

angular leaf spot. Fruit infected with angular flowers. If female flowers fail to set fruit, o r if
leaf spot has small, cracked, white spots. For small fruit turns black and rots starting at
an illustration of this disease, see page 214. blossom end, they haven’t been pollinated.
Water-soaked spots can also be caused by Pollinate open female flowers by hand.
scab. Scab causes sunken, brown spots with Fruit misshapen. Causes: Diseases: poor
gummy ooze on fru it; dam age is worst in co o l, pollination. Many diseases cause misshapen
moist weather. fruit; use leaf symptoms (if any) to diagnose
Dark brown spots with concentric rings, the problem (see “Leaf and Vine Problems"
usually appearing on older leaves first, are on page 215). If leaves are healthy, high tem ­
caused by A lternaria leaf blight. As the dis­ peratures may have dam aged pollen, o r bees
ease progresses, spots enlarge and merge, and may not have been active.
leaves curl down and eventually drop off. Fruit with spots; flesh may rot. Causes:
Infected fruit has dark, concentrically ringed, Angular leaf spot; Alternaria blight; scab. Sev­
sunken spots. For an illustration of this disease, eral fungal and bacterial diseases cause these
see page 214. sym ptom s on squash fru it. For com plete
Vines wilt suddenly. Cause: Squash vine controls, see "Leaves with spots, blotches, or
borers. These fat, white, 1" long larvae burrow brown areas" on page 215.
into the stems and exude masses of yellow- Fruit tunneled. Cause: Pickleworms. Lar­
green, sawdustlike excrem ent. For an illus­ vae are pale green with black, and up to
tration of this pest, see page 214. Slit stems long. Keep fruit off ground o r m ulch, since
lengthwise above injury with a sharp knife and worms feed at soil level.
kill larvae. Cover cut stem s with moist soil so
they will form new roots. Injecting stems with
BTK or parasitic nem atodes may also control
borers. To reduce problem s, plant the cultivar
‘Sweet M ama Hybrid', which is resistant to
vine borers. O r spray base of stems with BTK
once a week in late spring and early summer. Fragaria X ananassa (Rosaceae)
Vines wilt at midday, starting with youn­
ger leaves; leaves remain green. Cause: Bac­
terial wilt. For an illustration of this disease, Strawberries are herbaceous perennials
see page 150. As the disease progresses, leaves growing from crowns that send forth whorls of
fail to recover, and die. Cut wilted stems and leaves, flowers, and surface runners with new
press out drops of sap. If it is milky, sticky, and daughter plants at their nodes. June-bearing
astringent, your plant is infected. Destroy strawberries bloom in spring for only 1 crop.
infected plants immediately. Control cucum ­ Everbearing strawberries bloom and fruit in
ber beetles since they spread the disease. the spring and again in the fall. Day-neutral
strawberries are unaffected by day length and
Fruit Problems bear heavily from June through frost in north­
Flowers appear but no fruit develops. ern areas; January through August in milder
Causes: Male flower: lack of pollination. Male climates. Day-neutrals are somewhat more dif­
flowers open a week or m ore before female ficult to grow than the other types; they are
flowers and don't form fruit. See page 214 for fragile and sensitive to heat, drought, and weed
an illustration of male and fem ale squash com petition.

Culture Flowers damaged by frost will produce

Plant strawberries in well-drained soil rich defo rm ed , cat-faced fruit. If spring frost
in organic matter. T he ideal location is in full threatens, cover beds overnight with a blanket.
sun on high o r sloping ground. Avoid frost- Fruit with holes. Causes: Slugs and snails;
prone, low-lying areas. earwigs; birds. Silvery trails near holes indi­
To prevent d ise a ses a sso c ia te d with cate slugs o r snails. Keep these pests out with
overcrowding, allow a square foot of space for barriers of copper flashing, dry ashes, or dia-
each plant. Choose 1 of 3 different planting tom aceous earth. A fter rain renew ashes or
systems: hill, m atted row. or spaced runner. diatomaceous earth. Or trap slugs under boards,
For a hill system, space plants 1' apart each in overturned clay pots, o r in saucers of beer.
way in double rows, with 2 - 3 ' between each See page 218 for an illustration of this pest.
double row. Remove every runner so plants Earwigs, leathery brown insects with pin­
channel their energy into producing large cers at their abdom en tips, nibble holes in
berries. Since plants are well-spaced, the hill fruit. Since they hide in dark places, trap them
system minimizes diseases associated with in short lengths of hose or rolled-up newspaper.
crowding. For a matted-row system, space plants Check traps and destroy captured earwigs daily.
1'/ i -2' apart in rows 4 ' apart. Allow the run­ T he best defense against birds is a net
ners and daughter plants to grow in all direc­ well-secured at the edges. See “Stopping Ani­
tions to form a w ide, solid row. For the mal Pests” on page 408 for controls.
spaced-runner system, set plants closer than Fruit rotted. Causes: Gray m old; leather
the m atted row; remove all but a few runners. mold. Both diseases strike during rainy weather.
Pin down runner tips so daughter plants are Fruit that rots rapidly and then turns into
about 8" apart in every direction. fuzzy balls is infected with gray mold. Blos­
Even w ell-m anaged stra w b e rries will soms infected with gray mold turn brown and
decline after a few seasons. Start a fresh bed in die. See page 218 for an illustration of this
a new site with new plants every few years. disease.
Renovate June-bearers each year right after Leather mold causes fruit to turn dark
harvest. Cut off and rake away leaves; dig out and leathery. Infected fruit is bitter-tasting. To
old. woody plants; and thin out remaining minimize these fungal diseases, thin plants to
plants. T hen fertilize and water. avoid overcrowding and mulch beds to keep
fruit off the soil. Pick and dispose of infected
Flower and Fruit Problems fruit as soon as you notice them. Annual bed
Fruit deeply furrowed or gnarled (cat­ renovation helps control gray mold.
faced). Causes: Tarnished plant bugs; frost
dam age. Tarnished plant bugs can dam age Leaf Problems
strawberries by injecting a toxin into fruit while Leaves with spots. Causes: Leaf spot;
sucking fluids from stem tips. buds, and fruit. leaf blight: leaf scorch. Leaf spot causes small
Since they overwinter in dead garden refuse, purple spots that develop tan centers on foliage.
the simplest control is to clean out dead plant See page 218 for an illustration of leaf spot.
tops at the end of the season. A floating row Leaf blight is characterized by oval or V-shaped
cover applied during the growing season also spots with purple centers and tan borders.
helps minimize damage. As a last resort, apply Irregular, purplish blotches are the symptoms
pyrethrin to flowering plants. See page 218 for of leaf scorch. When severe, these diseases
an illustration of this pest. kill leaves, which weakens plants. Berries are

What Goes Wrong

and Why

L eaves
with a
L eaves w ith s p o ts . Cause: white powdery
Leaf spot Small purple spots coating. Cause:
develop tan centers; leaves die. Powdery mildew.
weakening plants; Leaf undersides
fruit may be ; turn reddish;
spotted, edges roll up.

E« F ru it ro tte d .
^ Cause Gray mold.
W hole p la n t w ilte d o r Light tan spots appear on
collapsed. Cause: Black fruit; berries eventually turn
root rot. Stunted, soft and m ay be covered
weak plants die with gray fuzz.
at fruiting time;
roots rotted with Leaves rolled up.
blackened areas. Cause: Strawberry leafrollers.
Larvae hide within webbed,
rolled-up leaves; leaves
F ru it w ith h o le s. Cause: may brown and die: fruit
Slugs and snails. These is deformed.
night-feeding pests
consum e flowers.
. and berries:
leave silvery slim e trails.


Fruit deeply
or gnarled
Leaves surrounded by
frothy white mass.
Cause: Spittlebugs.
Pests suck sap from
plants; produce a frothy fruit, injecting a toxin
m ass of bubbles for shelter. that causes deformities.

spotted as well. All 3 are fungal diseases that infestation, purchase and release predatory
you can control by annual bed renovation. mites (Metaseiulus occidentalis).
Cultivars resistant to all 3 of these diseases
include ‘Albritton*, Blakemore*, ‘Earlibelle*, Whole Plant Problems
‘Fairfax', and “Midland*. ‘Cardinal*. ‘Delite*, Whole plant wilted or collapsed. Causes:
‘R ed ch ief, and ‘Surecrop* are resistant to leaf Black root rot: red stele disease: Verticillium
blight and leaf scorch. wilt; strawberry crown moth larvae; straw­
Leaves with a white powdery coating. berry crown borers. To discover which cause
Cause: Powdery mildew. T he powdery coat­ applies, remove a plant from the soil and exam­
ing may be less apparent on straw berries than ine its roots. Rotting black roots indicate black
with other mildew-afflicted plants. T he under­ root rot: plants are stunted, produce few fruits,
sides of infected leaves turn reddish and the and may die at fruiting time. See the opposite
edges roll up. Infected fruit is stunted, rotted, page for an illustration of black root rot.
o r fails to ripen. .See the opposite page for an If roots look like “rattails" (few o r no side
illustration of this disease. Keeping plants ade­ roots) and are red inside when slit lengthwise,
quately spaced and cleaning up dead plant red stele is the problem. Both fungal diseases
debris help minimize this fungal disease. For survive in soils for up to 10 years without a
persistent mildew, apply sulfur spray o r dust. host plant; the only control is to plant new
Or plant mildew-resistant cultivars. such as plants in well-drained soil at a new site. Culti­
‘Albritton*, ‘Catskill*. Puget Beauty*,‘Sparkle*, vars resistant to some strains of red stele include
‘Sunrise*, or ‘Surecrop*. ‘Columbia*, ’Earliglow*, ‘Guardian*, ‘Hood*,
Leaves rolled up. C ause: Straw berry ‘Rainier*, ‘R edchief, ‘Sparkle*, and ‘Surecrop*.
leaf rollers. These green or brown. K h " cater­ Wilted plants with no root dam age may
pillars mine leaves in the early spring and later have Verticillium wilt. Verticillium-infected
form webs and roll leaves as they feed. Leaves plants look stunted and may collapse during
may brown and die: fruit is deform ed. For their first sum m er in the ground; inner leaves
light infestations, destroy the rolled leaves along may remain green until the plant dies. There
with the caterpillars inside. For a very heavy is no cure for Verticillium wilt. You must plant
infestation, apply BTK. See the opposite page a new bed where you haven't grown strawber­
for an illustration of this pest. ries o r oth er Verticillium-susceptible plants,
Leaves surrounded by frothy white mass. such as to m a to e s, p ep p e rs, p o ta to e s, or
Cause: Spittlebugs. These tiny tan, brown, or eggplants, for the past few years. Verticillium-
black insects, which hide inside the frothy resistant cultivars include ‘Blakemore’, ‘Catskill',
masses of bubbles they produce, suck sap from ‘Guardian’, ‘Robinson', ‘Sunrise*, and ‘Surecrop’.
leaves, stems, and flowers. See the opposite Wilted plants with healthy roots may be
page for an illustration of this pest. Spittlebugs infested with strawberry1crown moth larvae or
rarely cause significant dam age. To control strawberry crown borer larvae. Crown borers
them, wash them off with a strong spray of water. are •//' snout beetles and crown m oths are
Leaves with brown, dry undersides and large, clear-winged m oths. Both pests lay eggs
fine webbing. Cause: Spider mites. Heavy pes­ on strawberries. T he resulting grublike larvae
ticide use often kills naturally occurring mite burrow into plant crowns and cause wilting
predators, resulting in an abundance of spider and death. Cut crowns of wilted plants in half.
mites. Spider mites also multiply in dry. dusty If you find a large tunnel, your plants are
conditions. Repeated sprays with plain or soapy infected with one of these pests. T he only
w ater usually control mites. For heavy mite cure is to dig up and destroy these plants

immediately. Crown borers don't fly and can’t Plant sweet potatoes where they have not
crawl more lhan 300 feet, so starting with been grown for at least 2 years. After harvest,
clean plants planted far from old infested beds cut vines and let dry, then com post or till
keeps this pest in check. under to reduce disease buildup.
Whole plant stunted; roots and crown Purchase disease-free plants, or start your
chewed. Cause: Strawberry root weevils. The own from healthy, overwintered roots. Plant
brow n-headed, w hite larvae feed on plant out when nights stay above 60°F Soak plant
crowns and roots; the black, W adult weevils roots in com post tea for 5 m inutes before
may feed on leaves. Apply parasitic nem a­ planting to help reduce disease problems. Water
todes to the soil to control larvae. For severe in with a fish emulsion o r fish-meal tea after
infestations of adults, dust with pyrethrin. planting to give the plants a good start.
Dig potatoes gently before the first frost,
after foliage starts to yellow. Dry them for 2-3

Sweet Potato hours in the garden. Sort out any dam aged or
diseased potatoes to use as soon as possible.
Cure healthy potatoes for 10 days in a 80°-85°F
Ipomoea batatas (Convolvulaceae) humid place. G radually reduce tem perature
and store them in a 55°-60°F humid room.

Sweet potatoes are perennial vegetables Leaf and Whole Plant Problems
grown as annuals in tem perate regions for Leaves yellow between veins. Causes:
their tuberous roots. While they are tropical Stem rot; Fusarium wilt. Symptoms of stem
natives, you can grow them if you get at least rot, also known as bacterial soft rot, usually
100 frost-free days. Cultivars have light yel­ appear when tem peratures are above 90°F
low to purplish red skin, and white to deep Leaves turn yellow, vines wilt, and the base of
orange flesh. stems are black and shiny. Destroy diseased
plants. Roots may already be rotted o r will rot
Culture in storage, so use any healthy potatoes as soon
Sweel potatoes prefer loose, well-drained as possible. Prevent problem s by planting
soil with a pH between 6.0 and 6.5. They disease-free plants or tolerant cultivars such
require m oderate am ounts of nitrogen and as ‘G oldm ar’.
boron, m oderate to high levels of phosphorus, If young leaves are yellow and wilted,
and high levels of potassium. Have the soil and older leaves drop, the plant is suffering
tested and amend as necessary before planting. from Fusarium wilt. T he stems may have a
Sweet potatoes do well in raised beds. Work in faint purple coloration just below the soil line.
lots of organic m atter before planting. Avoid Destroy plants infected with this fungal disease.
top-dressing after early summer, o r root for­ Prevent problems by planting disease-free plants
mation may be interrupted. or resistant cultivars such as ‘Allgold*.
Keep soil moist, but not soggy, until the Leaves with purple-bordered yellow spots.
vines begin to spread. A fter that, w ater only if Cause: Internal cork. Destroy infected plants.
vines wilt. W hen the roots begin to enlarge in See “Potatoes with hard, dark, corky spots in
late summer, keep the soil moist again until the center of flesh” below for controls.
harvest. M ulch plants to suppress weeds and Leaves yellow with dead, brown spots;
conserve m oisture. Black plastic mulch will plant stunted. Cause: Nematodes. See “Pota­
also warm the soil. toes with rough, rotted pits” below for controls.

Leaves thin and pale; plant stunted. Cause: the flesh to shrivel up. Prevent this fungal
Pox. See "Potatoes with rough, rotted pits* disease by planting disease-free plants and by
below for controls. keeping storage tem peratures above 50°E
Leaves riddled with small holes. Cause: Potatoes with black, circular, corky
Flea beetles. These tiny, black, brown, or bronze depressions. Cause: Black rot. Symptoms of
insects hop like fleas when disturbed. Adults this fungal disease may develop in the garden
can transm it disease when feeding, and larvae or in storage. Flesh under spots is brown to
dam age roots. Control flea beetle adults by green and has a bitter taste, so trim well before
covering plants with row cover as soon as they using. Prevent problems by starting with disease-
are planted out. Apply parasitic nem atodes to free plants, controlling root-feeding insects,
the soil to help control larvae. Reduce prob­ and by planting resistant cultivars such as
lems by planting tolerant cultivars such as Allgold’.
‘C entennial’ and ‘Jewell'. Potatoes with hard, dark, corky spots in
Leaves with large, round holes. Causes: the center of flesh. Cause: Internal cork. This
Tortoise beetles; caterpillars. Tortoise beetles condition develops if storage conditions are
are ‘A" long, oval, flattened beetles with vary­ too warm and may be caused by a viral disease.
ing colors and patterns on their wing covers. Store potatoes between 55° and 60°F to reduce
Larvae are xh n long and have flattened bodies problems. Prevent problems by planting toler­
with spiny margins and a forked horn at the ant cultivars such as ‘Allgold’, ‘Centennial*,
tail end. Both adults and larvae damage young and ‘Nemagold*.
plants. H andpick to control mild infestations, Potatoes with rough, rotted pits. Causes:
o r treat plants with a com m ercial pyrethrin Pox; nem atodes. Plants with pox, a bacterial
spray if dam age is severe. disease, may be pale and stunted, and roots
C aterpillars som etim es feed on sweet often resemble a string of irregular beads.
potato leaves. Spray plants with BTK if cater­ Destroy infected plants and use healthy roots
pillars are feeding. as soon as possible. Prevent problems by plant­
ing disease-free plants. Adjust the soil pH to
Root Problems below 5.2 by adding sulfur if pox has been a
Potatoes long and spindly. Causes: Potas­ m ajor problem in the past. While this is below
sium deficiency; growing season too short. the optimal pH range for sweet potatoes, they
Check for deficiency with a soil test and amend will tolerate it and the bacteria will be inactive.
soil as necessary. Sweet potatoes need a long Root knot and other pest nematodes cause
growing season. Prevent problems by planting poorly colored, deform ed potatoes with rot­
cultivars suited to your region. ted areas under the skin, surface blemishes, and
Potatoes cracked. Cause: Uneven soil surface cracks. Control pest nem atodes by ap­
moisture. If soil is alternately dry then wet, plying a chitin or parasitic nem atodes to the
roots may split their skins. Prevent problems soil. Prevent problems by planting nem atode-
by keeping soil evenly moist and storage humid­ resistant cultivars such as H eart', ‘Jasper*,
ity constant. Some cultivars. such as ‘Jewell' ‘Jewell’, ‘Kandee*. ‘Nemagold’, and ‘Nugget*.
and Puerto Rico 198’, are somewhat resistant Potatoes with small holes, tunnels, or shal­
to cracking. low splits. Causes: R ea beetle larvae; sweet
Potatoes with dark discolored patches on potato weevils; wireworms. Sweet potato flea
skin. Cause: Scurf. Symptoms often appear beetle larvae tunnel just under the skin. As
in storage. Initial dam age is only skin deep, the roots grow, the skin over the tunnels splits
but subsequently, skin may split open, causing open, leaving shallow scars. Larvae are W ,

slender, and white. Striped flea beetle larvae Potatoes turn spongy in storage. Cause:
are white and up to 'A " long; they tunnel into Cold injury. Cool tem peratures can damage
the center of roots leaving wandering, branched sweet potatoes. Harvest when air is above
tunnels. See “Leaves riddled with small h o les’ 50°F and store above 50°F to prevent injury.
on page 221 for controls. Potatoes rot in storage. Cause: Various
Sweet p o tato weevil adults are small, bacterial and fungal diseases. Prevent prob­
reddish, antlike insects. Larvae are white with lems by planting disease-free plants and cur­
pale brown heads and grow up to V»" long. ing and storing potatoes at the recom m ended
Larvae tunnel into potatoes in the field o r in tem peratures and humidity levels; see “Cul­
storage. Weevils do not hibernate and must ture” on page 220 for instructions. Soak pota­
have food to survive. Destroy all plant residue toes in a 10 percent bleach solution (1 part
and weeds after harvest to control them. Apply bleach to 9 parts water) for a few minutes before
parasitic nem atodes to the soil if weevils have curing if storage rots have been a past problem.
been a problem in the past.
Wireworm larvae are yellow to reddish
brow n, slender, toug h -b o d ied , segm ented
worms with brown heads and grow up to V/i"
long. Adults are dark-colored, elongated click
beetles. To prevent problems, don't plant sweet
potatoes in soil where grass o r grain grew the Lilac. Shrubs and small trees.
previous season. Apply parasitic nematodes to
the soil before planting, and plant tolerant
cultivars such as ‘Centennial*. Lilacs are am ong the most popular of
Potatoes with large, shallow feeding scars deciduous flowering shrubs. They bloom in
or hollow cavities. Causes: W hite grubs; cut­ late spring in a num ber of colors; borne in
worms; cucum ber beetles. White grubs are large clusters, the flow ers arc exquisitely
fat. whitish larvae that tend to feed over the fragrant. Lilacs are plants of cool w eather;
whole surface of the potato. Adults are Japan­ with few exceptions, they do not flourish south
ese o r June beetles. Apply parasitic nem a­ of Zone 7. Lilacs are best used in the mixed
todes to the soil before planting to control. shrub border, grouped for em phasis in the
Cutworm s are grayish o r dull brown ca t­ landscape, o r planted for screening.
erpillars that curl up when disturbed and are Plant in spring o r fall in full sun with
active at night. Cutworm s tend to feed near neutral or slightly alkaline soil enriched with
the ends of potatoes. Sprinkle moist bran mixed ample organic matter. Prune and deadhead
with BTK on the soil surface in the evening, them immediately after blooming. Lilacs are
or add parasitic nem atodes to the soil before available either on their own roots o r grafted
planting to control cutworms. o n to privet ro o ts; the fo rm er are m uch
Spotted cu cu m b er beetle larvae (also preferred. Cut back to the ground any suckers
called southern com rootworms) are white that form.
with brown heads and grow up to W long.
Adults are V /\ greenish yellow beetles with Problems
black spots. Treat infested plants with a com ­ Leaves with powdery white coating.
m ercial pyrethrin spray if the dam age is se­ Cause: Powdery mildew. This is a very com ­
vere. Prevent problems by covering plants with mon problem on lilacs. See “Leaves with pow­
row cover. dery white coating” on page 237 for controls.

Leaves tunneled. Cause: Leafminers. For Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots.
controls, see “Leaves tunneled*' on page 237. See “Leaves with spots” on page 237 for controls.
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered Leaves pale and drop early; branches wilt
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See “Leaves and die. Cause: Wilt. If plants are affected by
yellow; stems and leaves covered with small this fungus, prune off dead and diseased
bumps” on page 237 for control measures. branches. Feeding with a high-nitrogen fertil­
Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs izer may help plants recover. Remove and
die or break off. Cause: Borers. For details, destroy badly infected shrubs, and don't plant
see “Trunk o r branches with small holes; limbs lilacs in the same soil.
die o r break o f f ' on page 238. Leaves skeletonized or with large holes;
Leaves wilted and discolored; branches branches may be webbed. Cause: Caterpillars.
die back. Cause: Blight. Both a bacterial and For control m easures, see “Leaves skeleton­
a fungal blight attack lilacs, causing similar ized o r with large holes; branches may be
symptoms. Prune out and destroy infected w ebbed” on page 236.
branches during the dorm ant season. Disinfect Shoots clustered tightly, with small leaves.
pruners after each cut in a 10 percent bleach Cause: W itches’ broom. This problem is usu­
solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water). In ally not serious; merely prune out and destroy
spring, spray twice with bordeaux mix at 10-day the dense, bushy growth.
intervals, starting when the leaves first unfold.

Tagetes Single or double blooms may be l"-6" wide.

T he 6"- 36" plants are covered with finely cut
leaves. Marigolds may have a strong odor; if
Marigold. Annuals. you dislike the scent, look for an odorless
cultivar. Marigolds are good bedding plants,
pot plants, and cut flowers.
H earty marigolds are a mainstay of the It's easy to raise marigolds by sowing the
early sum m er to late-fall garden. Flower col­ seed directly into the garden 2-3 weeks before
ors range from palest yellow and near-white to the last frost. For best results, hold the white
red and mahogany red; some are even bicolored. tuft of each seed and place the long dark

Copyrighted material

section into the ground at an angle. Indoors, Cause: Aster yellows. For m ore information,
seeds sown in flats germinate within 2 weeks at see “Leaves greenish yellow; growth poor” on
about 70°E Move outdoors only after all frost page 19.
danger has passed. Thin o r plant 8"-18" apart.
Marigolds thrive in full sun, except in
southern and southw estern areas where after­
noon shade prolongs bloom. They dem and
regular watering and well-drained, average soil.
Pick off old flower heads. Taller cultivars need
staking. Avoid overhead watering, as even the Yew. Shrubs and trees.
small blossoms hold w ater like cups, and the
weight may cause the brittle stem s to snap. If
you work com post into the soil at planting Yews are evergreen shrubs and trees with
tim e, no extra fertilizer is necessary. needle-shaped leaves arranged densely and
spirally on the branches. T he male and female
Problems flowers are separate on the plants, with the
Leaves skeletonized; flowers eaten. Cause: females producing fleshy red berries, each
Japanese beetles. This xh* long pest has a surrounding a toxic seed. Yews can be utilized
m etallic blue-green body and bronze wing as fo u n d a tio n p la n ts, h ed g es, and even
covers. Besides feeding on leaves, the adult specimens.
beetles often chew on buds and flowers. Hand- Set out in spring as balled-and-burlapped
pick in early m orning (when the beetles move or container-grown plants. Yews prefer a well-
more slowly) if there are only a few. drained but moisture-retentive soil and grow
leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed. well in full sun or partial shade.
Cause: Spider mites. For control measures,
see “ Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage Problems
w ebbed“ on page 18. Leaves with notched edges. Cause: Black
Flowers covered with gray mold. Cause: vine weevils. T he w in g le s s ,b r o w n is h black
Botrytis blight. Brown spots may appear on adults feed on the leaves and bark and can kill
leaves, and petals may turn black. Botrytis is branches. Try spreading a dropcloth around
prom oted by overhead watering, continuing your plants, then shaking the plants; the adults
cool, wet weather, or crowded plantings that will drop and can be removed and destroyed.
im pede air circulation. O nce this fungal dis­ Spray leaves several times with pyrethrin for
ease appears, it may spread to healthy plants major infestations. T he small, curved, white
on co n tact, o r by wind, rain, o r handling. grubs of these weevils feed on the roots; drench
Remove and discard infected blooms. Avoid the soil around the base of the plant with a
wetting flowers when watering. solution of parasitic nem atodes for control.
Stems turn black at base; plant wilts. Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed.
Cause: Stem rot. Caused by either bacteria or Cause: Spider mites. See “Leaves stippled with
fungi, stem rot starts at the soil level and yellow; foliage w ebbed’’ on page 236 for
works upward. Remove and destroy infected controls.
plants. Don’t replant marigolds in that area Leaves discolored, wilted, or dropping;
unless you solarize the soil. plant lacking vigor. Causes: Mealybugs; blights.
Leaves greenish yellow; growth poor. T he tiny, powdery-looking, white adults gen­
TH IJA ■ 225

erally congregate on the trunks and interior Grow meadow rues in moist, well-drained,
branches, making them difficult to see until richly organic soil and partial shade. Tall flower
the plant starts to weaken. Control by thor­ stems need shelter from strong winds and may
oughly spraying the plant with superior oil or require staking. W ater regularly to maintain
repeated applications of insecticidal soap. soil moisture. Divide every 4-5 years to reduce
Various blights can cause sim ilar symp­ crowding.
toms on yews. If you don't see the fluffy white Meadow rues have few insect pests. Fun­
masses that are a sign of mealybugs, suspect gal diseases such as powdery mildew may dam ­
blight. Cutting off the affected portion of the age foliage and are best controlled with cultural
plant is the best way to deal with this disease. practices. See “Leaves covered with white pow­
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered d er” on page 177 for controls.
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See “Leaves
yellow; stem s and leaves covered with small
b u m p s' on page 237 for controls.
Leaves yellow. Causes: Low pH: w ater­
logged soil. Yews prefer soils with a neutral or
slightly acid pH (around 6.5). T hey do not
grow well in highly acid soils, so avoid inter­ Arborvitae. Shrubs and trees.
planting them with rhododendrons o r other
acid-loving plants. Raise the pH around your
yews by adding 3 pounds of ground limestone Arborvitaes are evergreen trees and shrubs
p er 100 square feet of soil area around with flat sprays of scalelike leaves. They are
the plants. excellent in foundation plantings and used as
Too much water around plant roots causes hedges; upright cultivars make strong speci­
sim ilar symptoms. Avoid overw atering and men plants.
planting in poorly drained areas. Improving Set out in spring o r fall as container-
the drainage around plants will help them grown o r balled-and-burlapped plants. A rbor­
recover. vitaes thrive in deep, moist, well-drained soil
in full sun. If possible, choose a site protected
from strong w inter winds to avoid damage.

Thalictrum Plant defoliated; branches bear cocoonlike
bags. C ause: Bagworms. These pests are one
Meadow rue. Perennials. of the most com m on problems on arborvitae.
For control measures, see “Plant defoliated;
branches bear cocoonlike bags” on page 236.
Tall plants with blue-green, fernlike foliage Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
and loosely fluffy clusters of lavender or yel­ with small bumps. Cause: Scales. For controls,
low flowers, meadow rues range from 1' to over see “Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
5' tall. Colum bine meadow rue (Thalictrum with small bumps" on page 237.
aquilegifolium) has leaves resembling colum ­ Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed.
bine foliage; other species’ leaves look like Cause: Spider mites. See "Leaves stippled with
those of m aidenhair ferns. yellow; foliage webbed" on page 236.

Plant defoliated. Cause: Hemlock loop* white with red centers, pure orange, or purple-
ers. T he 1" long, greenish yellow, black-spotted blue. All need some type of support unless
caterpillars usually appear in June. They feed used in hanging baskets.
on the needles, starting from the branch tips Sow seeds indoors 6 weeks before the last
and working toward the center of the plant. frost. G erm ination takes 2-3 weeks. Seedlings
H andpick small populations: control large in­ grow slowly. Place outdoors when night tem ­
festations with BTK. peratures are above 50°E Thunbergias have
Leaves tunneled. Cause: Leafminers. See little cold tolerance, even as m ature plants.
‘‘Leaves tunneled*’ on page 237 for controls. Grow plants in full sun to light shade with
Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs fertile, w ell-drained soil. Avoid sites with
die or break off. Cause: Borers. For more reflected light, which can cause leaf sunburn.
information, see “Trunk or branches with small If spider mites attack leaves, see “Leaves stip­
holes; limbs die o r break o f f ’ on page 238. pled with yellow: foliage w ebbed” on page
Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots. 18. Powdery mildew can also be a problem;
See “Leaves with spoLs* on page 237 for controls. see “Leaves with powdery white patches” on
Branch tips die back. Causes: Blight; win­ page 19 for controls.
ter injury: sun scorch; drought stress. Blight,
a fungal disease, attacks mostly during cool,
wet weather; good air circulation among plants
discourages its onset. Leaves of infected plants
shrivel and twigs die back. Cut off and destroy
dead or diseased wood. To prevent the spread
of mild infections, spray with bordeaux mix at
2-week interv als until the weather gets warmer
and drier. Thymus vulgaris
If you see the same symptoms in very and other species (Labiatae)
early spring o r during hot, dry weather, your
arborvitae may be suffering from winter injury,
sun scorch, or drought stress. Minimize dam ­ Thyme is a hardy (Zone 5) perennial herb
age by watering deeply and regularly during grown for its tiny, arom atic leaves. It does best
dry periods. A thick mulch may also help by in light, dry, well-drained soil with a pH between
retaining moisture and keeping roots cool. 5.0 and 8.0. Thym e needs at least 4 hours of
full sun per day. Start pinches of seed indoors
in 70PF planting mix, purchase plants, or grow
them from cuttings.

Thunbergia Thyme is normally quite problem-free.

Dark spots on leaves are caused by fungal leaf
spot. Spray foliage with fish emulsion o r sulfur
Thunbergia. Annuals. to prevent the spread of mild infections. Tan
or red blisters on leaves are caused by rust, a
fungal disease. Destroy infected leaves and
Thunbergias are showy, twining climbers avoid wetting leaves to prevent its spread. See
ranging from 10' to 20' high. T he 1'/i"-3"flow ­ the Herbs entry beginning on page 116 for
ers may be orange with dark brown centers. other possible problems.
TOMATO ■ 227

Tllia break off* on page 238 for controls.

Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves with
moist or brown sunken spots. Cause: Anthrac­
Linden. Trees. nose. See “Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves
with moist o r brown sunken spots” on page
238 for control measures.
Lindens are deciduous shade trees, prin­ Leaves with powdery white coating.
cipally valued for their foliage. T heir sum ­ Cause: Powdery mildew. See "Leaves with pow­
m er flowers are fragrant and attractive to dery white coating" on page 237 for controls.
bees. Lindens are widely used as street trees Leaves tunneled. Cause: Leafminers. See
and, because they adapt well to pruning, for “Leaves tunneled" on page 237 for controls.
tall hedges. Trunk or branches with oozing lesions;
Set out in spring o r fall in full sun. Lin­ branch tips die back. C ause: Canker. Fbr more
dens tolerate drought and a wide range of soil inform ation, see “Trunk or branches with
conditions, although they perform best in deep, oozing lesions; branch tips die back" on
moist soils. page 238.
Leaves pale and drop early; branches wilt
Problems and die. Cause: Will. Prune off dead and
Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause: diseased branches, feeding with a high-nitrogen
Aphids. T hese pests, and the black, sooty fertilizer may help plants recover. Remove and
mold that grows on the sticky honeydew they destroy badly infected trees, and don’t plant
produce, are a com m on problem on lindens. new trees in the same area; they may also be
For control m easures, see “Leaves wrinkled attacked.
and discolored” on page 235.
Leaves skeletonized. Causes: Japanese
beetles: sawflies. See “Leaves skeletonized”
on page 236 for controls.
Plant defoliated; branches bear cocoonlike
bags. Cause: Bagworms. For controls, see
“Plant defoliated; branches bear cocoonlike
bags" on page 236.
Leaves skeletonized or with large holes; Lycopersicon esculentum (Solanaceae)
branches may be webbed. Cause: Caterpillars.
Num erous caterpillars feed on foliage to vary­
ing degrees. See “Leaves skeletonized or with Tom atoes are tender perennials that are
large holes: branches may be w ebbed” on grown as annuals in tem perate climates. T heir
page 236 for suggested controls. fruits can be pale greenish white, yellow, orange,
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered red, o r pink, and anywhere from currant size
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See “Leaves to well over a pound apiece. T here are 2 main
yellow; stem s and leaves covered with small types: D eterm inant cultivars grow to a certain
bumps" on page 237 for control measures. height and stop, putting all their energy into
Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs producing fruit heavily over a 4-6 week period;
die or break off. Cause: Borers. See “Trunk indeterminant cultivars grow and produce fruit­
or branches with small holes; limbs die or ing clusters until frost.

Culture and rinse in clean w ater before planting to

Tom atoes require full sun and deep soil reduce seed-borne diseases. Tom ato seeds
with a pH between 6.0 and 6.8. Work in plenty germ inate best between 75° and 90°F Once
of com post before planting to add organic seedlings are up, they grow best between 60°
matter. Tomatoes require m oderate levels of and 70°F W hen plants are set out, add 1 cup
nitrogen and phosphorus, and m oderate to high each of bonemeal and kelp to each hole. Water
levels of potassium and calcium . Tomatoes the transplants thoroughly with fish emulsion
grow best between 75° and 90°E Tempera­ or com post tea to give them a good start.
tures over 100°Fcan kill blossoms, while tem ­ Spray young plants with seaweed extract to
peratures below 50°F can cause chilling injury. help prevent transplant shock and nutrient
Keep soil moist, but not soggy, and do deficiencies.
not allow it to dry out. Avoid wetting leaves
when watering to help prevent diseases. Toma­ Leaf and Whole Plant Problems
toes do well in raised beds with drip irrigation Seedlings fall over; stems girdled or rot­
and mulch. Black plastic is a good mulch in ted at soil line. Cause: Damping-off. Disin­
cool areas because it helps warm the soil as fect reused pots and flats by dipping them in a
well as suppresses weeds and conserves water. 10 percent bleach solution and letting them air-
Organic mulch helps keep the soil cooler in dry before filling them with fresh seed-starting
very warm areas while adding organic matter. mix. Sow seed thinly to allow for air movement
Mulch also helps prevent disease by prevent­ around seedlings. Cover seed with a thin layer
ing the fruit from touching the ground or being of soilless mix or vermiculite. Water only enough
splashed with soil containing disease-causing to keep soil moist, not soggy. T hin seedlings
organisms. and spray with com post tea as soon as first
Choose cultivars that are adapted to local true leaves open to help prevent the problem.
growing conditions. Many are resistant to one Seedlings clipped off at soil line. Cause:
o r m ore problem s. Resistant cultivars are Cutworms. Check for fat, 1"-2" long, dull brown
usually denoted in seed catalogs as follows: o r gray caterpillars in the soil near the base of
F = Fusarium -resistant, V = Verticillium- plants. O nce they chew off a seedling, there is
resistant, T = tobacco mosaic virus-resistant, nothing you can do except protect the remain­
and N = nem atode-resistant. ing seedlings from nocturnal cutworm attacks.
Do not plant tom atoes where tom atoes, To prevent cutworm dam age, place cutworm
potatoes, eggplants, o r peppers have been collars around transplants, sprinkle moist bran
planted within the past 3-5 years. Also, try to mixed with BTK on the soil surface in the
plan your planting schem e to separate these evening, or add parasitic nem atodes to the
crops in the garden. Com post or till under all soil at least a week before planting.
plant residues at the end of the season to re­ Leaves yellow or pale. Cause: N utrient
duce overwintering pests. A fter tilling, spread deficiency. Spray young plants with seaweed
2-4 pounds of bloodm eal or soybean meal per extract to help prevent deficiencies, and add
each 100 square feet to encourage rapid break­ compost to the soil. Have the soil tested and
down of plant m aterial. am end as necessary.
Purchase stocky, insect- and disease-free If young leaves are yellow with green veins,
plants, o r start your own from seed indoors. suspect iron deficiency. Reduce soil pH to
Soak seed in a 10 percent bleach solution (1 help make iron more available. If dark spots
part bleach and 9 parts water) for 10 minutes develop in the yellow areas, and leaves are
TOMATO ■ 229

What (Joes Wrong

and Whv


4" Larva

4" wingspan

fj F ru it with small holes

'W Leaves with large, ^
o n su rfa c e ; interior rotted and hollow. ragged holes or leaves m issing.
Cause: Tomato fruitworms. Fruit collapses: pests Cause: Homworms. Large green caterpillars
also feed on leaves. rapidly consume leaves and sometimes fruit

L eaves with dark,

** .
(■ L eaves w ith brown edges. ^ c o n c e n tr ic a lly rin g e d
Pfcause. Bacterial canker. 1sp o ts . Cause: Eariy Wight.
Lower leaves wilt, curl up: Similat spot >appear on fruit.
fruit develops raised spots with white margins.

F ru it with concentrically
rin g e d , sunken spots.
Cause: Anthracnose.
Fruit eventually rots.
B L eaves mottled
"^with yellow; young growth
narro w a n d tw iste d . Cause: Tobacco mosaic virus.
Fruit may iav e yellow patches or ripen unevenly. —

F ru it w ith b lack ,
su n k e n a re a at
b lo sso m end.
Cause: Bk>ssom jk * Jr OWer
, *J • / leaves yellow;
end rot. Usually
sh oots or
appears on first w h o le p la n t wilts.
fruit of season,
W Cause Fusarium wilt
either ure^n or ripe
Infected plant eventually wilts and dies.

small and narrow, the problem may be zinc to prevent TMV, and control aphids, which
deficiency. If older leaves are yellow with green spread viruses as they feed.
veins, and then become bronzed, suspect potas­ Leaves yellow; plant stunted and wilts in
sium deficiency. hot weather. Cause: Root knot nem atodes.
If young leaves are pale and growing tips Plants eventually die. Check roots for swollen
die. the problem may be calcium deficiency. sections o r galls up to 1" in diameter. Destroy
Add high-calcium lime, dolom itic lime if mag­ infested plants: do not com post them . Apply
nesium is also low. wood ashes, or gypsum to chitin o r parasitic nem atodes to the soil to
the soil. control the pests.
Plants that are stunted and have yellow Older leaves yellow; shoots or whole plant
o r pale older leaves may be nitrogen deficient. wilts. Cause: W alnut, Fusarium, o r Verticil­
Leaves yellow, distorted, and sticky. lium wilt. Walnut wilt occurs in soil contain­
Cause: Aphids. Leaves may develop brown ing black w alnut ro o ts, w hich se c re te a
spots. T hese small green, black, gray, pink, or substance that is toxic to many kinds of plants.
white fluffy-coated insects suck plant sap. For Tomatoes within 50' of black walnut trees or
mild infestations, knock pests off plants with stum ps wilt and die suddenly. T he toxic com ­
a blast of water. Spray plants with insecticidal pound remains in the soil for some years after
soap in the evening to control, or with a com ­ trees are cut down. Plant your tom atoes at
m ercial neem or pyrethrin spray if infestation least 50' from walnut trees. If this is impossible,
is severe. grow tom atoes in containers in a good organic
Leaves of young plant purple. Causes: potting mix.
Phosphorus deficiency; lack of dark period. Fusarium wilt and Verticillium wilt are
Phosphorus is unavailable in cool soil; symp­ both fungal diseases and are difficult to tell
toms usually fade as soil warms. Spray plants apart. See page 229 for an illustration of
with seaweed extract to alleviate symptoms. Fusarium wilt. Both Fusarium and Verticil­
Seedlings grown under lights will be pur­ lium wilts begin as a yellowing and wilting of
ple if the lights are left on continuously. Give the lower leaves. Plants are stunted and do not
seedlings 8 hours of darkness each night to recover when watered. Cut open a stem near
reverse or prevent purpling. the soil line and look for internal discoloration.
Leaves stippled or bronzed. Cause: Mites. Verticillium wilt usually affects the whole plant
A fine webbing may be present below or while Fusarium may infect individual shoots
between leaves. Infested leaves dry out and before the whole plant is affected. Fusarium
fall off. These tiny, spiderlike insects feed on thrives in warm er tem peratures (80°-90°F)
plant sap and thrive in hot. dry weather. Spray than Verticillium does (68°-75°F). Destroy
plants with insecticidal soap or sulfur to con­ infected plants. Tom ato Fusarium infects only
trol mites. tom atoes; Verticillium infects a wide range of
Leaves mottled with yellow; young growth plant species, making effective rotation con­
narrow and twisted. Cause: Tobacco mosaic trol difficult. Prevent problem s by presoaking
virus. See page 229 for an illustration of tobacco seed in a 10 percent bleach solution o r by plant­
mosaic virus (TM V >. Destroy diseased plants. ing resistant cultivars. Control pest nem atodes
Presoak seed in 10 percent bleach solution to help reduce wilt problems.
before planting, or choose resistant cultivars Whole plant wilts; leaves remain green.
to prevent problems. Wash hands after han­ Cause: Southern bacterial wilt. Plants do not
dling tobacco and before touching tomatoes recover when watered. This disease is most
TOMATO ■ 231

damaging in the Deep South. Destroy infected Leaves with brown edges. Cause: Bacte­
plants. Prevent problem s by planting tolerant rial canker. Lower leaves wilt and curl up;
cultivars such as ‘Saturn' and ‘Venus'. stems develop light-colored streaks and are
Leaves with small dark spots. Causes: brown and mealy inside. See page 229 for an
Bacterial spot; bacterial speck. C enters of illustration of this disease. Destroy infected
spots may dry and fall out. Leaves may turn plants. To prevent problems, presoak seed in
yellow, then brown, and fall off. Spray infected 10 percent bleach solution, and avoid wound­
plants with copper to prevent developm ent of ing plants. Don't touch plants when they are
further symptoms. wet to avoid spreading the disease.
Leaves with dark, water-soaked patches. Leaves with small holes. Cause: Flea
Causes: Late blight; Septoria leaf spot. Water- b eetles. Young tra n sp la n ts are the m ost
soaked patches that turn brown, dry, and papery susceptible. These tiny black, brown, or bronze
are symptom s of late blight. In wet weather insects hop when disturbed. Treat plants with
the patches may develop a ring of white mold. a com m ercial pyrethrin spray o r dust if infes­
Stems may have blackened areas. Infected fruit tation is severe. Protect transplants with row
have large, irregular, firm, greasy-looking brown cover until they start to flower.
spots. This fungal disease often occurs during Leaves with large, ragged holes or leaves
periods of humid w eather with cool nights missing. Causes: Colorado potato beetles;
(below 60°F) and warm days (70°-85°F). Spray homworms: other caterpillars. Colorado potato
plants with com post tea to help prevent fur­ beetles are yellowish orange, oval, hard-shelled,
ther symptom developm ent, o r with copper if '/ / ' long beetles with black stripes. Larvae are
the disease is severe. Prevent problems by soft-bodied, hum pbacked, dark orange grubs
planting tolerant cultivars such as ‘Pieraline’. with a row of black spots down each side of
If the patches develop into circular, dark their bodies. Eggs are orange and laid in rows
spots with light centers peppered with dark on undersides of leaves. Severe infestations
specks, suspect Septoria leaf spot, another can defoliate plants. Handpick insects o r spray
fungal disease. O lder leaves are affected first. plants with BTSD if young larvae are feeding.
Spray plants with copper to prevent further Hom worm s are 3"-4‘/2" caterpillars with
symptom development. Spraying transplants white diagonal stripes. The tobacco homworm
with an antitranspirant may help prevent Sep­ has a red horn projecting from the rear, while
toria. However, don’t spray with antitranspirant the tom ato hom worm has a black horn. See
when tom atoes are blooming heavily. page 229 for an illustration of these pests. Hand-
Leaves with dark, concentrically ringed pick o r spray plants with BTK to control them.
spots. Cause: Early blight. Lower leaves and Do not spray if caterpillars are covered with
stems affected first. See page 229 for an illus­ small, white, cigar-shaped projections, which
tration of this fungal disease, also known as are actually parasitic wasp cocoons.
A lternaria blight. Disease occurs when plants O ther caterpillars, such as cabbage loop-
are loaded with fruit and during hum id, warm ers and beet armyworms, sometim es feed on
(75°-85°F) weather. Spray infected plants with tom ato leaves. Handpick o r spray plants with
copper a n d /o r sulfur to prevent further dis­ BTK if many caterpillars are feeding.
ease development. Prevent problems by plant­
ing resistant cultivars such as ‘Kotlas’. Spraying Flower and Fruit Problems
transplants with an antitranspirant may help Few flowers form; flowers may drop with­
to prevent this disease. out setting fruit. Causes: Excess nitrogen;

shading; extreme temperatures; drought stress. Fruit with pale yellow spots just under the
Plants with excess nitrogen are dark green skin; spots may have a central puncture. Cause:
and vigorous, but produce few flowers. Wait Stink bugs. Flesh under spots is white and
for flowers to form. Prevent problems by avoid­ spongy. T hese brown, tan. gray, or green, W
ing high-nitrogen soil am endm ents. long, shield-shaped bugs inject a toxin when
Tomatoes need at least 6 hours of sun a they feed on green fruit. Many species of weeds
day to produce flowers; prevent problems by are also host plants. Keep garden well-weeded
not planting them in shaded areas. to prevent problems.
Tem peratures over 100° or below 55°F Fruit with small, raised spots. Causes:
can damage flowers and cause them to fall Bacterial canker; bacterial spot; bacterial speck.
without setting fruit. Wait for new flowers to If spots are tan with white margins and look
form. Protect plants with row cover until night like "bird's eyes” , the plants are suffering from
tem peratures remain above 55°E bacterial canker. See "Leaves with brown edges’'
Dry soil may also cause blossom drop. on page 231 for controls.
Keep soil evenly moist, but not soggy, and do If spots are brown, scabby, and rough
not allow it to dry out. with sunken centers, the plants have bacterial
Fruit with large, faded or gray-white, sunken spot. If spots are tiny, dark brown, and sur­
patches. Cause: Sunscald. Green o r ripe fruit rounded with white borders, the plants have
can be affected. Control leaf diseases to pre­ bacterial speck. See “Leaves with small dark
vent defoliation so fruit will be shaded and spots’’ on page 231 for controls.
protected from direci sun. Fruit with concentrically ringed, sunken
Fruit gnarled and malformed with dry spots. Causes: A nthracnose; early blight. If
scars near the blossom end. Cause: Cold injury. these spots appear on ripe fruit, and fruit
Cat-facing, as this symptom is also called, is eventually ro ts, the problem is probably
caused by prolonged cool w eather during anthracnose. See page 229 for an illustration
blossoming. Poor pollination may be partially of this disease. Keep plants dry when watering
responsible. Protect plants with row cover until to prevent spread. Pick fruit promptly, as over­
nights remain above 55°E ripe fruit is more susceptible. Spray plants
Fruit ripens unevenly and has grayish yel­ with copper when first fruit develops if you
low blotches. Cause: Graywall. G reen fruit have had problems in the past.
has grayish skin b lo tc h es and in te rio r is Spots that appear near the stem while
discolored. Ripe fruit has green or brown areas fruit is green are symptoms of early blight. See
in interior. This condition can be caused by “Leaves with dark, concentrically ringed spots”
dense shade from crowded plants, cool tem ­ on page 231 for controls.
peratures (below 60°F) during ripening, wet Fruit with black, sunken area at blossom
or com pacted soil, excess nitrogen, potassium end. Cause: Blossom end rot. Seen on green
deficiency, o r various d iseases, including or ripe fruit. First fruit to ripen is more likely
tobacco mosaic virus. Prevent problems by to be affected than fruit that ripens later. See
providing good growing conditions. page 229 for an illustration of this problem.
Fruit with green, water-soaked spots. This condition is due to calcium deficiency in
Cause: Late blight. Spots expand into large, the fruit. It is aggravated by drought o r uneven
greasy-looking, brown areas but remain firm. soil m oisture, root dam age, high salt levels in
See “Leaves with dark, water-soaked patches" the soil, and excess nitrogen. If soil test indi­
on page 231 for controls. cates deficiency, add high-calcium lime to the

soil. Prevent problem s by keeping soil evenly other caterpillars. Ripe fruit may have brown,
moist and by spraying plants with seaweed calloused pits. See ‘‘Leaves with large, ragged
extract when the first flowers open and again holes or leaves missing" on page 231 for descrip­
when green fruit is visible. tions and controls.
Fruit with cracks around the stems; shoul­ Ripe fruit with large, chewed holes.
ders may be green or yellow. Cause: Uneven Causes: Slugs and snails; various animal pests.
irrigation. Cracks start at the stem and extend Slugs and snails can eat into a tom ato quite
o ut. o r are sem i-circular splits on the shoul­ rapidly. They often leave a shiny slime trail on
ders of the fruit. Rots may invade fruit through the plant or ground m arking their passage.
cracks. Prevent problems by keeping soil evenly Slugs hide under objects during the day. Place
moist throughout the season and by planting inverted flowerpots around the garden, check
crack-resistant cultivars such as 'Early G irl\ them daily, and destroy slugs hiding under
‘Jet S ta r, and ‘R om a. them.
Ripe fruit rots. Cause: Various fungal Various furry pests like tom atoes, too.
and bacterial diseases. Remove infected fruit See "Stopping Animal Pests" on page 408 for
from plants. Stake plants to keep them off the controls.
ground and mulch to prevent soil from splash­
ing up on fruit. Keep plants dry when w ater­
ing and avoid touching them when wet. Grow
crack-resistant cultivars and harvest ripe fruit
promptly. Spray plants with copper after fruit
forms if rots have been a problem in the past
and w eather is warm and wet.
Trees, Shrubs,
Fruit with narrow, black tunnels through
flesh and small holes near stem. Cause: Tomato
and Vines
pinworms. Larvae are small and gray and may
have reddish markings. Destroy infested fruit.
Till soil after harvest to prevent pests from Controlling pests and diseases on land­
overwintering. scape plants is largely a m atter of com m on
Fruit with small holes on surface; interior sense and simple preventive measures. Choos­
rotted and hollow. Cause: Tomato fruitworms. ing the right plants and supplying their simple
Fruit appears to collapse like a deflated balloon. needs will help make pest control a minimal
Larvae of tom ato fruitworm , also called corn part of your gardening chores.
earworm. are light yellow, green, pink, or brown
and grow up to 2" long with spines and length­ Searching Out Stress
wise stripes. See page 229 for an illustration of W hen your plants are showing signs of
this pest. O nce larvae are inside fruit, there is insects o r disease, the first step to control is
nothing to d o but destroy the infested fruit. If figuring out w hat attracted the problem in the
you see larvae feeding on leaves before attack­ first place. Plants stressed by any of several
ing fruit, spray plants with BTK to control. causes, like drought, extreme cold, o r soil com ­
Prevent eggs from being laid on plants by paction, are most prone to insects and disease.
covering them with row cover until they flower. T he solution to these problem s often
Green fruit with large, chewed holes. depends on your identifying the stress that is
Cause: Hom worm s; C olorado potato beetles; weakening the plant. Once you know the source

of the stress, you can take steps to control it. Keep your eyes open for potential problems,
Som etim es it’s easy to determ ine w hat's caus­ and you may be able to minimize the damage
ing the problem. During dry spells, for instance, to your plants before pests or diseases attack.
lack of water is an obvious possibility. O ther
noticeable stresses include wounds caused Getting a Good Start
by equipm ent or root dam age from construc­ W hen you are buying new plants, you
tion activity. can avoid a lot of future problems by choosing
In o th er cases, the initial problem may be locally adapted plants or resistant cultivars.
more subtle. Plants growing near streets and Plants that are native to an area are often less
walkways are often dam aged in winter by the prone to problems because they are growing
de-icing salts that are washed into the soil, in the environm ent to which they are best
although symptoms may not appear until spring. adapted. Read about the plants you intend to
buy, and avoid very pest-prone species. If you
have your heart set on a plant that is espe­
cially vulnerable to some problem , consider
buying a resistant cultivar if one is available.
Look for this information in catalogs, o r ask
your local nursery ow ner o r extension agent
for more information on the plants best adapted
to your area.
Once you get your plant hom e, some
basic care will help it get established quickly.
G ood soil preparation will provide the ideal
conditions for strong root developm ent. Pro­
viding ample w ater for the first few years after
planting also encourages vigorous growth. A
2"-3" thick layer of organic mulch helps keep
the soil moist and weeds down; just be sure to
keep the mulch a few inches away from the
trunk or main stem to discourage animal and
insect pests from attacking the base of the
plant. Do any necessary pruning o r staking
carefully, and avoid making wounds in the
stems with lawn mowers or string trimmers.

Choosing a Control
If a problem does require control, try the
Topping means trouble. Topping, or cutting least drastic solution, like handpicking insects
tree limbs back drastically to the main branches, o r pruning off diseased parts. Observing your
can expose trees to a wide range o f problems. plants often will help you catch problem s be­
The large wounds heal slowly and provide a fore they require more severe controls.
perfect entrance point for diseases. Many W hen dealing with large plants like trees,
insect pests are attracted to the wealth o f realize that controlling insect and disease prob­
succulent shoots that sprout from the stumps. lems may be im practical. If the tree is other­

Treating tree wounds. Wounds in tree bark, Proper pruning cuts. You can help your plants
caused by equipment or animals, are an easy stay healthy and vigorous by using correct
target for pests and diseases. Treat the wound pruning techniques. Always make your pruning
by using a sharp knife to smooth the wound cuts on a 45-degree angle just above a bud.
edges and shape the area into an elliptical Cutting too close may damage or kill the bud.
form. This promotes the development o f callus I f you cut too far above the bud, the cut may
tissue and helps the wound close quickly. not heal over, and the wounded tissue is an easy
target for disease spores.

wise healthy, m ost disorders will not cause Leaf Problems

perm anent damage. To deal with serious infes­ Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause;
tations or infections on large plants, consider Aphids. T hese '/u '-'/s ”, pear-shaped, green,
getting the advice of your local extension agent pink, black, dusty gray, o r white fluffy-coated
or a qualified tree-care professional; this is insects cluster on leaves, buds, and young
especially true before attem pting a drastic stems. As they feed, they drop sticky honey­
control, like removing the plant. dew on lower leaves. Sooty mold fungi often
Below is a discussion of some of the most grow on the honeydew on aphid-infested
com m on insect and disease problems on trees, foliage —as well as on the plants growing
shrubs, and vines. beneath them ; see “Leaves with black coat­

ing" below for m ore inform ation. Heavy infes­ the band every afternoon, and collect and
tations may result in sum m er leaf drop. Avoid destroy the larvae that are trapped there. From
overfeeding, which promotes succulent growth late April through mid-June, spray leaves with
attractive to aphids. Spray plants vigorously BTK every 10-14 days and after each rain to
with water, several tim es a day for 2-3 days to provide more widespread control. T he whit­
knock off the pests. If that doesn't control ish adult female m oth lays eggs in tan masses
them , spray them every 2-3 days with insecti­ on trunks and branches. In winter, crush the
cidal soap until the pests are under control. egg masses or scrape them into a bucket of
Use pyrethrin as a last resort. soapy water.
Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed. Plant defoliated; branches bear cocoonlike
Cause: Spider mites. These tiny, spiderlike bags. Cause: Bagworms. These pests are actu­
pests generally feed on the undersides of plant ally V /'-l". brown caterpillars, although you’ll
leaves. They suck sap from plant leaves, ini­ seldom see them . They feed from inside bags
tially causing a yellow flecking on the upper they create out of silk and the leaves of w hat­
leaf surfaces. Severe infestations can cause ever plant they’re feeding on. T h a t’s why the
leaves to turn yellow or white; damaged leaves bags look different on m aples, for exam ple,
will eventually turn brown and drop. Tiny than they do on pine or spruce trees. On some
webs may be evident on leaves and stem tips. needle-leaf evergreens, you might even mis­
T h e leaf dam age these pests cause may stunt take the bags for cones at first glance.
the growth of the plant. Control spider mites Handpick and destroy the bags; as soon
by spraying plants thoroughly with water (espe­ as you notice the caterpillars, start a program
cially the undersides of the leaves) 2-3 times a of spraying with BTK applied every 10 days
day for several days. For severe infestations, (or after a heavy rain) through midsummer.
spray plants with insecticidal soap, or pyre­ Leaves skeletonized. Causes: Japanese
thrin as a last resort. beetles; sawflies. Japanese beetles have metal­
Leaves skeletonized or with large holes; lic blue-green bodies with bronze wing covers.
branches may be webbed. Cause: Caterpillars. Besides feeding on leaves, the adult beetles
Several kinds feed on foliage, including tent often chew on buds and flowers.
caterpillars and webworms. Control all of these Pherom one traps are available, but they
pests by manually destroying their nests or are most helpful if you can convince your
egg cases, spraying leaves with BTK at the neighbors to use them , too; otherw ise, your
first sign of dam age, or. as a last resort, apply­ traps may just attract beetles from their yards
ing pyrethrin spray. into yours. Apply milky disease spores to your
Plant defoliated. Cause: Gypsy moths. lawn for long-term larval control. Handpick
Gypsy m oth larvae are up to 2l/2n long, gray- in early morning (when the beetles move more
brown, hairy caterpillars with red and blue slowly) if there are only a few.
spots on their backs. Unlike tent caterpillars Sawflies may also cause similar damage.
and webworms, gypsy moth larvae do not They are closely related to bees and wasps.
make webs. T he larvae are the most destructive stage,
T hese caterpillars feed mainly at night feeding on and skeletonizing plant leaves or
and crawl down the trunk every morning. To com pletely defoliating the plant. They range
trap them on their way back up the tree, wrap in size from ‘A" to 1Vi" and often closely resem­
a wide piece of burlap around the trunk, tie it ble caterpillars, although sawfly larvae have
in the center, and fold over the top half. Check more than 5 pairs of "legs.” Damage may occur

throughout the sum m er because different spe­ of mild infections, spray leaves with bordeaux
cies feed at different limes. Control larvae as mix; repeat twice at 10-day intervals.
soon as you spot them by handpicking or Leaves with powdery white coating.
spraying leaves with insecticidal soap. Use Cause: Powdery mildew. Commonly attack­
pyrethrin for severe infestations. ing the foliage of many kinds of plants, pow­
Leaves tunneled. Cause: Leafminers. The dery mildew may also appear on buds and shoot
larvae of some flies, m oths, sawflies. and bee­ tips. Although it is unsightly, this fungal dis­
tles feed in between upper and lower leaf ease seldom causes serious dam age. especially
surfaces; these pests are collectively known if it occurs late in the season. Reduce the
as leafminers. They may cause narrow, curved chances of disease by leaving plenty of room
tunnels in the leaves o r large, silvery brown around plants for good air circulation. Clean
blotches. Severe infestations can cause leaves up and destroy or dispose of infected leaves.
to brown and wilt or drop. T he most effective Leaves yellow and wilt. Cause: Root rot.
control is handpicking and destroying infested Root rots are caused by various species of
leaves. Sprays and dusts are usually ineffec­ fungi. Besides the com m on leaf symptoms,
tive because the larvae are protected within root rots can also cause reduced growth, branch
the leaves for most of their lives. dieback, and the ultimate death of the plant.
Leaves with black coating. Cause: Sooty At the soil level, the stem wood may be dis­
mold. This fungus grows on the sugary, sticky colored, o r stringlike fungal structures may be
honeydew produced by aphids, scales, white­ present. Yellow-orange mushrooms sometimes
flies, and mealybugs. T he black fungal coat­ appear at the base of dying trees. Remove
ing doesn't harm leaves directly, but it does infected trees as soon as possible to reduce
shade the leaves and reduce growth. T he best the spread of the fungus to other trees.
control is to deal with the pests that are pro­ Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
ducing the honeydew. D eterm ine what pests with small bumps. Cause: Scales. As they
your plant has and apply the appropriate feed, these tiny pests cover themselves with
control. (If the plant itself doesn’t show signs V,o" long shells in a range of shapes and colors.
of pest dam age, the honeydew may be drip­ Some scales have hard, shiny shells, others
ping down from an overhanging plant.) On form cottony, white coatings. These insects
small plants, you can wipe the leaves with a often feed on the undersides of the leaves,
dam p cloth to remove the honeydew and causing a generally unhealthy plant appearance
the mold. and yellowish blotches on the upper leaf
Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots. A surfaces. O ther types of scales feed on twigs
large num ber of fungi and bacteria cause spots and branches. Sooty mold fungi often grow on
on plant leaves, in a variety of colors, shapes, the honeydew on scale-infested foliage —as
and sizes. In some cases the spots may spread well as on the plants growing beneath them:
to cover entire leaves, stunting plant growth. see “Leaves with black coating” above for
O ther leaf spots have centers that die and fall more information.
out of the leaf, giving a “shothole" effect. If possible, scrape off m inor infestations
Fortunately, the same controls are effec­ of scale with your fingernail. Prune out badly
tive against many leaf spot diseases. Pick off infested growth, or use a soft brush and soapy
infected leaves. Rake up and destroy fallen water to gently scrub the scales off the stems
leaves and branches in autum n to eliminate (if the plant isn’t too bushy or spiny.) Apply a
overwintering spores. To prevent the spread dorm ant oil spray to the trunk and branches

before growth starts in spring, or a superior oil a 10 percent bleach solution (1 part bleach to
during the growing season. 9 parts water). Destroy severely infected plants.
This disease rem ains viable in the soil for
Trunk and Branch Problems several years w ithout a host, so avoid replant­
Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs ing susceptible plants, such as euonym us and
die or break off. Cause: Borers. Numerous forsythia, in that area.
borers attack woody plants, mining the inner Trunk with shelflike growths. C ause:
bark and wood of branches and trunk. To Wood rots. Wood rots near the base of the
make plants less susceptible to attack, keep tree, caused by various species of fungus, are
them healthy with proper pruning, mulching, indicated by the a p p e a ra n c e of shelflike
and watering (during drought). Avoid wound­ growths. Prevent the disease by m aintaining
ing bark unnecessarily. Be especially careful general health and treating injuries to the
when using a lawn mower o r string trim m er tree. O nce established over a large area of
around trunks of woody plants. Prune off borer- the trunk, there is little that can be done;
infested branches. If you see borer holes in remove the tree.
your trees, probe into them with a flexible
wire o r inject a solution of parasitic nema­ Whole Plant Symptoms
todes: after treatm ent, seal holes with putty. Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves with
Trunk or branches with oozing lesions; moist or brown sunken spots. Cause: Anthrac­
branch tips die back. Cause: Canker. Several nose. This fungal disease is particularly a prob­
kinds of fungi cause cankers on twigs, trunk, lem in cool, wet springs. In severe cases, twigs
and branches. As they spread, these sunken die back and defoliation can occur. G ather
areas can girdle stems, killing the branch tips and dispose of fallen diseased leaves, and cut
and stunting growth. off affected branches several inches below the
Mildly affected plants may recover from dam aged area. A single spraying with bor­
an attack of this fungus. Remove and destroy deaux mix should provide control on young
affected branches. If possible, cut away and trees. No control is needed on larger trees;
destroy the cankered area, along with 2” of they’ll produce new healthy leaves when the
healthy bark around the edge of the dam aged w eather becom es w arm er and drier.
area. Heavily diseased plants cannot be cured Leaves yellow, sparse, distorted, or with
and should be removed and destroyed. The brown edges; branches die; growth stunted.
best prevention is to provide good growing Cause: Decline. Decline does not refer to a
conditions; healthy plants resist attacks. Avoid particular pest or disease organism; rather, it
dam aging plants with lawn mowers, string relates to a general loss of plant vigor that is
trimmers, or pruning tools; wounds are a com ­ not due to a specific cause. It is usually a
mon place for cankers to start. result of a num ber of stresses acting on a tree
Trunk or roots with swollen, wartlike over a period of years. Plants that are mis­
growths. Cause: Crown gall. This bacterial m atched to their sites, soil com paction, root
disease causes wartlike swellings on plant roots, dam age, trunk injuries, repeated attack by
stems, or branches. It can enter the plant insects o r disease, and im proper pruning are
through wounds caused by lawn-maintenance among the factors that can cause stressed plants
equipm ent o r chewing insects. If the plant is and lead to decline.
only slightly infected, p ru n e out diseased If you can identify and elim inate the
growth. Afterward, disinfect your pruners with sources of the problem , you may be able to

restore the plant's health. A seriously weak­

ened plant may be too far gone for recovery,
and you’ll need to remove it. If you have iden­
tified the source of the original problem and
have taken steps to resolve it, consider replant­
ing with a suitable species.
Whole plant stunted and lacking vigor.
Cause: Nematodes. Plant-parasitic species of
these m icroscopic, wormlike creatures attack
the roots and make plants look sickly and
stunted. If you dig up the plant, you may find
knotlike galls on the roots. T he best control
measures are preventive: Mulch regularly with
com post or o th er organic mulch to ensure
that soil organic m atter levels rem ain high.
W hen preparing soil for an entire bed or shrub
border, incorporate plenty of com post into
the soil. Do not am end the soil in individual
planting holes: See the illustration "Proper
Planting" at right for recom m endations. Re­
move seriously infected plants and avoid replac­
ing them with nem atode-susceptible species
(c o n ta c t y o u r lo cal e x te n sio n o ffice for
recom m endations). Proper planting. Following a few simple plant­
Whole tree falls over. Cause: Windthrow. ing tricks will get your plants o ff to a good start.
If an otherw ise healthy tree suddenly falls First, dig a wide but shallow planting area.
over, roots and all, the problem may be due to Ideally, the tree should rest on undisturbed
im proper planting. T h e roots of trees planted soil, with the top o f the root ball the same level
in small holes and backfilled with heavily at which it was growing in the nursery. Scratch
am ended soils may not extend out of the plant­
the sides o f the hole with a spading fork to
loosen the soil and encourage root penetration.
ing area in search of nutrients. T h e small root
Don t add peat moss or other amendments to
system that develops may not be enough to
the hole; simply replace the original soil, water
anchor the tree if a sudden strong wind gust
thoroughly, and apply a 2"-3" layer o f mulch.
com es along.
To avoid dam age, follow the guidelines
given in the illustration “Proper Planting’’ at
right. If windthrow does happen to a young thoroughly, and mulch well with com post to
tree, you may be able to save the plant. While prom ote new root growth.
the roots are exposed, use your fingers o r a Leaves yellow; growth stunted; top of plant
tool to gently loosen the congested root mass. breaks off from roots. Cause: G raft incom ­
Loosen the soil to a depth of about 8", in a patibility. This problem occurs when the root
circle a few feet o u t from the trunk. T hen system and the top of a grafted plant do not
carefully pull the tree upright, and stake it on join properly. This lack of connection inter­
several sides to hold it upright. W ater the tree feres with the flow of w ater and nutrients, and

the top of the plant may die and break off at planting nasturtium s near other susceptible
the graft union. This problem most commonly crops, such as eggplants, tomatoes, or peppers.
occurs within a few m onths of grafting, but it Solarize the soil before replanting with sus­
can also happen after several years of appar­ ceptible plants.
ently healthy growth. Fortunately, this prob­ Leaves with many tiny holes. Cause: R ea
lem does not happen often. If your plant is beetles. Infested leaves quickly dry out and
dam aged, remove it; there is no cure. may wither. These tiny black, brown, or bronze
insects hop readily when disturbed. Keep nas­
turtium s sufficiently watered. Eliminate gar­
den debris where flea beetles reside. Spray

Tropaeolum serious infestations with pyrethrin.

Nasturtium. Annuals.

Available in all shades of red, yellow,

orange, and white, these easy-to-grow plants Hemlock. Trees.
thrive in warm, sunny weather. Flowers are 2"
wide, highly visible, and born singly. Some
cultivars have a bushy habit; others climb Hemlocks are narrow-leaved, evergreen,
quickly if given any type of support. O ther­ cone-bearing trees. Often used as attractive
wise, they sprawl along the ground with a 1'-6' hedges, they can be allowed to grow naturally
wide spread. or be sheared to any height and width.
Direct-sow nasturtium seeds in late spring: Hemlocks are best adapted to moist, cool
they germ inate in 1-2 weeks. Plants prefer climates. They are shallow-rooted and easily
sun. but some afternoon shade is beneficial in transplanted: set out in spring as balled-and-
very hot areas. They are not fussy about the burlapped plants. Hemlocks prefer moist, acid
soil conditions, but too much fertilizer encour­ soil rich in organic matter. They will flourish
ages am ple foliage growth and fewer flowers. in sun or partial shade; if planted in sun. make
Space plants 8" apart. W ater only as needed, sure to w ater during drought.
to prevent wilting.
Problems Leaves drop; plant weak or dead. Cause:
Leaves, stems, and buds distorted. Cause: Hemlock woolly adelgids. T he most notice­
Aphids. For controls, see “Leaves, stems, and able sign of this pest is the cottony, white egg
buds distorted" on page 20. masses that appear in late w inter and early
Leaves with tan or brown blotches or ser­ spring. T he white-fringed nymphs emerge in
pentine tunnels. C ause: L eafm iners. See early spring and feed on twigs and leaf bases
“Leaves with tan o r brown blotches o r serpen­ throughout the summ er; the m ature adelgids
tine tunnels" on page 27 for controls. then overwinter and repeat the cycle. Control
Plant yellows, wilts, and dies. Cause: by spraying the trunk and branches in early
Bacterial wilt. T h e stem s have black streaks, spring (before growth starts) with dorm ant oil
and roots will rot. T here is no cure. Avoid to reduce the population of overwintering
Tl'IJPA ■ 241

adults. Repeat the spray in June and O ctober dry weather, your hemlock may be suffering
with insecticidal soap or superior oil. from sun scorch o r drought stress. Minimize
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered dam age by watering deeply and regularly dur­
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. Several kinds ing dry periods. A thick mulch may also help
of scale attack hemlocks. For inform ation on by retaining moisture and keeping roots cool.
controlling these pests, see “Leaves yellow; Leaves yellow and drop. Cause: Rust.
stem s and leaves covered with small bumps" Whitish blisters on the undersides of the leaves,
on page 237. followed by yellowing and leaf drop, indicates
Branches with brown tip s. C au se: rust. Prune out and destroy infected branch
Spruce budworms. For more inform ation, see tips. To prevent the spread of the disease,
“Branches with brown tips" on page 181. spray with sulfur, repeating 2 or 3 times at
Plant defoliated. Causes: Hemlock loop- weekly intervals.
ers; gypsy moths. T he 1" long, greenish yellow, Trunk or branches with oozing lesions;
black-spotted hemlock loopers usually appear branch tips die back. C ause: Canker. See
in June. They feed on the needles, starting from “Trunk or branches with oozing lesions; branch
the branch tips and working toward the cen­ tips die back" on page 238 for details.
ter of the plant. H andpick small populations:
control large infestations with BTK.
Gypsy m oths cause similar dam age; for a
description and control m easures, see "Plant
defoliated” on page 236.
Plant defoliated; branches bear cocoonlike
bags. Cause: Bagworms. See “Plant defoli­ Tulip. Bulbs.
ated; branches bear cocoon like bags” on page
Leaves light gray or bronze. Cause: Perhaps the best-loved of the spring-
Spruce spider mites. See “Leaves light gray or flowering bulbs, tulips have been adm ired and
bronze" on page 181 for controls. prized for centuries. Plant breeders have devel­
Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs oped thousands of hybrids and cultivars from
die or break off. Cause: Borers. See “Trunk the more than 100 species in this genus. Divided
or branches with small holes; limbs die or into 15 divisions, based on bloom time, flower
break o ff' on page 238 for details. form, and parentage, tulips bear cup-shaped
Branch tips die back. Causes: Blight; sun blossoms on 6 "-24" tall flower stalks. Flowers
scorch; drought stress. Blight, a fungal disease, com e in all colors except true blue; bicolors
attacks mostly during cool, wet weather. Good are common. Thick, 6"-8" long, straplike leaves
air circulation among trees discourages its surround flower stems.
onset. Leaves of infected plants shrivel and Hardy bulbs, tulips require winter chill­
twigs die back. Cut off and destroy dead or ing to bloom. W here tem peratures don’t fall
diseased wood. In a very cool, wet spring, you low enough, several weeks in a refrigerator at
can spray with bordeaux mix. starting when 40°F provides the necessary cold period. In
new growth appears on the trees and repeat­ cold-winter climates, plant tulips in fall, at
ing at 2-week intervals until the w eather gets least 1 m onth before the ground freezes. Keep
w arm er and drier. bulbs cool until planting; exposure to tem per­
If you see the same symptoms during hot. atures over 70°F reduces flower size. Plant

6 "-10" deep in full sun and well-drained soil. fire, this fungus causes red-brown leaf spots
Poor drainage promotes bulb rots. Mulch lightly that later turn gray. Plants may be stunted or
in winter. Top-dress with compost and bonemeal pale yellow-green with deform ed flowers and
in spring, about 1 month before bloom. Remove rotting stems. Dark spots form on bulbs; gray
spent flowers to prom ote bulb growth. As mold may be present. Dig and destroy infected
clum ps enlarge, flower size may decline. Dig plants. Limit disease spread by watering early
crowded clumps after foliage fades, shake off in the day so leaves have time to dry before
loose soil, and air-dry bulbs in shade for a evening. Trim off leaves as soon as they turn
few days. Divide offsets and parent bulbs yellow; remove spent flowers. To protect tulips,
and replant. apply bordeaux mix when shoots appear in
spring: repeat 1 week later.
Problems Leaves and flowers streaked or mottled;
Leaves with large, ragged holes. Cause: foliage spindly or deformed. C ause: Viral
Slugs and snails. Slugs and snails may feed on diseases. Several viruses infect tulips. Some
foliage; see “Leaves with large, ragged holes'* tulip cultivars gel their flower color from viral
on page 50 for controls. infections; the resulting blooms are said to be
Leaves yellow or distorted; bulbs decayed. broken. Aphids and leafhoppers may spread
Cause: Bulb mites. These mites may arrive on virus from broken tulips to solid-colored ones
new bulbs. See “Leaves yellow o r distorted; and also to lilies. Viruses weaken tulips with­
bulbs decayed” on page 50 for controls. out killing them ; remove infected plants to
Plant fails to appear in spring; bulbs halt disease spread to healthy tulips. Wash
missing. Cause: Animal pests. Rodents like tools used around infected plants; control suck­
to feed on tulip bulbs; droppings or disturbed ing insects; see “Leaves, stem s, and buds
soil may appear in flower beds. Plant bulbs distorted, sticky: clusters of small insects” on
where hum an activity will discourage wild­ page 51 for inform ation on controlling aphids.
life; pet cats or dogs also deter animal pests.
Line planting beds with hardware cloth to ex­
clude burrowing rodents; cover beds with screen
wire in winter. Try repellents such as dried
blood, human hair, or garlic sprays. Keep flower
beds free of debris where pests may hide.
Leaves yellow; plant stunted. Cause: Brassica rapa
Tulip bulb aphids. These aphids infest both Rapifera group (Cruciferae)
the bulbs and aboveground portions of the
plant. They suck sap from leaves, stems, and
flowers, causing foliage to curl, pucker, and Turnips are a cool-season vegetable grown
yellow. Row er buds may be stunted. Inspect for their crisp roots and tasty greens. They
bulbs carefully before you buy; look for clus­ require cool, moist, rich soil with a pH between
ters of gray, waxy aphids under the bulb coat. 5.5 and 6.8. Plant seed directly in the garden.
Spray infested plants with insecticidal soap. Turnips grow best between 60° and 65°F They
Destroy seriously infested bulbs o r try dust­ grow poorly above 750E but will tolerate tem ­
ing them with pyrethrin. peratures as low as 4 0 °E Harvest greens and
Leaves streaked or spotted; flowers rotted. roots when they are small and tender.
Cause: Botrytis blight. Also known as tulip Turnips are in the same family as cabbage
ULMUS ■ 243

and are troubled by many of the same pests Prevent problems by planting tolerant culti­
and diseases. See the Cabbage entry beginning vars such as ‘Crawford’ and ‘Scarlet Q ueen
on page 52 for descriptions and controls. Hybrid'.
Roots black and rotted. Cause: Black
Root Problems rot. Leaves have yellow, V-shaped spots on
Roots are riddled with slimy, winding margins. Destroy infected plants. Prevent this
tunnels. Cause: Cabbage maggots. Maggots bacterial disease by treating seed with 122°F
are white and lA" long. See “Leaves yellow; water for 25 minutes before planting. (Be aware
plant stunted; plant wilts on bright, hot days" that this treatm ent can injure seed viability;
on page 54 for description and controls. for com plete instructions, see page 422.)
Root flesh black but firm; skin rough and Roots with dry, sunken spots. Cause:
cracked. Cause: Downy mildew. Control this Anthracnose. Avoid this fungal disease by plant­
fungal disease by spraying plants with a baking- ing in cool soil (early spring o r fall).
soda-and-soap spray (1 teaspoon baking soda, Roots with small, water-soaked spots or pits
1 teaspoon liquid dish soap, 1 quart water) o r on surface. Cause: Cold injury. Protect plants
copper if you have had problems in the past. with mulch if tem peratures are below 30°E

lllm us cana ); unfortunately, with the appearance and

spread of Dutch elm disease (DED), many of
them have died.
Elm. Trees. Because most elms are susceptible to so
many insects and diseases, you might want to
avoid using them in the landscape. If you do
Elms are alternate-leaved, deciduous trees decide to grow elms, consider planting lacebark
valued for their ornam ental use as specimen elm (U. parvifolia ), which is more resistant to
o r street trees. T here was a time when virtu­ D utch elm disease and elm leaf beetles. Plant
ally every town and city in the northeastern elms in spring or fall as bare-root o r balled-
United States was dom inated by the majestic, and-burlapped trees. Full sun and well-drained
vase-shaped A m erican elm ( Ulmus ameri­ soils are best.

Copyrighted material

Problems Cause: Dutch elm disease. Caused by a fungus,

Leaves with rectangular holes or skele­ Dutch elm disease is spread by the feeding of
tonized. Cause: Elm leaf beetles. This is a elm bark beetles, and by natural root grafts
V*", yellow-green beetle with a dark line on between trees growing in the same area. Keep
the outer edge of each wing cover. It lays its trees healthy with proper pruning, mulching,
eggs in spring on the undersides of leaves; and watering (during drought). Quickly repair
these eggs hatch in June. One to several gener­ all wounds to help prevent insect attacks and
ations may occur each year. subsequent infection. O nce the disease is
Both the adults and the ’/a", black-spotted, established, th ere is no effective remedy.
yellow larvae feed on the leaves, eating every­ Remove and immediately destroy all diseased
thing but the veins. For an illustration of the or dying elms. Remove the stum p if possible,
dam age, see below. Trees are often defoliated or peel the bark off to below the soil line to
and so weakened that they are susceptible to deter elm bark beetles from feeding there.
o th er insect and disease problems. Control Bark tunneled. Cause: Elm bark beetles.
beetles by spraying leaves with BTSD, partic­ These ‘/ i o ' \ dark reddish brown beetles attack
ularly in June. weakened elm trees and serve as vectors of
Leaves wilted and yellow or brown, drop Dutch elm disease. T he adult beetles bore
early; branches show symptoms one at a time. small holes through the bark and lay eggs in

What Goes Wrong

and Why

Larva female

Leaves 4,
skeletonized, \ V ; ,v£
Cause: C a n k e rw o rm ^ ^
tf;all cankerworms lay clusters of eggs that
* 7 " : ^resemble small flowerpots
on twigs.

lio* Adult

Leaves with rectangular \ '

/ B ark tu n n e le d .
- holes or skeletonized. ,
Cause: Elm bark
Cause: Elm leaf beetles. Adults chew
beetles. Adults feed in twig
holes in leaves; larvae skeletonize from
crotches, carrying Dutch elm
below causing leaves to curl and dry.
disease from plant to plant

the wood beneath. T h e eggs hatch into x/* \ Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause:
curved, white grubs that continue to mine Aphids. See “Leaves wrinkled and discolored”
underneath the bark, creating winding tunnels, on page 235 for controls.
known as galleries. See the opposite page for Leaves tunneled. Cause: Leafminers. R>r
an illustration of their dam age. T h e grubs more information and controls, see “Leaves
transform into adult beetles, which emerge tunneled” on page 237.
through small holes in the bark. If the tree Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered
they em erge from was infected with DED, the with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See "Leaves
beetles will carry the disease spores as they fly yellow; stems and leaves covered with small
away to feed on o th er elm trees. bumps" on page 237 for controls.
M ake trees less attractive to beetles by Trunk or branches with small holes; limbs
promoting vigorous, healthy growth with proper die or break off. Cause: Borers. For more
p ru n in g , m ulching, and w atering (during information, see "Trunk or branches with small
drought). Eliminate breeding areas by remov­ holes; limbs die o r break off* on page 238.
ing and destroying weak and dying trees. Trunk or branches with oozing lesions;
Leaves skeletonized. Cause: Canker- branch tips die back. Cause: Canker. For more
worms. Both spring and fall cankerw orm s are information, see “Trunk or branches with ooz­
V /-1", yellow or greenish caterpillars that feed ing lesions; branch tips die back” on page 238.
on the foliage of birches, often defoliating the Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots.
tree. See the opposite page for an illustration See “Leaves with spots" on page 237 for controls.
of fall cankerworm. For control m easures, see Leaves with powdery white coating.
“Leaves skeletonized” on page 42. Cause: Powdery mildew. For controls, see
Leaves wilted and yellow or brown, drop “Leaves with powdery white coating" on page
early; entire crown of tree affected. Cause: 237.
Phloem necrosis. In later stages, the inner
bark (phloem) is discolored and smells faintly
of wintergreen. This disease, also known as
elm yellows, kills plants quickly, often in a
single growing season. It is spread from tree to
tree by leafhoppers.
C o n tro llin g le a fh o p p e rs by spraying
infested plants with insecticidal soap o r pyre­
thrin may reduce the spread of phloem necrosis.
If trees are close together, however, the dis­ Vegetables are plants grown for their edi­
ease can also spread underground by m eans ble roots, stems, leaves, seeds, fruit, and other
of natural root grafts. O nce plants are infected, plant parts. Most vegetables are annuals; a
there is no control; remove and destroy infec­ few are biennials or perennials grown as annu­
ted trees. als; and some are hardy perennials. Vegeta­
Leaves skeletonized. C ause: Japanese bles grow best in deeply worked, well-drained
beetles. T his xh " long pest has a m etallic blue- soil with lots of organic matter. Most require
green body and bronze wing covers. Hand- full sun to produce well. See individual vege­
pick in early m orning if there are only a few. table entries for specific cultural requirem ents
Apply milky disease spores to your lawn for and problems. T he following problem s affect
long-term control. many vegetables.

Problems Leaves yellow; plant wilts; stems, crowns,

Seedlings fall over; stems girdled or rot­ or roots water-soaked and rotted. C ause: Fu n-
ted at soil line. Cause: Damping-off. Disin­ gal or bacterial rots. Various fungi and bacte­
fect reused pots and flats by dipping them in a ria cause stem. root, or crown rot. Poor drainage
10 percent bleach solution <1 part bleach to 9 or overwatering encourages the development
parts water) and letting them air-dry before of these diseases. Destroy infected plants or
filling them with fresh seed-starting mix. Sow plant parts. Thin plants to increase air move­
seed thinly to allow for air movement around ment and reduce moisture around plants. Spray
seedlings. Cover seed with a thin layer of soil­ plants with copper to prevent spread if weather
less mix or vermiculite. W ater only enough to is warm and wet and disease is severe. Plant in
keep soil moist, not soggy. Thin seedlings and well-drained soil o r in raised beds to prevent
spray with com post tea as soon as first true problems.
leaves open to help prevent the problem. Plant yellow and stunted, wilts during
Seedlings clipped off at soil line. Cause: bright, hot days; roots may have swollen galls.
Cutworms. Check for fat. 1" long, brown or Cause: Root knot and other pest nem atodes.
gray caterpillars in the soil near the base of These microscopic, wormlike creatures invade
plants. O nce they chew off a seedling, there is and feed on plant roots. Pull and destroy
nothing you can do except protect the remain­ infected plants. Control pest nem atodes by
ing seedlings from nocturnal cutworm attacks. adding chitin or parasitic nem atodes to the
To prevent dam age, place cutworm collars soil. Solarize infested areas to reduce future
around transplants, sprinkle moist bran mixed problems.
with BTK on the soil surface in the evening, Leaves yellow; plant wilts gradually.
or add parasitic nem atodes to the soil at least Causes: Verticillium wilt; Fusarium wilt. Leaves
a week before planting. may roll up as the disease progresses. Cut-
Leaves turn yellow beginning at base of open stems are discolored. Severely infected
plant; plant stunted. Causes: Nitrogen defi­ plants eventually die. T here is no cure for
ciency: waterlogged soil. Spray foliage with plants with these fungal diseases. Destroy
com post tea or fish-meal tea, o r side-dress infected plants. T here are many species of
plants with com post. Waterlogged soil dam ­ Fusarium. each of which infects only 1 plant
ages roots and prevents them from using nutri­ o r plant family. One species of Verticillium
ents available in the soil. Prevent problems by wilt, however, can infect over 300 species of
choosing well-drained sites, adding organic cultivated plants including eggplants, tomatoes,
m atter to the soil to improve drainage, and by peppers, potatoes, bram bles, fruits, and orna­
planting in raised beds. mentals; so preventive rotation is difficult.
Leaves yellow and curled; new growth Avoid planting wilt-susceptible plants where
distorted. Cause: Aphids. These small, soft- any wilt symptoms have developed within the
bodied, green, black, or pinkish insects suck last 3 years.
plant juices. They may spread various dis­ Leaves or other plant parts covered with
eases o r leave a sticky honeydew on leaves tan to gray, fuzzy growth. C ause: G ray mold.
and fruit that in turn supports the growth of T his fungal disease attacks a wide range of
black, sooty mold. R>r mild infestations, knock edible and ornam ental plants. Pick off and
pests off plants with a blast of water. Spray destroy moldy parts. Thin plants to increase
plants with insecticidal soap to control aphids, air movement and reduce moisture around
or with a com m ercial neem o r pyrethrin spray leaves, sin ce th e m old th riv es in d am p
if infestation is severe. conditions. Remove faded flowers promptly.

Spray foliage with com post tea to control mold. fected with a fatal virus) or covered with the
Spray plants with sulfur to prevent further small, white, cigar-shaped cocoons of parasi­
symptom developm ent if the w eather is wet tic wasps.
and cool and the disease is severe. Slugs and snails eat leaves and fru it, often
Leaves with powdery white growth on leaving shiny slime trails on the plants or ground
upper surfaces. Cause: Powdery mildew. This marking their passage. Slugs hide under objects
symptom is caused by a num ber of fungi. each during the day. Place inverted flowerpots around
of which attacks only specific plants. Thin the garden, check them daily, and destroy
plants to increase air movement and reduce slugs hiding under them . If slug problems are
moisture around leaves. Spray foliage with severe, use a copper strip edging around beds
com post tea to control. Spray plants with sul­ to exclude them.
fur o r bordeaux mix if disease is serious to Various furry pests eat vegetables; see
prevent further symptom developm ent. "Stopping Animal Pests" on page 408.
Leaves with wandering, white or translu­
cent tunnels. Cause: Leafminers. Larvae are
tiny white maggots that feed on leaf tissue.
Adults are tiny black-and-yellow insects. Once
maggots en ter leaves, no spray will control
them . Destroy mined leaves. Apply row cover Verbena, vervain. Annuals.
as soon as plants em erge or are set out to
prevent problems. Control adults with yellow
sticky traps o r a com m ercial pyrethrin spray Verbenas* hardiness and long growing sea­
or dust. son make them favorites of beginners as well
Leaves pale and stippled. Cause: Mites. as long-time gardeners. C om pact flower clus­
Leaves may becom e bronzed. T h ese tiny, ters range from white to deep purples and
spiderlike insects thrive in hot, dry w eather reds; they bloom from summer through autumn.
and feed on the undersides of leaves. Spray Plants grow 6"-10" tall with a spread of 1-2'.
plants with insecticidal soap in the evening to Use verbenas to edge beds and borders, or in
control them. containers and window boxes.
Leaves riddled with small holes. Cause: W here summers are short, start seeds
R ea beetles. T hese small, shiny, black beetles indoors 3 months before last frost. Ample light
hop when disturbed. They can transm it viral and 70°F soil for 4 weeks are needed for
and bacterial diseases. Control severe infesta­ germ ination. Move outdoors when night tem ­
tions by spraying plants with pyrethrin. Pre­ peratures are above 50°F Space I' apart. Or
vent problems by protecting young plants with direct-seed outdoors as soon as weather warms
row cover. up, although germ ination may be poor. Many
Leaves with large, ragged holes. Causes: gardeners prefer to buy nursery-grown plants.
Caterpillars: snails and slugs: various animal Verbenas need full sun, average water,
pests. Many different caterpillars feed on and fertile, well-drained soil. In very hot cli­
vegetables. Look for dark green excrem ent at mates give light shade to prevent drought
the base of leaves or plants. Handpick, or spray stress, which reduces flowering.
plants with BTK as soon as active caterpillars
o r feeding are observed. Let nature work for Problems
you and avoid handpicking o r spraying if Leaves with powdery white patches.
caterp illars are sluggish and yellowish (in­ Cause: Powdery mildew. See “Leaves with pow­

dery white p atch es' on page 19 for controls. fungal diseases are likely, especially when the
Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed. plants’ rather strict moisture requirem ents are
Cause: Spider mites. For control information, not met. Prevent problems with good drainage,
see “ Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage garden sanitation, and air circulation.
w ebbed” on page 18.
Branch tips wilt. C ause: Budworms. Problems
These Vi", greenish yellow caterpillars feed on Leaves with spots or blotches. Cause:
new shoots. Prune and destroy infested tips. Various fungi. Brown, black, o r yellow leaf
Leaves, stems, and buds distorted. Cause: spots may enlarge and kill entire leaves. Remove
Aphids. See "Leaves, stems, and buds distorted” severely infected plants and plant parts. Avoid
on page 20 for controls. wetting leaves when watering. Apply sulfur
Leaves with tan or brown blotches or ser­ sprays when symptoms appear to avoid fur­
pentine tunnels. C ause: Leafm iners. See ther damage.
“Leaves with tan or brown blotches or serpen­ Leaves with white or gray powdery spots
tine tunnels” on page 27 for controls. on upper and lower surfaces. Cause: Downy
mildew. As the fungus spreads, stems becom e
distorted and die; flowers fail to open. Destroy
severely infected plants. Sprays of sulfur or

Veronica copper fungicide give some protection.

Speedwell, brooklime. Perennials.

Ranging from prostrate to strongly upright

in habit and from 3"-48" in height, speedwells Viburnum. Shrubs and small trees.
form a varied genus of mostly blue-flowered,
summer-blooming plants. Leaves are lance­
shaped and green to gray-green; num erous Viburnums are opposite-leaved shrubs or
small blossoms cover tall spikes that arise from small trees valued for their flowers, fruit, foliage,
the plant tops or from the leaf axils. Woolly and growth habit. Most are deciduous; some
speedwell ( Veronica in ca m ) is grown for its are semi-evergreen or evergreen. They are excel­
1"-3", silvery white, fuzzy leaves as well as its lent in shrub borders o r woodland plantings.
blue blossoms. Set out in fall or spring in well-drained soil
Planting requirem ents vary som ew hat amply enriched with organic matter. Viburnums
am ong species but, in general, speedwells grow well in sun or partial shade. Be aware that
require average, very well drained soil and full sulfur-containing fungicides may harm the foli­
sun. Plants tolerate some shade, but most do age of some viburnums. Test the spray on a
not ap p reciate d ro u g h t, extrem e h eat, or few leaves before treating the whole plant.
humidity. Speedwell plantings enlarge via new
shoots appearing at edges, but are not invasive. Problems
Divide every 4 years to reduce crowding. Leaves wrinkled and discolored. Cause:
Remove spent flowers to prolong bloom. Aphids. For control measures, see “Leaves
Few insect pests attack speedwells, but wrinkled and discolored” on page 235.

Copyrighted m
VIOLA ■ 249

Leaves with spots. Cause: Leaf spots. Periwinkles grow rapidly in moist, sunny
See “Leaves with spots'* on page 237 for controls. to lightly shaded spots; roots form along stems
Leaves with powdery white coating. touching the ground. These vines spread, but
Cause: Powdery mildew. For controls, see rarely grow out of control. Average, well-drained
“ Leaves with pow dery w hite co atin g " on soil is fin e, and p eriw in k les m ake good
page 237. groundcovers for erosion control on slopes—
Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves with plants tolerate light foot traffic.
moist or brown sunken spots. Cause: Anthrac­ In the landscape, periwinkles have few
nose. See “Leaves and shoots blackened; leaves severe insect problems, although several pests
with moist or brown sunken spots" on page trouble greater periwinkles in greenhouse or
238 for controls. subtropical conditions. Wet soil causes most
Leaves skeletonized. C ause: Japanese periwinkle problems by encouraging fungal
beetles. For suggested controls, see “Leaves diseases; prevent problems by selecting a site
skeletonized" on page 236. with good soil drainage, keeping the garden
Trunk or roots with swollen, wartlike clean, and thinning plantings to prom ote air
growths. Cause: Crown gall. See “Trunk or circulation.
roots with swollen, wartlike growths" on page
238 for controls. Problems
Leaves yellow; stems and leaves covered Shoots blacken, wilt, and die back. Cause:
with small bumps. Cause: Scales. See “Leaves Canker. Also known as dieback, this disease is
yellow; stem s and leaves covered with small caused by 2 fungal organisms and most often
bumps” on page 237 for controls. occurs during rainy weather. Prune and destroy
infected shoots; thin plantings to improve air
circulation. Remove and destroy severely in­
fected plants. If canker has been a problem ,

Vinca use preventive sprays of bordeaux mix.

Periwinkle, vinca, myrtle. Perennials.

Two species of ground-covering vines rep­

resent Vinca in the United States: G reater
periwinkle ( V major ) and com m on periwin­ Pansy. Biennials grown as annuals.
kle ( V. minor). Both feature glossy, dark green,
opposite leaves and blue, funnel-shaped flow­
ers in spring. G reater periwinkle has larger Colorful pansies help to brighten up the
leaves and is hardy only to Zone 7; com m on spring garden. T he 6" tall plants bear cheerful
periwinkle's foliage is smaller and plants are blossoms in a wide color range. They bloom
hardy to Zone 5, making it the more widely from May to July, providing a perfect com ple­
used landscape plant. Stems bearing flowers m ent to spring bulbs.
stick up 6 '-1 8 " above ground; the vines are For very early bloom, sow pansy seeds in
otherw ise prostrate. W hite-flowered and var­ August and overwinter plants in a cold frame.
iegated cultivars are available. Otherwise, sow seeds indoors in winter. Make


sure seeds are covered; they need darkness to (J. regia). Walnuts are hardy in Zones 4-8.
germinate. Seeds sprout in 14 days. After hard­ W alnuts need a site free of late spring
ening the plants off. set them out into the frost: they prefer deep, well-drained soil. Prune
garden about a month before the last frost. lightly in winter to allow sunlight into the tree
Pansies like cool w eather; rich, loose soil; and and to remove dead, diseased, or crossing
filtered sun. Mulching keeps roots cool. Water branches.
plants regularly, and apply diluted liquid fer­
tilizer every 4 weeks. Remove spent flowers Problems
to encourage more blooms. Cut plants back Im m ature nuts dry up and drop early.
hard in m idsum m er and they may rebloom in Cause: Codling moth larvae. These fat. white
the fall. o r pinkish. 7/«" caterpillars tunnel into nuts
and may have departed by the time you dis­
Problems cover the damage. Nuts may have a hole filled
L eaves w ith large, ragged h o le s. Cause: with what looks like moist sawdust. Control
Slugs and snails. For controls, see “Leaves codling m oths with superior oil o r pyrethrin.
with large, ragged holes* on page 18. Late-blooming cultivars. such as ‘Hartley’ and
le a v e s , stem s, and buds distorted. Cause: ‘V in a, are least susceptible to codling moths.
Aphids. See “Leaves, stems, and buds distorted" For more inform ation, see "Fruit with holes
on page 20 for controls. surrounded by brown, crum bly excrem ent”
Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed. on page 22.
Cause: Spider mites. See “Leaves stippled with H u sk s have so ft, black, sm o o th sp o ts and
yellow; foliage w ebbed" on page 18 for con­ m a g g o ts in s id e . C ause: W alnut husk fly
trol information. maggots. Adult walnut husk flies lay eggs in
S e e d lin g s or you n g plants cu t off at soil nut husks and these hatch into small, cream-
level. Cause: Cutworms. For control m ea­ colored maggots. Although the larvae never
sures, see “Seedlings or young plants cut off at eat the nut shells, larval feeding in the husk
soil level" on page 20. causes shells to blacken or shrivel. Since nuts
L eaves w ith sp o ts. Cause: Leaf spots. themselves are unaffected, you can usually
See “Leaves with spots" on page 19 for controls. just ignore this pest. To control the flies, col­
lect and dispose of infested husks. For severe
infestations, capture adult flies with apple mag­
got fly traps (4 traps per tree). For information
on apple maggot fly traps, see "Fruit dim pled:

Walnut brown tunnels through flesh" on page 22.

Resistant cultivars include ‘Ashley’. E rhardt’,
‘Payne’, and ‘Placentia’.
Jugkms spp. (Juglandaceae) H u sk s blacken; n u ts b lacken, sh riv el, and
drop p r e m a tu r e ly . C ause: W alnut blight.
Leaves may also bear angular brown spots,
Walnuts are large, deciduous trees bear­ and dead, sunken lesions may appear on shoots.
ing separate male and female flowers on the This bacterial disease overwinters in attached
same plant. To get the heaviest nut production, nuts, diseased buds, and twig lesions. To con­
plant 2 different cultivars for cross-pollination. trol blight, keep the canopy dry by pruning to
T he most com m only grown types are black allow good air circulation at the centers of the
w alnut {Juglans nigra) and English walnut trees. Also avoid overhead irrigation. Fbr severe

infection, use copper spray. Resistant culti­

vars include Hartley* and ‘Vina .
L eaves tw isted or curled and covered with
a stic k y co a tin g . Cause: Aphids. T he shiny Weigela. Shrubs.
coating is honeydew. a substance excreted by
feeding aphids. Leaves may show a sooty fun­
gus that feeds on honeydew. Sprays of water Weigelas are opposite-leaved, deciduous
or insecticidal soap solution help control aphids. shrubs grown for their bright flowers, which
Pyrethrin kills aphids, but reserve this for emer­ appear in late spring and early summer. Because
gency use since it also kills beneficial insects. they lack interesting fruit and autum n color,
For more inform ation, see "New leaves twisted weigelas are best used in the mixed shrub
or curled and covered with a sticky coating*’ border.
on page 67. Set out in spring or fall in full sun or light
L eaves with circular brown sp ots. C ause: shade (the further south, the more shade).
A nthracnose. This fungal disease, com m on in They prefer a well-drained soil, but one that
wet. humid summ ers, may weaken trees and does not dry out: a summer mulch is beneficial.
cause nuts to shrivel and drop early. To con­ Weigelas are rem arkably free of serious
trol anthracnose, keep trees well-nourished problems. Powdery mildew will coat the leaves
with nitrogen and clean up fallen leaves. with its typical white powder, more unsightly
T ree stu n te d and bears y e llo w lea v es. than threatening; see "Leaves with powdery'
Causes: Crown rot: blackline. If the trunk white coating" on page 237 for controls.
near the soil line is discolored o r oozing sap,
suspect crown rot. a disease caused by too
much w ater and poor soil drainage. Improved
drainage may help. If you find small holes
or cracks at the graft union, remove some
bark around the area and look for a black line.
Blackline virus infects English walnuts grafted Wisteria. Vines.
o n to J. hindsii rootstocks. T h e re is no cure.

Wisterias are vigorous vines with alternate,

com pound leaves. They climb, often to amaz­
ing heights: because of their ultim ate size,

Watermelon they require strong supports. Their long flower

clusters, often fragrant, appear in late spring,
and a plant in full bloom is a delightful sight in
Citrullus lanatus ( Cucurbitaceae) the landscape.
Wisterias are among the finest and most
impressive of ornam ental vines. They grow
W aterm elons belong to the same family best in full sun but will tolerate some shade.
as muskmelons and honeydews. See the Melon Set out in spring o r fall in deeply prepared,
entry beginning on page 148 for culture and moisture-retentive soil. Wisterias are often reluc­
pest inform ation. Harvest w aterm elons when tant to bloom, sometim es taking many years.
the bottom of the fruit turns from pale yellow They seem to grow and flower best when given
to golden yellow. ample water: reluctant plants can sometim es

Copyrighted material

be induced to bloom by severe root pruning, For control measures, see "Leaves skeleton­
com bined with pruning off some of the most ized or with large holes; branches may be
vigorous shoots. webbed" on page 236.
In w arm er areas, where wisterias grow Leaves w ith notched ed ges. Cause: Black
with amazing vigor, they are sometimes allowed vine weevils. The wingless, '/j", brownish black
to climb up on dead trees; be sure not to train adults feed on the foliage; spray leaves several
them on a live o n e—it will quickly be strangled. times with pyrethrin for m ajor infestations.
T he small, C-shaped, white grubs of these
Problems weevils feed on the roots and weaken the plant;
L eaves sk eleto n ized or with large h oles; drench the soil around the base of the plant
branches m ay be w ebbed. Cause: Caterpillars. with a solution of parasitic nem atodes.

Yucca iegated cultivars are available.

Succulent yuccas grow well in conditions
resembling the semi-desert of the Southwest:
Yucca, Adam’s-needle. Perennials. full sun and well-drained, sandy soil. Excess
moisture, especially in the winter, encourages
rots. New plants form at the base of m ature
Clumps of stiff, sword-shaped, light green yuccas and can be easily divided.
leaves arising from the ground give yuccas a Insect pests such as yucca plant bugs and
strong presence in any landscape. Native in scales are more prevalent and likely to cause
the southw estern United States and Mexico, dam age where yuccas are native. Aphids may
where many species assum e treelike form and infest Adam ’s-needle; see "Leaves, stem s, and
heights up to 30', only a few yuccas are hardy buds distorted, sticky; clusters of small insects”
n o rth o f Z o n e 7. A d am ’s-needle ( Yucca on page 177 for controls. Fungal leaf spots
filamentosa ) is a popular 3' plant, hardy to may appear and are best controlled with cul­
Zone 4, with evergreen, l'A" wide leaves and tural practices: Limit excess w ater on foliage
tall spikes of m idsum m er white flowers. Var­ and remove severely infected plant parts.

Copyrighted materi
ZINNIA ■ 253

Zinnia and encourages mildew. Use a com plete fertil­

izer once a month.

Zinnia. Annuals. Problems

L e a v e s w ith p o w d e r y w h ite p a t c h e s .
Cause: Powdery mildew. Zinnias are extremely
You could fill an entire garden with zin­ prone to mildew if not given excellent air
nias and have a different type in every section. circulation. For more information on control­
Plant height ranges from 6" to 36"; flowers ling powdery mildew, see "Leaves with pow­
can he button-size to dinner plate-size, single dery white patches*’ on page 19.
or double, smooth or ruffled, solid, multi­ Plant w ilts; leaves ragged. Cause: Stalk
colored, o r striped. Just about every color is borers. Borers are long, thin, striped caterpil­
represented except blue. Flowering is possi­ lars that may have purple stripes. These lar­
ble from spring until frost. vae feed on leaves and within the wide zinnia
Zinnias are easy to raise from seed and stems. A small hole in the stalk marks their
can bloom within 2 months. Successive sow­ initial entrance. Stalk feeding can kill the plant.
ings are reco m m en d ed to give c o n tin u o u s Cut affected stems below the borer’s hole:
flowering. Indoors, sow seeds in individual some plants may develop sideshoots that later
pots 8 weeks before last frost. Move seedlings flower. To save prize zinnias, try slitting affected
outdoors very carefully when soil is consis­ stems and removing the borer, then binding
tently warm. Direct-sowing is preferred, as stems together with green twine and keeping
zinnias resent root disturbance; in fact, some plants particularly well w atered. O r inject
double-flowered cultivars may revert to single BTK o r parasitic nem atodes into the stem
on transplanting. Direct-sow in spring and early with a syringe. A foliar application of BTK
sum m er when night tem peratures stay over may be effective if borers feed on the leaves.
50°F Cover lightly and press soil down firmly. Keep the garden weed-free to eliminate over­
G erm ination takes 6 days. W hen seedlings wintering sites.
are 3" tall, thin to allow 4 '-1 2 " between plants, Leaves stippled with yellow; foliage webbed.
depending on final size. Cause: Spider mites. For controls, see "Leaves
If you purchase seedling or potted zinnias, stippled with yellow; foliage w ebbed” on
look for those that have not begun flowering page 18.
o r setting buds. Expect slow growth initially S e e d lin g s or yo u n g plants cut off at soil
after transplanting. Make certain roots don't level. Cause: Cutworms. See "Seedlings or
dry out in the process, water immediately, and young plants cut off at soil level’’ on page 20
give tem porary shade in hot w eather while for controls.
plants adjust. B lo sso m s and foliage disappear. Cause:
Z innias need sun, am ple water, good Blister beetles. These m etallic, dark-colored.
drainage, fertile soil, regular fertilizer, and good 3/ / ' beetles have long antennae and long legs.
air circulation. They grow poorly in cool They begin chewing on flowers and leaves in
weather. Pinch initial buds to encourage side June. Blister beetles have body fluids that may
growth and flower form ation. Remove spent cause painful blisters on skin contact. Handle
flowers to prolong the blooming period. Water only with gloves. Control serious infestations
only from below; overhead watering weights with pyrethrin.
down the already heavy flowers, causing stems S e e d lin g s d ie. Cause: Damping-off. See
to snap. Overhead watering also burns foliage "Seedlings die” on page 20 for controls.

Recognizing Your Friends—
Eliminating Your Foes
I nsects predate gardeners by eons. During the Paleo­
zoic era 400 million years ago, huge cockroaches and
dragonflies with 2-foot wingspans traveled the earth.
T h eir diversity and range of adaptations to every
clim ate and habitat have m ade insects the most varied,
w idespread group of all animals.

------------------— ------ ------- ----------. mm m w
• '-“V,
m m 1
T h e pest insects that eat our treasured orna­ organs are located. On their heads, insects
m entals and rob a share of the vegetable har­ have a pair of antennae or "feelers." which are
vest are only a tiny fraction of the total insect complex sensory organs. Insects also have at
population around us. The overwhelming major­ least one pair of eyes and often extra rudim en­
ity of insects are harmless m em bers of the tary eyes (called ocelli) as well. They breathe
natural community. Many are directly benefi­ through a system of small, round openings, or
cial in their role as crop pollinators, predators spiracles, along the sides of their bodies. These
on pests, and decom posers of plant material. open into small, branching tubes, known as
They can be as com m on as houseflies, distri­ trachea, that carry oxygen through their tissues.
buted globally, or as rare as the flea that lives
on the skin of certain sea mammals o r the
midge that lives in the tiny pool of water in a
pitcher plant.
It's im portant to keep this broader pic­
ture of the good side of insects in mind when
fighting garden pests. Some control m ethods,
especially organic sprays and dusts, kill bene­
ficials as effectively as they kill pests. T he goal
for the organic gardener is to work with nature
as m uch as possible to let populations of pests
and beneficials balance one another.

What Are Insects?

Insects are animals in the class Insecta,
which is part of the larger group of animals
known as arthropods, meaning creatures with
jointed legs. They are cold-blooded and wear
their skeletons on the outside like armor.
Spiders, millipedes, mites, crabs, and lob­
sters are also arthropods. Insects differ from
these creatures because they have wings and
only six legs. T heir bodies are divided into
three sections: the head: the thorax o r mid­
section. where legs and wings are attached if Insect anatomy. While insects come in an
they have them : and the abdom en or tail sec­ amazing assortment o f shapes and sizes, they
tion, where the digestive and reproductive all share the same basic body structure.

Copyrighted material

Insect Life Cycles reap the benefits of having their predatory

A lthough there are insects with weird offspring growing among your plants.
quirks in their life cycles that seem like some­
thing out of science fiction, the developm ent Incom plete M etam orphosis
of most insects follows one of two basic pat­ Insects that develop gradually from imma­
terns of m etam orphosis, or change of form. ture stages to adults without pupating follow a
pattern of incom plete m etam orphosis. True
Com plete M etam orphosis bugs, including pests such as tarnished plant
This pattern has an immobile stage, called bugs and boxelder bugs as well as praying
a pupa, between the immature and adult forms mantids, aphids, and whiteflies, exhibit incom­
of the insect. During the pupal stage, the tis­ plete metam orphosis.
sues of the im m ature insect transform into an The cycle starts with an egg, which hatches
adult with an entirely different appearance. into a larva, usually called a nymph, that looks
Butterflies, m oths, wasps, beetles, and flies like a m iniature, wingless version of the adult
exhibit this type of m etam orphosis. insect. T he resem blance of nymphs to adults
T h e cycle begins with an egg, which increases with each molt. They grow larger,
hatches into a tiny, im m ature insect called a their bodies lengthen, and small wing buds
larva. All young insects are larvae, but we appear. With the final molt, they become adults
often use the terms caterpillar for moth or with fully form ed wings and reproductive
butterfly larvae, grub for beetle or wasp larvae, organs. Adults and nymphs of species with
and maggot for fly larvae. As a larva grows, it this pattern usually eat the same kind of food.
periodically m olts its skin to accom m odate its
enlarging body (one of the com plications of
having a skeleton on the outside). Feeding Habits
W hen the larva reaches maximum size, Insects eat an incredible variety of foods:
usually after a num ber of molts, it contracts leaves, roots, plant sap, wood, oth er insects,
into a shorter, legless pupa. T he pupa has a other arthropods, blood of birds and mammals,
hardened skin to protect the developing adult decaying plant m aterial, pollen, nectar, dung,
inside. Some larvae spin a silken outer cocoon particles of algae, and even fungi. Som e, like
o r chrysalis before pupating, for protection cockroaches, can digest nearly anything they
during the resting state. W hen the adult is can get their mandibles (jaws) on, while oth­
ready to em erge, it splits open the pupal case ers must find a particular species of plant to
and crawls o ut, still dam p and soft. It slowly eat o r they will die. T he disappearance of
expands its wings. A fter its outer skeleton many butterfly species is due to the loss of
darkens and hardens, it is ready to fly away. their particular host plants as wild areas are
Larvae that undergo com plete m etam or­ cultivated or paved.
phosis usually eat different food and live in Plant-eaters: Plant-eating insects usually
different habitats than the adults of the species. are no friend to gardeners. They are adapted
This is im portant to rem em ber if you w ant to to chewing, sucking, or boring in leaves, stems,
attract beneficial insects. Generally, the adult or roots. However, some species that eat weeds
form of beneficial species is the winged form are beneficial. These insects usually must con­
that can migrate to your garden. T hese adults sume a large volume of plant material relative
feed on pollen and nectar flowers. Be sure to to their size to obtain enough nutrients to
provide a food source for them in o rd er to continue their development and reproduction.

Carnivores: Most of us are familiar with Beneficial Insects

carnivorous insects such as m osquitoes, deer
As gardeners, we are most likely to notice
flies, and biting midges. These pests land on
the pest insects in our yards and gardens.
mammals o r birds, suck blood for a short
However, entom ologists estim ate that more
period of tim e, and then fly away. O thers that
than 90 percent of all insects are beneficial.
feed on blood, such as lice and fleas, live on
Wild and dom estic bees and also some flies
the skin of animals, hidden in their fur. G ar­
and m oths pollinate crops; this is essential for
deners should also get to know the large group
the developm ent of many fruits, vegetables,
of carnivorous insects that feed on insects or
and crops grown for seed. Honeybees are also
o th er arthropods. These are divided into two
farmed to provide honey, and silkworms are
main groups—predators and parasites.
farmed to yield silk from their cocoons for
Predatory insects such as lady beetles or
fine clothing.
ground beetles eat many o th er insects during
Many species are decomposers: They recy­
their life cycles. Some have restricted tastes;
cle nutrients from organic materials and dung,
for example, aphid midges feed only on aphids.
and clean up the environm ent in the bargain.
O thers, like praying m antids or assassin bugs,
There are trem endous numbers of insects that
may be able to eat almost any species of insect
have little direct effect on hum ans, but are
they catch. T hese general predators often eat
essential food for fish, birds, and other animals.
pollen as well and may suck plant juices when
Of most im mediate interest to gardeners,
food is scarce o r they need water.
however, are the thousands of species of pred­
Insects that parasitize o th er insects are
atory insects that attack pests. They are com ­
called parasitoids. They lay eggs singly or in
mon worldwide and most numerous in gardens
groups near, on, or inside the bodies of other
where pesticides are not used. Although they
insects. The parasitoid larvae develop as inter­
are often unseen, we reap im m easurable ben­
nal parasites. Parasitoids eventually kill the
efit from their presence. Sometimes the bene­
host, then pupate inside or crawl outside and
ficials are difficult to distinguish from the pests.
pupate near the dead husk.
See ‘in s e c t Impostors" on page 260 for hints
S caven gers: Dung beetles, carrion bee­
to help you see the difference between these
tles, housefly larvae, and other insect species
two groups of insects.
feed on decaying plant or anim al material.
These creatures perform a valuable task by
breaking down these m aterials and hastening Attracting and Conserving
decom position. T he first and most im portant rule for the
Omnivores: T h e ultim ate survival strat­ gardener who wants to encourage beneficial
egy is to be able to eat nearly anything—a insects is to avoid using toxic sprays or dusts in
strategy favored by cockroaches, earwigs, and the garden. Even botanical pesticides and insec­
other pests. These species feed on all kinds of ticidal soap sprays kill beneficial insects as
animal and vegetable materials, including soap, well as they kill pests. Use them only when
starch, and glue. absolutely necessary and only apply them on
Fungus-feeders: Fungus gnat larvae, many the plants being attacked.
kinds of soil-dwelling insects and mites, and To lure native beneficial insects into your
a few species of lady beetle larvae actually garden, provide them with an attractive food
eat fungi. supply. Since the adults of many beneficial

insects feed only on pollen and nectar, the tions to the point at which they don't interfere
best way to attract them is to plant small- with our harvest o r our enjoym ent of orna­
flowered plants, such as dill, fennel, parsley, m ental gardens. Leaving a few pests in the
and mint family plants. M em bers of the mus­ garden attracts and sustains beneficial insects.
tard family, including garden vegetables such T he concept of keeping pest populations
as radishes or broccoli that have gone to flower, at acceptable levels is an im portant part of
are also good choices. T here are many small- organic pest m anagem ent, a system of pest
flowered annual, biennial, and perennial flow­ control that uses a variety of methods to reduce
ers to suit any garden. You can interplant pest populations without resorting to synthetic
them am ong the vegetables as well as in bor­ chem icals. It is based on improving the health
ders and beds. of the garden ecosystem —from maintaining
O nce adults of beneficial species have fertile soils with high organic m atter content
arrived in your garden and have had a meal, to encouraging a com plex, diverse plant com ­
the females will search for a good place to lay munity attractive to many species of insects
eggs, which later hatch into predatory larvae. and birds. Managing pests organically includes
Beneficial ground-dwelling insects, such as a range of strategies.
rove and ground beetles, find refuges in per­ C ultural co n tro ls: These are steps the
m an en t walkways of sod, sto n e, o r thick gardener takes while planting o r cultivating
mulches. T his provides them with a safe place crops to make the garden less hospitable to
to hide when plantings are being disturbed, pests. It includes growing healthy plants on
cultivated, o r harvested. fertile soil to make them less attractive to
It is im portant to minimize dust and pro­ insects (or able to recover faster), using pest-
vide a w ater source in hot, dry areas to protect resistant cultivars, applying m ulches to foil
beneficial insects. They are easily killed by pests, and using sanitation m ethods such as
dehydration. Hedges, w indbreaks, and even removing garden trash o r roots that harbor
fences help keep down dust. An old birdbath the overwintering stages of pests.
filled with w ater and rocks o r gravel (to pro­ P h ysical co n tro ls: Using barriers, such
vide safe landing places for tiny insects so they as floating row cover, cutworm collars, o r tree
won t drown) will be used by many beneficial bands physically prevents insects from reach­
species. Hedgerows and perm anent beds pro­ ing plants. Cultivating soil in fall to kill over­
tect beneficial insects while there are disrup­ wintering pests, handpicking large pests, or
tions in the garden and often provide them knocking heavy insects such as Japanese bee­
with an alternate food supply of nonpest insects tles or plum curculios from foliage are also
living in the hedge. physical controls.
Biological controls: Using living organ­
isms to control pests is called biological control.
These controls include disease organisms such
Controlling Insect Pests as Bacillus (huringiensis that infect insects as
Pest problems concern every gardener. well as predatory or parasitic insects o r mites.
However, it's possible to have good harvests Many beneficial insects have been introduced
and beautiful gardens w ithout exterm inating from other countries to control imported pests
every pest insect that enters your yard. The and thousands of beneficial species are native
goal to strive for is to suppress pest popula­ to North America. Several dozen species are
1c o n tin u e d o n page 262)

Insect Im postors
old your horses! Before you sq u a sh that bug or turn on that
H sprayer, take a close look. There are several species of common
beneficial insects that are look-alikes of equally com m on pest species.
Here are som e that might stum p you. (Hint: The good guys are alw ays
on the left.)

A p h id m idge Fungus gnat Rove beetle Earwig

While aphid midges resemble fungus gnats, they Before you stomp on that earwig, make sure it's
are actually excellent predators of more than 6 0 not a rove beetle, which preys on many common
species of aphids. garden pests.

Lady beetle Mexican bean beetle Spined soldier bug Brown stink

A lady beetle should be one of your best friends Many kinds of stink bugs are pests, but spined
in the garden. But its cousin, the Mexican bean beetle, soldier bugs are voracious predators of a variety of
can be one of your worst enemies. caterpillars and grubs.


Mealybug destroyer larva Mealybugs Bigeyed bug Chinch bug

It's easy to confuse mealybugs with the benefi­ Look for the big eyes! Bigeyed bugs are your
cial creatures that eat them-m ealybug destroyer friends, unlike chinch bugs, which munch on the roots
larvae. of your lawn or corn crop.

lachinid fly Housefly Hover fly Baldfaced hornet

They may look like pesky houseflies, but don't If it's a baldfaced hornet, you may fear its sting.
use the swatter! Tachmid flies lay e ggs on many types But the only creatures that should be afraid of a hover
of caterpillar pests, and the tachinid larvae feed on fly are the aphids in your garden
and kill tne caterpillars.

Copyrighted material

Coordinated Control
ombining different control methods thot lease parasitic Trichogromma w a sp s at 7-10
C are effective against individual stage s in
a pest's life cycle can boost your su c c e ss in
day intervals to attack the e g g s that the
adults will lay
keeping the pest from dam aging plants. The M ost likely, som e m oths will still su c ­
codling moth, a serious pest of apples and cessfully mate and lay eggs, and som e of
other fruit trees, is a good example of a pest those e g g s will escape the parasites. For­
that is vulnerable to several types of controls. tunately, you can control the larvae that do
In late winter, while trees are dormant, hatch before they enter the apples by spray­
kill larvae overwintering in cocoons in the ing pyrethrin or codling moth granulosis virus
bark by scraping aw ay loose bark and apply­ at 7 -1 0 day intervals.
ing dormant oil sprays. Larvae overwintering Once larvae have tunneled into fruit, they
in the soil litter are susceptible to attack by are relatively safe from control measures.
ground beetles, especially in orchards with However, after feeding, they will crawl down
cover crops, which protect the beetle popu­ the trees to find a place to spin a cocoon.
lations. Intercept the migration by tying burlap tree
In the spring, you can determine when bands around the trees. Check them daily
adults begin to emerge from pupae by hang­ and destroy the larvae.
ing pheromone traps am ong the trees to ca p ­ You'll repeat the sam e control cycle for
ture male moths. Pheromone lures nung in the second generation, and for a third gener­
trees at this time will disrupt mating by con­ ation in warmer areas. If you're diligent, you
fusing the males in their search for females. should have negligible dam age from codling
Once adults begin appearing in the traps, re­ moths.

now sold by insectaries for release in gardens, num erous or very dam aging, you'll need to
orchards, an d greenhouses. com bine several controls at one time o r in
O rganic sprays and dusts: T here are sev­ succession throughout the season. See “C oor­
eral natural sprays, dusts, or baits that repel or dinated C ontrol” above to find out how using
poison pests. You can make some types your­ several different control m ethods at various
self from garden and kitchen ingredients. You points throughout the life cycle of the codling
can buy products including botanical pesti­ moth gives more successful control.
cides such as neem o r pyrethrin. Remember that some controls are not
For some pests, using a single control com patible with one another. For exam ple,
m ethod may be sufficient to prevent damage. spraying botanical pesticides can harm bene­
Cutworm collars are reliable barriers against ficial insects, so don't spray when you have
cutworm s: once the spring risk to transplants just released beneficial insects, and don't apply
has passed no further action need be taken. pesticides on plants that are attractive to ben­
For o th er pests, especially if they are eficial insects.

Late w inter Spring Summer

Pyrethrin of granulosis sprays Pyrethnn o r granulosis sprays

Scrape bark;
t I \ JI
T r k h o ijr a m m a releases
1 ! I! I
Trichogram m a releases
spray with dorm ant oil
1 \ \ I J I
P h e ro m o n e traps
P h e ro m o n e traps and/or and/or
d isrup tion lures * ^ is f u p lio n I

Moths •

•. .v* ..
Larva e ca ught P “ P®< Larva e caught / / i•
in tree b a n d s 2 in t r c c b a n d s / v J
G r o u n d beetles attack G ro u n d beetles attack G ro u n d beetles

Timing insect-eontrol methods. White arrows follow the life cycle o f

the codling moth from the pupation o f overwintering larvae in spring
through 2 full generations to the end o f summer. Black arrows
indicate when to use various control methods to coincide with the
vulnerable phase in the insect's life cycle.

Planning Your Strategy identity of your pest, get expert help from
T h e first step in controlling a pest is iden­ your local extension service, garden center,
tifying it. If you don’t have any idea what pest o r university entom ology departm ent.
has caused the dam age you’ve found, start by Rem em ber that some dam age symptoms
referring to “Com m on Insect Damage Symp­ can have many causes. T he problem you see
toms** on page 264. T h e listings of symptoms may be because of a disease organism or cul­
and possible culprits should help you deter­ tural problem. O r the dam age may have been
mine what pest is causing the problem. from insects that are no longer feeding. Once
Some destructive insects look similar to you’ve made a positive identification, look up
beneficial species, so be sure your identifica­ the pest in the individual insect entries that
tion is accurate. You can check “Insect Impos­ follow. Plan a control strategy based on the
tors" on page 260 for a quick rundown on suggested controls in these entries. For details
com m on beneficials that resemble pests. on using a particular control m ethod, see
If you aren't sure you've figured out the “Organic Controls" beginning on page 4 0 4 .
Common Insect Damage Symptoms
f you have dam aged plants and aren't sure what suffer from those symptoms. Then look up the
I insect is causing the injury, use this table to
narrow the list of possible culprits. Look for the
insects listed in the individual insect entries. The
photographs and information in the entries will
description of dam age sym ptom s in the left-hand help you identify the pest and take appropriate
column that m atches your plant's symptoms. Next, steps to control it.
find the appropriate category of host plants that

Symptoms Host Plants Insects


Small plants cut off at soil line Vegetables, flowers Cutworms, slugs and snails

Large holes chewed in leaves; Beans Mexican bean beetles

no excrement visible
Cucumbers, corn, peanuts Spotted cucumber beetles
Flowers, vegetables Japanese beetles, slugs and snails
Potatoes Colorado potato beetles

Large holes chewed in leaves, Cabbage family plants Cabbage loopers. imported
dark green excrement often cabbageworms, diamondback
visible moths
Tomatoes Tomato hornworms, tomato
Vegetables, fruits, ornamentals Wbollybear caterpillars

Small, round holes in leaves Cabbage family plants, potatoes, Flea beetles
spinach, flowers

Puckered, twisted leaves; sticky Vegetables, fruits, ornamentals Aphids

honeydew present

Puckered, twisted leaves; no sticky Vegetables, fruits, ornamentals Thrips, leafhoppers, plant bugs,
honeydew buffalo treehoppers, spittlebugs/
froghoppers, nematodes

Partially or fully defoliated plants Asparagus Asparagus beetles

Conifers Conifer sawflies, gypsy moths,
spruce budworms
Deciduous trees and shrubs Gypsy moths, June/May beetles,
cankerworms, tussock moths
Flowers, vegetables Armyworms, blister beetles,
climbing cutworms, rose chafers,
striped cucumber beetles
Pears, cherries, plums, Pear sawflies
Squash family plants Striped cucumber beetles

Copyrighted m
Symptoms Host Plants Insects
Chewed vines and leaves Potatoes Potato tuberworms
Squash family plants Pickleworms, squash vine borers

Shoot or branch tips wilt and die Fruit and shade trees Oriental fruit moths
Squash family plants Squash bugs
Vegetables, fruits, flowers Tarnished plant bugs and other
plant bugs

Webbing on leaves, stems, and Apples, roses, other deciduous Obliquebanded leafrollers, fruittree
branch rips trees and shrubs leafrollers, tent caterpillars, fall
Vegetables, strawberries Garden webworms

Small baglike cocoons with bits of Fruit trees, ornamental trees and Bagworms
leaves attached hanging from shrubs

Mines between upper and lower Apples, roses, other deciduous Obliquebanded leafrollers (young
leaf surfoces trees and shrubs larvae)
Beets, chard, nightshade family Leafminers
Cabbage family plants Diamondback moths (young larvae)
Chrysanthemums and other Leafminers
Elms, birches, alders Leafminer sawflies

Yellow leaves Citrus and other fruit trees Soft scales, armored scales
Lawn grasses Chinch bugs
Pears, quinces Pear psyllas

Yellow and withered leaves Evergreen trees and shrubs, Black vine weevil larvae
strawberries, bramble fruits

Russeted leaves Apples, pears, tomatoes, Rust mites


Small, discolored spots on leaves Vegetables, flowers Garden fleahoppers

White, gray, or silvery speckled Vegetables, ornamentals, fruit Spider mites, thrips, loce bugs
pattern on leaves and shade trees

Sticky honeydew on leaves Pears, quinces Pear psyllas

Vegetables, fruits, ornamentals Aphids, scales, mealybugs,

Copyrighted material

Common Insect Damage Symptoms —Continued

Symptoms Host Plants Insects
-J ’J * * •
Galls on leaves Oaks, roses Gall wasps
Maples Gall mites

i f v It?. '-Xi■* ■’r ’ - 4 *•
Early-dropping fruit Apples, plums, blueberries Apple maggots, plum curculios
Citrus and other tree fruits, grapes Mealybugs
Tree fruits, blueberries, currants Fruit flies

Damage around pit in fruit Almonds, walnuts Navel orangeworms

Cherries Codling moths

Tunnels to core of fruit Apples and other tree fruits Codling moths. Oriental fruit moths,
plum cucurtios
Citrus, figs Navel orangeworms

Large holes or damaged areas in Com Com earworms, European com

fruit or ears borers
Squash family plants Pickleworms
Tomatoes Tomato hornworms, tomato

Distorted, scarred fruit Vegetables, fruits Tarnished plant bugs and other
plant bugs, stink bugs, thrips

Russeted appearance of fruit Apples, pears Rust mites

Holes bored in seeds and pods Beans Bean weevils

Copyrighted material


Symptoms Host Plants Insects


Holes bored in trunk Apple and other fruit trees, Roundheaded appletree borers,
mountain ashes, hawthorns peachtree borers

Holes bored in stems, buds, or Corn European corn borers, south­

shoots western corn borers
Currants, gooseberries, Fruit borers
raspberries, rhododendrons

Galleries bored under bark Elms Elm bark beetles

Fruit and shade trees Flatheaded appletree borers,
shothole borers


Holes tunneled in roots Cabbage family plants Cabbage maggots

Carrot family Carrot rust flies, corrot beetles,
carrot weevils
Gladiolus and other flower corms Wireworms
Irises Iris borers
Onions, leeks, garlic Onion maggots
Potatoes Potato tuberworms, wireworms
Strawberries, grapes, raspberries, Strawberry root weevils
other fruits

Knotted, lumpy roots Beans, peas, other legumes Beneficial bacteria in roots
Tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, Nematodes

Chewed, stunted, withered, or Lawn grasses Japanese beetles, June/May beetles,

damaged roots rose chafers, chinch bugs

Copyrighted material
M any of the pests that damage garden plants many of the same control m ethods as insects.
are widespread in the United States and Canada. T he guide also offers information on the
Some are very damaging only in a particular appearance, range, life cycle, and helpful effects
region of North Am erica. This guide prov ides of more than 20 beneficial types of insects,
inform ation on the appearance, range, host along with suggestions on how to attract them
plants, dam age, life cycle, and control of more to your gardens. Note that beneficial insect
than 100 types of com m on garden pests. It nam es appear in green type; the nam es of the
includes some pests that are technically not pest insects appear in black. So, you can tell
insects, such as mites and slugs, but that cause at a glance which are the bad bugs and which
similar types of dam age and are v ulnerable to are beneficial.

A phid M idge Aphidoletes afihidimyza

Larva Adult Aphid mummies

Description: Adults: delicate, long-legged, aphids, eggs hatch in 2-3 days; larvae feed on
'/ift" flies, active at night. Larvae: orange aphids 3-5 days, then burrow into soil to
maggots, up to Eggs: minute orange pupate; adults em erge in 2 weeks. Overwin­
ovals. Com m on throughout North A m erica; ters as larvae in the soil.
sold commercially. How to Attract: Plant pollen and nectar
Beneficial Effect: Larvae paralyze aphids plants; protect garden from winds; provide a
with toxic saliva, then suck their body fluids. w ater source; buy 200-300 cocoons for a
Can attack more than 60 aphid species. small garden o r greenhouse or use 3-5
Life Cycle: Females lay eggs among cocoons per plant, 5-10 per fruit tree.

Copyrighted m
APHIDS ■ 269

Anhicis ( Family A p h id id ac)

Cabbage aphids Green peach aphids

Melon aphid winged adult Damage Woolly apple aphids

Description: Adulis: pear-shaped, '/w m ature in 1-2 weeks. In fall, males and
insects with 2 short tubes projecting back­ normal females are born; these mate to
ward from the abdom en: long antennae; produce overwintering eggs. In greenhouses,
green, pink, black, dusty gray, or with white some females continue to bear nymphs
fluffy coating; with or without wings. Nymphs: throughout the year. Some species feed on
similar to adults. Colonies develop quickly; cereal crops o r weeds for part of the year and
winged forms appear when they become on fruit trees at other times.
crowded. Common throughout North America. Control: For vegetable crops and small
Damage: Nymphs and adults suck plant ornam entals, spray smaller plants frequently
sap from most small fruits, vegetables, with a strong stream of w ater to knock
ornam entals, and fruit and shade trees. T heir aphids off: attract native predators and
feeding causes leaf, bud, and flower distor­ parasites by planting pollen and nectar
tions: severely infested leaves and flowers plants: release purchased aphid midges, lady
drop. Fruit that forms on infested branches beetles, lacewings. or parasitic wasps; use
are misshapen and stunted. Aphids secrete hom em ade garlic, quassia, o r tomato-leaf
sticky honeydew that supports growth of sprays; spray insecticidal soap; as a last
sooty mold on leaves and fruit. Feeding can resort, spray infested plants with neem or
spread viral diseases. pyrethrin. For fruit or shade trees, spray
Life Cycle: Eggs overwinter on woody dorm ant oil to kill overwintering eggs, and
stems, hatching in spring into stem females, plant flowering groundcovers in home orchards
which can give birth continuously to live to attract predators and parasites.
nymphs without having to m ate. Nymphs

A pple M aggot R f x ig u l e t i s p o m o n e l l a

Adult Damage

Description: Adults: ‘//'f lie s with yel­ 5-7 days, larvae tunnel in fruit until it drops,
low legs and transparent wings patterned then leave to pupate in soil for winter. One
with dark, crosswise bands. Larvae: white. generation per year. Some pupae remain
lA" maggots. Found in eastern United States dorm ant for several years.
and C anada, also northern California. Control: Collect and destroy dropped
Damage: Maggots tunnel through apples, fruit daily until Septem ber, twice a m onth in
blueberries, and plums. Fruit drops prem a­ fall; hang apple maggot traps in trees from
turely: early cultivars are most affected. mid-June until harvest (1 per dwarf tree, 6
Life Cycle: Adults em erge from over­ per full-size tree); plant clover groundcover
w intering pupae mid-June to July and lay to attract beetles that prey on pupae; grow
eggs in punctures in fruit skin; eggs hatch in late-maturing cultivars.

A rm yw orm s (Family N o c tu id a e )

Beet army worm Beet armx worm Fall army worm

Description: Adults: pale, gray-brown older larvae reach VA": greenish brown with
m oths with a white dot in center of forewing white stripes on sides, dark o r light stripes
(1 wingspan), active only at night. along backs. Eggs: greenish white, in masses
Larvae: early stages sm ooth, pale green; on lower leaves. Found east of the Rockies

T ia te r la l

and in southeastern C anada, also in New ally cause the most damage.
M exico, Arizona, and California. Beet army- Life Cycle: Larvae (sometimes pupae)
worm is com m on in southern United States. overwinter in soil o r litter around roots,
Damage: Larvae feed on co m , field resume feeding in spring, then pupate for 2
crops, and garden plants at night, hiding weeks. Two to 3 generations per year.
during the day in the cen ter of corn plants or Control: A ttract native parasitic wasps
under stones o r leaf litter. W hen food supply and flies; spray BTK to kill larvae; spray
is depleted, they move en masse to a new superior oil in July to kill eggs of second
location Larvae can consum e whole plants generation.
in 1 night. First generation larvae (June) usu­

A sparagus B eetle C rioceris a sp a m g i

Larva Adult

Description: A dults: shiny, elongate, also attack older stems and leaves.
bluish b l a c k . b e e t l e s with reddish brown Life Cycle: H ibernating adults emerge
thoraxes. 4 cream -colored spots and red when first asparagus spears are ready to cut;
borders on wing covers. Larvae: plump, they feed and lay eggs on spears. Eggs hatch
wrinkled, and gray with dark heads and legs. in 1 week, larvae feed for 2 weeks, then
Eggs: shiny, black, glued on end to stems and burrow into the soil to pupate. Adults emerge
young spears. Com m on throughout North in 10 days. Two or 3 generations per year.
Am erica. T h e spotted asparagus beetle Control: In fall, remove and bum old
(Crioceris duodecimpunctata) causes similar fronds and garden trash w here beetles
damage, but is generally found east of the Mis­ overwinter, o r put it in sealed containers for
sissippi River. Beetles are red-orange with 12 disposal with household trash; in spring,
black spots on wing covers; larvae are orange. cover spears with floating row cover until
Damage: Adults and larvae chew on end of harvest; handpick beetles; as a last
green asparagus shoots, blemishing spears; resort, spray pyrethrin.

Copyrighted material

A ssassin Bugs ( Family R ed u v iid a e)

Adult and prey Adult and prey

Description: Adults: flattened, JAWbugs help suppress populations of many insects,

with long, narrow heads and stout, curving including flies and caterpillars.
beaks, some with flared or sculptured tho­ Life Cycle: Adults lay eggs in crevices:
raxes: may bite when handled: some species nymphs develop until last molt and hibernate
squeak. Nymphs: smaller, similar to adults, in a pre-adult stage, then develop to adults
wingless, some brightly colored, others dis­ the following June.
guised by coating of dust o r debris. Found How to Attract: Naturally present in
throughout North America. most gardens. Avoid pesticide use.
Beneficial Effect: General predators that

B agw orm T hyriclopteryx ef)h em em efo rm is

Larvae in bags Larva in bag

Description: Adults: males are black, Life Cycle: Eggs hatch inside bags in
clear-winged m oths (1 " wingspan); females spring. Larvae feed on leaves and build new
are wingless. Larvae: dark brown, V«"-l" bags with foliage of the host plant attached.
caterpillars with white o r yellow heads; feed Larvae enlarge bag as they grow, then pupate
inside cocoons. Eggs: light tan eggs laid in September. Winged males emerge several
inside bags. Found east of Rocky M ountains. days later and m ate with wingless females in
Damage: Larvae eat foliage of many bags. Female m oths lay eggs and die; eggs
trees and shrubs. Bags mar plant appearance. overwinter.
Use a knife to cut the silk from the twig; if Control: Handpick and destroy bags;
you tear the bag away, you’ll leave a coil of spray with BTK in early spring; set out pher­
tightly wound silk ready to girdle the twig. om one traps in August to catch males.

Copyrighted mi

B ean W eevil A ca n th o scelid es o b tectu s

Larvae and pupae Adult and damage Adulis and damage

Description: Adults: velvety gray or tering adults emerge and feed, and lay eggs in
b ro w n ,1V '-'/s" weevils with pale lines on pods. Larvae feed and pupate in seeds. In
their backs and red legs. Larvae: white, fat stored beans, eggs are laid on seeds and
grubs. Found throughout North America. weevils breed year-round.
Damage: Adults feed on leaves and Control: At harvest, treat seeds and
pods of beans, peas, and lentils. Larvae bore stored legumes with diatom aceous earth;
through freshly harvested and stored seeds, remove bean plants from the garden immedi­
ruining them. ately after harvest to reduce overwintering
Life Cycle: As plants bloom , overwin­ populations.

B igeyed Bugs G eocoris sp p .

tarnished plant bugs. Common in western
North America.
Beneficial Effect: Valuable predators of
aphids, leafhoppers, plant bugs, spider mites,
and small caterpillars in field crops and
Life Cycle: Females lay eggs on stems
a n d le a f u n d e rs id e s ; e g g s h a tc h in 2 w e e k s;
nymphs develop for 4-6 weeks and then molt.
Adults overwinter in garden trash.
Description: Adults: fast-moving, V*"-1/*" How to Attract: Soybeans, pigweed,
bugs with large eyes, m inute black spots on and goldenrod are favored sites for the bugs
heads and thoraxes. Nymphs: similar to to lay eggs. Interplant crops with soybeans;
adults, but wingless. May be mistaken for leave weedy plants in borders.

Copyrighted material

Black V ine W eevil O tio rh yn ch u s su lc a tu s

Damage: Larvae feed on roots, and
adults chew on leaves, dam aging many types
of broad- and narrow-leaved evergreen trees
and shrubs, straw berries, and bram ble fruits.
Life Cycle: Larvae overwinter in soil,
pupating in spring. Adults em erge in June.
A fter 2 weeks, they lay eggs near the crowns
of plants. Eggs hatch in 10 days; larvae
Adult and damage
burrow into soil and feed on roots. One
Description: Adults: oblong, brownish generation per year.
black, ’A" weevils. Larvae: white grubs with Control: Shake weevils off plants at
yellowish heads; up to ’A". Eggs: tiny white night onto a dropcloth and destroy them.
eggs laid in soil. Found in northern United Spray BTSD when adults are feeding on
States and southern Canada. foliage. Apply parasitic nem atodes to soil.

B lister B eetles (Family M elo id a e)

Black blister beetle Striped blister beetles

and damage

Description: Adults: metallic black, blue, ing on flowers and foliage of many types of
purple, o r brown, 3A" long beetles with soft, flowers, shrubs, and vegetables rapidly defoli­
elongated bodies, narrow '‘necks,” and long ate plants. Larvae of most species are bene­
legs; beetles cling to plants when disturbed. ficial because they prey on grasshopper eggs.
Larvae: youngest are tiny, narrow, elongate Life Cycle: Overwintering larvae pupate
grubs with large heads; later stages are in spring, adults emerge and lay eggs in
progressively fatter with sm aller heads, last midsum m er in grasshopper egg burrows;
stage are nearly legless. Found throughout larvae feed on eggs for a m onth, then
North Am erica. overwinter in the burrows for up to 2 years.
Damage: Large num bers of adults feed­ M ost species have 1 generation per year,

Copyrighted material

coinciding with grasshopper life cycles. pail of soapy w ater (wear gloves to avoid
Control: Except in areas where large contact with crushed beetles, which cause
adult populations do severe dam age, tolerate skin burns); protect plants with floating row
adults to reap the beneficial effects of larvae. cover o r screens in midsummer. For severe
To kill adults, knock them from plants into a infestations, spray with pyrethrin.

B o x e ld e r Bug Boisea triinttata

ash, and maple trees. Occasionally attacks

other shade o r fruit trees. Damage is usually
not serious. Swarms of adults congregating in
fall on walls and trees in preparation for
hibernation may be a nuisance.
Life Cycle: Females lay eggs in crevices,
on foliage o r seed pods; eggs hatch in 2
weeks; nymphs feed on foliage until final
Description: A dults: '/ / ' bugs with molt to adults in July. Second generation
charcoal-colored wings with red veins. m atures by fall. Adult females overwinter in
Nymphs: bright red. later m arked with black. buildings o r sheltered areas.
Found throughout North Am erica. Control: Usually not necessary. For
Damage: Feeding causes deform ities in severely annoying infestations, spray with
flowers, leaves, shoots, o r fruit of boxelder. pyrethrin.

Adult Wasp cocoons Adult with

on tobacco homworm parasitized aphids

Description: Adults: slender, black or Beneficial Effect: Im portant native par­

brown, '/ io'-V j " wasps with threadlike wfaists. asites of pests such as codling m oths, elm
Larvae: tiny cream -colored grubs that feed in bark beetles, cabbageworm s, hom worm s,
o r on other insects. Found throughout North com borers, armyworms. aphids, and others.
Am erica: some available commercially. Some species attack flies and oth er insects.

Wasp larvae may develop inside the host spin cocoons on or near the dead host, then
insect. O r adult wasps may paralyze the host pupate. Several generations occur per year.
insect before laying eggs, and larvae then How to Attract: Grow nectar plants
develop as external parasites. with small flowers such as dill, parsley, and
Life Cycle: Females inject eggs into yarrow. Although some species are available
host insects, singly or in large numbers. by mail order, the best course for the
W hen larvae com plete developm ent, they hom eowner is to attract native populations.

B uffalo T re e h o p p e r Sticto cep h a la b iso n ia

slits in bark. Found throughout North America.
Damage: Females puncture bark of fruit
tree twigs to lay eggs. Nymphs dam age
tom atoes, potatoes, alfalfa, clover, and grasses
by sucking plant sap.
Life Cycle: Eggs overwinter in tree bark
and hatch in spring, nymphs drop to ground
and feed on grasses and other plants for 6
weeks: after molting to adults, they return to
Description: Adults: green o r yellowish, trees to feed and lay eggs.
wedge-shaped, '/•*" bugs. Nymphs: green, Control: D orm ant oil sprays kill over­
hum pbacked, with a spiny projection on wintering eggs; avoid alfalfa or clover cover
their backs. Eggs: laid in crescent-shaped crops where populations are damaging.

B u m b leb ees R a m b u s spp.

pollinators in greenhouses.
Life Cycle: Overwintering queen bee
emerges from soil or leaf litter in May and
makes nest on o r below ground. T he queen
lays eggs in individual cells m ade of pollen;
feeds developing larvae pollen and honey
until they m ature in 3-4 weeks to becom e
workers. Workers collect pollen and nectar
and rear subsequent 2 or 3 broods. In the fall,
Description: Adults: plump, black-and- young queens develop and fly away to m ate,
yellow, fuzzy, '/i " -1" bees; active even in cold and the colony breaks up.
weather. Larvae: fat, white grubs. Common How to Attract: C om m on in most
throughout N orth America. gardens. Protect bees by minimizing pesti­
Beneficial Effect: Im portant wild polli­ cide usage; apply in evening when bees are
nators; com m ercially reared colonies used as not active.

Copyrighted material

C abbage L o o p er Trichoplusia n i

Adult Damage

Description: Adults: gray m oths with a Life Cycle: M oths emerge from over­
silver spot in the middle of each forewing wintering pupae in May and lay eggs on
(1 *A"-2" wingspan ). Larvae: green. 1'A" cat­ leaves; larvae feed 2-4 weeks, then pupate 10
erpillars with 2 white lines down their backs, days in cocoons attached to stems or leaves.
1 along each side; they move by looping their T hree to 4 generations per year.
bodies. Kggs: light green, dom e-shaped, on Control: Handpick several times weekly:
undersides of leaves. Com m on throughout attract native parasitic wasps by planting
most of nited States and southern Canada. pollen and nectar plants; till in crop residues
Damage: Larvae chew large holes in before adults emerge in spring; spray larvae
leaves of cabbage family plants and many with BTK. For severe infestations, spray with
oth er vegetable crops. May destroy whole garlic oil or pyrethrin.

C abbage M aggot D elia ru d icu m (= H ylem ya b ra ssica e)

l/uvae on roots Larva Adult female

Description: Adults: gray, ■/•" flies with Damage: Maggots boring into roots of
long legs. Larvae: white, tapering, ’A" mag­ cabbage family plants ruin root crops and
gots in roots. Found throughout North stunt or kill plants. Wounds allow disease
Am erica. organisms to enter roots. First sign of injury

is usually wilting in midday. transplants through slits in tar-paper squares

Life Cycle: Adults emerge from over­ to prevent the females from laying eggs;
wintering pupae from late M arch onward. bum o r destroy roots of cabbage family
Females lay eggs in soil beside roots; larvae plants when harvesting tops; apply parasitic
tunnel in roots 3-4 weeks, then pupate in nem atodes to soil around roots. If popula­
soil for 2-3 weeks. Two to 4 generations tions are moderate, repel females by mounding
per year. wood ashes, diatom aceous earth, hot pep­
Control: Cover seedlings with floating per, or powdered ginger around base of
row cover, burying edges in soil; set out stems.

C ank erw orm s ( Family G e o m e tr id a e )

Damage: Larvae chew on young leaves

and buds of apple trees and many deciduous
shade trees and ornam ental shrubs. They
also feed on larger leaves, leaving only
midribs and large veins. Heavily dam aged
Larvae and damage
trees look scorched.
Description: Adults: males are light gray Life Cycle: Adults emerge November to
m oths (more than 1" wingspan); females are Decem ber and lay eggs on twigs and branches;
wingless with fuzzy, l/i" bodies. Larvae: eggs hatch in spring as first leaves open on
slender, light green, yellow, o r brown, x/i"- 1" trees. Larvae feed 3-4 weeks, then pupate
caterpillars with white stripes; they loop in soil until early winter. One generation
their bodies as they crawl. Eggs: gray-brown, per year.
round; laid in com pact masses on plants. Control: Trap females in sticky tree
Found from Nova Scotia to North Carolina, bands as they climb trees to lay eggs;
west to Missouri, M ontana, and M ani­ handpick and destroy egg masses on branches;
toba. Also found in C olorado, U tah, and spray with dorm ant oil to kill eggs; spray
California. BTK to kill larvae.

Copyrighted matqr

C arro t B eetle L ig yru s (= B o th y n u s) g ib b o su s

Damage: Adults feed on roots of carrot

family crops, beets, co m , potatoes, sweet
potatoes, and dahlias. Larvae feed on roots
of grasses and cereal crops and on decaying
matter. Damage worst in soils with high
organic m atter content.
Life Cycle: Adults overwinter in soil,
emerging in spring to lay eggs in soil beside
Description: Adults: reddish brown or host plants. Eggs hatch in 1-3 weeks, larvae
black, V2 " beetles with rows of fine punctures feed on roots until they pupate in late
on wing covers. Larvae: bluish white, C-shaped, summer. O ne generation per year.
1" grubs with brown heads. Found through­ Control: Cultivate in fall to reduce
o ut Nortn Am erica. overwintering populations; rotate crops.

C arro t R ust Fly Psila rosae

Adult Damage

Description: Adults: shiny, metallic green­ Life Cycle: Adults em erge mid-April to
ish black. 'A"flies with yellow legs and head. May, laying eggs in soil near plants. Larvae
Larvae: white, tapering. '/»"maggots. Found burrow into roots for 3-4 weeks, then pupate.
throughout N orth Am erica. Two to 3 generations per year.
Damage: Maggots eat root hairs and Control: Cover seedbeds with floating
tunnel through roots of carrot family plants, row cover, burying edges in soil, before
stunting or killing plants, ruining root crops, seedlings emerge. Leave plants covered until
and allowing disease organisms to enter. harvest; apply parasitic nem atodes to soil.
Maggots also feed on roots in storage.

Copyrighted material

C arro t W eevil Listronotus oregonensis

Description: Adults: coppery brown, from grass or garden litter in May, lay eggs on
hard-shelled, 'A" weevils. Larvae: white, plant stems; larv ae bore into stem s and
legless, C-shaped, *A" grubs with brown downward into roots, then pupate in soil by
heads. Found in New England and eastern late June. Second-generation adults emerge
United States. in July.
Damage: Larvae tunnel through stems Control: Cover seedbeds with floating
and roots of carrot family plants, stunting or row cover; weev ils do not fly, so plant
killing plants. Infested carrot roots and susceptible crops in uninfested areas; drench
celery stalks may be unfit to harvest. soil with parasitic nem atodes.
Life Cycle: Overwintering adults emerge

C e n tip ed es/M illip ed es

Garden centipede House centipede Millipede

Description: Adults: slender, segmented per segment). Some millipedes curl up when
creatures with many legs. C entipedes are disturbed.
1"-5", have fewer, longer legs (with only 1 set Beneficial Effect: Both centipedes and
of legs per segm ent), and move quickly; millipedes are generally beneficial in the
millipedes are ‘A '-l'A ", move slowly, and garden. C entipedes generally feed on soil-
have num erous short legs (with 2 sets of legs dwelling mites, insects, and insect larvae.

Copyrighted m j

Millipedes usually feed on decaying plant seedlings.

tissue; they are beneficial in com post piles Life Cycle: Both lay eggs in soil. Eggs
because they help break down organic hatch into nymphs, which are similar to
matter. adults, but shorter, with fewer segments.
Damage: C entipedes occasionally feed Control: Usually not needed; sprinkle
on plants and earthworm s. M illipedes may wood ashes, diatom aceous earth, o r cinders
feed on plant roots, germ inating seeds, and near rows of germ inating seeds.

C h in ch Bug B lissu s leu co p teru s

Adult Damage

Description: Adults: ‘A" bugs that have wintering sites in sod along fence rows and
white forewings with a black triangular spot hedges. Females lay eggs on grass roots, eggs
near margin. Nymphs: ’A" insects; youngest hatch in 1-3 weeks, and nymphs chew on
are bright red with a white stripe across the roots until molting to adults in late June. Two
back; older nymphs are dark with white generations per year, 3 in southern areas.
spots on the middle. Most com m on in Control: Avoid chinch bug problems by
eastern naif of United States and Canada. planting endophyte-containing grass cultivars.
Damage: Adults and nymphs suck sap In small lawns, soak sod with soapy w ater (1
from roots and stems of lawn grasses, corn, ounce liquid dish soap to 2 gallons water),
and cereal grain crops. Infested grass turns then lay a flannel sheet over the grass to
yellow, and patches may die off. Large snare the bugs as they are driven out by the
infestations can devastate a grain crop or soapy solution; kill the bugs by washing them
law n. These pests usually congregate in off the sheet in a bucket of soapy water.
open, sunny parts of the lawn. They also Encourage native predators—bigeyed bugs,
smell bad. especially when crushed, and you minute pirate bugs, lacewings, lady beetles,
may be able to d etect the odor when you and birds; bugs avoid shade, so shade base of
walk across a severely infested lawn. crop plants by interplanting soybeans with
Life Cycle: Adults em erge from over­ corn o r clover with grains.

Copyrighted material

C o d lin g M oth Cydiapotnonella

Lar\-a Adult External damage

Internal damage

Description: Adults: gray-brown moths; litter. Two to 3 generations per year, 5-8
forewings with fine, white lines and brown weeks apart.
tips, hindwings brown with pale fringes (3A" Control: In early spring, scrape loose
wingspan). Larvae: pink or creamy white, 7/«" bark to remove overwintering cocoons and
caterpillars with brown heads. Eggs: flattened, spray dorm ant oil: grow cover crops to
white. Found throughout North America. attract native parasites and predators, espe­
Damage: Larvae tunnel through apple, cially ground beetles that eat pupae; use
apricot, cherry, peach, pear, and plum fruit pherom one traps to determ ine main flight
to center, ruining them. period for moths, then release parasitic
Life Cycle: Overwintering larvae pupate Trichogramma wasps to attack eggs; trap
in spring; adults emerge when apple trees larvae in tree bands, destroy daily; apply
bloom. Females lay eggs on fruit, leaves, or codling moth granulosis virus where available;
twigs; larvae burrow into fruit core, usually in areas with severe infestations, spray pyre­
from blossom end, for 3-5 weeks, then leave thrin when 75 percent of petals have fallen,
fruit to pupate under tree bark or in ground followed by 3 sprays at 1-2 week intervals.


C o lo rad o P otato B eetle Leptinotarsci decemlineata

Eggs, larvae and adult Larva Adult

Adults and larvae

Description: Adults: yellowish orange. Two generations in most areas, 3 generations

’/j" beeties with 10 lengthwise, black stripes in southern states.
on wing covers, black spots on thoraxes. Control: When overwintering adults begin
Larvae: dark orange, hum pbacked, l/» n- l/i" to em erge, shake adults from plants onto a
grubs with a row of black spots along each dropcloth in the early morning. Dump
side. Egi’s: bright yellow ovals, standing on beetles into soapy water. A ttract native
end in clusters on undersides of leaves. predators and parasites with pollen and
Found throughout North America. nectar flowers; mulch plants with deep straw
Damage: Both adults and larvae chew layer; cover plants with floating row cover
leaves of potatoes, tom atoes, eggplants, and until midseason; release 2-5 spined soldier
related plants, including petunias. Feeding bugs per square yard of plants; release
can kill small plants and reduces yields of parasitic wasp Edovum puttleri in southern
m ature plants. areas to attack second-generation larvae;
Life Cycle: Overwintering adults emerge apply parasitic nem atodes to soil to attack
from soil in spring to feed on young plants; larvae as they prepare to pupate; apply
after feeding, females lay up to 1,000 eggs double-strength sprays of BTSD on larvae;
during their lifespan of several months. Eggs spray infested plants weekly with neem or
hatch in 4-9 days; larvae feed 2-3 weeks, then pyrethrin.
pupate in soil. Adults em erge in 5-10 days.

Copyrighted material

C o m E arw orm /T om ato F ruitw orm

Helicoi>erpa (=Heliothis) zea

Larva and external damage Larva and internal damageLarvaand damage


Description: Adults: tan m oths (1 feed 2-4 weeks, then pupate in soil. Adults
wingspan). Larvae: I "-2" long, light yellow, emerge in 10-25 days. One to 4 generations
green, pink, or brown; white and dark stripes per year.
along sides; yellow heads and black legs. Eggs: Control: Plant com cultivars with tight
white, ribbed, and round. Found throughout husks to prevent larvae from entering. After
North America; cannot overwinter in Canada, com silks start to dry, spray BTK into tips of
but migrates from United States in spring. ears, o r apply granular BTK. Spray BTK on
D am a ge : L arvae burrow into ripe leaves and fruit of plants where fruitworms
tom atoes, eat buds, and chew large holes in are feeding; attract native parasitic wasps
leaves. In corn, larvae feed on fresh silks, and predatory bugs. Squirt parasitic nem a­
then move down ears eating kernels, leav ing todes into tips of corn ears or squirt mineral
trails of excrem ent. Early and late corn oil on the tips; open corn husks and dig out
cultivars most affected. Larvae will also feed larvae in tip before they dam age main ear;
on a broad range of vegetable crops, fruits, release lacewings or m inute pirate bugs.
and flowers. Paint pyrethrin-and-molasses bait (3 parts
Life Cycle: Adults emerge in early spring, spray solution to 1 part molasses) around
migrating long distances to find food, if base of plants to kill emerging adults; use
necessary. Females lay eggs on leaves or on pherom one traps to m onitor appearance of
tips of corn ears. Eggs hatch in 3 days, larvae moths; spray with neem.

Copyrighted material

C u cu m b er B eetle, S p o tte d /S o u th e rn C o m
R ootw orm Diabrotica undedmpunctata boivardi

Adult Damage

Description: Adulis: greenish yellow, cucum ber mosaic virus and bacterial wilt.
•A" beetles with 11 black spots on wing Life Cycle: Overwintering adults emerge
covers. Larvae: white, 'A" grubs with brown from under crop residues in spring, lay eggs
heads and brown patches on first and last in soil close to plants. Eggs hatch and larvae
segments. Found throughout the United feed in roots and crown of plants for 2-4
States and southern C anada, east of the weeks, then pupate. O ne o r 2 generations in
Rocky M ountains. Northern populations northern areas, 3 in southern areas.
migrate north and south as seasons change, Control: Remove and destroy crop resi­
traveling up lo 500 miles in a few days. dues where adults overwinter: rotate garden
Damage: Larvae feed on roots of com , crops with cover crops such as alfalfa: cover
often killing young plants: older plants are seedlings or plants with floating row cover,
weakened and may topple easily. Adults feed hand-pollinating covered squash family plants:
on leaves and som etim es petals of squash apply parasitic nem atodes to soil weekly to
family plants, o th er vegetable crops, and control larvae; control adults by spraying
flowers. Both larvae and adults can transmit with pyrethrin.

C u cu m b er B eetle, S trip ed Acalynnm a v itta tu m

white grubs. Found in United States west to
Colorado and New Mexico: in C anada, west
to Saskatchewan.
Damage: Adults feed on squash family
plants, beans, co m , peas, and blossoms of
many garden plants. T he beetles swarm on
seedlings, feeding on leaves and young shoots,
often killing plants: they also attack stems
Adult and damage
and flowers of older plants and eat holes in
Description: Adults: yellow, elongate. fruit. Feeding can transm it wilt and mosaic
'A" beetles with black heads and 3 wide viruses. Larvae feed on roots of squash
black stripes on wing covers. Larvae: slender. family plants only, killing o r stunting plants.

Life Cycle: Adults overwinter in dense Control: Cover seedlings or plants with
grass o r under leaves, emerging in April to floating row cover, and hand-pollinate cov­
early June. They eat weed pollen for 2 weeks, ered squash family plants; pile deep straw
then move to crop plants, laying eggs in soil mulch around plants to discourage beetles
at base of plants. Eggs hatch in 10 days; from moving between plants; apply parasitic
larvae burrow into soil, feed on roots for 2-6 nem atodes to soil to control larvae; spray
weeks, pupate in early August. Adults emerge with pyrethrin when adults are seen feeding
in 2 weeks to feed on blossoms and m aturing on pollen in flowers.
fruit. One to 2 generations per year.

C utw orm s (F am ily N o c tu id a e )

Army cutworm and damage Variegated cutworm

Variegated cutworm adult

Description: Adults: brown or gray moths Life Cycle: Some species overwinter as
(V /t" wingspan). Larvae: fat,greasy-looking, pupae; adults emerge and lay eggs on grass
gray or dull brown, 1"-2" caterpillars with or soil surface from early May to early June.
shiny heads. Found throughout North America. Eggs hatch in 5-7 days, larvae feed on grass
Damage: At night, caterpillars feed on and oth er plants for 3-5 weeks, then pupate
stem s of vegetable and flower seedlings and in soil. Adults emerge late August to early
transplants near the soil line, severing them September. O ther species overwinter as eggs
o r com pletely consuming small seedlings. that hatch during first warm days and feed
During the day they rest below soil surface, on early seedlings. One generation per year;
curled beside plant stems. a late second generation may dam age

Copyrighted material

crops in warm fall weather. bran mixed with BTK and molasses over
Control: Put collars m ade of paper, surface of beds; apply parasitic nem atodes to
cardboard, or plastic around transplant stems soil; dig around base of dam aged transplants
at planting, pushing collars into soil until in the morning and destroy larvae hiding
about half of the collar is below soil level. One below soil surface; set out transplants later in
week before setting out plants, scatter moist the season to avoid damage.

D am sel Bugs (Family Nabidae)

Beneficial Effect: Im portant native pred­
ators of aphids, leafhoppers, plant bugs,
thrips, and small caterpillars. Commonly
found in unsprayed alfalfa fields.
Life Cycle: Females lay eggs in plant
tissue, eggs hatch in 1 week; nymphs imme­
diately begin feeding, often on prey larger
than themselves. Nymphs develop 3-4 weeks
until molt to adults. Adults overwinter. Two
Description: Adults: elongate, gray or o r more generations per season.
brown, fast-moving. Vs"-1/*" bugs. Nymphs: HOW to Attract: You can collect damsel
slender wingless, smaller than adults. Found bugs in alfalfa fields using a sweep net, and
throughout North Am erica. release them around the garden.

D iam o n d b ack M oth Plutella xyllostellci

Larva and damage Adult

Description: Adults: xh n m oths with light brown heads. Found throughout North
light diam ond pattern visible on the back America.
when wings are folded; wing tips flare Damage: Youngest larvae mine tunnels
upward. Larvae: W and pale green with in leaves of cabbage family plants and weeds.

O lder larvae chew small, irregular holes in for 2 weeks, then pupate. Adults emerge in
leaves, bore into cabbage heads, and chew 7-10 days. T hree to 6 generations per year.
curds of cauliflower and broccoli. Control: Cover crops with floating row
Life Cycle: Adults overwinter in mild cover; attract and conserve native parasites
clim ates. In spring females lay eggs on and predators, including birds; spray BTK to
leaves; eggs hatch in a few days; larvae feed kill larvae.

Elm B ark B eetles

Scolytus multistriatiis and Hylurgopinus rufipes

Smaller European elm Damage

bark beetle

Description: Adults: shiny, cylindrical, from holes in bark in spring; they feed in
dark reddish brown, '/io" beetles with fine crotches of elm twigs, later moving to recently
punctures in rows along wing covers; heads cut, dead, or dying elms. They carve galleries
curved downward under broad thoraxes. between the wood and inner bark and lay
Larvae: fat, C-shaped grubs with brown eggs. Each larva feeds in a separate branch
heads, living under bark. Found throughout of the gallery and pupates in a cell at the
United States except in the north-central end; adults emerge in 10-14 days. Some
states; also found in southern O ntario and species overwinter under the bark as larvae,
New Brunswick. others as adults. One to 3 generations per year.
Damage: Larvae and adults live in gal­ Control: M aintain healthy trees; bury or
leries engraved in a radiating pattern under burn all diseased or dying elms in the area to
the bark of elm trees. T he tunneling does not eliminate sources of disease: plant cultivars
cause serious dam age to the trees. However, resistant to Dutch elm disease; trap adult
adults carry Dutch elm disease fungi on their beetles with pherom one traps; conserve
bodies and infect healthy trees when they braconid wasps {Dendrosoter protuberans),
bore into bark. which were released in the eastern United
Life Cycle: Overwintering adults emerge States to parasitize the beetles.

Copyrighted material

C om B o re r O strinia nubilalis

luir\a in com ear Larva in com stem Adult

Description: Adults: females pale yel­ emerge in June: lay eggs late June to mid-
lowish brown with darker zigzag patterns July. Eggs hatch after 1 week; larvae feed for
across wings (1" wingspan); males darker- 3-4 weeks. One to 3 generations per year.
colored Larvae: beige with small brown Control: Plant resistant com cultivars;
spots, up to 1". Eggs: white, overlapping, laid remove tassels from two-thirds of co m plants
in masses of 15-20 on undersides of leaves. before they begin to shed pollen; spray BTK
Found throughout northern and central on leaf undersides and into tips of ears; apply
United States and central and eastern Canada. granular BTK o r mineral oil in tips of ears:
Damage: Young larvae feed on corn rotate crops; release Trichogramma wasps
leaves and tassels and beneath husks. O lder for control in large fields; attract native
larvae burrow in com stalks and ears; dam ­ parasites by allowing flowering weeds to
aged stalks may break. Larvae also tunnel in grow between rows: pull out and destroy all
stem s or pods of beans, onions, peppers, infested crop residue imm ediately after
potatoes, tom atoes, and other crops. harvest. For severe infestations, spray pyrethrin
Life Cycle: Larvae overwinter in plant when larvae begin feeding on leaves, tassels,
residue and pupate in early spring. Adults o r ears.

Flat h e a d e d A p p letree B o re r C hrysobvthris fem o m ta

Larva Adult

Description: Adults: flat, dark bronze, throughout United States and eastern Can-
xk " beetles. Larvae: white, legless grubs with ada; similar species on Pacific Coast,
brown, retracted heads; up to I1/ / '. Found Damage: Adults feed on leaves of most

fruit and shade trees, and larvae tunnel into bark. W hen eggs hatch, grubs tunnel under
sapwood of young trees and under bark of bark for rest of sum m er but are usually
older trees, forming galleries filled with unable to com plete developm ent on vigorous
castings. Attacked bark exudes gummy sap, trees. May take 2 years to com plete life cycle.
turns dark, and dies; whole trees may be Control: Maintain healthy, vigorous trees;
killed. Young trees o r those in poor condi­ avoid injury to bark; remove injured limbs as
tion most susceptible. soon as dam age occurs; protect trunks of
Life Cycle: G rubs overwinter in cham ­ young trees with white latex paint diluted
bers in wood, pupate in spring. Adults with an equal am ount of water, o r wrap with
emerge May to July and lay eggs in cracks in paper o r burlap to prevent attack.

Flea B eetles (Family Chrysomelidae)

Steelblue flea beetle Damage

Description: Adults: black, brown, or Life Cycle: Overwintering adults emerge

bronze, '/ i o " beetles with well-developed from soil in spring; they feed and lay eggs on
hind legs; jum p like fleas when disturbed. plant roots, then die by early July. Eggs hatch
Larvae: thin, white, legless grubs with brown in 1 week, larvae feed 2-3 weeks, then pupate
heads, up to living in soil. Found in soil; adults emerge in 2-3 weeks. O ne to 4
throughout North Am erica. generations per year.
Damage: Adults chew num erous small, Control: Delay planting to avoid peak
round holes in leaves of most vegetable crops populations; cover seedlings with row cover
as well as many flowers and weeds. They are until adults die off. Flea beetles prefer full
most damaging in early spring. Seedlings sun, so interplant crops to provide shade for
may be killed, larger plants usually survive. susceptible plants; drench roots with insect
Larvae feed on plant roots. Adults may parasitic nem atodes to control larvae; spray
spread viral diseases as they feed. with neem o r pyrethrin.

Copyrighted m

F ru it B o re rs S y n a n th e d o n spp.

Raspberry crown borer Rhododendron borer Rhododendron borer adult

External damage

Description: Adults: wasplike moths have and pupate in early May; adults emerge in 2
clear u ings with darker markings and black weeks. Eggs are laid on canes and hatch in 10
o r black-and-yellow striped, 1" bodies. Lar­ days; larvae tunnel in canes all summer,
vae: pale yellow o r white with dark heads, remaining in canes for winter. R hododen­
boring into canes or crowns. Found through­ dron borer larvae spend the winter in crowns
out North America. of plants and work their way up into canes by
Damage: Larvae bore into stem s of July, pupating under the bark, several inches
currants, gooseberries, raspberries, and above the soil line; adults emerge in a month.
rhododendrons. T heir tunneling can weaken Control: Prune and burn all affected
canes, causing them to break easily, or can canes, remove infested plants; smash old
kill entire canes. Larvae boring into crowns stubs of plants with a mallet to kill pupae and
girdle canes and destroy new shoots. These larvae; try spraying superior oil in late May
specie:; are related to peachtree borers. to kill eggs.
Lite Cycle: Larvae overwinter in canes

Copyrighted m

F ru it Flies Rhagoletis spp. and C em titis capitata

< • 1

Mediterranean fruit fly Walnut husk fly Damage


Currant fruit fly

Description: Adults: '/ / ' flies with yellow tures in fruit skin or around stems. Eggs
o r white markings on their bodies, and hatch within 1 week. larvae tunnel in fruit
transparent wings patterned with dark, cross­ until it drops, then leave fruit to pupate and
wise bands. Larvae: white, '/•»" maggots overwinter in the soil. Most species have I
feeding in fruit. Found throughout North generation per year; in very warm regions
America. generations may continue all year.
Dam age: Larvae tunnel extensively Confrol: Pick up fallen fruit and destroy
through fruit of blueberry, currant, plum, daily during summer, weekly in fall; hang
cherry, and peach. Certain species also feed yellow sticky traps baited with vials of 1 part
on walnut, citrus, and coffee. Infested fruit am m onia and 1 part w ater o r com m ercial
shrivels or drops early: earliest cultivars fruit fly attractants in trees (1-2 traps per
suffer the most damage. In walnut, main tree); encourage ground beetles and rove
injury is shell staining. beetles, which feed on fly pupae, by planting
Life Cycle: Adult flies emerge from groundcovers in orchards.
p u p a e m m -June o r later, lay eggs m p unc-


Copyrighted material

Lan\ t and damage

Description: Adults: golden brown, m ot­ Larvae feed for 1 m onth, spin webs, and
tled m oths W wingspan). Larvae: green pupate within rolled leaves o r in cocoons on
caterpillars with brown heads. Eggs: light bark. Adults emerge late June o r July and lay
yellowish brown with brown coating. Found overwintering eggs on bark.
throughout North Am erica. Control: Scrape egg masses from branches
Damage: Larvae spin webs at branch in winter: apply dorm ant oil sprays to kill
tips of roses and most fruit and ornam ental eggs: handpick caterpillars from young trees
trees and feed on enclosed buds, leaves, and weekly: attract native parasitic wasps: apply
developing fruit. B T K to larvae before they spin webs: spray
Life Cycle: Eggs hatch in early spring. serious infestations with pyrethrin.

Gall Gall and larvae Galls

Description: Adults: brown o r reddish, from winter galls, usually on roots o r fallen
tiny wasps, rarely seen. Larvae: legless white leaves: females lay eggs on host plants in
grubs. Most com m on in western United early spring; feeding larvae stim ulate gall
States and Canada: some occur in the East. form ation, which serves as food and protects
Damage: Larvae feed on oaks, roses, larvae. Adults emerge in sum m er and lay
thistles, and o th er plants. Plants respond by eggs that form overwintering galls.
producing galls—enlarged masses of cells—of Control: Usually not necessary: prune
various shapes, attached to stems or leaves. galls from roses or shrubs and destroy.
Life Cycle: Overwintering adults emerge

G ra ssh o p p e rs ( Family Acrididae)

home gardens; on rare occasions swarms of

grasshoppers devastate agricultural crops
over large areas.
Life Cycle: In late sum m er females
deposit elongate masses of eggs in soil; eggs
hatch in spring; nymphs develop for 40-60
days until molting to adults. Adults feed until
killed by cold weather. Swarms appear as a
Description: Adults: brown, yellow, or result of interaction of w eather and biologi­
green, 1"-2" insects with leathery forewings cal influences.
and enlarged hind legs: many have brightly Control: Usually controlled by natural
colored underwings. Nymphs: similar to enemies (blister beetle larvae, ground beetles,
adults, but smaller. Found throughout North predatory flies, birds, parasitic nem atodes,
Am erica. fungal dieases); cultivate fields in fall to kill
Damage: Adults eat any kind of vege­ overwintering eggs; aerial sprays of com m er­
tation. In m ost areas of North America, cial protozoan disease (Nosema locustae )
econom ic dam age occurs only in fields of may be effective over large areas but is not
grass or cereal crops. Little dam age occurs to u se fu l o n a h o m e-g a rd e .n s c a le .

G ro u n d B eetles

Larva and prey Larva Adult

Description: Adults: blue-black or brown, Beneficial Effect: T here are more than
3/*"-l" beetles, usually iridescent; thorax 2,500 species of ground beetles. They prey
well-defined, usually narrower than abdomen. on slugs, snails, cutworm s, cabbage root
Beetles hide under stones o r other cover maggots, and many other pests that have a
during the day. Larvae: dark brown o r black soil-dwelling stage. Some species also pursue
grubs with 10 segm ents, tapering markedly prey that live on plants or trees, such as
toward the rear. Com m on throughout North C olorado potato beetle larvae, gypsy m oths,
Am erica. and tent caterpillars. A single larva can eat

more than 50 caterpillars; adults may live as HOW to Attract: Provide perm anent beds
long as 2-3 years and are fiercely voracious. and perennial plantings in garden to protect
Life Cycle: Overwintering adults emerge populations; plant white clover groundcover
from pupal cell and lay eggs in soil. Larvae in orchards; make perm anent stone, sod, or
feed on insects and slugs for 2-4 weeks, then clover pathways throughout garden to pro­
pupate in soil. Adults rem ain in soil for the vide refuges.
winter, emerging in spring.

G ypsy M oth Lymantria dispar

Adult laying eggs Larva Adult

Description: Adults: females nearly white, Life Cycle: Overwintering eggs on tree
1" m oths with heavy bodies, unable to fly; trunks hatch in May, larvae feed in trees until
males are smaller, darker, strong fliers. Lar­ mid-July, then pupate for several weeks.
vae: up to 2'A", gray-brown caterpillars with 5 Adults emerge late July to early August.
pairs o'’ blue dots and 6 pairs of red dots on Females crawl up nearby trees o r other
back, long hairs in tufts on body. Eggs: in objects to deposit egg masses that overwinter.
masses under fuzzy yellow covering. Found in Control: A ttract predators and parasites
eastern and central United States and eastern (especially tachinid flies, ground beetles, and
C anada; isolated outbreaks in California and parasitic wasps); prevent movement of pest
o th er western areas. Dispersal depends on by checking trailers, boats, camping gear,
human activity (trucking, cam ping, etc.) to and so on for egg masses or larvae before
move eggs, larvae, pupae to new areas. leaving an infested region; use pherom one
Damage: Larvae feed on leaves of many traps to catch males for m onitoring o r to pre­
trees and shrubs, including conifers; heavy vent mating; spray BTK to kill larvae; wrap
infestations can defoliate trees. Repeated burlap tree bands around fruit and shade
defoliations eventually kill deciduous trees; a trees, check daily and destroy hiding larvae.
single defoliation kills conifers.

Copyrighted material

H o n ey b ee Ajris mellifera

Adult Adult

Description: Adults: gold-and-black for larvae, feeding those destined to becom e

striped, W bees with translucent wings. new queens a special diet of royal jelly. Males
Larvae: white grubs in wax com bs in hives. mate with new queens, who leave with
Found throughout North America. swarms to start new colonies. Bees overwin­
Beneficial Effect: Extremely im portant ter clustered in hives, living on stored honey.
pollinators of fruit, vegetables, and agricul­ How to Attract: Plant pollen and nectar
tural crops. plants: provide a water source in dry weather;
Life Cycle: Bees live in social colonies avoid spraying fruit trees when flowers are in
num bering up to 20.000. Q ueen bees lay eggs bloom; if you must apply insecticides, spray
in wax cells in hives; workers feed and care in evenings after bees return to hive.

H over F lies/F low er Flies ( Family Syrphidac)

Larva Adult Adult

Description: Adults: yellow- o r white* Life Cycle: Females lay eggs among
and-black striped, V i '- W flies,often seen aphids; eggs hatch in 2-3 days; larvae feed on
hovering like hum m ingbirds over flowers. aphids for 3-4 weeks, then drop to the soil to
Larvae: gray or greenish, somewhat translucent, pupate. Adults emerge after 2 weeks. Two to
sluglike maggots. Eggs: white cylinders laid 4 generations per year.
singly o r in small groups near aphids. Various How to Attract: Plant pollen and nectar
species com m on throughout North America. flowers; allow flowering weeds such as wild
Beneficial Effect: Larvae feed on many carrot and yarrow to grow between crop
species of aphids. Com m on native predators plants.
in orchards.

Ic h n e u m o n W&sps (Family Ichneumonidae)

Adult Adult

Description: Adults: slender, dark- as native biological controls.

colored. ‘/lo'-l'/a" wasps with long antennae. Life Cycle: Females lay eggs inside host
Some species have threadlike ovipositors, as eggs o r larvae: wasp larvae develop inside
m uch us .V' long (sometimes mistaken for hosts, eventually killing hosts and pupating
stingers) Larvae: white, tapering grubs. in o r on them. Many species overwinter as
N um erous species found throughout North m ature larvae in cocoons: in som e species
America. adult females overwinter. One to 3 genera­
Beneficial Effect: Larvae develop as par­ tions per year usual: some with up to 10
asites of caterpillars, sawfly and beetle larvae, generations.
and o th er insects. Females also kill hosts by How to Attract: Plant pollen and nectar
stinging them and feeding on body fluids. flowers in gardens; grow flowering cover
Ichneum on wasps are extrem ely im portant crops in orchards to attract females.

Im p o rte d C abbagew orm Artogeia (= Pieris ) rapae

Larva Adult

Description: Adults: com m on white but­ laid on undersides of leaves. Found through­
terflies; forewings with black tips and 2 or 3 out North America.
spots (1 */:'-2" wingspan). Larvae: up to 1x/* \ Damage: Larvae eat large, ragged holes
velvety green caterpillars with a fine yellow in leaves and heads of cabbage family plants,
stripe down the back. Eggs: yellow cones soiling leaves with dark green droppings.


Life Cycle: Adults emerge from over­ Control: Cover plants with floating row
wintering pupae in early spring to lay eggs. cover: handpick larvae in light infestations;
Larvae feed for 2-3 weeks, then pupate in use yellow sticky traps to catch female
debris on soil surface: adults emerge in 1-2 butterflies. As a last resort, spray with BTK
weeks. T hree to 5 overlapping generations at 1-2 week intervals.
per year: all ages of larvae present all season.

Iris B o re r Macronoctua otnisUi

Damage: Young larvae tunnel within

leaves, leaf sheaths, and buds of iris, moving
down into crowns and rhizomes as they
develop. Soft rots usually follow larval damage.
Life Cycle: Eggs overwintering on old
leaves hatch in late April or early May.
Larvae enter leaves, feed for several weeks,
Larvae and damage
then pupate in soil near rhizomes: adults
Description: Adults: m oths with dark emerge in late sum m er and lay eggs.
brown forewings, yellowish hind wings (2" Control: Remove and destroy dead iris
wingspan). Larvae: fat. pinkish borers with leaves and stems in late fall to eliminate
brown heads and a light stripe down the overwintering eggs; dig infested rhizomes,
back, rows of black dots on sides: up to 2" remove larvae and pupae, dip in sulfur
long. Found in eastern United States west to fungicide o r other antibiotic before replant­
Iowa, and in Q uebec and eastern O ntario. ing if soft rot present.

Ja p a n e se B eetle \\)p illia japonica

Larva A d u lt Adulis and damage

Description: Adults: chunky, metallic body. Larvae: fat, dirty white grubs with
blue-green, l/T' beetles with bronze wing brown heads; up to V«"; found in sod. Found
covers, long legs, and fine hairs covering in all states east of the Mississippi River.

Damage: Adults eat flowers and skele­ occurs every 1-2 years.
tonize leaves of a broad range of plants; Control: In early morning, shake bee­
plants may be com pletely defoliated. Larvae tles from plants onto dropcloths, then drown
feed on roots of lawn grasses and garden them in soapy water; cover plants with
plants. floating row cover; apply milky disease
Life? Cycle: Overwintering larvae deep spores o r parasitic nem atodes to sod to kill
in the soil move toward the surface in spring larvae; attract native species of parasitic
to feed on roots, pupating in early summer. wasps and flies; organize a community-wide
Adults em erge, feed on plants, and lay eggs trapping program to reduce adult beetle
in late summ er; eggs hatch into larvae population; spray plants attacked by beetles
that overwinter in soil. One generation with neem.

Ju n e/M ay B eetles Phyllophaga spp.

Larva Adult

Description; Adults: blocky,3/ / ' beetles hibernate in the soil and feed on plant roots
with tip of abdom en showing behind wings; the second summer. After hibernating again,
most are shiny brown o r black, some with they feed until June of the third summer,
stripes on back o r fine hairs on body. Larvae: then pupate 2-3 weeks. Adults remain in
fat, C-shaped. white grubs with dark heads. pupal cells in the soil until spring of the
Found throughout North Am erica. fourth year, when they emerge to feed and
Damage: Larvae feed on roots of corn, lay eggs. Largest broods appear in 3-year
potatoes, grasses, vegetable transplants, and cycle; some species with 1- or 4-year life cycles.
strawberries. Adults feed on leaves of many Control: Populations usually suppressed
species of trees and shrubs. by native predators and parasites: where
Life Cycle: Females lay eggs in balls of infestations are severe, apply milky disease
earth in soil; eggs hatch in 2-3 weeks. G rubs spores o r parasitic nem atodes to the soil to
feed on decaying vegetation the first summer. control grubs.


Lace Bugs ( Family T in g id a c)

Adult Damage

Description: Adults: oval or rectangular. excrem ent and leaving speckled white or
Vs" bugs with lacy pattern and wide, flat­ gray, blotchy appearance on leaf surfaces.
tened extensions on thoraxes. Nymphs: smaller, Life Cycle: Most species overwinter in
darker, covered with spines. Eggs: inserted in egg stage, some as adults under bark of trees.
leaves along midribs on undersides with Eggs hatch into nymphs that feed for several
conelike caps projecting from leaves. Found weeks until molting to adults. T hree o r more
throughout North America. generations per year.
Damage: Adults and nymphs suck juices Control: Spray superior oil (not on chry­
from undersides of leaves of flowers, trees, santhem um flowers); spray with pyrethrin as
and vegetable plants, spotting leaves with a last resort.

L acew ings C hrysoperla ( C hrysopa) spp.

Common green lacewing Common green lacewing Common green lacewing

larvae and eggs larva and prey

Description: Adults: fragile, green or adults emerge in spring to lay eggs. Eggs
brown, W - W insects with small heads, large hatch in 4-7 days; larvae feed for about 3
eyes, and netted, transparent wings. Larvae: weeks, then pupate for 5-7 days. T hree to 4
spindle-shaped, m ottled yellow or brown. generations per year.
Eggs: laid on tips of fine stalks. Found How to Attract: Plant pollen and nectar
throughout North America; sold commercially. flowers; allow some flowering weeds to grow
Beneficial Effect: Common general pred­ between rows; provide w ater source; scatter
ators in gardens and orchards. purchased eggs widely throughout garden.
Life Cycle: Adults or pupae overwinter;

Copyrighted me

Lady B eed es (F am ily C o c c in e llid a e )

il**-/. ^ K

Convergent Convergent lady beetle Convergent lady beetle

lady beetle larx-a larvae pupating and prey

Spider nite destroyer Twicestabbed Twicestabbed lady beetle

lady beetle larva

Description: Adults: shiny, round, V*"- spider mites in raspberries and oth er crops.
3/s" beetles with short legs and antennae. Chilocorus spp. are voracious predators of
Com m on species are pale yellow to dark soft scales. A few species, such as Mexican
reddish orange with o r w ithout black spots: bean beetles, are plant pests.
some species solid black o r black with red Life Cycle: In spring, overwintering adults
spots. Larvae: spindle-shaped, alligator-like, seek food, then lay eggs am ong aphids or
usually with short spines o r knoblike projec­ oth er prey. Eggs hatch in 3-5 days, larvae
tions on body. Eggs: white o r yellow ovals, feed 2-3 weeks, then pupate. Adults emerge
usually deposited in upright clusters. Numer­ in 7-10 days. In fall, local species overwinter
ous species common throughout North Amer­ as adults in leaf litter; H. convergens migrates
ica; convergent lady beetle (Hippodamia to Sierra Nevada M ountains to overwinter in
convergent) sold commercially. large groups.
Beneficial Effect: Adults and larvae of How to Attract: Plant pollen and nectar
many species feed on aphids and soft-bodied flowers; leave weeds such as dandelions, wild
pests: some species prefer m ealybugs, spider carrot, and yarrow between crop plants;
mites, or soft scales. Native lady beetles are purchased H. convergens is effective in
im portant biological controls for aphids in greenhouses with screened vents but is not
gardens and orchards. In western regions, advisable for release in gardens, because they
Stethoms spp. provide excellent control of will fly away.

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L eafh o p p ers ( Family C ica d ellid a c)

Beet leafhopper Potato leafhoppcr Damage

Damage Kedbanded leafhopper

Description: Adults: wedge-shaped, diseases as they feed.

slender, green o r brown, Vio'-'/z" insects: a Life Cycle: Overwintering adults start
forward point above the head is very pro­ laying eggs in spring when leaves begin to
nounced in some species. Some have brightly appear on trees. Some species do not survive
colored bands on wings: all jum p rapidly into winter in northern United States and in
flight when disturbed. Nymphs: pale, wingless, Canada: they migrate from the south every
similar to adults: hop rapidly when disturbed. summer. Females lay eggs in leaves and
Found throughout North America. stems; eggs hatch in 10-14 days, nymphs
Damage: Adults and nymphs suck juices develop for several weeks. Most species have
from stems and undersides of leaves of most 2-5 generations per year, overwintering as
fruit and vegetable crops, also some flowers adults or eggs.
and weeds. T heir toxic saliva distorts and Control: Wash nymphs from plants with
stunts plants and causes tipburn and yellowed, stiff sprays of water; attract natural enem ies
curled leaves with white spots on undersides. (predatory flies and bugs and parasitic wasps);
Fruit may be spotted with drops of excre­ spray with insecticidal soap. As a last resort,
ment and honeydew. Pests may spread viral spray with neem or pyrethrin.

Copyrighted m

L eafm in ers ( Family A grom yzidae )

Adult Damage Damage

Description: Adults: black o r black* Life Cycle: Adults emerge from over­
and-yellow. Vio" flies: rarely seen. Larvae: wintering cocoons in early spring and lay
pale green, stubby, translucent, W ' maggots, eggs on leaves. Larvae mine leaves for 1-3
found in tunnels in leaves. Eggs: white, weeks, then drop to soil to pupate 2-4 weeks.
cylindrical, laid in clusters on undersides of Two to 3 generations per year, more in
leaves. Several species found throughout greenhouses.
North America. Control: Cover seedlings with floating
Damage: Larvae tunnel within leaves of row cover: pick and destroy mined leaves
many vegetable crops and ornam entals. and remove egg clusters; remove nearby
They feed on leaf tissue and make round or dock o r lamb's-quarters, which are hosts for
winding, hollow mines, often destroying beet leafminers; attract native parasitic wasps
seedlings. On larger vegetables, more of a by planting nectar plants; spray with neem or
nuisance than serious problem: damaging on avermectins.
ornam entals because mines are unsightly.

M ealybug D estro y er C ryptolaem us m ontrouzieri

Larva Adult

Description: Adults: oval. Vi" beetles hair. Eggs: yellow ovals. Native to California
with black wing covers, head and tip of and western coastal region of United States;
abdom en is coral-colored. Larvae: cream - sold commercially,
colored segm ented, covered with long, waxy Beneficial Effect: Both adults and lar-

vae prey on aboveground species of mealy­ tions continue year-round indoors.

bugs on citrus, grapes, and ornamentals. Good HOW to Attract: Conserve native popu­
controls for greenhouses and on houseplants. lations by avoiding pesticides; release 250-500
Life Cycle: Females lay eggs among in small orchards o r vineyards; release 2-5
m ealybug egg masses; eggs hatch in 8-10 per infested plant in interior plantings, twice
days, larvae eat mealybug eggs and young yearly; on houseplants, confine 10-20 adults
mealybugs for 3 weeks, then pupate on per plant for 4-5 weeks by draping sheer
plants. Adults em erge in 2-3 weeks. Adults curtain material over plant and tying it
overwinter in mild coastal climates; genera­ around the pot.

M ealybugs (Fam ily P s c u d o c o c c id a e )

Citrus mealy bugs Longtailed mealybugs

Description: Adults: females are soft, ports the growth of sooty mold fungus.
oval, Vio" insects with distinctly segm ented, Life Cycle: Females lay eggs in a fluffy
pinkish bodies covered by white waxy fluff; white mass; eggs hatch in 10 days and
males are tiny, 2-winged insects; rarely seen. crawlers w ander away to find feeding sites
Nymphs: similar to adults, but smaller. Most where they develop for 1-2 m onths or longer.
species found in southern United States, Several generations per year.
longtailed mealybug throughout North Amer­ Control: Rinse plants with stiff streams
ica; all species found in greenhouses. of w ater to dislodge mealybugs; spray with
Damage: Adults and nymphs suck plant insecticidal soap; release mealybug destroy­
juices from many types of fruit crops, ers (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri ) in citrus or
avocados, potatoes, ornam entals, and tropi­ grape plantings o r on indoor plants; for
cal foliage plants. They feed on all parts of a citrus mealybugs release parasitic wasp
plant, particularly new growth, causing leaves Leptomastix dactylopii; attract native para­
to w ither and yellow and fruit to drop pre­ sitic wasps, which usually keep populations
maturely. Honeydew excreted on leaves sup­ in check outdoors.

Copyrighted material

B ean B eetle Epilachna varivestis

Adult and eggs Larva Larvae and damage

A du It and lan-ae Adult and damage

Description: Adults: oval, yellowish larvae feed 2-4 weeks, then pupate on leaves.
brown, '/*' beetles with 16 black spots on One to 3 generations per year.
wing covers. Larvae: fat, yellowish orange, Control: Plant early season bush beans
W grubs with long, branching spines. Eggs: to avoid main beetle generations; plant
yellow ovals laid on end on undersides of soybeans as trap crops, destroy them when
leaves. Found in most states east of the infested with larvae; handpick larvae and
Mississippi River; also Texas, Arizona, Utah. adults daily in small bean patches: cover
C olorado, and Nebraska. plants with floating row cover until plants are
Da mage: Both larvae and adults skele­ large enough to withstand damage: attract
tonize leaves of cowpeas, lima beans, snap native predators and parasites by leaving
beans, and soybeans. They feed from the flowering weeds between rows o r by inter-
undersides of leaves, leaving characteristic planting flowers and herbs; dig in crop
lacy dam age; severely defoliated plants may residues as soon as plants are harvested;
be killed. Beetles are most abundant in release spined soldier bugs [Podisus
weed less fields. maculiventris ) to control early generation;
Life Cycle: Adults overwinter in leaf release parasitic wasps Pediobius foveolatus
litter in nearby fields; in spring, females lay when w eather warms; spray weekly with
eggs on beans. Eggs hatch in 5-14 days. neem o r pyrethrin.

Copyrighted material

M inute P irate Bug Onus tristicolor

of thrips, spider mites, small caterpillars,

leafhopper nymphs, oth er small insects, and
insect eggs.
Life Cycle: Females lay eggs in plant
stems o r leaves; eggs hatch in 3-5 days and
nymphs feed on insects in flowers and
undersides of leaves for 2-3 weeks. Adult
females overwinter in crevices of bark,
Description: Adults: quick-moving, black- weeds, and plant residues. Two to 4 genera­
and-white-patterned, */»" bugs. Nymphs: shiny, tions per year.
wingless, changing from yellow through How to Attract: Plant pollen and nectar
orange to mahogany brown as they grow. plants, especially goldenrod, daisies, yarrow,
Found throughout N orth A m erica: sold alfalfa, and stinging nettle; in greenhouses,
commercially. release at the rate of 1 pirate bug per 1-5
Beneficial Effect: Voracious predators plants.

M ites, Gall (Fam ily E rioph yid ae)

Flower galLi Maple velvet gall

Description: Adults: nearly invisible, Some blisters, especially on m aples, are

elongate, cylindrical, pale yellow or tan bright red, others are yellow o r brown.
mites with 2 pairs of legs at the front end. Life Cycle: Numerous overlapping gen­
Nymphs: similar to adults, but smaller. Found erations all season. M ites overwinter in
throughout North Am erica. crevices in bark, crawling onto new growth in
Damage: Mites burrow from undersides the spring.
into leaf tissue of pears, currants, and many Control: Spray dorm ant oil or lime-sulfur
ornam entals. Leaves react by forming raised on dorm ant plants.
blisters, puckers, or galls along leaf margins.

Copyrighted m

M ites, P re d a to ry (Family Phytoseiidae)

or oth er types of mites.

Life Cycle: Overwintering females emerge
from crevices in bark o r soil litter and lay
eggs on leaves am ong prey: nymphs hatch in
3-4 days, molting several tim es until they
reach the adult stage in 5-10 days. Numerous
overlapping generations.
HOW to Attract: Avoid pesticide use;
Adulis and prey
sustain native species by sprinkling pollen
Description: Adults: m inute, beige to (especially from ice plants, cattails, o r dan­
reddish tan. fast-moving mites. Nymphs: delions) on plants. For apples and strawberries,
similar to adults, but smaller. Found through­ release Metaseiulus occidentalis to control
out N o rn A m erica; several species sold European red mite and other spider mites; in
commercially. greenhouses, release Phytoseiulus persimilis
Beneficial Effect: These attack spider or oth er species to control spider mites; and
mites, especially European red mites and release Amblyseius cucumeris to control
citrus red mites; some feed on pollen, thrips. small thrips on peppers and cucum bers.

M ites, R ust ( Family Eriophyidae )

Tomato russet mites Citrus rust mite damage

Description: Adults: nearly invisible, buds o r in cracks in bark, moving to develop­

elongate, cylindrical, pale yellow o r tan ing flowers in spring. Numerous overlapping
mites, with 2 pairs of legs at the head end. generations all season; populations usually
Nymphs sim ilar to adults, but smaller. decline in hot weather. By late August, most
Damage: M ites burrow from undersides species move to overwintering sites.
into leaf tissue of apples, pears, tom atoes, Control: Spray dorm ant oil with lime-
and ornam ental trees and shrubs. Infested sulfur on dorm ant trees; spray foliage with
leaves and fruit have russeted appearance. sulfur fungicide.
Life Cycle: Mites overwinter at base of

308 ■ INSEC : i IDENT1EICOTON <.1 11>1

M ites, S p id er (Fam ily T c tra n y c h id a c )

Two-spotled .spider mite A dulls und webbing Damage

Description: Adults: m inute, 8-legged, bark crevices or garden debris, emerging in

'/so" mites with fine hairs on body, reddish, early spring. Eggs hatch in 2-3 days, nymphs
pale green or yellow: m ost, but not all, develop to adults in 7-10 days. Many overlap­
species spin fine webs. Nymphs: similar to ping generations every season: reproduction
adults, but smaller: early stages with b legs. continues all year in greenhouses.
Found throughout North America. Control: Spray fruit trees with dorm ant
Damage: Adults and nymphs suck juice oil to kill overwintering eggs: in garden or
from cells on undersides of leaves of many greenhouse rinse plants with w ater and mist
food crops, ornam entals, and fruit trees. daily to suppress reproduction of mites;
Plants are weakened, leaves may d r o p and release predatory mites Aictasciulus occidcn-
fruit may be stunted. Early damage appears tcilis on fruit trees, Phyioseiulus persimilis or
as yellow specked areas, with o r w ithout similar species on vegetables, strawberries,
webbing, on leaf undersides: later, leaves are and flowers; spray insecticidal soap, pyrethrin,
bronzed or turn yellow o r white with brown or neem; as a last resort, spray infested plants
edges, webs may cover leaves and growing tips. with avermectins.
Life Cycle: Eggs or adults overwinter in

Navel O ran g ew o rm Amyelois trunsitella

Larva Adult

Description: Adults: light gray m oths crescent-shaped marks on the second segment
with dark m ottling and a dark border on behind the head. Found in southwest United
hind wings (V«" wingspan). Larvae: reddish States. Oklahom a, and Georgia.
orange, brown-headed caterpillars with 2 Dam age: Larvae are key pests in

alm onds, walnuts, citrus, figs, and other next spring. One generation per year.
fruits. Larvae bore into cracks in nut husks Control: Pick up dropped fruit or nuts
or into dam aged fruit, spinning webs inside and knock all mummified nuts out of trees in
and pupating. w inter before adults emerge in spring; har­
Life Cycle: Adults lay eggs on m um m i­ vest nuts early to avoid dam age; larvae in
fied nuts, dropped nuts, o r on the blossom fallen nuts survive best on bare ground;
end of injured fruit: larvae bore into nuts or therefore, grow cover crops under trees. On
fruit and spin webs inside; larvae feed and fruit, spray BTK to kill larvae before they
pupate inside the webs and then em erge the bore into fruit.

N em atodes

Root knot nematode Damage Lesion nematode


Description: Slender, translucent, unseg­ root branching, leaf galls, lesions of dying
m ented worms: m ost pest species are micro­ tissue, and twisted, distorted leaves. Plants
scopic plant parasites only about '/ j o " long; most commonly attacked at the roots include
species i hat parasitize insects are larger—'/»" tom atoes, potatoes, peppers, lettuce, corn,
to several inches long; beneficial, soil-dwelling and other vegetables; plants that sustain leaf
species hat break down organic m atter are and stem injury include chrysanthem um s,
easily visible—a b o u t'/»" long. Found through­ onions, rye, and alfalfa.
out North America. Beneficial Effects: Some parasitic nem ­
Damage: Pest nem atodes cause root atode species are sold as biological controls
knots or galls, injured root tips, excessive for root weevils, crown and stem borers, corn

Copyrighted material

rootworms, and other lawn and garden pests. and take several years to build up to dam ag­
Beneficial nematodes also decom pose organic ing numbers. Control pest nem atodes by
m aterial and are com m on in com post heaps. crop rotation with nonsusceptible crops, by
Life Cycle: Most species have a mobile planting a nematode-suppressing cover crop,
larval stage that moves through the soil o r on such as marigolds, o r by soil solarization. To
a film of w ater to infect the host plant or solarize soil and destroy nem atodes, cover
insect; larvae molt several tim es to reach the moist soil with clear plastic mulch for the
adult stage; adults lay eggs in masses. Life sum m er months; this procedure heats soil
cycle for many pest species takes 3-4 weeks. sufficiently to kill pest nem atodes.
Control: N em atodes move slowly in soil

N o rth e rn C o rn R ootw orm D iabrotica longicom is

Larva and damage

Description: Adults: yellowish green, hatch the following spring; larvae migrate to
'/»" beetles, som etim es with brown heads and newly growing corn roots and feed until early
thoraxes. Larvae: slender, wrinkled, white, summer, then pupate in a soilborne cell.
'//'g ru b s with light brown heads. Eggs: laid Adults emerge in July and August. One
on soil near corn roots. Found in north- generation per year in most areas.
central United States. Control: Since larvae cannot move far
Damage: Larvae severely dam age corn through soil, rotate crops to prevent pest
roots; adults feed on pollen and corn silk, buildup; encourage predatory ground and
dam aging cars and interfering with pollina­ rove beetles with perm anent borders; culti­
tion; larvae also spread bacterial wilt. vate corn patches well after harvest and
Life Cycle: Females lay eggs around before seeding to kill eggs and larvae.
corn roots in late sum m er and fall; eggs

Copyrighted matei al

Larva Adult

Description: Adulis: reddish brown moths Life Cycle: Larvae overwinter in lough
with light and dark V pattern on their backs silken cocoons on tree bark: resume feeding
when wings are folded (•'/»" wingspan). Lar­ in spring, pupate, and emerge as adults in
vae: pale green, black-headed caterpillars. June. Eggs are laid on leaves: larvae mine in
Eggs: greenish, laid in overlapping masses on leaves, then move to branch lips. One gener­
undersides of leaves. Found throughout North ation p er year: a second generation occurs in
America. warm er regions.
Damage: Young larvae mine in leaves of Control: Spray with BTK o r pyrethrin
apples, strawberries, roses, and o th er orna­ when larvae are young, before they spin
m entals in early spring. They later spin webs webs; handpick and destroy webbed leaves
around branch tips and feed on enclosed and buds; on small trees, check for egg
buds, leaves, and developing fruit. Second masses and destroy any you find.
generation larvae most damaging to fruit.

O n io n M aggot Delia antiqua

Adult Damage

Description: Adults: gray, bristly, hump­ of the United States as well as Canada.
backed, l/*" flies with large wings; about half Damage: Maggots burrow into develop­
the size of houseflies. Larvae: white, blunt- ing onions o r leeks, killing young plants and
ended, '/*" maggots. Eggs: laid in soil near hollowing out o r stunting older plants; rot
plants. Bound throughout the northern half diseases enter bulbs injured by maggot feed­

ing: 1 maggot can kill over a dozen seedlings Commonly 2 generations per growing sea­
during its developm ent. This pest rarely son; a third generation may attack onions
infests onions in the South. In the North, just before harvest and cause storage rot.
infestations are worst in cool, wet weather, Control: Cover seedlings with floating
som etim es killing up to 80 percent of a row cover; sprinkle rows liberally with ground
spring crop. cayenne pepper, ginger, dill, or chili powder;
Life Cycle: Flies overw inter as brown plant cull onions around the borders and
pupae, resembling grains of w heat, in soil or down the rows of seedling onions to act as a
garden trash: adult flies em erge from pupae trap crop: pull and destroy cull trap crops 2
from mid-May to the end of June and lay weeks after they sprout: bury, burn, or
eggs at the bases of onion or leek plants; destroy all unwanted onions at the end of
eggs hatch in a week; maggots burrow into harvest: plant onion sets late to avoid the
onions and feed 2-3 weeks, then pupate in first generation of flies.
soil nearby: adults em erge in 1-2 weeks.

O rie n tal F ru it M oth G rapholitha m o lesta

Larva and internal damage Adult Twig damage

Description: Adults: small, dark gray external signs of damage; perfect-looking

m oths with dark brown m ottled forewings fruit injured through stem entry will usually
C/2 " wingspan). Larvae: white to pinkish gray, break down in storage.
‘//'c a te rp illa rs with browrn heads. Eggs: flat, Life Cycle: Larvae overwinter in silken
white, laid on twigs or leaf undersides. cocoons on bark or weeds or in soil around
Found in eastern United States. Pacific trees, pupating in early spring; adults emerge
Northwest, and Ontario. from early May to mid-June; females lay
Damage: In spring, young larvae bore eggs, which hatch in 10-14 days: first genera­
into green tw igs of peach, alm ond, cherry, tion larvae bore into tender stems and twigs,
apple, pear, or other fruit trees causing twig feed for 2-3 weeks, then pupate. Second
wilting and dieback: second generation lar­ generation adults appear in mid-July; second
vae bore into developing fruit, leaving masses generation larvae bore into young fruit and
of gummy castings; later generations enter don’t feed on twigs: a third generation of
the stem end of m aturing fruit leaving no larvae arrive by the end of August in north-

em United States; these bore into the stem overwintering larvae, cultivate soil 4 inches
ends of m ature fruits and feed on the pits. deep around trees in early spring; attract
T hree to 4 generations in the N orth, 6-7 in native parasitic wasps and flies with flower­
southern states. ing cover crops planted around trees; disrupt
Control: W here possible, plant early- mating with pherom one patches applied to
bearing peach and apricot cultivars that are lower limbs of trees (1 patch per 4 trees);
harvested before midsummer; to destroy spray superior oil to kill eggs and larvae.

B o rers S y n a n th ed o n e x itio sa a n d S. p ictip es

Lana Adult female

Description: Adults: blue-black, I 1//' emerge in July, and adult em ergence contin­
moths with yellow o r orange bands across ues into early fall; in late sum m er females
the body and narrow translucent wings; begin laying eggs on tree trunks o r in cracks
adults resemble wasps, and, unlike most in soil within a few inches of trunks; eggs
moths, are active during the day. Larvae: hatch in 10 days, and new larvae burrow into
white caterpillars with dark brown heads; tree trunks to feed and overwinter until next
'/»"-l ” long, depending on age. Found through­ year. One generation per year; some with
out North America. 2-year life cycle.
Damage: Larvae bore beneath bark of Control: Since adult borer m oths are
peach trees at the base as well as into main attracted to injured or diseased trees, main­
roots near the surface. Also may attack tain vigorous trees and avoid m echanical
plum , prune, cherry, apricot, and nectarine injury to trunks; beginning in late summ er
trees. Trees are often girdled. Burrow entrance and into fall, inspect tree trunks from a foot
holes exude gum mixed with sawdustlike o r so above ground level to a few inches
material Young o r weak trees may be below ground level, digging away soil to
seriously dam aged o r killed; older trees are expose the trunk area below the ground
less affec ted. surface; kill borers in exposed burrows by
Life Cycle: Larvae overwinter in tree inserting a fine, flexible wire: in the fall and
trunk burrows; in the spring they spin brown spring cultivate soil around the base of the
silken cocoons at the surface of the burrow trunk to expose and destroy larvae and
or in soil: cocoons may be covered with dirt pupae; attract native parasitic wasps and
and gum from the tree; first adult m oths predators.

P ear P sy lla C acopsylla p yrico la

Nymph Adult Damage

Description: Adults: red to green. '/iu" mold. Feeding spreads pear decline virus.
long insects, resembling tiny cicadas with Life Cycle: Overwintering adults emerge
wings folded rooflike over the back. Nymphs: in spring from bark and leaf litter to lay eggs
oval, green to brown, wingless, V«o" insects. on fruit spurs and buds. Nymphs spend early
Found in eastern United States and Canada. stages protected by honeydew: later stages
Pacific Northwest, and California. are more active. T hree to 5 generations
Damage: A m ajor pest of pears and per year.
quinces, psyllas suck plant juices, causing Control: Spray superior oil in the spring;
leaves to yellow from the toxic saliva: honey­ plant cover crops to attract native predatory
dew secretions support growth of sooty insects: spray insecticidal soap.

P ear Saw fly C aliroa cenisi

Larva Adult Damage

Description: Adults: shiny, black-and- dam age. Related species on roses.

yellow. Vi" insects, resembling houseflies. Life Cycle: Larvae overwinter in cocoons
Larvae: young resem ble green-black. Vi" in soil and pupate in spring; adults emerge in
slugs: older larvae arc yellow and segmented. late May; eggs hatch in a week; larvae feed
Found throughout North America. 3-4 weeks, then pupate in soil. Second
Damage: Larvae skeletonize upper leaf generation adults appear in late July, with
surfaces of pears, cherries, plum s, and larvae hatching in mid-August.
cotoneasters. leaving scorched areas. Young Control: Spray trees with strong streams
trees may be defoliated and eventually killed. of w ater to remove larvae; spray serious
Second generation larvae cause the most infestations with pyrethrin.

Copyrighted m

P icklew orm D icqyhania n itid a lis

Larva and damage Adult

Description: A dults: m oths with brown- o r rolled leaves of cucurbits: adults emerge
banded wing edges ( I 1/ / ' wingspan) and hair in spring and lay eggs on vines; eggs hatch in
tufts on the tip of the abdom en. Larvae: pale a few days; larvae feed for 2 weeks, then
green caterpillars with black spots when pupate in cocoons inside rolled leaves. Up to
young. Found mostly in southeastern United 5 generations per year.
States. Control: Plant early m aturing cultivars;
Damage: Larvae chew blossoms and plant and destroy a sum m er squash trap crop
vines and bore into fruit of cucurbit plants, to protect cucum ber and melon; destroy or
especially cucumbers, cantaloupes, and squash. till under all residues from cucurbit vines
A serious pest of sum m er squash. right after harvest.
Life Cycle: Pupae overwinter in weeds

P lum C u rcu lio C o n o tra ch elu s n en u p h a r

Adult Adults

Description: Adults: dark, brownish gray, Damage: A m ajor plum and apple pest
V ” beetles with warty, hard wing covers, in many areas, adult curculios feed on petals,
prom inent snout, and white hairs on body. buds, and young fruit; females deposit a
Larvae: plump, white. Vs"grubs with brown single egg just under fruit skin, leaving a
heads. Eggs: round, white, laid individually crescent-shaped scar at each egg-laying site;
under a crescent-shaped cut in the fruit skin. newly hatched larvae feed inside the fruit,
Found in eastern North Am erica. causing it to drop, rot, or develop deform ed


growth. O ther susceptible fruits include onto a dropcloth by sharply tapping branches
peaches, cherries, and apricots. with a padded stick ; gather and destroy
Life Cycle: Adult beetles overwinter beetles; for this control to be effective, you
under fallen leaves, stones, logs, or other must do it twice a day throughout the
garden debris, flying to trees just as blossoms growing season. Every other day pick up and
open: adults feed and lay eggs, which hatch destroy all fallen fruit, especially early drops;
in 5-10 days: larvae feed in fruit 2-3 weeks; keep chickens around fruit trees to feed on
when fruit drops, they exit and pupate in the dropped fruit. In areas where severe infesta­
soil. Second generation adults emerge in late tions occur, check developing fruit for egg
July to late October, feed on ripe o r fallen scars twice a week; when first fruit scars
fruit until fall, then move to shelter to appear, apply pyrethrin and repeat in 7-10
hibernate. Up to 2 generations per year. days. Do not spray before petals d ro p —it
Control: K nock beetles out of trees may kill beneficial pollinators.

P otato T uberw orm P h th o rim a ea opercu lella

Larva Adult

Description: Adults: mottled gray moths adults emerge and lay eggs on plants; eggs
with narrow, fringed wings C/2 " wingspan). hatch in a few days: larvae feed 2-3 weeks,
Larvae: slender, pinkish white. V2 " borers then pupate for a week; up to 6 generations
with dark heads. Found mostly in southern per year in warm regions.
United States. Control; Plant potatoes early: harvest
Damage: Early sum m er larvae feed in early; use heavy mulch to prevent cracked,
leaves and stems of potatoes, tom atoes, and dry soil, which exposes potato tubers to
eggplants; later-generation larvae feed inside attack; at harvest, destroy cull potatoes and
potato tubers, allowing rot to enter. infested vines before nightfall; adult moths
Life Cycle: Larvae o r pupae overwinter lay eggs on culls left out overnight.
in soil o r potato culls left outdoors; in spring

Copyrighted mat< rial


P ray in g M antid M a n tis religiosa

Adult with egg case Adult

Description: Adults: large, elongated, including each other.

green or brown insects with prom inent eyes; Life Cycle: Eggs are glued in a gray,
up to 4" long. Nymphs: similar to adults, but frothy, sticky mass to plants where they
smaller and w ithout wings. Eggs: laid in a harden and remain for the winter: adults
grayish frothy case of 50-400 eggs glued to hatch in the spring; 1 generation per year.
stem s or twigs. Found in southern and How to Attract: To protect native species,
eastern United States, north into O ntario. don’t release purchased mantids. and avoid
Beneficial Effect: M antids catch and pesticides; provide sites for overwintering
devour b o th pests and beneficial species. eggs by keeping perm anent plantings around
They ea^ virtually any insects they catch. the garden.

Rose C h afer M a cro d a ctylu s su b sp in o su s

Damage: Larvae feed on roots of grass
and weeds; adults chew on the flowers,
leaves, and fruit of grapes, roses, tree fruits,
brambles, strawberries, peonies, irises, dahlias,
hollyhocks, and vegetables. Serious damage
only with heavy infestation.
Life Cycle: Larvae overwinter in soil,
pupate in spring, and emerge as adults in late
May to early June; adults lay eggs in soil until
Description: Adults: reddish brown, 'A" early July; eggs hatch in about 2 weeks;
beetles with black undersides and wing grubs feed on roots until fall.
covers cloaked in thick, yellowish hairs. Control: Control is usually not necessary.
Larvae: small white grubs. Found throughout Flandpick if needed; for severe infestations,
North America. spray with pyrethrin.

Copyrighted material

R o u n d h ead ed A p p letree B o re r Saperda Candida

Damage: Larvae bore into trunks of

apple trees near ground level, girdling the
tree or penetrating into heartw ood. O ther
hosts include pears, plums, cherries, crab
apples, m ountain ashes, and hawthorns.
Life Cycle: Adults emerge in June and
Roundheaded appletree
lay eggs in bark just above soil line: larvae
borer larx-a (bottom) and burrow into sapwood, overwinter in soil, and
flat headed appletree borer tunnel into heartw ood the second year. In
larva I top)
the third spring, larvae pupate in tree tunnels
Description: Adults: yellow or reddish and emerge as adults several weeks later.
brown, V /' beetles with white stripes. Larvae Two- to 4-year life cycle.
cream y white, dark-headed grubs. Found in Control: Remove nearby wild host trees;
eastern C anada and United States west to impale larvae in holes with flexible wire;
Nevada. inject parasitic nem atodes in borer holes.

Rove B eed es (Family Staphylinidae)

Beneficial Effect: Valuable for control­

ling aphids, springtails, mites, nem atodes,
flies, and cabbage maggots. Also help decom ­
pose organic matter.
Life Cycle: M ost species overwinter as
adults, becoming active in the spring and
laying eggs in the soil; larvae molt 3 times as
they feed, then pupate in soil.
Description: Adults: brown or black, How to Attract: M aintain perm anent
slender, Vio'-l" long beetles with stubby beds and plantings in garden to protect
wings covering only part of the body. Larvae: overwintering adults; interplant with cover
resembling adults, but wingless. Over 3,100 crops or mulch planting beds; make stone or
species native to North Am erica. plank walks in garden to provide shelter.

Copyrighted material

S aw flies, C o n ifer Neodiprion spp.

European pine sawflies European pine sawfly Redheaded pine sawfly

lar\-ae and damage larvae and damage

Description: Adults: stout, '/("-‘A" insects early spring, then pupate in ground litter:
with m em branous wings. Larvae: similar to adults emerge in fall and lay eggs. Some
caterpillars, gray with light stripes or yellow species lay eggs in spring and overwinter in
with black dots. Found in eastern United cocoons. One generation per year.
States and Canada. Control: Shrews, viral diseases, predators,
Damage: Larvae strip needles from the and parasites generally suppress populations.
upp er branches of pines, spruces, and Spread dropcloths under trees to collect, and
hemlocks. Repeated infestations kill trees. destroy larvae as they drop to the ground.
Life Cycle: Eggs overwinter in branch Apply superior oil to trees. (Note: Oil on
slits, hatch into needle-devouring larvae in blue spruce damages foliage.)

Saw flies, L eafm in er Fenusa spp.

Birch leafminer adult

Description: Adults: black, stout-bodied, wrinkled blisters in leaves: dam aged trees
'/»" insects with transparent wings. Larvae: may be attacked by borers and oth er pests.
flattened, white, legless maggots with brown Life Cycle: Larvae overwinter in cocoons
heads. Found in northern and eastern United in the soil, pupating in the spring: adults
States, west to G reat Lakes states. Related em erge in mid-May and lay eggs in leaves;
species in Canada. larvae feed in leaves until ready to pupate.
Damage: Larvae mine leaves of elm, Up to 4 generations per year.
birch, or alder, feeding between upper and Control: M aintain healthy, vigorous
lower leaf surfaces and leaving brownish, trees.

Scales, A rm o red (F am ily C occidae)


Californiii red scale Oleander scale

Oy.\lcr*hcll acute Sun Jt/.u- Mu/t-

Description: Adults: circular o r oval, mold, a fungus that feeds on the honeydew.
hard bumps less than '/io" in diam eter and Severe infestations may kill trees.
som etim es bearing a dim ple in the center. Life Cycle: Females lay eggs o r give
Colors vary, including gray, yellow, white, birth to live nymphs; these w ander for a few
and reddish or purplish brown. All secrete an hours or days, then settle and molt to an
arm or of wax in an oyster-shell o r circular immobile adult form , a process that takes a
pattern. Nymphs: early stages are mobile month o r more. Most scales overwinter as
crawlers; later stages are legless and sedentary-. nymphs or eggs hidden in tree bark. One to 2
Most species are found in southern United generations in northern regions; in southern
States, some in northern United States and regions, up to 6 generations per year.
southern Canada. Control: Difficult to control with pesti­
Damage: Scales weaken plants by suck­ cides because they are protected by a waxy
ing plant juices. In the South they attack covering. D orm ant oil sprays sm other over­
citrus, roses, palms, and tropical ornam en­ wintering eggs and provide good control;
tals; northern species attack fruit trees, superior oil sprays kill eggs and nymphs.
shade trees, grapes, currants, raspberries, Release predatory beetles Chilocorus nigritus
and shrubs. Scales also cause injury by or Lindorus lophanthae. Release parasitic
injecting toxic saliva into plant tissues. Some wasps Aphytis melinus against California red
species secrete honeydew, which attracts scale and oleander scale.
ants and encourages the growth of sooty

Copyrighted m

Scales, Soft ( Family C occidae)

Black scale Sooty mold due to scale Brown soft scale

Cottony cushion scale Cottony maple scale Hemispherical scale

Description: Adults: females are oval or one spot. Females molt to a legless, immo­
round, soft, legless bum ps, Vio'-'/s" in diam e­ bile form. Males molt to tiny, flylike insects.
ter and without wings o r appendages; males One o r 2 generations per year outdoors; up
are minute, yellow-winged insects. Larvae: to 6 generations on indoor plants.
mobile craw lers resembling tiny mealybugs. Control: Prune and dispose of infested
Found throughout North America. branches and twigs. A ttract native predatory
Damage: All stages suck plant sap, beetles, such as soldier beetles and lady
weakening plants, especially citrus, fruit beetles as well as parasitic wasps. Remove
trees, ornam ental shrubs, trees, and house­ scales from twigs with a soft brush o r your
plants. n severe infestations, leaves yellow fingernail, o r from leaves with a soft cloth
and drop and the plant dies. Most scales and soapy water: rinse well. Release preda­
secrete large quantities of honeydew onto tory beetles Chilocorus nigritus or Lindorus
foliage .md fruit. Sooty mold, a black fungus, lophanthae. Release parasitic wasp Metaphycus
feeds on the honeydew. helvolus to control soft brown scale. Spray
Life Cycle: Females of some species lay dorm ant oil on fruit and ornam ental trees.
as many 2.000 eggs: others give birth to Spray superior oil (not on citrus after July).
several nymphs per day. Mobile nymphs As a last resort, spray with pyrethrin.
move around for a short time, then settle at

S h o th o le B o re r Scolytus r u g u l o s u s

Larvae Damage Damage

Description: Adults: brown o r black, larvae bore at right angles to parent gallery
•/io" beetles with red-tipped wing covers. and pupate under the bark. Emerging adults
Larvae: white grubs with reddish brown bore new escape holes through bark. Two to
heads. Found throughout North America. 3 generations per year.
Damage: Adults and larvae bore and Control: M aintain healthy trees; destroy
tunnel under the bark of peach, plum, infested branches o r trees in w inter when
cherry, apple, and pear; unhealthy trees are larvae are still in wood; destroy borers by
m ost often attacked. inserting a flexible wire into burrows; protect
Life Cycle: Adults bore through bark young trunks with whitewash or latex paint
a n d d e p o s i t e g g s in g a lle rie s . R e s u ltin g diluted with an equal am ount of water.

S lugs/S nails

Brown garden snail Bro wn garden snails

Description: Adults: soft-bodied, gray, stones o r debris. G arden slugs and snails
tan, green, black, yellow, or spotted, wormlike occur throughout North America.
anim als that are m em bers of the same Damage: Both slugs and snails rasp
zoological group as clam s, mussels, and large holes in foliage, stems, and bulbs. They
scallops. Slugs have no shells, while snails feast on any tender plant o r shrub and may
have coiled shells. M easuring both demolish seedlings. Most dam aging in wet
slugs and snails leave characteristic trails of years o r regions.
mucus wherever they crawl. Eggs: clear, Life Cycle: Adults lay eggs in m oist soil
oval or round, laid in jellylike masses under o r under rocks. Eggs hatch in 2-4 weeks and

young grow 5 m onths to 2 years before every morning. Trap in shallow pans of beer
reaching maturity. buried with the container lip flush to soil
Control: Wrap copper strips around surface. To encourage predatory beetles,
trunks of trees or shrubs, or use copper maintain perm anent walkways of clover, sod,
flashing as edging for garden beds. Trap o r stone mulch. Protect seedlings with wide
under flowerpots or boards. A ttract bands of cinders, wood ashes, o r diatoma-
with pieces of raw potato o r cabbage leaves ceous earth, renewed frequently.
set out in the garden; collect and destroy

S o ld ier B eed es (Family Cantharidae)

Beneficial Effect: Both larvae and adults
prey on cucum ber beetles, co m rootworms,
aphids, grasshopper eggs, caterpillars, and
beetle larvae.
Life Cycle: Females lay eggs in soil;
newly hatched larvae remain inactive for a
short period before developing; larvae over­
Downy leatherwinged w inter in soil and pupate in the spring. Up to
soldier beetle
2 generations per year.
Description: Adults: elongated, slender, How to Attract: To attract adult soldier
nearly flat. xti'-'h h beetles, often with downy, beetles, plant goldenrod, milkweed, hydran­
leather) wing covers. Larvae: flattened, elon­ geas, or catnip. To protect pupating beetles,
gated, covered with hairs, and usually dark- maintain some perm anent plantings where
colored Found throughout North America. soil is not disturbed.

S o u th w estern C o rn B o re r D ia tra ea g ra n d io sella

Larva and damage Adult

Description: Adults: pale beige, lightly in summer. Found throughout the South,
m arked moths (1 V*" wingspan); males darker. Dam age: Larvae bore into leaf whorls,
Larvae: white with brown heads, spotted stalks, and roots of corn, sorghum, and some


grasses, causing stem breakage. and em erge in August. Second generation

Life Cycle: Larvae overwinter in plant larvae bore into stalks, then roots.
roots and pupate in early June; moths Control: Plant com early; plant resistant
emerge a week later and lay eggs; larvae cultivars; cut stalks at soil level and remove
bore into leaf whorls and stalks, then pupate right after harvest; cultivate deeply in fall.

S ow b u g s/P illb u g s

Adulis A du II Adulis

Description: Adults: slate gray or brown. organic m aterial and young seedlings.
'/■♦"-Ya"crustaceans with jointed arm or and 7 Life Cycle: Eggs are laid in dam p loca­
pairs of tiny legs; some curl up in a ball when tions; young are similar to adults.
disturbed. They are not insects, but are Control: Drain wet areas; sprinkle dia-
related to crayfish. Nymphs: same as adults, tom aceous earth around foundations where
but smaller, found throughout North America. bugs congregate; trap under stones o r boards,
Damage: Usually none to established then destroy; make paper traps painted with
plants; however, in high num bers dam age to a sticky coating, such as Tanglefoot, then
seedlings can be severe. Feed on decaying folded tentlike, with sticky side down.

S p in ed S o ld ier Bug Podisus m aculiventris

Beneficial Effect: Im portant native pred­

ators attack caterpillars and grubs, including
tent caterpillars, fall armyworms, sawfly
larvae, and M exican bean beetle larvae.
Life Cycle: Overwintering adults emerge
in spring; females lay eggs on leaves; nymphs
drink w ater or plant juices for a short period,
Adult and prey
then becom e predators; nymphs develop to
Description: Adults: shield-shaped, black- adults in 6-8 weeks: adults live 5-8 weeks.
speckled, x/i" bugs with sharp points on One to 2 generations per year.
shoulders. Nymphs: similar to adults, but HOW to Attract: M aintain perm anent
wingless. Native to North Am erica. beds of perennials to provide shelter.

S p itd e b u g /F ro g h o p p e r Philaenus spumariiis

Nymph Nymph in spittle mass Meadow spittlehug nymph

and spittle mass

Description: Adults: oval, frog-faced, migrate from hayfields to nearby crops when
VV-Va" insects; tan, brown, or black. Nymphs: hay is cut.
yellow to yellowish green, similar to adults, Life Cycle: Overwintering eggs hatch in
but wingless: inside a foamy mass of “spittle.” mid-April; nymphs develop in spittle masses
Eggs: white to beige, laid in rows. Found for 6-7 weeks. Adults feed over the summer,
throughout North Am erica. laying eggs in field stubble by fall.
Damage: Adults and nymphs suck plant Control: Not usually a serious problem
juices of strawberries, legumes, forage crops, in a home garden; if many nymphs apparent
and nursery plants, causing stunted, dwarfed, in summer, then turn in stubble of suscep­
weakened plants with reduced yields. Adults tible crops in the fall to kill eggs.

S pruce B udw orm C h o risto n eu ra fu m ife m n c i

Adult and larva Damage

Description: Adults: grayish brown moths Damage: Larvae mine in needles, buds,
(V /-1 1fi "w ingspan); hind wings dark brown cones, or twigs of balsam fir. spruce, Doug­
with white fringe. Larvae: dark brown cater­ las fir, hem lock, larch, and pine. One of the
pillars with lighter sides, dark spines, and 2 most damaging forest pests in North A m er­
rows of white dots along their backs. Found ica; also damaging in nurseries and orna­
throughout north-central and eastern United m ental trees. Budworms are the most serious
States; in C anada to the Yukon; related conifer pests in North A m erica, destroying
species in western North Am erica. billions of board feet of fir and spruce each

Copyrighted material

year. A fter 3-5 years of heavy infestation, Adults emerge in 10 days. One generation
entire stands of conifers may be killed; per year.
surviving trees are weakened and susceptible Control: Spray BTK as soon as tiny
to bark beetles. larvae appear in late sum m er and again in
Life Cycle: M oths lay eggs from late early spring when they resum e feeding;
June to early August; eggs hatch in 8-12 avoid using balsam fir in ornamental plantings.
days. Young larvae disperse throughout tree, Since outbreaks of this pest are most com ­
then spin cocoons and hibernate. T h e fol­ mon in overm ature stands of spruce and
lowing spring larvae em erge and mine in old balsam firs, avoid planting these trees as
needles, then in young buds. As new growth ornam ental specim ens if you live in an area
expands, they spin webs around tips of twigs where spruce and fir grow in great abundance.
and feed inside, pupating by late June.

S quash Bug Anasa tristis

Damage: Both adults and nymphs suck

plant juices of all cucurbit crops, especially
squash or pum pkins, causing leaves and
shoots to blacken and die back; attacked
plants fail to produce fruit. W inter squash
are most severely affected.
Life Cycle: U nm ated adult insects over­
w inter under garden litter, vines, o r boards
Description: Adults: brownish black, to em erge, m ate, and lay eggs in spring;
flat-backed, x/i" bugs covered with fine, dark nymphs take all sum m er to develop, molting
hairs. They give off an unpleasant smell in 5 times before maturity.
defense. Nymphs: whitish green o r gray Control: Maintain vigorous plant growth;
young, similar in shape to adults, with darker handpick all stages of squash bugs from
thorax and abdom en as they m ature; usually undersides of leaves; support vines off the
covered with a grainy white powder. Eggs: ground on trellises; attract native parasitic
shiny yellow to brown ellipses, in groups on flies with pollen and nectar plants; cover
underside of leaves. Found throughout North plants with floating row cover (you’ll need to
America. hand-pollinate flowers).

Copyrighted material
S UNK BI GS ■ 327

B o re r M elittia ciicu rb ita e

Larva and damage Adult Damage

Description: Adults: narrow-winged, eggs on stems and leaf stalks near the base of
olive-brown, l ' - l 1/*"m oths, with fringed the plant. Newly hatched larvae bore into
hind le^-s. clear hind wings, and red abdo­ vine stems, causing sudden wilting and death
mens with black rings. Larvae: white with of stems. Larvae feed for up to 6 weeks, then
brown heads. Found throughout the United pupate in the soil.
States and C anada east of the Rocky M oun­ Control: Early in the growing season,
tains and south to Mexico. cover vines with floating row cover; uncover
Damage: Larvae bore into vines of later for pollinators o r hand-pollinate; spray
squash, pum pkins, cucum bers, melons, and base of plants with pyrethrin repeatedly to
gourds. They chew the inner tissue near the kill young larvae before they en ter vines; to
base, causing vines to wilt suddenly; girdled save attacked vines, slit infested stems and
vines rot and die. remove borers, and heap soil over vines to
Life Cycle: Larvae or pupae overwinter induce rooting.
in the soil. Adults emerge in spring and lay

B u g S (Family Pentatom idae)

Bn-wn Mink bug Harlequin bug eggs Harlequin bug

Description: Adults: shield-shaped, green, fringe of spines at one end. laid in clusters.
tan, brown, or gray, xh" bugs; most species Found throughout North America.
sm ooth, but a few spiny o r rough-textured. Damage: Adults and nymphs suck plant
Nymphs: oval-shaped, wingless; similar to sap from leaves, flowers, buds, fruit, and
adults. Eggs: barrel-shaped, often with a seeds of cabbage family crops, squash.

beans, peas, corn, tom atoes, and peaches. when weather warms: eggs hatch in a week,
Feeding punctures in fruit cause scarring and and nymphs develop to adults in about 5
dimpling known as cat-facing. T he harlequin weeks. Two or more generations per year.
bug, a species with bright red and black Control: Control weeds in susceptible
m arkings, is the m ost im portant pest of crops: remove o r mow weedy areas adjacent
cabbage family crops in the South. to garden beds; attract native parasitic wasps
Life Cycle: Adults overwinter in weeds and flies by planting small-flowered plants.
in waste areas: females lay 300-500 eggs each As a last resort, dust with pyrethrin.

S tra w b e rry R oot W eevil O tio rh yn ch u s ovatus

raspberries, grapes, apples, peaches, arbor­
vitae, and pine and spruce seedlings. Adults
feed on leaves, needles, and fruits, clipping
half-circles from edges of leaves.
Life Cycle: Larvae overwinter in soil
and pupate in spring; a few adults overwinter
in debris; in spring newly em erged adults
feed for 2-3 weeks, then lay eggs throughout
the summ er; new larvae burrow into soil to
Description: Adults: black, shiny, hard- feed on roots, then move deeper into soil
shelled, flightless, 'A" weevils. Larvae: white, until spring.
legless, brown-headed grubs. Found through­ Control: Cover plants with floating row
out North America. cover; apply insect parasitic nem atodes to
Damage: Larvae bore into crowns and soil to control larvae; spray pyrethrin to kill
roots of strawberries and into roots of leaf-feeding adults.

T ach in id Flies ( Family Tachinidae)

but w ithout bright colors. Larvae: maggots
that feed inside host insects. Found through­
out North America.
Beneficial Effect: Excellent predators of
many caterpillar pests, including cutworms,
armyworms. tent caterpillars, cabbage loopers,
and gypsy moth larvae; some also attack
sawflies, squash bugs, and stink bugs.
Life Cycle: Females lay eggs on newly
Description: Adults: robust, gray, brown, hatched larvae or on leaves on which cater­
or black, Vj'-'/i" insects resembling overgrown, pillars are feeding; caterpillars then ingest
bristly houseflies; some with m ottled bodies eggs and larvae hatch inside the host; larvae

feed and devour the host from within; in How to Attract: Adult flies feed on the
some cases females place live young on a nectar of flowers of dill, parsley, sweet clover,
caterpillar’s skin and the maggots burrow and other herbs, so allow weeds to flower
into the host. As maggots develop inside, throughout the garden; don’t destroy cater­
they kill the host, then pupate inside or in pillars with white eggs stuck to their backs—
soil nearby. Up to 2 generations per year. these will develop into more tachinid flies.

T arn ish ed P la n t Bug L ygus lin eo la ris

Tarnish* d plant hug nymph Tarnished plant hug Four-lined plant bug


Description: Adults: oval, light green to Lite Cycle: Adults overwinter under
brow n, m o ttle d ,'/»" bugs; each forewing with bark or leaf litter, em erge in early spring to
a black-tipped yellow triangle. Nymphs: lay eggs in leaf tissue; eggs hatch in 10 days;
vellow-green. wingless: similar to adults. nymphs feed 3-4 weeks, then molt to adult.
Several other plant bug species (Family Up to 5 generations per year.
M iridae) also dam age garden plants. Found Control: Cover plants with floating row
throughout North America. cover; attract native predators (bigeyed bugs,
Damage: Adults and nymphs suck plant damsel bugs, pirate bugs) with groundcovers
juices of most flowers, fruits, and vegetables, and pollen plants; try releases of minute
causing shoot and fruit distortion, bud drop, pirate bugs; spray seriously infested plants
wilting, stunting, and dieback. with pyrethrin as a last resort.

Copyrighted mate

Tent C aterp illars M alcicosom a sp p .

Eastern tent Eastern lent Eastern tent

caterpillar egg mass caterpillar caterpillar

Tent Eastern tent caterpillar

and tent

Description: Adults: yellowish tan to early spring: caterpillars move to nearest

brown m oths with 2 narrow, diagonal stripes branch crotch and spin a silk tent for
across wings ( 1 1 x/i" w ingspan). Larvae: protection during rain o r at night, and leave
black, hairy. 2n-2x/i ” caterpillars with a white it to feed during the day. A fter feeding 5-8
stripe or rows of dots along the back and weeks, they pupate in white cocoons attached
irregular, brownish blue or red m arks along to tree trunks o r leaf litter; adult moths
sides: most spin large “te n ts ’ of silk webbing emerge in 10 days. One generation per year.
in branch crotches of trees. Eggs: laid on Control: Prune infested branches and
twigs in masses, covered with hardened burn them , o r remove tents filled with
foamy layer. Eggs resemble a dark, shiny belt caterpillars from branches by winding them
encircling a twig. Found throughout North onto a broomstick with nails projecting from
America. it; in winter, remove egg masses from bare
Damage: Larvae feed on leaves of most branches: attract native parasitic flies and
deciduous trees and shrubs, especially apples, wasps by growing small-flowered herbs, such
aspens, and wild cherries. Trees may be fully as catnip, and wildflowers, such as Queen
defoliated in years of high caterpillar popu­ Anne’s lace. Do noi destroy wandering cater­
lations. Trees usually leaf out again later pillars with white eggs or cocoons attached
in the sum m er but growth may be stunted to their backs; they are hosts for native
for several years. parasites. Spray BTK weekly while larvae are
Life Cycle: M oths lay eggs on twigs in small; try releases of spined soldier bugs.
midsummer: eggs overwinter and hatch in

Copyrighted material
THRIPS ■ 331

T h rip s ( Family Thripidae)

• '***■*
jp •

- y *p
• *
£ *
Greenhouse thrips Western flower thrips Damage


Description: Adults: slender, ' / j o ' - '/ b " plant debris, o r cracks in bark, becoming
long insects: colors range from yellowish to active in early spring. Eggs are laid in plant
brown o r black: these fast-moving insects tissue and hatch in 3-5 days; nymphs feed for
leap or fly away on narrow, fringed wings 1-3 weeks, then rest in soil or on leaves until
when disturbed: individual insects difficult they molt to adult form in 1-2 weeks. Up to
to see without a magnifying glass. Nymphs: 15 generations per year outdoors; may breed
sim ilar to small adults; light green o r yellow, continuously in greenhouses.
some with red eyes. Found throughout North Control: Spray dorm ant oil on fruit
America. trees; encourage native predators, such as
Damage: Adults and nymphs suck con­ pirate bugs, lacewings, and lady beetles; for
tents of plant cells from a variety of garden onion o r western flower thrips, release the
plants, flowers, fruits, and shade trees. T heir predatory mite Amblyseius cucumeris or
feeding leaves silvery speckling or streaks on minute pirate bugs (Orius tristicolor ); hang
leaves; severe infestations stunt plants and blue o r yellow sticky traps to catch adults;
dam age flowers and developing fruit: some spray insecticidal soap, pyrethrin, o r neem;
species spread tom ato spotted wilt virus. as a last resort, dust undersides of leaves with
Life Cycle: Adults overwinter in sod, diatom aceous earth.

Copyrighted material

T ig er B eetles (Family Cicindelidae)

strong hooks on the fifth segment. Found

throughout North America.
Beneficial Effect: Both adults and lar­
vae feed on a variety of insects; generally
beneficial for controlling pests.
Life Cycle: Females lay single eggs in
soil burrows; larvae prey on insects that fall
Six-spotted tiger beetle
into burrows; larvae develop for several years
Description: Adults: long-legged. Vi"-*/*" before adulthood. One generation takes
beetles with bright colors and patterns on 2-3 years.
their bodies; often attracted to lights at How to Attract: M aintain perm anent
night. Larvae: segm ented, S-shaped larvae, plantings as refuges; do not use insect
each with a pronounced hum p covered with light traps.

Tom ato H o rn w o rm M anduca quinquem aculata

Tobacco hornworm Tomato homworm adult

Description: Adults: large, gray moths family plants. Feeding can kill young plants.
(4"-5" wingspan). Larvae: green caterpillars Life Cycle: In June and July, m oths
up to 4 V2 " long with a black horn on tail, 8 emerge from soilborne pupae; adults lay eggs
diagonal white marks along the sides. T he on undersides of leaves; eggs hatch in a
tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta ), a related week; larvae feed for a m onth, then pupate
species, has a red horn and 7 white m arks on in soil until the following summer.
the sides. Found throughout North America. Control: H andpick caterpillars from
Damage: Larvae of both species con­ foliage; attract native parasitic wasps; spray
sume leaves, stems, and fruit of nightshade BTK while caterpillars are still small.

Copyrighted materjal

Western ussock moth larva Western tussock moth

winged adult male
and wingless adult female

Description: Adults: males are ash gray perm anent dam age unless num erous.
m oths 1 1V2 " wingspan): flightless females Life Cycle: Overwintering eggs hatch in
have stubby wings. Larvae: pale yellow spring; larvae develop for 4-6 weeks, then
caterpillars with red heads; bodies covered pupate in cocoons on nearby trees; adults
with tufts of light and dark hairs. Eggs: emerge in 2 weeks, m ate, and lay eggs on old
covered in white, stiff lather. Found through­ cocoons. Up to 3 generations per year.
out eastern United States and C anada, west Control: Scrape egg masses from tree
to Colorado and British Columbia. trunks o r branches: spray BTK to control
Dam age: Larvae feed on leaves of larvae; attract birds and parasitic and preda­
deciduous trees and shrubs, but cause little tory insects.

V inegar F ly /F ru it Fly Drosophila melanogaster

Damage: Flies are a nuisance around

com m ercial canning and packing houses,
also in kitchens; maggots feed on m icroor­
ganisms in decaying fruit or plants.
Life Cycle: Females lay up to 2,000 eggs
each in overripe o r fermenting fruit; maggots
feed for several days then pupate for several
days. Life cycle takes 10 days.
Description: Adults: yellowish, clear- Control: T he best control is sanitation,
winged . '/«o" flies, also called fruit flies. removing garbage and ferm enting fruit; grow
Larvae: small white maggots. Found through­ crack-resistant tom ato cultivars to prevent
out North Am erica. fruit from being infested in the field.

Copyrighted material

W ebw orm , Fall H yp h a n tria cu n ea

Larvae and nest Larvae and nest

Description: Adults: satiny white moths wintering pupae in late spring and lay eggs;
with black dots on forewings (1V2 " wingspread). groups of larvae cover foliage with webbing
Larvae: beige caterpillars covered with dense and feed inside it through m idsummer;
yellow to brown hairs and long white hairs on larvae leave webs to pupate in soil debris. Up
sides. Found throughout United States and in to 2 generations per year.
southern Canada. Control: Prune and destroy branches
Damage: Larvae chew leaves and spin with webs; spray BTK on leaves around web
large, conspicuous webs over ends of branches when larvae are small or when last stage
of many deciduous trees and shrubs. larvae w ander outside of web; attract native
Life Cycle: Adults emerge from over­ parasitic wasps.

W ebw orm , G ard en A chyra m n ta lis

Larva and webbing Adult

Description: Adults: brown m oths with borne cocoons; m oths emerge in late spring
pale gold marks on wings (1" wingspan). to midsum m er and lay eggs, which hatch in a
Larvae: pale green to nearly black caterpil­ week. Caterpillars feed for a m onth, then
lars with a dark o r light stripe down the back pupate. Up to 3 generations per year.
and 3 dark spots on the side of each segment. Control: Pick caterpillars from plants
Found throughout North Am erica. and drop into a pail of soapy water; destroy
Damage: Caterpillars spin silk webbing webbing; spray BTK on leaves when larvae
around leaves of vegetables, strawberries, are small, before webbing is extensive; spray
and some weeds, devouring enclosed leaves. pyrethrin as a last resort.
Life Cycle: Pupae overwinter in soil-

Copyrighted materi il

( Family Aleyrodidae)

Greenhouse whitefly lan ae Greenhouse whiteflies

Sweet potato whiteflies

Description: Adults: minute sucking Life Cycle: Females lay eggs on under­
insects with powdery white wings: whiteflies sides of leaves: these hatch in 2 days into liny,
rest in luge num bers on leaf undersides and mobile scales: while continuing to feed on
fly out in clouds when disturbed. Larvae: plant juices, scales molt to a legless stage in a
flattened, legless, tra n slu c en t,'/»" scales on few days. After several growth stages, nymphs
leaf undersides. Eggs: gray o r yellow cones rest in a sort of pupal stage before emerging
the size of a pinpoint. Commonly found in as adults. Most whitefly species require
greenhouses throughout North A m erica: also 20-30 days for a com plete life cycle at room
found outdoors in warm regions of California, tem perature, less in the summer. Numerous
Florida, the G ulf states, and area on the overlapping generations per year, continuing
West Coast. all winter in greenhouses and warm climates.
Domage: Nymphs and adults suck plant Control: Catch adults on yellow sticky
juices trom citrus, greenhouse foliage plants, traps: vacuum adults from leaves: indoors,
ornam entals, and vegetables. T heir feeding release Encarsia formosa parasitic wasps to
weakens plants: they also secrete a sticky, control greenhouse whitefly: outdoors, attract
sugary substance called honeydew. Sooty native parasitic wasps and predatory beetles:
mold, a black fungus, grows on the honeydew- spray with insecticidal soap, kinoprene
coated leaves and fruit. Whitefly feeding can (Enstar), or garlic oil; as a last resort, spray
also spread viral diseases. with pyrethrin.

Copyrighted material

W irew orm s L im o n iu s spp.

Larvae Adult Larval damage

Description: Adults: hard-shelled, Life Cycle: Adults lay eggs on roots in

elongated, dark-colored, xh "-'/•»" beetles with early spring: larvae hatch in 3-10 days:
lengthwise grooves on wing covers: often larvae spend 2-6 years feeding on surface
called click beetles, they make a clicking roots in the spring and fall and move deeper
sound as they flip from their backs onto their into the soil to overwinter. M ature larvae
feet. Larvae: yellow to reddish brown, jointed, pupate in late sum m er and overwinter as
wirelike, I'-lV /'lo n g w o rm s. Found through­ adults. One generation in 2-6 years.
out North Am erica. Control: Cultivate thoroughly every week
Damage: Larvae bore into newly planted for 4-6 weeks in fall to expose and destroy
seeds or into plant roots, tubers, and bulbs, larvae; delay planting tubers and corm s until
preventing germination or stunting and killing soil is very warm, keeping soil bare until
plants. Plants attacked include gladiolus and planting; allow chickens to run on infested
other flower corms, small grains, and most veg­ ground to eat larvae; bury raw potato pieces
etable crops. Wireworms are most com mon 4 "-6"deep to attract larvae, check every 1-2
in soil recently in sod. Adult beetles feed on days and destroy wireworms; apply parasitic
leaves and flowers, but cause little damage. nem atodes to soil.

W oollybears (F am ily A rctiid ac)

Salt marsh caterpillar Salt man h

Kih rpillm adult

Description: Adults: white o r yellowish caterpillars; hair may be yellow, brown, or

m oths with a small dark spot on each wing black at either end of caterpillar and rust
(P / 2 " wingspan). Larvae: densely hairy. 1"-2" brown around the middle. Often seen in fall;

rolls into a ball when touched. Found through­ cocoons among leaves, trash, o r clods of soil
out North Am erica. M oths emerge to lay eggs in spring. Two or
Damage: Caterpillars feed on tender more generations per year.
stems, leaves, o r flowers of garden plants and Control: Control usually not necessary.
ornam entals, chewing ragged holes. Popula­ Spray BTK when caterpillars are feeding on
tions usually not seriously damaging. plants.
Life Cycle: Pupae overwinter in woolly

Yellow Jack ets Vespula spp.

Baldfaced hornet Western yellow jacket

Description: Adults: lh n-*fy" wasps with capture prey for the first brood of larvae,
a yellow and black striped abdom en and 2 which hatch into workers: the feeding task is
pairs of m em branous wings. Larvae: white then taken over by succeeding broods of
grubs that develop inside cells in paper nests. worker wasps. T he colony expands until late
Found throughout N orth Am erica. summer: then worker wasps die off before
Beneficial Effect: G ood general preda­ winter, and a few young, newly mated females
tors on flies, caterpillars, and other pests. leave the nest to overwinter in protected
Adult wasps generally feed on sugary solutions, spots as next year's queens. T he original nest
such as Ilower nectar or juices of ripe fruit. is deserted.
Can be pests at picnics. HOW to Attract: Not usually necessary
Life Cycle: Queen wasps overwinter to attract them or to control them. Since
under bark or in protected burrows, em erg­ some species do sting when disturbed, remove
ing in spring to build a small nucleus of nests from areas frequented by people: it is
paper cells in the ground, in an old log, or not necessary to remove nests located out of
attached to a tree limb. Q ueens lay eggs and harm 's way.

Copyrighted material
v-iv.■ •••„,..•

he best approach to disease problem s is to prevent
them . M any good organic gardening practices are
natural disease-preventive measures. Keeping soil healthy,
keeping plants properly w atered, cleaning up the
garden, and rotating crops in the vegetable garden are
on the list of practices that help discourage disease.

•V '' -J}?..
D e a l i n g with plant diseases can be one of are those diseases that can be transm itted
the most challenging aspects of pest control. from one plant to another. N oninfectious
Unlike insects, which are usually easy to spot, diseases—which we call plant disorders—are
most organisms that cause disease are too problem s that cannot be transm itted.
small to see w ithout a magnifying glass or
microscope. Disease symptoms can be vari­ How Diseases Affect Plants
able and subtle, so they're tricky to diagnose T he effect of a disease o r disorder on a
and sometim es easy to miss until the problem plant can range from a hardly noticeable
is quite severe. Once you diagnose a problem, decrease in yield to sudden wilting and death.
there is not a broad range of organically accept­ All diseases interfere with normal plant growth,
able controls. And in some cases, if you haven't but the ways in which different diseases cause
noticed symptoms in time, there's no remedy, dam age varies. Diseases caused by fungi and
chem ical or organic, for plant diseases. Your bacteria often weaken plants by literally eat­
only option is to pull up the diseased plant ing food the plant has made for itself. Disease-
and destroy it. causing organisms also harm plants by injecting
them with toxins and by plugging up water
and nutrient-conducting vessels. A disease can
What Is Disease? alter the horm one balance within a plant,
W hat do we mean when we say a plant is resulting in galls that upset movement of food
diseased? If you accidentally skin the bark off and w ater within a plant. Disorders such as
the base of a tree with your lawn mower, is nutrient deficiencies can slow growth, and
that tree diseased? If spring frosts slightly burn prevent proper development of flowers o r fruit.
the leaves on broccoli transplants, are those However, not all conditions that m eet the
plants diseased? Are pea plants infected with technical definition of disease are detrim en­
beneficial root-nodule bacteria diseased? tal to plants. Nodules on the roots of peas and
Even plant pathologists—scientists who beans are caused by bacteria, and they do
study plant diseases—don't agree on a single interrupt some of the normal plant functions,
definition of disease. A working definition so they are a "disease.” Their net effect, however,
accepted by most is that disease is an irrita­ is beneficial because these bacteria take nitro­
tion that disturbs a plant's norm al functions gen from the air and convert it into a form that
(such as w ater uptake or cell division). Some plants can use. Similarly, the roots of almost
scientists further restrict the above definition all plants are infected with mycorrhizal fungi.
to conditions or organisms that cause contin­ Although they sap some food from plants,
uous irritation, making the above-mentioned these beneficial fungi help their host plants
“lawn-mower blight" not a disease (unless you garner nutrients from the soil by increasing
injure your plant every time you mow!). the effective surface area of the root system.
In this chapter, we'll divide plant diseases T he first step you can take toward van­
into two broad categories. Infectious diseases quishing diseases from your garden is to learn


Plant Diseases Make History

hen hum ans first began cultivating Late Blight Blasts Ireland
W plants, they unknowingly also increased It w o s o large-scole tragedy-the Irish
the likelihood of plant diseases. A s agricul­ potato fam m e-that provided the impetus for
ture spread, farmers took plants out of their more research into the ca u se s of plant dis­
diverse natural environments and began grow­ eases. In 1 8 4 5 and 1846, cool, rainy condi­
ing similar plants close together; this made it tions provided ideal conditions for the spread
easier for disease-causing m icroorganism s of the disease we now know a s late blight.
to spread from one plant to the next. Today, This blight swept through the potato crop,
over 5 0 ,0 0 0 diseases are known to afflict destroying the major food source of the Irish
cultivated plants. people. A million Irish peasants starved and
more than a million additional people fled the
Early Concepts o f D isease country, many to America.
Though the co u se s of dise ose s were a This great tragedy stirred o young sc i­
mystery, plant d ise ase s themselves were not entist, Heinrich Anton DeBary, to review many
overlooked by the earliest gardeners. D is­ of the previous experiments concerned with
eases figure into early religious writings and the ca u ses for plant diseases. In 1853, at the
practices, including the Bible: "I smote you age of 22, he published a book that conclu­
with blight and mildew; I laid waste your sively proved that fungi were a cause and not
gardens and vineyards." (Am os 4:9). a result of disease.
In ancient times, m any societies inter­
preted crop failure a s a sign of retaliation The Downy Mildew Disaster
from som e higher power. Wheat rust, for Other d ise ase s further spurred study of
example, w o s such a problem for the Rom ans the biology and control of plant diseases. In the
tha they created a god of rust. Each spring, 1870s, downy mildew w a s accidentally intro­
before the rust appeared, the Rom ans held a duced from its native home of North America
feslival to appease the god and attempt to into France. Dow ny mildew caused severe
save their wheat crop. damage to French vineyards in just a few years.
Although they did not develop any prac­ During this time, Dr. Pierre Millardet, a
tical cures, there were som e careful observ­ French scientist studying vine diseases, w as
ers of plant dise ase s am ong the ancients. walking along a road in the Bordeaux region
Theophrastus, a Greek philosopher and natu­ one day, and he happened to notice that some
ralist in the third century B.C., recorded which grope vines bordering the road were free of
plants were most susceptible to d ise ase s as mildew. Upon inquiry, he found that the owner
wel a s the influence of soil and weather on of the vineyard had mode a solution of blue-
disease. stone (copper sulfate) and lime and spattered
The invention of the com pound micro­ it with a broom on those vines bordering the
scope in the early 15 0 0 s set the stage for an road, hoping that the om inous blue-green
understanding of the causes for plant diseases. color of the gropes would discourage pilferers.
Almost a century later, the Dutch naturalist Within three years, Millardet perfected the
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek w a s the first per­ compound, which cam e to be known a s bor­
son to actually see bacteria through the lens deaux mix and is still in use today.
of a microscope.

about the various types of diseases and how materials, and occasionally a living plant. O th­
they develop or spread. T h e three most com ­ ers can grow and multiply only when they
mon kinds of organisms that cause infectious have infected a living plant. Plant pathogens
plant diseases are fungi, bacteria, and viruses. do not attack hum ans o r other animals. An
By learning about these organism s—how they exception is certain viruses that multiply within
infect plants and how they reproduce—you the insects that carry them.
can plan a gardening strategy that will mini­
mize disease. For exam ple, it helps to know How Disease Develops
that warm, wet conditions encourage the spread If you place a C olorado potato beetle on
of most fungal diseases and that insect feed­ a p o tato leaf, and the beetle doesn’t eat
ing is one of the most im portant factors in the anything, you don’t have a pest problem .
spread of viral diseases. You’ll learn more Similarly, if you put rust fungus particles on a
about the types of infectious diseases and the snapdragon leaf, and they don’t infect the leaf,
environmental conditions that favor their devel­ you don't have a disease problem. Disease
opm ent under “Infectious Diseases’’ below. only occurs when the proper environm ental
U nderstanding how environm ent and conditions exist to allow the pathogen to pen­
nutrient balance affect plant growth can help etrate and grow into the host plant. You can
you prevent plant disorders. Learning about picture this interrelationship between organism,
the different light requirem ents of plants will environm ent, and plant as a triangle, like the
help you choose the right planting sites to one shown below.
encourage best plant perform ance. Realizing
that a plant label can tighten around a grow­
ing stem to the point that it cuts off the flow of
w ater and nutrients through the plant will
help m otivate you to rem em ber to remove
labels from newly purchased plants. You’ll
find m ore information about causes of plant
disorders and how you can avoid them on
page 355.

Infectious Diseases
W hen we talk about disease in relation to
animals o r hum ans, we talk about their being
spread by germs. G erm s are the tiny organ­
isms such as viruses and bacteria that can
cause disease. These types of organisms also
cause plant diseases.
A more scientific term for disease-causing
organisms is the word pathogen. In addition The development o f disease depends on an
to fungi and bacteria, viruses, nem atodes, and interaction o f several factors, including the
parasitic plants are plant pathogens. These host plant, the pathogen, and the environment.
organisms run the spectrum in food preferences. Each o f these factors has to be present for
Some are nourished mostly from dead organic disease to occur

Before any disease symptom s show up on tering” on page 344.

your plant, three conditions m ust be met. Penetration and infection. If the envi­
ronm ent is right, infection begins soon after
1. T he pathogen must be present. T he
the inoculum com es into contact with a sus­
stage of the pathogen that can infect a plant is
ceptible plant. Bacteria, viruses, and myco-
technically known as inoculum. Inoculum may
plasmas can infect plants only through wounds
be a virus particle, a bacterial cell, a fungal
o r natural openings. W ounds are holes in the
spore o r hypha, a nem atode, o r a seed or a
plant caused by pruning, careless use of equip­
piece of a parasitic plant.
ment. animal feeding, storm dam age, or rough
2. T here must be a susceptible plant. handling by the gardener. Natural openings
For exam ple, a tom ato plant is susceptible to include leaf pores, called stom ates, and open­
damping-off disease when it is a small seedling, ings near the ends of veins at the margins of
but is resistant to this disease when it is grow­ leaves, called hydathodes. The scar that remains
ing luxuriantly in midsummer. Club root fungi when a leaf falls may also provide entry for
in the soil can attack cabbage roots, but can­ disease. Flowers provide natural openings for
not infect tom ato roots. pathogen entry, and the pathogen may even
3. E nvironm ental conditions must be be brought to the flower on an insect seeking
favorable. T h e most im portant environm en­ nectar. T he bark and branches of woody plants
tal factors affecting disease developm ent are are pocked with small pores developed for gas
m oisture, tem perature, light, and soil fertility. exchange (called lenticels) that also provide
In the case of many diseases, a susceptible entry for pathogens.
plant and the inoculum are present through­ Fungi, nem atodes, and paiasitic plants
out the growing season. It is the daily changes may enter host plants either through natural
in the environm ent that determ ine the extent openings o r directly through intact surfaces.
of disease. A sum m er thundershow er or a As spores of fungi and seeds of parasitic plants
gusty, drying wind can change conditions almost germinate, they develop small shoots and thin,
within m inutes, perhaps providing th e right elongating strands that can push right into the
environm ent for disease to develop. plant. T hen, as they grow, the fungi secrete
enzymes or toxins that dissolve o r kill plant
The Disease Cycle cells in their path. Parasitic plants send tentacle­
T h e steps that a disease goes through like structures into the stem of the host plant.
over time is known as the disease cycle. T he Nem atodes penetrate cells with their sharply
survival and spread of a disease depends on its pointed m outhparts.
success in com pleting all stages of its cycle. Just because a pathogen penetrates a host
Inoculation. This is the first step in the does not m ean that the host will becom e
developm ent of any infectious disease. Inocu­ diseased. Sometimes pathogens en ter hosts
lation occurs when the disease-causing factor that are not susceptible to the disease; in this
(the inoculum ) com es into contact with the case, the pathogen will die and no disease
plant. T here are many ways by which patho­ symptoms develop. However, once the patho­
gens can spread to your plants, including wind, gen successfully penetrates a susceptible host,
rain, insect feeding, contam inated tools, and the pathogen can establish contact with a cell
in infected seeds or transplants. For m ore in­ and begin getting nourishm ent from the host
form ation on how pathogens disperse, see plant. This is known as infection.
“R eproduction, dissem ination, and overwin­ Incubation and invasion. T he tim e be­

tween infection and the appearance of visible trowel. Nematodes also transm it viruses as
symptoms is called the incubation period. The they feed and can carry bacteria and fungal
incubation period may last days, m onths, or spores as they move from plant to plant.
even years (in the case of some viral diseases).
During this time, the pathogen will be growing, Plant Defenses
multiplying, and spreading, yet the plant will Considering the many m ethods patho­
not show any symptoms of a disease problem. gens have evolved to ensure their survival, you
Disease organisms may infect only a part may w onder how you can have any healthy
of the plant, or may spread through the entire plants at all in your garden! Fortunately, plants
plant. Viruses and bacteria are systemic, liv­ are by no means passive players in the disease
ing within the cells. In contrast, the fungus process.
that causes sooty mold never penetrates the Structural defenses. Plants have natural
plant at all. (This fungus feeds on insect hon­ features that help ward off attack by a pathogen.
eydew dripped on the surfaces of leaves and A thick, waxy layer on the leaf surface can
fruit.) Powdery mildew fungi grow mostly on stop mechanical penetration by fungi; an impen­
the outside of the plant, except for small struc­ etrable cell wall may impede progress of a
tures called penetration pegs that grow into fungus within a plant. A plant may be resistant
the plant to extract food. In a disease such as to bacterial attack because it has small pores
apple scab, the fungus grows just beneath the that bacteria cannot get through easily. Similarly,
o u ter layer of plant cells. T h e fungus that hairs on leaves or fruit of many plants may
causes peach leaf curl lives within the plant shed water, increasing resistance to diseases
but between plant cells, and the club root that need w ater in order to develop.
fungus is an exam ple of a fungus that invades Chemical defenses. Some plants contain
the plant cells. biochem icals that help them resist diseases.
Reproduction, dissemination, and over­ Cells commonly release various substances,
wintering. As the disease organisms spread some of which may be toxic to nearby fungi or
through the host and obtain nutrients, they bacteria. For exam ple, wilt-resistant pea culti­
increase in size, number, or both. T he way vars exude from their roots a chem ical that is
pathogens reproduce varies. Fungi produce toxic to wilt-producing fungi. Plant cells may
spores, bacteria split apart, viruses are repli­ also contain protective biochem icals that can
cated by the cells they infect, nem atodes lay slow or stop the growth of a pathogenic fun­
eggs, and parasitic plants produce seeds. gus o r bacterium once it penetrates the plant.
To ensure their survival, pathogens have Part of the Verticillium resistance of potato is
devised various ways of traveling to new host due to such protective biochem icals within
plants. W ind o r w ater can spread inoculum the cells of resistant cultivars.
over great distances. Inoculum also may hitch­ Some protective biochemicals are not nor­
hike on insects. Many viruses, for example, mally found in healthy plants, but are pro­
are carried from one plant to the next on the duced after a plant has been attacked by a
m outhparts of aphids. Birds and anim als may disease-causing organism. For exam ple, one
carry inoculum on their feet. Humans can way fungi advance into plant tissue is by secret­
spread inoculum as they work in the garden, ing enzymes that dissolve cell walls. If a par­
touching plants with their hands and tools. A ticular plant can produce biochem icals that
soilborne fungus such as Fusarium may be inactivate that enzym e, the attack will be
carried from infected soil to healthy soil on a stopped.

In o th er cases, a plant might produce can transform a toxin produced by a pathogen

biochem icals directly toxic to the attacking into a nontoxic product. Tom ato cultivars
pathogen. For instance, specific biochemicals resistant to Fusarium wilt can m etabolize the
have been found that protect certain cultivars toxin produced by the Fusarium fungus into a
of sweet potato from black rot. Some plants harmless product.

Significant Symptoms
nfectious d ise ase s are often classified by the new leaves are pale or reddish and the
I •he type of symptom they cause. If you can
identify the symptoms, you may be able to
midrib doesn't grow properly. The leaves
become puckered and curled a s they expand.
successfully control the disease, even if you Mildews: There are two com m on types
don't know the specific pathogen causing of mildews: dow ny mildew and powdery mil­
the infection. The appearance of som e com ­ dew. The primary symptom ot downy mildew
mon disease terms are explained below If is a white to purple, downy growth, usually on
these sym ptom s seem to match ones on your the undersides of leaves and along stems,
plants, turn to "D ise a se Sym ptom Guide" on which turns black with age. Powdery mildew
page 370, where you'll find additional descrip­ first appears a s a white to grayish powdery
tions and photographs of particular diseases growth, usually on the upper surfaces of leaves.
a s well a s information on how to prevent ond Rots: Rots are diseases that decay roots,
control them. stems, wood, flowers, and fruit. Som e dis­
Blights: W hen plants suffer from blight, ease s cause leaves to rot, but those sym p­
leaves or branches suddenly wither, stop toms tend to be described a s leaf spots and
growing, and die. Later, plant parts may rot. blights. Rots can be soft and squishy or hard
CoTim on blights include fire blight, Alternaria and dry.
blight, and bacterial blights. Rusts: Rusts are a specific type of fun­
Cankers: Cankers usually form on woody gal disease. M any of them require two differ­
stem s and m ay be cracks, sunken areas, or ent plant species a s hosts to complete their
raised areas of dead or abnormal tissue. Some­ life cycles. Typical rust sym ptom s include a
times conkers ooze conspicuously. Cankers powdery tan to rust-colored coating or soft
can girdle shoots or trunks, causing every­ tentacles. Cedar-apple rust and white pine
thing above the canker to wilt and die. blister rust are two com m on rust problems
Galls: Galls are swollen m asses of abnor­ that can appear in home landscapes
mal tissue. They can be caused by fungi and Wilts: Plants wilt when they don't get
bacteria a s well a s certain insects. If you cut enough water. W hen fungi or bacteria attack
open a gall and there is no sign of an insect or clog a plant's water-conducting system,
inside, suspect disease. they can cause permanent wilting, often fol­
Leaf blisters and curls: Blisters are yel­ lowed by the death of all or part of the plant.
low bumps on the upper surfaces of the leaves Wilt symptoms may resemble those of blights.
with gray depressions on the lower surfaces. Wilting may also be from a cultural problem,
On plants suffering from leaf curl diseases, such a s improper watering.

Fungi that dissolve cell walls as they proceed.

Of all the plant pathogens, the ones you’ll Fungi also form spores, which are tiny,
deal with most frequently are the fungi. All seedlike structures ranging from 1 micron (0.001
plants are susceptible to attack by some type millimeter) to 1 millimeter in size. Spores are
of fungus. T here are more than 100,000 spe­ more tolerant of unfavorable conditions, such
cies of fungi, about 8.000 of which cause as winter cold o r sum m er heat, than actively
plant diseases. growing hyphae, so spores are the overwinter­
ing form of m ost fungi.
What They Are Most fungi produce two o r three differ­
From the gardener’s perspective, fungi are ent types of spores during their life cycles;
generally beneficial. Fungi decom pose dead fungi that cause rust diseases may produce
plants and animals, recycling nutrients back five different types. Spores may be produced
into the soil. Fungi also help aggregate soil on fruiting bodies that range in size from micro­
particles into clum ps, creating pore spaces scopic to the size of a basketball. M ushrooms
that allow the soil to hold both air and water and truffles are also fruiting bodies.
for good plant growth. Many beneficial fungi
suppress the developm ent of o th er fungi that What You See
cause plant diseases. Yeasts that ferm ent malt Fungal diseases result in a spectrum of
into beer or grapes into wine are fungi, as are plant symptoms on roots, stems, leaves, and
m ushroom s that we eat. flowers. Fungal diseases fall into one of two
If you exam ine the roots of almost any general categories: those from fungi that live
plant, you’ll find that ihey are infected with a in the soil, attacking roots o r crowns of plants:
beneficial type of fungus called mycorrhizal and those from fungi whose spores are dis­
fungus. Infection actually helps the plants by persed in the air, attacking aboveground parts
improving the uptake of nutrients, especially of plants.
phosphorus. T he fungi also influence a plant's T he list below identifies some of the most
ability to tolerate drought and to ward off common symptoms caused by fungal diseases.
microorganisms that attack roots. Soil steril­ ■ Damping-off can kill seedlings before
ization and certain pesticides will discourage they even break through the soil, but it also
mycorrhizal associations. strikes seedlings just an inch o r so tall. T he
However, fungi are responsible for some fungi rot the stem right at the soil line and,
com m on garden plant diseases, including pow­ overnight, infected seedlings topple over.
dery mildew, damping-off, late blight, apple
■ Root rots generally attack older plants,
scab, and corn smut.
killing the tiny rootlets and appearing above
Fungi can often be seen with the naked
ground as stunting and wilting.
eye, as is the case with mushrooms, molds,
and mildews. Fungi are multi-celled and have ■ Fungal wilts dam age a wide range of
threadlike bodies called hyphae that spread plants, plugging up the plant’s water-conducting
over plants. The hyphae sometimes grow mostly vessels and causing leaves to wilt and die.
on plant surfaces and som etim es penetrate ■ Club root com m only infects cabbage
plant cells. With powdery mildew infection, family plants, causing large swellings on roots
hyphae form a white coating on the plant and stunted or dead plants.
surface and occasionally send feeding pegs ■ Blights include early and late blight,
into plant cells. In other diseases, fungal hyphae which attack tom atoes and their relatives. T he
grow right into the plant, secreting enzymes fungi can dam age o r kill leaves and cause rot

in the fruit or tubers. O ther fungal blights, Once spores alight on a susceptible plant,
such as juniper blight, attack woody plants. they will germinate and produce hyphae if con­
■ Mildews include downy and powdery ditions are favorable. Most spores germ inate
mildew. Infection results in spots o r white best when they are surrounded with w ater and
patches on leaves, shoots, and o th er plant tem peratures are warm. There's not much you
parts. Downy mildew can kill plants rapidly; can do about tem perature (and some spores,
powder}' mildew commonly causes poor growth such as those causing late blight of potatoes,
and lower yield, but seldom kills the plant. actually germ inate best at cool tem peratures).
■ Rusts produce orange o r white spots, However, you can help minimize the times
usually on leaves and stem s, weakening plants when plant leaves are wet by choosing a well-
and reducing crop yields. drained, upland planting site that is basked in
sunlight and bathed in gentle breezes. Prun­
■ Leaf spot symptom s are caused by a
ing keeps plants open, allowing air and sun to
wide range of fungi, including A lternaria,
quickly dry branches and leaves following rains
Septoria, and anthracnose.
o r morning dew. C rop rotation can starve out
soilborne pathogens.
O ther fungal diseases cause swellings on
Although they are not usually thought of
plant parts, such as black knot of plum and
as fungicides, antitranspirants and superior
cherry, o r sunken areas in stem s, as with
oil sprays may help protect plants from fungal
Cytospora canker. On fruit, fungi can cause
infections. Antitranspirants, such as Wilt-Pruf,
hard, black patches (scab), soft spots (rot), or
are normally sprayed on trees and shrubs to
fuzzy gray mold (Botrytis rot).
protect them from winter dam age. Oil sprays
are com m only used for controlling insects.
How They Spread Both of these products form a coating on
Spore production gives fungi the ability leaves that seems to prevent spore germ ina­
to travel great distances. T h e spores are easily tion and penetration. For more information
picked up and carried by w ater or anim als— on using antitranspirants, see page 441; see
including gardeners! Spores are light enough page 478 for details on applying superior oil.
to waft up into plants from the ground, as
apple scab spores do when they drift from How to C ontrol
dead leaves lying on the ground up into apple Even though preventive m easures can go
trees in spring. Spores of a fungus such as a long way in reducing the incidence of fungal
cedar-apple rust can travel miles from cedars diseases, you will probably have occasional
to infect apples, and spores of a disease such need for some control measure. For airborne
as w heat rust can hitchhike hundreds of miles fungi, which produce symptoms on above­
on the atm ospheric jet stream . ground plant parts, picking off the infected
part can help reduce the spread of the disease.
How to P revent If a plant is seriously infected, remove the
One of the best ways to prevent fungal entire plant. Place the infected pieces or plants
problem s is to select plants that are resistant in the center of a hot com post pile, or place in
to the fungal diseases com m on in your area. sealed containers and dispose of them with
However, even if you plant a susceptible culti­ household trash.
var o r species, there are some steps you can For serious outbreaks, you may choose a
take to help lessen the ch an ce of fungal hom em ade o r com m ercial organic fungicide.
infection. Home rem edies include baking soda spray for

black spot on roses and garlic spray for a

range of fungal problems.
Sulfur is probably the most commonly
used organic fungicide, although plain sulfur
is more a protective measure than a control.
Sulfur doesn't kill fungal spores, but it does
prevent them from germ inating on the plant
surface. A nother useful control is lime-sulfur,
which can kill recently germ inated disease
spores. Copper-based fungicides, such as cop­
per sulfate and bordeaux mix, also inhibit the
germ ination and growth of fungal spores.
Soilborne fungi are the m ost difficult to
control. If possible, dig up and dispose of the
infected soil. Or try solarizing your soil by
laying a sheet of clear plastic over the moist­
ened area and letting the sun “cook" the soil
for a few weeks. For m ore details on soil
solarization, see page 424.

Bacteria are found almost everywhere on
E arth, even in such inhospitable habitats as
deserts, hot springs, and highly acidic waste Plant pathogens come in a range o f sizes. Large
products from mining operations. These single­ pathogens, including nematodes and many
celled organisms can cause many serious plant fungi, live mainly outside plant cells and insert
diseases, including soft rot, crown gall, fire specialized feeding structures into cells. Other
blight, and bacterial wilt.
pathogens, such as virus particles, are small
enough to live entirely within cells.
Vl'hat They Are
Bacterial cells are large enough to be
visible through the com m on light microscope; hours! We are not knee-deep in bacteria be­
still. 25,000 cells laid end-to-end would make cause conditions are rarely ideal for contin­
up only 1 inch. T he cells are of various shapes, ued growth of bacteria. As bacterial popula­
including spheres, rods, spirals, and filaments. tions grow, they becom e overcrowded, use up
Those that cause plant diseases are mostly their food supply, and wallow in their own
rod-shaped. waste products. G rowth then stops o r slows
Bacterial cells divide by a process called dramatically. Bacteria also are susceptible to
fission. Each cell pinches itself in half, then infection by viral diseases.
the halves separate, resulting in two cells. Un­ M ost bacteria are beneficial, increasing
d er ideal conditions, a single cell can divide the fertility of the soil as they take nitrogen
every 30 minutes. If the resulting cells from from the air and make it available to plants,
each division keep on dividing, this would and recycling nutrients in dead plants and
result in 8,388,608 bacterial cells in only 12 animals. A single teaspoon of good garden

Name That Disease

lant pathologists classify most disease tomato leaf spot, fire blight, and damping-off
P organism s with a scientific nam e-called
a binom ial-consisting of two parts. The first
are examples. Som etim es the nam es don't
describe the disease with complete accuracy.
word of the name is the genus, the second For example, blight technically refers to rapid
word is the species. Usually, these w ords are browning and death of leaves, flowers, or
derived from Latin words. In most co se s ga r­ stems. In the case of chestnut blight, however,
deners don't use scientific nam es when death is not so quick. Other com m on nam es
describing diseases. However, in som e cases, of d ise ase s include the scientific name of the
knowing the scientific name of a disease can pathogen, a s in the case of Verticillium wilt
be helpful. and Fusarium wilt.
For example, both apples and cucum- A virus usually h a s a com m on name that
b ers c a n su ffe r from p o w d e ry mildew. includes the plant it w a s first identified on,
Pcdosphaera leucotricho is the organism that along with the symptom produced. Thus,
c a u s e s pow dery m ildew on apple, while cucumber m osaic virus w a s first identified
Sphaerotheca fuligineo is the one that causes on cucumber and produces a patchy yellow
powdery mildew on cucumber. Armed with mottling of the leaves. But cucumber m osaic
the knowledge that the fungus that ca u ses virus also attacks m any other plants, includ­
pcwdery mildew on apples is different from ing beans, celery, petunias, ond delphiniums,
the one that c a u se s powdery mildew on and it doesn't alw ays produce the distinctive
cucumbers, you know that you need not worry m osaic symptom. Scientists are working on a
about mildew spreading from your apple tree more precise classification system for viruses,
to your cucumber plants, or vice versa. based on their chemical makeups, their shapes,
Comm on nam es of d ise ase s are often and their m odes of transmission.
bcsed on disease symptoms: Apple scab.

soil is teeming with millions of bacteria. Friendly What You See

bacteria inhabit the digestive tracks of ani­ One distinctive symptom of some bacte­
mals (including humans), aiding digestion, and rial diseases is the sticky, gummy material
are used in making such foods as yogurt and secreted by active bacterial cells. If the leaves
cheese. Special strains of bacteria even have on your cucum ber plant are wilting and you
been used to help clean up oil spills. suspect bacterial wilt disease, cut the stem or
About 200 different bacteria are respon­ leaf stalk with a sharp knife. If you see threads
sible for plant diseases. W armth and moisture of slime when you pull the stem or stalk apart,
are most conducive to bacterial growth, so this confirm s bacterial wilt disease. Active
bacterial diseases generally are worse in warm, fire blight cankers are covered with a similar
humid clim ates. H ence, pears, which are sub­ bacterial slime. In many cases the bacterial
ject to the bacterial disease fire blight, are not slime has an unpleasant odor.
extensively grown on a com m ercial scale in T he following list explains some other
the hot. humid Southeast. com m on bacterial disease symptoms.

■ W ilts grow within a plant, causing bac­ in tree bark (known as lenticels). Generally,
teria to clog the plant’s w ater-conducting ves­ bacteria most easily infect and cause greatest
sels and the leaves to droop. If your cucum bers dam age to young, succulent shoots, perhaps
have ever been infected with bacterial wilt, because their natural barriers are less well
you have seen a dram atic dem onstration of developed than those of m ature wood.
this symptom—almost overnight, first one. then
successive leaves collapse.
How to Pret'ent
■ Leaf spots can appear on leaves when G ood cultural practices are essential to
attacking bacteria kill plant cells. prevent bacterial diseases. Always start with
■ Soft rot develops when bacteria infect disease-free seeds and plants. To allow woody
fleshy fruit, tubers, or roots, secreting enzymes plants enough time to toughen up their new
and perhaps toxins that break down the cells. growth before fall, don’t stim ulate them in late
These infections begin as small, water-soaked summ er by fertilizing, watering, o r pruning.
spots that turn mushy and smelly. Trees with soft o r succulent growth may suffer
■ Galls form when plants respond to bac­ cold dam age such as bark cracking in winter,
terial attack by growing an excess of new cells. providing entrance for bacteria. To reduce
Crown gall, for exam ple, produces swollen the chances of spreading disease inoculum ,
knots of plant tissue on roots and stems. avoid working among wet plants. Crop rota­
■ Cankers are sunken areas produced by tion helps control soilborne bacterial disease,
dead plant cells. Cankers often ooze a slimy such as crown gall. If you know a particular
or gummy substance. bacterial disease is prevalent in your area,
look for disease-resistant species o r cultivars.
How They Spread T he best way to avoid soft rot on stored
produce, such as carrots and potatoes, is care­
Bacterial cells are spread around your
ful harvesting to minimize wounding. During
garden by splashing rainwater, running water,
storage, keep moisture levels just high enough
insects, and animals, o r on tools and diseased
to prevent shriveling.
plants that you move from one place to another.
O nce bacterial cells are close to a susceptible
plant, they can enter through wounds or natu­ How to Control
ral openings. Wounds through which bacteria Once they get started, bacterial diseases
penetrate plants may be caused by insects, are generally difficult to control. Pick or prune
such as the cucum ber beetles that transmit off infected plant parts as soon as you spot
bacterial wilt, o r by nem atodes, which help them . Be sure to dip pruning shears in a 10
spread bacterial wilt of tom ato. You may inad­ percent bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9
vertently pick up and spread bacterial disease parts water) between cuts. Bury the infected
with your pruning shears. Wounds from hail pieces in the center of a hot com post pile or
damage also provide easy entry for bacteria. dispose of them with household trash. Certain
Natural openings through which bacteria sprays, such as copper com pounds, are par­
may enter plants include the small holes in tially effective, but will not control these dis­
leaves through which water vapor, carbon diox­ eases when used alone. Bacteriophages (viruses
ide, and oxygen pass in and out. O ther entrance that cause disease in bacteria) may one day
points include the tiny glands at the base of find more widespread use against bacterial
flowers (known as nectaries) and the pores diseases.

olism and causing disease. A single infected

plant cell may becom e home to over a million
Mystifying virus particles.
While they generally are considered a
Mycoplasmas problem, viruses can som etim es give a plant
desirable properties. For exam ple, solid-color
ome d ise ase s once thought to be caused tulips, when infected with certain viruses,
S by viruses, su ch a s aster yellows, are now
known to be caused by mycoplasma-like organ­
becom e m ottled with bold blotches of color
(these types are sold as Rem brandt tulips).
ism s (MLO). M ycoplasm as are extremely small, A nother virus infects an apple cultivar known
som ewhere in size between com m on bacte­ as ‘Mailing 9*, which is used as a rootstock to
ria and viruses. Although generally grouped
dwarf apple trees. W hen special propagation
with bacteria, m ycoplasm as differ from b ac­
techniques were used to rid some Mailing 9'
teria because they lack a cell wall. Each m yco­
plasmal cell is enclosed in a soft membrane.
plants of the virus, resulting trees no longer
But m ycoplasm as and MLOs, like bacteria re­ were as dwarfed.
spond to antibiotics. They are also similar to
viruses in that they are transmitted by insects.
What You See
Of all potential problems you encounter
in your garden, viral diseases may be the most
difficult to identify. Symptoms of a specific
viral disease can vary from one plant to the
next, and also may vary depending on plant
Viruses age o r growing conditions. A plant can harbor
Among plant pathogens causing infec­ a virus but not show any symptoms, or show
tious diseases, the smallest are viruses and sym ptom s only when cool w eather slows
related viruslike organisms. Viruses attack every growth. Virus symptoms may be hardly notice­
form o life on E arth, including hum ans (caus­ able, causing a slight reduction in yield or
ing such diseases as smallpox, measles, and growth, o r may slowly becom e m ore pro­
mumps) and o th er animals, trees, herbaceous nounced, causing a gradual decline ending in
plants, algae, fungi, and bacteria. death of the plant.
You may be able to identify a viral dis­
What They'Are ease that produces characteristic symptoms
Virus particles are only about 0.1 to 0.01 and is com m on in your area. G reen and yel­
m icrons in size (1 m icron=0.001 millimeter). low mottling on cucum ber leaves, for example,
They can only be seen with the aid of an elec­ very likely indicates cucum ber mosaic. For
tron m icroscope. T he typical virus can hardly positive identification where doubt exists, sci­
be considered alive, consisting not of a cell entists rely on tests of plant sap, o r they graft a
but merely of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) bud from a suspected plant onto another plant
surrounded by a protein sheath. Viroids are known to produce characteristic symptoms of
even sim pler—each is just a strand of RNA. the particular virus in question.
Viruses and viroids are inactive outside Some general types of symptoms that char­
of living cells. O nce inside a live cell, though, acterize viral diseases include:
these pathogens use the c e lls "m achinery" to ■ Mosaic causes normally green leaves
multiply themselves, upsetting the cell's metab­ or fruit to becom e m ottled with patches of

light green, yellow, or white areas. On flowers, plant—even a single b u d —onto a healthy tree,
mosaics can result in color breaks, and the viruses from that scion may infect the whole
flowers may be disfigured as well. tree. O ther methods of vegetative propagation,
■ Rosetting is the term used to describe such as division o r cuttings, will usually also
the short, bushy growth caused by some viruses. produce infected plants if the parent plant
Peach rosette is an exam ple of a virus that was carrying a virus. Occasionally, viruses move
causes stunting by telescoping down the dis­ from one plant to another by naturally occur­
tance from one leaf to the next along the ring bark or root grafts. Viruses are only rarely
stem. Leaves or side branches are so close carried in seeds or pollen.
together that they grow in a rosette.
■ Ring spot viruses, including those that How to Prevent
cause peony o r dahlia ring spot disease, show T he best way to deal with potential viral
up as pale, yellow' spots on the leaves. infections is to avoid them in the first place.
■ Leaf curling o r deform ed leaves is Since viruses usually spread within a whole
another com m on virus-produced symptom. plant, it is useless to prune off infected leaves
o r stems. Also, there are no sprays that cure
How They Spread viral diseases. If possible, do not handle plants
Viral diseases are not spread by wind or when they are wet. Wet plants bruise more
water. T he virus particles must be brought in easily, providing entrance for viruses.
contact with plants and then either rubbed If you propagate plants yourself, make
against or injected into the plant so they enter sure you begin with disease-free plants. W hen
the sap. buying virus-prone plants, such as strawber­
Many insects, including aphids, leafhop­ ries and raspberries, choose ones that are cer­
pers, and whiteflies, carry viral diseases from tified to be virus-free. T he raspberry plants
infected to healthy plants. Mites, nem atodes, your neighbor offers you may cost you noth­
and fungi also transmit viral diseases, as do ing. but if they are a few years old, they also
parasitic plants. Any of these organisms cause probably have viral infection. To avoid spread­
plant dam age by themselves, but they pose an ing tobacco mosaic virus, wash your hands
even greater threat w'hen carrying a virus. after handling any tobacco product, and do
Plants tolerate a certain am ount of aphid not smoke o r chew tobacco when working
feeding, for exam ple, with no apparent harm. with plants.
However, if those aphids inject a virus into Many viruses also attack weeds, so good
one of your plants, the plant becom es perm a­ weed control can help reduce problems. When
nently diseased. possible, remove nearby wild o r abandoned
Even you can unknowingly spread viral plants known to be susceptible to viruses that
diseases to your plants. Smokers are likely to also attack your plants. Ragweed, nightshade,
pick up tobacco mosaic virus on their fingers, and milkweed, for example, are hosts of cucum­
and from there, transmit it to other suscepti­ ber mosaic virus.
ble plants. T he virus can infect hundreds of Som etimes it is possible to avert viruses
different plants, including tom atoes, peppers, by controlling insects that spread the disease.
eggplants, petunias, apples, and grapes, and But good control of the insect is necessary,
can surv ive for decades in dried tobacco leaves. and you must keep the insect from the plant
You also may transmit viruses as you prop­ o r kill it before it has a chance to inject virus
agate plants. If you graft part of a virus-infected particles into the sap. You can protect your

plants by covering them with floating row cover. sm ooth, unsegmented bodies. T he nem atode
Reflective mulches of aluminum foil have also species that feed on plants are so tiny that you
been successful in repelling virus-transmitting need a m icroscope to see them. They are
aphids from plants. often long and slender, although some species
If you expect a virus problem , you may appear pear-shaped during their life cycles.
be able to plant a virus-resistant cultivar. For Feeding habits of nematodes vary, depend­
exam ple, many peas and beans have been ing on the species. Some feed on the outside
bred for resistance to bean mosaic, and breed­ of the plant, while others burrow into plant
ers have developed tomatoes that resist tobacco tissue. While soil-dwelling nem atodes are the
mosaic virus. In some cases, a cultivar may be most com m on culprits, some species damage
susceptible to a virus, but not prone to getting stems, foliage, and flowers.
it because it is resistant to insects that trans­ No m atter where they feed, these tiny
mit the virus. Such is the case with Royalty' creatures can seriously dam age your plants.
purple raspberry, w hich, though prone to Plant-parasitic nematodes have sharply pointed
m osaic, is resistant to aphids th at spread mouthparts that they use to puncture cell walls.
the disease. T he real dam age occurs when the nem atode
injects saliva into the cell through its m outh­
How to C ontrol parts, and then sucks out the cell contents.
W hen the presence of a viral disease is T he plant responds with swellings, distorted
suspected o r confirm ed, ruthlessly pull out growth, and dead areas. Nem atodes can also
and destroy unhealthy plants to prevent the carry viruses and inject them into plants. The
disease from spreading to those that are healthy. feeding wounds they make also provide an
In the future, control may be achieved by easy entrance point for bacteria and fungi.
deliberately infecting plants with certain vi­ There are many species of beneficial nem­
ruses. A plant infected with one strain of a atodes that live in the soil. They may feed on
virus usually is protected from infection by decaying material, insects, or other nematodes.
an o th er strain of the sam e virus. Ongoing For more inform ation on these beneficial
research involves purposely inoculating a plant nem atodes, see page 309.
with a virus strain that produces only mild
disease symptoms to prevent infection by more What You See
damaging strains.
Unlike most oth er disease-causing organ­
isms, plant-parasitic nem atodes seldom pro­
Nematodes duce any characteristic symptoms. Most of
We share this planet with thousands of the symptoms that do appear are vague and
species of nem atodes. While m ost nem atodes often resemble those caused by other factors,
are not harm ful, there are a num ber that para­ such as viruses, nutrient deficiencies, or air
sitize and cause disease in hum ans and other pollution. Nem atodes feeding above ground
animals. Also, unfortunately, there are many may cause leaves, stems, and flowers to be
that attack and feed on living plants. twisted and distorted.
If nem atodes are feeding on the roots,
What They Are the plant may be yellowed, wilted, o r stunted,
W hile they are often described as worm- often with a reduced crop yield. If you suspect
like, nem atodes are not closely related to true nem atodes on the roots, carefully lift one of
worms. They are multi-cellular animals with the infected plants and wash off the roots for

easier inspection. If nem atodes are causing golds may also suppress nem atode feeding for
dam age, you may see small galls or lesions, several years. Drenching the soil with neem
injured root tips, root rot, or excessive root may also be effective.
branching. For a positive diagnosis, contact
your local extension office for inform ation on Parasitic Plants
where you can get your soil tested. W hile they are probably the least com ­
mon problem you'll face, parasitic plants can
How They Spread attack the plants growing in your garden.
W hether they feed above or below ground,
most nem atodes spend at least part of their What They Are
life cycle in the soil. While they can t move Unlike most plants, parasitic plants seldom
very far under their own power, they can swim produce their own food through photosynthesis.
freely in water, and they move more quickly in Instead, these plants attach themselves to host
moist soil. They are also spread by anything plants and withdraw w ater and nutrients from
that can carry particles of infested soil, includ­ the hosts. T he two most com m on parasitic
ing tools, boots, animals, and infected plants. plants are m istletoe and dodder.

How to Prevent W hat You See

T here are several cultural techniques you Plants attacked by parasitic plants show
can use to reduce the chances of nem atode a variety of symptoms and signs. Here are
problems. Rotate crops that are not prone to some com m on characteristics.
the same types of nem atodes to keep pest
populations low. Use clean tools and other ■ Dwarf mistletoes generally produce
good sanitation practices to minimize the spread small tufts of short yellowish or greenish stems.
of nem atodes. Dig plenty of organic m atter They attack many kinds of conifers, such as
into your soil to prom ote populations of bene­ pines, causing cankers o r swellings on stems.
ficial fungi that feed on nem atodes. Look for The plants may be stunted, deformed, or killed:
plant species and cultivars that are resistant branches often break off at the cankers.
to nem atode damage. ■ True mistletoes are leafy. They prim ar­
ily attack deciduous trees. The clusters of green
How to C ontrol stems and leaves are most obvious in winter,
If you suspect you have a nem atode when the host plant's leaves have dropped.
problem , consider solarizing the infested area ■ Dodder is a twining plant that has a
by covering the wet soil with a sheet of clear threadlike, leafless, orange or yellow stem.
p la s tic . T h e h e a t t h a t b u ild s u p d u r i n g a few Weakened by the parasite, infested plantings
hot weeks in the sum m er will kill many of the are quickly sm othered by the ram pantly grow­
nematodes. ft>r more details on soil solarization, ing vines.
see page 424.
A nother control technique is to plant a How They Spread
cover crop of marigolds in infested soil to M istletoes produce sticky berries, which
lower nematode populations. Apparently, some are either carried by birds or dropped from
species of nem atodes are lured to the roots of the m istletoe plant. D odder spreads by seeds,
these plants, but once they are there, they are which can be brought in with crop seeds or
unable to lay eggs. Turning under the mari­ spread by animals o r equipm ent.

How to P revent What They Are

T h e best way to avoid problems with par­ Some of the factors that can affect plant
asitic plants is to buy clean seeds and plants health are water, nutrients, tem perature, light,
from reputable com panies. oxygen, and air pollution. An im balance in
any of these factors can interfere with normal
How to C ontrol plant growth.
For m istletoe, the only control measure
is to remove the parasite. Either cut off the What You See
m istletoe stem s o r rem ove whole infested Sometimes it is easy to diagnose environ­
branches o r plants. m ental problems. If the soil is dry, your wilted
O nce you spot do d d er on crops, clean tom ato plant is most likely suffering from
any equipm ent you use in the area thoroughly drought, not from Verticillium wilt. O ther
before moving to an uninfected spot. Persis­ problems, though, produce much more subtle
tent hand-weeding is the only organic control. symptoms. For exam ple, continual exposure
to even low levels of air pollution can reduce
yields and plant vigor, making plants more
susceptible to attack by pests or pathogens.
Disorders Here are some com m on environm ental prob­
Various environmental and cultural prob­ lems and their associated symptoms.
lems are also considered diseases since they
upset the plant's normal function. Because ■ Excessive water often causes greenish
such diseases cannot be transm itted from one yellow leaves, or plant wilting due to root rot.
plant to the next, they can be called noninfec- Some plants develop a condition called edem a,
tious diseases o r physiological disorders. when tiny white o r brown blisters appear on
Just because they cannot spread, however, stems or lower leaf surfaces.
does not make plant disorders any less serious ■ Drought, or too little water, can cause
than infectious diseases. Fortunately, disor­ wilting, along with leaf scorch (browned leaf
ders are often easy to avoid and to remedy edges), early fruit o r leaf drop, stem dieback,
with good garden m anagem ent. It's im portant and plant death.
to be aware of the various factors that affect
plant growth, so you can try to keep them ■ Irregular watering or a sudden change
balanced. It's also im portant to recognize the in w ater status, such as a heavy soaking after a
symptom s of disorders so you can treat them dry period, can cause fruit and root crops to
effectively, instead of mistaking them for an crack and lower leaves to yellow and drop.
infectious disease. ■ Nutrient deficiency, if minor, may have
barely noticeable symptoms. As a deficiency
Environmental Problems becom es m ore severe, the crop yield may
Environm ental problem s are caused by a d ec re a se and the p lan t may show o th e r
lack o r excess of som ething that a plant needs symptoms. Symptoms common to several kinds
to grow. If, for example, you try to grow a plant of deficiencies include abnorm al leaf color,
that likes cool tem peratures, shade, and moist curled leaves, dead growing tips, o r smaller-
soil on a hot, dry site, you will obviously have than-norm al leaves.
difficulty. In o th er cases, though, the source ■ Nutrient excess of some nutrients can
of the problem is not so easy to determ ine. cause symptoms similar to those o f nutrient

deficiencies. In o th er cases, the effects of a can lower the soil pH and cause nutrient imbal­
nutrient excess are indirect. Too much nitrogen, ance symptoms.
for example, will produce lush, healthy-looking
plants that produce hardly any fruit. How to P revent
■ Cold temperatures can kill tender buds, Putting the right plant into the right spot
growing lips, leaves, stems, flowers, or fruit. will go a long way in preventing environm en­
Roots may die. and trunks often crack or form tal problems. Learn about a plant before you
cankers. buy it. and make sure you have an appropriate
■ Excessively high temperatures, usually site for it. For example, no m atter how much
coupled with strong, direct sunlight, cause care and love you give them , roses will seldom
browned and blistered stems, leaves, o r fruit. perform well in a heavily shaded yard. Figure
Young plants may die. out what growing conditions your yard has to
■ Too much light o r strong sunlight may offer, and then choose from the range of plants
bum the leaves of shade-loving plants, caus­ that are best adapted to that site. If air pollu­
ing brown patches o r dead leaves. Heavy prun­ tion is a problem , look for resistant species or
ing may expose previously shaded tree limbs cultivars.
to the bright sun. producing brown patches Good garden m aintenance also helps to
on trunks and branches. Plants with purplish keep plants healthy. During dry spells, water
o r yellow leaves often fade o r burn in direct plants deeply and evenly. Observe your plants
sunlight. closely and test the soil every few years. Most
organic fertilizers, and especially com post,
■ Lack of light or too m uch shade may
supply a wide spectrum of plant nutrients.
cause pale leaves, spindly yellow stems, or
death of the plant. Leaves of variegated plants
may turn evenly green if they don't get enough How to C ontrol
sun. Once you identify the cause, “curing" an
environm ental problem may be fairly simple.
■ Lack of oxygen is most commonly from
If the soil is dry. soak the ground slowly and
overwatering. W ater fills up the soil pores that
deeply to restore soil moisture. A 5- to lOminute
normally hold air, so no oxygen is available
blast from a hose may make the top of the soil
to the roots. This causes the roots to die,
look wet. but it’s probably still dry a few inches
which reduces the root area available for water
below the surface. A soil that is too wet. depriv­
uptake and causes the plant to wilt.
ing plant roots of oxygen, is more difficult to
■ Ozone pollution causes mottling o r yel­ fix. T he best solution is to remove dam aged
lowing of leaves, especially on the upper leaf plants and replace them with plants that are
surfaces. better adapted to wet soil.
■ Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) pollution If you think your plants have a nutrient
is com m on in urban areas. Damage due to imbalance, consider having the leaves analyzed.
exposure to PAN appears as silvery white or T hese tests may be available from your local
brown spots on the undersides of leaves. extension agent or a private laboratory. If symp­
■ Sulfur dioxide pollution may cause leaves toms are from a nutrient im balance, there
to yellow or brown in between the veins. Sul­ may not be sufficient time to add soil nutri­
fur dioxide also com bines with m oisture in ents and for plants to take them up before the
the air to form acid rain. While the exact growing season ends and the plant dies. In
effect of acid rain on plants isn't known, it such cases you can spray your plant with a

nutrient solution, which will be taken in through Fertilizing at the wrong tim e of year, for
the plants* leaves. Organic fertilizers such as exam ple, can encourage plants to produce
fish em ulsion and seaweed extract can be tender growth that is easily dam aged by cold
applied in this manner, but make sure to fol­ tem peratures. Cultivating too close to plants
low directions to avoid burning your plants may damage their root systems, reducing their
leaves with too concentrated a solution. You w ater uptake.
can also use well-diluted com post tea in this Animals also cause their share of plant
way. For directions on making this tea see dam age. Birds such as sapsuckers can peck
page 427. holes into bark, creating entry sites for dis­
Tem perature extrem es and air pollution eases and insects. Tender plant crowns, roots,
can’t be controlled. On woody plants, pruning and bark make tasty winter fare for hungry
off dam aged growth and providing extra fertil­ deer, m ice, and rabbits.
izer and w ater may help the plant recover
from dam age. If too much sun or shade seems VM>at You See
to be the problem , try moving the affected Cultural problems produce a wide range
plant to a different light level, if possible. of symptoms, so it may be difficult to deter­
mine the exact cause. Observe the plant closely,
Cultural Problems though, and the problem may become apparent.
Cultural problem s are the things people Look for wounds in the stems, stakes o r plant
and o th er anim als do that injure plants. With labels that are too tight, o r teeth marks caused
a little care and com m on sense on your part, by animals.
most of these problem s are easy to avoid. Keeping com plete garden records may
also help you make a diagnosis. If a plant’s
What They Are leaves suddenly become distorted or damaged,
People can dam age plants in a variety of looking at your records may help you realize
ways. Almost anything that you do in the garden, that you applied some form of pest control
if you do it the wrong way o r at the wrong under the wrong conditions. For exam ple,
time, can cause problems for your plants. Some you might have applied bordeaux mix when
insect controls, such as soaps and oil sprays, the w eather was too cool and dam p, which
can dam age plants if you apply them at the would account for the discolored patches on
wrong time. your apples.
O ther types of dam age include the infa­
mous "lawnmoweritis’’ and string trim m er in­ How to P rei'ent
jury. W hen these m achines bum p into trees, In general, the best way to avoid cultural
they cause unsightly wounds that are perfect problems is to be a perfect gardener. Then
entrance points for disease organisms and bor­ you would never bump your tree with a lawn
ing insects. Trees on construction sites are mower, fertilize too late in the season, o r culti­
highly prone to being hit by equipm ent or to vate too deeply. Obviously, few gardeners
suffer root dam age due to soil com paction. achieve this level of expertise. T he garden is a
Tight plant labels and staking wires may cut constantly changing environm ent, reflecting
into the bark of your tree and interrupt the the varying weather conditions and the changes
flow of w ater and nutrients. in the plants themselves. If. however, you keep
Poor cultural practices can make plants records of what you do in the garden and how
more susceptible to environm ental problems. the plants respond, you’ll gradually learn what

works best for your plants and conditions. practices, and choosing resistant cultivars tend
T here are also some active steps that you to minimize the incidence and spread of dis­
can take to avoid cultural problems. To reduce eases. While there aren’t many organically ac­
the chances of hitting a tree with a mower or ceptable sprays or dusts for controlling disease,
trimmer, plant a groundcover o r apply mulch observant gardeners can catch problems early
around the base of the tree so you won’t have and treat them with less-toxic controls.
to trim close to the trunk. During the winter, T here are some plants that seem to be
though, pull the mulch away from the base of disease-prone, no m atter how carefully you
the tree: otherw ise, the mulch will provide a grow them. For example, many gardeners have
great place for mice to live and feed on the problems with powdery mildew on garden
bark and roots. phlox (Phloxpaniculata). In many cases those
Rem em ber to remove labels and to check plants just aren’t well-adapted to the clim ate
w rapped o r staked trees frequently, loosening o r growing conditions in a given area. T he
the ties, if necessary. W henever possible, pro­ answer is to not plant those plants o r to search
tect trees from construction damage by rop­ for disease-resistant substitutes. For example,
ing off a large area around them , so trucks P. maculata is a good mildew-resistant alterna­
won’t com pact the soil around the roots o r hit tive to garden phlox.
the tree. Preventing disease problems is largely a
m atter of comm on sense. Before buying'a
How to C ontrol plant, learn about its potential problem s and
Cultural problems are often difficult to avoid those plants that are very disease-
“cure.” You won’t know that som ething went susceptible. Also, choose plants that are well-
wrong until the damage shows up. For example, adapted to your growing conditions, and care
if you cultivate too close to plants, you won't for them properly to keep them vigorous and
know that the roots were severely damaged healthy. Be aware of the problems that tend to
until the plants start to wilt. attack each plant and take the appropriate
In most cases plants can outgrow damage precautions to avoid a disease outbreak.
caused by a cultural problem if it is not too Most important, observe plants frequently.
severe. With some special care, such as care­ Early detection is the key to easy and effective
ful fertilization and extra water, your plant disease control. If you catch a disease early
will often recover and continue to grow. If you on, a simple control such as handpicking the
cause a wound on a tree, you can sm ooth out infected part may elim inate the problem. A
the edges to help it close faster; for instruc­ few days of undisturbed development, however,
tions, see the illustration "Treating tree wounds ’ may be all that disease needs to threaten the
on page 235. life of your plants. And as it is weakened by
the disease, the infected plant becom es more
susceptible to o th er problems. Plants with root
rot, for instance, are more likely to suffer from
Disease Prevention winter cold injury and drought dam age than
healthy plants. And plants damaged by air
and Control pollution becom e more susceptible to insect
Plant diseases tend to be m inor problems attack. By keeping a watchful eye on your
in o rg an ic g ard en s. T ech n iq u es such as plants, you can spot diseases before they get
in te rp la n tin g , follow ing good sa n ita tio n out of hand.

Identifying Disease Problems com m on in your area, decide w hether the

Suppose you w ander out into your gar­ symptoms and signs you see are typical of one
den on a sum m er m orning and you notice of those com m on problems. For exam ple, you
som e spots on the tom ato leaves. W hat should may know that powdery mildew on lilacs,
you do? N othing—until you determ ine what scab on apples, black spot on roses, and leaf
caused the spots. spot on tom atoes generally appear every year
To determ ine what is causing the injury, in your area. O ther diseases may appear only
you need to look closely at the plant for more sporadically in your area.
inform ation. W hile some diseases may only 4. If the problem isn’t one of those ever­
cause a single sym ptom , such as leaf spots, present diseases, you'll have to do som e
many produce more than one indication of research. You'll find inform ation on com m on
their presence. Finding these o th er clues can diseases in the “Disease Symptom Guide" be­
help you identify the problem quickly and ginning on page 370. You can also check to
accurately. And by being aware of com mon see if your plant is listed in the “Problem-
symptom s and signs of diseases, you'll be able Solving Plant G uide” beginning on page II.
to spot problems early on, before they get out 5. Once you're familiar with the symp­
of hand. toms caused by different disease organisms,
you may not need to make a pinpoint diagno­
P utting Together a D iagnosis sis in order to know what to do. For example,
Diagnosing a plant problem is easier if if you see that plants in one part of a perennial
you have a system atic approach. Follow these bed are Hying off and have blackened, soggy
steps. roots, you won’t need to identify the specific
organism causing the problem. You’ll know
1. Identify the plant that is afflicted. If that you should improve drainage in that part
you use reference books to key out symptoms of the bed to make the environm ent less favor­
and signs, you may be on a wild goose chase if able for fungi and bacteria that cause root rot.
you haven’t figured out w hat plant is affected. 6. If you do want to make a specific
Also, some control products, such as horticul­ diagnosis, keep in mind that disease symp­
tural oil, can injure plant foliage of certain toms can change as the disease progresses and
plant species. If you haven't identified the that secondary symptoms can mask the origi­
plant, you won’t know w hether you’re using nal problem. Primary symptoms are those symp­
the appropriate control. toms produced at the point where infection
2. Observe the symptoms and signs. When occurred. T hese are usually the most obvious
m aking a diagnosis, don't be too quick to clues for identifying a disease. Secondary symp­
assume the problem is a disease. For example, toms are produced elsewhere on the plant,
if your geranium leaves are covered with yel­ away from the original infection site. Tomatoes,
low spots, they may be suffering from a bacte­ for instance, com m only suffer from leaf spot
rial o r fungal disease. But if you observe the disease. T he spotted leaves are the primary
leaves closely and find webbing and tiny black symptom of disease, but as the disease pro­
specks on the leaves as well, the plants are gresses, the leaves may yellow and drop, expos­
infested with spider mites. See “Pest Patrol ing the fruit to intense sunlight. T he resulting
C hecklist” on page 9 for a detailed rundown sunscald on the fruit is a secondary symptom.
of how to exam ine your plants. With most root diseases, you probably
3. If you know w hat diseases are very will notice secondary symptoms first. If some

of your cabbage plants are wilting (a second­ ing others pinpoint your plants' problem. T he
ary symptom), dig one up and inspect its roots. more detailed and the more accurate your
Are the roots white and well-formed, or are inform ation, the more reliable the diagnosis
they a gnarled mass (the prim ary symptom), will be.
indicating club root disease? Wilting straw­ You also may be requested to send a
berry plants may have dam aged roots, caused sample of the diseased plant o r plant part.
by black root rot (producing darkened roots) Choose representative diseased samples: Don’t
o r red stele (with no side roots and a red core send leaves that have been dead for a long
evident when a root is slit lengthwise). time o r those that are so affected that they are
7. If you have a serious disease problem unrecognizable. Succulent plant parts such as
in your garden that you cannot diagnose, you leaves or young shoots shipped in sealed plas­
may want to turn to private consultants or to tic bags tend to rot. Instead, wrap them in
governm ent sources, such as the Cooperative several layers of newspaper, which also will
Extension Service, for help. Your local exten­ prevent crushing. Dry or woody plant m ate­
sion agent may immediately recognize the prob­ rial ships well in plastic bags. If possible, send
lem. If not, he o r she can serve as a contact the entire plant, and also include a specimen
with specialists from your state university. of a healthy plant or part of a plant of the
same species and cultivar. Pack specim ens
All th e in form ation you’ve gathered — for shipping in a sturdy container, such as a
sy m p to m s, sig n s, w e a th e r, so il, d ise a se cardboard box or mailing tube, to prevent
distribution, and so on —will be useful in help­ crushing.

Plant Detective Kit

hen you're diagnosing plant problems, and thermometer at a site similar to that
W it's helpful to assem ble a s much infor­
mation a s you can. You can com pare sa m ­
experienced by your plants. To get the most
accurate temperature reading, shield the ther­
ples and your notes to reference texts or mometer from the direct rays of the sun; the
sh o w them to your extension agent if you north side of a pole is a good location.
can't key out the problem yourself. When you General weather conditions can play a
go out to the garden, keep handy a small major role in determining which diseases affect
magnifying g la ss and small b a g s or vials for your plants. Prolonged rainy, cool weather,
specimens. Also carry a notebook to record for example, promotes late blight of potatoes.
what sym ptom s occur and when. These notes Powdery mildew, on the other hand, is favored
m ay help in the d iagnosis of the problem at by dry weather, especially when days are hot
hand and also serve a s a quick reference in and nights are cool. Remember that weather
the future. not only influences the development of infec­
A rain gauge and a thermometer that tious diseases, but can itself lead to diseased
registers minimum and maximum tempera­ conditions. Cold injury, for example, ca u se s
tures can also provide data that will be useful water-soaked splotches on young leaves or
in making a diagnosis. Position the rain gauge cracks in stems.

Keeping Disease Out be. If any problems do occur, you can easily
O ne of the best ways to avoid the worry control the problem o r destroy the plant.
of having to diagnose and treat a disease prob­ Also think about quarantines if you plan
lem is to keep disease-causing organisms out to im port or export plants from the United
of your yard and garden. If you're aware of States. In 1912, the Federal Plant Q uarantine
how disease organisms can enter your yard or Act was passed to prevent the introduction of
garden, you'll know how to keep them out. foreign pathogens into the United States. Fed­
Choose clean seeds. Several kinds of dis­ eral plant quarantine laws limit the im porta­
ease organisms, including those that cause an­ tion of plants, plant products (even seeds),
thracnose and bacterial blight ..can overwinter and soil from oth er countries. Some states
on seeds. Buy seeds from reputable companies have their own, m ore restrictive, exclusions.
to minimize your chances of getting infected Before you bring any plant into this country,
seed. If you choose to save home-grown seed, check with the U.S. Department of Agriculture
save seed only from healthy plants and pods, (USDA) and your state departm ent of agricul­
and store the seeds in a cool, dry place. ture to see if any restrictions apply. Write to
Select clean plants. Obviously, buying USDA/APHIS/PP&Q, Federal Center Building.
disease-free plants is a key part of excluding Hyattsville. MD 20782, for information.
disease from your garden. Check plants care­
fully before you buy them . If you o rd er plants Discouraging Disease
through a catalog, inspect them as soon as Avoiding disease outbreaks in the garden
you receive them in the mail. Look for stunted requires a two-pronged approach: You'll want
growth, cracked stems, discolored leaves, or to optimize growing conditions for each plant
o th er unusual signs. Inspect the roots and while minimizing the growth of pathogens.
crowns of bare-root plants. Don't buy those
with disease symptoms, such as wartlike swell­ P rotidittg Good Growing C onditions
ings indicative of crown gall. Select bulbs and A plant growing under good conditions is
tubers that appear healthy and undam aged. more likely to resist disease and to survive in
Avoid any that are moldy, soft, o r bruised. If spite of disease than one growing under poor
you have doubts about the health of a new conditions. Learn the needs of your individ­
plant, grow it in isolation from related plants ual plants in terms of light, water, fertility, and
until you are sure it is healthy. soil pH, and provide the com bination that is
Some diseases, such as viral diseases that best for each plant.
com m only attack small fruits, may not show Fit plant to place. While you cannot do
symptoms. Buy from reputable nurseries to anything to change your local clim ate, you
get “clean" plants. Commercial nurseries main­ can am end the soil, provide water and fertility,
tain stock plants in special structures and sell and select microclimates around your prop­
certified virus-free plants propagated from those erty to suit the needs of individual plants.
protected plants. Many garden plants are exotics, native to places
Quarantine new arrivals. Even plants that where conditions are different from your garden.
look healthy can harbor unseen pests and Cabbages originated along the chalky coast
disease pathogens. If you suspect that a new of England, tom atoes are indigenous to sub­
plant might be carrying a pest o r disease, keep tropical regions of western South Am erica,
it separated from your other plants for a while. and tulips are native to the dry steppes of
Observe the plant closely for a few days or Turkestan. Yet these three plants, along with
weeks, depending on how careful you want to other plants from various corners of the world,

are com m only grown together on the same T he fungi thrive in waterlogged conditions
plot of land in gardens across the country. and roots are dam aged by saturation, render­
Take time to learn about the light, soil, and ing them more susceptible to infection. If you
oth er site requirem ents of plants, especially have wet soils, put in a drainage system, dig
exotics, and try to find the best m atch of plant ditches to carry away excess water, or plant in
and site on your property. raised beds to reduce problem s with soilborne
Time garden task s. Optimizing growing diseases, such as root rots and damping-off.
conditions for a plant is not only a question of Avoid overwatering, and when you d o water,
what to do, but of when to do it. C om o r bean keep excess w ater from flooding around the
seeds planted before the soil has warm ed suf­ trunks of woody plants.
ficiently do not germ inate rapidly and are How you w ater can be as im portant as
susceptible to damping-off. Tomatoes set out how much you water. One advantage of drip
too early in the spring may succum b to frost irrigation over sprinklers is that it doesn’t wet
o r show phosphorus deficiency until their roots foliage. Thus, relative humidity is lower and
becom e active. fungal spores are less apt to germ inate because
Trees and shrubs that are fertilized too there is no w ater on the leaves. T here is also
late in summer, o r overfertilized with nitrogen no splashing w ater to spread fungi and bacte­
at any time, do not harden off with the ap­ ria within o r between plants. If you do w ater
proach of cold weather in autumn. Pruning or your plants by sprinkling, w ater early in the
overwatering too late in the sum m er can also day, when the warming sun will dry the leaves
cause a late flush of succulent growth. In the quickly. (Leaves also dry quickly with after­
winter, insufficiently hardened plants may expe­ noon watering, but much w ater may be wasted
rience cold dam age and subsequent disease through evaporation.)
problems, such as Cytospora canker, also known Most fungi and bacteria that attack the
as Valsa canker, of peach trees. branches, fruit, and flowers of plants thrive in
To optim ize growing conditions for your high humidity. Except for plants that need
plants, consider all your cultural practices humid conditions, grow your o u tdoor plants
together. For exam ple, if you plan to prune off where gentle breezes rapidly dry leaves and
a large am ount of winterkilled wood from a remove humid air hovering near them . Inside
tree, don't fertilize that tree before you prune. your hom e, especially in winter, the air is too
Pruning stim ulates new growth, and the com ­ dry for most aboveground diseases to develop.
bination of pruning and fertilization that sea­ However, a home greenhouse can have the
son will result in overly lush growth. humid conditions that set the stage for such
diseases as Botrytis on greenhouse geraniums.
M inim izing D isease D evelopm ent Use fans and vents to m oderate humidity lev­
Making your garden an unfavorable place els in greenhouses.
for pathogens is an im portant way to reduce Allow for air circulation. G ood air cir­
the chances of disease outbreaks. Infectious culation will go a long way in discouraging
diseases are not a problem unless the environ­ disease developm ent. Overcrowded plants do
m ent is suitable for the pathogen to infect, not dry rapidly after rain o r watering; the
grow, and multiply in or on susceptible plants. resulting high humidity can encourage disease.
Water wisely. W ater is especially impor­ Don’t sow seeds too densely, and thin emerged
tant in the developm ent of bacterial and fun­ plants to an adequate spacing. Thin some
gal diseases. Many soilborne fungal diseases stem s from large clum ps of m ultistem m ed
becom e a problem in soils that are too wet. perennials, such as phlox and bee balm , to

allow more air flow through the plants. Also, ing to the needs of your plants, as indicated by
avoid dense weed growth that can cause the plant growth or soil tests. For more informa­
air to stagnate around your plants. tion on managing soils, see “Cultural C on­
Proper pruning will also encourage good trols” on page 410.
air circulation. Train young trees and shrubs Resort to resistance. Planting disease-
to an open framework so air can easily circu­ resistant species and cultivars also reduces
late around the branches. Use mostly thinning the chances of disease problems. T hese spe­
cuts—pruning branches back either to ground cial plants can occur naturally, appearing in
level o r to a branch co llar—to avoid bushy wild populations o r am ong cultivated plants.
regrowth after pruning. Breeders also induce m utations in plants, hop­
Adjust soil pH. Soil acidity can have a ing that the m utations prove desirable. Or.
dram atic effect on plant diseases. You can using the techniques of genetic engineering,
control certain diseases merely by adjusting researchers can insert specific genes into desired
soil pH. T h e fungus that causes club root, a plant cells o r fuse the contents of different
serious disease of cabbage family crops, can plant cells. See “Resistance” on page 412 for a
survive for years in the soil, even in the absence complete discussion of types of resistant plants
of a host plant. However, it thrives only in and how to use them in your garden.
acidic soils; you can elim inate club root prob­ Growing resistant plants does have its
lems by adjusting soil pH to at least 7.2. lim itations in controlling disease. First of all,
O ther diseases can be checked by m ak­ plants may not have been developed o r found
ing your soil more acidic. Scab is most destruc­ that are resistant to certain diseases. Also,
tive in soils with pH higher than 5.7. To avoid disease-resistant cultivars may not have all the
scab, do not plant potatoes in soil that has been other attributes you want in your plants. In
recently limed, and adjust soil pH, if necessary, the case of tom atoes, for exam ple, does the
to below 5.7. Cotton root rot, which is preva­ fruit taste good? Do you want a “meaty” tomato
lent in the Southwest and attacks m ore than for canning, or a juicy one for fresh eating?
1,700 plant species, favors a soil pH higher than There's no point in growing a plant that doesn't
8.0. O ne part of the m ultifaceted approach fit your needs, just because it is disease-resistant.
needed to control this disease is to acidify Be sure you need the type of resistance
the soil. that the cultivar you select offers. For instance,
Balance soil fertility. Plants suffering from it's not necessary to plant a Verticillium-resistant
nutrient deficiencies are weakened and are tom ato cultivar if your soil is not infested with
likely candidates for disease problems. In some Verticillium fungi.
cases, nutrient excesses can also encourage
disease. High levels of nitrogen, for example, Stopping the Spread of Disease
promote succulent plant growth, increasing sus­ At some point, despite your best efforts,
ceptibility of pears to fire blight as well as in­ disease problems will crop up in your garden.
creasing the incidence of viruses, rust, powdery Don't despair—there are many easy things
mildew, and Verticillium wilt on some plants. you can do to avoid a widespread disease
Rather than trying to adjust specific nutri­ outbreak.
ents to ward off disease, the best approach is
to strive for balanced fertility. Work toward Breaking th e Cycle
this by m aintaining an abundant supply of In most parts of North A m erica, gardens
organic m atter, such as com post, in your soil are still and seemingly lifeless during the winter.
and by applying additional fertilizers accord­ However, many disease organisms are present

beneath that quiet surface, overwintering in do lose part of your crop o r floral display
dead plant tissue or in the soil. If you remove during the current season, you will then be
or destroy the pathogens overwintering sites, aware of the problem and can take steps to
you can lessen the chances of new disease prevent it in the future. For exam ple, you
outbreaks in the following growing season. could plant disease-resistant cultivars. improve
For exam ple, the bacteria that cause fire blight soil drainage to discourage root rot organisms,
of pear survive the winter in sunken lesions, or try preventive sprays of an organic fungi­
called cankers, on the branches. By inspect­ cide that keeps the disease organism from
ing your pear trees carefully, pruning off all infecting plants.
cankers, and destroying the diseased prunings, Removing wild disease-prone plants grow­
you can elim inate bacteria that would have ing in or around your garden is another way to
becom e active in spring and spread disease. reduce the spread of disease. Elim inating wild
Apple scab fungi, on the other hand, survive cherries, for example, should reduce popula­
on dead apple leaves until a new growing sea­ tions of black knot fungi, which also infect
son begins: by gathering up and destroying cultivated plums. Many common weeds, includ­
these old leaves, you remove a source of infec­ ing ground cherries, catnip, milkweed, and
tion for the com ing season. pokew eed, provide overw intering sites for
Crop rotation also helps interrupt patho­ cucumber mosaic virus. Eliminating these hosts
gen life cycles, especially for those diseases will reduce the chances of your cucum ber
that only attack certain types of hosts. For and squash plants being infected by the virus.
m ore details on how crop rotation can control
disease, see “Rotate your crops" below. Using Good Garden M anagem ent
Breaking the life cycles of some other Tilling the soil, seed-sowing, w eeding,
disease organisms is less straightforward. For and fertilizing are examples of cultural prac­
exam ple, the spores that will cause next sea­ tices associated with growing and caring for
son's bacterial wilt of cucum bers survive in plants. You can discourage or elim inate many
the digestive tracts of striped cucumber beetles. diseases by giving special attention to cultu­
To limit the spread of the disease, you must ral practices. Any cultural practice you employ
diligently control the beetles. for disease control must, of course, fit into your
schem e of gardening. On the other hand, you
Destroying Diseased Plants may want to change some of the ways in which
In fected plant p arts may them selves you grow a plant to control a specific disease.
becom e a source for further infection. These Keep the garden clean. One simple but
secondary cycles, as they are called, often are effective m ethod of disease control is to keep
important in intensifying the disease. Purposely your garden area free of debris that could
destroying diseased plants o r those suspected harbor pathogens. As you walk around your
of harboring disease is a way to keep disease garden, carry a bag so you'll have a safe place
from spreading to healthy plants. to put any diseased material as soon as you
Removing and destroying diseased plants spot it. As you harvest fruits and vegetables,
is often the only safe and practical way to deal remove and destroy any dam aged ones that
with a disease outbreak. This process, also you see. G ather up old plants from the garden
called rogueing out, is most com m only used at the end of the season, along with any dead,
on annuals, such as vegetables and bedding dying, or diseased leaves.
plants: in some cases, such as root rot, you Prune for disease control. One of many
may have to remove whole trees. While you reasons for pruning plants is as a sanitation

measure to control diseases. As you look over Verticillium and damping-off fungi. Clean these
your plants, cut off any leaves o r stems that tools after use, scraping off the soil (but not
you suspect are diseased. This not only pre­ over garden beds) and then wiping them clean.
vents disease from spreading within the plant, Sweep potting benches clean after each use.
but also checks the spread of disease to other Disease-causing organisms can also survive in
plants. Pruning is useful in controlling such old pots and seedling flats, so clean these
diseases as fire blight on pear and bud and containers thoroughly before use. then disin­
twig blight of rhododendron. See "Pruning for fect them by dipping them in a 10 percent
Pest Control" on page 432 for specific instruc­ bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water).
tions on how to prune diseased plant materials. Do not allow bleach solution to com e into
Destroy diseased material. You have sev­ contact with plants.
eral options for disposing of diseased plant Rotate your crops. Avoid the buildup of
m aterial; the best m ethod varies according to disease organisms by growing your crops in
the type of disease organism involved. different parts of the garden each year. This
Viruses are very difficult to destroy. If practice, called crop rotation, is one of the
you suspect that your plant is infected with a best ways to reduce the chances of a disease
virus, bury the affected parts away from culti­ outbreak. T he premise is simple; Many gar­
vated areas of garden, or place them in a den pests survive the w inter and can reinfect a
sealed container and dispose of them with crop if it is grown in the same spot year after
your household trash. year. However, if the suitable host plant is
You can dispose of most other types of absent, the pest starves.
diseased m aterials in your com post pile. By Most pathogens tend to attack all the
composting them, you conserve organic m atter mem bers of a given plant family. T hat's why
and nutrients, which are recycled to nourish it's helpful to learn which vegetable crops
your plants. A newly m ade hot com post pile belong in the same family. You might be sur­
should heat up to at least 160°F a tem pera­ prised to learn that plants that seem very dif­
ture that will kill most pathogenic nem atodes, ferent, such as carrots and parsley, actually
fungi, and bacteria. Make sure you put the belong to the same family (Umbelliferae). Other
diseased m aterial near the center of the pile, com m on families include the nightshade fam­
where it will be exposed to the highest tem ­ ily (tom atoes, eggplants, and peppers), the
peratures. If you don’t have a hot com post cabbage family (with cabbage, broccoli, cau­
pile, burn or bury the diseased m aterial, or liflower, and brussels sprouts), and the legume
put it in a sealed container for disposal with family (including beans and peas). To learn
your household trash. how to plan an effective crop rotation program,
Tilling is another way to clean up old see "Crop Rotation" on page 415.
plant m aterial at season's end. Chopping and Crop rotation is more effective in con­
mixing plants into the soil subjects them to trolling some diseases than others. Soilborne
rapid attack by soil microorganisms. T he old diseases are not very m obile, so you can con­
plant m aterial then becom es hum us, rather trol them more easily by crop rotation than
than rem aining as a potential source of inocu­ you can aboveground diseases, which can send
lum for the next season. spores wafting across fa>m neighboring gardens.
Keep tools clean. Sanitation also involves Crop rotation also is most useful in starving
cleaning tools and pots that com e into con­ out a pathogen that attacks only one or a few
tact with plants. Soil clinging to trowels and species of plants. If a disease has many host
shovels can carry disease organisms such as species (such as the Verticillium wilt fungus.

which can attack nearly 300 different species), exam ple, only move a few inches from the site
crop rotation isn't a practical control. where they hatched. However, disease inocu­
As a cultural practice, crop rotation does lum can also spread by other m ethods, includ­
more than control infectious diseases. It also ing insect vectors, splashing o r running water,
helps control certain insect pests and is valu­ wind, and bits of soil carried on boots and tools.
able for avoiding nutrient disorders. Growing Many diseases can spread from one plant
different types of plants each year at a given to the next only by means of a vector. A vector
location prevents the soil from being selec­ is an animal (usually an insect) that carries
tively depleted of the nutrients utilized by one disease from one plant to the next. In such
type of plant. Instead, a spectrum of nutrients cases, if you can control the vector, the dis­
is removed from the soil over tim e, which ease will not occur. T hus, one approach to
generally tends to m aintain balanced fertility. controlling Dutch elm disease is to control
Control disease carriers. Because patho­ the elm bark beetle, which spreads the dis­
gens are so small, they cannot move very far ease from infected to healthy elms.
under their own power. Many nem atodes, for Insect vectors, such as elm bark beetles,

2> equipment
Seeds _
€ 5> Cultivation

Diseases spread by a wide variety o f means. Some carriers, such as

wind and rain, are beyond the gardener's control. In many cases,
though, you can directly reduce the spread o f disease by excluding
insects and animals, keeping gardening equipment clean, and
avoiding infected seeds and transplants.

aphids that transmit virus diseases, and cucum ­ T he most com m on use of tem perature
ber beetles that spread bacterial wilt, require for disease control is cold storage. In general,
m ore thorough control if the objective is to storing harvested crops at low tem peratures
prevent disease rather than merely to prevent slows the growth of possible pathogens. T he
insect damage. While feeding by a few aphids optim um storage tem perature, however, var­
won’t produce m uch visible dam age, a few ies from crop to crop. Apples and many other
feeding punctures from a virus-carrying aphid harvested fruit, root, and leafy crops store
are enough to inoculate that plant. T h e virus best at tem peratures as close to freezing as
will eventually spread throughout the plant, possible. T he flavor of bananas and avocados,
reducing yield and perhaps killing the plant. however, are ruined at such low tem peratures.
Plant nurseries that m aintain virus-free Similarly, winter squash, pumpkins, and sweet
stock grow virus-susceptible plants in cages potatoes keep best at 50°-60°E
covered with fine mesh screen to keep insect Using high tem peratures to control dis­
vectors from feeding. You can keep insects ease on living plants is a tricky proposition,
away from valuable plants in your garden by because there is always the chance of dam ag­
covering them with floating row cover. If the ing or killing the plant in the process. Heat
plants are not self-pollinating, you must even­ has been used to rid plants of systemic virus
tually uncover them to allow for insect polli­ diseases, but such treatm ents are probably
nation. By then, though, the plants will be unfeasible for backyard gardeners. Plants may
well-established and more resistant to infection. be dipped in hot w ater for a few m inutes up to
Laying down reflective mulch, such as many hours, the tem perature and the timing
aluminum foil, around plants is an effective depending on the plant and the virus. Or,
aphid deterrent. T h e reflection disorients the plants may be grown at 9 5 ° -110°F for a period
pests sufficiently to keep plants free from aphids of weeks or months. These treatm ents may
and the diseases they transmit. Applying organic dam age the plants, but the ones that survive
sprays o r dusts to control insects may be use­ are used com m ercially to provide disease-free
ful in avoiding some insect-transmitted diseases, material for propagation.
but does not always control the insect suffi­ Heat-treatment of seeds and bulbs is more
ciently to prevent inoculation. com m on, because these structures are more
Rem em ber that hum ans also can be vec­ tolerant of high tem peratures. Hot-water dips
tors of disease. You can carry crown gall from for seeds were developed at the end of the
an infected plant to a healthy plant on a shovel 1800s and are still used today for some com ­
you use for planting, o r fire blight from one mercial seeds. Temperature and timing are
branch to the next on infected pruning shears. critical and vary depending on the type of
Your tom ato plants could becom e infected plant. See page 422 for full instructions on
with tobacco mosaic virus if you handle the this technique.
plants after touching cigarettes or other tobacco Treating soil with high tem peratures is
products infected with tobacco mosaic virus. often very effective for controlling soilborne
Use temperature for disease control. You diseases, such as root rots and damping-off.
can control certain diseases by exposing plants You can heat potting soil in the oven and use
or soil to high or low tem peratures. In many the sun’s heat to raise tem peratures in garden
cases, though, too much of a good thing can be soil, a process called solarization. You'll find
fatal. so be sure you know the pros and cons of directions for heat-treating soil in "Pathogen-
each m ethod before treating your whole crop. Free Potting Soil" on page 413.

Attacking Disease Problems bly appears on many plants on the West Coast
An im portant decision you must make is each summer. It’s good practice to assume
w hether o r not controlling a specific disease you should take preventive measures against
problem in your garden is worth the effort, these diseases every season.
time, expense, and possible hazards. Spraying
lime-sulfur to control mildew, for exam ple, Choosing a C ontrol
may burn your plants’ leaves in hot weather. W hen disease threatens o r strikes, you
Over tim e, your experience will help you pro­ usually have a few options available for con­
ject how severe a problem will becom e later trolling the disease. In most cases, it is advis­
if you don't take steps to control it. able not to limit yourself to a single approach
Controlling certain diseases may not be for best results.
worthwhile toward the end of the growing Keep a close eye on your plants when you
season. For exam ple, potatoes grown in the im plement disease-control measures, so that
North can be attacked by late blight in Sep­ you can note their effectiveness. Also take
tember and suffer no reduction in yield, because n ote of w eath er co n d itio n s and cu ltu ra l
the leaves are ceasing to function anyway. practices, such as fertilization and watering,
This same severity of blight infection in June, because these factors can influence the effec­
however, could result in no potatoes at all. tiveness of many control measures. Don’t trust
In other cases, dam age from certain dis­ your memory for all these details! Keep writ­
eases is mostly cosm etic. Lilacs covered with ten records of disease incidence, control
powdery mildew in late sum m er may look m easures, and growing conditions.
unsightly, but the disease usually does the Biological controls. One approach to con-
plants little harm . Cosm etic dam age affects trolling many infectious diseases is to use
you rather than the plant, so you must weigh “friendly” microorganisms to fight off disease-
your tolerance for the unsightliness against producing organisms. This is known as bio­
the costs in time, money, and risk associated logical control.
with various controls. One approach in biological control is to
T he nature of a particular disease can make the pathogens sick. B acteriophages,
help you predict w hether control is neces­ which are viruses that infect bacteria, have
sary; hence the im portance of disease identi­ been used experimentally to infect and weaken
fication. Noninfectious diseases do not spread the bacteria that cause bacterial wilt of tom a­
from one plant to the next. For instance, leaf toes and fire blight on pears.
yellowing due to iron deficiency on an azalea Beneficial fungi also could be used to
planted in alkaline soil will not spread to nearby attack o r inhibit the growth of fungi that cause
healthy azaleas planted in acidic soil. While plant disease. Some practical success has been
you should take steps to revitalize the affected made in this direction, not by inoculating soils
plants, you won’t have to do anything to pro­ with these beneficial fungi, but by providing
tect the healthy plants. soil am endm ents that foster their growth.
T here are probably some diseases that Generally, if you grow plants in well-drained
are so com m on in your area that you will soils and am end the soil annually with good-
know you can expect them (although sea­ quality com post or other organic m aterials,
sonal w eather variations will determ ine its your soil will have high populations of benefi­
severity each year). Apple scab reliably appears cial bacteria and fungi.
on su scep tib le cultivars of apples in the In some cases, inoculating a plant with
N ortheast, and powdery mildew just as relia­ one microorganism protects the plant from

attack by ano th er microorganism. T h e m icro­ Sulfur, lime-sulfur, and bordeaux mix are
organisms used for this technique either don’t acceptable for use as fungicides in organic
cause disease o r cause only mild symptoms in gardens. They can be applied in different
the treated plant. For example, chestnut blight formulations. These com pounds are caustic
has been successfully controlled in Europe by and have the potential to harm nontarget organ­
deliberately inoculating trees with blight fun­ isms such as insects, animals, hum ans, benefi­
gus that has been weakened by a virus. Trees cial fungi, even the plant that you are trying to
infected with the weakened fungus are resistant protect. Use them with caution and strictly
to infection by the healthy fungus. according to directions on the label.
O ne com m ercial product that makes use Sulfur does not kill fungal spores, but
of “friendly” microorganisms to fight disease instead forms a protective layer that inhibits
is Galltrol-A. Dipping tree roots in Galltrol-A, spore germ ination. A severe limitation to the
which contains the nonpathogenic bacterium use of sulfur is the foliar dam age it causes in
Agrobacterium radiobacter, can control crown hot weather. Plants such as tom atoes, grapes,
gall disease. and melons are especially sensitive to sulfur
Research has shown that, at least indirectly, dam age under a wide range of conditions.
adding com post to soil also can help in the Lime-sulfur prevents spore growth and
fight against disease. By raising the level of can also kill recently germ inated spores. Lime-
organic matter, com post encourages large pop­ sulfur is useful against such diseases as apple
ulations of b eneficial, disease-suppressing scab, brown rot on peaches, and powdery
organisms in the soil. In fact, turning any kind mildews. This compound is more toxic to plants
of organic m atter, such as shredded leaves o r a than plain sulfur, so use it with caution. Lime-
cover crop, into the soil can reduce the popu­ sulfur is often used as a dorm ant spray, when
lations of nem atodes and o th er pathogens. there is less chance of dam aging the plant.
Organic sprays and dusts. C ontrary to C opper-based com pounds inhibit the
popular belief, most sprays and dusts for plant growth of fungal spores and also are som e­
diseases can n o t “cu re” an infected plant. what effective against bacteria. C opper sul­
Rather, natural fungicides and bactericides fate can be toxic to plants, so it is often com ­
act to provide protection against further dis­ bined with w ater and lim e to produce a
ease infection. M ost of these products form a com pound called bordeaux mix. T he lime is
coating around plant parts, inhibiting the ger­ reduces the chances of the copper burning
mination of fungal spores, o r killing germi­ the plant leaves. Even so, bordeaux can cause
nated spores o r bacteria before they invade dam age such as russeting of apples, delayed
the plant. This m eans that early treatm ent is fruit set of tom atoes, and yellowing and drop­
critical to successfully prevent further infec­ ping of rose leaves. This dam age is most likely
tion. Seriously infected plants may not benefit during cool, overcast w eather when the spray
from a chem ical application. dries slowly on the plant.
Most organic sprays and dusts available A few sprays that you can make yourself
to control plant diseases are fungicides. These are effective against some diseases. Baking
may act either to cure or to protect a plant soda sprays can prevent dam age from black
from disease. Most fungicides used on grow­ spot on roses. And some gardeners use garlic
ing plants are protectants, not curatives. Fun­ sprays to treat a range of disease problems.
gicides also may be used as disinfectants to To learn more about specific organic sprays
kill fungal hyphae o r spores on plant tubers, and dusts, see “Organic Sprays and Dusts”
seeds, bulbs, or other parts used in propagation. beginning on page 463.
S c ie n tis ts who study plant diseases separate according to the plant parts affected: leaves;
the visible characteristics of disease into two flowers and fruit; stems and roots; or whole
categories: symptoms and signs. A symptom plants. T he symptom categories, and the pages
is a plant’s response to a disease-causing organ­ on which you'll find descriptions of diseases
ism o r condition. Two com m on disease symp­ that cause those symptoms, are as follows:
toms are changes in plant color and wilting.
Disease symptoms usually result from death of
Leaf Symptoms
cells, inhibited cell developm ent, o r overstim­
ulation of cell development. ■ Leaves with spots. Pages 371-76.
A sign of an infectious disease is the ■ Leaves yellow or discolored. Pages
disease-causing organism itself or its products 376-81.
(such as spores). Examples of signs produced ■ Leaves with white, gray, o r black
by fungi include the white powdery spores of patches. Pages 381-82.
mildew, the black film of fungal strands on
■ Leaves curled or distorted. Pages
leaves with sooty mold, and the galls on cedar 382-83.
trees produced by cedar-apple rust. One com ­
mon sign of bacteria is slimy ooze that often ■ Leaves wilted. Pages 383-85.
has a foul odor.
Diseased plants may show both symp­ Flower and Fruit Symptoms
toms and signs. Lilacs infected with powdery
mildew may have curled leaves (a symptom), ■ Rowers discolored. Pages 385-86.
but even more obvious is the powdery white ■ Fruit with spots. Pages 386-87.
coating of fungal spores (a sign). ■ Fruit with off-color patches. Pages
While it's not critical for you to know the 387-88.
technical difference between a symptom and ■ Fruit with powdery white coating.
a sign, it is helpful to know the terms used to Pages 388-89.
describe com m on sym ptom s and signs of ■ Fruit rotted or deformed. Pages 389-91.
disease. If you suspect your plant is diseased,
study its symptoms, and then review the symp­
tom descriptions listed on the following pages. Stem and Root Symptoms
Once you m atch your plant's symptoms ■ Stems with cracks o r holes. Pages
to one of the symptom descriptions an d /o r 391-92.
photographs, read the corresponding discus­ ■ Stems discolored. Pages 392-93.
sion to learn m ore about the disease, includ­
■ Stem tips stunted. Page 394.
ing th e type of pro b lem , o th e r com m on
symptoms, plants affected, and prevention and ■ Stem tips die back. Pages 394-96.
control measures. ■ Stems entangled with orange strings.
T h e disease guide includes photographs Pages 396-97.
and discussions of com m on plant diseases and ■ Stems with clusters of evergreen leaves.
disorders. They are organized by symptoms. Page 397,


■ Stems with swollen growths. Pages eases can affect any part of the plant. See
398-99. “Anthracnose*’ on page 386 for a discussion of
■ Roots with swollen growths. Pages anthracnose symptoms on fruit. On trees, infec­
399-400 tion can begin before the leaves appear, kill­
■ Roots die back. Pages 400-401. ing the tips o f young twigs. M ore o ften ,
anthracnose fungi strike the young leaves, pro­
■ Tubers discolored or rotted. Pages
ducing brown spots and patches. Defoliation
may occur, forcing the tree to produce a new
set of leaves in the summer.
W h o le P lan t S y m p to m s Plants Affected: Many kinds of woody
and herbaceous plants. Vegetables such as
■ Seedlings die. Pages 402-3.
beans, cucum bers, melons, peppers, and tom a­
■ P l a n ts stunted. Page 403.
toes are particularly susceptible. Anthracnose-
■ Plants fall over. Page 403. prone trees include dogwoods, m aples, and
Prevention and Control: Avoid an ­
thracnose on vegetables by selecting resistant
cultivars (when available), buying healthy
Leaf Symptoms: transplants, planting in well-drained soil, and
not touching plants when they're wet. Remove
Leaves with Spots and destroy infected plants. Spraying with a
T he death of leaf cclls can result in well- coppcr-bascd fungicide may provide some
defined. circular spots. Spots can be of vari­ protection.
ous colors and may change colors as symptoms On trees, prune out the dead wood and
progress. In some cases, as in cherry leaf spot, the w ater sprouts. Avoid drought stress by
the dead cells eventually fall out, leaving holes. watering trees during dry spells and keeping
the root zone m ulched. G ather up and destroy
infected leaves. A dorm ant spray of bordeaux
Anthracnose mix may provide some control.

Apple Scab

Si mptorm on dogwood Symptoms on maple

Type of Problem: Fungal.

Symptoms: On leaves, anthracnose dis­ Symptoms on apple
eases generally appear first as small, irregular
yellow o r brown spots that darken as they age. Type of Problem: Fungal.
These spots may also expand and join to cover Symptoms: Apple scab symptoms first
the leaves. On vegetables, anthracnose dis­ appear on leaves as olive green spots that

gradually turn black. These spots may expand Prevention and Control: Bacterial spot
and run together, forming large blotches. Leaves pathogens overwinter in infected plant parts
may drop prematurely. T h e leaves may be and seeds, in the soil, or on contam inated
deform ed o r smaller than normal. Brown or tools and pots. Reduce the chances of disease
black spots may also appear on the fruit; for by using clean seeds, rotating crops, and prac­
more details, see "Apple Scab" on page 387. ticing good garden sanitation. Plant resistant
Plants Affected: Apples and crab apples. cultivars. Preventive copper sprays can be help­
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant ful if bacterial spots have been a past problem.
cultivars. Rake up and dispose of fallen leaves, If possible, remove and destroy severely in­
which carry overwintering spores. Apple scab fected plants.
is most prevalent in areas with cool, moist
sum m ers because the spores spread rapidly in
wet weather. In spring, regular copper, sulfur,
Black Spot
or lime-sulfur sprays may prevent apple scab
fungi from infecting young leaves and fruit,
reducing dam age and the chance of apple
scab recurring later in the season.

Bacterial Spot

Symptoms on rose

Type of Problem: Fungal.

Symptoms: This disease appears as cir­
cular black spots on infected leaves. T he spots
usually have fringed or indistinct margins and
are often surrounded by a ring of yellow tis­
sue. Severely infected leaves may fall early.
Symptom* on zinnia
Black spot fungus can also infect stem s, caus­
Type of Problem: Bacterial. ing purplish o r black blisters on young canes.
Symptoms: D epending on the plant they Plants Affected: Roses.
attac k , these bacteria will produce round, Prevention and Control: Black spot fun­
angular, or elongated discolorations on leaves. gus thrives in moist conditions. Avoid wetting
T h e spots are tiny at first but may spread and plant leaves when watering. Prune plants to
join to cover whole leaves. T h e spots are usu­ increase air circulation. Plant resistant spe­
ally brown and are sometimes surrounded with cies o r cultivars. If you expect black spot to
a yellow ring referred to as a halo. T he dam ­ be a problem based on past infections, spray
aged tissue often drops out of the leaves, leav­ plants weekly with sulfur o r fungicidal soap.
ing small holes. Severely infected leaves may O nce symptoms appear, black spot is very
fall early. T h e bacteria can also attack fruit, difficult to control. Remove and destroy infected
causing sunken spots; raised, scabby spots; or leaves and canes. A 0.5 percent solution of
cracking. baking soda (1 teaspoon baking soda in 1
Plants Affected: Many kinds of woody quart water) may help to control the disease.
and herbaceous plants. Spray infected plants thoroughly.

which later expand and turn orange, form on

Botrytis Blight upper leaf surfaces and on fruit. Brown spots

m L -n
may appear on the undersides of leaves. For
details on how cedar-apple rust affects cedar
trees, see “Cedar-A pple Rust" on page 398.
Plants Affected: Apples and crab apples.
Similar rust diseases affect hawthorns (cedar*
hawthorn rust) and quinces (cedar-quince rust).
Prevention and Control: Cedar-apple rust
com pletes its life cycle only if fungal spores
Symptoms on peony
can travel between cedar (Juniperus spp.) and
apple trees. Fungi growing in cedars send spores
Type of Problem: Fungal. to infect apple trees. However, infections on
Symptoms: Besides affecting fruit and the apple tree do not spread within the tree;
flowers, Botrytis fungi can also damage leaves; the fungus can only can send spores back to
infected leaves develop water-soaked spots that infect cedar.
later turn brown o r dry. For inform ation about Prevention is the best control. Rust fungi
Botrytis on flowers, see “Botrytis Blight” on need m oisture, so prom ote drying through
page 385; for Botrytis on fruit, see "Botrytis pruning and site selection to limit disease
Fruit Rot" on page 389. problems. Plant apple trees only if cedars are
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody at least 4 miles away; this will reduce the
and herbaceous plants, including cabbage, chanccs of the disease spreading. If you want
onions, peonies, and strawberries. to grow both cedars and apple trees, plant
Prevention and Control: A fter they die rust-resistant species or cultivars of these plants.
down, cut o r pull off and destroy the tops of Many fungicides (including sulfur and lime-
herbaceous plants to remove a potential source sulfur) that are effective against oth er fungal
of inoculum for the following season. Provide diseases are not very effective against rust
good air circulation through pruning and site diseases: preventive sprays of copper-based
selection. Remove and destroy infected parts. fungicides may provide some protection.

Cedar-Apple Rust Cherry Leaf Spot

Symptoms on apple Symptoms on cherry

Type of Problem: Fungal. Type of Problem: Fungal.

Symptoms: On apples, rust symptoms Symptoms: T he first noticeable symp­
comm only appear in spring. Tiny yellow spots, toms are tiny purple spots on the upper leaf

surfaces. Corresponding whitish spots on the

undersides of leaves may appear. T he centers
Early Blight
of these spots often dry and fall o ut, giving the
leaves a shothole appearance. Entire leaves
may turn yellow and drop early. Fruit, as well
as leaf and fruit stems, can also show symptoms.
Plants Affected: Cherries and, less often,
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant
cultivars. Clean up fallen leaves in autum n to
remove overwintering fungi. Preventive sulfur
Symptoms on tomato
sprays help to reduce disease severity.
Type of Problem: Fungal.
Symptoms: Early blight symptoms appear
Downy Mildew first on lower leaves as brown spots with con­
centric rings; these spots eventually spread to
cover the leaves. Affected leaves drop early,
exposing fruit to sunscald. Spots and cankers
may also appear on stems.
Plants Affected: Tomatoes and potatoes.
Prevention and Control: Clean up plant
d e b r i s t o r e m o v e o v e r w i n t e r i n g s ite s . U s e
disease-free seeds and seed potatoes. Rotate
Symptoms on grape
crops and plant resistant cultivars. Preventive
copper-based fungicide sprays may help reduce
Type of Problem: Fungal. the spread of early blight. Remove and destroy
Symptoms: Downy mildew infections severely infected plants.
begin as angular yellow spots on the upper
leaf surfaces; these spots eventually turn brown.
C orresponding white, tan, or gray, cottony
spots form on the undersides of the leaves.
Late Blight
Downy mildew can also attack young shoots
and fruit, forming a white coating.
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
and herbaceous plants. This disease is a seri­
ous problem on grapes.
Prevention and Control: Downy mildew
thrives during cool, moist weather. Control
downy mildew on your plants by promoting
drying (through pruning and site selection)
Symptoms on potato
and growing resistant cultivars. Plant disease-
free seeds and bulbs. Remove and destroy Type of Problem: Fungal.
badly infected leaves. Sprays of bordeaux mix Symptoms: On leaves, late blight begins
o r o th er copper-based fungicides may reduce as tiny brown spots, which develop into green­
the spread of the disease. ish gray o r brown areas that can expand to

cover whole leaves. T hese spots may be sur­ Needlecast

rounded by a ring of yellow tissue on the
upper surfaces of leaves and a ring of whitish
fungal growth on the leaf undersides. Brown­
ish black areas may form on stems. Fruit rots
and shrivels quickly; tubers may show a red­
dish brown dry rot.
Plants Affected: Potatoes and tom atoes.
Prevention and Control: T he fungus that
causes potato late blight overwinters on dis­
eased tubers. Harvesting all tubers and dis­ S ym p to m s on p in e S ym p to m s on p in e
posing of those that are infected limit the
disease the following season. Rotate crops and Type of Problem: Fungal.
select resistant cultivars. Plant only certified Symptoms: T he symptoms of this dis­
disease-free seed potatoes. ease appear on developing needles. M ottled
yellow spots appear first, changing to reddish
ororangish brown. Severely dam aged needles
may fall by midsummer.
Leaf Blister Plants Affected: Many kinds of needle­
leaved plants.
Prevention and Control: Site plants where
they will get good air circulation. Clean up
fallen needles; prune off damaged tips. If plants
have been infected in previous seasons, spray
with bordeaux mix when new shoots are half-
grown; repeat 2 weeks later.

S ym p to m s on oak

Type of Problem: Fungal.

Symptoms: Swollen, yellow o r brownish
blisters appear on upper surfaces as leaves
develop in the spring. T h e spots may expand
and run together to cover leaves; seriously
dam aged leaves may fall early.
Plants Affected: Oaks.
Prevention and Control: M ild, m oist S ym p to m s o n ho llyh o ck S ym p to m s on blackberry
w eather conditions prom ote the developm ent
of this disease. Oak leaf blister usually only Type of Problem: Fungal.
attacks young, developing leaves in the spring; Symptoms: Yellow or white spots form
older leaves, later in the season, are not affected. on upper leaf surfaces. Orange o r yellow spots
Control is usually not necessary. If your trees or streaks appear on the undersides of leaves.
were severely infected the preceding season, Spots are fungal structures that release spores.
apply a dorm ant spray of lime-sulfur o r bor­ Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
deaux mix before the buds open in spring. and herbaceous plants.

Prevention and Control: Provide good

air circulation and avoid wetting leaves when
Foliar Nematodes
watering. Remove and destroy seriously affected
parts. Starting early in the season, dust plants
with sulfur to prevent infection or to keep
mild infections from spreading. For bram ble
fruits, immediately destroy any infected plants
and replant resistant cultivars.

Septoria Leaf Spot

Sym ptom s on chrysanthem um

Type of Problem: Nematodes.

Symptoms: Leaves show yellow patches
that later turn brown o r black; these blotches
may enlarge to cover whole leaves, causing
early leaf drop. Symptoms start near the bot­
tom of plants and work upward. Infected shoots
are stunted, and flowers may be deform ed.
Plants Affected: A wide range of her­
S ym p to m s on tom ato
baceous plants. Plants that are particularly
Type of Problem: Fungal. susceptible include chrysanthem um s, asters,
Symptoms: Leaf dam age starts as small dahlias, phlox, primroses, and strawberries.
yellow spots that gradually turn brown; they Prevention and Control: Avoid planting
are often surrounded by a ring of yellow or susceptible species. Foliar nem atodes move
brownish black tissue. W hole leaves may turn up stems in a film of water. Choose a site with
yellow and drop, exposing fruit to sun, which good air circulation, and thin stems for quick
may result in sunscald. This disease usually drying. Clean up debris to elim inate overwin­
starts on lower leaves and progresses upward. tering sites. Destroy infected plant parts.
Plants Affected: A wide range of herba­
ceous plants.
Prevention and Control: Remove and
Iron Deficiency or Overly High pH
destroy infected leaves. Clean up plant debris
in fall. Use disease-free seed. Crop rotation
and the use of resistant cultivars will reduce
the chances of Septoria leaf spot.

Leaf Symptoms:
Leaves Yellow or Discolored
D am age o n gardenia D am age on azalea
Leaf discoloration can be from cell death,
or it can be from an interruption of plant bio­ Type of Problem: Environm ental.
chem ical processes as a result of nutrient de­ Symptoms: T he youngest leaves, those
ficiencies o r environm ental pollutants. near the tips of shoots, turn yellow except for

the veins, which remain green. Prevention and Control: T he 2 major

Plants Affected: A cid-loving p lan ts, causes of leaf scorch are drought and reflected
including blueberries, oaks, hollies, azaleas, heat. Avoid drought injury to plants with timely
and rhododendrons. watering. On the average, most garden plants
Prevention and Control: Symptoms of need the equivalent of about 1 inch (2 gallons
iron deficiency appear when the soil is not per square foot) of w ater per week for every
sufficiently acidic. Symptoms commonly occur foot depth of rooting. Avoid frequent, light
on susceptible plants growing near buildings watering, which will prom ote shallow rooting.
because lime that leaches out of the concrete Reflected heat from surrounding pavem ent is
foundations raises soil pH. In most cases, iron mostly a problem for street trees; there is no
is present in the soil in adequate am ounts, but control. Avoid planting highly susceptible
plant roots cannot absorb it if the pH is not trees, such as horse chestnuts and maples, in
in the appropriate range for that plant. T he these sites.
long-term solution to this problem is to plant
in acidic soil or to make the soil acidic by adding
sulfur o r peat moss. Planting in raised beds
am ended with peat moss can also provide good
growing conditions for acid-loving plants. Mulch
acid-loving plants with evergreen needles. The
way to quickly save an ailing plant is to spray a
commercial chelated iron product on its leaves.
Spraying leaves with seaweed extract will also
help to provide the necessary nutrients.

Leaf Scorch S ym p to m s on squash

Type of Problem: Viral.

Symptoms: M osaic-infected leaves are
m ottled with yellow, white, and light and dark
green spots or streaks. Fruit may show similar
symptoms. Plants are often stunted (see pho­
tograph on page 403).
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
and herbaceous plants.
D am age on m aple
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant
cultivars when available. M osaic viruses are
Type of Problem: Environm ental. mostly spread by insect pests, especially aphids
Symptoms: Leaf scorch appears as yel­ and leafhoppers. If possible, deny these carri­
lowing and browning of leaves beginning along ers access to your crop by covering the plants
the margins and tips. Associated symptoms with floating row cover. For m ore information
may include wilting, rolling of leaves, stunted on preventing and controlling aphids and leaf­
growth, and death of the plant. hoppers, see pages 269 and 302. Once plants
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody are infected, there are no controls; remove
and herbaceous plants. and destroy infected plants.

High concentrations of ozone in the atm o­

Nitrogen Deficiency sphere may cause early fall color and leaf
drop. T his dam age can be difficult to diag­
nose because symptoms mimic many other
disease conditions. Check for similar dam age
on other ozone-susceptible plants growing in
the same area.
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
and ornam ental plants. Plants such as beans,
spinach, tom atoes, blackberries, sweet gums,
-- ---------------- L_
pines, and tulip poplars are particularly sensi­
Damage on p e p p e r
tive to ozone.
Type of Problem: Environm ental. Prevention and Control: Ozone levels in
Symptoms: Nitrogen deficiency appears the air may reach damaging levels during the
as a uniform yellowing of the oldest leaves hot, calm days of mid- to late summer. A uto­
(those nearest the base of the stem). A less- mobile exhaust is a m ajor source of ozone
obvious symptom is stunted and spindly growth. pollution. T here is no cure for ozone damage.
Plants Affected: All plants. Avoid it in following years by planting less-
Prevention and Control: Yearly appl ica- susceptible plants, including beets, lettuce,
tions of supplemental nitrogen are most impor­ and strawberries.
tant in the vegetable garden. O ther plantings
can get the nitrogen they need from regular
ap plications of com post o r aged m anure.
Organic nitrogen sources include soybean meal,
dried blood, com posted manure, and compost. PAN Damage
In the vegetable garden, you can provide nitro­
gen by growing a legum inous cover crop every
o th er season. If your plant shows deficiency
symptoms, spray the leaves with fish emulsion.

Ozone Damage

D am age on rom aine lettu ce

Type of Problem: Environmental.

Symptoms: Exposure to PAN (peroxyacyl
nitrate) causes a silvery glaze on the lower
surfaces of leaves, resembling dam age due to
frost, sunscald, mites, thrips, o r leafhoppers.
D am age on nasturtium s
Young, rapidly growing tissue is most sensitive
to PAN injury.
Type of Problem: Environm ental. Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
Symptoms: Ozone dam age appears as and herbaceous plants. Plants that are partic­
w hite o r tan stippling or flecking on leaves. ularly susceptible include petunias, beans.

Copyrighted material

lettuce, peppers, and tom atoes.

Prevention and Control: PAN is a major
Potassium Deficiency
com ponent of engine exhaust and is a prob­
lem in smoggy areas. If you live where PAN
dam age is a recurring problem , grow plants
that tolerate these pollutants, such as sugar
maples, arborvitae, winged euonymus, English
ivy, snapdragons, cabbage, cucum bers, and

D am age on tom ato

Type of Problem: Environm ental.

Phosphorus Deficiency Symptoms: Sym ptom s usually appear
on older leaves first as yellowing and browning
of the leaf margins. Dead areas on edges may
drop, giving the leaves a ragged appearance.
If deficiency is severe, young leaves will show
symptoms as well; consider having leaf tissue
analyzed to confirm.
Plants Affected: All plants.
Prevention and Control: Soil tests can
alert you to deficiency problem s before they
D am age o n corn
becom e serious. Regular applications of com ­
Type of Problem: Environm ental. post or other organic fertilizers will help to
Symptoms: A bluish o r purplish cast to m aintain an even potassium supply. Sources
leaves or stems is the most com m on symptom of potassium include kelp m eal, granite dust,
of phosphorus deficiency; some plants develop greensand, and wood ashes. Use wood ashes
purple spots. Phosphorus-deficient plants also sparingly, as they can raise the soil pH.
do not flower and fruit as well as healthy
plants do.
Plants Affected: All plants.
Sulfur Dioxide Injury
Prevention and Control: Phosphorus defi­
ciency symptom s develop fairly frequently in
transplants set out in early spring. Unlike some
o th er nutrients, phosphorus does not move
through the soil; roots must grow to reach it.
Until the soil warms sufficiently to stim ulate
root growth, plants may not be able to take up
enough phosphorus.
Organic m atter contains both phospho­ D am age on blackberry
rus and potassium , so enrich your soil with
plenty of compost, leaf mold, and other organic Type of Problem: Environm ental.
materials. O ther sources of phosphorus include Symptoms: Mild cases of sulfur dioxide
bonem eal and rock phosphate. dam age show up as general leaf yellowing.

M ore severe dam age involves yellowing or T here is no cure for Verticillium wilt.
browning of the tissues between leaf veins. T he most effective control is the use of wilt-
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody resistant culti\ars. when available. Crop rota­
and herbaceous plants. tion is not very effective because so many
Prevention and Control: Sulfur dioxide species are susceptible to Verticillium wilt.
is an air pollutant, primarily a result of indus­ Soil solarization may help to control it.
trial processes. W here these pollutants are a
problem , grow tolerant trees such as ginkgos,
junipers, sycamores, and arborvitae. Vegeta­
bles that tolerate sulfur dioxide include cucum ­
Winter Injury
bers. co m , and onions.

Verticillium Wilt

Damafie on cherry laurel

Type of Problem: Environm ental.

Sym ptom s: Sym ptom s of cold injury
can be similar to sunscald symptoms: blotchy,
Sym p to m s o n to m a to S ym p to m s on strawberry
water-soaked areas on leaves. Shoot tips often
Type of Problem: Fungal. die back (see stem dam age photograph on
Symptoms: Infection by wilt fungi cause page 396).
leaves to yellow and leaf stems to droop, giv­ Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
ing plants a wilted appearance. T he yellow and herbaceous plants.
leaf patches turn brown and may spread to Prevention and Control: In winter, ever­
cover whole leaves. Leaves often fall early, greens can suffer from drying when their roots
and plants will die. Symptoms usually first cannot get sufficient water from frozen ground.
appear on the lower o r o u ter parts of plants. W ater plants thoroughly in late fall. Spray
T h e interior of the stem near the base may be leaves with an antitranspirant to reduce water
discolored (see photograph of stem damage loss. If w inter damage has been a problem in
on page 396). the past, move plants to a more sheltered spot
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody o r erect a barrier (such as a piece of burlap) to
and herbaceous plants. Some particularly sus­ protect the plants from drying winds. Prune
ceptible plants include tom atoes, peppers, out dam aged wood in spring.
m elons, asters, chrysanthem um s, peaches, Cold, o r in some cases cool tem peratures,
cherries, straw berries, and maples. also dam ages herbaceous plants. If you plant
Prevention and Control: Verticillium and com or beans too early, these heat-loving plants
Fusarium wilt fungi cause similar symptoms. suffer during extended cool weather, even
Verticillium wilt is m ore com m on in cool though the tem perature never dips below
w eather in tem perate areas of the country. freezing. Sub-freezing w eather in the spring

can dam age tender seedlings as well as new

shoots and flowers of woody plants. Accli­
Leaf Symptoms:
m ate indoor seedlings to outdoor tem pera­ Leaves with White, Gray,
tures gradually to help the plants adapt to the
cold. Protect garden seedlings and transplants or Black Patches
with cloches o r row cover. Discolored patches on leaves may be signs
of the pathogen. For exam ple, the white pow­
dery covering of powdery mildew is actually
the fungus spreading across leaf surfaces.
Powdery Mildew

S ym p to m s on marigolds

Type of Problem: Mycoplasma-like or­ S ym p to m s on p u m p k in S ym p to m s on zinnia

Symptoms: This disease produces a grad­ Type of Problem: Fungal.
ual yellowing of leaves. Plants often appear Symptoms: Plants suffering from pow­
dw arfed. Plant parts, including roots and dery mildew look as if they have been dusted
flowers, may be deform ed. On trees, leaves with flour. Powdery mildew fungi mostly attacks
turn yellow, then brown, and may drop early. new leaves, causing distorted growth. It can
Symptoms appear over the whole crown of also attack fruit; see “Powdery Mildew” on
the tree. Plants may die in a single growing pages 387 and 388.
season. Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody and herbaceous plants. Some plants that are
and herbaceous plants. A ster yellows affects particularly susceptible include lilacs, phlox,
m any p la n ts, in clu d in g c a r ro ts , le ttu c e , bee balm, squash, roses, and zinnias.
tom atoes. China asters, and gladiolus. Elm Prevention and Control: Powdery mil­
yellows (also known as elm phloem necrosis) dew thrives in hot weather, especially with cool
attacks several species of elms. nights. Unlike most fungal diseases, it is actu­
Prevention and Control: Yellows diseases ally less of a problem in rainy weather.
are com m only transm itted by leafhoppers, so C ontrol by providing good air circulation
controlling the pests will reduce the chances and by growing resistant cultivars. Spraying
of disease (see page 302 for controls). Remove with sulfur or lime-sulfur may reduce the spread
weeds that provide overwintering sites for the of this disease. A 0.5 percent solution of bak­
pathogen, including thistles. Q ueen Anne’s ing soda (1 teaspoon baking soda in 1 quart
lace, dandelions, and wild chicory. Remove water) may help to control the disease. Spray
and destroy infected plants. infected plants thoroughly.

structure. Choose salt-tolerant plant species

Salt Injury and cultivars.

Sooty Mold

D amage on ivy

Type of Problem: Environm ental.

Symptoms: The plant responds to excess Symptom<
■nn leaves
soil salt just as it would to drought: stunting,
wilting, drying out of leaves, even death. White, Type of Problem: Fungal.
crusty m aterial—salt—may build up on leaves Symptoms: Leaves and stems are speck­
of outdoor plants exposed to salt spray or led o r coated with a thin black film , which can
road de-icing salts. A white crust on the sur­ be wiped off to expose healthy green leaf sur­
face of the potting mix in which you grow faces. Plants may also feel sticky.
houseplants can indicate salt buildup due to Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
poor drainage o r overfertilization. and herbaceous plants.
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody Prevention and Control: T his fungus
and herbaceous plants. grows on the sticky excretions (known as hon­
Prevention and Control: How you pre­ eydew) produced by insects such as aphids,
vent salt dam age depends on how salt gets to scales, and mealybugs. T he fungus does not
the plants. In the N orth, this salt may come directly injure the plant, but the black coating
from sodium chloride used for road de-icing. is unsightly and may interfere with photosyn­
Plants in coastal areas are often exposed to thesis and reduce plant growth.
blowing sea spray. Some soils of the West are On small plants, you can wipe the coat­
naturally high in salts, as are some irrigation ing off with a dam p cloth. T he best treatm ent
waters in that region. Soluble salts from ani­ is to control the insects producing the honey­
mal urine can also dam age plant roots. Excess dew (see pages 269,304, and 320-21 for aphid,
fertilizer, even m anure, can cause salt buildup mealybug, and scale controls, respectively). If
wherever drainage is poor or rainfall is insuffi­ the plants do not have an insect problem , the
cient to leach excess salt out of the soil. honeydew may be from an overhanging plant.
Remove excess salts from soils by water­
ing heavily. Use sand o r sawdust rather than
de-icing salts to im prove tractio n on icy Leaf Symptoms:
sidewalks. Improve soil drainage, if necessary,
by digging open trenches or burying perfora­
Leaves Curled or Distorted
ted plastic drainage pipe within the soil to Disease can alter the normal pattern of
carry away excess water. In areas of the West leaf growth by inhibiting or stim ulating cell
where drainage is poor due to excess sodium development in unusual ways. Leaves may twist
in the soil, apply gypsum to loosen the soil o r form growths called galls.

light green galls that later turn white and then

Curly Top brown. Flowers may also be dam aged.
Plants Affected: Fungal leaf galls are most
com m on on azaleas and rh o d o d en d ro n s.
Camellias may also get leaf galls.
Prevention and Control: Pick off and
destroy infected leaves as soon as you spot the

Peach Leaf Curi

S y m p to m s o n to m a to

Type of Problem: Viral.

Symptoms: Leaves of infected plants twist
and curl upward, becoming stiff and leathery.
They eventually turn yellow and then brown.
Leaf stems bend downward. T h e plant may
appear stunted, and fruit production stops.
Plants Affected: A wide range of herba­
ceous plants. Beets, tom atoes, beans, melons,
S ym p to m s o n pea ch
and spinach are particularly susceptible.
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant Type of Problem: Fungal.
cultivars. Remove surrounding weeds, such as Symptoms: Infected plants develop yel­
thistles and plantain, that provide disease over­ lowish o r reddish blisters on leaves, which
wintering sites. Leafhoppers carry the curly become curled and distorted. T he blisters even­
top virus, so keep these pests away by protect­ tually turn powdery gray. Entire leaves may
ing plants with floating row cover. See page turn yellow and fall early. Fruit can be de­
302 for m ore leafhopper controls. Remove formed and may drop early. New growth can be
and destroy affected plants. stunted; infected shoot tips may die back.
Plants Affected: Peaches and nectarines.
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant
Leaf Gall cultivars. Remove and destroy infected leaves.
Peach leaf curl is usually worst during cool,
wet springs. If this disease has been a problem
in past years, apply a dorm ant spray of lime-
sulfur or bordeaux mix.

Leaf Symptoms:
Leaves Wilted
S ym p to m s o n azalea
Leaves on diseased plants can becom e
Type of Problem: Fungal. limp from the death of cells that move water
Symptoms: Reddish o r yellowish leaf and nutrients in the stems. Wilting is usually
spots often appear first. Infected leaves develop accom panied by other signs o r symptoms.

wilted appearance. T he yellow leaf patches

Bacterial Wilt turn brown and may spread to cover whole
leaves. Leaves often fall early, and the plants
will die. Symptoms usually first appear on the
lower o r outer parts of plants. In some cases,
the symptoms are most apparent on only 1
side of a plant. If you cut the stem near the
base, you may notice a brown discoloration in
the interior.
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
S y m p to m s on cu cu m b er
and herbaceous plants. Common hosts include
tom atoes, peas, peppers, m elons, dahlias, and
Type of Problem: Bacterial. mimosa trees.
Sym ptom s: Leaves a p p e a r lim p and Prevention and Control: Fusarium and
wilted. Infected stems wilt and collapse quickly. Verticillium wilt fungi cause similar symptoms.
All affected parts are soft at first, but turn Fusarium wilt thrives in w arm er areas.
hard and dry. W hen you pull apart a cut stem, Plant resistant cultivars. C rop rotation is
you may see long, sticky strands of whitish of limited value in starving these pests; Fusarium
bacterial ooze. Spots may occur on fruit. fungi can survive in the soil a num ber of years
Plants Affected: A wide range of herba­ in the absence of a susceptible plant. Remove
ceous plants. Cucum bers, melons, and squash and destroy infected plants. Soil solarization
are very susceptible. Similar wilts affect tom a­ may reduce the incidence of this disease.
toes and beans.
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant
cultivars and use disease-free seed. Control
Verticillium Wit
cucum ber beetles (see page 285) and grass­
hoppers (see page 294), which transmit the
disease as they feed; protect plants with floating
row cover. Remove and destroy infected plants.

Fusarium Wilt

S ym p to m s on tom ato S ym p to m s on strawberry

Type of Problem: Fungal.

Symptoms: Wilt fungi cause leaves to
yellow and leaf stems to droop, giving plants a
wilted appearance. T he yellow leaf patches
turn brown, and may spread to cover whole
S ym p to m s on tom ato
leaves. Leaves often fall early, and the plants
will die. Symptoms usually first appear on the
Type of Problem: Fungal. lower or outer parts of the plant. T h e interior
Symptoms: Wilt fungi cause leaves to of the stem near the base may be discolored
yellow and leaf stems to droop, giving plants a (see photograph of stem damage on page 3%).

Plants Affected: A wide range of woody w ater to the soil. Also, certain soils are natu­
and herbaceous plants. Some particularly sus­ rally prone to waterlogging. Improve soil drain­
ceptible plants include tom atoes, peppers, age by adding organic m atter or making raised
m elons, asters, chrysanthem um s, peaches, beds. W ater plants evenly, according to their
cherries, straw berries, and maples. needs. Severely dam aged plants may not re­
Prevention and Control: Verticillium and cover and should be removed.
Fusarium wilt fungi cause similar symptoms.
Verticillium wilt is m ore com m on in cool
w eather in tem perate areas of the country. Flower and Fruit Symptoms:
T here is no cure for Verticillium wilt.
T he most effective control is the use of wilt-
Flowers Discolored
resistant cultivars, when available. C rop rota­ Flower discoloration may be caused by
tion is not very effective because so many cell death or from signs of the disease organism
species are susceptible to Verticillium wilt. appearing on flower parts.
Soil solarization may help to control the disease.
Botrytis Blight
Waterlogged Soil

S ym p to m s on rose
D am age on yew
Type of Problem: Fungal.
Type of Problem: Environm ental. Sym ptom s: B otrytis blight generally
Symptoms: Because waterlogging inhib­ begins on flowers, producing a white, gray, or
its root function, it causes essentially the same tan, fluffy growth. T he fungus then spreads
symptoms as droughty conditions d o —wilting. to the flower stalk, weakening the stalk and
O ther com m on symptoms include yellowed causing the flowers to droop. Affected plant
leaves and sudden leaf drop. parts eventually turn brown and dry. For infor­
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody m ation about Botrytis on leaves, see “Botrytis
and herbaceous plants. Blight" on page 373; for Botrytis infection on
Prevention and Control: W hen the soil fruit, see “Botrytis Fruit Rot“ on page 389.
is flooded with water, pores that previously Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
held air becom e filled with water. But root and herbaceous plants. T he blooms of such
cells need oxygen in o rd er to function, and flowers as roses, begonias, peonies, chrysan­
the cells may die if they are deprived of air them um s, dahlias, and geraniums are particu­
long enough. Besides causing wilting, w ater­ larly susceptible.
logged soils provide ideal conditions for bac­ Prevention and Control: Provide good
teria to attack the dam aged roots. air c irc u la tio n thro u g h pru n in g and site
Waterlogging results if you apply too much selection. Remove and destroy affected parts.

and run together, turning whole flowers brown.

Brown Rot Plants Affected: Camellias.
Prevention and Control: Avoid bringing
the fungi into your garden by only purchasing
bare-root plants; also, pick off and destroy

r* any flower buds before planting. If disease

strikes, remove and destroy all infected flow­
ers and buds, including those that have fallen
from the plants. Remove the existing mulch
and replace with a fresh, 3" thick layer. Use a
preventive spray of bordeaux mix the follow­
S ym p to m s on cherry
ing spring.
Type of Problem: Fungal.
Sym ptom s: In fe cte d flow ers a p p e a r
wilted and browned. Eventually they are cov­ Flower and Fruit Symptoms:
ered with light brown spore masses, which then
attack developing fruit. Small cankers appear
Fruit with Spots
near branch tips. For more on fruit damage, Disease organisms can also invade fruit,
see "Brown Rot" on page 390. killing cells in the fleshy fruit tissues. Fruit
Plants Affected: Peaches, cherries, plums, with mild symptom s may still be harvestable,
and o th er stone fruits. but as symptoms progress, fruit may be ruined.
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant
cultivars. Prune trees to provide for good air
circulation. Prune out and destroy damaged
shoots. Pick off and clean up rotted and shriv­
eled fruit. Spray with sulfur just before blos­
soms open and again after blossoming to protect
the fruit. A nother spray, just before harvest,
will protect fruit from brown rot during storage.

Flower Blight of Camellia

S ym p io m s on hean S y m p to m v on tom ato

Type of Problem: Fungal.

Symptoms: Various anthracnose diseases
affect fruit, producing small, dark, sunken spots.
As the disease progresses, the spots may spread.
Pinkish spore masses appear in the center of
the spots in moist weather. Fruit eventually
S ym p to m s on cam ellia
rots. O ther plant parts are also affected by
anthracnose; see "Anthracnose" on page 371
Type of Problem: Fungal. for more information.
Symptoms: Flower blight fungi produce Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
small brown spots on petals. These spots enlarge and herbaceous plants. Tom atoes as well as

cucum bers and melons are often affected;

similar fungi attack beans.
Blossom End Rot
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant
cultivars. Using disease-free seeds and crop
rotation may help prevent anthracnose dis­
eases in vegetables. C opper sprays may pro­
vide some protection. Remove and destroy
severely infected plants.

Apple Scab
S ym p to m s on tom ato

Type of Problem: Environm ental.

Symptoms: A water-soaked spot on the
end of fruit gradually enlarges and turns brown
o r black, with a leathery appearance. T he end
of the fruit will appear flattened.
Plants Affected: Tom atoes and peppers.
Prevention and Control: Blossom end
S ym p io m s o n apple
rot is commonly from calcium deficiency. This
often occurs when hot, dry w eather o r rapid
Type of Problem: Fungal. growth (due to excess nitrogen, for example)
Symptoms: Fruit infected with apple scab draws extra w ater and nutrients to the leaves,
shows green or velvety brown spots, which later starving fruit for this nutrient. Root dam age
turn into raised, brown, corky areas. Leaves can also interfere with calcium uptake.
are usually also infected; see “Apple Scab" on To avoid blossom end rot, keep the soil
page 371 for more details. evenly moist by watering regularly and put­
Plants Affected: Apples and crab apples. ting down a thick layer of organic mulch.
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant Cultivate carefully to avoid dam aging roots.
cultivars. Rake up and dispose of fallen leaves.
Apple scab is most prevalent in areas with
cool, moist summers because the spores spread
Powdery Mildew
rapidly in wet weather. In spring, regular cop­
per, sulfur, or lime-sulfur sprays may prevent
apple scab fungi from infecting young leaves
and fruit, reducing dam age and the chance of
apple scab recurring later in the season.

Flower and Fruit Symptoms:

Fruit with Off-Color Patches S ym p to m s o n apple

Odd-colored patches on fruit may be from Type of Problem: Fungal.

cultural o r environmental problems, or may be Symptoms: Fruit infected with powdery
signs of a pathogen. mildew can crack or have raised webbing (called

Copyrighted material

russeting) on their surfaces. T he fruit may dam aged includes tom atoes, peppers, and
also show a white powdery coating; see "Pow­ apples.
dery Mildew" on this page. This disease can Prevention and Control: Bright light o r
also attack leaves; see “Powdery Mildew" on excessively high te m p e ra tu re s can cau se
page 381. sunscald. On tomatoes this problem commonly
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody occurs when a disease such as leaf spot causes
and herbaceous plants. T he fruit of apples leaves to fall, suddenly exposing once-shaded
and grapes are particularly susceptible. fruit to full sunlight. Plant cultivars that are
Prevention and Control: Powdery mil­ resistant to m ajor foliage diseases. O nce dam ­
dew fungi thrive in hot weather, especially in age occurs, there is no control.
conjunction with cool nights. Unlike most other
fungal diseases, it is actually less of a problem
in rainy weather.
Plant resistant cultivars: Control pow­
Flower and Fruit Symptoms:
dery mildew on your plants by providing good Fruit with Powdery White
air circulation and growing resistant cultivars.
Spraying with sulfur or lime-sulfur may reduce
the spread of this disease. A 0.5 percent solu­ T he powdery mildew fungus can be on
tion of baking soda (1 teaspoon baking soda the surfaces of fruit as well as on leaves.
in 1 quart water) may help to control the dis­
ease. Spray infected plants thoroughly.
Powdery Mildew


S ym p to m s on apple S ym p to m s on g m p e

Type of Problem: Fungal.

D am age on tom ato
Symptoms: T he fruit may color slowly
or not at all and may show a powdery white
Type of Problem: Environm ental. coating. O ther fruit symptom s include russet­
Symptoms: Sunscald appears on fruit as ing of the skin; see “Powdery Mildew” on
a water-soaked, blistered spot that eventually page 387 for details. For information about
dries out and turns brown. Sunscald can also this disease on leaves, see “Powdery Mildew"
affect leaves, starting as pale green areas that on page 381.
later turn brown and dry. Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody and herbaceous plants. T he fruit of apples
and herbaceous plants. Fruit m ost commonly and grapes are particularly susceptible.


Prevention and Control: Powdery mil­ Prevention and Control: Plant resistant
dew fungi thrive in hot weather, especially in cultivars. Pick off and destroy infected fruit.
conjunction with cool nights. Unlike most other Remove existing mulch o r cover it with a fresh
fungal diseases, it is actually less of a problem layer. Apply preventive sprays of bordeaux
in rainy weather. mix o r another copper-based fungicide just
Plant resistant cultivars: Control pow­ before and immediately after bloom.
dery mildew on your plants by providing good
air circulation and growing resistant cultivars.
Spraying with sulfur or lime-sulfur may reduce
the spread of this disease. A 0.5 percent solu­ Botrytis Fruit Rot
tion of baking soda (1 teaspoon baking soda
in 1 quart water) may help to control the
disease. Spray infected plants thoroughly.

Flower and Fruit Symptoms:

Fruit Rotted or Deformed
Symptoms on strawberry
W hen fruit cells die, they can becom e
soft, and the fruit may rot. If cell developm ent Type of Problem: Fungal.
is inhibited or stimulated, fruit may have unusual Symptoms: If you have ever picked straw­
shapes. berries in moist spring weather, you have prob­
ably seen some berries covered with a fuzzy
gray o r tan mold. W hen you touch an infected
Black Rot berry, it sends up a small cloud of spores.
O ther fruits, such as apples, may instead show
an internal rot. For information about Botry­
tis on leaves, see "Botrytis Blight” on page
373; for Botrytis on flowers, see "Botrytis Blight”
on page 385.
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
and herbaceous plants. Fruits of strawberries,
grapes, and bram bles are most com m only
Symptoms on grape
Prevention and Control: Cool tem pera­
Type of Problem: Fungal. tures and high humidity prom ote Botrytis fruit
Symptoms: Purplish brown spots appear rot. Removing infected fruit, w hether living
on green fruit. Infected grapes shrivel up, turn o r dead, reduces the spread of the disease.
black, and cling to the bunch. Leaves and Plants overstim ulated with nitrogen fertilizer
shoots can also be affected, showing circular, are most susceptible to gray m old, as are plants
reddish brown spots. around which air cannot circulate to quickly
Plants Affected: G rapes. dry leaves, stems, and fruit.

Brown Rot Corn Smut

Sympioms on peach Symptoms on com

Type of Problem: Fungal.

1I Symptoms: Sm ut appears as swollen,
grayish white galls on any part of the plant,
especially ears and tassels. T hese galls con­
tinue to swell, and eventually release large
quantities of powdery, dark brown spores.
Plants Affected: Corn.
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant
cultivars. Rotate crops. Clean up garden debris
in the fall. Remove infected plant parts as
Sympioms on plum soon as you spot them .
(with mummies)

Type of Problem: Fungal.

Symptoms: Infected fruit shows small
brown spots that often enlarge to cover the
Frost Damage
surface. T hese patches produce masses of
grayish brown spores. T h e fruit eventually rots
and shrivels up (forming a mummy): the dam ­
aged fruit may drop o r persist in the tree.
Small cankers may form on branch tips. Early
in the season, flowers may be infected; for
m ore details, see “Brown Rot" on page 386.
Plants Affected: Peaches, cherries, plums,
and o th er stone fruits.
Damage on strawberry
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant
cultivars. Prune out to remove damaged shoots Type of Problem: Environm ental.
and to provide good air circulation. Pick off Symptoms: Rowers affected by frost have
and clean up rotted and shriveled fruit. Spray black centers, unlike the yellow centers of
with sulfur after blossoming to protect the undam aged flowers. T he tips of dam aged fruit
fruit. Spray again just before harvest to pro­ may be deform ed. For stem symptoms, see
tect fruit from brown rot in storage. “Frost Damage" on the opposite page.

Plants Affected: Strawberries. cultivars when available. Vigorously growing

Prevention and Control: O nce damage trees are less susceptible to this disease. Prune
occurs, there is no control. If you expect frost, out infected branches during dry w eather;
cover plants with a blanket overnight. disinfect your pruners between cuts. Avoid
making unnecessary wounds in the bark, which
can provide an entry for the fungus. On stone
fruits, it is particularly im portant to avoid
Stem and Root Symptoms: winter dam age, which can be caused by fertil­
izing the trees late in the season.
Stems with Cracks or Holes
Openings in stems include cankers caused
by disease organisms. Stem cracks o r cuts may
also be due to dam age from frost o r power
Frost Damage
equipm ent.

Cytospora Canker

Damage on honey locust

Type of Problem: Environmental.

Symptoms: In the dead of winter, a com ­
bination of heat and cold can cause sunken
Symptoms on peach
areas o r long cracks to form in the bark of
woody plants. Damage is most com m on on
Type of Problem: Fungal. the southwest side of a trunk. T he last light of
Sym ptom s: C y to sp o ra c a n k e r (also day warms the bark, then the bark rapidly
known as Valsa or Leucostoma canker) causes cools as the sun drops below the horizon. For
yellowing, wilting, and dieback of new shoots. symptoms on fruit, see “Frost Damage" on
Inner bark on infected twigs may show black the opposite page.
o r reddish brown discoloration. Gummy can­ Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
kers form on trunks and branches and increase and herbaceous plants.
in size until they girdle and kill the affected Prevention and Control: Young trees that
part. For other stem symptoms, see "Cytospora have thin bark (such as sugar maples) o r trunks
C anker” on page 393. that are unshaded by side branches are partic­
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody ularly susceptible. Prevent dam age to tree
plants. Stone fruits (such as peaches and plums), trunks by wrapping them with tree wrap o r by
apples, pears, spruces, maples, poplars, and painting the trunks with white latex paint diluted
willows are among the most susceptible plants. with an equal am ount of w ater to reflect heat
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant and keep the bark tem perature uniform.

only symptom you'll see is branch dieback

Lawn Mower Damage caused by the root injury. Or, in extrem e cases,
branches or the whole tree may explode.
Plants Affected: Any woody plant.
Prevention and Control: Help trees re­
cover by removing damaged bark o r branches.
W ater during dry spells, and fertilize to pro­
mote vigorous growth. If you have an espe­
cially valuable tree, you might want to protect
it with a lightning rod.

Type of Problem: Cultural.

Sapsucker Damage
Symptoms: W hen a lawn mower hits a
tree, it can cut a thin horizontal groove into
the bark. Repeated dam age may cause branch
dieback or kill the tree. Lawn mowers can
also dam age surface roots. These wounds pro­
vide entrance points for diseases and insects.
String trim m ers also pose a hazard: careless
use can cause the tool to strip the bark off the
base of the tree, girdling and killing the plant. Damage on pine
Plants Affected: Any woody plant.
Prevention and Control: Use tools care­ Type of Problem: Cultural.
fully around plants. Trim around trees and Symptoms: Tree trunks and limbs are
shrubs by hand, put plastic guards around covered with even rows of closely spaced holes.
trunks, o r surround base of plants with mulch Plants Affected: Any woody plant.
o r groundcovers to elim inate the need to trim. Prevention and Control: Several birds in
the woodpecker family feed on tree sap. These
birds, known as sapsuckers, prefer trees with
Lightning Damage a high sugar content, such as sugar maples,
birches, beeches, and apples. Sections of bark
may fall off of severely dam aged trees. The
holes also provide entrance points for disease
organisms and wood-boring insects. Damage
is difficult to control; wrapping the trunk with
tree wrap may help prevent further feeding.

Damage on cottonwood
Stem and Root Symptoms:
Type of Problem: Cultural.
Stems Discolored
Symptoms: T he most com m on symptom Discolored or blighted areas on stems
is a large scar running down the trunk of the may be due to death of cells or may be signs of
tree to the ground. In some cases, though, the the pathogen.

in size until they girdle and kill the affected

Cane Blight part. Note: Bacterial canker may cause symp­
toms similar to those shown in this photo for
Cytospora canker: controls for this disease
are the same as those for Cytospora canker.
For other stem symptoms, see "Cytospora Can­
ker" on page 391.
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
plants. Stone fruits (such as peaches and plums),
apples, pears, spruces, maples, poplars, and
Symptoms on raspberry
willows are among the most susceptible plants.
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant
Type of Problem: Fungal. cultivars when available. Vigorously growing
Symptoms: This disease commonly pro­ trees are less susceptible to this disease. Prune
duces brownish purple spots on canes. Infected out infected branches during dry weather:
canes may wilt and die. disinfect your pruners between cuts. Avoid
Plants Affected: Black raspberries are making unnecessary wounds in the bark, which
most commonly affected, although other bram­ can provide an entry for the fungus.
ble fruits may also be attacked.
Prevention and Control: Choose a plant­
ing site with plenty of sunshine and good air
Slime Flux
circulation. Thin canes to avoid overcrowding.
Remove diseased canes at ground level and
destroy. T h e following year, spray with lime-
sulfur as leaf buds begin to open in spring.

Cytospora Canker

Symptoms on tree

Type of Problem: Bacterial.

Symptoms: Slime flux (also known as
bacterial wetwood) is indicated by the slimy
liquid that oozes out of cracks and wounds in
the bark, causing streaks on the trunk. T he
liquid may have a foul odor. In severe cases,
Symptoms on peach
shoot tips may wilt and die back.
Type of Problem: Fungal. Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
Sym ptom s: C y to sp o ra c a n k e r (also plants. Elms, maples, and poplars are particu­
known as Valsa or Leucostoma canker) causes larly susceptible.
yellowing, wilting, and dieback of new shoots. Prevention and Control: In most cases,
Inner bark on infected twigs may show black the dam age caused by slime flux is cosm etic.
or reddish brown discoloration. Gummy can­ T he oozing cankers may be very unsightly. No
kers form on trunks and branches and increase control is available.

Stem and Root Symptoms: Construction Damage

Stem Tips Stunted
W hen developm ent of a single stem is
inhibited, the distances betw een leaves or
branches telescopes down so the leaves or
branches grow close together. T h e result is
w hat ap p ears to be a w horl of leaves or
broomlike growth of branches.
D am age to tree

Peach Rosette Type of Problem: Cultural.

Symptoms: Branch tips die back over
the crown of the tree: overall growth is poor.
Plants Affected: All woody plants.
Prevention and Control: Prevent dam ­
age by fencing off the area to keep equipm ent
from hitting the plant or com pacting the soil.
Once the tree is dam aged, there is little you
can do; cut off any dam aged bark and sm ooth
off the wound edges so they can close pro­
Symptoms on peach
perly. Fertilize, if necessary, and w ater during
Type of Problem: Viral. dry spells to help the plant recover.
Symptoms: This virus often produces
stunting by causing trees to grow shoots that
have abnorm ally short distances between the
Dutch Elm Disease
leaf nodes. Leaves may be discolored. The
tree usually dies within a few months.
Plants Affected: Peaches an d . less often,
Prevention and Control: Similar symp­
tom s are caused by a zinc deficiency. Try
spraying the leaves with kelp extract. If the
infected plant shows no response, remove and
destroy it.
Symptoms on elm

Type of Problem: Fungal.

Symptoms: Dutch elm disease (DED)
Stem and Root Symptoms: causes leaves to wilt, yellow, and drop early.
Usually, branches show symptoms and die back
Stem Tips Die Back one at a time. Som etimes the whole tree will
Stem tips may die back as a result of wilt and die suddenly.
disease problems, such as fire blight, or from Plants Affected: Elm trees, particularly
physical dam age to the plant. A m erican elm.

Prevention and Control: DED spores are

carried by elm bark beetles o r transm itted
Oak Wilt
through natural root grafts. Prevent insect
attacks (see page 288) and subsequent disease
infection by keeping trees healthy and vigorous.
O nce the disease infects a tree, there is no
effective organic control. Remove and imme­
diately destroy all infected elms. Remove the
stum p, if possible, or peel the bark off to
below the normal soil line to deter elm bark
beetles from feeding there. (The beetles can Symptoms on oak
spread the disease as they move from diseased
to healthy trees.) Type of Problem: Fungal.
Symptoms: While symptoms vary accord­
ing to the tree species affected, oak wilt com ­
Fire Blight monly causes leaves to brown, wilt, and drop.
Plants usually die within a year.
Plants Affected: Oaks.
Prevention and Control: Prune oaks only
when they are dorm ant to reduce the chances
of the fungus entering through the wounds.
Once oak wilt begins, there is no control;
remove and destroy infected trees. Dig a narrow.
36"-40" deep trench between infected and
healthy trees to break the natural root grafts
Sympioms on apple
through which the fungus can spread. Backfill
Type of Problem: Bacterial. the trench immediately to keep the healthy
Symptoms: Flowers usually show symp­ roots from drying out.
toms first, browning and shriveling. Leaves turn
brown o r black. Dead leaves rem ain on twigs.
Symptoms progress from the tips of shoots to­
ward the roots. Shoot tips turn black, wilt, and
Twig Blight
curl downward. Cankers form on branches.
Fruit turns black and may cling to the tree.
Plants Affected: Many plants in the rose
family, especially pears, apples, and quinces.
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant
cultivars. Do not prune susceptible woody
plants too severely o r overfeed them , because
both encourage succulent, disease-susceptible
growth. Prune out infected branches, along Symptoms on juniper
with 6 '-1 2 " of healthy tissue; disinfect prun-
ers in between cuts by dipping them in a 10 Type of Problem: Fungal.
percent bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts Symptoms: Infection begins on young
water). Spray bordeaux mix during dormancy. leaves, causing tiny yellow spots. Branch tips

turn reddish brown and die back. You may see cies are susceptible. Soil solarization may help
a grayish band at the base of the dead shoot. to control Verticillium wilt.
Plants Affected: M any needle-leaved
evergreens, including junipers and cypresses.
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant
Winter Injury
species and cultivars. Prune off and destroy
infected shoots on a dry day.

Verticillium Wilt

Damage on yew

Type of Problem: Environmental.

Symptoms: Symptoms of cold injury can
be very similar to the symptoms of sunscald:
blotchy, water-soaked areas on leaves. Shoot
Symptoms on maple
tips often die back. For other inform ation on
Type of Problem: Fungal. leaf dam age, see "W inter Injury" on page 380.
Symptoms: Infection by Verticillium Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
fungi causes leaves to yellow and leaf stems to and herbaceous plants.
droop, giving plants a wilted appearance (see Prevention and Control: In winter, ever­
photographs on page 384). T he yellow leaf greens can suffer from drying when their roots
patches turn brown and may spread to cover cannot get sufficient water from frozen ground.
whole leaves. Leaves often fall early, and the W ater plants thoroughly in late fall. Spray
plants will die. Symptoms usually first appear leaves with an antitranspirant to reduce w ater
on the lower o r outer parts of plants. The loss. If damage has been a problem in the past,
interior of the stem near the base may be move plants to a sheltered spot o r erect a bar­
discolored. rier (such as a piece of burlap) to protect them
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody from drying winds. Prune out dam aged wood
and herbaceous plants. Some particularly sus­ in spring; remove severely affected plants.
ceptible plants include tom atoes, peppers,
m elons, asters, chrysanthem um s, peaches,
cherries, straw berries, and maples.
Prevention and Control: Verticillium and
Stem and Root Symptoms:
Fusarium wilt fungi cause similar symptoms. Stems Entangled
Verticillium wilt is m ore com m on in cool
w eather in tem perate areas of the country. with Orange “Strings”
T here is no cure for Verticillium wilt. D odder is a parasitic plant that entwines
Remove infected woody plants and replant with around host plants. T he parasite draws food
resistant cultivars, when available. Crop rota­ and w ater from its hosts, eventually weaken­
tion is not very effective because so many spe­ ing and sm othering the infected plants.

Dodder Mistletoe

Dodder on ivy Mistletoe on oak Mistletoe

Type of Problem: Parasitic plant.

Symptoms: Found th ro u g h o u t N orth
A m erica, dodder grows as a tangle of orange
or yellowish threads that winds around stems
and other parts of host plants. T h e parasite
draws nutrients from the host plants, weaken­
ing them. Dodder's rampant growth can rapidly
sm other plantings.
Plants Affected: Many ornam entals as
well as vegetables such as potatoes and onions. Mistletoe berries
Prevention and Control: D odder does
not have roots (except in early seedling stage), Type of Problem: Parasitic plant.
leaves, o r chlorophyll. Beginning early in the Symptoms: T he m istletoe of Christm as,
season, dodder produces tiny flowers. Seeds called leafy m istletoe, attacks mostly hard­
are spread by anim als and tools. T he best way woods in the southern parts of the country.
to get rid of dodder is to ruthlessly destroy it Clusters of evergreen growth appear on the
repeatedly throughout the season. Keep an eye limbs of these deciduous trees. Leafy mistle­
out for seedlings that may develop the next toe is a weak parasite, so it does little harm to
season and weed them out as soon as you spot the trees besides creating a strange appearance
them . Don't add dodder to the com post pile, in winter.
o r you may be spreading seeds as you spread A nother type, known as dwarf m istletoe,
the finished com post. attacks conifers throughout the world, but
most seriously threatens trees in this country
on the West Coast. It weakens, deform s, and
even kills trees. T he parasite looks like a tuft
Stem and Root Symptoms: of branches, varying in color from yellowish
Stems with Clusters to brownish green.
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
of Evergreen Leaves plants.
M istletoe is a parasitic plant that is better Prevention and Control: C ut off and des­
known as a seasonal decoration than as a troy infected branches as soon as you notice
cause of plant disease. them to avoid the spread of this parasite.

Stem and Root Symptoms: Cedar-Apple Rust

Stems with Swollen Growths
G alls and o th er swellings on stems and
roots are due to overstim ulated cell develop­
m ent. Root swellings can interfere with w ater
and m ineral uptake, resulting in yellowing
and wilting of the aboveground portions of
the plants.
Symptoms on cedar

Type of Problem: Fungal.

Black Knot Symptoms: Hard, brown swellings appear
on branch tips. T hese galls do not seriously
dam age cedar trees, but they can m ar the
plants' appearance. Warm, moist w eather in
spring causes these galls to swell dramatically,
and they produce gelatinous horns that release
rust-colored spores. T he spores then infect
apple trees. For more details about this dis­
ease on apples, see "Cedar-Apple Rust" on
Symptoms on plum
page 373.
Plants Affected: Eastern red cedars and
Type of Problem: Fungal. oth er species of juniper.
Symptoms: Black knot appears as un­ Prevention and Control: Cedar-apple rust
sightly swellings on twigs and branches. These com pletes its life cycle only where the fungal
swellings are usually black, but they may appear spores can travel back and forth between cedar
velvety green in early spring. Tips of infected and apple trees. Spores from cedar trees send
branches often die back. Severe infections can spores to infect apple trees, but infections on
kill whole limbs, and the tree may be stunted. the apple tree do not spread within the tree;
Plants Affected: Cherries and plums are they only can send the disease back to infect
most com m only affected. cedar.
Prevention and Control: In fall o r late Prevention is the best control. Rust dis­
winter, prune off infected limbs, 6"-12" below eases thrive in moist conditions, so anything
the knots; disinfect pruners in between cuts you can do to prom ote leaf drying will limit
with a 10 percent bleach solution (1 part bleach disease problems. Plant apple trees only if
to 9 parts water). Destroy the prunings. Remove cedars are at least 4 miles away; this will reduce
any wild plum or cherry trees nearby. For the chances of the disease spreading. If you
persistent infections, apply 2 sprays of lime- want to grow both cedars and apple trees, plant
sulfur, 7 days apart, before the buds begin to rust-resistant species or cultivars of both plants.
grow in spring. Prune off and destroy galls before late winter.

Crown Gall Stem and Root Symptoms:

Roots with Swollen Growths
Various diseases can cause roots to swell.
but root growths may also be caused by the pres­
ence of beneficial nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Symptoms on rose Club Root

Type of Problem: Bacterial.
Symptoms: Above ground, the plant is
stunted with yellowing leaves. Just beneath
the soil line of an infected plant (or som etim es
just above the soil line), you will see the tuber­
ous swellings that upset the mineral- and water-
conducting vessels, causing the aboveground
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody S y m p to m s o n ca b b a g e
and h erb aceo u s plants. Plants com m only
attacked include stone fruits, grapes, brambles, Type of Problem: Fungal.
euonym us, chrysanthem um s, and roses. Symptoms: Above ground, the plant may
Prevention and Control: T his com m on appear stunted, wilted, and yellowed. Below
bacterium enters plants through wounds, such ground, infection causes the roots to swell
as those that o ccu r during transplanting. T he into a gnarled mass that cannot supply water
bacteria may be transm itted from one plant to and nutrients to the plant.
another on a trowel o r shovel, which can wound Plants Affected: Cabbage family plants,
a plant during digging. T h e bacteria may also such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and
survive on dead plants for years in infested brussels sprouts.
soil, waiting for a suitable host plant. Prevention and Control: O nce it is in
Inspect nursery plants carefully before the soil, the causal fungus can infect wild
you buy to avoid infected plants. Protect healthy cabbage family plants (such as wild m ustard
plants by dipping their roots in a solution of and shepherds purse) or survive for years even
Agrobacterium radiobacter (sold as Galltrol-A) in the absence of a host plant. This fungus,
before planting. To control mild infections, however, thrives only in acidic soils, so you
prune off diseased growth; disinfect your prun- can com pletely check the disease by adjust­
ers in between cuts with a 10 percent bleach ing the soil pH to 7.2 o r slightly above. Soil
solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water). Remove solarization can also reduce the incidence of
and destroy severely infected plants. Avoid club root. Remove and destroy seriously in­
replanting the area with susceptible plants. fected plants.


other diseases and disorders that interfere with

Nitrogen-Fixing Nodules proper root function. Above ground, plants
may be yellowed and wilted; flowers and fruit
are stunted or nonexistent. Below ground, how­
ever, you'll find numerous clubbed galls on the
roots caused by the nem atodes feeding inside.
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
and herbaceous plants. These nem atodes com ­
monly attack fruit trees, com , lettuce, tomatoes,
and potatoes.
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant
Nitrogen-fixing nodules cultivars, when available. Rotate crops. Avoid
on bean
spreading soil from infested to noninfested
Type of Problem: Bacterial (beneficial). areas. Soil solarization helps to reduce nem a­
Symptoms: Small, hard nodules form tode populations. O r try a cover cro p of
on the roots of host plants; plant appears marigolds, and turn them into the soil at the
healthy. end of the season. Incorporate plenty of or­
Plants Affected: Legumes, such as peas. ganic m atter into the soil to prom ote natural
Prevention and Control: T h e relation­ nematode-controlling microorganisms. Drench­
ship of legumes and these bacteria (Rhizobium ing the soil with neem may also help.
spp.) is generally beneficial to both. Plants
supply bacteria with nutrients; bacteria con­
vert nitrogen from the air into a form that Stem and Root Symptoms:
plants can use. To prom ote growth of these
beneficial organisms, buy the bacteria in pow­
Roots Die Back
d er form (called inoculant) and dust the seeds Aboveground symptoms such as stunting
of appropriate crops before planting. Certain and wilting may be the result of the death of
species work better with particular plants, so cells in diseased roots.
buy the right inoculant for your crop.
Red Stele
Root Knot Nematodes

Symptoms on strawberry
Symptoms on tomato
Type of Problem: Fungal.
Type of Problem: Nematodes. Symptoms: Symptoms include stunted
Symptoms: T he symptom s produced by growth and wilting and death of older leaves
root knot nem atodes are similar to those of o r whole plants. Infected plants bear little or

Copyrighted me

no fruit. Young feeder roots die; older, infected well as seedlings. Root rots are caused by a
roots have dead tips and a reddish brown dis­ few different types of fungi, each most preva­
coloration in the core of the roots. lent in certain areas or under certain conditions.
Plants Affected: Strawberries. Plant resistant cultivars when available.
Pre vention and Control: Remove and Reduce the incidence of root rot with good
destroy infected and surrounding plants. If cultural practices: Plant in well-drained soil,
red stele has been a problem in the past, pre­ do not overwater, and direct surface w ater
pare a new site for your straw berry bed and away from the crown of plants. Incorporating
plant resistant cultivars. com post into the soil may also help to prevent
some types of root rot. If a plant is diseased,
you may be able to save it by pulling the soil
Root Rot back away from the crown, pruning off dis­
eased roots, and allowing the remaining exposed
roots to air-dry. Also, disinfect tools after use
with a 10 percent bleach solution (1 part bleach
to 9 parts water) so that you do not spread
disease from infested to healthy soil. Remove
and destroy seriously infected plants.

Symptoms on birch Symptoms on oak

Stem and Root Symptoms:
Type of Problem: Fungal.
Tubers Discolored or Rotted
Symptoms: Symptoms include leaves that Disease can also cause cells of storage
are small, yellow o r brown, and wilted. Decline organs such as tubers to die, either in the
may be gradual, over years, o r rapid. ground or in storage.
O ther symptoms, which indicate Armillaria
root rot may appear at the base of the plant.
These include white m ats of fungi and brown­
Bacterial Soft Rot
ish blac!* fungal strands on the roots or between
the bark and the wood. Honey-colored mush­
rooms often grow around the base of dead or
dying p ants. Severely dam aged plants may
fall over during a storm. For more information,
see “Arm illaria Root Rot" on page 403.
If you don’t see any signs of fungal growth
near the base of the plant, suspect o th er types
of root rot. To check for root dam age, lift the Symptoms on potato
plant out of the soil and carefully wash off the
soil. Look for roots that are dam aged with Type of Problem: Bacterial.
brown or black tips. Symptoms: In the garden o r in storage,
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody the fruit o r storage roots first develop small,
and herbaceous plants. w ater-soaked spots. T h ese areas enlarge,
Prevention and Control: These com m on becom ing soft, sunken, and discolored. You
soilborne diseases attack fully grown plants as may notice a foul odor. Above ground, plants

may appear yellowed, stunted, and wilted.

Plants Affected: A wide range of herba­ Whole Plant Symptoms:
ceous plants. Vegetables with fleshy fruit or
succulent stem s are quite susceptible.
Seedlings Die
Prevention and Control: To avoid soft Damping-off fungi can infect and kill a
rots, handle fruits and vegetables (especially wide range of plants at the seedling stage.
those you plan to store) carefully, both dur­
ing and after harvest. Soft rot bacteria enter
wounds produced by rough handling as well
as those caused when fruits, tubers, and roots
are frozen o r dam aged by insects. Soft rots
usually need a high m oisture level to develop,
so store produce in a cool, dry place. If you
have had trouble with soft rot in past years,
rotate crops to reduce the spread of the dis­
ease in the garden.

Scab Symptoms on semllings

Type of Problem: Fungal.

Symptoms: Damping-off fungi can kill
seedlings before they even break through the
soil, but a more dram atic dem onstration of
* 5
this disease occurs when it strikes seedlings
just an inch o r so tall. T he fungi rot the stem s
right at the soil line and, overnight, infected
seedlings topple over.
r i
S y m p to m s on p o ta to
Plants Affected: All plants.
Prevention and Control: Plants growing
Type of Problem: Fungal. in containers are more susceptible to damping-
Symptoms: Scab begins as small brown off than are those growing outdoors in the
spots on the tubers or roots. These areas enlarge garden. G ood cultural conditions usually con­
and run together, producing russeting and trol it; to prevent it from attacking your seed­
rough, corky areas. T hese spots are usually lings, grow them in well-drained soil with plenty
just on or below the surface, so the crop is still of light. Do not allow them to crowd each other,
edible, although visually unappealing. o r the stagnant air that results will prom ote
Plants Affected: Potatoes, beets, radishes, the growth of damping-off fungi.
and o th e r root crops. A thin layer of dry m aterial, such as sand
Prevention and Control: Scab fungi thrive o r perlite, sprinkled on the soil surface keeps
in light, sandy soils with a neutral o r alkaline seedling stem s dry at the soil line, w here
pH. Lowering the soil pH to below 5.2 will damping-off often strikes. Even better is a
reduce the chance of disease. Start with certi­ layer of fine sphagnum moss, which not only
fied disease-free seed potatoes. Rotate crops keeps the surface dry but also reduces the
and plant resistant cultivars. Keep the soil chance of fungal growth. A fter a few weeks
evenly moist. of growth, seedling stems toughen and no longer

are as susceptible to attack by damping-off

fungi. If you've had past p ro b lem s with Whole Plant Symptoms:
damping-off, use sterile potting mix or pas­
teurize your own potting soil (see “Pathogen-
Plants Fall Over
Free Potting Soil’*on page 413) when growing If disease kills off a large portion of the
plants in containers. root system, it can't support the aboveground
part of the plant; the plant may collapse.

Whole Plant Symptoms: Armillaria Root Rot

Plants Stunted
Stunted growth is due to inhibited cell
developm ent. Many viruses cause stunting,
but stunted growth also may be from drought
o r insufficient nitrogen.

Arm illaria root rot

Type of Problem: Fungal.

Symptoms: Com m on symptoms of root
rot include leaves that are small, yellow or
brown, and wilted. Decline may be gradual,
over a period of years, or rapid. O ther symp­
S ym p to m s on bean
toms that may appear include white mats of
fungi and brownish black fungal strands on the
roots or between the bark and the wood. Honey-
Type of Problem: Viral. colored mushroom s often grow around the
Symptoms: M osaic-infected leaves are base of dead o r dying plants. Severely dam ­
m ottled with yellow, white, and light and dark aged plants may fall over during a storm . For
green spots or streaks (see photograph on page more on root rot. see “Root Rot" on page 401.
377). Fruit may show similar symptoms. Plants Plants Affected: A wide range of woody
are often stunted. and herbaceous plants.
Plants Affected: A wide range of woody Prevention and Control: Arm illaria root
and herbaceous plants. rot is prevalent throughout the country, espe­
Prevention and Control: Plant resistant cially at sites that were recently oak forests.
cultivars. Mosaic viruses are mostly spread by Avoid Armillaria root rot by planting in sites
insect pests, especially aphids and leafhoppers. not harboring the fungus or by planting disease-
If possible, deny these carriers access by cov­ resistant plants. Unfortunately, many plant spe­
ering your plants with floating row cover. For cies are susceptible; some resistant plants
m ore co n tro l inform ation on ap h id s and include pears, white fir, sweet gums, Oregon
leafhoppers, see pages 269 and 302, respec­ grape holly, and pines. Once plants fall over,
tively. O nce plants are infected, there are no there is obviously no way to restore them ;
controls; remove and destroy infected plants. remove the plant and what is left of the roots.


Using Remedies Safely
ust as interest in organic gardening m ethods has
steadily increased in the past two decades, so has the
range of control options for organic gardens. T hese
range from new, highly sophisticated products that use
insect horm ones called pherom ones to prevent pest
insects from m ating to m ore effective form ulations of
standard products such as horticultural oils.

I n this section, you'll find information on ods you choose to use to protect your plants,
control practices to incorporate into your gar­ use care when applying them. You'll notice
dening routine to com bat w idespread prob­ that special precautions for use of some or­
lems, such as aphids and powdery mildew, ganic sprays and dusts are included in the
along with specific products o r m ethods that descriptions that follow. Pay heed to the w arn­
affect a single pest, such as surrounding seed­ ing information included in these listings, and
lings with collars to prevent cutw orm damage. when using commercial products, always apply
Keep in mind that even organically accept­ them according to the label specifications.
able controls vary trem endously in their con­
venience and environm ental im pact. Always
begin with the safest, least-toxic m ethod be­
fore moving on to m ore toxic—and usually Types of Controls
b ro a d er s p e c tru m —co n tro ls. Even plant- T he control m ethods described in this
deriv ed p esticid es can pollu te w ater, kill section are divided into four categories accord­
honeybees, o r make you sick if you mishandle ing to the way in which they act on pests and
them . However, few, if any, people, pests, also according to their level of potential harm
wildlife, o r beneficial insects will suffer ill to nontarget organisms, such as honeybees,
effects when exposed to crop rotation, com ­ fish, and even humans. T he order of presenta­
panion planting, resistant cultivars, row cover, tion reflects the order in which you should
timed planting, o r o th er control m ethods that choose controls when dealing with the partic­
prevent pest damage without having to actively ular pest problems in your yard and garden.
kill the pests involved.
T h e control m ethods described in this ■ Cultural controls. These are garden­
section com e from a variety of sources. Some ing practices that help prevent pest problems.
are gardening practices that have been handed You can integrate these controls into your
down as folklore through the ages, while oth­ overall gardening routine. T here are few, if
ers are based on the latest scientific research. any. harmful side effects on beneficial insects
Many of them are simply m atters of com m on or oth er organisms.
sense—keep your plants healthy and they’ll ■ Physical controls. T hese controls ex­
be better able to fend off problems; use barri­ clude or remove pests from plants. H andpick­
ers to exclude pests from your plants and your ing insect pests is the most basic form of physi­
crops won't be eaten. Regardless of the m eth­ cal control.


■ Biological controls. These methods use ing with pest and disease problems. Consider
living organisms to kill garden pests. They the advantages and disadvantages of each
include releasing and encouraging beneficial approach and how it fits into your garden
insects and applying bacterial insecticides. plan. Most organic m ethods of pest and dis­
■ Organic sprays and dusts. These include ease control rely on the gardener's ability
hom em ade pesticidal sprays, sulfur and cop­ to implement them com pletely—starting with
p er com pounds, and botanical controls. They awareness of pest em ergence times through
have varying levels of toxicity and are only to application of controls to subsequent m oni­
be used for severe problem s when o th er types toring of remaining pests. Always be sure to
of control m ethods have proven inadequate. try all possible low-impact controls before
considering more hazardous m ethods.
Specific control m ethods do not always
fit neatly into one of these four categories. As
growers and researchers learn more about
organic control m ethods, they often uncover Planning a Control Strategy
inform ation that causes them to rethink the How do you choose which control m eth­
way in which traditional rem edies are viewed. ods to use against a particular pest, such as
For exam ple, organic pesticides and fungi­ Colorado potato beetles on potatoes or scab
cid es g en e ra lly are s u b sta n c e s th a t kill on apples? A good place to start is the “Problem-
organisms. However, sulfur, generally classi­ Solving Plant Guide" beginning on page 11.
fied as a natural fungicide, may actually pre­ T he Potato entry will suggest some control
vent fungal diseases by coating plants leaves m ethods for the beetle, the Apple entry de­
so that pathogens are unable to infect a crop. scribes ways to prevent o r lessen scab prob­
T his is tech n ically a physical m eth o d of lems. You can then refer to the descriptions
protection. of various producLs and m ethods that follow
Certain botanically derived insecticides for inform ation on how to make o r use speci­
actually act as growth o r feeding regulators on fic controls.
pests. This m eans their m ode of action is For insects and related pests, you'll also
m ore biological than insecticidal. find information to help you identify and under­
M any cu ltu ra l c o n tro l p ra c tic e s are stand the pest, its life cycle, and how to m an­
thought to work on a variety of levels. Com ­ age it in the "Insect Identification G uide”
panion planting is generally thought of as a beginning on page 268. T he "Disease Symp­
general cultural practice that lessens pest prob­ tom Guide" beginning on page 370 provides
lems. In specific cases, the com panion plants sim ilar inform ation on plant diseases and
may attract beneficial insects, and so in a disorders. Don't forget the possibility that the
sense, are a biological control. O ther plant com­ dam age you find in your garden could be
panions may serve as a trap crop for pests—a caused by a large animal pest. For some tips
physical m ethod of pest m anagem ent. Often on stopping animal feeding, see “Stopping
it is the oldest m ethods that are least under­ Animal Pests” on page 408. A fter you read the
stood in term s of how and why they work. appropriate information in these sections, you
Use the inform ation about each control should be able to craft the safest and most
category to form a mental checklist for deal­ effective strategy for your garden.

Stopping Animal Pests

hether you garden in the suburbs or in 4 ’ high ond a single-wire electric fence only
W a rural area, you may find that anim als
and birds cause you more headaches than
T h ' off the ground ond located 3 ' outside
the chicken wire. Deer find it hard to jump
insect pests do The trickiest part of coping the chicken-wire fence with the electrified
with animal pests can be identifying the pest. wire in the way. If you prefer a conventional
Since m any anim als feed at dawn or dusk, woven wire fence instead of going electric,
you'll need to notice such sign s a s feeding choose one at least 8 ' high. A second inner
patterns, tracks, tunnels, or excrement to fig­ fence about 3 ' high increases the effective­
ure out what culprit is invading your garden. n ess of a nonelectric fence because double
For example, gnaw ed strawberries may be obstacles confuse deer. If deer are nibbling
the work of birds, mice, or slugs. Controls just a few shrubs, consider enclosing these in
that work for one pest m ay do nothing to stop woven wire fence cages. For a slight deer
another, so it's important to figure out exactly problem, this is an inexpensive, effective
what pest is to blame before you act. solution.
Animal deterrents fall into one of four Repellents deter deer a s long a s the
categories. pressures of starvation or overpopulation don't
force them to eat anything in sight. Buy soap
■ Fences and barriers. These hinge on
bars in bulk and hang them from strings in
the assum ption that there's probably some
trees. Or nail eoch bar to a 4 ' stake and drive
w ay to keep the pest out of your yard.
the stakes at 1 5 ' intervals around your prop­
■ Traps. If you use live traps, you must erty. Soa p fragrance is more pervasive when
be willing to transport the captured pest to a the soa p is wet, so a good strategy is to mist
new location Other types of traps kill the pest soap bars with water early in the evening just
to stop the damage. before deer begin to feed. Som e gardeners
■ Repellents. These work on the princi­ report that human hair hung in m esh b a g s or
ple that most anim als won't eat something old stockings is an effective repellent. You
that tastes or sm ells bad. can probably collect all the hair you need
■ Scare tactics. These employ such gad­ from a barber.
gets a s inflatable owls, plastic snakes, hawk­ One repellent that seem s to work is made
shaped kites, and elaborate scarecrows. from e g g s and water. Mix one egg per quart
of water, multiplying the recipe a s m any times
At least one of these approaches should o s you need to get the right amount of spray.
give you a fighting chance against whatever With rainfall or heavy dew, som e repellent will
animal is dining in your garden. After you’ve w ash away. You can prolong the time it remains
discovered just which animal you're trying to on plants by mixing it with a small amount of
discourage, the following tactics should help ontidesiccant, such a s Wilt-Pruf or VaporGard.
you out. Other homemade repellents include water
solutions of blood meal, hot sauce, or garlic
Deer oil. M any commercial repellents are currently
An electric fence, ond not necessarily a available, including BGR (Big Game Repellent),
high one, is the m ost effective w ay to keep made from dried eggs, Hot Sauce, made from
deer out. One design suitable for small areas ground hot peppers, and Hinder, a soap-based
u ses two fences, an inner chicken-wire fence repellent.

Rabbits eral years after initial application of milky

The best w ay to Keep rabbits out of a disease spores for the grubs to disappear.
garden is to erect a chicken-wire fence with If you'd like to dispatch on active mole
m esh no larger than 1 " If you have existing immediately, you must locate a permanent
picket or woven-wire fence, simply attach a tunnel leading from the underground nest.
2 ' wide strip of chicken wire to the bottom of Find a long, straight tunnel and press it down
the fence. Rabbits also som etimes burrow in a few places. If you find the tunnel reopened
under a fence, so you may need to dig a 6 " the next day, you've found a permanent
deep trench and sink the chicken wire down passage. You can try flooding the mole out by
into the soil to completely keep them out. If filling this p a ssa g e with water, but you must
your soil is rocky, pile a 1' wide border of be prepared to kill it a s soon a s it com es to
small stones around the periphery of your the surface in order for the method to be
fence to discourage burrowing. To protect effective. You can also place any of the vari­
young trees and shrub s from rabbits gnow- ous commercial mole traps along a perm a­
ing bark in the winter, erect cylinders made of nent p a ssa g e and eventually eradicate your
" hardware cloth; the cages should be 1V - 2 ' pest. Deciding whether getting rid of mole
hign (higher if you live in an area with deep tunneling warrants killing these anim als is a
snowfall) and should be sunk 2 " - 3 " below matter of personal choice.
the soil surface. This method is also effective
in protecting trees from bark feeding by mice Birds
and voles. Birds are both the gardener's friends
M ost deer repellents are also effective and foes. While they eot insect pests, they
against rabbits. Som e gardeners report that also consum e entire fruits or vegetables or
used cat box filler sprinkled on the lawn around will pick at your produce until it is dam aged
ornamentals deters rabbits. Since effective­ enough to be unappealing. M ost bird controls
n e ss w ears off after about a week, you'll involve making the area you wish to protect
need to replace the litter often, especially either less appealing to birds or more difficult
after rain. for them to feed in.
The most effective control to protect bush
Moles and vine fruits ond small fruit trees is to cover
Moles eat grubs and earthworms, not them with lightweight plastic netting; cover
plants. Nevertheless, their extensive tunnels row crops with floating row cover. You can
ruin low ns and provide easy entry for mice also use a variety of commercial or home­
and voles, which do dine on plant roots and made devices to frighten birds aw ay from
bulos. If your yard is full of mole runs, chances your crops. Tactics that keep birds gu e ssin g
are your soil is full of beetle grubs, the favor­ include moving a scarecrow to a different
ite rood of foraging moles. The most humane spot every few d a ys and tying pie pans,
wa / to discourage moles is to eliminate soil pinwheels, or strips of plastic or foil to its
grubs by applying milky disease spores (see arms. Other bird-scaring devices include p las­
more information about this control on page tic snakes, bird-scaring balloons, and inflat­
460). W hen the grubs die, the moles will able ow ls and hawks. These are most effec­
move on to better feeding grounds. But this tive when mounted on a fence at the garden's
approach requires patience; it may take se v­ edge and relocated every few days
E v e ry th in g you do to encourage healthy plant add to your soil. See "How to Com post" on
growth can be considered a form of cultural page 425 for directions on making this valu­
pest control. As such, cultural controls are able soil am endm ent. You can also encourage
not usually applied in response to a specific overall soil fertility by adding general-purpose
problem , but instead are an integral part of an organic fertilizers o r tea m ade from com post
organic approach to gardening. From the (see "Fungus-Fighting Tea” on page 427). When
m om ent you sketch ou t a planting scheme, using packaged organic fertilizers, follow the
turn up a shovelful of soil, or buy a seed or label directions for proper application. If your
plant, pest prevention and control m easures plants show nutrient deficiency symptoms, nou­
becom e a part of your gardening practices. rish them with the products listed in "Nutrients
for Plant Deficiencies" on the opposite page.
If you suspect that your soil lacks certain
A Cultural Overview nutrients, take a soil sample and have it ana­
You'll begin thinking about cultural con­ lyzed by a reputable laboratory. Your local
trols in the dead of w inter when you're paging Cooperative Extension office or state land
th r o u g h s e e d a n d p l a n t c a t a l o g s , l o o k in g for g r a n t u n iv e rs ity c a n tell y o u h o w t o t a k e a soil
disease-resistant cultivars of your favorite sample; they may also be able to perform the
vegetables. Most gardeners are aware that tests for you o r will recom m end a private
selecting plants and cultivars that are resistant testing laboratory.
to certain disease and insect problems can
help them avoid problem s later in the season. Choose Plants That Fight Back
Cultural controls also play a role in how Many diseases and even insects can be
and when you plant, how you w ater and ferti­ controlled by growing resistant or tolerant cul­
lize, and finally how you clean up your garden tivars o r species. By em phasizing disease
site in the fall when your plants have died off resistance in your choice of cultivars, you can
o r have gone dorm ant for the winter. completely avoid some common pest problems.
For exam ple, som e newer cultivars of shell
Start with the Soil pea, including ‘Maestro’, are resistant to mosaic
A fundam ental step in producing healthy virus as well as powdery mildew and Fusarium
plants is to prom ote healthy soil. Organically wilt. Similarly, ‘Slicem aster’ cucum ber resists
enriched, biologically active soil promotes plant both downy mildew and powdery mildew, plus
health by encouraging root development, thus leaf spot, anthracnose, and m osaic virus.
setting the stage for efficient use of w ater and Disease resistance also varies am ong spe­
nutrients. Healthy soil is also more likely to cies within the same genus. Among salvias,
contain a natural, sustainable balance between for ex am p le, th e a n n u a l sp e c ie s. Salvia
beneficial and potentially destru ctive soil splendens, sold as a bedding plant, is seldom
microorganisms. bothered by pests oth er than whiteflies. How­
Com post, a mix of decom posed organic ever, many of the perennial Salvia species that
m aterials, is one of the best things you can are native to arid clim ates have problems with


mildews, rots, and insects. W henever possible,

get inform ation (from extension agents, local
nurseries, o r fellow gardeners) about com ­ Nutrients for
mon pest and disease problem s that o ccur in
your area; use this knowledge to select plants Plant Deficiencies
that resist such problems. You'll find recom ­
m endations for resistant cultivars and species f your plants can't get the nutrients they
in individual plant entries in the “Problem-
Solving Plant G uide" beginning on page 11.
I need from the soil, they m ay sh ow a wide
range of deficiency symptoms, from yellow­
ing leaves to stunted growth. Once you iden­
tify what is lacking (by close observation of
Consider Timing and Placement the plant or by a soil or plant tissue test), you
can choose from a wide range of organic
You can avoid certain pest problems by fertilizers to supply the needed nutrient. The
planting when the pest isn't around. Some table below lists som e commonly deficient
pests, such as carrot rust flies, lay eggs only at plant nutrients and fertilizers that can su p ­
a certain time in spring. By delaying planting, ply them.
you reduce the chance that your crop will be
infested by that pest. Nutrient S o u rc e s
W here you put plants in the garden and Nitrogen Alfalfa meal
in relation to one ano th er can also have an Blood meal
effect on pests. Changing the planting site of Fish emulsion
crops from one year to the next in your vege­ Fish meol
table g ard en —known as crop ro tatio n —can
Soybean meal
prevent pest populations from building up by
denying them a food source from season to Phosphorus Bonemeal
Colloidal phosphate
season. When practiced thoughtfully, crop rota­
Rock phosphate
tion can keep nonmobile pest populations from
Potassium Granite meal
reaching damaging thresholds. Problem s that
are particularly easy to control through rota­ Sul-Po-Mag
tion include onion and cabbage root maggots, W ood a sh e s
black rot of broccoli, and most diseases caused Epsom salts
M agnesium
by soilborne bacteria. Dolomitic lime
C om panion planting—planting two or
Calcium G ypsum
more types of plants in close proxim ity—is a Calcific Ilm©
popular gardening technique th at can reduce Oyster shells
pest problem s in a variety of ways. Some good Sulfur Flowers of sulfur
com panion plants, such as dill, fennel, and Gypsum
Q ueen A nne's lace, will a ttra c t beneficial
Boron Borax
insects. O ther types of companion plants repel
pests o r confuse and confound insects o r dis­ Other Kelp or seaw eed extract
micronutrienls Kelp meal
ease organisms in search of their preferred
host plants. To learn more about how diver­
sity helps reduce pest problem s, see “Encour­
age Diversity" on page 6.

Keep Things Clean

Keeping a clean garden m eans prevent­
Plant Health Tonics ing pest-infested m aterial from getting in and
doing as m uch as possible to get rid of plants
lthough they are not pesticides, kelp, se a ­
A weed, and micronutrient sp rays can help
make plants more pest resistant by improv­
or parts of plants that develop pest problems.
Carefully inspect any plants you intend to buy
for signs of insects o r disease. See “Buying
ing their overall health. Often described a s
Healthy P lan ts’ on page 4 for advice. And if
growth enhancers, these products provide
pest problems do strike in your garden, use
an extensive menu of nutrients such a s iron
and boron that plants need, In very small care in disposing of the diseased o r infested
amounts, for proper growth and development. m aterial.
Plants con absorb these micronutrients If you save your own seeds, you can try
through their leaves. So if deficiency sym p ­ various heat or cold treatm ents to “clean" the
tom s appear, applying a foliar spray such a s seeds for next year’s crops. Do not save seeds
a chelated iron product or seaw eed will pro­ from plants that show symptoms of Fusarium
vide a quick remedy. (The long-term solution or Verticillium wilts or any disfiguring virus.
is to add soil am endm ents to correct the All seeds contain living cells capable of har­
problem.) Those products made with se a ­ boring these m icroscopic pathogens. If you
weed or kelp can also be categorized a s
save seeds from your healthiest, most robust
growth regulators, since they contain amino
acids and enzym es that promote stronger
plants, you are also practicing natural selection,
growth and increase plant yields.
and the resulting plants may be more tolerant
If you know from experience that certain of pathogens than preceding generations.
plants will face challenges from insects and W hen the gardening season ends, you’ll
diseases, you con apply seaw eed or kelp want to thoroughly clear any diseased plant
sp rays to strengthen those plants and make material out of your garden beds. Otherwise,
them better oble to defend themselves. These com e the following spring, it can serve as a
products, however, are not a substitute for source of infection for new plants. In some
good soil or nutrients token up by plant roots. cases, you can safely com post diseased plant
If you have a c c e ss to fresh seaweed, m aterial. In oth er cases, it’s best to destroy it
rinse it to remove the salt, then apply it to the
by burning or disposing of it in sealed contain­
garden o s a mulch, or com post it. Gardeners
ers with your household trash.
who don't have a c c e ss to fresh seaw eed can
buy liquid seaw eed extract. Before spraying
You may also w ant to till o r cultivate the
it on your plants, dilute this concentrated soil in garden beds that are cleared out in the
product according to the directions on the fall to help reduce pest problems. Tilling exposes
label. Spray plants every two to four weeks, soil pests to the surface, where they may be
depending on the label directions. Remem­ killed by cold tem peratures o r spotted and
ber: A little is good for your plants, but too eaten by predators.
m uch can be toxic, so don't be tempted to
spray more frequently or use stronger solutions.
Dried seaweed, sold a s kelp meal, is a good Resistance
long-term soil conditioner; apply 1 -2 pounds
In 1859, Charles Darwin noted that in
per 100 square feet of soil.
nature only the fittest will survive, describing
the ongoing process of natural selection. All
plants and animals are subject to a variety of

Pathogen-Free Potting Soil

' etting your seedlings and transplants oft into the soil, and place the pan in an oven
( J to a good start is a critical step in creat­
ing a healthy, productive garden. Seedlings
heated to 200°F. Start riming when the soil
temperature reaches 140°F und continue heat­
and young plants are prone to a number of ing for 3 0 minutes. Remember that the soil
so Iborne diseases, commonly lumped together temperature should not exceed 180°F; if
under the term damping-off. Using a disease- necessary, remove the pan from the oven and
free medium is a basic part of producing let it cool to below 180°F before returning it
healthy young plants. to the oven, or add a small amount of cool
If you make your own potting medium, water to the soil to moderate the temperature.
esoecially out of ingredients such a s garden ■ Microwave oven. Be sure your soil is
so;l, you will probably want to pasteurize it. moist and free of stones and metallic particles.
Exposure to temperatures from 160°-180°F Put it in a polypropylene baking bag or a
for 3 0 minutes will kill m ost insects, weed microwave-safe mixing b o w l-in either case,
sesds, and pathogenic bacteria and fungi. the container should not be tightly sealed. At
Higher temperatures, however, can also destroy low power ( 3 0 - 4 0 percent), adequate heat­
beneficial organism s, deplete soil organic ing may take 1 0-15 minutes of operation. At
matter, and release toxic salts into the soil; full power, heating will take about Th min­
monitor soil temperature carefully during utes for a 2-pound batch. If you see any
treatment. sparks, stop the process immediately; this
You can pasteurize your potting mix indicates that metallic particles are present
indoors in a conventional oven or microwave, in the soil. In this case, use another method,
or outdoors on a barbecue grill. Be aware, ■ Outdoor barbecue grill. Fill a clean,
though, that heating soil will create a strong shallow pan with soil. Set the pan over the
odor. If you're concerned about the smell fire of an outdoor barbecue grill. Insert a
lin Bering in your house, try the outdoor method. meat thermometer into the soil. W hen the
Af er treating the s o il let it cool before you
thermometer registers 140°F, begin timing,
use it, or store it in o closed container.
and keep the soil over the heat for 3 0 more
■ Conventional oven. Fill a clean, sh al­ minutes. If the soil temperature threatens to
low pan with moist soil. Cover the pan with exceed 180°F, add a small amount of cool
aluminum foil, insert a meat thermometer water to the soil to moderate the temperature.

hazards, including attack by insects and dis­ selection. Plant breeders have accelerated nat­
ease organisms. Those plants and animals that ural selection. They select plants for resistance
have natural mechanisms to cope with pests to dam age caused by insects, diseases, and
will live and reproduce more generations of nem atodes. T he results are new plant culti­
healthy specimens. Those that c a n t cope don’t vars with the ability to withstand some of the
survive to reproduce—a fact that is som e­ natural hazards in the garden.
times painfully evident in the garden. Keep in mind that, in general, plants native
T h e plants in your home and garden are to your area may have m ore natural pest
the products of both natural and artificial resistance than exotic species. Plants will also

have more natural resistance when they are

grown in the appropriate site. For exam ple,
Resistance Ratings when azaleas or rhododendrons are grown in
partial shade and acidic soil and are kept con­
mproved pest resistance is a strong trend tinuously mulched, they are more pest-resistant
I in newer cultivars. It is am ong the most
potent tools available for keeping plants free
than when grown in full sun surrounded by
moisture-grabbing grass. T he latter situation
of insects and disease. W hen you are ch oos­ subjects the plants to problems that do not
ing plants for your garden, keep in mind that occur in their natural setting—and for which
som e plants are more resistant thon others. they have developed no inherent resistance.
The following are ratings for the level of de­
fense plants exhibit when challenged by a Host Resistance
specific problem.
Some plants have true resistance, which
■ Susceptible indicates that the sp e­ m eans they have an active physiological or
cies or cultivar is at high risk to a specific m echanical m eans of fending off pests. Plants
pest or pathogen. W hen that insect or dis­ with physiological resistance produce antibi­
ease is present, it will attack a susceptible otics or other toxic compounds to inhibit pests.
plant first, injuring or killing the plant and
Plants with m echanical resistance have physi­
greatly reducing yield.
cal features that make pest attack difficult.
■ Tolerant m eans that the species or
T heir defense may be a thick ou ter coating
cultivar can produce a good crop despite an
attack by an insect or disease. The plant can,
that resists penetration by a disease organism
however, produce an even better crop if it is o r a coat of long and stiff hairs that deters
not subject to attack. insect feeding. For exam ple, shell beans and
■ Resistant species or cultivars can fight peas that have tough pods are more difficult
off attacks by specific enemies and are gen­ for curculios to penetrate; corn that produces
erally not infected or damaged. C hoosing a a husk that reaches past the tip of the ear is
resistant plant is a good first step in reducing less likely to be bothered by corn earworms
the need for pest control. For example, if you and birds.
know from past experience that early blight Some plants have apparent resistance.
com m only attacks potatoes In your area, you This m eans that they can w ithstand attack by
can plant a resistant cultivar such a s 'Kenne­ pests by growing rapidly, m aturing early, or
bec' the following year. This greatly reduces
being very vigorous. O thers are merely toler­
the chance of early blight dam aging your
ant of invasion—they continue growing even
crop, ond you probably w on't have to do any
when besieged by the enemy, as long as other
conditions rem ain favorable. Some tolerate
■ Immune m eans the plant is incapa­
ble of being dam aged by a certain pest or
more dam age than others.
disease. If, for example, one of your garden Breeders search for these defensive abili­
beds contains the club root fungus, you can ties am ong wild plants that are related to our
still grow mony kinds of plants there. Only crops. They may also search for desirable char­
cabbage family plants can get club root; all acteristics among cultivars of foreign or heir­
other plants are immune. loom plants (those plants th at have been
selected and saved for many generations).
Sometimes, breeders will induce m utations in

the laboratory, then breed the desirable char­ attack, and those that were unattractive to
acteristics into a new cultivar. your key pests.
■ Keep records of the cultivars that were
Autocidal Resistance most successful in your garden. In subsequent
Some forms of pest resistance involve seasons, include the same cultivars in your
changing the pest rather than the host plant. rotation for as long as they remain trouble-free.
T h e best exam ple of autocidal resistance is ■ Try new cultivars. Just as plants are
the sterile male technique used to control constantly changing, so are the pests. Plants
insects. Scientists rear thousands of males of a that were once resistant may be vulnerable to
p articu lar insect species under controlled pests that have adapted in order to feed on
conditions, then sterilize them with x-rays. formerly resistant plants.
T hese sterilized males are released in the wild ■ Sample heirloom cultivars for resis­
to mate with females of the same species. tance. Heirloom plants that have been care­
Since the males are sterile, m ated females do fully selected and cultivated for many genera­
not produce eggs, causing populations to drop tions also may contain high levels of pest
d ra stic a lly over tim e. (T h e te c h n iq u e is resistance. Some heirloom tom ato cultivars,
restricted to insect species with females that for exam ple, have been screened and selected
only m ate once.) This m ethod is most suc­ by gardeners for such a long time that they are
cessful when the sterile males com pete aggres­ naturally resistant to diseases such as Verticil­
sively with the natural population of fertile lium and Fusarium wilts.
m ales. A w orking ex am p le of a u to c id a l
■ C heck with your local C ooperative
resistance occurs at the border of M exico and
Extension office to find out which cultivars
California, where sterile males of the Mexi­
are recom m ended for your area. Resistance
can fruit fly are released to help control popu­
for particular plants works better in some loca­
lations and to prevent the pests from entering
tions than in others.

Resistance in the Garden Crop Rotation

T here are several points to rem em ber for
making the best use of resistance for avoiding Crop rotation is one of the most effective
pest problems. ways to control insect and disease pests in an
organic garden. T he theory of crop rotation is
■ W hen skimming through seed catalogs, simple. Disease organisms such as club root
select cultivars with resistance to the pests fungi attack and grow in a crop during the
com m on in your garden. Seed suppliers indi­ growing season. During the winter, the organ­
cate a cu ltiv ars resistant characteristics with isms may overwinter as spores in the soil or in
a series of abbreviated codes. Look for a key plant litter. T he following year, they reinfest a
to the codes in each catalog for help in de­ new planting. So if you plant cabbage in the
ciphering listings. same spot year after year, the pathogens can
■ W hen saving seed from your garden continue to build their populations and club
plants, collect seed only from the healthiest root will becom e an increasingly serious prob­
and most vigorous specimens. Select plants lem. However, if you plant cabbage in a bed
that seem ed to naturally resist or tolerate pest one year, corn there the next, onions the third

year, and beans the fourth year, many of the 1. Take a crop inventory. On index cards
club root fungi will die off due to the lack of or small scraps of paper, list the crops you
food. W hen you plant cabbage there again, plan to grow. Use one card for each crop.
you'll have little problem with club root. Next, place the cards in m ajor groups accord­
This theory unfortunately becom es more ing to botanical family. Related crops (such as
com plex as the num ber of crops you wish to cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli in the cab­
grow increases. If you grow a large variety of bage family; onions, leeks, and garlic in the
crops, planning your rotation may leave your lily family; o r potatoes, tom atoes, and pep­
mind spinning as well as your crops. Don't pers in the nightshade family) will be in the
despair! Just follow the steps and tips below. same group. G rouping by family is only one of
several ways to plan your rotation.

2. Design your garden. Work with a map

Steps in Rotation Planning of your garden in front of you. Divide your
In order to plan a rotation, you need garden into several sections of approximately
some working knowledge of how botanical equal size and shape. T he num ber of sections
names of plants indicate relationships. All plants should be the same as the num ber of plant
have a two-part botanical nam e, consisting of groups in step 1. Although the sections need
a genus name and a species name. For example, not all be the same size, your plans will be
the botanical nam e of cucum ber is Cucumis simplified if they are. Sections may consist of
sativus. Cucumis is the genus nam e, sativus several rows, a series of beds, o r separate
is the specific epithet. Together these make corners of the garden area.
up the species nam e, Cucumis sativus.
A genus is a group of fairly closely related 3. Arrange your cards. Using the rules
organisms, a species is an individual organism below, decide on an annual ordering sequence
in the group. Many disease organisms can of plant groups that will place each crop at it’s
attack more than one m em ber of a genus. most advantageous position. For exam ple, if
Following through with our exam ple, musk- your m ajor crop groups are legumes, grains,
melons, Cucumis melo, belong to the same peppers/tom atoes, salad greens, and alliums,
genus as cucum bers and are subject to many you could create the following yearly order:
of the same pest problems. year 1, legumes; year 2, grains; year 3, peppers/
Some pests attack even a broader spec­ tom atoes; year 4, greens; year 5, alliums. In
trum of plants. Plant families are larger group­ this case, nitrogen-fixing legum es precede
ings of plants that contain several genera. grains, such as corn, which benefit m ost from
Cucum bers and melons belong to the family the additional nitrogen. Alliums, such as onions,
Cucurbitaceae. This family also includes sum­ were placed last in the five-year sequence
m er squash and winter squash, which belong because they’re good nutrient scavengers. T he
to the genus Cucurbita. It’s im portant to know placem ent of peppers/tom atoes and greens is
and understand these relationships, because less obvious and less restricted. Perhaps you
one of the basic principles in planning a crop know from experience that peppers and tom a­
rotation is to plant crops from different fami­ toes do well following corn. Afterw ard, a fall
lies in sequence in a particular location to pre­ application of com post will boost the greens
vent the buildup of pest populations in the soil. the following year. Within each section, five
Keep family relationships in mind as you years will pass before the crop is grown again,
follow these steps. to discourage pests specific to that plant family.

___ jO jw fa e S

Gardeners use crop rotation to separate related plants by both space and time, thereby removing the
host plants that pests and diseases need to survive. In this illustration, plants are rotated by family;
other rotation plans might organize crops by growth habit, space requirements, or time o f maturity.

Copyrighted material

4. Place crop groups in their garden ■ Apply compost or manure to those crops
sections. Assign a plant family to each of your that need it most. Some crops prefer to feast
garden sections. T hen subdivide the sections on the leftovers of nutrients applied the previ­
to accom m odate the plants in each family ous year. This list includes m em bers of the
group. For exam ple, designate space for snap cabbage family, solanaceous plants such as
beans, snow peas, and lima beans in the sec­ tom atoes and potatoes, most root crops, and
tion reserved for legumes. leafy crops like spinach and lettuce. O ther
5. Make plans for future gardens. In each crops, including squash family members, corn,
subsequent year, move on to the next plant and other grains, and legumes such as peas
group in each garden section. In year 2. for and beans prefer a fresh application of com ­
exam ple, grains follow the legumes grown in post or m anure each year.
section 1 in the first year, while section 3 is ■ Some crops, including onions, lettuce,
planted with greens. and squash, seem to benefit any planting that
follows them. In general, m ost crops grow
poorly when planted after carrots, beets, and
Rules for Rotation m em bers of the cabbage family.
■ Alternate crops as many ways as possi­ ■ Plant heavy-feeding crops such as com ,
ble. Plants may be grouped by families, as dis­ tomatoes, and cabbage the season before light-
cussed earlier in the chapter. Alternately, you feeders such as root vegetables, bulb crops,
could choose to arrange your crops by the and herbs. Plant a soil-building crop in the
am ount of space they require, by growth habit third season.
(root crops o r vining crops), or by some other ■ Make efficient use of garden space by
criterion. planting overwintering annuals such as spinach,
■ Leave as m uch time as you can spare parsnips, and garlic after crops that are har­
betw een related crops. Placing related crops vested in late summer.
three to six years apart in a rotation is impor­ ■ Although perennials such as asparagus
tant to effectively break disease and insect and rhubarb remain in the same place each
cycles. year, rotate the cover crops that surround them,
■ Include soil-improving crops. Leave o r rotate different kinds of mulch.
room for soil-builders such as buckw heat, rye, ■ If you find it impossible to rotate crops,
o r oats. With a little more space, you can grow at least rotate cultivars.
clover or alfalfa, which remains in place for ■ C ertain soilborne diseases attack a
m ore than one year, enriching the soil and broad spectrum of crops, and a more complex
attracting beneficial insects. Sod crops, such rotation is necessary to prevent infection. For
as lawns, cover crops, o r even weeds that are example, the bacterium Pseudomonas margi-
intact for several years, however, may harbor nalis can cause rots of lettuce, beans, cucum ­
soil pests such as grubs o r wireworms, which bers, and potatoes. If your garden is hom e to
can dam age root crops. Avoid crops such as this disease organism, you may have to make
potatoes and onions the first year after sod is it the sole focus of your rotation. Separate the
plowed under. susceptible crops by as m uch time as possible
■ Grow legumes before grains. Nitrogen- within your rotation.
fixing crops, including alfalfa, clover, beans, ■ Be prepared to change your plans if
and peas, will boost the growth of most suc­ this year's problems threaten crops planned
ceeding crops. for next season's rotation.

Copyrighted m

■ Record your successes and failures, and to discover the full range of com panion plant­
review the list each time you plan a crop ing possibilities for your garden.
Attractant Crops
Attractant crops tend to attract organisms,
Companion Planting usually insects, in a way that benefits your
Organic gardeners often use com panion yard and garden. Many beneficial insects that
planting to prevent pest dam age and ensure a prey on garden pests supplem ent their diets
healthy harvest. T h e idea is that having a with pollen and nectar produced by small-
diverse grouping of plants growing side-by- flowered plants: most beneficials are tiny and
side, where only one type grew before, will can't reach the food in larger blossoms. Plants
reduce the pest problem s of one o r more of in the carrot (Umbelliferae), daisy (Composi-
the crops. Com panion planting offers protec­ tae), and mint (Labiatae) families are espe­
tion only from insect pests: there is little evi­ cially attractive to beneficial insects. Once
dence that com panion planting can control good insects are attracted to your garden,
disease. they'll often stay to control garden pests. Mix
Mixed planting mimics a natural ecosys­ the following attractant plants among your
tem. Your garden is like a mini-forest in which garden crops, or plant them in a border to
hundreds of organisms interact am ong the greet the beneficials as they arrive: caraway,
trees, usually out of sight. While plants remain catnip, dill, fennel, hyssop, lemon balm, lovage,
stationary, insects and microbial organisms parsley, rosemary, thyme, and yarrow.
are moving in and out of the forest daily. By
planting a diversity of crops in your garden Repellent Crops
forest, you can tip the scale in favor for vigor­ Some plants make good com panions be­
ous growth and minimum dam age by selec­ cause of the com pany they discourage. While
tively attracting certain organisms and repel­ these relationships remain more a part of gar­
ling others. dening folklore than scientific fact, many gar­
G ardens are good places in which to try deners are convinced of their usefulness. Both
com panion planting, since gardeners may be catnip and tansy, for example, reportedly repel
less concerned with high yields and efficiency green peach aphids and squash bugs from sus­
than are com m ercial growers. R ow er beds ceptible garden crops. Wormwood (Artem i­
often contain an array of species and cultivars, sia absinthium}. southernwood (A. abrotanum).
while stiffly regimented rows of identical plants and tom atoes are said to repel flea beetles
fill m ost vegetable gardens. Com bining the from cabbage family plants. Plant radishes
two creates a diverse planting that pleases the amid hills of cucum ber and squash to repel
eye as well as the ecosystem. Mix com panion cucum ber beetles, and you'll also limit the
plants in am ong your vegetables, or use them diseases spread by these pests.
as a border.
T he term companion planting describes Good Neighbors
several types of plant-to-organism relationships. Certain plant com binations succeed be­
T hese relationships, and how to use them , are cause of differences in nutritional needs, space
described below. While exam ples are given, requirem ents, o r harvest times. T hese associ­
they are by no m eans a com plete selection of ations may not directly retard pest dam age,
possible com panion plants. You'll probably but they do prom ote plant health.
want to do further reading and experim enting Interplanting certain crops fills precious
420 ■ C l 'L T l 'R A L C O N T R O L S

garden space efficiently w ithout creating com ­ tionships in mind if you're puzzling over a
petition for light or nutrients. Corn and lettuce, mysterious plant disorder that seems to be
for exam ple, have different nutritional needs, caused by invisible pests. T he pest may actu­
rooting patterns, and pests. Lettuce fills the ally be the large walnut tree growing nearby.
empty space between corn plants and is pro­
tected from the full glare of the sum m er sun
by the towering corn stalks.
O th er plants harm onize because they
Timed Planting
m ature at different times. Radish and carrot Tim ed planting and harvesting are two of
seeds are often sown together; the larger rad­ the oldest known pest-control m ethods. Using
ish seeds mark the row as you plant, and the this m ethod, gardeners either plant (or har­
quick-emerging radish seedlings hold the soil vest) a crop earlier o r later than usual in order
against rain for the slower-growing carrots. to avoid the most dam aging pest stages.
You'll harvest the radishes long before the In earlier times, this type of inform ation
carrots need the space to fatten. was passed from old to new generations within
Legumes such as alfalfa, clover, and vetch fairly stable com m unities. M odern gardeners,
work with beneficial bacteria to convert atm o­ being part of a m ore mobile society, may find
spheric nitrogen gas into a form usable by themselves in new environm ents where they
plants, some of which is available to plants don't know what planting schedule to follow
grown around them or after they are harvested. to foil the local pests. Experimenting with new
W hile often viewed as a weed in lawns, white crops in a new setting, you may discover a whole
clover actually helps supply nitrogen to the new array of pests. If you're gardening in a
grass around it. new area, or if you haven't tried timing your
Still other plants seem to enhance the growing schedule before, try the approaches
growth of plants growing near them. Basil is described below.
popular am ong gardeners who practice com ­
panion p lan tin g —they say that everything Learn New Ways to Tell Time
planted near it grows vigorously. T he calendars in our hom es and offices
are useful tools for scheduling our time. Crop
Patterns to Avoid plants and pests, however, follow a different
On the other hand, some crop com bina­ schedule and develop according to soil and
tions should be avoided in the interest of pre­ air tem peratures, which can vary yearly. In
venting pests. Crops th at are closely related the northeastern states, for exam ple, a snow­
attract the same pests, and you may wish to storm o r sunny, warm w eather is equally likely
separate them in your beds. on the first day of spring.
Some plants are allelopathic, which means
they inhibit the growth of plants growing nearby. Degree Days
T heir roots secrete substances that are toxic To a large extent, tem perature regulates
to a wide range of other plants. For exam ple, a pest developm ent. Scientists use units of
shallow-plowed cover crop of rye will inhibit m easurem ents called degree days to track heat
the germ ination of small-seeded plants and accum ulation over time and predict the local
weeds. Yellow and giant foxtail, nutsedge, appearance of various pests. T he degree day
quackgrass. sunflowers, and walnut trees all formula assigns a value to each day’s maxi­
have allelopathic properties. Keep these rela­ mum and minimum tem perature and com ­

pares that v alu e—the degree day o r heat mone Traps" on page 437 for details on using
u n it—to the tem perature at which a particu­ these traps.
lar pest begins to develop. Units accum ulate
daily, starting from a known o r readily deter­ Experiment for Success
mined point in the pest's life cycle. If the pest
To time planting dates accurately, begin
is a caterpillar, for exam ple, degree day units
collecting your own garden data. Each season,
might be calculated from the first day its adult
review your notes to detect patterns, then
stage (moth) appears.
adjust your garden schedule accordingly. Keep
Using this form ula, entom ologists pre­
track of the first date on which a particular
dict when each pest will em erge from hiber­
pest appears, the coinciding botanical signals,
nation and begin laying eggs on your plants. If
and the last date you see it.
tem peratures are lower than norm al, degree
Experiment with successive plantings. Try
days accumulate more slowly and pests develop
several sowings of carrots, for exam ple, to see
later. If tem peratures are higher than normal,
which planting date is most effective for avoid­
pests develop more quickly and you can expect
ing carrot rust fly infestation. Many gardeners
to see them earlier than usual. Your C oopera­
find that delayed planting works best to co n­
tive Extension office can provide you with
trol this pest. Sweet com growers often plant
local pest em ergence predictions based on
in succession to ensure a weekly harvest and
this form ula. Use such inform ation to sched­
find that corn planted earlier escapes attack
ule p la n tin g , h a rv estin g , an d preventive
by corn earworm s or European com borers.
treatm ents.
As a gardener, you may decide to limit corn
planting to the earliest part of the season in
Phenological Signals
order to beat the pests in the race to the ears.
A nother way to tell time in the garden is
W hen arranging your planting and har­
by keeping track of local plant signals. Some
vesting schedule, include cultivars that m ature
gardeners can predict when a certain pest will
earlier or later than your usual crop selections.
em erge by watching the growth of flowering
Pests arrive to find their favorite plant hosts
trees and shrubs and relating their develop­
have already been harvested or are not m ature
m ent to that of the pest. This study of the
enough to produce the fruit on which they feed.
timing of biological events and their relation­
Either way, dam age to your garden is reduced
ship to one another is known as phenology.
or elim inated and pest populations dwindle in
For exam ple, you may observe that flea bee­
the absence of the appropriate hosts.
tles appear when local lilacs begin to bloom.
In areas where nematodes are common in
If you study and record these relationships
the soil, plant susceptible crops extra early or
over tim e, you may be able to use your obser­
extra late to take advantage of lower soil
vations to time plantings of crops to avoid
tem peratures. Most nem atodes c a n t pene­
pest attack.
trate plant roots when soil tem peratures are
Pherom one traps that mimic pests own
below 64°H
signals are useful tools for m onitoring insect
Here are some other examples of crops
appearances. They can help you determ ine
and pests for which timed planting is effective.
when the first pests arrive and when the popu­
lation dwindles. T h e directions supplied with ■ Peas. Cool, wet w eather conditions
specific commercial traps explain how to inter­ encourage the developm ent of many fungal
pret the population fluctuations. See “Phero­ diseases. If you live in an area with cool, wet

fall weather, you may want to plant peas only Keep the gardener clean. Because gar­
in the spring. And if damping-off and root rot deners love to touch, smell, and investigate
trouble your springtim e seedlings, delay next plants, they often unwittingly spread pest
spring's planting by a few weeks. problems. They meander through their friends
■ Tomatoes. If your plants tend to suc­ gardens or visit local nurseries and farms brush­
cum b to late blight near the end of the season, ing against infected plants and picking up
replace them in your next rotation with culti­ soilborne spores on their boots. If you're among
vars that m ature earlier. the ranks of such plant adm irers, make sure
■ Cabbage family crops. In the North, your shoes and hands are clean before you
plant radishes, broccoli, and other cabbage enter your own garden. If you've been near
family crops early to avoid cabbage maggot potential sources of pathogens o r insects, rinse
dam age to roots. If cabbage maggots persist, your boots with a 10 percent bleach solution
grow these crops for fall harvest to avoid (1 part bleach to 9 parts water).
the pest. Start with clean tools. And keep them
that way. Especially when working am ong dis­
■ Onions. Plant them early to reduce
eased plants, rinse your tools with isopropyl
dam age caused by onion maggots. T he first
alcohol or a 10 percent bleach solution before
generation of adult flies usually appears as
moving on to another part of the garden. When
dandelions begin blooming. Onions that are
pruning infected trees or shrubs, disinfect prun-
already nearing m aturity when pests arrive
ers between cuts. W hen your work is finished,
have greater resistance to injury than tiny
clean your tools again and let them air-dry,
then coat them lightly with oil before storing.
Sterilize saved seeds. Disease organisms
Sanitation may linger invisibly on seeds you plan to save,
G ood sanitation is a crucial step in keep­ ready to infect next year's emerging seedlings.
ing most pests under control. Any pathogen Make a sterilizing dip to protect seeds from
that persists in soil from year to year, as do overwintering diseases. Place seeds on a large
root knot nem atodes, Fusarium wilts, tobacco square of cheesecloth, gather the edges of the
mosaic virus, and many others, can be spread cloth together, and bind them with string o r a
via contam inated tools, infected or infested rubber band. Dip the seeds in a solution of
plant debris, or even your hands. Make thor­ either vinegar and w ater (1 tablespoon apple-
ough cleaning of shovels, digging forks, or the cider vinegar to 1 quart water) o r a 10 per­
tines of your tiller part of your gardening cent bleach solution. Dry dipped seeds on
routine, especially if soil-dwelling pests and newspaper or paper towels; make sure seeds
pathogens are present in sections of your are com pletely dry before storing.
garden. You can also sterilize seeds with heat by
immersing them in hot water. Take care if you
Before You Begin use this m ethod. Excessive heat can kill seeds
T h e tem ptation to get a quick start in the and will usually reduce germ ination percen­
spring may lead gardeners to skip sanitation tage. It's safer to use a large quantity—several
efforts that help prevent later problems. Before gallons—of water to minimize the possibility
you take your first steps onto the newly awak­ of a sudden surge in tem perature.
ening soil, stop and rem em ber these impor­ Heat w ater in a large pot to the correct
tant rules. tem perature (see below). Place seeds in the

cen ter of a large square of cheesecloth, gather problems in a garden section that must be
the edges together, and tie securely. Suspend planted, you can use the sun’s heat to kill
the seeds in the water; don't let them rest on some pathogens and insects in the soil. Stretch
the bottom of the pot. Stir the water frequently a sheet of clear plastic tightly over a sm ooth,
during immersion. Use a good-quality ther­ moist soil surface and leave it in place for as
m om eter to m easure the w ater tem perature, long as several weeks. T he heat that builds up
and time the immersion carefully. Don't try to in the covered soil will kill most soilborne
store seeds after hot-water treatm ent; the treat­ pathogens and weed seeds.
ment will have started the germination process. Start a compost pile. A well-managed
You can treat the following seeds at the speci­ hot com post pile can be the perfect resting
fied tim es and tem peratures. site for plant trimmings and other garden debris
that may carry unseen pathogens and insect
■ Brussels sprouts, cabbage, peppers, stages in waiting. See “Com posting for Insect
tom atoes— 122°F; 25 minutes. and Disease C ontrol’’ on page 425 for instruc­
■ Beets, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, tions on composting.
kale, kohlrabi, turn ip s— 122°F 20 minutes. Remove winter mulches. As temperatures
■ C elery—118°E 30 minutes. begin to rise and spring rains start falling,
soggy winter mulch provides a harbor for dis­
■ Eggplant— 122°R 30 minutes.
ease pathogens and hungry slugs or snails.
Pull the mulch from beds a little at a time; pay
Choose healthy plants. Inspect new plants special attention to clearing it away from tree
before introducing them to your yard or garden. trunks, stems, and crowns.
Look for signs of disease and insects, and
reject any that look suspicious. If available, As You Garden
buy certified disease-free plants and seeds. Maintain your sanitation standards consis­
Inquire about seed sterilization practices at tently throughout the growing season. Cultural
your seed source. Buy from suppliers that use controls are especially useful in midsum m er
sanitation procedures and heat-sterilizing tech­ when beneficial insects are active and garden
niques instead of synthetic chem icals to con­ crops are nearing maturity. Keep problems at
trol disease on nursery stock and seeds. bay by adding a few more sanitation tech­
Don't be afraid to buy sight-unseen from niques to your garden plan.
reputable m ail-order nurseries. Most plants Stay away when it’s wet. Some plant dis­
that are sold mail-order across state lines must ease organisms are just waiting for a free ride
be inspected and certified disease-free before on your clothing and hands. Don’t cooperate!
they are packaged and shipped. W hen buying Most diseases need only a thin film of w ater to
plants such as strawberries or raspberries, which spread from one plant to the next. During
often carry viral diseases, buy from a special­ warm, rainy spells, disease transmission is at
ized producer who employs highly effective its greatest.
m odern screening m ethods. Such growers are Rogue and prune. Pull plants with symp­
most likely to offer a wide selection of disease- toms of disease or heavy insect infestation
free plants and are more likely to back up their and prune diseased sections from perennial
sales with guarantees should your new plants plants. A hot com post pile will kill pathogenic
show disease symptoms. fungi and b a c te ria . If you su sp e c t viral
Solarize the soil. If you anticipate pest infections, bury the prunings in an out-of-the-
424 ■ et i;n RAI. CONTRC >LS

Soil Solarization
f soilborne pesfs are a big problem in your removing old crop residues, working in any
I garden, why w aste your energy trying to
com bat them ? Let the sun do it for you! This
soil amendments, ond raking it into planting
rows or beds. Water the site thoroughly, and
process, known a s soil solarization, involves dig a trench a few inches deep around the
covering the soil with clear plastic, so the edges of the site. Cover the area with a sheet
heat can build up and destroy the soil organ­ of 1-4 mil clear plastic, and bury the edges
ism s and weed seeds. Keep in mind that the In the trench to anchor them. Leave in place
high temperatures can also harm beneficial for three to four weeks.
insects and organism s that live in the soil; Remove the plastic and plant your crops,
only use this process when you have a seri­ disturbing the soil a s little a s possible. Solar-
ous pest or disease problem. ization will only treat the top 3 " - 5 " of soil, so
Soil solarization works best in midsummer, deeper cultivation may bring up pathogens
just before foil crops are planted. It is also and seeds that can reinfest the newly treated
most effective in areas that have long stretches plot. Since solarizing may also harm the micro­
of clear, hot weather. If you have a rainy or organism s that help make soil organic matter
cool spell during the solarization period, soil available to plants, you may want to top-
temperatures may not stay high enough to d ress your crops with a microbe-rich material
kill off pathogens. such a s finished compost.
Prepare the site a s you would for planting,

way area or put them in a sealed bag for mant. Consult a pruning manual to help you
disposal with the household trash. See "Prun­ determ ine the best time to trim and shape
ing*' on page 431 for specific suggestions your plants.
on pest problems that you can com bat by Clean your equipment. Give tools a lit­
pruning. tle tender loving care before storing them away.
Keep the site clean. Before planting a Clean them with a 10 percent bleach solution,
second crop, take the time to clean up and wipe them dry, and coat them lightly with
compost any plant remains. They’ll be returned household oil to prevent rust.
to the garden disease-free. Collect leaves and other plant residues.
Continue adding to your com post pile for as
When You're Done long as you can. If temperatures dip low enough,
Some of us lose steam over the season decom position will slow or stop, but will begin
and are happy to let things lie until next year, again when warmer tem peratures return. Com­
but this is no time to take it easy. End-of- mon fall com post ingredients include fruit you
season garden chores will make next year's forgot to harvest, fallen leaves, and plant stems
garden that much healthier. and flower stalks.
Prune perennial plants. It’s time again Remove row covers. If you’re saving row
for another round of pruning when growth has covers for next season, dip them in a 10 per­
slowed and perennial plants have become dor­ cent bleach solution, then let them air-dry

before storage. This is particularly im portant slow decomposition. Save the materials in a sep­
for covers used on related plants and for most arate pile outdoors, o r layer them indoors in a
early spring crops that are susceptible to 5-gallon bucket with a tight-fitting lid: sprin­
damping-off pathogens. kle sawdust o r other absorbent m aterial be­
tween layers of kitchen waste to control odors.
2. Shred or chop large pieces. Shredding
Composting for Insect or chopping woody pruning debris, tree bark,
and newspapers exposes m ore surface area to
and Disease Control the decomposing organisms active in compost,
Adding com post to your soil offers a sim­ which helps speed the process.
ple, organic control for a variety of soil-dwelling 3. Layer the materials. When you’ve col­
pests. By improving the structure, moisture- lected enough wastes to fill a space measuring
holding capacity, and nutrient content of the approximately 4' on each side, begin layering
soil, com post encourages healthy, balanced the materials. Your goal is to create a ratio of
populations of soil organisms. Many of these approximately 30 parts carbonaceous m ateri­
organisms control plant pathogens by feeding als (dry, yellow or brown, plant-based) to 1
on them , parasitizing them , o r outcom peting part nitrogenous m aterials (wet, green, or
them for food and water. animal-based). This is achieved with roughly
Foliar sprays of tea m ade from m ature equal volumes of dry m aterials such as leaves,
com post act as natural fungicides against the straw, sawdust, o r paper, and wet m aterials,
early stages of leaf blights, powdery mildew, s u c h a s fre s h g ra ss c lip p in g s o r m a n u r e .
and similar diseases by introducing competitive,
4. Add a compost starter. While layering,
beneficial microorganisms to infected plants.
include several shovelfuls of soil or finished
W hen com post is applied around plants as a
com post—this serves to inoculate the pile with
thin layer of m ulch, its beneficial m icroorga­
decom poser organisms naturally present in
nisms may benefit the lower sections of plants
the soil. If no healthy soil or compost is available,
(when splashed up by rain) as well as the soil.
a com m ercial com post starter can supply the
necessary microorganisms. You can also add
How to Compost lime o r mineral fertilizers, according to the
Recipes for preparing a com post pile needs of your soil. Keep the mixture dam p but
abound, but only a few factors are essential not soggy, sprinkling layers with water, as
for success. In addition to being a source for necessary. W hen finished, cover the pile to
healthful, organic soil am endm ents, your com ­ maintain the proper moisture level.
post pile can also serve as a place where dis­ 5. Turn the pile. Every few days, turn the
eased prunings and insect-infested plants can pile with a garden fork, fluffing the m aterials
be converted back into usable m aterials for as you go. If the pile seems dry, sprinkle with a
your garden. Follow these steps to create
little more water. Turning the pile works oxy­
your pile. gen into the mix and hastens decom position.
1. Collect materials. G ood raw m aterials As microbial activity increases, the tem pera­
for com post include garden w astes, grass ture will rise. Use a soil or com post therm om ­
clippings, kitchen scraps, manure, newspapers, e te r to m onitor your co m p o st’s progress.
and sawdust. Avoid m eat scraps and oils, both Frequent turning helps maintain the proper
of which will attract foraging animals and will tem perature. Hot com post can reach 170°F

but try to keep your pile at 160°E Higher bit of everything. This also applies to the organ­
tem peratures tend to kill the organisms impor­ isms that inhabit the com post community.
tant for continuing decomposition, while lower Rarely is any one species or group predom i­
tem peratures allow insect pests and disease nant, because the type and num ber of organ­
organisms to survive the com posting process. isms present change along with the physical
and chem ical changes that occur as m aterials
You’ll know your compost is finished when decom pose.
the tem perature returns to normal and origi­ T he microbial organisms, insects, spiders,
nal ingredients are no longer recognizable. earthworm s, and related decom posers tend to
This can take as little as two weeks, if you turn work together to produce finished compost.
the pile regularly and if adequate nitrogen is Along the way. however, friends quickly become
supplied. Hot com posting is necessary to kill foes and food for one another. In addition,
pests, and only does so when the pile is actively researchers have discovered that many bene­
heating. If your piles are built slowly and remain ficial microorganisms are able to o u tco m p ete
on the cool to warm side, refrain from adding pathogenic fungi. Still other microorganisms
pest-ridden garden wastes, since tem peratures may produce toxic substances that inhibit or
won’t be high enough to control the pests and kill the pathogens surrounding them. In a suc­
the resulting com post might reintroduce pests cessful com post pile, the resulting com post
and diseases to your garden. contains a balance of organisms, large and
small, beneficial and pathogenic, so that no
How Compost Controls Pests one organism occurs in sufficient quantities
The biological activity and heat in a com ­ to cause damage.
post pile work together to kill off disease organ­
isms and insects. Using Compost for Disease Control
Temperature. As microbial activity be­ G arden clean-up should include com post­
gins and increases, tem peratures inside a com ­ ing plant residues and wastes that remain at
post pile increase until d eco m p o sition is the end of the season. Place debris that may
com plete. T h e pile is hottest at its center, carry pathogenic organisms in the center of
where the intense heat can kill disease organ­ the pile where tem peratures are greatest. This
isms and insects. also pertains to stalks, fruit, and leaves that
At 120°F nem atodes and pathogens caus­ may carry overwintering stages of insect pests
ing Sclerotium rots are killed. At 140°E most and pathogens.
pathogenic bacteria, fungi, slugs and snails, Mixing finished com post into your gar­
and centipedes are dead; unfortunately, this den soil is an excellent way to distribute bene­
tem perature also kills earthworms. Many plant ficial microorganisms that will continue working
viruses and bacteria are killed once the tem ­ against plant pathogens over the season. Sci­
perature reaches 160°F At temperatures greater entists also are researching ways to use com ­
than 160°E however, im portant decom poser post extracts to control soilborne diseases.
organisms begin to expire. Therefore, if you're W hen liquid extracts are applied to soil, or
com posting for pest control, m aintain the pile when seedlings are started in specially pre­
at 160°E pared com post mixes, beneficial m icroorga­
Competition. C om post piles are like nisms are sufficiently aggressive to suppress
“end-of-the-week soup” —they contain a little the plant pathogens.

You can try this m ethod at hom e to con­

trol damping-off and other com m on soilborne
diseases. Mix I part finished com post with 6 Fungus-Fighting Tea
parts water. Let the mix stand for one week,
then strain it through a cloth, such as burlap f your plants are weak and diseased, try
o r cheesecloth, and collect the liquid. Spray
this extract undiluted on seedlings in the green­
I perking them up with a nice cup of te a -
com post tea, that is! Just a s plant-based
house or outdoors to help control many fun­ sprays can be used to repel insects, com post
gal pathogens and prevent infection. Research tea, made from m anure-based compost, may
is now focused on creating "custom'* com post help control fungal diseases. Apparently, the
mixtures that target specific pathogens. Some microorganisms present in compost tea attack
or outcompete the problem fungi that cause
scientists recommend that compost ingredients
such d ise ase s a s powdery mildew and Botry­
include tree bark, anim al m anure, or a com bi­
tis blight, thereby inhibiting their growth.
nation of the two, if disease control is the To make com post tea, place 1 gallon of
objective. well-aged com post in a 5-gallon bucket, and
fill with water. Stir well and set in a warm
Soil Tillage place for three days. Filter the mixture through
a screen or cloth, such as burlap or cheesecloth,
It makes sense that pests raise their fami­ and return the trapped solids to the com post
lies in garden soil. W hen larvae hatch from pile or the garden. Place the strained liquid in
eggs or adults emerge from pupal cases, they’re a small sprayer or watering can. Pinch off
already seated at the dinner table. G ardeners heavily diseased leaves before applying the
tea to the rest of the plant. For best results,
may find this state of affairs very inconvenient,
use this treatment in the evening, when leaves
but at least they know where to start looking
are likely to remain dam p for several hours.
for problem pests. Sometimes a single treatment will not
stop the disease. Check affected plants every
How Tillage Helps three to four days and repeat the application
Tillage prepares the soil for planting. if the plants still show symptoms. Use any left­
However, at the same time, it disrupts the life over tea to water plants growing in containers.
cycle of many soil organisms, both beneficial
and pest. W hen you till the soil to prepare for
planting, you disturb insects at their most
vulnerable stages. Cultivation also upsets the
nutrient cycles in the soil by mixing in debris insects. Unfortunately, beneficial organisms
and minerals and by adding oxygen. A sa result, are destroyed along with the rest. W hen you
the rates of decomposition and nutrient release work the soil, you red istrib u te the pests
increase. This change in habitat results in themselves, often leaving them at the surface
many changes within the soil community. where they’re exposed to predators. A top the
Tillage physically destroys soil animals and soil, eggs dry out. freeze, or overheat. Tillage
their shelter, as egg-infested plant debris or hol­ may also bury pests so deeply that they can­
low stalks with pupae inside are tom to smaller not survive.
pieces. Food sources are removed and redis­ T he scale of disruption and, therefore,
tributed throughout the soil, starving some the level of pest control, depends on how

deeply you work the soil and the equipm ent damages soil structure. Cultivating between
you use. Rotary tilling is the most destructive successive crops is som etim es feasible. For
m ethod but is confined to shallow depths. example, till the soil between spring- and fall-
Using hand tools creates much less disturbance. planted crops to destroy lingering pests.

Tillage fo r Insect C ontrol Tillage fo r D isease C ontrol

T h e best time to till is when the soil is Less attention has been given to control­
fairly dry and crumbly. M aintaining soil struc­ ling plant diseases with tillage. In the home
ture is more im portant than tilling for pest garden, sanitation followed by hot com post­
control, so don’t cultivate when the soil is too ing or disposal of suspicious debris is proba­
wet o r too dry. Working the soil at these times bly more effective than cultivation in limiting
can have disastrous effects on soil structure. disease organisms. However, on a larger scale
W hen you till will depend on your local climate. of production, tillage offers som e disease-
If your area has lots of wet, overcast weather control benefits. California lettuce growers,
in fall, put off tilling until spring. for example, till between crops, using special
Review the following tilling tips and heed plows that penetrate the soil to a depth of at
those that will help control pests that have least 10". This deep tillage buries a com m on
been a problem in your garden. fungus that causes a serious disease of lettuce
and prevents the pathogen from infecting suc­
■ Before planting, till to control weeds
cessive crops.
that may harbor armyworms, cutworm s, and
ta r n is h e d p la n t b u g s , a n d to d is tu r b c o rn ro o t
If You Don’t Till
As tillage decreases, most soil organisms,
■ Leave a tilled, dry strip of soil around including insect pests, are favored. Organic
your garden to discourage entry by slugs and m atter and nutrients becom e concentrated at
snails. a shallow depth, providing more food and
■ After harvest, till to control pea weevils, cover. Animal life cycles remain undisturbed.
root maggots, and tom ato hom w orm s and Pests of seedlings tend to increase in numbers,
pinworms. Fall cultivation also destroys plant along with earthworm s, predaceous ground
debris that can shelter overwintering Euro­ beetles, spiders, and slugs and snails.
pean com borers, flea beetles, squash bugs, Cultivated soil tends to warm up faster in
and o th er pests. the spring, which means that soil-dwelling pests
■ Sum m er tilling destroys grubs and ex­ emerge earlier. Researchers have found that
poses grasshopper eggs to unfriendly elements. pests may em erge from tilled soil one to two
However, your garden is not likely to have weeks earlier than from untilled soil. If your
em pty spaces that can be easily tilled. Leaving garden is just getting started, earlier pest em er­
a garden fallow for the sum m er just to control gence may increase injury to young plants. If
insects in the soil is rarely feasible; in addition pests em erge before your crops, however, they
to the lost growing space, the extra tilling may look elsewhere for their meals.
W h e n pests appear on plants, the most direct Shut Pests Out
way to get rid of them is to pick them off. You You will have fewer problem s to hand-
can also handpick diseased leaves o r other pick or otherwise control if you use physical
plant parts, limiting the ability of the infecting barriers to keep pests, fungi, o r bacteria from
organism to further colonize them . In some reaching their favorite hosts. Barriers range
cases this simple action effectively “cures” the from a band of diatom aceous earth o r wood
host plants. ashes on the soil surface to d eter slugs, to
Handpicking and o th er physical controls floating row cover draped over young cucum ­
are am ong the most straightforward and safe ber plants to prevent cucum ber beetles from
techniques for protecting plants. Most such feeding—and transm itting bacterial wilt.
controls rely on the gardeners ability to remove
or exclude pests from plants or to lure pests Create a Diversion
away from plants a n d /o r into traps. M ulches sometim es help keep pests from
finding the plants they seek. They may keep
soil-dwelling insects from coming to the soil
The Physical Approach surface to feed, o r prevent other pests from
entering the soil to dam age plant roots. O ther
In general, physical control m ethods are
m ulches reflect light in ways that disorient
more often used to control insects than to
pests and reduce their feeding. Scientists have
control diseases. T here is a wide variety of
experim ented with different colors of plastic
traps and barriers that thw art many com mon
mulch and have found that white or alumi­
insect pests. Physical control of disease organ­
num foil m ulches are particularly confusing
isms is limited to removing diseased plant parts
to thrips.
by hand o r with pruning tools.
Set a Trap
Keep Your Hand In Besides the obvious benefits of trapping
Very few insects have m andibles strong pests, you can use traps to warn of impending
enough to bite into hum an skin, although a infestations. If you get early warning of the
few, such as the striped blister beetle, can appearance of apple maggots, it will prompt
cause skin irritation if you squash them in you to quickly hang apple maggot traps in
your hands. Likewise, few plant diseases cause your trees. Traps like yellow sticky traps attract
corresponding hum an illnesses. However, you insects with color; other traps use chem icals
can w ear rubber gloves when handpicking produced by insects (pherom ones) or plants
pests if it makes you more com fortable with to lure the insects to the trap.
the job. You can also remove some types of An older m ethod of capturing destruc­
insects with a small hand-held vacuum , while tive insects is to plant crops that are known to
oth er types can be shaken off a plant onto a be attractive to pests, and then harvest them
dropcloth. before the pests can move on to oth er plants.


This approach works best when pest popula­ larvae emerge and begin feeding. Pests that
tions are m onitored very closely. fly away when disturbed, like leafhoppers. are
While traps and trap crops hold little allure belter controlled with oth er m ethods.
for disease organisms, you can use susceptible How to Use: Monitor plants several times
plants to tell you if a disease is present. For each week. Be on the lookout for pests that fly
exam ple, eggplant is very sensitive to Verticil­ or crawl into your garden and for pests that
lium wilt and is often used to test for the emerge from the soil. It’s im portant to learn
presence of the disease. When planted in heav­ to distinguish pests from beneficial organisms
ily infested soil, eggplant dies within three so you don’t accidentally destroy the “good
weeks. O kra is likewise used to help detect the guys”; see “ Insect Impostors” on page 260.
presence of root knot nem atodes, and suscep­ Rem em ber to look for pest eggs and imma­
tible tom ato cultivars are grown to check for ture stages. Smash pest egg masses. Squeamish
Fusarium wilt. When growing susceptible plants gardeners can wear plastic gloves (thin sur­
on purpose, remove them as soon as a disease gical gloves are best) o r carry long tweezers
diagnosis is made to keep the num ber of patho­ or tongs. If you’re after cutworm s, slugs and
gens present in the site from increasing. snails, weevils, and oth er nighttim e diners,
wait until just after sunset and search plants
with a flashlight.
Manual Controls Some bugs are difficult to handpick be­
cause they hide or fly away. Before handpicking,
Manual controls arc simple and inexpen­ it may help to first spray the infested plants
sive pest-control strategies, since the only tools with w ater to get the pests moving. For exam ­
required are your time and patience. Besides ple, if you wet down squash plants before
controlling pests, manual controls require that collecting squash bugs, they will either run to
you closely examine plants, increasing the like­ the topm ost leaves or hide beneath those clos­
lihood that you'll detect the early symptoms est to the ground. In either hiding place, they
of insect or disease problems. are easy to find and pick up. For flying insects,
use a butterfly net to catch them before and
Handpicking after spraying the plants with water.
W hen pest populations are low and lime After you handpick, you have to follow
is on your side, handpicking pests and their through and make sure that the captured insects
eggs from plants is simple and effective. Remov­ don't escape to feed anew. Here are some
ing adult pests before they’ve had a chance to suggestions for disposal.
lay eggs prevents pest buildup and the result­
ing damage. ■ Carry a container of w ater mixed with
Protection Offered: The best candidates soap or isopropyl alcohol (a 5 percent solu­
for handpicking are large, slow-moving pests, tion works well). Drop pests into the water;
such as caterpillars, C olorado potato beetles, the soap helps to break the surface tension,
and slugs and snails, that aren't quick enough causing pests to sink to the bottom.
to escape. It's also easy to find and smash ■ Kill pests by leaving them overnight in
m ealybugs, scales, and squash bugs. Scrape a bag o r jar in the freezer.
away easily identifiable egg masses, such as ■ If you keep geese and chickens, they
those of gypsy and tussock m oths, from tree will quickly consum e any insects tossed their
trunks or o th er surfaces, before the hungry way.

■ Com post captured pests in the center Mowing

of a hot pile. Just as good pruning practices help m ain­
■ Flush them down the toilet. tain the health of trees, shrubs, and other
■ Put them in your household trash—just garden plants, good mowing techniques encour­
make sure they c a n t escape. age a healthy lawn.
Each time you mow. a freshly cut surface
■ Rub o r scrape infestations of scale or
is available for pathogens to colonize. Repeated
mealybugs from plants, o r swab them with
short mowing, under stressful conditions, makes
cotton soaked in alcohol or liquid dish soap.
plants smaller and fewer and allows weeds to
easily move in. W hen plants are stressed by
If you're uncertain as to the identity of a
heat and drought in midsummer, it's best to
captured insect, keep it for identification. The
raise the height of the blade and mow less
staff at your local Cooperative Extension office
or state land grant university can help you
Protection Offered: Mowing to the proper
identify preserved captives.
height and mowing less frequently when plants
You can preserve soft-bodied caterpillars
are stressed will help prevent a broad range of
by immersing them in boiling w ater for several
pest problems.
seconds to kill them and to stop the enzymes
How to Use: Proper mowing height is
that would cause them to break down (this is
the top priority for controlling lawn pest prob­
like blanching vegetables before freezing them).
lem s w ith o u t pesticides. To co n tro l lawn
Large pests like tom ato hom w orm s will take
diseases, adjust the height of your mower as
longer to boil than small cutworm s. Don’t let
high as p o ssib le and mow in freq u en tly .
them boil too long o r they will harden and
Prostrate, low-growing grasses do well at a
lose their color. Place the boiled insects in
height of fescues and ryegrasses should
vials o r jars filled with rubbing alcohol. Use
be m aintained at 1% '-3M.
containers that seal tightly, since alcohol evap­
orates and loses its effectiveness as a preserva­ Pruning
tive over time. For noncaterpillar pests, skip
In some situations, handpicking pests isn't
the boiling w ater bath.
enough. You may have to prune away leaves
or branches when pests, their eggs, and debris
Lawn Aeration Sandals are heavily concentrated on 1 or several plant
It’s tim e-consuming, but some research­ parts. Selective pruning also removes leaves
ers effectively m anage root-dam aging grubs infected with foliar diseases, such as powdery
(most are Japanese beetle larvae) in lawns by mildew, and keeps pathogens from spreading
using special sandals. to other parts of the plant. Added disease
Protection Offered: Lawn aeration san­ control occurs when pruning exposes more
dals are equipped with 3" spikes that pene­ of a plant’s foliage to air and light, reducing
trate turf, piercing grubs that feed near the the conditions that encourage many fungal
soil surface in spring and late summer. diseases.
How to Use: Put the sandals on and walk Protection Offered: Control aphids, gar­
over the lawn several times, trying for about den webworms, leafminers, and tent caterpil­
2 penetrations per square inch of law n—this lars by pruning infested plant parts. Pruning
is a lot of walking! You can purchase lawn also limits the spread of foliar diseases and
aeration sandals from garden supply catalogs. conditions that prom ote fungal growth.

How to Use: There are many times when ■ W hen powdery or downy mildew first
pruning for insect and disease control is appears on foliage, prune to prevent further
effective. Try the following: infection and to improve air circulation.
■ Prune egg masses attached to foliage ■ Remove tom ato leaves infected with
as you m onitor your plants. blight or leaf spots.
■ Pick sp in ach leaves in fected with ■ In fruit trees, prune infested wood to
leafminers and destroy them to avoid future control flatheaded borers.
■ To control garden w e b w o rm s , prune ■ Prune tent caterpillars and their webs
away webbed leaves. from plants and burn, crush, or hot com post
■ Pruning may also work well to remove
aphid infestations from plants when they’re ■ Fruit trees infected by fire blight bene­
too num erous to handpick, and if they’re con­ fit from pruning that removes blighted twigs
centrated in a small area that you can remove and disease cankers and stim ulates air flow
w ithout harm ing the plant. through the branches.

Pruning for Pest Control

or som e insect and disease problems, the spread of disease by pruning off the af­
F a little careful pruning serves a s a simple
but effective control measure. The kind of
fected parts during dry weather. Cut off the
infected area of the branch, along with at least
pruning you'll do depends on the plant and 6 " of healthy tissue. A s in any pruning situa­
the problem. For example, m any kinds of tion, prune back to a healthy bud or main limb;
perennials and w oody plants form dense if you leave a stub of bare wood, it will die
clum ps of foliage that benefit from thinning. and become an entry point for other pests.
This involves cutting out som e of the compet­ A s you work with diseased plants, disin­
ing shoots, promoting better air circulation, fect your tools between cuts by dipping them
and allowing more sunlight to reach the cen­ in a 10 percent bleach solution (1 part bleach
ter of the plant. Removing water sprouts and to 9 parts water). Thoroughly clean up all
root suckers from w oody plants also reduces trimmings a s soon a s you finish pruning, and
the amount of succulent growth attractive to place them in a hot (160°F) com post pile or
insects and pathogens. in a sealed container for disposal. Be sure to
On all plants, handpicking or cutting off w a sh your hand s and disinfect tools before
diseased or infested parts is quite effective moving from diseased to healthy plants. And
for pest control. You can easily prune cedar- always use sharp tools, which will make clean,
apple rust galls off cedar trees, for instance, smooth cuts that are less prone to pest attack
or bagw orm cocoons off evergreen trees. If After any pruning, disinfect your tools, rinse
your tree h as a disease that starts at the them with water, and lightly oil all metal parts
branch tips and spreads inward (such a s to prevent corrosion.
fire blight or twig blight), you can minimize

Shaking chargeable vacuum cleaner offers similar con­

Shaking pests from plants is a m ethod trol advantages. Skim just the tops of infested
professionals use to m onitor pest populations. plants and you’ll avoid sucking up fragile ben­
In small gardens, shaking the pests from in­ eficial wasps, which tend to rem ain on lower
fested foliage takes less time than handpicking. foliage. Beneficial predatory mites cling tightly
Shaking pests from hard-to-reach tree limbs to leaves and also remain unharm ed.
may remove enough pests to reduce damage. Protection Offered: Vacuuming removes
Protection Offered: Shaking will dislodge large leaf-eating pests like Japanese beetles
any pest that crawls freely about on plants and Colorado potato beetles as well as faster
w ithout clinging, including C olorado potato cucum ber beetles and whiteflies. You can also
beetles, cucum ber beetles, earwigs, Japanese vacuum up earwigs, sowbugs, and oth er pests.
beetles, and weevils. How to Use: Lightly move your porta­
How to Use: Shaking pests from foliage ble vacuum over the tops of vegetable and
works best early in the m orning when insects ornam ental plants, taking care to avoid dam ­
are cool and sluggish. C apture night-feeding aging tender leaves and shoots. Remove pests
insects just before sunset when tem peratures from the bag and dispose of them (see page
begin to drop. Spread a white sheet o r drop- 430 for disposal options). Don’t give them a
cloth under trees o r plants, then shake or chance to escape!
agitate the foliage with your hands o r tap
woody stems and limbs with a padded stick.
Scoop up fallen pests and destroy them. Water Sprays
Professional scouts use beating trays to T he physical action of a spray of w ater
m onitor pest populations. You can construct knocks plant-eating pests off plants and dam ­
your own beating tray to catch and control ages them sufficiently so that they are unlikely
pests. Sew 4 small triangular pieces of m ate­ to resume feeding. Com m ercial grape growers
rial at the 4 corners of a piece of canvas or control spider mites with overhead irrigation
plastic roughly 3 ' square. Cut two 1 X 2’s to applied in late June and July when mites thrive
the diagonal length of the canvas and fasten in the heat.
them together in the middle with a bolt and Protection Offered: Controls small, soft-
wing nut (to form an X). Insert the ends of bodied insects like aphids, leafhoppers. spider
these crosspieces into the co rn e r pockets mites, and thrips.
form ed by the triangular pieces of fabric to How to Use: To spray pests away with
make a rigid tray. Place the beating tray di- water, adjust the nozzle on your hose to pro­
recdy underneath foliage in the row, then shake vide a forceful spray that covers a large area.
the plants to knock pests onto the tray. T he Hard and steady streams directed at 1 spot can
pests will be easy to spot against the white dam age foliage and flowers; move the spray
background. back and forth among plants, being sure to
reach under leaves.
Vacuuming To avoid encouraging diseases while con­
C om m ercial growers in California use trolling insects, refrain from spraying w ater
tractor-mounted vacuums to remove bugs from during humid, wet weather. Excessive spraying
strawberry plants, vacuuming twice each week of young, tender seedlings prom otes damping-
when the insects are at their peak. In the off disease; use other controls on seed beds.
hom e garden, careful use of a portable, re­ In hot, sunny weather, spray early in the m orn­

ing or at dusk to avoid leaving droplets on the reusable red spheres, designed to attract apple
leaves, which could cause foliage to burn. maggot flies, from garden suppliers. They come
with attached hangers for easy placem ent in
apple trees. Or, make your own traps by paint­
Baits, Traps, and Lures ing any apple-size red ball with sticky coating.
Use the pest-control strategies in this sec­ Use old red croquet, rubber, o r plastic balls.
tion to lure pests into situations from which Install an eye screw and insert a support wire
they can*t escape. Pest baits and lures can be o r string for hanging. You can also buy apple-
visual (using color or light to attract the pest), scented lures to attach to your traps, but their
sexual (using pest-specific pherom ones), or effectiveness is controversial. T he lures attract
d ie ta ry (using p re fe rre d in sect foods o r more apple maggot flies, but also appeal to
kairom es, which are feeding stimulants). flies of other closely related species. T he con­
W hen using sticky traps, cover them with centration of flies may gum up the trap with­
a com m ercial sticky coating, such as Tangle- out improving apple maggot control. Some
Trap, Stickem. Stiky Stuff, Tanglefoot, o r Bug orchardists recom m end the addition of a yel­
G um , o r make your own. Mix equal parts of low sticky trap behind the red sphere. T he red
petroleum jelly o r mineral oil and liquid dish ball attracts adult flies ready to lay eggs, while
soap to make an inexpensive sticky coating the yellow trap lures newly emerged flies, which
that is easy to remove. feed on apple foliage.
To capture small, lightweight pests like Hang traps in mid-June and leave them in
aphids, thrips, and whiteflies, dilute the heav­ place until after harvest. In small orchards of
ier ointm ents to make application easier (use 10-15 trees, hang 1 trap for every dwarf tree,
1 part sticky coating to 2 parts paint thinner). 2 or 3 traps for every semi-dwarf, and up to 6
Or, buy easy-to-apply, brush-on formulas. For for each full-size tree. In large orchards place
heavier pests, such as caterpillars, that may 1 trap every 100' am ong the perim eter trees
resist being stuck, use sticky coatings at full in an orchard block. Also use 1 o r 2 traps per
strength. acre within the block, and put a trap in every
wild or abandoned apple and crab apple tree
Apple Maggot Traps within 400 yards of the orchard. Renew the
Apple maggot traps are red, apple-size sticky surface of the balls every 2 weeks by
spheres covered with sticky coating. T he traps scraping off the accumulated insects and apply­
attract the attention of adult flies when they ing new coating. In dusty locations, renew
are ready to lay eggs. Zoom ing in for a landing traps m ore frequently.
on what they think is an apple, they becom e Commercial Products: BioLure trap with
entrapped in the adhesive. You can trap enough attractant dispenser card attached (also at­
flies on red sphere traps to control the dam age tracts blueberry maggots and walnut husk flies),
they cause to fruit. Ladd apple maggot traps with synthetic apple
Protection Offered: Use sticky red spheres odor bait
in your apple orchard to m onitor the arrival
and departure of apple maggot flies; this knowl­ Bait Traps
edge is useful if you choose to spray your trees In small gardens, you can lure pests away
to control apple maggots. You can also con­ from susceptible crops by placing attractive
trol these pests by concentrating several traps vegetable baits near your crops. By regularly
in small areas. checking the bait, you can capture and destroy
How to Use: You can buy inexpensive. pests before they move on to your crops.

Protection Offered: C arrot and potato Protection Offered: Use hom em ade
baits trap wireworms that live in garden soil sticky traps to catch and control adult cherry
and dam age plant root systems. Wireworms fruit flies in cherry orchards. You can also use
are a com m on pest in areas that were covered them as m onitoring tools to help you decide if
by sod (such as a lawn, alfalfa, cover crops, or and when to apply botanical insecticides.
even weeds) the previous year. Use dam aged How to Use: Paint a 10" X 6" piece of
squash to attract cucum ber beetles, which plywood bright yellow (use Federal Safety Yel­
dam age foliage and transm it disease. Plant low No. 659 from Rustoleum Com pany or
cull onions to distract onion maggot flies. Saturn Yellow from Day-Glo Colors), then
How to Use: Use carrots o r potatoes to cover it with sticky coating. Below it, hang a
trap wireworms in garden soil. Insert several small, screen-covered jar filled with a mixture
mature carrots every 2 ^ - 3 ' into the soil through­ of equal parts am m onia and water, o r a com ­
out the garden where sod was grown the previ­ mercial apple maggot lure. Instead of a flat
ous year. Or, skewer raw potato chunks with piece of plywood, you can paint the bell-shaped
bam boo stakes and bury them several inches top half of a plastic, 2-liter soda bottle. In one
deep every few feet, leaving the stakes pro­ study, this bottle trap was found superior to
truding as a m arker and handle. Several times com m ercial designs for controlling Western
each week throughout the season, pull these cherry fruit flies.
traps from the soil and remove the wireworms. For a small orchard, use at least 4 traps.
Replace the same trap until a fresh vegetable Hang them 6 - 8 ' high among the leaves, pref­
is needed. erably on the south side of the trees. Renew
To attract adult cucum ber beetles, cut the bait weekly and check that the glue is still
chunks of fresh squash and place in recycled sticky. W hen it loses its stickiness, scrape off
pint-size cartons sunk into the soil. Place 1 trap the accum ulated insects and apply more glue.
per hill of squash o r related crops. C heck the
traps once a day during peak populations to Chinch Bug Traps
collect and kill the pests; replace the bait when Chinch bugs are tiny lawn pests that destroy
it loses effectiveness. stems and leaves of lawn grasses. To m onitor
To control onion maggots in onions, plant o r control them in your lawn, drive them out
cull onions (onions that have sprouted in stor­ of the sod with soapy w ater and into a drop-
age) about 2" deep betw een the rows where cloth for counting and disposal.
you’ve sown seeds for your main crop. The Protection Offered: This type of protec­
bulbs will grow much faster than the seedlings tion works best for small areas. If you have a
and attract the egg-laying flies. Two weeks large lawn that is infested with chinch bugs,
after the bulbs sprout, pull them out and destroy treatm ent with neem may provide more effec­
them to prevent the next generation of onion tive control.
maggots from developing. This trap works best How to Use: Mix 1 ounce of liquid dish
when used along with repellents such as pow­ soap in 2 gallons of water. Pour the mixture
dered ginger o r hot pepper sprinkled on the over 1 square yard of lawn. For large areas,
seed rows to repel flies. you can use a garden hose with a siphon mixer
attachm ent. Lay a large piece of white cloth,
Cherry Fruit Fly Traps preferably flannel, over the treated area for
Traps for cherry fruit flies differ from 15-20 m inutes, then pick it up. T he bugs are
oth er yellow sticky traps in their shape and driven out of the sod by the soapy soaking and
the addition of an am m onia lure. then catch their feet on the flannel in their

attem pt to escape. Count them if you're moni­ beetles—the problem is that they may attract
toring the pest population, then kill them by more than would normally arrive. Japanese
rinsing them off the flannel into a bucket of beetle controls work best when used by entire
soapy water. If there are fewer than 10-15 com m unities, since the adults easily migrate
bugs per square foot, it is unlikely that they'll from one yard to the next. Unfortunately, traps
cause serious dam age to your lawn. Water that capture adult beetles don’t appear to re­
well to rinse the soap from the grass after you sult in a corresponding drop in the num ber
remove the flannel. of grubs found in lawns. Adults that fail to
land in a trap often wind up on the lawn,
Earwig Traps where they mate and lay eggs; the lawn area
surrounding a beetle trap may have a much
T he same traps used to capture slugs and
higher population of grubs. To control grubs,
snails work equally well for trapping earwigs,
use a com bination of biological and physi­
but a different bait is used.
cal m ethods. See "Lawn A eration Sandals”
Protection Offered: If your garden has
on page 431 and "Milky Disease Spores" on
heavy infestations of earwigs, this simple trap
page 460.
may help control the population. Before you
How to Use: You can buy com m ercial
try to trap earwigs, rem em ber that they are
traps with either disposable plastic bags or
predators of aphids and other small garden
perm anent collection reservoirs. Make your
pests; they do sometimes damage young plants,
own traps by cutting a wide opening in the top
but more often are blam ed for injuries caused of a 1-gallon plastic jug (leave the handle in
by other night-feeding pests. Although they are place for carrying). Fill it one-third full with
scary-looking, earwigs pose no threat to people.
wine or sugar and water, pieces of m ashed
How to Use: A low container, such as a
fruit, and some yeast to enhance ferm entation.
tuna can or pie plate, set into the soil so the
An appealing bait for Japanese beetles is made
rim is even with the soil surface and baited
by mixing 1 pint water. 1 banana or any non­
with fish oil or oil-soaked bread crum bs will
citrus fruit, V2 cup sugar or honey, V2 cup wine,
attract large num bers of earwigs.
and % teaspoon baking yeast. Let the mixture
sit in a warm place until it starts to ferm ent
Japanese Beetle Traps before placing it in the traps.
Japanese beetle traps rely on a com bina­ In the spring, set traps 1 -3 ' above the
tion of floral and fruit scents to attract females ground in open, sunny areas. Place them 20-30'
and a sex pherom one to trap the males. Most downwind from the beetle's favorite plants
traps consist of some type of baffle with a bait (these may include most of the plants in your
container attached, hanging above a funnel garden). To trap beetles over large areas, place
that leads to a collection container. T he bee­ a trap every 200' surrounding the garden or
tles fly into the baffle and slide down the yard. Or, use 3 traps for each Vs acre of gar­
funnel into the container. T h e container can den space.
be removed so you can dispose of the beetles. T he traps should be em ptied of beetles
Protection Offered: You can protect small daily since dead beetles repel the live ones
areas from adult Japanese beetles by surround­ flying in.
ing them with traps baited with floral lures Commercial Products: Bag-a-Bug, Bio-
and sexual pherom ones. They attract lots of Lure traps. Safer traps

Light Traps to prevent them from fathering future genera­

With the exception of the apple maggot tions and to control their dam age. This type
fly, insects cannot see the color red. T heir of pest control using pherom ones is called
vision is limited to the ultraviolet (UV) to mass trapping.
orange-red range, w hich is why they are Protection Offered: Pheromones for pro­
attracted to blacklights (ultraviolet). Entomol­ fessional pest monitoring are available for more
ogists often use light traps to m onitor popula­ than 40 insect species. G ardeners have a more
tions of moths, which helps the scientists predict limited selection available from garden sup­
crop damage and advise growers when to apply pliers, and only certain pests are actually con­
control measures. Such traps direct pests to a trolled with the traps. Mass trapping is most
holding reservoir from which captives are col­ successful against moth species that mate only
lected and identified. once, such as codling moths. You can pur­
Protection Offered: Don't use UV light chase pherom ones to m onitor such specific
“bug zappers" in the hom e garden, since they pests as cabbage loopers, cherry fruit flies,
attract and kill just as many beneficial insects com earworms. leafrollers. oriental fruit moths,
as pests. They do provide good fly control and peachtree borers.
inside bam s and poultry houses and are a How to Use: Purchase traps from gar­
useful defense in orchards against codling moths den suppliers o r make your own from 1-quart
when used for limited periods of time. Black- ice-cream containers. Cut 3 large holes in the
light traps also help control the adult m oths of sides of the container for insects to enter. Fill
corn earworm s, European co m borers, and the bottom half with soapy water. Suspend the
fall armyworms. pherom one capsule from the lid using string
How to Use: Place 1 UV light trap near or wire, then snap the trap closed. Attach
your fruit trees o r com planting. Use an auto­ the trap to a garden stake for low-growing
matic timer to activate the light from 11:00 RM. crops like to m ato es, o r hang them from
to 3:00 A.M. M oth control is most effective branches in fruit trees.
during this tim e, while injury to beneficial Com m ercial traps are inexpensive and
insects is minimized. easy to use and com e in several shapes and
sizes. T heir bottom s are coated with sticky
Pheromone Traps adhesive that holds the insects tight. Perm a­
Insects produce chemicals called sex pher­ nent, plastic traps will last for several growing
om ones to help them locate suitable mates. seasons. Disposable cardboard traps will last
Some male insects are able to detect female the season if cleaned periodically.
pherom ones at extrem ely low concentrations In early spring before pests em erge, o r by
from as far away as 5 miles. Professional pest the time buds begin to open, hang traps in
scouts take advantage of this ability by using fruit trees about 6' from the ground and away
synthetic pherom ones, placed in special traps, from the trunk. To control codling moth and
to attract and capture the males of a species. other fruit pests, place 2 pherom one traps
By m onitoring daily capture rates to detect in each large tree; use 1 trap for each dwarf
population fluctuations, they can advise grow­ tree. T he objective is to trap all of the males
ers if and when control measures are necessary. before they m ate, capturing them in the sticky
Some growers use pherom one traps to ointm ent that coats the trap bottom s. Situate
capture male codling m oths and other pests traps for different species at least 10' apart in

the garden. In trees, hang traps for different catalogs offer traps that feature a reservoir for
species as far from each o th er as possible in bait or a liquid in which the pests drown.
the tree. Follow trap instructions and bury them par­
During the period when the pests are tially in the soil to create a cool, dam p envi­
most active, check the traps twice each week. ronm ent that will attract these pests. You can
Remove insects and o th er debris. W hen traps bait the traps with beer; a mixture of yeast,
are full, replace disposable ones, and follow molasses, and water; o r a com m ercial attrac­
the su p p liers recom m endations for renewing tant. Use 1 trap for every 10 square feet of
pherom one lures in reusable types. Replace garden space. U nder heavy infestation, check
pherom one capsules according to package the traps daily to remove pests and replace bait.
instructions. You can make traps from aluminum pie
Mass trapping works best if your orchard plates or other recycled containers: just sink
is isolated from other sources of codling moth them to the brim in the soil and fill with beer.
and other fruit pests (at least 1 mile away from Or, cut a 1" hole in the side of an em pty coffee
oth er apple, pear, or walnut trees), since new can about halfway up. Bury the can so the
pests migrate from neighboring orchards. hole is even with the soil surface and pests can
If you're just using traps to m onitor a enter, then fill the trap half-full with beer. The
pest. 2 o r 3 traps are sufficient for a 3-5 acre lid will keep rain away and allow you access to
garden or orchard. Follow the guidelines above the pests trapped inside.
and the suppliers' instructions. Slugs and snails seek out moist, shady
Pherom one lures are available from gar­ spots in which to spend the daylight hours.
den suppliers and pest m anagem ent firms. Place overturned pots, boards, shingles, or
You can purchase them separately o r in a even the rind from your morning grapefruit on
package with the coated trap and hanger. Keep soil near plants, then collect and destroy the
lures in a cool, dry place until they're needed. pests early in the morning before the sun drives
BioLures can be stored for a few m onths, them elsewhere.
unopened, in the freezer. Commercial Products: G arden Sentry,
Commercial Products: BioLure traps, Slug Saloon
Pherocon lures. Phero Tech traps, Scentry
traps Sticky Boards
Traps covered with sticky coating strate­
Slug and Snail Traps gically placed am ong your plants will capture
Slugs and snails are difficult to control sufficient num bers of certain pests to control
since they feed at night and hide during the their damage. Originally used to m onitor pest
day. You can identify slug and snail damage by population fluctuations, sticky boards work
looking for shiny trails of slime that surround well as controls when concentrated in small
the chewed holes in leaves. Beware of com ­ areas.
m ercially available baits that are not organic; Protection Offered: Use bright yellow
some are highly toxic. Cover traps to keep traps to control aphids, cabbage root flies,
pets and wildlife from lapping up their contents. carrot rust flies, cucum ber beetles, fungus
Protection Offered: Use these traps to gnats, im ported cabbageworm s. onion flies,
capture slugs and snails and, occasionally, other th rip s, and w hiteflies in th e g ard en and
crawling creatures, such as sowbugs. greenhouse. Some growers report that blue
How to Use: G arden supply stores and traps are best for m onitoring thrips, but not

for controlling them . Use white traps to m oni­ Use 1 trap for several plants. Wait sev­
tor European apple sawflies, flea beetles, and eral days, then add more traps if pests con­
tarnished plant bugs. tinue to cause dam age. For whitefly control,
How to Use: Sticky traps are simple affairs don't spread the traps too thin in the garden,
to mass produce at home. To make traps that since these pests don't travel far from the host.
will last several years, cut boards from ‘A" Place your traps near plants, but not so
plywood, m asonite, o r a similar m aterial and close that foliage gets stuck to the boards.
fasten them with staples o r nails to garden You can form a guard of hardware cloth or
stakes. You can also design them to hang from chicken wire around each trap to keep it from
wire supports. Either way, make sure the traps touching you and your plants. Set traps with
are at average plant height. Traps m ade from the sticky sides facing your plants, but out of
cardboard o r paper plates will work well in a direct sunlight. Try to avoid placing traps where
greenhouse, where they are protected from the wind will blow dust and debris onto them.
the elem ents. Occasionally disturb infested foliage with your
Trap size is limited only by the m aterials hands to drive feeding pests into flight.
on hand, since scientists haven't yet decided You can clean pest-covered traps with a
exactly w hat is “ too big" o r “ to o sm all.” paint scraper, or wipe insects away with a
Naturally, larger traps will catch more pests. cloth soaked in baby oil or vegetable oil, before
Com m ercial traps are available in a range of applying fresh sticky coating.
sizes from 3" x 5" and up. Long, narrow, To m onitor tarnished plant bugs in apple
rectangular, o r oval shapes may attract the and peach trees, hang 4 traps per full-size tree,
most pests. o r 1 per dwarf tree. To capture flea beetles,
A pply sticky coating directly to your place traps just above eggplant, tom ato, or
painted boards, o r for easier clean-up, staple pepper foliage.
waxed paper o r plastic wrap over them . In Commercial Products: BioLure traps.
either case, leave 1 corner uncoated for easier Chroma-line Card traps, Olson Stiky Strips,
handling. Trapstix
Try these trapping tips for com m on pests.
Trap Crops
■ To catch whiteflies and o th er pests, Grow pests' favorite plants to lure them
paint boards yellow (Federal Safety Yellow away from your garden crops. Plant these trap
No. 659 from Rustoleum Company and Saturn crops around your garden o r between the rows.
Yellow from Day-Glo Colors are 2 colors most When a trap crop becom es infested, pull it
pests find attractive) before applying hom e­ and destroy the pests. For pests that disperse
m ade or com m ercial sticky coating. quickly when disturbed, cover the trap plants
■ Staple a cotton ball soaked in oil of with a sheet or bag before you pull them. This
allspice, bay, o r clove to your sticky traps to control m ethod works best for pests that pro­
capture cucum ber beetles in cucum ber and duce only a few generations each sum m er or
squash plantings. for crops that need protection for a short,
critical period in the season. A drawback is
■ Paint your traps a bright blue, such as that you have to sacrifice harvest from the
cobalt o r royal blue, to m onitor thrips. trap crop and garden space to grow it.
■ Use bright white traps to m onitor flea P r o te c tio n O ffered : You can use trap
beetles or tarnished plant bugs. crops to catch a variety of insect pests. Un­

fortunately, trap crops may end up attracting Water Traps

more pests than usual to your garden. And if Bright yellow pans o r basins full of w ater
they’re not pulled at the right time, the trap with a few drops of liquid soap added are
crops can provide m ore food for future gener­ attractive to winged aphids and cabbage root
ations of pests. Also, destroying the trap crop flies. Adding soap breaks the surface tension
may m ean sacrificing the beneficial insects of the water, so insects sink to the bottom .
that were attracted by the pests. T he yellow color attracts the pests, who try to
How to Use: To lure flying pests from alight and are drowned.
your favorite crops, plant an attractive alter­ Protection Offered: Water traps are use­
native nearby. W hen pests are concentrated ful for m onitoring winged aphids and cabbage
on the trap crop, capture and destroy them , or root flies in the home garden.
pull and destroy the plant. Try the following How to Use: Paint the inside of a heavy
trap crops. plastic basin o r m etal pan bright yellow (Fed­
eral Safety Yellow No. 659 from Rustoleum
■ Plant various species of flowering mus­ Com pany and Saturn Yellow from Day-Glo
tard to trap cabbageworms and harlequin bugs. Colors are 2 colors most pests find attrac­
■ Nasturtium s will attract flea beetles tive). Add o r more of w ater and a few
away from cabbage seedlings until the plants drops of liquid dish soap to the pan.
are large enough to withstand attack , but you Set out the traps anywhere in the garden.
will have to plant nasturtium s earlier than Be sure the trap is exposed enough that insects
usual. Try starting the trap crop indoors in will see it and be able to fly into it. Put the trap
peat pots, along with the vegetable seedlings. on a box o r stand if plants are growing densely.
Nasturtium s are also favorites of aphids, but, M onitor this type of trap carefully to make
if not removed, will serve as a breeding ground sure you are not catching beneficial parasitic
from which these pests can infest the rest of wasps in the water. If you find parasitic wasps,
your garden. stop using the traps. T he wasps are probably
■ You may want to sacrifice an early providing sufficient aphid control.
crop of radishes in order to control flea beetle
and root maggot damage on broccoli, cabbage, Barriers
and related vegetables.
Since barriers are m eant to keep pests
■ Tom ato hornworms are attracted to
away from your plants, they should be put in
dill and lovage; the trap crops lure the pest
place before the pests arrive. Among the choices
away from tom ato plants.
below are several that you can leave in place
■ If you want to protect soybeans from all season. You may have to remove the covers
M exican bean beetles, p lan t green beans when the plants outgrow them , when pollina­
between the rows of soybeans as a trap crop. tion by insects is necessary, or when tem pera­
■ Chervil is irresistible to slugs; plant it tures under the barriers becom e too high.
am ong vegetables and ornam entals in slug W hen using barriers, fasten down the edges at
territory. the soil line to prevent pests from moving in.
■ In the greenhouse, use pots of sprouted
wheat to lure fungus gnats from your plants, Ant Barriers
then hot com post the soil and wheat when the Ants tend to gather where aphids are
females have laid their eggs in it. Start a new concentrated, since they feed on the aphid
crop of wheat every 2 weeks. secretions. Tending them like livestock, the

ants will actually carry the aphids to a food bags, which will overheat the fruit. T ie them
source, then tend them and protect them from securely to the limbs with string or twist ties.
predators. Remove the bags just before harvesting.
Protection Offered: Ant barriers on the
legs of greenhouse tables prevent ants from Copper Strips
reaching your seedlings. C opper repels slugs and snails. Some sci­
How to Use: Cut a hole that corresponds entific studies indicate that copper is effective
in size and shape to a cross-section of each because slugs and snails actually get an elec­
table leg through the center of an aluminum tric shock when they touch it. T h eir slimy
pie plate. Invert the cut pans and slide 1 up coating may interact chem ically with the cop­
each table leg. Fold each pan downward to per, creating an electric current.
form a cup and cover the inside of the cupped Protection Offered: Using copper strips
plate with a sticky coating. Seal the crack as a perm anent edging for borders o r beds is
betw een the pie plate and the table leg with an effective but expensive way to keep slugs
caulking or sticky coating. Renew the sticky and snails away from flowers and vegetables.
coating when necessary. Leave the traps in How to Use: T here are several ways to
place perm anently to guard against ants. use copper repellent products to prevent slug
and snail damage.
■ Buy copper-backed paper from gar­
Antitranspirants are commercial products
den suppliers and staple it to 3" wide boards
usually sprayed on trees and shrubs in fall to
placed around the garden in a continuous
help protect them from w inter damage.
Protection Offered: Reports indicate that
antitranspirants form a barrier on leaves to ■ Bury a 3"-4" wide copper strip around
prevent disease organisms such as powdery the edge of the bed o r border, leaving 2"-3” of
mildew spores from germ inating and infect­ the copper exposed. Bend the top V2 " of the
ing plants. However, these products are not strip outw ard at a right angle to form a lip (like
approved and registered for use as fungicides. an upside-down L). Once the barrier is in
How to Use: Follow label instructions place, you may have to trap and remove the
for coating plants. Avoid spraying drought- slugs and snails that were already inside the
stressed plants on hot, sunny days. barricaded bed.
Commercial Products: Folicote, For- ■ In the greenhouse, tack strips of cop­
EverG reen, Vapor G ard, Wilt-Pruf per 2'h." wide around bench legs.
■ Place strips of copper sheeting around
Bagging Fruit tree trunks to keep the slimy pests away. C ut a
In small orchards, you can take the time T -3” wide strip of copper several inches longer
to protect individual fruit on apple and pear than the tree circum ference, so you can en­
trees by enclosing them in paper bags. The large the band as the plant grows. Punch holes
bags prevent insect pests from finding and in the ends, then fasten the strip securely
damaging the fruit. around the trunk by feeding a piece of wire
Protection Offered: Bagging works well through the holes and twisting it tight. Remove
to control codling m oth dam age on apples suckers, w ater sprouts, and nearby weeds that
and pears. might provide alternate routes for the snails
How to Use: After thinning, place paper and slugs.
bags over individual fruit. Avoid using plastic Commercial Products: Snail-Barr

Crawling Pest Barriers Bury one edge of the foil in the soil, leaving
Bands of unattractive or abrasive m ateri­ several inches extending beyond the soil surface.
als that circle garden plants o r beds can be Fold the top edge away from the garden to
used for mild infestations to keep pests away. form a lip (like an upside-down L) that cater­
Dusts o r powders such as diatom aceous earth, pillars will find difficult to cross.
wood ashes, or crushed seashells scratch the
insects waxy coating, destroying their water Cutworm Collars
balance and killing them . Slugs and snails
Cutworm collars protect seedlings from
may also be deterred by these materials, which
caterpillar damage. Cutworms are night-feeders
can irritate the soft bodies of these creatures.
that spend the day just under the soil surface,
Insects and other crawling pests generally avoid
resting near your plants.
such barriers. When pest populations arc high
Protection Offered: B arriers p laced
o r w hen wet w eather renders the b arrier
around susceptible seedlings such as cab ­
ineffective, you may have to supplem ent with
bage, eggplant, and beans provide protection
o th er control measures.
from cutworm s and oth er pests that crawl up
For control m ethods for ants, see “Ant
the stem.
Barriers” on page 440; for slugs and snails, see
How to Use: Recycle cardboard tubes
“C opper Strips” on page 441.
from toilet paper and paper towels. Cut the
Protection Offered: Barriers keep earwigs,
tubes into 2"-3" sections, then place them
slugs and snails, sowbugs, and soft-bodied crawl­
over small seedlings while transplanting, push­
ing pests like caterpillars away from your plants.
ing the collars into the soil. T hin, soft card­
On tree trunks, dehydrating dusts repel ants
board holds up in the garden long enough to
and may help deter adult forms of borers from
protect your plants until they are beyond the
laying eggs on the bark.
susceptible stage. Shallow cans with the bot­
How to Use: Place a 2" wide strip of
toms cut out also make satisfactory cutworm
wood ashes, diatom aceous earth, sawdust,
collars, although they won’t deteriorate like
crushed seashells, cinders, o r similar organic
cardboard collars and will have to be removed.
m aterials as a border around beds o r individ­
ual plants. Or, spread a circle of the same
m aterials around individual plants, covering Floating Row Covers
the area out to the dripline o r at least within a W hen placed over young plants, these
6" radius of the stem. Some m aterials will row covers don’t float, they rest lightly on the
have to be replaced after rain. Borders like foliage, looking like flattened sheets of cotton
diatom aceous earth and ashes are most effec­ candy. They make great pest barriers, and you
tive when kept dry. can irrigate as usual since they’re water- and
M ake a dehydrating dust paint by mixing light-permeable. You can use floating row cover
‘A pound diatom aceous earth with 1 teaspoon to extend the growing season, since tem pera­
of pure liquid soap, like Ivory, and enough tures undercover tend to be a few degrees
w ater to make a thick slurry. Apply this paint higher than outside in the spring and fall. In
to the lower trunk of a tree to give double the N ortheast, spring harvests are often 5-10
protection; it shields the bark from the sun days earlier. During hot summ ers, however,
and discourages pests. heat-sensitive plants like lettuce and cole crops
Place a “fence” of aluminum foil around can suffer, since tem peratures under the row
beds and gardens if you are trying to control cover may increase by as m uch as 30°Fduring
caterpillars such as armyworms and cutworms. the day. Floating row cover doesn’t provide

adequate frost protection during cold spells, the plants begin to flower and are large enough
and you'll have to remove it to control weeds. to w ithstand damage.
Several types of floating row cover are How to Use: Before covering, thoroughly
offered in garden supply stores and catalogs. weed the site. Place covers over the row imme­
diately after planting seeds o r transplants, since
■ Polyethylene is actually plastic; it's the
some insects are able to locate seeds before
heaviest and warm est m aterial and offers the
the plants emerge. If pests have already arrived,
most cold protection.
you'll have to elim inate them before covering.
■ Polyester, polypropylene, and polyvi­ These lightweight covers are most easily in­
nyl alcohol are “spunbonded" (fine threads stalled on quiet, still days, since the slightest
tangled and bonded together), lightweight, breeze sends them flapping away.
porous m aterials that make the best pest Lay them over the row o r bed, leaving
barriers. enough slack to allow plants to grow under­
■ Polystyrene is heavier than the spun- neath. Anchor the edges with soil, rocks, boards,
bonded covers and is popular with nursery bricks, o r oth er heavy objects. You can make
owners for protecting perennial plants from o r buy hoop supports for delicate crops like
the extrem es of winter. baby lettuce that may be damaged by abrasion.
Later, remove the covers tem porarily to thin
Com m ercial brands vary in longevity and plants, weed, o r harvest. In the spring, period­
the degree of w arm th provided, but these dif­ ically check for aphid infestations.
ferences are usually negligible. You can make Remove covers perm anently when plants
your own alternatives to com m ercial floating are flowering, when plants are large enough to
row cover with mosquito netting, cheesecloth, withstand some dam age, o r when the pests
o r sheer drapery fabric. Remember that larger are no longer a threat. A fter using, wash them
pores m ean a greater chance that pests will with soapy w ater (add bleach if you have dis­
penetrate your barrier, and fabric with finer ease problems) and rinse well before drying
pores may not offer adequate air circulation. and storing. Patch holes and tears with duct
Protection Offered: Floating row cover tape placed on both sides. For extra cold
controls insects and o th er pests that fly or protection, use 2 covers together; light pen­
crawl toward plants. They also control the etration will be reduced to about 65 percent.
plant diseases that insects transm it and stop Floating row cover is available in 5 - 5 0 'widths.
rabbits, birds, groundhogs, and o th er animal Used for spring and fall season extension in
pests. Row covers won't control the pests that the northern states, it should last several sea­
em erge from soil once the covers are in place; sons. W hen used all season long in hot, sunny
crop rotation is still necessary. clim ates, it deteriorates m ore quickly.
Plan to use floating row cover barriers if Commercial Products: Agryl row covers,
you have problem s with aphids, asparagus Kimberly Farms Floating Row Covers, Reemay
beetles, cabbage root maggots, caterpillars
like cutworm s and armyworms, C olorado po­
tato beetles, flea beetles, leafhoppers, and Mulches
M exican bean beetles. Leave row cover over M ulches provide a barrier between plant
carrots all sum m er to control carrot rust flies. foliage and soil that may contain disease spores
On ornam ental plants place floating row cover o r pests. They also serve as a barrier for pests
over seedlings to protect them from foliage that are headed for the floor of your garden,
dam age early in the season; remove it once either to lay eggs or to rest for the winter.

Besides being useful for pest control, mulches In mid-winter prune as usual and apply more
of various m aterials serve many o th er cultural mulch to protect the plants from spring heaving.
purposes such as retaining soil m oisture, add­ In the spring gradually remove the mulch as
ing organic m atter to the soil, warming the tem peratures increase, then apply a fresh sum­
soil for heat-loving plants, and controlling m er mulch.
weeds. T h e list of possible mulch m aterials Covering garden and greenhouse soil with
seems endless. However, certain materials have m aterials like newspaper o r brown paper pre­
distinct advantages when used for controlling vents thrips from reaching the soil in order to
insect and disease pests. An organic mulch, pupate. Weight paper mulches down with soil,
replaced several times each year, will help boards, or other items so they can't blow away.
prevent disease spores from building up and T hese m aterials break down quickly; replace
prevent splashing rain drops that carry spores. them periodically.
P rotection O ffered: Control aphids, leaf­
hoppers, and thrips on cabbages and peppers Painting
in the garden and greenhouse with a mulch of
Protect fruit trees from both flatheaded
alum inum foil. You will also control the plant
borers and sunburn by painting the trunk with
diseases that these pests carry. Use a black
diluted white latex paint or with whitewash.
plastic mulch to discourage sowbugs and other
Protection Offered: Besides preventing
crawling pests that c a n t stand the heat; black
borer dam age, the paint will reflect sunshine
plastic also keeps leafminers from emerging
from the trunk, reducing the chance of sun­
from infested soil and prevents their return to
burns or cracks from uneven trunk warming.
the soil to pupate. By blocking sunlight from
How to Use: Paint the tree trunk using
the soil, black plastic mulch provides weed
white latex paint diluted with equal parts of
control as well. A thick layer of organic mulch
water, or use whitewash. Extend your paint
will prevent shallow-rooted plants from being
barrier from 1" below the soil line to 25”-30"
heaved out of the soil by frost action during
up the trunk. To paint at the base of the trunk,
the winter, because it m oderates changes in
use a hand trowel to remove the soil to a depth
soil tem perature.
of several inches; replace the soil after the
H o w to U se : You can buy aluminum-
paint dries.
coated paper to cover beds o r rows before
planting. Anchor the edges with soil or weights,
then cut 3"-4" diam eter holes for transplants Rigid Plant and Row Covers
or seeds. Later in the summer, remove the Before floating row covers became popular,
mulch to prevent reflected heat damage to innovative backyard gardeners built their own
large plants. You can also use wide, heavy-duty barriers from window-screening attached to
alum inum foil. On wide beds, run 2 strips of wooden frames. T he list of variations for home­
foil the length of the bed, leaving a gap several m ade barriers is limited only by your imagina­
inches wide between the strips; plant in the tion and skills. W ell-constructed and sturdy
gap. Scientists are experim enting with black hom em ade covers should last for many years.
plastic mulch sprayed with alum inum -colored Protection Offered: Rigid barriers pro­
paint as a substitute for foil. tect crops from dam age by animals and a
To control rose diseases, rake debris and variety of insects. They prevent insects from
old mulch away from the stems in the fall. transm itting disease problems as well. You
Apply fresh com post or other organic mulch. can use rigid barriers as defense against the

sam e pests for which floating row cover is repels flies, offering added protection.
effective. How to Use: Using tar paper o r other
How to Use: Make screen cones from heavy, flexible paper, cut circles 6"-8" in
aluminum screening. Cut sections of screen diameter. Make 1 cut from the edge to the
W X 2'. Wrap the shorter end around to form center. You may want to cut a small hole in
a cone, overlapping the edges. For stability, the center of the circle so the paper fits snugly
staple a wooden strip to the edge, so that it around the stem but lies flat on the ground.
extends several inches below the base of the W hen transplanting, place 1 disk on the soil
cone. Place cones over individual plants, in­ around each plant so that the stem is in the
serting the wooden stakes into the soil to hold m iddle of the disk. C ircles aren ’t m agic
the cones in place. Sink the cone bottom in­ shapes—squares work just as well. Since there
to the soil so pests can't crawl under. Remove will be several generations of root flies during
the cones when plants outgrow them o r when the season, leave the covers in place until
pests are no longer a threat. harvest.
You can also make individual plant tents
from window screening by folding long sheets Shade Cloths
of screening in half, then attaching triangular Placed over rows of cool-season crops,
sections with a stapler to seal the ends. shade cloth protects them from the scorching
Make perm anent covers by constructing rays of the sum m er sun. It effectively extends
wooden fram es that fit over sections of your the season for plants that normally prefer spring
garden. Make them wide enough to fit over or fall tem peratures.
your beds o r rows and tall enough to accom ­ Protection Offered: Because of its open
m odate plant growth for as long as you intend weave, shade cloth offers little in the way of
to keep them over the plants. Frames with the insect protection. It does, however, prevent
top narrow er than the bottom stack easily for injury from birds and small animals. It’s most
winter storage. Staple screening o r porous fab­ often used to protect lettuce and oth er cool-
ric to the outside of the frames. Each fall, season crops from extrem e tem peratures and
repair fram es as needed, rinse them with a damage caused by direct sunlight.
10 percent bleach solution (1 part bleach to How to Use: W hen sum m er tem pera­
9 parts water) to prevent disease problems, tures reach 80°F o r higher, suspend shade
and dry thoroughly before storing. cloth over the crop to be protected, using
stakes o r other supports. Shade cloth is avail­
Seedling Protectors able in varying shade percentages that indi­
Adult root maggot flies lay their eggs in cate the am ount of light reduction; choose
soil at the base of young vegetable plants. one that shades your crop adequately without
W hen the maggots hatch, they don’t have far reducing light levels to the point that plants
to travel to find their host. You can place are stretching for sunlight.
paper barriers around seedlings as they emerge Commercial Products: Handyshade, Sud­
or as you transplant, to keep egg-laying flies den Shade, W eathashade
away from the soil around your plants.
Protection Offered: Seedling disks pre­ Trunk Bands
vent root maggot flies from laying their eggs in Trunk bands act as barriers and traps to
the soil near susceptible seedlings like broccoli, control pests that crawl along tree trunks on
cabbage, cauliflower, and onions. Tar paper their way to the foliage o r to the soil.

Protection Offered: Use bands to protect weekly and apply fresh material as needed.
trees, vines, and shrubs from ants, codling You can also buy foam-backed tree-banding
moth and gypsy moth caterpillars, cutworms, strips to wrap around trunks. T he foam forms
leaf beetles, snails and slugs, and o th er pests a tight seal against rough bark, preventing
that make daily trips along the trunk. insects from crawling under. Apply sticky coat­
How to Use: You can apply most sticky ing to the band; when soiled, just remove and
coating products as a band directly on the replace with fresh strips.
plant you wish to protect, but it’s generally Folded burlap strips can also trap pests
more desirable to apply them to a removable as they travel up the trunk. Cut a 20" wide
wrap. A sticky coating applied to a tree's bark strip of burlap fabric and wrap it around the
may injure the tree or encourage fungal growth trunk. T ie it to the tree with a cord in the
in the treated area. It is also m uch more diffi­ middle of the strip, and let the top half fold
cult to remove the coating once it is clogged down over the bottom , forming a pocket that
with pests; such coatings eventually wear off will trap pests. You can apply a solution of
but are rather messy and unsightly until they do. parasitic nem atodes to the burlap for added
To control codling moth damage on apple control. Seal bands at the edges with a layer of
trees, prevent m ature larvae from returning to sticky ointm ent to prevent other pests from
the soil to pupate. Apply bands when leaves crawling under them.
unfold in the spring. Use a band of sticky Comm ercially prepared trunk bands are
ointment, or wrap corrugated cardboard around also available. Special adhesive tape with a
trunks at least W above the soil. Cut 2" wide slippery silicone finish prevents caterpillars
corrugated cardboard strips long enough to from crossing when placed around a tree’s
wrap around the trunk; staple or tape them in trunk. For extra protection, apply sticky oint­
place. Large larvae will crawl into the corru­ m ent at the edges and in a thin strip around
gations to pupate. Remove the bands at least the center of the tape. Snail-repellent tapes
once each week and destroy the pupae inside. are also available to wrap around trunks. These
Trunk bands can also prevent codling have a sticky backing and are coated with
m oths and other pests from crawling up the cayenne pepper and salt to repel and kill slugs
trunk in the first place. Apply bands of sticky and snails.
coating to tree trunks and rose stems with a Commercial Products: SIick'nStick
stick or paint stirrer; remove debris and pests
B io lo g ic a l pest control —controlling pests can do much of the pest-control duty for you.
with their natural enem ies—is a phenom enon T here are also com m ercial insectaries that
as old as the pests themselves. It is also one of raise beneficial insects in mass quantities to
the most successful forms of pest control. sell to farmers and gardeners. One biological
G arden pests and their natural enem ies control product has becom e a best-seller—BT,
coexist in balanced populations in well-managed the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, which
organic gardens. Unfortunately, natural pred­ infects and kills a broad range of chewing
ators and parasites don’t always provide relief caterpillar pests.
from pests as quickly o r as thoroughly as we
would like. T heir success depends on several Encouraging Beneficials
factors, including clim ate, soil type, alternate T he natural enem ies of garden pests are
sources of food and water, and the level of often overlooked when gardeners consider their
pest infestation. Some of these factors, such pest-control options. In fact, m ore beneficial
as the weather, are beyond your control. How­ organisms visit your plants than do pests.
ever, there are several things you can do to Beneficial organisms go unnoticed be­
enhance the effectiveness of beneficial organ­ cause they’re inconspicuous in size and habit.
isms already present in your yard and garden. They’re so efficient, you may never have real­
And in some cases, you can release com m er­ ized that pests were there. Even so, pest out­
cially reared predators and parasites around breaks are clouds with silver linings since they
your yard to com bat pest problems. attract more beneficials to your garden. It's a
This section includes specific informa­ good idea to encourage natural enem ies when­
tion on animals, insects, and disease-causing ever you can. T here are several ways to attract
microorganisms that you can use to help fight them to your garden, and keep them there.
garden pests. If you’re not familiar with the
term s used to describe these organisms, refer Food
to “Insects’* beginning on page 254 for basic Predators and parasites often rely on
inform ation on the life cycles of insects and nonpest food sources in addition to pests.
to “Diseases” beginning on page 338 for a Many beneficials that eat pests supplem ent
rundown on the types of organisms that cause their diets with pollen. nectar, o r other insects,
disease. enabling them to survive when their target
pests are scarce. And while birds will feast on
insect pests, they may first be attracted to
The Biological Balance your yard by a well-stocked bird feeder.
Biological control ranges from encourag­ Alternate food sources will help keep ben­
ing birds to visit your garden and eat pests to eficial insects in your garden and are often
spraying microorganisms that can cause pests necessary in o rd e r for the beneficials to
to sicken and die. An im portant aspect of reproduce. Some parasitic wasps, for example,
biological control is making your garden attrac­ lay more eggs after feasting on plant nectar.
tive to the beneficial animals and insects that G reen lacewings eat aphid honeydew to boost
{c o n tin u e d on page 450)


Important Native Beneficial Insects

Name Pests Attacked Com m ents How to Attract
Aphid midge Over 6 0 sp e c ie s of Very com m on, globally d is­ Plant nectar-producing
Aphidoletes aphids. tributed, an d hardy nearly plants; shelter garde n from
aphidimyzo to the Arctic circle. Especially stro n g w inds; provide w ater
attracted to a p h id s in roses, during dry spells.
sh ru bs, o n d o rch ard trees.

A s s a s s in b ugs M a n y insects, including Robust, v o ra c io u s insects, Provide shelter in p e rm a­

(Fam ily R eduviidae) caterpillars, flies. with stro n g b e o ks to attack nent plantings.
prey; will sq u e a k w hen
handled; c a n inflict a p ain ­
ful bite.

Bigeyed bugs Aphids, sm all cater­ They m ay resem ble tar­ Collect them from pigw eed
Geocoris spp. pillars, leafhoppers, n ished plant b u g s or chinch or goldenrod s ta n d s a n d
sp id er mites, tarnished bugs; their big black e yes transfer them to your g a r­
plant bugs. are a distinctive trait. den; plant a lfa lfa clover, or
so y b e a n s a s cover c ro p s or

Braconld w asp s Aphids, arm yw orm s, Rigidly m um m ified a p h id s G ro w n ectar-producing

(Fam ily Braconid ae) beetle larvae, codling or d ying caterpillars with plan ts w ith sm all flowers.
m oths, European corn white c o c o o n s stu ck to their
borers, flies, g y p sy b a c k s are s ig n s that braco-
m oths, im ported c a b ­ n id s have been at work.
b agew orm s, other cater­
pillars an d insects.

D am sel b ugs Aphids, sm all caterpillars, T hese gra y or Collect them from alfalfa
(Fam ily N abidae) leafhoppers, plant bugs, brow n b u g s are c om m on fields a n d transfer them to
thrips, treehoppers. a n d im portant p redators in your garden; plant an alfalfa
o rch a rd s an d alfalfa fields border aro u nd the garden.
(where you can collect them
for your garden).

Ground beetles M ost prey on soil-dwelling Exceptionally long-lived Provide perm anent beds,
(Fam ily C arab ida e) pests, s u c h a s c a b b a g e (adu lts live up to 2 years), plant s o d p ath w ays, an d
root m aggots, cutworm s, m ost active at night. allow so m e w eeds, e s p e ­
s lu g s an d snails; so m e cially pigw eed; m inimize
p u rsu e ab ovegrou n d tillage during the gro w ing
pests, s u c h a s C olorado se a so n ; plant white clover
potato beetle larvae, a s a gro u nd co ver in
g y p sy m oths, tent cate r­ orchards.

Copyrighted material

Name Pests Attacked Com m ents How to Attract

Hover flies/flower M an y species of aphids. These insects hover over Plant pollen- a n d nectar-
flies flowers and dort o w a y like producing flowers and
(Family Syrphidae) miniature hummingbirds. encourage w eeds su ch a s
They often lay e g g s in young wild carrots and yarrow;
aphid colonies to ensure avoid pesticide use.
that larvoe will have enough

Ichneumon w asps Caterpillars, saw fly and Although m ost ichneumon Plant pollen- and nectar-
(Family beetle larvae, other w a s p s are very small, som e producing flowers; grow
Ichneumonidae) insects. are frighteningly large with flowering cover crops in
long, threadlike ovipositors orchards.
trailing behind; they connot
sting people.

Lacewings Soft-bodied in s e c ts - The delicote adults flutter Plant pollen- and nectar-
Chrysopena including aphids, mealy­ erratically in a zigzag producing plants and allow
(-Chrysopa) spp. bugs, th rip s-sm all flight through the garden at flowering w eeds su ch a s
caterpillars, mites, moth dusk; their voracious larvae dandelions ond goldenrod;
eggs, som e scales. are known o s aphid lions. provide a source of water
during dry spells.

Lady beetles Aphids, mealybugs, soft Lody beetles abound in Plant pollen- and nectar-
(Family scales, spider mites. m any size s an d colors, producing flowers; allow
Coccinellidae) including solid black, a sh w ee d s su ch a s dandelions,
gray, and yellow or orange wild carrots, and yarrow;
with black sp o ts or irregular protect eggs, larvae, and
blotches. pupae on plants.

Minute pirate bug Sm all caterpillars, leaf- These plentiful, black-and- Plant alfalfa or other pollen-
Orius tristicolor hopper nymphs, spider white harlequin b u g s are producing plants; encourage
mites, thrips, e g g s of e asy to spot. Look for them goldenrod and yarrow.
m any insects. in corn silks and stinging
nettles; shake them into a
jar an d release them in the

Rove beetles M an y prey on aphids, fly Often mistaken for earwigs, Maintain permanent plant­
(Family eggs, m aggots, nem a­ rove beetles are usually in gs to protect the local
Staphytinidae) todes, springtails; som e smaller and have no pincers; population, interplant with
ore parasites on cabbage more than 3 ,0 0 0 species in cover crops or mulch plant­
root m ag go ts or other fly North America. ing beds; m ake permanent
larvae. pathw ays in the garden


Copyrighted material

Important Native Beneficial Insects — Continued

Name Pests Attacked Com m ents How to Attract
Soldier beetles Aphids, beetle larvae, Unlike m ost beetles, soldier Keep pollen-rich plants and
(Family Cantharidae) including cucum ber beetles have leathery rather w ee d s around the garden
beetles, caterpillars, than hard w ing covers. for adult feeding; keep
grasshop p er eggs. permanent plantings in the
garden to provide refuge
and protect pupating

Spined soldier bug Fall arm yworms, hairless These resemble stink bugs, Maintain permanent beds
Podisus moculiventris caterpillars, including but spined soldier b u gs of perennials to provide
tent caterpillars, saw fly have sharp points on the shelter.
larvae; beetle larvae "sh o u ld e rs" of the thorax.
such a s those of C olo­
rado potato beetle and
Mexican bean beetle.

Tachlnid flies M an y species of cater­ O ne of the largest and G row plants rich in pollen
(Family pillars, including arm y­ m ost beneficial g ro u p s of and nectar; leave som e
Tachinidae) worms, cabbage loopers, flies, they are often m is­ garden w eeds, especially
cutworms, gyp sy moths, taken for houseflies. goldenrod, wild carrots, and
tent caterpillars; also pigweed; don't kill cater­
J ap an e se beetles. M ay pillars with white e g g s
beetles, sawflies, stuck to their b acks (the
s q u a sh bugs. e g g s will becom e the next
generation of flies).

Tiger beetles Both adults and larvae These insects are slow Maintain permanent bed s in
(Family prey on ants, aphids, developers; larvae spend the garden a s refuge; don't
Cicindelidae) beetles, caterpillars, 2 - 3 years in their burrows leave outdoor lights on all
flies, grasshoppers, before becom ing spectacu­ night or u se light traps,
spiders, other insects. larly beautiful adults with because tiger beetles are
bright, iridescent colors. highly attracted to light.

their egg production, and syrphid flies require mint family (Labiatae) members such as catnip,
a meal of pollen before they can lay eggs. hyssop, and lemon balm are im portant nectar
A ssist n atu ra l en e m ies by in cluding plants. Rosemary, thyme, and oth er herbs are
small-flowered, food-bearing companion plants attractive to both gardeners and beneficials.
in your landscape. Choose from m em bers of M em bers of the daisy family (Com positae),
the carrot family (Umbelliferae), which includes including coneflowers, daisies, and yarrow, are
caraway,dill, fennel, lovage,and parsley. Many excellent sources of both pollen and nectar.

Plants otherw ise considered weeds might be hiding places. Avoid excess tillage, because it
useful wild food sources: corn spurry, golden­ will destroy o r disturb beneficials. T he dust
rod, lamb's-quarters, wild m ustard, and Queen cloud created by tillage eventually settles on
Anne’s lace attract beneficial insects. plants and may harm the m ore delicate bene­
Cover crops are good sources of food and ficials, such as parasitic wasps. Excessive till­
shelter. Buckwheat is an excellent choice, since age also alters the soil environm ent and may
it's easily worked into the garden season and harm populations of beneficial soil m icroor­
quickly provides masses of blooms and cover ganisms (see "Soil Tillage’’ on page 427).
to attract natural enem ies. Try using alfalfa,
buckw heat, clover, or ivy (Hedera spp.) as Environment
borders around the garden. Just as gardeners don’t consum e every
You can purchase bug food from suppli­ kernel of corn but save some for next year's
ers of beneficial insects o r from mail-order crop, biocontrols rarely kill 1(X) percent of the
garden supply com panies. This artificial diet pests they prey upon. Don’t be tem pted to
usually contains yeast, sugar, and added vita­ spray those few remaining pests—they will
mins and is placed in sheltered areas among provide the next generation of beneficials with
garden plants w hen natural food supplies food. Spraying with broad spectrum insecti­
arc low. cides upsets the balance of beneficials and
their prey.
Water In the wild, beneficials and harmful organ­
isms often follow a natural oscillating rhythm
Like animals and plants, beneficial insects
of population highs and lows. Pest num bers
require water. If rain is plentiful locally, pud­
may rise suddenly in response to some envi­
dles of w ater o r morning dew are probably
ronm ental cue. such as an increase in their
sufficient. During a drought, provide w ater in
food supply. Populations of beneficial organ­
shallow containers filled with rocks that serve
isms will increase accordingly. As a result,
as insect perches. Change the w ater often to
pest num bers decline, followed by a corre­
discourage m osquito pests. Also consider sit­
sponding drop in num bers of beneficials. The
ing a deeper w ater source somew here in your
cycle is repeated continuously each season in
yard to help encourage a toad to call your
your garden. If you notice a certain pest pop­
garden home.
ulation is on the rise, it may be worth the wait
to let the beneficials move in and perform
Shelter rather than reaching for pesticides immediately.
Beneficials need protection from wind Become familiar with com m on natural ene­
and w eather extrem es. W hen o th er parts of mies so you’ll know when to rely on them.
the garden are being tilled, mowed, sprayed, Many botanical insecticides, including
o r harvested, beneficial insects seek out alter­ pyrethrin, are broad-spectrum pesticides that
native cover. Provide them with hedgerows, kill a wide range of insects. Beneficials are
flowering shrubs, cover crops, perennial bor­ often included among the dead. Also, spraying
ders, and m ulches like new spaper or com post recklessly for one pest may result in the devel­
as resting and hiding places. To encourage opm ent of secondary pests. W hen you spray a
soil-dwelling beneficials like ground beetles broad-spectrum pesticide that also kills off
and rove beetles, plant in perm anent beds and many beneficials, some pest that survives the
put down stone m ulches to provide lots of spraying and is now unchecked by a natural

enemy may becom e a new problem. Pests like beneficial species do.
aphids are often able to recover more quickly Keeping the soil environment healthy can
than their natural controls, so outbreaks of also be im portant in preventing plant disease.
aphids are com m on after the application of a Organically enriched soils have high popula­
broad-spectrum insecticide. Frequent spraying tions of beneficial m icrobes that feed upon or
can also encourage populations of pesticide- outcom pete pathogens. Preserve a healthy bal­
resistant insects to increase, and pest species ance in your soils by adding com post or other
usually develop resistance more quickly than organic soil am endm ents on a yearly basis.

Buying Beneficial Insects

f y o u r notive n oturo l c o n tro ls n e ed a s s i s ­ ■ Identify the n atural e n e m ie s a v a ila b le

I tance, y o u m a y c h o o s e to b u y beneficial
in se cts. S e v e ra l g a rd e n s u p p ly c a t a lo g s offer
for con trol of y o u r p e st a n d lo c a te a sou rce .
C o n su lt with you r su p p lie r to be certain y o u 're
ben e ficial in s e c t s a m o n g their p ro d u cts, a n d b u yin g the b e st b iological control for the pest.
private in se c ta rie s offer a w id e a sso rtm e n t. ■ W h e n the b e n e fic ia ls arrive, s tu d y the
K e e p in m in d that m o s t ty p e s of b e n e fic ia ls in stru c tio n s for s to r a g e a n d release; e a c h
are re are d at o n ly o n e o r a fe w in se ctarie s. b en e ficial o r g a n is m is u n iq u e a n d m u s t be
The s iz e of the c ro p of b e n e fic ia ls m a y va ry treated differently. R e le a se them a s s o o n a s
d e p e n d in g on the s u c c e s s of the in s e c ta rie s ' you can; if y o u c a n 't re le ase them immediately,
b re e d in g efforts. You'll be c o m p e tin g w ith follo w the in stru c tio n s for p ro p e r storage .
co m m e rc ia l g ro w e rs a n d g a rd e n s u p p ly c o m ­
■ R e le a se th e m at the p rop er rote a n d
p a n ie s for w h a t m a y be a lim ited s u p p ly of
location. R a te of re le a se will d e p e n d o n the
beneficials. Availability of sp e cific sp e c ie s can
s iz e of y o u r g a rd e n or g re e n h o u s e a n d the
c h a n g e from y e ar to year. (F or the m o st recent
se ve rity of y o u r p e st infestation. Take a g o o d
list of c o m p a n ie s that s p e c ia liz e in ra isin g
look at the b e n e fic ia ls b efore re le asin g, s o
a n d se llin g b iocon trols, c o n ta c t the C a lifo r­
y o u d o n 't c o n f u s e th e m for a p e st later.
nia D e p a rtm e n t of F o o d o n d Agriculture, B io ­
■ O n c e y o u 've re le ase d beneficials, m o n ­
lo g ic a l C o n t r o l S e r v ic e s P r o g r a m , 3 2 8 8
itor their p ro g re ss. If y o u 're re le a sin g e g g
M e a d o w v ie w Road , S a c ra m e n to , C A 9 5 8 3 2 . )
p a ra site s, w a tc h for d isc o lo re d p e st e g g s
P u rc h a s e d b e n e ficials n e e d sp e c ia l core
w ith o d d -s h a p e d exit holes. P a ra sitiz e d lar­
or they c a n e a sily d ie before they get a c h a n c e
v a e often b e c o m e d isc o lo re d a n d inactive. If
to d o their job. Follow th e se s t e p s w h e n p u r­
n e c e ssa ry, m a k e se v e ra l re le a s e s to kee p a
c h a s in g a n d re le a sin g b eneficials.
m ajor p est u nde r control. O n c e released, s o m e
■ B e c o m e fam iliar w ith the life c y c le of n atu ral e n e m ie s ore v ig o r o u s e n o u g h to s u r ­
the ta rge t pest; k n o w w h e re a n d w h e n to find vive from y e a r to year. O th e rs m a y require
e g g s a n d larvae in y o u r ga rd e n . U se g a rd e n a n n u a l re le a s e s if th e y a re n 't a b le to su rvive
b o o k s w ith g o o d illu stra tio n s or p h o to g ra p h s y o u r a r e a 's clim ate year-round .
to he lp you.

Beneficial Animals eating birds, and place the houses along the
garden’s border.
and Insects
We can rely on an assorted crew of large Insects
and small creatures to help with pest control. One of the best steps you can take to
T he list of beneficial animals ranges from reduce pest insects is to encourage nonpest
birds and toads to spiders and predatory’ nema­ insects such as lady beetles and lacewings.
todes. Beneficial insects include the familiar You can also buy beneficial insects and release
lady beetle along with less well known preda­ them in your garden. This approach works
tory bugs and parasitic wasps. better with some species than others. For
exam ple, purchased convergent lady beetles
released in your garden may not be there long
Large Animals because their instinct tells them to migrate
M ammals are often overlooked for their elsewhere.
pest-control abilities. For exam ple, in C ana­ For information on many of the benefi­
dian forests, shrews control larch sawflies and cial insects that may be present naturally in
oth er pests. Lizards and toads are im portant your garden, see “Im portant Native Benefi­
natural enem ies of pest insects, and snakes cial Insects’’ on page 448. For details on how
can help control problems with mice and voles. and when to release beneficials that are com ­
In many com m unities in Europe and North mercially available from garden suppliers and
Am erica, farm ers encourage birds to control insectaries, see “Buying and Releasing Bene­
pests by placing nesting boxes around their ficial In sects’ on page 454. If you’d like more
fields. Even dom esticated animals can assist information about particular types of insects
in pest control. If you have a small orchard m entioned in those listings, look them up in
and keep chickens, let the chickens feed in the the “Insect Identification G uide” beginning
orchard. They will peck pests such as plum on page 268.
curculios out of dropped fruit and other ground
litter. Predatory Mites
How to Encourage: Encourage o r dis­ Predatory mites are less than */»" 8-legged
courage these large and small animals as nec­ creatures that are related to spiders. In your
essary in your garden. Naturally, you’ll probably garden, predatory mites live in the soil, in
w ant to keep out those animals that cause compost piles, and on your plants. Soil-dwelling
more dam age than benefit. But it may be time species usually reside in the upper 2" of the
to reconsider some of your prejudices when soil, preying on oth er mites and insects. Spe­
assessing the harm fulness of certain animals. cies that live on garden plants consum e other
If you're the squeam ish type, have patience mites and their eggs; some types also feed on
with the snakes that cross your garden paths— thrips. Still other species provide valuable pest
they’re great rodent controllers! Also rem em ­ control in stored grains.
ber that bats are generally harm less to people, Predatory mites are useful biological con­
b u t they can co n su m e huge n u m b ers of trols because they reproduce quickly, keeping
mosquitoes, flies, and other pests. pace with oscillating pest populations: Some
If w ater is scarce, place small containers are able to com plete their life cycle in 1 week.
filled to the brim in shady locations for thirsty If you observe mites through a magnifying
animals. Build birdhouses to attract the insect- glass, you can distinguish predatory mites from
(c o n tin u e d o n page 457)

Buying and Releasing Beneficial Insects

n s e c ta rie s a n d g a rd e n s u p p ly c a t a lo g s otter a w id e variety of b en e ficial in s e c t s a n d p re d a to ry m ites,
I but the first s te p to g e ttin g g o o d re su lts is to be a b so lu te ly certain that the in se ct y o u p u rc h a s e will prey
on the p e s t s y o u 're trying to control. You a ls o n e ed to be su re that y o u b u y the correct n u m b e r of in s e c t s for
y o u r g a rd e n size. Here y o u 'll find all the in form ation y o u n e ed to s h o p w is e ly for ben e ficial in se cts.

Beneficial How and Where

Species Pests Attacked to Use Com m ents
Aphid midge Over 6 0 sp e c ie s of Apply 2 5 0 c o c o o n s in a Reliable except in dry,
Aphidoletes aphids. sm all g a rd e n or green­ w ind y areas; not suitable
ophidimyzo h o u se or u se 3 - 5 c o c o o n s for m elon ap h id control.
per plant; repeat in 2
w eeks; u se 5 - 2 0 c o c o o n s
per fruit tree.

Aphid parasites Apple aphids, green Rele ase 5 0 - 1 0 0 p u p a e of Experimental; best effect if
Aphidius p ea ch aphids, melor i these parasitic w a s p s in a u sed with ap h id predators.
matricariae, aphids, others. garde n or sm all gre e n ­
Lysiphlebus h o u se early in spring.
other sp e c ie s

Colorado potato P ara sitize s e g g s of Best effect se en a g a in st Experimental; not hard y in

beetle parasite C olora d o potato beetle. se c o n d generation of northern areas.
(Edovum puttleri) potato beetles. Becom e
estab lish e d faster w hen
there is o so u rce of honey­
dew from a p h id s neorby.

Lacew ings Soft-bodied in se cts - Scatter 5 0 0 - 1 , 0 0 0 e g g s Unreliable due to poor

Chrysoperlo including aphids, m ealy- throughout an average survival during shipping,
(=Chrysopa) spp. bugs, th rip s-s m a ll garden, but su rvivors are effective.
caterpillars, mites,
moth e ggs, so m e

Lady beetles Aphids, m ealybugs, Not recom m ended for Unreliable ou td oo rs due to
Hippodamio soft scale s, spider outdoor release; u se in migration, u n le ss released
convergens mites. g re e n h o u se s at a rate of over com m unity-w ide area,
3 - 5 beetles per plant other sp e c ie s g o o d c a n d i­
or 5 0 0 per hom e g re e n ­ d a te s for outdoor releases.

Copyrighted material

Beneficial How and W here

Species Pests Attacked to Use Com m ents
Mealybug destroyer, M ealybugs indoors and Release 2 - 5 beetles per U sed for d ecad es in citrus
also called in citrus orchards. infested plant in green­ groves; reliable in summer;
Australian lady houses, 1 or 2 times per slow indoors in winter.
beetle year; for infested house­
Cryptolaemus plants, confine 1 0 -2 0
montrouzieri beetles to each plant for
4 - 6 weeks; in citrus and
grapes, release 2 5 0 - 5 0 0
per 14 acre.

Minute pirate bug Sm all caterpillars, leaf- Release 1 b u g per 1-2 Expenmental, studied in
Orius tristicolor, hopper nymphs, spider plants in greenhouses; try com mercial greenhouses
0. insidiosus mites, thrips, e g g s of 5 0 - 1 0 0 in a hom e garden. only.
m any insects.

Predatory mite Spider mites, especially Release 2 - 1 0 mites per Reliable, except in hot, dry
Phytoseiulus Pacific and two-spotted plant on strawberries or conditions
persimilis spider mite. garden or greenhouse
plants at first sign of
spider mites, repeat if
necessary in 2 - 3 weeks,
not winter hardy in most
of U.S.; doesn't perform
well on tomatoes.

Predatory mite Western flower thrips, Apply 1 0 0 - 2 0 0 per Reliable thrips control on
Amblyseius cyclam en mites, onion infested plant to control greenhouse peppers;
cucumeris thrips, spider mites. thrips; effect is slow unreliable on cucumbers.
because mites cannot kill
adult thrips; cold-hardy
and will becom e e stab­
lished in strawberries to
control cyclam en mites.

western predatory Spider mites, especially Establish in orchards with Reliable; pesticide-
mite citrus red mites and rates of 5 0 - 1 0 0 mites per resistant strains available.
Metaseiulus European red mites. tree in sum m er or early fall;
(=Typhlodromus) apply 1 ,000 per tree to
occidentalis control infestation of
spider mites in sam e
season; hardy in most
apple-growing regions.

( c o n tin u e d )

Copyrighted material
Buying and Releasing Beneficial Insects —Continued
Beneficial | How and Where
Species Pests Attacked to Use Com m ents
Praying mantid Any insect they can Not advisable to release Not effective as control for
Mantis religiosa catch, including bene­ in garden because of pest insects.
ficial species. destructive effect on
native species.

Scale predatory Soft scales, especially Minimum order of several Reliable, especially indoors.
beetles soft brown scale. hundred sufficient for a
Chilocoms greenhouse; confine
nigntus, Lindoms 10-20 beetles for a month
lophanthae to an infested houseplant.

Soil mite Fungus gnats, spring- Sprinkle granular carrier Reliable on fungus gnats
Geolaelaps tails, thrips pupae. containing mites on soil when established early.
(=Hypoaspis) spp. around plants; apply 1
quart per 1,000 square
feet once early in season
to establish population.

Spined soldier bug Hairless caterpillars. Release 2-5 per square Expenmental; results best
Podisus moculivenths including fall army yard of bean or potato on tent caterpillars and
worms, sawfly larvae, patch to control beetle bean beetles; not very
tent caterpillars; beetle larvae. promising on Colorado
larvae such as those of potato beetles.
Colorado potato beetle
and Mexican bean

Trichogramma Eggs of over 200 For codling moths, release Most effective in large
w asps species of moths sueri 5,000-7,000 per tree, at numbers over large crop
Trichogramma as com borers, corn 5-7 day intervals through­ areas.
minutum, other earworms, codling out month when moths
species moths, cotton boll- are flying,- try 5,000-7,000
worms, spruce per square foot to control
budworms. corn borers, use phero­
mone traps to determine
moth populations and
time releases effectively.

Whitefly parasite Greenhouse whiteflies Release 1,000 wasps in a Reliable on greenhouse

EncarsKJ formosa sweetpotato whitefliejs. small greenhouse or 2-5 whiteflies if released while
parasites per plant when pest numbers are extrem­
the first whiteflies are ely low; unlikely to succeed
seen; repeat in 1-2 weeks; in winter months; works
double releases for sweet­ best in warm, bright
potato whiteflies. conditions.


Copyrighted material

spider mites by their faster movement and up for the damage their relatives cause. They're
oval shape. T heir beneficial effects are often both known for quick control of insect pests
hardly noticed until they are killed off by that spend part of their lives in your garden soil.
pesticide sprays; the subsequent population Im m ature larvae of both species have a
explosion in spider m ites highlights their protective cuticle. They aggressively search
im portance. for hosts, usually in o r near the soil. Once the
Several species are available from insect host is located, the nem atode enters its body
suppliers for controlling pests in the garden, through natural openings, such as the mouth
orchard, vineyard, and greenhouse. Phytosei- o r spiracles, shedding the cuticle it no longer
ulus persimilis is the most widely sold species needs. Beneficial nem atodes carry an intesti­
for spider mite control. In hot greenhouses nal bacterium (Xenorhabdus spp.) that is
and gardens (tem peratures greater than 90°F), released inside the new host, paralyzing and
try Amblyseius californicus or Phytoseiulus killing it within 24 to 48 hours. Once the host
longipes. Metaseiulus occidentalis is an excel­ is dead, the nem atode com pletes several gen­
lent hardy predator of European red mite in erations within the carcass until host tissues
apple orchards and berry patches, surviving are depleted. Larvae then redevelop the pro­
as far north as the Canadian apple-growing tective cuticle and leave the carcass in search
regions. O nce established, it should only need of a new host. Larvae in this protected state
to be re-released after a severe winter o r other can survive in the soil w ithout a host for as
disruption to the population. long as 1 year if moisture levels and tem per­
How to Release: Predatory mites are usu­ atures remain favorable.
ally sold as a mix of several species to ensure Nematodes require a moist, dark envi­
complete control under a variety of conditions, ronm ent. As tem peratures drop in the winter,
because each species has overlapping humidity, they burrow deeper in the soil and begin hiber­
tem perature, and prey requirem ents. In the nation; as tem peratures rise in spring, they
greenhouse or garden, order about 1.000 pred­ move closer to the soil surface. T heir return
atory mites for every 200-500 square feet. Shake lags behind the arrival of early spring pests, so
the carrier and mites out among your plants. for early pest control, gardeners must reintro­
T he m ites are so small you may not be able to duce the nem atodes each year.
spot them in the m ixture, but rest assured they In the laboratory, over 250 species of pests
will travel among your plants as necessary to fall prey to beneficial nem atodes. O utdoors,
find pests. however, uncontrolled soil tem peratures and
For fruit trees, if European red mite num ­ m oisture reduce their efficiency. Steinernema
bers are low and you just want to establish a carpocapsae lives closest to the soil surface
predator population for future years, release and successfully controls carpenterworms, cur­
50-100 per tree; if you want to control an rant borers, earwigs, navel orangeworms, onion
outbreak during the same season, release 1,000 maggots, pillbugs. seedcom maggots, sod web­
per tree. worms, sowbugs, and strawberry root weevils.
Heterorhabditis heliothidis ranges deeper in
Nematodes soil, effectively controlling billbugs, black vine
M ention nem atodes and most gardeners weevils, corn rootworm larvae, Japanese bee­
picture the parasitic type that infests plant tle grubs, masked chafers, mole crickets, and
root systems. T h e beneficial nem atodes such wireworms. Both types of nem atodes show
as Steinernema (=Neoplectana) carpocapsae promise against armyworms, cabbage root mag­
and Heterorhabditis heliothidis almost make gots, codling m oth larvae, C olorado potato

beetle larvae, cutw orm s, and rose chafers. vines to control squash borers o r in corn silks
How to Release: R ate of application to control corn earworms. Syringes are usu­
depends on the susceptibility of the target ally marked in cubic centim eters (cc); you’ll
pest, its location in reference to the damaged be adding about 5,000 nem atodes in 2 cc of
plant, and the particular species o r strain of the prepared mix.
nematode supplied. Commercial suppliers vary
in the strain of nem atodes they raise; you may Decollate Snails
have a choice of several strains o r species. D ecollate snails (Rumina decollataj prey
Consult with specialists at your supply source on the brown garden snail (Helix aspersa).
for the most appropriate species and the most This predatory snail, with an elongated, cone-
efficient m ethod of application. Always fol­ shaped shell, efficiently controls the pest spe­
low the suppliers’ label directions. cies but will consum e your young vegetable
T h e nem atodes arrive in the infective lar­ plants if other food is unavailable. They are
val stage, either dehydrated o r suspended in av ailab le for release in c e rta in p a rts of
gels, sponges, o r moist peat and vermiculite. California, but they should not be released in
It’s best to release them when pest larvae are hom e gardens. Com m ercial citrus growers
known to be present. Mix the form ulations release them in citrus groves, where they con­
thoroughly with water, then apply to the soil trol pest snails w ithout damaging the trees.
with a watering can o r pressure sprayer. At
planting tim e, treat a 3" wide band centered Spiders
over the row. Control pests of perennial plants T he easiest way to tell a spider from an
by spraying at the base of the plants. To con­ insect is by counting the num ber of legs: Spi­
trol pests in sod, spray nem atodes evenly over ders have 4 pairs while insects move about on
the grass with a watering can o r sprayer, or only 3 pairs. Spiders com e in a great variety
pour them direcdy onto the grass: Use 100,000- of sizes, shapes, and colors. They’re the preda­
500,000 nematodes per square yard. Water the tors you’re likely to encounter most often in
nem atodes in well; apply *6"-l"of w ater after your garden, yard, and home.
spraying to soak them into the sod. Control is Insects are the most popular items on the
most successful when nem atodes are applied spider’s menu. Spiders capture their insect
to moist soil in the late afternoon o r evening. prey with unusual tactics. They weave traps
Treatm ent may be less successful in lawns with the silk threads produced by spinnerets.
with thatch, which im pedes the progress of T he m ultipurpose silk is woven into coverings
the nem atodes into the root zone. for eggs; parachutes for travel; and snares,
Since the nem atodes are susceptible to drag lines, and webs for capturing prey. Some
drying, control is less effective when applied spiders, including com m on wolf spiders, are
directly to plants. It may take m ore than 6 adequately large and fast to chase their prey
weeks before you know w hether treatm ents down. As soon as they have hold of their prey,
were effective. Parasitized hosts will appear they inject digestive fluids that liquefy the tis­
chalky white, reddish, o r gray. sues, then they suck the shell dry. Alm ost all
To control borers in trees, mix nem a­ spiders are poisonous, but only a few have
todes according to label directions, and use venom toxic enough to threaten humans.
an oilcan to squirt the nem atodes into the Daddy longlegs are closely related to
hole (about 17,000 nem atodes per squirt). Or spiders. Often called harvestm en, they’ll eat
use a syringe to inject nem atodes into squash just about anything, including scraps from the

kitchen table. They're m ost active at night, sume leaf-eating worms for you, elim inating
patrolling garden plants for infestations of small the need for treatm ent with BT. Because bio­
insect pests. Like spiders, they have 8 legs. logical insecticides are host-specific, they are
T h eir legs are easily shed but don’t grow back. not toxic to people. However, it still pays to
By the end of the summer, many daddy longlegs follow proper spray procedures for best results.
are getting about adequately on only a few legs. See "Spray Safely” on page 463 and “T he Way
How to Encourage: D epending on their to Spray” on page 465 for inform ation on how
size and stage of life, spiders and daddy longlegs and when to spray pesticides and on the best
are susceptible to the same pesticides used to types of application equipm ent to use.
kill insects, so refrain from spraying. Solicit Remember to use cultural methods, includ­
their help in the garden by leaving them alone ing plant selection, soil care, timely cultivation,
when you en co u n ter them in webs strung and crop rotation, before considering biologi­
betw een the plants or under stones o r debris cal control. Biological pesticides are much
on the soil. gentler to the environm ent than chem ical
agents, but they are pesticides just the same.
Although their im pact may be small and finely
Beneficial Microorganisms tuned, they can still disturb the natural balance
Unlike introduced beneficial insects, which that exists on any site between soil, plants, pests,
require exact conditions if they are to work and predators. Using m icrobes to control gar­
well, microbial and biological insecticides can den pests is an active area of research; be on
tolerate a range of environm ental conditions. the lookout for new microbial insecticides.
However, they do require some understanding
of both the pest and the remedy if they are to B a c i ll u s t h u r i n g i e n s i s
work well. Fbr exam ple, spraying BT (Bacillus T he most widely used microbial biologi­
thuringiensis) on your broccoli plants will effec­ cal control m ethod is the application of Bacil­
tively control im ported cabbageworms. How­ lus thuringiensis. o r BT. S cien tists have
ever, it will do nothing to stop aphids feeding identified more than 35 varieties of this bacte­
on those same plants, because the bacteria rium; several are available to hom e gardeners
cannot infect aphids. And while milky disease for controlling various larval insect pests. B.t.
spores kill Japanese beetle grubs, they have var. kurstaki (BTK) was one of the first bacte­
no affect on adult Japanese beetles. Always rial pest controls offered on the m arket. BTK
read instructions and follow them exactly when produces crystal toxins that poison, paralyze,
using biological pesticides. and kill various common pest caterpillars. After
T he specific nature of biological pesticides, BTK is applied to plants, caterpillar pests
like BT, m eans that you can use them w ithout ingest it as they feed. Although the pest may
destroying the natural balance that exists live several m ore days, it stops feeding, dark­
betw een pests and predators. T here is no dan­ ens in color, and eventually drops to the soil.
ger of pollution o r residual toxicity when such BTK effectively controls a wide range of cat­
pesticides are properly used. Still, there may erpillars including cabbage loopers, codling
be occasions when it’s best to wait and see moth larvae, diam ondback m oths, gypsy moth
w hat kind of pest-predator relationships de­ larv ae, im p o rted cab b ag ew o rm s, sp ru c e
velop before you reach for a biological pesticide. budworms, tom ato hom worm s, and others.
For exam ple, if you place a bird feeder close Consult the label for a com plete list of suscep­
to cabbage or broccoli, the birds may con­ tible pests.

B.t. var. israelensis (BTI) attacks larvae to standing w ater in ponds, puddles, storm
of blackflies, fungus gnats, and mosquitoes drains, and other wet areas. BTI has no harm ­
when applied to standing w ater where these ful effects on fish o r am phibians. To control
pests reproduce. B.t. var. san diego (BTSD) fungus gnats in the greenhouse, apply BTI as
controls certain leaf-feeding beetles, includ­ a drench to soil on benches, floors, and in
ing black vine weevils, boll weevils, Colorado large pots.
potato beetles, and elm leaf beetles. You can prepare a B T /bran bait for con­
BT products are selective —they will not trolling cutworm s by moistening bran with a
harm the great majority of beneficial insects dilute solution of BTK. Sprinkle the moist
in your garden. However, butterfly larvae are bran on the surface of planting beds 2 weeks
caterpillars and will be infected by BT. So before you plan to plant.
don't spray BT indiscriminately throughout Store BT products in a cool, dark place
the garden: Limit applications to plants you to retain viability for several years. Use a fresh
know are infested by pests. batch for each application and use it within
BT will not infect wormlike pests excluded several days. BT products break down quickly
from the label, like slugs or leafminers. BT is in sunlight, so several applications may be
considered nontoxic to people. necessary to continue to control new pests as
Although it was once thought that insects they arrive. You can prolong the period of
would not develop resistance to microbial effectiveness by applying sprays in the evening.
insecticides, scientists have confirm ed cases Com m ercial P ro d u cts: BTK: Bactur,
of diam ondback m oths in com m ercial farms Bactospeine, C aterpillar A ttack, Caterpillar
that showed resistance. This is another argu- Killer, Dipel, Javelin. Larvo-Bt, SOK-Bt,Thuri-
m ent for using BT with care, and only after cide. Worm Ender; BTI: Bactimos, M osquito
trying cultural or physical control m ethods A ttack, Teknar, Vectobac; BTSD: C olorado
for which resistance is not a factor. Potato Beetle A ttack, M-One; A ppetite stim ­
How to Use: You can purchase BT in ulants: Entice, W heast
many forms, including liquids, powders, dusts,
and granules. Follow label directions for either Milky Disease Spores
dusting on plants or preparing and applying a Bacillus popilliae and B. lentimorbus are
batch of spray solution. If sprays roll off leaves 2 types of bacteria that are com bined as a
rather than adhering to them , add a few drops microbial insecticide product called milky dis­
of liquid dish soap to the spray solution to ease or milky spore disease. T he bacteria kill
enhance sticking. grubs of Japanese beetles and several related
Adding a com m ercial appetite stimulant beetles but are harmless to oth er organisms.
to the BT spray solution may encourage pests Beetle grubs eat spores that have been sprayed
to eat more of the treated leaves. W hile this on lawns while feeding on grass roots. Infected
increases the likelihood that the pests will in­ grubs are filled with an opaque, milky white
gest the BT, it could also lead to more severe liquid full of bacterial spores, which will remain
plant dam age; this is especially true if the in the soil after the grubs die. Infected grubs
appetite stim ulant has a longer residual effect inoculate the soil as they travel. Usually, only
than the BT. Appetite stimulants have not been 1 application is necessary since the disease
scientifically tested, but you may wish to experi­ is carried over from year to year by new gener­
m ent with them in your own garden. ations of beetles. In northern climates, however,
To control m osquitoes and flies, add BTI annual applications may be necessary.

How to Use: Apply spores any time the A com m ercial product containing B. bas-
ground is not frozen to control grub dam age siana is available as an insecticide in the Soviet
to your lawn. Treatm ent will not have much Union and China. Scientists in the United
affect on populations of adult beetles unless it States are currently studying the fungus. A
is applied on a community-wide basis, since com m ercial version may be available in the
adults are mobile and new ones will arrive United States in the near future. M eanwhile,
daily from untreated areas. to encourage native populations, refrain from
Use 7-10 pounds of spore dust per acre using fungicides in the garden.
o r about 10 ounces per 2,500 square feet, Many oth er specific fungal pathogens of
applying the dust in spots roughly 4 ' apart. insect pests are being studied and developed
This is about 1 level teaspoon of pow der per for their potential use as biological control
spot. You can make an old-fashioned applica­ agents. Coelomomyces, Lagenidium, Ento-
tor from a 1-pound coffee can and a discarded mophthora. and Culicinomyces are fungal
broom handle. First, punch holes in the bot­ pathogens that infect whiteflies and m osqui­
tom of the can with a 10-penny nail. T hen bolt toes and show promise for future development.
the can to the broom handle so that the bottom
of the can is 4" from the bottom of the handle. Viruses
Fill the can % full with milky disease Like the hum an cold virus, insect viruses
spores. To apply the dust, sharply tap the end tend to thrive when their hosts are under stress.
of the stick against the lawn. One rap will re­ They occur naturally but don’t severely impact
lease the right amount of powder for each treat­ pest populations except under stressful condi­
ment spot. Try to apply the dust just before a tions, such as high num bers of pests with a
rain, or water the area lightly after application. limited food supply. They're specific to insects
You can apply granular formulations with and mites and are safe for oth er organisms
a broadcast seeder o r fertilizer spreader. Use and the environm ent.
about 4 pounds per 2,500 square feet, and Nuclear polyhedrosis viruses (NPV) and
w ater immediately after applying. granulosis viruses (GV) have received the most
Commercial Products: Doom , Japa- attention. Both of these belong to a general
dem ic group of viral diseases known as baculoviruscs.
Both of these types of viruses form a capsule
Fungi that protects them in the environm ent until
Beauveria bassiana has long been recog­ they are eaten by an insect. Afterward, the
nized as a biological control of many insect capsule dissolves in the insect's gut, releasing
pests that spend part of their lives in the soil, the particles, which spread to oth er organs.
particularly Colorado potato beetles. This fun­ W hen the insect dies, its body is full of a liquid
gal pathogen of insects exists naturally in gar­ containing millions of virus capsules. Infected
den soil, m aking a few insects sick each year. caterpillars are discolored and have a soggy,
W hen environm ental conditions are right and limp appearance. W hen disturbed, the body
susceptible insect populations are high, out­ breaks open releasing more capsules to infect
breaks of this and other insect pathogens occur other insects.
that can cause pest populations to crash almost NPV strains control arm yworm s, cab ­
overnight. Unfortunately, the concentrated pest bage loopers, cotton bollworms, gypsy m oths,
population dam ages many plants before being soybean loopers, tobacco budworms, and vel-
controlled. vetbean caterpillars. GV controls cabbage

butterflies, codling moths, oriental fruit moths, Com m ercial P roducts: G rasshopper
and potato tuberworm s. A ttack, G rasshopper C ontrol, Nolo Bait,
While there are currently no viral prod­ Semaspore
ucts available for hom e use, several are in the
experim ental stages. Some are in use for for­ Antagonistic Organisms
est and field crop applications. M icrobial antagonists are pathogens that
don't directly attack pest organisms. Instead,
Protozoans they secrete antibiotics that are toxic to other
Protozoans are tiny, single-celled organ­ microbial oi^anisms. They also compete aggres­
isms that may have complex life cycles. Nosema sively with disease-causing pathogens for food,
locustae is a protozoan pathogen that infects often winning the race w ithout harm ing the
the fat tissue of most grasshopper and cricket host plant. This special group of microbials
species. Once ingested, spores germ inate in occurs naturally in the soil. Scientists are only
the insect's gut. T h e pest becom es sluggish recently learning how to m anipulate them to
and slowly dies o r remains sufficiently ill that control plant diseases.
it no longer reproduces or causes damage. Agrobacterium radiobacter is a fungal
G rasshoppers that survive lay infected eggs antagonist of crown gall diseases that affect
that serve as inoculum during the following fruit and nut trees. Gliocladium virens is a
season. Nosema is recom m ended for long­ fungal organism approved for greenhouse con­
term control, since m ortality may take as long trol of the pathogens that cause damping-off
as 4-6 weeks, although some species die within iRhizoctonia solani and Pythium ultimum).
a few hours. Once applied, each successive Trichoderma species fungi show promise in
generation is reinfected by the preceding one. controlling damping-off diseases of seedlings.
Nosema is an effective grasshopper control in How to Use: Binab-T, a mixture of several
large fields. It is not effective for backyard species of the beneficial fungus Trichoderma,
use, because grasshoppers are highly mobile is currently registered for use on fresh tree
and new adults will continue to migrate in. To wounds. Used before sealing, it establishes
be effective, community-wide applications arc residence at the site and prevents other patho­
necessary. genic organisms from moving in. Galltrol-A
How to Use: Apply Nosema products to and Norbac 84-C are com m ercial sources of
control grasshoppers when the late nymphs Agrobacterium radiobacter. Mix these prod­
are emerging. In areas with severe community- ucts according to label directions, and use as
wide grasshopper problems. Cooperative Ex­ a disinfectant dressing for pruning cuts or as a
tension personnel can help you tim e the dip for bare-root plants. Look for antagonistic
application. In your yard, broadcast the bait microbials in garden supply catalogs that fea­
on lawns and garden beds in early summ er ture least-toxic pest controls.
when you see im m ature grasshoppers (less Commercial Products: Binab-T, Galltrol-
than long). A, Norbac 84-C

I n isolated instances, even a com bination of pests com e back stronger than ever with no
cultural, physical, and biological controls w ont predators to slow them down. A nd, although
be enough to rem edy a pest problem. In these organically acceptable botanicals like pyre­
cases, you'll face the choice of losing your thrin break down quickly after application,
harvest o r valuable plant or resorting to organ­ they are highly toxic initially. During the first
ically acceptable sprays and dusts. few hours after they are applied, these and
Not all natural sprays and dusts are true other naturally derived chemicals can kill large
insecticides o r fungicides like pyrethrin or numbers of honeybees, spiders, and other ben­
sulfur. Pest-plagued gardeners have long re­ eficial organisms.
sorted to hom em ade sprays with ingredients
such as hot peppers, garlic, and strongly fla­ Spray Safely
vored herbs. T h e general idea is to make a
Proper application of pesticides and fun­
pungent potion that will fool pests into turn­ gicides is time consuming, but necessary. A
ing away from their favorite plants. Some, lackadaisical approach at the treatm ent stage
such as hot pepper and garlic sprays, deter throws away the time you've spent caring for
insect feeding and possibly confuse the pests’ your garden, identifying pests, and selecting
sm e ll r e c e p to r s (o fte n lo c a te d o n th e i r fe e t).
appropriate controls. It also endangers you.
Organically acceptable sprays such as hor­
the environm ent, and the plants you wish to
ticultural oils make pest habitats inhospita­ protect.
ble; they also coat and suffocate scales. Soap A few of the organic products covered in
sprays kill soft-bodied pests, as well as many
this section are available as dusts o r pre­
beneficials, but are safer for the gardener than mixed sprays, but many others are liquid con­
botanical pesticides such as pyrethrin. G entle, centrates o r wettable powders. T he following
nonpesticidal controls such as hom em ade guidelines will help you apply controls safely
herbal o r baking soda sprays are m uch less and correctly; in addition, always follow label
toxic than botanical pesticides; select them instructions.
first when you seek sprays o r dusts to remedy
pest problems. 1. Wait for calm weather. Applying any
pesticide under windy conditions causes the
poison to blow o r drift where it is not wanted
Handle with Care and greatly increases the risk that you'll inhale
Use organically acceptable sprays and it o r get it in your eyes.
dusts with restraint. Some, especially botani­ 2. Pick ripe fruits o r vegetables, prune
cal insecticides, present the same risks to the plants if appropriate, and remove weeds that
dynam ic living com m unity in your garden as provide pests cover. Although fruits and vege­
do synthetic poisons. Use them too freely, and tables are safe to eat within a few days after
you may face the problem known as pest application of most botanical pesticides, it
resurgence. In other words, you kill off some makes sense to gather up everything that's
pests and m ost of their predators, and the ready to eat before you spray. This also reduces


your need to enter recently treated areas while upper and lower leaf surfaces as well as places
pesticides are actively working. in mulch where pests might run and hide.
3. Dress properly. Wear long pants, shoes 9. T he best way to dispose of any pesti­
and socks, and a long-sleeved shirt. If you are cide is to apply it properly, but if you do have
applying a liquid pesticide, do not wear leather any leftover solution, dilute it with water and
shoes, which readily absorb spillage. Wear a place in a bucket o r oth er container. Rinse
face mask, such as a disposable dust mask. How­ out equipm ent and allow the rinse w ater to
ever, if the product label advises you not to drip into the bucket. Place the bucket of con­
inhale the spray vapor or mist (you'll see this tam inated w ater in sunlight for a day o r two to
warning on some botanical pesticide products), let the pesticide degrade. Make sure it's inac­
wear a respirator. It’s a good idea to wear cessible to children, pets, and wildlife while
goggles as well, because the tissues of the eye it sits—cover it with a screen if it’s in an out­
can absorb pesticides fast and easily. Wear door spot where animals might find it and
rubber gloves when handling any pesticide. drink from it. A fter it has degraded, dum p the
4. Precheck your equipm ent. Make sure solution away from all w ater sources, includ­
spray nozzles are open and pum p mechanisms ing ponds.
are working properly before you load the res­ 10. Change your clothes and wash your
ervoir with a pesticide. Otherwise, you can hands and face. If you spilled some solution
end up with a serious disposal problem. on yourself, take a shower.
5. Mix up only as m uch as you will need. 11. Return the container to storage, which
Work slowly and carefully so you don’t spill should be a cool, dark place out of the reach
pesticides during the mixing process. of children. Always store pesticides in their
6. Apply the pesticide when beneficials original containers. Most botanical dusts are
are relatively inactive. You may need to observe mixed with diatom aceous earth o r a fine clay
insect activity patterns for a few days to dis­ powder and are easily confused with plain
cover the best time. Generally, mid-morning diatom aceous earth. Liquid concentrates also
should be avoided, as this is prim e time for should stay in their original containers—never
honeybees and many winged beneficial insects. store concentrates or solutions in beverage
If you're only going to treat a few plants, put a containers.
row cover over them for a day o r two after the 12. Apply botanicals and oth er organi­
pesticide is applied to keep beneficials out of cally acceptable pesticides only to the plants
the treated area. specified on the label and at the recommended
7. Spray and dust early in the morning rates.
o r in the evening. Many pesticides, such as
horticultural oils and insecticidal soaps, can
injure plants when they are applied during the Organic Control Products
hottest and brightest part of the day. Others, Organically acceptable pesticides have
like pyrethrin, lose their toxicity when ex­ three characteristics that distinguish them
posed to high tem peratures. Most botanicals from their synthetic counterparts: They are
begin to break down im m ediately when ex­ derived from natural substances, they are gen­
posed to light; to get the best control, don’t erally less toxic to hum ans than synthetic
apply these in hot sun. pesticides, and they break down relatively
8. Make a thorough application. Treat quickly in the environm ent to harm less sub-

The Way to Spray

inding the right dust or sproy 1or pest* each use. For complete information on clean­
F ridden plants is only the first step in pest
control. The next step is actually applying the
ing your sprayer and disposing of unused
pesticides, see "Sp roy Safely” on page 463.
substance exactly where it's needed. For best ■ W hen spreading nonpoisonous dust,
results, choose an application method suited such a s diatom aceous earth, punch small
to the substance you are applying ond to the holes in the sides ond bottom of a paper bag,
size of the job. Here are som e practical place a cup of the dust inside, and shake it
guidelines. over the areas you want to treat. Or place the
■ For small jobs, use a hand-held trig­ dust in an old sock, tie the end closed, and
ger sprayer. Keep one sprayer for nonpoison- beat the sock above the plants with o stick or
ous liquid sprays, like those made from soap, broom handle. U se caution, and wear protec­
garlic, peppers, or kelp, and label a separate tive gear to avoid inhaling dusts.
sprayer for biological or botanical pesticides ■ With biological or botanical pesticide
Remember to wear rubber gloves while apply­ dusts, such a s BTK or pyrethrin, use a duster
ing biological or botanical controls. designed for this purpose. Besides keeping
■ For larger spray jobs, select a pres­ the dust aw ay from your face, dusting appli­
sure sprayer that you can pressurize man- ances push out puffs of air along with the
uolly through pumping. Choose a sprayer large pesticide, resulting in much better coverage.
enough to handle the area you want to cover Pesticide dusts sprinkled onto plants are much
without frequent refilling. The more times you less effective than those applied so that they
must refill the spray reservoir, the more often temporarily form a cloud around affected plant
ycu will be exposed to the spray. Carefully leaves.
clean and dry the nozzle and any filters after

stances. However, there is no easy way to group ble finding a control m easure that you are
organic controls. Some are truly insecticidal interested in, look it up in the index for a
o r fungicidal, while others work by deterring quick reference to the appropriate listing.
pests. Some substances kill both insects and
disease organisms. Alcohol
Many organically acceptable controls are Sprays of 70 percent isopropyl alcohol
known by more than one nam e. For example, (also known as rubbing alcohol) control a
highly refined horticultural oils used to kill a variety of pests on garden plants. Alcohol also
variety of pests are also called suprem e, sum ­ works well against pests on houseplants that
mer, or superior oils. And some gardeners have waxy foliage.
refer to spraying pyrethrin, while others call Protection Offered: Alcohol sprays can
that botanical pesticide pyrethrum . control aphids, flea beetles, scales, thrips, and
This listing of organically acceptable con­ whiteflies.
trols is in alphabetical order. If you have trou­ Precautions: Undiluted alcohol and solu­

tions of water and alcohol may injure foliage. Ammonia

Test sprays on a few leaves before applying to Household am m onia is a com m on clean­
an entire plant. It may take several days for ing product that also provides control for sev­
damage symptom s to appear. eral com mon plant pests.
How to Use: Spot treat scale infesta­ Protection Offered: Ammonia can con­
tions by wiping them from your plants with a trol aphids, flea beetles, scales, thrips, and
cotton ball soaked in 70 percent isopropyl whiteflies.
alcohol. To make a whole-plant spray, dilute Precautions: A m m onia solutions may
1-2 cups of isopropyl alcohol with I quart injure the leaves of some plants. Do not apply
water. Test this solution on a small area before in hot w eather or on drought-stressed plants.
spraying to be sure the plants will not be How to Use: Mix 1 part am m onia with 7
dam aged. parts water and apply as a spray, after you've
tested a few leaves to be sure the plants will
All-Purpose Insect Pest Spray not be damaged.
Since its first issue, editors of Organic
Gardening magazine have collected the pest- Avermectins
control rem edies and recipes mailed in by Streptomyces bacteria are familiar to us
readers from around the world. Several ideas as im portant sources of antibiotics used in
were repeatedly offered as safe, effective insect medicine. Avermectins, including abam ectins
controls. The editors combined several of these and ivermectins, are naturally occurring anti­
hom e rem edies to make an all-purpose spray biotics that have insecticidal properties that
out of ingredients found in most kitchens. are useful in the garden as well as on pets and
T his spray com bines the repellent effects of livestock.
garlic, onion, and hot pepper with the insecti­ Protection Offered: Avermectins are reg­
cidal and surfactant properties of soap. istered to control spider mites and leafminers
Protection Offered: Try this spray against on flowers and ornam ental foliage crops. They
any leaf-eating pests in the garden, and make are also available as a fire ant bait, but other
a note of what pests are successfully controlled. garden uses await federal approval.
Precautions: W hen spraying, be careful Precautions: A verm ectins have been
to keep the mixture well away from your eyes found to be extrem ely toxic to mam m als,
and nose and wear rubber gloves, since it aquatic invertebrates, fish, bees, and other
could cause painful burning. beneficial insects. They also produce devel­
How to Use: Chop, grind, or liquefy 1 opm ental toxicity in mice. Soil microorga­
garlic bulb and 1 small onion. Add 1 tea­ nisms readily degrade averm ectins; studies
spoon of powdered cayenne pepper and mix indicate they are unlikely to leach through
with 1 quart of water. Steep 1 hour, strain most soils.
through cheesecloth, then add 1 tablespoon How to Use: You can buy averm ectins
of liquid dish soap to the strained liquid; in spray form to control leafminers and spider
mix well. mites. Spray both upper and lower surfaces of
Spray your plants thoroughly, being sure leaves thoroughly to ensure good coverage.
to cover the undersides of leaves. Store the To control fire ants, broadcast the poison bait
m ixture for up to 1 week in a labeled, cov­ or apply it to individual ant m ounds, accord­
ered container in the refrigerator. ing to label instructions. Placing the bait in

the shade prolongs its effectiveness. drenching the soil after planting with a 2 per­
Commercial Products: Avid. Fire Ant cent solution (2 */ 2 tablespoons bleach to 1
Ender (formerly Affirm) gallon water). This drench has no residual
effect; avoid contam inating flats once they
Baking Soda have been treated (wash your hands and tools
Baking soda, o r sodium bicarbonate, has in a 10 percent bleach solution before touch­
fungicidal properties when used as a spray on ing the soil or plants in the flat). In the garden,
garden plants. It is an effective protectant as disinfect tools such as shovels, trowels, and
well as an eradicant that will kill some organ­ clippers with a 10 percent bleach solution
isms that have already infected your plants. between uses to avoid spreading diseases from
Protection Offered: Research has shown plant to plant. After each treatm ent and at the
that a 0.5 percent solution of baking soda will end of the season, rinse all tools thoroughly
help prevent roses from being dam aged by and coat the metal parts with household oil.
black spot. It may also control o th er fungal You can also disinfect plant cages, insect traps,
diseases, such as powdery mildew. and row cover with a bleach solution before
How to use: Make a baking soda spray storing them.
by dissolving 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1
quart warm water. Add up to 1 teaspoon of Bordeaux Mix
liquid dish soap o r insecticidal soap to make Bordeaux mix com bines copper sulfate
the solution cling to leaves for a longer period and hydrated lime into a wettable powder that
of time. Spray infected plants thoroughly, being may be dusted onto plants o r mixed with water
sure to cover the undersides of leaves. and applied as a spray.
Protection Offered: Bordeaux mix acts
Bleach as a fungicide with insecticidal and insect
Sodium and calcium hypochlorite, o th er­ repellent properties. Use it to control com ­
wise known as bleach, is a com m on disinfec­ mon plant diseases like anthracnose, bacte­
tant in the garden and greenhouse. rial leaf spots and wilts, black spot, fire blight,
Protection Offered: Use bleach to disin­ peach leaf curl, powdery mildew, and rust.
fect greenhouse tools and benches and as a Precautions: B ordeaux mix can burn
dip for cuttings taken from plants with disease plant foliage. One of the safer times to apply it
symptoms. You can also use it to disinfect is just before plants leaf out in the spring.
shovels, pruning shears, and seed-starting equip­ Injury is most com m on at tem peratures below
ment to prevent the spread of plant pathogens. 50°F and when humidity is high. Read the
Precautions: In diluted form, bleach is product label carefully before applying bor-
relatively safe; undiluted, it is a toxic and deaux mix.
caustic eye and skin irritant. It breaks down How to use: You can buy bordeaux mix
rapidly in the soil, but may drive soil pH into in powdered form, and apply it as a dust or
the alkaline range. It is not selective, so it kills mix it with w ater for spraying.
the beneficial organisms along with the bad.
How to Use: In the greenhouse, dip plant Boric Acid
cuttings, before rooting, in a 10 percent bleach Boric acid is a crystalline material that is
solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water). Pre­ derived from the mineral borax. It is effective
vent damping-off disease in seedling flats by as a stom ach poison against several kinds of

insects, including ants and cockroaches. of insects, including beneficials. Still, you will
Protection Offered: In the garden, boric find that certain botanicals work better than
acid is com monly used as a bait to control others to control certain pests. Although they
ants. Such baits typically com bine boric acid break down quickly in the environm ent, most
dust and a food that attracts ants, such as botanicals are toxic to wildlife when first
sugar, jelly, or pet food. applied. They are also toxic to hum ans and
Precautions: Boric acid can be toxic when their pets. Use these insecticides with caution
ingested in high doses. Keep baits out of the and always follow label directions.
reach of children and pets. W ear a dust mask, For inform ation on specific botanical
eye protection, and gloves when handling boric pesticides, see the following entries: "Citrus
acid dust. Oils" on page 470, "False Hellebore" on page
How to Use: Buy com m ercial baited 472, "Neem" on page 477, “Nicotine" on page
traps, o r make your own bait by mixing a few 478, “Pyrethrin' on page 480. "Quassia” on
teaspoons of boric acid or borax with foods page 481, "Rotenone" on page 481, “Ryania"
attractive to ants. Sugary or high-protein foods on page 482, "Sabadilla” on page 482, and
are usually most effective. Enclose the bait in “Tomato-Leaf Spray” on page 485.
a container with small holes to adm it ants,
and place in problem areas. Bug Juice
Commercial Products: Bait: Drax: Pow­ Long ago, backyard gardeners discovered
ders: Roach Prufe. Roach Kill that some insect pests wouldn't feed on plants
if dead members of their species were on
Botanical Pesticides those plants. In the 1960s. this observation
Farmers and hom eowners used botanical caught on as a way to control pests, and gar­
pesticides to control both indoor and outdoor deners began experim enting with solutions of
pests long before synthetic pesticides were pulverized pests as insecticidal sprays. Soon
form ulated in the mid-1900s. Some of the ear­ after, the Environm ental Protection Agency
liest insecticides were extracted from plants warned that the bug juice sprays might con­
growing in tropical forests and o th er natural tain pathogens that could harm people, and
environm ents. These special plants are now they discouraged gardeners from using them.
grown com m ercially to produce botanical T he reasons why bug juice works to con­
insecticides. Many of these products are use­ trol pests are unknown, but there are several
ful for controlling pests in organic gardens possible explanations. One is that some of the
and in commercial production. You can expect pests you collect and pulverize are infected
to see expanded crop registrations for some with an insect disease. By making the bug
botanical insecticides as well as the develop­ juice, you're actually culturing the disease
ment of new types of botanicals. as interest in pathogen that will kill other pests when applied
environmentally sound pest control increases. to infested plants. Like people, insects suffer
Some botanical insecticides are m ade by from diseases that can spread quickly through
grinding raw plant m aterials, such as flowers, the community.
roots, stems, or seeds. O thers are extracted A nother explanation is that the odor of
from plant m aterials, then refined, purified, the crushed pests sprayed on the plants repels
and packaged for sale. new arrivals. For exam ple, the odor or alarm
Botanical pesticides have broad-spectrum pherom ones of dead beetles may discourage
activity, meaning that they kill a wide variety other beetles of the same species. Also, the

The Other Ingredients

s if the w ords azadirachtin and diatom a­ help to keep a product stable in storage and
A ceous weren't tongue-twisting enough,
you'll find even less familiar w ords in fhe fine
act o s "filler" material. If inert ingredients
weren't added to pesticides, it would be almost
print on pesticide labels. Here's an explana­ im possible to measure the small amount of
tion of som e com mon label lingo. active ingredient actually required, ond even
more difficult to achieve the proper coverage.
Synergists Inert ingredients in liquid pesticides
If you find fhe w ords piperonyl butoxide include water, alcohol, and other solvents.
on a label, you've jusf discovered that your Pesticide powders and d usts often contain
pesticide contains a synergist. Synergists added diatom aceous earth, powdered seeds,
enhance the effects of the pesticide's active or talc for added bulk, or fuller's earth to help
ingredients, such a s pyrethrin. The addition prevent caking. Other inert ingredients, known
of a synergist reduces the amount of active a s surfactants, help powders mix easily with
ingredients needed to do the job, and since water or help sprays adhere to foliage so that
active ingredients tend to be expensive, syn­ pests are more likely to contact it. In the
ergists help keep the final product cost low. absence of surfactants, many pesticide sprays
Sem e synergists also help to deactivate pro­ would simply roll off waxy leaf surfaces Soap
tective enzymes that insects carry in their is one of the most com mon surfactants added
bodies; without the synergist, these enzymes to pesticide sprays
often degrade a pesticide before it h as a Som e pesticides, like sulfur or boric acid,
chance to work. are packaged in their pure form without inert
Piperonyl butoxide, also called PBO, is a ingredients. Other pesticides combine an active
com mon synergist used with botanical insec­ ingredient, such a s pyrethnn, with an active
ticides such a s pyrethrin and citrus oils. PBO diluting agent, such a s insecticidal soap, which
is sufficiently toxic that it w a s recently recog­ also acts a s a synergist. M ost pesticides,
nized a s a pesticide itself. When used fre­ however, are a single toxic ingredient mixed
quently at high concentrations, PBO may affect with one or several inert ingredients
the human nervous system. For this reason, To figure out just how m uch octive
m any organic certification program s prohibit ingredient you are buying, read the product
the use of pesticides that contain PBO. label for the total percentage of inert ingre­
dients For example, a typical insecticidal soap
Inert Ingredients in a ready-to-use formula contains about 98
On most labels you'll also find the w ords percent inert ingredients. Insecticidal soa p in
inert ingredients , a catchall term for additives concentrated form contains a lower percent­
that make pesticides easier to use. Inert age of inert ingredients since you will be
ingredients do not enhance a product's toxicity. adding your own inert ingredient- water-prior
Rather, they are nonreactive su b sta nces that to using the product.

odors may a ttra ct the natural enem ies of trees, lawns, and row crops to control nem a­
the pests. todes.
Protection Offered: Gardeners report that Precautions: Adding chitin alone will not
bug juice will control cabbage loopers and be effective, because the microorganisms need
Colorado potato beetle and M exican bean extra nitrogen to support th eir increased
beetle larvae. Larger pests are easier to col­ populations. If you add a chitin source such as
lect than small, fast-moving types. shellfish shells, also add dried blood o r some
Precautions: T here hasn't been much other organic nitrogen source to the soil. T he
research conducted on bug juice. Since you're only com m ercially available chitin source,
dealing with the unknown, wear a filter mask, ClandoSan, contains urea formaldehyde (a syn­
long-sleeved shirt, rubber gloves, and long pants thetic nitrogen fertilizer) as its nitrogen source
when mixing and spraying the juice to avoid and is prohibited under some organic certifi­
skin contact. Don't use a kitchen blender to cation programs.
prepare the spray —you could contam inate How to Use: To control nem atode pests
your food with pathogens that may sicken you on lawns and under trees, apply crushed shells
as well as the pests. Wash sprayed produce at a rate of 5 pounds per 200 square feet, then
thoroughly before eating it. w ater them in. Be sure to include a source of
How to Use: Collect about V2 cup of the nitrogen. In vegetable gardens, till chitin into
pests, especially ones that appear to be slug­ the soil at the same rate. Or, apply it in bands
gish o r sick. Put the insects in an old blender along the row at one-half the rate. Chitin breaks
with about 2 cups of water and liquefy. Strain down slowly and provides nem atode control
the mix, then dilute V4 cup of this concentrate for 1 year with a single application.
with 1-2 cups of w ater in a sprayer. You can Commercial Products: ClandoSan
store leftover mix in the freezer, but be sure to
label it. Citrus Oils
Use the spray to control the same pest C itrus peels contain oils with insecticidal
species that is in the mixture. Spray the plants properties. The botanical insecticide-containing
thoroughly on both sides of leaves. You can citrus oil has the potential to control many
reapply once o r twice a week, although some garden and home pests and has an orangy
bug juice sprays are reported to be effective fragrance. Linalool and d-limonene are the
for as long as 2 months. active ingredients extracted from citrus waste.
Linalool is an insect nerve poison that kills
Chitin pests on c o n ta c t: the m ode of action of
Chitin is a protein complex found in shell­ d-limonene remains unknown. Look for these
fish shells. W hen shells of lobsters, crabs, extracts among the list of active ingredients in
shrim p, and o th er shellfish are added to the new pesticide products that claim to have a
soil, the chitin stim ulates population growth citrus base.
of beneficial soil microorganisms. These micro­ Precautions: A lthough generally not
organisms produce the enzyme chitinase, which harmful to humans, exposure to citrus oils may
destroys nem atode eggs and larvae. As chitin cause some animals to experience tremors
breaks down, nitrogen and potassium becom e and salivation.
available to plants. Protection Offered: One m anufacturer
Protection Offered: You can use chitin has com bined citrus extracts with insecticidal
on all ornam entals, fruits, nuts, vegetables. soap for effective aphid and mite control. Cit­

rus extracts are also toxic to leaf-eating cater­ highly toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates.
pillars, Colorado potato beetles, fire ants, flies, Its toxicity is reduced when mixed with lime
and wasps, although they aren't yet registered (this product is called bordeaux mix), but
for those uses. Expect to see more garden repeated applications of any copper product
pesticides m ade from citrus oils as new prod­ will stunt a plant. Although copper does not
ucts are developed and registered. becom e concentrated in plant tissues, it per­
How to Use: To control aphids and mites sists indefinitely in the soil.
in the garden, prepare the spray solution ac­ How to Use: You can buy fixed copper
cording to label directions. Cover the leaves as a dust o r sprayable solution from organic
thoroughly, making sure to coat the under­ garden suppliers. C opper sulfate, also called
sides where many pests hide. As plants grow bluestone, is available as a dust, w ettable
and rain washes away the oils, you may need powder, or liquid concentrate. Since copper is
to spray at 1-2 week intervals to maintain the a protectant, cover the entire plant surface to
protection. prevent invasion by disease organisms. Spray
Commercial Products: Aphid-Mite At­ in the early m orning in dry. bright w eather so
tack (com bines insecticidal soap and citrus that plants have time to dry. If the solution
oils) remains on leaves too long, it may penetrate
the cuticle and kill the tissue. C opper may be
Compost Tea applied up to 1 day before harvest.
A solution made by soaking finished com ­ Commercial Products: Bonide Liquid
post in water not only provides important nutri­ Copper. K ocide, Top C op, Top C op with
ents to plants, it also serves as a natural Sulfur
fungicide. See "Com posting for Insect and
Disease Control*’ on page 425 for details on Diatomaceous Earth
how to make com post tea and use it as a Diatom aceous earth (DE) is a nonselec-
fungicide. tive, abrasive dust commonly used to kill pests
in the home and the garden. It is unique among
Copper the insecticidal dusts, since it works by physi­
C opper has been used as a pesticide since cal action rather than by poisoning. DE is the
the 1700s. C opper sulfate has herbicidal and fossilized silica shells of algae called diatoms;
fungicidal properties: It inactivates critical the m icroscopic shells are covered with sharp
enzyme systems in fungi, algae, and other needlelike projections that penetrate an insect's
plants. cuticle, allowing vital liquids to leak out. DE
Protection Offered: C opper is a broad- also absorbs the waxy coatings on insects
spectrum protectant fungicide used to pro­ b o d ie s ; b o th a c tio n s c a u s e p e s ts to d ie o f
tect vegetables, ornam entals, fruits, and nuts dehydration.
from plant pathogens. Use it in the garden to Protection Offered: Dust plants and soil
control anthracnose, bacterial leaf spot, black with DE to control crawling pests like slugs
rot, blights, downy mildew, peach leaf curl, and snails. On plant foliage, DE will kill soft-
and Septoria leaf spot. bodied pests like aphids, caterpillars, leaf­
Precautions: C opper products are toxic hoppers. and thrips: hairy-bodied pests may
to hum ans and oth er mammals; they also irri­ be somewhat resistant. It is an excellent prod­
tate the eyes and skin, so use adequate protec­ uct for use in stored grain and seeds, and for
tion when you use these products. C opper is indoor flea and louse control. Farmers often

add DE to animal feed to control internal such as beetles, caterpillars, European corn
parasites of livestock. borers, grasshoppers, and sawflies. It has also
Precautions: DE is considered nontoxic been used to control flies, im ported currant-
to mammals, but the same properties that worms, and mosquitoes.
make it lethal to pests also cause it to irritate Precautions: Once prepared, false hel­
m ucous m em branes. W ear a dust mask when lebore loses its effectiveness quickly when
applying DE to avoid inhaling the particles. exposed to air and sunlight. Store it in a cool,
Don’t apply the dust where children are likely dry place to retain its potency. False hellebore
to encounter it. Don’t confuse pool-grade DE was once used to make poison arrow s—keep
with the garden variety; the type used in pools this in mind and use extrem e caution when
is chem ically treated and poses a severe respi­ working with hellebore; it is highly toxic if
ratory hazard. DE is nonselective and will kill ingested.
beneficial insects. Rain will dilute o r wash How to Use: You can grow your own
away DE and mix it into the soil, but the DE false hellebore and collect the roots for drying
will retain its insecticidal properties. and grinding into powder, but be aware of its
How to Use: Purchase natural-grade DE toxicity. To make a spray for controlling insect
as a dust and apply only in problem areas to pests on garden plants, mix 1 ounce with 2
minimize harm to beneficials. W hen applied gallons of water. Or, mix the powder with
around the base of susceptible seedlings like flour o r hydrated lime to make an insecticidal
cabbage, onions, and other transplants, DE dust. Since it loses effectiveness quickly, re­
helps control root maggots and other soil- peated applications may be necessary.
dwelling pests. Dust foliage to control chew ­
ing pests, b u t avoid dusting flow ers. For
stubborn thrips infestations, dust only the under­ Fungicides
sides of affected leaves and in a circular band T he 2 most com m only used organically
on the soil beneath each plant. Apply DE acceptable fungicides are sulfur and copper.
when plants are wet from dew or after over­ (Synthetic fungicides also contain sulfur and
head watering, to help keep the dust on the copper, but they are chemically combined with
plants. Mix diatom aceous earth with liquid other elem ents such as carbon.) Even in their
dish soap and w ater to make a thick slurry; pure and simple form, they are deadly poisons
paint on tree trunks to protect them . DE is that should be used with discretion. These
also available mixed with pyrethrin. and other fungicides act as protectants that
Commercial Products: Perma-Guard inhibit the germ ination and growth of fungal
spores; unfortunately, they won’t stop the
spread of plant disease once infection has
False Hellebore occurred, so it is im portant to apply them
Several species of false hellebore ( Vera- prior to periods of wet and humid weather,
trum spp.) contain highly poisonous alkaloids when disease organisms can spread and grow
with insecticidal properties. Harvested and easily. Follow label directions for frequency of
dried, the powdered roots of these lilylike application; spray or dust only when the threat
plants yield an insecticide that poisons chew ­ of disease is great.
ing insects. For specific fungicidal product informa­
Protection Offered: False hellebore con­ tion, see the following entries: “Baking Soda”
trols garden insects with chewing m outhparts on page 467, “Bordeaux Mix” on page 467,

“Com post Tea” on page 471, "G arlic Oil” be­ and develop. Juvenile horm one (JH) is one of
low. and "Soap Sprays” on page 483. the chemicals that help to regulate this process.
However, if insects are exposed to JH at the
Garlic Oil wrong tim e, they do not m ature. Scientists
H erbal folklore recom m ends garlic for have used this and similar concepts to develop
its an tib io tic, antifungal, and insecticidal insecticides that control several important insect
properties. W hen com bined with mineral oil pests. Most available products are synthetic
and pure soap, it becom es an effective insecti­ versions of naturally occurring insect growth-
cide with fungicidal properties as well. regulating hormones.
Protection Offered: Garlic oil kills insects, Protection Offered: M ethoprene is a
but not selectively. Use it to control aphids, growth regulator that prevents the im m ature
im ported cabbageworm s, leafhoppers. larval blackflies, fire an ts, fleas, fungus g n ats,
m osquitoes, squash bugs, and whiteflies. It mosquitoes, and some midges and cattle flies
also works against some fungi and some ne­ from maturing. You can expect to see com ­
m atodes. Some gardeners report that it has mercial products released containing growth
little effect against C olorado potato beetles, regulators that control codling moth eggs and
grapeleaf skeletonizers. grasshoppers, red ants, larvae, Colorado potato beetle larvae, army­
or sowbugs. Adult lady beetles seem unharmed worms, and whitefly larvae.
by garlic oil sprays. Precautions: Since hum ans do not have
Precautions: Since garlic is consum ed the same chem ical processes as insects, insect
daily in some cultures with no ill affects, we growth regulators are considered among the
assum e it is a safe product to use in the garden safest of pest-control products. They don't
and that excessive precautions are unnecessary. irritate the skin o r eyes, and since the growth-
Some foliar injury may occur when garlic sprays regulating horm ones must be eaten by the
include oil and/or soap. Since it is nonselective, pests to be effective, they are not as likely to
garlic spray can kill beneficials as well as pests. affect beneficial and nontarget insects.
How to Use: Soak 3 ounces of finely How to Use: To control greenhouse fun­
minced garlic cloves in 2 teaspoons of mineral gus gnats with m ethoprene products, follow
oil for at least 24 hours. Add I pint of water label instructions and spray thoroughly to get
that has 1/a ounce of liquid dish soap mixed good coverage on all leaf surfaces. T he mos­
into it. Stir well and strain into a glass jar for quito control Altosid is available as a slow-
storage. Com bine 1-2 tablespoons of this con­ release liquid and in briquette form floating in
centrate with 1 pint of w ater to make a spray. wet areas where mosquitoes are likely to breed.
Test your mixture on a few leaves to check for Commercial Products: Altosid (m etho­
injury caused by the oil and soap; damage prene), Enstar (kinoprene, for whitefly control),
may not appear for 2-3 days. Spray plants Precor (for flea and gnat control)
thoroughly to ensure good coverage.
Herbal Sprays
Growth Regulators Many of the aromatic herbs are well-known
Insect growth and reproduction is con­ for their hardiness and for the lack of atten ­
trolled by horm ones that must be present in tion that insect pests pay them. Several scien­
the right place at the right time and at the tific studies confirm the repellent effect of
right concentration. Most insects shed their herbal extract sprays, long relied upon by
external skeletons periodically as they grow organic gardeners.

People and Pet Protectors

hile tending your garden, you may find and mature may become the first line of defense
W that fhe pests that most plague you are against annoying, hard-to-control pests such
not on your plants but on you or your pet. In a s mosquitoes and fleas. Methoprene, sold a s
addition to protecting your garden from pests, Altosid for mosquito control, is available a s a
som e of the control m ethods in this book slow-release liquid and in briquette form for
offer safe alternatives to dousing yourself or floating in wet areas where m osquitoes are
Fido with synthetic chemicals. likely to breed. Precor, another methoprene
Once you've exhausted (or been ex­ product, prevents larval fleas and gn a ts from
hausted by) physical controls such a s sw at­ maturing.
ting. handpicking, and using barriers-long ■ Citrus oils. A pleasant-smelling alter­
pants, m osquito netting, and so o n -y o u may native to synthetic insect repellents, citrus
find a solution om ong the biological and bo­ oils repel and kill fleas on d o g s and cats and
tanical controls listed below. in their bedding; look for products with the
■ Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis active ingredients linalool and d-limonene.
(BTI). This variety of BT provides safe, effec­ Products containing citrus oils are also avail­
tive control of mosquito larvae in water, reduc­ able to repel flies, mosquitoes, and other
ing the population of irritating, disease-carrying pests of humans. In general, citrus oils are
adults. safe for humans, pets, and other mammals.
However, exposure to citrus oils may cause
■ Avermectins. These naturally occur­
som e anim als to experience tremors and
ring antibiotics produced by the bacterium
salivation. Test your pets for sensitivity by
Streptom yces avermitilis play an important
treating a small area of skin before bathing or
role in modern agriculture. The group of
dipping them. A s with a n y pesticide, an
avermectins known a s ivermectins are used
overopplication can poison your pet.
to control parasitic w orm s and stable and
horn flies in livestock.
There are m any other home remedies
Pet owners use avermectins to control
for controlling the pests that plague you and
heartworms and other internal parasites in
your pets. Commercial products make use of
dogs. Avermectins are toxic to collies; consult
botanicals such a s citronella ond cedar chips,
your veterinarian before treating your dog
to name a few; a broad spectrum of herbal
with avermectins.
concoctions are a lso effective and worthy of
■ Growth regulators. A variety of prod­ further investigation.
ucts that interfere with p e sts' ability to molt

Protection Offered: T he essential oils of bageworms on cabbage, reducing the num ber
sage and thyme and the alcohol extracts of of eggs laid on the plants. Teas m ade from
such herbs as hyssop, rosemary, sage, thyme, wormwood or nasturtium s may repel aphids
and white clover can be used to reduce the from fruit trees. Some gardeners have used
number of pest eggs laid and the amount of feed­ extracts of catnip, chives, feverfew, marigolds,
ing dam age caused by a broad range of pests. or rue against leaf-feeding pests. Experim ent
Sprays m ade from tansy repel im ported cab­ with vour own herbal extracts to control leaf-

eating pests in the garden. You may find that some concentrations work
Precautions: T h e medicinal properties better than others; note your observations for
of many herbs are well-known; make sure you future reference. You may also discover that
don’t give yourself an overdose when applying some of the mixtures have the potential to
herbal sprays. Follow the same precautions as injure your plants, so be sure to test your
for o th er pesticides: W ear a mask and protec­ concoctions on a few leaves before making a
tive clothing to avoid inhaling the spray or garden-wide application. Any dam age should
getting it on your skin. be apparent within a few days.
How to Use: You can buy essential herbal If you’d like to try one of these controls,
oils and dilute them with w ater to make sprays. you’ll find recipes for hom em ade sprays in the
Experim ent with proportions, starting with a entries: “Alcohol” on page 465, “All-Purpose
few drops of oil per cup of water. Insect Pest Spray” on page 466, “Ammonia"
Make your own herbal extracts by m ash­ on page 466, “Baking Soda” on page 467,
ing o r blending 1-2 cups of fresh leaves with “Bleach” on page 467, “Bug Juice” on page
2-4 cups of w ater and leaving them to soak 468, “Com post Tea” on page 471, "False Hel­
overnight. You can also make concentrated lebore” on page 472, ‘ G arlic Oil” on page 473,
herbal teas by pouring the same am ount of “Herbal Sprays” on page 473, “Horsetail Spray”
boiling w ater over 2-4 cups fresh o r 1-2 cups below, “Hot Dusts” on page 476, “Neem ” on
dry leaves and leaving them to steep until page 477, “Pyrethrin” on page 480, “Quassia”
cool. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth on page 481, “Soap Sprays" on page 483, “Starch
and dilute the resulting liquid with 2-4 cups of Spray” on page 484, and “Tomato-Leaf Spray”
w ater to make a spray. Add a few drops of on page 485.
liquid soap to help the spray stick to leaves.
You can also make alcohol extracts of Horsetail Spray
pest-repelling herbs. Follow the directions in Some organic and biodynamic gardeners
the P yrethrin entry on page 480 for this use the com m on weed horsetail (Equisetum
procedure. arvense) as a botanical fungicide to prevent
and control plant diseases.
Homemade Sprays Protection Offered: In general, horse­
In the past, a lack of organically accept­ tail is used as a protectant fungicide. Although
able commercial pesticides forced organic gar­ its use is popular among backyard gardeners,
deners to use innovation and creativity in solving it hasn't been scientifically tested for fungici­
their pest problems. T h e result is an array of dal properties.
hom em ade pesticides that you can prepare at How to Use: You can buy dried horse­
hom e. Follow the precautions included with tail from organic and biodynamic garden sup­
the recipes throughout this controls encyclo­ pliers. In a glass or stainless steel pot, mix
pedia, since even the safest ingredients can be *4 cup of dried leaves in 1 gallon of unchlori-
used in the wrong way. Some of the remedies nated water. (If you have chlorinated tap water,
are used for controlling both insects and either collect rainwater or let the tap w ater sit
diseases. uncovered for 2 days so the chlorine will vola­
Unlike com m ercial pesticides, the hom e­ tilize.) Bring to a boil, then let simm er for at
made versions tend to be simple and unrefined, least V2 hour. Cool and strain through cheese­
with a lot of room for experim enting. Yet cloth. This mixture will keep for 1 month, stored
many work just as well as commercial products. in a glass container. Be sure to label it!

Dilute the horsetail concentrate by add­ remedy is effective against a wide range of
ing 5-10 parts unchlorinated w ater to every insects. Experim ent to see what it controls
I part concentrate. Spray infected plants once best in your garden.
every week to 2 weeks. If you anticipate a Precautions: W ear a protective mask to
disease outbreak because of prevailing weather avoid inhaling the dust.
conditions, begin a preventive spray program How to Use: You can apply lime as often
before you spot any symptoms. Experim ent to as necessary, shaking it through an old strainer,
see which plants and diseases it works best on, window screen, or m echanical duster onto
and keep records for future reference. plants wet with dew. Reapply it after rain or
high winds.
Hot Dusts
Many of the culinary seasonings we use, Lime-Sulfur
like black pepper, chili pepper, dill, ginger, Adding lime to sulfur enhances its fungi­
paprika, and red pepper, owe their hot stuff cidal properties. T he lime causes a chemical
to capsaicin, a com pound shown to repel in­ change that allows the sulfur to penetrate the
sects. Researchers have found that as little as leaf tissue. This is an im portant change, since
V* ounce of capsaicin sprinkled around an once sulfur penetrates the leaf tissue, it becomes
onion plant reduced the num ber of onion mag­ an eradicant that can kill recently germ inated
got eggs laid around the plant by 75 percent, spores. Unfortunately, the boost in fungicidal
com pared to untreated plants. properties also means a greater risk of dam ag­
Protection Offered: Use capsaicin dusts ing the plant.
to repel onion maggots and other root mag­ Protection Offered: You can use lime-
gots in vegetable seedlings. Pepper dusts will sulfur to help control diseases like anthracnose,
help repel ants, thus controlling the aphids brown rot. leaf spot, mildew, and scab as well
they protect. as scales on dorm ant perennials, roses, foun­
Precautions: Avoid inhaling the dust or dation evergreens, and many fruit crops. It
getting it in your eyes. C ontact with hot pep­ also kills mites and scales.
pers can irritate sensitive skin, so wear rubber Precautions: Lim e-sulfur is extrem ely
gloves when handling. toxic to m am m als and can causc severe eye
How to Use: Sprinkle the dust along dam age and skin irritation. W hen using it.
both sides of each seeded row of cabbages, wear rubber gloves and goggles o r oth er face
carrots, o r onions. Make the application band protection. Lime-sulfur is more caustic than
at least 6" w ider than the planted row. Or pure sulfur, so it is more likely to dam age the
sprinkle around the base of each plant as far host plant if used improperly. If you have
out as the largest diam eter of the plant top. sprayed plants with horticultural oil, wait 2-3
A light application should be effective, but weeks before using a sulfur product. Avoid
the m ore you use, the better it works. Renew spraying during periods when tem peratures
after irrigation or a heavy rain. will exceed 85°F to prevent plant damage.
L im e-sulfur d isc o lo rs wood and p ain ted
Lime surfaces, so use with caution around structures.
Many of our grandparents probably dusted How to Use: Buy lime-sulfur as a liquid
plants with agricultural lime to control a vari­ concentrate. In early spring, spray it on dor­
ety of insect pests in the garden. m an t s h ru b s , like lila c s an d ro se s, and
Protection Offered: This old-fashioned evergreens, such as junipers. You can control

powdery mildew on roses by applying lime- m aterial throughout the plant tissues. T h a t’s
sulfur when the buds break in spring and by how neem can help to co n tro l pests like
repeating the application 1 week later. Spray leafminers, which feed within leaves and are
raspberries infected with anthracnose o r blight normally not bothered by sprays that only
when the buds first show silver. Spray currants cover the outsides of the plant.
and gooseberries infected with anthracnose Protection Offered: Use neem to kill a
at bud break, and repeat 10-15 days later. wide range of pests, including aphids, gypsy
moths, leafminers, loopers, mealybugs, thrips,
Mineral Oil and whiteflies. It kills the difficult pests, like
Mineral oil has insecticidal properties and C olorado potato beetles, co m earworm s, cu­
is som etim es mixed with other m aterials such cum ber beetles, flea beetles, M exican bean
as soap or garlic to control garden pests. See beetles, and pest mites. Until recently, the use
“G arlic Oil" on page 473 for a recipe for a of neem was restricted to nonfood plants like
hom em ade insecticidal spray containing gar­ ornam entals, trees, and shrubs in and around
lic and mineral oil. greenhouses, nurseries, and homes. T he Envi­
Protection Offered: M ineral oil works ronm ental Protection Agency has now ex­
physically, trapping pests on plant surfaces panded the restriction of neem products to
and gumming up their wings and body coatings, include vegetable and fruit crops as well as
causing suffocation. Placed on wilted corn ornam entals.
silks, mineral oil prevents com earworms from Precautions: Neem is almost nontoxic
crawling down into the husks to feed. to mammals and is biodegradable. It is used in
How to Use: To use mineral oil to con­ India as an ingredient in toothpaste, soap,
trol corn earworm s, apply a drop o r 2 to the cosm etics, pharm aceuticals, and cattle feed.
tip of each ear of com after the silks have T he seeds and extracts of both neem and
wilted. chinaberry trees, however, are poisonous if
consumed. Because neem 's chem ical struc­
Neem ture is so com plex, scientists hypothesize that
Neem (also known as azadirachtin) is an it will take a long time for pests to develop
insecticide extracted from the seeds of the resistance to it.
neem tree (Azadirachta indica) com m on in Since neem generally must be ingested
m ost of Africa and India. It is closely related for it to be toxic, its effect on spiders, honey­
to the chinaberry tree (Melia azadamch). com­ bees, and other beneficial creatures is usually
mon in the southern and southeastern United minimal. It can, however, sometim es harm
States. Extracts of both trees have insecticidal parasites that prey on insects that have eaten
properties. Neem is unique among pesticides neem-sprayed foliage. It’s possible that re­
since it has so many uses: It acts as a broad- peated use of neem could also lead to pest
spectrum repellent, growth regulator, and insect resistance, as it has with other pesticides. To
poison. It discourages feeding by making plants minimize the chance of affecting beneficials
unpalatable to insects; if they still attack, it and encouraging pest resistance, use neem
inhibits their ability to molt and lay eggs. sprays only when absolutely necessary, and
Unlike most botanical insecticides, neem only on plants that you know contain pest
also has som ewhat of a “systemic" effect. This insects. Alternating neem sprays with insecti­
m eans that plants can take up neem extracts cidal soap o r oth er treatm ents may be most
through their roots and leaves, spreading the effective.

quarts of spray m ixture. Add */i6 teaspoon

liquid dish soap o r insecticidal soap to improve
New News on Neem sticking. T he mix should remain effective for
3-4 days if stored in a dark place. Keep it in a
ecent research indicates that neem may tightly sealed, labeled container.
R be good for more than pest control-it
can help stop plant diseases, too! When
Pests can tell the difference between
treated and untreated plant parts, so when
sprayed on plant leaves, the oil extracted you spray, make sure you cover all plant parts
from neem seeds provides a protective coat­ thoroughly and evenly to get the best results.
ing that blocks fungal spores and prevents Neem com pounds break dow n fairly
d isease development. quickly—usually in 5 to 7 days—in sunlight
Researchers aren't sure exactly how neem
and in the soil, so you may need to repeat the
oil protects the plant from infection, but they
application during the growing season to deal
do know that it works against several com ­
mon fungal diseases, including powdery mil­
w'ith new pests that arrive through the summer.
dew and rust. Tests show ed that a spray of Pests on treated plants may not show any
1 -percent neem oil controlled 9 5 to 1 0 0 per­ effects right away; in fact, they may continue
cent of the powdery mildew on hydrangeas, feeding lightly on plants until the spray takes
phlox, and lilacs. W hen repeated every 7 -1 4 effect. (On adult insects, in fact, you may not
days, the neem oil sp rays provided protection see any direct effect, but they may in fact
through the se ason without dam age to the produce few or no offspring, reducing future
plants. Preliminary test results show that neem damage.)
oil may even help stop infections that hove Neem works fastest during hot weather,
already started. Besides being effective a s a
so expect results within a few days in summ er;
fungicide, neem oil m ay also help to control
pests, including spider mites.
spring and fall applications may take longer.
The neem products currently sold for
Heavy rain within a few days after the applica­
pest control contain a seed extract known a s tion may wash the spray off the leaves; reap­
azadirachtin, and not neem oil, s o they do not ply if pests are still a problem.
have any fungicidal activity. But it's possible Commercial Products: Bioneem/Neem-
thot neem oil products for controlling both isis, Neem-Away
pests and diseases may be available in the
future. Nicotine
Nicotine is a highly poisonous alkaloid,
extracted from special tobacco selected for its
high n ico tin e c o n te n t. W hen used as an
insecticide, nicotine products are poisonous
Alternately, you could shred 1 pound of to most plant pests, including aphids, mealy­
whole neem or chinaberry fruit in an old blender bugs, scales, and spider mites. However, nico­
o r food processor. Since chinaberries are tine is also highly toxic to mammals when
poisonous, you must use a blender or food taken internally or absorbed through the skin—
processor that is reserved for yard use and not m ore toxic, in fact, than m any sy n th etic
food preparation. After shredding, add enough pesticides. It remains toxic on leaf surfaces
water to cover the pulp, and let stand overnight. for several weeks after an application. Also,
T h e next day, strain and discard the pulp and nicotine products may contain the pathogen
add w ater to the strained liquid to make 4*5 that causes tobacco mosaic virus in related

plants, including eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, In addition, the new oils may have fungi­
and potatoes. cidal properties (although they aren't yet reg­
For these reasons, com m ercial and hom e­ istered for this use). Some of the oils have
made nicotine sprays and dusts are no longer shown promise as herbicides. T hese products
recom m ended for use in organic gardens. have been form ulated with a greater concen-
Instead, choose safer control measures, such tation of the phytotoxic impurities, to kill
as insecticidal soap o r neem sprays to control weeds by dissolving their cell walls. On con­
garden pests. tact, the plant sap leaks from the cells, killing
the plant.
Oil Sprays Precautions: T he light superior oils devel­
Prior to the 1970s, orchardists sprayed oped for controlling insect pests break down
their fruit trees each spring with heavy petro­ quickly and are less toxic to beneficials and
leum oils known as dorm ant oils, which killed the environment than other insecticides. They
insect pests and their overwintering stages are slightly toxic to mammals and humans.
before the next season began. It was impor­ They do not harm most garden plants when
tant to spray before leafing out, since the heavy mixed according to label directions. (An excep­
oil dam aged the leaves of plants. tion is blue spruce, Picea pungens: T he oil
Most of today’s horticultural oil sprays removes the bluish frost and it may take 2-3
are lighter and contain fewer of the impurities years for the normal color to return.) If your
that m ade the heavy dorm ant oils phytotoxic, plant is not listed on the label, it is a good idea
so they can be used year-round on a variety of to test the oil on a few leaves before treating
plants. These products are called superior, the whole plant.
summer, o r suprem e oils. They are especially Don't spray water-stressed plants unless
effective at controlling pests because they you irrigate them thoroughly before spraying.
spread thoroughly over the leaf surface. They Avoid using the oils on plants weakened by
work physically to sm other and kill pests and disease, drying winds, o r high-nitrogen appli­
their eggs, and may also have some repellent cations. Don't apply if daytime tem peratures
properties. are likely to exceed 85°F or night tem pera­
Superior oils are designated by their purity. tures are expected to fall below freezing. Never
If in doubt, read the label: They must contain apply oils within 1 month before or after apply­
at least 92 percent unsulfonated residues and ing sprays containing sulfur.
no more than 8 percent sulfonated arom atics How to Use: H orticultural oils are con­
o r impurities. Most of the horticultural oils centrated and must be mixed with water. T he
available today are this new, lighter version, oil and water mix forms an emulsion: tiny
although the product names may have remained droplets of oil suspended evenly in the water.
the same. Use the new oils as both a dorm ant Use a 3 percent solution for a dorm ant appli­
and sum m er spray to control pests on garden cation in early spring before buds appear. Spray
and orchard plants. a 2 percent solution against insects and mites
Protection Offered: S uperior oils are on plants in full leaf if environm ental condi­
unique because they control a broad variety tions are right. To make a 2 percent solution,
of insect pests while going easy on the benefi­ pour x/y cup oil into a 1-gallon container, then
cial insects. Use superior oils to control aphids, fill with water to make 1 gallon of solution. For
mealybugs, mites, and scales on a variety of a 3 percent solution, start with V2 cup of oil.
fruit, nut, ornam ental, and shade trees. Apply successive sprays at least 6 weeks apart.

You can apply a 1 percent oil solution cial horticulture to reduce the am ount and
(2ft tablespoons of oil mixed with enough frequency of use of conventional pesticides.
w ater to make 1 gallon of spray) on plants that Refer to "Pherom one T raps’ on page 437 for
can n o t tolerate higher co n cen tratio n s, on more information about the use of pheromones
rutabagas, and on cucum ber and tom ato plants in pest control.
in the greenhouse. Spray plants until the leaves Protection Offered: Mating disruption
are well-coated and some solution starts to lures can reduce the dam age caused by pests
drip from the leaves. Apply at weekly inter­ such as codling moths, grape berry m oths,
vals as needed. A 3-day period between the and oriental fruit moths. Lures for more pests
last spray and harvest is required for green­ may be available in the future.
house crops; leave 21 days between spraying How to Use: Lures are available as twist
and harvesting rutabagas. Spray early in the ties o r patches; apply according to label
m orning or in the evening to avoid direct sun­ directions. Make the first application in early
light. Wait 24 hours before using other sprays. spring before the moths em erge; reapply 3
Before spraying oil on citrus crops, check months later to continue protection through­
with local Cooperative Extension Service agents out the summer. Mating disruption lures seem
for the best timing of sprays for your area and to work best when applied over a large area,
cultivars. On lemons, oils are usually applied such as an orchard. If you want to use them to
in April and May; for other citrus crops, oils protect one tree or a few trees in your backyard,
are used in late sum m er or fall. (Navel oranges apply the lures to other plants o r structures
are very susceptible to dam age from oil. so do (su c h a s fe n c e s ) th ro u g h o u t y o u r p ro p e rty .
not spray them after Septem ber 1.) Avoid treat­ Commercial Products: lsom ate ties
ing citrus trees while m ature fruit is present,
because fruit may drop o r the color and qual­ Pyrethrin
ity may suffer. T he pyrethrum daisies Chrysanthemum
Commercial Products: SunSpray Ultra- ( — Tanace turn) cinerariifolium and C. cocci-
Fine Oil, Volck Oil Spray neurn contain several compounds that kill insect
pests on contact. You can purchase this insec­
Pheromones ticide in several forms: T he dried flower heads
When insects are ready to reproduce, are called pyre//jn/m. while the extracted active
they depend on chem ical signals, called sex ingredients are called pyrethrin. (Pyr ethroids
pheromones. to help find mates. Mature females are synthetic versions of the insecticide that
emit the pherom ones, and males of the same are even more toxic to insects.)
species are able to detect them in extremely Protection Offered: Pyrethrin products
low concentrations from far away. T he males are broad-spectrum insect nerve poisons
follow the chem ical signal in order to find approved for controlling pests on flowers, fruits,
receptive females. You can make or buy phero­ and vegetables in the garden and greenhouse.
m one lures to intercept and trap pests before Use them to control many chewing and suck­
they reach your garden. Some products use ing insects, including most aphids, cabbage
pherom ones as mating disruption lures. These loopers, celery leaftiers, codling m oths, C olo­
products work by flooding the air with female rado potato beetles, leafhoppers, Mexican bean
sex pherom ones. making it difficult for male beetles, spider mites, stink bugs, thrips, tomato
insects to find the females for mating. Phero­ pinworms, and whiteflies. Pyrethrin products
mones have been used extensively in com m er­ are less effective on diam ondback m oths, flea

beetles, imported cabbageworms, pear psyllas, sealed and labeled container. W hen you need
and tarnished plant bugs. to use the pyrethrin, add 3 quarts w ater to the
Precautions: Pyrethrin insecticides are extract to make a spray.
m oderately toxic to mammals. They will kill Commercial Products: Entire (soap and
lady beetles but do not appear to be harmful pyrethrins, without piperonyl butoxide). Safer
to bees. Be aware that many com m ercial prod­ Yard and G arden Insect Killer
ucts contain the synergist piperonyl butoxide
to enhance the toxicity of the pyrethrin. (See Quassia
"T h e O ther Ingredients" on page 469 for more Bitterwood fQuassia amara) is a Latin
information.) Am erican tree. T he wood and bark contain
If you suffer from hay fever, avoid contact quassia, an insecticide used for controlling
with pvrethrum flowers; some people have several garden pests.
allergic reactions to them. Pyrethrin and related Protection Offered: Q uassia co ntrols
products tend to work best at the lower end of aphids, caterpillars, C olorado potato beetle
sum m ertim e tem peratures and are less effec­ larvae, sawflies. and several species of flies.
tive when tem peratures exceed 80°F Precautions: Quassia was once used as
How to Use: You can purchase pyre­ a substitute for hops in making beer, and it has
th rin p ro d u c ts a lo n e o r c o m b in e d w ith long been used as a medicinal herb, so it
fungicides, like copper o r sulfur. To apply appears to be fairly safe to use. It is one of the
pyrethrin safely and effectively, w ear protec­ few botanical insecticides that seems to go
tive clothing and follow label directions for easy on the beneficials like lady beetles and
mixing, spraying, or dusting. Two applications honeybees.
may be necessary for com plete control. How to Use: Purchase quassia bark chips
Or, you can grow your own pyrethrum and shavings in natural food stores. To make a
daisies. Pick the blossoms in full bloom (when spray, crush, grind, or chop 1/a cup of bark
the concentration of pyrethrin is at its peak) chips and add them to 1-2 quarts of boiling
and hang them in a sheltered, dark and dry water. Allow the mixture to cool, then strain
place. W hen the flowers are thoroughly dry, and use the liquid to spray pest insects. Or,
store them in a tightly sealed, labeled con­ steep the bark chips overnight in 1-2 quarts
tainer in a dark, cool spot. To use, grind the cool water, then strain and spray the liquid.
flowers with a m ortar and pestle, then mix the Spray plants thoroughly, including the under­
powder with a little liquid dish soap and enough sides of leaves. Spray as often as twice a week
w ater to make a sprayable solution. You’ll to control pests once they begin damaging
have to experim ent with proportions, because your plants.
the concentration of pyrethrin in home-grown Some sources indicate that the extract has
flowers is variable. If your spray doesn’t seem less insecticidal power than the wood chips
to kill the pests, try a more concentrated solu­ used alone. Try spreading the wood chips on soil
tion the next time. at the base of plants for long-lasting control.
You can also ex tract the pyrethrin in
alcohol. Soak 1 cup of packed fresh pyre­ Rotenone
thrum daisy flower heads with V# cup of 70 Rotenone occurs naturally in m ore than
percent isopropyl alcohol; cover the container 65 species of plants; however, most commercial
and let sit overnight. Strain the mixture through supplies com e from Peruvian cube, Malay­
cheesecloth, then store the extract in a tightly sian derris, o r Brazilian tem bo plants. When

lighted the deadliness of this natural poison,

and since safer organic practices have been
Choose discovered.
Rotenone’s insecticidal property is broad
Botanicals Carefully spectrum , so beneficial insects are killed on
contact along with the pests. It is m oderately
or mony years, botanical insecticides have toxic to people and most animals and very
F been a m ainstay in the arsenal of organic
pest control products. A s a group, botanicals
toxic to swine, birds, and fish. Some people
are highly allergic to rotenone on food crops
share one advantage over synthetic chemi­ and suffer from violent reactions even after a
cal pesticides: They usually break down within week-long post-spray period, som etim es even
a few days after they are applied. This m eans
after the food has been cooked. New evidence
that beneficial species are at risk for only a
suggests that rotenone may cause growth abnor­
relatively short period. There's also less likeli­
malities in laboratory animals.
hood of long-term environmental contam ina­
tion. Plus, botanicals are less likely to persist For all of these reasons, rotenone is no
a s residues on harvested food. longer recommended for use in organic gardens.
But these good points don't mean that Rely on safer options, such as row covers to
all botanicals are equally safe for garden use. keep pests off plants o r sprays of neem or
Before nicotine breaks down, for instance, it pyrethrin to deal with infestations that do occur.
is one of the m ost toxic poison s known.
Rotenone, ryania, ond sabodilla are also very Ryania
toxic compounds. Besides killing pests, they R yanodine is the active, insecticidal
can a lso kill bees and other pollinators; rote­ ingredient of a tropical shrub (Ryania speciosa).
none is particularly toxic to birds and fish, a s
For years, this botanical insecticide has been
well. These materials are also moderately to
recom m ended for use against citrus thrips,
very toxic to people and pets. There ore addi­
tional concerns that rotenone residue may
com earworms. European corn borers, cod­
last longer on food than w a s previously thought. ling m oths, and a variety of o th e r pests.
Today, there are m any effective, non­ However, ryania is also quite toxic to mam­
toxic m ethods and materials available to mals and w ater life. For this reason, it’s better
organic gardeners for m anaging all kinds of to rely on safer pest control m easures, such as
pest problems. These older botanicals aren't insecticidal soap, neem , o r pyrethrin.
needed any longer. By following the problem
prevention and control tips outlined in this Sabadilla
book, you'll get great results in your garden
Like nicotine and ryania, sabadilla owes
without having to resort to these older botan­
its insecticidal powers to several poisonous
ical controls.
alk alo id s. It is m ade from th e se e d s of
Schoenocaulon officinale, a lilylike plant found
in Venezuela.
This powerful botanical insecticide has
fewer pest-control options were available, rote­ been used to control a variety of garden pests,
none was a com m on item on the organic gar­ including aphids, flea beetles, tarnished plant
dener’s shelf since it was considered safer to bugs, and thrips. Unfortunately, sabadilla is
use than the synthetic insecticides. Its impor­ also m oderately toxic to mammals and causes
tance has lessened since new research high­ violent allergic reactions in susceptible in­

dividuals. It is toxic to honeybees, too. For and ticks. T he soap is less effective on chew ­
these reasons, it’s better to stick with milder ing insects like caterpillars and beetles.
control m easures, such as insecticidal soap, You can also purchase a fungicidal ver­
neem , o r pyrethrin sprays. sion to control powdery mildew, black spot,
brown canker, leaf spot, and rust on ornam en­
Salt tal and food plants. Still another soap product
Sodium chloride rock salt (NaCl) has been contains high levels of the contents that make
shown to help improve asparagus production soap poisonous to plants; it is available as an
while helping plants to resist disease. organic herbicide.
Protection Offered: Sodium chloride rock Precautions: All soaps have phytotoxic
salt helps asparagus resist crown and root rot properties, so test the kind you plan to spray
diseases caused by Fusarium fungi. on a few leaves before treating whole plants.
Precautions: Iodized table salt (NaCl) Plants with thin cuticles, like beans. Chinese
and rock salt m ade from calcium chloride cabbage, cucum bers, ferns, gardenias, Japan­
(CaCl) are not recom m ended. O lder plants ese maples, nasturtium s, and young peas, are
are m ore salt-tolerant than young ones, so easily dam aged by soap sprays. Tom atoes and
wait a year after planting a new bed before potatoes are less susceptible to dam age, and
applying salt. thick-leaved cabbages seem virtually im per­
How to Use: Add 2 pounds of sodium vious, although heavy soap use may reduce
chloride rock salt (also sold as pickling salt) yields. A good rule is to use no more than 3
per 100 square feet of asparagus bed. Apply successive sprays on any plant.
the salt in early spring, o r later in summ er For all of their pesticidal properties, insec­
(early July). ticidal soaps are nontoxic to hum ans and to
other test animals, and they biodegrade rap­
Soap Sprays idly in the soil. They will, however, kill benefi­
For many years, organic gardeners used cial insects along with the pests, so limit their
solutions of w ater and natural soaps for con­ use to problem areas. Herbicidal soaps will
trolling garden pests. This old hom e remedy affect any plant that they are sprayed on, so
involved simmering a pot of w ater with chunks use with care around valuable ornam entals.
of Fels N aptha soap, straining it. and coating How to Use: You can use household
garden plants with the suds to control aphids soaps such as Ivory Snow, Ivory Liquid, or
and thrips. Since then, scientists have discov­ Shaklee's Basic H to make your own insectici­
ered that the salts of fatty acids found in many dal soap solution. Since m anufacturers often
soaps act as selective insecticides. Insectici­ make small changes in their soaps’ contents,
dal soaps control insect pests by penetrating the effectiveness of hom em ade solutions may
their cuticles, which causes their cell mem­ vary m ore than that of com m ercial insectici­
branes to collapse and leak, resulting in dehy­ dal soaps.
dration. While some insects can overcome the Be aware that many products commonly
effects of a soap spray, others are immediately known as soap also contain impurities, such
affected and die. as perfum es and whiteners, that can dam age
Protection Offered: Use insecticidal soaps plants. For pest control, it is im portant to use
to control soft-bodied insects like aphids, pure soap: avoid detergents or soaps with
mealybugs, and whiteflies. It also works on additives.
chiggers. earwigs, fleas, mites, scales, thrips. To prepare a hom em ade soap solution.

mix from 1 teaspoon to several tablespoons of Safer Insecticidal Soap, Savona, Superfast
soap per gallon of water. Start at the lower (herbicidal)
concentration and adjust the strength to max­
imize pest control while avoiding plant damage.
To control aphids, spray when the first Starch Spray
aphid colonies develop in early spring and Starches like ordinary baking flour and
again when winged females arrive. Use yellow potato starch dextrin work to control insect
sticky traps to m onitor pest populations: see pests by gumming up the leaf surfaces, trap­
"Sticky Boards" on page 438 for instructions ping and holding the critters until they die.
on making yellow sticky traps. If aphids are a Flour is an old-fashioned pest control, but
continuous problem, make several applica­ dextrin is the object of recent attention by
tions about 2 weeks apart. Spray during cool, researchers looking for new and safe insecti­
hum id, o r foggy w eather to improve control. cides. Dextrin is actually a sticky sugar extracted
To control plant bugs, spray as soon as nymphs from potato starch.
begin feeding. To control mites, use a high- Protection Offered: You can use potato
pressure spray, like that of a hose-end sprayer, starch dextrin to control aphids, spider mites,
that washes away many pests and kills those thrips. and whiteflies. It also controls pow­
that remain. Repeal 7-10 days later to kill dery mildew on cucum bers. O ther uses will
newly hatched mites. likely be recom m ended once a com m ercial
You can mix soaps with o th er insecti­ product reaches the m arket. Flour is a good
cides like BTK. horticultural oil. and pyre­ control for larger pests like imported cabbage­
thrin to boost their toxicity. You can also mix worms and loopers on cabbage family crops.
hom em ade soap or liquid dish soap with cook­ How to Use: Com m ercial starch insec­
ing oil to boost the effectiveness of both insec­ ticides aren't yet available in the United States,
ticidal ingredients. but you can make your own potato starch
Mix 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap and spray by mixing 2-4 tablespoons of potato
1 cup of oil (peanut, safflower, corn, soybean, flour in 1 quart water, and adding 2 or 3 drops
or sunflower). When you're ready to spray, of liquid dish soap. Shake the m ixture, and
mix 1 to 2ft teaspoons of the prepared base to spray to cover the leaves thoroughly. You can
1 cup of water. T h e mixture has been used also apply the flour as a dust. If a residue
successfully to control a variety of pests on remains on ornam entals, simply wash it away
carrots, celery, cucum ber, eggplant, lettuce, with w ater a few days after the application.
and peppers. However, some plants may be
injured by the oil. so test the spray on a few
leaves and wait several days before spraying Sulfur
all of your plants. Sulfur is one of the oldest pesticides known.
Herbicidal soaps are most effective on It has been used for centuries to control both
young weeds with tender leaf tissue. They are plant pathogens and pests like insects and
not very effective against m ature perennial mites on contact. Sulfur is mined from natural
weeds, especially those with tap roots. Spray deposits as a yellow solid that is alm ost insolu­
on weeds according to label directions. ble in water. W ettable sulfur is finely ground
Commercial Products: Aphid-Mite A t­ sulfur mixed with a wetting agent to help it go
tack. Safer Garden Fungicide (soap and sulfur). into solution. Sulfur is also formulated as a

finely ground dust with 1-5 percent clay or colloidal sulfur is made of larger particles that
talc added to enhance dusting qualities. will leave unprotected areas on the leaf surfaces.
Protection Offered: Sulfur can be pur­ Mix sulfur solutions according to the instruc­
chased alone o r mixed with o th er insecticides tions on the label, agitating it frequently since
and inorganic fungicides to control a wide it tends to settle out of solution.
variety of garden pests. Use sulfur as an insec­ Commercial Products: Bonide Liquid
ticide to control insects and mites on fruit Sulfur, Safer G arden Fungicide, T hat Flow-
trees and citrus. You can also use sulfur as a able Sulfur
protectant fungicide. It is effective against
apple scab, brown rot of stone fruits, powdery
mildews, rose black spot, rusts, and other plant Tomato-Leaf Spray
diseases on many crops, including grapes, Tomatoes and potatoes have significant
potatoes, strawberries, and tom atoes. am ounts of poisonous com pounds called
Precautions: Sulfur is m oderately toxic alkaloids in their leaves. Instead of acting as
to hum ans and o th er mammals. It can irritate an insecticide, however, sprays m ade from
or dam age the lungs, skin, or eyes if not used tom ato leaves appear to reduce pest damage
carefully. Wear protective clothing when apply­ by attracting natural pest enem ies searching
ing sulfur. Although it is more toxic to mites for their prey.
than to insects, sulfur is nonspecific and can Protection Offered: Use tom ato-leaf
kill beneficial insects, soil microorganisms, sprays to protect plants from aphids and to
and fish. Do not apply it within 1 m onth of reduce com earworm damage.
using an oil spray: use a copper fungicide in­ Precautions: Since alkaloids tend to be
stead. Sulfur spray may cause plant injury if toxic to mam mals, use care in handling this
applied when tem peratures exceed 80°F It spray and avoid getting it on your skin. Some
is corrosive to m etal, so use a sprayer with individuals are extrem ely allergic to plants in
plastic parts: rinse equipm ent thoroughly the nightshade family. Don't use tomato-leaf
after use. spray on other nightshade family crops because
How to Use: You can buy sulfur as a dry of the risk of spreading mosaic virus.
pow der for dusting on plants or as a wettable How to Use: Finely chop 1-2 cups of
form ulation (also known as flowable sulfur) tom ato leaves, then soak them overnight in 2
that mixes readily with water. Some sulfur cups of water. In the m orning, strain the slurry
products are colloidal, which m eans they have through cheesecloth, add about 2 more cups
very fine particles that disperse over the leaf of w ater to the strained liquid, and spray, cov­
surfaces to provide excellent protection. Non- ering leaves thoroughly.

A verage an n u al
minimum temperature

Temperature (°F)

Betow 50"
A dam ’s-needle, Yucca C anna, Canna Flowering tobacco, Nicotiana
Ageratum , Ageratum Carnation, Dianthus Forsythia, Forsythia
Ajuga, Ajuga Cedar, Cedrus Foxglove, Digitalis
Albizia, Albizia Celosia, Celosia Fritillary, Fritillaria
Allium, Allium China aster, Callistephus G arden mum,
A lum root, Heuchera Chrysanthem um , Chrysanthemum
A m aranth, Amaranthus Chrysanthemum G arden portulaca, Portulaca
A nem one, A nem one Clematis, Clematis Gayfeather. Liatris
A rborvitae, Thuja Cockscom b, Celosia G eranium , Pelargonium
A rtem isia, Artemisia Coleus, Coleus G lad, Gladiolus
Ash, Fraxinus Colum bine, Aquilegia Gladiolus, Gladiolus
Aster, Aster Coneflower, Echinacea. Gypsophila, Gypsophila
Astilbe, Astilbe Rudbeckia Harebell, Campanula
A utum n crocus, Colchicum Coral bells, Heuchera H aw thorn, Crataegus
A zalea, Rhododendron Coreopsis, Coreopsis H ellebore, Helleborus
Baby’s-breath, Gypsophila Cornflower, Centaurea H em lock, Tsuga
Bachelor’s-button, Centaurea Cosmos, Cosmos Hibiscus, Hibiscus
Balsam, Impatiens Cotoneaster, Cotoneaster Holly, Ilex
Barberry, Berberis C rab apple, Malus Holly grape, Mahonia
Bee balm , Monarda Cranesbill, Geranium Hollyhock, Alcea
Beech. Fagus Crape myrtle, Lagerstroemia Honey locust, Gleditsia
Begonia, Begonia Crocus, Crocus Honeysuckle, Lonicera
Bellflower, Campanula Daffodil, Narcissus H ornbeam , Carpinus
Bergenia, Bergenia Dahlia, Dahlia Horse chestnut, Aesculus
Birch, Betula D aphne, Daphne Hosta, Hosta
Bittersweet, Celastrus Daylily, Hemerocallis Hyacinth, Hyacinthus
Black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia Delphinium, Delphinium Hydrangea, Hydrangea
Blazing-star, Liatris Deutzia, Deutzia Im patiens, Impatiens
Bleeding heart. Dicentra Dogwood, Cornus Iris, Iris
Bluebells, Mertensia Dusty miller, Senecio Ivy, Hedera
Boston ivy, Parthenocissus Elm, Ulmus Juniper, Juniperus
Boxwood, Buxus Epim edium , Epimedium Lagerstroemia, Lagerstroemia
Brooklime, Veronica Euonymus, Euonymus Lantana, Lantana
Browallia, Browallia False spirea, Astilbe Larch, Larix
Bugbane, Cimicifuga Fir, Abies Larkspur, Delphinium
Bugieweed, Ajuga Firethorn, Pyracantha Lilac, Syringa
Butterfly bush, Buddleia Flag, Iris Lily, Lilium
C alendula, Calendula Flossflower, Ageratum Lily-of-the-valley, Convallaria
Cam ellia, Camellia Flowering quince, Linden, Tilia
Candytuft, Iberis Chaenomeles Lobelia, Lobelia


Lupine, Lupinus Poplar, Populus Sweet alyssum, Lobularia

Magnolia, Magnolia Poppy, Papaver Sweet gum, Liquidambar
M ahonia, Mahonia Pot marigold. Calendula Sweet pea, Lathyrus
M aple, A cer Prim rose, Primula Sycam ore, Platanus
Marigold, Tagetes Privet, Ligustrum T hunbergia, Thunbergia
M eadow rue, Thalictrum Purple coneflower, Echinacea Tickseed, Coreopsis
M ichaelmas daisy, Aster Pyracantha, Pyracantha Tulip tree, Liriodendron
M imosa, Albizia Red cedar, Juniperus Tulip, Tulipa
M ock orange, Philadelphus Rhododendron, Verbena, Verbena
M orning glory, Ipomoea Rhododendron Vervain, Verbena
Moss rose, Portulaca Rock cress, Arabis Viburnum , Viburnum
M ountain ash, Sorbus Rose, Rosa Vinca, Vinca
M ountain laurel, Kalmia Rose-of-Sharon, Hibiscus Virginia creeper,
M yrtle, Vinca Salvia. Salvia Parthenocissus
Narcissus, Narcissus Sapphire flower, Browallia Weigela, Weigela
Nasturtium , Tropaeolum Sedum, Sedum Willow, Salix
O ak, Quercus Shrub verbena, Lantana Windflower, A nem one
Pachysandra, Pachysandra Silk tree, Albizia W isteria. Wisteria
Pansy, Viola Snakeroot, Cimicifuga Witch hazel, Hamamelis
Pelargonium, Pelargonium Snapdragon, Antirrhinum W oodbine, Parthenocissus
Peony, Paeonia Speedwell, Veronica W ormwood. Artemisia
Periwinkle, Vinca Spindle tree, Euonymus Yarrow. Achillea
Petunia, Petunia Spirea, Spiraea Yellow poplar, Liriodendron
Phlox, Phlox Spruce, Picea Yew, Taxus
Pieris, Pieris Spurge, Euphorbia, Yucca, Yucca
Pine, Pinus Pachysandra Zinnia, Zinnia
Pink, Dianthus Stonecrop, Sedum Zonal geranium . Pelargonium
Planetree, Platanus Strawflower, Helichrysum
Plantain lily, Hosta Sunflower, Helianthus

Henry Field’s Seed & Nursery Co.
Seeds and Plants 415 N. Burnett St.
for Disease- and Shenandoah, IA 51602
Insect-Resistant Cultivars G urney’s Seed & Nursery Co.
110 Capital St.
T h e following com panies sell seeds and
plants of many disease- and insect-resistant Yankton, SD 57079
fruit and vegetable cultivars. Many of these Harris Seeds
com panies also offer flower seeds as well as RO. Box 22960
trees, shrubs, and perennials. 60 Saginaw Dr.
Rochester, NY 14692
Adam s County Nursery, Inc.
RO. Box 108 ' Hollydale Nursery
Aspers, PA 17304 RO. Box 69
Pelham , TN 37366
Ames’ O rchard and Nursery
18292 Wildlife Rd. Johnny's Selected Seeds
Fayetteville, AR 72701 310 Foss Hill Rd.
Albion, M E 04910
Bear Creek Nursery
P.O. Box 411 J. W. Jung Seed Co.
N orthport, WA 99157 335 S. High St.
Randolph, WI 53957
W. Atlee Burpee & Co.
300 Park Ave. Kelly Nurseries
Warminster, PA 18974 Division of Plantron, Inc.
410 8th Ave. NW
C & O Nursery Faribault, MN 55021
RO. Box 116
W enatchee, WA 98807-0116 Orol Ledden & Sons
RO. Box 7
Country Heritage Nursery, Inc. C enter & A tlantic Aves.
P.O. Box 536 Sewell, NJ 08080
H artford, MI 49057
Liberty Seed Co.
Cum berland Valley Nurseries, Inc. RO. Box 806
P.O. Box 471 461 Robinson Rd.
M cM innville, TN 37110 New Philadelphia, OH 44663

Farmer Seed and Nursery Co. M ellinger’s, Inc.

818 N.W. 4th St. 2310 W. South Range Rd.
Faribault, MN 55021 North Lima, OH 44452


J. E. Miller Nurseries, Inc. Stark Bro's Nurseries & O rchards Co.

5060 W. Lake Rd. RO. Box 10
C anandaigua, NY 14424 Louisiana, MO 63353

Nichols G arden Nursery Stokes Seeds. Inc.

1190N. Pacific Hwy. P.O. Box 548
Albany, OR 97321 Buffalo, NY 14240

Territorial Seed Co.

North Star G ardens RO. Box 157
19060 M anning Trail North
20 Palm er Ave.
M arine on St. Croix, MN 55047 C ottage Grove, OR 97424
Northwoods Retail Nursery T hom pson & M organ. Inc.
27635 S. Oglesby Rd. RO. Box 1308
Camby, OR 97013 Jackson, NJ 08527

Park Seed Co.

RO. Box 31
Cokesbury Rd.
G reenw ood, SC 29647
General Gardening Equipment
Pinetree G arden Seeds and Supplies
Box 300
Many organic gardening products are not
New G loucester, ME 04260
readily available at local garden cen ters.
Raintree Nursery Fortunately, there are many fine mail-order
391 Butts Rd. suppliers. T he following com panies offer a
M orton, WA 98356 wide range of m erchandise, including botani­
cal pesticides, biological controls, com post­
Seeds Bliim ing equipm ent, copper and sulfur fungicides,
H .C .33 floating row covers, insect traps, organic soil
Box 2057 am endm ents and fertilizers, soil test kits,
Boise, ID 83706 sprayers, tillers, tools and accessories, and
watering equipm ent.
Shepherd’s G arden Seeds
G ardener’s Supply Co.
30 Irene St.
128 Intervale Rd.
Torrington, C T 06790
Burlington, VT 05401
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange G ardens Alive!
RO. Box 170 5100Schenley PI.
Earlysville.VA 22936 Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
Southm eadow Fruit G ardens Harmony Farm Supply
10603 Cleveland Ave. RO. Box 460
Baroda, MI 49101 G raton.C A 95444

Copyrighted material

T he Kinsman Co., Inc. species they offer from other insectaries. When
River Rd. you place an order, ask w hether the insectary
Point Pleasant, PA 18930 raises the predator o r parasite you're inter­
ested in on site. If not, try to find a direct
A.M. Leonard, Inc. source from which to order. T he less shipping
P.O. Box 816 involved, the better for the health and viabil­
Piqua, OH 45356 ity of the organisms. If you live in the United
M antis M anufacturing Corp. States and plan to order insects o r any other
1028 Street Rd. organisms from a C anadian firm , you must
Southam pton, PA 18966 apply for a perm it from the U.S. D epartm ent
of Agriculture. Write to U.S. D epartm ent of
T h e N atural G ardening Co. A griculture, A P H IS /P lan t P rotectio n and
217 San Anselmo Ave. Q u a ra n tin e , 4700 R iver R oad, U nit 133,
San A nselmo, CA 94960 Riverdale, M D 20737; ask for application form
#526. T here is no fee, but it may take up to a
O hio Earth Food, Inc. month to process the necessary paperwork
5488 Swamp St. NE before the perm it is issued.
Hartville, OH 44632
Applied Bionomics
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply (for U.S. custom ers)
P.O. Box 2209 11074 W. Saanich Rd.
G rass Valley, CA 95945 Sidney, B.C.
Smith & Hawken C anada V8L5P5
RO. Box 6900 OR
2 A rbor Ln. Westgro Sales, Inc. and Agrico Sales, Ltd.
Florence, KY 41022 (for C anadian customers)
T he U rban Farm er Store 7333 Progress Way
2833 V icente St. D elta, B.C.
San Francisco, CA 94116 C anada V4G 1E7

Beneficial Insectary
14751 Oak Run Rd.
Oak Run, CA 96069
Insect Predators Biofac C rop Care, Inc.
RO. Box 87
and Parasites and Other Mathis, TX 78368
Biological Controls Buena Biosystems
T hese com panies offer microbial disease P.O. Box 4008
products, pherom one traps, and insect preda­ Ventura, CA 93007
tors and parasites. Insectaries specialize in
rearing pest predators and parasites. Some W. A tlee Burpee & Co.
rear several species at their facilities, while 300 Park Ave.
others raise only one o r two and buy the other Warminster, PA 18974

Copyrighted material

Henry Field’s Seed & Nursery Co. T he Natural G ardening Co.

415 N. Burnett St. 217 San Anselmo Ave.
Shenandoah, IA 51602 San Anselmo, CA 94960

Foothill Agricultural Research Nature's Control

5101/2 West Chase Dr. RO. Box 35
C orona, CA 91720 M edford, OR 97501
G a rd e n e rs Supply Co.
128 Intervale Rd. O rcon Organic Control, Inc.
Burlington, V T 05401 5132 Venice Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90019
G ardens Alive!
5100 Schenley PI. Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 P.O. Box 2209
G rass Valley, CA 95945
Harmony Farm Supply
RO. Box 460 Richters
G raton, CA 95444 RO. Box 26
Hydro-Gardens, Inc. Hwy. 47
RO. Box 25845 Goodwood, ONT
Colorado Springs, CO 80936 Canada L0C 1A0

M ellinger’s, Inc. Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, Inc

2310 W. South Range Rd. P.O. Box 1555
North Lima, OH 44452 Ventura, CA 93002


Copyrighted material

General Reference Books

Many Cooperative Extension Services offer Colem an, Eliot. The New Organic Grower: A
excellent photo identification guides for dis­ Master's Manual o f Tools and Techniques fo r
eases and pests of fruits and vegetables. Often the Home and Market Gardener. Chelsea,
these are published by the Cooperative Exten­ Vt.: Chelsea G reen Publishing C o., 1989.
sion Service of a state land grant university
and are available to the general public through Cox, Jeff, and the Editors of Rodale’s Organic
a local Cooperative Extension office. To find Gardening M agazine. How to Grow Vegeta­
out which Extension publications are available bles Organically. Em maus, Pa.: Rodale Press,
for food crops in your area, call o r visit your 1988.
local C ooperative Extension office o r contact
•Damrosch, Barbara. The Garden Primer. New
an Extension specialist at your state land grant
York: W orkman Publishing, 1988.
u n iv ersity .
An asterisk (*) next to a title indicates *Darr, Sheila, Helga Olkowski. and William
that while the book offers valuable information, O lkow ski. C om m on-Sense Pest Control.
such as good photos and descriptions of vari­ Newtown, Ct.: Taunton Press, 1991.
ous insects and plant diseases, it may also
describe pest and disease rem edies and gar­ Ellis, Barbara W., ed. Rodale’s Illustrated Ency­
dening m ethods that are not organic and thus clopedia o f Gardening and Landscaping
not endorsed by Rodale Press. Techniques. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale Press. 1990.
Bradley. Fern Marshall, ed. Rodale’s Chemical-
Free Yard and Garden. Em m aus, Pa.: Rodale •Flint, Mary Louise. Pests o f the Garden and
Small Farm: A Grower's Guide to Using Less
Press, 1991.
Pesticide. O akland, Calif.: ANR Publications
Bradley, Fern Marshall, and Barbara W. Ellis, of the University of California, 1990. (Available
eds. Rodale’s All-New Encyclopedia o f Organic from Publications, Division of Agriculture and
Gardening. Em m aus, Pa.: Rodale Press, 1992. Natural Resources, University of California,
6701 San Pablo Ave., O akland, CA 94608.)
Cam pbell, Stu. Let It Rot: The Gardener's
Guide to Composting. C harlotte, Vt.: G ar­ Gershuny, G race, and Joseph Smillie. The
den Way Publishing, 1975.
Soul o f Soil: A Guide to Ecological Soil
Carr, A nna. G ood Neighbors: Companion Management. 2nd ed. St. Johnsbury, Vt.: G aia
Planting fo r Gardeners. Em m aus, Pa.: Rodale Services, 1986. (Available from G aia Services,
Press, 1985. R.F.D. 3, Box 84, St. Johnsbury, V T 05819.)


Hall-Beyer, Bart, and Jean Richard. Ecologi­

cal Fruit Production in the North. Trois-
Identification Guides
Rivieres, Q uebec: Jean Richard, 1983. Borror, Donald J., and Richard E. W hite. A
(Available from Bart Hall-Beyer, 163 McNamee, Field Guide to the Insects o f America North
Scotstown, Q uebec, C anada JOB 3B0.) o f Mexico. T h e Peterson Field G uide Series.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1970.
Halpin, Anne Moyer, and the Editors of Rodale
Press. Foolproof Planting: How to Success­ Carr, Anna. Rodale's Color Handbook o f Gar­
fully Start and Propagate More Than 250 den Insects. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale Press, 1979.
Vegetables, Flowers, Trees, and Shrubs.
Em m aus. Pa.: Rodale Press, 1990. •Davidson, Ralph H., and William F Lyon.
Insect Pests o f Farm. Garden, and Orchard.
H am ilton, Geoff. The Organic Garden Book. 8th ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
New York: Crown Publishers, 1987.
•Johnson, W arren T., and Howard H. Lyon.
M altas, M ichael. “O rchard Pest M anagem ent
Insects That Feed on Trees and Shrubs. 2nd
and Spray Schedule.” (Available from North- ed. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1988.
woods Nursery, 286% S. C ram er Rd., Molalla,
OR 97038.) M acNab, A. A., A. E Sherf, and J. K. Springer.
M artin, Deborah L., and G race Gershuny, eds. Identifying Diseases o f Vegetables. Univer­
The Rodale Book o f Composting, rev. ed. sity Park, Pa.: T he Pennsylvania State Univer­
Em m aus. Pa.: Rodale Press, 1992. sity College of Agriculture, 1983. (Available
from T he Publications Distribution Center,
*Page, Stephen, and Joseph Smillie. The Or­ 112 Agricultural Administration Building, Uni­
chard Almanac. 2nd ed. Rockport, Maine: versity Park, PA 16802.)
Spraysaver Publications, 1988. (Available from
Spraysaver Publications, PO. Box 392, Rock­ M iln e, L o ru s, and M argery M iln e. T he
port, ME 04856.) Audubon Society Field Guide to North A m er­
ican Insects and Spiders. New York: Alfred A.
Schultz, W arren. The Chemical-Free Lawn: Knopf, 1980.
The Newest Varieties and Techniques to Grow
Lush. Hardy Grass. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale Press, M uenscher, W alter Conrad. Weeds. 2nd ed.
1989. New York: M acmillan Publishing Co., 1955.
(Reprint, with forward and appendixes by Peter
Shigo, Alex L. Tree Pruning: A Worldwide
A. Hyypio. Ithaca, N.Y.: Com stock Publish­
Photo Guide. D urham , N.H.: Shigo & Trees
ing Assoc., 1980.)
Assoc., 1989. (Available from Shigo & Trees
Assoc., 4 Denbow Rd., D urham , NH 03824.) •Sinclair, Wayne A., Howard. H. Lyon, and
♦Smith, M ichael D., ed. The Ortho Problem W arren T. Johnson. Diseases o f Trees and
Solver. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Chevron Chem ­ Shrubs. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press,
ical Co., 1984. 1987.

Stebbins, Robert L., and M ichael MacCaskey. Smith, M iranda, and Anna Carr. Rodales Gar­
Pruning: How-To Guide for Gardeners. Los den Insect, Disease, and Weed Identification
Angeles: HPBooks, 1983. Guide. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale Press, 1988.

*Westcott, Cynthia. The Gardeners Bug Book. *Hortldeas, G reg and Patricia Y. Williams,
G arden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1973. Rt. 1, Box 302, Black Lick Rd., Gravel Switch,
KY 40328.
*--------- . Westcott s Plant Disease Handbook.
5th ed., rev. by R. K enneth Horst. New York: *National Gardening, N ational G ardening
Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1990. A ssociation, 180 Flynn Ave., Burlington, VT
Organic Gardening, Rodale Press, Inc., 33 E.
Periodicals M inor St., Em m aus, PA 18098.
• Common Sense Pest Control Quarterly, Bio- *The IPM Practitioner, Bio-Integral Resource
Integral Resource C enter (BIRC), P.O. Box C enter (BIRC), PO. Box 7414, Berkeley, CA
7414, Berkeley, CA 94707. 94707.

Copyrighted material
Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department Departm ent of Plant Pathology, University of
of Agriculture: p. 270, bottom right; p. 283, top right; Illinois: p. 372, right col.; p. 373, left col., top; p. 376.
p. 309. top left; p. 315. top right: p. 335, bottom. left col.; p. 378, left col., top; p. 380, left col., right;
Max E. Badgley: p. 260, top right, bottom right; p. 381. right col., left; p. 384. right col., right: p. 388,
p. 261, top left, center left, and center right, bottom; right col.; p. 389, right col.; p. 394. left col.; p. 395,
p. 269, top. bottom left; p. 270. bottom left and cen­ left col., p. 396, left col.; p. 400, right col.
ter: p. 271; p. 272, top; p. 273; p. 275, top, bottom left; Entomological Society of America/Ries Memo­
p. 276. top: p. 277, top center; p. 280. bottom center; rial Slide Collection: p. 325. top left and center; p. 334.
p. 282, top left and center; p. 283, top center, bottom; top left.
p. 284, top left, bottom: p. 285, top left, bottom; p. 286, The Fertilizer Institute: p. 379. right col., top.
top right, bottom ; p. 287, bottom left; p. 289, top Tom G e ttin g s , R odale P re ss P h o to g ra p h y
left and center; p. 292, top left and center; p. 293, top Departm ent: p. 381, right col., right; p. 390, right
right; p. 296. top left, bottom left and center; p. 297. col., top.
top left; p. 300, bottom center and right; p. 301, top Dr. Gerald M. Ghidiu, Rutgers Research and
left, bottom left: p. 302, top left; p. 303, top right, Development Center: p. 280, top.
bottom : p. 304; p. 305, top left and right, bottom left; L. Gilkeson: p. 260, top left: p. 268, center.
p. 306, top; p. 307. bottom ; p. 308, top left, bottom; Courtesy of the Ken Gray Collection, Oregon
p. 316: p. 317, top right; p. 320, top, bottom right; p. 321, State University (available through Eugene Memm-
top. bottom left; p. 322, top left and ccnter, bottom ler): p. 277, bottom ccnter and right; p. 279; p. 291,
left and right; p. 323, bottom ; p. 324, top left and top left; p. 312. center; p. 314, top left, bottom.
right; p. 327, bottom left and right; p. 330, top center John Hamel, Rodale Press Photography D epart­
and right, bottom left; p. 331, top left and center: p. 332. ment: p. 274. bottom right.
bottom right; p. 333; p. 334, bottom : p. 335, top left; Dr. George W. Hudler, College of Agriculture
p. 337. and Life Sciences, Cornell University: p. 371, left
Charlton Photos, Inc.: p. 291, top center, bot­ col., left; p. 375, right col.; p. 377, left col.; p. 383, left
tom; p. 312. left; p. 315, top left; p. 317. bottom; p. 325, col., bottom ; p. 385, right col.; p. 394, right col.,
bottom ; p. 328, top; p. 390. right col., bottom ; p. 393, bottom ; p. 397, right col., top left, bottom ; p. 398.
left col., bottom. right col.
Clemson University Extension Service and the Dr. Stephen A. Johnston, Rutgers Research and
U .S. Departm ent of Agriculture: p. 277, bottom left; Development Center: p. 399. right col.
p. 312, right; p. 313, right; p. 329, bottom ; p. 386. R eprinted by perm ission from Dr. Alan L.
right col., left. Jones: p. 391, left col.
Crandall & Crandall Photography: p. 330, bot­ Reprinted by permission from Dr. Alan M acNab:
tom right. p. 380, left col., left: p. 384, left col., bottom , right
Davey Tree Expert Co. (by D. L. Caldwell): col., left.
p. 274. top; p. 298. top; p. 301. bottom center and Bob M ulrooney: p. 374. right col., top; p. 376,
right; p. 302. top center and right, bottom left; p. 319. right col., top.
top center, bottom right; p. 321, bottom center; p. 397, Nematology Laboratory, U.S. D epartm ent of
right col., top right. Agriculture: p. 309, top right.
Dr. John A. Davidson, Department of Entomology, New York S ta te A g ric u ltu ra l E x p e rim e n t
University of M aryland at College Park: p. 291, top Station: p. 270. top; p. 282, top right, bottom ; p. 287,
right; p. 318, top. bottom right; p. 289, top right; p. 311; p. 313, left;


p. 314. top center and right; p. 329, top left; p. 371, Patrick Temple, University of California at
right col.; p. 373, left col., bottom : p. 374, left col., Riverside: p. 378. right col.; p. 379. right col., bottom.
right col., bottom ; p. 386, left col., top, right col., U .S. Department of Agriculture: p. 284, top
right; p. 387. right col., bottom ; p. 389. left col. right: p. 295, left and right; p. 322. top right: p. 390.
Joe Ogrodnick: p. 260. bottom left; p. 294. top; left col., top left; p. 398. left col.; p. 402, right col.
p. 298, bottom right. Ron West: p. 260. top center left and center
Pam Peirce: p. 322. bottom center; p. 386. left right, bottom center left and center right: p. 261. top
col., bottom . right: p. 269. bottom center and right: p. 274. bottom
Thomas M. Per ring. University of California at left and center; p. 275, bottom right; p. 276. bottom;
Riverside: p. 268, left and right. p. 277, top left and right; p. 280, bottom left and right;
Potash & Phosphate Institute: p. 379, left col. p. 281, left; p. 283. top left; p. 284, top center: p. 285,
Lee Reich, Ph.D.: p. 388, left col. top right; p. 286, top center; p. 287, top; p. 288; p. 289.
Robert Reise, Nematology Laboratory, U .S. bottom ; p. 290. left: p. 292. top right; p. 293. bottom
Department of Agriculture: p. 309. bottom. left and center: p. 294. bottom left and right; p. 2% .
Ann F. Rhoads: p. 272. bottom left; p. 372, left top right, bottom right; p. 297. top right, bottom: p. 299;
col.; p. 373, right col.: p. 376. right col., bottom right; p. 300, top. bottom left; p. 301, top center and right:
p. 378, left col., bottom ; p. 380. right col.; p. 381, left p. 302, bottom right: p. 303. top left and center: p. 305.
col.; p. 384. left col., top; p. 387. left col.; p. 390. left top center, bottom right; p. 307. top: p. 308. top cen­
col., top right, bottom : p. 391. right col.; p. 392. left ter and right; p. 309. top center; p. 317, top left;
col.; p. 397, left col.; p. 399, left col.; p. 401. left col.; p. 318, bottom ; p. 320. bottom left; p. 321. bottom
p. 403, right col. right: p. 323. top; p. 324. top center, bottom : p. 326:
Rodale Press Photography Department: p. 278; p. 327, bottom center; p. 328. bottom ; p. 329, top
p. 286, top left; p. 293, top left; p. 295, center; p. 298, center: p. 331. bottom: p. 332. top. bottom left: p. 335.
bottom center; p. 315, bottom right; p. 331, top right. top center and right; p. 336; p. 376. right col., bottom
E. S. Ross: p. 272, bottom right. left; p. 377, right col.: p. 382, right col.; p. 383. left
Barbara Rothenberger: p. 290. right; p. 382. col., top. right col.: p. 400. left col.: p. 402. left col.;
left col.; p. 385, left col.; p. 393, left col., top. p. 403. left col.
David Shetlar, Landscape Entomologist, The Ohio Katharine D. Widin, Ph.D.: p. 293. bottom right:
State University: p. 275, bottom center; p. 281, right; p. 306, bottom ; p. 330, top left; p. 371. left col.,
p. 292, bottom : p. 294, bottom center; p. 298, bottom right; p. 375, left col.; p. 387. right col., top: p. 392.
left; p. 310; p. 315, bottom left; p. 319, top left, top right col.; p. 393, right col.; p. 394. right col., top;
right, bottom left; p. 325, top right; p. 327. top; p. 329, p. 395, right col.; p. 396. right col. p. 401. right col.
top right: p. 334, top right.

Copyrighted material
Note: Page references in italic indicate tables.
Boldface references indicate photographs or illustrations.

A Ageratum. 15 Altosid. 473

Abamectins. 466 Agrobacterium radiobacter. 369.462 Aluminum-coated paper. 367.444
Abelm oschus esculentus. See Okra Agromyzidae. See Leafminers Alumroot. See Heuchera
Abies. 12 Air circulation. 362-63 American (see Heuchera
Acalym m a vittatum. See Cucum ber Ajuga. 15 americana)
beetles, striped Ajuga rep tans. 15. small-flowered [see Heuchera
Acanthoscelides obtectus. See Bean Albizia. 15 micrantha)
weevils Alcea. 16 Alyssum. sweet. See Lobularia
Acer, 13 problems of. 16 Amaranthus. L2
anthracnose symptoms on. 321 rust symptoms on. 325 Amblyseius. citrus and. 22
problems of, 13 Alcohol sprays. 465=66 Amblyseius cali/omicus. 452
Verticillium wilt symptoms on, Aleyrodidae. See Whiteflies Amblyseius cucumeris. buying and
396 Alfalfa. 418.451 releasing. 455
A cerpalm atum . L3 beneficials attracted by. 451 American gooseberry mildew. 1Q7.
soap sprays and. 4&3 Alkaloids, as pesticides. 485 ma
Achillea. 14 Allium. 16 Ammonia sprays. 466
as attractant crop, 450 A llium cepa. See Onion Amorbia. See Avocado caterpillars
problems of. 14 A llium ophioscorodon. See Garlic Am yelois transitella. See Navel
Achyra rantalis. See Webworms, garden Allium sativum. See Garlic orangeworms
Acidic soil. See Soil, acidic, disease and Allium schoenoprasum. See Chives, Anasa tristis. See Squash bugs
Acid rain. 356 common Anem one. 17-18
Acrididae. See Grasshoppers Allium tuberosum. See Chives, garlic A nem one blanda. LL L8
Actinidia arguta. See Kiwi All-purpose insect pest spray. 466 A nem one coronaria. 17.
Actinidia deliciosa. See Kiwi Almond, LZ A nethum graveolens. 22
Actinidia kolomikta. See Kiwi Alternaria blight Angular leaf spot
Adam's needle. See Yucca ftlamentosa cabbage and. 55 cucum ber a n d , 86
Adelgids carrot and. 61 melon and. L5Q
Picea and, 181, 182 cucum ber and. 86 squash and. 214. 215.216
Pinus and. 1&3 melon and. 150 Animal pests
Tsuga and, 24flb-41 potato and. 190. l£U floating row covers for. 443
Adult insects. 252 squash an d . 2 1 4,215.216 shade cloths for, 445
Aesculus. 14 tomato and. 229. 231.232.374 stopping.

500 ■ INDEX

Animals, beneficial. 453 Aphid midges. 268. 268 Dianthus and. 90

Annuals. 18-20 as beneficials. 177.2>ft.4.4H diatom aceous earth for.
leaf problems of. 18-20 buying and releasing. 451 421
whole plant problems of. 20 fungus gnats distinguished from, Digitalis an d , 21
Antagonistic organisms. 462 260 as disease carriers. 362
Anthracnose Aphidoletes aphidimvza. See Aphid eggplant and. 23
Acer&n<\. 13.371 midges Euonymus and. 24
Aesculus and. LI Aphid parasites, buying and releasing. Euphorbia and. 25
bean and. 3 4 * 3 ^ 3 1 3 8 6 Fagus and. 97
Berberis and. 41 Aphids. 262. 269 filbert and, 28
black berry and. 44 Abies and. L2 floating row covers for. 443
bordeaux mix for. 462 AceranfS. 13 garlic oil for. 423
copper for. 421 alcohol sprays for. 465 Geranium and. 104
C ornusa n d .8 1.371 ammonia sprays for. 466 Gladiolus and. 105-6
cucum ber and. S i A nem one and. 18 gooseberry and, 108
currant and. 86 Antirrhinum and. 21 Hamarneh's and. 113
eggplant a n d .23 ants and. 440=41 Hedera and. LL4
Euonymus and. 24. 95 apple and, 25. 269 Helianthus and. 114
fruit symptoms. 386-87 Arabis and. 28 herbal tea sprays for. 424
gooseberry and. 108 asparagus and. 30 herbs and. L12
grape and. 109, 110. 111 Aster and. 30 Hibiscus and. 118
Ilex and. 123 bean and. 3 1 269 houseplants and. L2Q
leaf symptoms. 321 beet a n d .37-38 Hydrangea and. 121
Ligustrum and. 141 Begonia and. 40 Impatiens and. 124
lime-sulfur for. 47b. 422 Berberis and. 41 insecticides and, 452
melon and. L50 Betula and, 43 Juniperus and. L2K
Paeonia and. 152 BT and. 452 Lagerstroemia and. 131
pepper and.L2h bulbs and. 51 Lathyrus and. 132
Platanus and. 185 cabbage and. 54. 269 lettuce and. L38
Quercus and. 124. Calendula and. 56 Ligustrum and. 140
raspberry and. 197,128 Callistephus and. 52 Lilium and. L42
rhubarb a n d .203 Campanula and, 58 Liriodendron and. 143
spinach and.2L2 carrot and. 60 Lobelia and. 144
Tilia and. 222 celery and. 64 Lonicera and. 145
tom ato an d . 229. 232.386 Chaenomeles and. 65 Lupinus and. L4&
on trees, shrubs, and vines. 238 cherry a n d .62 Mahonia and, L42
turnip and. 243 chickadees and. 2 melon and. L4iL_269
Viburnum and. 242 Chrysanthemum and. 70. I l mulches for. 444
walnut and. 251 citrus and. 23 Narcissus and. 153
Antirrhinum. 20-21 citrus oils for. 470.421 neem for. 422
Antitranspirants. 342.441 Coreopsis and, 26 Nicotiana and. 153
Ants corn and. 78.428 onion and. 155.156
as aphid predators. 62 Cosmos and. 82 Papaver and. 160
barriers for. 440-41.442 Cotoneaster an d . 82 parsley and. 160
boric acid for. 4bH Crocus a n d .83 pea and. 162
citrus and. 23 cucum ber and. &L85 peach and, 269.412
fig and. 22 currant and. 86 Pelargonium and. 122
fire. 421.473 Dahlia and. 88 pepper and.L24.
pepper dusts an d . 426 Delphinium and. 88 pepper dusts and. 426
trunk bands for. 446 Deutzia and. 89 perennials and, 127
Aphidius matricariae. 454 dextrin for. 484 Petunia and. L22
INDEX ■ 501

Philadelphus and, 179 culture. 21-22 Artemisia. 28

plum and. 182 fire blight symptoms on. 395 as pesticide. 424
Populus and. 182 fruit problems of. 22,23, problems of, 28
potato and, L88r89 24-25 Artemisia abrotanum. 419
predators o f. I L 62 (see also fungicides and, 369 Artemisia absinthium, 28.419
Aphid midges) leaf and branch problems of. 23, Artemisia dracunculus. 28
pruning and, 411.432 25 Artemisia schmidliana. 28
Pyracantha and, 192 leaf scorch damage on. 322 Artogeia (= Pieris/ rapae. See Imported
pyrethrin for. 480 pollination of cultivars, 101 cabbageworms
quassia for. 481 powdery mildew and. 349.387 Ash. See Fraxinus
raspberry and. 20Q pruning. 101 mountain (see Sorbus)
Rosa and. 204,205 trunk bands for, 446 white (see Fraxinus americana)
Salix and. 209 viruses and. 151 Ash flower gall mites. 99
Sedum and. 210 whole plant problems of. 23, Asparagus, 28-30
soap sprays for. 483.484 26 crop rotation and. 4LB
Sorbus and. 211 Apple aphids, woolly. 26ft culture. 28-29
spinach and. 212 Apple maggots. 22.23* 220.220 leaf problems of, 30
Spiraea and. 211 traps for. 429* 434 salt and. 483
squash and, 215 Apple sawflies. European, sticky board spear problems of. 29=30
sticky board traps for, 438 traps for. 439 Asparagus aphids. 30
superior oils for. 429 Apple scab Asparagus beetles. 221.221
Tilia and. 222 apple and. 2 1 2 1 ,2 5 ,3 6 4 .3 6 8 asparagus and. 29
tomato and, 230 fruit symptoms, 387.382 floating row covers for. 443
tomato-leaf spray for. 485 leaf symptoms. 371-72.371 spotted. 221
traps for. 434.438.440 sulfur for, 485 Asparagus fern caterpillars. 29. See
on trees, shrubs, and vines. 235-36. Apple tree. See Malus also Beet armyworms
232 Appletree borers. See Ratheaded Asparagus miners. 29
Tropaeolum and. 240.440 appletree borers: Roundheaded Assassin bugs. 7 .,
Tulipa and. 51.242 appletree borers 44k
Ulmus and. 245 Apricot. 26-27 Aster. 30
vegetables and. 246 pollination of, iOi Aster, China. See Callistephus
Verbena and. 248 problems of. 26-27 Aster leafhoppers. Coreopsis and.
Viburnum and, 248-49 Aquilegia. 22 26
Viola and. 250 Arabis, 27-28 Aster yellows
viruses carried by, 352 Arborvitae. See Thuja annuals and. 19
walnut and. 251 Archips argyrospila. See Fruittree Calendula and. 52
water sprays for. 433 leafrollers Callistephus and. 52
water traps for. 440 Arctiidae. See Woollybears carrot and. &L 61
Yucca and. 252 Armillaria root rot. 403.403 Centaurea and. 65
Aphytis melinus. citrus and, 23 Armored scales, 320,320 Cosmos and. 82
Apis mellifera. See Honeybees Army cutworms, 286 Gypsophila and. I l l
Apium graveolens var. du Ice. See Armyworms. 270-71 ,22Q lettuce and, 138
Celery beet (see Beet armyworms) sage and. 208
Apple. 21-26. See also Malus corn an d .7 a Tagetes and. 224
apple scab symptoms on. 371, fall. 79,170 Astilbe, 11
381 floating row covers for, 443 Athelia bambacina. apple and. 24
bagging for. M l growth regulators for. 423 A ttractant crops. 415
cedar-apple rust symptoms on. lawns and. 114 Australian lady beetles. See Mealybug
323 nematodes an d . 452 destroyers
codling moths and. 262 tillage and, 42& Autocidal resistance. 415
cold storage of. 3fi2 viral pathogens for, 461 Avermectins. 466-67.424
502 ■ INDEX

Avocado, 3 U 2 Bacterial leaf spot. 350 Tilia and. 222

cold storage of. 362 apricot and. 26 on trees, shrubs, and vines. 236
problems of. 3JL32 bordeaux mix for. 467 Tsuga and. 241
Avocado caterpillars. 31-32 copper for. 421 Baits, traps, and lures. 434-40
A z a d ir a c h ta in d ic a . 4 7 7 Hedera and. L14 Bait traps. 434-35
Azadirachtin. 477-78 peach and. 165.166, 162 Baking soda sprays. 369.463.467
Azalea. See Rhododendron plum and. L&6 Baldfaced hornets, hover flies distin­
Azalea leaf gall. 202 on trees, shrubs, and vines. 232 guished from. 261
Bacterial ring rot. potato and. 189. lfil Balsam. See Impatiens
Bacterial rot garden (see Impatiens halsamina)
Aquilegia and, 22 Balsam twig aphids. Abies and. 12
B Dianthus and, 90 Baltimore orioles, as beneficial
Baby's breath. See Gypsophila Hyacinthus and. 121 predators, 2
paniculata I.ilium and, 142 Banana, cold storage of, 362
creeping (see Gypsophila repens» potato and. 191-92 Barberry. See Berberis
Bachelor's button. See Centaurea vegetables and. 246 common {see Berberis vulgaris)
Bacillus lentimorbwi. 460 Bacterial soft rot. 350.401-2 Barberry aphids. Mahonia and. 142
Bacillus popilliae. Iris and. 125* 12itZZ Barberry scale. Berberis and. 41
Bacillus thuringiensis (BT>. 239, 447. pepper and.L26 Barberry webworms. Berberis and. 41
m=t& potato and. 401 Barberry wilt. Berberis and, 11
Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis Bacterial speck, tom ato and. 2 H . 232 Barriers. 429. 440-46
(BTI (. 460.424 Bacterial spot. 322 for animals. 4Q8*4Q9
Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki pepper a n d .174.125 antitranspirants. M l
I BTK 1.459.460 tomato and. 211.232 for ants. 440-41
Bacillus thuringiensis var. san diego Zinnia and. 372 bagging fruit. M )
I BTSD*. 460 Bacterial wetwood, 393.393 copper strips. M l
Bacteria. 348-50. See also specific Bacterial wilt. 349.350.384 for crawling pests. 442
types bordeaux mix for, 462 cutworm collars. 442
control of. 35il corn a n d .3,28 floating row covers. 442-43
nature of, 34&49. Cosmos and, 82 mulches. 443-44
as pathogens. 340.344.345 cucum ber and. 85.384 painting. 4M
prevention of disease from, iSQ Hydrangea and, 122 rigid plant and row covers. 444-4 5
spread of - 350 melon and. 148,130 seedling protectors. 443
symptoms of. 349-50 physical controls for. 4211 shade cloths. 445
wet soil and. 362 squash and. 2 1 4 ,215 trunk bands. 445-46
Bacterial blight tomato and. 230=31 Basal ro\. Narcissus and. 153
bean and. 34,35-36.37 Tropaeolum and, 24Q Basil. 32
carrot and. 61 Bacteriophages. 368 problems of. 32
Papaver and. liil Baculoviruscs.461 as repellent crop. 2
pear a n d .364 Bagging fruit. 441 Bats. 453
Salix and, 209 Bagworms. 272.222 B ean.33=32
Syringa and. 223. Abies and. 12 anthracnose symptoms on. 386
Bacterial canker. 35Q Aesculus and. 14 crop rotation and. 418
apricot and. 22 Gleditsia and. U12 culture. 33
cherry and. 6b Juniperus and. 128.128 cutworm collars and. 442
peach and. 165. 162 Liquidambar and. 143 flower and pod problems of.
plum and. 182 Picea and. 182 3 6 -3 7
tom ato and. 229,231.212 Pin us an d . L85 green, as trap crop. 440
Bacterial disease, sweet potato and. pruning and. 432 leaf problems of. 33* M s 35-36
222 Thuja and, 225 lima. M i 35* 32
INDEX ■ 503

mosaic virus symptoms on, 403 Juniperus and. 122 Berries. See Blackberry: Blueberry:
nitrogen-fixing nodules on. 400. lady (see Lady beetles) Currant: Gooseberry: Raspberry:
340 lawns and. L3S Strawberry
shell, resistance of. 414 leaf (see Leaf beetles) pruning and thinning. 103
soap sprays an d , 4&3 May. 222.22ft Beta vulgaris
whole plant problems of. 33 milky disease spores for, 460=61 Cicla group (see Chard)
Bean aphids, 35.269 Petunia and. 129 Crassa group (see Beet)
Bean leaf beetles. M . M i Pinus and. 1M Betula. 42-43
Bean mosaic. 34» i l , 32. 353. 403 raspberry and. 198-99 problems of. 42-43
Bean weevils. 37.2 7 3 . 273 Rosa and, 206 root rot symptoms of. 401
Beating trays. 433 rove (see Rove beetles) Betula nigra. 42
Beau venu bassiana. 4fil scale predatory, buying and Betula pendula. 42
Bee balm. See Monarda releasing, 456 Bigeyed bugs, 273. 273
Beech. See Fagus soldier [see Soldier beetles) as beneficials. 134,448
Bees. Rosa and. 206 sweet potato and. 221 chinch bugs distinguished from,
Beet. 37-39 tiger (see Tiger beetles) 26J
crop rotation and. 418 Ulmus and Isee Elm bark beetles: Big vein, lettuce and. US
culture. 32 Elm leaf beetles) Billbugs
leaf problems of. 37-38 Begonia. 39-41 corn and. 78-79
root problems of. 3&-.19 culture. 39-40 lawns and. 134
seed sterilization for. 423 problems of.40-.41 nematodes and. 452
Beet armyworms. 22Q tuberous-rooted. 39-40 Binab-T. 462
beet a n d .38 wax.32o 40 Biological controls. 259,262,407.
tom ato and. H i Bellflower. See Campanula
Beet leafhoppers. 302 peach-leaved (see Campanula beneficial animals and insects
b ce l a n d .S h persicifuUa) (see Bencficial animals and
tomato and. 3 Serbian (see Campanula insects)
Beetle grubs, moles and. 409 pose harsky ana) beneficial microorganisms. 459=62
Beetles Beneficial animals and insects. 7-8. biological balance. 442-52
Alcea and. 16 258.453-59 for disease. 368=69
asparagus and Isee Asparagus attracting and conserving, 258-59. natural predators. 2=8
beetles) 447. 450-52 Birch. See Betula
bean and (see Bean leaf beetles: buying and releasing. 452.453. European white (see Betula
Mexican bean beetles) 454=56. pendula)
blister (see Blister beetles) encouraging, 447,448-50, 450-52 river (see Betula nigra)
carrion. 258 environmental considerations. Birch aphids. 43
carrot and. 279.279 451-52 Birch borers, bronze. 42
citrus and. 73 food for. 447.450-51 Birch leafminers. 42*43, l i f t
Colorado potato (see Colorado important native, 448-50 Birch skeletonizers, 43
potato beetles) insecticides and. 451=52 Birds. 402
corn and. 22, 22 organically acceptable sprays and. A nem one and, 18
cucumber (see Cucumber beetles! 463.464 attracting. 442
dung,25fi shelter for. 451 avocado and, 31
false hellebore for. 422 water for. 451 as beneficials. L & 134.453.452
flea (see R ea beetles) Beneficial microorganisms. 459-62 blueberry and. 46
Fuller rose (se* Fuller rose beetles) Berberis, 41 cherry and. 69
Gladiolus and. 11)6 Berberis vulgaris. 41 com and. 22
ground (see Ground beetles) Bergenia. 42 grape and. 110=1 L
Japanese (see Japanese beetles) Bergenia cordifolia. 42 shade cloths and. 445
June (see June beetles) Bergenia crassifolia. 42 strawberry and. 212
504 ■ INDEX

Bird's eye rot. See Anthracnose Taxus and. 224 striped. 2 7 4 .422
Biller rot. apple and. 21 Wisteria and, 252 Zinnia and. 253
Bittersweet. See Ceiasirus Blazing-star. See Liatris Blossom end rot. 382
Bitterwood. See Quassia a m am Bleach. as disinfectant. 462 pepper a n d .175-76
Blackberry. 43-44 Bleeding heart. See Dicentra tomato and. 229.232-33.387
problems of. 43-44 common (see D icennv spectabilis) Blossoms, pinching of. 4
rust symptoms on. 325 native fringed (see Dicentra Blotch
sulfur dioxide injury damage on. eximia) Aesculus and, L4.
322 Bleeding necrosis. Liquidambar and. apple and. 25
Black blister beetles. See Blister U3 onion and. 157
beetles, black Blight. M i 346dLZ Bluebells. See Mertensia
Black cherry aphids, (il Alternaria (see Alternaria blight* Virginia ( if f Mertensia virginica)
Black cutworms. 286 bacterial (see Bacterial blight) Blueberry. 45z42
Black-eyed Susan. See Rudbeckia Botrytis (see Botrytis blight I culture. 45
hiria Camellia and. 386 flower and fruit problems of,
Blackflies carrot and. 61 45=46
BTI for. 460 chestnut a n d .69,369 highbush. 45.46
m ethoprene for. 423 copper for. 421 leaf and branch problems of.
Black knot. 328. com leaf. 28 46=42
cherry and. cottony. L36 lowbush. 45
control of. 364 definition of,34ii rabbiteye.45.46
plum and. IS". 398 early (stv Alternaria blight) Blueberry cane canker. 46
Black leg eggplant and. 23 Blueberry maggots. 45
cabbage and. t , 53. 55 filbert and.!28 Bluestone.471
potato and, 189-90 fire (see Fire blight) Boisea trivittata. See Boxelder bugs
Blackline. walnut and. 251 fungal (see Fungal blight I Boll weevils. BTSD for. 4£41
Black root rot Juniperus and (see Juniper blight) Bollworms. cotton. 461
radish and. 126 late (see Late blight) Bombus. See Bumblebees
strawberry and. 218. 219.360 lawns and. L3fi Bordeaux mix. 341.357.369.467
Black rot. M b '.M i leaf (see Leaf blight) Borers
apple and. 23.21 lime-sulfur for. 422 .4r«?rand. Li
cabbage an d . 53. 55 melon and. 148. L50 apple and (see Ratheaded apple­
copper for. 421 okra and. L54. tree borers; Roundheaded
cucum ber and. 86 onion leaf. I5fc appletree borers)
grape and. 109. 110. 111. 389 pea and. 163 Betula and. 42
melon and. 1 5 0 pear a n d .120 blackberry and. 44
sweet potato and. 221 Pinus and. 184 chestnut and. 20
turnip and. 243 potato and. 341.368 Clematis and. 24
Black scale. 32J raspberry an d . 198.393.323 corn and (see C om borers)
citrus and. 23 Rhododendron and. 201. 202.363 Cornus and (see Dogwood borers)
Black spot. 322 Taxus and. 224. 225 Cotoneaster and. 83
baking soda sprays for. 462 twig Twig blight) currant. 86.452
bordeaux mix for. 462 walnut and. 230-51 Dahlia and. 87
Rosa and (see Rose black spot) Blissus leucopterus. See Chinch bugs Delphinium and. 89
soap sprays for. 483 Blister beetles. 274-75.224 Fagusa n d .96
sulfur for. 485 black. 224 flatheaded (see R atheaded apple­
Black vine weevils. 274. 274 bulbs and. SO tree borers; Flatheaded borers)
BTSD for. 460 perennials and. 126 Fraxinus and. 99
nematodes and. 452 eggplant and. 23 fruit. 22L 221
Rhododendron and. 200. 201. margined. 224 Gleditsia and, 102
202 potato and, 12Q Iris and Isee Iris borers)
INDEX ■ 505

nematodes and. 458 Botrytis fruit rot. 382 Brown scale, citrus and. 23
pcachtree (see Peachtree borers: strawberry and. 389 Brown soft scale. 324
Peach twig borers) Botrytis gray mold. Begonia and. 40 Brown spot.celery and. 64
Picea and. 102 Bottom rot. lettuce and. 139 Brown stink bugs. 322
Pinus and. 185 Boxelder bugs. 275. 275 spined soldier bugs distinguished
Populus and, L81 A cer and. Ll from. 260
raspberry and. 1 9 7 .199-M l Boxwood. See Buxus Brussels sprouts. 48
Rhododendron and (see Rhodo­ Boxwood leafminers. i l problems of. 48
dendron borers) Boxwood psy llids. 51 seed sterilization for. 423
Rosa a n d .206 Braconid wasps. 273-76.275,41£ BT. See Bacillus thuringiensis
SalLx and. 208 Brambles. See also Blackberry : BTI. 460.474
shothole (see Shothole borers) Raspberry BTK. 459.460
Sorbus and. 211 potato and. 188 BTSD. 460
squash vine {see Squash vine Brussica oleracea Buckthorns. See Rhamnus. grape and
borers! Acephala group (see Collard; Buckwheat, beneficials attracted by.
stalk (see Stalk borers) Kale) 451
strawberry- and. 219-20 Botrytis group (see Broccoli; Bud blight. Rhododendron and. 363
Syringa and, 222 Cauliflower) Buddleia. 48
Thuja and. 226 Capitata group (see Cabbage I Buddleia davidii. 48
Tilia and. 222 Gemmifera group {see Brussels Bud mites, filbert and. 98
on trees, shrubs, and vines. 238 sprouts) Bud moths. Ilex and. 123
Tsuga and.24J Gongylodes group {see Kohlrabi) Budworms
Ulmus and. 245 Brussica rapa. Rapifera group. See spruce (see Spruce budworms)
Boric acid.462z68 Turnip tobacco. 461
Boron deficiency Bristly rose slug. Rosa and. 205 Verbena and. 248
beet and. 38 Broccoli. 42 Buffalo treehoppers. 276.226
cabbage and. 55 beneficial insects and. 259 Bugbane. See Cimicifuga
cauliflower and. 62 BT and. 459 stinking (jc* Cimicifuga foetida)
cclery and. 64 cabbageworm predators for. 8 Bug juice. 468.420
Boston ivy See Parthenocissus problems of. 41 Bugieweed. See Ajuga
Botanical names, 416,487-88 seedling protectors and. 445 common (see Ajuga rep tans)
Botanical pesticides. 468. See also seed sterilization for. 423 Bulb flies
specific types timed planting a n d . 422 Narcissus and. 49, 153
Bothynus <—Ligvrus) gibbosus. See trap crops and. 4:10 onion and. lifc
Carrot beetles Bronze birch borers. 42 Bulb mites. 50
Botrytis blight Brooklime. See Veronica Crocus and. 83-84
blueberry and. 46 Browallia. 42 Gladiolus and. 106
compost tea and. 422 Brown canker, soap sprays for. 483 Hyacinthus and, 121
Dahlia and. && Brown garden snail. 3 2 2 .458 Lilium and. 142
flower discoloration from. 385 Brown patch, lawns and. 135 Tulipa and. 242
Gladiolus an d . 1116 Brown rot Bulb nematodes
houseplants and. 120 almond tree and. 12 Hyacinthus and. 121
Hydrangea and, 122 apricot a n d .26 Narcissus and. 153
on leaves. 323 cherry an d . 66-67.67,68.386. Phlox an d . 180
Lilium and. 142 citrus and. 72-73 Bulb rot. 49
Paeonia and. 139.373 fruit symptoms. 390 onion and. 136
Petunia a n d . L2ii leaf symptoms. 386 Bulbs. 48^51
Rosa an d . 207.385 lime-sulfur for. 426 buying healthy. 48-49.49
Tageies and. 224 peach and. 165,. 166.167.39Q problems of. 30-31
Tulipa and. 242 plum and, 1 8 6 .390 Bumblebees, 276.276
Botrytis bunch rot. grape and. 110 sulfur for. 485 Burdock borers. Delphinium and. 89
506 ■ INDEX

Butterfly bush. See Buddleia davidii mustard and. 440 Picea and. 1&2
Buxus. 5 1-52 tansy sprays for. 474 Pinus and. 185
Cacopsylla pyricola. See Pear Platanus and. 186
psyllas Pop ulus and. L82
Calcium deficiency Quercus and. 124
bean and. 34,35 Salix and. 209
Cabbage. 52-56 beet a n d .38 Sorbus and. 210
birds and. 8 cabbage a n d .55 Tilia and. 222
Chinese, soap sprays and. 483 celery and. 64 on trees, shrubs, and vines. 238
club root and, 5 4 ,346.360. 399 pepper and. 173-76 Tsuga and. 241
com panion planting and. 412 potato and. 120 Ulmus and. 245
com post o r m anure for. 418 tomato and. IV). 232-33 Valsa (see Cytospora canker)
crop rotation and. 6. 413-16.418 Calendula. 36-37 Vinca and. 249
culture. 32.34 California red scale. 32Q Canker stain. Platanus and. 185
cutworm collars and. 442 citrus and, 23 Cankerworms. 278.278
mulches and. 444 Caliroa cerasi. See Pear sawflies Betula and. 42=43
problems of. 53^ 34-36 Callistephus. 52 chestnut and. 62
seedling protectors and. 445 Camellia. 37-38 Fagus and. 26
seed sterilization for. 423 blight of. 58. 3&l 386 Ulmus and. 244, 243
timed planting and. 422 problems of. $8 Canna. 59
trap crops and.44Q Campanula. 58-39 Canna X generalis. 52
Cabbage aphids. 269. Campanula carpatica. £8 Cantaloupe. 59
Cabbage butterflies, viral pathogens Campanula persicifolia. 58 Cantharidae. See Soldier beetles
for. 4 6 1-62 Campanula poseharskyana. £8 Capsaicin dusts. 426
Cabbage loopers. 277. 277 C a n d y tu f t. See Iberis Capsicum annuum var. annuum. See
BTK for. 459 evergreen Iberis sempervinns) Pepper
bug juice for, 420 rock (see Iberis saxatilis) Carabidac. Sec G round beetles
cabbage a n d . 53,56 Cane gallmakcrs. grape an d . 109,112 Caraway, as attractant crop, 450
flour for. 484 Cane girdlers. grape and. 112 Cardinal flower. See Lobelia cardinalis
pheromone traps for. 437 Canker. 343.350 Carnation. See Dianthus
py rethrin for. 480 A cer and. 13 Carnivorous insects. 258
tomato and. 231 Aesculus and. 14 Carpentcrworms. nematodes and. 452
viral pathogens for. 461 bacterial (see Bacterial canker) Carpinus. 39-60
Cabbage maggots. 277-78.277 Betula and. 43 Carrion beetles, as scavengers. 238
cabbage and. 53* 54 blueberry and. 46 Carrot. 60-62
diatom aceous earth for. 422 bnrwn. soap sprays for. 483 as attractant crop, 412*450
floating row covers for. 443 Cedrus and. 63 as bait crop. 4.T3
nem atodes and. 437 C ornusa n d .81 crop rotation and. 418
radish and. 195 Cytospora Isee Cytospora canker) culture. 60
timed planting and. 422 Fagus and. 96 leaf problems of. 60-61
turnip and. 243 Fruxinu.% and. 99 root problems of. 61db2
Cabbage root flies. See also Cabbage fungal (see Fungal canker) seed sterilization for. 423
maggots Fusicoccum. 46 soap sprays an d . 484
seedling protectors for. 445 Gleditsia and. LQ2 Carrol beetles. 61. 279.279
sticky board traps for, 438 Hedera and. LL4 Carrot rust flics. 279.222
water traps for. 440 Ilex and. 123 carrot and. 61
Cabbageworms Larix and. 132 floating row covers for. 443
BT and. 452 Leucostoma (see Cytospora sticky board traps for. 438
flour for. 484 canker) Carrot weevils. 280.280
imported (see Imported Lonicera and. 145 carrot and. 61
cabbageworms) Magnolia and. 142 parsley and. 160
INDEX ■ 507

Carya illinoinensis. See Pecan tent 1see Tent caterpillars* Cercospora leaf spot
Casebearers Tilia and. 222 beet a n d ,38
Larix and. 132 tom ato and, 211.233 carrot and, 61
pecan nut, LZl traps for. 434 pepper and, 124
Castanea. See Chestnut on trees, shrubs, and vines. Chaenomeles. 65
Castanea crenata. See Chestnut. 236 Chafers
Japanese use of term. 252 lawns and, L25
Castanea Jen tala. Se? C hestnut. vegetables and. 242 masked, nematodes and,
American velvetbean.461 452
Castanea mollissima. See Chestnut. Wisteria and. 252 Rosa and [see Rose chafers*
Chinese Cat-facing. 232.328 Chard, 66
Caterpillars Catnip Cherry. 66-69
v4cerand, LI as attractant crop, 450 brown rot symptoms on. 386
asparagus and, 2d as pesticide. 424 cherry leaf spot symptoms on,
avocado and. 3 1-32 as repellent crop. 419 313
barriers for. 442 Cats, kiwi and. 130 culture. 66
bean and. 32 Cattle flies, methoprene for. fruit problems of. 66-67.62
BTK and. 459 423 fungi and, 342
cabbage and. >5-56 Cauliflower, 62-63 leaf and branch problems of.
celery and. 64 cabbageworm predators on. 67-69.67
chestnut and. 69 8 pollination of. 101
citrus oils for. 411 problems of. 62=63 pruning, 103
com and. 29 seedling protectors and. 445 sour, 66, UU
diatom aceous earth for. seed sterilization for. 423 sweet, 66,101
42J Cavity spot, carrot and, 61=62 whole plant problems of. 69
Eastern tent. 330 Cedar. See Cedrus Cherry aphids, black, 62
false hellebore for. 422 Eastern red (see Juniperus Cherry fruit flies, 66,62
Fraxinus and. 99 virginiana) traps for. 435.432
Gleditsia and. LQ2 red [see Juniperus) Cherry fruitworms. blueberry and,
Hama metis and. I l l Cedar-apple rust 45
handpicking. 430 apple and. 23.24,25, Cherry laurel, winter injury damage
Helianthus and. L14 321 o n . 380
lettuce and. 140 Juniperus and. 128.398 Cherry leaf spot. 67* 6 8 .373-74.
Liqu.dambar and. L43 leaf symptoms. 323 323
okra and. L55 pruning and. 432 Chervil, as trap crop. 440
parsley and. 160 stem symptoms, 398 Chestnut. 69-70
pea and. L63 C edar bark beetles, 129 American. 69
pepper a n d .125 Cedar-hawthorn rust, 128 Chinese, 69
Petunia and. L29 Cedar-quince rust, 128 horse (see Aesculus)
Pinus and. 185 Cedrus. 63 Japanese. 69
Populus and. 182 Celastrus. 63 problems of. 69=20
quassia for. 481 Celery. 63=64 Chestnut blight, 369
Quercus and. 193 problems of, 64 Chestnut weevils, chestnut and. 20
rhubarb and. 203 seed sterilization for. 423 Chickadees, as beneficial predators.
Rosa a n d .202 soap sprays and. 484 1
Salix and. 20b Celery leaftiers. pyrethrin for. Chickens, as beneficial predators.
saltmarsh. 336 480 453
spinach and. 2Jl2 Celosia. 64=65 Chiggers. soap sprays for. 4&3
Spiraea and. 213 Centaurea. 65 Chilocorus nigritus. buying and
sweet potato and. 221 Centipedes. 280-81.280 releasing. iSh
Syringa and. 223 Cem titis capitata. See Fruit flies China aster. See Callistephus
508 ■ INDEX

Chinaberry tree, 422 Clematis wilt. 24 floating row covers for, 441
Chinch bugs. 281.2&1 Click beetles fungal pathogen for. 561
bigeyed bugs distinguished from. corn and, 22 growth regulators for. 423
261 Gladiolus and. 106 handpicking. 430
lawns and. 133. 134-35> Clover, 416 neem for, 422
(raps for. 435-36 as attractant crop, 451 nematodes and, 457-58
Chitin. 470 white, as pesticide. 4Z4 Petunia and. 123
Chives. 20 Club root. 343,344,346,323 potato and. 120
com m on. 20 acidic soil a n d . ^ l pyrethrin for, 480
garlic. 2Q cabbage and, 24*360- 399. quassia for. 4&1
as pesticide. 424 415-16 shaking a n d .413
problems of, 20 radish and. 125 tom ato and. 231.231
Chlorosis. Rhododendron and. 202 Coccidae. See Scale(s). armored: Columbine. See Aquilegia
Choanephora blight, okra and. 154 Scale(s), soft Companion planting. 7 .407.411.
Choristoneura fumiferana. See Spruce Coccincllidae. See Lady beetles 413=20
budworms Cockroaches, feeding habits of, 257. attractant crops, 413
Choristoneura rosaceana. See ?SH good neighbors. 4 m -20
Obliquebanded leafrollers Cockscomb. See Celosia patterns to avoid. 420
Chry santhemum. 70-71 Codling moths. 282.282 repellent crops, 413
foliar nematode symptoms on. apple and, 2 2 . 4 1 6 theory of. 413
326 bagging fruit an d . 441 Compost, crop rotation a n d .416
problems of. 7t>-?l BTK for. 45a Composting
Chrysanthemum coccineum. 480 coordinated control of. 262. for disease control. 369.425-26.
Chrysanthemum f —Tanacetum) 263 426-27
cinerariifolium. 4&Q growth regulators for. 473 effect on pests. 426
Chrysobothris fem om ta. See Flat- nematodes and. 452 for insect control. 425-26
headed appletree borers pear and. 163 method for. 425-26
Chrysomelidae. S ee R ea beetles pheromone traps for. 437. for sanitation. .165.423.424.432
Chrysoperla (—Chrysopa). See 4X0 Compost tea. for fungal diseases. 427.
Lacewings pyrethrin for, 480 421
Cicadellidae. See Leafhoppers trunk bands for. 446 Coneflower. See Rudbeckia
Cicindelidae. See Tiger beetles viral pathogens for. 462 pale (,*«» Echinacea pallida)
Cimicifuga. 11 walnut a n d .250 purple [see Echinacea purpurea)
Cimicifuga foetida. 21 Coelomyces. 461 Conifer sawflies, 319.313
Citrullus lanatus. See Watermelon Colchicum. 74 Conotrachelus nenuphar. See Plum
Citrus. 72-73 Cold injury, 360.362 curculios
fruit problems o f. 22 leaf symptoms, 380-81 Construction damage. 19.4,394
leaf and branch problems of. stem symptoms. 336 Controls
7?-73 7axitf and,396 biological Isee Biological controls)
oil sprays and. 423 Cold storage, 362 cultural (see Cultural controls)
sulfur and. M i Cold temperatures, 356 for disease. 368=63
Citrus mealybugs. 21, 3fi4 Coleus. 24. for insects (see Insects, controls
Citrus mites. 72.307 C ollard.25 for)
Citrus oils, as pesticides. 470-71. Color, of plants. 4 organic sprays and dusts (see
474 Colorado potato beetle parasites, buy­ Organic sprays and dusts)
Citrus scab, 22 ing and releasing. 4M physical [see Physical controls)
Citrus whiteflies, 135 Colorado potato beetles, 283.283 stopping animal pests, 408=3
C landoSan.420 BTSD for. 460 strategy planning for. 402
Cleanliness. See Sanitation bug juice for, 420 types of. 406-7
Clematis. 24 citrus oils for, 421 Convallaria. 25
Clematis borers. 24 eggplant and. S i t 34 Convallaria majalis. 25
INDEX ■ 509

Convergent lady beetles. 301. 301 C om rootworms Crocus

Cooperative Extension Service. 360. com and. 22 autumn (see Colchicum )
410.413.431.462.479 nematodes and. 452 showy (see Crocus speciosus)
Coordinated control. 262.263 Northern (see Northern com Crocus speciosus. 83
Copper, as pesticide. 421 rootworms) Crop rotation. 6 -7 .41L 413-19
Copper-based fungicides. 34ft. 369. Southern (see Southern com for disease control. 364. .165-66
471.472 rootworms) planning. 4 16.417,41&
C opper deficiency spotted. 285.285 rules for, 418=12
carrot and. 62 C om smut. 8 0 ,390,390 theory of. 4l5r.l6
pea and. 163 C om spurry. as attractant crop. Crop timing. 41 1.421-22
C opper strips. 441 |451 Crown gall. 350.399
C opper sulfate. 421 Cornus. 80-81 biological control of. 363
Coral bells. See Heuchera sanguined anthracnose symptoms on. blackberry and. 44
Coreopsis. 73-76 321 Euonymus and. 94,25
Coreopsis grandiflora. 25 culture. 80 Forsythia and. 99
Cork, internal, sweet potato and. 220, problems of. 8 0 - 8 1 fungal antagonist of. 462
221 Cornus florida. 3.80.81 humans as vcctors of. 362
Corn. 76-80 Cornus kousa. 80 raspberry' and. 139
compost o r manure for. 418 Cornus mas. 8Q Rosa a n d .207,399
corn smut symptoms on. 390 Corylus americana. See filbert Salix and. 209
crop rotation and. 6 Corylus avellana. See filbert Sorbus and. 211
culture. 26 Cosmos. 81.-.82 on trees, shrubs, and vines. 238
ear problems of. 7 7 .79-80 Cotoneaster. 82-8.1 Viburnum and. 242
field (dent). 26 Cotoneaster webworms. 82 Crown imperial. See Fritillaria
flint (Indian). 26 Cotton bollworms. viral pathogens for. imperialis
flour. 26 461 Crown rot
host resistance of. 414 C otton root rot asparagus and. 22
leaf and whole plant problems of. acidic soil and, 363 Campanula and. 58-39
76-79.77 pecan and. 122 Delphinium and. 89
ornam ental. 26 Cottonwood, lightning damage on. herbs and. L12
phosphorus deficiency damage 392 Hosta and. LL8rl9
on, 322 Cottony blight, lawns and. L36 Iris nod, 126-27
popcorn. 26 Cottony cushion scale. 321 kiwi a n d ,130
site selection and. 3 citrus and. 23 Paeonia and. 159
sweet. 26 Cottony maple scale, l i 321 rhubarb a n d ,203
Corn borers Crab apple. See Malus salt for. 483
European (see European corn Cranberry fruitworms. blueberry and. vegetables and. 246
borers) 45 walnut and. 251
Southwestern (see Southwestern Cranesbill. See Geranium Crumbly berry virus, raspberry and,
com borers) Crape myrtle. See Lagerstroemia 122
C om earworms. 284. 284 Crataegus. 83 Ciyptolaemus montrouzieri. See Mealy­
com and. 6 . 7 7 ,7 9 .414 Crickets, mole bug destroyers
mineral oil for. 422 lawns and, 135 Cucumber, 84-86
neem for. 422 nematodes and. 45Z bacterial wilt symptoms on. -1X4
nematodes and. 458 Crickets, protozoan pathogen for. crop rotation and. 418
pepper a n d .175. L26 462 culture, 84
pheromone traps for. 432 Crioceris asparagi. See Asparagus fruit problems of. 8.3-86
tomato-leaf spray for. 485 beetles leaf and vine problems of. 84-85
Cornflower. See Centaurea Crioceris duodecimpunctata. See oil sprays and. 422
Corn leaf blight, com and. 28 Asparagus beetles, spotted powdery mildew pathogen for.
C om root aphids, tillage and. 428 Crocus. 83=84 342
510 ■ INDEX

Cucum bcr (continued/ for growth <see Growth enhancers; nematodes and. 458
radishes and. 413 Growth regulators) Nicotiana and. 153
soap sprays and. 483.484 healthy soil. 410 onion and. 155
squash a n d .213 nutrients in organic fertilizers, pea and. 162
Cucum ber beetles. 285.285 111 pepper a n d .173-74
asparagus and. 23 resistance. 4l2r 15 (see also perennials and, 1 2 8
bait traps for. 435 Cultivars. resistant; Resistant sweet potato and. 222
bean and. 36 plants) tillage and. 428
com and. 28 sanitation <see Sanitation) toads and. 2=8
cucum bcr and. 84 soil cultivation. 3* 5 tom ato and. 228
melon and. 1 4 8 .143 soil tillage. 427-28 trunk bands for. 446
neem for. 422 timing and placement. 411.421-22 variegated. 286
pea and. Ili3 Cultural problems. 355-58 vegetables and. 246
Petunia and. 123 diagnosis of. 10 Viola and. 25Q
physical controls for. 423 Curculios Zinnia and. 253
radish and. 413 peas a n d .414 Cydia pomonella. See Codling moths
shaking and. 413 plum (see Plum curculios) Cynipidae. See Gall wasps
spotted rhubarb and. 203 Cytospora canker. 331.333
Alcea and. lft Rosa a n d ,204,206 apricot and. 22
bulbs and. 50 shell beans and. 414 cherry and. 68
corn and. 22 Curled rose sawflies. 205 peach an d . 167-68.362.321
squash and. 214. 215. 216 Curly top virus. 383 plum and, 182
sticky board traps for. 438. bean and. 35
433 beet and. 3 ^ 3 3
striped. 285-K6.285 spinach and. 212
cucum ber and. 364 tomato and, 3 ,381 D
sweet potato and. 222 Currant. 86 Daddy longlegs, 458-59
Cucum bcr mosaic virus. 343*352 European black. 86 Daffodil. See Narcissus
basil and. 32 lime-sulfur spray for, 422 Dahlia. 87-88
control of. 364 Pinus and. L83 Daisy
Cucumis melo. See Melon problems of. 86 as attractant crop. 419.450
Reticulatus group (see red. 86 Michaelmas (see Aster)
Cantaloupe) white. 86 Damage sy mptoms, from insects.
Cucumis sativus. See Cucumber Currant borers, 86. 452 2ft4-67
Cucurbita. See Squash Currant fruit flies, 232 Damping-off, 343.346,402-3,413
Cucurbita maxima. 213 currant and. 86 annuals and. 20
Cucurbita mixta. 213 goose be rry and. 107-8 bean and. 362
Cucurbita moschata. 213 Curran tworms, imported. See Imported Celosia and. 65
Cucurbita pepo. 213 currantworms com and. 362
Cucurbits Cutworm collars, 262.442 fungal antagonist of. 462
lilies and, 142 Cutworms, 2 ^ 7 ^ 2 8 6 herbs and. 116
melons and. 143 annuals and, 20 Impatiens and. 124
Culicinomyces. 461 army. 286. lettuce and. 132
Cultivars. resistant. 410.413.415 asparagus and. 23 Lobularia and. L45
Cultural controls. 259.40b. 410=28 black. 286 onion and. L55
com panion planting Com ­ corn and. 26=22 pea and. 162
panion planting) floating row covers for. 443 pepper and. 123
composting (see Composting) handpicking, 430 symptoms on seedlings. 402
crop rotation (see Crop rotation) herbs a n d .116 timed planting and. 422
for fruit. 1QJL3JLQ2 lettuce and. 132 tomato and. 228
INDEX ■ 511

vegetables and. 246 Digitalis. 91 cabbage and. S3.55

Zinnia and. 2S.1 Digitalis purpurea. 91 cauliflower and. 62
Damsel bugs. 287.282 Dill. 92 copper for. 421
as beneficials, 448. as attractant crop. 259.450 cucum ber and. 85
Daphne. Kg as trap crop, 440 grape and. 108,109.110.111.
Daucus carota var. sativus. See Disease 324,324
Carrot carriers of. control of. 366-67. lettuce and. 139
Dayliiy. Sec Hemerocallis 366 melon and. 149
DE. See Diatomaceous earth controls for. 368-69 (see also onion and. 156-57
Decline of trees, shrubs, and vines, Controls) pea and, 163
238=39 definition of, 340 pruning and. 432
Decollate snails. 458 development of. 342-43.342 radish and. L96
DED. See Dutch elm disease discouraging. 361=63 spinach and. 212
Deer, 408 effect on plants, 340.342 squash and. 2 1 4 .215
apple and. 26 environmental conditions and. turnip and. 243
Lilium and, 143 343 Veronica and. 248
Delia antiqua. See Onion maggots handling plants and. 3 Drosophila melanogaster. See Vinegar
Delia radicum (—Hylemya hrassicae). historical aspects of, 341 flies
See Cabbage maggots identification of, 357.339-60 Drought. 355
Delphinium. 88-89 infectious (see Infectious diseases) Dry rot. Gladiolus and. 106
D eodar weevils. Cedrus and. 63 nom enclature. 349 Dung beetles, as scavengers. 258
Deutzia. 89 noninfcctious. 355-58 Dust controls, 464.465,476. See also
Dextrin, as pesticide. 484 prevention and control of. Diatomaecous earth (DE)
Diahrotica longicomis. See Northern 358d69 Dusty miller. See Senecio
corn rootworms resistance (see Resistance) Dutch elm disease (DED), 2 , 243.244.
Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi. site selection and. 2=3 245.-3fe6..394=25,Jg4
See Cucum ber beetles: Southern stopping spread of, 363^62 Dwarf mistletoe. 354
com rc*otworms symptoms of
Diagnosis guide to, 37Q-4Q3
of disease. 337,339-60 primary- vs. secondary. 359
of plant problems, 9-10 signs vs.. 320 E
Diamondback moth caterpillars, cab­ Disease cycle. 343-44 Early blight. See Alternaria blight
bage and, 56 Diseased plants, destroying. 364.412 Earwigs
Diamondback moths. 287-88.287 Disorders, 353-38 barriers for. 442
BT and. 460 Dodder. 3M , 353,396-97.392 feeding habits of. 258
BTK for. 459 Dogwood. See Comus nematodes an d . 452
Dianthus, 89-90 cornelian cherry [see Comus mas) rove beetles distinguished from.
Dianthus barbatus, 90 flowering (see Cornus florida) 260
Dianthus deltoides. 9Q kousa (see C om us kousa) shaking and. 433
Diaphania nitidalis. See Pickleworms Dogwood anthracnose. 81.371 soap sprays for. 483
Diatomaceous earth (DE), 464*465, Dogwood borers. 3,80,81 strawberry and. 212
471-72 Dollar spot, lawns and. 1 3 3 ,I35r36 traps for. 436
Diatraea grandiosella. See Southwest­ Double blossom, blackberry and, 44 Earworms. See C om earworms
ern corn borers Downy leatherwinged soldier beetles. Eastern filbert blight. 98
Dicentnx. 90-91 323 Eastern tent caterpillars. 33ft
Dicentru eximia. 91 Downy mildew. 345.347.324 Echinacea. 92
Dicentra spectabilis, 9Q A ster and, 30 Echinacea pallida. 92
Dieback bean and, 3 4 ,3 5 .32 Echinacea purpurea. 92
Betula and. 43 beet an d .38 Edovum puttleri. See Colorado potato
Rhododendron and. 2 0 1 ,202 bordeaux mix and. 341 beetle parasites
512 ■ INDEX

Eggplant. 93-94 European elm bark beetles. 288 R atheaded borers

culture. 23 European pine sawflies. 319 painting trees and. 444
cutworm collars and. M2 European red mites. 457 pruning and. 432
disease susceptibility of. 430 peach and. 162 R ea beetles. 290, 290
pepper and. L23 alcohol sprays for. 465
potato and. IM ammonia sprays for. 466
problems of. 93-94 bean a n d .36
seed sterilization for. 423 F beet and.3b
soap sprays and. 4b4 Fabraea leaf spot, pear and. 120 com and. i . 2b
strawberry and. 2_LSi Eagus. 96-97 eggplant a n d ,93
tom ato and. 22b Fairy ring, lawns and. L36 floating row covers for. M3
Elm. See Ulmus Fall armyworms. 22ft lettuce and. 139-40
American (see Ulmus americana) com and. 29 neem for. 422
lacebark (see Ulmusparvifolia) Pall webworms, 334.334 pepper and.L23
Elm bark beetles. 244-43.244. 288. False hellebore, as pesticide. 422 Petunia and. 129
2XX. 366 False spirea. See Astilbe potato and. i 190
Elm leaf beetles. Fences and barriers, for animals. 408. radish and. 440
Elm leafminers. 245,319 409 repellent crops for. 419
Elm phloem necrosis. 3bl Fennel, as attractant crop. 239.450 spinach and. 212
Elm yellows. 3bl Fenusa. See Sawflies. leafminer steelbluc. 290
Encarsia formosa. See Whitefly Ferns, soap sprays and. 4b3 sticky board traps for. 439
parasites, buying and releasing Fertility, of soil. 363 striped
Entomophthora. 461 Fertilization. 6 cabbage a n d .53^ 55
Environmental conditions, disease and, Fertilizers sweet potato and. 222
343 for houseplants, 1112 sweet potato and. 2 2 1 - 2 2
Environmental problems, 333-37 organic, nutrients in. 4/1 tillage and. 42b
control of. .156-37.358 Feverfew, as pesticide, 424 tom ato and. 231
nature of. 355 Ficus carica. See Fig Tropaeolum and. 240.440
prevention of. 356 Fig, 97-98 vegetables and. 242
symptoms of. .13.5-36 fruit problems of. 92 Fleas. 473,4b3
Epilachna varivestis. See Mexican leaf and branch problems of. 92 Ries
bean beetles whole plant problems of. 97-98 blackflies. 460.473
Epimedium, 94 Filbert, 9b carrot and (see Carrot rust
Equisetum arvense. See Horsetail spray Filbert blight. Eastern. 9b flics!
Eriophyidae. See Mites, gall: Mites, Rlbertworms. 98 cattle, methoprene for. 423
rust Fir. See Abies cherry and (see Cherry fruit
Euonymus. 94.95 Fire ants. 471. *123 flies)
Euphorbia. 94-93 Fire blight. 395 citrus oils for. 421
Euphorbia epiihvmoides. *25 apple and. 25,325 currant fruit (see Currant fruit
Euphorbia griffithii. 95 bordeaux mix for. 462 flies)
Euphorbia mvrsinites. 94 Cotoneaster an d . b2 false hellebore for. 422
European apple sawflies. sticky board humans as vectors of, 362 flower (see Rower flies)
traps for. 43*£ pear and. 1 6 9 ,170.364.363 fruit (see Fruit flies)
European chafers, lawns and. 135 pruning a n d .432 houseflies. 238. 261
European corn borers. 289.289 Pyracantha and. 192 hover (see Hover flies)
corn and. 6 .7 7 .2 9 Sorbus a n d .210 Narcissus and. 49* 153
Dahlia and. &2 Spiraea and. 213 onion and. 136.43b (see also
false hellebore for. 422 Fi re thorn. See Pyracantha Onion maggots)
pepper a n d .173.126 R atheaded appletree borers. 289-90. quassia for. 4bl
ryania for, 4b2 289 syrphid, 450
tillage and.42b Rosa a n d .206 tachinid (see Tachinid flics)
INDEX ■ 513

vinegar, 333.331. pollination requirements of, 101 Thuja and, 226

walnut and. 222 preventive care for. 103 Tsuga and. 24.1
Floating row covers. 442-43 problems of. 342 Fungal canker
Rossflower. See Ageratum pruning and training. 101-3. 102 parsnip and. 161
Flour, as pesticide. 484 selection of. LQQrlOl Pinus and, I&5
R ow er blight. Camellia and. 5 8 ,386. site selection for. 100-103 Rosa a n d .206
386 thinning. 103 Fungal disease, sweet potato and. 222
Rower flics. 296. 2% Fruit borers. 291.291 Fungal leaf spot. 342
as beneficials. M l Fruit flies corn and. 28
R ow er gall, 306 Drosophila melanogaster, 333. Phlox and. L8Q
Rowe ring quince. See Chaenomeles 333 thyme and. 226
Rowering tobacco. See Nicotiana M editerranean. 222 on trees, shrubs, and vines. 232
R ow er petal blight. Rhododendron Rhagoletes spp. and Ceratitis Veronica and. 248
and. 201.202 capitata. 292.222 Yucca and. 252
Rowers, discolored. 385-86 Fruit rot Fungal rot
Rower thrips blackberry a n d .M Aquilegia and. 22
Hemerocallis and. 115-16 eggplant and. 93 broccoli and. 42
Paeonia and. 159 raspberry and. 192 Dianthus an d . 90
W estern. 331 Fruit scab, avocado and, 3J Hyacinthus and. 121
R y speck, apple and. 25 Fruit, disease symptoms on Lilium and. 142
Foliar nematodes. 326 off-color patches, 387-88 Lobelia and, 1M
Chry santhemum and. 70-71, powdery white coating. 388=8.9 potato and. 188,191-92
376 rotted or deformed fruit. 389-91 vegetables and. 246
Foot rot, rhubarb and, 203 spots, 386-8? Fungal wilt. 346
Forsythia. 98-99 Fruittrce leafrollers. 293.223 Ageratum and. Li
Four-lined plant bugs, 329 Fruit trees Helianthus and. 1L4
annuals and. LSI oil sprays for, 428 Lobularia and. H5.
Coreopsis and. 26 painting. 4M Fungi. 346=4£L See also specific
daisy and, ft pruning. 432 types
Geranium and. 104. sulfur and. 4&5 bcncficial, 368.461
Lonicera and, 145 Fruitworms compost tea and. 422
perennials and. L28 blueberry and. 45 control of. 342=48
Foxglove. See Digitalis gooseberry and. 102 horsetail spray for, 425
common (see Digitalis purpurea) raspberry and (see Raspberry nature of. 346
Foxglove aphids, 91 fruitworm beetles; Raspberry as pathogens. 340. 343. 344.345
Fragaria x ananassa. See Strawberry fruitworms) prevention of disease from. 342
Fraxinus. 92 tom ato and t see Tomato signs of. 320
Fraxinus americana, 92 fruitworms) spread of. 342
Fritillaria. 99rl00 Fuller rose beetles symptoms of. 346=42
Fritillaria imperialis. 29 bulbs and. 50 wet soil and, 362
Fritillaria meleagris. 99-100 Camellia and. 5& Fungicides. 347-48.369.472-73
Froghoppers. 325. 325 perennials and. L26 Fungus-feeding insects. 258
Frost damage Fungal blight, 346 Fungus gnat larvae, as fungus-feeders,
fruit symptoms. 390-91 celery and. 64 m
on honey locust. 32J dill and. 22 Fungus gnats
stem symptoms. 321 fig and. 92 aphid midges distinguished from,
strawberry and. 217.390 herbs and, L12 260
Frost pockets, fruit and. 100 Juniperus and. L22 BTI for. 460
Fruit, 1QQ-1Q3 Picea and, L82 methoprene for. 423
bagging, M l Salix and. 202 sprouted wheat and. 440
planting. 101 Syringa and, 223 sticky board traps for. 43&
514 ■ INDEX

Fusarium. 344.345.483 G arden mum. See Chrysanthemun, European (wine), 10H, 110.112
Fusarium basal rot. Narcissus and, 153 G arden webworms. 334.334 fruit problems of. 108.109.
Fusarium blight, lawns and. 136 beet a n d .38 LLQill
Fusarium bulb rot. onion and. LS6 pruning and. 431.432 fungicides and. 369
Fusarium wilt, 384 G arlic. 104 holly (see M ahonia)
asparagus and. 29 crop rotation and. 4JL8 leaf and branch problems of. 109.
v4.j/i/<>eand,31 problems of, L04 iii-i?

Callistephus and. 52 Garlic oil. as pcsticidc. 423 muscadine. 108. 111. 112
eggplant and. 93 Gayfeather. See Liatris powdery mildew symptoms on.
herbs and. L16 G enetic engineering. 363 388
melon and. L5Q Geocoris. See Bigeyed bugs pruning, 103
pea and. 162-63 Geolaelaps. See Soil mites, buying sulfur and. 485
pepper and. 124 and releasing training. LQ3
sanitation and. 422 G eom etridae. See Cankerworms whole plant problems of, 109.
spinach and. 212 Geranium. 104 112
sweet potato and. 220 Geranium, garden or zonal. See G rape berry moths
tomato an d . 229.230.384. 430 Pelargonium grape and. 109.110
vegetables and. 246 Geranium aphids. 104 pheromones for. 480
Fusarium yellows Girdlcrs G rape cane gallmakers. 109, L12
cabbage and. 53* 54 grape and. LL2 G rape cane girdlers. 1L2
celery and, 64 Rosa a n d .206 G rape mealybugs. 110
Gladiolus and. 106 Gladiolus. 105-6 G rape phylloxeras. 109. LLL 112
Fusicoccum cankcr. blueberry and. 46 Gladiolus x hortulanus. 105 G rape scale. 112
Gleditsia. 102 Grapevine tom ato gall. 111
frost damage on. 391 G rape whiteflies. Llil
problems of, 102 Grapholitha molesta. See Oriental fruit
G Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis. 102 moths
G all. 293*345,350 Gliocladium virens. 462 Grasshoppers, 291,294
crown (see Crown gall) G nats, fungus. See Fungus gnats false hellebore for. 422
flower. 306 G oldenrod. as attractant crop. 451 lawns and, 135
grapevine tom ato, i l l Gooseberry. 102=8 protozoan pathogen for. 462
Hamarneh's and. L13 fruit problems of. 107-8 Gray mold
leaf. 383 leaf problems of. L08 Begonia and. 40
Liriodendron and. 144 lime-sulfur spray for. 422 herbs and. LLZ
maple velvet. 306 Pinus and. L&3 lettuce and. 139
Quercus and. 193. 154 G ooseberry fruitworms. 102 okra and. 154
Rhododendron a n d , 383 G ooseberry mildew. American. 107. strawberry and. 217.218
Gallmakcrs. grape cane. 109. LL2 108 vegetables and. 246-47
Gall midges. Cornus and. 81 G ophers. Crocus and. 83 Graywall. tomato and. 212
Gall mites. 306. 306 Graft incompatibility, of trees, shrubs. Greasy spot, citrus and. 22
ash flower. 99 and vines. 239-40 G reen bean, as trap crop. 440
Gall rusts. Pinus and. US5 Grains, legumes and. 41jB Green lacewings
Galltrol-A. 369.462 Granulosis viruses (GV),46J for annuals. L8
Gall wasps. 293. 293 for codling moth control. 262. food for. 447.450
Garden 261 G reen peach aphids. 2 6 9 ,119
companion planting in. 419 G rape. 108-12 G reen stink bugs
management of. 364=62 American. LOtL 111.112 bean and. 32
G arden centipedes. 280 black rot symptoms on. 389 G round beetles. 294-95.294
Gardenia culture. 108 attracting, 451
iron deficiency damage on. 326 downy mildew symptoms on. 374 as beneficials. 25H.JJ&
soap sprays and. 483 European-American hybrids. 108 refuges of, 259
INDEX ■ 515

Groundhogs Hawthorn. See Crataegus High tem peratures, 356

lettuce and. 140 Hazel, witch. See Hamamelis Hippodamia convergens. See Lady
Lilium and, 143 Heading cut, 103 beetles, convergent
Growing conditions, optimizing, 361-62 Healthy plants Holly. See Ilex
Growth, stunted. 403 buying. 4*4 Holly grape. See Mahonia
Growth enhancers, 412 care a n d ,3 Hollyhock. See Alcea
Growth regulators. 412.473,424 feeding. 6 Homemade sprays. 463.425
Grubs plan for, 2=6 Honeybees, 296, 2 9 6
beetle, moles and. 409 selection of. 5=6 as beneficials, L 258
pecan weevil, 121 soil for, i 5 organically acceptable sprays and,
sod crops and. 418 unhealthy plants vs., 4 463*464
tillage and. 428 Healthy soil.41£ Honey locust. See Gleditsia
use of term, 252 H eat, for disease control. 362 Honeysuckle. See Lonicera
white (see W hite grubs) Hedera. 114 Honeysuckle sawflies. Lonicera and.
G um , sweet (see Liquidambar) as attractant crop. 451 145
Gummy stem blight, melon and. 148, dodder o n .392 Hornbeam. See Carpinus
1 5 ft problems of. 114 H omtails. raspberry, 129=200
GV. See Granulosis viruses salt injury damage on. 383 Homworms. 222
Gypsophila. 112-13 Heirloom cultivars. 415 eggplant and, 93
Gypsophila paniculata. L12 Helianthus. 114 pepper and. 125
Gypsophila repens. 112-13 Helichrysum. 115 tobacco (see Tobacco homworms)
Gypsy moths. 29.S. 225 Helicoverpa ( —Heliothis) zea. See tomato and (see Tomato
Betula and. 43 C om earworms homworms)
BTK for. 452 Heliothis ( —Helicoverpa) zea. See Horse chestnut. See Aesculus
chc.stnutand.69 C om earworms Horsetail spray. 475-76
Fagusand. % Helix aspersa. See Snails, brown garden Horticultural oils. 359.463.464.428=22
Gleditsia and. 102 Hellebore, false, as pesticide. 422 Hosta. 118=12
manual control of. 430 Helleborus. 115 Host resistance, 41.4=15
neem for. 422 Helleborus niger, 115 Hot dusts. 426
Picea and. 182 Helleborus Orientalis. 115 House centipedes. 28Q
Quercus and. 193.194 Hemerocallis. 115-16 Houseflies, tachinid flies distinguished
on trees, shrubs, and vines. Hemispherical scale. 321 from. 261
m Hemlock. See Tsuga Housefly larvae, as scavengers. 258
trunk bands for. 446 Hemlock loopers Houseplants, 119-20
Tsuga and. 241 A bies and. 12 culture. 112=20
viral pathogens for. 461 Thuja and. 226 problems of, 120
Tsuga and. 241 Hover flies, 2% . 296
Hemlock woolly adelgids. 240-41 as aphid predators. 62
Herbal sprays. 463.473-75 baldfaced hornets distinguished
H Herbs. 11&-JL2 from. 261
H a m a m elis. 113 beneficials attracted by. 450 as beneficials, 44.(J
Handling plants, 3 leaf problems of, 116-17 Humidity
Handpicking, 430=11 whole plant problems of, 116 high, disease and. 362
Hardiness zones, map of. 4X6 Heterorhabditis heliothidis. 452 for houseplants. 113
Harebell. See Campanula Heuchera. 117-18 Hyacinthus. 121
Carpathian (see Campanula Heuchera americana. 112 Hydrangea. 121-22
carpatica) Heuchera micrantha. 117 Hydrangea Icaftiers, 121
Harlequin bugs. 322 Heuchera sanguinea. 112 Hylemya brassie ae ( —Delia radie u ml.
cabbage and. 55 Hibiscus. LIS See Cabbage maggots
mustard and. 440 Hickory shuckworms, pecan and. Hylurgopinus rufipes. See Elm bark
H arvestmen. 458-59 121 beetles
516 ■ INDEX

Hyphaturia cunea. See Webworms. Insects BT and. 459

fall anatomy of. 256.256 Buddleia an d . 48
Hvpoaspis. See Soil mites, buying and beneficial (see Beneficial animals bulbs and. 50
releasing and insects) Canna and. 59
Hyssop controls for, 259- 262 (see also chestnut and. 69
as attractant crop. 450 Controls) com and. 77.29
as pesticide. 42=1 com posting. 425=22 Digitalis and. 9]
coordinated. 262.263 Echinacea and. 92
soil tillage. 428 grape and, 1 0 9 .112
strategy planning. 263 Hamamelis and, LL3
I damage symptoms from. 264-6? Hibiscus and. IL8
Iberis. 122 feeding habits of. 157-58 kiwi a n d .130
Iberis saxalilis. L22 identification guide. 268--3J.7 lawns and. 135
Iberis sempervirens. 122 life cycles of. 252 milky disease spores for. 46tl
Ichneumon wasps. 297.232 male, sterilization of. 415 nematodes an d . 452
as b e n e fic ia ls.^ ^ viruses carried by, 352 Parthenocissus and. 16J
Hex. 123 Internal cork, sweet potato and. 220. perennials and. 176-77
Immune plants. 414 221 Petunia and. 129
Impatiens. 124 Ipomoea. 124 raspberry and. 138r39
Impatiens balsamina. 124. Ipomoea batatas. See Sweet potato rhubarb a n d .203
Impatiens wallerana. L24 Iris. 124=22 Rosa and. 2M
Im ported cabbageworms, 297-98. bearded. 125-26 Salix and. 208
2 9 ft Japanese (see Iris ensata) shaking and. 433
BTK for. 453 problems of. 125, 126-27 Sorbus and, 2JI1
cabbage a n d .53* 56 reticulated (see Iris reticulata) sweet potato and. 222
Calendula and. 56 Siberian [see Iris sibirica) Tagetes and. 22A
garlic oil for, 423 Iris borers. 125* 126-27.298. 228 Tilia and. 222
sticky board traps for, 43& Iris ensata. 125.126 traps for. 436
Im ported currantworms Iris kaempferi. 125 on trees, shrubs, and vines. 236
currant and. 86 Iris reticulata. 125. 126 Ulmus and. 245
false hellebore for. 422 Iris sibirica. 125.126 Viburnum and. 249
gooseberry and. LOS. Iron deficiency, 376-77 Japanese weevils
Infectious diseases. See also blueberry and. 46 Berberis and. 41
Pathogens citrus and. 23 Ilex and. 123
bacteria (see Bacterial Gardenia and. 326 Ligustrum and, 14J
development of. 342-43.342 Rhododendron and. 368.376 Juglans. See Walnut
disease cycle. 343=44. tomato and. 228 Juglans hindsii. 251
fungi (see Fungi) Isopropyl alcohol sprays. 465-66 Juglans nigra. See W alnut, black
mycoplasma-like organisms. 35J Ivermectins. 466.424 Juglans regia. See W alnut, English
mycoplasmas. 351 Ivy. See Hedera June beetles. 299.299
nematodes (see Nematodes) sweet potato and. 222
parasitic plants. !S4r55 Juniper blight. 129. M L 395
plant defenses. 344=45 Juniper mealybugs, L23
significant symptoms. 345 J Juniper midges. 123
viruses tw * Viruses) Japanese beetles. 298-99.298 Juniperus. 127-29
Inoculation. 343.344 Aesculus and. L4 cedar-apple rust symptoms on.
Insecticidal soaps. See Soap sprays Alcea and. 16 398
Insecticides. See also Botanical pesti­ A fter and. 3Q problems of. 128-29.128
cides; Organic sprays and dusts Astilbe and. 31 Juniperus chinensis var. sargentii. 129
beneficials and. 451-52 Betula and. 43 Juniperus virginiana. 25* S3-128
Insect impostors. 260-61 blueberry and. 46=42 Juniper webworms. 128. L29
INDEX ■ 517

K Lamb's-quarters. as attractant crop. Leafhoppers. 302. 302

Kale. 122 451 annuals and. 12
problems of. L22 Lantana. L3J bean and. 33.35
seed sterilization for. 423 Larch. See Larix beet a n d .38. 302
Kalmia. 122-30 European {see Larix decidua( carrot and.6Q
Kelp sprays. 412 Japanese (see Larix kaempferi) Chrysanthemum and. 21
Kiwi. OQ Larch branch canker. 132 Coreopsis and. 26
Kohlrabi. L3Q Larch casebearers, L32 Dahlia and. 82=88
problems of. L3Q. Larch sawrflies Dianthus and, 2Q
seed sterilization for. 422 Larix and. 132 diatomaceous earth for. 421
shrews and. 453 dill and, 92
Larix. 132 floating row covers for. 443
Larix decidua. L32 garlic oil for. 423
Ixirix kaempferi. 132 grape and. 111-12
Larkspur. See Delphinium Gypsophila and. LL3
Lace bugs. 300.300 Larvae, as insect life cycle stage. 252 lettuce and. 138
A ste r vad. 3Q Late blight. 324z25 mulches for, 444
Cotoneaster and. 82 potato and. 189* 19& 191.341. pea and. 162
eggplant and. 23 360. 374 Petunia and. 129
Lantana and. L31 tom ato and. 23L 232 potato and. 188.302
perennials and. 128 Lathyrus. 132 pyrethrin for. 480
Platanus and. L86 Lactuca saliva. See Lettuce redbanded.302
Pvrucantha and. 192-93 Lawn aeration sandals, 431 rhubarb and. 203
Quercus and. 194-95 Lawn grasses. 2 Rosa and. 206-7
Rhododendron and. 2-3.200. 2H1 Lawnmower damage. 392. 322 tom ato and. 3
Salix and. 209 Lawns. 132-3? Tulipa and. 242
Lacewings. 300.300 culture. 133-34 Ulmus and. 245
as aphid predators. 67,122 mowing. 431 water sprays for. 433
as beneficials. 7.449 problems of. 133,134-37 Leafminers. 303.303
for annuals. 18. Leaf beetles Aquilegia and. 22
buying and releasing. 454 bean and <see Bean leaf beetles! avermectins for. 4hb
citrus and. 23 Rosa and. 206 bean and. 36
Gladiolus and. 106 trunk bands for. 446 beet a n d .38
for lawns, L34 Ulmus and [see Elm leaf beetles) Betula and (see Birch
green (see G reen lacewings! Leaf blight leafminers)
Lady beetle larvae, as fungus-feeders. com and. 28 Buxus and, 51
258 dill and. 92 Carpinus and. 60
Lady beetles. 301.301 fig and. 22 Chrysanthemum and, 21
as aphid predators. 67,122 herbs and. L12 C om us and. 81
as beneficials. 7 , 258.440. 453 lawns and. 136 Delphinium and. 88
buying and releasing. 454. onion and. L56 Ilex and, 123
Gladiolus and. LQ6 parsley and. IfiQ lettuce and. 132
for lawns. 134 strawberry and. 217.212 Ligustrum and. 140-41
convergent. 301.301 Leaf blister. 345.325 mulches for. 444
Mexican bean beetles distin­ Quercus and, 193-94. 194,375 neem for. 422
guished from. 260 Leaf blotch. Aesculus and. 14 pea and. 163
pyrethrin and. 480 Leaf curl. 345.352 pepper and. 124
twice-stabbed. 301 peach and (see Peach leaf curl) Philadelphus and. 122
Ladybugs. S ee Lady beetles Leafcutter bees. Rosa and. 206 Pinus and. 185
Ixigenidium. 461 Leaf gall. 383 pruning and. 431.432
Lagerstroemia. L31 Rhododendron and. 383 Quercus and. 125
518 ■ INDEX

Leafminers tcontinued) Magnolia and. 142 Liatris. 140

Rhododendron a n d .202 mint and. 151 Light
spinach and. 212 Parthenocissus and. lid excessive. 356
Syringa and. 222 pear a n d .120 lack of. 356
Thuja and. 226 Pelargonium and, 123 Lighting, for houseplants. 113
Tilia and. 227 Platanus and. L86 Lightning damage. 392. 392
on trees, shrubs, and vines. 232 Quercus and, 135 Light traps, 432
Tropaeolum and. 240 raspberry and. 138 Ligustrum. 140=11
Ulmus and. 245,319 Rhododendron and, 201,202 Ligyrus ( —Bothynusf gibbosus. See
vegetables and. 242 rhubarb a n d .203 Carrot beetles
Verbena and. 248 Septoria (see Septoria leaf spot) Lilac. See Syringa
Leafminer sawflies. 319.319 soap sprays for. 483 Lilium. 141-43
Leaf nematodes. Begonia and. 40 strawberry and. 217. 218,213 Lily. See Lilium
Leafroller caterpillars, omnivorous. Syringa and. 223 checkered (see fritillaria
avocado and. .11-.12 Thuja and. 226 meleagris)
Leafrollers on trees, shrubs, and vines. 232 Lily-of-the-valley. See Convallaria
annuals and .20 Ulmus and. 245 fragrant (see Convallaria majalis
Canna and. 59 Veronica and. 248 Lima beans, downy mildew and. 34.
fruittrec. 293.293 Viburnum and. 249 3132
Lonicera and. 145 Viola and. 250 Lime, as pesticide, 426
obliquebanded. 311.311 Leaftiers Lime-sulfur, as fungicide, 348.363
pherom one traps for. 435 Hydrangea and. 121 Lime-sulfur sprays. 476-77
Quercus and. 195 pyrethrin for, 480 Limonius. See Wireworms
Spiraea and. 2L1 Leather mold, strawberry and. 212 Linden. See Tilia
strawberry and. 218, 212 Leaves, symptoms on Lindorus lophanthae. buying and
Leafroll virus, potato and. L83 curling or distortion. 382-83 releasing. 45h
Leaf scorch. 322 spots, 32Jb26 Liquidambar. 143
A cer and. 13 white, gray, or black patches. Liriodendron. 143-44
Aesculus and. 14 381-82 Listronotus oregonensis. See Carrot
apple and, 377 yellow or discolored leaves. 376-81 weevils
strawberry and. 217.213 Legumes, grains an d . 418 Lizards. 453
Leaf spot. 350 Lemon, oil sprays and. 423 Lobelia. 144
A cer and. L3 Lemon balm, as attractant crop. 450 Lobelia cardinalis. 144
angular (see Angular leaf spot) Leptinotarsa decemlineata. See Colo­ Lobularia. 144-45
annuals and. 13 rado potato beetles Locust, honey. See Gleditsia
bacterial (see Bacterial leaf spot) Lesion nematodes, 309 Longtailed mealybugs. 304
Begonia and. 40 Lesser bulb flies, onion and. 156 Lonicera. 145
Betula and. 43 Lettuce. L32=4Q Loopers
blackberry and. 44 compost or manure for, 418 cabbage (see Cabbage loopers)
cherry and (see Cherry leaf spot) crop rotation and. 418 Fagusa n d .%
Delphinium and. 89 culture, 132 hemlock (see Hemlock loopers)
F ab raea.120 problems of, 137-40.418 neem for. 422
Fagus and. 92 romaine. PAN damage on. 378 soybean and. 461
Fraxinus and. 99 shade cloth for. 445 Lovage
fungal (see Fungal leaf spot) soap sprays and. 484 as attractant crop. 450
Ilex and, 123 tillage for. 428 as trap crop. 440
Iris and, 1 2 5 .126 Lettuce drop. 139 Lupinus. 145-46
lawns and. 136 Lettuce root aphids. Euphorbia and. Lures, baits, and traps. 434=40
lettuce and. 139 95 Lycopersicon esculentum. See
lime-sulfur for. 426 Lcucostoma canker. See Cytospora Tomato
Lobelia and. 144 canker Lygus bugs, perennials and. 128
INDEX ■ 519

Lygus lineolaris. See Tarnished plant Maple scales leaf and vine problems of. 148,
bugs A cer and. 11 149:50
Lymantria dispar. See Gypsy moths Carpinus and, 60 squash and. 212
Lysiphlebus testaceipes, 454 Maple velvet gall. 306 watermelon. 251
Margined blister beetles. 274 Melon aphids, 149.269
Marigold. See Tagetes Mentha. See Mint
pot (see Calendula) Mertensia. L51
M Masked chafers, nematodes and. Mertensia virginica. 151
M acrocenirusancylivorus. peach and. 452 Metamorphosis, of insects. 252
LftS May beetles. 299,299* See also June Metaseiulus occidentalis. 452
Macrodactylus subspinosus. See Rose beetles buying and releasing, 455. 452
chafers Meadow rue. See Thalictrum peach and, 162
M acronoctua onusta. See Iris borers columbine (see Thalictrum strawberry and, 2 1 9
Maggots aquilegi/olium) M ethoprene, 473
apple (see Apple maggots) Meadow spittlebugs. 325 Mexican bean beetles. 305,305
blueberry and. 45 Mealybug destroyer larvae, mealybugs bean and. 34.36
cabbage (see Cabbage maggots) distinguished from, 261 bug juice for, 420
cherry and, 66,62 Mealybug destroyers. 303-4.303 floating row covers for, 443
pepper and. 123 buying and releasing. 455. green bean and. 440
root grape and, 110 lady beetles distinguished from.
radish and, 440 Mealybugs. 304.304 260
tillage and. 428 annuals and, 20 neem for. 422
seedcom (w e Seedcom maggots) Begonia and.4Q pyrethrin for. 480
use of term , 252 bulbs and, 31 Mice
walnut and. 250 citm san d .7 3 .3 0 4 apple a n d .26
Magnesium deficiency Coleus and. 74 Crocus and. 83
carrot and. 62 grape and. 110 Michaelmas daisy. See Aster
celery and, 64 handpicking, 430 Microbial antagonists, 462
tom ato and. 23Q houseplants and. 12Q Microorganisms
Magnolia. 146?4I Juniperus and. L29 beneficial. 368-69.439^62
Mahonia. 142 Lantana and. I l l infectious. 342 (see also Bacteria;
Mail-order nurseries. 423 longtailed. 304 Fungi; Viruses)
Maize dwarf mosaic, com and. 78,80 Magnolia and. 142 Midges
Malacosoma. See Tent caterpillars mealybug destroyer larvae distin­ aphid (see Aphid midges)
Malus. 147. See also Apple guished from, 261 Cornus and. 81
Manduca quinquemaculata. See neem for. 422 Juniperus and. L29
Tomato homworms perennials and. L22 methoprene for. 423
Manduca sexta. See Tobacco soap sprays for. 483 Rosa an d . 2 0 4 .206
homworms superior oils for, 480 Mildew. 345.142
Manganese deficiency, pea and. L64 Taxus and. 724-76 American gooseberry. 107.
Mantis religiosa. See Praying mantids on trees, shrubs, and vines. 212 108
Manual controls. 429.430-34 M editerranean fruit flics. 292 downy (see Downy mildew)
handpicking. 4-30:21 M elanose. citrus and. 22. 23 lime-sulfur for. 476.422
lawn aeration sandals. 431 Melia azadarach. 423 powdery (see Powdery mildew)
mowing. I l l Melittia cucurbitae. See Squash vine Milkweed, as vims host, 332
pruning (5«»<» Pruning) borers Milky disease spores, 46QrfaJ
shaking. 433 Mcloidac. See Blister beetles Japanese beetles and. 459
vacuuming. 413 Melon. 1.4&--51 Milky spore disease. See Milky dis­
water sprays. 433-34 culture, 148t4 9 ease spores
Maple. See A cer fruit problems of. 1 4 8 ,150-31 Millipedes, 2«0^L.28Q
Japanese (see A cerpalm atum ) fungicides and. 369 Mimosa. See Albizia
520 ■ IN D E X

Mimosa webworms. Li spider. See Spider mites grape and (see Grape berry moths)
Mineral oil. as pesticide. 422 squash and. 215 gypsy (see Gypsy moths)
Miners. See also Leafminers sulfur for. 485 Ilex and. 122
asparagus and. 22 superior oils for. 480 oriental fruit (m? Oriental fruit
Mint. L5J tomato and, 230.302 moths)
as attractant crop. 259.419.430 vegetables and. 242 Pinus and. 183, JL&4
problems of. Lil Mock orange. See Philadelphus strawberry and. 219-20
Minute pirate bugs. 30ft. 306 Mold tussock Isee Tussock moths)
as beneficials. 4AH bean and. 35.32 Mountain ash. See Sorbus
buying and releasing. 45i gray (see Gray mold) Mountain laurel. See Kalmia
for lawns. L34 sooty (see Sooty mold I Mowing. 421
Mistletoe. 354. 353. .197.397 strawberry and. 212 Mulches. 429
dwarf. 354.397 Mole crickets as barriers. 443-44
leafy. 397 lawns and. 135 cultural problems a n d .358
Quercus and. 397 nematodes and. 452 reflective. 367.444.
true, ISA Moles. 409 winter, removing. 423
Mistletoe berries. 392 Molts. 252 Mummy berry, blueberry and. 45=46
Mites Molybdenum deficiency Muskmelon. 59
A c e r and. LI cauliflower and. 62-63 Mustard
Arabis a n d .28 pea and. 163 as attractant crop. 259.4M
bean and. 36 Monarda. 131-32 as trap crop. 440
blackberry and. 44 M onocultures, avoidance of. 2 Mycoplasma-like organisms. 351
bulb (see Bulb mites) Morning glory. See Ipomoea Mycoplasmas. 351
citrus and. 22.307 Mosaic virus. 351-52 Myrtle. See Vinca
citrus oils for. 470.421 bean and (see Bean mosaic) Myrtle euphorbia. See Euphorbia
eggplant a n d .93 cucum bcr a n d .84=85 (see also myrsinites
European red. IM. 457 Cucumber mosaic virus)
filbert and. 98 growth stunted by. 403
Fraxinus and. 99 Iris and. L22 N
as fungus-fccdcrs. 258 leaf sy mptoms. 322 Nabidae. See Damsel bugs
gall. 306.306 lettuce and. 138 Names of plants. 416.482t.88
ash flower. 99 melon and. L49 Narcissus. 152-53
Juniperus and. 122 pea and. 163 bulbs. 49
lawns and. 0 4 raspberry and. 200 problems of. 152-53
lime-sulfur for. 426 spinach and. 212 Narcissus bulb flies. 49, LS3
melon and. L49 squash and. 2 1 4 .215 Nasturtium. See Tropaeolum
mint and. 15J tobacco Isee Tobacco mosaic Natural pest control. See Controls
neem for. 477 virus) Natural predators. 2z&
oregano and. L58 Mosquitoes Natural resistance. 2^3
pea and. 163 BTI for.460.424. Navel oranges, oil sprays and. 429
peach and. 162 false hellebore for. 422 Navel orangeworms, 308-9. 308
pear leaf blister (see Pear leaf fungal pathogens for. 461 citrus and. 22
blister mites) garlic oil for. 423 nematodes and. 452
pepper and. 124 m ethoprene for. 423 Neck rot. onion and. 152
predatory. 307.307.453.452 Moss pink. See Phlox subulaia Needlccasts. 325
buying and releasing. Moss rose. See Portulaca Pinus and, 184-83.375
452 Moths Needlcminers, spruce. L82
raspberry and. 198 Aesculus and. LI Neem. 477-78
rust, m 307 codling (see Codling moths) Nematodes. 309-10.309.353-54
w a p sprays for. 483. 4&4 diamondback (see Diamondback bean a n d ,33
soil, buying and releasing. JSh moths) Begonia and. 40
INDEX ■ 521

bcneficial. 457-58 tomato and. 22Q onion and. 156

Berberis and. 41 vegetables and. 246 timed planting and. 422
bulb (see Bulb nematodes) Nitrogen excess. 262 Onion smudge. L52
B u xu sa n d ,52 Paeonia and. 152 Onion thrips. Allium and. 16
chitin for. 420 pepper and. 125 Orange rust
control of. 254 tomato and, 231-32 blackberry and. 44
corn and. 28 Nitrogen-fixing nodules. 400.400 raspberry and. 128
fig and. 92=98 Noctuidae. See Armyworms: Cuworm s Oranges, navel, oil sprays and. 429
foliar (see Foliar nematodes) Nomenclature for plants. 416.487-88 Orangeworms. navel. See Navel
garlic oil for. 423 Norbac 84-C, 462 orangeworms
Hyacinthus and. L2J Northern com leaf blight. 28 Oregano. L5&
lesion. 309 Northern com rootworms. 2L 2JLQ Organic fertilizers, nutrients in. 411
lettuce and. L28 Nosema locustae. 135.462 Organic sprays and dusts, 256* 262.
Narcissus and, 153 Nuclear polyhedrons viruses. 461 4QL.4fcH>4
nature of. 252 Nutrient deficicncy. 355.263 application methods. 465
pepper and.L24 control of. 356-57 beneficial insects and. 258
Phlox an d . L8Q Nutrient excess. 355-56.262 careful handing of. 463-64
plant disease and. 242*244 Nutrients for disease. 369
prevention of. 254 from growth enhancers. 412 for pests of humans and pets. 424
root knot (.we Root knot from organic fertilizers. 411 products. 464-85
nematodes) Nymph, as insect life cycle stage. 252 synergists and inert ingredients
Spiraea and, 213 of. 469
spread of, 254 Organisms. See also Microorganisms
stem isee Stem nematodes) 0 antagonistic, 462
sweet potato and. 220.221 Oak. See Quercus Orgyia. See Tussock moths
symptoms of. 353-54 Oak lace bugs, 194-95 Oriental beetles, lawns and. 125
timed planting and. 421 Oak wilt. 124,221225 Oriental fruit moths. 312-13.212
on trees, shrubs, and vines. 239 Obliquebanded leafrollers. 311.311 almond tree and. L2
vegetables and. 246 Ocimum basilicum. See Basil apricot and. 26
Neodiprion. See Sawflies. conifer Oil sprays, 347,479-80 cherry and. 68
Neoplectana i —Steinernema! car­ Okra.L54=55 peach and, 1 6 5 ,166
pocapsae. 452 disease susceptibility of. 430 pheromone traps for. 437.480
Nicotiana. 152 Oleander scale. 320 viral pathogens for. 462
Nicotine. 428 Omnivorous insects. 258 Origanum heracleoticum. See Oregano
Nightshade, as virus host. 252 Omnivorous leafroller caterpillars, avo­ Orius insidiosus. See Minute pirate
Nitrogen deficiency. 328 cado a n d ,3 L J2 bugs
bean and. 25 Onion. 155-58 Orius tristicolor. See Minute pirate
beet and. 37.38=29 crop rotation and. 418 bugs
cabbage and. 54 culture. L55 Ostrinia nubUalis. See European com
carrot and. faQAl problems of. 155-57 borers
citrus and. 23 seedling protectors and. 445 Otiorhynchus ovatus. See Strawberry
com and. 28 sod and. 418 root weevils
herbs and, 116-17 timed planting and. 422 Otiorhynchus sulcatus. See Black vine
Ilex and. L22 Onion flies, sticky board traps for. 438 weevils
lettuce and. L38 Onion leaf blight. L56 Oxygen, lack of. 256
melon and. 150-51 Onion maggots. 211-12.311 Oystershell scale. 320
onion and. L55 bait traps for. 435 Fraxinus and, 99
pea and. L62 capsaicin dusts for. 426 Ozone damage. 228
pepper a n d .174.278 diatom aceous earth for, 422 onion and. 156. L52
radish and. 195 garlic and. UM Tropaeolum and. 328
spinach and. 212 nem atodes and. 452 Ozone pollution. 256
522 ■ IN D E X

P peach leaf curl symptoms on. 383 Peony. See Paeonia

peach rosette symptoms on. 394 Pepper. L23i26
Pachysandra. 1S8-S9 pollination of. 101 culture. 173-74
Paeonia. 1 pruning. LQ3 flower and fruit problems of,
Botrytis blight symptoms on. whole plant problems of. 165, 175-76
373 .1 68,362 leaf and whole plant problems of.
problems of. 139-60 Peach aphids, green. 269.419 173-75
Painting fruit trees. 444. Peach leaf curl. 344.383 mulches and. 444
PAN damage. See Peroxyacetyl nitrate bordeaux mix for. 462 nitrogen deficiency damage on,
damage copper for. 421 378
Pansy. See Viola peach and. 165. 167.383 potato and, L88
Papaver. 160 Peach rosette. 168.394.394 seed sterilization for. 421
Papaver alpinum. L6Q Peach scab. 165, L66 soap sprays and. 484
Papaver nudicaule, list! Peachtree borers. 313.313 strawberry and. 219
Papaver orient ale. L6C1 apricot and. 22 tomato and. 228
Parasitic plants. 343.344.334-35 cherry and. 69 Popper dusts. 426
Parasitoids, 258 peach and, 165, L68 Pepper maggots. 125
Parsley. pheromone traps for. 432 Pepper weevils. 125
as attractant crop. 239.430 Peach twig borers Perennials. 176-78
problems of. liil almond and. 12 Periwinkle. See Vinca
Parsnip. 160-61 apricot and. 26 common (see Vinca minor)
crop rotation and. 418 peach and. 165. 166-67 greater (see Vinca major)
problems of. lid Pear. 168-71 Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) damage,
Parthenocissus. lid bacterial disease and, 343 3S6.37K-79
Pastinaca sativa. 160-61 bagging for. 441 Persea americana. See Avocado
Patch, brown, lawns and. 0 5 culture. 168 Pest control. See Controls
Pathogens. 342-44. 348. See also Infec­ disease control for. 364 Pesticides. See also Organic sprays
tious diseases fruit problems of. 168-70.169 and dusts
breaking life cycle of. 363-64 leaf problems of. 169.170-71 all-purpose spray, 466
soilborne. 413 pollination of. liil application methods. 465
PBO. m pruning. 103. .163 botanical. 468 (see also specific
Pea. 161-64 Pear leaf blister mites types)
crop rotation a n d .418 Cotoneaster and. 82 careful handling of. 463-64
culture. 161-62 pear and. 17] synergists and inert ingredients
host resistance of. 414 Sorbus and. 211 of. m
leaf and whole plant problems. Pear psyllas. 169-70.169, 314.314 Pests
162-63 Pear sawflies. 314.314 handling plants and. 3
nodules on roots of. MO Pear scab. 168-69. L2Q planning for, 8-10
pod problems of. L63r64 Pear slugs problem diagnosis for, 9
sweet (see Lathyrus) cherry and. 68 site selection and. 2 rl
timed planting and. 471-2? pear and. 169. I l l Petroselinum crispum. See Parsley
young, soap sprays anti. 483 Pea weevils Pets, pesticides an d . 474
Pea aphids. Lf>2 pea and. 1M Petunia. 178-79
Peach. L64i6b tillage and. 428 Phaseolus. See Bean
brown rot symptoms on. 320 P e c a n ,171-72 Pheromones. 48Q
culture. L64 Pecan nut casebearers. 111 Pheromone traps. 437-38
Cytospora canker symptoms on. Pecan scab. 122 for codling moth control. 262.
m Pecan weevil grubs. L21 263
fruit problems of. LM. 165. L66 Pedtobius foveolatus. bean and. 36 Philadelphus. L22
leaf and branch problems of. 165. Pelargonium. 172-73 Philaenus spumarius. See Spittlebugs
166-68 Pentatomidac. See Stink bugs Phloem necrosis. Ulmus and. 245
IN D E X ■ 523

Phlox. 179-30 Pine bark adelgids. 1M disorders of. 355-58

creeping (see Phlox stolonifera) Pinc-oak gall rusts. 185 diversity of. ftfi
garden (see Phloxpaniculata) Pinc-pinc gall rusts. L85 handling. 3
problems of. L80 Pine sawflies. European. 115 healthy (see Healthy plants)
Phlox maculata. 358 Pine shoot moths. 183.184 houseplants. 119-20
Phlox paniculata. 179. 180. 358 Pine tip moths. L83 labels on. 342
Phlox plant bugs. 180 Pink. S ee Dianthus problems of. 8=10
Phlox stolonifera. 129 maiden (see Dianthus deltoides) selection of. 361.423
Phlox subulata. L23 Pink patch, lawns and. 0 6 stunted growth of. 403
pH of soil. See Soil pH Pink root, onion and. 155.156.152 watering of. 362
Phomopsis blight, eggplant and. l23 Pinus. 183-85 Platanus. 185-86
Phosphorus deficiency. 323 needlecast symptoms on. 325 Platanus x acerifolia, 183
beet a n d .32 problems of. 183-85.181 Platanus occidentalis. 1&5
cabbage and. 54 sapsucker damage on. 3SL2 Plum. 186-87
carrot and. 62 Pinworms black knot symptoms on. 347.
celery and. 64 tillage and. 42£ 398
corn an d . 77* TH, 379 tom ato. 233.480 brown rot symptoms on. 390
cucum bcr and. 8f> Piperonyl butoxide (PBO ).463 E u ro p ea n .101. L86
potato and. liil Pirate bugs, minute. See Minute pirate fruit problems of. 186
radish and. 195 bugs Ja p an e se.101.186
tom ato and. 23U Pisum sativum. See Pea leaf and branch problems of. l&Z
Phthorimaea operculella. See Potato Planetree. See Platanus pollination of. HU
tuberworms American (see Platanus O c ­ pruning. LQ3
Phyllophaya. See June beetles cident alis) Plum curculios. 315-16.315
Phylloxeras, grape and. See Grape London (see Platanus x acerifolia) apple and. 23, 24.
phylloxeras apricot and. 26
Physical controls. 259.406.429-46 Plantain lily. See Hosta cherry and. 66.62
baits, traps, and lures. 429-30. Plant bugs chickcns and. 453
434-40 annuals and. 19 peach and. [64. L6fc
barriers. 429.440-46 four-lined (see Riur-lined plant plum and. 186
manual controls. 429.430-34 bugs) Plum leaf scald. L82
methodology. 429-30 Phlox and. L80 Plutella xyllostella. See Diamondback
mulches (see Mulches) soap sprays for. 484 moths
Physiological disorders, 355-38 tarnished («'*• Tarnished plant Podisus maculiventris. See Spined
Phytoseiidae. See Mites, predatory bugs) soldier bugs
Phytoseiulus longipes. 452 Yucca and. 252 Podosphaera leucotricha. -149
Phytoseiulus persimilis. 452 Plant disorders. 353-38 Poisons, botanical. 468. See also spe­
buying and releasing. 4\> Plant-eating insects. 237-38 cific types
Picea. LtilhhZ Plant family, crop rotation by. 416.417 Pollution. 35f>
problems of. 181-82. 181 Plant hardiness zone map. 486 Popillia japonica. See Japanese beetles
Picea p u n gens, 479 Plant lice. Dianthus and. 9Q Poplar. See Populus
Pickleworms. 315.315 Plant names, 416.487-88 yellow (see Liriodendron)
squash and. 215.216 Plants Poppy. See Papaver
Pierce’s disease, grape and. LL2 cultural problems of, 10 alpine (see Papaver alpinum)
Pieris. 182-83 defenses of. 344-43 (see also Iceland (see Papa\-er nudicaule)
Pieris(= Artogeia)rupee. See Imported Resistance; Resistant plants) Oriental <see Papaver orientale)
cabbageworms destroying diseased. 364 Populus. l£2
Pillbugs.324,324 disease symptoms on Portulaca. 187-88
nem atodes and. 452 plants fall over, 4113 Potassium deficiency. 322
Pinching blossoms. 4 plants stunted. 403 beet a n d .39
Pine. See Pinus seedlings die. 402-3 broccoli and. 42
524 ■ INDEX

Potassium deficiency icontinued/ bordeaux mix for, 462 Thalictrum and. 225
brussels sprouts and. 48 cherry and. 68 Thunbergia and. 226
cabbage and. 36 compost tea and. 122 Tilia and. 222
corn a n d .80 C om us and. 81 Ulmus and. 245
onion and. L52 cucum ber and. 85 vegetables and. 242
potato and. 131 currant and. 86 Verbena and, 247-48
sweet potato and. 221 Delphinium a n d ,88-89 Viburnum and. 243
tom ato and. 2.10. 379 dextrin for. 484 Weigela and. 251
Potato. 188-92 Digitalis and. 91 Zinnia and. 253,381
bacterial soft rot symptoms on. Euonymus and. 34 Powdery mildew fungus. 344
401 Fagus an d . 32 Pox. sweet potato and, 221
as bait crop, 435 fruit symptoms, 387-88.388-89 Praying mantids. 317.317
blight infection of. M l . Ifc8 grape and. 108.109, 110. 111.388 buying and releasing.
compost or manure for. 418 Hedera and. 114 as predators. 25fl
crop rotation and. 41b Helianthus and. 114 Predators, natural, 2=8
culture. 1&& herbs a n d .112 Predatory insects. 258 See also Bene­
late blight symptoms on. 374 Heuchera and. 117-18 ficial animals and insects
leaf and whole plant problems of. houseplants and. L2Q Predatory mites. See Mites, predatory
188-90. 189 Hydrangea and. 122 Primrose. See Primula
pepper a n d .L21 Hex and. 123 Primula. 132
scab symptoms on. 402 lagerstroemia and. 121 Privet. See Ligustrum
site selection and. 3 Lathyrus and. 112 Protozoans. 462
sod and. 118 leaf sympioms. 381 Pruning. 431-32
strawberry and. 213 lettuce and. 138-39 for disease control, 362.363.364.
sulfur and. 485 Ligustrum and. LL1 411-12
sweet Isee Sweet potato) lime-sulfur for. 422 for insect control. 431-32
tom ato and. 228 Liriodendron and. 141 sanitation and. 423-24
tuber problems of. 189. 190-92 Lonicera and. 145 types of cuts. IHL 235
Potato leafhoppers. 302 Lupinus an d . L46 Pruning and training, of fruit trees.
bean and. 33.15 melon and. L43 101-3.102
pea and. 162 Monarda and. L52 Prunus. See Cherry ; Plum
potato and. L&fi Parthenocissus and. L61 Prunus armeniaca. See Apricot
Potato tubcrworms. 189.191.316. pea and. 163 Prunus avium. See Cherry’, sweet
116,462 peach and. 162 Prunus cerasus. See Cherry, sour
Pot marigold. See Calendula perennials and. 177-78 Prunus domestica. See Plum. European
Potting mix. pasteurization of, 4L3 Philadelphus and. 123 Prunus dulcis var. dulcis. See Almond
Powdery leaves, antitranspirants and. Phlox a n d .180.358 Prunus persica. See Peach
Hi Platanus an d . 186 Prunus salicina. See Plum. Japanese
Powdery mildew. .145.347.349.360. Populus and. 182 Pscudococcidae. See Mealybugs
368 pruning and, 431.412 Pseudomonas blight, pear and. 120
A cer and. 13 pumpkin and, 381 Pseudomonas marginalis. 418
Achillea and. U Quercus and, 134 PsUa rosae. See Carrot rust flies
Aesculus and. LI raspberry and, 197.198 Psyllas, pear. See Pear psyllas
annuals and. 13 Rosa and. 204. 205-6 Psyllids, Buxus and. 51
apple and. 23. 25.387.388 rosemary and. 202 Pumpkin. 212
A ster and. 30 soap sprays for. 483 cold storage of. 362
Astilbe and. 31 Spiraea and. 211 powdery mildew symptoms on.
baking soda sprays for. 462 squash and. 215 381
bean and. 35.32 strawberry and. 218, 213 Pupa, as insect life cycle stage. 252
Begonia and. =10 sulfur for. 485 Purple blotch, onion and. L52
Betula and. 43 Syringa and, 222-23 Putnam scale. Fraxinus and. S3
IN D E X ■ 525

Pyracantha 192-93 viruses and. 352 Rhubarb. 202-3

Pyrethrin .4 S J .4fr.V4M. 4KO-81 whole plant problems of. 197. crop rotation and. 4L8
Pyrethrum. See Pyrethrin 199-200 culture. 202=3
Pyrethrum flowers. 480 Raspberry cane borers problems of. 203
Pythium ultimum. 462 raspberry and. 199-20Q Rhubarb curculios. 203
Rosa a n d ,206 Ribes. See Currant
Raspberry crown borers. 199,291 Ribes hirtellum. See Gooseberry
Raspberry fruitworm beetles. 198-99 Ribes nigrum. See C urrant. European
Raspberry fruitworms. 197-98.197 black
Q Raspberry homtails. 199-200 Ribes petraeum. See Currant
Quarantines. 361
Raspberry leaf spot. 198 Ribes rubrum. See Currant, red
Quassia. 481
Raspberry sawflies. 19& Ribes sativum. See Currant
Quassia amara. 481
Rats, avocado and. 31 Ribes uva-crispa. See Gooseberry
Queen Anne's lace, as attractant crop.
Record keeping, tL 357.415 Ring rot, bacterial, potato and. L89,
Redbandcd leafhoppers, 302 191
Quercus. I93-95
Redbcrry mites, blackberry and. 44 Ring spot viruses. 352
leaf blister symptoms on. 325
Red cedar. See Juniperus Rock cress. See Arabis
oak wilt symptoms on. 395
Redheaded pine sawflies. 319 Rodents. See also specific types
problems of. 193-95. 194
Rednecked cane borers Crocus and. 83
root rot symptoms on. 4QJ
raspberry and. 197.199-200 Lilium and. L43
Quince, flowering. See Chaenomeles
Rosa a n d .206 Tulipa and, 242
Red scale, citrus and. 73 Rodolia cardinalis. See Vidalia beetles
Red stele. 400=401 Rogueing out, 364
strawberry and. 219.360.400 Romaine lettuce. PAN damage on.
R Red thread, lawns and. 136 328
Rabbits. 402 Rcduviidac. See Assassin bugs Root knot nematodes. 309.400
A nem one and. li< Reflective mulches. 367.444 bean and. 33
apple and. 26 Repellent crops. 419 cabbage and. 54
lettuce and. 14Q Resistance, 412=15 carrot and.6£L61
Raccoons, corn and. 29 autocidal. 415 herbs and. L16
Radish. 195-% in g arden.415 lettuce and. 13&
as attractant crop. 259 heating potting soil for. 413 Liatris and. L40
Daikon. 195 host. 414-15 okra and. 154.4.10
as repellent crop. 419 natural, 2=3 Paeonia and. 159-60
root problems of. 195-% ratings. 414. potato and. 189.190.191
timed planting and. 422 Resistant plants. 363.410-11 .414. See sanitation and, 422
as trap crop. 440 also Cultivars. resistant sweet potato and. 221
Ragweed, as virus host. 352 Rhagoletes. See Fruit flies tomato and. 230. 400
Rain gauge. 3G0 Rhagoletis pomonella. See Apple vegetables and. 246
Raphanus sativus. See Radish maggots Root maggot fly barriers. 445
Raspberry. 196-200 Rhamnus. grape and. 1 U1 Root maggots
black. 1%. 198.20Q Rheum rhabarharum. See Rhubarb radish and. 440
cane blight symptoms on. 391 Rhizobium. 400 tillage and. 428
culture. 196-97 Rhizoctonia solani. 462 Root rot, 401
fruit problems of. 197-98.192 Rhododendron. 200-202 Amananthus and. LZ
leaf and branch problems of. 197. iron deficiency and. 368- 376 Armillaria. 403.403
198-99 leaf gall symptoms on. 383 avocado and, 32
lime-sulfur spray for. 422 problems of. 200.201. 202 bean and. 33
purchase of. 423 pruning. 365 Betula aniL4Ql
purple, 1%. 2QQ resistance of. 2-3.414 black (see Black root rot)
red. 1%, 197,198. 200 Rhododendron borers. 201. 202. 291 Campanula and. 58-59
526 ■ IN D E X

Root rot <continuedf Rose leaf beetles. 206 Rubus. See Blackberry;
carrot and. 61 Rosemary, 202 Raspberry
Cedrus and. 63 as attractant crop. 450 Rubus idaeus. See Raspberry,
control o f,364 as pesticide. 424 red
cotton. 172.363 problems of. 202 Rubus x neglectus. See Raspberry,
Delphinium and. &9 Rose midges. 2 0 4 ,206 purple
fungal. 346 Rosei'f-S ha non. See Hibiscus Rubus occidentals. See Raspberry.
herbs and. LL2 Rose sawflies, 205 black
Mertensia and. L51 Rose stem girdlcrs. 20b Rudbeckia. 202
pea and. 162 Rosette. 44. See also Peach rosette as attractant crop. 450
Pinus and. 1&5 Resetting, 352 problems of. 202
Quercus and. 401 Rosmarinus officinalis. See Rosemary Rudbeckia hirta. 207
rosemary and. 202 Rot. 345 Rue. as pesticide. 424
salt for. 4£3 apple and. 24 Rumina decollata. See Decollate
timed planting and. 422 bacterial (see Bacterial rot) snails
on trees, shrubs, and vines. 232 bird's eye (see Anthracnose) Rust. 34.3,347,373-76
vegetables and. 246 black (see Black ro t) Alcea and, 16.375
Roots blackberry a n d .44 Antirrhinum and. 21
disease sy mptoms on. See Stems blossom end (see Blossom end rot! asparagus and. 30
and roots, disease symptoms on Botrytis {see Botrytis bunch rot, bean and. 34.36
examination of. 4 grape and; Botrytis fruit rot) blackberry and. 44.325
Rootworms, corn and. 283.285 brown (see Brown rot) bordeaux mix for. 462
Rosa. 203=2 bulb. 49 Centaurea and. 65
black spot symptoms on. 322 crown (see Crown rot) corn and. 77.28
Botrytis blight sy mptoms on. 385 fungal (see Fungal rot) currant and. Jib
climbers. 2 0 2 Gladiolus and, Dianthus and. 90
crown gall symptoms o n . 399 herbs and. L12 fig and. 92
culture. 205 lettuce and. 132 Fraxinus and. 99
disease resistance of. 6 Narcissus and. L53 Hydrangea -and, 122
floribundas. 203 onion and. 156.152 Juniperus and. 128.128
fungal sprays and. 369 Platanus and. JLH46 lawns and. 136-37
grandifloras. 205 raspberry and. IH2 Lilium and. L12
hybrid teas. 205 rhubarb a n d .203 mint and, JL51
lime-sulfur spray for, 422 root (see Root rot) onion and, 152
mulches and. 444 Sclerotium.426 Picea and, 1&2
problems of. 204,205=2 stem (see Stem rot ) Pinus and, 183.1 8 4 ,1M
Rose. See R ow of trees, shrubs, and vines. 238 Rosa and. 204. 206
Christmas (see Helleborus niger) Rotation of crops. See Crop rotation sage and. 2Q&
Lenten I.tee Helleborus Orientalis) Rotenone, 481-82 soap sprays for. 4h3
moss ( w e Portulaca ) Roundheadcd appletree borers. 2b. Sorbus and. 211
Rose black spot. 204, 203.369. 372, 313.318 spinach and. 242
4&3 Rove beetles, m 318 sulfur for. 485
Rose chafers. 3 17.317 attracting. 451 thyme and, 226
Alcea and. 16 as beneficials. MU Tsuga and. 241
bulbs and. 50 earwigs distinguished from. 260 Rust flies, carrot and. See Carrot rust
Hydrangea anil. 122 refuges of. 253 flics
nematodes and. 4i& Row covers Rust mites. 307.302
perennials and. 126 floating. 442-43 Rutabaga, oil sprays and.
Rosa and. 204. 206 rigid. 442=43 479
Rose curculios. 204. 206 sanitation and. 424-25 Ryania. 482
INDEX ■ 527

8 Rosa and. 205 houseplants and. 120

on trees, shrubs, and vines. 136-37 //ex and. 122
Sabadilla, 4&3 S cab .402 Juniperus and. 128-29
Sage acidic soil and.3k} Ligustrum and. 141
garden (culinary), 20£L 209 apple and (see Apple scab) lime-sulfur for. 426
as pesticide. 424 avocado and. 31 Liquidambar and. L41
scarlet (see Sa/via splendent) beet a n d .38 Liriodendron and. 144
silver (see Salvia argentea) citrus and. 22 Lonicera and. 145
Salix. 208=9 cucum ber and. 86 Magnolia and. 146
Salt, as pesticide, 4iU Gladiolus and. 106 Mahonia and. 142
Salt injury. 382 lime-sulfur for. 426 oleander. 320
Hedera and . 382 melon and, L50 oystershell.99,320
Saltmarsh caicrpillar. 33d peach and. 165. 166 Pachysandra and. 138=3.9
Salvia. 209 pear and. 16*-69. LZ0 Parthenocissus und. 161
disease resistance of, 410-11 pecan and. LZ2 peach and. 168
Salvia argentea. 209 potato and. 191.402 perennials and. 122
Salvia officinalis. See Sage, garden Py racantha and. L92 Picea and. 1&2
(culinary) radish and. L96 Pinus and. Ifi5
Salvia sp leadens. 20iL4±Q Sorbus and. 211 Platanus and. L86
Sandals, lawn aeration. 431 squash and. 213.216 Populus and. 1£2
Sanitation. 364.412.422-23.432 Scab anthracnose. cucum bcr and. 83 Pyracantha and. 193
end-of-season chores. 424-23 Scale(s) Quercus and, 194
maintaining standards for. A cer ami. 13.321 Rhododendron and. 202
423=24 alcohol sprays for. 465 Rosa a n d .202
preparation for. 422-23 ammonia sprays for. 466 5a/<> and, 209
soil solarization for. 424 arm ored. 320. 320 San Jose (see San lose scale)
of tools (see Tools, sanitation of) Berberis and. 41 soap sprays for, 483
San Jose scale. 320 black. 7 ^ 3 2 1 soft. 32L 321
apple and. 23* 23. 26 brown soft. 321 S orbusa n d ,211
avocado and. 32 bulbs and. 31 Spiraea and. 213
cherry and. 6a flu* ujand.52 superior oils for. 480
Fraxinus a n d .99 California red. 2 1 3 2 0 Syringa and. 223
pear and, 12J Camellia and. 38 Taxus and. 223
Sap beetles, corn and. 29 Carpinus an d . 60 Thuja and. 223
Saperda Candida. See Roundheaded Cedrus and. 63 Tilia and. 227
appletree borers Celastrus and. 63 on trees, shrubs, and vines.
Sapphire flower. See Browallia Chaenomeles and. 63 232=38
Sapsucker damage. 392.392 citrus and. 23 Tsuga and. 241
Sawflies Clematis and. 74 Ulmus and. 243
apple and. 439 C ornusa n d ,81 Viburnum and, 249
conifer, 319.319 Cotoneaster and. 82 Yucca and. 232
false hellebore for. 422 Daphne and. 88 Scale predatory beetles, buying and
Fraxinus and. 99 Euonymus and. 94.95 releasing. 456
Larix an d . 132.433 Fagus and. 96 Scarab beetles, lawns and. L33
leafminer. 319. 319 fig and. 92 Scare tactics, for animals. 408.409
Lonicera and. 145 Fraxinus and. 99 Scavenger insects. 25S
pear and. IL L 314 grape and. LL2 Schoenocaulon officinale. 482
Pinus and, 184.185.319 handpicking. 430 Sclerotium rot. 426
quassia for. 481 Hedera and. 114 Scolytus multistratus. See Elm bark
raspberry and. LQK hemispherical. 321 beetles
528 ■ IN D E X

ScoJvtus rugulosus. See Shothole borers Slugs. See also Slugs and snails Sod webworms
Scorch, leaf. See Leaf scorch chervil and. 440 lawns and. 133,135
Scurf pear (see Pear slugs) nematodes and. 152
potato and. LSLL physical controls for. 422 Soft rot, bacterial. See Bacterial soft
sweet potato and. 221 Primula and. 132 rot
Seaweed sprays. 112 Rosa an d . 20i Soft scale. 321.321
Sedum. 2Q2il[l toadsand.2=& Fraxinus and, 99
Sedum spectabile. 2111 Slugs and snails. 322-11. 322 Soil
Seed catalogs, resistance indicated in. Allium and. 16 acidic, disease and. 363.376-77.
Hi A nem one and. IK 326
Seedcorn beetles, corn and. 22 annuals and. 18-19 balancing fertility of. 363
Seedcom maggots barriers for, 441.442 for healthy plants, 3 ,5 , HO
bean and. 33 Begonia and. 11 heat treatm ent of. 113
corn a n d .22 bulbs and. SO-51 solarization of. 423.121
nematodes and. 152 Calendula an d . 56 water in.5j356
pea and. L62 Campanula and. 58 waterlogged. 385
Seedlings Canna and. 52 Taxus and, 385
damping-off symptoms on. 402 Cimicifuga and. 21 Soil-improving crops. 118
disease-free medium for. 113 Convallaria and. 25 Soil mites, buying and releasing, 456
dying of. 402-3 Delphinium a n d ,88 Soil pH. 5. See also Soil, acidic,
protectors for. H i diatomaceous earth for. 121 disease and
Seeds Digitalis and. 21 adjusting, 363
clean. 361 Epimedium and. 24 overly high (see Iron deficiency)
heat treatm ent of. 367.4??-?3 handpicking, 130 Soil tillage. See Tillage
saving. 112, H 5 Hosta and. LLfi Solanum melongena var. esculentum.
Senecio. 211) Impatiens and. 121 See Eggplant
Septoria leaf spot. 326 Iris and. 126 Solanum tuberosum. See Potato
copper for. 121 lettuce and. 110 Solarization. of soil. 423.121
currant and. Jib Pelargonium and. L23 Soldier beetles, 323
gooseberry and. LL1& perennials and. 122 as beneficials. ISA
tom ato and. 231. 376 Petunia and. L22 downy leatherwinged. 323
Sex pheromones. 479-80. See also strawberry and. 217. 218 Soldier bugs, spined. See Spined sol­
Pheromone traps tillage and. 128 dier bugs
Shade cloths, H i tomato and. 231.233 Sooty blotch, apple and. 25
Shaking. H i traps for. 438 Sooty mold. 382.382
Shell bean, host resistance of. 114 trunk bands for. 116 annuals and. L2
Shothole borers. 322.322 Tulipa and. 212 apple and. 25
cherry a n d .68 vegetables and. 242 bulbs and. 51
Shothole disease Viola and. 250 cherry and. 62
almond and. 12 Smudge, onion. L52 filbert and, 28
apricot and. 26-27 Smut grape and. 110
peach and. L62 corn and (see Corn smut) houseplants and, 120
Shrews, 153 onion and. 152 perennials and. 122
Shrubs. See Trees, shrubs, and vines Snails. See also Slugs and snails from scale. 321
Signs, of disease, symptoms vs.. 320 brown garden. 322,15fi on trees, shrubs, and vines. 235-36.
Silk tree. See Albizia decollate. 45S 237
Silkworms, as beneficials. 258 Snakeroot. See Cimicifuga vegetables and, 216
Site selection. 2-3. H i Snakes. 453 Sorbus. 210-11
for fruit crops. 100-103 Snapdragon. See Antirrhinum Sour bugs, fig and. 22
Six-spotted tiger beetles. 332 Soap sprays. 463.464.483-84 Southern bacterial wile, tom ato and.
Slime flux. 393. 393 Sod crops, pests and. 118 230=31
INDEX ■ 529

Southern corn leaf blight, com and. 2fi strawberry and. 213 Spruce. See Picea
Southern com rootworms. 75.283. 285 Tagetes and. 224 blue (see Picea pungens)
Southernwood. See Artemisia Taxus and, 224 Spruce budworms. 325-26.325
abrotanum Thuja and. 225 Abies and. 12
Southwestern com borers. 79.323-24. Thunbergia and. 226 BTK for. 459
323 on trees, shrubs, and vines. 236 Picea and, 181.184
Sowbugs. 324, 324 two-spotted. 308 Pinus and. li$3
barriers for. 442 Verbena and, 248 Tsuga and. 241
mulches for. 444 Viola and, 250 Spruce gall adelgids. 181. L82
nem atodes and, 452 water sprays for. 433 Spruce needleminers. 1&2
Soybean, tiap crops and. 440 Zinnia and. 253 Spruce spider mites
Soybean loopers, viral pathogens for, Spiders Abies and, 12
461 as aphid predators. 122 Picea and. 161-82. L81
Speck as beneficials, 458-59 Pinus and. 184
bacterial, tomato and. 231.232 organically acceptablc sprays and Tsuga and. 241
fly. apple and. 25 dusts and. 462 Spur blight, raspberry and. 138
Speedwell. See Veronica Spinach, 21 1=12 Spurge. See Euphorbia: Pachysandra
woolly ( vee Veronica incana) compost or manure for, 418 cushion (see Euphorbia
Sphaerotheca fuliginea. 349 crop rotation and. 418 epithym oides)
Spider mite destroyers. 301 culture, 2JL1 Griffith's (see Euphorbia
Spider mites. 308. 308 (see also Spruce problems of. 2 1 1 - 1 2 griffithii)
spider mites) pruning and. 432 Squash. 212= L6
Ageratum and. 15 Spinacia oleracea. See Spinach compost or manure for. 418
annuals and. Id Spindle tree. See Euonymus crop rotation and. 418
Antirrhinum and. 21 Spined soldier bugs, 324,324 culture, 213. 215
avermectins for. 466 bean and. 36 fruit problems of, 2 1 4 ,216
B u x u sa n d .51 as beneficials. 450. leaf and vine problems of. 214,
cherry and. 68 buy ing and releasing. 456. 215=16
Convallaria and. 25 brown stink bugs distinguished mosaic virus symptoms on,
Cotoneaster and. 82 from. 26ft 321
Delphinium and. 89 Spiraea. 212 radish and. 413
dextrin for. 484 Spirea, false. See Astilbe summer, 212
Dianthus and. 90 Spittlebugs. 325, 325 winter. 213.36?
Gladiolus and. 106 meadow. 325 Squash bugs. 326.326
Hedera and. 114. strawberry and. 218, 213 cucum ber and. 84
Hemerocallis and. L16 Spot garlic oil for. 423
houseplants and. L2Q bacterial (see Bacterial spot) handpicking. 430
Hydrangea and. 122 black (see Black spot) melon and. 143
Ilex and. 123 blackberry and. 44 repellent crops for. 413
Ligustrum and. 14J carrot and. 61=62 squash and. 2 1 4 ,215
Magnolia a n d . 142 celery and. 64 tillage and. 428
nicotine for. 428 citrus and, 22 Squash vine borers. 327.
Pachysandra and. 152 lawns and. 133.135-36 322
pear and, 121 leaf (see Leaf spot) cucum ber and, 85
Pelargonium and. 122 Spot gall, tuliptree and. 144 melon and. 150
Phlox and. 180 Spotted asparagus beetles. 221 nematodes and. 458
predatory mites vs.. 433.452 Spotted com rootworms. 285. 285 squash and. 2 1 4 .216
Pyracantha and. 133 Spotted cucumber beetles. See Cucum­ Squirrels
pyrethrin for. 480 bcr beetles, spotted almond and. 12
Quercus and. 195 Sprays. See also specific types avocado and. 31
Rosa and, 206 homemade. 462.425 Crocus a n d .S3
530 ■ INDEX

Stalk borers Stonecrop. See Sedum Sweet alyssum. See Lobularia

Cosmos and, 142. showy (see Sedum spectabile) Sweet gum. See Liquidambar
Dahlia and. 82 Strawberry. 216=20 Sweet pea. See Lathyrus
Delphinium and. 89 Botrytis fruit rot symptoms on. Sweet potato, 220-22
Zinnia and. 233 m cold storage of. 362
Staphylinidae. Stxi Hove beetles culture. 212 culture. 220
Starch spray. .484=85 dav-neutral, 211) leaf and whole plant problems of,
Steelblue flea beetles. 290 everbearing. 216 220-21
Steinernema I = Neoplectana/ flower and fruit problems of. 212 root problems of, 221-22
carpocapsae. 437 frost damage on. 390 Sweet potato weevils. 221.222
Stem nematodes June-bearing. 216. 212 Sweet potato whiteflies. 335
Hyacinthus and. L2J leaf paiblems of. 2JLL 2 1 8 ,219 Sweet William. See Dianthus barbatus
Narcissus and. L53 potato and. L&8 Swiss chard. 66
Phlox and, ISO purchase of. 423 Sycamore. See Platanus
Stem rot red stele symptoms on. 400 Sycamore lace bugs. L86
Begonia and. 40-41 sulfur and. 485 Symptoms
Campanula and. 58-59 Verticillium wilt symptoms on. of disease. 370-403
Dicentra and. 91 M UM signs vs., 320
herbs and. LL2 viral susceptibility of, 352 of insect damage. 264-67
Paeonia and, 139 whole plant problems of. 218. primary vs. secondary. 359
Pelargonium and. 172-71 219-20. .160 Svnanthedon. See Fruit borers
sweet potato and. 220 Strawberry crown borers. 219-20 Synanthedon exitiosa. See Peachtree
Tagetes and. 224 Strawberry crown moths. 219-20 borers
vegetables and. 246 Strawberry leafrollers. 2 1 8 .219 Synanthedon pictipes. See Peachtree
Stems and roots, disease symptoms on Strawberry root weevils. 328.328 borers
roots die back. 400-401 Heuchera and. L12=18 Syringa. 222-23
nx>is with swollen growths. 399-400 nematodes and. 452 Svrphidae. See Hover flies
stems discolored. .192-93 strawberry and. 220 Syrphid flies, food for. 450
stems entangled with orange Strawflower. See Helichrysum
strings. ,196-9? Streptomyces, 466
stems with clusters of evergreen Strepiomyces avermitilis. 424
leaves, 322 Striped blister beetles, 274.429 T
stems with cracks or holes. i9.Lr.92 Striped cucumber beetles. See Cucum­ Tachinid flies. 328-29.328
stems with swollen growths. .198-99 ber beetles, striped as beneficials.
stem tips die back . 194-% Striped flea beetles. See R ea beetles, houseflies distinguished from. 261
stem tips stunted, 394 striped Tagetes. 223-24
tubers discolored o r rotted. Striped stalk borers. Delphinium and. nematodes and. 354
401=2 89 as pesticide. 424
Sterilization Sulfur problems of. 224
of male insects. 415 as fungicide. 348.369.407.472. Tanacetum ( —Chrysanthemum)
of seeds. 422-2.1 485 cinerariifolium. 480
Sticky boards. 434.4,18-39 as pesticide. 485 Tansy
Stictocephala bisonia. Sec Buffalo Sulfur dioxide injury. 379-80 as pesticide. 424
treehoppers blackberry and. 329 as repellent crop. 419
Stink bugs. 327-28.327 Sulfur dioxide pollution. 356 Tarnished plant bugs. 329.329
bean and. 32 Summer disease, apple and. 24 annuals and. L9
brown, spined soldier bugs distin­ Sunflower. See Helianthus bean and. 35
guished from. 26Q Sunscald. 388 carrot and. 60
okra and. L54 tomato and. 232.388 Hydrangea and. 121-22
pyrethrin for. 480 Superior oil sprays. 347.478-79 lettuce and. L38
tom ato and. 232 Susceptible plants. 414 pea and. 162
INDEX ■ 531

peach and, 166 soap sprays for, 4143 early blight symptoms on. 324
perennials and. 128 traps for, 434.438-39 flower and fruit problems of. 229,
sticky board traps for. 439 water sprays for. 433 231-33
strawberry and. 2TL 2JL8 Thuja. 225-26 fungicides and. 369
tillage and, 428 Thunbergia. 226 Fusarium wilt symptoms on, 384
Tar paper, 445 Thyme. 226 leaf and whole plant problems of,
Tarragon. See Artemisia dracunculus beneficials attracted by. 450
Taxus. 22=L25 as pesticide. 424 oil sprays and. 419
cold injury damage on, 396. problems of. 22i± pepper and, 123
problems of. 224-25 Thymus vulgaris. See Thyme potassium deficiency damage on,
waterlogged soil damage on. Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis. See 379
385 Bagworms potato and. 188
Temperature, for disease control. Ticks, soap sprays for. 483 as repellent crop. 419
362 Tickseed. See Coreopsis grandiflora resistant cultivars. 228,363
Tent caterpillars. 330.330 Tiger beetles. 332 root knot nem atode symptoms
Baltimore orioles and. 1 as beneficials. 4511 o n .400
Eastern, 330 six-spotted. 332 seed sterilization for. 423
Fagus an d . % Tilia. 221 Septoria leaf spot symptoms on.
pruning and. 431.432 Tillage. 427-28 326
on trees, shrubs, and vines. 236 for disease control, 365 site selection and. 3
Tetranychidae. See Spider mites Timed planting, for pest resistance. strawberry and. 219
Texas root rot, herbs and. 112 4 .11, 421-22 sulfur and, 485
Thalictrum. 225 Tingidae. See Lace bugs sunscald damage on. 388
Thalictrum aquilegifolium. 225 Tip blight. A nus and. 183, L84 limed planting and, 422
Therm om eter, 360 Toads, as beneficials, 8,453 trap crops and. 440
Thinning cut. 103 Tobacco, flowering. See Nicotiana Verticillium wilt sym ntom son.
Thrips, 331, 331 Tobacco budworms, viral pathogens 380.384
alcohol sprays for, 465 for. 461 Tomato fruitworms, 229,233.284.
Allium and. 16l Tobacco homworms, 332 284
ammonia sprays for. 466 pepper and. 125 Tomato galls, grapevine. I l l
Arabis and, 28 tom ato and, 211 Tomato hornworms. 229,332. 332
asparagus and. 30 Tobacco mosaic vims basil and. 2
Begonia and, H eggplant and, 23 boiling. 431
cabbage and, 55 pepper a n d ,124 BTK for. 459
Campanula and. 58 sanitation and. 422 dill and lovage and. 440
citrus a n d .4b2.4S3 spread of. 352 pepper and. 125
dextrin for. 484 by humans, 362 tillage and, 428
diatom aceous earth for, 4 2 1.422 tomato and, 229.230.232. tomato and, 231.233
flower (see Rower thrips) 353 Tomato-leaf spray, 485
Gladiolus and. L05 Tolerant plants, 414 Tomato pinworms
Hemerocallis and. 11.3-16 Tomato. 227-33 pyrethrin for, 48Q
Iris and, 126 anthracnose symptoms on. tomato and, 233
lettuce and. 13& 386 Tomato russet mites. 302
mulches for, 444 blossom end rot symptoms on. Tools, sanitation of. 365.422.432.
Narcissus and, 152 382 m
neem for. 477 compost or manure for. 418 Topping, 234
onion and. L56 culture, 22S Tortoise beetles, sweet potato and.
Paeonia and, 159 curly top symptoms on. 383 221
predatory miles and. 453 disease dctcction for. 352 Transplants, disease-free medium for.
pyrethrin for, 480 disease susceptibility of, 5 ,343, 413
Rosa a n d ,206 Trap crops. 439.-4Q
532 ■ INDEX

Traps. 429-30, 434-40 True mistletoes. 354 Vacuuming. 433

for animals, 408. 409 Trunk bands. 443-46 Valsa canker. See Cytospora canker
for apple maggots. Tsuga. 240-41 Variegated cutworm. 286
bait. 434-33 Tubers, discolored or rotted. 401:2 Vectors,
for cherry fruit flies, 435 Tubcrworms. potato. See Potato Vegetables, 243-4?
for chinch hugs. 433-36 tuberworms Velvctbcan caterpillars, viral patho­
for earwigs. 436 Tulipa. 241-42 gens for, 461
for Japanese beetles. 436 lilies and. 142 Veratrum. 422
light. 432 problems of. 242 Verbena. 247-48
pheromone. 437-38 viruses and, 351 Verbena, shrub. See Lantana
for slugs and snails, 438 Tulip bulb aphids. i L 242 Veronica. 248
sticky boards. 434.438-39 Tulip fire. 242 Veronica incana. 248
trap crops. 432z40 Tulip tree. See Liriodendron Verticillium. 344
water. HO Tuliptree spot gall. 144 Verticillium wilt, T, 363-66.380.18Q
Tree bands. 446?.46 Turnip. 142=43 A cer and. L U S 6
Treehoppers. buffalo. 276.226 root problems of. 243 avocado and. 32
Trees, shrubs, and vines. 233-40 seed sterilization for. 423 blackberry and. 44
choosing control for. 234-33 Tussock moths. 333 eggplant and. 430
fruit trees Isee Fruit trees* Aesculus and, 14 herbs a n d .116
garden task timing for. 362 manual control of. 430 leaf symptoms. 380.384-83
leaf problems of. 233-38 Western. 331 pepper and. 124
proper planting of. 239 Twicestabbed lady beetles. 301 potato and. 189. ia0
pruning cuts. 235 Twig blight. 395=% raspberry and. 197.197. I9i9
searching out stress of, 233:34 C ornusa n d .81 rhubarb a n d .203
selection of. 234 Juniperus and. 129.395 stem sympioms. 396
topping. 234 Rhododendron and, 366 strawberry and. 2 1 9.380.384
treating tree wounds. 235 Two-spotted spider mites, 3ft8 tomato and. 230.380.384
trunk and branch problems of. Typhlodromus occidentalis. See vegetables and. 246
238 Metaseiulus occidentalis Vervain. See Verbena
whole plant problems of. 238=40 Vespula. See Yellow jackets
Tree wounds, 2 3 4 .235 Vetch, pea and. 163
Trichoderma. 462 Viburnum. 248=49
Trichogramma mtnuium Vidalia beetles, citrus and. 23
buying and releasing. 456 u Vinca. 249
pecan and. UJ Ulmus. 243-43 Vinca major. 249
Trichogramma wasps problems of. 244-43.244 Vinca minor. 249
apple and, 22 Ulmus americana. 243 Vinegar flics, 333.311
avocado and. 32 Ulmus panifolia. 243 Vines. See Trees, shrubs, and vines
buying and releasing, 45£l Ultraviolet light traps, 432 Vine weevils, black. See Black vine
Canna and. 39 USDA plant hardiness zone map. 486 weevils
for codling moth control. 262.263 Viola. 249-50
Trichoplusia ni. See Cabbage loopers Viral decline. Narcissus and. 132-33
Tropaeolum, 24() Virginia creeper. See Parthenocissus
ozone damage on. 328 Viruses. 3.31-33. See also specific
as pesticide. 424 V types
problems of. 240 Vaccinium. See Blueberry beneficial. 461=62
soap sprays and. 483 Vaccinium angustifolium. See Blue­ carriers of. 362
as trap crop. 440 berry, lowbush control of, 353
True bugs Vaccinium ashei. See Blueberry. Dahlia and. 88
Alcea and. 16 rabbiteye destruction of. 365
metamorphosis of. 252 Vaccinium corymbosum. See Blue­ Dianthus and. 90
perennials and. L28 berry. highbush heat treatm ent for. 362
INDEX ■ 533

Lilium and. 142 Weather, disease and. 360 fungal pathogens for. 4fcl
nature of. 151 Webworms garlic oil for. 421
nom enclature, 342 Albizia and. L5 grape and. L10
as pathogens. 144 Berberis an d . 4 1 growth regulators for. 42}
Petunia and. 129 Cotoneaster and. 82 Ilex and. 121
prevention of disease from. 352-53 fall. 314.1 M Lantana and. Lll
resistant cultivars. 351 garden. See Garden webworms neem for. 422
/?osa and. 206 Gleditsia and. 102 Nicotiana ami. L53
spread of. 352 Juniperus and. 128, 122 Pelargonium and. 122
symptoms of. 3^1-5?. Py racantha and. 192 perennials and, 1ZZ
Tulipa and. 242 sod (see Sod webworms) pyrethrin for. 480
Vitis. See Crape on trees, shrubs, and vines. 236 Rhododendron and. 202
Vitis labrusca. See G rape. American Weevils soap sprays for. 481
Vitis rotundifolia. See G rape. bean and. 22X221 sweet potato and. 315
muscadine black vine (see Black vine weevils) traps for. 434.438.412
Vitis vini/era. See G rape. European boll. BTSD for. 460 on trees, shrubs, and vines. 232
(wine) bulbs and, 50 Whitefly parasites, buy ing and releas­
Voles, Crocus and. 83 carrot and (see Carrot weevils) ing.
Cedrus and. 63 White grubs
chestnut and, 20 corn a n d ,22
handpicking. 43Q lawns and. 1 3 3 .135
Japanese (see Japanese weevils) potato and. L82
w parsley and. 160 sweet potato and. 222
Walnut. 250-51 pea a n d .164.428 Whitcmarkcd tussock moths. Aesculus
black. 250 pecan and. I l l a n d .14
English. 250.251 pepper and.L25 White mold, bean and. 35,12
problems of. 250-51 Picea and. L82 White pine blister rust
Walnut blight, 250-51 A nus and. 183-84 currant and. 86
Walnut husk flics, 282 Salix and. 202 Pinus and. 183. I M
Walnut husk fly maggots. 250 shaking and. 433 White pine weevils
Walnut wilt, tomato and, 23Q strawberry root (see Strawberry A re a and. 182
Wasps root weevils) Pinus and. 183=84
as aphid predators. 62 sweet potato and. 221,222 White rot
Braconid (see Braconid wasps) Weigela. 251 apple and. 24
citrus oils for. 421 Western filbert blight, 28 onion and. 152
gall, 253,231 Western flower thrips, 331 White rust, spinach and. 212
Ichneumon (sec* Ichneumon wasps) Western predatory mites, buying and Wild systems. 1
parasitic, 440 releasing, 455 Willow. See Salix
food for. 442 Western rootworm beetles, com and. Willow flea weevils. 209
Trichogramma (see Trichogramma 22 Willow lace bugs. 202
wasps) Western tussock moths. 333 Wilt. 345. 346. 350
Water Wet plants. 3, 421 bacterial (see Bacterial wilt)
for beneficial insects. 450 Wetwood, bacterial. 393.393 Berberis and. 41
excessive. 155 W heat, sprouted, as trap crop. 440 Clematis and, 24
in soil. 5,156 W hiteflies. 335,335 Dicentra and, 21
Watering of plants. 162 Ageratum and, L5 fungal (see Fungal wilt)
irregular, 155 alcohol sprays for. 465 Fusarium (see Fusarium wilt)
Waterlogged soil. 385 ammonia sprays for. 466 Quercus and (see Oak wilt)
Taxus and, 185 annuals and. 18 Sy ringa and. 221
W atermelon. 251 Begonia and. 40 Tilia and. 222
W ater sprays, 433-34 bulbs and. 51 Verticillium (see Verticillium wilt)
W ater traps, 440 dextrin for. 484 walnut, tom ato and. 230
534 ■ INDEX

Wilt-Pruf. 342 Witch hazel cone gall. 113 Yellows, 3H1.381

Windflower. See A nem one Woodbine. See Parthenocissus Aster and (see Aster yellows*
Grecian (see A nem one blanda) Wood rot Fusarium (see Fusarium yellows)
poppy (see A nem one coronariaI Platanus and, 186 Ulmus and. 381
Windthrow. of trees, shrubs, and vines. on trees, shrubs, and vines. 238 Yew. See Taxus
2M Woody plants, pruning for pest control. Yucca. 252
W inter injury. See Cold injury 432 Yucca filamentosa, 232
Wirestem. cabbage and. 34 Woolly adelgids. Tsuga and. 241 Yucca plant bugs. 232
Wireworms. 336. 336 Woolly apple aphids. 262
bait traps for, 433 Woolly bears. 336-37.33d
bean and. 33
carrot and, til
Wormwood. See Artemisia
corn and. 22 Zea mays var. rugosa. See Corn
Gladiolus and. LQb Zinc deficiency
lettuce and. L3& X bean and. 36-37
nem atodes and. 432 Xenorhabdus. 432 tom ato and. 230
onion and. 136 Zinnia. 233
potato and. 18K. 189, liU bacterial spot symptoms on,
sod crops and.UUB 322
sweet potato an d . 221.222 Y mildew and. 12
Wisteria. 231-32 Yam. See Sweet potato powdery mildew and. 12, 381
Witches' broom . Syringa and. 223 Yarrow. See Achillea problems of. 233
Witch hazel. See Hamamelis Yellow jackets, 337.332 Zucchini. 213

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