Composite Construction: Edited by David A. Nethercot

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Composite Construction

Edited by David A. Nethercot

©2004 Taylor & Francis

First published 2003
by Spon Press
11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE
Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada
by Spon Press
29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001
Spon Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group
This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2004.
© 2003 Spon Press
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or
reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic,
mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter
invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any
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writing from the publishers.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available
from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Nethercot, D.A.
Composite construction / David A. Nethercot.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-415-24662-8 (alk. paper)
1. Composite construction. 2. Composite materials. I. Title.
TA664 .N48 2003

ISBN 0-203-45166-X Master e-book ISBN

ISBN 0-203-45733-1 (Adobe eReader Format)

ISBN 0-415-24662-8 (Print Edition)

©2004 Taylor & Francis



1 Fundamentals
D A V I D A . N E T H E R CO T

1.1 Introduction
1.2 History
1.3 Basic concepts
1.4 Material properties
1.5 Shear connectors
1.6 Design for ULS
1.7 Design for SLS
1.8 Composite systems
1.9 Current usage
1.10 Concluding remarks
1.11 References

2 Composite Beams

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Types of beam
2.3 Basic behaviour
2.4 Ultimate strength design
2.5 Calculating the deflection
2.6 Shear connector behaviour
2.7 Continuous beams
2.8 Beams with composite slabs
2.9 Current design and future development
2.10 References

©2004 Taylor & Francis

3 Composite Columns

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Composite columns under axial load in cold condition
3.3 Composite column under combined axial load and bending
moments at ambient temperature
3.4 Effect of shear
3.5 Load introduction
3.6 Composite columns in fire conditions
3.7 Summary
3.8 Acknowledgement
3.9 References
3.10 Notations

4 Instability and Ductility


4.1 Introduction and elastic buckling theory

4.2 Ultimate resistance of composite columns
4.3 Continuous composite beams
4.4 Ductility considerations for compact beams
4.5 References

5 Composite Floors
J . B UI C K D A V I S O N

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Current practice
5.3 Behaviour as formwork
5.4 Composite behaviour
5.5 Dynamic behaviour
5.6 Concentrated loads and slab openings
5.7 Fire resistance
5.8 Diaphragm action
5.9 Slim floor decking
5.10 References

6 Composite Connections

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Types of composite connections
6.3 Design principles

©2004 Taylor & Francis

6.4 Classification of composite connections
6.5 Capacity of composite connections
6.6 Ductility of composite connections
6.7 Stiffness of composite connections
6.8 Summary
6.9 References

7 Composite Frames

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Principles of frame behaviour
7.3 Frame analysis and design
7.4 Design using software
7.5 Conclusions
7.6 References

©2004 Taylor & Francis


Graham H. Couchman David B. Moore

Steel Construction Institute BRE
Silwood Park PO Box 202
Buckhurst road Watford
Ascot Herts
Berks WD2 7QG
David A. Nethercot
Imperial College
J. Buick Davison Department of Civil & Environmental
The University of Sheffield Engineering
Department of Civil & Structural London SW7 2AZ
Sir Frederick Mappin Yong C. Wang
Building School of Civil Engineering
Mappin Street University of Manchester
Sheffield Oxford Road
S1 3JD Manchester
M13 9PL

Alan R. Kemp Howard D. Wright

Faculty of Engineering University of Strathclyde
University of Witwatersrand James Weir Building
1 Jan Smuts Avenue 75 Montrose Building
Johannesburg Glasgow
2001 South Africa G1 1XJ

©2004 Taylor & Francis


Composite Construction has developed significantly since its origins approximately

100 years ago when the idea that the concrete fire protection around columns might
be able to serve some structural purpose or that the concrete bridge deck might,
with advantage, be made to act in conjunction with the supporting steel beams was
first proposed. Take-up in practice and began in earnest shortly after the end of the
Second World War and progress has been particularly rapid during the past 20
years. Indeed, it is now common to ask, “Why is this not acting compositely?”
when looking to improve the efficiency of a structural steelwork design. In those
countries where steelwork enjoys a particularly high market share e.g. for high-rise
buildings in the UK and Sweden, the extensive use of composite construction is a
major factor.
Early approaches to the design of composite structures generally amounted to
little more than the application of basic mechanics to this new system. However, it
was soon realised that this particular medium possessed features and subtleties of its
own and that effective usage required that these be properly understood and allowed
for. Composite construction is now generally regarded as a structural type in its own
right, with the attendant set of design codes and guidance documents. The most
comprehensive and up to date of these is the set of Eurocodes—specifically EC4
that deals exclusively with composite construction. It is not the purpose of this text-
book to serve as a commentary on the Eurocodes. Rather, it is an explanatory and
educational document, presenting the technical basis for many of the newer con-
cepts, design procedures and applications of composite construction in buildings.
Inevitably, it makes some reference to the Eurocodes but only in the sense that their
procedures often represent formal statements of the most appropriate simplified
implementation of our current understanding. For convenience and consistency it
adopts their notation.
The authors—each an acknowledged expert in the topic on which they have
written—have selected their own way of presenting the subject matter. In all cases
the intent has been to share the technical basis and background to design so that
extrapolation and intelligent use beyond the obvious is possible. The book is not
claimed to be comprehensive or to represent a full state of the art. It should be
regarded as helpful background reading for all those wishing to acquire a better
appreciation and understanding of the major developments in the use of composite
construction for building structures.
The first Chapter of this book traces the key historical steps in the development
and understanding of Composite Construction and introduces the main fundamental
features. The next two deal with basic elements—horizontal beams and vertical
columns—showing how the combined action of the concrete and the steel member
may be synthesised to give a more efficient load resisting arrangement. A relatively
new development is the deliberate use of composite action in beam to column

©2004 Taylor & Francis

connections, thereby requiring them to be treated as partial strength and semi-rigid
for design purposes as explained in Chapter 4. Because buckling is a key item when
dealing with the response of steel members, its importance for composite
elements—especially beams—is then considered in some detail. Building floor sys-
tems now often comprise arrangements with two-way spanning composite action
and several such arrangements are discussed in Chapter 6. The final Chapter deals
with the interaction of beams, columns and joints in presenting a complete treatment
for the design of non-sway composite frames that recognises the actual behaviour
more closely than does conventional treatments based on consideration of individual
This book is collaborative effort, with all the Chapter authors having made an
equal contribution. Its preparation has inevitably involved delivery against deadlines
and the required instructions. My thanks to Howard, Yong, David, Buick, Alan and
Graham for their patience and cooperation. Production has benefited from the firm
but sympathetic guidance of the publishers—particularly Alice Hudson. The coord-
ination and final preparation of the manuscript was just one of the tasks handled so
efficiently by my PA Alice Kwesu.

David A. Nethercot

©2004 Taylor & Francis


Considerable effort has been made to trace and contact copyright holders and
secure replies prior to publication. The authors apologise for any errors or
Extracts from Eurocode 4, Eurocode 3 and BS 5950 Part 3: 1990 are repro-
duced with the permission of BSI under licence number 2002SK/0204. Eurocodes
and British Standards can be obtained from BSI Customer Services, 389 Chiswick
High Road, London W4 4AL. (Tel + 44 (0) 20 8996 9001).
Figures from Steel Construction Institute publications are reproduced with
kind permission from the Steel Construction Institute.
Acknowledgments are also required for the following:

Chapter One—Fundamentals
David A. Nethercot

Figure 1.1 reproduced with kind permission from the ASCE from: Moore, W.P.,
Keynote Address: An Overview of Composite Construction in the United States,
Composite Construction in Steel & Concrete, ed. C.D. Buckner & I.M. Viest,
Engineering Foundation, 1988, pp. 1–17.
Figures 1.2 and 1.3 reproduced from: David A. Nethercot, Limit States Design
of Structural Steelwork, Spon Press.
Figures 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.8 reproduced from: Johnson, R.P., Composite
Structures of Steel & Concrete Volume 1 Beams, Slabs, Column & Frames for
Buildings, 2nd edition, Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Figure 1.16 reproduced from: Lam, D., Elliott, K.S & Nethercot, D.A., Struc-
tures and Buildings, ICE Proceedings

Chapter Two—Composite Beams

Howard D. Wright

Figure 2.4 reproduced from: Mullett, D.L., Composite Floor Systems, Blackwell
Science Ltd.

Chapter Three—Composite Columns

Yong C. Wang

Tables 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 are reprinted from Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 51,
Kodur, V.K.R., Performance-based fire resistance design of concrete-filled columns,
pp. 21–36, 1999, with permission from Elsevier Science.

©2004 Taylor & Francis

Chapter Five—Composite Floors
J. Buick Davison

Figure 5.20 reproduced from: Composite Slab Behaviour and Strength Analysis.
Part 1 calculation Procedure, Daniels, Byron J., Crisinel, Michael, Journal of Structural
Engineering, Vol. 119, 1993—ASCE.
Figure 5.26 reproduced courtesy of Corus plc.

Chapter Six—Composite Connections

David B. Moore

Figures 6.1, 6.13, 6.16, 6.17 and 6.18 reproduced with kind permission of Building
Research Establishment Ltd.

©2004 Taylor & Francis

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