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Corporate Governance Consolidated Financial Statements Corporate Data

5. Results of GCG Assessment 2. Implementation of duties and responsibilities of

5.1. GCG Self Assessment Implementation the Board of Directors;
3. Adequacy and implementation of duties of the
In 2015, BCA conducted its GCG self assessment Committees;
review in accordance with the Regulations of Bank 4. Handling of conflict of interests;
Indonesia and Bank Indonesia Circular Letter on 5. Implementation of compliance function;
GCG Implementation for Commercial Banks. The 6. Implementation of internal audit function;
assessment falls into 3 (three) governance aspects, 7. Implementation of external audit function;
namely: 8. Implementation of risk management, including
1. Governance Structure; the internal control system;
2. Governance Process; and 9. Funding to related party and large exposures;
3. Governance Outcome. 10. Transparency of financial and non-financial
condition of the Bank, GCG implementation
The 3 aspects of Governance are evaluated in the 11 report; and
(eleven) Assessment Factors below: 11. The Bank’s strategic plan.
1. Implementation of duties and responsibilities of
the Board of Commissioners; Results of the Good Corporate Governance
implementation self-assessment in the first and second
half of 2015 is categorized under “Rank 1” (“Very Good”).

Results of The GCG Implementation Self-Assessment at BCA

Rank Rank Definition

Individual 1 Overall, implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) by the Management

of BCA is rated excellent. As reflected in the substantial implementation of GCG
principles. Any remaining weaknesses in the implementation of GCG principles
are either generally considered not significant or would soon be corrected by the
Management of BCA.


The analysis of the Self Assessment on aspects of Governance Structure, Governance Process and Governance Output as
applied to each of the GCG Implementation Assessment Factor can be summarized below:
1. The governance structure as per all the GCG Implementation Assessment Factors is more than adequate and
2. The governance process as per most of the GCG Implementation Assessment Factors is very effective, supported by a
more than adequate governance structure and infrastructure.
3. The governance output as per most of the GCG Implementation Assessment Factors is of high-quality, resulting from
governance processes that are mostly very effective with the support of a more than adequate governance structure and

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk 2015 Annual Report
BCA in Brief Letter to Shareholders Management Discussion and Analysis

5.2. Assessment of GCG Implementation by External 1. Transparency of Good Corporate Governance

Party Implementation as referred by point IX Circular
To evaluate and measure the implementation of GCG Letter of Bank Indonesia no.15/15/DPnP dated
in BCA, in 2015 BCA participated in the GCG research 29 April 2013; and
and ranking program in Indonesia – Corporate 2. GCG Implementation Self Assessment Report
Governance Perception Index (CGPI) organized by in accordance with the assessment period of
The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance Bank Soundness Level for the past 1 (one) year.
(IICG) in collaboration with SWA Magazine.
Transparency of Good Corporate Governance
The CGPI theme in 2015 is “Good Corporate implementation includes:
Governance in the Perspective of Value Creation.”
The assessment consists of 4 (four) stages, as A. GCG implementation disclosures include:
follows: 1. Implementation of duties and
a. Self assessment; responsibilities of the Board of
b. Document assessment; Commissioners and Board of Directors;
c. essay assessment; 2. Adequacy and implementation of duties of
d. Observation. the Committees;
3. Implementation of compliance, internal
As a result of its participation in the program, BCA audit, and external audit functions;
was awarded “The Most Trusted Company” (“Highly 4. Implementation of risk management,
Trusted”), which is the highest valuation possible. including the internal control system;
5. Funding to related party and large
In 2015, The Indonesian Institute for Corporate exposure;
Directorship (IICD) performed an evaluation and 6. Strategic planning;
ranking for 100 largest listed companies by market 7. Transparency of financial and non-financial
capitalization listed at the Indonesia Stock exchange. conditions that have not been disclosed in
In the 2015 IICD Conference and Corporate other reports;
Governance Awards, BCA obtained an award under 8. Other information related to GCG.
“The Best Financial Sector” category.
B. Share ownership of the members of Boards of
6. GCG Implementation Report Commissioners and Directors with an equity
BCA’s Good Corporate Governance Implementation amount of 5% (five percent) or more, including
Report in 2015 was prepared in accordance with the type and number of shares in:
the Bank Indonesia Regulation no.8/4/PBI/2006 a. BCA;
dated 30 January 2006, as amended by the Bank b. Other banks;
Indonesia Regulation no.8/14/PBI/2006 dated 5 c. non Bank Financial Institutions; and
October 2006, and Circular Letter of Bank Indonesia d. Other companies;
no.15/15/DPnP dated 29 April 2013 concerning the domiciled in Indonesia or overseas.
Implementation of Good Corporate Governance for
Commercial Banks. C. Financial relationships and family relationships
of members of the Board of Commissioners
The BCA’s Good Corporate Governance report has to and Board of Directors with other members of
cover at least the following: the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors
and/or Controlling Shareholders.

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk 2015 Annual Report

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