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Starry Night

By Alondra Magallanes

In this iconographic study, the focus was on social impact of Van Gogh’s work
“Starry Night.” The social impact in this case was measured through popular social
media/blogging site, Each citation includes the number of “notes” or
the combination of “likes” and “reblogs” a photo gets on the site after being posted.
It also includes the tags I have used to categorize the images. They are organized
by highest to lowest notes.
Notes: 38,737 Tags: Body, Tattoo
Notes: 17,431 Tags: Embroidery, DIY
Notes: 9,399 Tags: Crossover
Notes: 9,011 Tags: DIY, Painting, Photography, Aesthetic
Notes: 8,395 Tags: DIY, Painting, Photography, Aesthetic
Notes: 7,689 Tags: Embroidery, DIY, Photography, Merchandise
Notes: 6,261 Tags: Painting, Aesthetic, Photography
Notes: 6,124 Tags: Crossover, Pop culture, painting, humor
Notes: 4,766 Tags: Tattoo, Body
Notes: 4,397 Tags: Edible, Photography, Aesthetic
Notes: 4386 Tags: Embroidery, DIY
Notes: 4380 Tags: Tattoo, Body
Notes: 3,671 Tags: Painting, DIY, Photography, Aesthetic
Notes: 3633 Tags: Embroidery, DIY, Aesthetic, Merchandise
Notes: 3398 Tags: Edible, Aesthetic, Photography
Notes: 3,584 Tags: Aesthetic, Double Exposure, Photography
Notes: 3338 Tags: Painting
Notes: 3,336 Tags: Merchandise, Aesthetic, Photography
Notes: 3,261 Tags: Tattoo, body
Notes: 2,868 ; Tags: Tattoo, Body
Notes: 2,755 Tags: Crossover, Pop culture, Drawing
Notes: 2529 Tags: Tattoo, Body
Notes: 2358 Tags: DIY, Painting
Notes: 2,227 ; Tags: Tattoo, Body
Notes, 2188 Tags: Body, Painting, Aesthetic, DIY
Notes: 2064 Tags: Body, Tattoo
Notes: 1615 Tags: Edible, Aesthetic, Photography
Notes: 1447 Tags: Body, Tattoo
Notes: 1,425 ; Tags: Pop culture, crossover, painting
Notes: 1207 Tags: Text, Body, Tattoo
Notes: 1,160 ; Tags: Pop culture, Crossover
Notes: 979 Tags: Crossover, Pop culture
Notes: 848 Tags: Painting, Aesthetic, Photography
Notes: 845 Tags: Merchandise, Aesthetic, Photography, Text
Notes: 793 Tags: Crossover, Tattoo, Body, Pop culture
Notes: 789 ; Tags: Painting, Body, Aesthetic, Photography
Notes: 669 ; Tags: Embroidery, DIY, Aesthetic, Photography
Notes: 636 ; Tags: Aesthetic, Double Exposure, Photography
Notes: 592 Tags: Painting, Aesthetic, Photography, DIY
Notes: 583 Tags: Painting, Pop culture, Crossover
Notes: 548 Tags: Crossover, Pop culture, Painting
Notes: 529 Tags: Painting, DIY, Aesthetic
Notes: 491 Tags: Painting, DIY, Aesthetic
Notes: 403 Tags: Text, Painting, Aesthetic
Notes: 377 Tags: Painting, DIY, Aesthetic, Photography
Notes: 224 Tags: Text, DIY, Painting
Notes: 118 Tags: Aesthetic, Painting, Photography, Body
Notes: 99 ; Tags: Aesthetic, Painting, Photography
Notes: 97 ; Tags: Aesthetic, Painting, Body, Photography
Notes: 89 Tags: Crossover, Pop culture

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