Buyer Characteristics of The Green Consumer and Their Implications For Advertising Strategy

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Buyer Characteristics of the Green Consumer and

Their Implications for Advertising Strategy

L. J. Shrum, John A. McCarty and Tina M. Lowrey
The authors construct a psychographic profile of the green in terms of vanables directly related to
purchase behavior, such as price consciousness and general care in shopping, interest in new products, and
brand loyalty. Additionally, they address attitudes toward advertising and media preferences. Data from
3264 respondents to the DDB Needham Life Style Study were analyzed. The results show the green consumer
to be an opinion leader and a careful shopper who seeks inform.ation on products, including information from
advertising, but also suggest that the green consumer is rather skeptical of advertising. The implications are
that green consumers may be receptive to green marketing and advertising, but marketers should take care
not to alienate them by using ambiguous or misleading messages.

L. J. Shrum (Ph.D., University of Polls consistently show that a large majority of U. S. citizens consider
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is an
Assistant Professor in the Depart- themselves to be "environmentalists" (Donaton and Fitzgerald 1992; Ottman
ment of Marketing at Rutgers 1992; Schlossberg 1991; Schwartz and Miller 1991). Moreover, Roper Orga-
University, New Brunswick. NJ. nization polls have shown that the "greenest" segment of consumers nearly
John A. McCarty (Ph.D.. University doubled over the two year period 1990 to 1992 (Roper Organization 1992,
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is cited in Iyer, Banerjee, and Gulas 1994). It is therefore not surprising that
an AsBistant Professor in the Kogod
College of Business Administration at marketers have attempted to exploit consumers' environmental concern by
American University. Washington, using environmental claims in their advertising. Research indicates that
consumers are concerned enough to consider paying more for environmen-
Tina M. Lowrey (Ph.D., University tally friendly products. In a 1990 poll by the J. Walter Thompson advertis-
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is
an Assistant Professor in the ing agency, for example, 82% of the respondents said they would pay at least
Department of Marketing, iRider 5% more for a product that was environmentally friendly, up from 49% the
University, Lawrenceville, NJ.
previous year (Levin 1990). A more recent Advertising Age poll conducted by
The authors would like to thank Yankelovich Clancy Shulman found that for 70% of the respondents, pur-
Martin Horn and Douglas Hughes of
DDB Needham Worldwide, Chicago chase decisions were at least "sometimes" influenced by environmental
for providing data from the 1993 messages in advertising and product labeling (Chase and Smith 1992).
DDB Needham Life Style Study. The
writing of this article was supported Such findings notwithstanding, other evidence suggests that consumers
by a Research Council Grant from are not only confused about environmental advertising claims, but also
Rutgers University awarded to the
first author. distrustful of them. For example, in the seune Advertising Age poll, more
than half of the respondents indicated they paid less attention to such
messages because of overkill, and most respondents reported that environ-
mental claims were not ptirticularly believable (Chase and Smith 1992). In
another survey (the third annual Nationwide Environmental Survey con-
ducted for the packaging company Gerstman & Meyers), 83% of the respon-
dents indicated they preferred buying environmentally safe products and
79% reported they considered a firm's environmental reputation in pur-
chase decisions; however, only 15% said that environmental claims were
"extremely or very believable" (Dagnoli 1991). Finally, a 1990 Roper poll
showed that Americans tend to think companies are not environmentally
responsible and that they distrust advertising and labeling claims pertain-
ing to the environment (Schwartz and Miller 1991).
Consumer ambivalence about environmentally related marketing and
Journal of Advertising,
Volume XXIV, Number 2
advertising practices is but one reason for gaining a thorough understand-
Summer 1995 ing of the green consumer. As Ellen, Wiener, and Cobb-Walgren (1991)
72 Journal of Advertising

point out (echoing a previous assertion by Henion translate into a change in purchase behavior
and Wilson 1976), identifying attitudinal and trait (Schlossberg 1991). Also, empirical evidence shows
variables associated with environmentally friendly that general environmental attitudes are not related
behavior is essential for the development of effective, to particular environmental behaviors (Shrum,
targeted comjuunications. Such psychographic infor- Lowrey, and McCarty 1994; Stem and Oskamp 1987).
mation influences not only the selection of the target Our discussion of previous research therefore focuses
audience, but also the nature of the message, how it on studies pertaining to green buying or to green
is presented, and how it is delivered. We therefore messages directed to consumers.
conducted a study to extend previous research on the Such green research can be categorized as consumer-
psychographic profile of the pro-environmental con- based and ad-based. Consumer-based studies inves-
sumer. tigate characteristics of consumers that differentiate
After reviewing previous research findings related between levels of environmental concern or behavior,
to environmental issues, we discuss our specific re- whereas ad-based studies address components of the
search questions and describe our study. We then ads themselves such as copy or layout elements. Al-
report the findings and discuss their implications. though consumer-based studies are more prevalent,
a few researchers have attempted to categorize and
Green Research analyze green advertisements. For example, Iyer and
Banerjee (1993) found that green ads were more com-
The term "green" is typically used interchangeably monly oriented to corporate image than to the prod-
with "pro-environmental." However, because of dif- uct or service. Additionally, the emphasis of the ads
ferences in definitions of the environment, the term tended to be on environmentally friendly production
is necessarily imprecise. We use the term "green" and to a lesser degree on disposal. In a similar analy-
simply to indicate concern with the physical environ- sis, Iyer, Banerjee, and Gulas (1994) examined green
ment (air, water, land). Other authors have made television advertisements. Using a shallow/moderate/
finer distinctions in classifying different types of green- deep coding scheme to classify the greenness of an ad,
ness (e.g., Iyer, Banerjee, and Gulas 1994), but we they found that manufacturera' ads were relatively
prefer the broader term for the purposes of our study. more shallow and "less green" than those of nonprofit
Hence, we consider the green consumer to he anyone organizations. They also found that manufacturers
whose purchase behavior is influenced by environ- emphasized social responsibility and management
mental concerns. control, whereas nonprofit groups relied on emotional
Previous research on green marketing and adver- appeals. Carlson, Grove, and Kangion (1993) conducted
tising has been very broad in terms of specific topics a similar study in which they categorized green print
addressed. Even the large body of research on recy- ads. They found that ad claims tended to be more
cling of solid wastes, pollution, and energy conserva- image-enhancing (i.e., associating the company with
tion may have a bearing on understanding the envi- a positively viewed environmental cause) than pro-
ronmentally concerned consumer. However, little re- cess-oriented (i.e., focusing on technology, production,
search has specifically addressed issues related to or disposal). Additionally, they found more instances
the green consumer's purchase process (e.g., purchase of what they classified as misleading or deceptive
behavior, communications). claims than of what they classified as acceptablQ^
Our goal is to pi*ofUe the green consxuner in a man- nonmisleading claims. The latter finding suggests that
ner that will assist in the development of advertising consumers' distrust of green advertising claims may
strategies. Consequently, we are more interested in be well founded.
factors that contribute to green purchase behavior Consumer-based studies attempt to determine char-
than in factors related to general levels of environ- acteristics of green consumers that differentiate them
mental consciousness or post-purchase behavior such from other consumers. Such studies typically focus
as recycling (for reviews of this literature, see Shrum, on traditional demographic (age, income, education)
Lowrey, and McCarty 1994; Stem and Oskamp 1987; and psychographic (attitudes, values) segmentation
Van Liere and Dunlap 1980). This distinction is im- variables. For example, a recent poll by J. Walter
portant and has support from previous polls and stud- Thompson found that persons classified as most green
ies. For example, marketers complain that even tended to be "better educated older females with high
though research shows the environment to be impor- incomes and liberal orientation [sic],' whereas those
tant to consumers, its importance does not seem to least green tended to be "yoxinger, apolitical, less well-
Summer 1995 73

educated males" (Levin 1990, p. 74). A Roper Organi- opinion leader? The answer has implications not only
zation poll conducted for S. C. Johnson and Son found for advertising strategy, but also for the diffusion of
the same pattern, with the greenest category having green buying behavior. In terms of buying character-
a higher proportion of white collar workers, a higher istics, are the greener consumers more interested in
proportion of women, and a higher level of education new products than less green consumers? Are they
(Schwartz and Miller 1991). In contrast, a relatively more brand loyal? Are they more impulsive buyers?
large number of studies have found little or no rela- Are they more price conscious? Answers to those ques-
tionship between demographic characteristics and tions can help shape both marketing and advertising
environmental attitudes and behaviors. When rela- strategies. Finally, we were interested in whether
tionships have been found, they typically have less differences in general attitudes toward advertising
explanatory power than the psychographic variables are a function of level of green buying. Are greener
(for reviews, see Schwepker and Comwell 1991; consumers more skeptical or distrustful of advertis-
Shrum, Lowrey, and McCarty 1994). ing messages and advertiser motives than consumers
Several consumer-based studies have investigated who display less green purchase behavior? The an-
psychological correlates of environmental concern and swer to that question can help shape both message
environmental behaviors. The ones examining green content and message delivery.
purchase intention or behavior suggest that an inter-
nal locus of control is correlated positively with in-
tent to purchase ecologically packaged products Method
(Schwepker and Comwell 1991). That relation also Sample and Data Source
holds for post-purchase behaviors such as recycling
(see Shrum, Lowrey, and McCarty 1994). Similarly, The 1993 DDB Needham life Style Study was the
Ellen, Wiener, and Cobb-Walgren (1991) found that data source for the investigation. The advertising
perceived consumer effectiveness, or the degree to agency DDB Needham conducts a proprietary life style
which an individual can make a difference in the study annually. The mail survey of male and female
quality of the environment (a domain-specific con- heads of household, generally fielded in late January
struct related to locus of control), was related posi- of each year, includes a variety of questions on the
tively to intent to purchase environmentally safe prod- attitudes, interests, and opinions of the respondents,
ucts. as well as their activities, product usage, media hab-
One of the first tasks in developing an advertising its, and demographic information.
strategy is to construct a profile of tbe target con- DDB Needham uses the Market Facts, Inc. Con-
sumer, particularly in terms of buyer attitudes and sumer Mail Panel as the source of respondents for the
behavior. Such psychographic and behavioral infor- annual study. Therefore, the respondents in 1993 (as
mation enables the creative staff to "fiesh out" the in other years of the study) represent a stratified ran-
consumers of a product and hence speak to them in dom sample from a population of individuals who have
an informed and convincing manner. The consumer- contracted to complete a number of different surveys
based studies discussed previously are a starting point during the course of a year. Five thousand surveys
for developing such profiles. The purpose of our study were mailed in late January of 1993 and 3690 surveys
was to provide a clearer picture of the green con- were returned, a return rate of 73.8%.
sumer, and in the process contribute to the develop- In comparison with the U. S. population of adults
ment of marketing and advertising strategies aimed (U. S. Bureau of the Census 1993), the sample for the
at that segment. We therefore used a method analo- Life Style Study underrepresented individuals with
gous to segmenting by usage level. very low income (;f^ = 361.31, df-6,p< .01) and those
More specifically, we were interested in whether with less than high school education (x = 784.51, df-
more green consumers (i.e., those whose purchase 4, p < .01). Racial groups other than Caucasian were
behavior is greatly influenced by environmental con- underrepresented in relation to their percentage of
cern) and less green consumers (i.e., those whose pur- the total population Gt^ = 64.39, df= 1, p < .01). Mar-
chase behavior is minimally influenced by environ- ried individuals (x^ = 167.74, df = 1, p < .01) and
mental concerns) differ on trait and attitudinal vari- women (x = 9.69, df = 1, p < .01) were somewhat
ables that are more specific than the broad demo- overrepresented in relation to their percentage in the
graphic and psychographic variables investigated pre- total adult population. Although most of those differ-
viously. For example, is the greener consumer an ences are common among mail surveys (Reeder 1960),
74 Journal of Advertising

and should not overly affect our fmdings, they should Green buying. Two items, each related to consum-
be kept in mind when interpreting the results of the ers' desire to purchase environmentally friendly prod-
study. ucts, were used as criterion measures: "I make a spe-
Listwise deletions were used to account for missing cial effort to buy products in biodegradable packages"
data. Therefore, only respondents who completed all and *I would switch from my usual brands and buy
of the measures used in the study were included in environmentally safe cleaning products, even if I have
the an£dyses. Hence, our analyses were based on 1810 to give up some cleaning effectiveness." The two items
women and 1536 men (representing 66.9% of the sur- tap somewhat different aspects of green buying. The
vey recipients). former indicates a general concern with buying green,
whereas the latter indicates a willingness to switch
Measures to a more environmentally friendly brand that does
not necessarily perform as well as other brands.
The purpose of the study was to determine the ex- Clearly, the second measure is a more stringent test
tent to which particular consumer attitudes and be- of a person's interest in green buying because agree-
liefs are related to interest in purchasing environ- ment with it indicates a willingness to give up some-
mentally safe products. The attitude and belief state- thing to protect the environment. The two measures
ments used to calculate the criterion variables (green were only moderately correlated (r = .33).
buying) and the predictor variables (consumer atti-
tudes and beliefs) came from the Attitudes, Interests, Analysis and Results
and Opinions (AIO) portion of the Life Style Study.
To generate a list of relevant attitude items, each Data were ancilyzed to determine the extent to which
researcher read through the AIO section of the Life consumer attitudes and beliefs covary with interest
Style Study and noted items that would be important in buying environmentally safe products. First, we
in developing a profile of the green consumer. Par- performed factor analyses on the consumer variables.
ticular emphasis was placed on issues related to the This step enabled us to evaluate the nature of the
buying process (e.g., impulse buying, price conscious- interrelationships among the consumer variables and
ness, brand loyalty) and the communication process to reduce them to a reasonable number of predictor
(e.g., attitudes toward advertising, opinion leader- variables. We then computed factor scores (when fea-
ship, opinions about and use of particular media). sible) from the factor analysis results. Second, we
That procedure yielded 24 items, which are described performed regression analyses to determine the in-
in the following section. fiuence of the consumer attitudes and beliefs on the
Predictor attitudes and beliefs. Twenty-four state- green buying variables.
ments were used as possihle predictors of interest in
buying environmentally safe products. The statements Factor Analysis and Results
pertain to topics that are important to understanding
consumer shopping behaviors: degree of opinion lead- For the factor analysis we used principal axis fac-
ership, buyer behavior characteristics such as price toring with varimax rotation. A scree test of the eig-
consciousness and financial care in shopping, brand envalues indicated that a seven-factor solution pro-
interest and loyalty, and interest in new products. vided a reasonable fit to the data. Eigenvalues were
We surmised that because green marketing is rela- greater than 1.0 for all seven factors. We considered
tively novel, each of those issues would be important an item to be representative of a factor if it had a
in understanding the green consumer. Items related loading of .35 or higher. By that criterion, the sixth
to beliefs about advertising were included to address and seventh factors each had only two items loading
previous findings suggesting an anti-advertising bias on them and were considered unstable. The two items
on the part of green consumers. Finally, items that loading on the sixth factor were "Magazines are more
measured consumer attitudes toward particular me- interesting than television" Goading of -.499) and
dia (magazines and television) were incorporated to "Television is my primary form of entertainment"
address message delivery issues. All 24 of the items (loading of .754). "Advertising insults my intelligence"
used in the study are listed in Table 1. Each item was and "I refuse to buy a brand whose advertising I
measured on a 6-point Likert-type scale anchored by dislike" were the only two items to load on the sev-
"I definitely disagree" and "I definitely agree" (higher enth factor Goadings of .559 and .379, respectively).
numbers refiect more agreement). Additionally, the item "When I watch television, I
Summer 1995 75

usually change the channel during commercials" did Before doing regressions, however, we conducted
not load on any factor (its highest loading was .216). tests to determine whether gender interacted with
The factor analysis was therefore redone without those any of the predictor variables. The item "Advertising
five items and, as expected, yielded a five-factor solu- insults my intelligence" interacted with gender for
tion for the 19 remaining items. This rotated five- the criterion variable of making a special effort to buy
factor solution is reported in Table 1. The column green (p < .01). The item "When I watch television, I
headings suggest the general nature of each factor, usually change the station during commercials" in-
and the items that are representative of the nature of teracted with gender for both of the criterion vari-
each factor are underlined. Factor scores were esti- ables (both ps < .01). We therefore analyzed the data
mated by the regression method for the five factors; for female and male respondents separately.
therefore^ each variable contributed to each factor When degrees of freedom are large, small differ-
according to its weight on that factor. As the coeffi- ences tend to be statistically significant, even though
cients of multiple correlation in Table 1 indicate, the the effect sizes may be small. To reduce the clutter of
factor scores are adequate measures of the underly- weak effects, we used a more stringent than normal
ing factors. (Nunnally [1978] suggests that a coeffi- cutoff point (p < .01) to establish statistical signifi-
cient of .70 is adequate for determining the extent to cance.
which the variables are good estimates of a hypo- Making a special effort to buy green. The regression
thetical factor.) results for women and men are summarized in Tables
The first factor, impulse buying, captures consum- 2 and 3, respectively. The predictor variables as a
ers' lack of concern about money and the likelihood whole are related significantly to making a special
that they will act purchase on impulse. The second effort to buy green for both women {R-^ = .099,
factor, opinion leadership, relates to the extent to i^lO,l799) = 19.80, p < .01) and men (R^ = .084,
which the respondents believe they have influence H1O,1525) = 14.01, p < .01). The tables also show that
with others and their opinions are important to oth- several of the consumer variables are significant pre-
ers. The third factor, interest in products, represents dictors of making a special effort to buy green for both
the respondents' interest in new products and in ob- genders. Making a special effort is associated with a
taining information about products. The fourth fac- greater perception of being an opinion leader, a greater
tor, brand loyalty, captures the respondents* beliefs interest in products, and taking more care in shop-
about the quality of branded products versus generic ping. In contrast, impulse buying and brand loyalty
and store brands. The fifth factor, care in shopping, show no relation to making a special effort to buy
reflects the extent to which the respondents reported green. Of the communication variables (i.e., those
that they were careful in their shopping by checking pertaining to media preferences and advertising), two
prices, shopping for specials, and making a shopping are associated with making a special effort to buy
list. green for both men and women: a greater interest in
magazines than in television and a tendency not to
buy products whose advertising is disliked. No rela-
Regression Analyses and Results tion is found between the green buying variable and
We used regression analyses to determine the rela- television being the primary form of entertainment.
tion between the consumer variables and the inten- Between-gender differences are noted in the rela-
tion to buy environmentally safe products. The factor tionship between making an effort to buy green and
scores from the final five factors were entered as pre- two of the advertising criterion variables. Specifically,
dictor variables. The five variables that did not load women show a positive relation between making an
reliably on any of the factors were also entered as effort to buy green and both the belief that advertis-
individual predictor variables in the regression analy- ing insults their intelligence and the tendency to
ses. Therefore, we had 10 predictor variables (five change television channels during commercials. No
factor variables and five individual consumer vari- such relations are noted for men.
ables). The criterion variables were the two measures Switching brands to buy green. Again, the predictor
that relate to green buying: making a special effort to v£iriables as a whole are significant predictors of
buy products in biodegradable packages (make a spe- switching brands to buy green for both women (i?'^ =
cial effort to buy green) and switching brands to buy .039, F(1O,1799) = 7.39, p < .01) and men (R^ = .054,
environmentally safe products, even at the expense in[lO,1525) = 8.77, p < .01). However, fewer predictor
of cleaning effectiveness (switching brands to buy variables are related to the criterion variable of switch-
green). ing brands to buy green than to making a special
76 Journal of Advertising

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Summer 1995 77

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78 Journal of Advertising

Table 2
Relationships of Green Buying with Consumer Attitudes for Women

Criterion Variables

I would switch from my usual brands

I make a special effort and buy environmentally safe cleaning
to buy products in products, even if I have to give
biodegradabie packages. up some cleaning effectiveness.

Variables Beta t-Valu Beta f-Value

Impulse buying" -.044 -1.88 .030 -1.26

Opinion leadership' .104 4.49 .017 -0.71

Interest in products' .133 5.60 ,113 4.61

Brand loyalty -.030 -1.32 .017 -0.71

Care in shopping* .088 3.82 ,002 0.10

Magazines are more interesting

than television.** .078 3.24' .055 2.22

Television is my primary
form of entertainment.'' -.006 -0.26 .003 0.11

Advertising insults my
intelligence.^ .075 3.20* .078 3.23*

I refuse to buy a brand whose

advertising I dislike.^ .110 4.71* .076 3.16*

When I watch television, I

usually change the station
during commercials." .080 3.47* .062 2.62*

fl2 - .099 fl2 - .039

F(10, 1799) "19.80 F{10. 1799)-7.39

p<.01 p<.01

• p<.oi
a Composite variable derived from factor analysis
b Individual attitude statement
Summer 1995

Table 3
Relationships of Green Buying with Consumer Attitudes for Men

Criterion Variables

I would switch from my usual brands

i make a speciai effort and buy environmentally safe cleaning
to buy products in products, even if I have to give
biodegradable packages. up some cleaning effectiveness.

Variables Beta f-ValU( Beta f-Value

impulse buying" -.000 -0.03 019 0.73

Opinion leadership" .073 2.94* .036 -1.43

interest in products' .134 5.18' 114 4.35'

Brand loyalty" .024 0.97 .025 -0.99

Care in shopping" .148 5.76* 074 2.81

Magazines are more interesting

than television." .082 2.98' .084 2.99*

Television is my primary
form of entertainment." -.052 -1.86 -.001 -0.04

Advertising insults my
intelligence." -.017 -0.66 .025 0.96

I refuse to buy a brand whose

advertising I dislike." .073 2.86* .120 4.60'

When I watch television, I

usually change the station
during commercials.** .005 0.18 -.011 -0.43

R^" .084 fl2 - .054

F(10, 1525)-14.01 F(10, 1525)-8.77
p<.01 p<.01

• p<.oi
a Composite variable derived from factor analysis
b Individual attitude statement
Journal of Advertising

effort to buy green. For both women and men, a greater fort to buy green is unrelated to impulse bujdng and
intereBt in products an(i a greater tendency to refuse brand loyalty. In terms of the communication vari-
to buy products whose advertising is disliked are as- ables, persons making a specicd effort to buy green
sociated with higher levels of switching brands to buy found magazines more interesting than television and
green, whereas no relations are found between switch- indicated they would not buy a brand whose advertis-
ing brands to buy green and impulse buying, opinion ing they dislike.
leadership, brand loyalty, or television being a pri- The most consistent gender difference across the
mary form of entertainment. two criterion variables is in the items associated with
Between-gender differences are noted in the rela- advertising. For women, both green buying variables
tionships between switching brands to buy green and are associated positively with the belief that adver-
the predictor variables. For example, men show a tising is insulting and the tendency to switch chan-
positive relation between switching brands to buy nels during advertising, suggesting that women who
green and both care in shopping and interest in maga- tend to buy green are more skeptical of advertising
zines over television, whereas women do not. Women than women who do not. In contrast, men's skepti-
show a positive relation between switching brands to cism toward advertising appears to be unrelated to
buy green and both the belief that advertising insults their green buying behavior.
their intelligence and the tendency to change chan- As expected, we found predictor-criterion relation-
nels during commercials, but men do not. ship differences between the two green buying vari-
Even though our results show relationships between ables. One criterion variable (making a special effort
the predictor and criterion variables as we expected, to buy green) taps a general interest in buying green.
it is possible that those relationships result from the The other criterion variable (switching brands to buy
influence of demographic variables on both the pre- green, even at the expense of product effectiveness) is
dictor and criterion variables (see McCarty and Shrum more specific and more stringent in terms of green-
1993). To address this possibility, we evaluated the ness in that it provides more constraints and intro-
robustness of the findings to the influence of demo- duces a salient cost. The results indicate that, across
graphic variables (age, income, and education). When genders, the consumer variables do a better job of
those demographic variables are entered in the first predicting the variance in the former criterion than
step of a hierarchical regression, and the predictor that in the latter criterion. These results are consis-
variables are entered in the second step, the influ- tent with those of Ottum, Scammon, and Dam (1994),
ence of the conaumer variables on the criterion vari- who found that a product's performance was more
ables does not substantially differ from our original important than a pro-environmental label in predict-
findings. Therefore, the influence of the consumer ing purchase intent.
variables on green buying is independent of the infiu- In spite of the differences across genders and across
ence of the demographic variables. the green bujang variables, the commonalities may
provide a guide to advertisers interested in Bpeaking
Discussion to the green consumer. The results show that the
green consumer has an interest in new products, is
The study results provide interesting and poten- an information seeker, and talks with others about
tially useful information about the consumer who is products. Additionally, green consumers consider
interested in buying green. They suggest that par- themselves opinion leaders, and hence may provide
ticular consumer attitudes are related to the propen- word-of-mouth information that other consumers re-
sity to buy green, but the relations are qualified some- spect. The green consumer is also a careful shopper,
what by gender and by the nature of the green buying not prone to impulse buying, and pays attention to
behavior. For example, for the behavior of making a price, so advertisers must consider those issues as
special effort to buy green, several of the consumer well.
variables are important predictors and the relations The results suggest that if companies do succeed in
are fairly similar between women and men. Persons attracting green-oriented consumers, they will have
who make a special effort to buy green consider them- to continue working to keep them. The lack of brand
selves to be opinion leaders, are interested in new loyalty on the part of green consumers (in comparison
products and actively exchange product information, with those less green), coupled with their propensity
and are careful in their shopping habits, especially in to actively seek information, implies that the green
being price sensitive. However, making a special ef- consumer will always be looking for new products.
Summer 1995 81

However, if lack of brand loyalty on the part of green Although our findings provide insights about the
consumers is the result of marketers' inability to pro- nature of the green buyer, some cautionary notes are
vide good environmental products and good environ- warranted. First, because the study was exploratory
mental messages, providing those benefits may in and we used a secondary data source, the derived
fact promote brand loyalty. That is, green consumers factors are general. We do not claim, for example,
may give preference to products that are the first to that factors such as interest in shopping and opinion
meet their environmental needs. The lack of brand leadership are necessarily comprehensive measures
loyalty and the information- and product-seeking na- of those constructs. Second, the sample used in the
ture of the green consumer bode well for new compa- study does not refiect the general population on sev-
nies that use green issues as their primary selling eral variables (e.g., race, income, education). The gen-
point. As new or unknown entities, such companies eralizability of our results is limited by this lack of
will not have the burden of overcoming negative atti- correspondence.
tudes toward their products induced by suspect ad-
vertising. If they are careful, honest, and nondeceptive
in their marketing practices, they may find willing
buyers in the green segment. Although the environmental movement has been
The study results also suggest that persons inter- underway for years, green marketing seems to be a
ested in buying green are skeptical about advertising relatively new phenomenon. Marketers are typically
in general. For women, the greater their propensity not slow to adopt an innovation, but green marketing
to buy green, the more skeptical they were of adver- is in some ways fraught with peril Certainly, mar-
tising; that is, they agreed more strongly that adver- keters are getting mixed signals—from polls, from
tising insults their intelligence and that they would research results, and from sales figures. Common
not buy a product whose advertising they disliked. sense suggests that the use of green appeals by mar-
The implication is that advertisers must be careful keters can be productive. However, recent research
not to alienate such consumers with misleading, in- on green marketing and the green consumer, includ-
accurate, or nondefensible claims. Research shows ing our study, indicates that the concepts will not be
that such care has not been taken (Carlson, Grove easy to apply. Green consumers must be treated care-
and Kangun 1993; Iyer, Banerjee, and Gulas 1994). fully and, in particular, with respect. They appear to
In fact, if such care is not taken, a backlash may be careful and thoughtful consumers. Treated fairly,
occur whereby the green consumer develops negative they may be receptive; treated poorly, they may not
perceptions of the brand. Moreover, the finding that only switch brands, but alBO take others with them.
green consumers consider themselves opinion lead-
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