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Subject : English

Class : 11 science/social

Answer the questions below correctly!!!

The evolution of Antarctica can be tracked back to as much as three billion years, an age which most of us find
difficult to conceive, at that time, Antarctica did not exist as a separate continent, but was connected to the
southern continents which we now recognize as south America and Australia. A mere 150 million years ago,
the separation of the continents began, and only 70 million years ago. Antarctica became isolated. This was
the time when land mammals began to populate all the continents of the world. Today, Antarctica is covered
by polar ice, but fossils show the climate and geography once supported a far wider and more abundant plant
and animal life than the few seedless plants and insects which remain. About two hundred million years ago,
Antarctica was densely forested with trees and rainforest-type plants. During its next period of change, 80 to
100 million years ago, trees more suited to cooler temperatures began to flourish; as the continent continued
its drift towards the south pole, until about 4 millions ago, these trees slowly died out. Around one million
years ago. Antarctica became glaciated, with the ice making the perfect environment for the fossilization of
reptiles, mammals and plants of all descriptions.

1. Find verb, noun, adjective, adverb, preposition and conjunction on the text above?
2. What is the definition of hortatory text
3. What is the first paragraph of hortatory talking about?
4. What is the function of recount text?
5. Write down 10 intransitive verbs?
6. Write down the structure of recount text?
7. Write down 10 nouns that are formed by adjective?
8. Replace the sentences below into interrogative and passive
a. Mereka sedang menggigit sepasang sandal kemaren ketika guru datang ke kelas
b. Budi meniup 3 buah balon kemaren pagi
c. Kami telah melupakan 1 kesalahanmu kemaren
d. Saya masih membangun 2 buah gedung di Jakarta sejak 5 bulan yang lalu sampai sekarang
9. Write down 10 prepositions?
10. Write down 10 nouns that are formed by verb?

Subject : English

Class : 10 science/social

Answer the questions below correctly!!!

We are still not drinking enough water maintain good health, according to a recent survey. Nearly three-fifths
of the population only drink between one and four glasses of water daily half the recommended amount. But
what’s wrong with tap water? Nothing, in a word. But special health claims are made for mineral water. Some
highly mineralized brands such as Contrex in France, Fiuggi in Italy, and Radenska in Slovenia are said to break
up kidney stones. Others, renowned for their bicarbonate level such as Fachingen in Germany, Ferrarelle in
Italy, and Vichy Catalan in Spain are said to aid digestion. Your average British doc may find this a bit hard to
swallow, but the French take a different view. Mineral water deemed to be d’ interet public has to meet eight
criteria agreed by the Ministry of Health, the Academy of Medicine and the Ministry of mines.

1. Find the verb, noun and adjective based on the text above?
2. Write down 10 intransitive verbs?
3. Write down the structure of hortatory text?
4. What is the function of recount text?
5. What is the function of hortatory text?
6. Write down the structure of narrative text?
7. Write down 5 nouns that are formed by adjective?
8. Write down 5 nouns that are formed by verb?
9. Write down the verbs below into interrogative and passive sentences?
a. Drink = simple past
b. Throw = present perfect
c. Tell = past perfect
d. Sell = past continuous
e. eat = future tense
10. Write down the structure of recount text?

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