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“You can either sell me the cursed stele, or you can wait for its original owner to words of power from strange and forbidden sources, and to gain both

come for it. The choice is yours.” —Anselmo Durod, proctor abbot of the understanding and mastery thereof.

Hallowed Doctrine
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Runecasters are proficient with all simple

A runecaster is a wielder of divine magic, similar to a cleric only in the type and weapons and with light and medium armor, but not with shields.

nature of the magic at his command. Indeed, the runecaster has more in common with
Class Skills: The runecaster’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int),
the wizard than he does with the standard servant of the divine, due to the scholarly
Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession
way in which he collects and maintains his spell selection. Runecasters seek out
(Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
esoteric sources of divine lore, runes and words of power, wherever those sources
Ski ll Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
might be, securing those secrets for themselves and their fellow scholars.
Hit Die per Level: d6 + Con modifier.
Making an Runecaster
Spellcasting: A runecaster casts wordspells, drawn primarily from the cleric spell list

The runecaster is a more academic profession than the cleric or paladin but hardier although he can eventually uncover, learn, and prepare non-divine wordspells.

and more worldly than the average cloistered wizard. Due to the exploratory and Unlike clerics, runecasters prepare spells from a prayerbook, a collection of copied

often dangerous nature of their work, runecasters develop techniques for runes and words of power. To learn, prepare, or cast a wordspell, an runecaster

safeguarding themselves and their allies from the foul taint that so often surrounds must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty

and accompanies the lost or forbidden lore they seek. Runecasters are thus Class for a saving throw against an runecaster’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the

exceptional support characters, bolstering the efforts of those who aid them in their runecaster’s Int modifier.

scholarly pursuits. Like other spellcasters, an runecaster can cast only a certain number of spells of

Abilities: The most important characteristic for an runecaster is a keen Intelligence. each level per day. His base daily allotment is given in Table 1: The Runecaster. In

That intellect must also be tempered with a high degree of Wisdom, due to the fine addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score (see

line the runecaster must walk in studying evil without being corrupted by it. A strong Table 1–3 on page 17 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook). He must choose and

Constitution is also highly prized for dealing with the rigors of the runecaster’s prepare his spells ahead of time by getting a good night’s sleep and then spending 1

missions. hour studying his prayerbook. The runecaster decides which words or spells to

prepare while studying. The runecaster prepares a number of single effect

Races: Elves tend to make the best runecasters, due both to their longevity and to
spellwords per day from his prayerbook based off of Table 2: Single Effect
their natural proclivity for magic. Humans and gnomes can be drawn to
Spellwords, and may cast them spontaneously using any free spell slots
the class as well, often becoming the most ambitious of seekers.
of the appropriate level. Spellwords with multiple effects or meta
Dwarves make fine runecasters but tend to view the entire
words must be prepared in advance.
profession as a little too morally gray for their liking. Halflings

and half-orcs rarely take up the mantle of the runecaster. Prayerbook: Unlike a cleric, an runecaster does not receive his

daily spell complement from whatever deity or cosmic force he

Alignment: Characters of any alignment can become
worships. Rather, he must seek out and collect new words and runes
runecasters, but the class does require some measure of
much as a wizard does, but from such esoteric sources as holy
academic detachment. As a result, runecasters of an ethically
tablets, ancient steles, runes or other magical scriptures. He cannot
lawful bent are quite common.
prepare any word or rune not recorded in his prayerbook except for
Class Features read magic, which runecasters can prepare from memory.

The runecaster’s class features all serve to further his overall

purpose, which is to seek out mystical, divine lore, runes and

Table 1: The Runecaster
Spells Per Day
Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th

1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Dark knowledge (tactics), Lesser spellrune, 2 - - - - - - - -

Phonemes, Rune chant

2 +1 +3 +0 +3 Breadth of knowledge 3 - - - - - - - -

3 +2 +3 +1 +3 Erase SpellRune, Sense SpellRune, Well-read 4 0 - - - - - - -

4 +3 +4 +1 +4 Inscribe rune 5 2 - - - - - - -

5 +3 +4 +1 +4 Dark knowledge (puissance), Invested SpellRune, 5 3 0 - - - - - -

Lore Mastery

6 +4 +5 +2 +5 Advanced rune, Rune craft 5 4 2 - - - - - -

7 +5 +5 +2 +5 Rune power 5 5 3 0 - - - - -

8 +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Dark knowledge (foe), Improved runecasting 5 5 4 2 - - - - -

(password, charges)

9 +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 5 5 5 3 0 - - - -

10 +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 Bonus Feat, Improved runecasting (charges per day, 5 5 5 4 2 - - - -

works when read or passed), Inscribe rune tattoo

11 +8/+3 +7 +3 +7 Dark knowledge (foreknowledge), Greater rune, 5 5 5 5 3 0 - - -

12 +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Maximize rune 5 5 5 5 4 2 - - -

13 +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Improved runecasting (permanent) 5 5 5 5 5 3 0 - -

14 +10/+5 +9 +4 +9 Dark knowledge (dread secret) 5 5 5 5 5 4 2 - -

15 +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 +9 Lexicomane 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 0 -

16 +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Rune of Power 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 2 -

17 +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 0

18 +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 2

19 +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3

20 +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Bonus Feat, Ultimate Rune 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

their spellbooks equal to 2 + their Intelligence modifier. At each new class level, the
Learning Words of Power
runecaster gains two new cleric spells for his prayerbook; these can be of any spell
For a runecaster, learning new words of power is akin to unlocking the secret laws of
level or levels that he can cast (based on his new runecaster level). At any time, a
reality. Each word represents a new source of power that falls under the
runecaster can also add words found on scrolls, runes he knows the pass trigger for,
runecaster’s control. Words of power fall into three categories: target words, effect
copying from another prayerbook, ancient steles and other writings containing
words, and meta words. Runecasters arrange these words of power to cast powerful
divine words to his prayerbook, but he must make any rolls and spend the time
and diverse incantations known as wordspells. It should come as no surprise that
required (see Adding Spells to a Wizard’s Spellbook on page 219 of the
most runecasters obsessively learn as many words of power as their minds can
Pathfinder Core Rulebook). The runecaster can learn and thus prepare
nonclerical divine spells in this fashion but the two free spells he gains for advancing

Runecaster's begin play knowing all of the target words—even those that they in class level must be selected from the cleric spell list.

cannot yet use due to the level restriction—as well as the boost meta word. These
Dark Knowledge: Three times per day, a runecaster can draw upon his expansive
words are learned as part of their most basic training. These words do not have a
knowledge of monsters, granting his allies benefits against the creatures they face.
cost to scribe nor do they take up one page each in the Runecaster's prayerbook.
Doing this counts as a move action. The secrets of dark knowledge pertain only to

In addition to the basic allotment, each runecaster also begins play knowing all 0- aberrations, elementals, magical beasts, outsiders, or undead.

level cleric effect and meta words and a number of 1st-level effect or meta words in
Tactics: The runecaster knows the general combat behaviors of creatures of that
Table 2: Single Effect
race, granting his allies a +1 bonus to attack rolls made against them. For example, a
runecaster confronted by corruption eaters who succeeded on his Knowledge
Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
(dungeoneering) check would grant his allies the attack bonus against all the
1 4 2 - - - - - - - -
corruption eaters they fought in that encounter. If the runecaster succeeds on his
2 5 2 - - - - - - - -
Knowledge check by 10 or more, then this bonus increases to +2. If the runecaster
3 5 3 1 - - - - - - -
succeeds on his Knowledge check by 20 or more, then this bonus increases to +3.
4 6 3 1 - - - - - - -

5 6 4 2 1 - - - - - - Puissance: Starting at 5th level, the runecaster can use his dark knowledge to help

6 7 4 2 1 - - - - - - his allies fight off the corrupting influence of other creatures. Allies within 60 feet

7 7 5 3 2 1 - - - - - of the runecaster gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against the affected creature’s

8 8 5 3 2 1 - - - - - abilities. If the runecaster succeeds on his Knowledge check by 10 or more, this

9 8 5 4 3 2 1 - - - - bonus increases to +2. If the runecaster succeeds on his Knowledge check by 20 or

10 9 5 4 3 2 1 - - - - more, this bonus increases to +3.

11 9 5 5 4 3 2 1 - - -
Foe: Starting at 8th level, a runecaster can direct his allies to attack vital spots of
12 9 5 5 4 3 2 1 - - -
his enemies. On a successful Knowledge check, he grants them a bonus to weapon
13 9 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 - -
damage rolls made against the target creatures equal to 1d6 points of damage. If
14 9 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 - -
the runecaster succeeds on his Knowledge check by 10 or more, then this bonus
15 9 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 1 -
increases to 2d6. If the runecaster succeeds on his Knowledge check by 20 or
16 9 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 1 -
more, then this bonus increases to 3d6.
17 9 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 1

18 9 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 1 Foreknowledge: Starting at 11th level, a runecaster can better prepare his allies for

19 9 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 the attacks of the affected creature, making it harder for the creature to land blows

20 9 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 and successfully deal damage. Allies within 30 feet of the runecaster gain a +1

insight bonus to Armor Class that applies to attacks by the affected creature only.

A runecaster unlocks new dark knowledge abilities as his level increases and can If the runecaster succeeds on his Knowledge check by 10 or more, this bonus

also call upon his dark knowledge more often, gaining one additional daily use for increases to +2. If the runecaster succeeds on his Knowledge check by 20 or more,

every three runecaster levels (4/day at 3rd level, 5/day at 6th level, and so forth). this bonus increases to +3.

Using dark knowledge requires a Knowledge check of a type appropriate to the Dread Secret: By speaking aloud a dread secret of the target creature, a

creature faced. A Knowledge (arcana) check reveals secrets of magical beasts, runecaster of 14th level or higher can dazzle a target creature for 1 round. Unlike

Knowledge (dungeoneering) pertains to aberrations, Knowledge (religion) covers other dark knowledge, this ability can be used only against a single creature. If the

undead, and Knowledge (the planes) applies to outsiders and elementals. The DC of runecaster succeeds on his Knowledge check by 10 or more, then the target is
the check is 15. Most of the runecaster’s dark knowledge abilities increase in dazed for 1 round. If the runecaster succeeds on his Knowledge check by 20 or
effectiveness if he succeeds on his Knowledge check by 10 or more. Dark more, then the target is stunned for 1 round (if the target is immune to being stunned
knowledge can only be used once against any given creature. but not immune to being dazed, such as most undead, then the runecaster can

The runecaster’s dark knowledge can affect a single creature or all creatures of the choose to daze the target instead of stunning it).

same race, depending on the effect used. A target creature must be within 60 feet, SpellRunes (Sp): Runes resemble arcane symbols and are the physical incarnation
and the runecaster must be aware of the creature’s presence, although he need not of a word of power. They are usually meaningless to anyone without the Linguistics
have a line of sight to it. The effects of dark knowledge last for 1 minute, unless skill. Runecasters apply a spellrune by magically drawing a symbol on an object,
stated otherwise. surface, or creature. It is a full-round action to create a rune, and no rune can be

used more than once per hour.

Runecasters begin play knowing one spellrune with one additional spellrune in their check fails, the character cannot attempt to read that particular spellrune again until

prayerbooks equal to half their Intelligence modifier. At each new class level, the the next day. A read magic spell automatically deciphers magical writing without a

runecaster gains an additional spellrune for his prayerbook; these can be any spellrune he skill check. If the person who created the spellrune is on hand to help the reader,
can cast (based on his new runecaster level). A runecaster can have a total value of success is also automatic.
spellrunes in existence at any given time equal to his level. Lesser runes each have a
Once a character deciphers a particular piece of magical writing, he does not need
value of 1, which counts against this total. Advanced runes each
to decipher it again. Deciphering magical writing allows the reader to
have a value of 2, greater runes a value of 3, and runes of power
identify the rune and gives some idea of its effects (as
a value of 4.
explained in the spell description).
There are three kinds of runes: touch-trigger runes, applied
Next, he must spend 1 hour studying the rune.
runes, and enchanted object runes.
At the end of the hour, he must make a

A touch-trigger rune is placed upon an object or a surface, but Spellcraft check (DC 15 + 2 for a lesser rune

not a creature. Basically, the rune can cover a surface as small adds, an advanced rune adds +4, a greater rune

as 1 inch square and as large as 10 feet square; multiple runes can adds +6, a rune of power adds +8, and the ultimate rune
cover a much larger area. The first creature that touches the object adds +10 to the Difficulty Class). If the check succeeds,
or surface bearing the rune triggers the effect immediately. Touch-trigger runes last until
the runecaster understands the rune and can copy it into his prayerbook (see
triggered, dispelled, or erased by the runecaster. If circumstances result in a creature
Writing a New Spell into a Spellbook). The process erases the spellrune.
triggering more than one touchtrigger rune at once, only the most powerful one takes
If the check fails, the runecaster cannot understand or copy the spell. He cannot
effect. The others are triggered but have no effect. A runecaster can choose to create a
attempt to learn or copy that spell again until one week has passed. A failed
touch-trigger rune as a visible rune or as invisible.
Spellcraft check does not cause the spellrune to vanish.
An applied rune requires the runecaster to apply it to activate its effects immediately—

usually related to the object, surface, or creature it is placed upon. Applied runes last Phoneme: Archivists can prepare a number of phonemes, or 0-level words, each day, as

only as long as their effects. They are always visible. noted on Table 2: Single Effect Spellwords. These words are cast like any other

spellwords, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.
Enchanted object runes require the runecaster to apply the rune to an object no larger

than himself. These imbue the item bearing the rune with a magical ability. Enchanted Rune Chant: Whenever the runecaster casts a wordspell, he must trace its

object runes last for one day per runecaster level. They are visible except where stated corresponding rune in the air as an extra somatic component for the spell. This

otherwise. allows the runecaster to gain the benefit of his rune power ability for the spell,

Anyone looking upon a visible rune can determine what it does by making a Linguistics
however it increases the casting time. For spells with a casting time of 1 action, this

check. The DC is 15 for lesser runes, 18 for advanced runes, 21 for greater runes, 25 increases the casting time to 1 full round. All other spells have their casting time

for runes of power, and 30 to identify the ultimate rune and what it does. increased by 1 round. The runecaster cannot cast stilled spells, and it does not

function with the maximize rune ability.

No more than one of a specific type of rune can affect an area, person, or object. Thus,

a door cannot be given two runes of blasting. Breadth of Knowledge: At 2nd level, a runecaster gains a bonus on Knowledge skill

checks equal to half her class level and can make Knowledge skill checks untrained.
If a spell level requirement is ever needed, treat lesser runes as 2ndlevel spells, advanced

as 4th-level, greater as 8th, and the ultimate rune as 9th level. Use the runecaster’s class Erase SpellRune (Sp): Runecasters can attempt to erase spellrunes they

level as his caster level. encounter. They can always erase their own spellrunes without fail. If the spellrune

Learning SpellRunes was created by another runecaster, the character can make a caster power check

(DC 10 + creator’s level) to erase it. An advanced rune adds +4 to the Difficulty
A runecaster may attempt to copy a visible spellrune, but first he must decipher the
Class, a greater rune adds +6, a rune of power adds +8, and the ultimate rune adds
magical symbols of the spellrune by making a Linguistics check (DC 20 + 2 for a
+10. A runecaster must know a rune’s location to erase it. Erasing a rune you
lesser rune adds, an advanced rune adds +4, a greater rune adds +6, a rune of
created is a standard action; otherwise, it takes a full minute.
power adds +8, and the ultimate rune adds +10 to the Difficulty Class). If the skill
Sense Rune (Su): A 3rd-level and higher runecaster can use a caster power check caster level × 100 gp (a 0-level spell counts as 1/2 level). You must use up raw

(d20 + level + Intelligence modifier) to sense whether an invisible or otherwise materials costing half this market price. A rune’s market value equals its base price.

hidden rune lies within 10 feet of him. The Difficulty Class for the check is 11 + the
Lore Mastery: At 5th level, the Runecaster becomes a master of lore and can take
creator’s level. It takes a standard action to sense a rune. After a round of sensing,
10 on any Knowledge skill check that he has ranks in. A runecaster can choose not
the runecaster can tell the direction of the closest unknown rune.
to take 10 and can instead roll normally. In addition, once per day, the runecaster

Well-Read (Ex): The runecaster gains a +2 bonus on skill checks, caster level can take 20 on any Knowledge skill check as a standard action. He can use this

checks, and saving throws if such rolls pertain to mundane or magical glyphs, runes, ability one additional time per day for every six levels he possesses beyond 5th, to a

scrolls, symbols, and other writings. maximum of three times per day at 17th level.

Invested Rune (Su): The runecaster can create an invested spellrune that doubles
Table 3: Inscribe Rune Costs
the duration, damage, or healing of a spellrune he already knows. Some spellrunes,
Number of
Uses/Trigger Runecaster Base Price Level** such as a rune of communication or a rune of knowledge, gain no benefit from being

One Spell level* × caster level × 50 gp - invested. An invested rune counts double toward the runecaster’s total number of

Charges Spell level* × caster level × charges × 50 gp 8 spellrunes allowable.

Charges per day Spell level* × caster level × charges × 400 gp 10 Rune Craft: Add this bonus to the runecaster’s Craft checks made to inscribe
Permanent (until dispelled) Spell level* × caster level × 2,000 gp 13
runes. Starting at the 6th level, and every 3 runecaster levels thereafter, this bonus
Rune Tattoo Base cost x2 10
increases by +1, to a maximum of +5 at 18th level.
Permanent (lesser rune)*** 1,000 gp 15
Rune Power: For runes created or cast by the runecaster, add this value to the
Permanent (advanced rune)*** 4,000 gp 15
DC of all saves and attempts to erase, dispel, or disable the rune, and to caster
Permanent (greater rune)*** 10,000 gp 15
level checks to overcome the spell resistance of a target. Starting at the 7th level,
Permanent (rune of power)*** 22,000 gp 16
and every 3 runecaster levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum
Permanent (ultimate)*** 50,000 gp 20

of +5 at 19th level.
Base cost 8

Works when read or passed Base cost ×2 10 Improved Runecasting: As a runecaster rises in level, he can create runes that

*A 0-level spell counts as 1/2 level. function more than once and have different means of being triggered. The extra

**The minimum runecaster level to inscribe a rune of this type. “—” indicates the features increase the cost of the rune, however, as shown on the Table 3: Inscribe
default ability granted by the Inscribe Rune feat.
Rune Costs.
***Requires 100 times the normal amount of time to create the rune, in addition to
Works When Read or Passed: Any attempt to study, identify, or fathom a rune’s
the gp costs of valuable inks or materials. The rune can still be erased, but
meaning counts as “reading” the rune. Passing through a portal that bears a rune
otherwise it never fades. Applied runes cannot be inscribed and inscribed runes
counts as “passing” the rune. A rune must have an unbroken line of effect to a
still count toward the runecaster’s spellrune total.
target to affect that target, and the target must be within 30 feet.

A rune that is triggered when passed can be set to almost any special conditions
Inscribe Rune (Su): At 4th level, an runecaster gains inscribe rune as a bonus feat
the runecaster specifies. Runes can be set according to physical characteristics
allowing him cast any wordspell he has prepared as a rune. The caster must have
(such as height or weight) or creature type, subtype, or species (such as “drow” or
prepared the spell to be scribed and must provide any material components or
“aberration”). Runes can also be set with respect to good, evil, law, or chaos, or
focuses the spell requires. Any material components are consumed when he begins
patron deity. They cannot be set according to class, Hit Dice, or level. Runes
writing, but focuses are not (see the Rune Magic section in Chapter 2: Magic of
respond to invisible creatures normally but are not triggered by those who travel
the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting for the details of runes and rune magic).
past them ethereally.
A single object of Medium-size or smaller can hold only one rune. Larger objects

can hold one rune per 25 square feet (an area 5 feet square) of surface area. Runes Password: When placing a rune with a “pass” trigger, a runecaster can specify a

cannot be placed on creatures. The rune has a market price of the spell level × password or phrase that protects a creature using it from triggering the rune or to
restrict triggering of the rune to those who know the pass trigger. Now, he can
touch a touch-trigger rune without triggering it. This means, for example, that a

runecaster could create a rune of affliction on a mace, pick it up safely, then strike a Lesser Runes

foe and affect the foe with the rune of affliction as well as the mace attack. The Lesser runes tend to deliver effects
runecaster may choose to have a different password for different runes or allow equivalent to 1st- or 2nd-level spells. Each
them all to use the same one. He can give the passwords to others. lesser rune he creates counts as one rune

Inscribe Rune Tattoo: The runecaster can now create spell per day or permanent toward his total (which is equal to his level).

rune tattoos, magic items inked directly into the flesh of a willing or helpless It is a full-round action to create a lesser

creature. Both you and the recipient of the tattoo (if the recipient is not yourself) rune.

must be present during the entire tattooing process. Rune tattoos must be placed Rune of Alliance: This mark of friendship is
on a part of the body normally able to hold a magic item slot, but they do not count an applied rune that one can use on
against or interfere with magic items worn on those slots. A single slot can only hold creatures. With a single use, the runecaster can scribe
one magical tattoo (spellrunes, nonmagical tattoos and tattoos acquired from the this spellrune upon a number of willing creatures equal
tattooed sorcerer archetype do not count against this limit). Tattoos may be to his level. Anyone who sees the spellrune instantly knows that these creatures are
inscribed on the following slots: belt, body, chest, feet, hands, head, neck, shoulder, friends—a useful way to indicate an alliance. One use of this spellrune is enough to
ring (up to two), or wrist. They cannot be inscribed on armor, eye, headband, or mark your allotment of allies; you do not have to mark them all at the same time.
shield slots.
Rune of Affliction: This touch-trigger spellrune blasts the target for 1d6 points +1
Magical tattoos are difficult to destroy, though they count as magic items for the point per runecaster level of elemental damage (type chosen by the runecaster at
purposes of dispel magic. The spell erase can permanently destroy a magical creation). A Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + half runecaster’s level + runecaster’s
tattoo, but the bearer of the tattoo can resist the spell with a Will save, in addition Intelligence bonus) reduces the damage by half.
to the caster needing to make a successful caster level check to erase the tattoo.
Rune of Armor: This is an applied spellrune. Anyone affected by it gains a +4
Physically removing a magical tattoo with a sharp instrument or defacing it with fire
armor bonus to Armor Class. This effect lasts for one hour per runecaster level.
or acid can destroy it as well. Doing so is a full-round action that not only requires
Rune of Conjuring: When touched, this touch-trigger spellrune summons a monster
the target to be willing or helpless, but also provokes attacks of opportunity. At
from the Summon Monster II list (see Pathfinder Core Rulebook page 353),
least 2 points of damage per caster level of the tattoo must be dealt to destroy a
chosen by the runecaster. The monster (the actual monster, not an energy
magical tattoo in this manner.
construct) attacks the creature that triggered the rune for 1 round per runecaster
Magical tattoos follow the normal rules for inscribing runes, except that they can
level (or until destroyed). If the runecaster triggers the spellrune, he can command
use the Craft (calligraphy, paintings, tattoos) skill.
the summoned creature and it automatically obeys, even if it does not understand
Bonus Feat: When an runecaster reaches 10th level, and again at 20th level, he the runecaster’s language. If the runecaster uses the invested rune ability (page 52),
can select a free feat from the following list: Skill Focus (any Knowledge skill), he can choose the monster from the Summon Monster III list instead of doubling
Spell Focus, any metamagic feat, or any item creation feat. the duration.

Maximize Rune: The runecaster can create runes that are maximized, as if under the Rune of Doom: One can only scribe this strange applied spellrune upon the
effects of a Maximize Spell feat, without altering the level of the spell being used to severed head of a slain opponent. If someone then throws the head at another
create the rune. Maximizing a rune adds +5 to the DC of the Craft check required member of the opponent’s race, it bursts into a halo of baleful energy. Throwing the
to inscribe it. head is a ranged touch attack with a 10-foot range increment. It inflicts 2d6 points

Lexicomane: When a runcaster reaches 15 th level his aptitude with words of power of damage to creatures of the affected race. The process of using the enruned

allows him to learn and cast arcane words, although at cost of one spell level higher. head destroys it, whether the attack hits or misses. If the attack misses, the head

disintegrates harmlessly. The head has no effect on creatures of a different race.

Rune of Ill Fortune: This dreaded Rune of Warding: This touch-trigger spellrune has two different powers. If placed

spellrune haunts its target with bad upon an object, it is a trap that forces the victim to drop the object and not touch it

luck. Anyone under its effects again for one day per runecaster level, unless the victim succeeds at a Will saving

suffers a –1 luck penalty to throw (DC 10 + half runecaster’s level + runecaster’s Intelligence bonus). If the

attacks, checks, saves, and spellrune is placed upon a surface, the victim instead refuses to cross over or come

Armor Class. This penalty within 10 feet of the surface for one day per runecaster level, unless successful in

lasts for 10 minutes per

the saving throw. This is an enchantment (compulsion) effect as well as a fear effect.
runecaster level. It can be used
Rune of Wind’s Flight: One can apply this enchanted object spellrune to a weapon
as a touch-trigger or applied rune.
or a missile, such as an arrow. It doubles the weapon’s range increment. Note that it
Rune of Iron: This enchanted object
has no effect on a bow or other weapon that launches missiles. The weapon that
spellrune strengthens and fortifies an
flies through the air must receive this rune.
object, granting it a +2 bonus to hardness and multiplying its current and maximum

hit points by 1.5.

Advanced SpellRunes

Rune of Knowledge: This is an applied spellrune. The runecaster places this An advanced spellrune is roughly equal to a 3rd- or 4th-level spell. Each advanced

spellrune on an object or creature and learns something significant about it. Go spellrune he creates counts as two runes toward his total (which is equal to his level).

through this list, in order; the first bit of lore you do not know, you learn through this It is a full-round action to create an advanced spellrune.

Hand Rune: This is an enchanted object spellrune. With this rune the runecaster

 Age of object can summon an object from any distance as a standard action. The object teleports
 Name of last creature to touch the object, if any (other than you)
to the runecaster. The object must weigh no more than the runecaster can lift over
 Race of last creature to touch the object, if any (other than you)
 Name of the object’s creator (a natural object, like a rock, was created his head. This is a teleportation effect.
by nature)
 Race of the object’s creator, if any Mark of Honor: runecasters commonly use this applied spellrune to flag a warrior or
 Object’s purpose
spellcaster as honorable, trustworthy, and reliable. It grants a +2 enhancement
 Material(s) that makes up the object
 Location of the object’s creation bonus to Diplomacy and Gather Information checks and a +1 enhancement bonus
 Name of the most recent owner of the object, if any
to Armor Class so long as the recipient refuses to strike a defenseless foe, never
 Magical ability of the object, if any (random if more than one)
lies, and shows mercy, honor, courage, and wisdom. A single infraction causes this
Multiple castings allow you to gain multiple bits of information. If you know all of the
rune to disappear.
above information, this rune teaches you nothing. It can be used a number of times
Rune of Advanced Conjuring: When touched, this touch-trigger spellrune
per day equal to the runecaster’s level.
summons a monster from the Summon Monster IV list, chosen by the runecaster.
Rune of Rest: This is an applied spellrune. Anyone affected by it heals at double
The monster (the actual monster, not an energy construct) attacks the creature
the rate he normally would. This effect lasts for 24 hours while the subject rests.
that triggered the spellrune for 1 round per runecaster level (or until destroyed). If

Rune of Sleep: This touch-trigger spellrune causes a target that touches it to the runecaster triggers the spellrune, he can command the summoned creature and it

make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + half runecaster’s level + runecaster’s automatically obeys, even if it does not understand the runecaster’s language. If the

Intelligence bonus) or fall asleep for 1d4 rounds. The victim must have equal or runecaster uses the invested spellrune ability, he can choose the monster from the

fewer Hit Dice than the runecaster, otherwise the victim merely becomes dazed for Summon Monster V list instead of doubling the duration.
1d4 rounds. This is an enchantment (compulsion) effect.
Rune of Augmentation: This applied spellrune grants a creature a +2 enhancement
Rune of the Long Strider: This useful applied spellrune provides a +2 bonus on an ability score of the runecaster’s choosing. The bonus lasts for 10

enhancement bonus to Climb, Jump, and Swim checks. In addition, it grants its minutes per runecaster level.

recipient a bonus of +5 feet to speed. It lasts for 10 minutes per runecaster level.
Rune of Blasting: If touched, this touch-trigger spellrune explodes with elemental Rune of Healing: This is a touch-trigger spellrune. Anyone touching it is filled with

force (the runecaster chooses the elemental type when placing the rune), inflicting positive energy that heals 1d6 points of damage + 1 point per runecaster level.

1d6 points of damage per runecaster level (10d6 maximum) to all within 10 feet. A Undead that touch the rune suffer the same amount as damage. A single creature

successful Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + half runecaster’s level + runecaster’s cannot be healed more than once per day by a rune of healing.

Intelligence bonus) reduces the damage by half.

Rune of the Ram: The potent rune of the ram creates a concussive force that

Rune of Charming: This is a touch-trigger spellrune. Anyone touching it must make knocks creatures and objects to the ground. This touch-trigger spellrune forces

a Will saving throw (DC 10 + half runecaster’s level + runecaster’s Intelligence anyone who comes into contact with it to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half

bonus). If unsuccessful, the target reacts to the runecaster as if his Charisma score runecaster’s level + runecaster’s Intelligence bonus) or suffer 3d6 points of force

had a +10 bonus for one minute per runecaster level. If the runecaster is not within damage and be knocked prone. Inanimate objects suffer 1d6 points of force

sight of the creature touching it, there is no effect. This is an enchantment (charm) damage per the runecaster’s level, with a maximum of 20d6 points of damage.

Rune of Skill: This spellrune grants a +4 enhancement bonus to a single skill of the

Rune of Communication: This is an enchanted object spellrune. Two or more of runecaster’s choice. An item that receives this rune confers the appropriate bonus

these spellrunes must exist to function. Anyone holding an object with this rune can to those who use it as part of a check, while a creature bearing the rune gains the

telepathically communicate with anyone else with one of these spellrunes (created bonus to the skill as normal. This bonus lasts one hour per runecaster level. One

by the same runecaster) within one mile. can use the spellrune of skill as a touch-trigger, applied, or enchanted object rune.

Rune of Distance Death: This enchanted object spellrune allows even an unwieldy Rune of Vengeance: This applied spellrune holds a terrible curse for anyone who

weapon to fly through the air with ease. It grants a weapon that cannot normally be slays or destroys its recipient. An attacker who lands a killing blow or the injury that

thrown a 10-foot range increment. Upon a hit, the weapon inflicts its normal drops the spellrune’s bearer to unconsciousness and then death suffers 10d6

damage. Apply the user’s Strength modifier for a one-handed weapon. This points of damage, with no saving throw allowed. In the case of a nonliving target, this

spellrune lasts for 10 minutes per runecaster level. rune inflicts 5d6 points of damage. This damage also applies to whoever breaks or

destroys an invested object. Once activated, the rune’s power is exhausted and it
This spellrune does not give you any special ability to pick up a heavy weapon or
must be rescribed.
object. You can use it only with weapons that you can normally wield in one or two

hands. Seeker Rune: In addition to the time needed to create a seeker rune, the

runecaster must scribe it in blood taken from an enemy. One can only apply this
Rune of Enrichment: This enchanted object spellrune grants a +1 luck bonus to a
enchanted object spellrune to arrows, bolts, sling stones, and other
weapon, ammunition for a ranged weapon, harness of armor, or a shield.
ammunition. A creature attacked with an item bearing this rune
This luck bonus works like an enhancement bonus except that
loses any cover bonus to Armor Class and concealment
it stacks with enhancement bonuses.
against the attack, though the attacker must be able
Rune of Fear: This is a touch-trigger spellrune.
to target it as normal.
Anyone touching it must make a Will saving

throw (DC 10 + half runecaster’s level + Greater SpellRunes

runecaster’s Intelligence bonus) or drop what
Greater spellrunes provide power equal to 4 th
he is holding and flee for 1 round per
or 5th level spells. They require one minute to
runecaster level. He then acts as though
scribe and count as three runes toward a
affected by a rune of warding for one day per
runecaster’s total allowable scribed spellrunes.
runecaster level. This is an enchantment
Unless otherwise noted, these spellrunes last until
(compulsion) effect as well as a mind-affecting fear
the runecaster chooses to erase them or they are
otherwise destroyed.
Bane Mark: This dreaded enchanted object spellrune is one of the runecaster’s armor still hinders movement. The armor’s bulk and inflexibility offset its weight, as

most fearsome weapons. Unlike other runes, it requires a full day to prepare. The
most suits are designed to distribute their weight evenly just as they are.
runecaster must name a single, specific individual’s truename as part of the process
Rune of Greater Conjuring: When touched, this touch-trigger spellrune summons a
of creating this rune. When a character strikes a target with a weapon bearing the
monster from the Summon Monster VI list, chosen by the runecaster. The monster
bane mark, the victim must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half runecaster’s
(the actual monster, not an energy construct)
level + runecaster’s Intelligence bonus) or suffer 10d6 points of damage, half on a
attacks the creature that triggered the rune
successful save.
for 1 round per runecaster level (or until
Elemental Rune: This enchanted object spellrune can be placed on either a
destroyed). If the runecaster triggers the
weapon or armor. An enruned weapon inflicts an additional 1d6 points of elemental
rune, he can command the summoned
damage (of a type determined by the runecaster when the rune is placed) each time
creature and it automatically obeys,
it strikes. Enruned armor (and the wearer) gains 10 points of elemental resistance
even if it does not understand the

(of a type the runecaster determines when placing the rune). runecaster’s language. If the runecaster

uses the invested rune ability, he can

Repelling Rune: This enchanted object spellrune repels creatures of a specific
choose the monster from the Summon
type of the runecaster’s choice, such as aberrations or oozes. Any creature of the
Monster VII list instead of doubling the duration.
chosen type must make a Will save (DC 10 + half runecaster’s level + runecaster’s

Intelligence bonus) to approach closer than 60 feet. On a successful save, the Rune of Radiance: This spellrune, which one can use as an applied or touch-trigger

creature can move but suffers a –2 penalty to attacks and checks while in this area. effect, creates a storm of energy. It generates a halo of energy around the object or

runecasters who choose humanoid or outsider as the type to repel must select a person it affects, inflicting 5d6 points of damage in a 5-foot spread (runecaster

single subtype as well. This rune lasts five minutes per runecaster level. selects a single type of damage for the rune to inflict). The creature or object

bearing this rune, along with anything in its space, takes no damage. This storm
Rune of Confusion: This touch-trigger spellrune affects not only the person
continues for 1 round per two runecaster levels. A creature can suffer damage from
touching it but all within 10 feet of that person. Everyone must make a Will saving
this rune’s energy field only once per round. A Reflex save (DC 10 + half
throw (DC 10 + half runecaster’s level + runecaster’s Intelligence bonus) or stand
runecaster’s level + runecaster’s Intelligence bonus) halves this damage. If the
dazed, unable to act except to defend themselves, for 1d10 rounds.
creature or object bearing the rune of radiance moves once it activates, whether
Rune of Dominion: This applied spellrune is placed upon a living humanoid
under its own power or someone else’s, the effect immediately ends.
creature. When finished, the creature must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + half
Rune of Resistance: This is an applied spellrune. The creature or object it is
runecaster’s level + runecaster’s Intelligence bonus) or become dominated (as the
placed upon gains DR 20/+2 for one minute per runecaster level.
spell dominate person) for one hour per runecaster level. This is an enchantment

(compulsion) and mind-affecting effect. Rune of Spellcasting: This applied spellrune works only on

spellcasting creatures. After receiving the rune, the

Rune of Durability: This enchanted object spellrune can be made invisible and
creature casts spells as a caster two levels higher than
adds 10 to the hardness of an object.
normal. The effect lasts for 10 minutes per runecaster
Rune of the Feather: An item invested with this enchanted object spellrune
becomes lighter and much easier to handle. A normal object is reduced to one-half
Rune of Spell Slaying: This touch-trigger spellrune
its weight, while a weapon counts as one size category smaller than normal. The
has a baneful effect on magical spells. Anyone who touches it is affected by dispel
enruned weapon inflicts its normal damage despite its lower weight; its weight shifts
magic as cast by the runecaster as a targeted dispel.
and flows to make it easier to handle while retaining its cutting edge or heavy

bludgeon. Rune of Understanding: This enchanted object spellrune allows anyone hearing

the words of the object’s wielder to understand them as if they were spoken in their
This rune doesn’t make a nonweapon object any easier to handle. For example, a
native tongue.
massive log would still be too unwieldy and awkward to use as a club, while a suit of
Rune of Transformation: This applied spellrune must be placed upon a willing creature.
SpellRunes of Power
The creature transforms into a creature found on any Summon Monster list below VII

Second only to the ultimate spellrune, spellrunes of power are and remains in that form for 1 round per runecaster level.

roughly equivalent to 6th- and 7th-level spells, though they

Rune of Transport: When completed this applied spellrune causes the
tend to be more focused in utility. A spellrune of power
creature or object it is created upon to vanish instantly (and safely),
counts as four spellrunes toward a runecaster’s limit, and it teleporting to a location the runecaster knows (one he has physically visited

takes a full minute to create one. Unless otherwise noted, himself) within 10 miles per runecaster level. Unwilling creatures can make a Will

these spellrunes last until the runecaster chooses to erase them or saving throw (DC 10 + half runecaster’s level + runecaster’s Intelligence

they are otherwise destroyed. bonus) to resist the teleport. This is a teleportation effect.

Rune of Body and Mind: This mighty applied spellrune grants its Rune of True Conjuring: When touched, this touch-trigger spellrune summons a

recipient a +2 enhancement bonus to a single ability score of the monster from the Summon Monster VIII list, chosen by the runecaster. The

monster (the actual monster, not an energy construct) attacks the creature
runecaster’s choice. A creature can receive more than one of these
that triggered the rune for 1 round per runecaster level (or until destroyed). If the
spellrunes, though obviously using two or more spellrunes for the same ability is a
runecaster triggers the spellrune, he can command the summoned creature and it
waste, as enhancement bonuses do not stack.
automatically obeys, even if it does not understand the runecaster’s language. If the
Rune of Cheating Death: This applied spellrune, placed upon any living creature,
runecaster uses the invested spellrune ability, he can choose a monster from the Summon
lasts until triggered. When that creature is affected by something (a spell or an
Monster IX list instead of doubling the duration.
attack) that normally would kill it, the spellrune has a chance of storing the creature’s
Ultimate SpellRune
soul. This effect keeps the body in a coma rather than dying, allowing it to “come

back to life” (with no level loss) when it receives magical healing. The chance of The ultimate spellrune, available to characters of 20th level and above, does not count

success equals double the runecaster’s level on a roll of percentile dice. against the runecaster’s total. It takes 10 minutes to create the ultimate spellrune. This

touch-trigger spellrune, once trigged, can replicate the effects of any wordspell, with the
Rune of Devastation: If touched, this touch-trigger spellrune explodes with elemental
same duration, area, range, and so forth. It can also duplicate any spellrune. The
force (the runecaster chooses the elemental type when placing the rune), inflicting 1d6
runecaster can have only one ultimate spellrune in existence at a time. The ultimate
points of damage per runecaster level (20d6 maximum) to all within 20 feet. A successful
spellrune cannot be invested, but it can be inscribed and given a password.
Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + half runecaster’s level + runecaster’s Intelligence bonus)

reduces the damage by half.

Arranging Words of Power
Rune of Flight: This applied spellrune confers spectral, gossamer wings upon its A runecaster still has spell slots, just like other members of his class, but he uses them

recipient. They grant a flying speed of 30 feet with average maneuverability. The wings differently. Each spell slot holds a wordspell or allows a runecaster to arrange a number

require a space at least 10 feet wide to move and function. of words of power into one. The level of the runecaster’s wordspell is determined by the

arrangement of words. Each word of power has a level associated with it and, in some
Rune of Martial Prowess: By tapping into the runic knowledge of skill at arms, this
cases, restrictions on what other words can be arranged in a wordspell with it. The level of
spellrune confers a unique combat ability upon its bearer. As an applied spellrune, it
a word is also the minimum level of the spell slot that can be used to arrange that word into
grants access to one feat of the runecaster’s choice. The bearer must meet the feat’s
a wordspell.
prerequisites as normal. A creature can receive only one of these spellrunes at a time.

If a runecaster belongs to a class that prepares spells, he must arrange his words of power
Rune of Slaying: This touch-trigger spellrune inflicts 100 points of damage + 5 points
into wordspells when he prepares his spells, deciding in advance the exact combination of
per runecaster level on the creature triggering the rune, unless it makes a successful
words that will occupy each of his available spell slots and the wordspells that
Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + half runecaster’s level + runecaster’s Intelligence
arrangement makes. If a runecaster belongs to a class that spontaneously casts spells,
bonus). Even those who make the save suffer 5d6 points of damage.
such as a sorcerer, he can arrange his wordspells as he casts them.
Rune of Spell Defense: This applied spellrune creates a defensive shield around its
Each wordspell is made up of an arrangement of two or more words of power, including
recipient, neutralizing spells cast upon her. She gains spell resistance equal to 10 +
one target word, one or more effect words, and possibly a number of meta words.
runecaster’s level.
Target Word: This word determines the range of a wordspell, how the wordspell a wordspell arranged with two effect words could have up to three meta words, so

manifests, and what it can affect. If the wordspell has an area, it affects every creature in long as each meta word modifies a different target and effect word.

the area defined by the target word. If it has targets, it affects the specific targets
Casting Wordspells
described by its word. A wordspell can have only one target word.

Effect Word: Effect words determine what effect a wordspell has when cast. They also Casting a wordspell is similar to casting a standard spell. Each wordspell is

determine the schools of the wordspell and its duration, saving throw, and spell resistance, assumed to have a material, somatic, and verbal component. Divine casters using

if any. A wordspell can have more than one effect word, even ones from different schools this system must provide a divine focus instead of a material component. Unless
of magic. In this case, the spell counts as both schools of magic. The maximum level of the
otherwise noted, the material component can easily be found in a spell component
effect words contained within a wordspell depends on the level of the spell slot used and
the number of words arranged in the wordspell, as noted on Table 4–1: Effect Word
Wordspells take one standard action to cast and provoke attacks of opportunity as
Combinations. For example, a 5th-level wordspell might include one 5th-level effect word,
normal unless the caster casts the wordspell defensively. The DC for casting a
two 3rd-level effect words, or three 2nd-level effect words. Alternatively, the wordspell
wordspell defensively is the same as it is for a spell of the same level.
might include one 4th-level effect word and one 2nd-level effect word, or one 3rd level

effect word and two 1st-level effect words. The DC for any saving throw called for by the wordspell is calculated the same

Effect words are split into groups of similar words. A wordspell typically cannot have way as for any other spell of that level. A runecaster uses the same ability score to

more than one effect word from the same group, but there are exceptions. A wordspell determine her wordspell DC as an ordinary spellcaster of her class.

can have more than one effect word from the Detection group, but cannot have a
Casting a wordspell is almost exactly the same as casting an ordinary spell. A
wordspell with an effect word from the Detection group and an effect word from any
wordspell can be dispelled and disrupted, and casting one provokes attacks of
other group.
opportunity, just like any other spell, unless the runecaster casts the wordspell on

Table 4: Effect Word Combinations the defensive, which also requires a concentration check as normal.

There are two major differences to casting a wordspell: counterspelling and

One Effect Two Effect Three Effect
Word Level Words Words Words schools.

0 0 - -
Counterspelling Wordspells: If a runecaster is attempting to counter another
1st 1 - -
wordspell, she can make a Spellcraft skill check as normal to identify the wordspell
2nd 2 0/0 -
as it is being cast and then cast an identical wordspell to counter it. This means that
3rd 3 1/1or 2/0 0/0/0
the opposing runecaster must know all of the effect words of the wordspell and
4th 4 2/2 or 3/1 1/1/1 or 2/0/0
either have an identical wordspell prepared or have an available spell slot of an equal
5th 5 3/3 or 4/2 2/2/2 or 3/1/1
or higher level. If the wordspell contains multiple effect words, but the opposing
6th 6 4/4 or 5/3 3/3/3 or 4/2/2
caster only knows one of the words (or only has a wordspell with one of the effect
7th 7 5/5 or 6/4 4/4/4 or 5/3/3
words prepared), that caster can still attempt to counter the wordspell, but this
8th 8 6/6 or 7/5 5/5/5 or 6/4/4
functions as if using dispel magic and does not come with the guarantee of success.
9th 9 7/7 or 8/5 6/6/6 or 7/5/5
The opposing caster must make a dispel check to counter the wordspell. She must
Meta Word: This word modifies the wordspell in some way, often by increasing
still expend a spell of the same or higher level containing at least one word of the
either its duration, range, or components. It can also boost certain target or effect

words, changing the wordspell’s overall effect. Unlike with other words, a runecaster wordspell to be countered.

can only use meta words a number of times per day equal to half his caster level in
If a runecaster is attempting to counter the spell of a normal spellcaster, she must
his wordcasting class (minimum 1). A wordspell does not need to contain a meta
make a Spellcraft skill check to identify the school of the spell being cast. She can
then counter that spell using any wordspell so long as it is of an equal or higher level

A wordspell can have multiple meta words arranged within it so long as each target than the spell being cast and contains at least one effect word of the same school as

word and each effect word are modified by only one meta word apiece. For example, the spell. This works like a dispel magic counterspell attempt, and the runecaster
must make a dispel check to counter the spell. If a spellcaster attempts to counter a effect words’ durations is used for all of the effect words.

wordspell, she must use a spell of an equal or higher level that is of the same school
Magic Item Creation
as one or more of the effect words in the wordspell being cast. This too works like a

dispel magic counterspell attempt, and the spellcaster must make a dispel check to It is possible to create magic items using the words of power system, but since the

counter the wordspell. caster meets none of the spell prerequisites, this process is more difficult than the

standard method of magic item creation. To avoid all of the penalties associated
Wordspell Schools: If a wordspell has more than one effect word, it can belong to
with not knowing the proper spells, a runecaster must sacrifice a spell slot of the
more than one school, although it never benefits from effects based on school (such
matching level for each spell required by the item as part of its construction
as Spell Focus) more than once. It can take penalties based on school more than
requirements, just as if he were preparing the proper spells. The spells needed must
once; for example, if a target has a bonus on saving throws against necromancy and
appear on his class’s spell list. Finally, the DC of the check needed to create the
illusion spells, that character would add both bonuses on the saving throw if the
item increases by +2 for each spell listed in the requirements that the runecaster
wordspell is of both schools.
must substitute in this way.
Wordspell Saving Throws: The type of saving throw for a wordspell is determined
A runecaster can create potions, scrolls, and wands using wordspells. Potions
by the highest-level effect word used that allows a saving throw. If the save is
follow the normal rules for potions and cannot contain a wordspell higher than 3rd
successful, it applies to both effect words, but the result for each word can vary
level. The wordspell must use the selected target word—it targets the drinker of the
based on the individual word. If the save fails, the target takes the full effect of both
potion. Potions cannot use meta words.
effect words. The save DC is equal to 10 + the wordspell’s level (not the effect

word’s level) + the runecaster’s spellcasting ability score modifier (Intelligence for Wands cannot contain wordspells higher than 4th level. Scrolls can hold wordspells

wizards; Wisdom for clerics, druids, and rangers; and Charisma for of any level. Note that scrolls and wands cannot use meta words other than boost,

bards, paladins, and sorcerers). For example, if a 5th-level wordspell and can only use boost if it increases the level of the effect words in the wordspell.

contains a 2nd-level effect word that allows a Ref lex save for half Examples
and a 4th-level effect word that allows a Will save to negate,
To help explain these rules, the following section includes a number of sample
targets of the wordspell make a Will save with a DC of 15 + the
wordspells that could be created using the words of power system.
caster’s ability score modifier. If the save is successful, the target
Burst Fire Blast (magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3): This simple
takes half the normal effect from the 2nd-level word and negates
wordspell does 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum
the 4th-level word. If the save fails, the target takes the full
10d6) to anything caught in a 10-foot radius burst. If the
effect of both effect words.
runecaster boosts the target word, this wordspell more
Wordspells and Spell Resistance: If the wordspell uses more than one effect
closely resembles fireball, dealing damage in a 20-foot-
word, and any of those words allow spell resistance, the resistance applies to all of
radius burst. The targets receive
the effect words of the wordspell. A wordspell only ignores spell resistance if all
a Reflex saving throw to halve the
effect words ignore spell resistance.
Multiple Effect Words and Damage: If more than one effect word causes
Selected Ice Blast Life Leech
the wordspell to deal damage, the total number of dice of damage the
(magus 6, sorcerer/wizard 6, witch 6): This
wordspell can deal can be no greater than the wordspell’s caster level.
wordspell causes the target to take 10d6 points of
The caster can decide which dice belong to which effect word, in any
cold damage and 1d4 temporary negative levels, and to
combination, so long as the total number does not exceed his runecaster
become entangled for 1d4 rounds. The target receives either a
level and the number of dice allocated to a specific effect word
Fortitude save or a Reflex save, chosen by the caster. If the
does not exceed its maximum.
save is successful, the target takes half the cold damage,
Multiple Effect Words and Duration: If a wordspell takes no negative levels, and is not entangled. A sorcerer,
has more than one effect word, the shortest of all the witch, or wizard can boost the target word to make this
spell affect multiple targets, but doing so increases the spell’s overall level to 9th. attack to hit, or it can be used as a melee touch attack with no range (decided by the
runecaster when the wordspell is cast). If it is used as a melee touch attack and the
Selected Alignment Shield Enhance Form Grave Bane (cleric 6): This wordspell attack misses, the runecaster can hold the charge and try again with subsequent
grants the target a number of bonuses. First, it grants the target a +2 bonus to AC
Boost: Instead of one target, the wordspell affects up to one target per caster
and on saving throws when it is attacked by creatures of one alignment type (chosen level, no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart. The range increases to
medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level). If used with an effect word that deals energy
by the runecaster). The wordspell also grants a +4 enhancement bonus to
damage, the runecaster must make multiple ray attacks for each target (they cannot
Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution (chosen by the runecaster). Finally, the be made as melee touch attacks). This boosted target word increases the level of all
the effect words in the spell by 3 levels.
wordspell grants an additional +4 sacred bonus on saving throws made against

death spells and death magic effects; the subject cannot gain negative levels while Barrier
Level 3
this wordspell is in effect, and the target is automatically stabilized if brought below
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
0 hit points. All of these effects last for 1 round per level, as that is the duration of A wordspell with this target word creates a visible barrier that is 10 feet long per
caster level and 10 feet high. Creatures touching or passing through the barrier
the effect word with the shortest duration. Note that alignment shield is only 1st
aresubject to the spell’s effect. The barrier does not hinder creatures passing
level, and could be replaced with a 2nd-level effect word without changing the overall through it unless noted in the spell effect. Creatures occupying the space of the
barrier when it forms are subject to the spell’s effect. The wall is 1 foot wide and
level of the spell.
must be anchored on a solid surface. The wall must be straight when formed.
Boost: The wall is 20 feet long per caster level and up to 20 feet high. The wall can
Target Words take on any shape desired by the caster, but it must remain a vertical surface.

Target words establish the way in which a spell determines its targets. Some effect Burst

words restrict the type of target words that can be used in wordspells that contain Level 1
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
them. A wordspell contains only one target word. Target words use the following A wordspell with this target word affects everything it catches in a 10-foot-radius

format. burst. Some effect words that use the burst target word are instead emanations,
taking up the same area as the burst. These effect words typically have a longer
Name: This is the name of the target word. It is used as part of the wordspell’s duration and cannot be moved once created. They are noted by the word
“emanation” in parentheses after the burst target restriction.
complete title.
Boost: The spell affects everything in a 20-foot-radius burst. Its range increases
to medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). Boosting this effect word increases its level by 2.
Level: This line lists the minimum level for a wordspell containing this target word.
Boost: The spell affects everything in a 40-foot-radius burst. Its range increases

Range: This line describes the range of a wordspell containing this target word. to long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level). Boosting this effect word increases its level by 4.

Target: This paragraph describes how a wordspell using this target word Cone
Level 0
determines its targets or area of effect. This could be a selection of targets by the
Range 10 ft.
caster or the creation of an area of effect, in which case all the creatures in the area A wordspell with this target word affects everything in a coneshaped burst.
Boost: The range increases to 20 feet. Boosting this effect word increases its
are automatically targets of the spell. It might also create an effect that has no
level by 2.
specific targets, instead just causing the effect word to occupy the listed space. Boost: The range increases to 40 feet. Boosting this effect word increases its
level by 4.
Boost: If the target word can be boosted by the boost meta word, the effects are
listed here. See the meta word section for more details.
Level 1
Range 20 ft.
A wordspells with this target word affects everything in a 20-foot line.
Level 0
Boost: The range increases to 60 feet. Boosting this effect word increases its
Range: no range
level by 1.
A wordspell with this target word only affects the caster. Effect words that are
Boost: The range increases to 120 feet. Boosting this effect word increases its
restricted to this word can be combined with other effect words, but the caster is
level by 2.
the only target, regardless of other target possibilities.

Selected Effect Words

Level 0 Effect words determine the overall outcome of a wordspell. A wordspell can
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) contain more than one effect word, and it is possible for their effects to counteract
A wordspell with this target word affects a single target within range. If the one another. Effect words use the following format.
wordspell deals energy damage, this word creates a ray that requires a ranged touch Name: This is the name of the effect word. Each word belongs to a group of similar
words, noted in parentheses. Unless otherwise noted, an individual wordspell caster level (maximum 20d6) and are fatigued. Creatures caught in the cloud receive
cannot contain two effect words from the same group. a Fortitude save to halve the damage and to negate the fatigued effect. Creatures
School: This entry lists the school of magic that the effect word belongs to. that remain in the cloud take a cumulative –2 penalty on the save each round they
Level: This entry lists the classes that can learn the effect word and what level the remain in the cloud, but spending just 1 round outside the cloud’s area resets this
word is for members of that class. Note that an individual wordspell can contain no penalty. Creatures in the cloud that are fatigued become exhausted on a failed
words of a level higher than the wordspell. saving throw. A strong wind, such as that created by a gust of wind, disperses this
Duration: This line lists the duration of the effect word. cloud immediately.
Saving Throw: If the effect allows a saving throw, it is noted here along with the
effect of a successful save.
Alignment Words
Spell Resistance: If the effect word allows spell resistance, it is noted here.
Words from this family deal specifically with alignment, detecting, damaging, or
Target Restrictions: Some effect words can only be combined with specific target
protecting creatures based on their moral compass.
words when arranging wordspells. If this is the case, the specific target words are
noted here.
Alignment Shield (Alignment)
Description: This paragraph describes the effects of the word when arranged in a
School abjuration; Level cleric 1, inquisitor 1, paladin 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Duration 1 minute/level (D)
Boost: If the effect word can be boosted by the boost meta word, the effects are
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
listed here. See the meta word section for more details.
Target Restrictions selected
When a wordspell with this effect word is cast, the runecaster selects one alignment:
Effect Word Descriptions
good, evil, chaotic, or lawful. The target of this wordspell is protected from that
alignment and receives a +2 deflection bonus to AC on attacks made from
Acid Words creatures of that alignment and a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws made on
These words create caustic acid that scorches and burns all that it comes in contact spells and effects from creatures of that alignment. The target of a wordspell with
with. this effect word can choose to end this effect as an immediate action to reroll any
one saving throw made against a spell or effect from the chosen alignment, but must
Acid Burn (Acid) take the second result, even if it is worse.
School conjuration (creation) [acid]; Level druid 0, inquisitor 0, magus 0,
sorcerer/wizard 0, summoner 0 Alignment Assault (Alignment)
Duration instantaneous School evocation; Level cleric 5, inquisitor 5, paladin 4
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance no Duration instantaneous, see text
A wordspell with this effect word deals 1d3 points of acid damage. If the wordspell Saving Throw Will partial; Spell Resistance yes
has only a single target, it requires a melee or ranged touch attack to hit and does Target Restrictions burst, cone, line
not allow a saving throw. If a wordspell with this effect word is cast, the runecaster selects one alignment:
good, evil, chaotic, or lawful. All creatures of that alignment take 1d8 points of
Corrosive Bolt (Acid) damage per two caster levels (maximum 8d8). Outsiders of that alignment take 1d6
School conjuration (creation) [acid]; Level magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d6). In addition, creatures of the
Duration 2 rounds affected alignment are staggered for 1 round per caster level if they fail their saving
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no throws.
Target Restrictions selected
A wordspell with this effect word deals 1d4 points of acid damage per level of the Alignment Aura (Alignment)
runecaster (maximum 5d4). On the following round, the target takes this damage School abjuration; Level cleric 8
again. Hitting a target with a wordspell with this effect word requires a ranged touch Duration 1 round/level (D)
attack. Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Target Restrictions selected
Acid Wave (Acid) A wordspell with this effect word functions as alignment shield, but the bonus to
School conjuration (creation) [acid]; Level magus 4, sorcerer/wizard 4 AC and on saving throws increases to +4. In addition, the creature gains SR 25
Duration 2 rounds against spells cast by creatures of the chosen alignment. Finally, creatures of the
Saving Throw Reflex half and partial (see below); Spell Resistance no chosen alignment find it painful to touch the warded creature, taking 2d6 points of
A wordspell with this effect word deals 1d6 points of acid damage per caster level damage for each successful hit with a melee weapon or natural weapon.
(maximum 10d6). Targets damaged by this effect word are sickened for 1 round per
caster level, or 1 round if the saving throw against the wordspell with this effect word
Animal Words
was successful.
Words from this family speak directly to wild creatures, soothing and controlling
Caustic Cloud (Acid)
Nature’s Calm (Animal)
School conjuration (creation) [acid]; Level sorcerer/wizard 7, witch 6
School enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting]; Level druid 1, ranger 1, witch 1
Duration 1 round/level
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw Fortitude half; Spell Resistance no
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
Target Restrictions burst
Target Restrictions selected
A wordspell with this effect word creates a cloud of noxious green vapor that
The target of a wordspell with this effect word becomes calm and docile. Though
obscures vision. Creatures caught in the cloud take 1d6 points of acid damage per
the target will not attack while subject to this effect, the wordspell immediately ends
if the target is attacked. Creatures affected by this effect word do not flee, but Force Armor (Armor)
they are not helpless. This effect word only affects creatures of the animal or School abjuration; Level cleric 3, magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
magical beast type, although magical beasts receive a +4 bonus on the saving throw. Duration 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no
Wild Lure (Animal) Target Restrictions personal, selected
School enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting]; Level druid 2, ranger 2, witch 2 The target of a wordspell with this effect word receives a +4 armor bonus to its
Duration 1 minute/level AC + 1 point for every four levels of the caster. This armor is made of force and
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes provides protection against the attacks of incorporeal creatures. If the target has a
Target Restrictions selected greater armor bonus from another source, a wordspell with this effect word instead
The target of a wordspell with this effect word treats the caster as a trusted ally. increases that armor bonus by +1 and allows it to provide protection against the
The creature will defend the caster and will not attack her allies while this effect attacks of incorporeal creatures.
persists. If at any time the target of a wordspell with this effect word is attacked by
the runecaster or her allies, the wordspell’s duration ends immediately. A wordspell Force Ward (Armor)
with this effect word only affects creatures of the animal or magical beast type, School abjuration; Level magus 6, sorcerer/wizard 6
although magical beasts receive a +4 bonus on the saving throw. Duration 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no
Nature’s Command (Animal) Target Restrictions personal, selected
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level druid 4, ranger 4, This effect word functions as force armor, but it grants a +6 armor bonus to AC +
summoner 5, witch 4 1 point for every four levels of the caster. If the target has greater armor bonus from
Duration 1 round/level another source, a wordspell with this effect word increases that armor bonus by +2.
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
Target Restrictions selected
Binding Words
The target of a wordspell with this effect word obeys any simple commands given by
Words from this family cause objects to become stationary and creatures to
the caster. These commands are sent through a mental link that does not require
become paralyzed.
speech, but they must be able to be understood by the target. The target ignores
any commands that are suicidal or self-destructive. A wordspell with this effect word
Lock Ward (Binding)
only affects creatures of the animal or magical beast type, although magical beasts
School abjuration; Level sorcerer/wizard 1
receive a +4 bonus on the saving throw.
Duration permanent
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Armor Words Target Restrictions selected
These words create translucent armor made of solid magic, protecting without This effect word causes one unattended object to close, such as a door, chest, or
weight or obstruction. book. If the object possesses a lock, the object is also locked. If the wordspell
includes other effect words, the effects of those words are suspended until a
Force Block (Armor) creature other than the runecaster attempts to unlock or otherwise open the object.
School abjuration; Level cleric 0, magus 0, sorcerer/wizard 0, summoner 0 That creature becomes the target of the other effect words, as if those effect
Duration 1 round words had the selected target word. Only consider the other effect words when
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no determining the duration of this secondary effect.
Target Restrictions personal, selected Paralyze Humanoid (Binding)
The target of a wordspell with this effect word receives a +1 armor bonus to its School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 2, cleric 2,
AC. This armor is made of force and provides protection against the attacks of inquisitor 2, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 2
incorporeal creatures. Duration 1 round/level
Boost: A wordspell with this effect word can be cast as an immediate action. In this Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
case, the effect lasts until the end of your next turn. This boost cannot be used if Target Restrictions selected
the wordspell includes another effect word (unless that word can also be cast as an The target of a wordspell with this effect word is paralyzed and cannot move. It is
immediate action). This boost increases this effect word’s level by 1. aware and can breathe normally, but cannot take any actions. At the end of each of
the creature’s turns, it can attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. Flying
Force Shield (Armor) creatures that rely on wings to fly fall, and swimmers cannot swim and may drown.
School abjuration; Level alchemist 1, magus 1, sorcerer/ wizard 1, summoner 1, Wordspells with this effect word only affect creatures of the humanoid type.
witch 1
Duration 1 minute/level Paralyze Creature (Binding)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 4, druid 4,
Target Restrictions personal, selected inquisitor 4, sorcerer/wizard 5, summoner 5, witch 5
The target of a wordspell with this effect word receives a +4 armor bonus to its Duration 1 round/level
AC. This armor is made of force and provides protection against the attacks of Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
incorporeal creatures. Target Restrictions selected
This effect word functions as the paralyze humanoid word except that it can affect
creatures of any type.
Permanent Paralysis (Binding) Energy Immunity (Body)
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level sorcerer/wizard 8, School abjuration; Level alchemist 6, cleric 6, druid 6, inquisitor 6,
summoner 6, witch 8 sorcerer/wizard 6, summoner 6
Duration permanent Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Target Restrictions selected Target Restriction personal, selected The target of a wordspell with this effect
This effect word functions as the paralyze humanoid word except that it can affect word gains immunity to one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). The
creatures of any type and the duration is permanent. A creature affected by a target still suffers any other side effects that might accompany the energy damage.
wordspell with this effect word receives one additional Will saving throw at the end
of its first turn after initially failing the save. This saving throw is made to relieve this
Change Words
word’s effects, not any others included in the original wordspell. If this save fails as
Words from this family change the target’s form, granting special attacks and
well, the effect of this word can only be undone with greater dispel magic, miracle, or

Altered Form (Change)

Body Words School transmutation (polymorph); Level alchemist 3, druid 3, magus 3,
Body words enhance the form of their targets, making them stronger, more agile, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
and more resilient. Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Fortify (Body) Target Restriction personal
School abjuration; Level alchemist 1, cleric 1, inquisitor 1, paladin 1, ranger 1, The target of a wordspell with this effect word receives a +2 size bonus to
sorcerer/wizard 1, summoner 1 Strength and two of the following benefits: a pair of claw attacks that each deals
Duration 1 round/level 1d6 points of damage if Medium (1d4 if Small), a bite attack that deals 1d8 points
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) of damage if Medium (1d6 if Small), a climb speed of 30 feet, a swim speed of 30
Target Restriction personal, selected feet, darkvision out to 60 feet, low-light vision, scent, or a +2 natural armor bonus.
The target of a wordspell with this effect word receives a +1 resistance bonus on Boost: The target receives three benefits instead of two.
saving throws. In addition, the target receives a number of temporary hit points Boost: This wordspell can use the selected target word. Boosting this effect word
equal to its Hit Dice. increases its level by 1.

Energy Resistance (Body) Bestial Form (Change)

School abjuration; Level alchemist 2, cleric 2, druid 2, inquisitor 2, paladin 2, School transmutation (polymorph); Level alchemist 4, druid 4, magus 4,
ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2 sorcerer/wizard 4
Duration 10 minutes/level Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Target Restriction personal, selected Target Restriction personal
The target of a wordspell with this effect word gains resistance 10 to one energy This effect word functions as altered form except that the target of this wordspell
type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). The target still suffers any other side receives a +4 size bonus to Strength and can select three benefits. In addition to
effects that might accompany the energy damage. those available in altered form, the target can select from among the following
Boost: The target gains resistance 20 to one energy type. benefits: a fly speed of 30 feet (average maneuverability), grab, pounce, trip, or a +4
natural armor bonus.
Enhance Form (Body) Boost: The target receives four benefits instead of three.
School transmutation; Level alchemist 2, bard 2, cleric 2, druid 2, magus 2, Boost: This wordspell can use the selected target word. Boosting this effect word
paladin 2, ranger 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2 increases its level by 1.
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) Monstrous Form (Change)
Target Restriction personal, selected School transmutation (polymorph); Level alchemist 5, druid 5, magus 5,
The target of a wordspell with this effect receives a +4 enhancement bonus to sorcerer/wizard 5
either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution (caster’s choice). The target can end a Duration 1 minute/level
wordspell with this effect word prematurely as a swift action, gaining a +8 Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
enhancement bonus to the ability score until the end of the target’s turn. Target Restriction personal
This effect word functions as bestial form except that the target of this wordspell
Perfect Form (Body) receives a +6 size bonus. In addition to those benefits available in altered form and
School transmutation; Level alchemist 4, bard 4, cleric 4, druid 4, magus 4, bestial form, the target can select from the following: a burrow speed of 30 feet,
sorcerer/wizard 4, summoner 4 blindsense out to a range of 30 feet, constrict, ferocity, resist 20 against one
Duration 1 round/level energy type, or a +4 natural armor bonus.
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) Boost: The target receives four benefits instead of three.
Target Restriction personal, selected The target of a wordspell with this effect Boost: This wordspell can use the selected target word. Boosting this effect word
word receives a +4 enhancement to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. increases its level by 1.
Simple Order (Command)
Cold Words
School enchantment (compulsion) [language-dependent, mind affecting];
Spells using these words drain the warmth from the surrounding environment,
Level bard 1, cleric 1, inquisitor 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
leaving everything frozen and rimed with frost.
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
Cold Snap (Cold)
Target Restrictions selected
School evocation [cold]; Level druid 0, magus 0, sorcerer/ wizard 0
The target of a wordspell with this effect word must follow one of five simple
Duration instantaneous
commands to the best of its ability on its next turn. If the target cannot take the
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
specified action on its next turn, this effect of the wordspell fails. The possible
A wordspell with this effect word deals 1d3 points of cold damage. If the wordspell
commands are as follows.
with this effect word has only a single target, it requires a melee or ranged touch
Approach: The target must move toward the caster as quickly and directly as
attack to hit and does not allow a saving throw.
possible, provoking attacks of opportunity as normal. The target avoids obvious
hazards, such as fire, pits, or traps that it is aware of (other creatures do not count).
Frost Fingers (Cold)
Drop: The target drops whatever it is holding and does not pick up anything this
School evocation [cold]; Level druid 2, magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
round. It can otherwise act normally.
Duration instantaneous
Fall: The target falls to the ground and remains prone until its next turn. It can
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
otherwise act normally.
A wordspell with this effect word deals 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level
Flee: The target moves away from the caster as quickly and directly as possible.
(maximum 5d6). A target that fails its saving throw is also staggered for 1 round.
This otherwise functions as approach.
Halt: The target does not move and takes no other action on its turn, although it is
Ice Blast (Cold)
not considered flat-footed or helpless.
School evocation [cold]; Level druid 4, magus 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
Boost: This wordspell can use any target word. Boosting this effect word
Duration instantaneous
increases its level by 3.
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
This effect deals 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 10d6). A
Complex Order (Command)
target that fails its saving throw is entangled by the ice for 1d4 rounds.
School enchantment (compulsion) [language-dependent, mind affecting];
Level bard 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 4
Winter’s Wrath (Cold)
Duration 10 minutes/level
School evocation [cold]; Level druid 8, sorcerer/wizard 8
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
Duration 1 round/level
Target Restrictions selected
Saving Throw Fortitude half; Spell Resistance yes
The target of a wordspell with this effect word must follow the runecaster’s
Target Restrictions burst
instructions. The runecaster must be able to convey the orders within 1 round and
A wordspell with this effect word creates an area of blizzardlike conditions. Anyone
the actions must be possible to complete within the wordspell’s duration. The
inside the area when it forms, and at the start of the caster’s turn, takes 1d6 points
instructions cannot include anything that is obviously dangerous or harmful to the
of cold damage per caster level (maximum 20d6) and 1d4 points of Dexterity
target. The instructions do not have to take the entire duration, and once
damage. A Fortitude save halves this damage and negates the Dexterity damage.
completed, a wordspell with this effect word ends. If the instructions are not
Creatures immune to cold damage do not take the Dexterity damage. Because of
completed by the time the duration expires, the target is under no compulsion to
the heavy snow and winds, visibility is reduced to 5 feet inside the blizzard. Effects
finish enacting them.
that deal fire damage do not harm anyone inside this blizzard unless they are of a
level equal to or higher than the wordspell with this effect word.
Crush Will (Command)
School enchantment (compulsion) [language-dependant, mind-affecting];
Command Words Level bard 4, sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 5
These words demand action from those that hear them, with near-irresistible force. Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
Friendship (Command) Target Restrictions selected
School enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, The target of a wordspell with this effect word obeys any commands given by the
witch 1 caster. These commands are sent through a mental link that does not require
Duration 10 minutes/level speech. The target ignores any commands that are suicidal or self-destructive. A
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes wordspell with this effect word only affects creatures of the humanoid type; targets
Target Restrictions selected receive a +4 bonus on the saving throw if a wordspell with the effect word has its
The target of a wordspell with this effect word treats the caster as a trusted ally. target boosted to affect more than one creature.
The creature will defend the caster and will not attack the caster’s allies while the
wordspell persists. If the creature is attacked by the caster or his allies, this effect
Concealing Words
immediately ends (though other effects of the wordspell may continue). A wordspell
Words from this family hide creatures and objects from observation and detection.
with this effect word only affects creatures of the humanoid type; targets receive a
+4 bonus on the saving throw if a wordspell with the effect word has its target
Fade (Concealing)
boosted to affect more than one creature.
School illusion (glamer); Level alchemist 1, bard 1, inquisitor 1, magus 1,
sorcerer/wizard 1, summoner 1, witch 1
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) Life Leech (Death)
Target Restrictions selected School necromancy [evil]; Level magus 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
The target of a wordspell with this effect word becomes invisible until the beginning Duration 1 hour/level
of the caster’s next turn. If the target attacks or otherwise takes an offensive action, Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes
this effect ends. Target Restrictions selected The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes
Boost: The target does not become visible if it attacks or takes an offensive 1d4 temporary negative levels. If these negative levels cause the subject to die, it
action. rises as a ghost 1d4 days later unless buried in consecrated ground.
Boost: The negative levels from a wordspell with this effect word are permanent.
Disappear (Concealing) Boosting this effect word increases its level by 5.
School illusion (glamer); Level alchemist 2, bard 2, inquisitor 2, magus 2,
sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2, witch 2 Slay (Death)
Duration 1 round/level School necromancy [death, evil]; Level cleric 6, druid 7, sorcerer/wizard 6, witch 6
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) Duration instantaneous
Target Restrictions selected Saving Throw Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance yes
This effect word functions as fade, but with a longer duration. Target Restrictions selected
Boost: The target does not become visible if it attacks or takes an offensive The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes 10 points of damage per
action. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 2. caster level, to a maximum of 150 points of damage. If the save is successful, the
target instead takes 3d6 points of damage + 1 per caster level (maximum +15). A
Unseen Shell (Concealing) wordspell with this effect word only affects living creatures.
School illusion (glamer); Level bard 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
Duration 1 minute/level
Destruction Words
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
These words cause catastrophe when they are uttered, breaking and destroying all
Target Restrictions burst (emanation)
they encounter.
When cast, a wordspell with this effect word makes any objects or creatures
designated by the caster within the area invisible so long as they remain in the area
Damage (Destruction)
and do not attack or otherwise take offensive actions. All possessions carried by
School evocation; Level bard 3, cleric 3, sorcerer/wizard 2
the creatures remain invisible as long as they remain in the area, so an arrow fired
Duration instantaneous
from a bow would become visible when it leaves the area.
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance yes
Boost: The target does not become visible if it attacks or takes an offensive
Target Restrictions selected
action. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 2.
This effect word causes one object within range to lose half of its maximum hit
points and gains the broken condition. This item can weigh no more than 10 pounds
Death Words per caster level. Magic items gain a +4 bonus on the saving throw to resist this
Words from this family destroy life and create undead abominations. effect + their normal bonus. Items in another creature’s possession use the save of
the creature or the item, whichever is better. Artifacts are not affected by this word.
Undeath (Death)
School necromancy [evil]; Level cleric 2, sorcerer/wizard 3 Rumble (Destruction)
Duration instantaneous School evocation [earth]; Level cleric 8, druid 8
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Duration 1 round
Target Restrictions selected Saving Throw see text; Spell Resistance no
This effect word can only target the corpses of dead creatures. These creatures Target Restrictions burst (emanation)
rise as either skeletons or zombies, as decided by the caster. These undead follow This effect word causes the ground within the area to shake and rumble, like an
the caster’s commands to the best of their limited ability. They remain undead earthquake. Each creature in the area must make a Reflex save or be knocked
creatures until destroyed. The caster can create at most 2 Hit Dice worth of prone and take 8d6 points of damage. If the creature makes its save, it takes half
undead per caster level with each casting of a wordspell with this effect word. The damage and is not knocked prone. Caves, cliffs, tunnels, and other natural surfaces
caster can control more than 4 HD per caster level of undead creatures. If collapse in this area, triggering a landslide and possibly burying creatures
additional undead are created, the caster chooses which undead to lose control of underneath. Structures take 100 points of damage from this effect, typically
to get back under the limit. enough to cause wooden and masonry buildings to collapse, but not stone or
reinforced masonry buildings. See page 429 of the Core Rulebook for more
Grave Bane (Death) information on landslides and collapses.
School necromancy; Level cleric 4, druid 5, inquisitor 5, paladin 4
Duration 1 minute/level Catastrophe (Destruction)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) School evocation [air]; Level cleric 9, druid 9, witch 9
Target Restrictions selected Duration 1 round/level
The target of a wordspell with this effect word receives a +4 sacred bonus on saves Saving Throw see text; Spell Resistance no
against all death spells and magic death effects. The subject cannot gain any Target Restrictions burst (emanation)
negative levels while the wordspell with this effect word persists, but any existing This effect word causes heavy clouds to form in the sky above the area of
before this wordspell is cast remain. The subject automatically stabilizes if brought wordspell with this effect word. The area is pelted by heavy rain and hail, obscuring
below 0 hit points and is not slain. vision and making ranged attacks impossible. Melee attacks take a 20% miss chance.
Creatures in the area take 4d6 points of damage from pounding hail at the start of
their turn. In addition, the caster can call down a bolt of lightning once per turn that Intelligence score at least 10 higher than the caster and it makes its Will save, the
deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per caster level. The caster can split this bolt target can instead read the surface thoughts of the caster for the duration of the of
to hit as many targets as she likes and can divide the damage dice up among the the wordspell with this effect word, while the runecaster receives no insight. Each
targets as she sees fit. The targets receive a Reflex save to halve the damage. round, the caster can focus on a new creature if he desires.
Targets that fail are also knocked prone by the force of the blast. The ground in
the area of a wordspell with this effect word is considered difficult terrain for the Sense Hidden (Detection)
duration, but not for the caster. School divination; Level alchemist 2, bard 2, cleric 2, inquisitor 2,
sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2, witch 2
Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)
Detection Words
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Detection words are used to learn things that simple observation cannot. They
Target Restrictions cone
reveal secrets and uncover hidden things. Detection words are special in that they
This effect word allows the caster to see invisible creatures and objects. The
can be combined with other words from the Detection group in the same wordspell.
caster can sense that the objects and creatures are hidden in this way, but he can
Detection words cannot be combined with any other group’s effect words within the
still see them normally.
same wordspell.
Boost: The caster can see through illusions, see the true form of polymorphed
creatures and objects, and locate creatures protected by spells and effects that
Sense Magic (Detection)
grant concealment. The caster also receives a +4 circumstance bonus on saves
School divination; Level bard 0, cleric 0, druid 0, inquisitor 0, magus 0,
against illusion spells and effects. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 4.
sorcerer/wizard 0, summoner 0, witch 0
Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Dispelling Words
Target Restrictions cone Dispelling words have the power to unmake magic or suppress its effects.
A wordspell with this effect word detects magic auras. By concentrating each Suppress (Dispelling)
round, the caster can determine the number and location of each aura in the target School abjuration; Level bard 2, cleric 2, druid 2, inquisitor 2, magus 2, paladin 2,
area. He can make a Knowledge (arcana) skill check to determine the school of sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2, witch 2
each aura (one check per aura, the DC of this check is 15 + the spell level or 15 + Duration 1 minute/level
1/2 the caster level for a nonspell effect). If the aura radiates from a magic item, the Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
caster can attempt to identify the item’s properties as if using detect magic (see Target Restrictions selected
Spellcraft). If the aura emanates from a spell of 7th level or higher, or is a nonspell The caster of a wordspell with this effect word selects one spell effect that affects
effect with a caster level of 12th or higher, the caster knows that the aura is strong, a willing target. The caster must then make a caster level check with a DC of 11 +
even if the Knowledge check to identify the school is unsuccessful. the caster level of the spell effect. If successful, that spell effect is suppressed for
the duration of this spell. If the suppressed spell has a limited duration, that
Sense Alignment (Detection) duration continues to expire while this spell is in effect.
School divination; Level cleric 1, inquisitor 1, paladin 1 Boost: The caster can target creatures that are not willing. The targets receive a
Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D) saving throw to negate this effect word, and the caster must overcome the target’s
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no spell resistance. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 1.
Target Restrictions cone
This effect word detects one or more alignments. When cast, the runecaster selects Resist Arcana (Dispelling)
one of the following alignments: chaos, evil, good, or law. By concentrating, he can School abjuration; Level alchemist 5, cleric 5, inquisitor 5, sorcerer/wizard 6,
sense the presence and source of that alignment in the wordspell area. If the source summoner 6
is a creature with more than 25 Hit Dice, an outsider, cleric, or paladin with more Duration 1 minute/level
than 4 Hit Dice, or a magic item or spell with a caster level greater than 16th, the Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
caster knows that aura is strong. Target Restrictions selected
Boost: The caster can select two alignments to detect. Boosting this effect word The target of a wordspell with this effect word gains spell resistance equal to 12 +
increases its level by 1. the caster’s level.
Boost: The caster can detect all four alignments (although this does not allow him
to detect neutral objects or creatures). Boosting this effect word increases its level Unmake (Dispelling)
by 2. School abjuration; Level bard 5, cleric 5, druid 5, inquisitor 6, magus 6,
sorcerer/wizard 5, summoner 6, witch 5
Sense Thoughts (Detection) Duration instantaneous
School divination; Level alchemist 2, bard 2, inquisitor 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, Saving Throw Will partial; Spell Resistance yes
summoner 2, witch 2 Target Restrictions selected
Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D) The caster of a wordspell with this effect word unravels all of the magic effects
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance no affecting the target of the wordspell with this effect word. The caster must make a
Target Restrictions cone caster level check. The result of this check is compared to the caster level + 11 of
This effect word allows the caster to detect the surface thoughts of creatures in every spell affecting the target. If successful, that spell effect immediately ends.
the target area. By focusing on one creature in the area, the caster can read the The target can make a Will saving throw. If successful, this wordspell only attempts
surface thoughts of that creature. The caster must be otherwise aware of the to unmake the highest-level spell affecting the target.
creature to focus on it. A Will save prevents the caster from reading the creature’s
thoughts for the duration of a wordspell with this effect word. If the target has an
Negation (Dispelling)
Electricity Words
School abjuration; Level cleric 8, sorcerer/wizard 6
Spells using electricity words crackle with life and leap from target to target in arcs
Duration 1 round/level
of burning light.
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Target Restrictions burst
Spark (Electricity)
This effect word creates an area in which magic does not function. All magic effects
School evocation [electricity]; Level druid 0, magus 0, sorcerer/wizard 0, witch 0
are suppressed while inside the area. As a result, this word cannot be combined with
Duration instantaneous
other effect words. Magic effects cannot cross through the area. Time spent within
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
the field counts against the duration of the suppressed effects. Summoned and
This effect word deals 1d4 points of electricity damage. If the wordspell with this
incorporeal creatures cannot enter the area and are immediately forced to the
effect word has only a single target, it requires a melee or ranged touch attack and
nearest edge if inside the area when it forms. Objects still maintain their function
does not allow a saving throw.
while in the area, so a sword still cuts, even if it loses its magical properties.

Shock Arc (Electricity)

Divination Words School evocation [electricity]; Level magus 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Words from this family uncover answers and scry across vast distances. Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
Beacon (Divination) This effect word deals 1d4 points of electricity damage per caster level (maximum
School divination; Level bard 0, druid 0, ranger 1 5d4).
Duration 1 hour/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Lightning Blast (Electricity)
Target Restrictions personal School evocation [electricity]; Level druid 3, magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
When a wordspell with this effect word is cast, the exact location of the caster Duration instantaneous
becomes a fixed point. For the duration of the wordspell, the caster always knows Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
the direction and distance to the point where this wordspell was cast. If this word is This effect word deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per caster level (maximum
cast again, the original casting immediately ends. This effect does not instruct the 10d6).
caster on how to reach the point,
but rather merely indicates the direction to the point, even if that direction leads Ball Lightning (Electricity)
through solid objects and other hazards. School evocation [electricity]; Level druid 5, magus 5, sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 6
Duration instantaneous
Far Sight (Divination) Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
School divination (scrying); Level bard 3, cleric 3, druid 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, Target Restrictions selected
witch 3 This effect word deals 1d8 points of electricity damage per caster level (maximum
Duration 1 minute/level 15d8 to one target + 1/2 that damage to any other targets included in the effect).
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Target Restrictions personal Thunder Strike (Electricity)
The caster of a wordspell with this effect word creates an invisible eye at any point School evocation [electricity]; Level druid 8, sorcerer/wizard 8, witch 9
within 400 feet + 40 feet per caster level. This sensor cannot move, but for the Duration instantaneous
duration of the wordspell, the caster can look through this eye as if it were her own. Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
The eye uses her senses, including magical ones, to allow her to see, including This effect word deals 1d8 points of electricity damage per caster level (maximum
darkvision, low-light vision, or other effects, such as sense magic. The eye can view 20d8). In addition, a target that fails its saving throw against this damage is
in all directions and cannot be destroyed if discovered. deafened for 1 round per caster level.
Boost: This sensor can be placed anywhere on the same plane of existence as the
caster, with no limit to range. The caster can place it to within 10 feet of a creature
Fear Words
that is known to the caster, but the target gets a Will save to negate the effect in
These words conjure a primal terror in all that hear them.
this case and the caster must overcome the target’s spell resistance. Boosting this
effect word increases its level by 2.
Spook (Fear)
School necromancy [fear, mind-affecting]; Level bard 1, cleric 1, inquisitor 1,
Locate (Divination)
sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
School divination; Level bard 6, cleric 6, druid 6, inquisitor 6, witch 6
Duration 1d4 rounds
Duration 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance Yes
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Target Restrictions selected
Target Restrictions personal
This effect word causes the target to become frightened for the duration. This
The caster of a wordspell with this effect word can name any location she has
word has no effect on targets with 5 or more Hit Dice.
visited before or any object she has held before. For the duration of this wordspell,
she always knows the direction of the named location or object. The direction is
Terror (Fear)
always the swiftest path to travel, leading her perfectly through mazes or other
School necromancy [fear, mind-affecting]; Level bard 3, inquisitor 4,
obstacles by the method the runecaster is currently traveling, irrespective of danger.
sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance Yes
This effect word causes the targets to become frightened for the duration. A
Flight Words
target that succeeds at its saving throw is shaken for 1 round.
These words allow those who know them to soar through the heavens—slowing falls
with weaker wordspells, but gaining true flight with the greatest one.
Horror (Fear)
School necromancy [fear, mind-affecting]; Level sorcerer/ wizard 7, witch 7
Glide (Flight)
Duration instantaneous
School transmutation; Level alchemist 1, bard 1, magus 1, sorcerer/wizard 1,
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance Yes
summoner 1, witch 1
Target Restrictions selected
Duration 1 round/level
This effect word causes the target to take 10 points of damage per caster level. If
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
the save succeeds, the target instead takes 3d6 points of damage + 1 per caster
Target Restrictions selected
The target of a wordspell with this effect word falls at a rate of 20 feet per round,
and for every 5 feet fallen in this way, can move horizontally 20 feet, up to a maximum
Fire Words of 80 feet per round. Regardless of the circumstances, the target can never gain
Spells using fire words burn with a hungry f lame that consumes all it encounters. elevation with this effect, and the wordspell with this effect word immediately ends
the next time the target lands on a solid surface. If the spell ends while the subject is
Flame Jet (Fire) still gliding, the subject falls as normal.
School evocation [fire]; Level druid 0, magus 0, sorcerer/wizard 0
Duration instantaneous Float (Flight)
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance Yes School transmutation; Level alchemist 2, bard 2, magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2,
This effect word deals 1d4 points of fire damage. If the wordspell with this effect summoner 2, witch 2
has only a single target, it requires a melee or ranged touch attack to hit and does Duration 1 minute/level (D)
not allow a saving throw. Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Target Restrictions selected
Burning Flash (Fire) The target of a wordspell with this effect word can float in the air, rising or falling at
School evocation [fire]; Level druid 2, inquisitor 2, magus 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, a rate of 30 feet per round as a move action. This effect only allows for vertical
witch 1 movement, but other forces might allow the target to move horizontally as well. The
Duration instantaneous caster has no control over this movement, but can end a wordspell with this effect
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes word prematurely as an immediate action.
This effect word deals 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 5d4). If Soar (Flight)
the wordspell with this effect word has only a single target, it requires a ranged School transmutation; Level alchemist 3, cleric 4, magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3,
touch attack to hit and does not allow a saving throw. summoner 3, witch 3
Boost (sorcerer/wizard only): This spell does 1d6 points of fire damage per caster Duration 1 minute/level
level, maximum 5d6. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 1. Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Target Restrictions selected
Fire Blast (Fire) The target of a wordspell with this effect word gains a fly speed of 60 feet with
School evocation [fire]; Level magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3 average maneuverability (40 feet if encumbered or wearing medium or heavy armor).
Duration instantaneous The target also receives an insight bonus on Fly skill checks equal to 1/2 the
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes caster’s level.
This effect word deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 10d6).

Force Words
Cinder Storm (Fire)
These words use raw magic to create pure force.
School evocation [fire]; Level cleric 5, druid 5, inquisitor 5, magus 5,
sorcerer/wizard 5, summoner 5
Force Bolt (Force)
Duration instantaneous
School evocation [force]; Level magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes This effect word deals 1d6
Duration instantaneous
points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 15d6).
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance Yes
Target Restrictions selected
Inferno (Fire)
This effect word deals 1d4 points of force damage per caster level (maximum 5d4).
School evocation [fire]; Level druid 8, sorcerer/wizard 8
This effect is treated like a magic missile for the purposes of spells that negate or
Duration instantaneous
absorb force effects.
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
This effect word deals 1d8 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 20d8).
Force Blast (Force)
School evocation [force]; Level magus 5, sorcerer/wizard 5
True Fire (Fire)
Duration instantaneous
School evocation [fire]; Level druid 9, sorcerer/wizard 9
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance Yes
Duration instantaneous
This effect word deals 1d6 points of force damage per caster level (maximum
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Target Restrictions selected
This effect word deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 20d6).
Lesser Cure (Healing)
Gravity Words
School conjuration (healing); Level alchemist 1, bard 1, cleric 1, druid 1,
Words from the gravity family use an unseen force to manipulate objects and
inquisitor 1, paladin 1, ranger 2, witch 1
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will half (harmless) or Will half; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Lift (Gravity)
Target Restrictions personal, selected
School transmutation; Level bard 0, magus 0, sorcerer/wizard 0, summoner 0
The target of a wordspell with this effect word is cured of 1d6 points of damage + 1
Duration concentration
point per caster level (maximum +5). Undead are damaged by this effect word
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
instead, but can attempt a Will save for half damage and spell resistance as normal.
Target Restrictions personal
Boost: The target is cured of 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level
This effect word grants the caster the ability to lift and move nonmagical objects
(maximum +5).
weighing up to 5 pounds at a distance of up to 25 feet + 5 feet per two levels of the
caster. Objects moved by this effect can be moved up to 15 feet per round and
Moderate Cure (Healing)
cannot be used to make attacks.
School conjuration (healing); Level alchemist 2, bard 2, cleric 2, druid 3,
inquisitor 2, paladin 3, ranger 3, witch 2
Unfetter (Gravity)
Duration instantaneous
School transmutation; Level druid 7, sorcerer/wizard 6
Saving Throw Will half (harmless) or Will half; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Target Restrictions personal, selected The target of a wordspell with this effect
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
word is cured of 2d6 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +10).
Target Restrictions selected
Undead are damaged by this effect word, but can attempt a Will save for half
This effect word makes the bonds of gravity work in reverse for the targets, causing
damage and spell resistance as normal.
them to fall up for the duration. They treat up as down and down as up. This can
Boost: The target is cured of 2d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level
cause the creatures to take falling damage when they hit the ceiling or another
(maximum +10).
surface above them. This effect applies to the targets and all of their gear, so long
as it remains on their person. Thrown and missile weapons interact with gravity
Greater Cure (Healing)
normally, but the disorientation caused by unfetter means the target takes a –4
School conjuration (healing); Level alchemist 3, bard 3, cleric 3, druid 4,
penalty on such attacks. When a wordspell with this effect word ends, the targets
inquisitor 3, paladin 4, ranger 4, witch 4
fall to the ground unless they have some means of staying aloft.
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will half (harmless) or Will half; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Repulse (Gravity)
Target Restrictions personal, selected
School transmutation; Level cleric 9, druid 9, sorcerer/wizard 8, summoner 6,
The target of a wordspell with this effect word is cured of 3d6 points of damage + 1
witch 8
point per caster level (maximum +15). Undead are damaged by this effect word, but
Duration 1 round/level (D)
can attempt a Will save for half damage and spell resistance as normal.
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
Boost: The target is cured of 3d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level
Target Restrictions burst (emanation)
(maximum +15).
This effect word creates an area of impossible gravity, where all creatures and
objects not securely fastened to the ground fall away from the center of the burst,
Elder Cure (Healing)
to its exterior edge. Creatures inside the area when it forms are immediately moved
School conjuration (healing); Level alchemist 4, bard 4, cleric 4, druid 5,
toward its nearest edge. If, because of an obstacle, they cannot reach the edge,
inquisitor 4, witch 5
they strike the barrier and take falling damage. While a wordspell with this effect
Duration instantaneous
word persists, objects cannot enter the area unless they possess the ability to fly.
Saving Throw Will half (harmless) or Will half; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Any flying creatures that rely on wings and enter the area must immediately make a
Target Restrictions personal, selected
DC 25 Fly skill check or be repelled by the area, unable to enter this turn. Missile
The target of a wordspell with this effect word is cured of 4d6 points of damage + 1
weapons that pass through this area automatically miss their target. The caster is
point per caster level (maximum +20). Undead are damaged by this effect word, but
immune to this effect and may enter the area freely.
can attempt a Will save for half damage and spell resistance as normal.
Boost: The caster may designate a number of creatures equal to his level that are
Boost: The target is cured of 4d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level
not affected by the wordspell.
(maximum +20).

Healing Words
Illusion Words
Healing words knit the flesh and soothe the body, repairing even the most grievous
These words deceive the senses, leaving those that witness them unsure of the
world around them.
Soothing Touch (Healing)
School conjuration (healing); Level cleric 0, druid 0, inquisitor 0, paladin 1, witch 0
Echo (Illusion)
Duration instantaneous
School illusion (figment); Level bard 0, sorcerer/wizard 0
Saving Throw Will half (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Target Restrictions personal, selected If the target of a wordspell with this effect
Saving Throw Will disbelief; Spell Resistance no
word is dying, it is automatically stabilized.
Target Restrictions burst (emanation)
Boost: The target of a wordspell with this effect word is cured of the shaken,
This effect word targets a single location, creating a sound that rises, recedes, or
sickened, or fatigued condition (caster’s choice). Boosting this effect word
remains constant for the duration. The sound’s volume increases with the caster’s
increases its level by 1.
level. The base Perception DC to notice this sound is 0, but the DC is reduced
Language Words
by 1 per caster level (although it can be higher if the caster desires). This means
Words from this family deal with language and help with communication.
that the sound starts out as loud as a creature talking, but by 10th level, it is as loud
as creatures engaged in a noisy battle. The sound can resemble anything the caster
Decipher (Language)
desires, except it cannot replicate speech or language. Once cast, the type of
School divination; Level alchemist 1, bard 0, cleric 0, druid 0, inquisitor 0, magus 0,
sound within the emanation cannot be changed.
paladin 1, ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 0, summoner 0, witch 0
Duration 1 minute/level
Glimmering (Illusion)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
School illusion (figment); Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 3
Target Restrictions personal
Duration 1 round/level (D)
The target of a wordspell with this effect word can read text written in one
Saving Throw Will disbelief; Spell Resistance no
particular language, including the language of magic. The caster picks the language
Target Restrictions burst (emanation)
when the wordspell is cast. For the duration, the target can read that language as if
This effect word creates a visual illusion centered on a target space within range.
fluent in it. If the caster chooses magic as the language, the target can decipher
The illusion must be contained within the burst radius. This illusion only contains
scrolls, glyphs, and other magic writing without triggering them. A wordspell with this
visual elements, and while it can move, its movements are repeated once per round. It
effect word does not impart the ability to determine what a given language is based
can otherwise have any appearance the caster desires. The caster can change the
on its appearance; the caster must already know the language or guess what
illusion’s movements by concentrating, but it cannot leave its initial area.
language the writing is in to do so.
Boost: This effect word can use the selected target word. Boosting this effect
Illumination Words word increases its level by 1.
Illumination words can either create light or siphon it away, instead creating
darkness. Translate (Language)
School divination; Level alchemist 3, bard 2, cleric 4, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
Radiance (Illumination) Duration 10 minutes/level
School evocation; Level bard 1, cleric 1, druid 1, inquisitor 1, magus 1, Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1 Target Restrictions selected
Duration 10 minutes/level The target of a wordspell with this effect word can read, write, speak, and
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) understand one particular language, chosen by the caster. The language can be
Target Restrictions burst (emanation) any that the caster is aware of, even racial languages.
The area of a wordspell with this effect word radiates light like a torch for the
duration, shedding normal light in the wordspell’s area and increasing the light level Far Casting (Language)
for an additional 20 feet by one step, up to normal light. School divination; Level bard 5, cleric 5, sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 5
Duration concentration
Gloom (Illumination) Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
School evocation; Level bard 2, cleric 2, magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2 Target Restrictions personal
Duration 1 minute/level The target of a wordspell with this effect word can reach out to another willing
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes creature that the target knows of and that is on the same plane of existence as the
Target Restrictions burst (emanation) target. As long as the runecaster concentrates, the target can communicate verbally
The target of a wordspell with this effect word radiates darkness out to a range of with the willing creature, and the willing creature can communicate back. The target
20 feet, negating all natural light sources and all magical light sources of a level lower and the willing creature do not need to share a language to communicate in this way.
than the wordspell. It reduces the natural light level by one step. A wordspell with Boost: This word can use the selected target word. Boosting this effect word
this effect word has no effect on an area that is already dark. increases its level by 1.

Sunshine (Illumination)
Life Words
School evocation; Level bard 3, cleric 3, druid 3, paladin 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Spells using these words can restore life to the dead and heal the most serious of
Duration 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Target Restrictions burst (emanation)
Purify (Life )
The target of a wordspell with this effect word radiates shining white light for the
School conjuration (healing); Level alchemist 4, bard 4, cleric 4, druid 4,
duration of the spell, shedding bright light in the wordspell’s area and increasing the
inquisitor 4, paladin 4, ranger 4
light level for an additional 30 feet by one step, up to bright light. Creatures that
Duration instantaneous
take penalties in bright light take those penalties while in the wordspell’s area, but it
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
is not true sunlight and does not damage or destroy creatures vulnerable to real
Target Restrictions personal, selected
When a wordspell with this effect word is cast, the runecaster chooses one type of
affliction: curses, diseases, or poisons. The target of a wordspell with this effect
word receives a new saving throw to immediately end all such afflictions of the
chosen type currently affecting the target. The DC of this save is equal to the
original DC of the affliction. The target must roll a saving throw for each affliction
individually. If the affliction does not allow a saving throw, this effect word cannot
remove that affliction. Alternatively, a wordspell with this effect word can be used to
remove 1d4 temporary negative levels possessed by the target, or 1 permanent Torture (Pain)
negative level. School necromancy; Level bard 3, inquisitor 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
Duration 1 round/level
Revive (Life ) Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes
School conjuration (healing); Level cleric 5, druid 5, witch 5 The targets of a wordspell with this effect word are nauseated; they receive
Duration instantaneous another save at the end of their turn to end this effect.
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Target Restrictions selected
Power Words
This effect word restores life to a living creature that has died within up to 1 hour
Perhaps the most primal effect words, power words draw upon raw magic, using it to
per caster level. The soul of the target receives a clear image of the caster, and can
cripple and even kill the runecaster’s foes.
choose not to return, causing the wordspell to fail. If the soul is willing, the target
does not receive a saving throw. The target is restored to life with 1 hit point, unless
Blind (Power)
another effect word adds to this total. In addition, the target loses 50% of any
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level sorcerer/wizard 7
prepared spells or spell slots it had before it died (determined randomly). Coming
Duration varies, see text
back from the dead in this way is an ordeal, and the target gains three permanent
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
negative levels from the experience (if the target does not have at least 4 Hit Dice,
Target Restrictions selected
a wordspell with this effect word has no effect). While this effect word undoes any
This effect word causes a living creature to become blinded, whether or not the
mortal wounds the target might possess, its body must otherwise be whole for the
creature can hear the wordspell. This effect word’s duration depends on the
effect word to function. Any missing parts are still missing when the creature is
target’s current hit point total. Any creature that currently has 201 hit points or
restored. Normal poisons and diseases are cured as well, but magical afflictions
more is unaffected.
remain. Undead creatures are unaffected by a wordspell with this effect word, as
Hit Points Duration
are the dead bodies of creatures that were undead. Constructs and outsiders
50 or less Permanent
cannot be restored to life by this effect word. Targets that died as a result of old
51–100 1d4+1 minutes
age cannot be restored to life by this effect word.
101–200 1d4+1 rounds

Life Touch (Life )

Stun (Power)
School conjuration (healing); Level cleric 8, witch 8
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level sorcerer/wizard 8
Duration instantaneous
Duration varies, see text
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
Target Restrictions selected
Target Restrictions selected
This effect word functions as revive, but it can be used on a creature that has been
This effect word causes a living creature to become stunned, whether or not the
dead for up to 1 day per caster level. The creature is restored with half its original
creature can hear the wordspell with this effect word. This effect word’s duration
hit points, and its body does not need to be whole (just a piece of the creature is
depends on the target’s current hit point total. Any creature that currently has 151
required). Any parts of the creature that were missing before its death are not
hit points or more is unaffected.
restored by this effect word. The creature gains only one permanent negative level
Hit Points Duration
from being restored by this effect word, and this negative level fades after 24 hours
50 or less 4d4 rounds
(although it can be removed early as normal). The creature retains all of the
51–100 2d4 rounds
prepared spells and slots it had when it died.
101–150 1d4 rounds

Pain Words Kill (Power)

The mere sound of these words causes agony in those unfortunate enough to hear School enchantment (compulsion) [death, mind-affecting];
them. Level sorcerer/wizard 9
Duration instantaneous
Cramp (Pain) Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
School necromancy; Level bard 0, cleric 0, inquisitor 0, sorcerer/wizard 0, witch 0 Target Restrictions selected
Duration 1 round This effect word slays one living creature, whether or not the creature can hear the
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes wordspell with this effect word. Any creature that currently has 101 hit points or
The targets of a wordspell with this effect word have their base speed reduced by more is unaffected.
half (minimum 10 feet).

Sonic Words
Wrack (Pain)
Sonic words utilize sound to deafen and damage those that hear them.
School necromancy; Level bard 1, cleric 1, inquisitor 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Duration 1 round/level
Discordant Note (Sonic)
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes
School evocation [sonic]; Level bard 2, cleric 2, magus 2
The targets of a wordspell with this effect word are sickened.
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude half and partial; Spell Resistance yes
This effect word deals 1d4 points of sonic damage per caster level (maximum 5d4)
and causes the targets to become staggered for 1 round. A successful Fortitude
save halves the damage and negates the staggered condition.
Sound Blast (Sonic) wordspell with this effect word summons 1d4+1 of the chosen creatures.
School evocation [sonic]; Level bard 4, magus 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
Duration instantaneous Servitor III (Summoning)
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes School conjuration (summoning); Level bard 3, cleric 3, druid 3, ranger 3,
This effect word deals 1d6 points of sonic damage per caster level (maximum 10d6). sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
Duration 1 round/level
Destructive Vibration (Sonic) Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
School evocation [sonic]; Level bard 6, sorcerer/wizard 7 Target Restrictions selected
Duration instantaneous, 1 round/level, see text This effect word functions as servitor I except that it summons one creature from
Saving Throw Fortitude half and negates; Spell Resistance yes Table 10–1 in the Core Rulebook from the 3rd-level list. If a wordspell with this
Target Restrictions line effect word is cast by a ranger or druid, it instead summons a creature from Table
This effect word deals 1d6 points of sonic damage per caster level (maximum 15d6) 10–2 in the Core Rulebook from the 3rd-level list. If the target word is boosted, a
and causes the targets to become deafened for 1 round per level. A successful spell with this effect word summons 1d4+1 of the chosen creatures.
Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the deafened condition.
Servitor IV (Summoning)
School conjuration (summoning); Level bard 4, cleric 4, druid 4, ranger 4,
Summoning Words
sorcerer/wizard 4, summoner 3, witch 4
These words summon creatures from other planes of existence to do the caster’s
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Target Restrictions selected
Servitor I (Summoning)
This effect word functions as servitor I except that it summons one creature from
School conjuration (summoning); Level bard 1, cleric 1, druid 1, ranger 1,
Table 10–1 in the Core Rulebook from the 4th-level list. If a wordspell with this
sorcerer/wizard 1, summoner 1, witch 1
effect word is cast by a ranger or druid, it instead summons a creature from Table
Duration 1 round/level
10–2 in the Core Rulebook from the 4th-level list. If the target word is boosted, a
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
wordspell with this effect word summons 1d4+1 of the chosen creatures.
Target Restrictions selected
A wordspell with this effect word summons a creature to do your bidding. This
Servitor V (Summoning)
creature attacks your opponents to the best of its ability each turn if able. If you
School conjuration (summoning); Level bard 5, cleric 5, druid 5, sorcerer/wizard 5,
can communicate with the creature, you can direct its attacks or instruct it to
witch 5
perform other actions. A wordspell with this effect word summons one creature from
Duration 1 round/level
Table 10–1 on pages 351–352 of the Core Rulebook from the 1st-level list. If a
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
wordspell with this effect word is cast by a ranger or druid, it instead summons a
Target Restrictions selected
creature from Table 10–2 on page 353 of the Core Rulebook from the 1st-level
This effect word functions as servitor I except that it summons one creature from
Table 10–1 in the Core Rulebook from the 5th-level list. If a wordspell with this
A summoned creature cannot summon or conjure other creatures, nor can its use
effect word is cast by a druid, it instead summons a creature from Table 10–2 in the
teleportation or planar travel abilities. Creatures cannot be summoned into an
Core Rulebook from the 5th-level list. If the target word is boosted, a wordspell
environment that cannot support them. Creatures summoned using a wordspell with
with this effect word summons 1d4+1 of the chosen creatures.
this effect word cannot use spells or spell-like abilities with expensive material
Servitor VI (Summoning)
If a wordspell with this effect word is used to summon a creature with an alignment or
School conjuration (summoning); Level bard 6, cleric 6, druid 6, sorcerer/wizard 6,
elemental subtype, it is a wordspell of that type. Creatures marked with an asterisk
summoner 4, witch 6
(*) are summoned with the celestial template if you are good, and the fiendish
Duration 1 round/level
template if you are evil. If you are neutral, you may choose which template to apply.
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Creatures summoned using a wordspell with this effect word that lack an alignment
Target Restrictions selected
or elemental subtype always have an alignment that matches yours, regardless of
This effect word functions as servitor I except that it summons one creature from
their usual alignment.
Table 10–1 in the Core Rulebook from the 6th-level list. If a wordspell with this
If you combine this word with any other effect words, the summoned creature is the
effect word is cast by a druid, it instead summons a creature from Table 10–2 in the
only target for these words. If the target word is boosted, a wordspell with this
Core Rulebook from the 6th-level list. If the target word is boosted, a wordspell
effect word summons 1d4+1 of the chosen creatures.
with this effect word summons 1d4+1 of the chosen creatures.

Servitor II (Summoning)
Servitor VII (Summoning)
School conjuration (summoning); Level bard 2, cleric 2, druid 2, ranger 2,
School conjuration (summoning); Level cleric 7, druid 7, sorcerer/wizard 7,
sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2, witch 2
summoner 5, witch 7
Duration 1 round/level
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Target Restrictions selected
Target Restrictions selected
This effect word functions as servitor I except that it summons one creature from
This effect word functions as servitor I except that it summons one creature from
Table 10–1 in the Core Rulebook from the 2nd-level list. If a wordspell with this
Table 10–1 in the Core Rulebook from the 7th-level list. If a wordspell with this
effect word is cast by a ranger or druid, it instead summons a creature from Table
effect word is cast by a druid, it instead summons a creature from Table 10–2 in the
10–2 in the Core Rulebook from the 2nd-level list. If the target word is boosted, a
Core Rulebook from the 7th-level list. If the target word is boosted, a wordspell
with this effect word summons 1d4+1 of the chosen creatures. Dimensional Gate (Teleportation)
School conjuration (teleportation); Level cleric 8, sorcerer/wizard 9
Servitor VIII (Summoning) Duration 1 round/level
School conjuration (summoning); Level cleric 8, druid 8, sorcerer/wizard 8, witch 8 Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Duration 1 round/level Target Restrictions burst (emanation)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no A wordspell with this effect word creates a gateway between the runecaster’s
Target Restrictions selected current plane and another plane of existence. While this gate is open, creatures,
This effect word functions as servitor I, except that it summons one creature from spells, effects, and objects from either plane can freely pass between the planes
Table 10–1 in the Core Rulebook from the 8th level list. If a wordspell with this through the gateway, which takes the form of an archway dividing the emanation in
effect spell is cast by a druid, it instead summons a creature from Table 10–2 in the half. The runecaster cannot control the destination on the other plane and the
Core Rulebook from the 8th-level list. If the target word is boosted, a wordspell target will arrive within 5–500 miles of the intended location.
with this effect word summons 1d4+1 of the chosen creatures.

Time Words
Servitor IX (Summoning)
Spells containing time words alter the flow of time, speeding it up or slowing it down.
School conjuration (summoning); Level cleric 9, druid 9, sorcerer/wizard 9,
summoner 6, witch 9
Fleet (Time)
Duration 1 round/level
School transmutation; Level druid 1, ranger 1
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Duration 1 hour/level
Target Restrictions selected
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This effect word functions as servitor I except that it summons one creature from
Target Restrictions personal
Table 10–1 in the Core Rulebook from the 9th-level list. If a wordspell with this
The target of a wordspell with this effect word has its base land speed increased by
effect word is cast by a druid, it instead summons a creature from Table 10–2 in the
10 feet for the duration of this effect word.
Core Rulebook from the 9th-level list. If the target word is boosted, a wordspell
with this effect word summons 1d4+1 of the chosen creatures.
Dash (Time)
School transmutation; Level alchemist 1, bard 1, inquisitor 1, magus 1,
Teleportation Words sorcerer/wizard 1, summoner 1
Teleportation words transport the targets to other places, or even other planes of Duration 1 minute/level
existence. Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Target Restrictions personal
Dimensional Hop (Teleportation) The target of a wordspell with this effect word has its base land speed increased by
School conjuration (teleportation); Level bard 3, magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, 30 feet for the duration of this effect word.
summoner 3, witch 3
Duration instantaneous Accelerate (Time)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) School transmutation; Level alchemist 2, bard 2, magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2,
Target Restrictions selected summoner 2
A wordspell with this effect word teleports willing targets to another location within Duration 1 round/level
line of sight of the runecaster and within range of the wordspell. Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Target Restrictions selected
Dimensional Jump (Teleportation) The target of a wordspell with this effect word can take one additional move action
School conjuration (teleportation); Level magus 5, sorcerer/wizard 5, summoner 5, each turn. This move action can come before, after, or between other actions, but
witch 5 not during a full round action.
Duration instantaneous Boost: If the target takes a full-attack action, it can, instead of taking an extra move
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) action, make one additional attack at its highest attack bonus.
Target Restrictions selected
A wordspell with this effect word teleports willing targets to another location on the Decelerate (Time)
same plane of existence. The runecaster must be one of the targets of a wordspell School transmutation; Level bard 2, magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2
with this effect word and the destination must be a place he has visited in the past. Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
Dimensional Shift (Teleportation) Target Restrictions selected
School conjuration (teleportation); Level cleric 5, sorcerer/wizard 7, witch 7 The target of a wordspell with this effect word is staggered for this effect word’s
Duration instantaneous duration. The target is allowed a new saving throw against this effect word at the
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) end of each of its turns; a successful save ends the duration of this effect word.
Target Restrictions selected Boost: The target of a wordspell with this effect word does not receive any
A wordspell with this effect word teleports willing targets to another plane of additional saving throws to end the effect. If the target fails the first saving throw, it
existence. The caster must be one of the targets of a wordspell with this effect is staggered for the entire duration.
word. The runecaster cannot precisely control the destination, except for
specifying the plane and having the targets arrive within 5–500 miles of the intended
Predict (Time) Fire Wall (Wall)
School divination; Level cleric 2, witch 2 School evocation [fire]; Level druid 4, magus 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, summoner 4
Duration instantaneous Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
Target Restrictions personal Target Restrictions barrier
The target of a wordspell with this effect word can look into the future of one This effect word creates a vertical wall of crackling flame. Creatures in the space of
particular action that will happen within the next hour and determine whether or not the wall when it forms or that attempt to pass through the wall take 2d6 points of
it is likely to have good or bad results. This prediction is not guaranteed; there is fire damage + 1 point of fire damage per level of the runecaster (maximum +20). A
only a 70% chance of receiving an accurate prediction + 1% per caster level. If this Reflex save halves this damage. The wall blocks line of sight.
check fails, the results are incorrect. The only information the target receives is
“weal” for a good outcome, “woe” for a bad outcome, or both for outcomes that are Ice Wall (Wall)
both good and bad, or that are or neutral in regard to the caster. Additional School evocation [cold]; Level druid 4, magus 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, summoner 4
castings concerning the same course of action always reveal the same results. Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
Borrow Future (Time) Target Restrictions barrier
School transmutation; Level alchemist 4, bard 4, magus 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, This effect word creates a vertical wall of solid ice. The wall must be a smooth,
summoner 4 uninterrupted surface when formed. The wall is 1 inch thick per caster level and has
Duration instantaneous 3 hit points per inch of thickness. The wall blocks line of sight.
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Target Restrictions selected Stone Wall (Wall)
The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes either a standard action and a School conjuration (creation); Level cleric 5, druid 6, magus 5, sorcerer/wizard 5,
move action or a full-round action immediately after a wordspell with this effect word summoner 5
is cast. The target skips its next turn, but any effects that would occur on its turn or Duration 1 round/level
spell effects that would expire on its turn occur normally. The target is not helpless Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
on its next turn, but can take no actions. Target Restrictions barrier
Boost: Instead of losing its next turn, the target of a wordspell with this effect word This effect word creates a vertical wall of solid stone. The wall must be a smooth,
is staggered on its next turn. uninterrupted surface when formed. The wall is 1 inch thick per caster level, has
hardness 8, and has 15 hit points per inch of thickness. The wall blocks line of sight.
Control Time (Time)
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 9 Blade Wall (Wall)
Duration instantaneous School conjuration (creation); Level cleric 6, summoner 5
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless) Duration 1 round/level
Target Restrictions selected Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
Time around the target of a wordspell with this effect word comes to a halt, allowing Target Restrictions barrier
the target to take 1d4 standard actions before time resumes. All other creatures This effect word creates a vertical wall of whirling blades that deals 1d6 points of
and objects are immune to the target during these additional actions. Other damage per level to any creature that comes in contact with it. If a creature is in the
creatures cannot even be targeted while time is stopped in this way. The target can area of the wall when it forms, that creature can make a Reflex save to avoid the
cast spells and use items on his person at the time of the casting as normal. damage entirely. Creatures that pass through the wall can make a Reflex save to
halve the damage. Regardless of the outcome of their roll, they still move through
the wall. This wall provides cover to creatures on the other side, but does not block
Wall Words
line of sight.
Wall words create large barriers that impede and harm those who pass through
Weather Words
Wind Wall (Wall) Words from the weather family control the forces of nature, summoning wind, rain,
School evocation [air]; Level cleric 3, druid 3, magus 3, ranger 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, and snow.
summoner 3
Duration 1 round/level Fog Bank (Weather)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes School conjuration (creation); Level cleric 1, druid 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Target Restrictions barrier Duration 1 minute/level (D)
This effect word creates a vertical wall of swirling wind. This wind does not obscure Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
sight, but missile weapons that pass through the wall automatically miss (with the Target Restrictions barrier, burst (emanation)
exception of large missiles, such as giant-thrown rocks and siege weapons). This effect word creates a thick fog in its area of effect. It obscures all sight,
Creatures that pass through the wall treat it as difficult terrain and must make a including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have concealment,
DC 10 Strength check. Failure indicates that the creature cannot pass through whereas creatures farther away have total concealment. A moderate wind or fire
the wall this round, but may try again in future rounds. Gases, gaseous breath effect removes the fog in the affected area. The fog is stationary.
weapons, and creatures in gaseous form cannot pass through the wall. Boost: If a wordspell with this effect word uses the burst target word, it can be
directed to move up to 10 feet each round by the caster as a swift action.
Wind Blast (Weather) Lesser Wound (Wounding)
School evocation [air]; Level druid 2, sorcerer/wizard 3 School necromancy; Level cleric 1, inquisitor 1, witch 1
Duration 1 round Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes Saving Throw Will half; Spell Resistance yes
Target Restrictions line Target Restrictions selected
This effect word creates a blast of air that can knock over or hinder those in its The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes 1d6 points of damage + 1
path. When a wordspell with this effect word is cast, any Large or smaller creature point per runecaster level (maximum +5). Undead are instead healed by this effect
within the area of the wordspell must make a Fortitude save or be knocked prone and do not receive a saving throw or spell resistance.
and pushed back 10 feet. Any creature wishing to move through the line of air must Boost: The target of a wordspell with this effect takes 1d8 points of damage + 1
make a DC 20 Strength check. Failure means the creature wastes 5 feet of point per runecaster level (maximum +5).
movement, but is otherwise unhindered and can continue to move (so long as it does
not move through the line of air). The DC increases to 30 if the creature attempts Moderate Wound (Wounding)
to move toward the source of the wind. Flying creatures take a –4 penalty on saves School necromancy; Level cleric 2, inquisitor 2, witch 2
and Strength checks made against this effect. Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will half; Spell Resistance yes
Blizzard (Weather) Target Restrictions selected
School conjuration (creation); Level druid 3, magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3 The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes 2d6 points of damage + 1
Duration 1 round/level (D) point per runecaster level (maximum +10). Undead are instead healed by this
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no wordspell and do not receive a saving throw or spell resistance.
Target Restrictions burst (emanation) Boost: The target takes 2d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum
This effect word causes heavy snow to fall in the area of effect. This provides +10).
concealment as the fog bank effect word, but it cannot be removed by wind. In
addition, the ground in the area of effect is treated as difficult terrain for the Greater Wound (Wounding)
duration and as being very slippery for the purposes of Acrobatics and Climb skill School necromancy; Level cleric 3, inquisitor 3, witch 3
checks. Duration instantaneous
Boost: Each creature in the area of effect takes 2d6 points of cold damage each Saving Throw Will half; Spell Resistance yes
round at the end of its turn. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 1. Target Restrictions selected
The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes 3d6 points of damage + 1
Storm Master (Weather) point per runecaster level (maximum +15). Undead are instead cured by this effect
School transmutation; Level cleric 7, druid 7, sorcerer/wizard 7, witch 7 and do not receive a saving throw or spell resistance.
Duration 1 hour/level (D) Boost: The target takes 3d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no +15).
Target Restrictions personal
A word spell with this effect word grants the target the ability to alter the weather Elder Wound (Wounding)
around it in a 1-mile radius. The target can change the conditions by shifting the School necromancy; Level cleric 4, inquisitor 4, witch 4
weather one step at a time up or down a scale of weather effects. The scale is as Duration instantaneous
follows: freezing cold, blizzard, snow, cold rain, cold wind, calm, warm wind, warm rain, Saving Throw Will half; Spell Resistance yes
thunderstorm, tornado, extreme heat. Each change takes 10 minutes to fully take Target Restrictions selected
effect. Thus if the weather currently features warm wind and the caster wanted to The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes 4d6 points of damage + 1
change that to cold wind, she would need to first change the weather to calm, and point per runecaster level (maximum +20). Undead are instead healed by this effect
then to cold wind. The target cannot control the specifics of the weather, merely and do not receive a saving throw or spell resistance.
what type of weather is occurring (the target cannot, for example, make lightning Boost: The target takes of 4d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level
strike a house, but it can cause lighting to strike within the area). (maximum +20).
Boost: Each change in the weather takes only 5 minutes.

Meta Words
Wounding Words These words specifically modify other word elements. Meta words use the following
Wounding words afflict the target with cuts and bruises, causing pain and tearing at format.
its flesh. Name: This is the name of the meta word.
Level: This line lists the minimum level of a wordspell that can contain this meta
Bleeding Wounds (Wounding) word. Spells of a lower level cannot use this meta word.
School necromancy; Level cleric 0, inquisitor 0, sorcerer/wizard 0, witch 0 Description: This paragraph describes what the meta word modifies and how it
Duration instantaneous changes the wordspell.
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
Target Restrictions selected Boost
If the target of a wordspell with this effect word is dying, it takes 1 hit point of bleed Level 0
damage each turn. This meta word allows an effect or target word to use its boosted description.
Boost: The target of a wordspell with this effect takes 1d3 hit points of bleed Some boosted descriptions increase the level of the effect word or target word,
damage. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 1. and can only be used if the wordspell is of a high enough level to accommodate the
new level. If a word has more than one boosted description, the caster can choose
which to use (but never more than one per word). This meta word can be applied to throw. This change does not affect whether or not a successful save negates the
a spell multiple times—once to the target word and once for each effect word. effect, reduces it, or has some other effect; it simply alters the type of saving throw
Level 1 Mind Warp
A wordspell with this meta word does not require a somatic component. Level 4
This word changes the saving throw type of certain effect words used in this spell.
Distant If the effect word requires a Fortitude saving throw, it instead requires a Will saving
Level 0 throw. This change does not affect whether or not a successful save negates the
This word increases a wordspell’s range, as determined by its target word. If the effect, reduces it, or has some other effect; it simply alters the type of saving throw
word has a close range, it increases to medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). If the word has required.
a medium range, it increases to long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level). This word has no effect
on target words with a range other than close or medium. Penetrating
Level 5
Irresistible The caster of a wordspell containing this meta word can roll twice to overcome any
Level 5 spell resistance the targets might possess, taking the better result. This meta word
Targets of a wordspell with this meta word must roll their saving throws twice and increases the level of all of the effect words in the spell that allow for spell resistance
take the worse result. This meta word increases the level of all the effect words in by one level. It can modify a target word or an effect word.
the wordspell that allow a saving throw by two levels.
Lengthy Level 1
Level 0 A wordspell with this meta word does not require a verbal component. This meta
A wordspell with this meta word doubles its duration. This meta word has no affect word can modify a target word or an effect word.
on effect words with a duration of instantaneous. The effect of this word does not
stack with the effect of the Extend Spell feat. Simple
Level 1
Manifestation A wordspell with this meta word does not require a material component. This meta
Level 4 word can modify a target word or an
This word changes the saving throw type of certain effect words used in this spell. effect word.
If the effect word requires a Will saving throw, it instead requires a Fortitude saving

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