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International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 67 (2014) 170–180

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International Journal of
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Calibration of rock fall modeling parameters

Duncan C. Wyllie n
Wyllie & Norrish Rock Engineers Ltd., 850 - 789 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6C 1H2

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Rock falls can be a hazard for many facilities in mountainous terrain, particularly in areas with high
Received 14 June 2012 rainfall and freezing temperatures, and where seismic events occur. Design of protection measures
Received in revised form against rock falls, such as fences, barriers and sheds requires information on impact energy to determine
11 September 2013
the strength of the structure, and on trajectories to determine its location and size. This paper presents
Accepted 11 October 2013
Available online 11 November 2013
documentation on rock falls at five locations, in North America and Japan, involving impacts on rock,
talus, colluvium, asphalt and concrete, for which values of the normal and tangential coefficients of
Keywords: restitution have been calculated. The field results show that the normal coefficient of restitution is
Rock fall related to the impact angle with coefficients of about 0.2 for normal impacts and values as great as 2.5 for
shallow impacts. These values for the normal coefficient of restitution are essentially independent of the
Coefficient of restitution
slope material. The tangential coefficient of restitution ranges between 0.3 and 0.8 and is related to the
Impact mechanics
Friction friction coefficient at the impact point, and is independent of the velocity and normal force. It is also
Case studies shown that the calculated field values for the coefficients of restitution are consistent with the principles
of impact mechanics.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction In some high hazard locations it may be appropriate to construct

reinforced concrete rock sheds that incorporate energy absorbing
In mountainous terrain, infrastructure such as highways, features such as flexible hinge elements and a cushioning sand or
railways and power generation facilities are often subject to rock Styrofoam layer on the roof [7,8].
fall hazards that can result in economic losses due to service Design of protection measures requires data for two basic
interruptions and equipment damage, as well as injury to users parameters of the rock falls – impact energy and trajectory. That
and operators of these facilities. As an illustration of these hazards, is, information is required on the mass and velocity of the fall to
Fig. 1 shows a car that struck a falling rock that passed through the determine the energy capacity, and on the location of impact
windshield. Rock fall hazards are particularly severe in areas with points and trajectory paths to determine the optimum location
heavy precipitation, frequent freeze/thaw cycles and seismic and dimensions of the barrier or fence.
events [1–3], and the risk can be significant where the population Many modeling programs are available to simulate rock fall
density is high. These climatic conditions exist, for example, in the behavior, and these are widely used to design protection measures
Alps and the west coast of North America. In contrast, climatic [9–12]. The reliability of modeling programs depends on a thor-
conditions in Hong Kong are not as severe as those in more ough understanding of impact mechanics and trajectory analysis,
northerly latitudes but rock fall risk can be severe because of the and having available precise data on actual rock falls to calibrate
high population density [4]. the models. The objective of this paper is to provide carefully
Since the 1980s, a variety of rock fall protection measures have documented data on actual rock events that can be used to
been developed that are now widely used and have significantly calibrate modeling programs. In addition, the paper discusses the
improved safety. These protection measures include ditches that application of impact mechanics theory to the behavior of rock
can be designed to reasonably well defined criteria [5,6], and can falls, and proposes relationships for tangential and normal velocity
be more effective if they incorporate barriers such as gabions or changes during the impact process.
MSE walls constructed from locally available materials. In addition,
a number of proprietary fence systems have been developed that
use various configurations of high strength steel cables and wires. 2. Documentation of rock fall events

Data on rock fall events are available from both natural events
Tel.: þ 1 604 673 9908. where it has been possible to precisely map impact points
E-mail address: and trajectories, and from carefully documented, full-scale rock

1365-1609/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.C. Wyllie / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 67 (2014) 170–180 171

Detail of velocity components

at impact point on rock

Fig. 1. Moving vehicle struck rock fall that passed through the windshield.


Fig. 3. Mt. Stephen – cross section of lower part of slope showing rock fall barrier
and typical rock fall trajectories.

the point of impact (time, t ¼ i), and the subscript “f” refers to values
Fig. 2. Mt. Stephen – barrier constructed with concrete blocks and steel mesh fence at the end of the impact process (time, t ¼ f). Further discussion on
to contain rock falls and snow avalanches. the definition of the coefficient of restitution is contained in Section
3.3. In all cases the rocks are also spinning with rotational velocity
fall tests. These data have been collected for a variety of slope (–ω) radian s  1, where clockwise rotation is negative.
geometries and fall heights, and for slope materials comprising
rock, colluvium, talus and asphalt. This section describes five
events covering a range of situations that are intended to encom- 2.1. Impacts on rock slopes
pass many of the commonly occurring rock fall conditions. For
each event, the site topography, geology and rock fall conditions Data have been analyzed for falls at locations in Canada, the
are described, and values for velocity components are provided for United States and Japan, for slopes ranging in height from 2000 m
typical impact conditions [13]. to 15 m. The following is a discussion on falls at three of these
In calculating trajectories at sites where information on precise locations where the falls impacted bare rock slopes.
impact points and flight paths is not available, it is necessary to
select the two end points for each trajectory and to make an
assumption for the angle at which the rock leaves the slope 2.1.1. Rock fall barrier, Mt. Stephen, Canada
surface. These data have been obtained from experience gained Mt. Stephen in the Canadian Rocky Mountains is a source of
at other, fully documented rock fall sites and from only using rock falls and snow avalanches that originate on a rock face nearly
trajectories that are realistic and mathematically feasible. 2000 m high at an overall slope angle of about 501. The geology is
The insets in Figs. 3–7 show details of the normal and tangential a strong, massive, horizontally bedded limestone containing thin
velocity components at selected impact points, and the calculated but widely spaced shale beds; the shale weathers more rapidly
coefficients of restitution that are defined as follows: than the limestone resulting in the formation of overhangs and
falls of the stronger rock. As shown in Fig. 2, it has been necessary
Normal coefficient of restitution;
to construct a barrier to protect a railway operating at the base
final normal velocity; vf N
eN ¼  ð1aÞ of the slope.
impact normal velocity; viN
The barrier comprises a double sided MSE wall built with
Tangential coefficient of restitution; precast concrete blocks (dimensions 1.5 m long, 0.75 m in section),
supported with Geogrid and gravel fill between the walls, and
final tangential velocity; vf T
eT ¼ ð1bÞ a steel cable fence along the top of the wall. The total height of the
impact tangential velocity; viT
structure is 11.6 m. Fig. 3 shows a typical section of the lower
On the insets, the length and orientation of the arrow is propor- 120 m of the slope that was generated from an aerial Lidar survey
tional to the velocity vector, where the subscript “i” refers to values at of the site. Fig. 3 also shows a range of feasible trajectories of rock
172 D.C. Wyllie / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 67 (2014) 170–180

Fig. 4. Oregon test site – typical rock fall trajectory and impact points for 15 m high, 761 rock face from Oregon test site.

Fig. 5. Ehime, Japan – results of rock fall test at showing restitution coefficients for impacts on rock and talus; h is the maximum trajectory height normal to the slope.

falls that impacted the rock slope and were then contained by the Normal restitution coefficients for five typical impact points on
barrier. the rock face are plotted on Fig. 14.
It was possible to identify rock fall impact points on both the
steel mesh fence and the concrete blocks, and to define the
coordinates of each point relative to one end of the wall. In total, 2.1.2. Rock fall test site, Oregon
466 impacts were documented. Analyses of assumed trajectories An extensive rock fall test program was carried out at Kreuger
between likely impact points on the slope and the barrier allowed Quarry in Oregon to determine the required ditch configurations
the impact (vi) and restitution velocities (vf) to be calculated to contain rock falls in highway ditches [6]. The excavated rock
at each impact point. From these data, the velocity components cuts included cut heights between 8 m and 24 m, and face angles
and tangential (eT) and normal (eN) coefficients of restitution were between vertical and 451; in total 11,250 separate tests were
determined. The inset on Fig. 3 shows the calculated velocity conducted. For each rock fall, the data collected included the first
components at impact point A on trajectory S-A-B. impact position, and the rollout distance in the ditch. The rock at
D.C. Wyllie / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 67 (2014) 170–180 173


Rock slope

Tree impact

250 Impact points

Vertical fall
height (m)



Rock stopped

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Horizontal fall distance (m)

Fig. 6. Tornado Mountain, Boulder A – mapped impact points and broken trees, with detail of velocity components at impact #A26; arrows show locations of trees impacted
by falling rock.

Fig. 7. Impact of a rock fall on a horizontal asphalt surface; last trajectory shown for a fall originating from a height of 138 m.

the test site was a strong, blocky basalt that was excavated with rock face) and at a steep angle (in the ditch). That is, for shallow
controlled blasting on the final face to produce a face with few angle impacts, the normal coefficient is greater than 1, while for
irregularities. steep impacts the normal coefficient is less than 1. In contrast, the
Fig. 4 shows that test results for a 15 m high cut at a face angle tangential coefficient is less than 1 for all impact angles. This
of 761 (¼H:1V) with a horizontal ditch. The diagram shows behavior is discussed in Sections 3.4 and 3.6 below.
the location of the first impact point in the ditch for the 95th
percentile of the test rocks, and the assumed trajectories for a rock
fall from the crest of the cut initially impacting the face, and then 2.1.3. Rock fall test site, Ehime, Japan
the ditch. The second impact point in the ditch is an estimated In 2003 a rock fall study was carried out on a 42 m high rock and
location based on common rock fall behavior. The insets on Fig. 4 talus slope at the Ehime test site on Shikoku Island [14,15]. The
show the calculated velocity components at the impact point on slope comprised a 26 m high rock slope in horizontally bedded
the cut face, and the values for eT and eN for the first two impact sandstone and mudstone with a face angle of 441 and a 16 m high
points. These calculated values show the difference in behavior talus slope at angle of 351. The test involved both natural boulders,
of rock falls that impact the rock surface at a shallow angle (on the and spherical and cubic concrete blocks containing embedded three
174 D.C. Wyllie / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 67 (2014) 170–180

dimensional accelerometers and a high speed data acquisition occurred (i.e., θi ¼ 221). For all 114 impacts on both fall paths, the
system that allowed the precise location, and translational and average value of eN was 1.02. The value for eT at impact #26 was
rotational velocities to be determined over the full extent of the fall also calculated as shown in Fig. 6, with the average value of eT for
path. Fig. 5 shows the impact points and trajectories of a typical test. Boulders A and B being 0.65.
Also shown in Fig. 5 are the calculated velocity components The trajectories were also analyzed to determine the maximum
and the values for eT and eN at impact point #3 on rock, and impact height of the trajectories measured normal to the ground surface.
points # 6 and #7 on talus. For the rock impact, the value for eN is It was found that the average height was 1.3 m showing that the
greater than 1, and has a similar value to that for the Oregon test rock falls followed shallow, “skipping” paths down the slope.
for the shallow impact point on the steep rock face. At both the
Oregon and Ehime test sites, eN values greater than 1 occurred for 2.3. Impact on asphalt
shallow impacts where the impact angles (θi) were small (131 and
121 respectively). A rock fall from a height of 138 m followed a path comprising a
58 m high rock slope in very strong, volcanic rock at an angle of
2.2. Impacts on talus and colluvium slopes 601, a 70 m high colluvium slope at an angle of 421, and a 10 m
high rock cut. The fall then impacted an asphalt road surface. Fig. 7
Information of impacts on talus and colluvium has been shows the final trajectories from the crest of the rock cut to just
obtained from the Ehime test site in Japan (Fig. 5), and from after the impact on the road. These trajectories were precisely
two rock falls on Tornado Mountain in southeast British Columbia, defined by a survey of the site and the inset in Fig. 7 shows the
Canada (Fig. 6). The calculated eT and eN values for impact #6 and calculated velocity components at the asphalt impact point.
#7 at Ehime on talus are shown in Fig. 5. It is of interest that the Although this is a single record of an impact with asphalt, the
eT values of both these impacts are nearly identical, while the author has investigated several similar events (confidential,
eN values are very different with the trajectory after impact #6 unpublished) where comparable trajectories were generated for
barely leaving the slope surface, while the trajectory after impact impacts on asphalt.
#7 is the longest and highest of the rock fall where eN ¼ 5.48. The trajectory shown in Fig. 7 is a relatively steep impact (i.e.,
The difference in the trajectories is probably due to a combination θi ¼ 501) compared to the shallow impacts at the Tornado
of slope roughness and the attitude of the block as it impacted the Mountain and the Oregon test site, and for this condition the
surface. Although the eN value of 5.48 is a reliable, measured value, value of eN is 0.38. As discussed in Section 3.6 below, the value of
it has not been used in the analyses presented in this paper eN for steep impacts is low compared to shallow impacts. The
because this is a significantly higher and longer trajectory than value for eT for this relatively smooth impact surface is 0.24.
other rock falls at this and other sites studied.
The Tornado Mountain site in south-east British Columbia,
Canada comprises a 50 m high rock face in very strong, massive 3. Impact mechanics
limestone, above a colluvium slope at an angle varying from 351
on the upper slope to 221 on the lower slope. The colluvium The theory of impact mechanics can be applied to rock falls in
is mixture of gravel and soil forming a uniform slope with no order to understand the impact process and develop algorithms
significant irregularities, and no previous rock falls. The slope is for modeling rock falls. The particular physical conditions that are
sparsely vegetated with pine trees having diameters ranging from applicable to rock falls are low velocity (i.e., less than about
about 300 mm to 500 mm. 40 m s  1), and impact of hard, rigid bodies that result in minor
In 2004, two separate rock falls originating on the rock face deformations, but high stresses generated over small areas. These
traveled a total distance of 740 m down the slope – distances of contact conditions, in which no interpenetration of the two bodies
340 m vertically and 610 m horizontally. Because no similar rock occurs, are referred to as low compliance impacts.
falls had occurred in the past and each rock followed a separate The theory of impact mechanics is well developed [16,17] and
path, it was possible to locate each impact point on the slope and builds on earlier work carried out by Sir Isaac Newton [18] and
define its coordinates with a GPS and a laser rangefinder. In total, others such as Poisson and Hertz in the 19th century. The theories
45 impact points were identified for Boulder A and 69 impact generally apply to the impact between two bodies, made of an
points for Boulder B; the final masses for the boulders were about identical material, that are both translating and rotating, have
3750 kg (maximum dimension 1.6 m) and 5600 kg (maximum unequal masses and are moving in three dimensional space.
dimension 2.5 m) respectively. Both rocks impacted a horizontal For rock falls, the impact conditions are somewhat simplified
surface on the lower part of the slope that had been excavated in because one of the bodies (the slope) is stationary and has infinite
the colluvium beside a railway and the loss of energy on these mass. However, the roughness of the slope and irregularity of the
impacts was sufficient to stop the rock within 30 m. rock fall blocks introduce complexities in the modeling that are
In addition to the impact points on the colluvium, it was also best handled by stochastic analyses [19]. Furthermore, the theory
possible to locate a total of 21 trees that had been impacted and needs to account for the condition that the two bodies may not be
broken off by the boulders, and measure the height of the impact of the same material.
and the distance from the adjacent impact point. It is considered This section summarizes the application of impact mechanics
that the trees did not impede the trajectories because of their theory to rock falls, while Section 4 demonstrates how the field
small diameter and low strength. Using information on the results discussed in Section 2 above can be related to the theory.
coordinates of successive impacts on the slope and the impact
with the tree it was possible for these 21 cases to calculate precise 3.1. Forces and impulses generated during impact
trajectories and velocities, including angles θf at the completion of
impact and start of the new trajectory. This information on the The impact process for a non-rotating body moving with
average and distribution of θf values was then used to calculate velocity vi and impacting a stationary surface at right angles can
likely velocities components for all other impacts. be simulated with an infinitesimal, deformable particle at the
For Boulder A, at impact #26 where the precise trajectory could contact point between the two bodies (Fig. 8). The particle acts
be determined from a broken tree, the value of eN is 1.29, a value as a short, stiff spring that, during the impact, generates equal and
that is consistent with the other sites where shallow impacts opposite reaction forces –F, F´ at the point of impact that are
D.C. Wyllie / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 67 (2014) 170–180 175

-viN +v


Fig. 8. Forces generated at contact point during normal impact [17].

parallel to the velocity direction. During impact, the maximum

deformation of the particle is δ. For hard impacting bodies, the
reaction forces F, F´ are large compared to the body force and act
for a very short time, and consequentially gravity body forces do
not affect the changes in velocity that occur during impact.
The reaction forces also produce a finite impulse p that is
defined as a force acting over time. The impulse generated by the
impact continuously changes the relative velocity v of the bodies Fig. 9. Variation in force F during impact (a) relationship between force and
during the time of impact t. The normal component of impulse pN deformation of the impact point; (b) change in force and impulse with time during
impact for plastic (eN ¼ 0), elastic (eN ¼ 1) and partially elastic materials; pcN is
is generated by the normal component of the contact force F
impulse generated up to time of maximum compression (t ¼ i to t ¼ c), and
according to the relationship [17] (pfN – pcN) is impulse generated during restitution phase of impact (t ¼ c to t ¼ f) [17].
dpN ¼ Fdt ð2Þ
where and deformation (δc) are at a maximum at the end of the
dv compression phase, followed by partial recovery (δf), for inelastic
F ¼m impact, at the completion of the recovery phase. The recovery of
kinetic energy is the process that drives the bodies apart in the
dv final phase of the impact.
dpN ¼ m dt
dt Fig. 9b shows the changes in the normal contact force F as a
and function of time. The area under the [t – F] curve up to time
tc represents the impulse generated pcN and energy lost during the
dvN ¼ compression phase when the kinetic energy of relative motion is
converted into internal energy of deformation. The area between
The relative normal velocity v at any time t during the impact times tc and tf represents the impulse generated and energy
can be obtained by integration, for the condition that the normal recovered during the restitution phase, where the change in
velocity at the moment of impact at time (t ¼ i) is vi , where impulse is (pfN – pcN). The changes in energy and velocity during
Z t impact can be quantified in terms of the normal coefficient of
vN ¼ dpN restitution, eN that is the ratio of the final normal velocity vfN to
tðiÞ m
the impact normal velocity, viN.
pN On Fig. 9b, for an elastic impact the two areas before and
vN ¼ vi þ
m after maximum compression are identical (eN ¼ 1) shown by the
where dashed curve, while for a perfectly plastic impact no energy is
recovered (eN ¼ 0).
viN o0 ð3Þ
The principle of separating the compression and restitution
The impacting normal velocity is negative because, as shown in phases of impact can also be demonstrated on a [normal impulse
Fig. 8, the positive normal axis is in the direction away from the (pN) – relative velocity (v)] plot as shown in Fig. 10. On this plot,
point of impact. the tangential velocity vT decreases continuously from viT at the
Eq. (3) shows that the normal component of the relative point of impact, to vfT at the point of separation, as the result
velocity is a linear function of the normal impulse. This relation- of frictional resistance on the contact surface, as discussed in
ship between v and pN is the basis for determining the changes in Section 3.4 below. The normal velocity also changes during
impulse during impact, and finding the final impulse pf at the impact, starting with a negative value (–viN) at the point of impact,
termination of the impact process (t ¼ f). decreasing to zero at the point of maximum compression
pcN , and finally reaching a positive value (vfN) at the point of
3.2. Changes in velocity and impulse during impact separation.

The impact process results in compression δ of the deformable 3.3. Coefficient of restitution
particle during the compression phase, followed by expansion
during the restitution phase. The changes in the normal contact The [pN – v] plot in Fig. 10 shows changes in both the normal
force F during impact are illustrated in Fig. 9a where the force (Fc) and tangential velocities, and the magnitudes of the work of
176 D.C. Wyllie / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 67 (2014) 170–180

Fig. 10. Relationship between normal impulse pN and tangential and normal relative velocities vT, vN, and energy changes, during impact; EcN is the kinetic energy absorbed
during the compression phase of impact (t ¼ c); (EfN–EcN) is the strain energy recovered during the restitution phase (t ¼ c to t ¼ f).

internal energy of deformation generated during impact. The to the impact normal velocity, and is also the square root of the
triangular area EcN represents the work absorbed in compressing negative ratio of the energy recovered during the restitution phase
the deformable region of the contact area and is given by of the impact to the energy lost during the compression phase. For
Z pcN Z pcN an impulse dependent analysis of rock falls, the normal coefficient
EN ðpcN Þ ¼ vðpN Þ dpN ¼ ðviN þ N Þ dpN of restitution is independent of friction and the process of slip.
0 0 m
In this paper, the expressions for the normal and tangential
1 p2cN
¼ viN U pcN þ : coefficients of restitution (eN and eT) as shown in Eqs. (1a) and (1b)
2 m
and Fig. 10 are used to define respectively the changes in normal
1 2
¼  :m UviN ð4Þ and tangential velocities during the impact process, while Eqs.
(4)–(8) show the relationship between velocity changes and
where pcN ¼  m  viN. energy losses. The equivalence between these equations demon-
During the restitution phase of the impact, some work strates how velocity changes can be used to quantify rock fall
(EfN – EcN) is recovered that is equal to the elastic strain energy impact behavior, and compare impacts that occur in differing
released, and is given by geological and geometric conditions. The value of the tangential
Z pf N Z pf N coefficient eT is related to the friction at the contact point as
EN ðpf N Þ  EN ðpcN Þ ¼ vðpN Þ dpN ¼ ðviN þ N Þ dpN discussed in Sections 3.4 and 3.5, while the normal coefficient eN is
pcN pcN m
 2 shown in Section 3.6 to have values that depend on impact angle
1 p fN
¼  :m:v2iN : 1  ð5Þ and normal force.
2 pcN
The concept of the coefficient of restitution was first developed
where viN o 0. by Isaac Newton [18] who suspended identical spheres on pendu-
These expressions for the partially irreversible changes in lums and measured how high they rebounded after collision; the
energy that occur during impact can be used to define the normal measurements included corrections for loses due to air friction. It
coefficient of restitution, eN, as follows: was assumed at the time of these experiments that the coefficients
EN ðpf N Þ EN ðpcN Þ of restitution were material properties. However, study of rock fall
e2N ¼  ð6Þ behavior shows that reductions in velocity during impact between
EN ðpcN Þ
rough, rotating bodies of different materials depend not only on
This definition of the normal coefficient of restitution in terms the materials forming the bodies, but also on the impact condi-
of energy separates the energy loss due to hysteresis of the contact tions such as impact angle, shape of the bodies and rotational
forces from that due to friction between the colliding bodies. velocity.
As shown in Fig. 9, the value for eN can range from eN ¼ 1 for a The coefficients of restitution eT and eN can be used to quantify
perfectly elastic material with no loss of energy during impact, to velocity changes during impact and to understand how conditions
eN ¼ 0 for a perfectly plastic material where no separation occurs at the impact points influence rock fall behavior. In Section 2, the
during impact with no recovery of the initial kinetic energy. diagrams showing vectors of the velocity components at the
The relationships shown in Eqs. (4),–(6) can be combined to various field sites, also show calculated values of eT and eN at
find the following expression for the final normal impulse, pf selected impact points. In Section 4 below, the values of these
pf ¼  m U viN ð1 þ eN Þ ¼ pcN ð1 þ eN Þ ð7Þ restitution coefficients are analyzed to show how they are related
to site conditions
and for the coefficient of restitution,
vf N 3.4. Friction and rotational velocity changes during impact
eN ¼  ð8aÞ
The normal impulse (pN) – relative velocity (v) plot in Fig. 10
shows that the tangential velocity decreases during impact from
ðpf N  pcN Þ viT to vfT. This reduction in velocity can be partially attributed to
eN ¼  ð8bÞ
pcN the friction force acting at the contact between the impacting body
As shown in Fig. 10 and expressed in Eqs. (8a) and (8b), the and the slope, and partially to the irregularities of the slope at
normal coefficient of restitution is the ratio of final normal velocity the impact point. Furthermore, the reduction in velocity can be
D.C. Wyllie / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 67 (2014) 170–180 177

quantified according to Coulomb’s definition of friction, in which velocity decreases. That is, during the slip phase the friction
the coefficient of friction μ is the ratio of the tangential to normal force results in a relatively rapid decrease in vT, compared with
impulses acting at the contact point. That is, the change in normal the rolling phase when friction effects are diminished. This
impulse δpN during impact can be related to the tangential impulse behavior is illustrated in Fig. 11 by the different in gradients of
δpT as follows: the [pN – vT] lines.
The effect of friction on the tangential and rotational velocities
δpT ¼  μ U δpN ð9Þ
during contact can be understood by considering that for a
The ratio of the tangential to normal impulses expressed in Eq. frictionless, smooth contact, no change in either velocity would
(9) is a constant such that the friction coefficient is also a constant, occur because no shear resistance is generated at the contact
and is independent of the sliding speed and the normal force. surface. That is, the [pN – vT] and the [pN – vs] lines would be
A further effect of friction during impact is its influence on the horizontal.
rotational velocity of a spinning body. As shown in Fig. 11, when a Another characteristic of a rotating body is that the rotational
rotating body impacts the slope, a frictional force (μpN) acting velocity only changes during impact as the result of the frictional
upslope is generated as a resisting force at the contact point. The force that acts during contact between the body and the slope.
combination of the frictional force (acting upslope) and the However, during the trajectory phase of the fall when contact
translational velocity (acting downslope through the center of between the body and the slope ceases, no forces act to change the
gravity) generates a moment within the body that tends to change rotational velocity and this remains constant during the trajectory.
the rotational velocity during impact. For a sphere rotating with This also means that the rotational energy remains constant
initial angular velocity (–ωi) as shown in Fig. 11, the translational during the trajectory.
and rotational velocities combine with the friction at the impact
point to increase the angular velocity during impact (–ωs). How-
3.5. Tangential coefficient of restitution
ever, for irregularly shaped, rotating blocks impacting the slope
at a variety of attitudes, the velocity vectors may combine under
Fig. 11 illustrates the relationships between vT and vs that can
some conditions to reduce the velocity during impact. This
develop during impact. Because it is difficult to determine these
accounts for rotational velocities varying with successive impacts.
relationships for actual impacts, it is useful to simplify the impact
For example, at the Ehime test site, the rotational velocities of
process by just comparing the initial and final tangential velocities,
about 100 test rocks on the 42 m high slope varied between 6 and
viT and vfT . As shown in Eq. (1b), the ratio (vfT / viT) defines the
33 rad s  1.
tangential coefficient of restitution, eT. Since the gradient of the
Fig. 11 also shows how changes in the tangential and rotational
[pN – vT] line is negative, the value of eT will be less than 1.0, and
velocities during impact can be quantified on the [normal impulse
will also be an approximate value for the coefficient of friction
(pN) – relative velocity (v)] plot. For a spherical body with radius r
since this parameter has a significant role in reducing the
and rotating at angular velocity (–ω), the velocity at the periphery
tangential velocity during impact.
of the body (r Uω) is parallel but opposite in direction to the
Section 2 shows the calculated values for eT at selected impact
translational tangential velocity vT. If the magnitudes of (r Uω) and
points for the different slope materials examined in the field
vT are unequal, then slip will occur between the moving body and
studies, while Section 4.1 discusses the calculated eT values and
the stationary ground, with the slip velocity vS being given by
how they relate to the field conditions.
vS ¼ vT –ðr U ωÞ ð10Þ Most of the programs used to model rock fall behavior use the
tangential coefficient of restitution as one of the input parameters.
The frictional force (μp) that is generated at the contact between
The results of the field studies provide guidelines on appropriate
the body and the slope and acts upslope for the rotational direction
values for eT to use in modeling rock falls.
shown in Fig. 11, has the effect of both increasing the rotational
velocity from (–ωi) at impact, and decreasing the tangential velocity.
Depending on the details of the impact process, the values of (r ω) 3.6. Relationship between impact angle and normal
and vT may equalize during impact, in which case slip will cease at coefficient of restitution
impulse ps and from this point the body will roll with no change in
angular velocity. In other conditions related to how the irregular The [pN – v] diagram can be used to examine the effect of the
body impacts the slope, the rotational velocity may increase during impact angle θi on the impact process for a rotating body as shown
impact and slip continues throughout the impact. in Fig. 12. The two dashed lines in Fig. 12 show how the normal
The change in rotational behavior during impact from slip to component of the velocity vN changes from a negative value at the
rolling at impulse ps also changes the rate at which the tangential point of impact (–viN), to zero at the point of maximum compression

Fig. 11. Change in rotational velocity during impact and transition from slip (t ¼ s) to rolling mode (t ¼ s to t ¼ f).
178 D.C. Wyllie / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 67 (2014) 170–180

(pcN), to a positive value vfN at the completion of the impact process. particular site conditions. Section 3.4 showed how the reduction in
The slope of the line representing this change in velocity is a tangential velocity defined by the tangential coefficient of restitu-
function of both the size and shape of the particle, and the contact tion, eT is related to the friction force generated between the slope
friction. and the body, while Section 3.6 showed how the reduction in
For shallow impacts for which θi´ is small (upper dashed line) normal velocity defined by the normal coefficient of restitution eN
and a “light” impact occurs, the normal component of the impact is related to the impact angle.
velocity is smaller than the normal component of the final velocity This section of the paper shows the actual values of eT and eN
(viN´ o vfN´) and the value of the normal coefficient of restitution for the rock fall sites documented in Section 2 above are related to
eN is greater than 1. In contrast, for a steep impact for a larger value the theory of impact mechanics discussed in Section 3. In sum-
of θi (lower dashed line) where a “heavy” impact occurs, the value mary, the field data have been analyzed for five rock fall sites
of the normal impact velocity is greater than the final normal encompassing four different slope materials and 57 impacts.
velocity (viN 4 vfN) and the normal coefficient of restitution is less The sixth location was a laboratory test where blocks of rock
than 1. The intersection point of the two lines with the impulse were dropped on a concrete floor and the rebounce heights were
axis shows that the value of pcN′ for the shallow, light impact is less measured.
than the value of pcN for the steeper, heavy impact, consistent with
the observation that the less indentation of the slope occurs with
4.1. Tangential coefficient of restitution and friction
the shallow impact.
A value for eN that is greater than 1 means that, for the
The reduction in tangential velocity during the impact process,
particular impact geometry, the final normal velocity (vfN) is
as shown on the [pN – v] plot in Fig. 10, can be quantified in terms
greater than the impact normal velocity (viN). A value of eN greater
of the tangential coefficient of restitution, eT. The values of eT
than 1 does not mean that energy is created during the impact
measured at the five rock fall locations described in Section
process because the ratio of the final velocity to the impact
2 above have been plotted in Fig. 13 showing a total of 57 impact
velocity (vf / vi) is less than 1 demonstrating the overall loss of
points for rock (12 points), talus (one point), colluvium (43 points)
kinetic energy that occurs [20,21]. In Section 4 below, the actual
and asphalt (one point). The plot also lists the average eT values for
values of eN from the field data are plotted to show the relation-
the rock and talus slopes.
ship between eN and the impact angle θi (see Fig. 14).
Fig. 13 shows considerable scatter in the eT values, as would be
In Fig. 12, the two dashed lines are parallel because the impacts
expected for the site conditions where the slope surfaces are
are for identical conditions – same shaped body, materials and
rough and the rock falls are irregular blocks. In fact, no significant
rotational velocity – except for the impact angle, demonstrates
difference is evident in the values of eT for rock, talus and
that the coefficient of restitution varies with impact conditions
colluvium. The lowest value for eT of 0.24 is that for asphalt, and
and is not a material property.
it is reasonable that this relatively smooth surface will have a
lower friction angle than the rougher, natural slope surfaces.
The values plotted in Fig. 13 appear to be independent of the
4. Rock fall modeling parameters impact velocity and angle, which is consistent with the Coulomb’s
law of friction in which the friction coefficient is independent of
The discussion of impact mechanics in Section 3 above illus- velocity and normal force.
trates how modeling of rock falls requires values for tangential As a comparison with the field values of eT, direct measure-
and normal coefficients of restitution that are applicable to the ments have been made of friction for blocks of rock sliding on

Fig. 12. Effect of impact angle θi on the normal coefficient of restitution, eN.
D.C. Wyllie / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 67 (2014) 170–180 179


Tangential coefficient

of restitution, eT




0 20 40 60 80

Calculation #

Fig. 13. Values for tangential coefficient of restitution eT for the rock fall sites
Fig. 14. Relationship between the impact angle θi and the normal coefficient of
described in Section 2.
restitution eN for the rock fall sites described in Section 2.0.

various geological materials [22]. These tests involved pulling a

natural block of rock with a mass of 433 kg on surfaces comprising restitution and the impact angle is given by
concrete, a gravel road and soil. The friction coefficient was
calculated from the shear force that was recorded by a load cell eN ¼ 19:5 ðyi Þ1:03 ð11Þ
on the pulling cable, and the shear displacement that was
with a correlation coefficient for this power equation of r ¼ -0.48.
measured with a laser displacement meter. It was found that the
That is, Fig. 14 indicates that values of eN depend more on the
average friction coefficients μ for these materials were
impact geometry than on the properties of the slope material.
μconcrete ¼ 0:59; μgravel ¼ 0:68; μsoil ¼ 0:90: The theory of impact mechanics may be used to examine the
relationship between eN and the impact angle for eccentric impact
These measured values of the friction coefficient are compar-
conditions. That is, for a non-spherical, rotating body impacting
able to the field values plotted in Fig. 13 considering the wide
the slope at an oblique angle where the equations of motion each
scatter in the results. The lowest value for the friction coefficient is
involve both normal and tangential forces, the effects of friction
that of the smoothest surface, concrete.
and normal forces are not separable (Stronge 2000). Goldsmith
(1960) presents a graphical solution for eccentric impact that
4.2. Normal coefficient of restitution relates the normal and tangential impulses throughout the dura-
tion of the impact to the friction coefficient, the normal coefficient
The [pN – v] diagram in Fig. 12 shows how impact mechanics of restitution and the impact angle.
defines the change in the normal velocity during impact, and how
The field data showing the conditions for which eN is greater
the value of the normal coefficient of restitution eN varies with the than 1 are supported by findings of others [23,24,25].
impact angle, yi. To find the actual relationship between eN and yi,
an analysis of the field data discussed in Section 2.0 has been
carried out, the results of which are summarized in Fig. 14. The
data plotted on Fig. 14 are the average values for the rock, talus 5. Conclusions
and colluvium, as well as values for concrete and asphalt.
The field measurements show that the lowest value of eN is 0.18 Careful documentation of rock falls in a variety of geologic and
for the laboratory test where the block of rock was dropped in a topographic conditions has provided data on velocity and energy
concrete surface, i. e., yi ¼ 90° [22]. It can be assumed that similar changes during the impact process. Data has been collected for
tests for less dense materials such as gravel and colluvium, values sites where rock falls have occurred on rock, talus and colluvium
for eN would be less than that for concrete, while eN values for slopes, and on asphalt, and for laboratory tests on soil, gravel and
impacts on strong rock may be close to 0.18. concrete. The calculated normal and tangential velocity compo-
The data plotted on Fig. 14 shows how the value of eN decreases nents at each impact point have been used to determine the
as the impact angle yi increases from very shallow impacts (low normal and tangential coefficients of restitution for the different
values of yi) to a minimum value of about 0.1 for normal impacts. slope materials. The results show that the tangential coefficient of
For shallow impacts, i.e., yi less than about 20°, the value of eN is restitution (eT) is related to the friction coefficient of the surface
greater than 1. As discussed in Section 3.6 above and demon- and values of eT vary between 0.2 and 0.9, with little correlation
strated in Fig. 12, values of eN greater than 1 does not mean that between the type of surface; a smooth asphalt surface had the
energy is being created during impact, but only that the impact lowest eT of 0.24.
geometry causes the final normal velocity to be greater than the With respect to the normal coefficient of restitution (eN), it has
impact normal velocity. been found that values of this parameter are correlated with the
The symbols in Fig. 14 show [eN - yi] values for the five different impact angle. For near normal impacts (y0 ¼ 50–90°), the value of
slope materials listed in the legend. It is noted that values for each eN is about 0.1–0.2, corresponding to a drop test on a horizontal
slope material are not grouped together, but tend to be follow the surface. For shallow impacts (y0 ¼ 10–25°), the value of eN often
best fit line according to the value of the impact angle. This would exceeds 1.0 for oblique impacts of rough, non-spherical bodies.
indicate that eN is more related to the impact geometry than the Values of eN greater than 1 do not mean that energy is being
slope material. created, but that the combination of the impact angle and rotation
In Fig. 14, the best fit line for the field data has been plotted are producing normal velocities that are greater after impact than
showing that the relationship between the normal coefficient of before impact; overall energy loss occurs at every impact. The
180 D.C. Wyllie / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 67 (2014) 170–180

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