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How to complete the Logframe

What is a logframe?
The logframe (or logical framework or project design matrix) is a simplified version of your project
design showing

 How the activities, results and objectives of your project are linked
In the first column it shows how the project intends to achieve defined outputs which are expected in
turn to achieve a desired outcome and contribute to a broader impact (See: Terminology section
 Clear targets and methods of measuring them
Objectively verifiable indicators and sources and means of verification in the second and third column
allow the project to be objectively monitored throughout implementation and evaluated subsequently.
(See to 10-15. below)
 Which conditions must be in place for the project to succeed
In the last column preconditions and assumptions which must hold true for the project to be
implemented successfully within the given timeframe are defined (See: Terminology section

It should be the result of a participatory analysis and planning process.

More on this process: see section “From project idea to project proposal” online

View an example (case study online)

Why do we use it?

A logframe is a valuable management and communication tool, useful in planning, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of a project. To serve its purpose it needs to be monitored at regular
intervals throughout project implementation and revised whenever needed.

In the stage of preparing a project proposal it is a useful tool to verify the consistency of your project
design by checking both the vertical and horizontal logic (see: Logic of the Logical Framework
below) underlying the matrix.

How to fill in the logframe

It is advisable to fill in the logframe in the below order, following first the vertical and then the
horizontal logic (see: Logic of the Logical Framework below).

As different donors today use the logframe in slightly different formats please make sure you use the
specific logframe matrix (available on our website) for THIS call for proposals and include all
information asked for in the template!

Project Verifiable Sources Assumptions

Logic Indicators means of

Overall 1 10 11

Specific 2 12 13 9

Results 3 14 15 8

Activities 4 5 6 7
1. Define the overall objective your project contributes to
This is the rationale for the project and needs to relate to the objectives of this call for proposals
identified in the thematic windows (online). Your project alone will not be able to solve the issue of
migrant rights, migrant capacities, migrant communities and remittances, but it will strive to contribute
to the overall goal of fostering the link between migration and development, to have a long-term
Use the infinitive for describing your objective: e.g. “to mitigate the negative impact of migration on
family members rights in countries of origin”.

2. Define specific objective(s) realistically achievable by the end of the project

The specific objectives describe the short-term or medium-term outcome of your project
activities. They should be realistically achievable by the end of the project or shortly thereafter.
Use the infinitive for describing your specific objective(s): “to provide leisure activities and
psychological services to the children of migrants in XY”

3. Define the results of your activities

The achievement of the results by the end of the project should be necessary for
accomplishing the specific objective(s) of the project. Results are the output or short-term
outcome of your project.
The results should be numbered 1,2,3 etc., using one line per result.
Be careful that the results describe the accomplishment rather than the activity: formulate the
results as if they were already achieved: e.g. “youth centre established”, “increased contact
between migrant children”, etc.
Add in brackets which of the partners of your consortium is responsible for which result.

4. Define the activities

These are the actions needed to accomplish the results and are carried out by the project
participants during the lifetime of the project.
Only summarised main activities are required here, e.g. training of employees of youth centre,
not the detailed activities leading up to and following the training, e.g. curriculum development,
training evaluation
Number the activities according to the results they correspond to (1.1, 1.2, etc.), using one line
per activity.
Add in brackets which of the partners of your consortium is carrying out the activity.
Before continuing, check the logic in your matrix: go through the left-most column (the
objective levels) using the IF-THEN logic (see: vertical logic below) or use the question "how
do we want to achieve it" moving down the hierarchy.

5. List the means required to carry out the activities

State in general terms the resources you will require to carry out your activities. This is the
necessary input to achieve the output through the activities, especially human resources,
equipment and facilities.
Your considerations are the basis for your budget: make sure the means listed here match
your budget and vice versa!

6. List sources of information on activity progress

The sources of information on activity progress include the regular progress reports to the
donor required by the guidelines to this call, but are not limited to them. Other examples could
be news clippings, meeting reports, etc.

7. Identify important preconditions to your activities

Identify important preconditions (See: Terminology section online) to your activities. These
preconditions are outside your control and only if they are in place can you successfully carry
out the planned activities, e.g. that certain laws are in place by the time your project starts.
8 - 9. Identify important assumptions regarding your results and specific objective(s)
Identify important assumptions (See: Terminology section online) regarding your results
and specific objective(s). Refer to the risks (see: Risk Analysis online) you identified in the
analysis phase and formulate them in a positive way. Only if these assumptions hold true your
activities will reach the expected results and your results will contribute to the specific
Check again: the objectives levels with the important assumptions should produce the
necessary and sufficient conditions for achieving the next level up, so IF [activities] AND
[assumptions] THEN [outputs].

10 – 15. Define SMART indicators of achievement and related sources and means of
Starting with the overall objective, go row by row defining objectively verifiable indicators (OVI)
of achievement and related sources and means of verification. This is called the horizontal
logic (see below) of the matrix.
Indicators are important for monitoring and evaluating the project both internally and
externally. Ask yourselves the question "when and how and on what basis will we know when
we have achieved what we set out to do?"
Indicators should always include a quantity, quality and time statement. In short, they should
Specific – relate to the results the project wants to achieve (e.g. trainings for skill development)
Measurable – qualitative and/or quantitative statements which should reflect the extent to which the
results have been attained (e.g. 20 trainings for 30 students, at least 50% of whom women).
Be aware: The quantities you define will have a major influence on your budget!
Achievable (realistic) and Acceptable (by all involved partners)
Relevant – useful for management information purposes and adequate to the socio-cultural environment
Time-bound – include target dates (e.g. 20 trainings for 30 students, at least 50% of whom women,
held by month 6 of the project). These dates should correspond with your work plan!
For some objectives it is more difficult to think about criteria of achievement or you might have
several different possibilities. If you have trouble coming up with good indicators picture
someone asking you the question at the end of the project: “How do you know that you
achieved this result or that you contributed to this objective?”
Be careful not to transpose the activities as indicators of the results.
Define the sources and means of verification. These are sources of information used to
verify your accomplishments, i.e. the answer to the same person asking you “And how can I
check that what you say is true?”. These are generally recorded details such as publications,
statistics, surveys, (project) reports, videos etc. Do not define sources of verification that are
too expensive or impossible to get. For our training example, the means of verification – i.e.
how can we prove that we achieved the expected result of 20 trainings for 30 students, at
least 50% women, by month 6 – could be the training evaluation and project progress reports.
If you get stuck in the process of filling out the logframe do not worry and come back a little later. You
might consider brainstorming within your project team to get additional input on assumptions,
indicators and sources/means of verification. In the end, it is often useful to ask someone else to
check your completed logframe for consistency.

The logic behind the logical framework

The “logic” behind the logical framework matrix is two-fold. The vertical logic shows what the project
intends to do and clarifies the causal relationships between the activities and the different level
objectives. It also specifies preconditions and the assumptions (See: Terminology section online)
which must hold true for the project to succeed.

So the logic reads IF the activities are carried out as intended (AND the assumptions XY hold true)
THEN you should arrive at the expected results. IF you have the expected output (AND your
assumptions YZ hold true) THEN you will meet the specific objective of the project and contribute to
the overall objective.
WITHIN project management responsibility OUTSIDE
Overall objective

Specific Assumptions
objective YZ

Results Assumptions

Activities Preconditions

The horizontal logic, on the other hand, shows for each level of objectives how you intend to
measure if you have met the results and objectives of your project and through which sources or by
which means this will be verified.

For the activities you also have to state what sources of information demonstrate project progress.

Project Verifiable Sources and

Logic Indicators means of

Overall objective

Specific objective



Further guides to filling out logframes

Many other sources also provide guidance in filling out logframes, among them the EuropeAid Project
Cycle Management Guidelines (link
es_2004_en.pdf ) (p71-85), the AusGUIDElines: 1. The Logical Framework Approach which includes
examples of indicators (
logical%20framework%20approach.pdf) or BOND Logical Framework Analysis, Guidance Notes No.4

Further useful links on the logical framework approach and project cycle management are available on
our website.

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