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Country Women’s Association

of New South Wales

~ Pride in our Past... Faith in our Future ~

E-News July 2008

In this issue...
~ Updates from Head Office ~ CWA of NSW News ~ General News ~ Events ~

Preventing Falls for Older Farmers

The Federal Minister for Ageing, Mrs Justine Elliot recently launched a
guide aimed at reducing the number of serious and potentially fatal falls
experienced by Australian farmers over 55 while working on their farms.
Currently, around 30% of injury-related deaths are caused by falls. Falls can
result in admission to hospital, serious injury and are the most common cause
of early admission into premature aged care.
To obtain a copy of the booklet, call 02 6752 8210 or download from:

In this issue...
Updates from Head Office CWA of NSW News
New Member’s Login Section - 11 July Donate to the CWA of NSW Disaster Relief
A new members area will be launched on Fund as part of your City2Surf Fundraising!
Friday 11 July. An integrated website, the CWA of NSW has set up an online donation
members only section provides members with system for participants in the City2Surf 2008, on
a calendar of events, forums and important August 10.
downloads. Now, you can visit any page on
To donate to the Disaster Relief Fund as part
the website, and return to the members area
of your fundraising, go to the City2Surf website:
without having to log in again.
From 11 July, the current forums will no longer and click on the ‘Start Fundraising” link. You can
be available. Unfortunately it is not possible find the CWA of NSW Disaster Relief Fund by
to transfer the forums to the new website, searching for “Country Women’s Association”
however, a hard copy of the forums will be in the search field. Follow the instructions to
available from Head Office. This means that donate.
new topics can be created and new ideas
discussed. The forums are a great way to chat Climate Solutions Award
to other members from all over NSW, without The Climate Institute and the CWA of NSW are
having to travel great distances. sponsoring a Climate Solutions Award with a
To use this fantastic resource, visit the CWA of prize of $1,400. Women must under 40 by the
NSW website and login using your membership 30 March 2009, and be/become a member of
number and surname in the box on the right the CWA of NSW. This award will be running
hand side of every page. If you have problems throughout 2008/09. For further information,
accessing the site, contact Head Office for contact: Susanna Chung on 02 9525 5200 or
E-News July 2008
General News sought after information.

Property Assessment: Finding Water in The tele-learning series will remove the burden
of long distance travelling and valuable time
Drought Stricken Australia
away from home that women in rural and
Primary Water Ltd (PWL) remote areas generally undergo in order to
is a leader in exploration, gain knowledge and information.
development and production of primary and
To register visit the FAAW website:
deep groundwater. PWL locates new water or to suggest topics of
sources through a combination of advanced
interest email
mapping technology, advanced field
instruments for validating deep groundwater Telework
targets, highly qualified experts and deep
FAAW has teamed up with Monash University
drilling rigs that have a capacity up to 1500
to link employers with skilled women from rural
metres. This results in bores with sustainable
and remote areas who can work from home.
high flow rates that can offset the effect of
drought, increase land value and boost crop/ Known as teleworkers, they work from a distance,
stock production. outside a central office, either for an employer
or self-employed, using telecommunications.
Contact PWL today for a site/property
assessment to determine if a sustainable deep Following a national research project which
water resource can be found on your property found that women in rural and remote areas
(all assessments are FREE of charge). For further were a highly skilled and educated labour
infomation contact PWL on 02 8012 3537 or force, FAAW aims to identify and approach (quote: CWA), or industries with skill shortages that match those
visit: available in rural areas.
CSIRO Report: Adapting Farming to Climate For further information visit or
Change contact project coordinator Chris Capel on 07
4658 9184 or by email at
The CSIRO recently released a report that
outlines the impacts of climate change on Free Training for Rural and Regional Areas
Australia and the consequences for our Wave Learning are a Registered Training
agricultural industry. Organisation based in Narellan and have
Covering all topics from regional issues to recently become an approved provider for the
industry specific problems, the report gives an Australian Government’s Productivity Places
overview of the adaptations required in the Program.
Australian agricultural sector - impacts, options As part of this initiative, Wave Learning has
and priorities - and expands on the 2003 approval to offer training as part of the
national synthesis. Productivity Places Program. Under this
A copy of the report can be downloaded at: program, they are able to offer nationally accredited qualifications in the areas of
For more information, contact Climate Children’s Services, Aged Care Work, Disability
Adaptation Flagship 07 3214 2346. Work and Home and Community Care as both
face to face and distance learning.
Foundation for Australian Agricultural
For more information, contact Wave Learning
Women (FAAW)
on 02 4647 4999 or 1300 553 774.
Tele-Learning Seminars
University of Sydney and Royal Prince Alfred
To give women in regional and remote areas Hospital Nutrition Study: Why don’t modern
access to quality presenters without leaving Western diets work?
home, FAAW has initiated the Tele-learning
Seminar Series, which will deliver a variety of The University of Sydney and Royal Prince Alfred
Hospital are looking for men and women who
E-News July 2008
consider themselves to be either normal-weight voters may want to raise about the 2007 Federal
or overweight to participate in a study on the Election, including enrolment, voting (including
origins of weight gain on modern Western postal voting), remote mobile polling, and
diets. The study is designed to show that the accessibility of polling places.
problems in our diets can be overcome by a
A copy of the full terms of reference for
simple change in what we eat.
the inquiry is available at the Committee’s
To qualify, you should be between 18 and webpage at
65 years old, in good general health, and
12,000 A Year Dying from Diabetes
not currently smoking or on medications.
Participants will be compensated financially Diabetes contributed to nearly 12,000 deaths
for their time. in 2005 according to the Australian Institute of
Health and Welfare (AIHW) report Australia’s
For further information please contact 02 9036
Health 2008. It is now one of the top five
7589 or 02 9515 8719.
underlying causes of death in men and in
About My Age - Facebook for the over 50s the top seven for women. Complications can
affect the heart, kidneys, eyes, nervous system
A new website, About My Age,
and circulation.
is a community oriented website
specifically designed for the The report states that the number of diabetics
over 50s to interact with similarly aged people in Australia has doubled in two decades. If
online. Features of the new website include: current rates continue this condition could
- Event listings: free listings for community events. become the leading killer of Australians in
To list an event, email peter@aboutmyage. years to come. The Australian General Practice
com Network said the report highlighted that 83 per
- “Find a friend”: Find a like-minded person cent of Australians living with diabetes have
to attend events with, whether it be carers Type 2 diabetes.
looking for other carers in the area, volunteer
Aged Care Nursing Scholarships
opportunities or community organisations to
join. Royal College of Nursing, Australia
- Have your own profile: with room for (RCNA) recently announced the
discussions, noticeboards, event listings and beginning of the Aged Care Nursing
featured articles. Scholarship Scheme. The Scheme
is an Australian Government initiative that
Visit: to try it
is administered by RCNA. Scholarships are
available for undergraduate and postgraduate
CareSearch: New Palliative Care Website applicants with a focus on aged care nursing.
A newly-launched website about palliative Applications for the undergraduate scheme
care, the CareSearch website, offers free, close at 5pm on Friday 22 August 2008.
quality, evidence-based information on Applications for the postgraduate scheme
palliative care. It offers sections for patients, close at 5pm on Friday 19 September 2008.
carers, families and health professionals. It
For further application information, please
provides links to services, organisations, journal
contact RCNA on 1800 116 696, or
articles and documents about symptoms and or
diseases, patient care and management. Phillip Group Scholarships
Inquiry asks for Country Voters’ Views on Phillip Group of CWA of NSW have just
the 2007 Federal Election announced the Sylvia Osborne Memorial
The Electoral Matters Committee is seeking the
views of regional Australians on all aspects of Available to students in Years 11 and 12 or
the 2007 Federal Election. The Committee is tertiary education, the education grants are
interested in any issues or concerns regional available to all students in NSW planning to
E-News July 2008
undertake studies in textiles, design, fashion, $10, cuddly Dougal Bear, $10, soft mini-ball, $7,
dressmaking or industry practices. Applications or branded pen, $5, and your dollars will help
close 7 January 2009 and should be directed fund The Cancer Council Helpline (13 11 20), its
to Group President Janice Diversi on 02 9804 cancer research and prevention campaigns.
1492 or to 1 Oakes Ave, Eastwood, NSW 2122. For more information, visit www.daffodilday.
23-24 August
31 July New England Rock n Roll and Swing Dance
Indigenous Health: Closing the Gap for Championships.
Metropolitan Communities
The cream of rock ‘n’ roll and swing dancers
The majority of Indigenous people live in heavily from NSW, Queensland and New Zealand are
settled areas, where they form a small minority now preparing for the New England Rock ‘n’
of the population. The issues associated with Roll and Swing Dance Championships to be
Indigenous health in metropolitan communities held in Glen Innes on August 23 and 24. As the
(and how to tackle them) will be addressed largest rock and roll and swing dance event of
at the “Indigenous Health: Closing the Gap its kind in Australia, the organisers are expecting
for Metropolitan Communities” being held by to attract up to 600 people, with over 100 of
the Menzies Centre for Health Policy and the these competitors. For further information
Australian Health Policy Institute on 31 July please phone Marcia Summers 02 6721 1537.
2008 at 5:30pm at the University of Sydney. For For information on accommodation in Glen
more information, phone 02 9351 2818 or email Innes please phone Glen Innes Tourism on 02 6730 2400.
19, 20, 21 August 5-6 September
AgQuip Field Days Jamberoo Branch: Opera in the Valley
The giant field days are staged over three days Jamberoo Branch of the CWA is busy organising
in August in Gunnedah, New South Wales, another ‘Opera in the Valley’ in the newly
Australia. It attracts over 100,000 visitors, the renovated School of Arts at Jamberoo. Jose
largest visitation of any rural field day in the Carbo, world renowned baritone, will be back,
country.AgQuip provides comprehensive and the dates will be Friday 5th and Saturday
access to the latest machinery, equipment 6th September at 8pm. Tickets will be on sale
and services available to Australian primary at Elders’ R/E on 02 4236 0891 or at the Kiama
industry. Visit: Visitors’ Centre in Kiama on 02 4232 3322 from Tuesday 15 July. A delicious CWA supper is
Friday 22 August included.
Daffodil Day - Cancer Council 13 September
Uniting those touched by cancer, St George Branch
Friday 22nd August is Daffodil Day, On Saturday 13th September, St George
the annual Cancer Council event Branch will be helping Rockdale Public School
giving hope to those with the celebrate its 125th Birthday. There will be stall at
disease and their loved ones. One the school, Dutch pancakes, coffee, ice cream
in two people will hear the words “you have etc, together with pony rides, jumping castles
cancer” before they are 85 years old. Daffodil and other fun activities. St George Branch
Day aims to change attitudes about cancer CWA members will be selling raffle tickets at
and support those with the disease. Purchase a the school with all money raised going to CWA.
Daffodil Day gift, such as a glowing wristband, For details of the celebrations they should ring
$4, shining enamel pin, $5, sparkling diamante, 02 9567 6146.

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