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Experiment on Flow Over Weirs

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements of the Course

Chemical Engineering Laboratory for Chemical Engineers


Cardenas, Colleen R.

Cusipag, Jonelou A

Mamauag, Alberto M. Jr

Necesito, Miko Paul B.

Pasion, Cherilyn S.

Obillo, Ana Rose S.

April 2018

Fluid Mechanics generally holds laws or theory when describing fluid flow characteristics.
These laws involved are those of the conservation of mass, energy and momentum where in
application, can be simplified to describe quantitatively the behavior of the fluid. In this
experiment, fluid flow characteristics are described through flow over weirs using rectangular
notch weir and triangular notch (V-notch) weir. Tables showing result for discharge coefficient
(Cd) for every constant water level increase of 1 cm are computed. Graphs have been plotted
from the data obtained for analyzing the flow characteristics. From the gra
I. Introduction
In chemical engineering applications, weir is usually used in open-channel flow and
extensively in tray towers where the height of the weir is adjusted to provide the necessary
liquid depth for a given flow. It is installed in a distillation column or reactor for controlling
the flow within the unit itself. Also, weirs are frequently used for a large-scale application such
as canals, irrigation scheme, rivers, wastewater, and sewage system. For small scale
application, weirs are often referred to as notch. Furthermore, notch is a small structure and has
sharp edges.
Weirs are overflow structures, with a broad crest, that stretch across an open channel of
water, and are meant to alter the channel’s flow characteristics making it easier to measure the
volumetric rate of water flow. The water will flow through the notch and the depth of water
that flows through it will correlate to the discharge in the channel. The stream of liquid coming
out the weir is known as nappe, sheet or vein. It is the sheet of water that flows over the weir.
The crest of a weir is usually perpendicular to the direction of flow. Also, the height of the
water flowing over the crest of the weir correlates to the flow rate (Sharp, 2014).
The two main types of weirs are rectangular weir and the triangular (V-notch) weir. The
terms rectangular weir and triangular (V-notch) weir generally refer to the shape of the notch
in a weir. For the rectangular weir, this is typically used to control the elevation of water up
and downstream of the weir and it usually has a higher discharge values associated with them.
Meanwhile, triangular or v-notch weirs are typically used with a small discharge.
According to Prof. B.S. Thandaveswara, flow over weirs is complicated because of sharp
curvilinear streamlines besides consisting of eddy regions, accelerating and retarding flow
zones. The existing solution is semi-empirical in nature.
In this flow over weirs experiment, the characteristics of rectangular and triangular (V-
notch) weirs are observed. The results of this experiment are calculated by application of the
Bernoulli’s equation, from a point well upstream to a point just above the notch.
The main objective of this laboratory experiment is to determine the characteristics of a
rectangular notch and a triangular (V) notch. Specifically, it aims to:
1. Determine the values of the discharge coefficient (Co) for both notches.
2. Determine the relationship between the head H of the weir and the discharge of water
over weir.
II. Review of Theory or Literature
Rectangular notch and V-shaped notch are classified under the term ‘sharp-crested’. There
must be a stilling pool or approach channel on the upstream side to smooth out any turbulence
and ensure that the water approaches the notch slowly and smoothly. For accurate
measurements the specification is that the width of the approach channel should 8 times the
width of the notch, and it must extend upstream for 15 times the depth of flow over the notch.
They are overflow structures that let water passing through it to determine the coefficient of
discharge (Cd). In general, sharp-crested weirs will be used where highly accurate discharge
measurement is required.

Figure 1: Rectangular Weir

Figure 2: Triangular Weir

With different type of notch, the method of calculating the discharge coefficients of the fluid
flow is also different. These are some theories that discuss about the reasoning of two different
A. Rectangular Notch
A rectangular notch is a thin square edged weir plate installed in a weir channel as shown
in Figure 3 below.

Figure 3: Rectangular Notch

Based on the figure above, consider that the flow in an element of height H at a depth, h
below the surface. Then, assume that the fluid flow everywhere normal to the plane of the
weir and that the free surface remains horizontal up to the plane of the weir.

When the flow through the notch is not parallel then it will be not normal to the plane of
the weir. If the free surface is not horizontal the result for the viscosity and surface tension
will have an effect. There will be a considerable change in the shape of the nappe as it
passes through the notch with curvature of the stream line in both vertical and horizontal
plane. In particular, the width of the nappe is reduced by the contraction at each end.
Figure 4: Shape of the Nappe

The discharge from the rectangular notch will be considerably less, approximately 60% of
the theoretical analysis due to these curvature effects. However, the coefficient of discharge
is not a true constant tending towards a constant only for large heads and a low velocity of
approach in the weir channel.

B. Triangular Notch
A triangular or V-notch weir has a V-shaped opening instead of a rectangular shaped
opening (Figure). Triangular weirs are used instead of rectangular weirs where lower
discharges are desired for a given head (H) or where lower flowrates need to be measured
with greater accuracy.

Figure 5: Schematic diagram of V-notch Weir

The triangular notch has advantages over the rectangular notch since the shape of the nappe
does not change with head so that the coefficient of discharge does not vary so much. A
triangular notch can also accommodate a wide range of flow rates. The V-notch functions to
control the flow of the water out of the basin. Stream water passes between the concrete
"wings", through the flume and ponds in the concrete basin. Water flows out through a steel
V-shaped notch situated in the basin's downstream wall. The V-notch controls the flow of
water out of the ponding basin and the more water there is coming down the stream, the higher
it will rise in the basin and V-notch as it spills over. Therefore, the amount of water flowing
out of the watershed can be measured by recording the height of the water in the basin and
translating this height to a flow rate in cubic feet per second or liters per second. Mathematical
functions are available in appendix which relate the height of the water in the basin to the flow
rate. Note that Ө is the angle of the triangular notch. A Cd value of 0.58 is used for a triangular
weir with an angle between 20o and 100o.

III. Description of Apparatus

IV. Experimental Procedure

Before starting the experiment, a general start-up and shut down procedure for the hydraulic
bench and weirs are done. For general start-up, make sure that the hydraulic bench pump is
securely connected. The drain valve of the collection tank is to be open to allow flow discharge
back into the sump tank. Then, set up the flow over weirs apparatus on the hydraulic bench
making sure that the thumb nuts are securing the rectangular notch weir plate. Take note that
weir’s notch has sharp edges so take safety precautions while installing and changing the weir’s
notch. For general shutting down, shut the hydraulic bench flow control valve and close water
supply. Ensure that the drain tank valve is left open to empty the residue water from channel
and sump tank.

In setting up the equipment, first, level the weir apparatus on the hydraulic bench and install
the rectangular notch weir. Slowly open the hydraulic bench flow control valve to admit water
to the channel until the water discharges over the weir plate. Ensure that the water level is even
with the crest of the weir. Close flow control valve and allow water level to stabilize and set
the Vernier Gauge to a datum reading using the top of the hook. Position the gauge about half
way between the notch plate and stilling baffle. Admit water to the channel and adjust the water
flow by using the hydraulic bench flow control valve to obtain heads (H). Wait for water flow
condition to stabilize and take heads readings in every increasing of about 1 cm. Repeat step 4
and 5 for different flow rate. Take readings of volume and time using the volumetric tank to
determine flow rate. After finishing with rectangular notch, replace the notch with v-notch.
Then, record the results in the tables.
V. Results and Discussion
A. Calculations
As the depth of flow above the base of a notch is related to the volume flow rate through
it, the notch forms a useful flow measurement device. The classical results for flow over
notches are obtained by application of the Bernoulli equation, from a point well upstream to a
point just above the notch. This approach requires many very substantial assumptions and it
yields the following results:
1. For the Rectangular Notch
2 2
Q Cd b 2g H 3 (3.1)

Cd = unloading coefficient
b = width of the neckline or the width of the weir
H = height of the load or the height of the water on the crest or weir threshold
The coefficient Cd is required to accommodate the effects of the simplified assumptions in
the theory. These can be rearranged to give
Cd  2 (3.2)
2b 2 g H
The Q is solved using

Q = Volume (m3) / time (s) (3.3)

2. For the V-notch Weir

8  5
Q C d 2 g tan  H 2 (3.4)
15 2
The coefficient Cd is rearranged to give
Cd  (3.5)
 5
8 2 g tan  H 2
Note that the values of given variables are the same with that of the Rectangular Notch.

The Q is solved using

Q = Volume (m3) / time (s) (3.6)
B. Results
1. Rectangular Weir
i. Trial 1
Volume, m3 Time Flow rate Q Height H Log Q Log H Cd Qtheoretical Q2/3
0.001415 8.67 0.000163206 0.01 -3.78726 -2 1.84322907 0.002986
0.0039 16.1 0.000242236 0.02 -3.61576 -1.69897 0.967243247 0.003886
0.00965 28.17 0.000342563 0.03 -3.46526 -1.52288 0.744561461 0.004896
0.00765 10.5 0.000728571 0.04 -3.13753 -1.39794 1.028546943 0.008097
0.0115 18.46 0.000622969 0.05 -3.20553 -1.30103 0.629293297 0.007294
Table 1: Results using Rectangular Notch (1st trial)

Volume, m3 Time Flow rate Q Height H Log Q Log H Cd Qtheoretical Q2/3

0.001245 7.95 0.000156604 0.01 -3.8052 -2 0.03810461 0.002905
0.00313 9.91 0.000315843 0.02 -3.50053 -1.69897 0.048412702 0.004638
0.0095 25.87 0.000367221 0.03 -3.43507 -1.52288 0.042955783 0.005128
0.007 10.48 0.000667939 0.04 -3.17526 -1.39794 0.064496884 0.007641
0.01145 17.02 0.000672738 0.05 -3.17215 -1.30103 0.055981074 0.007678


i. Flow Rate VS. Height

Flow rate VS. Height


0.004 Trial 1
Trial 2
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06

ii. Discharge Coefficient Cd VS. Height

Discharge Coefficient VS. Height
0.8 Trial 1
0.6 Trial 2
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Height, m

Volume Time Flow Rate Height

Log Q Log H Cd Qtheoretical
m3 s m3/s (Q) (H) m

Table V.2: Results using V-notch Weir

VI. Conclusion
We have concluded that the coefficient of discharge of both; triangular and rectangular
notch depends on the volumetric flow rate of the water and the height of the water level from
the base of the notch. The coefficient of discharge corresponds differently to the height of the
water level (H) to the type of notch used. For rectangular notch; H3/2 and triangular notch;
H5/2 in there has given equation. For triangular notch, the coefficient of discharge also
depends on the angle of the vee shape.
VII. Recommendations
From the experiment the following things to consider or recommend are as follows:

1. Take care not to allow spillage to occur over the plate top adjacent to the notch. If this
happened, it would effect the collection of known volume.

2. Once the data were taken, the procedure cannot be reverse to find the value of time
collection by adjusting the height. This would affect the value of height datum. The height
datum must be constant and the observation should be done once round for the little
increment of height especially for V-notch.

3. The readings of height should be taken carefully by avoiding sight error. The time
collection should be taken much appropriately.

Coulson, J. M., Richardson, J. F., Backhurst, J., and Harker, J. H. (1999) Chem Eng. Volume
1: Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer, 6th ed. (Butterworth-Heinemann). ISBN 0
7506 4444 3.

Cruise, James F., and M. M. Sherif. Elementary Hydraulics. Toronto, Ont.: Thomson/Nelson,
2007. Print.

"Sharp Crested Weir 2." Sharp Crested Weir 2. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.

Sutherland, E., Taylor, T. Weirs. CIVE 401 – Hydraulic Engineering, November 18th, 2014.

Thandaveswara, B.S. Flow over Weirs-nptel, Indian Institute of Technology Madras.

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