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“Factors Affecting The Use Of Basic English Grammar Among

Select 1st-Year Students of Cruise Ship Management of

Grant Institute of Trade and Technology,School Year 2017-2018”

Juanillo,Kenneth E.
Carandang, Jhunille R.
Natividad, Zyra Mariella D.
Condino,Ryan Paulo Henry A.
Salian, John Jerick M.

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the practical research at

Grant Institute of Trade and Technology

John Monchelle Guia Laguras

Prof. Emma E. Encierto

GITT School Principal

San Pablo City, Laguna

December 2017
Grant Institute of Trade and Technology



This chapter includes the Problem and it’s Background of Study. It also
includes the Introduction Theoretical Framework, Conceptual Framework,
Statement of the Problem, Hypothesis, Significance of the Study, Scope And
Limitation of the Study, Definition of Terms, Related Literature and Studies.


English Grammar nowadays is one of the most important skills to be

developed and enhanced as means of effective communication. Using proper
grammar is a challenging task, knowing Basic English grammar improves
your reading and writing skills not only that but also your speaking and
listening abilities.

English grammar is the way in which meanings are encoded into wordings
in the English language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses,
and sentences, right up to the structure of whole texts.

English grammar provides guidelines for choosing words, arrangement of

words, and punctuation of sentences. We do most of our thinking with word
symbols. If we cannot arrange word symbols correctly, we probably cannot
think clearly and probably cannot communicate effectively. Consider the
following analogy.

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Grant Institute of Trade and Technology

Proper grammar is also essential for understanding English as a second

language as well as for learning a new language, since all languages
follow grammatical patterns. ... While correct grammar is a valuable tool for
success in many areas of life, it is not used to create a gap in the social world.

People did not invent English grammar; they described it. Grammar is a
description of logic. It is a description of a logical thinking process. Human
beings first uttered distinctive sounds to convey thoughts. Later, people made
graphical representations of those sounds, a written language. Finally, people
analyzed the language to determine the patterns and variations. That final step
is grammar, an analysis of the way a language functions.
Also, a substantial number of us grew up in homes where English was the
native language, but it was spoken in a non-standard manner. Many of us are
approaching English as a second language or almost as if it were a second
language. Consequently, we study English grammar to understand the way the
language works.
English is a very flexible language, continuously changing. However,
English requires some standard practices. Standardization facilitates effective
communication, especially written communication. If we fail to utilize
universally understood standards, we risk splintering our language into
English grammar is burdened with archaic terminology that does not
inform, e.g., participle, gerund, and tense. It is astonishing that a description of
the way we speak and write “turn-off” to so many of us. The unfamiliar
terminology is part of the problem.

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Grant Institute of Trade and Technology

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Factors Affecting The Use of Basic
English Grammar Among selected 1st-year CSM Students of Grant Institute of
trade technology in terms of Communicating Skills.

It sought to answer the following question:

1. What is the respondents profile in terms of:


2. What are the factors for the learning of Basic English Grammar
Among select 1st-year students of Grant Institute of Trade and
Technology in terms of communication skill?

3. What are the use of Basic English Grammar Among select 1st-year
students of Grant Institute of Trade and Technology in terms of
communication skill?

4. Why do you think Basic English Grammar is important to take by the

1st-year CSM students?

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Grant Institute of Trade And Technology



There is no significant Factors Affecting The Use Of Basic English

Grammar Among select 1st-Year Students of Cruise Ship Management of
Grant Institute of Trade and Technology in terms of communicating skills.


There is a significant Factors Affecting The Use Basic English Grammar

Among select 1st-Year Students of Cruise Ship Management of Grant Institute
of Trade and Technology in terms of communicating skills.

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Grant Institute of Trade and Technology

Conceptual Framework

Independent variable Dependent Variable

Respondent’s profile Factors Affecting The Use Basic

English Grammar Among select 1st-
Year Students of Cruise Ship
A. Age
Management of Grant Institute of
Trade and Technology in terms of
B. Gender communicating skills.

FIGURE 1 shows the research paradigm showing the independent variables

and the dependent variables.

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Grant Institute of Trade and Technology

Theoretical Frameworks

In the 1960s, linguist Noam Chomsky proposed a revolutionary idea; we

are all born with an innate knowledge of grammar that serves as the basis for
all Language acquisition. In other words, for humans, language is a basic
instinct. The theory, however evidence to suggest Chomsky may have been
right all along.

The ability to walk upright for long periods of time is distinctly human; it
sets us apart from our closest genetic cousins, the great apes. However,
walking is both innate and learned, and while every human child is born with
the underlying mechanisms needed to do so, the skill will never manifest
without proper guidance and examples, Slate reported.

In this respect, Chomsky taught that language is much like walking.

Although humans learn by example, he proposed that we are all born with a
fundamental understanding of the underlying mechanisms of language.
Chomsky’s original work, called universal grammar, is the reason why
humans can recognize grammatically correct yet nonsensical phrases, such as
“colorless green ideas sleep furiously.”

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Past research has shown our ability to distinguish words from nonwords even
without an understanding of the language, is a skill that even non-verbal
babies possess. Researchers have long failed to prove this same instinctual
knowledge also exists for grammar.

According to Poeppel, our brains lock onto every word to comprehend

phrases and sentences. He said, “The dynamics reveal that we undergo a
grammar-based construction in the processing of language.”

In an email to Medical Daily, Poeppel explained that although it is difficult,

if not impossible, to prove theories, the data ascertained in his research
supports crucial aspects of Chomsky’s theory, namely that listeners build
abstract, hierarchical constituent structures of linguistic information.

“I’d say, on balance (comparative language research, language acquisition

research, these kinds of brain data) the empirical research favors the
Chomskyan view, as unpopular as it is,” Poeppel wrote.

Poeppel also recognized the controversy in his finding, seeing as the

preferred view is that grammar is achieved by using acoustic cues such as
intonation, and statistical cues, like word transition.

“However, we demonstrate that linguistic structure building happens in

absence of those cues — so grammar based structure building must
exist,” Poeppel said. “That is, in brief, the controversy.”

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Significance of the Study

The result of this study will benefit the following.


This study will help student to determine the Factors Affecting The Use Of
Basic English Grammar and also help them realize their ability, talent and


This study will help the teachers to teach advance topics and knowledge
about Factors Affecting The Use Of Basic English Grammar.

This study enlightened each parent to guide and support their children to
improve their grammar skills that will enable them to gain confidence.

Future Researchers

This study will also help and help the future researchers as their reference if
they will have a study which is somewhat and somehow to this study. This
endeavor also inspired the future researchers to work on studies similar to this

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Grant Institute of Trade and Technology

Scope and Limitation

This study is limited to 1st- Year Students of Cruise Ship Management

Student of Grant Institute of Trade and Technology A.Y. 2017-2018 as the
main respondents of the Basic English Grammar. A total of 35 students and
their Adviser were asked for the permission to conduct a survey.

Definition of terms

Advantage – any state, circumstance, opportunity, or means specially

favorable to success, interest, or any desired end: the advantage of a good
Age - it refers to the chronological years of a person’s growth and
development since birth.

Aim -have the intention of achieving.

Awareness - knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

Challenge - a task or situation that tests someone’s abilities

Factor – something that helps produce or influence a result

Fluent – capable of using a language easily and accurately

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Gender – refers to the respondents whether male or female and serves as the
basis for work and behavior.

Grammar - is the study of the way words are used to make sentences.

Interrupt – stop the continuous progress of an activity or process.

Learning – the act of a person who gains knowledge or skills

Reading – speech. the oral interpretation of written language

Skill – the ability, coming from one’s knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc, to do
something well

Speaking – the action of conveying information or expressing one’s thought

and feelings in spoken language.

Writing – such characters or matter with respect to style, kind, quality,etc.

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