Safety Management System Manual o o o o o o o o o o o

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Contractor safety
 Safety Management System Manual
o Section 1 (1.1) – Introduction
o Section 1 (1.2.1) – Safety Rules and Regulations
o Section 1 (.2.3) – Reporting of Non-Conformities and hazardous occurrences.
o Section 1 (1.2.4) – All JDSL Supervisor Personnel are to complete the STOP
o Section 2 – Occupational Health, safety & Welfare Polices
o Section 2 (2.1) – HSE Policies
o Section 2 (2.2) Environmental Protection
o Section 2 (2.3) – Fire Protection Policy
o Section 2 (3.0) – Fire Extinguisher Identification
o Section 12 (Appendix “A”) – JSL Safety Hand Book

Competency of personnel
 Safety Management System Manual
o Secti on 3 – Accountability & Responsibility
o Secti on 12 (Appendix “A”) – JSL Safety Hand Book

Management of change

Emergency Response Plans


Maintenance practices for ensuring mechanical Integrity

 Safety Management Manual

Operati ng procedures
 Safety Management Manual
Incident reporting and accident investigation
 HSE Safety Management Manual
Performance monitoring of SMS (goals; audits: management
 Safety Management System Manual
o Secti on 10 – Auditi ng Procedures for MODU

Regulatory requirements in the form of legal register

 Safety Management Manual
Organizati onal structure for HSE management
 Safety Management Manual
Refer: IV 5a

General descripti on of the type of structure (like fi xed leg,

semi-sub. drill ship): deck-wise arrangements: broad
operati onal features [including (as applicable) rig movement
and placement: stati on keeping: mooring,. broad
classifi cati on of material of constructi on of the structure:
measures for corrosion protecti on; policy of periodic inspection
and maintenance of underwater structure.
 Safety Management Manual

General arrangement drawings (preferably in soft copy form).

 Safety Management Manual

Refer: IV5b / V 7a

Besides the general description and broad specifi cations of the

rig and its systems, with suitable layout diagrams. include
details about the control measures which are in place for
identi fi ed hazardous situati ons (major accident hazards) such
as uncontrolled well fl ow (including shallow hazards). fi re
incidents. encountering H2S. stability (where applicable).
collision etc. (Basically demonstrati on of risk Control).
 Safety Management Manual
Hazardous area Classification
 Safety Management Manual
for-purpose status' evidence in the form of valid certi fi cate of
class for intended services.
 Safety Management Manual

Detailed requirements of well(s) (based on anti cipated

down-hole pressures. planned depth. well profile. well
architecture. water depth etc) such as anticipated maximum
loads. well control equipment rati ng, etc vis-a-vis capabiliti es
of the rig which is proposed to be deployed
o Well Lithology Document

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