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EDSGN 100 Page 1

Spring 2018

Multi-Driver Application

Sarah Azeez, Ryan Poss, Bergen Sims, and Shannon Reese

College of Engineering
Hammond Building
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA

Prepared for
Lockheed Martin

19 April 2018

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802
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Spring 2018


In this report, we tackle a problem that Lockheed Martin has proposed to us regarding a
multi-driver application. Basically, they have asked us to construct a screwdriver that has the
ability to unscrew several screws at one time and we were allowed to assume that the screws are
linearly aligned. In order to generate a prototype, we followed a methodical process. First, we
researched about already existing multi-driver applications and based on our findings we decided
what we would be able to use and modify from current screwdrivers to help us build our
multi-driver application. Before generating concepts, we decided who our stakeholders would be
and what needs we must address when making the prototype. Based on the stakeholder needs we
identified specifications that need to be met, what tool we would use to measure these
specifications, and what our target value is for each specification. Then, the group started
concept generation and we came up with three different approaches to make our product. We
took these three concepts and scored them against each other to determine which concept we
would be moving forward with as our prototype. After identifying the best concept, we were able
to analyze our data by discussing the structure and function of our product, as well as how we
would test the prototype. To conclude the report, we summarize our process, discuss whether or
not our prototype would be successful, and how we could move forward with future research.
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1 EXISTING CONDITIONS .............................................................................................6
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................6
1.2 Identifying Our Client and Ourselves .........................................................................6
1.3 Situation Being Investigated .......................................................................................6
1.4 Current State of Multi-Driver Application ..................................................................7
1.5 Can Screws Be Magnetized ........................................................................................7
1.6 Stakeholders ...............................................................................................................7
1.7 Stakeholder Needs .......................................................................................................8
1.8 The Problem ................................................................................................................8
1.9 Summary.......................................................................................................................8
2 METHODS .....................................................................................................................9
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................9
2.2 ​Measured Specifications​ .............................................................................................9
2.3 Concept 1​: ​Ripcord Screwdriver​ .................................................................................10
2.4 Concept 2 ​Rotating Screwdriver ​.................................................................................12
2.5 Concept 3: ​Pneumatic Multi-Driver ​............................................................................14
2.6 Scoring of Concepts.....................................................................................................16
2.7 Summary......................................................................................................................17
3 DATA ANALYSIS...........................................................................................................18
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................18
3.2 ​Prototype Description​ .................................................................................................18
3.3 ​Prototype Testing​ ........................................................................................................19
3.4 Summary......................................................................................................................19
4 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................19
4.1 Process Summary .......................................................................................................19
4.2 Success .......................................................................................................................20
4.3 Future Research ..........................................................................................................20
5 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................22
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List of Figures
No. Title Page
1 Beyblade Toy 10
2 Isometric Ripcord 11
3 3rd Angle Concept 1 11
4 Bit Assembly 12
5 Screwdriver Bit 12
6 Base 13
7 Rotating Bit 13
8 Handle 13
9 Rotating Screwdriver 14
10 Rotating Screwdriver 14
11 Central Rod 15
12 Pneumatic “Bit” 16
13 Pneumatic Multi-Driver 18
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List of Tables
No. Title Page
1 Stakeholder Needs 8
2 Measured Specifications 10
3 Decision Matrix 17
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1.1 Introduction

In this section, we will identify ourselves and the company that has proposed that we
make this product for them, which is Lockheed Martin. We will also address the current situation
we are investigating, which is the possibility of designing a device called a multi-driver
application which would be able to unscrew multiple screws at one time. Additionally, we will
describe the current state of existing multi-driver applications because this knowledge
demonstrates what we plan to improve upon with our prototype. We also briefly discuss our
research on whether or not screws can be magnetized because that is a potential method to use
when generating concepts. Lastly, we will identify who all of our stakeholders are, the needs of
these stakeholders, and we will state the problem that we are attacking in this investigation.

1.2 Identifying Our Client and Ourselves

We are a group of four first-year Engineering Design 100 students, and we have been
tasked by Lockheed Martin, our client for this project, to investigate one of five situations that
they have proposed to our class. These situations consist of creating or redesigning wire and
cable routing, a Foreign Object Debris (FOD) identification and retrieval system, a multi-driver
application, open source tracking, and an additive and customizable hardware mount. Lockheed
Martin gave specific areas of improvement needed in each of these technologies, and our job was
to choose one and improve it to the best of our abilities.
Lockheed Martin is a security and aerospace company that employs about 100,000
people across the world and engages in research, design, development, manufacture, and
sustaining advanced technology systems and products. Lockheed Martin’s mission is to “solve
complex challenges, advance scientific discovery and deliver innovative solutions to help our
customers keep people safe” ​(Lockheed Martin - Who We Are). The company has granted us the
opportunity to design a product for them, and if we are able to generate a feasible product, then
we get to compete with groups from other classes to see who was able to construct the best
prototype for Lockheed Martin.

1.3 Situation Being Investigated

The company Lockheed Martin proposed five different situations for each group to
choose from to investigate. Our group chose to investigate a way to design a multi-driver
application, which is a screwdriver that is able to unscrew more than two screws at one time.
Initially, our group had decided that we were going to attack a different problem, which
was an additive and customizable hardware mount. We decided to change our problem to the
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multi-driver application because we agreed that this problem would allow us to be more creative
in our design. Also, our group has expressed an interest in 3D printing and although the
customizable hardware mount is able to be printed, we decided that the multi-driver application
presented more of a challenge for us to design, and we wanted to put ourselves up against this

1.4 Current State of Multi-Driver Application

With the research we conducted, we were unable to find existing screwdrivers capable of
unscrewing multiple screws at once. Currently, there are only a few industrial screwdrivers
consisting of multiple spindles. However, these are only able to insert screws, they are very
bulky, and are specified for only certain pieces of equipment in which they assemble, so such
design would not fit Lockheed Martin’s requirements; this could not unscrew a panel on an
aircraft. Current applicable automatic screwdrivers that are electric primarily unscrew one screw
at a very fast rate. There are flaws in these designs as well in terms of spacing. ​“In an ideal
world, we would like at least 0.5 inch of clearance around the location where the head of the
screw is installed” (​Sprovieri, 2015). If there is a section where screws are in close vicinity it
would take a lot of time to undo each screw compared to what it should be, or it would simply be
unable to unscrew a screw since it would not be flush. Additionally, high speed and high volume
screwdriving can cause particulates or loose screws which can get into machinery ​(​Sprovieri,
2015). This is an issue which needs to be minimized as much as possible especially with
Lockheed Martin as they work with aircraft.

1.5 Can Screws Be Magnetized

Screws are typically made up of carbon steel wire, being magnetic, or nonmagnetic
materials like brass or aluminum. In the case of Lockheed Martin, they use carbon or alloy
steels for their screws so this enables us to potentially use magnetic properties to accelerate the
unscrewing process.

1.6 Stakeholders

The most obvious stakeholders for this situation are the technicians and engineers of
Lockheed Martin, who remove screws from aircrafts, as well as Lockheed Martin themselves.
The engineers and technicians are the ones who are directly dealing with the tedious issue of
unscrewing screws one at a time, and they will be the people working directly with the multi-tool
we create. Lockheed Martin relies on their engineers and technicians. If the work they do is slow,
Lockheed Martin will not be as efficient in what they are producing. Similarly, other industrial
companies of aircrafts may also be users for this product because it is not only employees from
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Lockheed Martin facing this problem. If the multi-driver application is successful, then the
design could be altered and expanded for further use as a possible household item.

1.7 Stakeholder Needs

Technicians and engineers have several needs. As seen in Table 1 below, they require a
piece of equipment with the ability to unscrew at least two screws at once. Due to varying
distances, the equipment would need to be able to be adjusted to suitable lengths. Once the
multi-driver is created, it should be easy to use and improve installation and repair times.
Lockheed Martin needs a tool that is user friendly and capable of being used over and over again,
allowing them to maximize their productivity.

Table 1​: Stakeholder Needs

Stakeholders Need 1 Need 2 Need 3 Need 4

Technicians Adjustable Speed User Friendly Durable

Engineers Adjustable Speed User Friendly Durable

Lockheed Martin User Friendly Durable

1.8 The Problem

When a piece of equipment fails to function correctly on an aircraft, for example, an

engineer or technician must remove the non functioning piece out of the aircraft. This requires
the unscrewing of a large number of screws. With current screwdriver technology, screws can
only be unscrewed one at a time, making the task extremely tedious and repetitive. It also is very
time consuming and leads to inefficiencies. Screwing is a major process in a majority of current
assembly lines today, with the parts moved along a conveyor belt, manually screwing in each
and every screw (Hwang, Jung, Roh, & Nam 2012). Designing a new screwdriver that is able to
unscrew more than two screws at once will allow this process to become a lot less tedious and
time consuming.

1.9 Summary

In this section we identified who we are as a group, as well as who our client is for this
investigation, which in this case is Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin assigned us a task, which
was to choose a project from five different situations, in which we will design and construct a
prototype. In this section we discussed how we chose to investive the construction of a
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multi-driver application. After addressing the situation, we talked about the current state of
multi-driver applications among businesses today, which is minimal. We also addressed who the
stakeholders would be for this advanced screwdriver and the needs of these identified
stakeholders. We closed this section by identifying the problem at hand with already existing
screwdrivers and how a screwdriver that has the ability to unscrew more than two screws at once
has the potential to resolve this problem.


2.1 Introduction

In this section, we state the specifications for generated concepts based on the needs of
our stakeholders. We also present the concepts we came up with and how they would function,
and we compare them to the defined specifications. We then choose which concept to expand
upon based on the scoring each idea receives.

2.2 Measured Specifications

Based on the needs of the several stakeholders previously mentioned in the existing
conditions section 1.7, we generated specifications that our concepts need to meet in order to be
successful. Also, identified in Table 2 (see below) are ways to measure each specification, as
well as a target value for each one. The target value is the value that we would like our product
to meet in terms of its use.
In order to measure whether or not our prototype is adjustable, we are going to determine
whether or not the product is able to adjust to various different screw layouts. Based on the
assumption that all of the screws will be aligned in linear structures at different distances, we are
able to use a ruler in order to measure this specification. In order to determine whether or not the
prototype works at a reasonable pace, we have generated a specification to identify how fast a
given number of screws can be unscrewed at one time. The tool being used to measure this is a
timer which will be used to time the number of screws being unscrewed in one minute, and the
time it takes to set up the prototype to perform the task. Our goal is for the multi-driver
application to be able to unscrew six to ten screws in one minute. ​Additionally, to determine if
the prototype is user friendly to engineers and technicians, we chose to measure this specification
by interviewing the users of the product and asking them for feedback about if they came across
any problems while using the prototype. We expect that the users would say that the product is
easy to maneuver. Lastly, we generated a specification in order to identify if the product is
durable to use with various materials. In order to measure this specification we are to evaluate
the condition of the material after each use, when used with different kinds of materials. This
will determine whether or not the prototype is able to handle tougher materials such as mole.​ ​The
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target value that we are aiming for is that we want the multi-driver application to still be in good
condition after six months of consistently using the product.

Table 2:​ Measured Specifications

Needs Specifications Measuring Tool Target Value

Adjustable Ability to set up for Ruler (Minimum and Product should be

variable screw maximum screw adjustable up to one
layouts distance) foot apart between

Speed How fast all screws Timer (measure 6-10 Screws Per
are unscrewed number of screws per Minute
minute + setup time)

User Friendly Product is easy to Interview user of Users say that it is

maneuver product for feedback easy to use

Durable Product is able to Whether or not the Still be in good

handle tough product sustained the condition after 6
materials for long conditions after use months of frequent
periods of time use

2.3 Concept 1: Ripcord Screwdriver

Our first design was inspired by a children's toy called beyblade which has what they call
a “ripcord” which essentially turns a gear very fast within a handheld device, accelerating a top
until it shoots off, causing the top to spin for long durations of time. (Seen below)

Figure 1:​ Beyblade Toy (Lee, 2018)

We redesigned this ripcord to be significantly longer and to have larger teeth in order to
accomodate for multiple screwdrivers which would be attached to the ripcord at varying
distances. Below is a 3D model of this ripcord as well as its dimensions.
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Figure 2:​ Isometric Ripcord

Figure 3:​ 3rd Angle Concept 1

Each individual screwdriver is small enough to fit up to five of them at a time on the
ripcord. Trying to keep each one simple, the bit assembly design is just a gear attached to a
screwdriver bit, and this is encased in a small box with two openings for the ripcord to pass
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through and interact with the gear. The tips of the bits will be magnetic to easily snap onto the
screws and hold onto them after they are unscrewed to prevent them from falling off and
potentially into the aircraft. To be operated, one would line up all five bits onto screws and make
sure that the bits are primarily towards the handle or you will not be able to pull. Then, the
operator would apply a normal force down onto the bits and pull the ripcord quickly until one bit
reaches the other end. If the screws came out or they needed to be unscrewed slightly more, the
procedure will be the same. The operator will take off the screws and/or pull all of the bits back
to the handle and line them up to the same or new screws and repeat the process. The
screwdriver piece in the box (without the top) and by itself can be seen below.

Figure 4: ​Bit Assembly Figure 5: ​Screwdriver Bit

2.4 Concept 2: Rotating Screwdriver

The second design was influenced by a vintage hand drill. The handle is connected to a
main gear that when turned, would cause the other gears in the line to turn with the same motion.
The handle offers a great deal of support and avoids the complication of having to reset the
system. The operator would align the Screwdriver Bits to the slots and when ready, crank the
handle to unscrew the amount needed. Similar to the first concept, the ends of each bit would
magnetic to avoid the screws falling off and allowing it to connect more easily.
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Figure 6: ​Base ​Figure 7: ​Rotating Bit

Figure 8: ​Handle

The Rotating Screwdriver also has the ability to be automated. There could be a battery
powered automated screwdriver connected to the main gear to replace the handle. The main gear
will begin turning once the automated screwdriver is turned on causing the other gears to follow
in the same direction. The capability of being battery powered allows the tool to be more user
friendly since it would be cordless and the battery could easily be changed and recharged for
further use. The automated version would be much faster than the manual handle making it the
more ideal case.
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Figure 9: ​Rotating Screwdriver Figure 10: ​Rotating Screwdriver

The original idea to make the system adjustable was to have slots for the drill bits to sit
within a slider to allow he screwdrivers bit to change distances. The issue encountered with that
idea is that the gears would no longer be touching each other since they are directly connected to
the screwdriver bits. The elimination of gears would most likely allow the bits to sit on a slider.

2.5 Concept 3: Pneumatic Multi-Driver

We came up with our third design through our research on current screwdrivers. While
researching, we came across an automatic, pneumatic screwdriver (Guttropf, 1975). Our third
concept uses this design, but expands upon it, connecting multiple automatic screwdrivers
together by a central rod as seen in Figure 11, below.
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Figure 11:​ Central Rod

This design works similarly to how current pneumatic screwdrivers work. Each individual
screwdriver is attached to a hose, and it uses air pressure to turn the screws. The operator will
line up the multi-screwdriver with the screws they wish to unscrew, apply some pressure, and
then turn on the air, which then rotates the head of the each screwdriver, pulling out the screws.
The position of each individual screwdriver can be adjusted by loosening the screw that connects
that piece to the central rod. The user can then slide the screwdriver to the desired position and
re-tighten the screw that keeps it in place. Similar to a drill, the bit of each screwdriver head is
removable to allow the multi-screwdriver to fit any type of screw.
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Figure 12:​ Pneumatic “Bit”

2.6 Scoring of Concepts

In order to evaluate the concepts detailed in the previous sections (2.3, 2.4, and 2.5), each
one is compared to the specifications generated in section 2.2: adjustability, durability, speed or
the time it takes to accomplish a task, and user friendliness. As identified in Table 3 (see below),
Concepts 1, 2, and 3, as well as the benchmark, which we consider to be a regular screwdriver,
are compared to the criteria of adjustability, durability, speed, and user friendliness. Ratings
consisting of +1, 0, and -1 describe how each of our concepts compare with the benchmark. A
score of +1 establishes that the concept performs better than the benchmark, 0 establishes that the
concept performs similarly to what currently exists, but with no improvements, and a score of -1
means that the concept performs worse than current screwdrivers. The weighting for each criteria
is multiplied with the rating for each concept to find the score. The highest score possible is a
100. The weighting allows the importance of each criteria to be accounted for. The weighting for
each criteria is based on our interpretation of what the most important specifications are for
Lockheed Martin. If our product was actually chosen to be used by Lockheed Martin, we would
check with them to ensure that we have the same priorities.
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Table 3​: Decision Matrix

Benchmark Benchmark Concept Concept Concept Concept Concept Concept
1 1 2 2 3 3

Criteria Weight Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score

Adjustable 30 0 0 +1 +30 -1 -30 +1 +30

Durable 25 0 0 -1 -25 +1 +25 0 +0

Speed 30 0 0 +1 +30 +1 +30 +1 +30

User 15 0 0 0 +0 0 +0 +1 +15

TOTAL 100 0 0 +1 +35 +1 +25 +3 +75

Benchmark-​ Regular, Hand-Turned Screwdriver
Concept 1- ​Ripcord Screwdriver
Concept 2- ​Rotating Screwdriver
Concept 3- ​Pneumatic Multi-Screwdriver

Overall, as shown by Table 3, Concept 3 which is the rotating screwdriver, scored the
highest, with a score of +75. This concept received a +1 in every category except for durability,
because we decided that existing screwdrivers and our multi-driver application are both equally
durable, as concept 3 may eventually require the air hoses to be replaced. Concept 1 which is the
ripcord screwdriver received a total score of +35, and Concept 2 which is the rotating
screwdriver received a total score of +25. Concept 1 we felt would be too flimsy to practically
use and concept 2 cannot adequately adjust to different screw distances. Using magnets around
chips and applying a force over all of the bits for concept one also would make it difficult to use.
Based on the results of scoring our concepts, we have decided to move forward with Concept 3.
This concept best met the measured specifications, and will therefore best fit the needs of our

2.5 Summary

In this section, we used the needs of our stakeholders to generate measured

specifications. We generated three different concepts to choose from and we go into detail in
order to describe the function and structure of each concept. We then compared each of our three
concepts to our measured specifications, analyzed the scoring, and chose which concept to
prototype based on the scoring that each concept received.
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3.1 Introduction

In this section, we will describe our prototype of concept 3 in further depth. We describe
how our final prototype will work as well as outline several of the benefits it would offer
compared to a regular screwdriver. Additionally, we will describe how we will test our prototype
in this section.

3.2 Prototype Description

The pneumatic multi-driver is very easy to use. To operate, an engineer or technician

would merely take the device, line up each individual screwdriver head with its desired location
and tighten them into place. Then, the engineer or technician would make sure an air hose is
connected to each individual screwdriver head and turn the air on, which would turn each head
simultaneously, removing all of the screws at once. An air tube connects to each of the
screwdriver heads individuals. However, the tubes come together at a mount on the back of the
multi-driver, allowing for a single tube to be connected to an air pressurizer.

Figure 13:​ Pneumatic Multi-Driver

In its current design, there are many things the pneumatic multi-driver does well and in
which current screwdrivers are unable to accomplish. While it does require pressurized air, the
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pneumatic multi-driver is capable of removing multiple screws at once quickly, significantly

reducing the time it takes to complete the tedious task of unscrewing screws. Additionally, the
multi-driver is easily adjustable to whatever the desired distance for removing screw is, and its
design is simple and easy to use.

3.3 Prototype Testing

In order to test our prototype, we would run tests to check that our multi-screwdriver
application meets all of the criteria we were striving to meet. To test whether or not the product
is able to adjust to various lengths for multiple types of screw layouts, we would setup several
linear screw arrangements and adjust the prototype to each of these arrangements. The prototype
should be able to easily adjust to each of the screw layouts, but we would run this test just to
To test the durability of the product, we would use the prototype on an assortment of
projects that Lockheed Martin would be constructing. We would frequently put the prototype to
use in order to determine how much usage the product can sustain.Visual analysis and interviews
of users would be needed to determine if the prototype is maintaining its integrity and function.
Testing adjustability would be similar in terms of interviewing the users. Various
distances between screws can be set up and the prototype simply would be tested by whether or
not it would be able to reach all of the screws and unscrew them properly. Testing speed would
be a part of this testing procedure as well as since we would just measure the screws per minute
at a set screw distance. With this information we can optimize the design to make it be as
efficient as possible at varying screw distances.
User friendliness is important because is someone can not properly use the design then
speed and adjustability do not mean anything. Testing user friendliness would just consist of
teaching engineers and mechanics how to use the prototype and its properties. After allowing
them to use it on projects for several days we will conduct interviews to get their feedback on
what was easy and/or hard to use as well as their input on what they they would change since
they will be the ones who will use it daily.

3.4 Summary

In this section, we discussed the problems that we can expect for our current prototype
model and possible solutions for these problems. We also outlined what tests we would use in
order to assess how well our prototype meets the identified criteria of adjustability, durability,
speed, and user friendliness.

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4.1 Process Summary

The process of constructing this prototype began with deciding which one of Lockheed
Martin’s proposals we were most interested in working with. After discussion amongst the
group, we decided that we wanted to attempt to construct the multi-driver application. We chose
to attack the multi-driver application because we thought it seemed challenging yet interesting
and that there was a lot of room to be creative with our prototype.
Once we were able to agree on a project, we started researching existing multi-driver
applications. We did extensive research on our own and with the librarian only to discover that
there are not any existing screwdrivers that are able to unscrew various screws at one time. All
existing screwdrivers are only able to unscrew one screw at a time. After carrying out this
research, we identified who the stakeholders would be and what kind of needs they would have
for our multi-driver application. Identifying the needs of our stakeholders allowed us to begin
generating concepts.
We ended up generating three concepts for a multi-driver application. The first concept
that we generated was to use a ripcord to unscrew multiple screws at once, which was inspired
by the idea of a beyblade top. The second concept that we developed is based off of a vintage
hand drill. The handle of the application works like a crankshaft and is connected to various
gears which turn in sync, simultaneously unscrewing up to ten screws at once. The last concept
that we generated uses a pneumatic approach. Basically, when the application is turned on, air
would shoot through a small tube to each screw, causing the screws to turn and unscrew. Once
we had three concrete concepts, we scored them against each other on a decision matrix and
based on the results we decided to move forward with concept number three. Drawing this
conclusion allowed us to move forward with analyzing our data where we go into detail about a
description of our prototype in terms of problems that we expect with our current prototype, but
how we plan to improve the model and we discuss how we plan to test our prototype if given the

4.2 Success

Based on our decision making process, we concluded that our prototype has a reasonable
probability for success. Our prototype is a basic, feasible model that is not difficult to maneuver.
Since we cannot actually test our prototype, it is hard to predict how durable it will be, but
otherwise this prototype certainly has the potential to be a success. As a whole, the group agrees
that the process that allowed us to reach this prototype was extremely efficient and kept us on a
straight path to our product. The combination of identifying stakeholders, their needs, concept
generation, and scoring the concepts against each other on a decision matrix allowed us to
methodically decide on a practical prototype. If given the opportunity, this prototype definitely
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has the capability to be used in the workplace and as a standardized product for Lockheed

4.3 Future Research

Future research for our design would be producing enough screwdrivers to give to the
teams at Lockheed Martin so that they have the opportunity to work with them. We would work
with them on improving our design to best fit their specific needs as well as improving the
overall speed, adjustability and durability of the design. Additionally, where our other concepts
fell apart, Lockheed Martin would probably have the resources and the ability to put them
together. For example, our second concept, which is the rotating screwdriver approach, did not
work for us because realistically we do not have the tools to make it fully adjustable, whereas
Lockheed Martin would certainly be able to put this idea together. So, in the future it would be
important for companies with more resources to take advantage of all possible approaches for a
multi-driver application.
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Guttropf, W. (1975). "The measurement of the characteristics of pneumatic tools". Technische

Rundschau (0040-148X), 67 (38), p. 19.

J. Y. Hwang, D. H. Jung, Y. J. Roh, K. J. Nam and D. Y. Hwang, "Low-cost automatic screw

machine using a commercial electric screwdriver," ​2012 12th International Conference
on Control, Automation and Systems​, JeJu Island, 2012, pp. 1055-1060.

Lee, L. (n.d.). Ripcord Launcher. Retrieved April 19, 2018, from

Lockheed Martin - Who We Are. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2018, from

Sprovieri, J. (2015, February 3). Challenges in Automatic Screwdriving. Retrieved from

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