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Liberty High School

Leopard Band

Marching Band Handbook


Liberty High School Golden Leopard Band

Youngstown, Ohio
2017-2018 School Year

Director- Sara Gift;
Flag Coach-

Mission Statement, Goals.……………………………………………………… 2
Calendar………………………………………………………………………… 3
Attendance Policy, Grading Policy……………...……………………………… 4
Rehearsal Expectations, Performance Requirements, Code of Conduct..……… 5
Uniform, Equipment, Leadership……………………………………………….…pg 6
Band Boosters, Awards, Fundraisers………………………………………………pg 7
Forms……………………………………………………………………………pg 8-12

The mission of the Liberty High School Golden Leopard Band is to focus their efforts towards
creating organized and self-motivated students who strive in their performances on and off the
field, and to achieve their highest level of musicianship and create a foundation for the future of
the band and its students.

 By the end of the season students will become individual leaders on the field.
 Students will learn how to become independent in the ensemble as well as learning to
listen across and blend with other sections.
 Students will learn different articulations and style of music throughout the football
 We will uphold traditions for performing for the fans and creating entertaining shows
throughout the fall semester.


Perfect attendance at rehearsals and performances is required and considered the norm.
Consistent failure to attend will result in loss of points and possible removal from the class.
Band is an academic class, and, as such, we have an extensive performance and rehearsal
schedule that is part of our academic responsibility. All of the band dates we are aware of at the
time are listed on the syllabus. Please mark these dates on your home, school, and work
calendars. School-related conflicts with marching band rehearsals or performances must be
reported to Ms. Gift.
Excused absences include serious illness, a death in the family, an important family event, or an
extreme emergency. Excused performance absences must be reported prior to the event in
writing whenever possible. All other absences will be counted as UNEXCUSED, and the student
will not be allowed to make up points. Excused absences will not count against the student’s

Participation Points: 1/3 of a student’s final grade
In order to participate, the students need to attend every rehearsal. Participation in class
discussion and being prepared for class falls under the participation points. Required materials
are: instruments (unless out for repair), a pencil, and a tuner.
Performance Points: 1/3 of a student’s final grade.
Performances are the highlight of the band year. It is one of the truest aesthetic experiences a
student can have and cannot be duplicated. Attendance and participation in all scheduled
performances is required. Each performance is worth 100 points. Students must be ready
to perform by the call time, wear the appropriate concert dress or
marching uniform, perform and participate to their highest ability, follow all rules and
instructions during the performance, and attend the duration of the event to earn all the points
for a performance. Students will lose points at the discretion of the band directors for not
meeting the stated expectations.
Assessment Points: 1/3 of a student’s final grade.
Student performance will be measured several times throughout the
year. Each assessment will be worth 100 points. If an assessment is missed due to absence, if
the absence is excused, then the student will have the opportunity to make up
the assessment. Making up the assessment is the responsibility of the student and must be
completed within one week of the absence.

1. Each student is expected to be responsible and bring your instrument (unless it’s in for
repairs), instruments maintenance accessories, pencil, drill and music for each rehearsal.

2. Talking not will be allowed on the field while the director is giving instruction. If a
section is being addressed, it is expected for those section members to raise their hand
showing that they are listening.
3. All of the students’ music should be marked with drill sets.
4. Students should arrive to rehearsal early so they can be stretched and ready to start
rehearsal right when the bell rings.
Students are expected to be at every rehearsal to get the most musical and visual experience
created in the marching season. It is expected that after each rehearsal you assess what you need
to work on as an individual and practice it before the next rehearsal. Memorization is highly
encouraged so you can focus on marching and musicality for each show.

1. All members of the Liberty High Marching Band are required to be at football game
performances. If there is a reason you will be missing a performance you need to set up
an appointment with the band director explaining why you are missing the show.
2. Black shoes and black socks are required for each performance, as well as your Marching
Pride t-shirts and black shorts underneath your uniform.
3. If your uniform is dirty, wrinkled or not hung up you will not be marching.
4. In the stands, we need to be focused and supporting the football team with loud, positive
cheering and energetic playing. Always have your eyes on the director on the podium
whether it is Mr. Holguin or myself because we will make decisions of what we are
playing very quickly.
5. Attendance will be taken at the football game nights from section leaders.
6. Prior to every performance, we will polish our instruments with supplies provided by the
7. It is your responsibility to be on time for warm ups before the football game. Warm-ups
will always take place two hours before kick-off.
8. Leave it all on the field, you have practiced hard and motivated others to push themselves
while learning music and drill now it is time to please the crowd! Don’t have any regrets
of wishing you could have done something different 110% effort each performance.

1. Students are expected to be positive and professional when representing the band.
2. Only positive sportsmanship is allowed at games, no yelling at the other team players,
name-calling, taunting, verbal aggressiveness towards the coach, etc.
3. Everyone is to treat every other member in the band with respect whether it is members
of the section, a student in a leadership position or any of the other staff members.

Liberty High Band will check out uniforms during band camp. The students will fill out a
uniform check out sheet agreeing to properly take care of their uniform as well as agreeing to

turn it back in. If there is any reason the uniform is damaged, the student will be charged
anywhere from $15- $50 so the proper repairs can be made. There are marching band shoes to be
rented but it is encouraged to be purchased. The marching band uniform consists of the
1. Marching Pride t-shirt
2. Long black socks
3. Black marching shoes
4. Black shorts
5. Primary uniform
6. Black gloves
Things NOT to wear/ bring:
1. Earrings
2. Jewelry of any kind
3. Fingernail polish
4. Cell phones

1. We have wind instruments for each student who does not own their own instrument.
These can be checked out as soon as May 1st. There is no rental fee but if students
damage their school instrument, they will pay a $30 fee to the band and we will send the
instrument out to get fixed. All students must fill out an instrument rental form
before checking out an instrument. This form must be signed both by the student
and by a parent/ guardian.
2. Drumline: Each of you are required to purchase one pair of drum sticks.
3. Mallet Percussion: You are required to purchase a pair of yarn mallets.

 Student leadership helps carry the weight and morale of the band. You are the helpful,
innovative, smart and unique people making this band program great.
 Specific positions have been created to help cover different aspects of marching band.
 Drum major(s): It is the drum major’s job to conduct the band, motivate, inspire, assist
the band with marching, music and character. Drum majors will help assist in leading
rehearsals along-side the band director. If the director is unavailable to make rehearsal, it
is up to the assistant director and drum majors to carry on the rehearsal. Auditions will be
held during the spring semester and will consist of a live audition where the candidates
will conduct the Star Spangled Banner, the Fight Song, and an excerpt for the upcoming
show. Drum Majors are the leading force of the band and must display high energy,
passion and “esprit de corps” throughout each performance and rehearsal.
 Section Leader/Assistant Section Leadership: The director and assistant director will
conduct Interviews in the spring semester. There will be a sign-up sheet in early February

for slots to fill in each instrument section. Section leaders are required to explain
marching fundamentals, demonstrating proper tone production, technique and hand
position while on the field. They are expected to warm up their sections before rehearsal
and discipline when necessary. The rules of the handbook are to be utilized throughout
the season discussing and demonstrating marching fundamentals. Section leaders are to
take attendance each rehearsal and report back to the directors on the numbers of each
instrument family.

Welcome returning and future band boosters, we are very excited to have you along for this
musical ride supporting your kid’s talents in the band program.! This is the foundation for the
Liberty High Band support team. You can help assist us with:
 Marching band uniforms with sizing, sewing, and distributing among the student’s
checkout after band camp is complete.
 Merchandise sales
 Supporting the band’s performances at football games and district festival.
 Recognizing the graduating seniors at the ceremony at half time in October. (more details
to come)
 Shoe sizing

There are two awards given out at the band banquet at the end of the year.
Leadership Award: The Leadership Award is given to the most inspirational and effect leaders
out on the field. This award is chosen by the directors and they consider students throughout the
band who are not necessarily in a leadership position and who shows dedication to leading others
in the band.
Rookie Award: The Rookie Award is chosen by the directors and student leaders in the band
given to a first year student who is always prepared and shows passion and dedication to the
marching band.

Our first financial meeting is on August 10th at 7pm in the band room and we will discuss in
more detail the fundraising ideas for this year.
There will be an opportunity for fundraising with selling fireworks at the firework stand on 1st
and College. The band will receive 30% of all sales to be used for instrument repairs and uniform
needs. 10% will go towards the travel funds for Disney.
There is also an opportunity to sell cookie dough. Students will be required to sell at least 5 items
but are encouraged to sell as many as possible. These proceeds will help the student pay for the
trip to Florida at the end of December.

Liberty High Band Emergency Medical/Liability Release Form Please Print or Type All
Information – ALL Information must be complete Section A - Emergency Medical Information
Student’s Name: _________________________________________ Grade __________ Date of
Birth ____________________ Age __________ Address:
_________________________________________________ City:
_________________________________ State: _______ Zip: __________ Home Phone
Number: ___________________________________________
Father/Guardian’s Name: _____________________________
Mother/Guardian’s Name: ___________________________
Family Physician: _____________________________________
Work Phone: ________________________________
Cell Phone: __________________________________
Work Phone: ________________________________
Cell Phone: ___________________________________
Section B – Emergency Contact Information
Please list two other persons other than the parent/guardians to call in case of an emergency
1. Name: ______________________________________________ Relationship:
2. Name: ______________________________________________ Relationship:
Section C - Medicines
Please list medicines that the minor is currently taking
Work Phone Cell Phone:
________________ ________________
Medication Name: Dosage:
Prescription: Start Date and End Date:
Times Per day:
Please list any over the counter medicines (Acetaminophen, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, Pepto
Bismol, etc.) that our sponsors may choose to administer in the case of minor medical issues
(minor headaches, stomach ache, etc.).

Travel Permission Page

The Liberty High School Band will be taking a trip to Disney this December and will march in a
parade while we are there. Since we are performing, the trip is mandatory for all students.
There will be fundraising opportunities available for all students.
Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Firework Stand Fundraiser
Other Fundraisers decided on by the Band Boosters and myself as well as any parents
who attend the Financial meeting on August 10th at 7pm.

Please sign to give your student permission to attend the trip.

Parent/ Guardian Signature ____________________________________


Instrument Rental Page

Liberty High Band requires students who rent out instruments to sign an instrument rental form.
Signing this form states that students agree to taking proper care of the instrument and if there is
damage done, students are required to pay a $30 fee to have the instrument repaired.

Student Name _____________________ Date ______________________

Student Signature __________________
Parent/ Guardian Name ______________________ Date ______________________
Parent/ Guardian Signature ___________________

Uniform Check- Out Form

Uniform Number _______
T- Shirt Size _______
Shorts Size _______
Shoe Size _______
Gloves Size _______
Signing this form states that you agree to properly taking care of your uniform and turning it in at
the end of the season. This also agrees to the fee that will be charged if damage occurs to the
Student Name _________________________
Student Signature ______________________
Parent/ Guardian Name __________________
Parent/ Guardian Signature _______________

Student Acknowledgement: I have read and understood the information and polices regarding
my part in the Liberty High School Marching Band. I agree to devote myself to these policies,
rules and expectations. I take full responsibility for my personal actions and commit to quality
when dealing with the Liberty High Marching Band. I have personally looked at the proper
instrument care and rental fee and agree to pay the price for any damage committed in the future.
I agree to participate and perform in all rehearsals and performances each football game.

Parent’s or Legal Guardian Signature _______________________________

Student’s name (printed): ________________________________________________________
Student’s signature: ______________________________________
Date: __________________
(If other siblings are also in marching band)


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